5 Chapter I V References Appendices

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Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background


Poverty has been a serious problem that greatly impacts each and

everyone’s life. The researchers have observed its effects to economic growth,

lives of people and workers who find it hard to budget their salaries for their

needs. Also, some street vendors are struggling when they are selling because

they are exposed from strong heat of the sun, heavy rain, and pollution.

Poverty and inequality in the Philippines remains a challenge. In the past

four decades, the proportion of households living below the official poverty line

has declined slowly and unevenly (ADB Org, 2009). Most of the vendors are

selling illegally and just because they are not registered sellers, some of them

are selling their products illegally on a specific place because of the business.

According to Roever (2014), street trade can offer a viable livelihood, but

earnings are low and risks are high for many vendors, especially those who sell

fresh fruits and vegetable. Some vendors that are not selling fruits and

vegetables might have high income. Vendors can have a normal living but they

are capable to take some risks.

Likewise, according to Bromley (2000), street vending generates

enormous controversy in cities throughout the world. Debates involve registration

and taxation, individual versus. Collective rights, health and safety regulations

especially where food is involved and urban planning and governance. Street

vending is all over the world and the vendors are capable to pay taxes, to register

to secure the health of other people because most of them are selling foods.

The focus of this study is to explore the lived experiences of the street

vendors and to know more about their struggles and experiences in life.

Specifically, seek to know what are the struggles that they have while selling.

Moreover, the researchers seek to understand how these vendors make it

possible to provide their needs with their monthly income as well as the

advantages and disadvantages of selling in the streets.

Statement of the Purpose

The purpose of this study is to understand the lived experiences of street

vendors and to explore their daily living within Metro Manila. The study wants to

answer the central problem:

What are the daily experiences of a street vendor in handling their



Specifically, the following questions will be used to guide the researchers in the

course of the study:

1. Why did the street vendor decided to sell in the streets?

2. What are the struggles that the street vendors were experiencing in their


3. How do they cope with the struggles of selling in the streets?

Theoretical Framework

According to Dixon (2013), A critical theory brings awareness on

oppression – prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. Same as street

vendors, they experience oppression because some of them are thrown away or

they get rid of their place. The street vendors are mostly women selling different

kind of things or goods to provide the needs of their family. Just like the incident

in Santa Cruz where the street vendors are relocated to modernize the place and

get rid of street vendors which ended in numerous people hurt and killed.

Guiding Framework

Figure 1 shows the guide through the interview of the study. The input

here is the vendors because they are one who will do the test. After the

researchers find a street vendor that will be interview, the researchers will

interview them and ask some questions about their everyday living and business.

After the interview, the researchers will analyze all the data that they gather.

Lastly, the researchers will create a conclusion about all the data that they gather

and analyze.

Street Vendors


Analyzing the Data

The researchers will conclude that the

street vendors are experiencing struggles
while selling their products

Figure 1. Guiding Framework

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The coverage of this study is the street vendors around Metro Manila who

work hard to buy their daily needs either personal or for their own families. The

study includes 5 face-to-face interviews and some journals to add at the related

literature reviews.

This study is limited to interviewing participants due to time-constraints in

interviewing and transcribing. The study also focuses on the street vendors to

avoid generating conclusions that will make it or the researchers to analyse. This

study is also limited to the street vendors in metro manila so it will not affect the

outcome and the study will not have different results.

Significance of the study

The findings of this research may benefit individuals or groups. And the

benefits they may gain are the following:

Street Vendors. It can be a motivational movement for the street vendors

who find a hard time coping up with the struggles and problems that the vendors

are facing. This study can help the other street vendors to know how other

vendors were able to solve the struggles they have.

Future Researchers. The findings of this research can be useful to the

future researchers, as a good source of useful and accurate information to

complete their next research

This study can be an instrument to enlighten the minds of everyone about

how the struggles of the street vendors may affect their everyday lives.

Recognizing the lived experience, struggles and problems of the individual street

vendors can boost the knowledge of everyone on how to cope up with their

struggles and not just give up on selling in the streets

Definition of Terms

Budget: a plan on using money on a certain period of time.

Poverty: the state of a family wherein they do not have enough money to provide

their daily needs.

Street Vendors: a person who sells something in the street, either from a mobile

stall, pushcarts, or baskets.

Income: the money that the street vendors received from selling their products

on the streets.

Chapter II

Review of Related Literatures and Studies

This chapter presents a review literature and studies about the researchers topic.

It includes some studies online and some journals.

Related Literatures:

Local Literature

According to Golosino (2012), the sidewalks are used to avoid traffic by

walking but since there are many vendors in our country, the sidewalks became

marketplace. Since when they started to sell in the sidewalks, many vendors

gather and they sell in the sidewalks because some of them are in need of


Foreign Literatures

According to Forkuor, Akuoko, and Yeboah (2017) Residents all over the

world thinks that street vending is the major source of income and employment.

Especially to the country that has a low numbers of employment.

Related Studies:

Foreign Studies

In the study of Jaishankar and Sujatha (2016), country that has a majority

numbers of street vending in urban have an important role in informal sector. The

number of percentage of street vendors in urban population is almost 80 percent.

In the study of Jaishankar and Sujatha (2016), street vendors are one of

those people who are unable to get a regular job because of the fact that they

are affected by poverty. The Street Vendors are trying to find a solution in order

to survive their everyday living. They are solving their problems by selling and

through their daily income. In spite of the fact that their business is small, they

can still provide their everyday needs through selling in the streets. The majority

of the street vendors are working harder and harder every day to have enough

money to support their family and provide their everyday needs.

Managing your finances is one of the most important and challenging

aspects of a successful and enjoyable academic experience (Jaishankar and

Sujatha, 2016). Living is the beginning of the challenge. When you are admitted

to an Australian institution, take a close look at the budget you prepared for

yourself based on estimated expenses.

Thousands of vendors gain their living offering products or goods on

lanes, walkways and in other open spots. Because of a constant flow of migrants

from provincial regions, the quantity of road merchants develops every day.

(Shrestha, 2014).

Some street vendors experience expulsion from vending locations or they

are thrown away from their selling location while some get sexually harassed. As

indicated by a research study published in Pertanika Journal of Social Science &

Humanities, The government must authorized street vendors or street merchants

to sell in streets but providing them safety in streets and suitable locations away

from polluted and busy roads.

In the study of Wongtada (2014), the researcher determined that street

vending is pervasive across the globe, especially in developing countries. It

provides an important source of earnings for the unemployed in urban areas, as

well as a source of relatively inexpensive goods and services for city residents.

However, typical street vendors face a common set of problems, which range

from tenuous property rights and harassment from people around them. The

street vending community has been expanding and some of them are successful.

The researcher investigate about the socio economic feature influencing

street food vending spatial distribution and its impact on the local environment

and urban life within the context of sustainable development.(Njaya, 2014). The

study showed that street food vending, far from being a hindrance to progress

and sustainable development, is in fact the basis of an alternative street

economy which is people friendly and with the necessary institutional and

infrastructural support could be both environmental-sensitive and energy


In the study of Mazhambe (2017), the researchers determine the

contribution of street vending to Zimbabwe’s economy. This was motivated by

the need to have a clear appreciation of the socio-economic benefits that could

accrue to Zimbabwe if street vendors were formalized. The study was done in

Harare CBD. The study concluded that regulatory authorities and government

should put in place legislation and policies that recognize street vendors as key

players in the county’s national economy.

In the study of Graaf and Ha (2015), she said the increasingly urban

landscape of the twenty-first century, cities are becoming centers of cultural

interaction and settings in which the challenges of future human and economic

development are writ large. Broadly, street vending is typically cast as a

traditional, or even regressive, economic activity of the developing world. The

long-held assumption was that street vending would decline as countries in the

Global South went through the process of “development.” In the modern

industrialized context, labor is synonymous with full-time, stable, and regulated

(formal) work.

The researchers said Street Vendors and hawkers constitute

entrepreneurial efforts at a micro level in the informal sector. (Sindhu,

Somasundaram and Ali, 2015) This study attempts to explore the access to

sources of finance in the informal sector of street vending in the two towns of

South India, Tirunelveli and Nagercoil. Street vending makes vital contribution to

the urban and semi urban economies by providing easy access to products or

services at affordable prices. Their service is superior for a resident that is on the

move which is one of the main reasons why street vendors are found clustered in

and around bus stands and railway stations.

According to Wongtada (2014), street vendors are the one who do not

have a permanent place. They can even go wherever so that they can earn

money easily. They are also lack of business documents so that they can go in

other places.

Street vendors are the reason why some country’s economy is growing.

Since in the urban area have many population, their income are bigger. (Chen

and Donovan, 2008).

Street vendors are the person who sells goods at public without a

permanent place to sell their goods or merchandises. (Meneses-Reyes &

Caballero-Juárez, as cited in Panwar, 2015) But sometimes street vendors may

be stationary if they are moving from place to place by using pushcarts, or

baskets on their hands.

Street vendors spend almost 10 hours a day working. During work

hours, they face problems such as police personnel and public. Some of them

are being caught by police personnel because of selling in a place which they do

not own. Street vendors are also not protected from bad weather, heat, dust.

(CUE Report, as cited in Panwar, 2015)

Because of low socio-economic profile of the street vendors, some of

them tend to experience the unpleasant behavior of their customers. They also

experience the harassment of the police officials for causing traffic in the streets.

(Karthikeyan & Mangaleswaran, as cited in Panwar, 2015) They also suffer from

climate such as rain, too much heat and strong winds that may cause their goods

to be damaged. (Charmes & Widiyastuti, as cited in Panwar, 2015)

Local Studies

The majority of people know that the street foods are more affordable than

the foods in fast food chains.(Amor, 2013), The street food vendors use cheap

ingredients to make an affordable food, that’s why the price of street foods is

lower than the price of the foods in fast food chain. Street vendors think that they

will attract more customers with their affordable food in order to get a high


According to Destombes (2010), the goal of the road sellers is to enhance

their business and grow their business and incomes in request to enhance their


According to Perdigon (1986), street vendors who sell ready to eat foods

are the ones that have a low income. Most of the street vendors have family so

they get the money for them to eat meal in their everyday income. Also, most of

the street vendors are working 12 hours a day to have the income they need.


From all the different studies and literatures that the researchers found and
were presented, Street Vendors can also have a peaceful life by selling different
foods in the street. Street vendors can also have a meaningful day when buyers
are happy with the food they sell. Sometimes, Street Vendors are experiencing
struggles, but they successfully cope up with the struggles they are experiencing.

The studies and literatures that the researchers had found proves that
despite of having a bad day, burning under the heat of the sun, freezing when
there’s a rain, but the Street Vendors didn’t care about any of that because they
need to sell their foods to have money to support their family.

Chapter III

Research Methodology

This chapter will discuss the research design, participants of the study,

sampling procedure, research instrument, researcher’s role, data gathering and

validating procedure, and the data analysis. In this chapter, the researchers will

include how they will gather data from the participants and how to analyse it one

by one.

Research Design

According to Kirumbi (2018), research design is the set of methods and

procedures used in collecting and analyzing measures of the variables specified

in the research. It is also a framework that has been created to find answers to

research questions. This is also used as a guide to the questions that the

participants need to answer. It can also answer the purpose of the study.

Research design is also the way or outline of how the problem will take place.

The researchers used a phenomenological approach for this study. The

phenomenological method aims to describe, understand and interpret the

meanings of experiences of human life (Bloor & Wood, 2006). It means that it

focuses on the lived experiences of the particular person.

Participants of the study

The participants in this study are the street vendors around Metro Manila.

The researchers will find at least 5 participants to interview and include their

experiences in this study. The participants that the researchers will include in the

study must at least 20 years old and above. The researchers will also make sure

that the participant will be open to share his/her experiences in selling in the


The individuals that the researchers will include can choose whether they

will participate or not. The individuals can also choose whether their name and

other confidential details will be revealed. The participants will be observed by

the researchers throughout the interview.

Sampling Procedure

According to Crossman (2018), a purposive sampling is a non-probability

sample that is selected based on characteristics of a population and the objective

of the study. Purposive sampling is also known as judgmental, selective, or

subject sampling. The purposive sampling can be very useful in situations when

you need to reach a target sample quickly.

The researchers chose the purposive sampling technique because the

researchers believe that it is very useful in situations when you need to reach a

target. The researchers wish to interview five people around Metro Manila whose

business is street vending.

Research Instrument

The researchers will use an aide memoire as an instrument that will help

the researchers gather data to the study and will help the researchers ask

questions to the participants. Aide memoire is a guide or outline for some

important items. The researchers used aide memoire because while interviewing,

the researchers need a guide for some question that the researchers will ask.

The aide memoire will validate by the research professor and other professors in

the university.

The researchers will use interview. In an interview, the researchers will

use an open-ended question. The researchers wish to capture all the important

things that the participants will do. The researchers will also do some observing

to the participants that the researchers will interview.

Researcher’s Role

The researchers will study about the lived experiences of street vendors

and the struggles they are facing in their everyday living. The researchers will

ensure that none of them are relatives or friends of the said participants.

The researchers will also use polite words and consider the ethics of the

researches. The researchers will ask permission and give a consent form to the

participants before the interview. The researchers will make the participants

comfortable before asking some question related to the study. The researchers

will also keep privacy to the participants and their answers.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will prepare sets of questions under the sub problems.

After preparing some questions, the researchers will make an aide memoire as

guide through the interview. The researcher will also make a consent form for the

participants and will be validated by the research professor. Researchers will

conduct an interview and the researchers will ask the sets of questions to the

participants which are the 5 street vendors who were living and working around

Metro Manila. The researchers will collect data from the street vendors to know

how they were able to budget their monthly income.

Data Validating Procedure

The researchers used methodological triangulation because in this

triangulation it involves gathering data such as interviews, questionnaires,

observations and documents. The researchers will gather data through

interviewing selected participants in Metro Manila.

Analysis of Data

Mouton and Maras (1991) describe data analysis as the process where

by a phenomenonis break down into its constituent parts in order for it to

understand better. In the social constructionist paradigm the method of discourse

analysis has become common practice.

The type of analysis that the researchers will use is the qualitative data

analysis. In this analysis, the data that the researchers will collect are by the

researchers understanding and interpretation of the answers of the participants.

Chapter IV

Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data

In this chapter, the researchers will present what are the finding in

gathering the data, analysis and interpretation of the data gathered.


The result of all the data gathered revealed four (4) interesting

conceptual themes. It describes the lived experiences of a street vendor despite

of all the struggles they are facing. It also describes how they cope with the

struggles that the street vendors have. The four (4) conceptual themes that the

researchers did are the struggles, stimulation, perseverance and triumph.

CENTRAL PROBLEM: What are the daily experiences of a street vendor in

handling their business?

As shown in the figure below, the lived experience was represented by the

evolution of a butterfly which includes the caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly each of

them represents the conceptual themes of the study which is struggles,

stimulation, perseverance, triumph





Figure 2. SSPT Model

In the model, the first theme was Struggles. It refers to all the problems

and hindrance that the street vendors were facing while selling their products at

the pavements. Struggles were represented by a caterpillar because just like the

caterpillar that is slow and struggling, the street vendors that are just starting their

business are also struggling in the problems and hindrance that they are facing.


Participants’ Verbalizations about Struggles

Themes Names Verbalization

K.J.R. “katulad ng uhm may

STRUGGLES nanghuhuli minsan…

may ano nagpapaalis,

may kalaban”

“Like the uhm there are

police who are arresting

us, there are someone

who will evict us in the

place that we are selling,

there are enemies.”

M.E. “…minsan



yun...ang hirap pag


“…sometimes it is

unsalable… sometimes I

am earning and

sometimes it is hard to

sell if it is raining.”

J.R. “... marami ma’am eh,

unang una po ano, may

mga haters talaga, may

mga nang dodown.”

“... there’s many ma’am,

first of all the haters,

there’s someone who will

bring you down”

J.I. “problema? Marami eh,

minsan matumal.”

“Problem? There’s so

many, sometimes there

are no buyers”

O.C. “.. depende minsan

makakahanap ka ng

gulo. Di mo maiiwasan

ang gulo, at tsaka yung

aasarin ka ng mga

bumibili sayo, minsan

magugulat ka sa boses

nila malakas, medyo


“…It depends sometimes

we face trouble. We can’t

avoid troubles,

sometimes the buyers

will tease us. Sometimes

their voices are loud,

sometimes low.”

According to their verbalizations, they are experiencing different struggles

while selling their products that can afftect their business because of the

struggles they do not have enough income to provide the needs of their family,

an sometimes the problems can cause a loss on their business.

Some police personnel are arresting them because they don’t have the

permit to sell on the streets and they cause traffic in the streets.

As K.J.R. states:

“katulad ng uhm may nanghuhuli minsan… may ano nagpapaalis, may


“like the uhm there are police who are arresting us… there are someone

who will evict us in the place that we are selling, there are enemies.”

They also suffer from the season because it can affect their sales and their

products can be ruined

As M.E. states:

“...pag tagulan, mahina ang benta tsaka nababasa ka dito.”

“… sometimes I am earning and sometimes it is hard to sell if it is raining.”

However, even they suffer from these struggles they will always find a way

to solve their problem for them to succeed in street vending.

The second theme is Stimulation, refers to the growth of them as a

vendor and thinking of the strategies and solutions to the problems and

hindrance that they are facing. Stimulation is represented by the cocoon, like the

cocoon the vendors are also preparing for the struggles and hindrance with the

strategies that the vendors already come up with.


Participants’ Verbalizations about Stimulation

Theme Name Verbalization

K.J.R. “tiwala lang, at tsaka

manalangin lang tayo sa

“trust and we have to

pray to God”

M.E. “oo, tuloy pa din”

“yes, still continuing.”

J.R. “Ang una po ay

panalangin, awa sa

Diyos, uhm... tas yun po

yung... kumbaga ano

yung problema ahh...

sosolusyonan ko kung

ano yung pwedeng


“First, is to pray and have

in God, uhm… then the
problem ahh… I will think
of a solution and solve it.”

J.I. “…tiyaga lang, ganon


“…just like that again, be


O.C. “... hinahayaan ko na

lang po sila. Depende
lang po sa kalasahan ng
lasa ng sauce namin.
Depende kung masarap,
kung san sila
masasarapan dun na
lang po sila bibili.”

“…just let them pass

through it. It depends on

the taste of our sauce, if

they are looking for more

tasty food they can buy


As street vendors experience the struggles in street vending they are

always finding a solution to put the problem and struggle to end. Every street

vendor have different strategies in selling and in solving their problems that can

help them succeed in life.

Some of them is their faith in God and prays to help them solve their

problems in street vending

As J.R. states:

“Ang una po ay panalangin, awa sa Diyos, uhm... tas yun po yung...

kumbaga ano yung problema ahh... sosolusyonan ko kung ano yung pwedeng


“First, is to pray and have in God, uhm… then the problem ahh… I will

think of a solution and solve it.”

Also they are just being patient and trusting their selves that someday they

pass through all these problems and solve it

As J.I. states:

“…tiyaga lang, ganon parin”

“… just like that again, be patient”

Each street vendor wants to succeed in life and even if they have these

kinds of struggles, at the end of the day they will always find a way to slove their

problems and make some strategies so they will know what to do if the struggles

came again.

Thus, the third theme is Perseverance, this refers to the motivations that

the vendors have that despite all the struggles and hindrance that they are facing

they still want to succeed in street vending. At the SSPT model, Perseverance

was represented by an emerging butterfly just like the street vendors who are

making their own ways and still want to continue their business despite the

hardships that they have.


Participants’ Verbalizations about Perseverance

Theme Name Verbalization

PERSEVERANCE K.J.R. “kasi po may pamilya po

ako eh.”

“Because I have a

M.E. “...may pinag-aaral po


“…because I have a child

who needs a support in


J.R. “...unang una po yung

pa... pamilya po, kasi pag

nangangamuhan ka,

hindi sapat yung kikitain

mo na pang tustos sa

pamilya mo eh kahit

minimum sana, pero pag

may business ka, yung

needs ng family mo

mabibigay mo.”

“…first, my family

because if you’re

working, the money that

you will earn even the

minimum amount is not

enough to support your

family but if you have a

business, you can

provide the needs of your


J.I. “Kailangan eh dehado

eh, oo dehado eh,

pagdehado matumal.”

“I have to because I

needed to. If I don’t, I will

lose income.”

O.C. “.. dahil po kase ito sa

magulang ko. Ahm.. may

pangangailangan po

kase yung magulang ko

na buwan – buwan na

hulog. Kaya

pinagtyatyagaan ko na


“…because of my

parents, they need to pay

every month in their

depth. That’s why I need

to work hard for it”

Even the street vendors are struggling in selling in the streets they have

their different motivations for them to continue their different business, just by

thinking of their motivations it eagers them to work harder for their own families.

Almost all of them have a family or someone to support that’s why they

are eager to earn more money for these people.

As M.E. stated:

“...may pinag-aaral po ako.”

“…because I have a child who needs a support in school”

As J.R. stated:

“...unang una po yung pa... pamilya po, kasi pag nangangamuhan ka,

hindi sapat yung kikitain mo na pang tustos sa pamilya mo eh kahit minimum

sana, pero pag may business ka, yung needs ng family mo mabibigay mo.”

“…first, my family because if you’re working, the money that you will earn

even the minimum amount is not enough to support your family but if you have a

business, you can provide the needs of your family.

However, even the street vendors are struggling and having a hard time

selling in the streets they have their greatest motivations which are their families

who are always there to support them. That is why they are eager to earn more

money for their own families to give and provide their daily needs in life.

The fourth and the last theme of the study is Triumph, refers when the

street vendors have already overcame their problems and finally solved the

problems they have faced. Triumph was represented by the adult butterfly who

also succeed on growing despite all the problems and hardships that it faced

throughout its evolution.


Participants’ Verbalizations about Triumph

Theme Name Verbalization

K.J.R. “ay masaya parang uhm

naginhawa na kahit
TRIUMPH papaano”

“ay, I’m happy like it was

a relief.”

M.E. “...nakakatuwa naman


“….. ah if I earned a lot.. I

feel happy”

J.R. “... masaya naman po

ma’am, awa ng Diyos,

kumbaga kasi hindi

ganon kadali na

malampasan ang mga

ganong problema,

kumbaga ano sya eh,

yung pakiramdam na

parang yung ibang bagay

kaya mo na harapin kasi

nalampasan mo yung

problema sa work, sa


“… I am happy ma’am,

even though it’s hard to

solve the problems, it is,

the feeling that you can

already survive the other

problems because you

already solved the

problem in your


J.I. “Masaya syempre.”

“Of course I’m happy.”

O.C. “Medyo Masaya naman.

Masayang – Masaya

kase naayos ko na yung

negosyo ko.”

“So happy, because I

already fix the problem in
my business.”

It was a joyful moment for the street vendors if they already know how to solve

their own problems because they know that they already fixed the problem in

their own business

As O.C stated:

“Medyo Masaya naman. Masayang – Masaya kase naayos ko na yung

negosyo ko.”

“So happy, because I already fix the problem in my business.”

It was a relief for them if they already solved their problems because if

when the same problems and hindrance came again they know that they can

overcome it again.

As J.R. stated:

“... masaya naman po ma’am, awa ng Diyos, kumbaga kasi hindi ganon

kadali na malampasan ang mga ganong problema, kumbaga ano sya eh, yung

pakiramdam na parang yung ibang bagay kaya mo na harapin kasi nalampasan

mo yung problema sa work, sa business.”

“… I am happy ma’am, even though it’s hard to solve the problems, it is, the

feeling that you can already survive the other problems because you already

solved the problem in your business.”

PROBLEM #1: Why did the street vendor decided to sell in the streets?

The researchers gathered the responses of the street vendors on why did

they choose to be in this kind of business. The table 5 below shows their


Table 5

Participants’ Verbalizations about their chosen business


Reasons Name Filipino English

Convenient K.J.R. “kasi alam ko eto yung “because I know that it

madaling pagkakitaan”
(Easy to do) is easy to make profit at

this business.”

M.E. “....mabilisan “ “… it is fast to do.”

J.I. “Wala, walang “Nothing, There is no

kailangan ng papeles need of papers as long

basta masipag ka as you are

lang.” hardworking.”

Recomended J.R. “Ah bali kasi ma’am “Ah, actually this

ano po, yung hanap business is owned by

buhay na ‘to sa friend my friend and I need a

ko eh need ko na po job. When our business

magka trabaho, nung had a problem, I worked

nagka problema yung at my friend’s business.

negosyo namin, Then I did this, i am

pumasok ako sa friend happy with this job.”

ko. Tapos yun po nung

ano, ginawa ko na,

masaya naman


Past Job O.C. “…kasi dati nung “…because before

Problems nagtratrabaho ako when I was working it

mahirap ehh. Kaya so hard, that’s why I

naisip – isip ko decide to start a

magsarili muna ako business on my own.”


The table shows why did the street vendor choose the business of street

vending. The common reason on why the street vendors choose this kind of

business instead of working for companies or etc. is because this business is the

easiest and most convenient business to do. Street vendors don’t need any

papers to pass to the government just to have a business. They just make their

own products and sell it on streets. Some vendors also chose street vending

because of their past job problems maybe their past job was too hard for them

and the most easiest thing to do for them is street vending. Some also started

street vending because it was recommended by their parents, family or either

friends and they need a job to earn money that’s why they already accepted it.

PROBLEM #2: What are the struggles that the street vendors were

experiencing in their business?

The researchers gathered all the responses of the participants about their

struggles in their business. Table 7 shows all the responses of the street


Table 6

Participants’ Verbalizations about their Struggles in Business


Struggles Name Filipino English

Police Personnel K.J.R. “katuland ng uhm may “like the uhm there are

nanghuhuli minsan… police who are

may ano nagpapaalis, arresting us… there

may kalaban” are someone who will

evict us in the place

that we are selling,

there are enemies.”

Costumers J.R. “…marami ma’am eh, “…there’s many

unang una po ano, may ma’am, first of all the

mga haters talaga, may haters, there’s

mga nang dodown. Ay someone who will

pag wala grabe.” bring you down.”

O.C. “…depende minsan “…it depends

makakahanap ka ng sometimes we face

gulo. Di mo maiiwasan trouble. We can’t

ang gulo, at tsaka yung avoid troubles,

aasarin ka ng mga sometimes the buyers

bumibili sayo, minsan will tease us.

magugulat ka sa boses Sometimes their

nila malakas, medyo voices are loud,

mahina.” sometimes low.”

Slack Sales M.E. “ahh.. matu..minsan “ahh…sometimes it is

matumal...minsan unsalable…

mabenta...tsaka sometimes I am

yun...ang hirap pag eaning and sometimes

umuulan.” it is hard to sell if it is


J.I. “Problema? Marami eh, “Problem? There’s so

minsan matumal.” many, sometimes

there’s no buyers”

The struggles above were the problems and hindrance to the business of

the street vendors. Costumers, Police Personnel, and Slack Sales were just

some of the struggles that the street vendors are facing in their own business.

Street vendors were just selling on the streets with no permits, that is why

police personnel were arresting some street vendors because they are illegally

selling on a place which they do not own. Also some costumers were being rude

to the street vendors because other costumers are looking down on them by
having low social status in life. Slack of sales are also one of the struggles that

they are facing. If the products that they are selling was not bought by the

costumers, obviously they will not earn money for the day and they will not have

enough money to provide or to support the needs of their children or families,

and that is the biggest problem that the street vendors are facing.

Problem #3: How do they cope with the struggles of selling in the streets?

The researchers gathered the responses of the participants on how are

they able to solve their problem on their business. Table 7 shows all the

responses gathered.

Table 7

Participants’ Verbalizations about the Solution on their Problems.


Solution Name Filipino English

Faith in God K.J.R. “tiwala lang, at tsaka “trust and we have to

manalangin lang tayo sa
diyos” pray to God”

J,R. “Ang una po ay “First, is to pray and

panalangin, awa sa have in God, uhm…

Diyos, uhm... tas yun po then the problem

yung... kumbaga ano ahh… I will think of a

yung problema ahh... solution and solve it.

sosolusyonan ko kung

ano yung pwedeng


Perseverance J.I. “Tiyaga lang, ganon “Just like that again,

parin” be patient”

Nonchalant M.E “…tuloy pa din” “…still continuing.”

O.C. “…hinahayaan ko na “…just let them pass

lang po sila. Depende through it. It depends

lang po sa kalasahan ng on the taste of our

lasa ng sauce namin. sauce, if they are

Depende kung looking for more tasty

masarap, kung san sila food they can buy

masasarapan dun anywhere.”

nalang po sila bibili.”

The table shows the solution on how the street vendors solve their

problems in their business. This includes having faith in God, Perseverance, and

Nonchalant. After they solved the problem that they are facing they felt really

happy and relieved. The street vendors said that it makes him happy that he

already solved his problem. And he knows that when the struggles, hindrance

and problems came again he knows that he can solve it because he was able to

cope his past struggles in his business.


This study wants to know the lived experiences of the street vendors while

selling their products, it includes the struggles, motivations and the solution to the

struggles that they have. Before conducting the interview, the researchers come

up with 12 different questions related to the central question and three (3) sub

problems to ask the five (5) participants of the study. During the interview, the

street vendors answered all the questions and whole-heartedly said the struggles

that they experienced, what are the solutions they come up with, what they felt

after solving the problems and many more. As the researchers noticed while

interviewing the participants, the street vendors are ery dedicated on what they

are doing and they really love the business that they have.

After gathering responses, the researchers come up with the SSPT

Mondel and the conceptual themes for the study: Struggles, Stimulation,

Perseverance, and Triumph. The themes is represented by the evolution of

butterfly, each theme represents one stage of the evolution of butterfly.

Struggles refer to the problems, hindrance or the struggle itself that the street

vendors are facing. It represents the caterpillar who is struggling on being slow,

just like the street vendors who are struggling when they first entered the street

vending. While, Stimulation refers to the growth of the street vendors, this is

where the vendors are thinking of a solution to solve the struggles that they have.

Stimulation is represented by the cocoon which is a stage of growing to become

a beautiful butterfly, just like the street vendors who is thinking of a solution to

their problems and growing to be a successful vendor. The third theme is

Perseverance, it is the stage when the butterflies are emerging which represents

the street vendors who wants to succeed in life that even though they are facing

problems, struggle and hindrance they are still fighting just to be solve their

problem and succeed in life. The fourth and the last theme is Triumph, it refers

to the success of a street vendor in solving their struggles and the success they

have in street vending. Triumph is represented by the Adult Butterfly which grew

to a beautiful one after facing all the hardships just like the street vendors.

Street Vendors are facing different problems in their own business. But

even they have these kinds of hardship, they never give up on street vending just

to provide the needs of their loved ones. Street Vendors are trying to solve the

struggles that they have. And after solving the struggles, it relives them and

made them happy. It makes the street vendors stronger so if a new struggle

came they know that he or she can solve it.

Chapter V

Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presents all the summarization of the whole study. It also

includes the findings of all the data gathered, conclusion and the

recommendation in this study.

Summary of Findings

The purpose of this study is to know the lived experiences of the street

vendors, what are the struggles they are facing in handling their business and

despite of all the struggles, how do they cope with it. The researchers come up

with the central question: “What are the daily experiences of street vendor in

handling their business?”. The sub-problems of it are: “Why did the street vendor

decided to sell in the streets?”, “What are the struggles that the street vendors

were experiencing in their business?” and “How do they cope with the struggles

of seling in the streets?”.

The researchers used an aide memoir as a guide during the interview. It

is also used in the study for gathering all the data that the researchers need. The

aide memoir validated by some professors in research.

In the study, the researchers come up with four (4) conceptual themes.

The conceptual themes are the struggles, stimulation, perseverance and triumph.

The conceptual themes are formed based on the lived experiences of street


Based on all the data gathered or statements of the participants, most

of them are experiencing struggle to have enough income in their everyday living.

The vendors had also some problems on how do they cope with the struggles

they are facing. One of the positive trait that they showed is to have stimulation

or motivation in life when they have a problem that they are experiencing in the

present because it can be a strength to all the hindrances to the things that they

want to do. It also refers to the ability of the participant to surpass all the barrier

on achieving their goal. Second positive trait is that having some perseverance in

everything that they want to achieve especially for them to have some enough

money for their family. This also means having faith on whatever they are doing.

Lastly, the triumph, this is where the street vendors achieved all the goal they set

for them to have a successful business.


In this chapter, the main findings with regard to the research study are

summarized and general conclusions based on the findings of the studies

presented in this research paper are described. In this paper, the researchers

found an answer in the question "What are the daily experiences of a street

vendor in handling their business".

Because poverty has been a serious problem that has a great impact

in each and everyone’s life, Most of the citizens here in the Philippines are facing

poverty and the only way know to survive for their everyday living is to sell in the

streets. The researchers had introduced to you the lived experiences of the street


Almost all of the street vendors that the researchers interviewed, they

said that even though how hard selling in the street is, they need to cope up with

that struggles because of their family’s needs.

The researchers have reached the goal of this study. Also, this study

answers the questions “how they will cope up with the struggles they experience”

because some street vendors are struggling when they are selling because they

are exposed from strong heat of the sun, heavy rains, and pollution.

This study represents the lived experiences of the Street Vendors who

are experiencing different kinds of struggles and how they will cope up with it.


The researchers wants to recommend this study based on the

participants perspective, findings and the results of all the data gathered. The

following are the one that the researchers recommend and the one that can

benefit in this study.

Other Street Vendors:

1. They should learn how to cope with the struggles they are facing in

everyday living.

2. They should have some strategies when coping with their problems.

3. They should be aware on the circumstances that they might face.


1. They should be aware that the street vendors can also help the economy

of our counry to grow.


1. They should be aware on the hard time selling of the vendors and the

struggles that the vendors are facing in everyday.


1. They should be aware on the hard time selling of the vendors and the

struggles that the vendors are facing in everyday.

Future Researchers:

1. They can use this study as their guide on their study.

2. They can add more participants on the study and include other range of

age of street vendor.


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(Note: Contents depend of what you need to put in your appendix.)


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