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Transfer meliputi kekuasaan, sanksi dan pengaruh sesuatu yang lebih dihormati serta dipuja
dari hal lain agar membuat “sesuatu” lebih bisa diterima.
Teknik propaganda transfer bisa digunakan dengan memakai pengaruh seseorang atau
tokoh yang paling dikagumi dan berwibawa dalam lingkungan tertentu. Propagandis
dalam’hal ini mempunyai maksud agar komunikan terpengaruh secara psikologis terhadap
apa yang sedang dipropagandakan. Transfer juga bisa digunakan dengan menggunakan
cara simbolik, kata-kata atau Musik.


c. Teknik transfer adalah suatu teknik propaganda dimana orang, produk, atau organisasi
diasosiasikan dengan sesuatu yang mempunyai kredibilitas baik/ buruk. Transfer dengan arti lain
adalah membawa otoritas, dukungan, dan gengsi dari sesuatu yang dihargai dan disanjung kepada
sesuatu yang lain agar sesuatu yang lain itu lebih dapat diterima. Transfer bekerja melalui sebuah
proses asosiasi.


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Common techniques > False connections


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You shall not press down upon the brow of labor this crown of thorn. You shall not
crucify mankind upon a cross of gold! — William Jennings Bryan, 1896
"Transfer is a device by which the propagandist carries over the authority, sanction,
and prestige of something we respect and revere to something he would have us
accept. For example, most of us respect and revere our church and our nation. If
the propagandist succeeds in getting church or nation to approve a campaign in
behalf of some program, he thereby transfers its authority, sanction, and prestige
to that program. Thus, we may accept something which otherwise we might reject.

In the Transfer device, symbols are constantly used. The cross represents the
Christian Church. The flag represents the nation. Cartoons like Uncle Sam represent
a consensus of public opinion. Those symbols stir emotions . At their very sight,
with the speed of light, is aroused the whole complex of feelings we have with
respect to church or nation. A cartoonist, by having Uncle Sam disapprove a budget
for unemployment relief, would have us feel that the whole United States
disapproves relief costs. By drawing an Uncle Sam who approves the same budget,
the cartoonist would have us feel that the American people approve it. Thus, the
Transfer device is used both for and against causes and ideas." (Institute for
Propaganda Analysis, 1938)

When a political activist closes her speech with a public prayer, she is attempting to
transfer religious prestige to the ideas that she is advocating. As with all
propaganda devices, the use of this technique is not limited to one side of the
political spectrum. It can be found in the speeches of liberation theologists on the
left, and in the sermons of religious activists on the right.

In a similar fashion, propagandists may attempt to transfer the reputation of

"Science" or "Medicine" to a particular project or set of beliefs. A slogan for a
popular cough drop encourages audiences to "Visit the halls of medicine." On TV
commercials, actors in white lab coats tell us that the "Brand X is the most
important pain reliever that can be bought without a prescription." In both of these
examples, the transfer technique is at work.

These techniques can also take a more ominous turn. As Alfred Lee has
argued, "even the most flagrantly anti-scientific racists are wont to dress up their
arguments at times with terms and carefully selected illustrations drawn from
scientific works and presented out of all accurate context." The propaganda of Nazi
Germany, for example, rationalized racist policies by appealing to both science and

This does not mean that religion and science have no place in discussions about
social issues! The point is that an idea or program should not be accepted or
rejected simply because it has been linked to a symbol such as Medicine, Science,
Democracy, or Christianity. The Institute for Propaganda Analysis has argued that,
when confronted with the transfer device, we should ask ourselves the following

 In the most simple and concrete terms, what is the proposal of the speaker?
 What is the meaning of the the thing from which the propagandist is seeking
to transfer authority, sanction, and prestige?
 Is there any legitimate connection between the proposal of the propagandist
and the revered thing, person or institution?
 Leaving the propagandistic trick out of the picture, what are the merits of
the proposal viewed alone?
Last revised: 2/28/2011 Comments to author:

The next two are ways of making false connections: TRANSFER – a device by which the propagandist
links the authority or prestige of something wellrespected and revered, such as church or nation, to
something he would have us accept. Example: a political activist closes her speech with a prayer
TESTIMONIAL – a public figure or a celebrity promotes or endorses a product, a policy, or a political
candidate. Examples: an athlete appears on the Wheaties box; an actor speaks at a political rally

Home » JagatDunia » Heboh! Simbol-Simbol Kepala Teletubbies Melambangkan LGBT

Heboh! Simbol-Simbol Kepala Teletubbies

Melambangkan LGBT
Cahya Setiawan 30/07/2015 No Comments – Walaupun kelihatan sepintas lucu, namun dibalik film tersebut tersembunyi pesan pesan
Kampanye Homoseks, sehingga telah menimbulkan reaksi diberbagai dunia. Sebagian besar negara Eropa,
negara Islam, Malaysia dan bahkan Singapore telah melakukan banned atas penayangan film, cuma justru
lucunya tidak ada satupun organisasi Islam di Indonesia / MUI melakukan hal itu.

Tinky Winky

Tinky Winky digambarkan sebagai sosok Teletubbies yang tertua diantara yang lainnya. FYI, setiap
Teletubbies sebenarnya memiliki barang favorit, sementara Tinky Winky sangat menyukai tas tangan
berwarna merah. Nah inilah yang menyebabkan kontroversi ini berasal.
Tinky Winky selain menyukai tas berwarna merah, juga memiliki perilaku yang sedikit feminin walaupun
dia memiliki postur yang paling tinggi dan besar diantara keempat Teletubbies lainnya.

Hubungannya dengan simbol kepala Tinky Winky adalah, segitiga terbalik adalah Lambang segitiga
terbalik wajib dikenakan oleh setiap orang, terutama yahudi, yang dituduh, diduga, atau terbukti memiliki
perilaku gay. Dengan kata lain segitiga melambangkan pria homoseksual.

Kalau dilihat lagi, mulai dari perilaku, item favorit nya tas merah, dan warna ungu yang merupakan warna
kebanggaan kaum homoseksual. Sepertinya bukanlah sebuah kebetulan.

Dipsy, Lala dan Po

Lalu bagaimana dengan ketiga Tubbies lainnya? Well, saya rasa ketiga simbol lainnya tidak terlalu sulit
untuk diterjemahkan. Dan sepertinya penempatan Lala diantara Dipsy dan Po bukanlah sebuah kebetulan?
Jadi kalau bisa disimpulkan :

1)Warna Tinky Winky adalah warna kesayangan kaum gay

2)Antena Tinky Winky (Segitiga kebalik) adalah simbol Gay atau Lesbian

3)Antena Dipsy adalah simbol (maaf) kelamin laki-laki.

4) Antena Lala bersimbol (maaf) adalah cewek dan cowok yang sedang berhubungan intim.

4)Antena Po simbol perempuan

Apakah melihat kesamaan warna antara bendera itu dan warna teletubbies? Apakah hanya kebetulan
belaka atau memang lambang lambang itu sengaja ditempatkan di acara Teletubbies?
Bahkan dari jalan cerita salah satu filmnya, jelas menunjukkan sebuah niat untuk memperkenalkan tingkah
laku para homosex, yaitu Tinky Winky berebut rok dengan La Laa dan diperbolehkan oleh si Matahari
(yang di dalam Teletubbies Land dianggap sebagai simbol pengganti semua otoritas dunia manusia, yaitu
otoritas orangtua, guru dll termasuk Tuhan!). Jadi ada satu lagi yang diajarkan di sini: re-definisi atas
simbol-simbol otoritas!

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