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Workplace and jobs

Work – phrases Employment

• complete training • apply for a job • resign from a job
• CV • attend an interview • take a day off
• key skills • be badly paid • take paid holiday
• work experience • be responsible for • work indoors/outdoors
• • be well paid • work night shifts
• • do/work overtime •
• get fired / the sack •

Personal qualities Workplace Jobs

• ambitious and jobs • assistant • pizza deliverer
• calm • babysitter • secretary
• clever • fire-fighter • driving instructor
• confident • fruit picker • social worker
• creative • lifeguard •
• determined • mechanic •
• diplomatic
• energetic
• enthusiastic
• experienced
• good at solving problems
• good with animals
• hard-working Phrases with work
• patient
• polite • work at night

• punctual • work from 9 to 5

• reliable • work in an office

• smart • work long hours

• • work to a deadline

• • work under pressure

Describing jobs
• challenging
• creative Workplaces
• demanding
• repetitive • building site Phrasal verbs
• rewarding • coal mine
• come up with sth
• stressful • corner shop
• put sb off sth
• tiring • design studio
• put up with sth/sb
• • factory
• take sb on
• • farm
• turn up
• hair salon

• library

• nursery

© Pearson Education Limited 2021 GSE 38-50

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