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(1) Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on 16 April 1889, in East Street, Walworth, London.

His father was a

vocalist and an actor and his mother, a singer and an actress. They separated when Charlie was three. He learned
singing from his parents. Thirty nine years, later Chaplin's mother died in Hollywood.

(2) Chaplin first visited America from 1910 to 1912. There, he met new people; he also had the chance to meet
famous actors, and to develop his acting skills. Chaplin's earliest films were made for Mack Sennett's Keystone
Studios, where he developed his tramp character and very quickly learned the art and craft of film making. The
tramp was first presented to the public. When Chaplin was age 24 he made his first film The kid. It was for this
film that Chaplin first conceived of the tramp.
(3) Not much is known about Charles’s romantic relationships. He was very secretive about his personal life.
Hetty Kelly was Chaplin's "true" first love, a dancer with whom he "instantly" fell in love when she was fifteen
and almost married when he was nineteen. It is said Chaplin fell madly in love with her and asked her to marry
(4) In 1952, Chaplin left the US. Chaplin decided not to re-enter the United States, writing “... after the end of
the Second World War many people accused me of siding with Hitler. I hate their lies...”

(5) Chaplin then made his home in Vevey, Switzerland. He briefly and triumphantly returned to the United States
in April 1972, with his wife, to receive an Honorary Oscar, and was welcomed warmly.

(6) Chaplin became one of the most famous actors as well as a notable filmmaker, composer and musician in the
early to mid "Classical Hollywood" era of American cinema. By 1977 he could no longer communicate and was
confined to a wheelchair. He died in his sleep in Switzerland.


1. Chaplin’s parents were artists.
2. Chaplin’s parents divorced in 1893.
3. Chaplin was gifted just in acting.

1. What opportunities did Chaplin find in U.S.A?
2. Why do people know few things about Chaplin love relationships?
3. Why did Chaplin leave U.S.A?
Chaplin was born .................................................................
His mother’s death ..................................................................
................................................................... 1913


1. They (paragraph 1)..............................................................................................................................
2. This (paragraph 2)...............................................................................................................................


1. With Hetty Kelly, Chaplin experienced …………………………………………………………….

2. When Chaplin returned to USA he got ……………………………………………………………..


1. Chaplin’s professional life.
2. Chaplin’s love relationships.
3. Chaplin’s life.
Humour has multiple benefits both mentally and physically. Laughter actually increases the immune
system, making us stronger and better able to fight off disease. And all that humour requires us to do is
breathing in more oxygen, which is good for the entire body. The physical benefits of humour do not end
there. Laughing has been proven to lower blood pressure , burn calories and give your internal organs a
good massage. It also exercises almost the entire body, which explains why we get sore sides after a good
laugh session. Moreover, it lowers stress hormone, keeping us calmer.
Humour can change your mood instantly. It is very hard to be angry when something strikes you as
funny. Laughing stimulates the brain, both left and right sides, to help the laugher retain more information.
Depression and anxiety are almost non-existent in people who have a great sense of humour and who are
able to laugh at themselves. These people automatically see the world in a different light, simply because
of their sense of humour. Some doctors even recommend laughing as a therapeutic exercise.
This concept has even gone so far as to form humour clubs where the main activity is laughing. The
idea behind this is that if you spend an hour giggling, you will be healthier. The people who join these clubs
spend the hour or so chortling away and go home feeling rejuvenated and healthy. According to the
laughing clubs, you do not have to feel the laughter in order for it to be beneficial. Just opening your mouth
and laughing on purpose, forced or not, can increase heart rate , oxygen level and boost the immune system.
And humour is proven to contagious, so a good group laugh is quite probable every time the members of
these clubs get together.

A. C O M P R E H E N S I O N : 10 pts
I- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the same as: (3 marks)

a- whole. ( P1) b- healing. (P2) c- infectious (P3)

II- Find in the text words or expressions meaning the opposite of: (3 marks)

a- to increase. (P1) b- serious. (P 2) c- sick. (P3)

III-Based on the text answer these questions in your own words ( 2 marks)

1- Why does the writer compare a good laugh session to an exercising session?
2- Why do people join humour clubs?

IV- Pick out from the text expressions or phrases which show that: (2 marks )

Physical benfits Mental benefits

1.…………………………………………………….. 1.……………………………………………………..
2……………………………………………………… 2………………………………………………………


Using humour at work and school is the new wave of this millennium,
believing it is healthy, profitable and sometimes necessary.
If you are too serious and like to work or study all the time, you may be
believing the outdated saying: “If you’re having fun, you can’t be working.”
A lot of people believe humour restricts performance at work and school.
Logic and experience tell us this is just not the case. People who truly enjoy
their work and school can’t wait to get there and can’t really tell the
difference between work and play. This is sometimes confused with being a “workaholic”, but the
people who are fun loving toward their work are less stressed, do a better job and are filled with
satisfaction. They are witty, energetic, creative and positive.
Using your sense of humour at work and school is the perfect tool to get more pleasure out of
your day. If you use your humour appropriately, in moderation and if you respect the boundaries of
your situation, you will be surprised how quickly it will be embraced and adopted by those around you.
In our fast-paced world, people are always looking for solutions to combat stress and fatigue. They
often underestimate the power of humour and resort to expensive and sometimes harmful remedies.
They fail to realise that humour can produce wonders! To laugh with passion stimulates you mentally,
emotionally, physically and spiritually. You feel light, powerful, joyful and at peace with yourself.
Along with those great feelings, come many other benefits:
• Humour reduces stress and boosts morale
• It facilitates change
• It improves communication
• It relieves boredom
• It builds confidence
Always remember to take a break from your work and
studies to recharge with fun, smiles and laughter. Being ‘over-
serious’ makes it more difficult to cope with daily tasks.
Adapted from: (April 2007)
2. Tick the ideas mentioned in the text. Justify your answers.
□ a. Some people believe that humour should be excluded from work and school.
□ b. People are more productive if they have fun while working or studying.
□ c. Humour and hard work cannot co-exist.
□ d. Humour is sometimes better than medicine.
□ e. Too much seriousness may affect your health.
□ f. Too much humour may hinder people’s work or school achievement.

3. Answer these questions according to the text.

a. What emotional gain do people get if they use humour at work?
b. Can you guess from the context what the word ‘workaholic’ means?
c. What are the disadvantages of ‘over-seriousness’?

4. What do the words underlined in the text refer to?

a. ‘there’ (paragraph 2) : …………………………………………………….
b. ‘They’ (paragraph 2) : …………………………………………………….

5. Without going back to the text, complete the following table in your own words.
Benefits of Humour

Do you approve or disapprove of using humour at school?
Provide arguments to support your point of view, and share them with your partners.

Children on average laugh about 300 times a day. Can you guess how many times per day the average
adult laughs? Not even close. Just 17 times per day is the average. How sad that we lose our sense of humour
as we grow up! The simple act of throwing your head back and roaring at any kind of humour has multiple
benefits both mentally and physically.
Laughter actually increases the immune system, making us stronger and better able to fight off disease.
And all that humour requires us to do is breathing in more oxygen, which is good for the entire body. The
physical benefits of humour do not end there. Laughing has been proven to lower blood pressure, burn
calories and give your internal organs a good massage. It also exercises almost the entire body, which
explains why we get sore sides after a good laugh session. Moreover, it lowers stress levels, keeping us
Humour can change your mood instantly. It is very hard to be angry when something strikes you as
funny. Laughing stimulates the brain, both left and right sides, and helps the laugher retain more
information. Depression and anxiety are almost non-existent in people who have a great sense of humour
and who are able to laugh at themselves. These people automatically see the world in different light, simply
because of their sense of humour. Some doctors even recommend laughing as a therapeutic exercise.
This concept has even gone so far as to form humour clubs where the main activity is laughing. The
idea behind this is that if you spend an hour giggling, you will be healthier. The people who join these clubs
spend the hour or so chortling away and go home feeling rejuvenated and healthy. According to the laughing
clubs, you do not have to feel the laughter in order for it to be beneficial. Just opening your mouth and
laughing on purpose, forced or not, can increase heart rate, oxygen levels and boost the immune system.
And humour is proven to be contagious, so a good group laugh is quite probable every time the members
of these clubs get together.
With humour being so good for you, how can you add more of it to your everyday life? You can start
by smiling at yourself in the mirror each morning and having a five-minute laugh to get the day started.
Reading jokes, watching comedic films or shows and hanging out with children are some guaranteed ways
to get you chuckling yourself and on the road to better health.
A. Are these sentences True or False? Justify. (4pts)
1. The kids laugh more often than the grown-ups.
2. Laughter gives the internal organs a good message.
3. When we laugh we tend to forget important information.
4. In the laughing clubs people talk about their own problems.
B. Answer these questions. (4pts)
1. Why does the writer compare a good laugh session to an exercising session?
2. In what way is humour the best medicine?
3. What is absent in people who have a great sense of humour?
4. Why do people join humour clubs?
C. Complete the following sentence with ideas from the text. (2pt)
1. ………………………… physical and mental …………………………
2. For humour clubs it is not necessary to …………………………………
D. Find in the text words meaning the same as: (4pts)
1. whole (paragraph 2) = ………………. 2. immediately (paragraph 3) = ……………….
3. healing (paragraph 3) = ………………. 4. infectious (paragraph 4) = ……………….

E. What do the underlined words in the text refer to?(2pt)

1. which (paragraph 2) = ………………. 2. This concept (paragraph 4) = ……………….
People love to laugh, and an adult usually laughs 17 times a day. Laughter is a
great thing because it makes us feel good -- that's why we've all heard the saying,
"Laughter is the best medicine." Laughter is thought to improve health and help
fight disease. what makes us laugh? what happens in our body when we laugh?
And how can it make us healthier and happier?

Many industries are built around laughter such as Jokes, sitcoms, talk shows and comedians are all
designed to get us laughing. Many researchers believe that laughter is related to making and
strengthening human relationships. "Laughter occurs when people are comfortable with one
another, when they feel open and free." Other studies have confirmed that theory by proving that
people are 30 times more likely to laugh when they are with others than when they are alone.

When we laugh heartily, changes occur in many parts of our body : brain, heart, arms, legs and
trunk muscles. Laughter is helpful to people with major illness(Cancer). Humour therapy is the use of
humour to encourage relaxation, to relieve pain and the stress of life's problems.What's more, laughter
helps us fight off diseases as it reduces levels of certain stress hormones. When we're laughing, natural
killer cells that destroy cancer tumors and viruses increase in the body. Laughter may also lead to
hiccuping and coughing, which clears the respiratory tract. What may surprise you even more is the
fact that researchers estimate that laughing 100 times is equal to 15 minutes on an exercise bike. That's
why you often feel exhausted after a long bout of laughter. Laughter also provides a way out for negative
emotions ,like sadness, anger and fear.

Comprehension (7 points)

A) - Read the article and decide if the sentences below are true or false. Justify.

1. Children usually laugh 17 times a day.

2. People laugh a lot more when they are with other people.
3. laughter is a form of physical exercise .
4. If you laugh a lot, you will feel happier .


1. what makes people laugh?

2. What are some of the benifits of laughter?
3. Which parts of the body does laughter affect?
“A joke is worth a thousand pills,” a psychotherapist once said in a lecture at the Kennedy
Hospital conference room. All the people who were listening were surprised as he kept
unfolding the magical effects of jokes and humour. According to him, these have magical
effects on people’s physical and mental health. He added that cracking jokes with one’s
friends helps the blood to flow smoothly: a direct effect of which is to relieve fatigue. The
doctor also insisted that “people who don’t share jokes and laughs and show over-
seriousness, are less capable of combating fatigue and stress. They have difficulty to
restore liveliness.” Equally important, telling a joke can plunge you into a fit of giggles
that gives you feelings of joy and excitement. Such feelings are necessary for the
elimination of stress; a major factor in several illnesses.

I- Answer the following questions from the text: 3pts

1. Where did the psychotherapist give his lecture? …………………………………………………………………………
2. In the doctor’s view, what is the emotional benefit of sharing jokes? …………………………………………
3. When is it difficult to combat stress and fatigue?

II- Answer with True or False, then Justify your answer from the text: 2pts
1. Jokes have physical benefits. …………………………………………………………………………………
2. Laughter, as a result of jokes, make people feel cheerful. …………………………………………………………

III- What do the underlined words in the text refer to: 3pts
1. him ……………………………………………
2. these …………………………………………………
3. They …………………………………………………………………………………
Using humor at work and school is the new wave of this millennium, believing it is healthy, profitable
and sometimes necessary.
If you are too serious and like to work or study all the time, you may believe the outdated saying: “If
you’re having fun, you can’t be working.” A lot of people believe humor restricts performance at work and
school. Logic and experience tell us this is just not the case. People who truly enjoy their work and school
can’t wait to get there. Those who have fun while doing their work are less stressed, do a better job and
are filled with satisfaction. They are witty, energetic, creative and positive.
Using your sense of humor at work and school is the perfect tool to get more leisure out of your day. If
you use your humor appropriately, in moderation and if you respect the boundaries of your situation, you
will be surprised how quickly it will be embraced and adopted by those around you. In our fast-paced
world, people are always looking for solutions to combat stress and fatigue. They often underestimate the
power of humor and resort to expensive and sometimes harmful remedies. They fail to realize that humor
can reduce wonders! To laugh with passion stimulates you mentally, emotionally, physically and
spiritually. You feel light, powerful, joyful and at peace with yourself. Also, it builds confidence.
Along with those great feelings come many other benefits: humour improves communication, relieves
boredom, reduces stress, and boosts morale.
Always remember to take a break from your work and studies to recharge with fun, smiles and laughter.
Being over-serious makes it more difficult to cope with daily tasks.

A) Read the text and answer the following questions: (6 pts)

1-What spiritual gain do people get if they use humor at work?
2-What are the disadvantages of ‘over-seriousness’?
3-What will happen if you use humor correctly?
4-What is the attitude of the writer towards humour?
5-Explain this saying in your own words: “If you’re having fun, you can’t be working.”
6-What is the purpose of having some rest either at school or at work?

B) Are the following statements true or false? Justify your answers. (5 pts)
1-Few people believe that humor should be removed from work and school.
2-People are more productive if they have fun while working or studying.
3-Humor is sometimes better than medicine.
4-Having fun at work causes a lot of stress.
5-Lack of humour helps to deal with everyday activities effectively.

C) What do the underlined words refer to? (3 pts)

1-“There” refers to………………… 2-“They” refers to…………………… 3-“It” refers to………………..
D) Complete these sentences with words from the text. (3 pts)
1-Humour is said to be an effective means to…………………….tension.
2-Having a good sense of humour makes people………………………being with you.
3-Being very……………………while working leads to bad performance.

E) Find in the text words that mean the same as: (1,5 pts)
1-The great tiredness: .............................. 2-Old-fashioned: …………………….
3-Means: ……...............
F) Find in the text the opposites of the following words: (1,5 pts)
1-Wrongly ≠……………......... 2-Worse ≠……………… 3-Problems ≠………………….

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