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8:00a.m - Fresh students assemble in front of the Great Hall

8:30a.m - All Fresh students take their seats in the Great Hall

Representatives of the Student Union take their seats as will be

indicated to them by the Principal Assistant Registrar, Admissions and
Undergraduate Records Unit.

8:50a.m - Head of Departments take their seats as will be indicated to them

by the Principal Assistant Registrar, Admissions and Undergraduate
Records Unit.

9:15a.m - The Deputy Assistant Registrar, Senate & Examinations leads the

procession of the Ag. Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Bursar, University

Librarian, Provosts and Deans to take their seats.

The Assembly will then sit.

9:20a.m - LAUTECH Anthem

Oyo State Anthem

National Anthem

9:25a.m - The Registrar stands and invites the Ag. Vice Chancellor to declare the

matriculation ceremony open by saying;

“Ag. Vice Chancellor Sir, you are invited to please declare the
2021/2022 matriculation ceremony open”

9:30a.m - The Ag. Vice Chancellor rises to declare the matriculation ceremony open by

“I declare the matriculation ceremony for the 2021/2022 academic session


9:35a.m - The Registrar stands and invite, in turn, Provost of the College of Health
Sciences and the Deans of Faculties to present their students for matriculation
by saying;

“Ag. Vice Chancellor Sir, the Provost of the College of Health Sciences and
Deans of Faculties will present their students for matriculation”.

9:40a.m - The Provosts and Deans of Faculties will then call on the matriculating students
in the order set out below, saying;

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Agricultural

Sciences please stand and remain standing”.

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Basic

Medical Sciences, Faculty of Clinical Science and Faculty of Nursing Sciences
please stand and remain standing”

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Computing

and Informatics please stand and remain standing”

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Engineering

and Technology please stand and remain standing”

”Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of

Environmental Sciences please stand and remain standing”

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Food and

Consumer Sciences please stand and remain standing”

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of

Management Sciences please stand and remain standing”

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Pure and

Applied Sciences please stand and remain standing”

“Will the matriculating undergraduate students in the Faculty of Renewable

Natural Resources please stand and remain standing”

10:00a.m (i) The Registrar will lead the students in reading the oath of allegiance

(all at once).

(ii) The students after reading through the oath of allegiance will bow their
heads by affirming their pledge of obedience and loyalty to the
university. They will then take their seats.

10.20a.m The Registrar will invite the Ag. Vice Chancellor to deliver his speech.

Ag. Vice Chancellor Sir, you are hereby invited to deliver your speech

for the ceremony.

10:25a.m The Registrar will invite the Ag. Vice Chancellor to declare the
Matriculation Ceremony closed by saying;

“Ag. Vice Chancellor Sir, you are hereby invited to declare the
2021/2022 matriculation ceremony closed”

The Ag. Vice Chancellor rises to declare the matriculation ceremony

closed by saying;

“I hereby declare the matriculation ceremony for the 2021/2022

academic session closed”.

10:30a.m - LAUTECH Anthem

Oyo State Anthem

National Anthem

10:35a.m - The procession will be in Reverse Order

The Assembly will stand and remain standing until the procession has

All students are expected to download the programme and bring same to the venue of
matriculation ceremony.

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