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. Et. Al.


Impact of Resilience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative

Systematic Review.
Álvaro Araya1,3 Nicolás González1,3; Javier Vallejos4; Sergio Ruiz1,2

Introduction: resilience has been defined as the resistance to adverse psychosocial

experiences. It has an important role in various mental disorders. For instance, it is correlated
with severity in major depressive disorder and on quality of life in bipolar affective disorder.
Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder standing out for causing difficulties in multiple
life domains and high morbidity/mortality. The objective of this review was to summarize
the available evidence about importance of resilience in schizophrenia. Methods: a search
was made in PubMed, LILACS and SciELO databases by selecting articles in English and
Spanish, encompassing schizophrenic patients and focused on measuring resilience. Twenty-
five articles met the inclusion criteria. Results: schizophrenic patients had a lower resilience
than healthy subjects (9 studies). Resilience levels were inversely correlated with negative
symptoms (3 studies), positive symptoms (1 study), depression (4 studies), hopelessness
(3 studies), and suicide (1 study). On the other hand, resilience was positively associated
with quality of life (5 studies), functionality (4 studies) and physical health (2 studies). In two
studies, interventions aimed at enhancing resilience of schizophrenic patients were evaluated,
showing inconclusive results. Discussion: there is a striking limited literature addressing
resilience in schizophrenia. The findings of this review place resilience as a determining
factor in the evolution and clinical expression of this disease.

Keywords: schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders; resilience, psychological;

quality of life.

INTRODUCTION Recently, the concept of resilience has cau-

ght increasing attention in various mental di-

R esilience” is a concept defined -in different

manners- in literature. Its conceptualiza-
tion is still heterogeneous. Among its defini-
seases. In depressive disorders, resilience has
been correlated with severity of the symptoms.
Additionally, the scores in resilience scale are
tions are: “relative resistance before psycho- significantly higher in remission patients(3). On
social adverse events”(1), “internal strength, its part in bipolar disorder, resilience level has
competence, optimism, flexibility and skills to been correlated with quality of life(4). There is
effectively cope with adversity”(2). even a specific questionnaire for measuring re-

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest with respect to this article.
Accepted: 2021/09/07
Received: 2020/12/13

¹ Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago,

² Laboratory for Brain-Machine Interfaces and Neuromodulation, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago, Chile.
³ Psychiatry Scholarship holder, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
⁴ Physician, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Impact of Resilience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Systematic Review

silience in these patients(5). In alcohol abuse di- review included papers in English and Spani-
sorder, resilience level has been correlated with sh, about subjects with diagnosed schizophre-
lower incidence(6) and lower risk of relapse(7). nic spectrum disorder, where resilience level
One of the pathologies where resilience has was objectively measured. The year the articles
caught attention of most recent research is schi- were published was not included as a limit. No
zophrenia. This chronic psychiatric disease is systematic/narrative reviews were included. No
the source of significant affective disturbances current protocols and studies offering no results
and cognitive deficits. Schizophrenic patients at the time of the search were included. From
usually suffer impairment in various life do- the 98 articles identified, 25 of them met the in-
mains, a stressed dysfunctionality and a high clusion criteria(9,11-34).
morbimortality(8). There is evidence that perso-
nal resources -including resilience- could have RESULTS
a key role in modifying the natural course of
the disease(9). Some authors have defined resi- 1. General Description
lience for this specific group of patients as the The 25 selected articles are original studies pu-
skill to cope with and gain introspection in the blished between 2010 to 2019(9, 11, 34). From the-
disease(10). As far as we know, there are no spe- se, 9 articles included patients and control sub-
cific questionnaires for measuring resilience in jects(11, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 30, 34) while 16 articles only
schizophrenic patients. included patients, with no control subjects(9, 12,
Due to the potential importance of resilience 13, 15, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33)
. Within the inclu-
in schizophrenia, this review makes a summary ded diagnosis, 13 articles only included schi-
of the evidence available on this topic. zophrenic patients(9, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 26, 28, 32, 33),
while 10 articles included schizophrenic pa-
OBJECTIVES tients and others psychotic disorders(11, 13, 15, 19, 21,
27, 29, 30, 31, 34)
. Three studies included schizophre-
The general objective of this review is to sum- nic patients and bipolar disorder patients(16,24,34).
marize the evidence available on resilience im- Table 1 summarizes the studies included, their
pact in schizophrenic population. The specific main results and the most relevant measuring
objectives consist of summarizing data dealing instruments.
with this group of patients 1) the absolute re- 7 different resilience scales were used among
silience level and its correlation with healthy the studies included. These scales are described
population, 2) sociodemographic and cultural in Table 2.
variables associated to resilience, 3) correlation
between resilience and psychiatric symptoma- 2. General Results
tology , 4) correlation between resilience and 2.1. Absolute resilience level and its compari-
disease progression, 5) influence of resilience son with healthy population.
on quality of life and functionality, 6) correla- In twenty-two articles basal resilience level was
tion between resilience and physical health, 7) objectified by means of various scales. Nine ar-
interventions aimed to empower resilience. ticles compared resilience level of people with
schizophrenia spectrum diagnosis against con-
MATERIALS AND METHODS trol subjects. All of them had a lower resilience
level and statistically significant in the group of
A literature search was made in November, patients(11, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 30, 34).
2019 using MeSH terms (“resilien*“) AND
((“schizophreni*”) OR (“schizoaffective”) OR 2.2. Sociodemographic and Cultural variables
(“psychosis”) OR (“psychotic”)) (and their associated to resilience
equivalents terms in Spanish: (“resilien*”) four studies researched the correlation between
AND ((“esquizofreni*”) OR (“schyzoaffecti- resilience level and sociodemographic varia-
ve”) OR (“psychosis) OR (“psychotic”)), in bles(11, 12, 17, 27).
PubMed, LILACS and SciELO data bases, ob- Age was not correlated with resilience level
taining 89, 5 and 4 results, respectively. This in none of the articles reviewed. One study re-
. Et. Al.

ported that being a woman is correlated with a tal health component of the questionnaire SF-
higher resilience level(11). This finding was not 36)(14, 22).
found in the other article that explored this co-
rrelation(27). The country of residence was signi- 2.4. Resilience and Progression of the Di-
ficantly correlated with resilience level in three sease
studies(12, 17, 24). One of the articles did not report Four studies addressed the correlation be-
any differences when compared among the resi- tween resilience and other clinical picture cha-
dents of a rural area and an urban area(27). In one racteristics (duration of the psychotic condi-
study, resilience level was positively correlated tion, number of hospitalizations and recovery
with a degree of spiritual welfare, but not with level(11, 20, 25, 27).
a level of religiosity(24). Both, in Yoshida et. al. cross-sectional
study(27), as well as in Torgalsbøen longitudinal
2.3. Resilience and Psychiatric Symptomatology study(25), a higher duration of the psychotic pa-
By using various instruments, ten articles ad- thology was correlated with a higher resilien-
dressed the correlation between resilience level ce level. In contrast with these findings, two
and the presence/intensity of psychiatric symp- cross-sectional studies did not find any corre-
toms in people suffering schizophrenia or other lation between resilience and duration of the
related disorders (See Table 1). diagnosed psychosis(11,20). No correlation was
Hofer et. al.(17) found one negative correla- found between the number of hospitalization
tion between resilience level and schizophrenia and resilience level(20).
severity (PANSS Scale) in the Austrian group, Torgalsbøen et. al. analyzed recovery percen-
but not in the Japanese group. Yoshida et. al. tage of the clinical picture. A higher resilience
study(27) did not find any significant correlation level was reported in patients who achieved full
between the PANSS full score and resilience recovery against those who did not make it(25).
Four studies described the correlation of po- 2.5. Resilience Influence on Quality of Life
sitive/negative symptoms with resilience. One and Functionality
paper reported an inverse correlation between Five works directly correlated resilience level
resilience and positive symptoms(11). Two other with quality of life. This was a positive correla-
studies did not confirm such difference(20, 29). tion in all the studies(16, 26, 27, 31, 33).
Three studies reported a negative correlation Two studies found positive correlations between
between resilience level and negative symp- resilience level and functionality degree(11,28). A
toms(13, 20, 29), while another one did not replicate third study only found a similar correlation with
this correlation(11). two RSA-33 subscales(29).
Regarding affective symptomatology, four Chen et. al. found an inverse correlation be-
studies reported an inverse correlation between tween resilience levels and disability. It des-
resilience and depression(9, 11, 14, 23). One of the cribed that resilience -along with positive co-
studies failed to prove a correlation between the- ping strategies- would moderate the correlation
se two variables(20). Hopelessness and resilience between negative symptomatology and disabi-
are negatively correlated in three studies(11, 17, 21). lity(13). In Torgalsbøen et. al. study, the bigger
On the other hand, Johnson et. al. reported that increase in functioning levels occurred during
higher resilience scores were correlated with the first two years of treatment, following the
lower suicidal levels. Additionally, resilience same patterns than resilience progression(25).
acted as a moderator of the correlation between
hopelessness and suicidal ideation(21). 2.6. Correlation between Resilience and Phy-
Regarding general psychiatric psychopatho- sical Health
logy, in two studies it was inversely correlated Two articles found a positive correlation be-
with resilience score(11, 29). tween resilience level and the score of the
Three studies reported a positive correlation physical health subscale of the SF-36(14, 22).
between resilience and mental health level (Sub Additionally, these articles objectified inverse/
item of “mental health” in BELP26 Scale; men- statistically significant correlations between re-
Impact of Resilience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Systematic Review

Table 1. Abstract of the studies included in the review

Author Sample Participants Design Instruments* Main Results

Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients

was significantly lower than healthy controls
(61.64 ± 20.99 v.s 71.22 ± 10.45; p=0,004).
n= 41 pa-
Women proved to have a higher resilience level
tients with
PANSS, than men (p=0.04).
Bozikas et. schizophrenic
Salonica, Cross sec- CDSS, BHS, Resilience level was negatively correlated with
al., 2016 spectrum
Greece tional SOFAs and positive symptomatology (p<0.05), general psy-
(11) disorders and
CD-RISC. chopathology (p<0.01), depressive symptoms
81 healthy
(p<0.05) and hopelessness (p<0.01), but it was not
significantly correlated with negative symptoms.
Functionality reported a positive correlation with
resilience level (p<0,01).
n= 253
Average resilience levels were 68.0 ± 16.7 (Chile),
Caqueo- La Paz, Bo- schizophrenic SQol18, inclu-
72.4 ± 18.1 (Peru) and 64.9 ± 17.0 (Bolivia).
Urizar et. livia; Arica, patients (85 Cross sec- ding Resilien-
The population of Bolivian patients reported a hi-
al., 2019 Chile and from Chile, 85 tional ce Subscale
gher resilience level compared with the population
(12) Tacna, Peru from Peru, 83 (RE).
of Chilean and Peruvian patients (p=0.020).
from Bolivia)
n= 407 Average resilience level was 54.4 ± 22.5.
patients with Resilience was negatively correlated with positi-
Chen et. Heilon- CD-RISC,
schizophrenic Cross sec- ve symptomatology (p<0.01), and positively with
al., 2019 gjiang, PANSS,
diagnosis or tional the functionality level (p<0.001).
(13) China WHO-DAS II
schizoaffective Resilience level would moderate the correlation
disorder between negative symptomatology and disability.
n=81 schi-
zophrenic pa-
Deng et. tients, 34 with Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients
Changsha, Cross sec-
al., 2018 bipolar affec- CD-RISC was significantly lower than healthy controls
China tional
(34) tive disorder (48.68 ± 17.22 v.s 69.83 ± 11.70; p<0.001).
and 52 healthy
Average resilience level of patients was of 22.8 ±
n= 135 people 8.4.
SF-36 (mental
Edmonds San Diego, with chronic Presence of depressive symptoms was negatively
Cross sec- and physi-
et. al., 2016 California, schizophrenia correlated with resilience level (p<0.001), as well
tional cal), CDSS,
(14) USA and 127 heal- as with IL-6 levels and HOMA-IR. The grade of
thy controls physical health and self-reported mental welfare
IL-6 .
was positively correlated with resilience.
The full level of resilience was not measured, but
Galderisi n=921 schi-
Italy (26 Cross sec- it was split into categories.
et. al., 2014 zophrenic RSA, SLOF.
clinical) tional Resilience level was positively correlated with
(28) patients
functionality degree (p<0.001).
n= 23 pa-
Gooding North West tients with
Cross sec-
et. al., 2017 England, schizophrenic RAS Average resilience level was of 44.76 ± 7.15.
(15) UK spectrum

. Et. Al.

n= 52 schi-
Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients
Hofer et. HRQOL, RS- was significantly lower than healthy controls
Innsbruck, 60 patients Cross
al., 2017 25, WHO- (132.1 ± 21.6 v.s 150.4 ± 14.2; p<0.001).
Austria with bipolar sectional
(16) QOL-BREF Resilience was positively correlated with quality
disorder type I
of life (p<0.001).
and 77 healthy
Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients
was significantly lower than healthy controls, both
in Austrian population (132.1 ± 21.6 v. s 150.4
± 14.2; p<0.01) as well in Japanese population
n= 112 schi-
Innsbruck, RS-25, RSES, (109.7 ± 25.2 v. s 129.6 ± 17.7; p<0.01). The Aus-
Hofer et. zophrenic
Austria Cross PANSS and trian population reported a higher resilience level
al., 2016 patients and
and Tokyo, sectional Hopelessness than Japanese population (p<0,001).
(17) 137 healthy
Japan. Scale. A negative correlation between resilience level
and severity of the symptomatology was repor-
ted, but only in the group of Austrian patients
(p=0,028). Hopelessness was negatively correla-
ted as well with resilience level (p<0,001)
Hofer et. n= 54 schi-
Innsbruck, Cross Average resilience level of the patients was 132.1
al., 2019 zophrenic RS-25
Austria sectional ± 21.6.
(18) patients
n= 50 schi-
Average basal resilience level was 114.3 ± 29.7
patients or psy-
for intervened patients and 109.2 ± 30.4 for the
chotic related
control group.
disorders; 25
Ikai et. al., Yamanashi, Longitudi- No significant differences were found in the sco-
randomized to RS-25
2014 (19) Japan nal re changes of RS-25 after 8 weeks of follow up,
be under Hatha
between the intervened group with weekly Hatha
Yoga therapy
Yoga and the group who was under regular treat-
and 25 under
ment (1.6 ± 19.9 v.s 0,3 ± 17.2, p=0,83).
regular treat-
age of symp-
toms onset, Average resilience level was 63.01.
years of first No correlation was reported between resilience
Izydorczyk N= 201 hospitaliza- level and presence of positive symptoms, depres-
et. al., 2019 Poland schizophrenic tion, number sive symptoms, duration of psychosis or number
(20) patients of psychiatric of hospitalizations. Only negative symptomatolo-
hospitali- gy was inversely correlated with resilience level
zations and (p<0.05).
duration of
Average resilience level was 42.75 ± 9.80.
n= 77 schi-
Resilience was negatively correlated with presen-
Johnson et. zophrenic
North of Cross BHS, BSS and ce of hopelessness (p<0,01) and suicidal ideation
al., 2010 patients and
England sectional RAS (p<0,01). Resilience level would moderate the co-
(21) related disor-
rrelation between hopelessness and suicidal idea-
Average resilience level was 58.97 ± 18.96.
n=123 schi- Resilience level was positively correlated with
Kim et. al., Seoul, Sou- Cross CD-RISC,
zophrenic quality of life (p<0.001).
2019 (33) th Korea sectional SQLS-R4
patients (This was missing in the work, it had not been ad-

Impact of Resilience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Systematic Review

CD-RISC, SF- Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients

n= 114 schi- 36 (physical was significantly lower than healthy controls (23.4
San Diego, zophrenic and mental), ± 8.2 v.s 33.1 ± 5.7; p<0,001).
Lee et. al., Cross
California, patients and glycosylated The level of glycosylated hemoglobin and HO-
2018 (22) sectional
USA 101 healthy hemoglobin MA-IR is negatively correlated with resilience
subjects and HO- level, while self-report of physical health was po-
MA-IR. sitively made.
n= 361 Average resilience level was 39.09 ± 14.30.
Liu et. al., Cross CDSS, CD-
China schizophrenic Resilience level was negatively correlated with the
2019 (23) sectional RISC.
patients presence of depressive symptomatology (p<0,01).
Basal resilience level of patients was 21.67 ± 6.28.
Subjects reported a positive change in the sco-
Meyer-Ka- n=6 schi- res of the CD-RISC after an intervention based on
los et. al., zophrenic Longitudinal CD-RISC. positive psychology techniques and mindfulness,
2018 (32) patients after the intervention (PT) and after 3 months of
follow up (PS) (PT: d=0.88 ± 0,47; PS: d=0.58 ±
n= 112 Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients
schizophre- was significantly lower than healthy controls
nic paranoid (120.4 ± 2.2 v.s 137.7 ± 2.8; p<0.01). Patients li-
Mizuno et. patients, 120 ving in Austria reported a higher resilience level,
cities) Cross FACIT-Sp,
al., 2017 patients with compared with those who lived in Japan (p<0.001).
and Japan sectional RS-25
(24) bipolar disor- Spiritual welfare was positively correlated with
der type I and resilience level p<0.001), but not with religiosity
137 healthy level, determined by the subjective importance of
controls religion and participation in religious activities.
n= 72 schi-
zophrenic pa-
Palmer et. tients, included Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients
San Diego, Cross CD-RISC,
al., 2014 12 with t. schi- was significantly lower than healthy controls (22.9
USA. sectional HGRS.
(30) zoaffective, ± 8.3 v.s 32.3 ± 0.9; p<0,001).
and 64 healthy
Average resilience level was 110.49 ± 18.93.
n= 94 schi- The general psychopathology degree (p<0.001)
zophrenic RSA, and negative symptomatology (p<0.05) is negati-
Poloni et.
Lombardia, patients and 28 Longitudi- BPRS-A, vely correlated with resilience level, but not with
al., 2018
Italy patients with nal SANS, SAPS, positive symptomatology. Resilience was posi-
schizoaffective LSP tively correlated with functionality degree, but
disorder only with subscales of family cohesion (0.291,
p<0.001) and social resources (p<0.031).
Absolute resilience level was not delivered, but
rather a breakdown as per various components of
Rossi et. Italy n= 921
Cross the scale.
al., 2017 (Different schizophrenic CDSS, RSA.
sectional Resilience level was negatively correlated with
(9) cities) patients
the presence of depressive symptomatology
PANSS, Glo- Basal level of resilience in patients was not exp-
n= 28 people bal Functio- lained.
Oslo, with a first ning: Social, A positive correlation was reported between re-
bøen et. al., Longitudinal
Norway episode of Global Func- silience level and duration of the psychosis (p =
2018 (25)
schizophrenia tioning: Role, 0.001), the degree of full recovery (p=0.026) and
CD-RISC functionality.
n= 52 schi- Average resilience level of schizophrenic patients
Wartelstei- zophrenic was significantly lower than healthy controls
Innsbruck, Cross
ner et. al., patients and BELP, RS-25. (132.1 ± 21.6 v.s 150.4 ± 14.2; p<0.001).
Austria sectional
2016 (26) 77 healthy Resilience was positively correlated with mental
controls welfare (p<0,01) and quality of life (p<0,01).

. Et. Al.

Basal resilience level was 109.4 ± 22.3.

No correlations were found between resilience le-
n= 80 schi-
vel and sex, age, use of social resources and place
Yoshida et. Isla Ohshi- zophrenic RS-25, EQ-
Cross of residence (rural v.s urban).
al., 2016 ma, Tokyo patients or 5D, GAF,
sectional Severity of symptomatology was negatively corre-
(27) (Japan) schizoaffective PANSS.
lated with resilience level, while duration of the
psychosis (p= 0.037) and quality of life (p= 0.016)
was positively correlated.
n=34 with
Zizolfi et. 5 with schizo- Basal resilience level was 52.30 ± 9.68.
Varese, RS 10 items,
al., 2019 affective disor- Longitudinal Quality of life was positively correlated with
Italy SQLS
(31) der and 5 with resilience level (p<0.001).
other psychotic

*The described instruments are only those from which relevant results were obtained, according to the objectives of the review. Abbreviations, such as
BELP (SM): Life Quality Scale of Berliner Lebensqualitatsprofil, sub-item mental health; BHS: Beck´s Scale of Hopelessness; BNSS: Brief Scale of
Negative symptoms ; BPRS: Brief Scale of Psychiatric Qualification; BSI-A: Brief Inventory of Symptoms, Subscale of Anxiety; BSS: Beck´s Scale
of Suicidal Ideation; CDSS: Calgary Scale of Depression for Schizophrenia; CD-RISC: Connor-Davidson´s Scale of Resilience; CES-D: Scale of
Depression of the Center for Epidemiological Studies; Mood Scale: Wojciszke and Baryła Mood Scale; FACIT-sp: Evaluation of Functional Therapy
of Chronic Diseases and Spiritual Welfare; HAMD: Hamilton ´s Scale of Depression; HGRS: Hardy-Gill ´s Scale of Resilience, LSP: Profile of Life
Skills; HOMA: Evaluation of the Homeostatic Model; MADRS: Montgomery-Asberg´s Scale of Depression; PANSS: Scale of Positive and Negative
Symptoms in Schizophrenia; PANSS-pg: Subscale of General Psychopathology; PANSS-sn: Subscale of Negative Symptoms; PANSS-sp: Subscale
of Positive Symptoms; RAS: Scale of Resilience Valuation; RSA: Scale of Resilience for adults; RS-10: Scale of Resilience of 10 items; RS-25: Scale
of Resilience of 25 items; SANS: Scale of Evaluation of Negative symptoms ; SAPS: Scale of Evaluation of Positive Symptoms ; SF-36 (SM): SF-36
Health Questionnaire, sub item of Mental Health; SLOF: Specific Functioning Levels; SOFAs: Scale of Evaluation of Social and Occupational Func-
tioning; SQoL18: Questionnaire of Life Quality in Schizophrenia; WAIS-CR: Wechsler´s Scale of Intelligence for Adults; WHO-DAS II: Questionnaire
for Evaluation of Disability WHO 2.0; WHOQOL-BREF: Questionnaire of Life Quality, WHO.

silience and HOMA-IR(14, 22), glycosylated he- DISCUSSION

moglobin(22) e IL-6(14).
1. Resilience in Schizophrenia
2.7. Interventions aimed to Empower The concept of resilience in schizophrenia has
Resilience become relevant during the last few years.
Two studies whose main objective was to eva- Various articles have done research about
luate interventions aimed to empower resilien- importance of resilience in this pathology.
ce were identified(19, 32). Ikai et. al.(19) made an This concept still has some varied definitions.
intervention, based on weekly sessions of Ha- Instruments used to evaluate this skill are diverse
tha Yoga, to a group of schizophrenic patients as well. In the reviewed studies, four formal
and compared them with another group of pa- resilience scales are included, 2 adaptations
tients who received the standard treatment. No of the latter and one subscale. RS-25 and CD-
significant differences were found between both RISC are the most used instruments.
groups regarding resilience scores, after 8 wee- Resilience scores in schizophrenic patients
ks of follow up. On their part, Meyer-Kalos et. are diverse. Such situation is related with the
al.(32) performed a non-controlled study where various scales used. The fact that resilience
six schizophrenic patients were intervened by level of patients diagnosed with schizophrenic
means of psychotherapy, based on “mindful- spectrum is lower than healthy subjects is
ness” and positive psychology techniques. Both a significant finding(11, 14, 16, 17, 22, 24, 26, 30, 34), as
-at the end of the therapy, as well as during the resilience has been deemed as a protecting
third month of follow up- patients had a positi- factor of people´s mental health(35). The
ve change in resilience scores. aforementioned has been observed in the
course and prognosis of various psychiatric

Impact of Resilience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Systematic Review

Table 2. Details of Resilience Scale used in the articles included

Number of studies
Scale Range of values Observations
that include it

It has 25 items to be evaluated by means of 5-point

0-100 Likert´s Scale (0-4). The summarized scale of 10
vidson Resi- 10 (11, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 30,
(0-40 in the value items has a high correlation with the original one,
lience Scale 33-34)
of 10 items) and evaluates those items related with the skill to face
changes and perseverance.

In 10 items it covers 5 resilience factors: purpose, per-

10-item severance, self-trust, equanimity and loneliness. Each
Resilience item is evaluated in a scale of 1 (“strongly disagree”)
1 (31) Oct-70
Scale (RS- to 7 (“strongly agree”). Scores lower than 48 are consi-
10) dered as low, between 49-59 are moderate; and above
59 are high.

In 25 items it covers 5 resilience factors: purpose, per-

25-item severance, self-trust, equanimity and loneliness. Each
Resilience item is evaluated in a scale of 1 (“strongly disagree”)
7 (16-19, 24, 26, 27) 25-175
Scale (RS- to 7 (“strongly agree”). Scores lower than 125 are con-
25) sidered low, between 126-145 are moderate and above
146 are high.

It contains 33 items (20 from the Polish adaptation

using Izydorzyk) which evaluates 6 resilience factors,
by means of a 7-point scale (5 from the Polish adapta-
tion, using Izydorzyk): perception of oneself, percep-
33-231 (20-100 tion of the future, structured style, social competence,
Scale for
4 (9, 20, 28, 29) in the value of 20 family cohesion and social resources. The use of the
items) concept “personal strength” including two first factors
have been proposed. It is also divided into intraperso-
nal factors (perception of oneself, perception of the fu-
ture, social competence and structured style) and inter-
personal ones (family cohesion and social resources).

It consists of a 12-item scale made up of 3 subscales

to evaluate: self-perception of the skill to cope with
emotions, skill to cope with hard situations and ski-
Appraisals 2 (15,21) Oct-70
ll for getting social support. The answers are scored
Scale (RAS)
in a 5-point scale from 1 (“Strongly Disagree”) to 5
(“Strongly Agree”).

It consists of 9 questions on how subject responded to

their most stressing event during the last 5 years, with
1 (30) 0-18 a score from 0 to 3, according to the answer. The score
ce Scale
provides an idea of 0 (least resilient) to 18 (most resi-

It contains 18 items describing 8 dimensions: psycho-
nia Quality
0-100 (Average of logical welfare, resilience, physical welfare, autonomy
of Life 1 12
the items) and sentimental life. Dimensions and scores per index
go from 0 to 100.
re (SQoL18)

. Et. Al.

pathologies, among them major depressive of symptoms associated to depression may be a

disorders, bipolar disorder and alcohol abuse cause or a consequence of the lower resilience
disorder(6 - 10). The hypothesis that this finding level in these patients.
in schizophrenic patients is a negative factor in Patients with a higher resilience level repor-
the progression of the disease and of psychiatric ted a better mental welfare(14,22,26) and a lower le-
comorbilities could be proposed. vel of general psychiatric symptomatology(11,29).
Even Lee et. al. study proposes a potential mo-
2. Sociodemographic and Cultural Variables derating role of resilience in the correlation of
The differences found in resilience level of trauma in mental health of schizophrenic po-
patients living in different countries must be pulation(22). Possibly, resilience level is a pro-
interpreted with precaution(12, 17, 24), due to the tecting factor of psychopathology in these pa-
potential influence of socio-economic, contex- tients. More studies are necessary to devise a
tual and cultural variables, apart from the use of model aimed to explain these observations.
different scales. The question of how much of
this difference is explained by means of mea- 4. Quality of life and Functionality
surement and interpretation and what is the real The positive correlation that resilience level
importance of the residence place in resilience has with quality of life and functionality de-
level has an answer that requires more research. gree reported in all papers studying these va-
Regarding other cultural variables, the positi- riables(11,13,16,25-29,31,33), matches the data reported
ve correlation between resilience and spiritual in other psychiatric pathologies(37-40). The role
welfare found in a study is significant(24), as this of resilience would be quite relevant on the di-
finding could support the design of new eva- sease onset, according to the findings made in
luation tools and/or empower resilience in these Torgalsbøen study(25).
5. Physical Health
3. Psychiatric Symptomatology Two articles of this review reported a corre-
While in some studies is reported a negative co- lation between resilience and physical health,
rrelation with the level of general/positive/ne- both for subjective perception as well as for la-
gative symptoms(11, 13, 17, 20, 29), other evaluations boratory parameters(14,22). This finding is quite
of these studies and other studies did not report interesting, considering the high burden of me-
any significant correlation with the symptoma- dical disease and associated mortality that schi-
tology grade(20, 27, 29). zophrenic population has(41).
This diversity could be explained by the use
of different scales, different population and the 6. Interventions aimed to improve Resilience
by studies design. Additionally, potential di- Ikai et. al. study failed to prove that weekly Ha-
fferences among observers when applying the tha Yoga could cause a change in patients´ resi-
PANSS Scale, despite its reliability must be lience levels. The authors state the main cons-
taken into account(36). Resilience seems to be traints of the study were its short duration, its
related with schizophrenic symptomatology; small sample, the impracticability to perform a
however, more studies are needed to determine double blind and the difficulty to generalize its
the nature of this correlation. results to other type of similar therapies(19). The
Most studies agree on stating the negative aforementioned is compared with the reports
correlation that resilience level has with the made in another study on healthy population.
depressive symptomatology(9,11,14,23) and the In this case, the participation in a 6-week yoga
hopelessness(11,17,21). These findings suggest that program was correlated with a higher score in
resilience would be a relevant factor in men- the CD-RISC Scale, compared with the control
tal health of the schizophrenic patients, be- subjects(42). Even though the study made by Me-
ing correlated with symptoms of the affective yer-Kalos et. al. reported a positive change in
spectrum. However, it is important to reassert resilience, after the psychotherapeutic interven-
the impossibility to reckon a causative corre- tion, the study did not have a control group, the
lation of these findings. This higher incidence amount of patients was small, with a short fo-
Impact of Resilience in Schizophrenia: A Qualitative Systematic Review

llow up period. Therefore, it is hard to genera- specific group of stable schizophrenic patients,
lize such results(32). In non-clinical population, who had no dual pathology(11, 28, 30, 31, 34), who had
interventions based on mindfulness report mis- an outpatient follow up(14, 24, 29, 31), with a chro-
matching results(43,44,45). nic disease(20, 29), under treatment(13, 29, 31), and not
Only two articles were found on resilience institutionalized(13, 30): therefore, generalizations
strengthening interventions in schizophrenic must be made with precaution. Some strengths
patients (they are not included in this review). of the review deal exclusively with articles in-
One has to do with a current protocol, with no cluding patients with schizophrenic diagnosis
current results(46). The other one is a self-report whose resilience level was measured by using a
analysis of the strengths found in 105 patients scale, as this favors generalization and standar-
who had a first psychotic episode. The subjects dization of results.
participated in an early intervention program(47).
This program found three virtues (humanity, CONCLUSIONS
justice and transcendence) that were correlated
with a significant improvement in symptomato- The summary of the evidence described in this
logy, in psychological welfare and in interper- article helps to enlarge the knowledge about
sonal relationships, after 6 months(48). The low how important resilience level is in schizophre-
number of papers addressing this issue shows nia. To our knowledge, this is the first review
that importance of resilience in this disease is fully summarizing the evidence available about
something new. the correlation between resilience and psychia-
tric symptomatology, clinical evolution, func-
7. Correlation with other Indicators tionality, quality of life, and physical health of
Other studies have addressed the evaluation schizophrenic patients, as well as interventions
of other parameters, similar to resilience, such which could favor its promotion.
as self-stigma, resistance to stigma and coping As a conclusion, schizophrenic patients
styles. In literature there are many definitions have a lower resilience level than healthy po-
on these concepts(49, 50, 51). Two of the studies in- pulation. This deficit could be correlated with
cluded reported that higher levels of resilience a higher symptomatology, worse functionality,
were correlated with lower self-stigma, higher poor quality of life and higher medical morbili-
resistance to stigma and use of more positive ty. Currently there are no interventions aimed to
coping strategies(13,18). These three variables promote resilience with a clear/proven benefit.
have been correlated in people with schizophre- We think it is important that future studies are
nia with a clinical picture, progression, functio- focused on describing resilience role in schi-
nality and quality of life(18, 52, 53). A relevant com- zophrenia by using a strict methodology and a
ponent of this disease could be related with the longitudinal follow up of a large/representative
response to external demands, to be determined sample of these patients.
by a complex interaction of multiple variables.

8. Constraints Acknowledgements
Our review is constrained by the few studies on This paper was made thanks to the cooperation
this topic. Most articles have a cross sectional of the Psychiatry Department of the University
design, Therefore, it is impossible to extrapo- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. We
late causative correlations between resilience would also like to thank the National Commi-
and the rest of the variables. Seven different ttee of Technological/Scientific Research (Co-
resilience scales were used in these studies; misión Nacional de Investigación Científica y
consequently, it is difficult to make a compa- Tecnológica de Chile, Conicyt), by means of
rison among them. Additionally, the size of the the National Fund of Scientific/technological
samples was assorted. Twelve studies included Development (Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo
fewer than 100 patients. It is also important Científico y Tecnológico), Fondecyt Regular #
to highlight that the population studied by the 1171313.
various groups tended to be concentrated on a
. Et. Al.

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