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The Dog Rambler E-diary

top 07
October 2011

Crossing three northern Pentland peaks


6.4 miles

Dogs on walk

Cyrano, Dylan, Finlay, Tim, Struan, Talaidh

A rare day out for Struan and Talaidh today as they joined our little group attempting to get into the hills again. Yesterdays attempt was aborted by the high winds and then the sharp piercing rain. No sign of rain today as blue expansive oceans covered the sky with small white islands of cloud floating delicately. I was still expecting high winds and remained unconvinced as we left the car in Swanston. We were on the leeward side of the hills and I still expected to get blown about as we crested any rises. Even the confirmation of a man coming back down that it was quite calm did not truly convince me. His two little Jack Russells giving Tim a hard time. Much the way he can do with other dogs. But with Struan and Talaidh out he was on his best behaviour. They quite scare him but fascinate him too. He sat very peacefully in the car, overshadowed by their much greater height and bulk. But on the walk be could barely leave them alone, always drawn toward them. Struan did not disappoint him and kept him going most of the day chasing this way and that. With the occasional growl to put him back in his place when he cheekily made the odd lunge for Struans legs. If he thought he was anything like Brooklyn

then he was very wrong. Finlay was keeping out of it and with Dylan he made a good duo up front. Even if they did choose the wrong path quite often. I am not sure if Dylan or Finlay was doing the leading. Cyrano seemed to be everywhere at once. In a chase, with a stick, and then turning to get his best side in the photo. The hills were quite flattened and bleached by the sun, lolling low in the deep sky. It had brought a number of walkers out taking their chances in the respite from the wind. It was fairly calm. Unlike Finlay who showed his darker side by barking at a fellow walker coming toward us. He soon stopped and sat down a little sheepish as we had a little talk. A group of twenty odd youngsters next did not bother him at all. Each of the dogs managing to get some attention from the many outstretched hands. It excited the dogs and Dylan opened up the next phase of chasing with Cyrano dumping his stick and getting caught up too. We had traversed across Caerketton Hill and Allermuir Hill and we now clambering over Capelaw Hill meeting people regularly. Finlay was conceiving to get dirtier all the time but I had a plan. Once off the hills I knew of a good stream. But would he lie down in it as Ive seen him do so many times before. No it was too clean for him. A couple of thrown stones might do it but instead Cyrano performed a flying leap beating him to them. Next a deep hole of water slightly dirtier but cleaner than Finlay. But no again. Cyrano occupied it leaving little space. He was just a shade cleaner as we got toward the track leading back to Swanston. Before we could join it we had to defer to a woman on a pony. Thankfully she was planning on heading up the way on another track. So we were able to wait behind our gate as she struggled with her unaccommodating horse trying to open her gate. As she fought with horse and gate Tim and Finlay found a way through our gate. But they stayed close and soon the rest of us were able to follow. A couple of collies from the livery stables excited Cyrano and then delayed Dylan for an age. Leaving us waiting once again. Finally we were able to get moving again when Dylan consented to follow. It was only a

short walk back the car and some quiet dogs settled into their seats. Were they tired or was it Struans watchful eye that kept them so calm?

Photo slideshow from the walk

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Nick Fletcher The Dog Rambler 9 Links Street Musselburgh East Lothian EH21 6JL t. 0131 665 8843 or 0781 551 6765

Your dog walking service for active dogs

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