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Title of Assignment: Identify Research Gaps for

Future Research

Name and Surname: Dominic Mufudzi Makoni

Student ID number: R1809D6268645
Course name and code: 53658
Tutor’s full name: Brigitte Mukabana Wabuyabo Okonga
Date: 16/09/2023
A topic or area with missing or insufficient information in research is referred to as Gap and
it curtails the ability to arrive at a conclusion for a question and this serves as its identifier.
Müller-Bloch & Kranz, (2015) looks at the missing data in the research literature, the
unexplored or under-explored area like, “a population or sample (size, type, location, etc.),
research method, data collection and/or analysis, or other research variables or conditions.”
According to Carey et al. (2011) Empirical gaps are caused by inadequate or unreliable data
or evidence to support/complete a claim/hypothesis. Theoretical gaps result from the
constrains or defects of current theories or frameworks to explain or expose an occurrence or
First, to identify gaps in the literature to be used in future research, an exhaustive literature
review must be conducted. Journal articles must be read critically to identify these gaps
aiming spot ‘holes' or opening that can be filled by new research offerings. For instance, a
lack of research findings on: A particular population – like a particular age group, or ethnic
group; Spatiality – e.g., metropolis, counties, or provinces; An era – probably most of the
studies were done eons earlier but still have same unchanged landscape. Thus, learning in a
research area fills this. Hence, it is not new research and is not seen as contributing to the
ultimate scientific goals but is for the advance of science in general. Noteworthy is that
research is not deemed unreliable due to gaps, flaws, and/or limitations contained therein, and
that work seen as unreliable or incredible is rarely published as articles in, an academic
journal. These flaws, and/or limitations enable scholars to pursue their academic conversation
by addressing them by doing their own primary research. Put differently, scholars take up and
design research from where others have left so as to fill that gap and address the anomalies
for furthering the conversation on the matter.
Conversely, fundi in particular fields review research and assess its worth and contribution to
existing work before publication as an article. More so, as the flaws, and limitations can
mould the research results besides providing avenues for deliberations on the determination
of the goal or aim of a study since scholars are very specific and have limited goals, like
examination of a couple factors’ impact on a particular population whose findings could not
be reliably generalized beyond that population..
The burden of locating gaps, flaws, and limitations can be alleviated by learning to read,
examine, and comprehend academic journal articles. This can be achieved by considering
issues like the below when reviewing academic article’s primary research methods and
the study’s aim or goal and the means adopted to achieve it; the validity of sample size and
largeness to give credible data; identity and inclusivity of the participants; independent
selection that includes a control group; timeframe of study; reviewed secondary sources
literature; and if the article is a recent publication.
There is need for open mindedness without letting previously held opinions on current
research topic hold sway but being rational and giving honest reviews and summaries despite
feeling that a few flaws, limitations, or gaps in research’s results need addressing whilst
accurately representing and including studies with similar results.

According to Tranfield et al . (2003, p. 208) “in management research, the literature review
process is a key tool, used to manage the diversity of knowledge for a specific academic
inquiry”. Thus, a gap refers to unfinished business requiring further study or unchartered
aspects/vacuum to be filled with answers from another research as it is indicative of a void in
the researcher’s knowledge (Robinson, K.A., Saldanha, I.J., & Mckoy, N.A.,2011). Prudence
calls for identification of research gaps before researching. Notable authors have ventilated
scholars’ discussion through vast contributions on same.
Given the above, it is similarly reckoned that research gaps call for ‘space filling’ by
scientific exploration and providing future theoretical advancement in various disciplines,
which underscores the significance of implications provisions for future research. Wang’
(2016), definition of a research gap as “a topic or area for which missing or inadequate
information limits a conclusion for a given question” (p.251) in agreement with Robinson et.
al (2011), asserts a topic or area without enough or incomplete information constrains the
ability to make a decision on a question; thus, making it complex for decision makers and/or
policy take necessary action.
The process of Conducting research begins with addressing inquiries, identification of new
research areas and development hinged on previous studies culminating in the several
branches of research that draw fresh knowledge thence-from. Noteworthy, is that study
design limitations often develop research gaps, viz., the use of poor tools, or external
influences that the study could or could not control. Thus, Research needs refer to gaps in
knowledge, which promotes expansion of the field of study, hence addressing/closing
knowledge gaps. The purpose of conducting research is mostly to close an existing research
gap by providing a new body of knowledge which is why it’s important to identify research
gaps in areas of interest. In a nutshell, research attempts to contribute new scientific research
literature rather than duplicate what already exists (Miles, 2017).
A research gap develops as a result of the design of the study's constraints, the use of poor
tools, or external influences that the study could or could not control. Research needs can be
viewed as gaps in knowledge, which will help expand the field of study. Presumably, the best
way to determine a research gap could be a comprehensive literature survey which would
surely clarify and shed light on existing works and the gap in the research area. Perusal of
review articles that cover specific research topic is crucial since it also facilitates grasping
gap in research fast. Knowing the several types of research gaps in Literature Review is
prudent. A gap is usually revealed by missing articles in literature search, and contribution to
new research made by discovering a gap where there are articles.
Pruning the area of interest identifies the research gap. For example, downward adjusting
marketing area of interest further to a market orientation that can act as a starting point for
further analysis. Online databases, can be used for examining literature material since
research gap identification involves much reading. Tom, (2012) suggests the importance of
formulating questions that call for further investigation and identifying gaps in the literature
that must be researched. Citation analysis reports, meta-analysis reports, content analysis
reports and systematic reviews are various ways that can be adopted to identify the research
gap although doing so using meta-analysis which calls for use of knowledge and expertise is
least preferred to Systematic reviews for reviews and analysis of the literature over a period.
Therefore, it is prudent to look at the problem theoretically and practically or by referencing,
i.e., forward, and backward referencing/chain searching, that involves identification and
examination of the references or cited works which is another way of learning about the topic
knowledge development to study the origins and development of a theory, construct, or
model of interest. Backward reference search is also done to identify experts, institutions or
organizations that specialize in a topic of research. Forward reference searching refers to
identifying articles that cite a particular article or work after its publication and focuses on the
publications created after an initial original article or research publication. This helps in
expansion knowledge on a topic by finding follow-up studies and identifying new findings
and developments (Florida Atlantic University, 2017). Emphasis must be put on the
feasibility of research problem or research question after exploration of the different ways of
identifying the research gap. The research problem or approach should be modified if the
research problem is not feasible, and should the identified problem lack the novelty due to
confusing literature available then the above steps should be revised. Primary and secondary
data, sufficient literature and statistical tools availability are relied upon by the feasibility of
research gap. Selection of research problem is dependent on the pertinence and worth of the
field. Farooq (2013) posits selection of research problem is founded on, personal inclination,
resource availability, relative importance, researcher knowledge and practicality. Selection of
research problem is based on the researchers own interest, relevance, and contribution. The
selection of the research gap relies on the availability o f the literature, researchers own
interest and the contribution to the concerned field and is akin to the decision-making process
whereby decision is made dependent on the various choices. The expected outcomes must be
identified from the research gap which should lead to any expected outcome, or the identified
gap is vague and indefinite. Prior understanding of the expected outcomes from research
which may contribution towards the body of knowledge. The problem identified should
contribute to the body of knowledge, lest the whole research process be revised.

Implication means something that is inferred, Oxford Dictionary. Therefore, the work’s worth
and impact on future research determines a researcher’s implications for future research and
is hinged on prior studies evaluation and input in the field including the study’s contribution.
Therefore, that knowledge of the target population is a deciding factor as it is meant to
specifically benefit, beneficiaries like policymakers, other researchers, or the public fully.
Research Implications are potential questions from the research that need further
investigation as they relate to how far the research findings might impact policies, theories,
and/or practices.
The process of conducting research begins with posing questions and identification of new
study areas and development based on prior research thus resultantly benefiting the numerous
branches of research with fresh knowledge. A research gap develops because of the design of
the study's constraints, the use of substandard tools, or external influences that the study
could or could not control. Research needs can be viewed as gaps in knowledge, which will
help expand the field of study. New research can be based on the identified gaps in
knowledge and underlying causes. Hence, the researchers’ implications for future research in
their management specialties need elaboration.
Implications are the impact made by research, whilst recommendations are explicit actions
that can be taken relying on the findings, like for more research, and Top-notch research
articles that get many citations have both.
The rightful acknowledgement of research limitations is followed by the need to discuss
feasible ways to overcome them in future studies like presenting alternative procedures and
shun issues with, or “gap fillers of” the limitations of this study presented. According to
Robinson, Saldanha., & Mckoy, (2011) there must be a framework to identify research gaps
to identify posed implications for future research in specific management fields.
Research Gap is identified by forming the key driving issue/question and crucial terms
linked with this issue through literature review. When identifying research gaps, prudence
suggests seeking for inspiration in published literature, consulting research mentors, using
digital tools browse most cited research papers, and the websites of influential journals,
noting all queries and researching each question (Müller-Bloch & Kranz, (2015). More so as
Research gaps generally benefit science advancement, as well as the scientist/s,
notwithstanding the findings’ positive impact on the society (ibid). Therefore, these gaps
must be defined and examined by management teams to create an action plan that propels the
organization ahead and fill the performance gaps.
Robinson, Saldanha and Mckoy, (2011) imply occurrence of research gaps due to several
reasons ranging from disinformation, partial or biased evidence and unsuitable research
procedures. The capacity of transferability regarding the findings to other industries is vital as
shown in a study done in only one industry is full of many clear peculiarities as expatiated by
Hennig-Thurau, (2003) when he identified research gaps caused by bad use of research
designs. When a research design blends a small or limited section of an industry only, it
becomes problematic to generalize the research findings to the target population as the
findings may not be applicable to other sectors unrepresented in the research because having
peculiar challenge/ characteristics. Ranaweera and Prabhu, (2011) concur that using a single
industry causes a research limitation owing to findings’ transferability status. Generalization
creates predictions about results’ possible transferability from a particular study area to
similar areas uninvolved in the study and should the study results not fit broadly/applied to
diverse situations and scenarios, then that study has poor generalizability. Hence, it is crucial
that different areas/sectors are involved in the research, for results to be generalized. Findings
showed a research gap related to the lack of transferability of the research findings in
Germany to the United States as the study was done in German which necessitates replicating
the research in other areas to sync the findings and present definite conclusions easily.
Use of the configurational approach for closing research gaps will vastly benefit research in
the future. Myers (2003) concurs, as the research gap identified in the study is ascribed to
applying constrained predictor variables to gauge the research outcome. Hence, concluding
the research would be confounded and complexed as useful information/data is obfuscated in
unresolved issues. Henig-Thurau (2016) indicates that future research is necessary for
evaluation of what influences customer orientation of service employees, and underlying
factors that influence customer retention. According to Mugo (2012), research is very crucial
in the research process and if well carried out aids researchers to select the correct samples
for data collection. Attention must be paid to the target population specification, the
problems that may be met when choosing the sample, the possibility of adopting a wrong
sampling method and getting a poor response rate during the research sampling stage, as
arising of any of these, could cause sampling bias and error. A sampling error and bias occurs
if an unrepresentative sample is selected which will have a different result from research that
was well carried out using the proper sample population. For Wiklund and Shepherd (2018),
survivor bias, occurs when the data set shows ‘surviving’ or ‘existing’ observations only
disregarding past observations is a limitation to research. This is confirmed by the researchers
as they noted that their sample frame was inadequate as some of the sampled companies went
out of business during or before the study implying that information on factors that led to the
failure of the companies could have been missed. Hence, the findings can only be linked to
existing firms and will be valueless as a guide to avoid failure since future research in that
area has to include failed or discontinued companies to get reasons why their business failed.
In future research, a representative sample is necessary. Myers (2012) reveals a research gap
found from use of a wrong sampling method. The convenient sampling that was adopted in
the research constrained generalization of the research findings as it only considered
volunteer participants who volunteered to participate though all of them belonged to a similar
group. This type of sampling is advantageous as it aids a quick sample selection process, but
the downside is that the sample is unrepresentative. Henig-Thurau (2016) also notes a
research gap created by sampling inaccuracies. Their sample was unrepresentative as it was
selected using a quota sample, which is not easy to make statistical inferences on the whole
population. Hence future research done this area has to take cognizance of the above-
mentioned research gaps and correct them by doing what was missed. This is achievable by
using the stratified random sampling method which Singh and Masuku (2022) note leads to
representation of all the identified attributes within a population.
Dissanayake D.M.N.S.W. (2013) Research, research gap and the research problem.
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Methods and Strategies, Dallas, Texas.
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Corresponding author: Michael Nnaemeka Ajemba Department of Primary Care and
Population Health, University of Nicosia Medical School, Cyprus. © 2022
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article. This article is published under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Liscense 4.0. Research gaps for
future research and their identification
Michael Nnaemeka Ajemba 1, * and Ebube Chinwe Arene 2 1 Department of Primary Care
and Population Health, University of Nicosia Medical School, Cyprus.
2 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2022, 16(01), 575–579
Publication history: Received on 14 September 2022; revised on 15 October 2022;
accepted on 18 October 2022 Article DOI:

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