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Immovable (3.

5e Class)
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(Note: Any suggested changes or additional information I can add would be

appreciated, I deleted the stubs because I feel I have fixed the issues by not only
added more to the class but reworking the whole thing to incorporate a lot more
flavor and character into the descriptions of everything.)

The Immovable is someone who does not buckle under any pressure, whether it
be man, beast, or god. A being who can't be put down, one who through their
durability is unstoppable, one who truly is Immovable.

1 The Immovable
2 Making The Immovable
2.1 Class Features
2.2 Playing an Immovable
2.3 Immovables in the World

The Immovable
The Immovable is a class that is all about playing the waiting game, using their
superior defensive abilities to outlast their opponents, with no real way to dish out
damage on their own an Immovable simply outlasts the competition while
whittling them down, or until they give up. "Why chase someone down when you
can simply wait for them to come to you" is the core principal of an Immovable.

Making The Immovable

Immovables are stubborn in physicality and more often the not their beliefs and
mentality. Immovables are those that remain stationary and allow their opponents
to exhaust themselves or give up, whittling them down and using their superior
survivability to outlive danger instead of avoiding it. "Why chase someone down
when you can wait for them to come to you."

Abilities - Con is the most important stat for an Immovable as stationary targets
are often the ones most likely to take damage, and many of their abilities are
based on it, although Dex and Wis can be good for some more situational
survivability via Reflex or Will saves. Str is good if you intend to be dealing
damage, and Int/Cha are useless to an Immovable unless you desire more skills or
better interaction with others.

Races - Any race is capable of becoming an Immovable, it is not a physical state

but a mental one, those who possess a strong heart and soul are able to become
Immovable. Older or physically stout beings are more predisposed to following
this path.

Alignment - Any, although as the stubborn individuals they are many often have
a personal code that they follow.

Starting Gold - (6d4x10) Gold: Average 150Gp

Starting Age - Any

Table: The Immovable Hit Die: d12

Base Saving Throws
Level Bonus Fort Ref Will Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Armor Of The
Immovable, Rooted
Soul, Toughness
2nd +1 +3 +0 +3 Stationary Target
3rd +2 +3 +1 +3 Tougher Still
4th +2 +4 +1 +4
5th +3 +4 +1 +4 Hearty Reflex
6th +3 +5 +2 +5
7th +4 +5 +2 +5 Unmoving
8th +4 +6 +2 +6
9th +5 +6 +3 +6 Heartier Reflex
10th +5 +7 +3 +7
11th +6/+1 +7 +3 +7 Improved Immovability
12th +6/+1 +8 +4 +8
13th +7/+2 +8 +4 +8 Even Tougher Still
14th +7/+2 +9 +4 +9
15th +8/+3 +9 +5 +9 Moving Immovable
16th +8/+3 +10 +5 +10
17th +9/+4 +10 +5 +10 Not Even in Death
18th +9/+4 +11 +6 +11
19th +10/+5 +11 +6 +11 Try again
20th +10/+5 +12 +6 +12 Infinite Immovability

Class Skills (8 per level, ×4 at 1st level) 8 + Int

Immovables come from all walks of life and varied backgrounds, an skill
unwavering will is all that is truly needed. points
Pick any* 8 skills, all considered class skills. level.
Skills that cannot be chosen are skills that require movement, such as
Move Silently, Tumble, Jump, etc.

Class Features

All of the following are class features of The Immovable.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency - Immovables are proficient with

Heavy armor, and simple weapons.

Armor of the Immovable - Immovables are durability incarnate, either

resisting or ignoring much of the damage they receive. Immovables have
a uniquely strong ability, true damage reduction, this functions similarly
to normal damage reduction however applies to all damage sources,
from elemental damage to force damage, because for many Immovable
it is not actively resisting the damage, but simply not allowing the
damage they take to impede them. Gain DR and Elemental resist equal
to half their Immovable level (Minimum of 1).(Psychic damage or
anything described as directly effecting ones mind or soul is not
reduced) Immovables being the stubborn and patient individuals they are
simply become harder to dispose of over time. Every 3 rounds without
moving this bonus increases by 1. (For the sake of this ability moving
means any action leading to the Immovable leaving their space,
teleportation being the only exception to this rule. Any effect that moves
the ground they are standing on does not remove this effect, as the
Immovable is not the one moving in that situation.)

Rooted Soul - Immovables choose to remain stationary, and they won't

allow others to change their mind, Immovables gain a resistance to
anything trying to move them (such as trips, bullrush, grapples) equal to
their Immovable level, and it increases by 1 every round they remain

Toughness - Gain Toughness as a bonus feat.

Stationary Target - Although an Immovable will often seem like an

easy target, those who actually make an attempt on an Immovable will
realize although their attacks might connect, they never seem to actually
harm the Immovable. Immovables gain an Armor bonus to their AC
equal to their Immovable level to a cap of double their constitution
modifier. (Meaning a level 20 Immovable would need need a Con of 30
to receive the maximum AC bonus.)

Tougher Still - Gain additional Hitpoints equal to Con Mod *

Immovable level. This is not affected by temporary changes to Con, or
effects that make you count as a higher level.

Hearty Reflex - Allows the Immovable to make a Fortitude save in

place of a Reflex Save for checks to avoid damage such as a Fireball
AOE, this also means the Immovable is not forced to move when
'avoiding' this damage and may remain stationary.

Unmoving - While one would assume forcing a person to move might

be an easy task those who attempt to make an Immovable will find their
capacity to do so poorly lacking. Whenever the Immovable must make a
check to resist being moved out of their space, they may roll twice and
take the better result. This may be used a number of times per Long Rest
equal to the Immovables Con Mod.

Heartier Reflex - When using Hearty Reflex to make a Fort save in

place of a Reflex save for the sake of avoiding damage from E.g. Breath
attacks, you take no damage on a successful save but still full on a failed

Improved Immovability - An Immovable who has made it this far has

learned to fully incorporate their body and soul in their efforts. The
Immovable now adds their Con Mod as a bonus to their 'Rooted Soul'
ability, "Armor of the Immovable" ability, and their 'Stationary Target'
ability, this does not count towards the cap on 'Stationary Target'. The
standing still bonus from 'Armor of the Immovable' now triggers every 2
rounds standing still instead of 3.

Even Tougher Still - The bonus Hitpoints from 'Tougher Still' are now
calculated as if your Con Mod was doubled. (Con Mod*2)*Immovable

Moving Immovable The Immovable may make a Movement action that

makes them leave their space without losing their Bonuses a number of
time per Day equal to their Con Mod. This ability cannot be used again
if it was used the previous round.

Not Even in Death - The first time an Immovable would be brought to

0 Hitpoints or lower instead go only down to 1 Hitpoint. This can be
done a number of times per day equal to an Immovables Con Mod. This
ability recharges on Long Rest.

Try Again - An Immovable is such a sturdy and durable being that many
times their opponents will think they did damage only to have barely
fazed the Immovable. An amount of times per day equal to their Con
mod an Immovable may take half damage from an attack, this halving
effect takes place before the damage hits TDR.

Infinite Immovability - Some Immovables reach a level of dedication

that they seem to transcend reality. The Immovable now adds their full
Immovable level to Armor of the Immovable. Armor of the Immovable
now also increases the Immovables Constitution by 1 whenever they
gain an increase to TDR from staying still. This temporary con stays
until the Immovable rests. The Con mod does not increase again after
the Armor of the Immovable ends until the new bonus to the con
surpasses the old one. (Example, an Immovable gains +5 con in a battle
and later in the day get into another fight, the Con would not increase
until it reached a +6 bonus in which it would replace the old bonus.)

Playing an Immovable

Immovables are a relatively simple class in terms of gameplay, you just

get hit and shrug it off. But there is a very large pressure to role-play
your character well with this class, see Immovables biggest weakness'
are when their enemies don't attack them, and when they don't have
allies to help them actual deal damage. These issues can (depending on
your DM) be fixed by well executed Roleplaying, you want the enemies
to keep attacking you, slander and insult them to make them angry at
you. Play well with your friends and make sure those in your group
enjoy your character. Stats wise an Immovable might seem simple, but
to truly get the most out of the class you must really 'be' your character,
and make them come to life, otherwise you might get bored of just
standing still all the time.

When you make an Immovable I suggest giving them a personal code of

conduct, a list of things that drives them and things they'll avoid. For
example, Archibald the first Immovable I made, he was Chaotic Good,
he was driven heavily to make sure everyone was treated equally, he
believed that anyone had the power to stand up for themselves and make
a difference. He ALWAYS tried his best to save those unwillingly under
another's control, whether that be mind control, slavery, and being
blackmailed, but he was also the type of person to immediately
disregard the lives of those who attempted to control others in such a
way, meaning he often ended up killing the slavers or mind controllers.
He believed in freedom, but if someone tried to revoke that freedom
they got no second chances. He followed this personal code so strictly
that he often risked his own life to save others.

You don't have to be this extreme with yours but I feel things like this
really help bring an Immovable to life, it gives them a reason to be
Immovable, it gives them something they'll stand for regardless of how
hard they're pushed back.

Immovables in the World

Immovables are often overlooked in society, despite their durable

physique many are seemingly normal people. Most Immovable who take
their skills into combat are driven to do so by something that goes
against what they stand for, an example would be an Immovable who is
highly against slavery having someone they know kidnapped, or maybe
even just witnessing the act of slavery first hand. Immovables are people
who have their own code of conduct and they abide strongly by that, a
Lawful Good Immovable might use their might to help stop criminals
because they believe the Law is the highest form of justice and must be
abided by, a Chaotic Evil Immovable might side with a demon lord in an
attempt to take over the world because that no life in this world is worth
keeping around, or a neutral Immovable might simply be so focus on
their own survival that they just go with whatever gives them enough
money to feed themselves. Long and short of it is that Immovables are
capable of having many goals and motivations, what makes them an
Immovable is how well they stick to that path.

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