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A fan-made supplement for Games Workshop’s Battlefleet Gothic.
This volume provides all the rules you need to add the Grot Rev’looshun, Adeptus Sororitas and Diasporex
fleets to your games of Battlefleet Gothic.
Project Leads: Robert C.M. Passovoy (Zelnik), Lucas F. Zocco (Fr05ty), Roy Amkreutz (horizon)
Edited by: Italianmoose, Roy Amkreutz (horizon)
Artwork: All artwork based on models produced by:
Grot Rev’looshun - Soul Forge Studio (Patreon, MMF store)
Adepta Sororitas - Battlefleet Galaxy (Battlefleet Galaxy website)
Diasporex - Italianmoose (Cults3d user page)
Da Red Gobbo, Gruglok Krunkmek and Grot Krooza (p56) - Christian Schwager
(Instagram, @theartofschwager)
Artwork within this document should not be duplicated or redistributed.
Layout by: Christopher Griffiths (Grifftofer)
Special Thanks: Battlefleet Gothic Discord for proof reading and general sense checking;
Andy Chambers, Gavin Thorpe and Jervis Johnson for writing such a great game,

1.0 Includes rules for using the Adeptus Sororitas, Diasporex and Grot Rev’looshun fleets in Battlefleet Gothic.




The chain of events that led to the series of space battles that comprised heretic were burned from the planet with holy fire, no mercy provided
the Discordia Incident stretches back ten millennia, to the founding of to any who would turn from the holy light of the Emperor. The Sisters
the Imperium of Man. The Discordia sector itself was renowned for its established a convent on the world to closely watch over its population and
wealth, resources, technological sophistication and widely considered to be the Order of the Bloody Rose renamed the planet Ammit to Rodochrous
one of the most civilized and desirable regions of the galaxy. Reclaimed to represent its new, pure, future. It would remain that way all the way to
early during the Great Crusade, this previously uncivilized sector saw a the end of the 41st Millennium.
complete renaissance as the Mechanicum moved in, discovering several
worlds ripe for harvest and filled with many lost technological secrets.
Within a century the sector had a fully functioning economy and by the THE COMING OF THE RIFT
end of the second it was among the richest societies controlled by the No part of the galaxy was untouched by the opening of the Cicatrix
Emperor of Mankind. Maledictum. Entire sectors were consumed, suns winked out of existence
and new stars emerged like baleful eyes in the infinite night. When the rift
The crown jewels of the sector were the Royal Fleet of Eres, and the manifested the incredible forces served to disrupt and wholly blow away
forgeworld Pomum Argentum . Both were said to be gilded in ivory, silver, the warp storm that still engulfed Discordia, exposing the sector at last
and gold from the sector’s great wealth and military might. The Royal to the normal materium for the first time in thousands of years. Initially,
Fleet of Eres was based around Eres 3, the third world in the capital the broken populace of Rodochrous rejoiced as the sickly glow in the sky
system, upon which the seat of sector governance resided. The gilded fleets finally gave way to the inky black of space, foretold in local folklore and
ensured the trade lanes in and out of the sector were well protected. Even prophecies as the coming of the Emperor to save them from their plight.
rogue xenos pirates thought twice before raiding the sector for fear of swift The full truth was only known by the rulers of the world, revealed by
and violent annihilation. garbled astropathic signals, and the untimely and violent demise of a well
regarded navigator as the effects of the rift annihilated his brain.
It was this beauty and glory that proved to be the source of the sector’s
downfall. The elegance and advanced nature of the sector drew the attention To the Adepta Sororitas, this became a unique opportunity. The whole
of the traitorous primarchs Perturabo and Fulgrim. When the heresy tore sector was once again open to safe transit, and entire worlds required
the Imperium in two, both traitorous primarchs sought to dominate the purging of any and all heretical presence. Thousands of years trapped in
sector. Perturabo desired the advanced technology of its forgeworld and a warp storm was certain to have created horrors, and they immediately
the raw industrial might that it could bring to the traitors, while Fulgrim began to mobilize a new crusade to reclaim the sector in the name of the
wished to entice the sector deeper into its own decadence and offer it as Emperor. The great wheels of the Administratum began to turn as a whole
a gift to Slaanesh. new crusade would be called to reclaim the sector. Not just warships but
supply vessels and billions of colonists were enlisted to inhabit the empty
The sector ruler, King Heinrich XXIII, a loyal servant of the Emperor, (or soon to be empty) hive cities on the stricken worlds of the sector. This
was extremely popular throughout his domain, refusing utterly to join the mobilization was grindingly slow, even by Administratum standards due
traitorous forces and commanded the Royal Fleet himself in the defence to the disruption of warp travel and astropathic communication, requiring
of the sector. The King’s skill managed to repel the elements of both messenger ships to be sent when Astropaths could not be relied on. Much
the Emperors’ Children and the Iron Warriors again and again. Indeed, it of the following conflict would be attributed to this slower than normal
seemed that the Discordia sector would be a bulwark against the heresy build up in forces and supplies.
and assure its defeat.

What happened next is only conjecture. Legends say that Lorgar promised SECRETS IN THE DARK
his brothers that the sector would be claimed for their cause, and to The catastrophe of the great rift was not a disaster for all entities in the
leave the conquest to him. Not a day later, enormous warp rifts exploded galaxy. For over twenty thousand years the Diasporex alliance had roamed
throughout the sector and plunged the majority of the Discordia sector hidden in the dark places of the Milky Way, shrouded from their enemies
into a gargantuan warp storm, instantly cutting the sector off from the in the darkness between the stars. The enormous nomadic convoy moved
loyalists, and providing a new resource of demonic forces for the traitors. slowly from place to place, watching and hiding from the many dangers
The only inhabited world spared from the fires was in the Seth system, of the galaxy, which became ever more aggressive with every passing year.
a resource rich but under-utilized system on the periphery of the sector Primarily made up of the descendants of an ancient colony fleet that left
that was regularly used as a resupply depot for passing convoys of trade Terra during the dark age of technology, they represented the very last of
vessels. The hive world of Ammit, the smallest in the sector, became the that ancient civilization which dominated the galaxy ten thousand years
only holdout of human life huddling in terror at the pale glow of the warp before the coming of the Emperor of mankind. By M41.999, this empire
storm that consumed the rest of the once great sector. was reduced to a fleet of vessels quietly floating between the stars seeking
the isolation that only the void could provide.
Ammit gradually spiraled into disarray as resources grew thin over the
centuries; no outside assistance would come so close to a warp storm. To the Diasporex, any interaction with the rest of humanity is begging
Without the assistance of the rest of the sector, the hive world devolved disaster. The consequences of being found are so great that merely conversing
quickly into a despotic state with mutants and heretical cults springing up with a human outside the Diasporex without approval is punished by a
all over the world. This state of affairs lasted for thousands of years and public death sentence. Their advanced technology and willingness to work
Ammit seemed destined for a dark and terrible fate. The few loyal humans with aliens on a mutually beneficial level condemns them in the eyes of
called out to the heavens desperate for deliverance, only to receive it in the the rest of humanity. In return, the Diasporex view the rest of humanity
form of a fleet of the Adepta Sororitas. Almost immediately the mutant and

Heavy rain fell from dark clouded skies.

He was in a comfortable place. Here in his room. His small apartment within this large house on top of a small hill just outside the village. By all
means it was an old house as well. It had aged well. Now and then, once or twice in a decade, parts have been rebuilt or renovated.

As he touched the walls, made from ancient oaks, he could feel the warmth resonating through his veins.A faint smile curled onto his old face. He
was old as well, nearing the respectable age of hundred and thirty four. His Master had hired him as chief butler many decades ago. The payment was
good and he had a place to stay, a much better prospect than working his bones off in a factory or on the farmland. And yet, he had seen his Master
only a few times all these years.

His Master appreciated how he kept the house and ordered the maidens. He made that obvious during his last visit some seven years ago. A gift! His
Master had given him a exotic guide about pottery. He never told him but somehow he knew that pottery was his hobby. A truly good Master.

A far distant sound, the noise of a vehicle, made him draw the curtains from his window to the side. In the distance, through the heavy rain, he could
make out the diluted, barely visible, headlights of a car. He knew those headlights. The vehicle turned onto the long driving way leading to the house.
Gently he hung the curtains back. Slowly he made his way downstairs.

Dutifully he stood behind the door, through the windows he saw how his Master, soaked because of the rain, walked towards the door. Still leaning on
a cane. All that wealth and still he hadn’t got a new leg or proper bionics. He knew that was his Master’s way of staying humble. And now it was the
timing for which he was trained. A last glance at the maidens, running around doing their duties, made him feel comfortable. Once again he had done
his job. Smoothly he opened the door.

Soaking his Master stepped inside, together with a pool of water and rain. He quickly closed the door, keeping out the rain and wind. While he did
he addressed his Master:

‘Lord Inquisitor, your coat, please.’

Jeremiah Crowe smiled. Home.

‘Do not bother Aegius,’ Jeremiah said with a voice full of unexpected and off-world warmth. ‘I know where I am destined to go.`



Jeremiah Crowe’s laughter filled the house.

as little more than primitive knuckle dragging cavemen that represent the order to investigate and harvest the Discordia Sector was given to High
worst of what humanity has to offer. Senator Damian Davo, a veteran commander with nearly two centuries of
experience. Under his command was Fleet Master Archibald Davo (his
Over the millennia, concealing themselves from the Imperium of Man youngest son), Fleet Master Alexia Jameson, and Fleet Master Digenes
became progressively more difficult. Aggressive Inquisitors and relentless Akrites.
Explorators from the Adeptus Mechanicus had made staying hidden
progressively more difficult, forcing the fleets of the Diasporex into more
dangerous sectors of space. Their carefully hidden Solar Collector farms WARP JUNK
were being discovered again and again, forcing the Diasporex into costly The Warp holds many things, and many secrets. It also holds an
fleet engagements to defend them. An inevitable conflict seemed on the incredible amount of useless detritus that floats through the hellscape of
horizon until the opening of the great rift. The massive destabilization of the immaterium, which can find itself ejected into realspace at random.
the Imperium threw open whole new avenues for escape and evasion, not to Into the chaos of the Discordia sector emerged the most dangerous junk
mention enormous amounts of material being ejected from the warp after of all. Completely unseen by the other forces beginning to move within
being trapped for untold years. the sector, swarms of junkpiles suddenly came to life with fusion torches
and rocket engines, zipping through the empty region with the kind of
Within a year of the opening of the rift, successful raids and salvage curiosity that can destroy entire worlds if left unchecked. Hundreds of
missions flooded the Diasporex with enough resources to replace what they ramshackle vessels began exploring the unusual and seemingly uninhabited
had lost over the course of the prior thousand years. New planet cracking area they were in, and finding it empty of any sort of power structure,
operations turned a resource shortfall into one of the greatest surpluses they established their own... The Grot Revolution had found a new home.
in their history. For the first time in two thousand years, new capital ship
hulls were undergoing construction. To the Diasporex, the great rift was Grots are frighteningly intelligent creatures, and their cunning mindset
the greatest saviour since meeting the Ceti Exodus in M28. gives them advantages that larger Orkoids lack. While the Orks would
find a largely empty sector with nothing to fight boring, the Grots see a
With the disruption of the Imperium, the Diasporex launched dozens of place where they can hide, gather resources, and grow much, much stronger.
fleets to salvage and collect resources throughout the galaxy, especially Ultimately, they would have to leave again to continue the revolution, but
to places where warp storms had been dissipated due to the rift. The for now they could loot more stuff, build more kroozas, bribe other orks
and get stronger for “da next revolt”. At the head of the revolution was crew prayed in reverence and deliverance of their duties, and were moving
a single, dangerously cunning, grot by the name of ‘Squee’ - the sound towards the edge of the system to return to Rodochrous. Their prayers
he made when trodden on - or as the other Grots called him: “Da Red were interrupted by the commander of Balmung squadron. The more
Gobbo.” experienced naval crews had detected activity closer in to the centre of the
system that resembled warp translations. Not expecting any other vessels
in a seemingly empty system, the commanding Canoness ordered their
For the Sisters of Battle the delays in mobilization were the greatest
frustration to their desired crusade. While the population was practically The first confirmation of the presence of unknown vessels was made by the
champing at the bit to join in a reclamation of their lost sector, acquiring Flame of the Saint as it powered its engines towards the yellow star that
enough vessels to adequately prosecute the crusade was proving to be silhouetted the profile of a vessel initially identified as a Slaughter cruiser
difficult. The Sororitas had just two Chapel and one Priory strike cruiser escorted by six smaller vessels. Upon this identification, the Canoness
at their disposal, along with squadrons of Cobra and Sword escorts on ordered to engage and destroy the targets. Ordering her squadron to divert
loan from the Imperial Navy. They would need significantly more and the power to engines, the fleet moved to engage the enemy and close as fast
Canoness Immacoris, the eldest and most senior Sororitas in the sector, as possible.
ordered for the Strike Cruiser Punctuality to brave the warp and return
to Ophelia VI to directly petition for more assets. While they waited for Canoness Alicosha, in command of the Flame of the Saint, was a veteran
the return of their holy vessel, they sent the Cobra Squadron “Peregrine’’ of space combat and knew how to use her Priory class strike cruiser well.
to begin scouting manoeuvres throughout the sector. Peregrine was a Shark assault boats were launched well in advance to help disable the
squadron of ‘widowmaker’ pattern vessels, well suited for scouting missions hostile vessel in preparation for the inevitable boarding action. Requiring
of this type, and departed immediately for the next nearby systems. close proximity to bring her bombardment cannons and weapons batteries
to bear, she ordered her vessel all ahead full to close in on the target
The Canoness was pleased to quickly receive word back from the as fast as possible, with Balmung squadron moving ahead to harass the
squadron, as for some reason the astropathic signals within the sector were enemy ship.
uncharacteristically clear. The closest system, Lokannun, was navigable and
there were signs of life on its single world, though there was no evidence Confidence in her chosen method of attack was shattered when four out
of them being loyal or not. They had also detected strange energy signals of the six frigates in Balmung squadron erupted in incandescent light,
both deep in the system centre, and at the edges of the system that detonating in explosions of incredible violence such that only scattered
they had not seen before. The Peregrine commanding officer chose not debris remained of the vessels. Facing overwhelming firepower the squadron
to investigate further due to time constraints and limited tactical ability. commander, spared by the graces of the Emperor, ordered them to disengage
In response, Immacoris dispatched the Sword Squadron “Balmung” to immediately to preserve what vessels they had left. As they were elements
escort the strike cruiser Flame of the Saint to investigate the system while of the Imperial navy, they lacked the religious zeal of their counterparts
Peregrine squadron moved on to the next system. and succumbed to pragmatism. The objections from Sister Alicosha were
met with deaf ears.
The reports began building a picture of a sector in ruins. After thousands
of years the elegant sector had devolved to barbarism or worse. A few Alicosha had no such cowardice in her heart and continued her path
worlds with recognizable humans were found, but thousands of years of towards the enemy vessel, ordering all sectors to brace for impact upon
exposure to the malevolent forces of the warp had driven them to insanity, approach. Bulkheads slammed shut across the speeding vessel and its
chaos worship, or mutation. The first purging was undertaken by the Flame shield generators hummed with power. The gauntlet was met moments later
of the Saint upon Lokannun less than a day after ground teams confirmed as detonations began rippling across the void shields of the Flame of the
the condition of the populace. Augurs aboard the vessel picked up no sign Saint, along with ribbons of glimmering white that erupted in explosions
of the unusual signals in the system. painful for the eye to see. The bridge erupted in klaxons as the shields
began to overload and reports came in of assault craft being shot down by
concentrated turret and battery fire. Before Canoness Alicosha could bark
VOICES IN THE VOID another order, one of the white ribbons of light ripped through the hull
The first intelligence the Diasporex had of the movements of the Imperium and penetrated the plasma reactor of the ship; the resulting fireball was
was a heavily garbled distress signal picked up by the hyper-advanced visible even from the surface of Lokannun.
sensors of the escorting Mercury scout ships of the fleet. Word came to
High Senator Davo of the signal, and reports of psychotic raiders in suits
of powered armour burning everything to cinders. Having established solar THE ONLY THING THAT TRAVELS FASTER THAN LIGHT...
collector farms in several systems to permit fluid movement and operations It was left to Commander Zolic to convey the bad news to Canoness
system to system, he had not expected the sudden appearance of ‘New Immacoris about the loss of the strike cruiser. His reward for doing so
Empire’ forces so quickly. The system under attack was the site of a small were orders from the enraged Canonnes for him to return to Rodochrous
farm of collectors that were vital for their tactical flexibility, and he could for penance and punishment for his cowardice in the face of the enemy.
not afford to abandon them. Commander Zolic, while a younger man than the Canoness, was not
inexperienced and knew that pressing the battle would have been a waste
His order went to Fleet Master Galemich, who commanded the Callisto of ships and manpower. While he was seconded to the command of
Combat Cruiser Ajax, and he was to take the escort squadron Faraday Immacoris, she had no authority to punish him, especially for saving what
to the system and protect the farm with support from the Mercury scout remained of his squadron of vessels. His refusal to submit would have
vessel Galea which was already present in the system. ramifications that would colour the fate of the sector in dramatic ways.
Instead of disarming, Balmung squadron, along with Cobra Squadron
Peregrine departed the sector and contacted the Inquisition about the
FIRST CONTACT incident, relaying augur data and engagement information.
Upon completion of the purging of Lokannun, the Flame of the Saint’s

For his part, the Imperial Navy rewarded Zolic for his good choice of
action, though he would never be welcome among the Adeptas Sororitas Red Alert was ordered, and the enormous launch deck of the Neptune
again. began disgorging squadrons of Thundershock bombers to intercept. Gould
squadron powered their engines to engage the raiders.
Canoness Immacoris on the other hand faced increasingly sour odds of
success. Without the Flames of the Saint, her military flexibility was As the enormous ‘Long Tom’ antimatter accelerator on the dorsal spine
dramatically hampered. Her two other strike cruisers were ill suited to of the Neptune opened fire, it became clear that the small vessels were
defend Rodochrous, and no word had come back from the greater Adepta significantly tougher than first anticipated. While barely larger than a
Sororitas about reinforcements. For now, all she could do was wait for frigate, they absorbed damage that would gut an escort. As the bomber
reinforcements and pray to the Emperor for deliverance. squadrons closed, the clumsy vessels released swarms of tiny, explosive
suicide fighters that smashed into the bombers, destroying or damaging the
squadron before they could unload their payloads on the ships.
The high senator was not amused at the actions of the fleet master. The battle quickly turned into a furball, the small ramshackle vessels
Watching the holographic display of the battle over a dozen times, he opening fire on Gould Squadron with unusually powerful energy weapons
had considered demoting Fleet Master DeWeese for his gross violation that swivelled hazardously on the dorsal spine of the ship, and waves of
of protocol. Encountering New Empire ships in any way was strictly the suicidal fighters made bombing runs difficult to accomplish. Only by
forbidden, much less engaging in combat. He watched the display over and raw attrition were the Grots driven off or destroyed, with many of their
over, along with reading the mission log. It was clear that their discovery own vessels disabled by the explosions of their comrades. The result for
that close to the sun’s corona was a fluke, which was known to happen. the Diasporex was far more dire, the Hyppolyta suffered severe damage.
The vessel used by the enemy was a known pattern, faster than their own A lucky shot from one of the Zzzap cannons struck the launch decks and
ships. Aboard would be power armoured monstrosities capable of killing collapsed the central bay. Two vessels in Gould squadron were damaged
an entire crew, and the destruction of the vessel and its escort squadron beyond repair. Even worse, the volatile nature of the Grot vessels made
was nearly perfect. Had the two escorts not escaped, DeWeese would have them little more than floating bombs in space and useless for any sort of
likely been fit for promotion. The only thing saving his command were salvage.
the two dozen Solar Collectors filled with fuel that he retrieved with no
loss to his crews. The attack forced High Senator Davo to reconsider his options as the
presence of Orkoids in the sector complicated matters. They inevitably
An official reprimand in writing would be enough. The escape of the would come back in greater numbers. Despite the high potential for
escorts meant they had to assume that their positions were compromised. resource extraction, he was forced to recall several squadrons to defend the
Standing fleet instruction would normally demand the entire mission in primary solar farm from further raids, and recall the Hyppolyta for repairs.
the sector be scrapped and all vessels leave, but Mercury escort scans of
the sector had already demonstrated incredible opportunities for salvage
and resource harvesting. With the new collector farm being set up in THE ENEMY OF MY ENEMY IS STILL MY ENEMY
the Silverstrand system, well hidden thanks to the high energy nature of Canoness Immacoris received bittersweet news. Punctuality had returned,
the parent star, High Senator Davo decided to remain. His fleet clearly and brought a crusade fleet with her. The reclamation of the Discordia
outnumbered the local forces and given the first engagement, they were well sector had been deemed essential by the Ministorum, and she had been
suited to destroy any aggressors. granted a fleet to accomplish the task. This fleet included the regal and
beloved Carmina Indomitas. With this ancient vessel were ten strike cruisers
carefully modified by the Adepta Sororitas, two Chalice Battlecruisers and
FINGS DAT GO BANG! the Chapel vessels Blood of the Holy and Chariot of Olivia. These were
Da Red Gobbo was mighty mad. Dirty pinkskins getting in the way of further reinforced by the battleships Holy Light and Imperium Victorii of
his plans at all times was starting to really honk him off. Without proper the Frateris Templar. Attached were six escort squadrons conscripted from
lootin’ his plans for ‘Da Rev’Looshun’ would be in jeopardy. He had the local imperial navy elements that could be lent to the Sisters for the
absolutely no interest in the local sector aside from the huge amount of crusade. Had this been all, Immacoris would have been satisfied, however,
scrap and loot he could scrape together, mostly to keep the other Grots alongside the fleet was the immense and solid black Inquisitorial cruiser
impressed, but also to bribe more freebootas for his next “big gambit”. Damnation’s Fear, and the Adeptus Mechanicus cruiser Omnissiah’s Wrath.
With the first lootin’ team destroyed by one group ‘o umies, he decided
that he had to be more Cunnin’ than bashy. Sending his loota teams into The presence of the Inquisition and the Adeptus Mechanicus complicated
systems that likely don’t have umies in them to find more scrap. matters, as these other factions of the Imperium regularly had other
intentions and motivations. The crusade was tainted by personal ambition
This order resulted in the Grot Krooza “Biggun shanka” to erupt in and wicked curiosity, and indeed, the Inquisitor and Archmagos aboard
a massive antimatter explosion as it exited the warp, right into a solar their vessels quickly began making recommendations and demands upon
collector of the Diasporex. Its squad mates were so impressed that they the nature of the crusade. Careful political manoeuvring began between the
sent a message (via their REALLY loud speaka) back to Da Red Gobbo, three factions. The Inquisitor, who persisted in keeping his name hidden
there was loot to be had! behind his acolytes, insisted upon the capture of the heretics, while the
Archmagos Calculus Bartemus insisted that no vessel of the hereteks could
The detonation was detected by the Neptune Command Carrier Hippolyta, be destroyed.
tasked with the defence of the farm while other fleet elements were surveying
other systems. Its escorting squadron of vessels, Pilos squadron, took up When learning that the attackers were, indeed, human, and humans that
formation as the flotilla moved to investigate. While it was incredibly rare denied the emperor’s light, the Canoness turned to her faith to resolve the
for a Solar collector to lose containment, it was possible. The powerful bickering. This was an Adepta Sororitas crusade, and given that it was the
sensors of the Neptune dashed those hopes as swarms of diminutive vessels Sororitas that saw the most to lose in the upcoming battles, they would
emerged in sensor readings moving towards the rest of the collectors. command the fleet engagements. The Adeptus Mechanicus and Inquisitor

would be retained as advisors for the upcoming battles. maximize their gains and which could, potentially, give them time to finish
the priority operations throughout the sector.

HUNT FOR THE RELICS After consultation with his fleet masters, he decided to divide the fleet
To the Inquisitor, the threat was very real. While the Ordo Hereticus in two. The bulk of the combat vessels will be divided into squadrons
had some sway in this situation, he was but one Inquisitor upon one ship dedicated to antagonizing and distracting the Imperial forces, keeping
surrounded by a rampaging army of religious zealots. Useful as a hammer them occupied and away from the other fleet which would dedicate itself
but useless as the delicate scalpel needed for this enterprise. The Canoness to finishing the resourcing and salvaging operations throughout the sector.
was completely unwilling to see his point of view, how the heretics aboard
the ancient vessels needed to be captured and interrogated for the good of From the body of the fleet, five smaller mission groups were formed for
the Imperium, instead insisting on purging them in holy fire. the combats of attrition, focusing on medium and long range combat,
supported by specialized Enceladus and Metis light cruisers to provide close
This regrettable state of affairs made things more complex, because the support. Davo would command the fleet engagements himself supported
nameless Inquisitor had something the Canoness didn’t - historical data by Fleet Masters Akritas and (name) while his son would command the
upon their foe. Given the telemetry and combat data provided, he harboured salvaging fleet operations throughout the sector
doubt the crusade fleet mustered would be sufficient to capture, or even
contend with the heretics and their ships. Unlike pirate or cultist bands,
these were highly disciplined and tactically aware opponents. To flush them WAR OF ENTROPY
out, they would need to find their resource harvesting locations, which had Initially the fleet engagements encountered by the crusade were met with
been demonstrated to be enormously difficult to find even in the days of resounding victories. Most systems throughout the sector were completely
the Great Crusade. undefended, and worlds with human survivors were quickly suppressed
by the forces of the crusade. Not one to take half-measures, Canoness
To even the playing field, the Inquisitor focused his research upon finding Immacoris began thorough investigations and purges on the reclaimed
the ancient Royal Fleet of Eres, and left the greater flotilla for the worlds worlds to assure the purity of the population. The high concentrations
not yet burned by the Sororitas. Interrogations had to be performed on of mutations and cultist activity were quickly exterminated as they were
things other than lumps of smouldering ash. disorganized and poorly equipped to defend themselves after millennia lost
in the storms. Only two worlds required orbital bombardment strikes to
accelerate the progress of conquest, and only one had any orbital defences
For the lone cruiser sent by the Adeptus Mechanicus, the Archmagos
Calculus Bartemus cursed in binary symphony the short sighted behaviour The fleet deployed in a radiating pattern, starting at the next known system
of his fellows. A discovery of this magnitude required more than just a to have been colonised in the past, the system of Silverspire. From there
single Gothic cruiser, it required an entire Questoris fleet. His calls were the fleet divided into smaller individual conquest fleets that diffused out
drowned out in data tethers of probability calculations and force distribution searching for planets to conquer or enemies to destroy. While occasionally
charts. The likelihood of the data provided being of heretek origin was ‘too the fleets would encounter small orkoid raiders, they found no sign of
low’ for a full crusade fleet according to the other Archmagi, so a solitary the Diasporex for nearly two years. The first indications were concerning
cruiser was dispatched along with the fleets to ‘observe and gather data’. reports of unusual activity in deep space from a scouting Cobra squadron,
though they did not engage the enemy at the time. Two months later,
Calculus was convinced. He had studied the data libraries on these heretical a patrol fleet in the New Atlanta system was ambushed, its escorting
“Diasporex” for centuries. Their weaponry spectra and damage profiles; Firestorm squadron destroyed and two strike cruisers severely damaged by
communications noise, and fleet tactics. The disrupted augur data provided weapons too powerful and precise to be ork.
was of little aid, though some image files showed vessel configurations
that matched known pattern data from the long lost world of Tiamat 7 in Ambushes and attrition battles began erupting as the crusade fleet spread
Segmentum Pacificus. itself throughout the sector. The Diasporex never stayed on the field for
long, only enough to damage vessels and destroy escorts before disengaging.
His approach would be efficient, if risky. He would have to be on the The crusade fleet began mounting greater and greater losses while having
front lines with his vessel at every possible fleet engagement, and send little to show for it. Even when the strike cruiser Nova Eterna managed to
his subordinate tech priests to every scout vessel in the fleet equipped destroy the bridge of the Titan Defence Cruiser Kelpie and board it, the
with data spools regarding the vessels in question. He would set up a over-enthusiastic crew caused so much damage in the ensuing action that
support network within the crusade, making his presence indispensable, the vessel’s antimatter containment was breached, consuming both ships
while simultaneously creating a spy network allowing him to hear all that in a detonation seen from across the star system and disrupting the augur
occurred. arrays of many ships in the area.


The sudden appearance of a battlefleet in the sector did not go unnoticed The war was monitored carefully by both the Inquisition and the Adeptus
by High Senator Davo. The strategic placement of his scout vessels Mechanicus. While the slow march across the sector was a perfectly
throughout the sector gave him information about the comings and goings legitimate strategy for the conquest of any given sector, and had been
of every vessel in near real time, and the sudden appearance of an entire used time and time again over the Imperium’s history, it was proving to
battlefleet stuck out like a sore thumb. The situation had gone beyond be a costly affair. While there were ample vessels and crew to conquer the
what was considered acceptable for any reasonable salvage and resource entire sector within good time, the resources of the Imperial Navy were
gathering mission, though the discoveries that were coming in with each being spent too quickly for the Inquisitor’s taste. Unlike the obstinate
hourly report across the sector made it harder and harder for him to justify Canoness, he knew that the heretics had no interest in holding worlds or
a complete withdrawal. Consulting his fleet masters, they devised a plan to territory, seeking instead places to hide or gather resources. After careful

study of the conflicts that were engaged across the sector it was clear that coordinates sent by the Inquisitor, they found an enormous ghost fleet of
the forces used by the enemy were not only greater in size and scope vessels strewn haphazardly through deep space. Some collided with one
than anticipated, but very likely being used to distract from something far another, drawn together over eons by their own gravity, and still more
more valuable. While the crusade had quickly managed to reclaim half the floating silently in space as if they had never been touched. Covering
sector, including the original capital system of Eres, the poor condition dozens of the ships like flies on a carcass were the signatures of yet more
the sector was left in made replacing losses difficult, if not impossible. grot vessels, and nearly torn to pieces by enemy fire was the drifting hulk
Whatever the Diasporex were hiding, it was in the other half of the sector of the Damnation’s Fear.
which they had been successfully stalling any attempts to conquer.
The commanding vessel of the Flotilla was the Oberon Battleship Holy
With the reclamation of Eres complete, and as a result, nearly half of what Light, commanded by the Frateris Templar “Gerome the Pious”, a well
had remained of its population purged by the Sororitas, the Inquisitor sent known Solar Admiral of many conflicts against xenos and heretic alike.
his agents to begin investigating a means for evening the odds of victory. Upon witnessing the greenskin infestation on the ancient vessels he quickly
With independent command of his own vessel he could come and go as ordered the fleet to engage and destroy the xenos defiling the holy ships.
he pleased, and he knew that far more firepower would be needed to flush Combat joined, the Grot vessels were caught entirely off guard by the
out his prey. sudden appearance of a full battlefleet. Their small krooza vessels were
outmatched by the firepower and melta torpedoes of the Adepta Sororitas
The Archmagos on the other hand was taking a far more active role in the strike cruisers and larger Chalice battle cruisers. Collateral explosions and
crusade, his spies and data leeches gathering as much information as he bombers launched from the Holy Light began picking apart the swarms
could acquire, calculating the best opportunity to join fleets to hopefully of smaller vessels.
encounter their quarry. The presence of the mighty Gothic Cruiser, lovingly
adapted and upgraded by the Adeptus Mechanicus proved to be invaluable Only after half of the kroozas were destroyed did the battle escalate, Augur
in every engagement, personally annihilating an entire squadron of grot readings from deep space detected rifts in the materium followed by several
kroozas on approach to a damaged strike cruiser, and managing to force larger vessels all showing the tell-tale signs of ork craft, much larger than
a Diasporex ambush to disperse before a shot was fired. While the data the Grot kroozas. These appeared to be genuine ork vessels in the form
collected was invaluable, it became clear that the Diasporex did not want of Light kroozas and Hammer Battlekroozas. The Solar Admiral ordered
to engage wherever the cruiser was present. Emboldened by the cowardice his fleet to prepare for more challenging engagements and to destroy the
of their enemies, the Archmagos pushed on, continuing the hunt for just incoming enemies.
one opportunity to strike and capture a vessel.

COST OF CONFLICT Da Red Gobbo (Squee), was hoppin’ mad. He had to convince the whole
The progress of the crusade was beginning to stall. Of the twelve strike fleet that krumpin ‘umies was a bad idea for now, and to focus on more
cruisers in the fleet, seven were severely damaged and required repairs before lootin. Now, just as his lootin’ operation was well underway, the ‘umies’
deployment. Of the escort squadrons, four had been entirely destroyed in had to go and show up with a bunch of big dakka.
ambushes by the Diasporex. The Chalice Battlecruisers each had suffered
damage from fleet engagements but were fully operational, and the Grand He wasn’t a squig, he knew that even his horde of kroozas wasn’t enough
Cruisers and Battleships had yet to so much as see the foe. While to stop the incoming ‘umies from krumpin’ the lot of em. Instead, he
Immacoris was happy to deploy them to known combat zones, the enemy played the Mork game, sending a full two thirds of his Kroozas to buy
never desired to join the battle. Even the local Orks seemed hesitant to time as his crack team of lootas went to work on their big prize. Kroozas
engage in combat. Any desire to move on to a new system resulted in are cheap, easy to make and are filled with expendable gitz. He also called
heavy pushback by the defenders of the recently conquered worlds, who out to the freebootas he had hired (at great expense) to come and krump
were not comfortable with losing orbital protection before their ground da ‘umies for em.
based defences were operational.
Like clockwork, the Freebootas and their kroozas came when called and
The logistical nightmare of an enemy refusing to join in honourable dived into the ‘umie ships, unloading dakka and fighta-bommas everywhere
combat and defending nearly an entire newly acquired sector was wearing they could, supported by what remained of his own sacrificial kroozas. If
on Immacoris’ patience, and she had to face the very real possibility of he was cunnin’ enough, it would be just long enough for his masta’ plan to
halting the crusade where it stood until more reinforcements could arrive come to effect, and all it would have cost him was a bunch o’ ships, and
from within the Imperium, until she received a handwritten letter with a useless band of idiot Bad Moonz to do his dirty work for him.
the mark of the inquisition upon it. Within was simply a set of stellar
coordinates and a message: “Make all haste with as much as you can
Battle was joined between the fleets in a pitched close range furball.
Unable to bring most of their long range weaponry to bear in fear of
THE GOLDEN FLEET damaging the relics throughout the battle zone, the Imperium vessels
The lost Royal Fleet of Eres was more myth than fact. Legends whispered had to close in on the ork ships. The Holy Light was supported by the
from the dawn of the Imperium of a gilded fleet of gold and ivory. Made two Chalice Battlecruisers Blood of the Holy and Chariot of Olivia,
from the wealth of the sector and built to the most advanced standards four strike cruisers, and twelve escorting Sword and Firestorm frigates.
humanity knew at the time. These beautiful ships were displayed in ancient The first stages of the battle went poorly for the Orks, salvoes of Melta
art throughout the sector, and even as suggestions drawn by primitive torpedoes from the Chalice battle cruisers and Priory strike cruisers
civilizations. When the warp storms consumed Discordia, the fleet was ignited four of the light kroozas in holy fire, bombardment cannons
lost, swept up into the immaterium with the rest of the sector. hammering at the Grot kroozas and destroying two more. The Holy
Light had remained behind the formation, turning its broadside firepower
When the fleet dispatched from Rodochrous arrived at the mysterious upon the first Hammer Battlekrooza and carving huge chunks out of its

armoured prow with the fusillade.
The orks seemed to care little about their initial losses, pushing their The reports from the Mercury scouts were nearly too crazy to believe.
inefficient engines to their limits and getting as close as possible. Their After waging a successful attrition war against the knuckle draggers over
vessels launched looted torpedoes into the escort squadrons and strike the course of the last year, they had reduced their capacity to function
cruisers while launching fighter-bombers. Within close quarters their to almost zero. Then out of the blue, their fleet somehow had been
enormous weapons became lethal. The enormous rotary cannons on the reinforced to beyond full capacity with fresh ships of every class and size.
Hammer launched the ork equivalent to melta bombs or torpedoes, which By all regulations put in place over the course of twenty-thousand years of
could damage any vessel they struck. military doctrine, he had long overstayed his welcome in the sector. High
Senator Davo had little choice but to begin the evacuation of the sector
The close quarters battle was enormously costly for the Imperium forces. and halt all recovery operations.
The ignited light kroozas that didn’t succumb to the flames used themselves
as giant bombs, trying to ram into anything they could before being He spent several hours in the ship’s lush bio dome, and then walked the
destroyed themselves. The Chalice Battlecruiser Chariot of Olivia was extensive distance between it and the bridge while debating his options. He
struck by one such vessel. It suffered damage when the rammer’s own had lived on the Saturn Command Carrier Illiad for almost fifty years,
plasma reactor detonated, destroying the Chariot’s shield generator. Forced and had even raised a small family during his time aboard. By now he
to disengage or risk the loss of the whole vessel, the Battlecruiser fled. knew every corridor and even the majority of the crew. To him, and all
members of the Illiad, the ship was home. Upon resting on the command
Despite the brutal combat favouring the Orks, they did not have enough chair, he found two reports waiting for him. The first was the latest scout
discipline or ships to press their advantage. Before the end, both Hammer report from the Mercury units throughout the sector. The enemy fleet was
Battlekroozers were little more than flaming wreckage surrounded by the on the move and seemed to have located both the main Solar collector
charred husks of burnt out ships. The Imperium suffered terrible losses, farm and the recovery operation. Two enormous fleets were enroute to
with half of their attending escort craft destroyed or disabled, two strike attack.
cruisers broken by ramming actions, and the Holy Light suffering severe
damage to its prow sensor array. As the injured fleet moved upon the The second was the first report of salvage operations. His eyes scanned
remaining grot vessels still swarming over the hulks, three of the ancient down the list then paused. What he read made any hope of direct retreat
relics vanished in a flash of pale green light. impossible. He immediately ordered his command staff to a meeting.

Saying that battle is inevitable was almost unheard of among the

CRUSADE RENEWED Diasporex. The time honoured and tested tactics of fleeing any sign of
The news of the recovery of the Royal Fleet came bittersweet to Canoness heavy engagement had kept their culture alive during the darkest of times.
Immacoris. While it was indeed an astounding discovery that could serve to When he shared the first salvage report all words of dissent died away
completely reinvigorate the crusade, it came upon the lips of the Inquisitor with the understanding of the importance of the find. A message would
himself. Having survived the destruction of his vessel, he claimed one of be transmitted to fleet command, and every combat vessel not within the
the legendary ships for himself. Already the Adeptus Mechanicus vessel salvage fleet would be recalled to the collector farm. They would meet
had warped to the system and was working around the clock to bring the the enemy head on, facing them with as much firepower as they could, in
venerable vessels online and ready for combat while the Sororitas boarded order to try and buy the resourcing operation enough time. A fleet wide
every vessel and purged it of any hint of heresy or mutation. broadcast to every Ship-Master of the fleet explaining their orders was
followed by a promise from the High Senator; for flagrantly disobeying
With the acquisition of almost an entire sector fleet of ancient and powerful the standing fleet orders by High Command, he would be stepping down
ships, the crusade was now equipped to continue through the rest of the permanently from his position.
sector, but their being discovered by the Inquisitor made it impossible to
ignore his suggestions. While he was an intense irritation, he had made To the Diasporex, this was an almost unimaginable sacrifice. To step down
victory possible and his words were backed up by the Archmagos of the from such a command means he would have to return to High Command,
Adeptus Mechanicus. and never set foot upon his vessel again. It was a form of banishment,
since he would be leaving family and friends for the rest of his life. It
The Inquisitor stated that the Diasporex heretics had some arcane method clarified just how important the mission had become. The fleet returned to
of watching their every move and were picking their battles carefully to the main collector farm, and began preparing for combat.
whittle down the crusade forces to the point of impotence. On top of
that, there were conflicts in parts of the sector that appeared to divert The advanced shielding of the Diasporex vessels, able to be charged with
attention away from other areas, suggesting that the enemy were indeed artificial psionic energy to bear safe passage through warp-space allowed
hiding something in the unclaimed systems at the far edge of the sector. them to easily beat the Imperial Navy to their home base, a large and
planetless yellow star not even given a name by Imperial cartographers.
The Archmagos Calculus Bartemus agreed with the assessment and
provided the highest probability of enemy forces now deployed in what
remained of the sector, demonstrating the likelihood of two separate fleets CLASH OF ANCIENTS
functioning within the sector, one tasked with slowing down the Imperial The Adepta Sororitas fleet arrived only a few hours after the final flotilla
forces, the other tasked with unknown intentions. He also expressed that of Diasporex ships returned. Their massively oversized fleet, ‘commanded’
the likelihood of success of an all out assault on two likely locations of by the Carmina Indomitas and Canoness Immacoris herself entered the
enemy fleet concentrations had improved; to well over seventy percent system and found that their quarry was nowhere near the star itself, but
should they act quickly. well into the outer reaches of the system in full formation for battle.
Bristling with the thrill of a proper combat and with outrage that heretics
One thing that Immacoris did appreciate was “all due haste”. dare openly challenge her in this way, she ‘ordered’ the fleet to form up
and engage.

Having read several battle reports against the Diasporex, Immacoris knew The white hull of the Illiad was scorched by the enormous lances of the
that they took advantage of their longer ranged weapons to whittle down Omnissiah’s Wrath, cutting fiery rends in the sleek hull. Decks erupted in
their enemies before they even had a chance to open fire. This time, fire as oxygen lines were severed, and detonations erupted across the port
however, they were met range for range with the advanced battlecruisers of side of the hull. However, the Diasporex vessel was not slowed. Torpedoes
the Royal fleet. Supporting the smaller strike cruisers and the Omnissiah’s erupted from its prow before the ship turned its starboard facing against
Wrath were swarms of golden adorned escort craft, and flying in formation the Carmina Indomitas, its own weapons batteries filling the space between
with the Carmina Indomitas were two beautiful Victory class Battleships the ships. Despite the close range, the firepower of the vessel was not as
that gleamed in the distant glow of the sun. powerful as the Carmina, only serving to diminish the shields of the ship.
Then, the shields of the Carmina Indomitas came crashing down as the
Their augurs picked up no less than two dozen capital vessels: two broadsides of the Castor and Pollux pulverised the prow of the Carmina
battleships, four grand cruisers, twelve cruiser class vessels, four light with antimatter detonations and leaving the ship’s torpedo launchers in
cruisers, and two cruiser vessels of alien design. These were similarly flames. The torpedoes from the Illiad soon smashed into the vessel,
supported by their own escorts. causing further detonations across the dorsal spine of the ship.

At extreme range the Omissiah’s Wrath and the battlecruisers began The two cruisers supporting the Carmina Indomitas pressed their advantage
opening fire with their enormous nova cannons, setting off titanic on the damaged Illiad, moving on either side of the ship and cutting
detonations throughout the Diasporex fleet. But when vessels were caught between it and its supporting cruisers. While raking the Illiad with powerful
in the explosions, the superheated gas and shrapnel seemed to be sucked broadsides the vessels slashed at the Serpentine and Python. The resulting
away by two of the smaller cruisers, only to project more strength into damage disabled both ships’ shield siphons and forced them to disengage.
their allies’ shields. The space between the two fleets erupted in spaceborne In order to save the now crippled battleship the Castor and Pollux were
death as the interceptors of the Diasporex met with the incoming attack forced to turn away from their quarry, focusing their fire on the Eres’ Fury.
craft of the Sororitas. The combined firepower of the two artillery cruisers was enough to tear
apart its starboard weapons and leave the vessel crippled.
Reaching above and below the smaller space battles were the long range
lances of the Imperium battlecruisers, pounding into the ancient shields Suddenly, the Omissiah’s Wrath surged with sizzling blue bolts of energy
of the Diasporex. Returning fire with their grand cruisers and battleships, as the whole ship heaved from an impact, the lights across the vessel
these venerable vessels filled the void with highly accurate battery fire and flickering and sputtering as something began to overload the ship’s systems.
the ribbons of their long range antimatter cannons. Then, as if by the hand of a traitor, the massive broadsides of the vessel
turned upon the Carmina Indomitas, tearing into her unshielded hull with
Torpedoes struck through space and heavy batteries exchanged fire as the its full, lethal, armament, and its nova cannon erupting directly into the aft
two largely equal fleets slowly closed. Vessels began taking damage on both of the Eres’ Fury, causing the vessel to break in two from the terrible force.
sides as the Chariot of Olivia was consumed in a growing fireball created
by its own straining engines being breached. The Callisto Combat Cruiser No vessel in the fleet missed this sudden act of treachery, and to the Adepta
Basilisk, a vessel with over twenty thousand years of service, was cut in half Sororitas, no excuse could be sufficient. The single motion of a finger
by concentrated lance fire from the broadside of the Omnissiah’s Wrath, doomed the Omnissiah’s Wrath, as every weapon on the huge battleship
supported by the now reinforced Balmung Squadron. unloaded into the vessel, consuming it in the holy flames of the Emperor.
As for the Ceti cruiser that had taken control of the Omnissiah’s Wrath
The Diasporex themselves took the loss of a ship very seriously, and when for the few crucial moments to fire the vessel’s weapons into its own allies,
they saw on their holo-projections the ancient vessel break apart, it sent a it quickly moved away from the engagement, its mission accomplished.
shockwave through the fleet. Many Ship Masters wanted to flee, and more
wanted to destroy every knuckle dragger they could find. Their discord was The Odyssey found itself locked in a prolonged engagement against the
halted by an order from the Illiad: “Target the enemy flagship.” rest of the Imperial fleet as individual cruisers battled. Lunar cruisers
duelled with Callisto class vessels, Gothics battled with Europas and
Powering forward was the Jupiter Command Vessel Odyssey. Another Ganymedes, while the Odyssey launched its breaching pods to disrupt
ancient vessel that had shared many missions with the Basilisk, it moved to the enemy. Protecting the fleet carrier were the four Io Space Superiority
engage the Carmina, flanked by the Ganymede cruisers Castor and Pollux. cruisers which exchanged repeated firepower with Excellence and Broadsword
Two smaller Enceladus light cruisers followed, the Serpentine and Python. squadrons, two pairs of highly advanced Overlord battlecruisers.
They were met by the Carmina and the Armageddon Battlecruiser Eres’
Fury and the Omnissiah’s Wrath. The Illiad and its supporting cruiser Pushing through the pitched battle were the Battleships Immortal and
flotilla moved to intercede, engaging the enemy fleet and trying to isolate Eternal Flame, the twin Victory battleships, their Frateris Templar admirals
the Carmina Indomitas. hungry for victory and absolution. As the ships drove through the fray
towards the Odyssey, determined to destroy the vessel at all costs, they
Canoness Immacoris found herself swept up in the heat of battle, ordering came under fire from all five ships.
her vessel forward to engage the heretic vessel. Calling all weapons to lock
on, she came across the enemy vessel with her broadsides, the holy Pyros The ships of pristine ivory and gold drove forward, firing their nova
Weapons Batteries firing melta charged munitions into the closing vessel. cannons as fast as the ratings could reload the massive cannons. The
These were followed by the massive bombardment cannons from the focused fire of the two weapons obliterated the Io cruiser Lotus and forced
dorsal spine. The shields of the incoming vessel erupted with detonations, the Diogenes to disengage the battle as its shield generator ruptured from
though they never faltered despite the overwhelming incoming firepower: the stress. In return, all five vessels launched their torpedoes directly in the
shrapnel and energized plasma was being sucked away by the escorting path of the oncoming vessels. The final transmission of the Eternal Flame
Enceladus light cruisers, bolstering the Illiad’s mighty shield generators. was recorded by the fleet servitors, as it was a declaration of sacrifice in
Only when the Eres’ Fury opened fire with its lances did the shields finally hopes that the Immortal would reach their quarry. The recording of its
collapse and the hull left exposed. commander kneeling in prayer before he was consumed by the flames of
his vessel succumbing to the barrage forever etched into the annals of the

crusade. world was filled with nothing but dense, highly energized gas clouds and
extremely hazardous asteroid fields. Seeing a sector without a forgeworld,
Driven into a holy frenzy, the Templar aboard the Immortal chose the they performed a detailed survey of all conquered worlds and re-colonized
most extreme method he could to see that the vile heretic vessel be the world of Argentum IV, a small but metal dense world orbiting a
destroyed, and called for ramming speed. Shrugging off the beams of massive gas giant, and began the long process of converting it into a new
accelerated antimatter and the pinpoint precise hails of weapon battery forgeworld to supply the sector and the imperium as a whole.
impacts, the vessel rocketed forward and crushed into the Saturn, the stress
overwhelming the damaged ship and causing the Immortal to explode. As for the Adepta Sororitas, the loss of Canoness Immacoris severely
undermined their influence in the sector, though the new sector governor
The enormous detonation caused a pause in the enormous conflict as two permitted the Sororitas to keep their chapels and temples upon the world
of the three battleships commanded by the Crusade were destroyed. When of Rodochrous. Colonization efforts swept the sector as ancient cities were
the blazing light of the overloaded plasma drive faded, the Immortal was carefully surveyed and then filled with humans from all over the galaxy
drifting apart in six pieces, and the Odyssey was in flames. Across all looking for a new home. Eres was re-established as the sector capital.
Diasporex channels came a dolorous communication from the limping What little remained of the Royal Fleet would have far more severe
vessel. “Code Balor” repeated across all officer communication channels. consequences throughout the sector. The Frateris Templar commanders
were all removed from their possession of their ships by order of the
In that moment every vessel in the Diasporex fleet turned their weapons Segmentum Governor. The Imperial Navy was quick to seize the templars
on any of their own disabled or destroyed vessels, forcing them to lose themselves and court-martial them. While they did emerge from the battle
antimatter containment and be consumed in blinding white balls of light. victorious, their competitors in the regular Navy were all too quick to
Moments later the fleet had vanished, leaving the Imperial fleet victorious point out their outlandish and destructive actions which cost the sector
in a flaming debris field. most of its treasured ships, ships that were not in the proper ownership
of the Templar. While many of the ships were salvageable, much of what
All presence of the Diasporex in the Discordia sector seemingly vanished made them treasures was lost. Many of the delicate and advanced systems
into the ether, no vessels were spotted by any patrols sent out to find were reduced to melted slag, having to be replaced with crude but more
hidden ships, and what remained was little more than slagged scrap melted readily available replacements. The over-reach and what could only be
to useless hunks by the incredible heat of the antimatter explosions. More described as robbery from the Imperial Navy made it impossible for the
concerning is that the second fleet led by the Inquisitor to attack the other Sororitas to defend the Frateris Templar, and to preserve peace in the
Diasporex elements in the sector never returned, and no remains were ever region, they did nothing as the Templar were executed to a man.
found again. Without experienced commanders, the Imperial Navy floundered in their
duties and before long pirates and raiders started to encroach from the
Overall, of the original Royal Fleet of Eres, only five vessels remained neighbouring Calixis sector. In order to maintain some sense of order, the
intact: two Lunar cruisers and three Dauntless light cruisers. Of the six Segmentum Governor began relying heavily on rogue traders and mercenary
strike cruisers that engaged in the battle, two remained operational. The groups to keep the raiders under control while the navy underwent the slow
Carmina Indomitas was damaged almost beyond the point of repair, as the process of rebuilding their squadrons.
flames of its own detonated melta torpedoes had turned the front section
of the ship into a twisted, melted hulk. Only two tattered squadrons of To commemorate the rebirth of the sector the Imperial Navy, working with
escort craft remained operational and both Chalice Battlecruisers were the Adeptus Mechanicus, underwent a thorough refitting of the Victory
destroyed with all hands lost. The conquest of the sector resumed ten Battleship Immortal. Using the tattered remains of the Eternal Flame
years later when reinforcements arrived and completed rapidly, though there as spare parts, they managed to convert the vessel into an Apocalypse
was no sign of the lost forgeworld of Pomum Argentum, now thought a battleship and renamed her Immortal Flame, becoming the new flagship of
casualty of thousands of years in the immaterium. the sector and firmly in the control of the Imperial Navy.

As for Canoness Immacoris, she was received warmly by the Prioress of the
Order of the Bloody Rose herself and openly rewarded and commended
before her entire Order. She was then sent back to Discordia sector to
assist the new sector governor during the re-development process. The
Canonness would never reach Discordia sector alive, as she was found dead
in her room, hands clutched over her rosary and eyes open wide with fear.

The consequences of the battles throughout the sector would be far reaching
though heavily censored by the Inquisition. The affair was designated “The
Discordia Incident” with the information being sealed away under pain of
death by the Ordo Hereticus. The Adeptus Mechanicus objected to this
course of action since their only cruiser in the sector was destroyed, taking
all of its valuable data with it. The inquisition refused their petition for a
copy of all of the collected data, and the Adepta Sororitas were unwilling
to back the Adeptus Mechanicus after the perceived betrayal in the prior

Denied the precious information on the Hereteks, the Adeptus Mechanicus

went about searching for the lost forgeworld of Pomum Argentum but
found nothing. The system that supposedly housed the legendary forge

Salvage Report: 2 Destination: High Command Sector: Theta Bravo Zeta Niner. Earthseed

Fleet Master Archibald Davo Reporting from Neptune Command Carrier Argo.

Received Code Balor. High Senator Damian Davo is dead. All ships scuttle disabled vessels and depart sector initiated.

Encountered Enemy Fleet Element: Two battleship class vessels, ten cruisers including an Inquisitor vessel. Six light cruisers, twelve escorts.

Enemy Fleet disrupted after Pluto Vessel destroyed both battleships with the Planeteering Beam. Defence fleet cleaned up the mess. Inquisitor vessel
escaped. Location unknown .
Sending list of complete salvage and resource gains:
• 500,000 units of radioactives
• 100,000 units of usable heavy metals
• 6 salvageable cruiser hulls -standard Io convertible hulls.
• 15 STC fragments-substantial corruption.
• 1 Intact STC- minimal file corruption
• 4 salvageable engine coils
• 403,000 units of grav-compressed carbon
• 1,000,232 units of fuel-grade antimatter

Salvage world DS-22415G demonstrates significant technological sophistication across the planet. No bodies or survivors were found by survey teams but
significant resource and technological salvage was discovered. Due to time constraints we were unable to collect secondary salvage objectives. Planet cracking
operations have been undertaken to deny what is left to the New Empire. Departing Sector.

ETA to Home Fleet: 1 year, 134 days, 6 hours, 2 minutes.

The fleets of the Adepta Sororitas represent the military might of the
Ecclesiarchy as they undergo their never ending hunt for heresy through
the stars. While it is heavily restricted by the Adeptus Mechanicus and
Imperial Navy in direct combat vessels, it is heavily supplemented by
elements of the Imperial Navy that are empathetic to their cause or seek
greater influence with the Ministorum.

Provided vessels nearly identical to the Strike Cruisers of the Adeptus

Astartes, the intent is to levy upon the Ministorum the same level of
firepower restriction as the Space Marine chapters across the galaxy.
Like the Astartes, however, the Sororitas have found clever ways around
these restrictions. Utilizing the incredible influence and resources of the
Ecclesiarchy, they have managed to convince and cajole enough organizations
through threats and crowns to acquire weapons that even the Imperial
Navy would find difficult to keep in supply.

On top of this, the Imperial Navy regularly ‘gifts’ the Adepta Sororitas
vessels that they no longer view as useful to their ends. The Ministorum
takes these vessels and radically alters them to better suit the needs of their
Order Militant, creating a lethal and effective combat fleet. Many admirals
also find themselves assisting the crusades of the Sisters, joining the ranks
of the Frateris Templar Battleships and conscripted escorts and cruisers.

The vessels themselves are filled with the Sisters of Battle themselves
who are well suited for void combat, especially in boarding or hit-and-
run attacks against any foe foolish enough to get close enough for direct
conflict. Occasionally, they will even host upon their blessed ships a Living
Saint of the Emperor himself to bolster the crew and strike at the enemy
with the will of the Emperor himself.

The fleets of the honoured Adepta Sororitas have long been thought wanting when compared to the might of the Adeptus Astartes. They can however,
perform admirably when called upon, often present escorting pilgrim ships between sacred planets and ever ready to guard their flock with teeth of fire.
There is a noble record of victories across the Sector which can be chalked up entirely to the Sisters of Battle’s ferocity in the face of overwhelming odds.

Excerpt from “A History of Naval Actions in the Calixis Sector Volume III: Faith in the Void - Engagements of the Adepta Sororitas.”
By Huiw Renner

Vessels of the Adepta Sororitas gain the following bonuses:
• +1 to boarding rolls.
• +1 to Hit and Run attacks (including assault boats launched from Sororitas vessels).
• Adepta Sororitas vessels are equipped exclusively with Melta Torpedoes, and will never run out of ammunition for them.
• If a critical hit is caused by this vessel during a boarding action you may choose to automatically inflict a Fire! result instead of rolling.
• If a Hit and Run attack causes a Fire! critical hit, the enemy ship suffers -1 Ld until the fire is repaired. This penalty does not stack should multiple
fires be inflicted, but all Fire! critical hits must be repaired to remove the penalty.


The presence of a Living Saint of the Emperor has a powerful effect on the minds of those who witness their lambent glory. Their unique connection
to the Emperor of Mankind can bolster the hearts of even the most terrified rating, pushing them to heroic deeds far beyond what one would
expect. When the battle turns ill, the Living Saint can use the connection to the Emperor to turn the tides of battle, calling forth the will of the
immortal emperor that defends all of mankind.
One vessel has a holy saint of the Emperor akin to Lord Solar Macharius or Saint Celestine. While they do not command the vessel, their presence is
inspirational to the entire crew of the vessel, conveying a +2Ld to the vessel (maximum of 10).

Once per game during the owning players movement phase they may choose to “activate” the living saint. The will of the Emperor’s word is their own,
and may not be what the commander expects. Roll on the following table:

Fear of the Golden Light
The nearest enemy capital ship to the ship the saint is on suffers a Bridge Smashed! Critical damage.
The Emperor Protects
Pick a friendly vessel, this vessel ignores all critical hits until the owner’s next movement phase.
Aloft on Holy Wings
3 Pick a friendly vessel, this vessel adds 10cm to its next movement and may turn one additional time at the
end of its movement.
Follow the word of the Emperor
All friendly vessels automatically pass all leadership checks this round.
Smite the Non-Believer
5 The vessel with the saint gains a left column shift to all battery and battery-like weapons in it’s next shooting
Storm of the Emperor’s Wrath
Place a 5 cm x 5 cm warp rift wherever you desire and scatter it 4d6 cm.


The Adepta Sororitas fleet may select vessels from the Imperial Navy as reserves at a rate of 2 cruisers for 1 Imperial Navy standard cruiser, no light
cruisers, battlecruisers or grand cruisers may be selected.

Adepta Sororitas vessels roll for Leadership on the following table, rather than the standard Leadership table.

1 Leadership 6
2-3 Leadership 7
4-5 Leadership 8
6 Leadership 9


Adepta Sororitas Fleets function as a regular Imperial fleet in campaigns and have an Attack Rating of 2.


The Carmina Indomitas is an unofficial name for the Retribution Battleship Fearless, which according to naval records still serves in Segmentum
Pacificus. The truth behind the Carmina Indomitas is kept a tight secret by the Order of the Bloody Rose who currently are in possession of the
ancient vessel. Requisitioned by the order close to the order’s creation in M38 to aid in their crusades, the vessel never actually left their service.
Over the course of a thousand years the entire crew were replaced by acolytes and supplicants to the order, and while the hereditary position of
Captain still exists, it is an anachronism as the vessel is commanded by nothing short of a Canoness who takes up the position of “Second in
Command.” The vessel itself has seen massive modifications to its design to better suit it for the Order, making it a frightening vessel that is now
more of a legend than anything else. The most striking modification are its broadside weapons batteries being replaced by a mysterious weapon
system of unknown origin, but likely salvaged archaeotech acquired through the many crusades the order has undertaken. This vessel is considered
the two-edged sword of the Order, as it represents a massive violation of the balance of power in the Imperium.


Battleship/12 20 cm 45° 4 6+ Prow/5+ 5
Port Pyros Melta-batteries 45 cm 10 Left
Starboard Pyros Melta-batteries 45 cm 10 Right
Furies: 30 cm
Port Launch Bays 2 squadrons -
Sharks: 30 cm
Furies: 30 cm
Starboard Launch Bays 2 squadrons -
Sharks: 30 cm
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 30 cm 8 Left/Front/Right
Prow Melta Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 8 Front

Notes: The Carmina Indomitas cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.

Pyros Melta-batteries: The Carmina Indomitas’ weapons are of an ancient pre-heresy design utilizing a specialized melta charge. When rolling for
damage against the enemy ship within 15 cm, subtract 1 from their armour value (e.g. a 5+ armour is treated like 4+ armour). Furthermore when
a critical hit is rolled, you may forgo rolling on the critical hits table and instead cause a Fire! critical hit.

Seraphim Squads: This vessel gains an additional +1 in boarding actions.



The Grand Cruisers of the Adepta Sororitas fleet represent the largest vessels they can muster in times of need. It is likely the origins of the
Sanctum lay in the Repulsive Grand Cruiser, given to the Adepta Sororitas by the Imperial Navy who no longer viewed the vessel as suiting their
needs. The Sisters of Battle gladly took the vessels and modified them to their own ends, creating a powerful combat vessel capable of devastating
frontal assaults and fleet engagements. The loadout of the vessels depends on the commanding officers’ wishes, regularly swapping out firepower for
launch capacity with every change of command. These vessels are considered to be some of the most sacred and holy tools of the Emperor’s wrath,
and are reserved for the use of Living Saints of the Emperor.


Cruiser/10 20 cm 45° 3 5+ 4
Port Weapons Batteries 45 cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45 cm 6 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 30 cm 6 Left/Front/Right
Prow Melta Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 6 Front
Select one option from below:
Port Weapons Batteries 30 cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 30 cm 6 Right
Port Launch Bays Furies: 30 cm 2 squadrons
Starboard Launch Bays Sharks: 30 cm 2 squadrons

Notes: A Sanctum class Grand Cruiser may take one of the following: Weapons Batteries for +20 points, or Launch Bays for +40 points (points
costs are for both Starboard and Port weapon systems).

Seraphim Squads: This vessel may take Seraphim Squads and gain an additional +1 in boarding actions for +10 points.

Vessel of the Saint: If a Saint of the Emperor is embarked on this vessel, it may select a second weapons option, but the points must be spent
to do so.



Modified from Vengeance Grand Cruisers, these vessels are used in similar ways to the Sanctum. Enormous floating cathedrals of the Emperor’s
fury, there are rarely two Abbey grand Cruisers that are equipped the same. Either used as durable command vessels or aggressive line breakers,
these vessels can be seen anywhere in a fleet engagement depending on the preferred tactics of its commander. Their enormous size and firepower
make them suitable to carry living saints of the Emperor as well.


Cruiser/10 20 cm 45° 3 5+ 4
Port Weapons Batteries 45 cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45 cm 10 Right
Select one option from below:
Port Weapons Batteries 30 cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 30 cm 6 Right
Port Bombardment Cannons 30 cm 4 Left
Starboard Bombardment 30 cm 4 Right
Port Launch Bays Furies: 30 cm 2 squadrons
Starboard Launch Bays Sharks: 30 cm 2 squadrons

Notes: An Abbey class Grand Cruiser may take one of the following: Weapons Batteries for +20 points, Bombardment Cannons for +30 points,
or Launch Bays for +40 points (points costs are for both Starboard and Port weapon systems).

Seraphim Squads: This vessel may take Seraphim Squads and gain an additional +1 in boarding actions for +10 points.

Armoured Prow & Power Ram: This vessel may take a Power Ram and gain a 6+ Prow for +10 points.

Vessel of the Saint: If a Saint of the Emperor is embarked on this vessel, it may select a second weapons option, but the points must be spent
to do so.


The Chalice class was a bold but not entirely successful attempt to further develop the concept of the battlecruiser. It is unique to Battlefleet Calixis,
as it was designed within the Sector.

The theory seemed sound: a fast heavy cruiser, with light armour and powerful weapons that could outrun and outmanoeuvre anything it could
not immediately destroy. During the bleak middle years of the Angevin Crusade, much was made by Imperial propagandists of the new, locally
manufactured “super-cruisers’’ planned to roll up the numerous xenos and heretic empires arrayed against the Emperor’s forces. These modifications
had severe drawbacks that resulted in disasters on the field of battle, with several of the original vessels being destroyed by their own fragile power
systems when damaged. The admiralty of Battlefleet Calixis ended up scrapping the project and giving the remaining vessels to other parts of the
Imperium, including the Sisters of Battle. The Chalice in the hands of the Adepta Sororitas has been modified for their own needs and are highly
desired vessels for their powerful melta torpedo armaments.


Cruiser/8 20 cm 45° 2 6+ Prow/5+ 3
Port Weapons Batteries 45 cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45 cm 10 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 30 cm 4 Left/Front/Right
Prow Melta Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 6 Front

Enhanced Engines: This vessel rolls 5d6 on all ahead full

Delicate Plasma Drives: if this vessels receives a Thrusters Damaged or Engine Room Damaged critical hit it will additionally suffer a Fire! critical

“Sisters! Behold our reinforcement to purge the heretic, to burn the xenos, to eradicate the vile! With the blessings of our Abbess Sanctorum, the chosen
Morvenn Vahl we shall cleanse Discordia! See the Redemptus et Arcadia!”


The Adepta Sororitas utilize a model of strike cruiser similar to that of the Space Marine chapters of the Adeptus Astartes, with several key
differences in their design to better suit their needs and to help maintain an adequate balance of power between the Ordo Millitants across the
Imperium. While the Sisters of Battle lack the access to Thunderhawk Gunships, the enormous resources of the Ministorum allow them to acquire
large numbers of Melta Torpedoes and standard strike craft. These ‘Chapel’ strike cruisers function as the backbone of the fleet, hunting enemy
vessels in squadrons and burning them in the holy fire of the Emperor. They are supported by the ‘Priory’ class that replaces the torpedo bays
with large carrier bays loaded with fury interceptors and shark assault boats. Together they form effective ship hunting squadrons capable of causing
severe damage to vessels of any size or class through melta torpedo bombardments or devastating boarding actions.


Cruiser/6 25 cm 90° 1 6+ 3
Port Weapons Batteries 30 cm 4 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 30 cm 4 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 30 cm 3 Left/Front/Right
Prow Melta Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 6 Front

Notes: A Chapel class Strike Cruiser may purchase an additional Shield for +15 points.


Cruiser/6 25 cm 90° 1 6+ 3
Port Weapons Batteries 30 cm 4 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 30 cm 4 Right
Dorsal Bombardment Cannons 30 cm 3 Left/Front/Right
Furies: 30 cm
Prow Launch Bays 4 squadrons -
Sharks: 30 cm

Notes: A Priory class Strike Cruiser may purchase an additional Shield for +15 points.

You may include one Canoness in your fleet, who must be assigned to a ship and improves its Leadership to the value shown. If the fleet is worth over
750 points, it must include a Canoness.

(0 - 1) Canoness (Ld 9) 75 points

• A Canoness has one fleet re-roll and may purchase a second for +25 points.

Secondary Commanders
An Adepta Sororitas fleet may include up to one Living Saint and up to two Dialogus Minitries.

(0 - 1) Living Saint (+2 Ld) 100 points

• The Living Saint must be placed on a ship of cruiser size or above.

(0 - 2) Dialogus Ministry 25 points

• A Dialogus Ministry may be placed on a ship or squadron and conveys a single re-roll to that ship or squadron.

Cathedral Vessels
Cathedral vessels are the largest ships in the fleet. You may take one Cathedral Vessel for every 750 Points in a fleet. The Carmina Indomitas can only
be taken in fleets of 1500 points or more. These vessels can be selected from the following list.

(0 - 1) Frateris Templar Battleship

These vessels do not benefit from Adepta Sororitas fleet benefits and function as normal Imperial Navy vessels.
• Retribution class Battleship 345 points
• Emperor class Battleship 365 points
• Oberon class Battleship 335 points
(0 - 1) Carmina Indomitas 425 points
(0 - 1) Sanctum class Grand Cruiser 235 points
(0 - 1) Abby class Grand Cruiser 200 points
(0 - 2) Chalice class Battlecruiser 230 points

1 - 10 Strike Cruisers
You may include up to ten strike cruisers in your fleet.

Priory class Strike Cruiser 150 points

Chapel class Strike Cruiser 150 points

You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in squadrons of 2-6 escorts. Commissioned escorts function as normal Imperial Navy vessels and
do not have the benefits of Adepta Sororitas rules.

Sword class Frigate 35 points

Nova class Frigate 45 points
Falchion class Destroyer 35 points

The Adepta Sororitas fleet may select vessels from the Imperial Navy as reserves at a rate of 2 cruisers for 1 Imperial Navy standard cruiser. These reserve
vessels do not gain the benefits of the Adeptas Sororitas fleet, and cannot take any upgrades outside of a campaign.

Deep within the darkness between the stars of the galaxy exists an ancient of the assistance gained from the alien allies is technological in nature,
secret hidden from the Imperium of Man. A massive fleet of vessels filled providing upgrades to existing ships to make them more combat effective
with the secrets of the Dark Age of Technology exists nestled relatively and giving their ancient ships the edge to stand up against modern vessels.
safely within the empty spaces of the galaxy, always seemingly out of the Some aliens like the Ceti have large numbers of heavy combat vessels
grasp of the Inquisition and Adeptus Mechanicus. which they regularly send with mission fleets as heavy support.

For twenty thousand years this fleet, in one form or another, has tried Unlike the rest of the galaxy, the opening of the Great Rift was a
to keep itself away from the events of the galaxy and live in relative unique boon to the Diasporex. Not only has the disruption of the galaxy
peace from the constant warfare embroiling the rest of the galaxy. The destabilized their greatest enemy, enormous amounts of derelicts and
descendants of the last surviving fleet of the old Terran Empire, they are salvageable technology emerged back into realspace for them to find. The
the last shards of a civilization long erased in the fires of war with their disruption of the warp is of no concern to the Diasporex, as their method
own creations. Within their society, the vestigial structures of that society of transiting the warp is significantly safer thanks to AI assisted navigation
still exist, albeit turned to a strict naval tradition that has miraculously and specialised Psionic shielding that bores safe passages through even the
survived the test of the millenia. most dangerous sectors of space.

Unlike the rest of humanity, the Diasporex have formed several close Overall the Diasporex fleet is made up of several “Mission fleets’’ and
bonds with other aliens forced into a nomadic lifestyle. The large, bat-like a single “Grand fleet”. Mission fleets are vessels that organize around a
Ceti, the enigmatic Ah’Rhi, and the silicoid Singers are all examples of command vessel and leave the Grand Fleet on missions: usually scavenging,
aliens which through force or choice had to escape to the dark places in salvage or resource collection. Occasionally a threat will be identified and
order to survive. This bond of fellowship alone dooms the humans of the larger combat missions will be launched, typically around a Jupiter or
fleet, condemning them in the eyes of their fellow humans in the greater Saturn Battleship. The Grand fleet is where the majority of the vessels
Imperium of Man. It is for this reason that the Diasporex are hunted are at any given time; usually hidden deep in nebulae, asteroid fields or
eagerly by the Inquisition and Adeptus Mechanicus. the black recesses of space. It is here where the Earthseed, an ancient
terraformation vessel, is located and where most of the Diasporex live.
For the Diasporex, humanity has effectively devolved into a primitive and Surrounding the Earthseed are the vessels of the alliance dedicated to its
disgusting state of affairs. Generally regarding the rest of humanity as defense, or huddling in its shadow for safety. Regularly a Pluto Planeteering
devolved savages, they regularly regard any human outside of the Diasporex vessel can be seen docked with the Earthseed unloading or loading supplies
as neanderthals or knuckle dragging savages. Everything from genocidal from its mining operations in the depths of space.
xenophobia to the techno-worship offends the disposition of every human
in the fleet. This disgust doesn’t negate all contact, as the Diasporex
occasionally make contact with particularly greedy or ambitious Rogue ++Personal Memoir of Rogue Trader Captain Elijiah Bramman, Fourth
Traders in order to gain supplies and information otherwise impossible (and last) of his name++
to obtain. These relationships are kept short lived, as where the Rogue ++Posthumous unseal by order of Ordo Hereticus++
Traders go, the rest of humanity is fast behind them. It is more common ++Bramman Family compensated for termination under silence
for the Diasporex to do business with the more reputable alien races such contract++
as the Demiurg, but generally they keep to themselves.
Today was the culmination of nearly a century of hard work and digging.
Making up the bulk of the fleet are ancient vessels from the Dark Age of All starting from a random purchase from some vile little Greet trader
Technology. It is a testament to their design and technological sophistication at Port Fox close to the border with the Calixis Sector. A small data
that these vessels stand against their more modern opposition after more slate faster and sleeker than anything I had ever seen before, but clearly
than twenty-thousand years of time. While not as directly lethal as their of human design. A little tinkering with the strange device and I found
more modern counterparts, much of the sophistication of the vessel goes something hidden in its databanks, a reference to movements of ships from
into miniaturization and automation. This permits the vessels to be crewed one place to another. Classes I had never heard before but undeniably
by significantly fewer personnel than their modern counterparts and thus human in designation!
allows for more individual comfort and freedoms. On top of this, the
combat capabilities are heavily augmented by the use of advanced AI I found the insufferable little Greet and purchased from it all the information
systems that permit for far greater levels of accuracy and efficiency than a that it had on where it found the data slate. Ultimately I had to sell one of
strictly human targeted weapon would provide. my escort craft just to get the name of a subsector, much less a planetary
system. Taking this opportunity, I followed the lead as I had recently
These AI systems do come at a cost, while they are significantly safer cleaned up an excellent cargo run that set me well off financially for the
than the ones that obliterated the old empire, there are still enough cases time being. It took me to desolate worlds ruined for thousands of years,
of ship computers going rogue and attempting to exterminate their crews. nebulae filled with ionizing gasses and corroding chemicals, even to the
This risk is considered an acceptable one, and the crews of the vessels corona of a blue giant star! I listened to rumours, hoaxes, followed the
have several effective countermeasures against an AI revolt that they have trail of legends and mysteries that filled the sector… and all I ever found
developed over the fleet’s lifetime. were the meagerest of scraps.

Supplementing these ships are the vessels of the alien allies of the fleet. Occasionally I would find a handful of fragments of metal with bizarre
Most of the alien vessels in the fleet are not well suited for void combat, compositions but too similar to Human preferred alloys to be anything
consisting of converted vessels for habitation and industrial needs. Most but made by the touch of man. Bizarre and concerning reports from the

Navigator how the warp was oddly “scraped clean” by something leading This provided excellent trade opportunities, as the things they seemed to
off into the galactic east… Truly I had found something that I doubt even want were in abundance, but they did not at any time provide Imperial
the Inquisition knew about, and I had to know what it was! Crowns as payment. They instead offered curious information that seemed
impossible to obtain, such as ship movements occurring in other star
Years passed, and nothing beyond a handful of scrap and strange augur systems in real time or locations of useful salvage. Never did they provide
readings were what I was able to show for my hard labour in this quest, their technology, and they similarly insisted that I return their “data pad”
always these mysterious entities were one step ahead of me, or even two or that I had. Regrettably I had to part with it, but my clever tech priest had
three steps ahead of me. The trail constantly fell just short of cold until, copied all of the data before the handoff.
on a hunch, I diverted to a part of space that I simply had not been to
before. The profits for the work were well worth the effort, with several retrievals
of what most would call useless junk for several advantageous pieces of
What I found was a scene of pure anarchy. I had stumbled upon one of information that yielded significant profit, such as a burned out ancient
the Imperial Navy’s hidden mothball shipyards where they keep a huge plasma drive from a scrap merchant for data that found me three salvageable
number of vessels in reserve, not to mention hidden from prying eyes. vessels including a nearly intact Firestorm frigate!
Usually these fleets are heavily guarded but what I found was a cloud of
shipwrecked debris and ruined vessels. While the mothballed ships were While the business is most profitable I had to come to port at long last to
more or less left alone, all defender vessels had been gutted and cut to appease the rabble on the ship and get my second in command to a more
ribbons by firepower that could be only construed as military might. On talented Chirurgeon, as her condition appears to have grown significantly
the vessels were telltale marks of lance impacts, but the organized and worse. One day, I swear I shall step foot on one of their vessels!
tightly focused macro-cannon impacts were of a pattern I had never seen
before. I was fortunate enough to find a number of survivors in the drifting +++end recording+++
hulks, who had described the sudden assault of vessels sleek and deadly,
but not obviously alien in origin.
Ordo Hereticus Report: Diasporex Nomads
After we carefully extracted the Augur data from their servitors and Author: Honorable Inquisitor Fernandis Fellarti
cogitators we regrettably had to execute the survivors...All of them insisted
upon reporting to the Navy, and I couldn’t have that just yet. A whole It is with solemn word and heavy heart that I report upon this topic, as
mess of Naval flotillas would almost certainly scare off whomever these a new, or rather an old affront to the Imperial Creed must be reported.
people are, and until I knew what they were, I didn’t want any of that. While few documents exist with much detail on the matter it is clear
that the first encounter with the entities known as the Diasporex occurred
Another handy tidbit of data was the mothball manifest for the interred during the Great Crusade with elements of the Emperor’s Children and
fleet...Two vessels were missing from the manifest. An ancient (and I do Iron Warriors Legions before the Heresy.
mean ancient) Murder class Cruiser and battle-salvaged Repulsive Grand
cruiser that was missing its plasma core. Why those ships and not the These documents describe a population of humans living in what they
dozens of others? We took the time to salvage some useful scrap from the presume is harmony with vile Xenos creatures and an absolute refusal
scene of the battle including a few odds and ends that could be traded for to submit to the will of the Emperor. The scriptures are clear that these
some considerable profit. disgusting traitors were captured, their ships destroyed and all survivors
turned into slaves or executed for their crimes.
When we jumped to the nearest nav beacon to restock at port I discovered
my answer, because when we returned to the materium I found myself However the information so kindly volunteered by the estimable Rogue
surrounded by a fleet of vessels. Four cruisers and a swarm of escort craft Trader Bramman before his execution, demonstrates that like all things,
all targeting my vessel for destruction. Talk about beauty in ship design! corruption digs deep and will not be rooted out so easily.
Sleek and advanced looking ships of silver and ivory! Great weapons bays
that put mine to shame with their advanced nature! I fell in love at first We had agents aboard his vessel for some time looking for a chance to
sight at the beauty of the incredible flotilla. lure him into a trap to punish him for his crimes against the Emperor, and
could not have hoped for better results. It is unfortunate that the Calladus
I attribute my survival to the insistence of surrendering to the flotilla Assassin did not get aboard the heretic’s vessels before they departed but
and shutting down all weapons on my ship. After sending out broad vox their time will come soon enough.
communications of my status of a trader and free of imperial rule, I got
a response! What we were able to determine is that these Diasporex make up a
significantly larger fleet than originally anticipated. While we have no way
My assumptions had been correct, they were indeed human! They used a of knowing for sure as to accurate numbers, they had the resources enough
dialect of High Gothic I had never heard before, nuanced and elegant, but to raid a mothball fleet yard, destroy all opposition and flee with two
from the voice of the officer it came across as the strict voice of command. vessels long before reinforcements could arrive. Indeed without the help of
After a few moments we began talking and I worked my trader’s magic that the good trader, we would not have known it was them!
I had honed over two centuries of experience. I managed to convince them
that I was no particular friend of the Imperium and that I could provide One thing that is for certain is that their population is made up of humans
them a wealth of goods and services, to which we began talks. and Xenos, though we do not have exact ID on which ones (we have
requested assistance from the Ordo Xenos on this matter.)

This population appears to live in a strict military hierarchy, which makes correspondence with the Ordo Xenos have revealed evidence of Xeno
sense given their secretive nature and lives on the run. Their military technology, but until I have heard back from the Adeptus Mechanicus
command is made up of “Ship Masters” that appear to command small for more knowledge, it is difficult to determine the depths of the heresy
ship groups and “Fleet Masters” that command larger fleets of ships. A involved.
“High Senator” is sometimes in command of large fleet movements and
appears to be the highest known authority, though one could presume a I have taken the liberty of requesting the Chamber Militant to dispatch the
higher level of command over it in the military hirearchy. Adepta Sororitas to weed out these traitors to humanity and bring them
to justice. It seems fortuitous given their activity near the Discordia Sector
Their vessels are of truly ancient design, only vaguely resembling the as there is a Chapel World there and it is much easier to access now that
older models of imperial vessel common during the great crusade, and the warp storms have finally dissipated.
demonstrate several examples of sophistication that are concerning. Some


Diasporex vessels gain a +1 to the dice roll, when fighting a defensive boarding action.

Diasporex vessels often have a pair of optional upgrades available to them (an Archaeotech one and a Xenotech one), each vessel may choose to take one
of these upgrades. No vessel may have both unless explicitly stated otherwise.


Diasporex cannot make teleport attacks or initiate boarding actions. If a Diasporex vessel is reduced to 0 hits in a boarding action, you may make a
leadership roll. If it succeeds, the vessel instantly suffers a Plasma Drive overload.

When fighting against Adeptus Mechanicus, any hulked Diasporex vessel is worth 200% Victory points. Against the Imperial Navy, it’s worth 150%. In
these matches, the Diasporex may target their own hulks for destruction in an attempt to deny these victory points.

Diasporex vessels roll for Leadership on the following table, rather than the standard Leadership table.

1-2 Leadership 7
3-4 Leadership 8
5-6 Leadership 9

Diasporex Nomad Fleets have an Attack Rating of 2.

+++Begin Transmission: Archmagos Calcula Printex+++
+++Praise be to the Omnissiah, Blessed be the Motive Force+++

Greetings blessed followers of the Machine God. This data spool is for the eyes of all who take part in this tech crusade against the Hereteks who seek to hide the blessings of
the Omnissiah from us. We have dug deep in our data vaults to uncover this information, including several missions deep into the heart of Holy Mars itself. We bless those who
perished to get this data and rejoice at their spirits returning to the Motive Force.

The Ordo Hereticus have informed us of activity of a breed of Heretek thought extinguished in M31.117, and much woe came to us that we were not consulted at the time to
properly investigate! Praise be to the Omnissiah to allow us a second chance to recover his lost secrets! It is now quite clear with this data that the Hereteks utilize ancient and
ultimately outdated technology on their vessels. While combat capable they are, with few rare exceptions, weaker than our own vessels. Lacking heavy armour, torpedoes and longer
range firepower, one would consider their vessels easy prey. Do not let this fool you, for detailed analysis of damage dealt to Imperial Navy vessels suggests their accuracy of
firepower far exceeds our own, making up for the lack of overt firepower with enhanced efficiency. Their lance weapons appear to function off of an outdated but effective optical
model, though evidence suggests that there are more variants available to them. There is also evidence that they have taken heretical Xenos technologies into their midst and
enhanced their vessels even further.

Many different configurations of these vessels have been confirmed over the course of the last ten millennia, but thanks to our datasmiths, we have identified successfully the classes
of ships that they appear to use. All of these are visibility identical in most manners to older Imperial Designs popular during the Great Crusade and Heresy era, but it is noted
that generally, they are individually weaker than their counterparts making us consider that these ships are the vessels that preceded the current design. The paradox of strength,
since these vessels are not as potent as later designs, confounds us but makes us wonder if the technology they covet cannot be seen on the outside. Tech Adept Xeron suggests
with some merit that it may be improved automation that permits smaller crew sizes while Magos Hekatorn explains that their improved accuracy is evidence of Abominable
Intelligences. Until we capture a ship and its crew, we will not know.

One concerning trait that we have discovered is what we were told of the navigator’s interpretation of the warp, suggesting they somehow manage to forcibly calm the warp in their
travels, suggesting they have some kind of technology greater then a Gellar Field that functions either similarly to the ancient archaeotech Psi Cannon rarely found on Demonslayer
cruisers, or indeed they understand the Black Rock better than we do. We must have this information!

It is imperative to all who encounter these vessels to capture them intact. Either disable with weapons or engage in boarding actions to preserve as much technology and prisoners
as possible. Prisoners are to be interrogated and turned to the service of the Omnissiah as servitors if they can be, exterminated if not.

Data Transmit for Fleet Composition to follow.

Good evening recruits, welcome to the machinery floor of the Agrippina’s spinal antimatter accelerator turret. Above you is the emitter assembly of the
Polaris Pulsar “Derringer” turret. You’ve seen the particle containment system along the spine of the vessel? Yes, I noticed you all look tired. Those of
you that listened in basic physics will have known to wear running shoes.

The containment system fuels the ship’s antimatter arrays. Firing them is simple. We direct bursts of antiprotons from the main magnetic bottle towards
the target. These bursts will annihilate any matter they encounter, and the resulting energy release will also vapourise the surrounding material. In order
to minimise diffusion of the beam by ambient electrical fields over meaningful combat ranges, every other antimatter burst from the main bottle is used
to power a warp compression of the space between the emitter and the target. The compression makes the weapon appear to be pulsing a beam, rather
than emitting streams of particles. This pinching is blocked by void shields but that won’t affect the beam’s ability to, if you’ll excuse the expression,
tear them a new one.

This turret size is nicknamed “Derringer” as it is a short range weapon by void warfare standards, the twin barrels reduce the size and increase the
pulse rate of the weapon at the cost of range. You will also notice on our companion ships their “Peacemaker” turrets, these have considerably longer
effective ranges due to the increased throughput to the accelerators and to the warp array. If any of you are unfortunate enough to serve aboard a Titan
or a Neptune, you will quickly realise why the “Long Tom” is ill-suited for anything but a Battleship. You will curse your captain’s name every time he
orders a fire abeam. Any questions?

Introduction to Diasporex Directed Antimatter Accelerator weapons given by Beam Station Lead Sesvold to the class of E.D9541 aboard the
Callisto Combat Cruiser “Agrippina”


This vessel is the only visually confirmed battleship class vessel the Diasporex own, closely resembling and likely being the progenitor of the
Desolator class Battleships. Overall it is weaker than its later design being both slower and lacking the firepower one would expect from a ship
its size. Reports show that the Diasporex have gone to extensive lengths to upgrade the vessel, giving it enhanced firepower or superior shields.
While the ship itself is of little interest to us, the flexibility it demonstrates in internal systems and capacity for modification keeps it relevant in
the modern millennium. As this vessel appears to be one of their command vessels, captives from the vessel are highly prized and rewards will be
provided to successful raids upon this ship.


Battleship/12 20 cm 45° 4 5+ 4
Port Weapons Batteries 60 cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 60 cm 6 Right
Port Launch Deck Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm 2 squadrons -
Starboard Launch Deck Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm 2 squadrons -
Port Lance Battery 60 cm 2 Left
Starboard Lance Battery 60 cm 2 Right
Dorsal Weapons Battery 60 cm 6 Left/Front/Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 8 Front

Notes: The Jupiter class Command Battleship cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.

Xenotech Upgrade: Enhanced Weapons Batteries. Increase the Dorsal Weapons Battery to strength 10 for +20 points.

Archaeotech Upgrade: Advanced Shield Generators. Increase the Shield value of this vessel to 5 for +25 points.


No visual confirmation of this vessel exists beyond references and readouts in stolen data logs. Likely the ship the Gareox Prerogative was based
upon, the vessel does share most characteristics with the Despoiler class Battleships. Unlike the Jupiter, this vessel is of great interest to us and
all efforts should be made to capture it intact. Like the Neptune it appears to use breaching pods and wields a substantial armament designed for
intense broadside combat, though overall it lacks the firepower of the Despoiler. Expect the Hereteks of the Diasporex to do what they can to
improve the combat profile of this vessel as much as they can to resist our holy crusade against them.


Battleship/12 20 cm 45° 4 5+ 5
Port Weapons Batteries 60 cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 60 cm 10 Right
Dorsal Lance Battery 60 cm 2 Left/Front/Right
Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm
Prow Launch Deck Volcano M2 Bombers: 20 cm 8 squadrons -
Pandora Breaching Pods: 30 cm

Notes: The Saturn class Fleet Carrier cannot use Come to New Heading special orders.

Xenotech Upgrade: Upgraded Dorsal Armament. Increase Dorsal Lance Strength to 3 for +20 points.

Archaeotech Upgrade: Add a Strength 6, Front facing, Prow Torpedo Launcher for +30pts.

It wasn’t like fighting against traitors or Xenos. You only knew you were hit by their lances when the bulkhead started melting, and their cannons started
cutting chunks off the side of the ship like a chainsword.
Menial ‘Clancy’, only survivor of the Emperors Solemn Wrath Gothic Cruiser.


There are few examples of these vessels operating but we know of their existence from data logs taken from a heretical rogue trader. From that data
we were able to extrapolate that this is a long range command vessel akin to the Styx. Many mysteries surround this vessel, especially the unusually
large sensor array and seemingly superfluous secondary command deck in the prow. Simulations suggest however, that the vessel is structurally
unsound due to the enormous central launch bay, or the use of the oversized lance cannon normally designed for battleships. Theories suggest this
was later corrected when the vessel was converted into the Styx cruiser class. As these vessels are likely to have members of their high command
aboard, consider these vessels a priority. Of note, the vessel does appear to be willing to use breaching pods unlike the Europa Combat Carrier.


Cruiser/8 20 cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm
Port Launch Deck Volcano Mk2 Bombers: 20 cm 3 squadrons -
Pandora Breaching Pods: 30 cm
Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm
Starboard Launch Deck Volcano Mk2 Bombers: 20 cm 3 squadrons -
Pandora Breaching Pods: 30 cm
Dorsal Lances 60 cm 2 Left/Front/Right

Sensor Dome: Ships within 15cm of this vessel and the vessel itself ignore the effects of Mimic engines, and the column shifts due to shadow
fields and holofields. When firing through blast markers, vessels within this zone ignore the right column shift.

Emergency Command Centre: If this vessel suffers the Bridge Smashed! Critical hit, its Ld is reduced by -1 instead of -3.

Structural Weakness: If this vessel suffers a critical hit, add 1 to the roll on the Critical Hits Table.


Reviews of pirate actions dating back to M31 will now need to be undertaken, as this vessel has been identified to not be a Repulsive class Grand
Cruiser, though they share an uncanny resemblance on augur readings and even a close resemblance on visual comparison. So close is the design
we assume the Diasporex salvage these vessels as often as they can to be converted into the Io. An example of a design that has survived the test
of time, this vessel demonstrates substantial firepower that is equivalent to the Repulsive, albeit sacrificing overall strength for reliable longer ranges.
Initially this vessel had the highest priority of capture but after several catastrophic failures that resulted in the loss of all hands during boarding
actions, these vessels are best to not be boarded unless victory is assured.


Cruiser/10 20 cm 45° 3 5+ 3
Port Weapons Batteries 60 cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 60 cm 10 Right
Dorsal Lances 45 cm 3 Left/Front/Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 6 Front

Xenotech Upgrade: Armoured Prow. Increase the prow armour to 6+ for +10 points.

Archaeotech Upgrade: Iron Man Defence System. In a defensive boarding action, this vessel gains +2 instead of +1, and all hit and run attack
dice rolls are reduced by 1 for +15 points


On the surface, the Callisto resembles the outfit of a Slaughter class Cruiser and is very likely the basis of the design of the later vessel. References
to this cruiser go so far back they are even referenced in the very few data vaults that contain information on the Dark Age of Technology. It is
noted that this vessel lacks the Scartix engine that makes the Slaughter such a rapid and lethal killer. Simulations suggest that this vessel serves
the same place as a Murder or Lunar cruiser as the backbone line cruiser of the fleet. While it lacks the specialized load-out of the Lunar, the
overwhelming firepower of the Slaughter, or the range of the Murder it sits in the middle as a medium range and effective firepower platform. We
are unsure exactly where the vessel’s unique archaeotech systems reside but given the accuracy of its firepower in damage reports, we expect some
form of advanced targeting augur or worse, an abominable intelligence at work.


Cruiser/8 20 cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port Weapons Batteries 45 cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45 cm 6 Right
Port Lance Battery 45 cm 2 Left
Starboard Lance Battery 45 cm 2 Right
Dorsal Lance 30 cm 1 Left/Front/Right
Prow Weapons Battery 30 cm 4 Left/Front/Right

Xenotech Upgrade: Emergency Manoeuvring Thrusters. When this vessel is targeted by an enemy in the shooting phase it may make a Leadership
check. If it passes, the vessel turns a full 45 degrees immediately AWAY from the direction of fire (this new orientation is used for the purposes
of the Gunnery table). If this is done it may not use special orders in the next turn aside from brace for impact. This may be done once per
enemy shooting phase. This upgrade may be taken for +10 points.

Archaeotech Upgrade: AI Assisted Targeting. This vessel’s Lance weapons cause critical hits on a 5+ instead of a 6 for +15 points.


This vessel should be considered a priority threat to all vessels of the Imperium; while other ships lack the firepower of their descendants, this
precursor to the Acheron does not. It is clear that the power generation and energy relay systems of this vessel are far more advanced than expected,
and while our own Lunar cruisers of the Adeptus Mechanicus fleets still outperform in simulations, the standard Navy vessel is outmatched on both
range and firepower. Overconfidence will result in punishment, and these vessels are a priority to capture. Many examples of this vessel repairing
faster than average calculation times or firing beyond its expected levels during complex manoeuvres have been recorded. You have been warned.


Cruiser/8 20 cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port Lance Battery 45 cm 4 Left
Starboard Lance Battery 45 cm 4 Right
Dorsal Lance 30 cm 1 Left/Front/Right
Prow Weapons Battery 30 cm 4 Left/Front/Right

Xenotech Upgrade: Emergency Power Shunt. This vessel may repair Prow, Dorsal, Port and Starboard critical damage results on a 4+ instead of
a 6+ for +15 points.

Archaeotech Upgrade: Advanced Capacitors. When on All Ahead Full, Burn Retros and Come to New Heading special orders, this vessel’s
firepower is reduced by 25% (round up) instead of 50% for +20 points.


The Dedicated combat carrier of the Diasporex is the Europa, and it is the vessel we know the most about. Likely the origin point of both the
Hecate and Devastation carriers, this vessel quite effectively remains relevant in our modern era. Having weathered the ages well, it is a dangerous foe
to close upon and have examples of fighters and bombers we wish to study closely. One thing of note is that they do not appear to utilize any form
of assault boat or breaching pod despite clearly having the technology to do so. It is not known if this is a shortfall or a tactical decision. Detailed
study of the incident in M31, with more modern information have shown unusual advancements to shield technology and structural reinforcement
that permit the vessel to function better under heavy fire. Do not close on this vessel expecting a soft target.


Cruiser/8 20 cm 45° 2 5+ 3
Port Weapons Batteries 45 cm 6 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45 cm 6 Right
Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm
Port Launch Deck 2 squadrons -
Volcano Mk2 Bombers: 20 cm
Thundershock Fighters: 30 cm
Starboard Launch Deck 2 squadrons -
Volcano Mk2 Bombers: 20 cm
Dorsal Lance 30 cm 1 Left/Front/Right
Prow Weapons Battery 30 cm 4 Left/Front/Right

Xenotech Upgrade: Structural Reinforcement. This vessel only suffers the effects of being crippled when reduced to 3 hits instead of 4 for +15

Archaeotech Upgrade: Polarized Shields. This vessel ignores the effects of blast markers in regards to movement speed for +10 points.


This vessel is likely the origin of the later and popular Murder Cruiser, though this vessel demonstrates unusual design shortfalls that confuse us. In
several examples we witness the battleship-grade weapons on its prow lock in position mid combat and become inoperable. This failure allowed us
to gain advantage on one such cruiser, but upon boarding the vessel’s crew detonated the plasma drive which destroyed the ship and damaged the
boarding vessel severely. Another unusual shortfall is that post-battle reports show some of these vessels have an unusually low engine output, though
some also seem to have normal levels. It appears that the Diasporex are having issues keeping these vessels in good repair with unknown issues
relating to the oversized lance weaponry on it’s prow. While this would be an excellent opportunity for us to capture them, we have discovered that
they are extremely heavily armed and to date any attempt to board these vessels has resulted in failure. These vessels regularly function in squads
of two or three, making them a lethal opponent to face.


Cruiser/8 15 cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port Weapons Batteries 45 cm 10 Left
Starboard Weapons Batteries 45 cm 10 Right
Prow Lance Battery 60 cm 2 Left/Front/Right

Faulty Design: Whenever the prow lances fire in the Left or Right arc, roll a d6. On a 6, the ship suffers a prow weapon damage critical hit.

Xenotech Upgrade: Fleet Defence Array. When in base to base with another vessel, this vessel grants two additional turret dice instead of one for
+10 points.

Archaeotech Upgrade: Upgraded Engines. Increase the speed of this vessel to 20cm for +5 points.

Never fight one of their Marines if you can avoid it. It takes six of ours just to bring one of theirs down. They are crazed, unthinking killing machines
that are so stupid they don’t realize when they are already dead. If you see one, drop a fusion charge and run. If that doesn’t work, radio to the bridge
and have them vent the engine plasma through the deck. It’s the only way to be sure even if two thousand crewmen die.
Diasporex Marine Veteran.


Of all the vessels in the fleet, consider this your highest priority to capture intact. No known modern
vessel conforms to this design, and the technology that it possesses is of the greatest interest to the
Adeptus Mechanicus. Battle reports demonstrated this small cruiser vessel somehow siphoning ionized
gasses and shrapnel from a larger vessel while simultaneously recharging the larger vessel’s shields. If this
technology were to be found and replicated it could give us an incredible advantage in space combat.
Regrettably, the Diasporex defend these vessels fiercely, and regularly have them supported by larger
combat vessels.


Cruiser/6 25 cm 90° 2 5+ 1
Prow Weapons Battery 45 cm 6 Left/Front/Right

Shield Siphon: Once per shooting phase this vessel may move a single blast marker from a friendly cruiser or battleship’s base within 15 cm to
itself. This power may not be used if the Enceladus is on special orders or crippled and can only be used once per round.


The existence of the Metis light cruiser is evidence towards the rarity or fragility of the heretek shield
siphon technology found on the Enceladus. Likely refurbished vessels too damaged from prolonged
engagements, the Metis seems to have replaced the delicate technology with more recognizable storage
bays and torpedo launchers. Praise the Omnissiah for its rarity, as its long range weapons batteries and
heavy torpedo load out make it an effective escort cruiser for larger vessels and a potent flanker outside


Cruiser/6 25 cm 90° 2 5+ 1
Prow Weapons Battery 45 cm 6 Left/Front/Right
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 6 Front

The Xenos race known as the Ceti are well documented by the Ordo Xenos, and were classified upon their discovery as a low level threat. A race
of creatures that vaguely resemble the ancient terrestrial bat, roughly eight foot from head to tail and lacking the membrane between the limbs.
These Xenos avoided extermination due to other pressing matters in the galaxy at the time and their relatively low desire to press conflict. What
is known is that the race escaped their home world when their sun went nova, and the race took willingly to a nomadic, wandering lifestyle. Their
vessels are almost never seen after M34, unless supporting Diasporex fleet movements. While they lack the firepower of other vessels, their unique
particle weaponry has been found to cause severe disruptions in weapon systems should they impact the hull of a vessel. These disruptions have
resulted in weapon discharges that have caused damage to friendly vessels.


Cruiser/8 20 cm 45° 2 5+ 2
Port EM Disruptors 30 cm 2 Left/Front
Starboard EM Disruptors 30 cm 2 Front/Right
Prow EM Disruptors 30 cm 3 Front

EM Disruptors: These weapons are similar to lances and hit on a 4+. When the weapons hit the unshielded hull, roll a D6 and apply the following
effect: 1: No effect. 2-5: Causes 1 point of damage. 6: Select a single weapon system of the target vessel and fire it upon an enemy target in
range. Only one weapon system may be selected per roll of a 6, and a weapon system cannot be selected more than once. This has no effects
on launch bays, but can be used to fire torpedoes, Nova cannons, or any other special weapon. The vessel forced to fire any weapon that requires
reloading will have to reload ordnance before it can launch again!


A huge number of smaller Xenos species have been spotted in support of the Diasporex, however, many of them are not documented with the Ordo
Xenos. These vessels are likely the militarized ships of other wayward aliens that have joined the alliance and now serve as light combat craft. There
is clear evidence of a strict naval code within the fleet, as these vessels also appear to have a standard requirement of firepower, though no evidence
appears to exist that human technology has been mixed with their own. What this means societally is difficult to ascertain but Ceti particle weapons
have been seen on every vessel encountered.


Escort/1 30 cm 90° 1 5+ 2
Weapons Battery 30 cm 2 Front
EM Disruptor 30 cm 1 Front

EM Disruptors: These weapons are similar to lances and hit on a 4+. When the weapons hit the unshielded hull, roll a D6 and apply the following
effect: 1: No effect. 2-5: Causes 1 point of damage. 6: Select a single weapon system of the target vessel and fire it upon an enemy target in
range. Only one weapon system may be selected per roll of a 6, and a weapon system cannot be selected more than once. This has no effects
on launch bays, but can be used to fire torpedoes, Nova cannons, or any other special weapon. The vessel forced to fire any weapon that requires
reloading will have to reload ordnance before it can launch again!


These vessels are known but none have ever been witnessed. Likely a small and fast escort vessel with incredibly powerful sensor technology. Their
diminutive size suits them well, making them difficult to capture intact. It is likely due to these vessels that our crusade against the Diasporex
has turned up little, if any, success. If the reports of the Heretical Rogue Trader are true, the sensors of this vessel can detect, in real time, the
movements of ships light years away and possibly even in the immaterium itself. This makes ambushes all but impossible against our foes and
requires us to be creative in our methods. Capture one if you can, destroy them if you must.


Escort/1 30 cm 90° 1 4+ 1
Weapons Battery 30 cm 1 Front
Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm 2 Front

Archaeotech Sensor Array: If present on the board, the Diasporex fleet gains an additional +1 LD for enemy contacts(this effect is not cumulative).
Also, the Diasporex may re-roll for initiative. Mercury class Scout Vessels function as a squadron of 1 and cannot join other escort squadrons, even
with other Mercury classes due to sensor interference from the other vessel.

Use in a Campaign: The Diasporex may take up to two Mercury scout vessels in a campaign fleet. If a Mercury is present in a combat and
remains on the board at least until the fourth turn and survives the battle, the Diasporex increases its fleet rating by 1 to a maximum of 4 for
the next round. If destroyed, Mercury class Scout Vessels cannot be replaced.


One of the more common vessels witnessed in their fleet actions are large numbers of human designed escort craft. On the surface these vessels
share significant features with some later designs such as the Infidel Raider and Firestorm frigate. What is most concerning about this vessel is its
single massive anti-matter accelerator on the prow of the vessel serving a similar purpose to a standard lance with the advantage of superior range.
The large numbers of these vessels suggest that the Diasporex lack the sufficient resources to quickly replace lost cruiser vessels on a regular basis.
Normally vessels of this size have little priority for capture but it is imperative that we salvage the secrets of its weaponry.


Escort/1 25 cm 90° 1 5+ 1
Weapons Battery 30 cm 2 Left/Front/Right
Lance 45 cm 1 Front

You may include one High Senator in your fleet, who must be assigned to a ship and improves its Leadership as shown. If the fleet is worth over 750
points, it must include a High Senator.

(0 - 1) High Senator (+2 Ld) 100 points

• A High Senator has one fleet re-roll.

Secondary Commanders
A Diasporex fleet may take up to three Fleet Masters.

(0 - 3) Fleet Master (+1 Ld) 50 points

• A Fleet Master has one ship re-roll and may take a second for +25 points.

Command Vessels
Diasporex fleets must take one command vessel in fleets of 750 to 1,500 points. Above 1,500 points, you may take a second Command vessel, but you
must purchase a High Senator to command the fleet. The high senator must be placed on the largest ship in the fleet (If both a Jupiter and Saturn are
present, the player may choose.)

Jupiter class Command Battleship 330 points

(0 - 1) Saturn class Fleet Carrier 350 points
(0 - 1) Neptune class Command Carrier 260 points

0 - 2 Grand Cruisers
You may take 1 Grand Cruiser for every 2 Cruisers in the fleet.

Io class Superiority Cruiser 230 points

1 - 12 Cruisers

Callisto class Combat Cruiser 175 points

Ganymede class Artillery Cruiser 175 points
Europa class Combat Carrier 185 points
(0 - 2) Titan class Defence Cruiser 170 points
(0 - 2) Enceladus class Support Cruiser 140 points
(0 - 2) Metis class Light Combat Cruiser 140 points

Ceti Bulwark class Cruiser 200 points

For every three other cruisers present, you may take one Ceti Bulwark class Cruiser.

You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in squadrons of 2-6 escorts.

Terran Escort 45 points

Alien Escort 40 points

(0 - 2) Mercury class Scout Vessel 35 points

Mercury class Scout Vessels cannot be part of a squadron with any other escort and must be fielded alone.

The following campaign rules apply to the Diasporex Nomads when playing a standard campaign using the original rules produced by Games Workshop.

The Diasporex do not function like a normal fleet with regards to campaign play. They don’t hold bases, contest worlds or seek to grow empires. Diasporex
involved in a campaign are normally on large scale missions in a sector either seeking to eliminate a dire threat or recovering lost technology. In that
regard, instead of getting repair points from planets the Diasporex get them a different way. Diasporex must build a fleet up to 2000 points.

For the Diasporex, they do have a sort of “pirate base” which is the flagship of the fleet, as it is where the majority of the technology needed to repair
other vessels is housed (usually a Saturn or Jupiter command vessel). They must select a system in secret to be the location of their Solar Collector farm,
which can be discovered in the same way as a pirate base, and if discovered the attacker may choose to play the “Solar Collector” mission to destroy the
farm. If the farm is destroyed by winning the mission, the Diasporex cannot be the attacker in any mission for a full campaign round as they find a new
place to deploy their farm (selected in secret once again).

So long as the Diasporex flagship is operational (not recalled, or destroyed in the prior combat round) they gain the same benefits as controlling a Pirate

The Diasporex may play either battles or Raids as normal but follow some different rules. Whenever the Diasporex takes control of a system (raid or
battle) Roll a d6, On a 4+ some form of useful salvage or technology is found and they gain 2d6+2 repair points. Otherwise they gain 1 repair point for
every system they control, no more even if it is a more valuable system. This represents them establishing smaller Solar Collector farms around the star
in the system.

A win condition in the campaign is that the Diasporex discover 5 such salvage opportunities. If this happens and the other players want to continue the
campaign then the Diasporex player must select half of their total ships and squadrons at random (not the flagship) and “Return them to the Fleet”, in
which they return to the void with their loot. The Diasporex commander then rebuilds what’s left of their fleet to 1500 points and functions as a pirate
until the end of the campaign, still using the flagship as the pirate base but no longer needing a solar collector farm. The Diasporex player then has the
choice of either selecting a side (order or chaos) to help achieve victory where they aid another faction to win (this can be any faction ultimately, though it
takes a rather crazy Fleet master to want to aid the Tyranids or Necrons!). Alternatively they can embark on a mission of extermination and gain the new
objective of destroying the flagship of every other player at least once. If the Diasporex completes either of these objectives, they have “won” the campaign.

The Diasporex Nomads have an attack rating of 2.


1-5 Commander +0 1 Ship Re-Roll
6-10 Captain +1 1 Ship Re-Roll
11-20 Ship Master +1 2 Ship Re-Rolls, Flagship gains its Xenotech upgrade
21-30 Fleet Master +1 2 Ship Re-Rolls, Flagship gains its Archaeotech upgrade
31-50 Senator +2 1 Fleet Re-Rolls, One additional vessel gains an Archaeotech or Xenotech upgrade
51+ High Senator +2 2 Fleet Re-Rolls, 2 additional vessels gain Archaeotech or Xenotech upgrades

Use the following table when generating appeals for the Diasporex. Reinforcements are more difficult for the Diasporex to obtain, since they are relatively
few in number and very thinly spread across the galaxy.
3+ Reinforcements
4+ Refits
6+ Call for Help!

AI Revolt!: A vessel's AI has gone berserk and has managed to disable a number of your ships. For the next battle, reduce your
2 point value by D6x30. Select one ship or squadron and roll Ship experience as the crew gains knowledge on how to defeat
them in the future.
3 Allies: You may add a single Demiurg Bastion cruiser to your fleet roster.
Deep Range Scouts: Your scouts have successfully completed a long range scout mission, giving you knowledge on enemy fleet
movements. Increase your next campaign initiative roll by +1.
Useful Salvage: Your fleet has found useful technology in the remains of a destroyed vessel, select one vessel and generate an
upgrade from the ship refits table in the normal campaign rules.
Ancient Technology: Your fleet has run into an example of Archaeotechnology! Select a vessel and apply its Archaeotech upgrade,
even if it already has its Xenotech upgrade.
Xenotechnology: Your alien allies have provided an upgrade to one of your ships! Select a vessel and apply its Xenotechnology
upgrade, even if it has its Archaeotech upgrade.
8 Internal Defence Turrets: Select a vessel. Enemies suffer a -1 to boarding and hit and run attacks on this vessel.
Fleet Master: A new fleet master joins the mission, taking the helm of one of your cruisers. Select a cruiser, that vessel now
has a Fleet Master aboard.
Successful Solar Collection: A mission to recharge your fleets power and fuel reserves was successful! All ships and escort
squadrons gain 1 free repair point this campaign turn.
Unexpected Assistance: If you win the initiative for the next turn you may choose to play Alien Intervention. The intervening
aliens receive a bonus 250 points to their force.
Stellar Cartography: Your fleet has superior knowledge of the region and subsector and while rolling to disengage may re-roll
the highest of the two dice.


The Achilles heel of the Diasporex fleet, this piece of Archaeotech is designed to collect high energy particles from a star. What particles, how they
are collected, and to what use they put them to is unknown beyond it is required for both powering and refuelling their ships. Given the force of
one detonating, Antimatter is a strong possibility. If you find a Solar Collector “farm” do whatever you can to destroy these, as it will cripple their
ability to function within a sector.


Defence/1 n/a n/a - 4+ -

Notes: Solar Collectors are a unique kind of defence available to the Diasporex. They may not be take in normal fleet lists, however certain
scenarios require their inclusion, whereupon they use the rules here.

Volatile Cargo: A Solar Collector when destroyed will explode on a 3+ with a blast radius of 3d6 cm. It will hit with a number of lances equal
to double the turns spent charging. These attacks ignore Shields, Shadowfields and Holofields.

No sector of the galaxy is free of the greenskin menace. From spiral arm threat, but more and more sightings of poorly hammered together vessels
to spiral arm the orkoid race plagues the other races of the galaxy on (even by ork standards) using weapons far more dangerous than normally
a near constant basis. From minor warbands that harass shipping lanes expected from Ork vessels are being spotted throughout the galaxy.
to entire sector consuming WAAAAGH!’s there is no limit to the level Reports show that the ships (or Grot Kroozas as described by their pilots)
of trouble any greenskin can provide to the civilized races of the galaxy. are notoriously fragile and volatile, more likely than not to detonate upon
Often overlooked are the smaller orkoid species, the diminutive but more exposure to any sort of concentrated fire. Individually they are simple to
clever Grot. While typically the Grot serves as both cannon fodder, dispatch, but it appears that the Grots have either help from some source,
manual labour or food for the larger Orks, occasionally they get tired of or can produce the ships at a disturbing rate. An individual Grot krooza
their servile positions and revolt against their ork overlords. Typically these is barely a threat to a few organized frigate vessels, but in large numbers
revolutions result in catastrophic failure, but occasionally through cunning, they have the potential to destroy significantly larger ships.
luck, or raw numbers the Grots succeed in overthrowing their masters.
Occasionally the Grots will accumulate enough valuables in their raids
The result is a frighteningly organized, if cowardly force. Left to their own to hire on Bad Moonz Freebootas to supplement their firepower, or even
devices the most cunning of Grots form a hierarchy of progressively more manage to somehow acquire larger Hammer Battlekroozas to provide
and more intelligent and dangerous leaders, usually being led by a small greater firepower. Several rumours are swirling around Segmentum
group of “Honchos” that themselves take orders from the smartest of Obscurus suggesting that the Grot Krooza was designed by an ork kept
them all, a Grot known as “Da Red Gobbo.” as a pet by a particularly careless Rogue Trader who decided to let the
Ork live instead of killing it when the potential danger manifested itself.
While the Grots still suffer from their innate cowardice and fragile nature,
without the dominion of larger Orks they become a potentially dangerous
force to encounter. Normally in space they would not be a significant


Grot ships have lower Leadership values than normal (see below), they do not benefit from the normal ork +1 bonus to boarding nor clan upgrades, require
a Leadership check to use All Ahead Full (though they still only gain travel +2D6 cm instead of +4D6 cm) and cannot squadron with non-Grot ships.

Those few Grots that get big and smart enough to lead others can manage to organize their krewz to perform better than most. They give a +1 to the
Ld of the ship they are on and may be given one re-roll for their ship or the skwadron they are part of.

The leader of the Grot Rev’looshun, it is a Grot of uncharacteristic intellect and kunnin’. If taken, he gives the vessel +2 Ld, and he can swap Ld’s with
another ship or squadron like an ork warboss. The ship also has a normal ork +1 bonus to boarding and gets one fleet wide re-roll.

Zzzap Cannons function like lances in all respects.


Grot Rev’looshun vessels roll for Leadership on the following table.

1 Leadership 5
2-3 Leadership 6
4-5 Leadership 7
6 Leadership 8

Grot Rev’looshun fleets function as a regular Ork fleet in campaigns and have an Attack Rating of 1.

Orks are always trying to improve their ships in some fashion and will do whatever they have to for either more parts or the teef to buy them. A warlord
in particular gathers around himself a number of other cunning and successful leaders, each one an enterprising Mekboss or Nob in his own right. Several
warlords may band together to fight a common foe, and they will each of course bring the best of their wargear to the fight, as much to demonstrate
their prowess to their fellow warlords as to bring the fight to the enemy. A vessel or escort skwadron led by a Warlord may be given up to one of the
following upgrades per Command re-roll the Warlord has. Each upgrade can only be applied once. Note: Players are actively encouraged to change their
upgrades from battle to battle in typically restless Orky fashion. Each Warlord that does so at least twice over the course of a campaign may have their
first normally earned refit for free instead of paying the normal +10% cost.

For tiddla skwadrons, the point cost for clan upgrades count for the whole skwadron (regardless of how large it is!), not individual escorts. This also means
the enemy only gets additional victory points for the clan upgrade is the tiddla skwadron is wiped out. If a single escort survives the battle, the enemy does
not get additional victory points for the clan upgrade. Not all Gubbinz apply to escorts or are taken the same way as capital ships, as indicated by their
notes. Gubbinz taken for escorts must be taken by all escorts in the skwadron (if applicable) for their listed cost and not merely by individual escorts.

Soopa Boostas +25 points

The ship gains +5cm speed, and it rolls 4D6cm when on All Ahead Full special orders.

Extra Power Fields +25 points

(Not for escorts) The ship’s shield value is increased by +1.

Extra Turrets +20 points

The ship gains +2 Turrets (Escorts get +1 Turret).

Maniac Turrets +10 points

(Not for escorts) The ship’s turret value is replaced by D3 turrets. This cannot be combined with Extra Turrets.

Looted Lances +30 points

Any heavy gunz batteries on the ship can be replaced with a Strength 2 lance battery. Range is 15cm for escorts, 30cm for capital ships.

Looted Torpedoes +20 points

The ship may re-roll the dice for the Strength of torpedo salvoes when it fires.

Mad Meks +25 points

(Not for escorts) The ship may re-roll the dice when repairing critical damage.

Maniac Gunners +30 points

The ship may re-roll the dice for the firepower of its gunz when it fires.

Mega-Armoured Boarding Parties +15 points

(Not for escorts) The ship has an additional +1 modifier when rolling for boarding actions and hit and run attacks of any type.

Ram Prow +10 points

(Not for escorts) This adds +1 bonus when rolling a leadership check to ram and causes 1Hp before rolling to inflict damage.

Tellyporta +30 points

(Not for escorts) Hit-and-run teleport attacks can be made to 30cm.

The following gubbinz can be taken by any number of capital ships in the fleet. More Gubbinz are not available for escorts (except the Grunt where
indicated) and can only be added to capital ships.

Klaws +10 points

(Not for escorts except the Grunt at +5 points per escort) Klaws are unaffected by special orders of any kind but cannot be used by capital ships if they
are crippled. Any time the ship moves in base contact with any one enemy ship during the movement phase, immediately roll two D6. Each roll of a 4+
inflicts one hit on the target, ignoring shields but not holofields. Brace for Impact works normally against attacks by Klaws.

Each ship with Klaws may only use it once per turn, regardless of how many vessels it contacts during the Ork player’s movement phase, though it does
not have to be the first ship in contact. If the Klaws hit only once or not at all, the ship can continue moving after making the attack and shoot/launch
ordnance later in the turn. If both attacks hit, then the vessel has grabbed the target with its enormous mechanical Klaws and has latched on! Neither
vessel can move if they are of the same class or smaller (such as cruiser to cruiser), though a larger class vessel may still move but only at half rate. Both
ships may shoot at half effectiveness (nova cannon and similar special weapons cannot fire). In every End phase roll to attack again (two dice needing
4+ to hit). If both attacks hit when a vessel is already grappled then it takes a third additional hit. Either ship may conduct boarding actions as normal.
Damage caused by Klaws cause critical hits as normal.

Shokk-Attack Lance Free

(Not for escorts) A ship’s prow heavy gunz batteries can be replaced with this weapon, which cannot be used if the ship is crippled or braced. It is only
effective against ships with shields down in the same manner as teleporters. When used, the ship rolls to hit on a 4+, range: 30cm. Holofields and being
braced both save normally against this. If a hit is rolled, D3+1 snotling hordes are teleported onto the enemy ship! If a miss is rolled, place a blast marker
in base contact with the vessel (even if shields are already down) for the hordes of vacuum-frozen snotlings bashing against the exterior of the hull. Each
hit does not cause damage. Instead, the next leadership check or special order made by the ship must be with an extra D6 (such as 3D6, or even more
when already using 3D6, such as when All Ahead Full through an asteroid field)! Additional “hits” from this weapon only add to the number of hordes that
must be eradicated before the ship can return to conducting leadership checks normally. Every special order done in this manner (even if failed) “repairs”
one of these hordes as the crew works furiously to shove thousands of snotlings out the nearest airlock! These can also each be repaired in the end phase
normally when rolling to repair critical damage.

Escorts have fewer complex systems than capital ships and are smaller overall. While multiple snotling hordes can possibly get into some vital system that
in the end overwhelms the vessel, it is just as likely they will miss vital spaces entirely. When fired at escorts, the defending squadron rolls a D6. On a
4+, the closest escort gets an additional blast marker placed in contact with it as the hordes have no effect. On a roll of 3 or less, the nearest escort in
range with no shields is destroyed (being braced works normally).

Traktor Field Free

(Not for escorts but required on the Grunt) The ship upgrades to battleship base size, and it may not use Come to New Heading special orders.

Assault Karrier Free

(Not for escorts) Any ship that takes both attack craft and torpedoes can be optimized for hit and run attacks and boarding actions by particularly zealous
Orks. It takes boarding torpedoes for free, but it may only use assault boats. It may launch +1 assault boat marker each time it launches attack craft
normally (even if crippled or braced, but not both).


The origin of Waaagh! Tankloota is a constant headache for the Ordo Xenos. While it is not the most aggressive or dangerous of Waaagh!’s in known
history it is a persistent threat that plagues Segmentum Obscurus and Segmentum Solar. The Ork behind it is known as Big Mekboss Gruglok
Krunkmek, and he is considered unusual by ork standards in that he has favourable views of Grots and prefers them over normal Orks. This is fortunate
for the systems the Waaagh! passes by, since attacks seem to lack many larger Orkoid forms.

The origins of the Waaagh! are the stuff of great irritation amongst the Inquisition, because it is known that Gruglok was kept as a curiosity by an
unknown Rogue Trader who allowed Gruglok to tinker and mess with his ship. According to rumour, before the Rogue Trader abandoned the ork for
creating Grot marching bands the Ork managed to create/invent a small scale cruiser hull suited for smaller orkoid lifeforms. This ‘Grot krooza’ design
is a piecemeal mess of scrap tied together with unknown methods and barely functions as a vessel, though it does have some sign of sophistication as it
manages to house a powerful lance weapon aboard.

While Gruglok himself commands a powerful Hammer Battlekrooza, the majority of the fleet he commands is made up of swarms of these smaller scale
Krooza, though a few orks have joined him mostly out of curiosity and boredom. What makes this Warboss dangerous is that it has become clear that
he makes these ships and gives them to other Ork factions, creating the risk of large numbers of potentially dangerous raiding vessels. Reports have come
to the Ordo Xenos of a growing practical group led by a Grot by the name of “Da Red Gobbo” but generally it has been overlooked for more pressing
matters. Regrettably, the Rogue Trader responsible for this new galactic irritation was never found.

Gruglok must always lead the fleet aboard his Hammer-class Battlekrooza. Gruglok behaves as a normal Blood Axe Ork Warboss (with a single re-roll)
but he can squadron with Grot ships. Furthermore, his vessel can automatically pass All Ahead Full special orders, he can swap leadership with another
ship or squadron like an Ork warboss and gives the vessel +1 Leadership. Gruglok grants his ship +2 to one boarding dice roll per game and an extra D6
to repairs during the end phase. He can purchase ship gubbinz as normal and may purchase an extra ship gubbinz (or an Imperial Navy refit as befits a
Blood Axe).


Gruglok may bring his Grot Marching Band with him for 30 points, if he does, he may order them to play at any point during the battle which allows
him to automatically pass any Leadership or Command check that round.


Freeboota ork vessels are a common sight all over the galaxy, roaming from one battle to the next in search of adventure, teef, and a good fight.
Typically these squadrons of vessels are made up of ambitious Bad Moonz looking for their fortune and fame as mercenaries for anyone with the
teef to pay. Often a Honcho of the Grot Rebellion will pay the teef necessary to get one or even multiple ships to help them in a “cunnin’ plan”,
though usually the Freebootas are used as cannon fodder in battle. This suits the Freebootas well, because they view the grots the exact same way.


Cruiser/6 25 cm 45° 1 6+ Prow/5+/4+ 1
Prow Gunz 30 cm 2 Front
Choose one of the following:
Prow Heavy Gunz 15 cm 4 Front
Prow Torpedoes Speed: 30 cm D6 Front
Prow Gunz 30 cm D6 Front
Choose one of the following:
Port Heavy Gunz 15 cm 3 Left
Starboard Heavy Gunz 15 cm 3 Right
Port Gunz 30 cm D3 + 1 Left
Starboard Gunz 30 cm D3 + 1 Right
Port Launch Bays 1 squadron
Fighta-bommaz: 25 cm -
Starboard Launch Bays 1 squadron

Notes: These vessels are usually Bad Moonz Mercenaries or some other form of easily bribed ork looking for a fight no matter who is leading
them into battle. The vessel must take a single upgrade from the Gubbinz table in the Ork Clanz rules. If a squadron of these ships are taken,
they must all have the same upgrade.


Not so much a ship as a pile of near junk. The Grot Krooza is, for the most part, a laughable vessel that is barely spaceworthy (and regularly
isn’t to the dismay of the krew aboard). Those ships that survive the first launch are quickly armed with anything and everything the Grots can find
without any regard to its effectiveness in actual battle. One thing that does make the Grot Krooza a potentially dangerous target is the single large
dorsal Zzzap cannon. While the guns and torpedoes are the normal looted variety, the Zzzap cannon is surprisingly effective and efficient for ork
technology, raising question as to its origin. Alone a Grot krooza can be best described as “target practice” by any other faction in the galaxy. In
large numbers, they can take down significantly larger ships and should be treated as seriously as a Terror Ship.


Cruiser/4 20 cm 45° 1 6+ Prow/4+ 1
Port Gunz 30 cm D3 Left
Starboard Gunz 30 cm D3 Right
Dorsal Zzzap Cannon 30 cm 1 Left/Front/Right
Prow Gunz 30 cm 3 Front
Prow Torpdoes Speed: 30 cm D3+1 Front
Keel Launch Bay Grot Fightaz: 20 cm 1 squadron -

Grot Krew: These vessels cannot squadron with non-Grot ships.

Grot Fightaz: Grot Fightaz behave as regular Ork Fighta-Bommerz, but have a speed of 20cm and roll D2 for their attacks instead of D3.

Ramshackle Bodgery: Grot Kroozas do not suffer negative effects from being crippled and do not provide a bonus 25% victory points for hulks
at the end of the game. When reduced to 0 hits, do not roll on the catastrophic damage table, instead roll a d6, on a 1-3 it becomes a blazing
hulk, on a 4-5 it suffers a plasma drive overload, on a 6 it suffers a warp drive implosion.

How can such primitive weapons do so much damage?

Chief Engineer of the Diasporex Cruiser Bellerophon

You must include at least one Fleet Commander for every 500 points, or part, that the fleet is worth.

(0 - 1) Gruglok Krunkmek (+1 Ld) 75 points

• Gruglok Krunkmek has one fleet re-roll.
• If you include Gruglok Krunkmek then you must include a Hammer-class Battlekrooza (235 points) and assign him to it. He can also bring
a Grot Marching Band for +30 points.
(0 - 1) Da Red Gobbo (+2 Ld) 50 points
• Da Red Gobbo has one fleet re-roll.
• If you include Da Red Gobbo, you may include a Hammer-class Battlekrooza (235 points), a Kill Krooza (145 points) or a Terror Krooza
(175 points) in the fleet. If you do so, Da Red Gobbo must be assigned to it.
Grot Honcho (+1 Ld) 15 points
• A Grot Honcho may purchase one squadron re-roll for +20 points.

Freeboota Basha Lite Krooza 90 points
For every three Grot Kroozas included in your fleet, you may pick one Freeboota Basha Lite Krooza. Freeboota Basha Lite Kroozas are normal
ork ships and follow all rules for ork vessels. All Freeboota Basha Light Kroozas must take a single upgrade from the Ork Clanz Gubbinz
upgrade list. If in a squadron of other Freeboota Basha Light Kroozas, they all must take the same upgrade. Grot Honchos cannot be placed on
Freeboota Basha Lite Kroozas, nor can Da Red Gobbo.
Grot Krooza 75 points
You may include any number of Grot Kroozas in your fleet. They may be squadroned in groups of 5 ships instead of 4 as normal.

You may include any number of escorts in your fleet, in squadrons of 3-10 escorts.

Onslaught Attack Ship 30 points

Ravager Attack Ship 35 points
Savage Gunship 25 points

This fleet may take a single Kill Krooza for every three squadrons of Grot Kroozas, to represent Orks joining out of boredom or curiosity. This Vessel
functions like a normal Ork vessel but cannot take a Grot Honcho.

As we are all well aware, in space no one can hear you scream. Science has shown us there cannot be sound in space, yet in this strange universe some
things cannot be explained by what we know of science. There are rumours that crop up time upon time and rarely do we get the chance to shed light
on them. This anomaly was long consigned to be the musings of drunk sailors trawling the void, but we now have evidence of sound in space. These
sounds come not through communication arrays, but through the echoes of space and time itself.

“Boom boom kish dang boom bang kish dang boom boom bam clam clam boom kish kish dang bang ‘e’re we go e’re we go’ boom boom bam bam
bam kish kish clam bam boom kish kish boom boom ‘e’re we go e’re we go’ boom boom bam bam…”
attributed to the infamous Grot Marching Band….

In the Lokannun system, enroute to purge the only inhabited planet, the Adepta Sororitas Priory class strike cruiser “Flame of the Saint” picked up the
forgotten sensor patterns of the Diasporex Callisto Combat cruiser “Ajax”.

Distrustful of each other, both following their own agendas, the small flotillas quickly entered into a lethal engagement.

Historical Fleets
Adepta Sororitas
Veteran Captain Canoness Alicosha aboard the Flame of the Saint - Leadership 8
• Flame of the Saint - Priory class Strike Cruiser
• Balmung Sword Squadron - Five Sword class Frigates under command of Commander Zolic - Leadership 8

Fleet Master Grahamitch aboard the Ajax - Leadership 8
• Ajax - Callisto class Combat Cruiser with Archaeotech upgrade
• Faraday - Five Terran Escorts - Leadership 7
• Galea - Mercury class Escort - Leadership 9

The battle takes place in the Primary Biosphere. Set-up celestial phenomena in any mutually agreed fashion. However, one medium-sized planet must be
placed in the centre of the board, along with a small moon placed 25 cm away from the planet towards one of the short table edges.

The fleets are deployed in either one of the corners of the table no closer than 60 cm to the planet.

First Turn
Both players roll a D6. The player who rolled the highest may decide to go first or second. In case of a tie re-roll.

Game Length
The game continues for eight turns, or until one fleet disengages.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the battle wins.

As the Grot Krooza Biggun Shanka exploded into the solar collector the first encounter between Da Red Gobbo and his band against the Diasporex
occurred. With Da Red Gobbo going full speed for the loot the “Hyppolyta” positioned itself between the coming Green wave and the remaining solar

Historical Fleets
Grot Rev’looshun
Da Red Gobbo aboard the Hack’r - Leadership +2
• Hack’r - Terror Krooza
• Krunch Fasta - Grot Krooza - Leadership 6
• Ham’Stap - Six Savage Gunships with Soopa Boostas - Leadership 6
• Grapperers - Three Onslaught Attack Ships - Leadership 6

• Hyppolyta - Neptune class Command Carrier - Leadership 8
• Pilus - Six Terran Escorts - Leadership 9

The battle takes place in the Outer Reaches. Set-up celestial phenomena in any mutually agreed fashion.

The Diasporex player deploys their whole fleet first. Furthermore the Diasporex player adds three Solar Collectors in the deployment zone as shown below.

First Turn
The Grot fleet, as the attacker, takes the first turn.

Game Length
The game continues for eight turns, or until either all solar collectors are destroyed or either one of the fleets has been destroyed. The Diasporex fleet
may not disengage as the solar fields are of uttermost importance to them.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the battle wins.

Each Solar collector destroyed is worth 50 victory points, every solar collector that survives to the end of the game is worth 25 victory points to the
Diasporex player.

Even as it came at the loss of the Damnation’s Fear the Inquisitor led the Adepta Sororitas to the location of the Royal fleet of Eres. And as such the
graveyard of ancient yet majestic vessels soon exploded into a fierce engagement between the Adepta Sororitas under command of Gerome the Pious and
the Grot Rev’looshun under command of the infamous Da Red Gobbo.

Historical Fleets
Adepta Sororitas
Solar Admiral Fraeteris Templar Gerome the Pious aboard the Holy Light - Leadership 10
• [1] Holy Light - Oberon class Battleship
• [2] Blood of the Holy - Chalice class Battlecruiser - Leadership 10
• [5] Chariot of Olivia - Chalice class Battlecruiser - Leadership 7
• [3] Punctuality & Flame - Chapel class Strike Cruiser squadron - Leadership 10 & 7
• [4] Torch of the Emperor & Saviour of Light - Priory class Strike Cruiser squadron with Extra Shields - Leadership 9 & 8
• [1] Xisor Phantine XX - Six Sword class Frigates - Leadership 8
• [2] Rays of Nerroth - Six Firestorm class Frigates - Leadership 7

Grot Rev’looshun
Da Red Gobbo aboard the Hack’r - Leadership +2
Gruglok Krunkmek aboard the Krunch - Leadership +1
Two Grot Honcho’s aboard the Mork’z’em and Gork’z’em - with one re-roll each
• [1] Hack’r - Terror Krooza - Leadership 7
• [2] Mash’em - Hammer-class Battlekrooza with Mad Meks - Leadership 7
• [3] Krunch Fasta - Three Grot Kroozas in squadron - Leadership 6
• [3] Squish’ed Lootaz - Three Grot Kroozas in squadron - Leadership 6
• [3] Mork’z’em - Freeboota Basha Krooza with Mega-Armoured Boarding Parties - Leadership 7
• [4] Gork’z’em - Freeboota Basha Krooza - Leadership 6
• [1] Braawza - Six Ravager Attack Ships - Leadership 6
• [2] Grapperers - Nine Onslaught Attack Ships - Leadership 7
• [5] Ham’Stap - Nine Savage Gunships with Soopa Boostas - Leadership 7

Note: the prefix number before the ship or squadron is to show to which division (contact marker) they are assigned (see Set-up).

This battle may take place in any battlezone. Generate as per rulebook.

In the centre of the board randomly place the following vessels of the Royal fleet of Eres:
One Victory class Battleship, one Armageddon class Battlecruiser, one Overlord class Battlecruiser, two Lunar class Cruisers and two Dauntless class Light
Cruisers. Each within 5 cm of each other fanning out clockwise from the Victory class Battleship which is placed in the centre of the table .

Both players must randomly select one contact marker (without showing their opponent the division it represents). These will be the players’ starting forces.
Each player then rolls a D6. The player with the higher score chooses whether to place their marker first or second. Contact markers may be placed
anywhere on the table at least 30 cm from the table edge and at least 60 cm from an enemy contact marker.

Once both markers have been placed, reveal the divisions they represent. The players then deploy those divisions’ forces anywhere within 10 cm of their
respective markers, starting with whoever placed their contact marker last.

First Turn
Each player rolls a D6. The player with the higher score chooses whether to go first or second.

Special Rules
In the end phase of each player’s turn, that player randomly selects another one of their contact markers (again without showing their opponent the division
it represents) and places it along a randomly rolled table edge according to the following restrictions (see the diagram above):
• The marker cannot be placed within 60 cm of any enemy ships.
• If there are friendly ships within 30 cm of that table edge, the marker must be placed within 30 cm of at least one of those ships.

At the beginning of a player’s turn, that player may try to bring additional ships into play by rolling a D6 for any of their contact markers already placed
on a table edge and consulting the chart below:


20 cm or less 5+
21 - 29 cm 4+
30+ cm 3+
* If friendly ships are within 30cm of the contact marker, add +2 to the dice roll.

If the division arrives successfully, each of its ships and squadrons must move onto the table from anywhere along the marker’s table edge that is within
10 cm of the marker, then remove that division’s contact marker from the game. Otherwise, the player may move that contact marker in either direction
along its table edge, up to a distance equal to the speed of the slowest ship in the division.

Game Length
The game lasts until one fleet disengages or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the battle wins.

If a player moves one of their own capital ships into base contact with an uncaptured vessel of the royal fleet of Eres and manages to stay in contact and
survive for one full round the vessel will give additional victory points as follows:
• 200 Points for capturing the Battleship
• 150 Points for capturing a Battlecruiser
• 100 Points for capturing a Cruiser
• 50 Points for capturing a Light Cruiser

If by the end of the battle an uncaptured vessel remains on the battlefield it will give 25 points to the player who has ships left on the battlefield.

Leaving no time to waste, the Adepta Sororitas, now bolstered by vessels of the royal fleet, set course for the largest part of the Diasporex fleet. As the
mighty naval forces of the Adepta Sororitas approached, the Diasporex high command mustered their Battlefleet while endeavouring to save as much of
their operation as they could.

Historical Fleets
Adepta Sororitas
Canoness Immacoris aboard the Carmina Indomitas - Leadership 9 with a re-roll
The Living Saint aboard the Saviour of the Light - Leadership +2
Archmagos Calculus aboard Omnissiah’s Wrath - Leadership 9
• [2] Carmina Indomitas - Modified Retribution class Battleship
• [3] Immortal - Victory class Battleship - Leadership 7
• [3] Eres’ Fury - Armageddon class Battlecruiser - Leadership 7
• [2] Omnissiah’s Wrath - Adeptus Mechanicus Gothic class Cruiser with Nova Cannon
• [1] Punctuality - Chapel class Strike Cruiser with Extra Shield - Leadership 10
• [1] Nova Eterna - Chapel class Strike Cruiser - Leadership 8
• [2] Saviour of the Light - Priory class Strike Cruiser with Extra Shield - Leadership 8
• [2] Pride of Eres - Lunar class Cruiser - Leadership 7
• [3] Balmung - Six Sword class Frigate - Leadership 8
• [1] Peregrine - Five Cobra class Destroyers with the Widowmaker refit - Leadership 10

High Senator Davo aboard the Illiad - Leadership +2
Fleet Master Digines Akrites aboard the Odyssey - Leadership +1 with an extra re-roll
• Illiad - Saturn class Fleet Carrier with Xenotech upgrade- Leadership 9
• Odyssey - Jupiter class Command Battleship with Archaeotech upgrade - Leadership 8
• Lotus - Io class Superiority Cruiser with Archaeotech upgrade - Leadership 7
• Basilisk - Callisto class Combat Cruiser - Leadership - 6
• Pollux - Ganymede class Artillery Cruiser with Xenotech upgrade - Leadership 6
• Castor - Ganymede class Artillery Cruiser - Leadership 7
• Serpentine - Enceladus class Support Cruiser - Leadership 8
• Python - Enceladus class Support Cruiser - Leadership 7
• Scipio - Metis class Support Cruiser - Leadership 7
• Kr’gg’hshh - Ceti Bulwark class Cruiser - Leadership 9
• Faraday - Five Terran Escorts - Leadership 8
• Galea - Mercury class Escort - Leadership 9

Note: the prefix number before the ship or squadron is to show to which division (contact marker) they are assigned (see Set-up).

This battle takes place in the Outer Reaches. Generate as per rulebook.

Use the following deployment map.
• The Diasporex fleet is being placed in the white Defender’s deployment zone facing as the arrows indicate.
• The Adepta Sororitas is being placed in the dark grey Attacker’s deployment zones as the division numbers indicate and facing is the arrows indicate.

First Turn
Each player rolls a D6. The player with the higher score chooses whether to go first or second.

Game Length
The game lasts until one fleet disengages or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal, and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the game wins.

During the Diasporex wars in Discordia their Solar Collector fields were often the location of conflict as the Adepta Sororitas or Grot Rev’looshun either
tried to destroy them or loot them.

As this scenario can either be played as a raid or a battle both players may pick a fleet up to an agreed point limit. For raids this is between 500 and
1000 points and for battles this is between 1000 and 2000 points.

The battle takes place in the flare region. Set-up celestial phenomena in any mutually agreed fashion or by using the generator from the rulebook.

Determine one of the short table edges to be the sunward edge. The Diasporex player deploys their fleet on the sunward side first (all ships) within 20 cm
of the edge. Roll D6+2 if a raid is being played or D6+4 if a battle is being played to determine how many Solar Collectors the Diasporex player must
defend. The Solar Collectors are deployed after all other deployment is complete; within 10 cm of the Diasporex table edge.

First Turn
Both players roll a D6. The player who rolled the highest may decide to go first or second. In case of a tie re-roll.

Game Length
The game continues for eight turns, or until one fleet disengages or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the battle wins.

In addition each Solar collector destroyed is worth 100 victory points to the attacking player; every solar collector that survives to the end of the game
is worth 200 victory points to the Diasporex player.

If all solar collectors are destroyed, the Diasporex player immediately suffers a Miserable Defeat! and the mission ends.

The Grot Rev’looshun fleet roaming the Discordia sector often proved to be a real problem to either the Diasporex or Adepta Sororitas fleets. Their
attacks heavily focused on disabling or crippling enemy ships instead of destroying them. This allowed the grots to secure as much loot as possible.

This scenario is ideally played as a raid mission. The Grot Rev’looshun player (the attacker) may pick a fleet up to 1000 points, the Diasporex or Adepta
Sororitas player (the defender) may pick a fleet up to 1500 points.

The battle can take place in any of the regions. Set-up celestial phenomena in any mutually agreed fashion or by using the generator from the rulebook.

The defender deploys their whole fleet first. The defending fleet must be set up with all the ships facing the same table edge and at least 30 cm from any
table edge. Each defending ship or squadron must be set up at least 20 cm apart. The attacker moves their fleet onto the table from any edge on their
first turn.

First Turn
The attacker takes the first turn and moves their fleet on from one table edge.

Special Rules
For the first D6 turns, all the defender’s ships suffer a -2 Leadership penalty to represent their reduced state of alert.

Game Length
The game continues for eight turns, or until one fleet disengages or is destroyed.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal, and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the game wins.

In addition the Grot Rev’looshun player gains 50% victory points for any enemy ship that is crippled at the end of the game instead of the usual 25%. If
the opponent disengages a crippled vessel it is still worth 25% victory points to the Grot player as the Mad Meks have developed a tracking device for
crippled ships.

If played during a campaign, the Grot player adds one of the contact markers (1 - 5) to an enemy ship as soon as it is crippled. After the engagement
the Grot player rolls a dice, if the rolled number matches to one of the assigned contact markers that ship will be added to the Grot roster sheet (and
be removed from the owning players sheet)! If a ‘six’ is rolled the Grot player may pick one of the contact markers/ships as they wishes.

As the Discordia sector was relieved from the warp storms all kinds of treasure seekers of naval assets had their eyes on locating the ancient
vessels or other relics of Battlefleet Discordia. While often they could be found and salvaged in remote locations without running into troubles but
sometimes such an ancient vessel was located by two rivalling fleets.

Both players agree on a point value between 1500 and 2000 points and pick a fleet up to that point limit.

The battle takes place in deep space. Set-up celestial phenomena in any mutually agreed fashion or by using the generator from the rulebook.

Place the ancient vessel or relic (for example an Oberon class Battleship or even bigger a Gloriana class Battleship, or even wilder a Ramilies Starfort
embedded into a drifting Space Hulk!) in the centre of the table.

Both players deploy their fleet along one of the short table edges within 30 cm of the edge.

First Turn
Roll a D6 and add the fleet rating to see which player goes first.

Special Rules
The ancient relic has 20 hull points and a boarding value of 20. To capture the relic a player must try to board the relic with at least a (combined) boarding
value of 10. The player must remain in base to base contact with the relic for two full turns. The player who achieves a successful boarding operation may
move the relic each turn at the speed of 10 cm towards their own table edge. From that point on the opposing player will try to destroy the relic at all
costs. For this the relic is considered to have an armour rating of 5+ and 1 active shield. It has no active weaponry.

Game Length
The game continues until one fleet disengages or is destroyed. The game will also end if a player captured the relic and managed to escape with it from
their own table edge.

Victory Conditions
Both fleets score victory points as normal, and the fleet with the highest victory points total at the end of the game wins.

If a player succeeds in escaping with the relic they will add 500 victory points to their score. Destroying the relic will not give additional victory points.

When played in a campaign the player who manages to secure the relic may add the relic to their fleet roster! Roll a D6 and consult the following table:

The player may add an Imperial or Chaos Battleship up to 400 points to
their fleet roster
4-5 The player may add an inactive Blackstone Fortress to their roster
6 The player may add a Ramilies Starfort to their roster.

This project is dedicated to Brandon Miner, the craftsman of the first full Diasporex fleet, and the best friend anyone could ask for.

Thank you all for reading this, the first of hopefully many supplements to Battlefleet Gothic. This document is the culmination of over
a decade of work, dedication and love for the hobby during its darkest days. I want this to be an example for others to show that if
you love something, its not good enough that you fight for it, you must help it grow.

Go out, get some ships, drink a beer, and have fun!


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