RMT1 Unit 4 Ext and Int Review

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Extrinsics & Intrinsics

Extrinsics - Neurophysiological Effects

 Pain reduction through increased Mechanostimulation

 Goading, GCF
 Reduce pressure off of flower spray receptors (spindles) to reset
their resting tone
 muscle spindle adaptation – reduces muscle contraction
 LCF, Stripping, Strain/Counter Strain
 Increasing tension into GTO’s to decrease muscle tone
 LCF, Strpping
Extrinsics - Neurophysiological Effects

 Can increase annulospiral (spindle) stimulation to contract muscle

 IMFS, Fast Stripping, Tapotement

 Blocks neuronal pathways

 Impulse that is causing the muscle to contract may be
eliminated if the neuron reroutes its path
 Ischemic Compression, Strain/Counter Strain
Intrinsics Effects
 Isometrics
 Use Tendon Reflex to decrease tone/lengthen a muscle
 Therapists non yielding resistance causes tension in GTO to build
 Used on hypertonic muscles to increase ROM post massage treatment
 Isotonics
 Use muscle fibre recruitment to help hypotonic muscles
 Therapist has yielding resistance as client goes through a full ROM of the joint
 Reciprocal Inhibition
 Applied to the antagonist of a hypertonic muscle
 Used if you cannot massage your client but still want to affect the muscle
When one muscle contracts, the antagonist is inhibited
 Stretch Reflex
 Affects Annulospiral receptors
 Causes a muscle to increase its tone
 IMFS, Tapotement

 Tendon Reflex
 Affects Golgi Tendon Organs
 Causes a muscle to decrease its tone
 Isometrics
Which technique has the greatest impact on breaking
A) Local Cross Fibering
B) Stripping
C) General Cross fibering
D) Strain Counter Strain
A) Local Cross Fibering
Strain counter strain integrates which of the following to
reduce tone?
A) All of these
B) Increase GTO Stimulation
C) Reduce Spindle Stimulation
D) Increase Reflexive Hyperemia
A) All of these
What extrinsic technique is intended to reduce flower spray
A) Strain Counter Strain
B) Goading
C) Ischemic Compression
D) General Cross fibering
A) Strain Counter Strain
What extrinsic technique is directed at blocking neuron
A) Ischemic Compression
B) Stripping
C) Local Cross Fibering
D) Goading
A) Ischemic Compression
These techniques are used to create the stretch reflex.
A) Tapotement and IMFS
B) Friction and Local Cross Fibering
C) General Cross Fibering and Goading
D) Effleurage and Petrissage
A) Tapotement and IMFS
Your are not able to contact the client's quad for some
reason. What treatment could be applied to reduce
A) Reciprocal inhibition using hamstring contraction
B) Isotonic of the quadriceps
C) Reciprocal inhibition using quadriceps contraction
D) None of these at this time
A) Reciprocal inhibition using hamstring
What technique is a smaller form of petrissage
A) General Cross Fibering
B) Local Cross Fibering
C) Strain Counter Strain
D) Ischemic Compression
A) General Cross Fibering
Your client has a weakness in their Left Bicep. What
technique would be useful to apply?
A) Isotonic intrinsic treatment to the Left Bicep
B) Isometrics intrinsic treatment to the right forearm
C) IMFS to the affected muscles
D) Reciprocal inhibition intrinsic treatment to the
antagonists of the affected muscles
A) Isotonic intrinsic treatment to the
Left Bicep
How does the piezoelectric charge affect collagen fibres?
A) Causes those in the line of pull to tighten and become
more stable
B) Has no specific effect on collagen
C) Results in breaking cross bridges of collagen
D) Generates electrical charge into tissues
A) Causes those in the line of pull to
tighten and become more stable
Q) What are the receptors called that are constantly
monitoring changes in muscle length?
A) Flower Spray
Q) The Tendon Reflex affects which structure to decrease
muscle tone?
A) Golgi Tendon Organs
Q ) How does Goading help to reduce pain?
A) Uses the Gate Control Theory of Pain
(increased mechanostimulation equals
decreased pain sensation)
Q) What receptor are we stimulating when we perform
A) Annulospiral receptor
The Stretch Reflex will cause a
muscle to:
Increase it’s tone
Isometrics are performed at
what point initially?
The first barrier

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