Akai gxc-40d SM

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3 , a vf 1 i ' - i THE QUALITY OF * Oe eee J, och, THIS MANUALS . pe ee : THE BEST THAT i [ : IS AVAILABLE ee RAE For Senice Manuats Contact MAURITRON TEC-NICAL SERVICES ‘8 her Trea Rd, Chinnor “Oyen 0X9 AON Tekan 2st Fax O16 52554 Eni: omutes@auionosk am i fi ML vil vu TABLE OF CONTENTS. SPECIFICATIONS, MEASURING METHOD DISMANTLING OF TAPE TRANSPORT UNIT & AMPLIFIERS MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT HEAD ADJUSTMENT AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT COMPOSITE VIEWS OF COMPONENTS SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM - When placing order for parts, Please use separate PARTS LIST. 10 B Poy. SPECIFICATIONS ‘An asterisk next to a figure, indicate the minimum guaranteed performance. TRACK SYSTEM track 2channel stereo system wow aN FLUTIER Less thn 0.28 RMS (20.278 RMS) [ FREQUENCY RESPONSE Chromium Tape| 3010 18,000 ite #348 (20 co 16,000 He = 468") t Standard Tape} _ 30:0 16,000 #348 30 r 15,000 fe =44B*) TSIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO ‘Better than 4548 (41dB*) [ “bistoxtion {Les than 2308") at 0001 “OVO waning ALK Beir tan 2568 Temast RAN TT peter tan 2048 7 Tine ouput] 12380 (2448) £1568 wing 395 e"OVO" wooded ape {' Din output] 04¥ 3omVat 80 Phone ourput Speaker output ‘SWSW continuous power a 82. (8 W/4W") f Tier Wieinpur] More than 0.2 mV \ Line input | More shan $0 mV Din input | _More than §¥ 1 WOTOR Hysteresis Synchronous outerrolor motor [RECORDING CAPACITY [FAST FORWARD AND REWIND TIME HEADS Recording Playback Head rate Head | hour sereo recording using 2 C40 tape 60 se. using a 6-60 Pe Teline &irack Zchannel Glas and Ferrite recording) Playback Head Gap: 1400194 Impedance: 1.2000 + 20% at 1 KHz Inline track 2channel erase nead Gap: 0.3 mm | | tmpedance: 1958 #106 st 100 KH SELLA TION FREQUENCY [a0 TRANSISTORS fascass 1G TO GxCAD aay | CUsert en) -28a66 oe BD Eases @, wm 2-38ce71 FY 2ozsc348 8) 238971 2-28C1098 tk 1) ie Tapa DIODES Tonia TRV GREATER PRB t 1.1 0DC1 (BLK) 1 400 (RED) TOWER TORLY 7 RET : TOWER CONSUMPTION Soi Gxca0D:_30 ‘TINSULATION RESISTANCE TINSULATION DURABILITY More than $0 M of T,000V AC for more than | minute duration DIMENTIONS S12 (W)X 122 (Hx 225 1D) mm 6S” KAT REID : WEIGHT GXCIO; SB RGCILTION) \ GXCHOD:_5.1 kg t1L 3 bs) ‘ —REMARS | ~Speaiicaiona are mbjet to ange For Senco Manuals Contact ‘MAURITRON TEcHNicaL SERVICES ‘BChany Trso Ad, Chinnor ‘Oxon Ox9 4a" Te: 18445163 Fae 1044-82554 Ena enqieeexron cask — ree Uae ll. MEASURING METHOD 1. TAPE SPEED DEVIATION 3, FREQUENCY RESPONSE Frequency counter input Line output Fig. 1 ‘As shown in Figure 1, connect a Frequency Counter to the Line Output of Model GXC-40. Take a frequency counter reading at the beginning, middle, and end of tape winding during playback. The ‘maximum value of these respective readings will repre sent tape speed deviation, 2. WOW AND FLUTTER Wow and Flutter Meter input Line output Fig. 2 Method A. ‘As shown in Fig. 2, connect the Line Output of Model to the Input of a Wow and Flutter Meter. Use a 3,000 Hz. pre-recorded test tape and take a wow and flutter meter reading at the beginning, middle, and end of tape winding. The maximum value of these respective readings will represent the wow and flutter. Method B Supply 2 3,000 Hz. siné wave signal from an Audio Frequency Oscillator and make a recording on a blank tape at the beginning, middle, and end of tape winding Rewind and play tape. Measure wow and flutter with a Wow and Flutter Meter. (The wow and flutter value of Method B will be close to twice that of Method A). ’ Play back a 335 He “O" VU pre-recorded fest tape and measure the out Audio ; alee Frequency OT ATT i ine Oscillator eae High Sensitivity VIM. Fig. 3 For measuring frequency response, connect instruments as shown in Fig. 3 and proceed as follows: 1) Supply a 1.000 Hz. sine wave to the Line Input of Modet from an Audio Frequency Oscillator through an Attenuator. Set recorder 10 recording mode and turn recording level volume control to maximum. Adjust attenuator to obtain a +4 dB VIT.VM. reading. 2). Under conditions described in 1.) above, readjust attenuator so that the Line Output is -16 dB, and record 30 to 15,000 Hz. spot frequencies 3) Rewind cassette tape and playback from the be ning. Take V.T.V.M. spot frequency readings and plot values on a graph, Note: When measuring frequency response, use [ow noise tape and set Tape Selector Switch to “Normal” position, (Special” position is for chromium dioxide tape). 4. SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO LJ High sensitivity Line output VIM. Fig. 4 As shown in Fig. 4, connect a high sensitivity V.T.VM. 0 the Line output of Model en remove the tape and measure the noise level under the same condition. Convert each of the measured values into decibels, ie \ cc 5. TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION FACTOR ‘Audio Frequency Acta fore Line Oscillator imp gurpur Distortion Meter Fig. 5 Connect the measuring instruments as shown in Fig. 5 and record a 1,000 Hz, sine wave signal at “O” VU, Playback the resultant signal and measure the overall distortion factor. Measure the noise level of the tape recorder without the tape. Connect the audio frequency oscillator directly to the distortion meter for measurement of the distortion factor of the oscillator. The required distortion factor can be obtained from the results of the above measure- ment by the following formula do = ddd where, do = Required distortion factor 4 = Overall distortion factor 4, = Noise level 4, = Distortion factor of the oscillator Note: When measuring the distortion factor, new tape should be used. 6. CROSS TALK (Cross talk between the channels) g————— § > tore oinection ——— Fig. 6 As shown in Fig. 6, first record a 1,000 Hz. sine wave signal on Track No, 3 at +3 VU Level. Next, record under 8 non-input condition, Then, playback the tape on Tracks No. 3 and 4 through the BF. (band pass filter Sensitivity ress 1:1) and obtain a ratio Between the two from the following formula: where, C += Desired cross talk ratio (4B) 000 Hz. signal output level 000 Hz, cross talk level Non-input sigial recorded level SE 7. ERASE RATIO [As shown in Fig. 4, connect a high sensitivity V.T.V.M. to the Line Output of Model Playback a virgin tape and take a V-T.V.M. ceading of the output level. Next, record a 1,000 Hi sine wave signal at +3 dB, then playback this recorded signal and take a V.T.VIM. reading of the output level. Next, using this pre-recorded tape, record under a non-input con- dition and take a reading of the noise level output of the ‘erased signal and obtain a ratio between the two from the following formula: E, Er =2010¢g" where, Er = Desired erase ratio (4B) Ey = 1,000 Hz signal output level E, = Non-Input signal recorded level E, = Virgin tape noise output level 8, POWER OUTPUT dummy 3a | High Speaker sensitivity output z VIVM. Fi [As shown in Fig. 7, connect an 8 dummy load resistor to the speaker output of Model and connect this terminal toa high sensitivity V-T.V.M. Playback a 333 Hz. “O" VU pre-recorded test tape and take a VITVM., ceading of the output level. The re: sultant output can be obtained from the results of the above measurement by using the following formula 7 where, P= Desired power output (watts) E = Measured voltage (RM-S.) R=8a For Service Maruals Contact AURSTRON TECHNICAL SERVICES 8 Chery Troe A, Chinnor “Oxon OX9 40 “Tob o1et aco Fac: o1-a2554 Enal-enqies@rauton ask II]. DISMANTLING OF TAPE TRANSPORT UNIT & AMPLIFIERS For Sonice Manvals Contact i “Tol o144 5806 Fax: O14 2954 ‘Ena nquiboGnauron cok In case of trouble. etc. necessitating disassembly, please disassemble in the order shown in photographs. Reassembie in reverse order. perststarstatatarerststs? 1 i 4 p2argesratatatarstetateretay srcdaaaeatststststststeeeeetatsts | ar | i | red | | | | | nenevivocecisrerstatetstgtsens 2 gesenterazezseatatatnts hesesesestszazsestn 7 tty tstytgPotatntytstetet | EChaNeS ADJUSTMENT sitrateestere 2s? tet etytea ds AMPUrIER ADJUSTMENT Weseseseneszarsegrsvarstetey natarhgtahghati 5 ~ a4 ( — oT IV. MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT Oo © RECOROING © ‘SMITCH Sw4, fea ST 2 _HOOK LEVER HOLDER OF HOOK LEVER: ° ¢ e pause Leven CL : REC, RWO, STOR. 1, RECORDING SWITCH “SW-4” POSITION ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 8) Loosen Screw (A) and move the plate to which Record ing Switch SW-4 (micro switch) is installed. Position so that when the Rec. Key is depressed, SW-4 tums on perfectly ‘At this time, confirm that the recording lamp lights and that Rec/P.B. Switch “SW-1” enters Rec. position perfectly. 2. MUTE SWITCH “SW-3" POSITION ADJUSTMENT Loosen Screw (B) and adjust the angle of the mute switch maintenance plate so that at Rec, or Play mode, ‘SW-3 mute switch contact point releases perfectly and the space of this contact point is not too open. \ pause evect pray ff — \ PINCH ROLLER LEVER Fig. 8 3. PAUSE LEVER POSITION ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 8) If at Play mode, the pinch roller lever and pause lever toisches, the pinch roller pressure becomes weak, and if this spac is 100 wide, the pisich roller will not sufficient: iy release at Pause mode. “ Therefore, at play mode, adjust the space between pinch roller lever and pause lever to about 0.5mm by slightly bending the pause lever. 4, HOOK LEVER HOLDING PLATE ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 9) Load a cassette tape onto cassette plate and bend the hhook lever holding plate so that when the cassette is lightly pressed downward with your finger at the center part of the cassette, the cassete plate locks when the cassette touches the cassette well, Caution: If the hook lever holding plate is bent too much, when the top panel is put back on, the cassette plate cannot assume locked position, 5. CASSETTE HOLDER SPRING ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 9) If the pressure of the cassette holder spring is too strong, the cassette cannot eject, and ifthe pressure is too weak, hhead to tape contact becomes poor at play mode. Considering this, properly adjust the bending angle of the cassette holder spring 6. F.FWD AND RWD. IDLER BLOCK POSITION ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 10) [At stop mode, loosen Screw (A) and adjust the angle of the intermediate pulley spring so that the F, Fwd and Rud idlers do not touch either eel table. 2) 3 ASSETTE GUIDE Fig. 9 CONFIRMATION OF WINDING WHEEL CLUTCH OPERATION At rewind mode, when the cassette tape is com pletely ewound, confirm that the rotation of Wine: ing Wheel A continues and the rotation of Winding Wheel B and the Rewind Idler stops, Also conficm that there is proper clutch slippage between winding wheels A and B. In case Winding Wheel B fails to stop perfectly, because the Rewind Idler is not properly pressing against the supply reel table, adjust che bending of rewind lever extremity (see Fig. 10) so that the rewind lever applies stronger pressure to the supply reel table ‘At the end of F. Fwd, make the same check as described above and confirm proper clutch opera tion between Winding Wheels A and B. In case of imperfect clutch operation, strengthen F. Fwd. idler pressure by adjusting che bending of F. Fwd. lever extremity For Sonice Manuals Contact MAURITRON TECHNICAL SERVICES ‘8Cherry Tres Rs, Chinnor ron Ox0 4a Tots 104869 Fax 1844-80554 Eni enites@nautioacauk WIND. WHEEL a —- WIND. WHEEL @ WO. IOLER. SUPPLY REEL TABLE: FF. IDLER TAKE UP REEL TABLE FF, LEVER BEND THIS PART: Fig. 10 For Service Manuals Contact ‘MAURATRON TEC-tUCAL SERVICES 8 Chery Tree Rd, Chinnor aay’ Te 1044 251 Fae 1044 82566 Eal-enqies@mauoncok V. HEAD ADJUSTMENT 0) fcr, eso 4 iS ERASE HEAD Se —~ = = eo [ ® © =a | a REC/PB. HEAD ERASE HEAD , TAPE GUIDE TAPE GUIOE i i 5 C feirsmns t = Fig. 12 | REC/P.B. HEAD AZIMUTH ALIGNMENT (See Figs. 11, 12) | Connect high sensitivity V.T.V.M. (Model 161A) to the Line Output and playback a 10 kHz pre-recorded tape, | ‘Adjust Nut (A) so that the V-T.VM. indication is - vi. AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT Fao (Gee elena | TAI Tre (tain vA] SOKA f 1. PLAYBACK LEVEL ADJUSTMENT (See Figs. 13 to 15) Connect 4 high sensitivity VT.V.M. (Mode! 161A) to the Line Output. Set main volume control (50 KA) to maximum. Playback a 333 Hz “O” VU pre-ecorded tape and tum potentiometer VRI and VRIb (30 KB) until the line output level reaches *4 dB (1.228V). 3x For Senice Manuals Contact MAURITAON TECFCAL SERVICES ‘8 Chery Too Rd, Chinnor ‘Oxon OX9 OV. “Tob-014t eae Fax. oe asesse ‘nat enquses@rauonsk Fig. 13 1 Ts TR6 (REC. LEVEL ‘VR22KB vat 30Ke P, LEVEL) aD RECORDING AND PLAYBACK ADJUST- MENT (See Figs. 13 to 15) Load a blank low noise tape and set Tape Selector to “Normal” posotion, Set recorder to recording mode and main volume control (50 KA) to maximum, Supply 2 1,000 Hz sine wave signal from an Audio Frequency Oscillator through the Attneuator to the Line input, Adjust the attenuator so that the V.T.VM. indicates +4 dB (VU needle indicates “O” vu). After a few seconds of recording, playback the recorded tape from the starting point and check the VI.VM. indication. If the line output does not reach +4 4B, repeat recording and playback procedure from Item 3), and adjust potentiometer VR2 and VR2b (2 KB) until +4 dB is obtained 4) 5) A wy f) From 0.8.6. CIRCUIT REET 2 * Fig. 16 oo) ° ® on nm ™ ADJUSTMENT u t VRi Ri ch Sealeaae baat) (8) BIAS ee. @| then oq for R WRe R2 C2 wie Bh Ge on a ede) ae oi, eae enen a. t8 3. RECORDING BIAS FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT (See Fig. 16) Connect a Frequency Counter to points (A) and (B) in Fig 16 of the Erase Head and read the frequency indication. If the frequency counter reading is 80 + 5 kHz, the recording bias frequency is correct. If the recording bias frequency is incorrect, it can be adjusted by changing the value of condenser C3 (3300p 500WY) of the oscillator P.C. Boacd. 4. RECORDING BIAS VOLTAGE ADJUST- MENT (See Figs. 17, 18) (Frequency Response Adjustment) Playback the 1,000 fiz. and 10,000 Hz. signals recorded in Frequency Response Measuring Method procedure and adjust Bias Adjustment Volume VR-1, VR-2 (500 KB) as shown in Figs. 17 and 18 so that the output level of these two frequencies are equal The bias voltage at this time is from 4 to 26V AC. u = | \ S0QgKBS6k__190P t—z (a) STANDARD ciRCUIT s00Ks 56K _100P (b) ¢ PARALLEL CIRCUIT 500KS GOK 33K (c) R SERIES CIRCUIT r ; [ame Lege é MAIN. AMP. ciRcuIT 3 os. it a asc. Fig. 19 vee, Fig. 20 NOTE: 1. Electric shock will cause the GX Head to become ‘magnetized and once the head becomes magnetized, distortion is predominant. Consequently, it is im- portant that the head always be demagnetized with 4 large type demagnetizer following bias voltage check. 2. On machines employing the bias adjustment circuits shown in (b) and (c) of Fig. 19, after the RecjPlay. back Head has been replaced, it becomes impossible to adjust the bias voltage. In this case, replace with the circuit shown in (a) of Fig. 19 and adjust bias voleage 5. ERASE VOLTAGE There is no way to adjust the erase voltage, but correct erase voltage when the Tape Selector is set to “Normal” is about 21¥, and when set to “Special”, about 28V. 6. MAIN AMP VOLTAGE BALANCE ADJUSTMENT {As shown in Fig. 20, connect a V.T.V-M. between points (A) (B) as well ab between (B) (C) and adjust variable resistor VRI (30 KB) so that the V-T-V.M. indication is half the value ofthe supply voltage There is no way 0 adjust the “n0 signal current”, but correct “ao signal current” is 5 mA. When a power twansitor is replaced and a signal introduced, if crossover distortion i considerable, it can be reduced by changing resistor R-i 479 to about 332. For Senice Manuals Contact, MAURITRON TECHNICAL SERVICES ‘BCharry Trea Ra, Chinnor ‘Oxon OX9 OY" “Tob o14 aie Fax 01844 32554 ral enires@ navn couk : [ VII. COMPOSITE VIEWS OF COMPONENTS PRE-AMPLIFIER P.C. BOARD (CG-5010) orese9se—-2" na sie aie wats He ee he Rea “he ‘ MAIN AMPLIFIER P.C. BOARD (CG-5009) rr HOW TO USE THIS PARTS LIST 1. This prs ist compiled by various individual blocks based on asembly proces 2. Whan ordering parts, lease describe pts umber, serial number, and model umber in deta 3. How 0 read tit The eference numer coresponds with ilstration or photo number of that particular pats List [Fis number coesponds wth the igure Number ‘This number corresponds wih the individual pars index number in that figue | i [BERLE int et te ne istration 12-115x [Schematic Diagram Number of individval manufactured pat 1 (ot vequired for parts ovder) pose of particular part required, t Ref No, Paris No, Description is ow | eure, ocx #3 {4.0 he in ofp and inttton ston canbe determined bythe as Number, ode whee pr number is listed, uilize Parts Index at end of Parts List It is necessary frst of all to find the Paris Number. This can be accomplished by using the Reference Number listed at right of parts number in the Parts Index. (meaning of ref. no. outlined in Item 3 above). 5. Utilize separate “Price List for Parts” to determine unit price, The most simple method of Finding parts Price is to utllize the ceference number. TABLE OF CONTENTS FIG, 1 HEAD BASE BLOCK (C6) wsswoneunennent 2 FIG.2- MOTOR BLOCK wvmsonnnninnennnnnnnnnn 3 FIG. REEL TABLE BLOCK oeeevennconnnun ‘ FIG.4 MECHANISM ASSEMBLY BLOCK (1) eons $ | FIG.$ MECHANISM ASSEMBLY BLOCK (2) nue 6 FIG.6 AMP. CHASSIS BLOCK. se 8 FIG,7 MAIN AMP. PC, BOARD (C6-5003) wovnnnenn 9 FIG. PRE-AMP. PC. BOARD (CG$010) evn } FIG.9 POWER SUPPLY & OSC. .C. BOARD (CG-5011).11 FIG, 10 POWER & JACK PLATE BLOCK wren? FIG, 11 FINAL ASSEMBLY BLOCK... ans FIG. 12. KEYBORD SWITCH BLOCK semana L INDEX nn 16 {7 ( FIG. 1 ILLUSTRATION OF HEAD BASE BLOCK (CG) HEAD BASE BLOCK (CG) ( Ref.No, PartsNo, Description Jie 481708 Head Bae Block (C5) Amr, asraa3 presen i epee Atco" 349981 Pinch Roller Stat esau For Sonice Manuals Contact Setter SER ak a ¥ 32300 een Rte Spring Sle auTPON Teena ees ‘ 30088 “E*Ring om a ay Te Rd, Chior i Glee Gitte sopperiae comm Tey 1845604 Fa 016425554 S19197 Screw, binding head 3x4 Ena eoquees@mauitoncouk 62881 Serow, binding head 2.3812 565696 Angie Aaluating Spring 4Si934 REC./PB HEAD. F330 414235 Waaner A (P9924) 0.1 419246 Wanner B (PBPE-H) 0.13¢ Seeeas ' se sant t va ia com HET SRG Bsa itt Sta HE. Sigs AVE? { ery 1227 Screw, binding head 2.3x5 ED SST RSTRNT con When ordering parts, Pease danclbe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in deta, =e t { FIG. 2 ILLUSTRATION OF MOTOR BLOCK MOTOR BLOCK Ref. No, ParteNo, as1e7s seas Spears e101 Sonos asta01 Sst290 3sehoe dasiee soama2 auise 68270 Description oa 6G Motor Assy. Comp. co Test Washer A (Teflon) CS-7ep CS Thrust Washer B (Nylon) C3. “E" Ring 30M fut ou cut eee Motor Bracket com Motor Pulley comm Set Screw, hexagon socket 3x4 Rubber Cashion Bush Ped Rubber Cantion Sleeve CG Cos Belt Vibration stopper comm Motor Shield A coms ow Ref. No. Pas sins ass 413188 ‘oes? ‘ath025 450625 sina? Description Screw, binding head 2.283, Screw, binding head 3x6 CGapstan Shaft, w/ Flywheel Gipetan Bete CCapstan Supporting Pace Flywheel Support Washer (Nyon) 4.289%0.5¢ Screw, Sinding head 3x8 usher CCapstan Metal Case, wines! Screw, binding ead 2.338 Gapstan Supporting Prop ‘Seow, binding head 388 w/washer When ondering parts, Please describe Pats Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in etal, ————— 3 FIG. 3 ILLUSTRATION OF REEL TABLE BLOCK a (MAURITRON TECHNICAL i Sento Seem Email enqueies@maunton.co.uk REEL TABLE BLOCK Feo, Pats, Descinton Stem ony Ret.No. Panso, —Deseption Stat oy SUPPLY REEL TABLE BLOCK TAKE-UP REEL TABLE BLOCK mo eigen ee or) sree) tear aearemaee 32" dgr5ta Reet Ta ‘Comp, cosmn 1 comms 1 457012 Real Table Bracket, w/shaty 33 364342 Washer Potyatder) ash come Ixaae0.2st 2 387573 Take-up Reet Table Shaft CST 34 389790. Supply Reel Table com 385307 Washer (BSF) 2,6569%0.5¢ t Es daso7s Reel Table Spring ccm 1 3arsas Church Spring csam x6 Hosoi Wing. C Type Seems 1 387406 Takeup Reel Table Pulley CS 37 $7038 Real Table Bunt, C Type rene 1 387430 Takep Reel Table csr 1 34 ¥0372.Reel Shaft Cap, C Type feo 1 3e76i7 Clutch Fer cmt 38073 Reel Table Spring ese 1 570361 Reel Table Wing, C Type necks BRS Takesip Ree able Bosh cos 1 394200. Takesup Reel Cap este t 322456017 Counter Be coum 1 ‘When ordering parts, Please describe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in detail. sroaresese sey aba Seca, aor oxo sn sounts 6201 gg sos none, ‘Pro semen samen i | Ref. No, Farts No. 03 Soe ees Sea 569 530 an $72 oh a7 asia asisa ata Se306 sin93 ss9077 sinaa4 Sas yaais aan Sr3eua Seiise Description (Cassette Base Bracket, w/pin ‘Tapping Serew #2 3x6" (BR) Ma Earth Log Rec. Safery Laver (2) ‘Auto Stop Spring B aU ming 285M Hook Lever (17° Hook Lever Holder Screw, binding head 2334 ‘Spring, Auto Change Lever E ‘Counter MP-390-68, w/base Counter Base ‘Screw, Binding head 2.344 Switch Table (A) Block Comp. Switch Table A Limite Site LSL242046 Special Switch LSL36306 180 Serew, binding head 9x5 Nylon Clip HPN Tapping Screw #2 3x6 (BR) Spring Hook ‘Tipping Screw #2 3x6 (BR) Power Supply Bracket Jack Plate 8 (AY Jack Plate B (Deck) Sack Name Plae A Taek Name Plate D (Deck) ‘Screw, binding head 345 Keyboard Switch Comp. ceo a cum com cs. see coum cosa cosas cise nen oy For Survioe Manuals Contact [MALRITAON TECPNIGAL SERVICES ‘8 Chony Tree Ra, Chinnor ‘Oxon Oxo 40¥" Te: 018445164 Fae 184490554 at-enginesonautenoak _ AMP. CHASSIS BLOCK RefNo, ParteNo, Description 1 452790 Amp. Chasse 2453296 Side Volume LDI4A soKa ‘esto 63 453420 Slide Volume MD1 44003 VooKBs2 G4 311856. 180 Screw, binding head 38 SS AGa8se PC. Board Retaining Pate 3) 6 SEne51 Electric Capacitor 2200ur av 67447772. Tapping Screw #72 336 (BR) Sh $e0095 Enreh Spring $3 459279 PC. Board Retaining Pate (1) Sto 325728. Screw, binging head 3x5 G1x 452823, Power Switen Comp, G12" 240025 Paun Swteh UEHGBP UL $13 376813. Spark Quencner UL ‘.0534+120 SooWy G14 457546 Knob (Power wibush $15 4886 ISO Screw, binding head 3x5 G16 452812 Mic Jack Comp. S17" Ss2801 hack Bracket 1g 315381 Miedace 2PM 19 S101 ack Fiber ot $20 225180 Nylon Cola, Jack S21 4s8770 Mietace 3PMGIT (A) Sate Seeoe Mic Jack SPMII (D) G23" Heesi Wamer, Jack 9-1211.7<0.280 24 daleno EJack Nur G26x 324681 Carbon Resistor RDI/S 1K 36, 32728 Screw, binding head 3x5 627 4s2078 Mic ack Shield $28 817273. Screw. binding head 2.3:4 35x 452002 Trans Base (D) 30x $6i430 Power Transformer CGT-3 (D) S31" 525728 Screw, binding head 3x5 S32e 47176 Lamp Pc. Bowe G33x 295312 Nor? Lamp 8V.0.20 Eee 417373 Screw, binding head 234 S35 Meter Cushion 36 VU Meter 80391, 452036 £3453 Power Traaformer COT-1 (A) 468112 Tapping Screw 92 4x8 (rus) S704s2 Trans. Mounting Pa 452913 Swuch Bracket, Mare Slide Swieen €SD-2790U 3940$ 180 Serew, binding head 3x6 BA3728 Serew, binding head 3x3 and Made! Number in detail a ow com 1 cosas em co-ss cota win 4 comma com cam Ses me aan ms cosas we come nn cost cose FIG. 6 ILLUSTRATION OF AMP. CHASIS BLOCK FIG. 7. PHOTO OF MAIN AMP. P.C. BOARD (CG-5009) AMP. P.C. BOARD BLOCK (CG-5009) asi792 ‘aes2es sire house Ss2002 hese ost 3ateaa 331708 saan 350820 Description Main Amp. 2.C. Bosed Comp. Transistor 280871 (EF) 38C971 (25) (Rea 2sc1098 (4.4) 3SA836 (L40 Serew, binding head 3x3 SemiVarabe Volume Wioks-s 20K Fuse 7-10.24 Hem Sink Pate Screw, binding head 2.345 Capacitor, Vertical Type Electroytie uf tan Electrolytic 20,6 35WV Electroiytie Out 16WV. Electriytic 3.34250 Electrolytic 100, WV Electrotyuie 2248 16 Mylar 0.00148 (3) oY Mylae 0.08746 (J) SoWy VEM iooPF Gy sowv Description Resistor, Stopper Type Carbon RD 1/4 100K (1) Carbon RD 1/4 3.3K) Cavoon RD 1/4 1K G) Caron RO 1/4 100.0) Carbon RD 1/¢ 8.240) Carton RD 1/4 2.2% 0) Carbon RD 1/4 390.0) Carbon RD 1/8 39K) Carbon RD 1/4 6.8K) Goroon RD 1/3 19) Carbon RD 1/4 37 0) Carbon RD 1/8 270.0) Garon RD is 427) Wire Wind (L Type) T2WLos @) For Sonice Manuals Contact [MAURITEON TECHNICAL SERVICES ‘@Chory Tree Rd, Chinnor ‘Oxon ox9 40y Tels 1045109 Fox 1844-80554 Eat enqiesghmauon cask When ordering pats, Pease describe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Made! Number in detail 3 ue an ow FIG. 8 PHOTO OF PRE-AMP. P.C. BOARD (CG-S010) PRE-AMP. P.C. BOARD (CG-5010) BLOCK FIG. 9 PHOTO OF POWER SUPPLY ee eee Sime uy & OSC. P.C. BOARD (CG-5011) an ca cmt 401362 team, PC, Board Cath ‘cm aay uncamptciosa” Bie HAAMekes Sie 3 jen Teamorsesgg ome 8 Sine Tamuerascni ey Tmt 3 fie Gamepa beans, eG Blots femincer ators ay tha} Hives Eocene ss eet Was m3 26936. Sem-Varble Votan WiaKs30KB ym TWes2KB vm bie wstss stivsweenciie SF Copan, Vere Tyye fis wor, Etopicineiede — ucamo 1b Boys ekewnne star sowy eee ee ea He Hotel Siem teoesyy EX Hayes Esme rorensiy” ha 822 Moos Eleroimiesmukigwy 3 823 4S00ss Electrolytic 14 25WV a S28 450527 Electrolyte Tur 29H ; 2 S25 250875 Mytar 0.001 (1) SOWV. S26 Sro192 Myter o.0s9uE () sowY 827 da9ans Myer OlouF (2) SoWY $28 4aa70a Myler orga) sowy $29 329883 Myler Doosou® (1) SowY POWER SUPPLY & OSC. P.C. BOARD (CG-5011) BLOCK $30 329861 Myr ore) sowy. Soune S31 Htsrr Myler ooostue G) sowy RefNo. ParteNo, Description area a] S32 sori VEN asorF Gy sowv i $33 Sosses Vewaare uy sowv : Gtx 451721 Power Supply & OSC. PC. $38 290820 VeM ioorE () sony te Board Comp. com $35 Saeals VeM a30re( somv 6 9-2 453690 Transistor 2809682.) (Red) THT 2 B36 336198 VEN 370PF (d) SOMY Pet $3 453521 Owclstor Co OT 403 u i $2 129130. Silicon Dioge 100C-1 (Black) OL 1 Resistor, Stopper Type k 55 M9128. Silicon Diode 190C.1 (Red) DE t 212883 Carbon RDI 4.7K) Ln 4 96468331 SemeVarable Votume 211855 Carbon RD 1/4 12K) 2 2 VioKS2-9 $00KB YRL? 2 350830 Grom RDS SOK) 29-7 60001 Paste Fm Condencer 3.3K 336842 Carton RD t/a 10K U) ‘isan 10 Pru) ' 211465. Carbon RD 1/8 1K U) ae 357812 Carbon RD 1/3 220.0) ca Capacitor, Vertical Type 468276 Gorbon RD 1/a270K) 2 98 anoist Electrolytic 10OuF 26WV ‘ 12174 Carbon RD 1/8 180K) 2 99 Asoz70 Electrolytic IKu2sWV t 391961 Carbon RD 1/4 91K U) ; 2 Sto 444092 Electrolytic a70u33WV 1 3idors Girson RB 1/429) » 2 St 3soust Mylar o-ntu «) sowy ke 212268 Carson RD 1/4 2K 0) a $9112 390820 VEM Lore () som" ie a 3asoez Garton RD fs 82K UD “ 2 3oedeo Carbon RD ts 68K UD Ka 4 Resistor. Stopper Type 8 Bas0 Garon AD /8 4.9K 0) 9-13 349907 Carbon RD We 13K 0) me {nsularon) at 2 1a 212883 Carbon RD Lie 7K) 361828 Carbon RD 1/3 s5K 8 2 91s 408802 Garpon RD I/e 870.) ‘ 362933, Carbon RD 1/8 27K) = 3 316 31S94a Carbon RD 1/8 3.90) he 211030 Carbon RO 1/4 86K () q 293483576 Carbon RD 1/2 3300) 211320 Carbon RD U/8 13K) ae 4 (insuistoe) 0 1 212497 Carpon RD 1/4 33K) 3 2948 461968 Metal Oxide Film Resstor 3 357456 Carbon RO 1/4 23K 0) an 4 20) 7 1 329907 Carbon RD I/4 33K 0) s 2 949453565 Metal Oxide Film Resistor 20, S19040 Caron RD te tM) x 2 Tak 0) 8 ' Bitsy Carbon RO fs LOOK) 2 920 467245 Cement Resistor (Metal Onide 300487 Carbon RD I/s ISK) 2 3 Film Type) 820 220K 9 v 304290 Carbon RD 1/3 10 (), Se For Sones Manuals Contac MAUATHON TEC*NICAL SERVICES ‘Bhar Tree Ra, Chinnor ‘Oron 0x8 40 ‘Tobeoret 00 Fax 1044 82554 Eal-enqusesauttoncok ‘When ordering pars, Please describe Parts Number, Serial Number, nd Model Number in deta FIG. 10 PHOTO OF POWER & JACK PLATE BLOCK POWER & JACK PLATE BLOCK 193 to0 tous 1023 61136 ss2935 $3453 201150 3ha02 Ss3a6e 359305 a1siss 353083 Description Power & Jack Plate Block Comp. (A) Power & Jack Plate Block Comp. (D) Power Supply Bracket Power Transformer CGT-1 (A) Tapping Serew 2 4x8 (srs) Trane Retaining Pate Power Name Pte Power Plug Socket (Volt ‘Select.) $8010 (80 Serew, tre Head 3x6 (sie) Serew, truss nead 3x6 (Slack) Fure S122 TA (A) Fure ST-4 05010) Strain Rei SROKA U/L Ac Core 36 Jack Pate A(A) Iaek Plate 8 (0) SP DIN Jace Mie Jace 2703 Beck Thin Washer Sixt .790.28¢ E sack Nut Cog Plate VIL Garbon Resistor RO 1/6 22K 5 (Caroon Resistor RD 1/3 10K} Ehtoon Resistor RD 1/4 220K Tack Name alate A Jack Name Plate D When ordering parts, Please describe Pats Number, Seri Number, and Model Number in detail Seis cco xo oem FIG. 11 (A) PHOTO OF FINAL ASSEMBLY BLOCK For Senice Manuals Contact -MAURTRON TECHNICAL SERVICES ‘BChery Tree Fa, Chinnor ‘Oxon O49 40 Tes 4c 5160 Foe 1 04 nal engines FIG. 11 (B) PHOTO OF FINAL ASSEMBLY BLOCK is a FINAL ASSEMBLY BLOCK RefNo, ParteNo, Description Ss ty CASE BLOCK. 11 483003 Upper Case A Comp. comma 1 Uae 480618 Upper Case B Comp. (Desk) Co-amS T U3) 483007 Cane Plate (1) coe te Case Pate (2) (Deck) comes us GX Name Pace coms (Red) esa For Sonice Nanuels Contact. 1-7 agatgt Name Pate (GXC-40 Coe AtraTton TEAL SERVICES Was Martz Name pine (exe aap) cant Crary Tae Conor HOY E383 San ano comet ron OX9 Usto = 483t08 Sean (2) (Lett come “et o1ek ae Fax OM aU554 TILT 428103. Serew, countersunk neag 3410 ‘ Eat engieex@nouoncouk Hislz 469350 Speed'Nur 5 (F Type) t Us 483082 LA Brecker w pin (1) commas 1 Hite §$3104 Lit Bracke, w/pin (2) coamie Uicts 323938 Serewsbinding Nead 3x5 2 Ine 43126 Cuetia comet Tei? 383118 Lat Spring cont His 483060 Hook Lever (2) ceae 119 290283 “U" Ringz 85M eet 129 Aea372 Lia Spring & tows 11-21 453205 Wood Frame cow 1122459240. Cate Lower Comp cow Hate G8ake2 Cer (Cycle) cre 1 Tax $6130 Screw, sountersunk head axs (ise) 1 ASSEMBLY BLOCK, tiaey aVy02s" Serew, binding head 3x ‘wfwasher 6 Hiate 2011R3 Screw, ras head 3x8 (ach) 6 Hae Sigh Volume kaob cower = 3 Hae deta Koob Stopper cose” 3 Heine Jetton fuse Sta O34 (A) Bini Hitts 91402 Fuse St-2 ta (a) met Uiigy dnsaey Rave St-4 025A (0) Brat Htie aSi274 Rese Name Piste (OXC-80) Ces [age ASHNS eae Name Plate (GXC-30D) Coa His) 35388 Keyboard Switen Comp, sent When ordering parts, Pease describe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in detail, ————— FIG. 12 ILLUSTRATION OF KEYBOARD SWITCH BLOCK KEYBOARD SWITCH BLOCK RefNo, Parts No, ini soar cG-Ko1 GRO? co-Ko3 Co-kos CG-Kos CeKoe EG-Ko7 Socks Geckos cokI0 cork! ceKi2 Description atdee Ss Q'y Keyboard Switch Comp. sit Keyboard Holder eve Keyboard Lever Guide (12) NE Keyboard Lock | wens Keyoued Lever nese Gulde sracier (1) Guide Bracket (2) Keyboard Shaft, Slide Pin (3) neeite 2 Keyboard Spring (A) weniie 4 Keyoourd Spring (8) seam 1 Lock Pate Spring weet Keyboued (1) wena Keyboued (2) seem 1 Keyboard Cover (1) wean 4 Keyboned Cover (2) Meet en head 3x6 Poet Wasner 3M meson ‘When ordering pats, Pease describe Parts Number, Serial Number, and Model Number in detail INDEX meter ees eee ee eee eee poviso 1010 | oisaei era | sessis soe | aarrzz sate | aseine sae | seize: 559 doves vate | aisoee gue | dagzee 220 | and fan” | Sssuso S17 | 461305 rLaex itino faoowo, tas | o3arsns dar | dame on) | Meee tue | asst ‘Sty iitaes Stowst’ i | erase 33 | arata Se | seers S28 | f6i362 Sar ittses Stowe! 413 | Gerane Sie | Sones a3 | ieee Str i iitser Sate Sas | Geter? 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CG-5010 ‘THE QUALITY OF THIS PAGE IS ‘THE BEST THAT 1S AVAILABLE For Sorvico Maruaif Contact son Team snacks | | osc 8 POWER SUPPLY PC. BOARD | | CG-50l! << 7 7 | GXC-40D SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 1440213A.>

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