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REGULATORY FRAMEWORK for BUSINESS 4. The following are the characteristics of a contract
TRANSACTIONS of sale, except:
October 2023 Board Examination
a. Principal, which means that a contract of sale
can stand by itself.
b. Real, which requires the delivery of the
(3 ITEMS) object of the contract of sale for its
1.3.1 Nature, forms, and requisites c. Onerous, where the rights are acquired in
1. A contract whereby one of the contracting parties exchange of a valuable consideration.
obligates himself to transfer the ownership of and d. Bilateral, which means that both parties are
to deliver a determinate thing and the other to bound reciprocally to each other.
pay therefor a price certain in money or its
equivalent is a contract of: 5. One of the following is not a requisite of the
object of a contract of sale. Which is it?
a. barter
b. sale a. It must be within the commerce of men.
c. dacion en pago b. It must be licit.
d. mortgage c. It must be determinate or determinable.
d. Vendor must be the owner of the thing at the
2. The following are essential elements of a contract time of sale.
of sale, except:
6. Ownership of the thing sold
a. Consent of the contracting parties.
b. Subject matter which should be determinate. a. Is transferred to the buyer upon actual
c. Price which is certain in money or its delivery
equivalent. b. Is acquired by the buyer upon the perfection
d. Warranty against eviction and against hidden of the contract
defects c. Is transferred to the buyer upon constructive
or actual delivery of the thing
3. On January 1, S orally sold to B a specific ring for d. Is retained by the seller in “sale or return”
P450.00. The parties agreed that S shall deliver
the ring to B on January 5, while B shall pay the 7. Santiago sells to Bermejo 500 sacks of rice at
price on January 7. P1,000.00 per sack from the stock then stored in
the warehouse of Santiago. Unknown to the
a. The contract is perfected on January 5, when parties, the warehouse contains only 480 sacks of
the ring is delivered by S to B. rice. What is the status of the contract between
b. The contract is perfected on January 1, when Santiago and Bermejo?
the parties had a meeting of minds on the
object and the price. a. The sale is void since the quantity available is
c. The contract is perfected on January 7, when less than the quantity sold.
the price is paid, since both parties would by b. The sale is valid up to 480 sacks of rice but
then have performed their obligations in the void as to the deficiency of 20 sacks of rice.
contract. c. The entire sale is valid up to 500 sacks of rice.
d. There is no perfected contract because the Bermejo becomes the owner of the whole
sale was made orally.

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stock available and Santiago must deliver the c. If the fixing of the price is left to the
deficiency of 20 sacks of rice. discretion of one of the contracting parties
d. The sale is valid up to 480 sacks of rice but and the price fixed is not accepted by the
rescissible as to the deficiency of 20 sacks of other party.
rice by reason of damage suffered by Bermejo d. If the price fixed is that which the thing sold
would have on a definite day or in a particular
8. San Manuel Corporation, which maintains exchange or market
professional basketball team, entered into a
contract with Armstrong Rubber Company for the 10. These statements are presented to you:
latter to provide a pair of rubber shoes to the I. Gross inadequacy of the price does not affect
former’s two imported basketball players, Charles a contract of sale, except as it may indicate a
Jordan and Michael Barkley. Armstrong Rubber defect in the consent, or that the parties really
Company was instructed to make a pair for either intended a donation or some other act or
or both players in case the company did not contract.
manufacture shoes of their size. No pair was, II. A contract of sale is valid, even if at the time
however, immediately available for both the of sale, the seller is not the owner of what he
players. Charles Jordan, who is 6’5 tall and wears is selling
size 12 rubber shoes, was given a pair the
following day from the 300 pairs that Armstrong In your evaluation of the foregoing statements
was inthe process of manufacturing for its a. Both statements are true
customers at the time the orders were received. b. Both statements are false
Michael Barkley, who is 7’ tall and wears size 18 c. Only statement I is true
shoes, was provided three days later, with a pair d. Only statement II is true
that was specially made for him since Armstrong
does not make shoes of his size. What kind of 11. Where the seller of goods has a voidable title
contracts were entered into for the shoes thereto, but his title has not been avoided at the
provided to the two basketball players? time of the sale, the buyer acquires title to the
goods. Such acquisition of title has the following
a. The contract for the pair of shoes provided to requisites, except the:
Charles Jordan is a contract for a piece of
work, while that for Michael Barkley is a a. Buyer must have bought the goods in good
contract for sale. faith.
b. The contract for the pairs of shoes provided b. Buyer must have bought them for value.
to Charles Jordan is a contract of sale, while c. Buyer bought them without notice of the
that for Michael Barkley is a contract for a seller’s defect of title.
piece of work. d. Party from whom the seller obtained the
c. Both contracts are contracts of sale. goods must ratify the sale.
d. Both contracts are contracts for a piece of
work. 12. On March 1, 2023, S sold and delivered to B a
television set for P10,000.00 “on sale or return”
9. The price in a contract of sale is certain, except: giving B up to March 16, 2023 within which to
a. When the parties have fixed or agreed upon a return the television set or pay the price. On
definite amount. March 10, 2023, the television set was burned
b. If the price is certain with reference to through no fault of B. Based on the foregoing,
another thing certain. which of the following statements is incorrect?

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a. B must pay the price of the television set. b. S may collect from B P49,000.00
b. S must bear the loss since the time for the c. S cannot enforce payment because the
return of the television set had not yet contract was not reduced to writing.
expired. d. S cannot enforce payment because there was
c. The ownership of the television set was no contract of sale yet.
transferred to B upon delivery to him.
d. B must bear the loss of the television set. 1.3.3 Rights/obligations of vendor and vendee
16. S stole a ring belonging to O. Subsequently, the
13. One of the following statements on the transfer ring was offered for sale at a public auction where
of ownership of the thing in “sale on trail” is X, who was not aware that the ring was stolen,
incorrect. Which is it? bought it. A few weeks later, O saw the ring and
recognized it as his. Based on the foregoing
a. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the information, which of the following statements is
vendee when he signifies his approval or correct?
acceptance to the vendor.
b. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the a. O may recover the ring from X without
vendee when he does an act adopting the reimbursing X since O was unlawfully deprived
transaction. of the ring.
c. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the b. O may recover the ring from X but he has to
vendee if the time fixed for the return of the reimburse X since X acquired title to the ring.
thing has expired and the vendee retains the c. O may no longer recover the ring even if he is
thing without giving notice of rejection or willing to reimburse X.
acceptance to the vendor. d. X did not acquire title to the ring since the
d. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the auctioneer had no valid title thereto
vendee upon delivery.
17. An unpaid seller has the following rights, except:
1.3.2 Earnest money as distinguished from option
money a. A lien on the goods or the right to retain them
14. A sum of money paid, or a thing delivered upon for the price while he is in possession of them.
the making of a contract for the sale of goods, to b. In case of insolvency of the buyer, a right of
bind the bargain, the delivery and acceptance of stopping the goods in transitu after he has
which makes the final assent of both parties to parted with the possession of them.
the contract. c. A right of repurchase.
a. Option money d. A right to rescind.
b. Earnest money
c. Reservation money 18. An unpaid seller loses his lien on the goods in the
d. Down payment following cases, except:

15. S orally offered to sell a certain diamond ring to B a. When he delivers the goods to a carrier or
for P50,000.00. B accepted the offer and to prove other bailee for the purpose of transmission
that he was in earnest, he gave S P1,000.00. The to the buyer without reserving the right of
parties agreed that the delivery of the ring and the ownership in the goods.
payment of the price would be made 30 days b. When the buyer or his agent lawfully obtains
later. On due date: possession of the goods.
c. When the seller waives his possessory lien.
a. S may collect from B P50,000.00.

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d. When he has obtained judgement for the Maru”. The sale was evidenced by an invoice
price of the goods. identifying each machine by serial number. Each
machine was priced at P10,000.00. Unknown to
19. Three of the following are the requisites in order the parties, 30 units were damaged beyond repair
that an unpaid seller may exercise his right of by seawater on May 31, 2015. Based on the
stoppage of transitu. Which one is not? foregoing, which of the following statement is
a. The seller is unpaid.
b. The seller has not parted with the possession a. B may rescind the whole contract.
of goods. b. B may demand delivery of the remaining 20
c. The goods are in transit. units and pay the price therefor
d. The buyer is or becomes insolvent. c. S may require payment of the whole
shipment from B since S was not aware of the
20. These statements are presented to you: damaged caused on the machines at the time
I. The expenses for the execution and of sale.
registration of the sale shall be borne by the d. S has no option to rescind the whole contract
vendor, unless there is a stipulation to the or require payment of the remaining 20 units
II. The ownership of the thing shall not pass to Express Warranties (in relation to consumer
the purchaser until he has fully paid the price laws)
23. To establish an express warranty:
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements
a. Both statements are true a. It must be an affirmation of fact or any
b. Both statements are false promise by the seller relating to the subject
c. Only statement I is true matter of the sale;
d. Only statement II is true b. Natural tendency of such affirmation or
promise is to induce the buyer to purchase the
21. These statements are presented to you: thing;
I. The vendor is bound to deliver the thing sold c. Buyer purchases the thing relying on such
and its accessions and accessories in the affirmation or promise thereon.
condition in which they were upon the d. All of the above
perfection of the contract. All the fruits shall
pertain to the vendee from the day which the Implied Warranties
contract was perfected. 24. These statements are presented to you:
II. If the same thing I. The vendor shall answer for the eviction even
though nothing has been said in the contract
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements on the subject. The contracting parties,
a. Both statements are true however, may increase, diminish, or suppress
b. Both statements are false this legal obligation of the vendor.
c. Only statement I is true II. The vendor is responsible to the vendee for
d. Only statement II is true any hidden faults or defects in the thing sold
only if he was aware thereof.
1.3.4 Warranties
22. On June 1, 2015, S sold to B 50 units of machines In your evaluation of the foregoing statements
which were scheduled to arrive from Japan the a. Both statements are true
following day on board the vessel “MT Nippon b. Both statements are false

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c. Only statement I is true
d. Only statement II is true a. Animals sold at fairs.
b. Livestock sold as condemned, declared known
to the buyer
25. These statements are presented to you: c. Animals sold at public auction
I. If the same thing should have been sold to d. None of the above
different vendees, the ownership shall be
transferred to the person who may have first 1.3.5 Installment sales
taken possession thereof in good faith, if it Personal property – Recto Law
should be movable property. 28. In a contract of sale of personal property the price
II. If the same thing should have been sold to of which is payable in installments, the vendor
different vendees, the ownership shall be may exercise any of the following remedies,
transferred to the person who may have first except to:
taken possession thereof in good faith, if it
should be immovable property. a. Exact fulfillment of the obligations, should the
vendee fail to pay any number of installments.
In your evaluation of the foregoing statements b. Cancel the sale, should the vendee’s failure to
a. Both statements are true pay cover two or more installments.
b. Both statements are false c. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the
c. Only statement I is true property if the vendee’s failure to pay cover
d. Only statement II is true two or more installments and recover any
deficiency after the foreclosure sale if they
26. S sold a car for P300,000.00 to B. Unknown to B, have stipulated it.
the car then had cracked engine block, the d. Foreclose the chattel mortgage on the
replacement of which would cost P75,000.00. property if the vendee’s failure to pay cover
Despite his knowledge of this defect, S obtained a two or more installments but he may no
waiver from B, on the latter’s right against hidden longer recover any deficiency after the
defect. Subsequently, the car was wrecked due to foreclosure sale
the recklessness of B who only then discovered
the defects. Which of the following statement is 29. S sold to B a specific car for P20,000.00 payable in
true? 4 equal installments. S delivered the car to B but
required B to mortgage it back to S to answer for
a. S still liable to reimburse B of P75,000.00, the the unpaid installments. B paid the 1 st installment,
difference between the purchase price and but the last three he failed to pay. S foreclosed
the true value. the mortgage property and sold it to a public
b. The waiver is void because B has no auction for P13,000.00.
knowledge of the defect.
c. S is not liable anymore because the car got a. S can recover from B the balance of P2,000.00
lost due the recklessness of B. b. S can recover from B the balance of
d. The liability of S remains to be P300,000.00 P2,000.00, if there is a stipulation to that
because of breach of warranty against hidden effect
defects. c. S cannot recover the deficiency any more
even if there is stipulation to that effect
27. In three of the following, there is no warranty d. None of the above
against hidden defects of animals. Which is the

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30. D owes C P10,000.00 payable on December 25, d. P41,000.00
2022 and as a security D mortgage his car to C. On
December 25, 2022, D failed to pay his obligation. PD 957 / Condominium Act
C foreclosed the mortgaged car and was sold at 33. These statements are presented to you:
public auction for a price of P12,000.00 I. No installment payment made by a buyer shall
be forfeited in favor of the owner or
a. D can recover from C the excess of P2,000.00 developer when the buyer desists from
b. D cannot recover from C the excess of further payment due to the failure of the
P2,000.00 owner or developer to develop the
c. D can recover from C the P2,000.00 if there is subdivision or condominium project according
a stipulation to the approved plans and within the time
d. None of the above limit for complying with the same.
II. Failure to pay the installments due for reasons Real Property – Maceda Law other than the failure of the owner or
31. The following items pertain to either a contract of developer to develop the project shall be
sale or a contract to sell. governed by the Maceda Law.
I. Ownership of the thing sold is transferred
upon delivery. In your evaluation of the foregoing statements
II. Ownership of the thing is transferred to the a. Both statements are true
buyer at some future time. b. Both statements are false
III. The risk of loss is on the buyer. c. Only statement I is true
IV. The risk of loss is on the seller. d. Only statement II is true

Based on the above data, which of the following is 1.3.6 Extinguishment of a contract of sale
correct? Conventional Redemption
a. Items I and III pertain to a contract to sell. 34. These statements are presented to you:
b. Items II and III pertain to a contract to sell. I. Conventional redemption can be exercised
c. Items II and IV pertain to a contract of sale. within 4 years if without stipulation as to
d. Items I and III pertain to a contract of sale. period.
II. In a sale with a right to repurchase, the
32. Baldomero bought a residential house and lot vendee a retro is liable to return to the vendor
from Sta. Ana Realty for P250,000.00 giving a the purchase price and its interest at the time
down payment of P10,000.00 and promising to of redemption
pay the balance of P240,000.00 in 20 years in
monthly installments of P1,000.00. After paying 72 In your evaluation of the foregoing statements
installments, Baldomero defaulted in the payment a. Both statements are true
of the 73rd installments and subsequent ones. b. Both statements are false
Despite the grace period he had earned, he was c. Only statement I is true
not able to make any further payments. d. Only statement II is true
Accordingly, Sta. Ana Realty cancelled the sale.
Howmuch cash surrender value is Baldomero 35. Where it is stipulated that the repurchase of the
entitled to receive? property sold could be made at any time, the
repurchase shall be exercised
a. P45,100.00
b. P39,600.00 a. Within 4 years from the date of the contract
c. P36,000.00 b. Within 10 years from the date of the contract

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c. After 10 years from the date of the contract
d. None of them

1.3.7 Legal Redemption

36. Is the right to be subrogated, upon the same
terms and conditions stipulated in the contract, in
the place of one who acquires a thing by purchase
or dation in payment, or by any other transaction
whereby ownership is transmitted by onerous

a. Conventional Redemption
b. Legal Redemption
c. Sale a retro
d. Warranty

37. These statements are presented to you:

I. The right of redemption of co-owners
excludes that of the adjoining owners
II. If two or more adjoining owners desire to
exercise the right of redemption at the same
time, the owner of the adjoining land of
smaller area shall be preferred; and should
both lands have the same area, the one who
first requested the redemption.

In your evaluation of the foregoing statements

a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. Only statement I is true
d. Only statement II is true

38. B duly authorized S, his sister, to sell his parcel of

land. The land was purchased by X, but S did not
gave the money to B. Now, B wants to recover the
parcel of land.

a. B cannot recover because the sale is valid.

b. B can recover because the sale between S and
X is void, therefore there is no sale.
c. B can recover only if B can return the money
paid by X to S.
d. Answer not given

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