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Computer Sceince (Upgrade)

Three Year Program

Sem Code Course Cr Hours Classification

4th ENG101 English I 3
4th CS103 Computer Programming I 3
4th ISS101 Islamic Studies 3
4th BUS102 Introduction to Management 3
4th MTH101 Pre-Calculus/Calculus 3
4th CS102 Computer Applications 3
5th CS215 Computer Ethics 3
5th CS211 Data Structure and Algorithm 3
5th CS221 Digital Electronics 3
5th BUS209 Principle of Accounting 3
5th CS212 Digital Logic Design 3
5th PHY101 Physics 3
6th CS223 Database Management II 3
6th CS233 Software Engineering 3
6th CS231 Advanced Programming 3
6th BUS320 Enterprenuarship 3
6th CS222 Operating System 3
6th CS225 Web development II (PHP) 2
7th CS214 System Programming 3
7th MTH201 Probability & Statistics 3
7th CS105 Information System 3
7th CS302 Software Project Management 3
7th CS304 Fundemental Data Science 3
7th CS305 Network & System Administration 3
8th Algorithms 3
8th CS311 Machine Learning 3
8th CS306 Research in Computer Science 3
8th CS313 Human Computer Interaction 3
8th CS314 Senior Project II 2
8th CS303 Artificial Intelligence 3
9th CS321 Cyber Security 3
9th CS312 Mobile Application 3
9th CS315 Cloud Computing 3
9th CS322 Senior Project II 2
9th CS323 E-Commerce 3
9th CS324 Topics in Computer Science 3
50 Courses 105
Tima-ade Tanaad

CS101 Introduction to Computer Science Introduction to Computer

CS224 Computer Architecture Computer Organization & Architecture
CS104 IT Essential Computer Maintenance & Troubleshooting
Software & Hardware
CS106 Web development I Web Design 1
Web Design 2
CS213 Database Management I Database Management System
CS232 Information Security Fundemental Computer Security
CS301 Multimedia Computer Vidoe & Audio Editing
Computer Graphic Design
CS226 Computer Network Network & Data Communication
CS107 Computer Programming II (Advanced Java) C# Programming
Basic Research

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