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English ll 1454_UVRV

1-2TV (2023-19


case study


Marlon silva

Francy stella guiza

Marilyn melo Perez


German Andres

cheque Molina
My routine: francy guiza

My name is Francy Guiza, from the city of Bogotá, and I am a student at the International

Polytechnic of Marketing Management and Business Strategies.

I live in a family house where there are four dogs and there is also a white cat that does not like

to hunt mice or play with the ball that I bought for him on Sunday, so every day I get up at five

o'clock to take them to the bathroom and feed him on the balcony where there are four cups, each

one a different color and then I take a bath and have breakfast with a tamale with hot chocolate

that I really like and then I brush my teeth with the blue toothbrush my mom bought me that I

really like it. Later I go to the closet where there is a favorite brown-colored jacket, and he ready

the helmet that I bought yesterday, but I didn't like the design. Then I'm going to get the

motorcycle out of the parking lot to leave at seven o'clock to take the motorcycle to the tire

mounter, because it got a puncture yesterday on the way home, then I leave for work, I enter at

eight fifteen, I visited all the clients that I have to serve today, at twelve o'clock I go to the

favorite restaurant that I like.

I finish lunch and I go to the meeting that I have today at half past three, the meeting ends and I

finish lunch and I go to the meeting that I have today at half past three, the meeting ends and I

finish and I'm going to take the dogs to the bathroom and I'll feed them and I'll go to sleep at

eleven forty, to get up tomorrow at seven in the morning, but I don’t want to go jogging in the

park with the dogs, but if it's raining I don't take them , I finish the exercises and the rumba

classes that I had scheduled today. I'm going to have lunch with my boyfriend at a restaurant that

we saw yesterday that sells seafood at a very good price. Then we are going to eat passion fruit

frozen, which is in a store in front of the house and they are very tasty, we finish and I return to

my house to rest for tomorrow because I’m going to work tomorrow all day.
My routine Marilyn

Hello my name is Marilyn; I am 34 years old and today I want to tell you about my daily routine

First I get up at four o'clock

and I make myself a coffee, because I really like

then I take a bath, get ready and prepare breakfast for my daughter, prepare her lunch box and
give food to my cat, then After I finish getting everything, I like to have an exercise routine to be
able to continue with my work

ready I go to my daughter's room and say goodbye to her and give her a kiss and a blessing, then
I leave my house at ten past five

and take a bus THERE ARE A LOT OF ACCIDENTS ON THIS ROAD. to the Transmilenio
station, there I make an endless line to get in and After being able to take the B46 service, on the
way I mark my daughter to get up and get ready for school because the route picks her up at six
fifteen, and at the same time I'm talking to some clients while I get to work the b46 route leaves
me at the 100th street station and there I have to take another service that leaves me at the 85th
street station where my destination or my place of work is, as soon as I arrive I have a red wine
that my colleagues have prepared for me and there I am about to call the cl I try to send business
proposals and check emails and earrings, then around nine am

I go out to eat some breakfast and get some air, then I check other pending items and go out to
visit clients who are He didn’t buy anything for lunch

pending follow-up at 3 pm I am finishing my workday and I am ready to take the Transmilenio,

which takes me to the San Mateo station and there I must take a cart that leaves me in the
together, where I live, because I don't like to walk

then I arrive to check that my daughter is already I have had lunch and then there is if I sit down
to have lunch, I rest for a few minutes, I review the girl's homework, then I review the pending
work that I have from the university, while this is already seven p.m

I stop for a moment to see what I should prepare next lunch for the next day, while I am
preparing the food I am talking to my daughter about how her day was and well, in the same way
I am telling her how my day was and at that time almost an hour passes and it is already 8 pm,
after We are going to have dinner and also feed my cat, I check the sand that is clean, I take a
bath and put on my pajamas, I look at social networks for a while and update myself on
entertainment, then I put my daughter to bed and I check that she is I have brushed that I have
my pajamas on that I have finished the pending tasks that I have the next day's schedule ready,
by then it's nine o'clock at night
and I sit down to meet with my colleagues to do the pending work and get ahead whatever I can
afterwards I have to watch the recordings of the classes because due to the time I can't connect
online That's why I like to do it at night

I'm quiet without stress and I can concentrate, and when it's eleven pm

I turn off the computer, I lock and brush my teeth I do a facial cleansing routine to remove all
impurities from my f

ace and to finish I thank GOD; I bless myself and sleep until the next day

Daily routine Marlon Silva.

Hello, today I come to talk a little about my daily routine, I will try to explain what I like to do the most.

Hello, my name is Marlon Leandro Silva Taborda, my date of birth is December 3, 1999 in Anolaima
Cundinamarca and I am going to tell you about my daily routine. I currently live in Spain, but before I
lived there in Colombia. I get up at six in the morning, the alarm is always set at that time with my
favorite electronic song and I always put on music in the morning to encourage myself more when I go to
do things before, so I clean my room, which is to make the bed, pick up the dirty clothes, sweep, mop,
organize the chiffonier clothes and then I turn on the television to watch the important news that for me
are the political events in Colombia and internationally, when it is seven in the morning is when it is time
After drinking coffee, my family comes to accompany me to drink coffee since there are three of us in
the house, which are my father, my mother and me. The coffee is accompanied by a bread with a
sandwich and it is what I like to drink in the morning since it wakes me up and it's sweet, then around
seven in the morning, I go to bathe and what I like the most is to bathe with hot water since it's very
cold here in Spain, I cover myself with Colgate cream since I don't like it use of another cream, I go out I
get out of the bathroom and I choose the clothes I like the most to wear, I always dress casual, I make
breakfast, which is rib broth, bread and chocolate and we all meet again for breakfast, I go out to
exercise, I always exercise when I go out What to do is go jogging, I exercised on some arm and leg
machines, I drink water and go back home walking and talking on the cell phone with a relative and if I
get home I come back and take a bath with hot water and I'm going to drink bible study where they
teach me things about God's way and beautiful things oh it's already 10 in the morning and I eat
something I like half nines, I rest for two hours and help make lunch and what I like most about making
lunch It is when we have a badeja paisa lunch, we pray and have lunch at two in the afternoon. I go out
to do the sewing course, in which I have learned to sew and they teach me pattern making and making
bags, the course lasts until six in the afternoon and always It is far away, there is in the course us They
give me coffee with cookies and I come home after the course, I drink some water and I start doing the
work at the International Polytechnic University, since I study online it's easier for me since I don't have
to move around, I do homework English, I study marketing and accounting, I dedicate two or three
hours to the study and then we had a snack with a sandwich, I buried my teeth, I put on my pajamas,
watch a little television, a movie or something, set the alarm for the next day, turn off the television and
go to bed.

.Thanks to my daily routine, I understood many duties that I must improve and many responsibilities, as
well as how much I do in one day, besides that I am getting used to a country with new time in Spain and
we well know there are different customs that I must get used to.


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