Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi The Father of Mode

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Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi:

The Father of Modern Surgery


Muhammed Suhail K
AD NO:487

Exam NO:160216


Sabeelul Hidaya Islamic College

Affiliated to: Darul Huda Islaamic University
Parappur, Vattapparamba, Kottakkal, Malappuram, Palakkad Kerala
To my beloved Parents and Respected teachers

I Muhammed Suhail K, Ad no 487 and Reg no 160216, hereby

declare that this dissertation about “Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi: The Father

of Modern Surgery” is done by me under the guidance of Mr. Rafi

Hudawi Pukkottur as partial fulfillment requisite for the degree final year

in academic year 2018-2019.

I also affirm that I have not presented in full or in part of the above

dissertation for any degree or other purpose.

Muhammed Suhail K

Sabeelul Hidaya Islamic College

Affiliated to: Darul Huda Islamic University

UG dissertation

This to certify that the dissertation work entitled as “Abul Qasim Al

Zahrawi: The Father of modern Surgery” is the genius work done by

Muhammed Suhail K in partial fulfillment of the requisite for his degree

final year dissertation in academic year 2018-2019.


Course Coordinator:…………………………………….

I would piously dibe hearty praises to Almighty Allah merciful

amd compassionate, who bestowed on me a golden chance to lead this

study. Blessings and prases may be upon our leader Muhammed, the

master of messengers and upon his family and companions.

I would also sincerely thanl to my all teachers, especially, Usthad

CH Baputty Musliyarand his son Usthad CH Kunheen Hudawi (Bava

Usthad). And I thank to the revered honorable Usthad Meeran Darimi

(Principle of Sabeelul Hidaya Islamic College) and to honorable Usthad

Rafi Hudawi (my research guide) and to Usthad Ibraheem Hudawi and to

who joined me to prepare this study.

Muslims have carried an integral part in the contribution of

medicine. Muslim medical scholars and doctors had played a vital role in

many areas of medicine. And the medicine has a close relation to our day

to day life and to all Islamic fields. Islam is religion that encouraged the

medicine for healthy life. Islam Ask the people to clean from everything

and the Clean full life is the branches of Iman. In the golden era of

Islamic world, the periods of Abbasids in Bagdad and Amavids in Spain,

the cities, towns and streets of the Islamic World were cleaned and the

health of the peoples were in the good level. This ear was the golden age

of the Islamic medicine. In this era, many famous Muslim doctors and

Surgeons were lived like Ibn Sina, Imam Razi, Zahrawi, etc..

‫ﻟﻘﺪ ﺷﺎﺭﻙ ﺍﳌﺴﻠﻤﻮﻥ ﻣﻜﺎﻧﺎ ﻣﻬﻤ‪‬ﺎ ﰲ ﺇﺳﻬﺎﻣﺎﺕ ﻋﻠﻢ ﺍﻟﻄﺐ‪.‬ﺍﳌﺴﻠﻤﻮﻥ ﺍﻟﻄﺒﻴﻮﻥ‬

‫ﻭﺍﻷﻃﺒﺎﺀ ﺍﳌﺴﻠﻤﲔ ﻗﺪ ﺗﻨﺎﻭﻟﻮﺍ ﻣﻜﺎﻧﺎ ﻋﺎﻟﻴﺎ ﰲ ﳎﺎﻻﺕ ﺍﻟﻄﺐ‪ .‬ﻭﺇﻧ‪‬ﺤﻴﺎﺗﻨﺎ ﺍﻟﻴﻮﻣﻴﺔ ﻭﲨﻴﻊ ﺟﻮﺍﻧﺐ‬

‫ﺚ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﺪﻭﺍﺀ ﻟﻠﺤﻴﺎﺓ ﺍﻟﺼﺤﻴﺔ‪.‬‬

‫ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻡ ﻗﺪ ﺗﻌﻠﹼﻘﺖ ﺑﻌﻠﻢ ﺍﻟﻄﺐ ‪.‬ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻡ ﻫﻮ ﺍﻟﺪﻳﻦ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﳛ ﹼ‬

‫ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻡ ﻳﻄﻠﺐ ﺍﻟﻨﺎﺱ ﺃﻥ ﻳﻨﻈﻔﻮﺍ ﻣﻦ ﻛﻞ ﳒﺲ ﻭﻗﺬﺭ ﻭﺃﻥ ﺍﻟﻄﻬﺎﺭﺓ ﻫﻲ ﺷﻌﺐ ﻣﻦ ﺷﻌﻮﺏ‬

‫ﺍﻹﳝﺎﻥ‪.‬ﻭﻛﺎﻧﺖ ﺍﳌﺪﺍﺋﻦ ﻭﺍﻟﺸﻮﺍﺭﻉ ﻭﺍﻟﺒﻼﺩ ﻛﻠﻬﺎ ﻣﻨﻈﻒ ﻣﻦ ﻛﻞ ﺍﻟﻘﺬﺭ ﻭﺍﻟﻨﺠﺲ ﰲ ﺍﻟﻌﺼﺮ‬

‫ﺍﻟﺬﻫﱯ ﻟﻠﻌﺎﱂ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ ‪ ،‬ﻫﻲ ﻓﺘﺮﺓ ﺍﻟﻌﺒﺎﺳﻴﲔ ﰲ ﺑﻐﺪﺍﺩ ﻭﺍﻷﻣﻮﻳﲔ ﰲ ﺇﺳﺒﺎﻧﻴﺎ‪ .‬ﻛﺎﻧﺖ ﻫﺬﻩ‬

‫ﺍﻟﻌﺼﺮ ﻋﺼﺮ ﺍﻟﺬﻫﱯ ﻟﻠﻄﺐ ﺍﻹﺳﻼﻣﻲ‪ .‬ﻭﰲ ﻫﺬﺍ ﺍﻟﻌﺼﺮ ‪ ،‬ﻋﺎﺵ ﻛﺜﲑ ﻣﻦ ﺍﻷﻃﺒﺎﺀ ﻭﺍﳉﺮﺍﺣﲔ‬

‫ﺍﳌﺴﻠﻤﲔ ﺍﳌﺸﻬﻮﺭﻳﻦ ﻣﺜﻞ ﺍﺑﻦ ﺳﻴﻨﺎ ‪ ،‬ﺍﻹﻣﺎﻡ ﺍﻟﺮﺍﺯﻱ ‪ ،‬ﺍﻟﺰﻫﺮﺍﻭﻱ ‪ ،‬ﺇﱁ‪.‬‬


Dedication .................................................................................................................. i
Declaration ................................................................................................................ ii
UG dissertation ......................................................................................................... iii
Certification.............................................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgment ...................................................................................................... iv
Abstract ......................................................................................................................v
‫ﺧﻼﺻﺔ‬......................................................................................................................... vi
First chapter
INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................1
1.1 Literary review ..................................................................................................2
1.2 Scope of study...................................................................................................3
1.3 Research objectives ...........................................................................................4
1.4 Research methodology ......................................................................................4
1.5 Hypothesis ........................................................................................................5
1.6 Research question .............................................................................................6
1.7 Structure and desighn ........................................................................................6
Second chapter
2.1Introduction .......................................................................................................7
2.2Childhood and early life .....................................................................................8
2.3 Names of Zahrawi in latin literature ................................................................ 10
2.5 Al-Zahrawi was the first to .............................................................................. 11
2.6 Al-Zahrawi Students ....................................................................................... 12
2.7 His Impact on West ......................................................................................... 13
2.8 Concluision .....................................................................................................15
Third Chapter
3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................16
3.2 Contributions in surgery .................................................................................. 17
3.3 Advances in surgery ........................................................................................ 18
3.3.1 General Surgery ....................................................................................... 18

3.3.2 Eye Surgery.............................................................................................. 19
3.3.3 Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery...................................................................20
3.3.4 Mouth surgery .......................................................................................... 20
3.3.5 Dental Surgery ......................................................................................... 21
3.3.6 Lithotomy and Urology ............................................................................ 22
3.3.7 Neurosurgery............................................................................................ 22
3.3.8 Plastic Surgery ......................................................................................... 23
3.3.9 Gynecology and Obstetrics ....................................................................... 23
3.3.10 Orthopedic Surgery ................................................................................ 24
3.3.11 Medical Ironing and Cupping .................................................................24
3.4 Some instruments used by Zahrawi .................................................................25
3.5 Other contributions ......................................................................................... 27
3.5.1 In Chemistry and cosmetology .................................................................28
3.5.2 Pharmacology .......................................................................................... 29
3.5.3 In psychology ........................................................................................... 30
3.5.4 Medication ............................................................................................... 30
3.5.5 Hematology and Heredity......................................................................... 30
3.6 The Works of Al-Zahrawi –Books ..................................................................30
3.7 Some of His Work Not Consider .....................................................................31
3.8 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 32
Fourth chapter
Al-Tasrif: Most Valuable Work of Al–Zahrawi ........................................................ 33
4.1Introduction .....................................................................................................33
4.2 The Kitab al-Tasrif .......................................................................................... 35
4.3 Influences ....................................................................................................... 38
4.4 Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 40
Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 41
Bibilography............................................................................................................. 43

First chapter


Surgery is the important part of the medical science. In ancient period there

were some methods instead of surgery, like cut away the wounded part or sicked part

of our body or firing that part. This method is very famous method to cure the disease

before golden era of Islam. This is the situation of the peoples until rising of Muslim

in Medical science and other sciences. After rising of Muslims like Ibn Sina and Imam

Razi, in the medical science the people studied the original treatment for the diseases.

They have some marvelous works in the medical science, like ‘Al Qanoon fi

Thwibb’(the laws in medicine) and ‘Kithabushifa’ (book of heal). Likewise, there was

Muslim Surgeon known as Al Zahrawi, the father of modern surgery.

Abul Qasim Khalaf Ibn Al Abbas Al Zahrawi(936-1013) popularly known as

Al Zahrawi was an Arab Muslim physician surgeon who lived in Al-Andalus. He is

considered the greatest medieval surgeon from the Islamic world. He has masterpiece

work named as ‘Kitab al Tasrif’- a compilation of 30 tomes dedicated to the medical

practices. Together with Ibn Sina and Al Razi, Zahrawi is regarded as one of the most

accomplished Arab Muslim medical practitioners of the ‘Middle Ages’ or ‘Golden Era

of Islam’ and he was most concentrated on surgical field, so that he was best known as

the ‘Father of Modern Surgery’. Except medicine he was very famous physician on

that period. He was the Archiater (the chief physician) in the court of the Spanish

caliph ‘Abdul Rahman III An-Nasir’.

His master piece on Medicine and Surgery, ‘Kitab al Tasrif’, despite heavily

borrowed from the great Byzantine Physician Paul of Aegina’s ‘Epitomae’ and

incorporating Greco-Roman traditional as well as Middle eastern wisdom, also his

detailed personal observations. This medical compendium pointing to more than 1500

pages with distinctive section dedicated to surgery, medicine, ophthalmology and

orthopedics. This encyclopedia contains illustrative description about 200 surgical

instruments, and taxonomy of 325 diseases complete with symptomatology and

healing procedures.

In short, Al Zahrawi dedicated his whole life towards the development of

medical science, according special emphasis to surgery. He compiled his knowledge

and observation in thirty volume medical compilation ‘Kitab al Tasrif’ which which

immortalized him. The compendium was an embodiment of his accomplishment as a

physician and medical scholar as well as a seasoned surgeon. This is short research

about Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi’s life and works about medicine and surgery.

1.1 Literary review

Having a view on the overall biography of Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi, I feel it is

necessary to have a detailed study on his life and works of Al Zahrawi on medicine

and surgery. There is no works about him and there is no detailed study about his life,

but there are some research studies about his life and contribution. Like, A

Pharmaceutical View of Abulcasis Al-Zahrāwī in Moorish Spain: With Special

referring to Adhan by Sami Khalaf Hamarneh, Glenn Alle.

This is the group of two researches, one is the study about Al Zahrawi and

second one is the study to Adhan. This study explains the short description to the life

of our great surgeon, to his surgery and to his works.

And there are other studies about him like:

 Albucasis; On Surgery and Instruments; by Spink M S and Lewis G L; 1973

 El Zahrawi (Albucasis) - father of surgery. by Dr. Monzur Ahmed

 Az-Zahrawi: The Great Surgeon. by David Tschanz

 Al-Zahrawi: A Prominent Muslim Medical Scientist and His Impact on West

by Saba Anjum Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India.

 Abu Al-Qasim Az-Zahrawi (325-404AH/936-1013AD) by D. Gassan Mahmud


 Al Zahrawi: The Father of Modern Surgery byMohamerd Amin Elgohary.

There are some other researches like these.

1.2 Scope of study

I want to have a detailed study on the life and works of the great personality of

Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi, analyzing the contemporary context of this study on Abul

Qasim Al Zahrawi’s life, works and his Surgery and his compendium named as “Kitab

al Tasrif”.

I am interesting to discuss this subject because the Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi is a

muslim surgeon, as he revealed to the world the original surgery. In this era, the

modern practitioners were practicing the surgery after studying the surgery of Al

Zahrawi and his very famous enclopediac work ‘Kitab al Tasrif’. There is another

reason, there many detailed studies about Ibn Sina and Imam Razi, but there is no

detailed studies about Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi. So, I am happy to reveal the life of

Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi in front of the people and his works on medicine and surgery.

1.3 Research objectives

This study will reveal the real history of Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi explain his

interference in medicine and surgery. This study will search and discuss about the

invention and contributions of the Al Zahrawi.

We can understand there is big mistake or immense losses made from Indian

historians or they didn’t consider and didn’t explain history of Abul Qasim Al

Zahrawi truly. Unfortunately, Muslim historians neglected it the history of Muslim

education and to hold an academically discourses. There is height level of dishonesty

or ignorance by western historians of medicine that some of the most original

inventions of Al-Zahrawi are ascribed to western surgeon’s names.

This study prefer to emphasis on vast wide research and study in my topic and

a short looking into history of Muslim education and other some researches of some

European researchers and their studies. So, this research will depend on the secondary


1.4 Research methodology

My research is going on deductive methodology. Firstly, I will read the books

that help me for completing my research, especially the research studies of European

researchers and analyze his views and interference in all realms especially on medical

and surgery.

This research is discussing and searching about Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi’s life

with his influence in medicine and surgery in the time of golden era. This study helps

us to open the doors of unknown history and reveal the real history in front of the


1.5 Hypothesis

It is obvious that Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi was a famous and well-known

Muslim intellectual who played a key role in the world medical science and surgery,

especially in the time of medieval period or Islamic golden era. I think the accurate

life and works of Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi had a great impact from the context he lived


He is known as the Father of Modern Surgery.

He was the chief physician in the court of Spanish Caliph Abdul Rahman III

An Nasir.

He has an encyclopedic work in the field of medical science, named as the

Kitab al Tasrif and it was translated to much western language.

There is the street in his hometown Cordoba that shares the illustrious

surgeon’s name. The home in which he lived (house No.6) still exist on the street and

has been carefully preserved by the Spanish Board of Tourism.

His encyclopedic works is very famous in the world. It was studied by the

scholars and researchers in the world. It is the study material for who want study about


He has many works, he invented many treatments for different diseases and

sourgerical methods and tools and devices for it.

1.6 Research question

- What is real life of Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi?

- What are the contributions of Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi on medicine and


- What is the difference between Zahrawi’s surgery and modern Surgery?

On the other hand, is there similarity between them?

- Why Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi is known as father of modern surgery?

- Why the ‘Kitab al Tasrif’ became masterpiece of his works?

1.7 Structure and desighn

This research contains especially four chapters. First chapter contains

summary of this research. Second chapter contains about the real history and life of Al

Zahrawi, about his students and his impacts on the west world. Third chapter contains

about the contributions and inventions described by Al Zahrawi. Fourth chapter

contains about Zahrawi’s encyclopedic work Kitab al Tasrif. At last this research will

conclude with a short conclusion.

Second chapter




When reviewing most contemporary article on medicine; it becomes

noticeable that the period that extends from Greco-Roman times and the modern era

are commonly over-looked, giving the appearance that during this period nothing

worthy of mention happened in medicine. In Europe, this period is usually referred to

as the Dark Ages, in which the great era of the Greco-Roman medicine came to an end

and no progress in medical science was made until the Renaissance. However, in the

East, the firm establishment of the Muslim supremacy coincided with the development

of botany, pharmacy and chemistry, branches of science that the Muslim world is

given credit for having established. Between the ninth and the sixteenth centuries, the

study of medicine and other branches of science revived and acquired a scientific


There are many Muslim scholars like Imam Razi, Ibn Sina, Jabir ibn Hayyan,

ibn Thufail, ibn Rushd and etc,. Among these Muslim scholars who shared in

enlightening the path of medical human knowledge is "Alzahrawi", who is regarded as

the ‘father of modern surgery’. He was a great surgeon, a pioneer in surgical

innovation and a great teacher whose comprehensive medical texts had shaped the

European surgical procedures up until the renaissance and later. He devoted his life

and lifework to his patients and students. None of his contemporary medieval

surgeons could be compared to him and the entire famous renaissance surgeon had

quoted him. No doubt he was the chief of all surgeons.

To appreciate more the value of Alzahrawi it is worth noticing that surgery at

that time in Europe was belittled and practiced by barbers and butcherand the Council

of Tours declared the following resolution: "Surgery is to be abandoned by the

schools of medicine and by all decent physicians".

Abul al-Qasim Khalaf ibn al Abbas al Zahrawi, known as Al Zahrawi, was a

very famous medival surgeon and Arab Muslim Physician who lived in Golden Era of

Islamic Civilization. Abu al-Qasim al-Zahrawi is one of the Muslim scholars who

have succeeded in their efforts and ideas to elevate themselves and their Islamic

civilization. He became the pioneer of surgery at a time when people considered

surgery and surgeons to be inferior to their position. Together with Ibn Sina and Al-

Razi, Zahrawi is regarded as one of the most accomplished Arab Muslim medical

practitioners of the ‘Middle Age’. Al-Zahrawi was the Archiater (the chief physician)

in the court of the Spanish Caliph ‘Abd Ar-Rahman III an-Nasir.

2.2Childhood and early life

Al-Zahrawi, often referred to as, ‘Abulcasis’, was born in the year 936 CE at

Madinat al-Zahra’a, six miles northeast of Cordova in Andalusia (Spain) which was

then under Islamic rule. Since Zahrawi was a successor of the ‘Al-Ansar’ tribe that

hailed from the Hejaz province of Saudi Arabia, he was described with the title ‘Al-


He completed his schooling and higher education from Cordoba. He spent the

better part of his life studying, instructing, practicing surgery and medicine in

Cordoba. Zahrawi was fortunate in that he lived and was succeeded in Cordoba during

the Golden days of Islamic culture and civilization. Owing to the perfect accord

amongst Christianity, Islam, and Judaism—three of the medieval world’s greatest

religions—arts, science, commerce, and medical sciences flourished immensely.

Al Zahrawi lived during most powerful period of the Umayyid dynasty of

Cordoba. Al Zahrawi served as a physician in the court of the Umayyad Caliph Al-

Hakam II as well as under the military Caliph, Al-Mansur. He offered his services as a

medical practitioner for more than five decades, remaining under the protection of Al-

Andalusia Caliphate rulers who gave him due credit for his accomplishments in

medical science.

Unlike many doctors and hospitals in the modern world, Al-Zahrawi insisted

on seeing patients regardless of their social and financial status, because he was

egalitarian physician to the core as he treated all patients equally. By seeing a wide

variety of patients every day and recording his treatment of the patient, he left behind

a very valuable text of medical knowledge that he called Al Thasreef liman Ajaza ani


2.3 Names of Zahrawi in latin literature

Al Zahrawi known as in western literature as Albucasis, Abulcasis, Bucasis (all

being distortions of his Arabic “Koniah”)1. Abul-Qasim and Zahravius; the Latin

rendering of his Arabic birth place name Alzahrawi.

2.4 Personal life and Legacy

He was fond of reading. He had read many books like Al-Hawi2 and Mansouri

of Al-Razi and the Royal Book of the Magusian, the Book of Law for IbnSina, as well

as his knowledge of the books of Paul and Ataius Al-Amidi, which helped him to

improve his medical character and excellence in medicine. Reading and informed him

that enabled him to be sufficiently familiar with diseases and their treatments.

He was interested in ways of treating patients and believed that the doctor

should do the surgery himself rather than to assign it to other people such as barbers.

The doctors were above the surgical operations and considered it a despicable and

contemptible profession does not fit with them and Zahrawi is the first to perform

surgery himself, despite the criticism directed at him until he became a flag referred of


Al-Zahrawi is the reason why the surgery is considered an independent field

that does not fall under other medical sciences. The narrations state that he was a man

of worship and practiced his work free of charge and his good work and medical

literature did not treat women except with a midwife. His home was a school and a

hospital, It is clear that Al-Zahrawi is rooted in Eastern Arab origins. In the field of

surgery, he was mentioned as a result of reading a large number of the books of his

The magnum opus writing of imam Razi in medicine , this ithe Razi’s best calm to fame

predecessors accurately, which enabled him to excel in them. He became a believer in

those who came after him.

Physicians were highly valued during that time. The annual income of a

physician would reach as high as 4.9 million Dhs' at a time when the annual costs of

living were 1000 Dhs per person per year. Under these excellent circumstances Al

Zahrawi had distinguished in medicine and surgery.

In Alzahraa he lived most of his life. It was where he studied, taught, and

practiced medicine. Al-Zahrawi died in 1013 CE 2 years after the sacking of Alzahraa.

There’s a street in his hometown Cordoba that shares the illustrious surgeon’s name.

The home in which he lived (House No. 6) still exists on the street and has been

carefully preserved by the Spanish Board of Tourism.

2.5 Al-Zahrawi was the first to

1- Use cotton (in surgical dressings, in the control of hemorrhage and as

padding in the splinting of fractures.

2- Describe in details the unusual disease, hemophilia.

3- Use cautery, wax and alcohol to control bleeding from the skull during

cranial surgery and described the ligature of arteries long before Ambrose Pare.

4- Teach the lithotomy position for vaginal operations. He was the first

surgeon to describe ectopic pregnancy

5- Describe the tracheotomy operation and performed it as an emergency on

one of his servants.

6- Write on orthodontic and described how to treat misaligned teeth.

2.6 Al-Zahrawi Students

Al-Zahrawi was interested in educating his students. His goal was to establish

the scientific bases for them and to hand over his scientific message in the best way.

He was keen to see this clearly through his method of teaching the students. He

compelled them that they have to conduct the surgery themselves. Among his most

important students:

 Ibn Sumiq (d. 451 AH)- Abu Omar bin Yahya bin Ahmed bin Sumiq Al

Qurtubi came down in Toledo and was updated. He was strong participating in

several branches of sciences, and he lived eighty years.

 AbinWafid (d. 467H) is the minister of Abu Al-Murtaf Abdulrahman bin

Mohammed bin Abdul-Kabir, one of the world's top doctors, especially the

individual medicine. He wrote a great book combining the words of Descordis

and Galen. Ibn al-Nun mentioned that he had planted the garden of the famous

Mamoun ibn Nun in Toledo, and he had gone to Cordoba where he met with

Zahrawi and learned the medicine through his hands. Among his books is the

book of al-Wasasadah in medicine, Rashadad and medical studies.

 Abu Bakr al-Karamani (458 AH) is the father of Alhakam Amribn Ahmed -

the scientists of Cordoba excelled in the number and engineering, and traveled

to Harran in Iraq and studied medicine and arithmetic, and then returned to

Andalusia and lived in Zaragoza. He was proficient in ironing, cutting,

tightening and bonding.

 Abu Bakr Ahmad bin al-Khayyat (d. 447 e) has experience in the manufacture

of medicine and accurate treatment. He is a student of Abu Qasim Maslama

bin Ahmed al-Marhaity.

There is many students like Abu Aarab Yusuf bin Mohammed, Joseph ben

Ahmed Hassadi, Abul-hasan bin Abdul Rahman al-Darami, etc..

2.7 His Impact on West

Al-Zahrawi is distinguished in the field of medicine, especially surgery,

because it was a contemptible profession in his time. He was quick to see and work on

it and move it from a despised profession to a profession that has become important in

human life. He has been recognized by Arab and Western scientists, especially by the

other doctors of his time. Al-Zahrawi is the author of knowledge, Devotion, piety and

religion. He is the author of the book The Discharge, the book that was founded for

the world of surgery1.

Al Zahrawi was influenced on western scholars in later periods, so that his

work was translated to western languages by very famous scholars and translators of

the west. Al-Zahrawi’s commendation of the actual cautery led to the wide-spread use

in the world, especially throughout Western Europe during the middle ages.

The sources believe that Al-Zahrawi was an expert on medicine, And most

famous and has been studying in Europe for many centuries, ‘Kitab al Tasrif’ and his

innovations for surgery and surgical instrument is a testimony to his genius and

nobility and excellence in the field of medicine.

Perhaps no other preceding or contemporary physician or surgeon has been

cited and referenced as much as Al-Zahrawi. Many historians and chroniclers of

Arabic/Islamic medicine have recorded the far-reaching influences of his surgical

methods and procedures after his death not only in Christendom but also in other parts

of the world.

Addeeb, Azzahrawi

Serefuddin Sabuncuoglu1, authored a medical treatise, ‘Cerrahiye-tu I-

Hanniye’ which was basically an interpretation of ‘Kitab Al-Tasrif’. Nevertheless,

Serefuddin incorporated his personal observations and added footnotes on the surgical

procedures. Guy de Chauliac2, the 14th century French surgeon banked heavily on

‘Kitab-al-Tasrif’ and cited the tome more than 200 times. Al-Zahrawi’s masterpiece

continued to make an impact on medics 500 years after it was authored.

Zigried Honka3" described Abul Qasim, in her book Shams al-Arab and said

about him: "The great Andalusian surgeon has introduced many innovations not only

in the science of surgery, but in the healing of wounds and surgeons and

ophthalmologists and European teeth with the necessary machines for surgery".

Scott said about him: That Abul Qasim is the originator of modern surgery

"and put it by Jay de Schuliac in the order of Hippocrates and Galen.

Professor of Major Physiology Haller said about him: That his books were the

source of all surgeons of Europe after the fourteenth century"

Gustav LeBon said that Abu Al-Qasem is one of the greatest surgeons of

history and is credited with breaking the stones in the bladder.

Lucler said that Abu al-Qasim was one of the most famous scholars of the

Middle Ages compared to Hippocrates and Galenus and was mentioned in the

institutes of France. And said that he had a lot of experiences that he derived from his

private life and considered that the name of Abu Qasim al-Zahrawi is an expression of

Arab surgery.

Şerafeddin Sabuncuoğlu lived during the a 15th century surgeon who practiced in central
Anatolia (present day Turkey)
also called Guido or Guigo de Cauliaco, was a French physician and surgeon who wrote a
lengthy and influential treatise on surgery in Latin
a German author, she is known for her work in the field of religious studies.

Western surgical scientists have mentioned Zahrawi in their writings as the

greatest surgeon in history and considered his book in surgery to be the greatest work

of the middle Ages. It is clear that al-Zahrawi received praise in general from the

Western scholars who were more correct than the scholars of the East, and that this

indicates the importance of al-Zahrawi and his scientific achievements that made

Europe study his books and quote doctors and scientists from his books and make him

worthy of the title of founder of surgery.

2.8 Concluision

Al-Zahrawi, was an illustrious medieval Arab Muslim physician and surgeon.

He is probably the commonest of the many forms into which medieval Europe

distorted the name of the Arab surgeon Abul-Qasim Khalaf ibn “Abbas al-Zahrawi”,

born in Al Zahra, the royal city five miles west of Cordova, and practiced in Cordova.

His whole life was contributed to medicine and surgery.

Third Chapter



3.1 Introduction

He was the personal physician to the Andalusian Caliph Abdul Rahman the

Third (also called Abdul Rahman Al-Nasser). He attended the University of Cordova,

which had been established for one and a half century. Al-Zahrawi is the greatest

surgeon and well famous doctor of the Islamic civilization in the middle Ages. He has

achieved many medical achievements and has excelled in many areas in which he has

had the participation and clear touches and additions.

Al-Zahrawi was an innovative surgeon who added many original

contributions, to surgery and medicine and to other branches of science like in

chemistry, not known to his predecessors. During his life time doctors used to travel

from far away in order to learn from him. Along with medicine and surgery he served

as educator and psychiatrist.

He dedicated almost his whole life to improve medicinal science, according

special emphasis to surgery. He gathered his knowledge and observations and

compiled as a thirty-volume medical compilation—‘Kitab-al-Tasrif’—which glorified

him. The compendium was an embodiment of his accomplishments as a physician and

medical scholar as well as a seasoned surgeon.

'Kitab-al-Tasrif' catalyzed the progress of advancement of surgery and

medicine throughout Europe following the volume’s translation to Latin by Gerard of

Cremona towards the end of 12th century. Later on, the manuscript was translated to

several other European languages, including Latin, French and English that further

accelerated the development of medical science.

3.2 Contributions in surgery

The fame of Al-Zahrawi rests upon his encyclopedic work of Kitab al-Tasrif.

This accomplishment in the health field was probably the first of its kind with such a

wide scope and outlook ever to be undertaken in Muslim Spain. In Al-Zahrawi’s

capability as physician- surgeon, he provide invaluable service to humanity by

making lot of researches and invention which helped laid the foundations of modern


He introduced new ideas as cauterization of wounds1, devastating a stone

inside the bladder and the necessity of vivisection and dissection2. He was incredibly

specialist in the treatment of wounds and accident injuries as well as expert in the

setting of bones in straightforward and complex fractures.

The medical practice or technique of cauterization is the burning of part of a body to remove or close
off a part of it in a process called cautery, which destroys some tissue, in an attempt to mitigate damage,
remove an undesired growth, or minimize other potential medical harmful possibilities such as
infections, when antibiotics are not available. The practice was once widespread for treatment of
Dissection is the process of taking apart a dead body in order to study it. Vivisection is the process of
taking apart a live body for the purpose of studying it

3.3 Advances in surgery

Abul Qasim Zahrawi was great surgeon, and he was very famous in golden age

of Islam. He has known as the “Father of Modern Surgery”. He invented many curing

style, surgical style and devices and instruments used during surgery. His inventions

include all branches of medicine and his surgical inventions include all parts of body

from head to foot.

3.3.1 General Surgery

ZigridHonka said: "About Al-Zahrawi, according to which he is one of the

largest surgeons history has inventions and additions to the distinctive surgery, he was

the first to sterilize the dead and exhumation of the body to know the causes of death

and to benefit from the results and details”.

Zahrawi is best in fame with laying the foundations for the treatment of

tumors. He was the first to remove the Thyroid gland, which was enlarged as it was

one of the rarest and most dangerous surgeries in human life. No surgeon in the world

could have performed this operation; this is what surprised European surgeons about

Zahrawi because he lived in the era which is not improved in medical science with


He was the first to carry out the trachea and succeeded in it and is considered a

medical adviser, especially when he refrained from doing major medicine in his time,

such as Al-Razi and IbnSina. He is the first to stop bleeding during surgery by

connecting the arteries to each other.

Al-Zahrawi was the first to use a thread and tailor in surgical procedures to

stitch the wounds or parts f surgery inside without leaving a clear trace and extracting

it from the intestines because the body absorbs it without damage. It is called CAT

GUT, which was used in the present era a few years ago. He was the first to sew with

the hair of the tail of the horse, Al-Zahrawi taught the doctors to sew two needles with

one thread between them. And talk about the tuberculosis of the artery in the head if

the patient suffers from a strongest chronic headache.

"Anyone who reads Al-Zahrawi's book makes sure that he can be autopsy
himself because the way he describes it cannot be in his theoretical way," says Portel.

3.3.2 Eye Surgery

In this type of surgery, he mentioned a number of surgical instruments that

were not preceded by a description of it, such as the iron that specializes in the skin

under the eyebrow and the sleigh that was developed for the first time in history to

perform surgeries related to "Alsanfara"

Al-Zahrawi said about the treatment of the lacrimal1 Nasur and describes the

medicine represented in three ways: ironing, pouring the dissolved lead in the hall,

and the surgery that is cured from his illness. The surgery is recommended only if the

two previous methods fail. The surgery consists of an opening between the lacrimal

sac and the nasal mucous membrane across the nose bone. One doctor said that this

method was first described in history.

He described the treatment of warts2 and necks that affect the eyelids. There

four ways to remove the cuffs of the excess eyes, but we have to use sone of the four

The lacrimal (tear) glands produce tear constantly to keep the eye lubricated. The tears drain away
from the eye through the lacrimal drainage system.
A small, hard, benign growth on the skin, caused by a virus.

ways either the ironing with fire, either with acute medicine or cutting and sewing or

reeds, and described a method of hair removal inside the eye with needle.

3.3.3 Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery

Al-Zahrawi was able to treat the earal laryngitis that occurs as a result of

placing the flies in his ears in the human ear filled with pus, and treated the accidental

damage of the ear. He was doing surgeries some ear diseases or ear obstacle like

congenital aural atresia, scar and stenosis after injury, or polyps and granulation. He

was extracting the foreign bodies and creatures that entering to inside the ear.

Al-Zahrawi talked about nose surgery and how to remove the plaques, Head

injuries and invented tools to open the skull, and had called for sterilization of wounds

and used alcohol for that. He was able to treat some nasal diseases by using some

operation like Nasal Fistula Operation, Nasal Polyps and Tumors, Nasal Fractures,


Al-Zahrawi was able to treat the Tonsils. He was treating the patients of this

diseases, the patient should be sitting down in the full light of the sun, his head in

surgeon’s lap, open his mouth and assistant presses down the tongue with tongue

depressor made from bronze or silver like a knife.

3.3.4 Mouth surgery

Al-Zahrawi was famous in the extraction of Fibroma1 on the lip. The Fibroma

is little hard swelling inside the lips, it resembles to the vetch grain. His method to

treat this, the lip should be inverted, incised all along each nodule, caught it up with a

hook, and cut it away all round.

a benign fibrous tumor of connective tissue.

He was treating Tongue-tie’s Division1, is an impediment to speech, and

occurs under the tongue is congenital, or it may be accidental, owing to scarring from

an injury. The operation for it is to open the patient’s mouth, having his head in his

lap, and lift his tongue, then cut that sinew2 - like ligament transversely , till the

tongue is feed from its hold . If it is hard and nodular, arising from scaring after an

injury, catch it with a hook and slit it transversely until the ligament is severed and the

knots undone.

He also was able to remove Tumors under the Tongue by an operation based

on opening the patient’s mouth in the full light of the sun and inspecting the tumor. If

the diagnosis tells that the tumor has dark or black color, hard touch, and no sensation,

that means cancer. When this tumor is pale and has fluid in it, a hook is used in order

to separate the tumor completely.

3.3.5 Dental Surgery

In dentistry and dental restoration, the earliest medical text to deal with dental

surgery in detail was Kitab al Tasrif the major work of the Al Zahrawi. He gave many

methods for the successful replantation of dislodged teeths. Zahrawi referred to the

process of cleaning the teeth with iron if the teeth were yellow. Al-Zahrawi spoke

about removing the contract from the lips, cutting the excess flesh in the gums,

removing the teeth and the origins of the molars, removing the broken jaw and talking

about the mesh of the molars with gold and silver threads.

There were some inventions by Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi in curing dental

problems, he was famous in dental implant, cosmetic dentistry, etc… he was treating

a short band of tough, flexible, fibrous connective tissue that connects two bones or cartilages or
holds together a joint.
a piece of tough fibrous tissue uniting muscle to bone or bone to bone; a tendon or ligament.

the patients whose are feeling trouble with damaged teeth, he explained how we can

take away the bad conditioned teeth without any pain.

3.3.6 Lithotomy and Urology

In urology and lithotomy, Al Zahrawi performed the first successful extraction

of bladder and kidney from the urinary bladder using a new instrument which is he

invented it-alithotomy scalpel with two sharp cutting edges- and with a new technique

which is invented by him- perineal cystolithotomy- which is allowed him to crush a

large stone inside the bladder, “enabling its piecemeal removal”. This innovation was

important to the development of bladder stone surgery as it significantly decreased the

death rates previously cuased by earlier attempts at this operation by the ancients.

3.3.7 Neurosurgery

Abul Qasim developed material and technical designs which are still used in

neurosurgery. The first clinical description of and procedure for hydrocephalus1

appears in Kitab al Tasrif of Zahrawi, who was clearly described the evacuation of

superficial intracranial fluid in hydrocephalic children. He described it in his chapter

on neurosurgical diseases, which describes traumatic head injuries, fractures of the

spine, and infantile hydrocephalus, which he supposed was caused by mechanical


He states: “The skull newborn baby is often full of liquid, either because the

matron has compressed it excessively or for other, unknown reasons. The volume of

the skull then increases daily, so that the bones of the skull fail to close. In this case,

a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain, typically in young children, enlarging the head
and sometimes causing brain damage.

we must open the middle of the skull in three places, make the liquid flow out, then

close the wound and tighten the skull with bandage.”

3.3.8 Plastic Surgery

Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi made the first advances in plastic surgery since the

time of Sushruta in ancient India. He developed the methods of incision, the use of

silk thread suture to achieve good cosmesis1 and invented the surgical procedures of

reduction mammoplasty2 for the management of gynecomastia3.

3.3.9 Gynecology and Obstetrics

Some sources say that Al-Zahrawi was mourning about the absence of female

doctors or midwives at a high level, which is why he paid attention to surgery in

general and women's surgery in particular, and Zahrawi is the first to provide

information in the field of obstetrics is an innovation didn’t invent before him. In the

treatment and removal of the fetus in the case of the advancement of his hand or knee,

the first one who recommended about the birth of the basin called in the gynecological

method “Falcher” in the birth and described by Al-Zahrawi with an accurate

description, and developed the branch of gynecological diseases to introduce methods

of treatment and healing, and created new touches on delivery in the case of

occasional situation, and he is the first to cut the water pocket during labor to

accelerate the birth.

Cosmesis is the preservation, restoration, or bestowing of bodily beauty. In the medical context, it
usually refers to the surgical correction of a disfiguring defect, or the cosmetic improvements made by
a surgeon following incisions.
Breast reduction surgery is also known as reduction mammaplasty or mammoplasty. It is a cosmetic
surgical procedure aimed at reducing large or sagging breasts to a more comfortable size and shape.
Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men, caused by an imbalance of the
hormones estrogen and testosterone.

Kamal al-Samarrai said: "He used the catheters1 to empty the bladder, and the

glasses to detect the vagina and used ironing for the treatment".

3.3.10 Orthopedic Surgery

Al Zahrawi was the first to learn the art and the art of surgery in the world. He

performed the difficult operations from head to foot and used tools of his design and

innovation. Al-Zahrawi was the first to care for arthritis in the back beads, which was

later called bot. He also described the tools for algebra and fractures and

recommended leaving an opening in the plaster hole of the broken and cut man in

order to remove the bone. Right Now Sound facial when amputation and removal of

diseased tissue in bone infections, and was able to describe Gangrene.

3.3.11 Medical Ironing and Cupping

Al-Zahrawi was one of the first to use this method of treatment. He said: "It is

secret to treat the pain and its preference for ironing with the medicine burned,

because the fire is a single essence that doesn’t exceed its action except the part of the

air and the fire of honor doesn’t kill unless it is overfunded and it became clear to me

through experience and length of service and stand on the facts of things and that it is

not appropriate to write this is not your secret about the fire and how to do in objects

and exile diseases with philosophical words You can't understand".

Al-Zahrawi used the medical ironing various diseases such as dementia,

headache, nasorrhea, nails, divergence, sciatica, ear and eye aches, forgetfulness due

to sputum, hoarseness, tightness of breath, stomach, liver, kidneys, uterus, diarrhea,

amputation, liver tumor, hemorrhage and epilepsy. Al-Zahrawi commented on the

a flexible tube inserted through a narrow opening into a body cavity, particularly the bladder, for
removing fluid.

saying "ironing the last medicine." He said: "It is a valid statement, but we resort to

ironing when all the methods we use with the patient fail, such as medicines”.

3.4 Some instruments used by Zahrawi

In his compendium, Al Zahrawi introduced his famous collection of over 200

surgical instruments. Many of these instruments were never used before any previous

surgeons. Hamidan, for example, introduced by listing 26 innovative surgical

instruments that Zahrawi introduced.

Olival iron : which called like that because of the head like olive, cuneiform

head like a nail in which a little bump and in its mouth a small bump, head like a

crescent to eyelid, hollow as the body of the eagle feather pipe from the one end that

has ironing, iron hole with a lung disease and cough, A three-sided iron, an iron for

the stomach cup, a pen-like iron for a kidney tumor, and a three-piece sciatica round-

hook in each other. There are triangular and half-circular irons of the neck hooks, to

enter the irons for the internal members' locker.

The instruments used in the surgical operations are composed of hooks and

one hooks and hooks, and the other three-prongs and one handle to tighten the face,

and there are hooks of the broken-jawed and the tip of the triangle is thick and thick,

and it removes the molars from their roots.

The scalpels: it has different forms. There is a scalpel that is sharp on both

sides. It is used to open a place in the skin above the arteries so that the surgeon can

connect it. The scalpel is one of the extremities and is used to remove the tonsils.

There is some scalpels with different shapes used to treat tumor and other diseases.

There are some "Tubes": that were made of feathers or made of copper or iron

depending on the type of function performed, there is a tube to cut the polyps that

grow in the face and neck and made of eagle feathers, the ear tube is a narrow nose

and a wide end and is used to clean the ear It is made of silver or copper, and there is a

tool like a shovel to scrap the foreign objects from the ear and use the "peat" to extract

the delicate objects from the ear.

Adhesive bandage1 and Plaster: Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi invented the

modern plaster and adhesive bandage, which are still used in hospitals throughout the

world. The use of plasters for fractures became a standard practices for Arab

physician, though this practices was not widely adopted in Europe until the 19th


Catgut2 and Forceps3: Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi pioneered the use of catgut

for internal stitching, which is still practiced in modern surgery. The catgut appears to

be the only natural substances capable of dissolving and acceptable by the body. Salim

Al Hassani considers it to be one of the most important Muslim medical contributions.

Abul Qasim invented the forceps for extracting a dead fetus, as illustrated in

“Kitab al Tasrif”.

Cauter4: Al Zahrawi invented a cauter, used for the cauterization of arteries.

This was firstly described by Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi in his compendium.

An adhesive bandage, also called a sticking plaster or simply plaster in British English, is a small
medical dressing used for injuries not serious enough to require a full-size bandage. They are also
known by the genericized trademarks Band-Aid or Elastoplast.
A material used for the strings of some musical instruments, made of the dried twisted intestines of
sheep or horses.
Forceps are handheld, hinged instruments used for grasping and holding objects.
A hot iron for searing or cauterizing.

Ligature1: Abul Qasim introduced use of the ligature for the blood control of

arteries in lieu of cauterization.

Cotton dressing: Al Zahrawi was the first one introduced the use of the cotton

as a medical dressing for controlling hemorrhage.

Lithotomy scalpel and surgical needle: Abul Qasim invented a lithotomy

scalpel with two sharp cutting edges in order to perform the first successful extraction

of bladder and kidney stones from the urinary bladder. The surgical needle was

invented and described by Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi.

There are some other surgical instruments invented and described Abul Qasim

Al Zahrawi such as curetters2, retractors3, spoons, sounds, hooks, rods, specula,

surgical saw4, fleam, polyp, endoscops, medical tablets, double hooks, tooth extractor,

etc…. like these he invented and described about 200 instruments in his compendium

“Kithab al Tasrif”.

3.5 Other contributions

Beside with medicine and surgery he also worked on midwifery5, meteria

medica6, cookery and dietetics, weight and measures, groundwork medical chemistry,

Thereprapeutics, and treatment of wound. He also gives technical terminologies in his

compandium. Since in his period assort science were mixed and were interconnected

A thing used for tying or binding something tightly.
A curette is a surgical instrument designed for scraping or debriding biological tissue or debris in a
biopsy, excision, or cleaning procedure.
A retractor is a surgical instrument used to separate the edges of a surgical incision or wound, or to
hold back underlying organs and tissues so that body parts under the incision may be accessed.
A sagittal saw is a powered surgical tool that is often used in an orthopedic surgical procedure.
Midwifery is the health science and health profession that deals with pregnancy, childbirth, and the
postpartum period (including care of the newborn), in addition to the sexual and reproductive health of
women throughout their lives.
Materia medica is a Latin term from the history of pharmacy for the body of collected knowledge
about the therapeutic properties of any substance used for healing.

each other. He tried to split various disciplines from medicine in the name of its

specialism. Among such discipline were alchemy, theology and philosophy which

were being mixed with medical science by a numerous scholars of the field.

3.5.1 In Chemistry and cosmetology

Abul Qasim was also chemist and dedicated a chapter of the 19th volume of

Kithab al Tasrif to cosmetology. The medicated cosmetics which is invented by him,

include under-arm deodorants, hair removal sticks, hand lotions, hair dyes for

changing human hair color to blond or black hair, hair care for collecting kinky or

curly hair, early suntan lotions, describing their ingredients and benefits in depth. As

remedy for bad death resulting from eating garlic or onions, he suggested cinnamon,

nutmeg, cardamom, chewing on coriander leaves.

Other cosmetics he invented include solid lipsticks which were perfumed

stocks rolled and pressed in special moulds, mineral oils used for medication purposes

as well as aesthetic and beautification purposes. He also described the care and

beautifications of hair, skin, teeth and other parts of the body, which were are

recommended in Islamic hadiths.

In cosmetics dentistry he described methods for strengthening the gums as

well as the method of tooth bleaching using tooth whiteners. His compendium

introduced the modern cultural tradition of taking flowers whenever visiting a sick

person in hospital. He had several advances in perfumery and invented perfumed

stocks, rolled and pressed in special moulds, similar to modern roll-on deodorants.

3.5.2 Pharmacology

Pharmacology includes an area which is concerned with recognizing and

accurate naming of drugs through correct knowledge of Arabic and Greek languages.

Volumes of compendium of Zahrawi were dedicated to providing synonyms and

elucidations for the names of drugs in several languages (e.g. Arabic and Spanish).

Drugs and treatment with drugs held an important place in his work where he listed a

great number of prescriptions for various diseases. Each prescription gives the weight

or volume of the ingredients, the method of preparation and compounding, the dose

and the method of administration. The drugs are administered in various dosage

forms, like decoctions, potions, syrups, pills, etc... Practical pharmacology, materia

medica, and the preparation of drugs were widely discussed. He listed Greek and

Egyptian weights and measures as well as those used in the eastern caliphate

(Hamarneh, 1959). Therapeutics chapters in Al-Tasrif discussed emetics, laxatives,

dietetics, cardiac drugs, Materia medica, cosmetology, and the substitution of drugs

for other invasive techniques, among other topics (Cosman, 2009). Duration of the

potency of drugs was a problem with obvious importance to pharmacists and their

customer. Al-Kuhin Al-Attar said in his book (Minhaj al-dukkan) that one should pay

attention to what al-Zahrawi has to say about this subject.

The 4th chapter of the 25th volume of Al-Tasrif is about the durations of the

effectiveness of simple drugs and compound medicines. Greater attention was devoted

by AL-Zahrawi to mineral drugs noting that gold and rubies are less corruptible than

silver, copper, and iron. The 29th volume included multilingual lists of drug names

and synonyms that appeared in it, accompanied by details of their stability, and

therefore it represented a great value to apothecaries and pharmacists (Sneader, 2005).

3.5.3 In psychology

As a psychiatrist he equipped such drugs that were based on opium and that

introduced the patient towards happiness and joy. After having the dose it relaxes the

soul, dispels the bad thought and worries, moderate, temperaments and also treated in

other ways. He also discussed technical process of preparing and purifying for

medicinal uses such chemical substances as litharge1, ceruse(white lead), iron pyrite

(crystalline marcasile), vitriots, and verdigris.

3.5.4 Medication

Al-Zahrawi developed a variety of medications, which he described in his

chapter on cosmetics. For epilepsy and seizures, he invented medications called

Ghawali and Lafayfe. For the relief and treatment of common colds, he invented

Muthallaathat, which was prepared from camphor, musk and honey, similar to modern

Vicks Vapour Rub. He also invented nasal sprays and hand cream and developed

effective mouth washes.

3.5.5 Hematology and Heredity

In hematology, Al Zahrawi wrote the first description on hemophilia, a herary

genetic disorder, in his compendium, in which he wrote of An Andalusian family

whose males died of bleeding after minor injuries.

3.6 The Works of Al-Zahrawi –Books

Al-Zahrawi wrote many medical books, including:

lead monoxide, especially a red form used as a pigment and in glass and ceramics.

 The book of interpretation of weights, published by Abdul Hamid Alouji in Baghdad

in 1976, and is believed to be part of the missing parts of the book discharge. (Kamal,


 Useful speech in the science of surgery, translated into Latin under the name (surgery

of Abu Qasim), and published in Arabic version with the English version in Oxford

17784. (Kamal, 1984)

 A brochure about gynecology. (Brokilman)

 A book containing the names of the types of medicine in Greek, Syriac, Persian, and

Ajami, and interpretation of weights and weights, and drug allowance , and the

interpretation of names in the medical books. (Zirkali Damascene, 2002)

 Zarkali mentioned the following: (and in the closet Rabat (93 Glauly) a small book, in

which the abbreviated vocabulary of Khalaf Ibn of Abbas Al-Zahrawi and its

characteristics. (Zirkali Damascene, 2002).

3.7 Some of His Work Not Consider

It is height level of dishonesty or ignorance by western historians of medicine

that some of the most original inventions of Al-Zahrawi are ascribed to western

surgeon’s names. For example, the obstetric position known as the Walcher position

after used by German physician Walchar(d. 1935) but that was first successfully

applied by Al-Zahrawi. Likewise, Al-Zahrawi was also the inventor of the obstetric

forceps for the sake of facilitating the task of delivery in cases of emergency, but the

credit for this invention is given to Peter Chamberlen I (1560-1631), physician to

James I and his wife. It is said that this instrument was kept a directly guarded secret

by the succeeding generations of his family for a long period of time.

Likewise, there were many other instruments that was invented and described

by the Zahrawi and other Muslim scientists, but all credit goes to the western

scientists without any rights.

3.8 Conclusion

Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi, the most very famous medieval surgeon has many

works. He invented and described many treatments and surgical instruments, through

out of his experiences in medicine and surgery. Al-Zahrawi was an innovative surgeon

who added many original contributions, to surgery and medicine and to other branches

of science like in chemistry, not known to his predecessors. During his life time

doctors used to travel from far away in order to learn from him. Along with medicine

and surgery he served as educator and psychiatrist. Along With surgery he has many

contributions in chemistry, cosmetics, mediation, etc….

Fourth chapter

Al-Tasrif: Most Valuable Work of Al–Zahrawi


Zahrawi, was known as the renowned surgeon and also regarded as the father

of modern surgery for his principle and very famous encyclopedic work Al-Tasrif.

Full name of this work is “Al-Tasreef liman Ajez Aan Al-Taaleef”1, thirty volume

medical encyclopedia completed in 1000 AD. This was compiled from medical data

of that that Al Zahrawi accumulated in his medical career that spanned five decades of

teachings and medical practices. It included sections on surgery, medicine,

orthopedics, ophthalmology, pharmacology, nutrition, etc…

Al Zahrawi elaborates on the causes and symptoms of diseases and theorizes

on the upbringing of children and youth and on the care of the aged and convalescent.

In the section on pharmacology and therapeutics, he covers areas such as cardiac

drugs, emetics, laxatives, cosmetology, material medical, weights and measures and

drug substitution.

In this compendium, Al Zahrawi takes some holistic approach to medicine.

Not only does he discuss how to treat diseases, but he also describes how to prevent

them. He dedicates the parts of his compendium to discussing what foods should be

‫ﺍﻟﺘﺼﺮﻳﻒ ﳌﻦ ﻋﺠﺰ ﻋﻦ ﺍﻟﺘﺄﻟﻴﻒ‬

avoided, what food should be eaten, how we can maintain healthy diet and how to use

food as the part of the treatment plan. He particularly notes the effects of alcohol on

the body. He states that:

“Alcohol causes general weakness of most of the nerves of the body,

difficulties in articulation, weakness of voluntary movements, arthralgias, gout, etc…

disturbances pf the liver causes tumors and obstructions which is definite cause of

ascites and general ill in health”. (Reda, 2012)

In this compendium he was describing about the doctor-patient relationship

and he wrote affectionately about his students, whom referred to as “my children”. He

also emphasised about the importance of treating the patients irrespective of their

social status.

He was also well- known for high-ranking of Al-Tasrif introduced his eminent

collection of over 200 surgical instruments. Some of which the author had designed

and developed himself. Many of these instruments were never used before by any

previous surgeons. Al- Zahrawi, for the first time drew each instrument in colour.

It is incredible to note that the surgical instruments discussed in his book he

had been abundantly illustrated and intensely described for the first time in history for

both teaching purposes and practical application.

There three notable invention of Al-Zahrawi’s surgical instrument mention on

his compandium:

- An instrument for internal examination of the ear.

- An instrument for internal inspection of the urethra

- Instrument for applying or removing foreign bodies from the throat.

The methods employed by Abulcasis eclipsed those of Galen and maintained a

dominant position in the European medicine for longer than five centuries by means

of the Latin translations. And for that reason, Abulcasis is without any doubt one of

the most prominent scientists in history and his work one of the most important and

representative of the scientific literature.

4.2 The Kitab al-Tasrif

The Kitab al-Tasrif is an encyclopaedic compendium of theoretical and

practical medicine that was written around 1000 (Kahhala, 1988).It is divided into

thirty treatises and is contained in six Hebrew manuscripts:

 Ms Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, num.951, 1162, 1167, 1168 (treatises I-


 Ms Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, num.1163 (treatises XVIII-XXX)

 Ms Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, num.1165 (treatise XXV)

 Ms Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, num.1166 (treatise XXX)

 Ms Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, num.1162 (probably complete)

 Ms Bodleain Library, Oxford, num.414,415 (complete)

Al-Tasrif is also contained partially or completely in thirty-nine Arabic

manuscripts distributed worldwide (Arvide Cambra, 1997).

 The subject of every treatise is as follows:

 The treatise I is about physiology, humours, natures and natural elements as

well as classification and explanation of the body organs.

 The treatise II is about phatology, the different diseases, symptoms, causes

and treatment.

 The treatise III is about recipes of electuaries, stored and preserved.

 The treatise IV is about theriacs and antidotes for poisons.

 The treatise V is about laxatives and their preservation.

 The treatise VI is about purgative drugs.

 The treatise VII is about emetics and enemas.

 The treatise VIII is about laxatives of good taste.

 The treatise IX is about cardiology and beneficial drugs for heart.

 The treatise X is about electuaries, suppositories and purgatives.

 The treatise XI is about composite medicaments called jawarish and

electuaries prepared with cumin named kammuniyyat.

 The treatise XII is about fattening drugs and diuretics.

 The treatise XIII is about syrups.

 The treatise XIV is about boiled musts, vulcanized and macerated remedies,

laxatives and not laxatives.

 The treatise XV is about recipes of marmalade electuaries and their


 The treatise XVI is about medicinal dusts.

 The treatise XVII is about medicinal pills.

 The treatise XVIII is about inhalants, vapours, gargles, gouts and nasal anti-

haemorrhagic remedies.

 The treatise XIX is about perfumes, fragrances, remedies for body

embellishment and preparation of algalias.

 The treatise XX is about ophtalmology.

 The treatise XXI is about stomatology and odontology.

 The treatise XXII is about remedies for the chest.

 The treatise XXIII is about dressings and bandages.

 The treatise XXIV is about ointments and pomades.

 The treatise XXV is about oils and unguents.

 The treatise XXVI is about the diet in the illness and the health.

 The treatise XXVII is about simple and composite remedies as well as


 The treatise XXVIII is about preparation of simple remedies and their

benefits, as well as about the therapeutic application of the combustion of

the minerals.

 The treatise XXIX is about the name of the drugs into the differents

languages, synonyms and substitutes, as well as about weights and


 The treatise XXX is about surgery.

Al- Tasrif is one of the most voluminous works made in the Islamic medieval

world because it comprises a wide spectre of scientific knowledge prevailing at that

time (Lindberg, 1978.): medical and surgical science, both in theory and in practice,

diets and pharmacopoeia. The book was written by Al-Zahrawi as a training manual

for the students of his private school of medicine that he led in Spain with all

probability (Savage-Smith, 2002).

There is a facsimile edition of the whole book Al-Tasrif made by Fuat Sezgin

according to the Arabic manuscript No.502 from the Suleymaniye Umumi

Kutuphanesi Library of Istanbul, which was published by the Institute for the History

of Arabic-Islamic Science at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am


There are also some partial editions: Treatise XVI, according to the Arabic

manuscript No.5772 from the Bibliothèque Nationale of Paris and the Arabic

manuscript No.502 from the Suleymaniye Umumi Kutuphanesi Library of Istanbul;

Treatise XVII; Treatise XVIII; Treatise XIX, Part II, facsimile edition according to the

Arabic manuscript No.5772 from the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris; Treatise XX,

according to the Arabic manuscript No.5772 from the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris;

Treatise XXI, according to the Arabic manuscript No.5772 from the Bibliotheque

Nationale of Paris; Treatise XXV; and Treatise XXX.

4.3 Influences

We can see that the compendium of Zahrawi, Kithab al Tasreef was influenced

in western world. This compendium was translated into many languages, mainly into

the Latin. This was translated by Gerard of Cremona into Latin in the 12th century and

alongside with Avicenna’s Canon1 which was studied for several centuries in Hebrew

and Catalan translations and played a major role as a medical text in the universities of

Europe from the 12th century to the 17th century AD.

In the western world, the book was known by the Latin title Concessio ei data

qui componere huad valet. For at least six centuries, it remained an important medical

practice guide for doctors and surgeons in both Islamic world and medieval Europe.

In the 14 th century, a French surgeon Guy de Chaulic quoted Al Tasreef over

200 times. Pietro Argallata (d.1453) described Abul Qasim Al Zahrawi as “without

doubt the chief of all surgeons”. In an earlier work, he is cred to be the first to describe

ectopic pregnancy in 963, in those days a fatal affliction. Abul Qasim’s influence

‫ﻗﺎﻧﻮﻥ ﰲ ﺍﻟﻄﺐ‬

continued for at least five countries, extending into Renaissance, evidenced by Al

Tasreef’s frequent referenced by French surgeon Jaques Delechamps (1513- 1588).

On the other hand, there are Medieval and Renaissance partial translations

from Arabic: Treatises I-II, tanslated into Hebrew by Chem Tobb, and by Mechoulan;

and translated into Latin with the title of Liber theoricae nec non practicae

Alsaharavii in prisco Arabum medicorum conuentu facile principis, qui vulgo

acararius dicitur. Alzahaavii compendium artis , which was published at Augsburg in

1490; Treatise XXVII, translated into Hebrew by Chem Tobb according to the

Hebrew manuscript No.1163 from the Bibliotheque Nationale of Paris; Treatise

XXVIII, Liber servitoris, translated into Latin by Simon of Genova and Abraham

Judeus of Tortosa and printed by Nicola Jenson Gallicum at Venice in 1471; Treatise

XXIX, Part V, Explicatio ponderum et mensurarum in libris medicis accurrentium,

translated according to the Arabic manuscript No.42 from the Bodleian Library in

Oxford; and Treatise XXX, translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona with the title

of Albucasis methodus medendi cum instrumentis ad omnes fere morbis depictes and

printed at Venice in 1497, 1499 and 1500, and many other editions.

There are also partial translations into French, English and Spanish of

contemporay times:

- French translations: Treatise XXIX, Part V; and Treatise XXX.

- English translations: Treatise XXV; and Treatise XXX.

- Spanish translations: Treatise XVI; Treatise XVII; Treatise XVIII; Treatise

XIX, Part II; Treatise XX; and Treatise XXI.

4.4 Conclusion

Abulcasis Al-Zahrawi is an example of the high scientific level reached by

Arab and Islamic medicine in the middle Ages. He was the first surgeon of Muslim

world and increased the rank of surgery to the same level as medicine. The Kitab al-

Tasrif is part of the important cultural and scientific legacy brought by the Arabs and,

for this reason; his author is set in a very outstanding place in history of universal



Abu al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi (936-1013AD), known in the west by his Latin

name Albucasis, was born in Al-Zahra’a six miles northwest of Cordova in Andalusia

(Spain). He is regarded as the greatest of Muslim surgeons, European surgeons, who

came after him, considered him a greater surgeon than even Galen (Greek physician

and surgeon b.129AD) and described him as the “Father of Modern Surgery”. His

greatest contribution to medicine is the Kitab al-Tasrif, a thirty-volume encyclopaedia

of medical practices. His pioneering contributions to the field of surgical procedures

and instruments had an enormous impact on the East and the West, well into the

modern period.

Along with Al- Zahrawi, Ibn Sina, al- Razi, al-Khwarizmi and others were

have a great impact on west because Islam always encourage the human towards

science. Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) gave huge emphasis on medicine and other

scientific work. Many Ayat of Quran stressed upon reason, logic, understanding of the

universe. The people of medieval period were passionate to understand of Quran that

why that period is called the period of golden age.

Albucasis author the first rational, complete, and illustrated treatises of

surgery. The Surgery is the last of thirty treatises comprising his Kitab al-Tasrif li-man

ajiza an al-Taʹalif, the excellent surgical textbook with illustration of surgical

instruments in the Middle Ages. Most of the content was a repetition of the earlier

contributions of Paul Aegina (7th Century) with modifications. This textbook was

translated into Latin by Gerard of Cremona (12th Century) and greatly influenced

Europe as Eastern Islamic countries. He was a working doctor and practical surgeon.

This surgical textbook describes many operative procedures, manipulations and

instruments in Otorhinolaryngology, explained the suture of new and old wounds in

the Nose, Lip, and Ear. In the Ear Diseases include removing foreign bodies,

performing operations for obstruction of the ear because of congenital aural atresia,

scars and stenosis after injuries, polyps and granulations, extraction a creatures.

Forward the Nose Diseases treatment fractures, nasal fistula, nasal polyps and tumors.


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