Guidelines in Writing An Academic Paper

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This handout will provide guidance in formatting your academic paper: how to set up document margins, indentations,
font, alignment, page numbers, and document and paragraph spacing in Microsoft Word.

Document Margins

Final papers should have .5” (1.27cm) margins on all sides. This can be changed by going to the “Layout” tab and
changing the Top, Bottom, Left, and Right margins to .5” (1.27), or by going to Format > Document in the menu bar and
changing the margins there. Make sure the gutter is set to 0”.


To indent the first line of a paragraph, put your cursor at the beginning of the paragraph and press the tab key. When you
press Enter to start the next paragraph, its first line will be indented.

Tip: If you want to change indentation for paragraphs that have already been written, use the tab-key method on the first
paragraph, as described above. Then put your cursor at the beginning of the next paragraph. Press Backspace and then
Enter. Repeat the process for subsequent paragraphs.

First-line indent by default

If you always want first-line indentation, modify the Normal style:

1. Put the cursor anywhere in the paragraph.

2. On the Home tab, right-click the Normal style, and choose Modify.

3. Select Format, and then choose Paragraph.

4. On the Indents and Spacing tab, under Indentation, select First line.
5. Select OK.
6. Select OK again.

Note: If you always want first-line indentation whenever you start a new document, choose the New
documents based on this template option before you select OK.


Your academic paper should be written in an academic font: Arial. All papers should also be written with 12-point font.


The text of your paper should be justified. Place the insertion point anywhere in the paragraph, document, or table that
you want to align. Press Ctrl+J.

Page Numbers

Go to View menu and choose “Header and Footer.” You’ll see a header box appear at the top and a footer box at the
bottom. Click in the header box, type your last name (or title), make it align to the right, and then select Page Numbers
from the Insert menu. When finished, click on the “Close” tab under the Header view. Each page of the document should
now display a page number at the upper right that updates automatically when changes are made to the document. It will
appear as grayed out text unless you active the Header and Footer tool to make changes.

Document Spacing

The entire paper should be single-spaced, including the heading and bibliography. Choose Edit > Select All > Format >
Paragraph and choose “single” from the “line spacing” menu in the Spacing section. You may also highlight and the entire
text and choose 1.0 spacing.


2 1
4 3
The introductory The introductory The author has an The introductory
paragraph has a paragraph has a interesting introductory paragraph is not
strong hook or hook or attention paragraph but the interesting AND is
attention grabber grabber, but it is connection to the topic is not relevant to the
ATTENTION that is appropriate weak, rambling or not clear. topic.
GRABBER for the audience. This inappropriate for /4
X1 could be a strong the audience.
statement, a relevant
quotation, statistic, or
question addressed to
the reader.
The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis statement The thesis statement
clearly names the names outlines some or all of the does not name the
topic of the essay and the topic of the main points to be topic AND does not
outlines the main essay. The author's discussed but does not preview what will
points to be position is stated name the topic. be discussed. /8
discussed. The
author's position is
strongly and clearly
The response The response The response provides The response
provides thorough provides adequate uneven, cursory provides minimal
elaboration of the elaboration of the elaboration of the elaboration of the
support/evidence for support/evidence for support/evidence for the support/evidence
the thesis/controlling the thesis/controlling thesis/controlling idea for the
idea that includes the idea that includes the that includes uneven or thesis/controlling
effective use of use of source limited use of source idea that includes /12
source material. The material. The material. The response little or no use of
response clearly and response adequately develops ideas unevenly, source material.
effectively develops develops ideas, using simplistic language. The response is
ideas, using precise employing a mix of vague, lacks clarity,
language. precise and more or is confusing.
general language.
Arguments and Arguments and A few of the support Many of the
support are provided support are provided details or arguments are support details or
in a logical order that in a fairly logical not in an expected or arguments are not
makes it easy and order that makes it logical order, distracting in an expected or
interesting to follow reasonably easy to the reader and making logical order, /8
the author's train of follow the author's the essay seem a little distracting the
thought. train of thought. confusing. reader and making
the essay seem
very confusing.
Piece is clearly Author paid attention Errors may be present Errors make it
WRITING written with no to writing conventions; and may slightly take difficult to read
MECHANICS grammar, spelling, Minor errors do not away from the clarity; and/or understand /4
X1 punctuation, or distract from yet, the writer’s meaning the paper.
capitalization errors. meaning. can be determined.
The conclusion is The conclusion is The author's position is There is no
strong and leaves the recognizable. The restated within the closing conclusion – the
reader solidly author's position is paragraph, but not near paper just ends.
understanding the restated within the the beginning. The essay
writer's position. first two sentences of body is not summarized.
Effective restatement the closing paragraph
of the position and is followed by a
statement begins the summary of the essay
closing paragraph body.
and is followed by an
effective summary
of the essay body.

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