Philips PM 3337 Service Manual

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50 MHz Digital Storage Oscilloscope PM3335 — PM3337 Service Manual 44922 972 08392, saocon WARNING: These servicing instructions are for use by qualified perso: To reiuce the Fisk of clectrie shock do got perform any servi er Then the specified ia the Operacing instvoctione walege you are fui? qualified £0 do soy B PHILIPS ‘uipoRTAWT: In corcesyondence concerning this instrument, plesse quote the type snuther and serial aumber ax piven on the type plates NOTE: the design of thte iastrument is eubject to continuous development find inprovenent. Consequently, this inetrusent may incorporace alnor changes in detail from the ieforastion contained in thie nanusls © We. PUILEPS CLORTLAVPEAPABRIEREN-EINDMOVEN-THE WETHERLANDS-1989 conrests Page be INSTRUCTIONS tt aa Introduction sssseeeseseees 12 Safety precautions eseesereereee sete dt 1a caution and warning stetouents «++. eee 1 Symbol eee Sea enteee gereeeecceeeeceese Ue as Impaired aefery-protection vesseesees 16 General elsasee « we 2. cramacranrstics at 2a Display eeeeeeeeee aoa 22 Vertical deflections or Y axis +++ as Noctzoatal deflection of X axis « seeseeesees 255 28 ‘Tetggering vessesees seseesesesesenseneres 206 26 Grarnele A and Beevesseee 2 aT Tine Dedeseseseseeseenseseeen 128 2 Tetggerssseeeeeesene sesseeanenerseensenes 29 Menory. Pispleyssse celeolation factLitten: pote setetng. ubsoressesecseeeseeseeeee cessetsses Qed Power supplysssesseee seseeeeseeseess ZOLL Sundrierssssseseeeeee ses Daz Eovisonmentel charactertaeiee. ++ see 2S safety. as 5. [ENTRODUCTION TO CIRCUT DESCRLETION AND BLOCK DIAGRIN DescRivrion aa aa introduction to cireult description « sees Sod 3.2 Block diagran description ssssessessesseeseresesers SOLD armmwuatox wary (a1) aa aa Vertical attenuators ssveseessececeeeereeeerene 44 4a External input sssscssssesseesessesseeeeseeeseeetee do, ‘RE-AMPLIFTER UNIT (42) cay 5a Vertical prevaeplitier est 52 [B exigger preamplifier seeseeseseseens BD 33 Pre-saplister control « Peers ses su-PLTP TER UNIT (a3) oa 6a Introduction ceseseessereeeneeneeeeenses 6.2 Binal vertical (¥) aoplifter sesseeeeeee os Final tortyontal (A) ampuisser ceseeserseeeneeees OoL bet ‘Honal blanking (2) saplifter and CET « seve 62 “TW-BASE UNIT (44) mm na Telgger aaplister sesssssesssesseseeseesseseenetaee ToL ne Tiakog e6teukt cecseseeesesseeeeeee na Swoop BENeEALOE eeeeeeeereseeeen 14 1A DEEL amplifier, and diaplay mode ewttch « 1-6 1s Remmplifter vesceseeeeeee eerste ee 16 Tints dsagean Seer ete cad Uinlng dbsgran sssesessessecssesseseeeteseeeesevene TOT CRT CONTROL WHIT (45) et n 1. POHER SUPPLY UNIT (46) ont oa Input etzeutt oe nese 93 Secondary output rectifiers v+sveseessees 24 bar amupply + erate eee 9.5 calibrator « Row UNIT (A7=38) 104 rot Key matrix and reset efreust seseseeseseeseceyeeses 10H 10.2 Froxt panel controls, probe indicator, auciliary +. 10-1 10.3, Lop dsepiey ctreutt - sesseees 1002 DYGITAL uNET (49) Lat npur amplifiers and ADC ctreuit sesseeseees Lint te Acquiettion sewries fissaoar na Aequtettion control Leste + 1 Display Logie seeseeee Ls, BAe ctreutts Feta 16 bteplay and eine base control veseeeseseeey 17 CU Logte seeeseeseeeee nats sie as Signal ame List ssseeeeseeeeeeeeees aoaPration ox a rat Vertical dteplay aode svitch wea 12.2 Real tine mode amplifier eal 12.3 Digiesl memory amplifier 122 1a Stanal nae Lat 122 1 ra 15. 16. FERFORUNCE CHECK wt 13.1 Goneral informacion ssssesescessessesseseeeeeeseeee MAD 13.2 Prelisinary s0ttinge prevent pereonal tajury. sean igh voltage > 1000.V (rat) ' AX eens sac etion A Road the operating snateactions Protective earch clack) @ (geounding) terminal 2 Ls ab 16 162 1.6.3 1606 14605 1.6 IMPATRED SAPETY-PROTECTION Muenever Lt is Likely thot seferyrprotection bas bees tapaired, che ‘Inatrusent must be made {aozerative ond be secured against any tuntacended operation, ‘The aatter should then be referred to qualified tecktetane. Ssfety protection is Likely to be inpaiced ££, for exanple, che Inateunent fails to pecfoon the iocended meararencnts or shows visible aanage. CGaNERAL CLAUSES WARNING: The opening of covers ox canoval of parts, except those to Gihien access can be gained by hand, 1s Likely to expose Live pette and acceattble temsiaala sich ean be dangerous to 11Ve. ‘ne tnoteunent shall be dtaconnected Fron all volltege sources before st is opened. Bear in aind that capacitors inatde the instrument con hold their Charge even LE che dnstriment has been separated Zxon cli voltage VARNING: Auy sntercaption of the protective ecrth conductor inside o outside the ingtement, oF disconnection of the protective aren terminal, ie Likaly to ake eho instrmene dangerous Intentional interruption Ls prohibited. Components which ae important for the saGety of the Instrutene way ‘Sely be soncved by components obeained through Your Local PRIlips otganteation, (See alse section 15)- Acver eopatr and maintenance {a che peieary efrcult, safety Inspection 4nd teste, sp nentioned tn gestion 15 hava to be purforoed. mm CHARACTERISTICS . Performance Characteristics = Properties exprested in nimorical values wich stated colerance are guerantecd by HELUIPS. Specified pon-tolerence munerical values Ghdscete those that could be nonineli) expected from the aean of fa range of identical fostrunents. = Thts specification 42 valié after thg ineteunent his warmed up for 430 minutes (saference temperature 23°C). = for definitions of teraz, reference 1s made to 18C Publication 35-1. 1B. Safety Characteristics = thts apperatus has beon designed and tested fa accordance vith, Exfety Clase f requirenents of IEC Publication 248, safety Fewutrenents for Electronte “easuring Apperatus, UE 1264 and (GSA S568 and has been supplied in nate conditions cy falttal Characteristics = Overall Aisenntons: = hae Including hasdle 1307 aw Eteloling handle 2330 a = uengeh linelsing bandle 5185 a Exclaging esdLe, excl. knobs £44955 am Exclaging handle, Secl: knobs 659,35 m = Weight Including feet 5 166,5 am relwing fest 13455 a eels undar-esbinet 22/3 an, a Figure 2.1 Dinonstons of oscilLeacape 113335. a 8,5 ke s+ Worigontatly on botton fost £1 Gn the cateying handle in two sloping poattions. 2: Terticel deflection of Y axis 3: Horizoneal deflection of ¥ axis 4. Triggering 5. Signal acquisition 6: Channeis A and 8 2. tine nase 5. tetager Menoty 2G, Display DULL Celealation facttictes 212) ato settling 2113 Guraoea 2142 Power supply 215: Sundries 2116) Enetronmental characteristics 217! Satery 2UIS! Optional versions aa 22 cranacrentsrtcs bisa * car ‘ype Yo Meesuring area (hee) * serson type Standard option ‘otal secaters toa voltage % Grattes Engraving Division Lines Subdiet stone Dotted Lines Percentages + orthogonality * riiwesnation VERTICAL DEFLECTION * Deflection soos fend sources Deftestion coetfickente + vactante gain Sonerol ange + error Limit 4 Inpae sapetance paralleled by ‘SrscrPLoatron mutes 14-372 80 x 100 ae. we aD ee 7) 16 Teteraal fixed Tea 2m 1,5 ane 6,5 om en top 0% 10%, 90%, 100% so? 47-3? coneinuousty versabie ok ¥ axis Automatic setting ‘according to input signal Chansel 4 and/or 8 oF ADDED (8, 3) 2 aivjatv..10 fate as +i 38 1m obm 41-28 20 pt 4/20 ADDITIONAL, IHFORIATION 5 x10 ate. Pasy. = 10 ue 1 sablay, (20) = 220 standard persistence (7 2) Thng persistence (30 32) Worizontal as well os vertical Moctsoutal an well as vertical Oply hortaontel Laft side of serace Measured in zero point. By means of potentioasters Grane 8 cen be taverted. AIL Combinations are joratble ia ALIERNATE a8 wel? ae {2 CHOP inode to Ly 2 5 sequences IE plobé with range indicator 4s Used, deflection coeff. is agromatically calculated in atspley. only An eelibrate posttton. Measured below 1 vile Menrared below 1 Hie cuaRacraaisrics as dapat voltage Hex. ge (ems) voltae Bendwiden For 20 Beesl0 * pandwtien for 2a, Sa ae low # Ri se-time 4 Notse 20 Ws. s10 * Lowe ~ 3 ob polat * Dynante range Pte @ 50 vie = position raoge * cross tote bette Channels eto mie 50 Me * comon ote Rejection Ratio EL Mie vestbie staal asley 400 ¥ (duce + 8 peak) 500" > 30 me (303, amb. 15.4357) 335 Mie 7 ns oF less < 0,5 58 < 10 be 4-12 dave 3 Badin. Dae saw. > iS ae AODITTONAL, INFORMATION Mass duration 60 2+ Toput 6 div, stne~vaver Deviation eae SME for abient O ++ 50°C Input 6 div. sine-waves colcslated from 0435/23 4B Measured visually. Pick up oa open BNC excluded. tn AC position, 6 div. sine Yeenter in CAL. postion. Vernier Sn CAL positions Vernier in CAL post tion. Both chaneis ease atteaustor serting. Input tax- 6 atv. efnarwave. 2,5 and 10 V are excluded. 2,5 and 10 V ave exciadeds Both chamels sane attenuetor getting, vernler adjusted. for boot chin; weasured with ma. B dis. (4/8 €iv-) each chase nels Mex, intensity, menmured fom Hine start co trigger polnts 2a 2a cuurscrenstics sPEctricarton 4 Base-Line jump tor steps Owe ¥ 6 Lad MMgteioaal Jump Between 20 a <=> 20 «1,3 08 Normal Tnvure jap <1at 0" up £046 dive Variable jump Lat HORIZONTAL, DEFLECTION OR X 4S ‘Time Base # tige coef. 0,3 44450 ns Brror init HB 2 * tortaoatsl posi- Start of sweep and ohifeed over screen Versable control 1 ratio > 25 * Time Base ag Expansion x10 Error init 4/-4 2 «2,5 5d 4 wous-oer imino to ext fun bold-off eiee 17> 10 ratio ADOUEZONAL, DNFORMATION only charset 8, Ween A and 8 are positioned to irereen centre (20\nifr--10 T+ Ma. Jump in any coo post ctons of the YAXtable concrol 1, 2, 5 sequence ( Hesoured at whet dive #200 Not valid fa xdeflection. Meamured at +4 Excluding Fest 50 se and ese 80 me. = ate. fron nite stare of aveep fa x20 In wid=sereen position, chen Hsninum told off tiie 4 rele tel to tige base settings 2.3.2 23.3 ‘cueactaaistics deflection + Deftection coeff Via channel A or 3 Vis fxr tnpoe 4 bevor Liste Via channel 4 oF Via EXr dnput nandutaet phage oheee ber deflection + bynante range ext tapue * input topadance Poralleled by * Max. input vol~ Mint test voi rage (eas) + Lome - 3 43 potne ‘TRIGGERING «trig. node AUTO (auto free run) rategered sIvaue trigger source Ae By Composite Gis), BIE, Line 2 aviaty 100 av (dev. sie ox 45k DC sees 3 2 Mie «2° 8 100 ie > 2b dive Doses foo ise 1M ote t/a 2k Zope s/= 2 pe 400 v (ee + ass pan 500" <1 ae bright Line to absence of trigger ‘signal 10 vieiw ‘AppETtoNaL, nFoRUATTON A, 2, 5 sequence: 1 couphed De coupted 0 coupled fy 1 ate C1 Nie Nox. duration 60 9. Ac coupled ‘ato feng run stares 100 a (eyp-) after no erig-pulse. Sultches avtonetically to auto free ron 4f one of the éLeplay chassis te grounded. Jn multi-channel eoge (ateer- nated) each chenael {9 armed after reser; IF sweep has Siready started, meep 12 208 Finfahed. Not applicasle tx peskotorpesk coupling. Line trigger source always feiggera os uaias frequeacy. Line trigger amplitude depents fon Line input voltages Approx. Bidivs 0200 VAC Saput voltages 25 ‘cungacTuRISTaCs Trigger coupling Peaketo-peak ep), Oy TL, We Trigger stope Trigger sensi- vty, Tree, ai 10 ta @ 50 vie @ 100 ae EXTERNAL = 10 me @ 50 vile © 100 Me vu/t TNTERNAL DIL/# EXTERNAL SHOAML AUQuiSTTZON SanpLing type ldus/aiy ss S0e/asv Nexiaun sanple ingle elannel Goal channel Vorttest (votes Be) Hesolution ‘SPHCIETCATION Related co peak forpesk vale0 > Gor - 8 atv) > oe ~ 600 ai) Fixed Lever 4 g Real tim 20 egasampl s/s 20 Mepasanples!s ovate 7 ASDETTONAL, INFORUTION Pep coupling 1 DC rejected. Shope sign tn LoD. For IVL/TE ure tor ~ to chose positive oF negative video tet. Tela Tei. teige mg. Tries Syec. Syne coupling Do. feouphing DC. coupling Boe coupling 0. coupling DC. Eogpting DC. pulses pulses Saaple rate depends on tiee/atv secting (20,48 of ful range of 10 a} CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION ADDITONAL INFOMATION * BorLzontat (ese) Reaolution: in single channel acqutsicton: fn20ae/dive. 8192 saep./ 4 Sample = 0,00252 of full Sos/atv soquisition record 10 as/ase 4098 seape/ 1 Sample = 0,026% of fut acquisition record. fia dual channel 4099" samp./ VSmapie = 0,028 of catt acqutattion Wis acguteition record. petue/ die * Record Length 20,4 x tine/Aty _Dhaplay in wanagnified position. + Acqutattion efse: real tine 20,4 x eine/atv Tandy ++ soa/aiv +O ve 20m excluding delay tine soureas ‘channet 4 Ghannel B aannel 8 can be inverted before acqutattion. * Acquisition nodes 1 channel only Yul menory avatiabte for 1 channels 2 chansete Haultsicousty sazpled; 2 ehanaels share Dory CHANMELS A AD * Frequency lon potae of By Tnpet covpl ion ine position duc. Input cospline in AG position < 10ie upper tenet © lon potat of a! Taveenory on saode Canbsgne: 35 ese 3580) > tomie(-348) ——aovtatton ae. 3itlg for anbiant? 0 ees 50 Cy In sanory off ode (Anbigae 15.035 80) > somte(-340) Deviation ax. Sie for sablent: 0-50". cuagacreRIsrics svacr#ycaTtow * tac bags Line snstabittey: aap Ciabigae: As s-. 35 °): ‘enon nef eohing formeory mode: 0,3 de when actuating Tnvertor setech 0,3 atv Deewecn any Cine [88% positions 0,5 ctv 1 vette ater Tempereture coefficient + 0,05 atv/k 27 na ASE * Modes Recucrent Single sho WIE ple shoe coekstosent: Hnrocurrent 10 us/div «+. 50 s/aiv An single shot 6 wulefple shot | 10 ua/dtv -oe 30 sfate error List (ag- Biene 13 -- 33%) ia real tine node #1 bp to menory 40,18 28 rRractR 4% Trigger delay: Fens 220 wo 0 iv accuracy 0,3" aiy 4 resgger tevet stow Snaccuracy £043 div a ADDITION, THFORATION Add,25% for aabtent: 0 ++ 50°C. Woagured fn 20 a¥/dte [eeition. Up co 2 shoes. Add,0,3% for ambient: 0 so °c. Selectable fm divistonss Indication im LCD, 29 210 22 ‘cuanncrenisrics snow + enory stzet registers repioter dept acquisteton Fegister wordtengeh * Functtone DrsPuay + sources bigplay expan ston Sarlssutal + maaber of aie played sample: Single trace three traces SPeCLE TATION ak words BK vorda B bite clear sonst Channel ® Register A Register 3 0,5xy Dey 2, Ary By Les and tae Sk /fenanaed 2/enacned ik/channed iefehanael, CcaLcuLATiON acrLaTtes + Runcttoas soto serrmNG * SeetLing cine Ratio, Phase a, ah, Vee 3s (txp-) ADDITIONAL, INFORMATION contents of acquisition are Saved 10 reginter Mesory aysten 1s locked. Tf lock fe sot active the signal Se weiteea into the acquiettion menoeys : Jaa say combination } , Auto get e done in analog aaa ae ‘CHARACTERISTICS SPECIFICATION ADDITIONAL, TAFORNATTON cconsons f Rostzootat resolutior fn elagie Shensel ode 1:1000 Over 10 ds in aval Chenset mode 1: 1000 vertical resolution 11200 Baw 9 digits + voltage cursor: error Haig abs Refereed to inpot at BNC, Tee 33 8e se error of probes ate. exciutge. Aad 3E for ablent 0 +. 60 ee eorsor range Full emge Gireors can not pass not cach cher. X-posttion is Inspected s rine coreors 4,1 error Tint POWER SUPPL ine votcage gece oe range. Noadaa 100,4.240 Liatte of ope Eatin 9044-250. * Lise Frequency Nominal 50..400 Be Limite of ope- ration 3.20045 He » safery require rents wtehin specification ef? TEC 348 class 1 mae Yor 0412 ek 556 8 4 Power consumption he nominal source voltage (ares sousee) 55H nominal paz Bas cuarsoranasrics SUNDRIES + zHoDulation van can oucpue output vote Frequency ‘The output nay be ahort-cte= eutted to ground. bata and settings etentior menory back-op voltage sneaory back-op carrent drain econzended batteries: OF batteries reteation tine * Teaperatuce range sPecLPICATION 12 ¥ Hye ak 2s Woe 39 Aypteat 10004 6 Bees 2, typtoal 3 yeare oe 0% AppITIOKAL INORMATION ‘nirconpatible. Blanks display. Hex. totensiey ‘Analog control between Vill and ViL fa possible, ‘to calibrate drop of tilt of Rectangelar output pulses hen Lastrunent te mxitched off of during saine failure. ‘he seillocscope settings snd trsces are saves before In struzent goce dom. esc. pocording to TEC28S (nAtkel~ re Manganose Penlight Battery) foege FAILIPS Lk 6 Sefivered eieh cho soatrunene After warning up period of fnstgunenes 225%, with recomended (Genk) batters 8 40 «.. 0% settioge rem tentioa Ge uocertamm Te 42 pevised t ranove batteries From instraseat when it is stored during logger (24h) pepdod below 30° or above bore. ann UNDER #0 crRoWMSTANCES ALTERIS SHOULD BE LEFT 18 INSTRIMGI @ TONPRRATURES EYOND THE RATED RANGE OF Tus BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS! 2a 23 CCHARACTURISTICS SFBCIFICATION _—_ADDTTIONAL IAF ORATION ESVINOMIENTAL CHARACTEAISTIOS ‘the eaviromentsi dats mentioned in this msauel are based on the reoulce of the masutacturee’n checking procedures. Details om these procedvres and fatlure criteria are supplied on equest by the PRILIES/H.UK organtaation in your country, or by Etnies, EMDUSTRIAL 4ND ALECTRUACOISTIC. STSTENS DIVISION, EINDUOWEN, THE, WETUERLANDS. Meets environ MIL-T-26800.¢, Clase 5, oxcopt for operating portal eequire- type TIT, CASS 5 temperature: O 4. 40°Cs ments oft Style D Seyle Dy eweept foe front + reaperataret Senory back-up batteries removed from eetrurent y Geiese Dettorkes ace eenpe™ Eatuce specifications (see hee 215) operating: : wins Lov eenge- 0 °C (of. wit1-26800 © pace. eatre, testal of pat. asst fnax. high tempe- 450% Gf, MiL*T-28800 © per. ratuce Si3.204. tosead oft par. Noes. ‘nonopersttng, Cetorage): eine Tow tape fy yil-t-26800 © pare. ature 53.205. tented eft pare isis rans high tenpe- ¥3°C CE. MiLsT-28000 © pare. wrature, ested of par. sista + Max, huntatty operating ost aa 10.20% sesvoperating mes attend wiier-28600 ¢ par. 3.9.3. tesced, pats fe5e3-2- ‘operating 4,5 ko (15000 feet) Maxie. Qperating, Teaperacure Aerated 3°C for each kn, for ‘each 3000 feet, above ata tevel os-operating 12 ta (4 000 feet) (arorage) CHARACTERISTICS SPECTPICATTON _—_ADDTTTONAL. INFORMATION © vibeacion (ope NIL--28600 € pars 3-9-4-1. acing) tested, pare 4e5.3e3e1- Beege See013 Be ‘Seeep Time Tats. Erearston (op) 43 ax acceleerelon T'a/s? ( Frag. 15-025 Be Sectp tise 3 ata Exeufeton (rp) im Hac Atcolerstfon 13 a/e? C3 x5) #25 He Begs 250055 8 G7 ep C15 Sweep Tine 5 sine Excursion (p-p) 0,5 ma, Mex Acceleretion 30 a/e> Qxg) 695 fie Resonance Oveli 10 atne @ each resonance freqe (or @ 432 a If po resonance was Founa). Beeursion, 9-7-1+ to 572s shosk (operating) wiLt-26600 € pars 349-5-14 tested, pare eSeebele dmouat of shocks total us och exis 6 3 tm each direction. Smock tave-foon Half stne-wave Duration my Pout Accexeretion 300 3/7 (30 * 6) Bench hand tng MIL-1-26800 ¢ par- 3.95436 tested ef. pare tsSeSebede Neots require: mL-stD-810 nests of Sethod 515, rom Sale stnosphere MIL-T-28800 6 pare 3.9:8.1 ested, pate AeSebeZ01. Structural parts MIL-STD-si0 feet requires asthod 309, pro ents of fel T galt 9o- Gntlon 208 EME (iteceronte Nogoscte Inter ference) ects require: MII-STD-I61 CLASS 5 Applicable roguirenente of went of part )-1 C03, csol, C802, bs06, nica, R03 ‘pe 0871 and ve 0675 Grensmrt~ wlagee 3 ar ae (CHARACTERISTICS sarare * Moots coquire ments of ‘OPrLONAL VERSIONS * ensrat * rower cord * cabinet, rec 248 CLASS 1 ‘tbe our uy 1244 cn 556 8 Universal Baropean Necth American Unteed Kingdon duseeatsan Sule ack mount reae-tea/1e0~625 including BS 232-0 RS 232-c dup only AooETEONAL TaoRMATION Except for power cord, unless ohipped vith Universal, Euro- pean power plea. Except for pover cord, unlees hipped with lorem dacrican power plas. These options ean be factory festaLled only. Length 2,'a (82,7 sn) YE, EMA Listed (option «0L) 84) UL Listed (option 03) BST Listed (option .06) SAA Lisced (option «08) SAV Ateted (option .05) pan PX3337/40, with TeEEARS232~ Interface {nstslled- option 40. ump to plotters: i 6153/1, Be 8153/6, PH 6154, 8135, BP 74758 dna HP 7530. Dump te princers! 1X80 end P2225 Thimlsets Option 50. Dump to plotters: MH 8153/1, P6153 /6, MC BLS4, PH 8155, we 74758" ang uP 7530. Duap to princers: FRO end HP 2235 Phinkjee. Bute ne 3 INTRODUCTION TO CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION AND “bed BLOCK DIAGRAM DESCRIPTION InTRODUeTION To CIRCUIT mESCArETTON Geneeat The functioning of the etzestes te described per printed-circuit board Gpeesbe). or every pecobs (anit) 2 separate chapter 1s available contataing the Lay out Of the prewey the associated circuit alagran(s) Ehe'eteenie deactiption eat a signal ane Iists Uxplanation of stgaal nave set-up Stgoal name consieta of two parte: = 4 functional pert of mexinal 6 characters = resltsstion part of 2 characters replies ]* 7 esac oe ‘the reelisation pert 1s optional. Tf fc ts used then che functional pares should congiat of 6 characters. If necessary dumntes (aizus igo) realisation part ‘The fret character of the reslisetion port has the following mesntny ‘active high atsnal Li tive Low etna 4X: ferelevane engs counter outpots) ‘Tae cacond charactor of the rosliestion part Le weal co identify bigeal Levels: analogue Gos 12 V of 15 Gos sv EE 4,5 Vor “5,2. Mm 5 ¥ or fcr ere wd Fee leaaa cmeierey Sonetines the functional part con also be used for a serial nunber iS: £0 indicate » buttered version of a sigan Exaplet GHT—6L a oonmenng Lew = : ie! me Lf h capranion unit cats) | nant etic cael : me EI] i — ATTENUATOR UNIT (A) PRE-AMPLIFIER UNIT (A2) gore 3.1 Block diagram, analog part ee [FoweR SUPPLY UNIT IAG) XYZ AMPLIFIER UNIT (A3) TIME BASE UNIT (Ad) i i rq DAPTATION UNIT (416) E Se Signal naue 2iet: i ‘he description of che digital unit A9 contains a ist vith che signal nance eed 1n that unit given im alphsbectcal order. After each nana, a short sigual description 1s given and also the signal source and the signal deatination()- Only Lf the signal Le generated on the uiit itself, are the other units on which the eigasl 16 used (signal destination(s)) mentioned, othervige @ minus oiga is filed ine re \ wu de ‘A number of power supply lines and ground lines ere not mentioned om Sue algal nome: Lines becavse Usey appear very often ard because their function fn obvioe 4 3.13 Location of electrical parte ze |i The tam cumbera Of Coesey Reseeg Vessey Mesvey Drase amd Keees hava ® ; been divided into groups vhich relate to the civeuie wot the printod= | circuit bosrd according to the folloving table: Tee numer Unie sos Printesetreutt boss | 1000-2988 a Avcenuator unt 2000-2999 2 Prersoplifter onl 3000-3999 3 Bir anplisiee cate <7 7 Ago0~4999 a Tine base unit So00-3999 s Gr conerol ante ae aa | 6000-6999 a6 Power-supply unit fat eae j 000-7999 ° Frowt ante 000-999 a ieo'tle i 3000-3999 2 Digieal ant 800-699 Ms ‘apeatton watt | —ox ca sg Ft sere Y eae econ i | ! i | | 7 ] f ] | I Seca 32 3.2 3.22 BLOCK DIAGRAN DESCRIPTION (aes figure 3.1 and 9.2) Introduction ‘This block Atagran description 1s based sround all che th Tonctional blocks and theis interconnections. Ia order to assist in Grose-teference with the circuit Giageme, the Blocks inelude the {cen aibert of the ective couponente they contain. Furthermore, the blocks are grouped together per printed-circult board, or a port of it. To farilitate Feferonce, the nasee of the fimctional blocks ace given {a text ia CAPITALS. Signal waveforas are Also indicated at block interconnestions where useful Jn thie daetrument alnost all the evkecher (UPD controls, softkeys pd poteatioaster UICAL exitches) influence the osctiloscope etreults via m aleroproceseor (a2) systeas Attenuator unit (unit AL) ‘The vertical channels A end B for the signals to be displayed are Mlestical. Zach channel conptises an foput SIGNAL COUPLLNC for AC/DC, ‘2 WIGH DPEDANCE ATTEWATOR viich given signal attenuation of x.~x10 for x100, an IMPEDANCE CONVERTER, « LOU IAIEI4NCE ATTSRUATOR witch fives signal attonoation of xi-12,5 oF x3 and a CALM x1~x10 AMVLIFIEK Block, sncorporated wieh the CONTINOUS CIKGUTT. Thi« block bnae a variable gain, influenced by the front-panel YAR costrol. The goto Se also increased by 310 in order t9 obtaia 2-5 and 10a cottings Similar to the vertical chamels, the external channel attenuator also ‘hag an topat SIGHAL COUPLING, WIGi IMPEDANCE ATTENCATOR and THELANCE COWERMEK ta Line, Hovever, the eiternal channel has only x1 stvenuseion and no Lov DUZOANCE ATTENUATOR. The output OF che ‘external chanel 19 fed to both MIB and UID EXT PRE*ANPLIPIERS. ALL blocks that are capable of working in different andes are controlind by the control A er coutrol S signals. These siguals are [generated by the CH-A CONTROL of CHeB COMTROL blocks under Lofluence ‘Of the SDA and SCL signals thie cone Gua the MICROPROCESSOR. ae{ DIGITAL UNIT (49) ee Ee 7 SOFTKEY UNIT AIS | FRONT UNIT A7 i Figure 3,2 Block dlagran, digital pare ee i | a ] =) [*8B8) i a | 4 2s | | = a I | . : I | {ECOUUNITIAG) yaa Preamplifier unit and adaptation wit (unit 2 and AL6) ‘The prevauplitier unit tocorporates the signal splitters for the vertical chsnnels A aud 8, the trigger level view amplifier, the rigger cireuite for the Line base and the chopper oscillator circuit. Nest the aleptation vale {a mouted ae 4 separate p.crb. on the pre~ auplifier unit. ALL these functions are controlled by the coatrol XP and XYA signals, generated by the XY CONTROL blocks under {afluence Of the SDA and SCL signats Crom che MICROPROCESSOR. # Vertical channels 4 and Both chanaels are conpletely Identical and cecelve thefr faut stgnals fron the ATTENUATOR LNT. Thix xignal £2 applied to the SIGHAL, SELITTER, which has two ovtpute: = ons cutput ie apaliied to the SLOVE/TRIGGER SELECTION for the eiae base teipgerang: = A Second output Le routed to the adsptation units (n the adaptarson mit, vertical shift of the displayed stenal te ‘ achieved by the front=panel POSITION control Switching between che real ino path snd the igital storage path is obtained in the A/D SWITCH block. The digital circuit 6 gives in figure 3.2 and deceribed separately. Nest, the output of the VERTICAL CIAIGEL SWITCH is routed vie the Dea LANG DALVER co the DELAY LINE. ‘The TRIGGER LEVEL VIEW channel enables display of the cle base rigger evel and can be used to determine the trigger point of the signal 1 trigger ctrcute ‘The SLOFE/TRIGGER SELECTION block receives « trigger stgnel from one of the vertical channels Aor 5, froe the EAT SIGNAL, SPLITIER oF fran he LIne TRIGGER PICK-OFF. Inverting of che trigger s{gosl 42 coatrolied by the CHYA atanale ‘LHVAM and INVBM to cbtain the slope functions Routed via the TRIOUEN PLE-AMPLIFIER, block the sfgasl 4s split op into different. paths = after mnation of the 12VEL signal, direct to the TRIGGER AMPLE IRE = to the AUTO LEWEL block. ThLe block’ contains the different teisger Fectlities and levelling of the Erigger signal is influenced by the front=panel LEVEL control. The output of His path Le routed ageis co the summation posoe to influence the direct tigger signal. ~ to the K-DERL AMPLIFIER for Z~deflection facility. This Block Incorporaces a phase coerection eltett’ for the KY Gloploye ‘he TRIGGER AWPLIFTER feeds the trigger signal to the tine-base unit. The trigger signal from the sunaation potat is also touted via the TRIGGER LEVEL VIEW AMPLIELER to the vertical CEANNEL SWETCH stage to Ateplay the trigger poiae. * cuppor oscillator etreute: ‘A equare-uave signal for chopper blanking and verticel svitehing is generated in the CHOP OSCILLATOR. For chopper blanking the signal Ze outed to the Z FRE-AMPLIFIER on the Ciaewbase unit 3.24 5.205 sa ine-bawe walt Gunite AA) ‘This nie ineoeporates the thue-baso (TB), the horivontel snplitier ii che Z amplifier circuit. ALL funetions ate coutrothed by the GL Gnd OF2 piguale, generated by Che HORIZOSTAL, CONEROL CIRCUIT Blocks« rime-base (78): ‘The trigger cignal cao Ue either routed via the FINAL TRIGSER IMFLIFISS to che TDIESBASE CONTROL CIRGULT oF first routed via che TV TRIGGER SELECTION for the TV trigger coupling. When in the AUTO mode, In the obecace of trigger signals, the tine base will be free runasige ‘The CIRRENT SOURCE applies the savtooth charging current to the Eucep cfvouits This block generates the tine base eawtooth sfgnsl, Gnich ia routed to the HORIZONTAL DISPLAY HOOE SUTZCE, ‘Ihe HOLD OFF and the DIGITAL USIT blocks are also under control of the TINE BASE CONTROL CIRCUIT. Hold off time fe varied by the Front-panel HOLD OFF control. The output of the UOLD UFF block 19 routed to the TIME-EASE CONTROL CIRCUIT agatn. The signal going to the DIGHIAL UNIT triggers the digital signat wcqulsi tion. ‘the sLTGLCpulse 48 applic’ to the PRE-AVPLIFIER OBIT, xuZ unit (ante 3) ‘Thie watt comptives the finsl amplifiers for che vertical (2) and forlamatel (K) defteccion and for the blenking (2) etreule. To addition to this, the Gat comtrol cieeutea are aleo incorporaced 1p'the unit. * binat vertical auplifier: ‘the output signal from che prevanplifter unit ix finst routed vie the DELAY Lit Co pive culfictent delay Co eobure that the steep Teadicg feiges of test signals are diaplaved aed then fed to the DELAY LIN? CONPENGATION. hia block compesaatoe che Gigeal Cordistortion Originating in the DELAY LINE before 1t ie spplied to the FINAL VERTICAL AMPLIFIER. The output of the FIVAL VERTICAL AMPLIFIER feode the vertical deflection plates of Cie CRT. 4 Foal horizontal saplitioe: ‘The horizontal deflection aignal te routed to the FINAL HORIZONTAL MMPLIPLER, the output of whach fede che hort zoatal deflection plates of the GR. planking cireutt: ‘The output afenet from the Z PRE-AUELIFIER of the timerbase unit, that Zecemuiees trace blanking of unblankiag snd eodulation 1s routed to the FIVAL ZOWBLIFCER, Aftor amplification the blanksng signal ss Splis into ts patbe! = the huEs signals ore fed via a high voltage capacitor to grid Gl of the tt! = the 1.f1 signale are wsed to modulate che anplituie of aa SeciListor waverforn, which then passes via another high voltage Cepacitor and ia danoivlated 1m the DEVODULATOR block to retrieve the original signal Mote that the original ef. and if. etguale the geld Cle 1» sgain reconbéned on 3.2.6 3.207 * cHr control ctrcutter The FOCUS AMPLIFIEN block fs influenced ty both fromt~panel FOCUS and DIENS controls co provide s focus that is Indepeadent of the Encenatty, and drives the focusing grid G3 of the OX. ‘The ~100 V BLACK LEVEL black provides the correct preset ting of the cathode voltages The CAT BIAS gives a dic. voltage to the grids Gi and Gb to provide fan optional adjurtaest for geoustry and abcigasti Power supply unit ‘The aaine input voltage fe fLisered aed chen applted to cho EROTIFTER Bock to obesia adic. voleage source: Another autpue of the LINE PHLTER Slock 4 routed via the LIME TRIGGER PICK-OFF and sceves as a NTE LINE trigger eignal. Tho rectified maine cource te routed to the FLYDAGK COWHATER, shich generates the necensary voltegee for the orctTloscope elrcetts, Pech supply voltage is rectifted in the REETIPTeRS Lock. The Lakevoltage supplies ace stab(1ized ty the CONTROL circuit tothe The #10 V RAF supply serves as a lov-voltage reference snd 5 generated inthe #10 V REFERENCE eource block This Teferonce voltage sa loo fed to the different circuits on the power supply or in the oscilloscope. ‘he HT CONVERTER generates the 14 KV for the post-accelerstor anode Of the CRT and che =? KY for the cathode circu exe * huviltary etzeutte: ‘The OAMTSRATION GENERATOR generates the CAL voltage, Whieh Le applicd to the ootput socket SL. ‘The GAL voltage haa a square-wave Of 1y2 ¥ prp ieval with a frequency of 2 hie. ‘Too TLLUNTSKTION CIRCUIT determines che anout of current passed to the geaticule Slivaination leap of the kl, conerotled by the TL conttol on the front=panel ‘the TRACK ROTATION CIRCUIT deteratnes the strength and serge of the current potsed to che trace rotation cof] around the neck of the CRE. {he catrent ie influenced by the Hrone-parel sezemieiver-oporated ‘TRACE RUT couteol vsastal memory ad control circuits (onit AJ, AB, Ad snd Al9) The blockdvagran of the digital sections een roughly be split up tato three mais parte, These ports are: <"Signal acquisition: this section captures aigeal samples and placee then in the acquloftion aeasries. {Me tinory and display pare are ued to store the sigaal and to Ataplay se on the CRT sereene wMrhe control evceion thet 1a based upon a wicroprocessor takes care {use the signal ieplay and scquteition Function correctly. Roreover fe'rosds al the inetewone’s kobe ant controls all snalog end aipteal ctreuie seas the digital parte are astaly concentrated on the large digteal unit AS: A uall part <¢ present on tho sont unit A/ and. the LCD nit ABs ‘The cofthay wait al9/Ls located under the CRT and only incorporates Hive eofthayar Signal acquisitions ‘Tho chennel ACB) signals that are coming from che adaptation unit AL6 fate applied to the 1N20T AMPLIFIERS A(B)» These blocks feed the dhalogriordigieal converters 400 CAMEL A and ADC CANNEL Bs Tho Gigitived signals of chanel & and 3 can Be loaded into *uo ¢K ACIUISITION AEWORY Biockss In ease Of dust channel mode, each channel As loaded into one 4K wesory. To case of siagle channel ‘operation, the full sk nenory capacity is avaliable for one channels The BIDIRECTIONAL BUIFER wakes it possible that the ADG-output of the Selected afagie chanoel exo reach the Input of both MK benories. ‘Te addresses for che Cvo 4K SOWISITION NENORIES are originating feen ‘to countors. COUNTER 4K/8K 4s only able to count opvarde and has 2 Fangs of sk or 8K addroraes. The PRUSETIABLE UP/DOWN COUNTER hae. aloo 42 reage of #K/8K, It can alee couat up oz dom ond can be preset by the MicnOPROCHEOR vin che Block PRESET LATCH. Depending on the state Of the IULTIFLEXER, the sdérens of one of the tin counters Le Sddrersing che UE ACIUTSTTION MEMORIES. ‘he possible modes are explat— ‘hol aore ia depth during the cireute dasertption; also the erigger delay node 1s explatued then ‘The acquisition of etgoal sanples ie smchronised by the DIGITAL TINE EASE ctrcutt, This circuit is bascd upon a S0Mfie XTAL OSCTLATOR that Ae followed by the DIGITAL TIME BASE. Tue DIGITAL TIME BASH Le pot Jn che epprapriate position via the ADURESSSUS oF the RICROPROCESSOR. The ‘Oueput: signal of the DIGITAL TIME BASE ie applied to tne ACQUISITION CONTROL bioek. Also ese block te controtlod by the MICROPROCESSOR and Ae takes care that the ADO"e take signal cunples et the correct manent land that these sanples sre placed 49-the appropriate part of the ACQUISITION MEMOKTES. he trigger pulse chat originates from the TIVE EASE £9 also applied to the AGWISITION CONTROL. Menoey suction and dteplay part. ‘The contents of the cup 4K ACQUISITION KAWORIES can be transferred to the DISYLAY MIMOKY. ThLe happene at a particular moment aftor a trigger. The erensver occurs vin the TRANSPLG LATCHs The contents of the DISILAY MINORY can be copied via the COPYING LATCH Into the [RSGISTEK MEMORY. This Last nenory can be used to store vaveroras for Feference purposes: ‘The addressing of the DISHLAY MEMORY and the REGISTER HEMORY 42 done by the TRIPLE ADDAUSS GHOERATOR, Tite block 4s controlled by the MICRO PROCESSOR and containe three separate wldress generators. They have the follaving purgoses: "ine addressing of the dlaplay weaory during che Information transfor From AGWUISITION MEMORIES to the DIStLAY HMERY. athe addressing of the DISPLAY/REGISTER MEMORY during the ceanafer of Eatornarion setveen these wanoey blockas ="the sedroreing of the DISHLAY and REGISTER MEMORY dueicg che asepLay ba thc Ck? serven of their contents. The contents of che addecesed enor) locations is applice to the vertical ¥ DAC end chen to the OULDUT ARELLFIER. ‘Ihe address iteelf is applied to ehe horLemtal X DAG and then tothe X OUTPUT ANPLIPTER. 124 The X and ¥ OUTPU AMPLIFIERS alae incorporate UOT JOIN faetLtey. ‘tale aeane in the DOT JOIN pode a decreate of the speed of these anpLifiere because 8 lov pass f4lcer Le saded. Tita has the result Ebae the nove #com one dot eo the next one 12 seoothod. ‘The {nput of the Y DAG and the X DAC are comected with ewo-position muleiplexers. ‘They are samed MULTIPLEXER Y DAG and MULTIPLEXER X DAC. Tn one position of the sulecplexer, che contents of che DISPLAY/auGTSTER MEMORY ia displayed. To the other position text and Enrcors ave displayed? this 1¢ generated by the TEXT GENERATOR. This Block ie aacegrates in one IC, she kind of text Co be generated ts given by the RICKUFGOCESSOR. Teka text 15 etored into eho TEXT RAM (Ganon Aecesa Nenory) that beloage to the TEXP GAVEKATOR. Control sections ‘he heart of this pact is formed by che NICKOPROCESSOR with belonging ROK (Road Onty Yanory) and RAN (Random Aceess Howry). Via the block SKVOT ADFFERS, the MICROPROCESSOR reads the eoftkeys under the CRT land also the UNCAL position of VAtlable 4, VaRisblo Band) TARiabie NTE, ‘The MICROPROCESSOR aivecely veale cho KEY YATRIX at the front Unie Avs The RESET CINGULT og ude A? initiates the MIGAOPLOCESSOR hen sultehing the power on. ‘The MICKOPROGESSOR controls many circuits Inside the oscilloscope. Tie blocks on the digital unit char are under control of the NICKO- PROCESSOR are already explained. They are ell connected with the databae oF parts of it. Atso the LOD sad the analog scope elreults fate under wictoprocessor coatrol. for thts purpose the tomeslled 120 bos fe osod. Tels £0. dup consioting of tvo signal wives: the data ime Sud (Serfal UAra) and the syachtonisation Line ScL (Serial Glock). the 1 bur Lines are avitched to elther the ICD (es SDA-LCO fond SCL*LCD) or the analog scope cireutts. This selectlon is sade via the MILTIPLEXSE SCORE CIRGUITS/LCD. ‘The analog tcope cAecuits Lacor por ate gauy control Blocks that are sll comected to the SDA gad SCL Lines of che 12 buer The control Slocks are separately cdéressed vie the 12¢ BUS DECOMR. TH e.g. output ULEW A (Dats Latch Eisble A) 1 Setive, the control block of channel 4 os the attenuator unit accepts the date Eton SUA/SCL. The resait ie for tagtance chat the chaanol. A Attenuator witches to another Anput sencieivity. Wentical to this the signals DLEN 8, DLEN © and LEN TB 1...3 activate the control Bocke on respectively the chanel B attenuator, the preaaplifter ené che Cine bases ATTENUATOR UNIT (At) VERTICAL ATTEWUATORS The A and B channel attenuators are Sutatical: theesfore only channel A fa described. 1 relay ant FSD evitches are controlled by the aicrocaaputer via the Uc bus, the 10 DOO converts hia serial BATA Anto the parallel control signals for all relay of F2T stitches. A fst of the control Lines for ell attenuator settings {a given in the thle below. etbsebeiad snv| Figure 4.1 Table of attenuttor settings ‘The chounal A atseauater conststs of in five stages! {upue cousLéag, vhore depending on the relay KIOUL position, the Enput signal can either be ducs—coupled (relay activated) oF asco= coupled (Felay not activated). High inpedance attonator with ttves attequator stages for the al, HO ae nfOD aeecaustioge The Lef- part of cash stage ty split ela a Foststor divider and routed va Hi00l and ViOId #0 the cutput of ches stage, where LE Le rercomected with th bet. part of the input signal, Potenctoneters L036 (TRACE. jump) server ae a Offset conpeneation fer moots TRUCK TOR CF, SQUARE WAVE LiFe RESISTOR Divine x mot ‘1033 » so 1005, caze a1007-R1011 soo 1003 iors ‘laig-Rioos Note that, when “O" (Gia) Le aelected, tne ovtput 4s connected to srouud via FET VLOL6 and all other elay= and FET sultches are sseltched off an aan The _tnpegance converter serves a an inverting buffer circuit for the Bigh Uapelance attenuator. For the 1.f.-feedback the output signal of this seage is routed £0 che Tif. eumation potar Si00I~ ‘The tow tapedsnce atvenuacor reduces the gals by xl, x2-5 and x5, deponaing on vhich relay te sstivated. RELAY esTsTOR DIVIDER a m2.5 1053 ve R1D56, 81057 and R1058 31053, "31055 ad 1057 vs M038 Mee continuous ciceutt (DIOS), the diéfarenttal impee voltages ‘of ich are fod to plas * and'3. Tis ctage comprises the folloving fucettone: = continuously variable contre} (pia 11). Gain x (pin 2 and 3) with oftser aijustuent 1064 and gate sjestment M089. Gain s0 (pin 6 and 7) vith offset adjusting 82072 and gain Sdjucenent #1076. = X1/a10 control (pin 10) eo select the 2,5 snd 10 a¥/DIV settings ‘he differenttal output current from pin 13 aad pin if te routed via a common-base cltcult ¥1063, VIG) and applied to the prevanplifier unite EXTERNAL INPUT ‘the external ‘aput ean be subdsvided Into four stages pput coupling, basteally sinllar to the cheA fapst couplings igh impedance ettenustor for the xi ettenuator ony, where the TEs aquare-wave can be adjusted with trisner C1206, The Lf. pact 18 Fouled co the suanatéon polet N1201-2, KL2L7 serves ae aa. Offset cospensation for M1201, Tor 1-f.nfeodback the output of the fapedance converter i elso routed to thie summation point. Note that che output of this stage is also 2 reconstituted version of the taput sigaal. Inpedance converter, 1s baste similar to the chiA impedance the Jifferentiel augltfter VI211, vi212 converte the voltage from ‘aiteer-follower Vi2U9 into the differential corrent signals SX and BXT-. This signal 44 applied to the prevmplificr unit and serves as external trigger signal or ae an external deflection signal. ‘The current for thls atege 1s applied fron current source Vi213. Aiagran of attenuator, ch. ray epee Figure 4.5 Attenuator uni (ear cairn) [Renae CoRWERTER) [ExT Fae AAPL ae a Figure 4.6 Cizeole diagram of attenuator, EXT (near coor) Peer te he k= EEE Figure 4,6 Cixeult diagram of attenuator, EXT s10 Sat sl PRE-AMPLIFIER UNIT (A2) The prevanplifter vatt consists oft = Vertical prevanplttter = Telgger_prevanpl ifter = Preraspifier control, tneluting CHOPPER oscillator, Nowt, the adaptation unit ALG t2 oouated on ehle board. This welt se described ceparately ia chaprer 17. MIL control pulses for thig unit are generated by the prevanplizier conteol circuit, vie the 1G bus (see Section 5.4). WeRTLCaL,PRE-AMPLIPTER uses swe pa Ht omg WNT AS oe ae selfhood = EL Paw Bu je He bo ies Pigure 5.1 The three stages of the vertical pre-aplifier sme vertical pre-anplifier consists of three stages. ‘The signal “spliteer (90205) receives ite tapue signal for channel & (fron the attenuator uit and copies Ma signal into tro identical Aleferential output curcant signals for: = vertical deflection (pis 7 end 10) = Tine Base triggering (pin 5 ané 12), refer to section 3.2. ‘the output of pia 7 and 10 16 applied to the adaptation unit Alb. Stage Stage 3 (02203) sqrves as detay Line artver where the output current oth OVINV"s te converted into voleage signal appliea. to Ehe Je Tine. The eurtent for this stage aed tor che UoO20"s Devt aed D602 fon adaption unit ALG {5 supplied vis 2231 and R2246. ‘The coreene cegelation for the compnaole circuit ix achieved by Eeanststor Daze} (12, 13, 14). unde AIG), refer co the descetption of A16. sa 52 ‘me TRIGGER PRE-OLTHTER tetgger poseibelities aret ovorted by: routed to frwvant 2230202) chk p2302(3,4) Jax 92302010) ch pasoats.é) [am 02302(11) | INVEN 02302(7) SEXTRRNAL, Bhsostsva) [exme 22303(10) inven 02303(2) ine 52203033 [umm 02303011) lanvast 0230307) 22202 serves se 4 slgnal aplitter and receives ite tnpat signal from the attenuator uci. Tais toput current signal is copied nto Leneicer ditferencial ovtpot current signals for EXT TB sSgaal (pin 6 and 11) ‘Tue symmetetcal output currents fron 02302 (13, 14) and 0230) (13, 14) ra converted Into s ayunetrical voltage agein tn the common-base Gtreuit 2516, V2N9 folloved by e shunt Feedback etreuit 238 and Yr52t, Note thot the emnsitiviey at the collectors of VZ318 and V2320 is 110 a/orv. Ac Gils point the etgnel path Le divided into: = a exdgger path, fed to both 2333 and 2334, vhore depending on the Euereet to the base, Levelling of the trigger signal is obteined. Nis"acparace series feedback eitcults take care of voltage-to-current Whe teiguer outpue signal, TRIG ond TRIGU are fod to the tise base ate ate 4 ¥2047 and V2H49 for tesggor Level view. Yule syenete ical output ean be balanced by poventtomcer R247. The TROVE end TRL signete ore fed co 2602/9,4 on the Msptation anit Alb. Integrated etecutt D2304 serves as an auto level circuit. The following Functions are posstble: 2 Peakvpeae Tn thts caso the auplitule of the evigger signal applied to 02306 6,2) 1s nessured by poskepeak detectors on 2304 (2,4,5,8) See datbut ateene: Zoda D7S04- (14,15) 12 dependent on the pesk~peak Jevel end i adjustable with the LEVEL control B7/012, connected £0 230801). be Telpgering Tn thts case the Level cange 4¢ 16 div. The Level Js adjuxtable Glch E1012 ang the cusrene variation on 02305 (14,15) cam be verted Seemeen tor 0,608. ce TY tefagertog The Level control {8 made ineffective. In TV triggering, the Leven suet be set co a fixed value. This tp done by appiyicg high Lovel eorvent to pia l vir dfode V2326. 53 3 a. dato Tn auto the signal TEVEL NUL te high and vfa diode V2325 the output evel 12304 (15) 1 asymmetrical vith output level 02308 (16). ‘Thus the wexinun signal auplivade ts 2 Yprpe = a extereel deflection path, routed via the series fesdback etreute 2386 end V2357, she X LEFLS and X DEFL~ eigaaie are fed to the tine ave unit Al, R246, 82422 and 02350 gives phase correction for the XT display. PRE-AMPLIFIBR cONTAOL ho prevanplificr control converts the data fron the 170 bus (SDA ane Sci), derived fron the microcomputer, into the control pulses for the prevuaplifier unit. To elisinate interference the SUA end SCL Lincs Gen be evitehed off via D260l This integrated cireult serves as a digital suitch, coutrolied by che WERT 110 lines Logte high coenects the ovtpute 02661(4,14,25) to the input "1" contact (evitched on); logic Low connects the outputs to the "2" contact (switched off) and gives SDA'a logic low Level and SCL s logic high Level \when D2601 is svitched on, the serial data infornation is converted inte parallel control pales vin D2602 and 02603, provided that 02602 ie enabled (02602-5 1s high). The control Lines are active when the Ltvel af the Line Le highs ovtput 912-92602(9) serves a9 a poser up not Line fox 02603: oben the oreitigscope in in the poversup soueiney Ql? ko high 90d receta 02603. After the powesup routine, QI2 goes Lov and enables D203. Integrated céeeuit 02603 relieves the microcomputeriof 4 number of ‘auch functions se! = ehop/ate = trigger sorect = Hlnerbase select (fed to tine bese unit AK) Adaptation of thie T.C. co che osctIloscope version Le made by the AD0 fand' ADL daputs 02608(13,18)- For thfo oscilloscope, ADO aust be HIGH and ADL must de LOW. Timing for alvernate and chopped ode Le derived by the ALICLN and ‘CHOPCL pulses. ‘The chopper osetLlator Formed dy V2611 and ¥2612 supplies # square wave voltage of 1,5 Vp-p with @ frequency of i ke ‘This frequency b+ defined by ewe curcent Loop = 11 ke determined by! Y2612(cre), CRBLL, 12627 and 22625. = 124s determined by: Y26LL(ere), C2611, R26ZB and 2625. ‘The duty eyele (11/1112) fe 12% approx. ‘The aquare wave on the collector of 2612 serves as a chopper clock polse for 02603 end gives 500 kiis dirpiay for 2 channels CHOP, 353 kate dteplay for 3 channels WOP and 250 Kile for 4 chanaels CHOP (Gaou-TRr VIEWADD) ote thar 2603(8) server as the chopper sultck, which t= high when the CHOP softkey Le depressed. exo 5.6 Clreuit diagean of pre-aplifier, logic coat Figure 6.2 6.3 XYZ-AMPLIFIER UNIT (A3) wTaopUCTION Untt AD incorporates two separate peb“s witch are connected via Flateabies one. ped daeludes among other thinge the Ck socket and £8 Connected st the rear of the CRIs The other yeb coaprising the proper final X and Z anplifiers ie sttucted above the Cathode Ray Tube (CET). For ease of description, unit AD 1s described as one unit. ‘The KYZ-aaplifter unlt consists 0 = Final vertical (¥) amplifier. = Final horizontal (X) amplifier. CHinal unblanking (Z) anplifter, incl. kr. TWAL VERTICAL (1) AMPLIFIER ‘The {Leal Yaplifier receives ite sigeal fron the delay Line and Guppites the correct vertical signal fo the Yedefiection plates of the Cet for thie the signal is processed in four stage = ¥3001, 13002 6 a series feoddack amplifier, incluting a delay Line Compersaeton aetwek and potentioneter #3007 that controle current Source 13003 for correction of any unbalance {a the T-deflection plates of the ORT. These céreutes are connected between the emitters Se been teanatators 3001 and 3002. {a thts ctege the input voltage {2 Converted Into a current signal. = v3006, ¥3006 Le a shunt feedback amplifier, wnicn gives a voltage Signal bo the next stage. 1v3008, ¥3009 { « series feedback anplifier, tacloding a final RO- Correction network snd gotentioneter 83038 for gain ad justaent £0 Compensace the different CAT sensitivities. 3007 suppiies Sonseane current of 60 ah, 1-0: 30 a4 for each half. Note that the Sutput again supplies # current signal 3011, V3082 18 a common-base anplifier for buffering the final Y= laplifier to the twdeflection plates. The waxinun amplitude on each deflection plate fat 30 mA x 655 2 = 20 V approx. PIWAL HORIZONTAL (X) AMPLIFIER 4 obtained from the tine~base fd in three stages, with circutts The input cuerent for Xodeflecti unit (raf: Xe sad K+) and proce Yn the folLoving coafigurations: = V3101, 3102 19 2 common-base saplifiers The current “I” on the Collector of both translators deteraines the voltage across R102 Gnu RG1I6. Thin voltage Is about 1,5 V p-p and feeds the next stage. = V3103, V3106 is a series feedback amplifier, ineluling an RCM Correction network for optim Linearity of the trace and Socont loncter M3118 for 41 oaplifier adjustment , wonted between The eatceers of both transtators. V104 serves gs current source. oe 64 = v5112, V3114 are comected af a shunt feedback aaplifter, with resistors 43126 and R134 ar the feedback resistors. The eransistor Source ace enitter followers 3109, V3Iil. This efrcutt serves as the fctual final amplifier, which converte che deflection current ato the proper deflection voltage for the X-deflection plates of the CKT. Transistors V3108, V3116 supply the bias current for the elreuit. [FINAL BLANKING (Z) AMPLIFIER AND CRT Te blanking current derived from the 2 prevanplifier of the time-base unit Le routed via comon base amplifier V3200 and enitter-follower 3201 to the shont-fecdback auplifier V3202. This stage 1s fed by current source 3203, hich gives a constant current of 4 mh. The Voltage oa the collector of ¥3202 can vary Detupen #5 V for ablanking Ged 35 ¥ for fully blanking. hie pulse may conteln due-, 1of. and haf. components to be applied to grid Gl of the CRT Since Cl ie ae a cathode Potential of 2000 Vy blocking capseitors are required between Gl and the Z-amplifter Sutputs ‘The beEs component Lr directly routed vie blocking capacitor @32t1 to Gi. However, the dic. and 1.f. components are blocked, 0 these conpononts fave Firat uoduiated on a 200 kl careter aignel by V3207 and V3208 0 pass blocking capacitor C1209, Then the algnal 4s denodulated again by ‘Viloo and VAILL. Finally, the reconstituted duc- and 1+f, components fare added to the bef component. Teenststor V3251 forms a nominal 70 V zener eircutt vhich provides the Yoltage difference betveen the cathode and Gl of the CRT. hte bias Voltage ensures blanking when there ie no input aigeal. For adaptation by Roane of 83252 (BLACK LEVEL)s Reekstor 1250 keeps the filanent at the sene potential as the cathode Any ripple on the cathode voltage £2 fed-beck via transistor ¥3213 to the input of the Final Z-aaplifier and added co the blanking signal. ‘This means that the differential voltage between Gl end the cathode of the CkT ts always fixed. Because this differential voltage determines the intenatey of the spot, ar a rerult, che intensity Le alaost independent of the stpple: ‘the anplifier stage V3253, v3254 snd V3256 provides anplifieation for the ange of che FOCUS coatrol, The range of Us-w#10V gives a final Penge on 3 of the CRE of “1380 Ver “1600 Ve Resistor R3257 connects the IATEKS conteol to the focus adjustment to aineain a sharply defined ceace at varying brightness. or optimus presetting of the GEOWETRY, Ehe voltage on GS of the CRT Ease cova fixed Level of ~30 V. ‘The ASTIOIATISM can be varsed by ans of poventioneter R267 Figure 6,3 X72 amplifier unit pict. Figure 6.4 Circuit diagran of XY% amplifiers, 2 Z amplifier and oar circus Figure 6.4 cireuit diagram of x72 anplifiers, 3 ma TIME-BASE UNIT (A4) The tine-base unit consiata of = Trigger amplifier = Haing cfreust = CUEFL amplifier, Snel. afeplay note svicch = Horizontal prevauplitior = Paaplitter ‘As supplement, the téaing diagram for several conditions of the time base Le given in ection 7.7. ALL control pulses, for this unst are generated by the-eimerbase control circuit, via the I°C bus. Integrated circuits D400] and D4002 convert ‘this series DATA toto the parallel control pulses, provided {that DIN TBL, and DUEN THZ are HIGH. ‘TRIGGER AMPLIFIER * 1B triggering: he syauetrical trigger current signals TRIG and TRIGI- are derived fom the prevanplifier unit end converted into the asymmetrical trigger Voltage via the suesatton anplifier V4U04, ehe shunt feedback Adds the baco signal voltage of V00l (coused by TRIGI-) and the Collector signal current of Vs00l (caused by TALGIH). OV criggeringt When the signal TVHTB goes Low, the normal trigger path {2 blocked vis viod2 and the erigger signal is routed via the 1V trigger stage VA0LL...V4023."Tranetetor V40l2 serves to clip the eyschrontsstion pale snd LINE/FRANE selection { obtained by V4021, If the signal IF/LINE is high, TV Franes are detected by C4004... CLUO7. A low control signal serves Line detection by Ch007. 1 7.2 TIMING CIRCUIT (see £1 The tiaing for the together with tte Ace tine-base ciroute Ls obtained by 14103 elated couponents. Pipure 7.1 D6103 configuration A103 has the following relevant pin connectfons: Name INrUT-oUrPUT__Deseetption 1 2 10 u 2 3 a 1s 6 v w 20 a 22 23 4 25 26 2 28 sine RESET aro esrin restour x ber. ww» avrorne, sexe sera pers a a xo pre pre rors ssxors sore sia sto bras 205 asx nL TrLntepe TiL=input Tolntapoe ‘TM-tnput ‘TrL-outpue THetnput Tout put SCIMETT~fnput SCIMETT~inpue Ht-outpue TEt-output rTL-output ScRUITT-snput TELetapue TTL-input nirinput } mixtape } Selects the single time-base mode. Stops the sweep and starts the hold off sweep. Selects the AUTO erigger mode, the tine base te freevrunning after the last trigger pulse. Selects the possibility to drive several fonctions (TESTOUT) ia, combination vith SINGLE and RESET. Activates the 21 and 22 outputs 4,5 V supply input. RC-time doteratnation (100 as) for the AUTO trigger mode. Discharges the TE-svoop capacitor(s)- Determines the end of the Th-sveep. Determines the start of the TB sveep. Determines che blasking of the CKt. Deteraines the blanking of the CRT. Ground. 45 V supply input. not used, connected to ground. not used, connected to ground. not sed ‘ot used, connected to ground. Determines the ALT elock pulse Determines the end of the Hold-oft veep not used; connected to supply 452. Tot used; connected to supply 452. Determines the Té-uablanking cay Determines the STARTS conditton (Los) or TRIG"D condition (HIGH) of the DIB, Deteraines the tine base dtaplay rode (Hoth LOK) Nove: ALL ScWIITT-Snputs are at 42,5 ¥ Levels 14 ony ‘SHEEP GENERATOR 4 TB aweep generator (see figure 7-2): rout Ti MA he y ia ee * wn et Figure 7.2 Simplified diagran of the tine-base sveep generator the sawtooth charging current RINT Cand FOTHY doteraines the sweep apeed via chil3 GHCALLA). The ekreuit 4s controlled by che folloving address Ltn = MAO. ..MA2, for {nterconnection of DS1U2~3 to an input pin, thus iplving eft different voltage Levels UL with reapect to #14,6 Ve = MRED, for addition of Hiss co the sawtooth charging clrcuit. Ihc, for addition of C414 co the sawtooth charging cireult and for sultching over between calibration potunaters RALO7 (50n8.-+100v8) fand RULOB (200 wees.0,5 5)» ‘he voltage UL can be continuously varied by moving the YAR TB Control £7009 fren the CAL position. Thus a sueep variation of 12,5 San be obtainess m 1 ‘The function table for the veep generator Le given below: smep speed | maz | wal | a0. 50 a nerd 2 20 50 2 oS Toe E -pe-Pe-fe-pecbeceodeee fk NOTE: When MRED { low, then RELAY £0 eultched on. ‘The sawtooth current 4s fod to the buffer cizcutt, vhere the haf. sueep Conponenta (to 2 usec) are routed via Cull and Vall8, VAlld. The I-E+ sweep components (0,5 sec--n2usec) Le routed vis NALOS. Finally the time-base aveep voltage {2 applied co the hortzoatal Afeplay aoce switche * Hold-ofe ctreuse: During the tine base sweep, capacitor 04304 1s discharged. In the lower seepepeeds (lover then ius) capseitor C4302 42 alco discharged vin U4306, After the seep, the capscitor(s) are charged via curreat source V4304 uneil the voltage across CAs04 reaches the 42,5 V Level. This voltage te applied to DA103 ax the SHO signal and deteraines if the tine base can generate a nev sveep- Depending on the HOLD OFF control potentioneter R7OLL adjustment, pare of the charging current leaks avay vis ViSU1 and thus Continuously variation of the charging tine (1.e. hold-off time) ts obtained. when BSIMTE gocs LOW, the tine base starts to run again and [St tho sae tine C4308" (and C4302) are discharged again via Vs309. 1-6 1 4X DEFL AMPLIFIER AND DISPLAY Mone sw1TCH +X EFL amplifier: ‘Te circuit for converting the synnerrical X DEFL* and X DEFL~ signals {nto the asyanetsical voltage, applied to the display mode eviten 1s identical co the. trigger input. Hovever, this civeuit can be svitched~ Off by dlodes V4500 and V4305, provided that the X DEFL signal te HICH. + Mortzoatal display aode sutech: ‘the three deflection signals for real tine base, digital tine base or Fdeflection are euitehed to the horizontal prevamplifier via diode Gvltches, These evitches are under control of the signals X DEFL and 5. The output of the cireuit 42 applied to R47OL on che hortzontel prevaaplifier stage: Te Logic table ts given below: x DEFL signal 0 Digital cine base ° Rel tine base ‘The Z-euitch NS6OL 1s configured as tw differential anplifiers with ‘common current output t0 84625. The stage Ls supplied by a constant Current source via pin 3 and pin 9. he inputs Zand 22 are derived from the tiner stage D410 and deternine the uablasking of the CRT. for'this oocilloscope 21 and 22 must be NIGH for soreal tncenstty of the tine base aignals The mnplitule of the Zcurrent cas be veried by the front~panel INTENS Control ASUOL, The slider of ths control poteationcter drives the ‘bane pin 2-and pin 10 of both current sources. To prevent burnin of the CRT in the Lover sweep speeds: 0,3 oeces450 usec, tignal 28 18 LO and reduces the voltage to pin 2 ad pin 10. Signal 2A 1s a sofeware-controtled pulse to blank the trace ven the AMPL/DLV svtech 1s used. #2 Prevanplifter: In sormal condition, the full current for C&T blanking derived from M601 To routed via REG2S, V46l2 and K2626 to the XYE Amplifier 43. However, ehere are two conditions for additfoaal blenking: = tm the chopped mode of the vertical channels the display 1s blanked ducing auitehing over between channels. This happens by connecting tthe CHOPBLN pulse to W46ll- shen this pulee 1s NIH, transistor Volt Sonducte and’ part of the blanking current flovs via V4bll enicter~ Collector to the +5 K (#50 supply) rail. = Lf a WIGH Level is applied to the external 2 MOD Laput on the rear panel, thie signal causes conducting of V46l6 so that # part of the Planking current flows vie V66l6 emitter-collector co the +5 K call.

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