Teacher-Centred and Student-Centred Approaches

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Similarities between teacher-centred and Student-centred approaches

● Both teacher-centred and student-centred approaches use these methods in the classroom to
improve the student's learning process.
● In both approaches, the education is conducted under the supervision of the learner and the
knowledge is imparted effectively.

Differences between student and teacher-centric approach

Here we have created a tabulated form about teacher centred versus student-centred learning.

Basis of difference Teacher centric Student-centric

What is student-
In the teacher-centric approach, In a student-centric approach, the focus
centred learning and
the focus is on the educator. He is on the learner, and the steps are taken
plays a major role. to make them stay independent.

In a teacher-centric approach,
the children are hesitant to In a learner-centred classroom,
communicate with the teachers communication and collaboration are
and don't even ask logical developed to make the learning process
questions. Most of them stay easy and effective.

In the learner-centric environment, the

In the teacher-centred method,
learning process is absorbed, and the
the relationship between the
child discovers the meaning of different
Collaboration students and teachers remains
concepts by collaborating with the
distant. The students take the
teacher. Regular interaction happens
lecture and leave the class.
between the teacher and the students.

In a student-centred approach, the

The teacher-centric approach
instructors become facilitators and
follows the traditional learning
Method of learning subjects are taught interactively with
method to make the students
the help of games and other fun
There is very less engagement
of students and teachers in this
The engagement is high between
approach; hence the class tends
Engagement teachers and students; hence the class is
to be boring and sometimes
not boring.
overwhelming for the students
to attend.

Who elevates the The instructor elevates the The students have some control over
learning process? learning process. the topics.

Who selects the The instructors select the topics The students can select some topics for
topics to discuss? to discuss. discussion.

The instructor doesn't answer the

Who answers the The teacher answers the
students' questions; rather, he acts as an
questions? questions of all the students.
information resource.

The instructor acts as a facilitator and

The instructor corrects the
Role of instructor corrects the students at the end when
students at every moment.
the feedback or correction needs arise.

How does the student In this approach, the student In this approach, the student works in
work? works independently. pairs or groups.

In a teacher-centred approach, In student-centred learning, the learners

Classroom the classroom remains strict and have the freedom to acquire knowledge
orderly. at their pace.

Benefits of a Teacher-Centred Classroom

● In a teacher-centred approach, the classroom stays orderly and quiet because the educator has
full responsibility.
● Since students learn on their own; hence they stay independent.
● Since all the responsibility falls on the head of the instructor; hence there is no chance of
missing the topic.
● With this approach, it becomes easy to achieve academic goals.
● The approach may seem psychologically sound because it is conducted under the instruction of
an expert teacher.
● The subject matter is logically arranged.

Benefits of a student-centred classroom

● The students learn important skills through collaboration and group efforts.
● The students direct the learning process, ask questions and do the tasks independently.
● The classroom is not boring, and students absorb more due to the interactive teaching
● The personalised approach is developed between teachers and students.
● There is a deep connection between student interests and curriculum.
● Learning plans are created to suit the individual student's interest.
● Flexibility and adaptability are the main benefits of this approach.
● The approach helps the students to learn and adjust to the different environments.
● The students can learn from their mistakes.
● It develops critical thinking among the students.
● It teaches the students specific learning techniques that improve their learning process.

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