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UNIT I: The Modern Times and the Colonial period in America.

The society during the 15th century in Europe. General situation in Europe in the time of
the discoveries. Spain and Portugal. Renaissance and Humanism. Causes of European
High civilizations: Mayas, Aztecs and Incas. Iberian and Africans moving out across the
oceans. The Columbian moment. The colonial period in America. Political and religious
institutions. Society.

UNIDAD II: The Industrial Revolution. 18th Century

The factory. The textile industry. The transport revolution.
The Despotism. Economics theories. Mercantilism, Fisiocracy. Free trade.
The French Revolution 1789. Napoleon. Consequences in Europe and America.
Reforms and revolutions in America. The wars of independence. The emergence of
creole patriotism.
The independence of River Plate. San Martin and Bolivar. The Triunvirates, the
Assembly, the Colonial period. The Independence in Tucuman.
The independence of Brazil and Cuba. The independence of Mexico.

UNIDAD III: Early National period. 1825-1850

The new leaders: Caudillos. Federalist and Centralist. The Church. State relations. The
Brazilian Empire. Central America.
The rise of the neocolonial order.1850-1880. Liberal and Conservatives. Order and
The rises of Oligarchy. Alberdi´s Bases y puntos de partida. 1852. Urquiza as a
Governor and president. The Constitution. Sarmiento´s Presidence, inmigration and

UNIDAD IV: The Development and fall of the Neocolonial order. 1880-1930
The triumph of the liberal states. The first Republic of Brazil.
The rise of the US interventionism. The impact of inmigration, The Mexican revolution
1910-1920. The crisis of the 1920´s and the emergence of Nationalism.
Democracy in Argentina. The Saenz Peña law. The Liberal republic 1880-1916.
The Radical republic 1916-1930. The Conservative restoration 1930-1943. Peron´s
government 1943-1955. The collapse of the Peronist regime.

UNIDAD V: Reaction and revolution 1930-1970.

World contest in 1929. The Wall Street crash and the consequences. Dictators. Latin
America and the Cold war. The Cuban revolution. Political situation of Uruguay,
Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica.

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Eakin, Marshall: “The History of Latin America”

Editorial McMillan 2007

Fowler, Will: “Latin America since 1780”

Hodder Education 2008

Luna, Felix: “ A short history of Argentinians”

Editorial Planeta 2008

Romero, Luis Alberto: “ A history of Argentina in the 20th century”

Fondo de Cultura economica 2006

Hobsbawm, Erik: “The age of revolution” 1789-1848

Vintage books. 1996

Ferguson, James “The Story of the Caribbean People” IRP 1998.

Zebel, Sidney “Past to present a World History” MacMillan.

Celebrating our Heritage 200 years, 200 ideas. Ed Richmond 2010.

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