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ltroduction to Noural Natwork Blological Neural Networks Overview ° Typos of Noural Networks > Applications of Neural Network > Features of Neural Network > Limitations of Neural Network Artificial Neural Network (ANN) NEURAL NETWORK We have leant about various Al models such as regression, classification, clustering and association. We also learnt that for supervised set vibich is fed (0 machine is labelled while clustering and association are used for unsupervised learning (learning based approach) where the tualning of machines is done by using information that is neither classified nor labelled and allowing the algorithm to act as on that information without gui On the basis of these facts, now we would move on the concept of ‘neural network which is a core concept behind machine learning Chima TO NEURAL NETWORK A neural network Is of algorithms thi Cr) lonship in a underlying artificial neural network (ANN) which Is composed of amtificial neurons or nodes ia ‘Thus a neural network is either a biological neviral network made Lup of real biological neurons, of an artificial neural network for solving artificial intelligence (Al) problems. ‘A neural network I a branch of machine learning called deep jamming, Deep learning '* one of many machine~tearning algorithms that form a plethora of tashs such as the following: > Predictions of a certain hind, for example stoch prediction, ‘company. Neural neworte can adopt to changing input, 80 the network ‘generates the best possible result without needing to redesign the ‘output criteria, Neural networks are loosely modelled after how neurons “af the human brain behave. The key advantage of neural etworks is that they are able to extract data features ‘utomatically without needing the input of the programmer} | A neural network is essentially @ system of organising! machine learning algorithm to perform certain tasks. It is ® Fast and efficient way to solve problems for which the ‘dataset is very large, such as in images. Traditional ML algorithmsy AS seen in the figure given, the larger neural networks tend ‘Statistical Learning to perform better with larger amounts of data whereas the \ragitional machine teaming algorithms stop improving after a certain saturation point, BIOLOGICAL NEURAL NETWORKS OVERVIEW The human brain is exceptionally complex and quite literally the most powerful computing machine known, The ine \-werkings of human brain are often modeled srcuna the ‘concept of neurons and the networks of neurons known as biological neural networks Itis estimated that the hor these networks. Fig. 1. Neural Network fan brain contains roughly 100 billion neurons, which are connected along pathway throughout ‘gh an interface consisting of axon terminal age, es Ata very high level, neurons interact and communicate with one another throu, that are connected to dendrites across a gap (synapse) as shown in the imi Soma Se Axon terminal Fi, 2 Bosc Structure of Arifcol Neural Network Antica nteligence -Clss (Pa 8) Be ‘= Saturation Point: It's the stage beyond which no more of someth | Ason: iis alin betweantwenearone in ee thing can be accepted + Dendrites: These are proj ar® Projections of a neuron that receive information from other neurons, + Myelin Sheath: ts an insulating layer formed around nerves made up of protein and fetty substances TYPES OF NEURAL NETWORKS ee oat eee er rexel peste i REE Fite pornstar ee nae oer wpe mare eee eee eee ce. nowthey work along with'some | of what's sometimes called the first y Sienna . Neural Network Topologies \. Perceptron (P) N Theperceptron model is also known as a single- 2d Output layer. inthis type of neural network there is no hidden layer. zd calculates the weighted input for each node. Afterwar 2ceration function for classification purpose. > 0 Aepkcations: Classification, Encode Database (Multiplayer PercePxon) ourpurcett onitor Access Data (Multiplayer Perceptron}. Wolter Pate Fig. 3 Representation of the Perceptron (P) Feed Forwards(FF) ‘feed forward neut is an artificial neural network in which the nodes do fat ever form a cycle. In this neural network, all of the perceptrOns are arranged in layers where the input layer takes in input aid the output layer generates output. »~ ‘The hidden layer has no connection: the outer world, thar’s why it is called hidden layer. In thi3 perceptron in one layer is connected with each node@ next layer. 169) Neural Network SS | Radial Basis Network (RBN) 0 — Or. O ivrvrcey, Radial\ basis networks are generally used for function ‘sopraxiPhetion. problema, They can be distingushed. Hori ‘SO 0 cher nect oa ees ek nee “ 74 moniot | universal approximation, Va 6 Applications: Fonction Approximation, Time Series Prediction, oe SH OUTPUT cay, Classification, Sytem Control Fie.5 Reproserttion of @ Radiol Boss Network By Deep-Feed Forward (DFF) Network Iisa feed forward ne one of overftting Th work that uses more than one hidden layer. The main problem with using only one hidden layering rfc yang mote den ayers meray achive educed oveng a mgrovedoenerae lofo\o ®-- KK : WON pee | dN ‘Applications: Data Compression, Pacem Recognition, Compute Seen receives an input with a specific delay in time We use this type ofp information in current iterations. {e] cris {YPe. each of the neurons in hidden layers network where we need to access previous Astiticial Intelligence -Class 10 Part 8) 170) jpPLICATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORK jeual networks are changing how people and organisations interact with system and solve problems. They are also reiping them mate better decisions and predictions neual networks can be used for: Lpaeaod ) Character recognition —— 5 Farley and Wesley A Image compression Clare in 1954 first used computational machines, Voice recognition systems then called > Stock market prediction ‘caleulators" Self-driving cars, and many more to stimulate a Hebbian network, Fancy (gstones OF NEURAL NETWORK Reural network systems are modelled on the human brain and nervous system, ) They are able to automatically extract features without input from the programmer. > Every neural network node is essentially a machine-learning algorithm, > Ee networks are useful in solving problems far which the data sets are quite large | Advantages of Neural Network ea L) neural network can perform task that @ conventional computer program cannot > Itleamns and does not need to be reprogrammed. > Iccan be implemented in any application. > Iccan be performed without any problem Ithas the capacity of fault tolerance. Ithas numerical strenath that enables it to perform more than one job at the same time. UMITATIONS OF NEURAL NETWORK > Aneural network needs training to operate. > The architecture of a neural network is different From that of microprocessors. Thus, a neural network needs to emulate a human neural network. » Alarge neural newer requtes ahah processing tire. | £ Al Hanps-on Vist the tink and answer the Following questions: Whats the theme of the video? fy ©. List any two of your favourite devices shown inthe video; © Mention ay five examples shown inthe video along with their uses and benefits, ee ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK (ANN) pea iss fanaa ig afi nn es oe sores ot nd Systems" or “connectionist systems”. The bime purpece of an racial neural networt (0 recogrise Patterns and do predictions, Their design is inspired by im} ‘Neural Network _— Strotture of an Artificial Neural Network Artificial neural network is typically organised in layers. Layers are being made up of many interconnected ‘nodes’ which contain an ‘activation function’. A neural network may contain the following 3 layers Input Layer The Purpose of the input layers to receive as input the values ofthe explanatory attributes for each observation. Usually, the number of input nodes in an input layer is equal to the number of explanatory variables. ‘Input layer’ presents the Pattems fo the network, which communicates to one or more ‘hidden layers’ ‘The nodes of the input layer are passive, meaning they do not change the data. They receive a single value on their input and duplicate the value to their many outputs. From the input layer, it duplicates each value and sent to all the hidden nodes. Hidden Layer The hidden layers apply given transformations to the input values inside the network. In this, incoming arcs that go from ‘other hidden nodes or from input nodes are connected to each node. Each of the node then, connects with outgoing 2FCS to OUtDUT Nodes oF to other hidden nodes. In hidden layer, the actual processing is done via a eystem of weighted ‘connections’. There may be one or more hidden layers. The values entering a hidden node are multiplied by weights, 2 ‘set of predetermined numbers stored in the program. The weighted inputs are then added to produce a single number. Output Layer The hidden layers then link to an ‘output layer’. Output layer receives connections from hidden layers or from input layer. ‘returns an output value that corresponds to the prediction of the response variable In classification problems, there is usually ‘only one output node. The active nodes of the output layer combine and change the data to produce the output values. Hidden Inputts) Outputs) Fig. 8 Structure of on Artificial Neural Network (ANN) “= Astifiial Neuron: Its the smallest functional node of an artificial neural network. = Hidden Layer: It describes layers that lie between input and output layer in an ANN. |= Activation Function: Its a function used by hidden node to compute the input ‘= Weight:It refers to a value associated with input data value. ‘Antificial Intelligence ~Class 10 Part B) 1721 SAT SUMMARY je ral et work is a Series of ak aoe! Anqural net gorithms that endeavors to recognt relationship in a sot of data through a p > pics the way the human brain operates, rcognize underiying relationship Fara llgonce (peg ous Neural network made up of ral iological neurons, or an artifical neural network for solving init! inteligence (Al) problems, ‘url networks ar loosely modelled ater how neurons in the human brain behave Aaa MRI a eee ul Systm of organising machine earring algorithm to perform certain tasks The human bral ls exceptionally complex and quit literally the most powerful computing machine known, itis estimated thatthe human b Drain contains roughly 100 bition neurons, which are connected along pathways throughout these otworks The perceptron mode! Is also known as a single-layer neural network ‘teed forward neural network isan artificial neural networkin which the nodes do not ever form a cycle. The hiddon layer has no connection wth the outer world that's wht its called hidden layer Radial basis networks are generally used for function approximation problems. Degp-fed forward network isa feed forward network that uses more than one hidden layer Aecurrent neural network isa variation to feed-forward (FF) networks, Neural network systems are modelled on the human bran and nervous system, Neural ntwarks are useful in Solving problems for which the datasets are quite large. ‘Aneural network can perform task that a conventional computer program cannot. ‘ticlal Neural Network (ANN) is an efficient computing system whose central theme is borrowed from the analogy of biological neural networks. > The prime purpose of an artificial neural network is to recognise patterns and do predictions. RelateBot ‘Subject Integration: Social Studies 4. Introduction to neural networks using the three levels of the Panchayat as an analogy 5. Understanding Panchayati Raj and its functioning using the concept of neural networks Learning Objectives: > Tounderstand how a neural network works > To draw an analogy between the functioning of the Gram Sabha and the Gram Panchi functions To understand the different levels of the Panchayat To understand the lnk between the Gram Sabha and the Gram Panchayat To understand how the Gram Sabha and the Gram Panchayat are ditferent *re-preparation Activity: The students are given a presentation on how neural networks function and are made to Same mentioned in the chapter. Methodology: }- The students are asked what they know about governance in rural areas. 2 There will be a class discussion on the common problems encountered in rural areas and. Tran ets a Situation involving & common problem ina rural area with a plant and a Pane as anda : mes copes tu aa yal takes acon to reste the problem, Kopin in min the plies ofthe goverment | The students wil now play the neural network game with the problem being given tothe input layer. The solution is derived and Presented by the output layer with help from the hidden layers that will take government policies. {nto consideration while deriving F Sealey and passing it on to the next layer. ‘Students wil presenta final respons tothe problem and the solution as provided by the Gram Panchayat, 173) Neural Network layat and the way in which neural network > > > play the neural network. how government policies have been 3 "a Al LAB TIME COs The sketch-rnn variational auto recurrent neural network (RNN) ab human-drawn images representin 128 floating point numbers (the i igence division inside Googe. Iti a ncoder was developed by Google Brain, an artifical inteligence eto construct stroke-based drawings of common objects. The model is trained on a 19 hundreds of classes. We can feed in an existing image into the model's encoder, and obtain a vector of latent vector) that represents this image. We can take this vector and feed it nto the model's decoder tg ‘generate a similar looking image Steps to install and play the game Step 1: Open the web browser on your computer ‘Step 2: Type the following URL inthe address bar of the browser and press enter. The home page of the website opens up. es Step 3: On the left-hand blank side, draw any figure and click on the auto- ‘Step 4: You wil find similar objects being created in each box on the right Artificial Intelligence ~Cass 10 (Part B) 1m) 5; You may also select any category for interprets what you are Pee (tor example bicycle), and then draw something na rom that category. Observe Row te modet aa sage ‘Jn avto-encoder is 2 great tool to recreate an input In simple words, the machine takes, say, an image and can produce 2 closety retated picture. The input in this kind of neural network is unlabelled, meaning the network is capable of learning without supervision. So, the input isencoded by the network to focus only on the most critical features. EX'P'LOREBOT 1. Tick (/) the correct option. re a, ANN stands for: connections between neurons i. arifcial neural network. iv. Brain cells have dendrites and nuctei artificial network neural. 4. Aneural network is a branch of machine learning ii, algorithm neural network. called: iv. artificial neural neuron. i. abstractleaming it. atific b. The traditional machine learning algorithms stop ering improving after a certain: i. saturation point i, pathway iii, task fv. input ae ¢. Which of these statements is not true about icad iia human brain? ant ‘ae tot Recurrent i Me can don and or tan © eT ee: llowing networks are generally ii Peron can never be waned 25 er OU |. Deep feedforward i.“ Recurrent wishes. fil Radial basis iv. Perceptron (et Neural Network Ans. ai Neural networks can he used for. i character recognition il, stock market prediction ii, selt-driving cars iv, All of the above Which layer gets data which it passes on to the ‘odes in the hidden layer? i. Output ii iii, Both input and output iv Input None of these bi 2. Fillin the blanks, sense § ingpired By the biological ‘neural networks in the human brain, An artificial neural network is composed of artificial soon OF NOES, A neural network is essentially a system of a The..... - layer contains units that Fespond tothe information about how it has learnt any task. - are in between input and pes output layers. 3. State whether the following are TRUE or FALSE: An artificial neural network is inspired by the way b. 4. Answer the following questio a ‘Atificial Intelligence ~Class 10 (Part 6) biological neural networks in the human kidney process information Neural networks are loosely modelied after how ‘neurons in the human brain behave, All the perceptrones are arranged in layers in Radial basis network. Define the term ‘neural network’. (54% cl Oh Re Ko aw i. Layers of ANN are made 07 ot uy interconnes i. ayers li. nodes ii, aos iv. networks |. Which ofthese is not an advantage ofan arte neural network? i. Itlearnsanddoesnotneedtobereprogrammag Hits arge, then it requires a high processing time. iii, It can be implemented in any application, iv. Itcan be performed without any problem, ua 1 a YX There is no hidden layer in... (model of neural network. M Ae neural network is one in which the nodes do not ever form a cycle. . Meural network has faster |. The architecture of a neural network is diferent ‘earning rate and universal approximation. from that of...... - j, AN ANN is typically organised in ECG noise filtering is an pplication of Radial basis: network, Neural network has the ‘Capacity of fault tolerance. ‘Aneural network needs no training to operate. The input layer gets data which it passes onto the Nodes in the output layer, 2 54 Name the diferent ype Sot 1 topologies. Explain any two of then network ili, Recurrent neural network Define the following zi €, Write the features of neural natwork i. Radial basis network ‘Mention any three advantages and three limitations, Wt Deen teed fa cf neural networks. “J . (9. Explain the structure of an ANN. f inthe Lab tee ae owing Un the aes bar ofthe Web «aretha new drawings coming up as interpolation Between hitps://wwrw.kapwing. com/cartoonity the original drawings? + Upload your photo and erate aeartoon of hat photo 3. Type the following URL in the address bar of the Web * Aso ty the sample image which saat uploaded on browser: hitips:/ ‘© Write a paragraph on the working of this software, ‘© Draw with a neural network in Sketch ANN Demos any 2. Type the folowing URL inthe adress bar of he Wed image by entering the section ‘Multiple Predict Dero Try any image from the category and draw it on the fet hps:// ide ofthe us side ofthe screen, interpolation. htmt ‘+ Select the image from category and interpolate + Do you see the similar drawings on the right side of the * Does the neural network interpolate your random soteen? drawings? ‘re there any changes in the drawings shown by Al? Life Skills Developed Use the Internet to find how an artificial neural network helps to predict Human behaviour Creative-thinking through handwriting analysis. Share your findings with the cass. Conduct a debate in class on the topic ‘Neural Networks Can Surpass Human inteligence * Divide the class into two teams. ‘The speakers selected from each team wil speak for or against the topic. Each team will select interectors who wil ask the speakers of the opposite team questions after they finish. Make sis each. Each group will create a PowerPoint presentation on the topic eran teal “Neural Network and the Human Nervous System’ and present ‘Team-ousiding itin the class. While preparing the presentation, find out facts and figures on the topic from the Internet that are not mentioned in this chapter. Pi he ur each representing input layer, hidden layer 1, hidden ne a Te as ectvaly, Te tam input ayer wil get ata in the ‘Teamwork and Thinking form of questions or problems which are passed ont hidden layers after some processing, ‘The output layer finally will get all information and will give the meaningtul information 3 output. * No one wil be allowed to tak or discuss til the game ends. * Each layer should sit distant to each other. * Once the task ofa layer i finished, that layer needs to go and sit aside and not disturb others till the game ends. * the output is accurate enough, the whole network wins else they lose, Effective-communication 17 Neural Network

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