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Student Transportation Plan

to Ensure Educational Stability for Students in Foster Care

Child’s Name: ________________________________ D.O.B. _________________________

Student Identification Number: ______________________________ Grade: ____________


Department of Children Services

☐ Case Worker (name and contact information)


☐ Caregiver (name and contact information)


☐ Educational Decision Maker (name and contact information)


School District

☐ School District Foster Care Point of Contact (name and contact information)

☐ School Contact Information


DCS Verifies:
1. It is in the student’s best interest to remain in the school of origin based on the following factors:

2. The child is eligible under Title IV-E: ☐ Yes ☐ No

a. If yes, reimbursement for some funding of transportation costs:
☐ will be pursued
☐ cannot be pursued for this reason:
Kingsport City Schools verifies:
1. The following efforts were undertaken to identify a no-cost or low-cost transportation service:

2. There is an existing transportation option that ensures educational stability for the child following
the change in his or her living arrangement. ☐ Yes ☐ No
a. If yes, what is the option?

Kingsport City Schools and DCS agree that the most cost effective transportation
procedures for this student will be:

Kingsport City Schools and DCS agree that while permanent transportation is being
arranged, interim transportation arrangements will be:

The student’s transportation plan will be implemented on (Date): ____________________

Authorized Signature, [DCS]: ______________________________ Date: _______________________

Authorized Signature, Kingsport City Schools: __________________________ Date: ____________

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