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JME 3710

October 6, 2023

Homework #6

1. (10 pts) A cooling fin of length L = 0.1m can be mod-

eled using boundary layer flow over 2 sides of a flat
plate (Fig. 1). Freestream and fin surface tempera-
tures are T∞ = 300 K and Ts = 525 K, respectively,
and the freestream velocity is u∞ = 22 m/s. Assum-
ing fully–turbulent flow, calculate the heat transfer per
unit width of the fin, assuming that a Chilton–type fin
correlation applies for the overall Nusselt number:
N uL = 0.037 ReL P r 1/3 .

We model the material properties of air according to 0.1m

the film temperature Tf = (T∞ + Ts )/2, i.e.

ν k Pr
2.29 ×10−5 m2 /s 0.0346 W/(m K) 0.69 Figure 1: Cooling fin model.

2. (10 pts) A long cylindrical tube of length L = 1 m and

diameter D = 0.025m is in a cross–flow of air having an
approach velocity of u∞ = 15 m/s (Fig. 2). If the dif-
ference in temperature between the freestream and the
pipe surface is ∆T = 75 K, calculate the heat transfer
per unit length of the pipe using Hilpert’s correlation.
Assume values for fluid properties as follows
ν k Pr
1.93 ×10−5 m2 /s 0.0288 W/(m K) 0.7
Figure 2: Cylinder flow.
3. (10 pts) Suppose the cylindrical flow configuration in Question 2
is part of a larger system of flow in a heat exchanger. One of
the problems in heat exchanger design is selection of a working ν 1.69 ×10−5 m2 /s
fluid. Assuming all other factors being the same (except for fluid
k 0.0272 W/(m K)
properties listed to the right), determine whether replacing air
with ammonia gas (NH3 ) as a working fluid results in better Pr 0.87
(higher) or worse (lower) heat transfer per unit length of pipe,
as compared to that for Question 2.
4. (10 pts) Suppose the dimensionless temperature distribution of a certain boundary layer flow
could be expressed as
sin 0.33 y ∗ Re1/2 P r 1/3 : inside thermal boundary layer
T ∗ (y ∗ ) =
1 : outside thermal boundary layer ,

where y ∗ is the usual coordinate direction (here dimensionless) normal to the plate, Rex is local
Reynolds number, and P r is the fluid Prandtl number. Recalling that the Nusselt number is
equivalent to the dimensionless temperature gradient at the plate, evaluate N ux .
JME 3710 October 6, 2023

5. (10 pts) For a particular turbulent flow over a flat plate of length L, the local skin friction factor
is well–described as Cx = 0.0592 Re−0.2x , where Rex = u∞ x/ν is the local Reynolds number
relative to the plate’s leading edge. Assuming the local Nusselt number follows the Reynolds
analogy, N ux = Cx Rex P r 1/3 /2, develop an expression for the overall (average) Nusselt number
N uL over the entire plate. Hint: integrate hx over the plate to obtain h.

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