10.7.11 DDB Canada Atomic

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D Date: L Location:

Octobe 7, 2011 er to Toront and Vancouver

Canadia Tourism Commissio an ons Keep Exploring wins Gold at th Inaugura AToMiC A he al Awards DDB Canada wins fiv awards for innovative client work that challeng the med status qu ve ges dia uo T Toronto and Vancouver October 7, 2011 -- DD Canada s Keep Exp d r, 7 DB ploring campaign for the e C Canadian Tourism Comm mission (CTC won gold in the Trans C) smedia categ gory at Tues sday nights A AToMiC Awa ards. The AT ToMiC Award celebrate innovative p ds partnerships programs and new s, developments that build the Canadia media industry. t an "I am thrilled and proud of our showin at the ina o ng augural AToM Awards this year," s MiC s says David Leonard, nati ional preside & chief operating officer of DDB Canada. "O results sp ent o Our peak to the breakthrough work we de h evelop for ou clients acr ur ross a variet of channe and once again show ty els, e ws th we are Canadas lea hat C ading creative agency." T Gold awa The ard-winning, integrated campaign le , c everaged a u unique insigh around the sharing of ht f authentic trav veller-to-trav veller experie ences. All elements of t campaign led to the Keep the E Exploring int teractive blog, which allo owed consum mers to get a richer picture of the tra avel experie ence and join the conversation On televis c n. sion, YouTub videos fro travellers were used to tell a ser be om s d ries of stories, wh print ads emulated Facebook an Flickr. On hile s F nd nline ads use Google M ed Maps and St treet V View technolo to virtua transport travellers onto real Can ogy ally t o nadian stree ets. Digital s storescapes tr ransformed empty storef e fronts into Tw witter-based murals feat d turing intera active touch-screen in nterfaces and aggregate tweets and photos fro travellers to Canada in real time. ed om s

1700 33 Bloor Street East, Toronto ON M4W 3T4 T 416 925-98 F 416 921-41 www.ddbcan 819 180 nada.com

T agencys Toronto an Vancouve offices won one gold, one silver and three bro The s nd er onze awards s at the inaugural competition for a tota of five awa al ards, making DDB Cana the mos awarded g ada st agency at this competitio The winn s on. ning work co onsists of: Gold, Transmedia Canadian Tourism Co a, ommission, Keep Exploring Silver Technological Breakthrough, Cana r, adian Blood Services, R Rally Bronz Atomic Id ze, dea, Subaru WRX, Sexy Comes Sta y andard Bronz Print Eng ze, gagement, BC Hydro, Lets Team u p Against W B Waste Bronz Experiential Engagem ze, ment, First United Missio Street S U on, Sculptures

A About the ATo oMiC Awards The AToMiC Awards celebr A rate the partnerships, prog grams and new developme w ents that toget ther build the e C Canadian med industry. With brands st dia W triving to be more closely iintegrated wit content, an technology m th nd y A AToMiC is an awards progr a ram that bring all the partn gs ners together and puts a s r spotlight on th projects tha he at re eally challenge the media status quo. Spanning adve s ertising, techn nology, media creativity an content a nd ca ategories, AT ToMiC winners represent th best achievements acro Canadas media indus s he oss s stry, the co ollaborations that show the way forward e d. A About DDB Canada N Named Strateg 2010 Age gys ency of the Year and Top Creative Age ency in 2011, DDB Canada is the most a cr reatively acclaimed, internationally reco ognized marke eting commun nications age ency in Canad Known for da. r ad dvertising tha generates significant res at s sults for client DDB Cana is a total communicati ts, ada ions company y w whose fundam mental belief is that creativit is the most powerful forc in busines DDB Cana has office s ty t ce ss. ada es in Vancouver, Edmonton, Toronto and Montreal. The agencys inte n T M egrated group include: DD Kid Think ps DB (y youth marketing), DDB Pub Relations Tribal DDB (online and in blic s, nteractive), K Karacters Design Group, R Rapp Canada (direct), Rada DDB (socia media mark ar al keting), DDB Hodes Recru uitment Comm munications (r recruitment marketing) and Shopper DD (shopper marketing). m d DB m A About DDB D DDB Worldwid Communic de cations Group Inc. (www.dd p db.com) ranks among the top five s co onsolidated advertising and marketing services globa networks, a a s al according to A Advertising A Age. C Consistently one of the mos awarded ne st etworks globa for creativ excellence, DDB was ally ve C Campaigns 20 Global Ne 009 etwork of the Year, the 2010 Spikes As Network of the Year, 20 sia f 010 E Eurobest Netw work of the Ye 2010 Cam ear, mpaign Asia Pacific Creativ Network o the Year, an P ve of nd ca aptured both the Cyber Gr rand Prix and Film Craft Gr rand Prix at th 2010 Inter he rnational A Advertising Fe estival in Cann nes. With mor than 200 offices in over 90 countries, DDB Group re o r

700 S nto 4 80 ada.com 17 33 Bloor Street East, Toron ON M4W 3T4 T 416 925-9819 F 416 921-418 www.ddbcana

be elieves in the power of Social Creativity to grow the value and inflluence of brands around th e y v he w world by creati ideas that people want to play with, participate in and pass allong. DDB ing t t n, W Worldwide is part of Omnico Group Inc (OMC). p om c. For more info ormation or in nterviews, please contac ct: M Martine Levy, Managing Dir rector D DDB Public Re elations 416.972.7719 m martine.levy@ @can.ddbpr.co om P Sloan Pat 1-212-415-327 71

700 S nto 4 80 ada.com 17 33 Bloor Street East, Toron ON M4W 3T4 T 416 925-9819 F 416 921-418 www.ddbcana

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