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Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts

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aline co 0
Processes, Systems, and Impacts

Michel J. Kaiser • Martin J.Attrill • Simon Jennings

David N.Thomas • David K.A. Barnes • Andrew S. Brierley • Jan Geert Hiddink
Hermanni Kaartokallio • Nicholas V. C. Polunin • David G. Raffaelli

With contributions from

Peter J. Ie B.Williams • Gareth Johnson • Kerry Howell

Coleen Suckling • Anne Berit Skiftesvik


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ISBN 978-0-19-922702-0

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'It is likely that much present day published science depends on "fa ct"which has not been sufficiently
checked. James Elroy Flecker, in his play Hassan, wrote: "Men who think themselves wise believe
nothing until the proof. Men who are wise believe anything until the disproof." Perhaps in this com-
plicated world, one should steer a careful path between Flecker's two extremes.'
G. E. (Tony) Fogg (1919-2005)
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Marine ecology: an introduction The evolution of marine ecology

Approximately 2.2 billion people live within 100 Ian of a The development of marine ecology can be charted through
coastline. This figure is set to double by 2025. While the three major eras. Early naturalists worked in an age when
average population density along coastlines is currently seafarers' stories of sea monsters abounded and authors
80 people krrr-, this increases to up to 1000 krrr- in coun- such as Jules Verne romanticized exploration of the deep
tries such as Egypt and Bangladesh. Many of these coastal and the battle with the leviathan. The observations of early
inhabitants depend directly upon marine resources for their naturalists, such as Darwin, were mostly restricted to the
subsistence or income. The world's oceans provide a wealth shoreline, while scientific sampling of the abyss was per-
of goods and services. and are used as repositories for our formed by lowering crude sampling devices to the distant
waste products, yield renewable (wind and tidal energy) seabed. This must have been (and remains) an incred-
and non-renewable (oil and gas) forms of energy, provide ibly exciting time. as every sample probably contained an
important bulk transportation routes, provide a source of organism viewed for the first time by human eyes. Explora-
food, yield mined commodities (diamonds, heavy metals), tion of the oceans continues to be an ongoing task, with the
and provide recreational benefits that support important discovery ofa new phylum in the last few decades (Chapter
tourism industries. Technological advances have enabled 1) . Then in the early to mid-twentieth century, ecologists
us to use areas of the oceans that previously were inacces- such as Petersen and Thorson began to consider ecological
sible to humans, and many marine resources are either fully rules that determined the distribution and abundance of
or over-exploited. However. with technical advances. the marine species and communities (Chapters 3, 7,8, and 13).
increase in knowledge and material riches is often accom- This coincided with the early beginnings offisheries science
panied by increased consequences of technical failures, as and concerted efforts to understand the processes affecting
seen in the Gulf of Mexico Deep Horizon blowout in 2010. population variability in fish populations.
Despite our growing use of the oceans and major efforts to
catalogue the diversity and distribution. such as the Cen- The history of marine ecology can be divided into three
sus of Marine Life. much of the marine realm has never main eras: (1) exploration and description; (2) experi-
been viewed by the human eye. Indeed, it is sobering to mental manipulation; (3) integration and application.
think that we probably know more about the surface of the
moon than we do about the marine environment ofour own The second era of marine ecology began in the late
planet. Understanding marine ecological processes and 1960s and early 1970s, when ecologists such as Connell
systems are urgent research priorities if we are to compre- and Paine undertook their seminal research on the effects
hend the ecological effects of human activities that impact of disturbance and competition in ecology. using marine
upon them and more widely on global systems. This under- systems as models fortheir studies (Chapter 6) . Their work
standing is essential to help society find ways of achieving had a pivotal role in the development of general ecologi-
sustainable use of marine resources. Thus marine ecology cal theory, which then springboarded into the more easily
remains an exciting and pivotal subject that has matured studied terrestrial systems. This theme has developed to
into an integrated science that encapsulates biological. the present day, and spawned many manipulative studies
chemical, and physical processes from the microscopic to of the role of predators and grazers in marine systems and
the global scale. long-term studies of food-web dynamics. Technological
advances have enabled us to understand better the pro-
Nearly 40Ofo of the world's population live close to the cesses of primary and microbial production; the advent of
coastline. stable isotope analysis has provided a common means to
assess the trophic status (i.e. top predator. forage species,
The world's oceans are heavily exploited for mineral and detritivore, secondary producer) of species in marine com-
biological resources even though much of the ocean munities from around the world (Chapters 7, 8, and 10) and
remains unexplored. the development of remote sensing methods to describe the
distribution and dynamics of primaryproduetion on global
scales provided unprecedented insights into the ecology

of the global oceans. Novel molecular tools have offered have driven fundamental changes in ecosystem status . An
new insights into the diversity of species complexes that increasingly complex range of contaminants is pouring into
previously were the source of debate amongst taxonomists many coastal waters, and their pernicious sub-lethal effects
(Chapter 1). may cause reduced survival of larval stages and alteration
While we still have a lot to learn about marine ecosys- ofsexual characteristics in adult organisms . The incidences
tem processes, we have entered a new phase (the third era) ofdeoxygenation in coastal waters have increased in recent
in which research has become more urgently focused on years with catastrophic implications for the associated fish-
the ecological ramifications of an ever-increas ing list of eries and aquaculture activities, not to mention degrada-
human impacts (Chapters 13, 14, and 15). This new focus tion of ecosystem fun ctioning, goods, and services (see box
still firmly relies upon ecological theory (Chapters 1, 3, 4, below). The latter provide a clue to the direction of marine
7, 13, and 15) to understand how communities respond to ecology of the future. While there are still many gaps to be
exploitation and disturbance. These impacts occur against filled, the latest exciting advances are being made by stud-
a background of climate change that is occurring at a rate ies that are multidisciplinary, combining oceanography,
faster than previously recorded in our time. Changes in biogeochemistry, and sedime ntology together with marine
water temperature, storm activity, and precipitation are ecology, a trend that is set to continue into the future.
now compounded by the potential of ocean acidification
altering biochemical processes in the ocean. Activities such Human impacts on the marine environment are set
as comme rcial fishing have occurred for hundreds of years, against a background of an increasing rate of global
but have sometimes reached such intensive levels that they climate change.

Ecosystem goods and services from marine ecosystems. Cultural values are ofte n deeply
embedded within human society, as typified by the bless-
The concept of ecosystem goods is fairly easy to grasp ing of the fleet by the local Roman Catholic Bishop in
in tangible economic terms; for example, the value (US$) Provincetown Harbour, New England (inset), where
of fish or other commodi ties extracted or farmed in the a large proportion of the fishing commu nity can trace
ocean. Perhaps less obvious are the values attributed to their roots to Portugal or the Azores. (Photographs: M. J.
the regulat ing functions, such as flood control and coastal Kaiser.)
defence, and the cultural non-material benefits derived

. ,.


Provisioning Regulating Cultural

Products obtained from : Benefi ts obtained from: Non-material benefits obtained from :
ecosystems regulati on of ecosystem processes ecosystems
food climate regulation spirit ual
freshwater disease co ntro l recreational
fuel flood con trol aesthetic
biochemicals detoxification inspirational
genetic reso urces po llinat ion ed ucat ional
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Services necessary for th e pro duct ion of all oth er ecosystem serv ices
Soil form ation
Nutrient cycli ng
Eco log ical processes/fu nctioni ng

These are exciting times, but even the multidisciplinary good example would be the loss of the cultural services that
approach is constrained within the boundaries of' marine sci- occurs when a pristine flora and fauna is degraded (e.g. loss
ence'. This has been the typical approach of scientists , to offe r of w hales from Arctic waters deprives Inuit peoples of the
up our findings to the wider public and governmental bodies, cultural aspect of hunting whales, regardless of the practical
at which point we have fulfilled our duty. This approach is need to acquire food) (see box above) . Different biodivers ity
rapidly being replaced by the realization that marine eco- change scenarios (e.g. habitat fragmentation, contamination,
syste ms have tangible value to society, not only in terms of over-exploitation) are likely to affect processes to a varying
the goods (fis h, aggregate, oil) that are yielded, but also in exte nt, because different kinds of taxa (large or small, pri-
terms of the services that they provide (carbo n sequestration, mary producers or top predators) are lost under the different
coastal defence, waste repositories). Degradation of biodi- scenarios. A good example of the latter is the over-harves ting
versity is thought to reduce the capacity of the ecosyste ms of bottom-dwelling fish and incidental removal of other sea-
to deliver goods and services, thus biodiversity loss has real bed animals (b ent h os) on the Scotian Shelf off Canada. This
economic, societal, and cultural costs for human society. has led to a decoupling of the ecosystem link between water
For example, living m arine syste ms, such as coral reefs and column and seabed processes (b en th o p ela gic coupling)
mangrove forests, provide an important buffer between the and ultimately resulted in a syste m dominated by mid-water
ocean and the land. This role was brought sharply into focus (pela gic) fishes. In addition, specific goods and services may
w ith the 2004 tsunami that struck the Indian Ocean leaving be supported by several different processes , further convolut-
over SOOO dead in Thailand alone, with the exte nt of damage ing their relationship w ith biodivers ity.
often correlating with the exte nt of coastal defence.
While ecosystem goods are reasonably simple concepts
Marine ecology is beginning to break out of traditional to grasp, e.g. the acquisition of food or minerals, the
scientific boundaries and is beginning to interface with cultural value of biodiversity is a more abstract concept.
economics and the social sciences to understand the wider
societal importance of marine biodiversity.

Most experimental m anipulations of biodiversity indicate

Using this book to study marine
some relationship between biodivers ity and ecosystem
processes; however, few have drawn out the links between Marine Eco logy: Processes, Systems, and Imp acts h as been
biodiversity change and the output of goods and services. A written to address the current need to understand the appli-

cation of marine ecology in a marine environment strongly of reading or forgotten by the time it becomes relevant in the
influenced by human activities. The structure of the book text. In Marine Ecology: Processes. Systems, and Impacts, we
reflects the integrated approach to marine ecology that is have integrated the environmental processes at key points
necessary to answer many of today's key marine environ- that are cross-referenced throughout the text. so that their
mental and conservation problems. which form the focus of relevance is immediate and the learning process enhanced.
the last section of the book. The bookis divided into 16 chap- Some of these key processes are reiterated from a slightly
ters arranged in four distinct sections. The opening chapter different perspective or even repeated in a number of chap-
deals with the processes that affect patterns at a variety of ters so that learning is reinforced. Key words and concepts
spatial and temporal scales, diversity. community organi- are highlighted in bold throughout the text to aid learning
zation, and structuring processes. and provides a palaeo- and revision. In addition to the definitions and explanations
ecological perspective on present-day marine systems. As a given in the text. an excellent online glossary of important
marine ecologist, it is important to have a grasp of the rel- marine biological terms can be found at the website of the
evant time-scales that impact upon the systems in which we Marine Life Information Network for Britain and Ireland
work. While much of the ecology we encounter deals with (MARLIN; see for more information) .
either instantaneous or relatively short-term (1-3 years in Boxes are used to expand specific points, and offer interest-
duration) processes. evolutionary ecologists think in terms ing examples and case studies that illuminate the concepts
of thousands to millions of years. Some environments. such being introduced. In this second edition we have highlighted
as the deep sea, have remained relatively stable on an evolu- in each chapter key techniques that are important to the
tionary time-scale. whereas coastal and shelf habitats have contemporary marine ecologist and current focus boxes
experienced far more frequent changes. This dynamic flux that we feel are likely to be of major interest in coming years.
in the near coastal habitat is brought into focus by present- Finally, we have provided a short list offurther reading, try-
day findings, at sites currently 40 m beneath the sea to the ing wherever possible to recommend widely accessible lit-
west of Florida in the Gulf of Mexico, of human artefacts erature and have provided a list of websites that will enable
and animal bones from the early Holocene with evidence of you to learn more about specific subjects or disciplines. Full
butcher cuts and other implement shaping. citations for all references given in the chapters can be found
Processes contains three chapters that address the fun- at the end of the book.
damental global processes of primary and microbial pro- Marine ecology is a highly relevant and challenging sub-
duction that fuel marine systems and the ecology of the ject that is fascinating to amateur. student. and professional
organisms responsible. Chapter two describes primary pro- alike. We hope that students using this textbook will gain a
cesses. while Chapter three has been revised extensively to real feeling for the excitement of marine ecology as a sub-
better convey its biological context. These two chapters lead ject of interest, a hobby, and a potential career.
into a new chapter that deals with secondary production. Michel Kaiser
Systems then addresses in more detail estuaries. rocky and
sandy shores, the pelagic environment. continental shelf Online Resource Centre
seabed. the deep sea, mangroves. and seagrass meadows,
Marine Ecology: Processes, Systems, and Impacts is supported
coral reefs. and polar seas. Impacts tackles some ofthe most
by an Online Resource Centre, which holds various supple-
pressing environmental issues relevant to the marine envi-
mentary materials for students and registered adopters,
ronment that span the systems described beforehand, with
including figures from the book available to download,
chapters on fisheries. aquaculture. disturbance, pollution,
videos, and a web link library including all the URLs cited
and climate change. and finally marine conservation. The
in the book. Visit:
penultimate chapter also includes a consideration of the
experimental approach needed to determine the effects of
human impacts and deals with common pitfalls made by stu-
dents undertaking field and laboratory projects.
New to this Edition
This second edition has been revised extensively This 2nd edition has been revised by 30%, including an
throughout and the feedback from users of the first edition entirely new chapter on secondary production. Two new
has helped us identify new areas for inclusion. As requested, authors have been added to the team, and all chapters
we have supplemented the online supporting materials with have been updated to include key works, issues, and topics
worked examples (e .g. how to calculate secondary produc- published since 2005 . Coverage of socioeconomic issues
tion) and advice on improving exam performance. and climate change has been enhanced in this edition and
Other textbooks have traditionally dealt with key physi- two new box types-Current Focus and Techniques-have
cal and chemical environmental processes as a discrete unit, been introduced to highlight important issues facing ecolo-
usually towards the beginning of the book. This section can gists today and showcase contemporary research methods.
be overlooked or its importance not appreciated at the time respectively.

As with any large project, this book could only be brought to quin, NASA, Simon Neill, NOM, Ylva Olsen, Stathys Papad-
fruition with the help and goodwill of many others. imitriou, James Perrins, Lasse Pettersson, Jarone Pinhassi,
The authors thank the following for their collaboration Lubas Polerecky, Joao Quaresma, Ivor Rees, Marcus Reck-
and help with the reproduction of illustrative materials: ermann, David Roberts, Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa, Craig
Alice Alldredge, Ann-Margret Amui-Vedel, Kirsty Ander- Rose, Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, George
son, Emmanuel Arand, Peter Auster, Phillip Assay, Tim Russell, SAHFOS, Bill Sanderson, Ricardo Serrao Santos,
Atack, Riitta Autio, Nick Baker, Ole Johan Brett, Gen Broad, Sedgewick Geology Museum Cambridge University, Sig-
Tracey Bryant, Andrew Butko, Blaise Bullimore, S. C. Cary, rid Schiel, Shedd Aquarium, Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation
Patrice Ceisel, Chelsea Instruments, Kris Chmielewski, for Ocean Science, Mariano Sironi, Smithsonian Institute,
David Clausen, Joey Comiso, Finlo Cottier, John O. Dabiri, Wayne P. Sousa, South Australian Research and Develop-
Paul Dando, Bruno Danis, Meg Daly, Gerhard Dieckmann, ment Institute, Michael Stachowitsch, Kare Telnes, The
Beatriz Diez, Emily Downes, Nick Dulvy, Kurt Fedra, Kevin Hawaii Ocean Time Series Programme, Toru Takita, Jim
Fitzsimmons, Sarah Foster, Peter Fretwell, Jo Gasgoigne, Treasurer, Andreas Trepte, Paul Tucker, Tuna Boat Own-
David Gillikin, Brett Glencross, Ronnie Glud, Charles ers of South Australia!Australia and Fishing Management
Greenlaw, Sonnke Grossmann, Julian Gutt, Jason Hall- Authority, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Katrien van Lan-
Spencer, Christian Hamm, Heinz Walz GmbH, IFREMER, deghem, Dolors Vaque, AnoukVerheyden, Amanda Vincent
Joachim Henjes, Hilmar Hinz, Keith Hiscock, Rohan Holt, (Project Seahorse), Janet Voight, Stephen C Votier, Tom
James Hrynyshyn, Atsushi Ishirnatsu, Emma Jackson, Greg Webb, WHO! Graphics, Alan D. Wilson, Keith Wilson, Rory
Jenkins, David Samuel Johnson, Matt Johnson, Mandy Wilson, Matthew Witt, Richard Woodcock, Boris Worm,
Joye, Johanna Junback, Paul Kay, Gunter Kirst, Christo- Jeremy Young, Kakani Katija Young. The opening quote is
pher Krembs, Christoph Kuhne, HaITi Kuosa, Ruben Lara, from an article by Professor G.E. Fogg who died in 2005.
Chris Leakey, Eva Leu, Lewis LeVay, Alan Longhurst, Ian The authors are grateful to the family of Professor Fogg for
Lucas, Ian Macintyre, Michal Mafias, Sophie McCully, lain permission to reproduce his thoughts that remain as rel-
McGaw, Jan Michels, Peter Miller, Craig Mills, Daniel Mos- evant as ever.
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Outline Contents

1 Patterns in the Marine Environment 1


2 Primary Production Processes 33

3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition
of Organic Material 89
4 Secondary Production 126


5 Estuaries 143
6 Rocky and Sandy Shores 172
7 Pelagic Ecosystems 194
8 Continental Shelf Seabed 217
9 The Deep Sea 251
10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows 277
11 Coral Reefs 305
12 Polar Regions 325


13 Fisheries 357
14 Aquaculture 377
15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change 401
16 Conservation 429

References 450
Weblinks 485
Index 489
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Detailed Contents

1 Patterns in the Marine Environment I

1.1 Introduction I
1.2 Biogeography 9
1.3 Biodiversity 15
1.4 Abundance and size 23
Further reading 29

2 Primary Production Processes 33
2.1 Introduction 33
2.2 Photosynthesis 36
2.3 Respiration 42
2.4 Heterotrophic metabolism 43
2.5 Light in water 44
2.6 Light and photosynthesis 46
2.7 Supply of inorganic nutrients 49
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth 53
2.9 Algal growth 64
2.10 Seasonal trends in primary production 69
2.11 Global trend in primary production 69
2.12 Primary production in seaweeds 76
2.13 Measurement of primary production 78
Further reading 87
3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic
Material 89
3.1 Introduction 89
3.2 The microbial powerhouse 89
3.3 The ecological context in which the marine microbes are embedded 91
3.4 The decomposition process 93
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs 97
3.6 The dynamics of bacterial growth and its measurement 115
3.7 The seasonal cycle of production and consumption 118
3.8 Oceanic microbes in global carbon and nutrient cycles 123
Further reading 125
4 Secondary Production 126
4.1 Introduction 126
4.2 Measuring secondary production 129
4.3 Drivers of secondary production 134
4.4 Size structuring in marine food-webs 136
Detailed Contents

4.5 Human impacts on secondary production 136

Further reading 140

5 Estuaries 143
5.1 Introduction 143
5.2 Estuarine organisms 151
5.3 Productivity and food webs 159
5.4 Diversity patterns in estuaries 165
5.5 Other 'brackish-water' systems 168
Further reading 171
6 Rocky and Sandy Shores 172
6.1 Introduction 172
6.2 What is the shore? 173
6.3 Environmental gradients and the shore 174
6.4 Causes of zonation 179
6.5 The organization of shore communities 181
6.6 The shore network 190
6.7 The future of rocky and sandy shores 192
Further reading 193
7 Pelagic Ecosystems 194
7.1 Introduction 194
7.2 Definitions and environmental features 195
7.3 Pelagic inhabitants: consequences of size 198
7.4 Temporal and spatial variability in pelagic ecosystems 200
7.5 Sampling the open ocean 208
7.6 Pelagic fisheries 212
7.7 Regime shifts in pelagic marine ecosystems 213
7.8 The future for pelagic marine ecosystems 214
Further reading 216
8 Continental Shelf Seabed 217
8.1 Introduction 217
8.2 Definitions and environmental features 218
8.3 The seabed habitat and biota 224
8.4 Functional roles of the biota 231
8.5 Food webs in shelf systems 235
8.6 Characterization of seabed communities 239
8.7 Specific habitats 241
Further reading 250
9 The Deep Sea 251
9.1 Introduction 251
9.2 Definitions and environmental features 252
Detailed Contents
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9.3 Food supply to the deep sea 260

9.4 The organisms of the deep sea 263
9.5 Hydrothermal vents - islands in the deep sea 271
Further reading 275
10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows 277
10.1 Introduction 277
10.2 Mangrove forests 278
10.3 Seagrass meadows 290
Further reading 304
11 Coral Reefs 305
11.1 Introduction 305
11.2 Reef development and distribution 305
11.3 Corals and coral communities 309
11.4 Coral reef productivity and food chains 311
11.5 Reef fauna 313
11.6 Threats to coral reefs 314
11.7 Reef growth and bioerosion 318
11.8 Dynamics of reef animals 320
11.9 Reefs and human society 322
Further reading 323
12 Polar Regions 325
12.1 Introduction 325
12.2 What is pack ice? 329
12.3 Arctic vs Antarctic pack ice 331
12.4 Life in a block of ice 332
12.5 Sea-ice edges 337
12.6 Polar benthos 341
12.7 Polar bentho-pelagic coupling 343
12.8 Endemism in polar benthos 343
12.9 Gigantism in polar waters 344
12.10 Birds and mammals 345
Further reading 352

13 Fisheries 357
13.1 Introduction 357
13.2 Global fisheries 357
13.3 Fish production 361
13.4 Fished species and their fisheries 361
13.5 Fish population biology 362
13.6 Fishing methods 363
13.7 Fish stock assessment 366
13.8 The management process 368
13.9 Environmental impacts of fishing 370
Detailed Contents

13.10 Ecosystem-based fishery management 375

13.11 The future of fisheries 376
Further reading 376

14 Aquaculture 377
14.1 Introduction 377
14.2 Aquaculture past and present 378
14.3 How do we produce food from the sea? 381
14.4 What is cultivated and where? 383
14.5 Food requirements and constraints 385
14.6 The role of biotechnology 386
14.7 Negative effects of biotechnology 386
14.8 Cultivation systems 387
14.9 Cultivation of fish in cages 387
14.10 Cage cultivation: a lousy system? 389
14.11 Breaking away from the coastal margin 391
14.12 Shrimp cultivation: the gold rush 393
14.13 Shrimp farming and mangroves 394
14.14 Cultivation of molluscs 395
14.15 Ranching at sea 397
14.16 A conservation role for aquaculture? 398
Further reading 400

15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change 401

15.1 Introduction 401
15.2 Ecological role of disturbance 402
15.3 Measuring the effects of human activities 406
15.4 Agents of change 413
15.5 Climate change 421
15.6 Interaction of multiple factors 426
Further reading 428

16 Conservation 429
16.1 Introduction 429
16.2 Why conserve? 431
16.3 What to conserve 432
16.4 Economics of conservation 435
16.5 Conservation policy and legislation 439
16.6 Conservation in action 442
16.7 Evidence-based conservation 447
16.8 Life-cycle analysis 448
16.9 The future 448
Further reading 449

References 450
Weblinks 485
Index 489
Patterns in the Marine

Chapter Summary and from millions of years ago to th e present day. Pat-
Most space for li fe on Earth is in the vast oceans and seas. terns occur in species' richness, abundance, ancientness, or
Li fe began in the oceans and remained confined to thi s size, all of w hich are indicators of powerful changes o n th e
environment for hund reds of mi llions of years. Most maj or planet surfac e in t ime and space. Oceans have wid ened or
gro ups (ph yla) of animals never left it. The wid e expanse been co mpressed, risen and fallen , heated and cool ed, and
of th e oceanscape changes dramati cally, from und ersea remain dyna mic places; most will have changed drastically
mountain ranges to sedi ment plains and coral reefs, to for- in j ust the lifes pan of the reader of this book. Examining
ests of kelp. Pattern s of organisms, so obvious at th e shore, som e of the maj or pattern s in organisms and their bio logy
are also evide nt from the po les to the trop ics, from coasts gives a strong insight into the processes that determine
to ocean cent res, from th e shallows to the deep abyss, success and evol uti on of li fe on Earth.

1.1 Introduction the vast majority (c.99%) of the Earth's habitat is marine,
where most major types of animal (phyla) have evolved
Humans are a land-living species and consequently most and continue to live exclusively. Most of the vast water
familiar w it h the terrestrial environme nt, yet the Earth is a column and seabed (ben thic) habitat remain unobserved
blue planet and the oceans cover > 70% of its surface . Close by human eyes. The first biological samples were only col-
to the continents this aquatic ecosystem takes the form of lected from the continental shelf of the Amundsen Sea
shallow seas just a few hundred metres deep known as the (whic h spans 40 longitude- equivalent to the Med iter-
continental shelf. However, around Antarctica the mass ranean) in 2008. New species are still routinely found in
of the huge (3-km thick) icecap has depressed the shelf to deep-sea samples and even some of the larger animals on
be as deep as 1000 m in places. Most of the oceanic habitat Eart h which live there, megamouth sharks and giant squid,
(and 51% of the earth's surface) is nearly 4000 m deep. have only recently been seen alive in their natural habitat.
This three-dimensional environme nt is populated through-
out its depth by many organisms. The steep rises up to the Our impoverished knowledge of the ocean 's inhabitants
continental shelf contrast with the large sedime nt-covered is emphasized by the fact that it is not just new species
basins that span tens of thousands of square kilome tres, that are described , but that even some of those that are
broken only by the undersea mountain ranges of mid- high-profile and common , such as the crown-of-thorns
ocean ridges. At these locations oceanic crust is formed starfish, now appear to be several species (like giraffes
and gradually moves outwards, pushing continents apart, on land). Furthermore, entirely new classes or phyla (the
and eventually disappears down beneath continental crust, highest taxonomic levels of animal types) have been dis-
forming deep oceanic trenches. Considering its volume , covered in just the last couple of decades.
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

across a wide range of scales in time and space, and form

the subject of this first chapter and are themes that reoccur
Box 1.1: A new phylum throughout this book.

In 1995 an entire new phylum of tiny animals, the

Cycliopho ra, was repo rted from a discovery two
1.1.1 Zonation
years earlier. As it is only 350 u rn in size and super- Patterns in the marine environme nt are often beyond our
ficially resembles individuals of several other phyla immediate perception; we cannot always see them. Often,
of small animals (Gastrotricha, Rotifera, and Ento- patterns are only revealed through sampling and subse-
procta) , it could be considered unsurprisi ng that quent interpretation. The number and size of samples col-
such animals are still being discovered. Surprisingly, lected and the type of equipme nt used will have a profound
though, the single species (Symbion pandora) lives effect on what is found. Strong differences in opinion exist
on the mouthparts of Nephrops norvegicus-a very about even the most basic marine biotic patterns, each
common, well studied, and widely consu med species, defined by evidence from a discrete set of samples (see also
ofte n referred to as scampi. S. pandora, or the 'Pan- sampling in Chapter 8) . In many respects, patterns in the
dora', attaches to its host using a sucker and suspen- sea resemble those on land; for example, at a large scale
sion feeds on particles in the water, a small parasitic along grad ients of solar radiation (latitudinal gradients),
male (whose sole purpose seems to be for breedi ng) altitudinal (which in the marine environment is depth, thus
is also shown attached in the picture below. bathymetry), from the coast to ocean/continent centres,
and from young to old areas (e.g. from the mid-Atlantic
Feeding tentodes - - - - ridge (new) to the far eastern or western Atlantic sea-floor
(oldest)) . In the shallowest parts of the sea there are plenty
of places where the type or nature of the organisms changes
over tens of centimetres or metres, which we term zona-
tion (Chapter 6). In warm tropical waters, the type and
dominance of corals changes quickly with depth (Chapter
11). In polar seas the abundance and richness of marine
life alters equally sharply in response to decreasing physi-
cal disturbance by floating icebergs that scour the seabed
(Chapter 12). In certain types of environment, such as estu-
'------ Anached male aries (Chapter 5) , rapid changes in biological constituents
occur along the length of the estuary in response to a suite
of changing environme ntal vari ables; patterns that are
repeated at virtually all latitudes. Zonation is most appar-
ent where the land meets the sea and it is here that it has
'------ Stalk
been studied in most detail (Fig. Zonation is not just
-/--7"----- Sucker driven by tolerance to physical conditions (though this is
most important at the high shore level) . Connell's (1961a,
1961b) wo rk on barnacles demonstrated that interspecific
competition and differential predation pressures strongly
Standing at the edge of a forest looking out over a prai- influence the location where species survive. In temper-
rie, lake, or into the tree canopy, it is easy to see how ate regions across the globe different species and colours
fragmented the land can be. Furthermore, even a simple of algae and lichens indicate the grad ient of immersion on
climb up a mountain can reveal altitudinal changes and, the lower and upper regions of the shore. Shore zonation
though few have experienced it, most people understand is equally apparent in some muddy shores in changing salt-
that polar regions are deserts compared to the generally marsh vegetation or, at tropical latitudes, in mangrove trees
species-rich tropics. In contrast, the water column and wide and their associated fauna. Only towards the polar regions
ocean basins might be envisaged as fairly monotonous, uni- does shore zonation become increasingly constrained and
form ecosystems. However, there are many features that ultimately disappear altogether at very high latitudes (Fig.
punctuate them abruptly or gradually into many different 1.1b). At high polar latitudes (Fig. 1.1c), very few organ-
environme nts . Changes in time, topography, chemis try, isms can survive the constant abrasion by floating ice dur-
and oceanography allow for the development of patterns ing the summe r, coupled with encaseme nt in winter ice
1.1 Introduction
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

as the sea surface freezes . Conversely this phenomenon The littoral zone has gradients of immersion, exposure,
causes zonation in the sublittoral zone as the frequency of shade, roughness (rugosity), topography, and many others.
ice scour (Chapter 12) decreases with depth and distance With such a variety of micro-environmental variation it is
from the shore. easy to understand why the littoral zone is species' rich. Spe-
cies specialize in response to different tolerances. exposure,
In many ways, patterns in the sea resemble those on food, and feeding methods (as well as to other factors), so
land with large-scale gradients in solar radiation , altitude there is potential for many species to co-occur when many
(depth), and geological age. environmental factors interact. Examples of this on a rocky
shore include those species specialized to living on exposed
rock face, in crevices, on the undersides or tops of boulders.
Zonation is driven at the land/sea interface by a com-
overhangs, and in pools. But what about the variability of
bination of physiolog ical tolerance and competition for
conditions away from the seabed, i.e, in the water column?
space and predation pressure. See Chapter 6 for a dia-
In this seemingly uniform environment. many species also
grammatic explanation of different zones in the intertidal
occur in close proximity. Hutchinson (1961) referred to this
and near-shore zone.
as the 'paradox of the plankton' (see Current Focus box in

40 50 60 70
Latitude "S


Figure 1.1 Shore zonation. (a) Bands of barnacles, algae, and mussels in Tierra del Fuego (54°5), southern Argentina.
(b) Intensity of zonation in relation to latitude and the position of t he Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ). Diagram is a schematic
suggesting manner of change of intensity of zonation based on strength of littoral macrobiota patterns at sites at
latitudes ind icated by (1) Tristan da Cunha, (2) Gough Island, (3) Prince Edward Archipelago, (4) Falkland Islands, (S)
South Georgia, (6) Signy Island, (7) South Sandwich archipelago, (8) Haswell Island, (9) Adelaide Island, (10) Vestfold
Hills, (1 1) McMurdo Sound. (Sa) Is Tierra del Fuego, which is actually north of the PFZ. Adapted from Barnes &
Brockington (2003). (c) A denuded polar shore (Adelaide Island).
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

1.1.2 Oceanography
Box 1.2: Determinants of zonation
patterns On a larger scale the water column has a strong pattern of
zonation that occurs across its full depth range. similar to
Sessile, arm o ured, ci rri ped crustaceans (com monly that found in the littoral zone. Most importantly, in the top
known as barnacles) are very abun dant and are even few to 200 metres of the water column there is enough light
the dom inant organisms on hard surfaces on temper- (during the day) fo r primary producers to photosynthesize,
ate rocky shores. Connell (19 61 a) studied the dis- termed the euphotic zone (Chapters 2 and 7) . As a result,
tribut ion of one speci es (Chtham alu5 stellatus (see the top 100- 200 m of open ocean water and 1-50 m of
fig ure, below left), w hich occu rs in a dist inct vertical coastal water is a very different environment to that found
zone. Relative to most other marine organisms in the below. Of course, even w ithin the euphotic zone there is
littoral, this zone is high up, so C. stellatus ind ividu- a strong gradient of light intensity and wavelength with
als have to wit hstand high ly variable temperat ures, depth. Beyond a depth of 1000 m (most ofthe world's ocean
dessicati on, and longe r periods wi t hou t foo d. This volume) the ocean is effectively lightless, wit h a few small-
zone is not , however, of th eir choosing. C. stellatus scale exceptions, such as the bioluminescence produced by
larv ae settle cons iderably be low (and even above) bacteria found in the light organs of deep-sea biota. Light
this level on t he shore. Other factors, principally com - striking the surface of the marine environment also imparts
petition w ith oth er organisms, such as the barnacle heat. thus the surface layers are the warmest and hence
Semibalanus balanoides (below right) , red uce the have lower density than the cold water beneath. Globally
surv ival of recruits on t he lower shore to near zero. the temperature of deep water is relatively uniform at just
The more heavily armoured plates of S. balanoides a few degrees Celsius, in contrast with shallower water
crush C. stellatus individ uals w hen space becomes temperatures that fluctuate w ith latitude and season. In
limit ing. The compet itors (and many of the preda- the polar regions, surface water is near freezing point at
tors) of C. stellatus fi nd the harsh con ditions hig her - 1.8So C in the winter, and just positive in summer. How-
up on t he shore too d ifficult to endure so only at this ever, the water in polar regions is well mixed, as dense cold
level can C. stellatus prosper. water sinks and wave height and wind speed are greatest at
a latitude of 50- 60" (Fig. 1.2). Moving away from the polar
regions, wit h a few exceptions, such as regions of upwell-
ing, the global ocean is stratified into a warm upper layer, a
rapidly cooling zone. and a lower cold zone. The n ature of
thermoclines ch anges from place to place but in general
the thermoclines in the tropics are more than 10°C warmer
than those in temperate regions, and they are permanent
rather than seasonal. Such stratification is important as
organisms require nutrients and minerals, as well as light
and respiratory gases. Thus away from permanently mixed
areas, such as polar seas or upwelling zones, the surface
layers of the sea also have strong changes in molecules used
Chapter 7). The plankton contains many permanent repre- or produced by organ isms, such as nitrates. Locally other
sentatives, but also many transient constituents, such as the gradients, e.g. haloclines (salin ity) or pycnoclines (dens-
larvae of seabed animals (b ent h os) . Larvae of individual ity), may also stratify water layers. The salinity of seawater
species may diffe r in their time of release. residence time in is typically about 35 psu . Generally, changes in salinity that
the plankton, whet her they are feeding (p la nktotroph ic) , occur with eit her latitude or longitude across oceans are
or have their own yolk sacs (lecithotrophic), and behav- small, but are a little greater in the tropics (due to increased
iour. The water column, like the land and seabed, has many evapora tion of surface water) and lower close to continents
sh arply changing physical features that effectively form and in the Arctic due to the influence of greater fresh water
environmental barriers that constrain the organisms that run-off (Chapter 5).
live there (Chapters 2, 3, and 7) .

Benthic organisms are those that live in , on , or are

anchored to the seabed , whereas those that move freely
in the water column are known as pelagic organisms.
1.1 Introduction

Thermoclines are a vertical zone of rapid temperature

change in t he water column . Haloclines occur where two Table 1.1 Example of changes in the marine
water masses of different salinity interact, e.g. in an estu- environment wit h time-scale.
ary or towards the head of a fjord , where freshwater
meets seawater. Both changes in salinity and tempera-
ture will affect water density. Time-scale Feature

Hours High to low tides

psu-practical salinity units (see 5.1.4.).
Days Spring to neap tides
There are many features that partition the ocean environ- Months Seasonal temperature/ salinity/
ment, and the positions of continents, islands, and sub- currents
surface marine mountain chains form obvious physical
Years EI Nino Southern Oscillation
barriers. In the open ocean, differences in water density,
currents, and fronts provide the conditions that lead to dis- Decades Climate warming, ice sheet retreat
tinct water m asses. Centuries to Ice ages, Milankovitch cycles,
millennia sea-level fluctuations, sea floo r
See Chapter 9 to understand more about the physical spreading
and biological processes around sea mounts and Chap-
ter 7 to understand how fronts form in the ocean .

Although current d irection and velocity of water m asses II

and patterns of wind across the globe are complex, there Atlantic
are general large-scale patterns th at occur, m ost obviously 0 Podfic
• lrdlun
in water flow. Most deep (seabed) water is derived from
the Southern Ocean . Cooled dense w ater (termed Antarc- -

• Mean global

tic Bottom Water, AABW) sinks in the Southern Ocean and

flows away from Ant arctica, well into t he northern hemi- -- ,

sphere abyssal regions. There m ay be seve ral curren ts
that occur at diffe rent depths betwee n the deep AABW
'. c

a nd surface water. For example , cool north ern water


flows sout hwards in the mid-region of the water colum n 5

in the Atlantic. At the sea surface, the world's oceans are 700 N 5~N 300 N lOoN ,., W5 70°$

dom inated by a series of gyres rotating clockwise in the Latitude(degre&s)

northern hemisphere and ant iclockw ise in the southern 5r.:-:-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----,
hemisphere. Where these meet in the equ atorial region,
strong curren ts flowin g westwa rds occur (as well as
smaller countercurrents flowing eas twards). The current
system of t he Southern Ocea n is dom inated by the circum -
polar curre nt, wh ich flows around the continent in a clock-
w ise direction. This is bot h the fastest m ajor curre nt in the t
world (flowing at 10 em s') and the only one that spans -a
the entire water column from surface to the abyssal seabed •


(5 km down) . Surface currents are particularly important J!
in mixing the water layers, which is a powerful agent t hat
counters stratification, at least in the sh allower layers of
the water column . As well as these large- and small-scale Latitude(degre&s)

spat ial variations, the m arine environm ent changes over a Figure 1.2 The di stribution of mean wind speed and
variety of time-scales (Ta ble 1.1 ). wave action in the marine environment with ocean basin
and latitude. Plotted from data from Bentamy et al. 1996.
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

Surface currents are particularly important in mixing 20 , -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---,

the water layers due to the frictional stress that occurs
between two moving bodies of water (also see Chapter
8 to understand laminar flow and boundary layer effects
of flow at the seabed and how this affects biology).

1.1.3 Climate
--,\0 -40 - 20 0
There is now much concern about accelerating climate Millions of yeors ogo
change and the extent to which human activities are linked
to this phenomenon (Chapter 14). The climate ofthe Earth, Figure 1.3 Sea temperature change with time in the
however, has been in a state of constant change; only the Southern Ocean (Adapted from Clarke et al. 1992).
magnitude of the rate of change has varied with time (Fig.
1.3) . The most familiar environmental variable associated
with climate is temperature. While air or land temperatures The effects of sea-level rise inevitably mean that near-
fluctuate more dramatically, sea surface temperature (SSn shore communit ies and continental-shelf comm unities
changes are more subtle due to the huge volume and high are the most recently establ ished when measured in
latent heat of water, which give it a strong buffering effect. geological time-scales.

It is important to understand what a change in t he rate of Strong signals of climate change have been found in the
change means. The following is illust rat ive only: if global last century, particularly from 1916 to 1945 and from
ocean temperatures were increasing at a rate of 0.1 °C 1976 to the present. Earth's mean surface air tempera-
every 10 years then th is is a constant rate of change; ture has increased by 0.6°C in a century. but some regions.
however, if global ocean temperature changed O.1 °C from such as the Arctic and west Antarctic air and soil tempera-
year 1-10 and then 0.2°C from year 11-20, this is an tures. have warmed more than this in a decade (Walther
increasing mag nitude of rate of change. In other words et al. 2002) . Most recently, significant climate-related sea
the world ocean would be heating up faste r and faster. temperature increases have been measured in the Scotia
and Bellingshausen seas of West Antarctica (Chapter 12) .
When global temperatures are high, sea-levels rise through There have. however, been drastic and rapid changes in
thermal expansion and the melting of ice. There is great the Earth's surface temperature before. even in the sea.
connectivity between many environmental variables, such These changes occurred in response to massive methane
that when SSTs rise. other environmental parameters clathrate releases from below the seabed, major volcanic
change concomitantly. For example. warmer water is able events. and after meteorite collisions (such as that near
to hold less gas and hence the oxygen needed for respira- the Yucatan at the end of the Cretaceous period) (see Box
tion (Chapter 14) . At present. icecaps occur over the two 1.3) . Other prominent aspects of recent climate change
polar regions. which is a relatively unusual condition in have included increasing CO2 levels and changes in strato-
palaeontological time-scales. Ice area expansions occur spheric ozone thickness. The first of these is strongly
every winter (the geographical extent, but not the volume, related to temperature changes through heat trapping and
of Antarctic sea ice doubles from summer to winter) . On a is referred to as 'the greenhouse effect'. Seasonal thinning
very much larger scale, each ice age spreads the icecap to of the upper atmosphere ozone (ozone holes) permits
lower latitudes from the poles, then retreats in interglacial increased penetration of the ultraviolet wavelengths of
periods. The rise and fall of sea-level has clear and impor- light with their potential damaging effects to organisms.
tant implications forthe marine habitat (Fig. 1.4) : the shal- UV penetration of water is limited to just a few metres of
low sloping continental shelf is one of the most important the sea surface. so although potentially a serious issue in
habitats formost organisms with 90%ofthe World's marine terrestrial, littoral, and very shallow aquatic habitats. it
primary production (Jennings & Kaiser 1998) . The extent does not affect the majority of the volume of the global
of the continental shelf changes considerably with just a ocean environment. Aside from a strong signal of season-
50 m change in mean global sea-level (Chapters 5 and 8) . ality in the oceans and climate change. there are various
Changes in ice extent, which occur simultaneously with other longer term but cyclical events such as Milankovitch
those in sea-level, are also important. literally scraping cycles (which concern solar activity. such as solar flares)
away entire habitats and thereby open up new space for and the El Niiio Southern Oscillation (ENSO) . ENSO has
colonists. been the subject of considerable scientific discussion after
1.1 Introduction

150 ~~ <:
m 100
r\JV'V\JI y,v
65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 o


Figure 1.4 Sea level change with time. Global sea level change from the Mesozoic to present (a) and the coastline of
NW Europe (b) and Australasia (c) c.18 thousand years ago (in light green) and now (in dark green).

major events in 1972, 1982/1 983, and the early 1990s. An

ENSO event centres around raised equatorial Pacific sea Box 1.3: Methane clathrate
surface temperatures, raised coastal rainfall, and flood-
ing in the western Americas but is also associated with Methane clathrate is a type of ice that has met hane
knock-on global climatic anomalies. One example of such (CH 3 ) bound wi thin its crystalli ne struct ure. Build-
an anomaly is the weakening of ocean cu rrents such as ups of this hydrate are probably created by gases
the Gulf Stream (which takes warm water to north-west- moving along geological fault lines where they crys-
ern Eu ro pe) , resulting in colder climatic cond iti ons and tallize on mixi ng wi th col d water. Methane clathrate
changes in rainfall patterns. The phenomenon of ENSO has long been thought to be common in the outer
has be en recorded for more than a hundred ye ars and dis- solar system but more recent ly it has been discov-
crete events h ave been traced back ne arly 500 years. ENSO ered in considerable quantities below some oceanic
a nd ot her ele men ts of climate change, as well as physi- sediments. This is importantfor several reasons: first,
cal and chem ical oceanography, h ave a strong influence it is a maj or source of fossil fuel (maybe > 9 0 % of
on the magnitude of productivity in the oceans (below) . nat ural gas reserves) and, second, release of overly-
This has consequences for higher predators, such as fish, ing pressure on these deposi ts could result in large-
mamm als, and seabirds, as well as fisheries (Grant ham et scale discharges of methane through the ocean into
al. 2004). the at mosphere. Such releases are thought to have
occurred rapidly, on various occasions and may have
been responsible fo r sudd en clim ate w arming. For
Although the penetration of UV light affects only the
example, some of t he rapid increases in the tem pera-
upper few metres of seawater, it has the potential to
ture of the Southern Ocean (Fig. 1.3) seem li kely
adversely affect fish larvae and other biota that form
to be caused by methane clathrate chang ing from
the shallow nekton and neuston (i.e. those animals that
storage in ice crystals to atmospheric gas and then
live at the sea/air interface, such as the Portuguese Man
having a profound effect as a greenho use gas.
o'War (Physalia physalis)).
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

1.1.4 Productivity smaller cells (see Chapters 2 and 3) . In tropical coral reef
systems much of the primary productivity is associated
Unlike on land, true plants generate little of global marine with microscopic algae that occur as symbionts within
production (except in intertidal saltmarshes, seagrass the tissues of animals, such as corals (Chapter 11) . Pri-
meadows, and mangrove swamps) . In cool, shallow, mary productivity in the marine environment varies over
coastal waters, macroalgae such as subtidal kelps, or inter- several orders of magnitude from grams of carbon rrr? d?
tidal green, brown, and red macroalgae, are highly pro- to just tens of mg carbon m-2 do' . Total annual global phy-
ductive and can grow rapidly (Fig . 1.5). The productivity toplankton primary productivity is patchy in space but is
of the sea mostly depends on microscopic free-living, sin- typically highest around continental shelves and lowest
gle-celled algae collectively referred to as phytoplankton in the centre of ocean gyres (Fig. 1.6) (Chapter 2). Sec-
(see Chapter 2) . Although phytoplankton are individual ondary production (mainly by zooplankton Fig. 1.5) is
(or aggregations of) single cells, they vary in size from linked directly to phytoplankton production though often
large (200-20 11m diameter), diatoms (microplankton) to appears to have a higher biomass because the turnover of
tiny (2-D.2I1m diameter) bacteria (picop la n kt on) or even primary productivity is 50 rapid.

Figure 1.5 Macro- and micro-phytoplankton and zooplankton. Examples of macro-primary producers are subtidal kelp
(a), intertidal red and brown macrophytes (b), and a seagrass meadow (c). Examples of micro-primary producers are a
diatom (Coconeis) (d), a silico-flagellate (e), and a radiolarian (t). Foraminiferans are protoctist (protist) micro-consumers
(g). Examples of zooplankton (h) include a jellyfish, a polychaete worm, a euphausid crustacean, and a ctenophore
(comb jelly), and various invertebrate larvae (i). Photographs: (a, b, and c) David Barnes, (d and e) Sandra Wilks, British
Antarctic Survey, (I) Claire Allen, British Antarctic Survey, (g) Mark Williams, (h) Simon Brockington, (i) David Bowden.
1.2 Biogeography
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

_ > 500 _ _ 1250-500 1_ _1100-250 __ I <100

Figure 1.6 Patterns of annual phytoplankton productivity in the global oceanic environment expressed as 9
cm-2 year" (adapted from Barnes & Hughes 1999).

explain the patterns of organism groups on large scales

Turnover describes the process whereby cells are eaten
(Brown 1995) . Biogeography is the science of geographi-
or die almost as quickly as new ones are produced.
cal and historical relationships between and among differ-
The rate of primary production varies along gradients of ent organisms (taxa), and is a natural starting point for the
light and nutrient availability. As a result, productivity var- examination of large-scale patterns in the marine environ-
ies across the tropics, temperate, and polar regions, with ment. Later chapters consider patterns and processes that
depth, with the proximity to the coast, and to other features occur in specific systems.
such as upwellings. Pelagic productivity is typically more
than an order ofmagnitude lower than for benthic systems.
The majority of benthic production is, however, restricted 1.2 Biogeography
to only a tiny proportion of the global marine environment
on the continental shelf (Chapter 8). The lowest levels of Biogeography explores the distribution of species, how
total annual productivity are concentrated around the cen- groupings of such species form distinct ecosystems, and
tre of oceanic gyres such as the Pacific Ocean basins north their geographical limits. Individual species (and in some
and south of the equator. Seasonally, high productivity is cases higher taxa) each occur across a certain geographic
associated with much of the shallow polar or high-temper- range. Under experimental conditions. many species can
ate coastline and high annual productivity is particularly endure environmental conditions (e.g. temperature. salin-
notable across the tropics of much of the coastal Indo-West ity, sedimentation. and pressure) far in excess of the con-
Pacific. Patterns of high and low productivity have a largely ditions in which their populations naturally are found .
predictable distribution and are likely to be a major cause There are many reasons why species are not found across
in the way other marine organisms are arranged globally. the entire range of their physiological tolerance. At the
The process of primary production is dealt with in detail in edge of their geographical range. species are much more
Chapters 2 and 3. susceptible to local extinctions that occur with changing
environmental conditions. hence the presence of a species
Patterns of high and low productivity have a largely pre- along a gradient may simply reflect the time since the last
dictable distribution and are likely to be a major cause in local extinction event. At a larger scale, there is evidence
the way other marine organisms are arranged globally. in some groups of animals that the geographic ranges of
species alter along major gradients. and ultimately influ-
This first chapter examines large-scale patterns in the dis- ence biodiversity (Box 1.4). Species and higher taxa tend
tribution of marine organisms. The emerging discipline to form characteristic groupings by regions around the
of macro-ecology has grown to quantify. analyse, and globe, as well as in particular habitats. The major theme
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

of biogeography has been to identify and characterize the (ships and autonomous underwater vehicles), and analysis
geographic groupings of species and the biogeochemical of high-quality oceanographic data (Coastal Zone Colour
conditions that make them differ (Longhurst 2006) . Key to Scanner, CZCS) from the NIMBUS satellite have revolution-
the advancement of biogeography h as been the application ized our understanding of ocean surface biogeochemistry.
of molecular genetics to elucidate genetic variability and In terms of marine climate, the global m arine enviro nment
relationships in space (see Technique application). has been cons idered to consist of three broad domains:
polar, temperate, and tropical. In contrast, the early zoolo-
At the edge of their geographical range , species are gists divided the globe into six broad realms in terms of their
much more susceptible to local extinctions that occur fauna: Nearctic (North America) and the sim ilar Palearctic
with changing environmental conditions. (most of Euras ia and Northwest Africa ), Neotropical (Cen-
tral and South America) , Ethiopian (Africa), Oriental, and
Biogeography has been of interest to both terrestrial and Australian . Boundaries and subdivisions have gone through
marine biologists for more than a century, since early bota- many subsequent refinements. Although designed around
nists began to match vegetation structures to regional cli- terrestrial biology, theories of island biogeography repre-
mate types. A succession of pioneering botanists classified sent a good introduction to many of the important factors
groupings of vegetation structures by climate into a series that determine the distributions of organisms.
of life zones, biomes, or eco-regions according to environ-
mental characteristics such as precipitation, temperature,
and humidity. Similar advances were not easy in the m arine
1.2.1 Island biogeography
environment whe re mismatches in different as pects of bio- The global terrestrial enviro nment is formed of a series
geograph ic knowledge occurred, even in the most acces- of islands that vary in size, age, isolation, nature, and his-
sible systems. In the last few decades, underwater scientific tory. The fauna of islands reflects these factors. The larger,
instrumentation, advances in marine sampling platforms older, and closer to a continent an island is, the greater the

Box 1.4: Variability in latitudinal ranges of North American

gastropod mollusc species
Each species occurs across a certain range of latitude (see figu re). Roy et al. (1998) compared the number of gas-
tropod species with latitude along the Pacific (blue line) and Atlantic (red li ne) coasts of North America (i nsert plot) .
They then investigated whether these species' richness patterns could be explained by species at lower latitude having
narrower latitudi nal ranges (Rapoport's rule). They found, however, no obvious link and, furthermore, latitudinal ranges
of many trop ical gastropod molluscs were higher than those at high latitudes. Roy et al.'s (1998) study was the most
serious test of Rapoport's rule and one of the strongest data sets for latitudinal ranges of species for any marine group.


60 ••



= 50 -
0: 400



- 40
ON ION 20N 30N 40N SON
latitude (degrees)




ON 10N 20 N JO N 40 N Sll N 60 N 70 N 80 N
Latitude Idegrees)
1.2 Biogeography
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

number of taxa present. MacArthur and Wilson's (1967) 1.2.2 Local versus regional patterns
theories of island biogeography explained many of these
concepts. Whether marine or terrestrial, animals or plants, Some regions are richer in taxa than others. Japanese
the number of species (S) (or higher taxa) increases pro- coastal waters are, for example, particularly rich in bra-
portionally to the area of the island (A) according to the chiopods and the Antarctic continental shelves are rich in
Arrhenius relationship: sea spiders (pycnogonids) . Overall the Indo-West Pacific
region, in particular around Indonesia. has higher numbers
Log S = c + z (log A),
ofspecies of fish, corals, molluscs, and probably many other
where the values of the constants are: marine animals than elsewhere. On land there are typically
more plant species (per unit area) in the neotropics than
c = c.0.3 and z = c.0. 16.
in other tropical regions, which are in turn more speciose
Thus on a plot with log scales on both axes, the relation- than nearctic or palearctic regions. Thus small areas. orvol-
ship approximates to a straight line-shown, for example, umes (though these are rarely measured). in species-rich
by plant numbers on Australian islands or even (approxi- regions will contain more species than similar sized areas
mately) for species on continents. At the other end of the in species-poor regions. So, in addition to effects such as
spatial scale a number ofauthors have immersed settlement species-area relationships, there is typically a positive rela-
panels of various sizes into the sea and demonstrated simi- tionship between local and regional diversity. This relation-
1ar increases of species with area of these miniature islands ship is useful as it enables prediction ofchanges at one scale
(see e.g, Jackson 1979) . There are a number of causes of from observations at another. To date, examples of this
species-area relationships, such as higher numbers of regional local species relationship principally have been
samples (the more samples you take the more species you from terrestrial systems (Caley & Schluter 1997) . In order
encounter). more habitats, immigration and extinction to appreciate the relationship of a local parameter with a
rates, and greater ratios ofspeciation to extinction. Smaller larger scale unit. the unit in question needs to be defined.
islands are less likely to be encountered by would-be colo- Although we have already considered a very brief history
nizers because they represent a smaller target than a larger of the partitioning of the terrestrial and marine realms into
land mass (likewise younger islands represent a smaller tar- smaller areas or units (1.2). it is appropriate to consider
get in time for potential colonizers) . Similarly, the more iso- this in more depth due to the importance of this issue to
lated an island, the smaller the pool of organisms that are biogeography.
capable of reaching it. A water- or airborne organism would
take a long time to reach Bouvet Island in the Southern Generally, there is a strong positive relationship between
Ocean, which is thousands of kilometres from the nearest local and regional diversity, although to date t his has
land of any kind. Of course prevailing winds, currents, and been demonstrated best in terrestrial systems.
chance playa major role in determining which organisms
arrive. where and when, which in part explains why there
is often much 'noise' in species-area plots of sample data.
1.2.3 Biomes, oceans, and provinces
There are all sorts of islands in the marine environment
varying from enclosed coastal lagoons, sea lochs, and fjords Using a small set offactors, it is possible to predict a series of
to seamounts or hydrothermal vents in deep water (Chap- community types or 'biomes' on land. Using high-resolution
ter 9) . The same principals of colonization and dynamics CZCS images of phytoplankton 'greenness' (a proxy for the
of fauna apply to these environments. However. species- biomass of a phytoplankton bloom), an analogous series of
area relationships tend to be complicated by other factors : biomes can be generated for the marine environment. Thus
some regions have richer regional species' pools than oth- four primary biomes are recognizable from characteristic
ers. For example, Jamaica contains many more species of patterns of phytoplanktonic algal growth, the environ-
most organisms than the Falkland Islands, even though mental forcing agents (wind. currents). and fauna at other
their land masses are ofsimilar size and distance from their trophic levels. Longhurst (2006) details these as the (1)
adjacent continental land mass. Jamaica and the Falkland Trades, (2) Westerlies, (3) Polar, and (4) Coastal biomes.
Islands are situated in very different regions (Caribbean d . These are all defined by the agent that determines the depth
Southern Atlantic Ocean), which explains the differences of the mixed layer ofseawater: wind acting over large-scale
we observe in their species' complement. distances (Trades), local wind speed and light intensity
(Westerlies), surface-reduced salinity water (Polar), or a
Island size, age, and isolation are important determin- complex of processes (Coastal) . With the exception of the
ants of species' richness. Trades biorne, all include several disjunetwater masses. For
example, the Polar biome occurs (at high latitude) in each
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

hemisphere and can be split into Antarctic, North Atlantic, the case for the investigation of the relationship of species-
and North Pacific secondary associated biomes. groupings in one area to those in others. One of the most
fundamental areas ofbiogeographic research is the study of
The t rophic level of an organism in acommunitydescribes the degree of endemism. i.e, how many species (or h igher
its position in a foodweb relative to the organisms upon taxa) are unique to a particular area?
which it preys and t he predators th at feed upon it (see
Chapter 4 and 7). The Trades, Westerlies, Polar, and Coastal biomes are all
defined by the environmental factors that determine the
As biomes are defined largely on the basis of physical ocean- depth of mixed layer of the water column.
ographic conditions a nd the response of phytoplankton, the
exact boundaries are prone to alter with seasonal, ENSO, or
The definition of provinces has followed similar biogeo-
other climatic alterations that have even longer cycles. The
chemical steps to those for the designation of biomes
extent and shape of biomes and their subdivision into prov-
(climatology of mixed layer depth, water transparency,
inces are very much dependent on geographic positioning
and surface nutrient status).
ofcontinents, features ofcoastlines, and oceanic circulation
patterns. As coastlines and even oceanic frontal zones are
approximately fractal, a serial subdivision of units could be
argued as a valid concept, however. this would require pro-
gressively more and more detailed data from which to con-
1.2.4 Endemism
struct them. The establishment of provinces has followed At a global scale all species are endemic, at a whole-ocean
similar biogeochemical steps to those for the designation of scale many taxa are likely to be endemic but decrease at
biomes (climatology of mixed layer depth, water transpar- smaller spatial scales. Typically endemism is used in the
ency, and surface nutrient status). but at a high resolution. context of countries, archipelagos. or islands and seas,
The designation of biomes and provinces is very useful for but also between different sorts of organisms (e. g. while
examining many aspects of large-scale patterns in organ- all but one of the marine lizards in the Galapagos Islands
ism ecology and evolution (Fig. 1.7) . This is particularly are endemic, less than 20% of the fish are endemic) . As




;:::~ "NG ~::::;:~ SST(

~-.I"";---1 '<-__--=SA;;;" -I


Figure 1.7 Longhurst's (1998) biogeographic divisions of the marine environment. The oceanic boundaries of biomes
(-) and provinces (-) are shown. The biomes (and provinces within) are Antarctic Polar (ANTA, APLR), Antarctic
Westerly Winds (SANT, SSTCj, Atlantic Coastal (BENG, BRAl, CNRY, FKLD, GUIA, GUIN, NECS, NWCS), Atlantic Polar (ARCT,
BPLR, SARCj, Atlantic Trade Wind (CARB, ETRA, NATR, SATL, WTRA), Atlant ic Westerly Wind (GFST, MEDI, NADR, NAST),
Indian Ocean Coastal (ARAB, AUSW, EAFR, INDE, INDW, REDS), Indian Ocean Trade Wind (ISSG, MONS), Pacific Coastal
(ALSK, AUSE, CALC, CAMR, CHIN, HUMB, NEWl, SUND), Pacific Polar (BERS), Pacific Trade Wind (ARCH, NPTG, PEQD,
PNEC, SPSG, WARM), and Pacific Westerly Winds (KURO, NPPF, PSAG, TASM). (See also Chapter 8).
1.2 Biogeography

wit h most aspects of biogeography and biodiversity, terres- During the fragmentation of the supercontinent of Gond-
trial d ata are considerably more advanced compared w it h wana, many of the resulting fragments became isolated.
that for the marine environment, and the values for many Some of the resulting islands, such as Aus tralia, Madagas-
marine invertebrate taxa are simply rough estimates. Table car, and New Zealand , are famous for their endemic ter-
1.2 shows the similarity in endemism (except in polar archi- restrial vertebrates. Geographically isolated islands such
pelagos) of two of the better-known marine and terrestrial as Hawaii and, on a continental scale, Aus tralia h ave very
taxa at example islands. Care is needed in the interpreta- high levels of endemism in marine, freshwater, and ter-
tion of such d ata; animals with long-lived planktonic lar- restrial faunas. Anot her island, Antarctica, became even
vae (e.g. crabs) are likely to have lower rates of endemism more oceanograph ically and climatologically isolated,
than those with only limited opportunities for dispersal, and a high proportion of the species of marine phyla are
such as an imals that brood their young (e.g. amphipods) . endemic (Arntz et al. 1997). A prolific decade of polar sci-
Nevertheless, levels and patterns of endemism provide a entific research since Arntz et a1.'s (1997) review has found
powerful insight into the evolutionary history of areas. that Antarctic species endemism may be closer to 60% than
Isolation prevents taxa evolving locally and then spre ad- 80% in a number of groups, but new and ongoing phylo-
ing into other regions, thus the more extreme and longer geograph ic analyses should provide much more powerful
the isolation, the more intense the tendency to endemism. estimates (see Technique application) .

TECHNIQUES: Phylogeography
One of the major recent advances to influence ecology is
so the applicat ion of molecular ecologi cal methods to inves-
t igate t he di stributi on of closely related species. This
involves sampling t iny t issue sampl es from organisms
and extracting their genomic DNA. Genetic sequences,
once amplified , can be examined and compared across
ind ividuals wi thin and between species. One such appli-
cat ion is phylogeography- the interact ion of geneti c
and spatial relationship s. Phylogeography can be a very
,8";..[- 7 't:;c-..J
. , ' ,:::.
, »: powerful tool, particularly if genet ic sequences from the
nucleus and mitochondria can be sampled thro ughout a
known geographic range. Mitochon drial genes evolve at
a more rapid rate compared w ith nuclear genes, allowing
related ness between organisms to be examined across a
wi de variety of t ime-scales. Mitochon drial coding genes
have bee n traditionally used in phy logeographic st ud-

ies, but it is important to realize that the mitochondrion
• I I ,
represents multip le genes that are united into a singl e
non-recombining locus, and is usually only inherited from
one parent. The incl usion of nuclear genes in a st udy
• Survey sites int roduces independent replicat ion that increases the reli-

BIOCUM suitability ab il ity that the results represent the w hole organism, not
o N01suitoble •
j ust one sex or a mo lecu le.
0 100% Palumo
0 98%
An advantage of spatially exp li cit genet ic analysis is in
_ 95% the identif icat ion and characterizat ion of crypt ic species.
Recent highlights have included separat ion of giraffes into
Relatedness of land snails in different areas within six or more geog raphic species and crow n of thorns sea-
tropical rainforest in Queensland , Australia. Scale is stars into four species. The info rmat ion stored in DNA
shown top-left and key to differing levels of habitat sequences also allows the timing of divergence events to
suitability is shown bottom-left. The x-axis of the be estim ated , such as the invasion of the deep sea fro m
't ree' (far right) shows level of similarity (relatedness) the Antarctic shelf. This tool is being successfully and
of mitochondrial DNA in the land snail Gnarosophia w idely app lied to investi gate crypt ic speciati on and to
beJlendenkerensis (Hugall et al. 2002 © National infer historical processes important to pop ulation history
Academy of Sciences, U.S.A.). and speciat ion. Crucially, phylogeographic stu dies dem-
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

onstrate that we tend to underestima te genetic diversity reserves. Over the next decade it seems li kely that it will
and local scale endemism. Further they are shedding new have similar impacts on marine conservation. Phylogeog-
light on dispersal potential and any relationship of this to raphy has altered our perception of what constitutes a
li festyle an d repro ductive strategies. The latter is particu- species, w hich has had considerable ramificat ions for our
larly important in the context of designing netwo rks of perception of the current status of biodiversity loss.
marine protected areas, which are dealt with later in this New studies of marine biodiversity, b iogeography, and
boo k. As it becomes more widely used, the information ecology are now being designed around using phylo-
on sequences for differing genes and species are being geog raphy on specimens sampled. For phylogeographic
rapidly built up into freely available databases, such that studies to have maximum rigour they require careful plan-
the context and comparisons that can be made from any ning, which implies sufficient funding to thoroug hly and
given study are similarly increasi ng. evenly sample a species across its ent ire geographic dis-
On land, Garrick et al. (200 6) have shown how phy- tribution and to screen individuals wi th mult iple unlin ked
logeog raphy can be hugely beneficial to conserva tion genetic sequence markers.
potential and strategy, within and aw ay f rom nat ure

Antarctica's marine fauna has few genera and even fewer sized areas would be ideal for comparisons of endemism,
families that are endemic, which contrasts sh arply wit h but what size would be meaningful and would this be con-
patterns in the Australasian and Mad agascan vertebrates. sistent from place to place? In the marine environment
Young islands, such as Ascension Island (tropical, mid biomes and provinces are obvious starting points but so are
Atlantic) or regions, such as the Arctic basin, h ave few the coastal zones of islands, as they are often geograph i-
endemics . Before comparisons of endemism can be made cally distinct. The degree of endemism is often an important
between locations, considerations of the principles of island va riable, particularl y in the consideration of conservation
biogeography must be remembered. Ascension Island is issues. However, comparisons between distinct regions are
tiny and young, and even the Arctic basin is small in com- often based on either species' richness or diversity per unit
parison with the Southern Ocean (which covers c.l 0% of area, but so are the coastal zones of islands as they are often
the surface of the globe) . In one sense, the use of similar- geogr aphically distinct.

Table 1.2 Endemi sm in marine and terrestrial archipelagos (modified from Myers 1997). Shallow water
amphipods and vascular plants are used as example taxa from the two realms. For each local ity the island size,
total number of species, and percentage of endemics is given. The one polar locality, South Georgia, is show n in

Land area x 100 km' Shallow amphipods Terrestrial plants

No. species 0;0 endemics No. species 0;0 endemics

New Caledon ia 160 17 2 70 2700 95
New Zealand 2680 1 13 66 16 18 81
Madag ascar 5877 3 14 ? 10000 80
Fiji 18 3 80 41 1628 50
Japan 3800 300 40 4022 34
Galapagos 80 51 33 701 41
Tristan da Cunha 1.0 24 33 70 29
Society Is. 6.4 32 31 623 44
Ber muda 0.5 51 12 165 9
Ireland 820 263 <1 121 0 <1
South Georgia 36 152 35 25 4
1.3 Biodiversity

Australia and North America lost most of their indig-

enous animals c.1 00 000 years ago, and Madagascar Box 1.5: Biodiversity
and New Zealand have lost an even greater proportion in
This term, a combination of the words 'b iological' and
the last 10000 years. Before comparisons of endemism
'diversity', essentially refers to 'the variety of life' (see
can be made between locations, the principles of island
Gaston & Spicer 2004). The CBD used the defini-
biogeography must be remembered .
tion 'the variability among living organisms from all
sources including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and
other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological com-
plexes of which they are part; this includes diversity
1.3 Biodiversity within species, between species and of ecosystems. '
Gaston and Spicer (2004) suggested that, amongst
1.3.1 Whatis it? the many defini tions, this is a good general one if
Since the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) held 'living' is altered to ' living and all those that have
in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992, the abbrevi- ever lived' to take into account past forms (the vast
ated term biod iversity has become an accepted and much majority of life).
used term. Interpretations of what the term means vary,
but effectively it re fers to the life on the planet, and is
used to encompass extinct and living organisms (Box 1.5). tern function (Chapter 6) . Hence the prevalence ofrare spe-
There are three m ain threads of biodivers ity: ecological cies, which share sim ilar functional roles, m ay explain, to an
(e.g. biomes, ecosystems, and habitats), organismal (e .g. extent, the resilience of m arine ecosystems to environmen-
kingdoms, phyla, and species) , and genet ic (popu lations, tal and anthropogenic influences. As a result, species-poor
individuals, and genes ). Some of these components, such systems are expected to be those that are most vulnerable
as genes, are unambiguous; while ot hers, such as popu- to external forcing factors, as the elim inatio n of one or two
lations or t axonomic ranks, are difficult to define w ith species may have a proportionately much greater effect on
precision. Species is probably the unit of m ost com mon ecosystem functioning.
reference and species' richness one of the most com monly
used methods of quantifying divers ity. As with any t axo- Species-poor systems are expected to be those that are
nomic rank (o r indeed biodiversity) , the term 's pecies ' most vulnerable to external forcing factors.
does not have a single definition. One defi nition of a 'spe-
cies' is: 'a group of organ isms that are able to generate The realization that the functional diversity of benthic
reproductively via ble young'. However, it is somewhat dif- assemblages m ay differ considerably from the diversity
ficult to demonstrate the latter for fossil spe cies ! Thus the ascertained from the quantification of separate species
term morpho-species h as been widely used (those wit h (e.g. species' richness) has led to the development of new
observable distinct structural differences, e.g. the colou r techniques that describe community structure and compo-
and shape of a gastropod shell)-but genetic stud ies have sition . Taxonomic diversity (~) and taxonomic distinct-
demonst rated that some morpho-sp ecies actually com- ness (~*) are proposed to be more sensitive to variation in
prise m any cryptic species. environmental stress than tradition al diversity indices, as
they use information de rived from the hierarchical taxo-
Biodiversity comprises ecological , organ ismal, and nomic tree upon which species' identities are based (Chap-
genetic components. ter 15). Taxonomic diversity is de fined as the average pat h
length between every pair of individual organisms identified
Even sm all (0 .1 m-) samples of species' assemblages in from with in a sample. Individuals derived from the same
the marine environment can contain anything from 1 to 10 genus have a shorter average path length than individuals
000 individuals, representing from 1 to 150 species. In most within the same family. Taxonomic distinctness is defined
cases there will be from 20 to SO species within the sample, as the average path length between every pair of individu-
but a few species will account for most of the individuals. als, ignoring those between individuals of the same species
This means that many different species within a sample are (Fig. 1.8). These indices circumvent two problems that nor-
likely to have similar functional roles within the assemblage. mally confound detection of more subtle responses to stress
Th is raises the ecological question of 'what is the purpose by standard diversity indices, such as Shannon-Wiener
of so much duplication of sim ilar ecological roles within (H') and Margalef's (d) . For example, in stressed environ-
an assemblage?' Perhaps more intriguing is the notion that ments, such as those subjected to severe organic pollution,
some species are redundant suc h that their extirpation from the dominant species include polychaetes in the Capitella
a defined area would have no consequences for local ecosys- capitata complex of species and the genus Ophryotrocha.
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

This group contains related species that have a similar tro- There are vast numbers of studies of biodiversity whose
phic role or function . Hence, despite the presence of a high scale in time and space varies over many orders of magni-
number of species from within this group. the weighting tude according to the types of organisms under investiga-
given to these species is down-weighted compared with a tion. For a specific community, there is a standard method
less perturbed assemblage comprising only a few individuals for estimating how representative sampling has been. Sam-
of these closely related species but greater numbers of taxo- ples are repeatedly taken, and the number of new species
nomically less related species (Fig. 1.8) . In addition, these from each successive sample is plotted against the cumula-
indices incorporate a multivariate component by retaining tive number of samples. When species' numbers no longer
the information derived from species' identity. whereas increase (the curve reaches an asymptote), the sampling
standard indices give no weighting to species' identity such is gauged as sufficient (though this does make a number
that two assemblages with an entirely different species' com- of assumptions) . This is known as a species' accumulation
position could have the same index of diversity. curve. The problem is that different scales are appropriate
for sampling different organisms, communities, and ecosys-
Standard indices of diversity do not incorporate any con- tems. While a I_m2 sample would be too large as a unit to
sideration of species' identity; hence two samples wit h assess the richness and abundance of tiny infauna, the same
an entirely different comp lement of species can generate scale would be far too small to assess their wading-bird or
the same value fo r the diversity index in question. fish predators, which are far less abundant and much more
mobile (Kaiser 2003) . So the time or spatial scale to be used
A principal issue with the quantification of biodiversity is to measure biodiversity has to be specifically geared to the
the scale at which measurement or sampling is undertaken. ecosystem, community, trophic level, and lifespan oforgan-
isms, and even the type of sampling apparatus and proto-
col (Chapter 15) . Given such differences in the method of
5. Phylum measurement, comparison of biodiversity values in time
and space is not straightforward. Certainly when making
4. Closs / 1"" or evaluating comparisons that have been made, it is vital
/\ to consider the implications and bias due to scale effects.
3.0rde r

2. Family Sampling needs to be undertaken in proportion to the

1. Genus -. / abundance and mobility of biota; t here is no point t rying

t o sample fish communities at a scale of < 1 m 2 •
/1\ I
Sample A Sample B
Calculating a· 1.3.2 Biodiversity through time
Sample A Sample B By measuring biodiversity of particular types of habitats
BCDEFG CEWIYl or particular groups of organisms, it is easy to see that
A 1 I 1 2 2 2 9 A I 2 5 5 5 5 23 biodiversity is not static in time or space. The number of
B 1 1 2 2 2 B C 2 5 5 5 5 22
C 1 2 2 2 7 E 5 5 5 5 2D
lower taxonomic units (species, genera, families, etc.)
D 2 2 2 6 W 5 4 4 13 has increased many-fold over the approximately 570-600
E 1 1 2 I 3 5 B million years for which we have a fossil record of macro-
F I 1 Y 5 5 organisms (Fig. 1.9A). This represents less than 5% of
TOIol pcth longth (P) 33 91 living species, past and present. However, we can only esti-
Number of linkoges (LJ 21 21 mate the number of species that may have existed at any
one time, as for many species the fossil record is poor or
157 4.33
absent. For every one species for which we have fossil evi-
dence, there may be a thousand whose existence remains
Figure 1.8 An example of the method of calculating unknown. To complicate matters further, the duration of
t;. for two different samples: A, typical of a polluted site the existence of a species can vary from approximately 1
and, B, typical of an unpolluted area The hierarchical million to 10 million years. From the limited evidence we
linkages are shown with the path length at each level. The have of fossil taxa (Fig. 1.9), the overall increase in num-
species' (A, B, C, D, E, F; G, W, X, Y, Z) matrix shows how bers of animal families has been uneven, punctuated by a
the path lengths between each species are calculated. 1:1'" series of sudden decreases. These decreases are referred to
is the product of the total path length divided by the total as extinctions, and the largest occurrences as mass extinc-
number of linkages. tions, which themselves have interesting patterns in time.
1.3 Biodiversity
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

The rate of speciation also appears to have been variable, the bryozoan orders Cheilostomatida and Cyclostomatida,
and major radiations have generally occurred 'soon' after contrasts in patterns can be seen both among and within
the occurrence of extinctions. representatives of these orders. Furthermore. family and
The pattern shown in Figure 1.9A: a shows the trend in the genus level patterns contrast strongly. particularly in rela-
numberofanimal families across time and uses data pooled tion to the KT mass extinction 65 million years ago (Fig.
from all animal families. Such general figures mask the dif- 1.9A: c, d; Box 1.6).
ferent patterns that occur for each ofthe component animal
groupings. For example, trilobites (Fig. 1.9A: b) were one of One theory to explain sudden radiation after an extinc-
the more abundant and species-rich benthic anima l types tion event is I barrel filling', a term used to refer to the
found in Palaeozoic seas, but it seems that none survived rapid diversification of biota to fill the many empty
the biggest mass extinction that occurred at the end of the niches following an extinction event.
Permian period. The patterns of increase and decrease in
Bryozoans are benthic, colon ial, suspension-feeding
speciation differed with both the taxonomic level consid-
organisms (Fig 1.9 B).
ered and between different specific taxa. For example, in

(-I (b)



-500 -400 -200


c• 80
(d) I
60 I-
250 I-
200 ~
40 I-
150 l-
20 ~ 100 ~ I/'
50 I- J
0 , , , , ,
-200 -150 -100 -SO 0 -200 -150 -100 -SO 0
Time (millions of jeers agol

(B) Figure 1.9 (A) Changes in taxon

richness with time (millions of
years): (a) overall numbers of
famil ies; (b) foss il trilobites, an
extinct phylum; (c) numbers
of bryozoan families; and (d)
numbers of bryozoan genera
The blue line codes for th e order
Cheilostomatida and th e red line
for the order Cyciostomatida. Plot
(a) redrawn from Jablonski (1999)
and plots (c) and (d) redrawn from
Sepkoski et al. (2000). (B) Inset
image: a range of d iverse different
types of bryozoan colonies.
Photograph: David Barnes.
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

While overall patterns of lower taxonomic levels indi- successful today or to predict which phyla might come to
cate a substantial increase with time, this may not be the dominate in 50-100 million years time. While palaeon-
case for the higher taxonomic levels, such as phylum. Ste - tologists are primarily interested in the pattern of species
phen J . Gould popularized the work of several scientists through time, for biologistswho workwith present-day taxa,
that investigated a particularly fossiliferous and ancient patterns in space have attracted most attention and debate.
out-crop of rock called the Burgess Shale (Gould 1989).
The fossil organisms revealed in these rocks were not overly Based on evidence from only the Cambrian period , or
speciose but they were very different from each other. Most even that from the whole Palaeozoic, it would be difficult
of the phyla known today are represented in early Cam- to predict which of the higher taxa would be successful
brian rocks but in addition there were many oddities that today or to predict which phyla might come to dominate
could not be assigned easily to existing phyla and resulted at some point in the future .
in many early misinterpretations of body form and func-
tion. The number of taxa present in this early fauna has
attracted considerable debate, but there is undoubtedly
an almost unprecedented diversity of body types (d is-
1.3.3 Biodiversity in space
parity) . Whether different organisms are 'lumped' into How many species are alive in the global marine environ-
existing groups or 'split' into new taxa are two extre mes ment today? In total about 2 million species of organism
of approaches taken by taxonomists. Since the dominance have been described to date from all habit ats, of which
of the enigmatic Marella (Box 1. 7) in mid-Cambrian rocks most h ave been terrestrial insects or plants. Terrestrial
there has been a sequential series of dominance by higher organisms and habitats have been much better sampled,
taxa, such as trilobites and brachiopods in the Palaeozoic but many believe that they will still dominate global spe-
or ammonites and marine reptiles in the Mesozoic. Since cies' richness, even when marine habitats are better stud-
the Cretaceous, the cheilostome bryozoans (Fig. 1.9A: c, ied. Nevert heless, it is important to remember that the seas
d) , gastro pod molluscs, and teleost fish have dramatically are much richer in higher taxonomic levels (e.g. phyla and
radiated in richness and disparity, a pattern also reflected classes). At present, providing estimates of the total num-
in the radiation of land mammals. Some taxa, such as the ber of species in the ocean is problematic for the follow-
corals and sponges, h ave been speciose and abundant ing reasons: most of the oceanic environment is so poorly
throughout their fossil record to the present day. Other studied; some taxa, e.g. nematodes, may be very rich in
groups, such as the priapulan worms, exhibit remark- species but there are few taxonomists to describe the spe-
ably few morphological changes over nearly 600 million cies; and some previously well-studied taxa appear to be
years, and remain a minor group in terms of disparity a complex of m any crypt ic species, whose identification
and richness. Based on evidence from only the Cambrian will require extensive genetic studies. Along a spatial scale
period, or even that from the whole Palaeozoic, it would grad ient, biodiversity is essentially cons idered at point
be difficult to predict wh ich of the higher taxa would be (a diversity), habitat ( ~ d ive rs i ty), or re gional (y diversity)
levels. Discussions of large-scale patterns of biodiversity
almost invariably deal with 't level data. For about two cen-
Box 1.6: The KT mass extinction turies scientists h ave considered the species' richness of
organisms to increase from the poles to the tropics. This
The KT mass extinction refers to the sudden decline is supported by robust data sets from the terrestrial envi-
of organisms at the boundary of the Cretaceous and ronment for plants, insects, birds, reptiles, and mammals.
Tertiary periods. In the KT mass exti nction (K is for However, cons iderable debate exists as to the cause of
Kreide , meaning 'chalk' in German, which describes such a cline (trend) or whether it is real or partly an arte-
the chalky sediment layer from that ti me; T is for fact of confounding factors (e .g. land area; the land mass
Tertiary, the next geologic period), all land animals in the southern hemisphere is less than in the northern
over about 25 kg went exti nct, as did many smaller hemisphere ). Data from the marine environment are even
organisms. In total, 1 1 % of marine families were lost patchier, but sim ilar debates occur over the global latitu-
(which compares with other mass exti nctions, except dinal pattern of increasing species' richness towards the
the Permian-Triassic in which 52% of marine families equator. To date only a few marine data sets cover entire
went exti nct). The KT mass extinction is famously hemispheres or even just multiple oceans. Even the most
linked wi th several events: fi rst, it was approximately ro bust data sets cover only the northern hemisphere and,
at this time that a large meteorite collided wi th earth even then, only the American or Atlantic coasts. One of the
in the Caribbean near the Yucatan Peninsula; second, best-known species' latitude d ata series is that reported
the remaining dinosau rs perished at this time. by Roy et al. (1998) for North American gastro pods. Gas-
tropod species' richness is considerably depressed at high
1.3 Biodiversity

Box 1.7: Typical Cambrian fauna

Marella (see figure: A) , an enigmatic species belonging to an unknown phylum, was the most common in Burgess
Shale rocks (Cambrian mudstone). Early representatives of extant phyla, such as the priapulan Ottoia (B) and poly-
chaetes (C) crawled on these muds together with strange forms like Hallucigenia (D) , Wiwaxia (E) , and Burgessia
(F). Other strange forms were
stalked, such as Dinomischus
(G) , or were large swimmi ng H
predators, such as Anomlacaris
(H). Anomlacaris (whose name
means strange shrimp) was
origi nally described from just
the curled front-most append-

ages- they were thought to be
shrimps. Its circular mouth and
main body we re also described 0-

as separate species until all

three fossils were realized as
belonging to one larger organ- -B---
ism. Other common animals at
this t ime (and well before this -
pe riod through to present day)
we re cnidarians, such as the jel-
lyfish (I) and sponges (J).

latitudes (Fig. 1.10a) but equatorial values are also signifi- ics) . Clarke (1992) suggested that, while there was a clear
cantly lower than those at latitudes from 15 to 30 0N. North northern cline in species' richness, evidence for a similar
Atlantic data for bryozoans and sea-weeds also decrease pattern in the southern hemisphere was at best inconclu-
in richness towards the North Pole, but studies elsewhere sive, and remains so today. New data reinforce the exis-
suggest that Atlantic t axon richness levels are not repre- tence of the northern trend; but while some studies have
sentative and thus wide-scale generalizations should not supported a sou thern decrease for decapod crustaceans
be based on suc h data alone. Patterns of coastal decapod and bivalve molluscs, other studies demonstrate that gas-
crustace an (e.g. crabs and lobsters) richness h ave now tropod molluscs increase in richness towards the pole. The
been described across the Americas (Fig. 1.10b), and dem- Sout he rn Ocean has disproportionately high numbers of
onstrate a strong decrease in richness towards the Arctic some m arine taxa, notably the Pycnogona, Polychaeta,
and a weaker decrease towards higher sout he rn latitudes. Brachiopoda, and Bryozoa. Very rare ly have biodiversity
patterns been cons ide re d across organism types (in other
Approximately 2 million species have been described to words scient ists h ave looked for patterns within one group
date, but these are mostly terrestrial insects and plants. of organisms, e.g. the Mollusca). The established paradigm
for decades has been of a rich East Indian/West Pacific cen-
tre decreas ing outwards to lowest levels in the south and
Clines in species ' richness from the poles to the tropics north polar regions. The first inventory of (macroscopic)
could be caused by artefacts such as differences in land animals at a polar archipelago (the South Orkney Islands
area. in Antarctica; see Barnes et al. 2009) found much higher
biodiversity than reported for many temperate or even sub-
The only truly global data series are those for the bivalve tropical islands- with a species' richness compara ble to the
molluscs (Fig. 1.lOd) and estimates for the reef-building Galapagos Islands.
(hermatypic) corals (Fig. 1.lOe ). Both of these groups The debate on the causes of a global pattern of species'
show distinct latitudinal grad ients, but longitudinal gradi- richness in the sea would seem premature given uncertain-
ents appear equally strong. Basically both patterns radiate ties surrounding the evidence for consistent patterns in the
out from an Indo-West Pacific 'hotspot' (in contras t to southe rn hemisphere. One such explanation for both the
terrestrial plants, which are richest in the American trop- latitudin al and longitudin al patterns of richness in the sea is
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

o 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 1100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110

180 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1000 1100 1200 o 10 15 20 30 40 50

Figure 1.10 Latitudinal and longitudinal patterns of taxon richness. Numbers of. (a) species of gastropod molluscs, (b)
species of decapod crustaceans, (e) species of sabellid polychaetes, (d) species of bivalve molluscs, and (e) genera of
hermatypic corals. Plots redrawn from data in Royet al. (1998), Boschi (2000), Giangrande & Licciano (2004), Crame
(2000), and Stehli & Wells (1971), respectively.

focused on sea basin age, which might explain why latitudi- sal samples, but sampling elsewhere (e .g. off Norway) has
nal trends are strong towards the young Arctic (it is still in the cast doubts on the generality of a trend (Gray 2001) . Very
process ofbeing invaded) but weak towards older Antarctica. shallow faunas are young (major changes occurred at the
last ice age berween 14 000 to 10000 years ago) as sea-
Part of the problem of discerning gradients in diversity level changes require constant reinvasions and ice-sheet
is the patchy coverage of major animal and plant groups maxima have repeatedly bulldozed colonists to the shelf
in the marine environment. edges (Chapter 8) . The deep-sea fauna also must be quite
young as the flow of oxygen-laden cold water from Antarc-
tica is relatively recent (older than shallow shelf environ-
The Southern Ocean has disproportionately high num- ments, but maybe only a million years old) . Thus the oldest
bers of Pycnogona, Polychaeta, Brachiopoda, and Bryo- and richest fauna might be expected in the vicinity of the
zoa. shelf edge, presently at a depth of about 200 to 300 m (but
deeper in the polar regions) . The richness oflarge (mega-)
In the deep sea. a latitudinal cline in species' richness benthos and fish increases towards and away from shelf-
is also evident in the north but not in the southern hemi- edge depths. Any bathymetric cline is unlikely to be as sharp
sphere. A recent high-profile study (Brandt et at. 2007) or directional as the altitudinal richness clines in the ter-
described a remarkable richness of undescribed species, restrial environment.
especially of isopod crustaceans. in the Southern Ocean
deep sea. There have also been suggestions of a decrease in The oldest and hence richest fauna might be expected
richness from the shallow waters (continental shelf) down to occur at the margin of the continental shelf. The con-
into deeper waters . Support for this came from early abys- tinental shelf edge occurs at a depth of 200 m.
1.3 Biodiversity

CURRENT FOCUS: Why does manne grabbed so much of the attention because the rest of the
biodiversity matter? science in the paper was much more important. Drawi ng
on a wide range of case studies, and some meta-ana-
Whenever you hear biodiversity mentioned on the televi- lytical techniques, Worm et al. demonstrated consistent
sion or on the radio it is an almost given fact that biodi- patterns in the relationship between key ecosystem func-
versity is inherently 'good' and that 'more' b io diversity is t ion ing and biodiversity.
better than 'less' biodiversity. However, it is rare tha t com- In the figu re below, (a) and (b) show the response
mentators explore what evidence underlies this 'belief'. ratios (taki ng the rat io of high:low diversity treatment
Furthermore, some of the early experiments that sought respo nses in experiments) (+95% (I) of ecosystem
to unde rstand the relationship between biodiversity and processes of experimental manipulations of species
the provision of ecosystem services reported results diversity of (a) prima ry producers (such as phytoplank-
that were complex or idiosyncratic (e.g. Emmerson et ton or macroalgae) and (b) consumers (e.g. herbivores
al. 2001). Clearly the relationship is not that simple to or carnivores). The dashed line through 0 would indicate
understand. More recently, a paper published by Worm et no difference, hence it is clear tha t higher biodiversity
al. (2006) provided some compelli ng evidence of the link treat ments consistently have posi tive effects on these pro-
between biodiversity loss and declines in ocean ecosys- cesses. In (c), increasing seagrass genotypes increased
tem services. This paper became somewhat infamous due the density of seagrass shoots in recovery experiments
to the much publicized prediction that there would be 'no subjected to grazi ng t reatments. In (d) a more diverse
more fish in the sea by 2048', which was hotly contested diet increased the production of copepod eggs. In (e),
by the wider marine fisheries science commu nity. It is well catch p roductivity in wild capture fisheries (excludi ng
worth studying the complete debate and subsequent fol- those tha t were considered in a state of collapse) was
low-on paper Boris Worm co-authored with Ray Hilborn. highest in systems with greater fish species diversity in
It was a pity that Worm et al.'s fisheries extrapolation large marine ecosystems.

(oj (b) «J
0.8, -- - - - - - - - - .- - - - - - - -----,
0.6 65

~ 0.5
e• D.•
•• 60
a@ •
0.7 .x•-
~ 50

_____________ Jl +_ 40

D.' ----------------------
(5) 131 114) 151 (6) (9) (8)

~' a
~ ~ .- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
• i~
Number of genotype5
,h l ! j !
Producer diversity Consumerdiversity

(d) 1400 (,) 80

1200 70
r = 0.57
P < 0.0001 •

~ 1000

• •

• s:••• ~.

.. a

.s 400 ~

• ••
700 "
0 0 •
8.. Mixed die!
1 7 3
(log) Species ndmess

Meta-analysis is a p rocess in w hich mul t iple ind ep end ent published stud ies are drawn t o geth er t o provide a
global synthesis (see

Referen ce: Worm et al. 2006 Impacts of Biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Science, 3 14 : 787-790 .
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

1.3.4 Biodiversity and ecosystem (rivet hypothesis) or that functionality is driven by spe-
functioning cies interactions rather than the species perse (Box 1.8 ). All
The species that constitute ecosystems can be assigned to of these hypotheses suggest that biodiversity is intricately
functional types, such as pioneer encrusting suspension linked to ecosys tem stability. Intrinsic to the ideas of ecosys-
tem functionality, ecosys tem trophic, and food-web struc-
feeders (e.g. some polychaetes and bryozoans), competi-
ture are the numbers of individu als of each species present
tively dominant encrusting suspension feeders (e.g. some
sponges and aseidians ), benthic zooplankto n feeders (e.g. wit hin the system . The latter also exhibit large-scale pat-
some anemones), deposit feeders (e.g. echiuran worms), terns in time and space.
scavenge rs (e.g. arnphipods) , mobile carnivores, and oth-
In species-rich systems, ecosystem functionality is
ers . The concept of biodiversity can also be used in the con-
unlikely to be adversely affected by the loss of one or
text of the number of functional groups within a system.
two species.
Thus the functional diversity of an ecosystem is higher
if the number of functional groups is higher and/ or the
number of members of each functional group is higher.
Higher functional divers ity should mean that ecosystems
are more robust to change and environmental stress. This
is currently an important area of research, which seeks to Box 1.8: Species'richness and
answer the qu estion 'if the number of species in an eco- ecosystem function: the rivet and
system decreases does this affect its ability to respond to redundancy hypotheses
change?' (See Curre nt Focus box and also Chapters 6, 8,
and 15. ). Erhlich and Erhlich (198 1) described the rivet-
redundancy hypothesis. They use the analogy of the
structure of a plane wi ng to describe the response
One of the key questions in ecology is the role of func-
of ecosystem functioning to species loss. The spe-
tional diversity in ecosystem resilience.
cies are equivalent to the rivets in the wing. If one
Some species have been described as 'keystone' with in or two rivets are lost this will have little effect on
their communities (Chapters 6 and 8) . Such species, when the performance of the wi ng (decreasing species
experimentally removed, can h ave major ecological conse- numberfrom A to B on our figure). However, as more
quences for the other species wit hin the system (Pace et and more rivets (species) are lost, the performance
a1. 1999). Few species, even those considered as 'keystone', of the wi ng will reach a critical point whereupon a
have been demonstrated to h ave a pivotal role in their rapid decline in function will occur (from point C to
community. Some simple hypotheses have been generated, D on our figure).
however, to predict change in ecosys tem functionality wit h
species number (i.e. what h appens following removal of Ehrlich, P.R. and A. Eh rlich. 19 81. Extinction: The
any random species). Examples of experimental diversity- Causes and Consequences of the Disappearance of
ecosystem function studies in low richness (estu arine) Species. Random House, New York. 305pp.
systems are given in Chapters 5 and 6. The redundancy
hypothesis predicts that an increasing number of species A
l- Redundancy theory
increases ecosystem functionality proportionally less as e B
the number of species rises to a point when further addi-
tions have no net effect (a curve towards an asymptote). If
l- D

, I-
this is correct, species could be lost from species-rich eco- -0

•Es ,
systems wit hout any loss of functions. This is termed the -- l-
functional redundancy hypothesis. Support for such an idea ~

comes from the response of many coral reefs to herbivore

losses. In the Caribbean, losses of herbivorous, manatees,
turtles, and fish have occurred, but major system deteriora-
tion only occurred when the last big herbivore populations , , , , , ,
(sea urchins) crashed and resulted in overgrowth of coral o s 10 1\ 20 2\ 30 35
Species richness
by algae. Other hypotheses suggest that any speeies' addi-
tion or subtraction changes the level ofecosystem functions
1.4 Abundance and size
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

1.4 Abundance and size 40
1.4.1 Scale, time, and space 40 1909
Some animals are very abundant and some are not. Abun-
dant animals are often very small, such that billions would 1910
weigh less than a single individual of some of the rare larger 0
ones. Many low-diversity habitats are instead characterized 1911
by huge numbers of a few species (e .g. Hydrobia snails on ,\
intertidal mudflats, capitellid worms in marine sediments, 1912
or sea cucumbers in deep ocean trenches) . The abundance
of most organisms is very dynamic at certain scales in time
and space. Thus, it is possible for one species to be super-
abundant one year and almost absent the next, while it is
./ .. 1913

not uncommon to encounter thousands ofindividuals in one
sample and hardly any in an adjacent sample. Despite long
being considered fairly uniform. this is just as apparent in
0 /'- } \.
the deep sea (see Kaiser et aI., 2007) . The abundance of a
taxon so far has only been considered as an aid to quantify-
ing diversity. but many large-scale patterns in the sea occur 0
/' /~
,, 1917
not between, but within taxa. On land, seasonal changes in /
/ ,\.
the abundance of many species are obvious, and in the sea 0
,, 1918
this is most clearlyseen in terms ofseasonal blooms ofphyto- 40
, / ,\
plankton. Annual changes in the abundance oforganisms are 0
often due to differential survival of year-classes (co h o r ts) 40 ;,. 1919
of young that are related to environmental conditions (e.g.
70 / ' -\,,-
, 1920
temperature), abundance of predators. and competitors. 40
There are a number of long-term data sets that demonstrate 0
,, 1921
major inter-annual differences in the abundance of animals 40
across the world's oceans. Long-term data sets of fisheries' 0
landings demonstrate the cyclical nature of 'good' and 'bad' 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Age (years)
year-classes in various fish species. such as salmon, cod, and
herring (Fig. 1.11). Cyclical patterns have also been observed Figure 1.11 An example of inter-annual variabil ity in
at interdecadal scales or linked to ENSO events, such as sea recruitment. A major recruitment event of Herring (Clupea
stars (crown-of-thomsAcanthasteron coral reefs) or temper- harengus) in 1904 dominates a Norweg ian fis hery for
ate North American sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus in mac- more t han a decade. Adapted from Cushing (1975).
roalgal beds) (Chapters 8 and 11) .

Low-diversity habitats are typified by high abundances record (Mesozoic to present-day) of cyclostome bryozoans.
of single species, which are themselves highly variable In terms of the numbers of taxa. many benthic groups of
in space and t ime. animals found in the Antarctic are dominated by those that
brood their young (e.g. sea urchins or gastropod molluscs;
Interdecadal cyclic fluctuations in the abundance of see Fig. 1.12) . However. the most abundant species in these
invertebrates, such as starfishes and sea urchins, have a groups are broadcast-spawners (animals that release their
strong influence on the ecology of the systems in which gametes directly into the water column). Studying the fossil
they occur. record, McKinney et al. (1998) found that the proportion of
global bryozoan genera and species in the order Cyclosto-
We can gain a much longer time-scale perspective by ref- matida, has steadily decreased relative to the order Chei-
erence to the fossil record. which enables us to compare lostomatida over the last 100 million years (Fig. 1.13a) .
patterns in the abundance of taxa. as well as species' rich- Prior to the end-Cretaceous mass extinction (KT bound-
ness. Changes in the abundance levels of species form the ary), the same pattern was evident in abundance. that is
patterns of mass extinction in the fossil record. Patterns cheilostomes became progressively dominant in terms of
of abundance are often decoupled from patterns of spe- bryozoan abundance. However. immediately after the KT
cies' richness. 'IWo examples that illustrate this are the boundary. the cyclostomes became very abundant again
present-day Antarctic shallow benthic fauna and in the fossil (Fig. 1.13b) . This recovery lasted only a few million years,
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

I,) (b)
~ -0
.€o -;;F 80 "' , ~~-
'E ;;F 80
o ~ ~

e · 0~ 60

[ ~ 60
: ; : 40 E .E 40
E <, ~~\ .e-"
.go ~ 20
-l:.. = 0
~ ..; 20
-150 -100 -50 0 -150 -100 -50 0


Figure 1.12 Dominant fauna of Antarctic shallow
waters: (a) the echinoid Sterechinus neumayeri; (b)
~ 0

t he limpet Nocella concinna; (c) spirorbid polychaete


" - ..- --. - 8

-- - -18
= 60

worms; (d) the nemertean worm, Parbolasia corrugatus. ~

Photographs: British Antarctic Survey. 0
." 40
'E • Fossil assemblages
but is a clear illustration that historical abundance and 0
20 0

e o Living essernhlejes
richness can be quite separate. Both cyclostomes and ~
cheilostomes are similar types of organisms (encrusting. 0
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0
benthic suspension feeders) which occur in the same
Time (millions years)
habitats. Competition for resources (space in the case of
bryozoans) is thought to be the main driving force that Figure 1.1 3 Cyclostome and cheilostome bryozoans:
underpins major temporal patterns that are repeated in (a) taxonom ic richness and (b) relative abundance over
• •
many co-occurrmg orgarusm groups. the last 140 million years, trend lines plotted from data
in McKinney et al. (1998). Arrow shows timi ng of KT
Patterns of abundance are often decoupled from pat- mass extinction, dashed blue line is species' num ber, and
terns of species' richness. cont inuous red line is genus number. Photographs show
compet ition for space between the two groups. McKinney's
(1995) data from fossi l assemblages (blue circles) suggest
cheilostomes w in c.66Ofo of competitive encounters (c).
1.4.2 Competition
Compet ition in living assemblages (white circles) shows
Competition for resources can take many forms (Chapter much more variability; data from Barnes and Dick (2000).
5) and can drive large-scale biogeographic and biodiver- Photographs: David Barnes.
sity patterns. Many consider that one of the fundamental
changes that occurred in Cambrian oceans c.5S0+ million (Fig. 1.13c) . There are two possible explanations of this
years ago was the initiation of competition driven by the discrepancy: greater variation in competition in modern
rapid increase in the abundance and diversity of marine assemblages or constancy of outcome within the type of
organisms. Investigation of past evidence for competition environment that preserves well in the fossil record (warm
is problematical. McKinney (1995) measured the outcomes shallow continental shelf) . The latter seems more likely
ofspatial interference competition between cyclostome and and as such makes it difficult to interpret the implication
cheilostome bryozoans preserved in fossils (Fig . 1.13c) . of McKinney's (1995) long-term pattern of competition, as
Cheilostomes consistently out-competed the cyclostomes in the dominance of cheilostomes would then depend on the
c.66% ofencounters. This suggests that one of these groups proportion of warm shallow shelf compared to other suit-
of bryozoans has had a clear, but not increasing, competi- able habitats, which are unknown.
tive advantage. Both of these organism types are extant
(alive in the present day), hence Barnes and Dick (2000) Competition driven by the rapid increase in the abun-
were able to look for similar patterns across the world, but dance and diversity of marine organisms may have exac-
found no such constancy in the outcome of competition erbated the rate of diversification in Cambrian oceans.
1.4 Abundance and size
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Reconstructing the outcome of competition between 100 (0) = Brachiopods

- Bivalves
biota in the fossi l record is complicated by potential arte-
facts, such as the likelihood of preservation in particular
types of habitat. 50

Perhaps the most famous example of inferred competi- -


tion is that between (articulate) brachiopods and bivalve ~

molluscs. Both of these taxa are superficially similar, both z=
have a shell composed of two valves, and they are benthic
and suspension-feeding animals. The brachiopods were
200 l'. ~.
initially more abundant and diverse than bivalves, but this
trend was reversed following the biggest of the mass extinc-
tions, at the end-Permian (Fig. 1.14a, b) . Brachiopods are -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 o
presently most abundant and speciose in the deep sea and Millions af years
polar regions, two of the few areas where bivalves are not
200 (e) 0
dominant. More than a hundred years ago the match of the
two patterns was held-up as a 'classic' example of competi- Palaeozoic data
tion driving the gradual replacement ofone group oforgan-
isms by another superior competitor. Modern bivalves and
brachiopods compete for resources in some environments.
notably in New Zealand fjords. In these situations bivalves
seem to be generally superior but the outcomes of competi-
tion are complicated by predation and other factors. Gould 50 o 0 Post-palaeozoic data c9
and Calloway (1980) re-analysed the fossil data and found 0 · 0. - - -0-0. - - 00- - - - -r::n::tiJ -----

that. except at the end-Permian extinction, there was no o

negative relationship between the species' richness of the o 100 200 300 400
two groups (Fig. 1.14c). Furthermore, they actually found Bivalve genera
a weak positive correlation, so that there were more bra-
chiopod species when there were more bivalve species. Figure 1.14 Patterns of, and between, brachiopod and
The positive relationships were, as the authors acknowl- bivalve (mollusc) richness: (a) numbers of families with
edged, probably not causal. The possibility that competition time over the last 600 million years; (b) numbers of
explains the patterns of richness in these two co-occurring genera over the same period; and (c) generic richness of
animals is still debated. brachiopods vs. that of bivalves, before and after the end-
Permian extinction event. Data from Gould and Calloway
The pattern of occurrence of bivalves and brachiopods (1980). The photograph illustrates abundant fossil
was previously viewed as a classic example of the out- spiriferid brachiopods.
come of species that compete for the same resources.

Competition has been investigated in many different important for the maintenance of biodiversity. as has been
regions, habitats. and among and within a wide variety of described for some low-latitude communities. In contrast.
marine organisms. Relatively few large-scale spatial and on Jamaican coral reefs, Jackson (1979) found that in many
taxonomic patterns have emerged. One of the few patterns interactions between species' pairs there was no definitive
that has emerged is that of shallow encrusting (bryozoan) winner. A number of studies have reported similar findings
communities that are typically much more hierarchical at in the competition for space among corals or sponges. In
high latitude (polar seas) (Fig. 1.15) . This means that the these situations many species seem to be able to exist in
dominance hierarchy in polar regions is more pronounced: close proximity to each other and biodiversity is maintained
the top competitor wins virtually all encounters with any through biological interactions rather than by physical dis-
other species. The next highest ranked competitor wins all turbance. Most investigations of competition have been
encounters except those with the most dominant. and so between closely related competitors. often among species
on down the dominance hierarchy. If it were not for the belonging to the same genus. Intuitively this makes sense,
influence of disturbance. one species would ultimately as similar species are likely to have the most similar require-
monopolize all the available space. In this system, dis- ments and methods of resources acquisition. In addition.
turbance, through wave action (Fig. 1.2) and ice scour, is very different species compete for the same resources; for
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

for space than between congenerics (two species from the

Hiemnhies 0 ••
same genus), which in turn was less likely than those in
the same family but from different genera. Furthermore,
- .~ O:·

•e the more distantly related the two competitors, the more
.e- /,,(fj'6 °c uneven the outcome of competition. Trends in the out-
c 0.7 • c. "• • 0 comes of competition, abundance, and richness could be
-- 0
c Networks 0 considered as patterns of success. This means that it is pos-
0 • sible to measure the success of different taxa.

•• At high latitudes, diversity is maintained by disturbance
'" compared to biological interactions at lower lat itudes.
0 10 10 30 40 50 60 70 80
lemude (degree~) The more distantly related the two competitors t he more
uneven the outcome of competition .
Figure 1.15 Changes in the structure of marine
competition with latitude. Data are how hierarchical
'pecking orders' of bryozoan communities are in the
1.4.3 Success
Northern (0) and Southern hemispheres (.), scored using
Tanaka and Nandakumar's (1994) transitivity formu la. Plot To measure success. we first need a standardized definition
redrawn from Barnes (2002b) with additional data ofthis term. In evolutionary terms, insects are considered a
successful taxon because they have radiated to a high level
example, humans, seals, and seabirds compete for sand eels of species' richness. Alternatively, higher taxonomic levels
(Ammodytes spp.). Barnes (2003) examined how the inten- could be considered (genus, phylum), as could the abun-
sity of competition varied with relatedness in two groups dance of taxa. Copepod crustaceans and nematodes have
of marine organisms (e.g. bryozoans and ascidians) in two been described as the most numerous animals on Earth.
regions of matching latitude (north-western Europe and and are therefore considered to be 'successful'. As we have
the Antarctic Peninsula) . The outcomes of competition seen already, large-scale trends exist both in species' rich-
were as asymmetrical between organisms from different ness and the abundance of organisms. but these do not
kingdoms (e.g. algae and ascidians) as they were between necessarily coincide (Fig. 1.13). There are, however, many
animals of different families (Fig. 1.16) . This study showed more potential measures of success, which show strong
that intraspecific competition (two competitors of the same trends in space and time . Along a bathymetric gradient.
species) was less likely to result in aggressive competition echinoderms (sea cucumbers in particular) occur across a

(oj (bJ (II



!• • I I • • =
• •II •a ,c.

• I• :i I•
• 0
~ o. Bf· . a

I • • -, -=-

e §
.2 'l:'l 0
'5 E o.6f- ; E
•o~ =
-- =
c •• i II •• e •• I; I 8 -
a •

-c o
c 04f-
. • • •• • ~ -


01.. c

•I ~

-s o.2f- c

-•• - ~
, , , 0

o ' ,
, -,
= = ~- -


1.a (Kaled by Nei'sgenetic identity)
Iemncmk divergon(e of rempetlters

Figure 1.16 Competition asymmetry with taxon d ivergence in shallow seas. Proportion of spatial competitors
demonstrating mutual aggression decreases w ith increasing relatedness in temperate bryozoans (red filled circles) (a).
Scaled by Nei's genetic index (0.273 = within fam ily, 0 .54 = within genus, and 0.96 = within species), the relationship
seems robust: it also holds true for Antarctic bryozoans (white circles) and temperate ascidians (squares). (b) Plot
modified from Barnes (2003).
1.4 Abundance and size
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

much wider depth range than other taxa and numerically good example is the evolution of a group of Mesozoic mol-
dominate the megafauna deep sea (Chapter 9) . luscs (ammonites) that resembled the shelled cephalopod
Nautilus in today's seas. Over tens of millions of years. fam-
Nematodes are considered to be 'successful' because ilies and genera of ammonites with complex suture lines in
they are among the most numerous animals on Earth. their shells became more speciose and abundant than sim-
pler forms (Fig. 1.17) . Despite this, those that survived the
Crustaceans, molluscs, and some other phyla occur in mass extinctions were mostly the ammonites with the sim-
marine, freshwater, and terrestrial systems. so an analysis pler shell form, which illustrates that selection pressures for
of occupancy of the available habitats in these systems with evolutionary and ecological success can be very different.
time could be considered as an analysis of success. A fre- Ammonite evolution also illustrated another major trend
quently used proxy of success is the evolution of advanced with time. change in body size.
features or complexity. Organism evolution has produced
progressively more complex designs with time or the num- Ammonites with complex suture lines in their shells
ber ofevolutionarysteps that have occurred. However, some became more speciose and abundant than simpler forms,
organisms (e.g. sharks) show evidence of over-evolution but it was the latter that survived the mass extinctions.
and consequent reverse evolution from complex to simpler
reproductive strategies (Dulvy & Reynolds 1997) . There is
some debate about whether the development of complex 1.4.4 Size
organisms from simple ones is directional or random. but it
is clear that the vast majority of organisms are still simple in Body size has a key role in the function, ecology, physiol-
structure. At this point we should perhaps consider whether ogy. and evolution of individual organisms. Contrasts in
more complex organisms are more successful? In many animal size surround us; many are simply between organ-
examples this depends on the time-scale under consider- ism types: all nematode worms are, for example. smaller
ation. Some of the more speciose and abundant groups in than brachiopods, which are all smaller than marine rep-
today's seas (e.g, molluscs and crustaceans) were relatively tiles. However, contrasting representatives of some taxa
unspecialized in Cambrian seas. Trilobites and brachiopods. span more than four orders of magnitude in size (e.g, for
in contrast. were more specialized and for considerable peri- molluscs, while many snails are just a few millimetres in
ods of evolutionary time were more speciose and abundant length, giant squid can measure nearly 30 m) . Other animal
(see Fig. 1.10), though not since the Palaeozoic. types, such as sponges and colonial forms. do not have defi-
nite limits to body size, much like many fungi, lichens, and
A frequently used proxy of success is the evolution of mosses. There are strong trends in time and space for organ-
advanced features or complexity. ism size. In the Precambrian (c.570 million years ago), all
known animals were fairly small. While in the Mesozoic.
On smaller (but still large) time-scales, increased complex- we find the largest known ocean 'predator' (Liopleurodon) .
ity has made some animal types more abundant and speci- Nevertheless the largest organisms ever to have occurred
ose but more prone to extinction on larger time-scales. A are found in today's seas, i.e. fin (Balaenoptera physalus)

Figure 1.17 Complexity in suture lines of Jurassic ammonites. Four ammonite species with suture line boundaries
coloured to illustrate evolving complexity from simple (left) to progressively more complexly folded ones (right).
Photograph: David Barnes.
Chapter 1 Patterns in the Marine Environment

and blue (B. muscufus) whales. Within taxa, many types famously large mammals. such as carnivores or mam-
of animals (mostly those with calcareous skeletons) have moths) become dwarfs, while others (such as rodents)
tended to get larger with time (Cope's rule) . It may be that tend to increase in size. For the sea, we know of far fewer
this reflects evolution awayfrom small rather than towards size changes due to isolation or along resource-limitation
large size and is an artefact ofincreased specialization. The gradients. There is evidence of decreases in size for some
increasingly complex ammonites also tended to become Radiolaria (Fig. 1.3f). but conversely increases in others.
larger (Fig. 1.13) . For nearly all animals, an increase in Many estuarine animals seem to be smaller than their fully
volume will change their surface area-to-volume ratio. marine equivalent species (Chapter 5), but any conclusions
This is crucial to functions such as gas exchange and feed- about either reduced growth or maximum size are usually
ing. There has been much discussion (and little generally confounded by their shorter life history. There have been
accepted conclusion) on whether: (1) there have been more many explanations for why animals should increase in size
opportunities for new roles (empty niches) for small or (such as reduction ofpredation or increasing food availabil-
large animals; (2) rates of evolution of body size vary with ity or feeding efficiency), but there has been little consensus
population size or reproductive mode; and (3) oxygen. tem- of the importance of dwarfism, other than in the formation
perature, or other factors were responsible for the within- ofcolonial modular units. One effective method ofescaping
fauna size variability seen in modern faunas . For example. surface area-to-volume constraints on respiratory or feed-
amphipods, isopods, pycnogonids, and some other taxa in ing surfaces is coloniality. In virtually all cases of colonial
the deep sea and polar regions can achieve very large size taxa (e.g. many ascidians, bryozoans, many corals), the
(sometimes referred to as polar gigantism) . Analysing colonial modules are smaller than similar solitary/unitary
amphipod sizes from around the world, Chapelle and Peck species, but the colony may be unlimited in size.
(1999) found that size spectra of not only marine, but also
freshwater faunas showed a strong correlation to oxygen. Colonies of organisms can increase in size without the
They later tested this hypothesis by investigating amphipod same constraints that apply to unitary organisms. This is
size in a high-altitude lake (Lake Titicaca), which confirmed because there is no change in the surface area of respira-
their predictions (they were mainly very small) . New stud- tory or feeding surfaces, because the individual modules
ies (such as Brandt et at. 2007) have revealed many previ- of a colony remain fixed in size.
ously undescribed small polar species, so it is likely that the
true extent of polar gigantism will be revisited. The current interest in global biodiversity means that there
is intense interest in the relative extinction rates of small-
Many types of animals have tended to increase in size versus large-bodied animals. In recent time the extinction
with time, this is known as Cope's rule. However, some ofmanyofthe large vertebrates from continents and islands
organisms (particularly colony forming biota) can shrink coincided with human inhabitation. Far less is known about
in response to negative environmental or feeding condi- size-related extinctions further back in time, most notably
tions. in the largest extinction at the end-Permian. Predictions
based on organismal energetics alone have suggested that
The link to oxygen explains gigantism (e.g. in dragonflies) larger mammals have higher extinction probabilities. Vari-
during the Carbon iferous period when atmospheric oxy- ous lines of evidence suggest that adaptive breakthroughs
gen levels were higher. in faunas occurred at small body size. This set the scene for
rapid increases in size as well as the number of species at
Usually terrestrial fauna on islands change in size relative the start of the Cambrian and after the various Mesozoic
to mainland counterparts, but there can be decreases as extinctions.
well as increases. On islands. certain animal types (most
Further Reading
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Chapter Summary
• The mari ne environment accounts for 99Ofo of the Eart h's living space and it is where nearly all
major types of animal (phyla) evolved. Most of these animals remain endem ic (uniq ue) to the marine
environment. Mass extinctions and radiat ions of species affected marine organisms most d ramati-
cally. As marine organisms tend to be better preserved than those on land, most of our perception
of past life comes from marine fossils.
• New evidence, such as satellite imagery, has revealed that the oceans and seas are more compart-
mentalized than we once thought. Broadly, marine life seems spatially d ivided into twelve major
biogeographic biomes, each w ith different patterns of productivity and their own specific biotas.
• It has long been recogn ized that terrestrial organisms exhibit distinct trends in endemism, diversity,
abundance, size, and other characters with physical environmental characteristics. Intense wo rk on
marine organisms during the last co uple of decades has revealed some similarities and striki ng
d ifferences wit h such patterns on land.
• With more extreme and longer isolat ion of geographic regions, the tendency towards endemism
is greater. Continental shelf margins around islands, such as Hawaii or as big as An tarctica, can
contain the majority of species found nowhere else. How many depends very much on the scale at
which we look for such species.
• Biodiversity is much discussed but often poorly understood. It can be measured using a variety
of methods at various t axo nomic levels (though usually species). There is very good evidence that
richness (the number of taxa) has changed t hroug h time and differs with latitude, longitude, and
other factors.
• Other major aspects of ecology also change drastically along time and space gradients. This chapter
d iscussed the evidence for j ust a few, including how competition appears t o be more hierarchical at
the poles than at lower latitudes and how it changes w ith the taxonomic relatedness of competitors.
• Success can be measured in many ways: some organ ism types have become successful eco logically
(abundance, ubiquity) and evolutionari ly (great geological age, many taxa), though not always at
the same time. Many ot hers have had some ecological or evolutionary success, w hilst some may
always have been rare-but was this through design o r chance?
• Finally, evidence t o date suggests the largest organisms that ever lived are alive t oday, but the
largest land animals died tens of millions of years ago and the largest insects lived even earlier.
Gigantism and dwarfism occurs in certain environments even now (deep sea and polar regions).
The evolution of body size is complex and depends on many factors.

Further Reading
• Gaston and Spicer (2004) provide an excellent treatme nt of biodiversity and current topical issues,
w hile McShea (1996) provides a detailed treatment of trends between metazoan complexity and
• Gaston, K. J. and J. I. Spicer 2004. Biodiversity: an Introduction (2 nd edition) . Blackwell Science, Oxford.
• McShea, D. W. 199 6 . Metazoan complexity and evolution: Is there a trend? Evolution 50: 477-92 .
• For an introduction to the wider impl ications of body size, see laBarbera ( 1986) for one of the best
reviews of this subject.
• laBarbera, M. 198 6. The evolutio n and eco logy of body size. In D.M . Raup and D. Jablonski (eds) ,
Patterns and Processes in the History of Life . Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 69-98.
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Primary Production

Chapter Summary
Primary produ ction is the starting poi nt of all other life in and sequestration over thousands of years are fundamental
marine systems. Primary producers in the oceans span for our understanding of the ocean as a potenti al si nk for
many orders of magnitude in size from bacteria less than a increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. About 5 5%
micron (u rn) in diameter through to > 50-m long giant kelps of the total 'carbon captured' on Earth through the process
that grow up to 0 .5 m a day. Production is measured using of photosynthesis and production of biomass takes place in
bottled incubati ons or, increasingl y, from space using satel- marine systems, and over 90% of the earth's CO2 is cycled
lite-borne ocean colour sensors that detect photosynthetic and stored through marine systems. This chapter introduces
pigments in surface waters. The conversion of inorgan ic the maj or factors that control primary production , and how
carbon into biomass, its subseq uent sinking to th e seabed, to measure it.

2.1 Introduction
The photosynthetic organisms of the ocean, as on land, are for
the most part the fundamental food source on which marine
ecosys tems are based (Field et al. 1998; Falkowski et al. 2000;
Nellemann et al. 2009). In coastal waters , the large stands of
seaweeds exposed at low tide, submerged kelp beds, or gently
wafting meadows of seagrasses that fill coastal lagoons, are
the obvious plants. These primary producers grow in much
the same way as their terrestrial counterparts: assimilating
carbon through photosynt hes is, and growing by taking up
nitrogen, phosphorus, and a host of necessary ot her minerals
and trace substances to generate new biomass.
When considering photosynthesis and the production of
new biomass we need to consider both production and loss
processes, and both are important for this chapter (Fig. 2.2) .
In the most simplistic terms, light energy is trapped and used Figure 2 .1 Sun light is the energy source for the primary
to produce organic matter through photosynthesis, and this producti on in the wo rld 's oceans, and is therefore the
organic matter is broken down through respiration to release fundamental limiting factor co nt roll ing ocean productivity
energy and heat. (photograph David Thomas).
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

The global scale of this cycle is m assive and the annual cycle
There is a large body of information on primary produc-
of production and consumption has been calculated to have
tion processes in aquatic systems, and for this chapter,
the same energy production of about 1.5 x 10 14 watts per
rather than an extensive list of citations and reference list
year, equivalent to the annu al output of around 150 000
(as used by other chapters), readers are rather encour-
nuclear power stations . It is also a relatively efficient pro-
aged to use the extended reading list at the end of the
cess, with 40% of the solar rad iation absorbed converted
chapter. These have been selected for the overviews they
into organic material, which is slightly better than the best
give and the synthesis of the primary scientific literature.
modern power station . See Kolber (2007) for an excelle nt
Citations are used for more specialized points, possibly
description of the microbial ene rgy cycle of the oceans, in
not so widely covered in the more generalized texts.
a way that forms a brief synops is of much that is covered in
this chapter.
Phorosynthesit I :I Respiration
Primary production is the formation of organic matter
meienel & through the trapping of light energy and assimilation of
~ inorganic elements.
,, .::
, ~"
~- - . _ - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - _ . .- - - - - o
,, Heat (infrared ! 2.1.1 Marine plants and algae
radialio n)
J Mangroves, salt m arsh systems, and seagrass beds (see
~ Chapter 10 for detailed cover of these systems) cover less
IFlowofenergy I - - - IFlowof material I than 0.5% of the global marine system , although it has been
estimated that they account for between 50 and 71 % of all
carbon storage in m arine sed iments. Although they are only
Figure 2.2 The massive biological cycle. The energy about 0.05% of the plant biomass on land, they still rep-
of light, inorganic nutrients, CO 2 , water, and salts are resent a considerable carbon store when looked upon on
co nvert ed to a complex mix of organic compounds and global terms (Table 2.1; Laffoley & Grirnsditch 20 09; Nel-
oxygen by photosynthetic organisms. Respiration releases lemann et a1. 2009) .
CO 2 and energy, at the expense of oxygen and recycles
nutrients to the inorganic state (image: Peter J. Ie B.

Table 2.1. Comparison of global carbon storage by mangroves, seagrass meadows, kelp forests, and
comparative terrestrial systems (extracted from Laffoley & Grimsditch 2009).

Ecosystem Type Standing stock carbon Global carbon stocks

(gC m-Z ) (PgC)*

Plants Soil Plants Soil

Mangroves 7990 1.2

Seag rass beds 18 4 7000 0.06 2. 1

Ke lp forests 120 -720 na 0.0 1-0.02 na
Croplands 18 8 8000 3 128
Boreal forest 6423 34380 88 4 71
Temperate forest 5673 96 15 59 100
Tro pical forest 1204 5 12 2 73 2 12 2 16

.. P = peta and 1 Pg is equivalent to 10 15 g.

2.1 Introduction
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Figure 2.3 (a) Mangroves, li ke these in the Philippines, are hotspots of primary production in many coastal regions
(photograph: David Thomas). (b) Seagrasses are the only true marine plants and form extensive beds of high
productivity in temperate and tropical coastal waters (photograph: Ylva Olsen).

Looks can be deceptive-while the seagrasses and man- (a)

groves, and many of the species inhabiting salt marshes.
are true flowering plants (Fig. 2.3), the seaweeds are not.
Seaweeds are algae and, although they are photosynthetic
organisms, in contrast to the terrestrial plants, they are non-
flowering and do not have roots. leafy shoots, or sophisti-
cated tissues for transporting water, sugars. and nutrients.
Their major evolutionary lineages remain controversial,
although recent molecular advances clearly indicate that,
apart from a few of the green algal species, the algae are
only remotely linked to land plants.

Seaweeds, seagrasses, and microscopic algae and bac-

teria are the primary producers in the oceans.

Seaweeds, or rather macroalgae, are a diverse group. rang-

ing from mere encrustations on rock surfaces. to giant
brown algae such as Macroeystis prolifera and Neroeystis
leutkaena, which reach lengths over 50 m long (Fig. 2.4) .
The latter species is an annual. and grows taller than a
mature oak tree in a single year.
Macroalgae are easily seen by the human observer,
but we need the assistance of a microscope to observe the
microalgae that generate most of the primary production
in the oceans (Fig. 2.4) . We may not be able to see these
individual phytoplankton cells, but we can certainly see
their effects : clear waters can be turned brown almost
overnight. when light, temperature. and nutrient condi-
tions in the water are favourable. such that phytoplankton
are induced to grow at such a rapid rate that they form an Figure 2.4 The primary producers of marine systems
algal bloom. range from large seaweeds (macroalgae) that grow
attached to t he sea floor (a), down to microscopic
phytoplankton (b). Note the x1 0000 difference in scale
Phytoplankton can bloom rap idly given enoug h light and
between t he two images (photographs: Ian Lucas/Gerhard
a sufficient supply of inorganic nut rients.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

2.1.2 The phytoplankton we explore the role of non-photosynthetic organisms. The

growth ofall photosynthetic organisms is restricted primarily
The microalgae vary considerably in size ranging from by the supply of light, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and the main
about 2 urn in diameter to over 200 urn. They are very var- macro-nutrients (phosphate. silicate. and nitrate) . However,
ied in form, some of the most elaborate being the silicate even when all these factors are adequate, the lack of trace
(glass) encased diatoms that have beguiled naturalists since elements can be enough to restrict growth (see Box 2.6).
the first microscope lenses became available (Armbrust There are many other mechanisms for utilizing energy
2009; Box 2 .1) . However, these microphytoplankton are sources other than light, as well as different sources of car-
not the only photosynthetic organisms to be found in the bon for the generation ofnew biomass. Itis only proper that
phytoplankton. Since the 1980s, a host of much smaller at least some mention is given to the diversity of metabo-
prokaryotic photosynthetic organisms have been shown lism. especially since this variety is fundamental for the
to be an important component of the phytoplankton. These microbial ecology (Chapter 3) and biogeochemical pro-
include cyano-baeteria such as those from the genus Syn- cesses found within marine systems.
echococcus, cells about 1 urn in diameter, which are found
in all waters except the polar oceans. Pelagic prochloro-
phytes in the genus ProchlorococclLS (cells of O.7 I'm diam- 2.2 Photosynthesis
eter) were discovered in the late-1980s. These very small
picoplankton are thought to be found in most waters Algae (micro- and macroalgae) and cyanobacteria, such as
around the globe, and contribute a high percentage of the Synechocccus and Prochlorococcus, are photoautotrophs,
total primaryproducrion ofopen waters (Figs 2.5 and 2 .6) . as they use light for their energy source and carbon dioxide
However, we are only just beginning to understand their (or one of its various forms in the water; see 2.2.1) to pro-
role in global primary production, and in many oceano- duce new organic matter.
graphic studies these tiny organisms remain overlooked The photosynthetic reaction can be divided into a light
(Binder et al. 1996; Fuhrman & Capone 2001; Karl 2002; reaction and a dark reaction. The light reaction converts
Scanlan & West 2002) . light into metabolic energy and reducing power. The dark
reaction utilizes these to convert (fix) carbon dioxide and
Femtoplankton: 0 .02 to 0 .2 I'm. form organic material. The overall reactions are :
Picoplankton: 0 .2 to 2.0 I'm.
Light reaction 2H20 + light => 4[H+]
Nanoplankton: 2.0 to 20 prn,
+ metabolic energy + 0 2
Microplankton: 20 to 200 prn,
Mesoplankton: 0.2 to 200 prn,
Dark reaction-HH" l + metabolic energy + CO2 =>
[CH,D] + H 20,

Picoplankton, 0 .2 to 2 IJm in d iameter, are important where [CH 20 ] is used as a general symbol for organic
contributors to plankton primary production. material.

This chapter describes production processes in marine

Photoautotrophs use light as an energy source and car-
systems with a focus on photosynthetic organisms and
bon dioxide to produce new organic matter.
the constraints acting on this process. while in Chapter 3

Figure 2.5 The advent of

satellite-borne ocean colour
sensors enables scientists to look
at the global distributions of
phytoplankton in surface waters.
This image shows the SeaWiFS
average chlorophyll concentration
collected from January 1997 to
July 2005 (image: SeaWiFS Project,
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
2.2 Photosynthesis

Figure 2.6 A co ncent rated w ater samp le f rom th e Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, stai ned by t he fluorescent DNA stai n
DAPI , and viewed by ep ifluo rescence microscopy. Left: under exc itat ion by UV light, individual bacteria and flagell ates
are v isible by th eir DAPI-induced blue flu orescence. Ri ght: the same preparati on under blu e light excit at ion. Yellow
(Synechococcus sp.) and even smaller red flu orescing pi coplan kton cells (Prochlorococcus sp.) are v isible. Unlike in th e
upper pi cture, only th e auto-flu orescence of the natural p hotosynt hetic pigments can be seen. Th e large, very bright cell
is a dinoflagellate (Gymnodinium sp., about zopm in d iameter) (p hotog rap hs: Marcus Reckermann).

Photosynthetic organisms contain specialized light-sen- ase (RUBISCO). It is important that there is a high supply
sitive pigments, such as chlorophylls, to absorb light energy, of CO, at the active site of RUBI SCO. Many species ofcyano-
which is subsequently transferred to reduce CO2 to organic bacteria and algae have active carbon-concentrating
compounds. CO, is fixed w ithin the Calvin cycle, and the mechanisms (CCMs) that m aintain t he required high lev-
first step of the reduction of CO, in t his cycle is catalysed by els of CO, within the cells (Box 2.3).
the enzyme ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygen-

Box 2.1: THE DIATOM FRUSTULE The strength of the diatom frustule seems to be a most
remarkable feature of these algae. Although diatoms are
Diatoms, a group of microalgae, are major contributors grazed, they are clearly not an easy food sou rce to break
to the phytoplankton of marine and fresh water. There into. The unique architectures and design of the frustules
are also many diatom species that live within and on top give them immense mechanical strength, and the dia-
of sedi ments, as well as species that grow as epiphytes tom silica has material properties co mparable to cortical
on the surfaces of animals, plants, and macroalgae (for bone wi th greater elasticity tha n glass. In fact, the grazers
comprehensive review see: Arm brust 2009). The charac- must exert t remendous force, and therefore expend extra
terist ic of all diatoms is that they produce cell walls made energy, to break the frustules open and get to t he cell
of silicate, which are not only very beautiful to look at, but
also apparently very strong (Brownlee and Taylor 2002). 10)
Diatoms can form dense blooms in coastal wate rs, and
are an important food source for protozoan and zooplan k-
ton grazers. However, once formed, the diato m cases, or
frustules, dissolve only slowly, and in some regions of the
world's oceans, the sediments are characterized by diatom-
ataceous or siliceous oozes: massive accumulations of
diatom frustules that have sunk from the surface waters
over eons of t ime.
Many diatom species have h igh ly ornate f rustules,
with spines, spi kes, hooks, and other protrusions. Many
of these adaptations are thought to resist sinking and
aid colony/chain formation, but also deter grazers from Sophi sticated mod el s of diatom frustules, such as
attempting to eat them. The spines of diatoms have even th is co mp uter-generated p ennate diatom, are helping
been known to clog fish gills and pierce delicate mem- researchers understand how th e st ructures of the silica
branes in gill t issues. cell w alls are related t o th eir ecol o gy and evo lut ion
(image: Christian Hamm , Alfred Wegener Institute).
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

contents. Recent studies using microscopi c crash tests ,
as well as computer-based simulations, suggest that the
diatom frustu les have arisen from an evolutionary arms
race in w hich the capability of graz ing organisms to break
open its prey has been pitched against the evolution of
very strong elastic diatom fr ustules (Hamm et al. 2003) .
Both copepods and eup hausiids, major consumers of
diatoms, have sil ica-edged mandibles an d gizzards lined
with sharp crushing structures that function like teeth . It is
likely that these structures have co-evolved w ith the devel- Scanning electron micrographs of the mandibular
opment of the diatom frustu le, j ust as the anti-grazing gnathobases of the copepod Calanoides acutus. The
sil ica spicules in grasses have co-evolved with the evolu- gnathobases of this species have strong tooth-like
t ion of teet h in animals that g raze on land. structures that consist of a different material from the
rest of the gnathobases. These structures are very suit-
able for cracking hard diatom frustules (photograph:
Jan Michels, Alfred Wegener Institute).

The strength of diatom frustules is possibly linked to an

that is primarily governed by the acidity (pH) , salinity, and
anti-grazing strategy.
temperature of the water:
HCO; + H+ ¢'> H 2 CO, ¢'> H 20 + cal.
Carbon-concentrating mechanisms maintain high carbon
dioxide levels at the RUBISCO enzyme.
pH, temperature , and salinity govern the form of inor-
ganic carbon in marine systems.

2.2.1 Carbon dioxide and In seawater with a salinity of 35 and a 'typ ical' pH of 8.1
photosynthesis in the sea
to 8.3 (Box 2.4; Fig. 2.5) approximately 90% of the inor-
Dissolved inorganic carbon occurs as several forms in sea- ganic carbon occurs as HCO; . wit h 2 mmol L-l of HCO;
water: carbon dioxide (CO,) gas, carbonic acid (H,C0 ,l , and only about 10 umol L-1 in the form of CO, (Fig. 2.7) .
bicarbonate ions (HCO; ), and carbonate ions (CO:-). The RUBISCO requires CO, as a substrate . CO, is taken up
proportions of these forms in seawater are in an equilibrium directly by marine algae, but this is dependent on diffu -

Range of seawater
.. ..

~ 10-1

.J!" 10-

Figure 2 .7 Relationship between pH and the relative

proportions of dissolved inorganic carbon species in
seawater. Note the relative concentrations are plotted on a
10-' L-_---'--_~"---_--'--_ ____'_---'---'--_---': - _..J
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II logarithmic scale (from Raven et al. 2005).
2.2 Photosynthesis

sion from low external concentrations compared with the The enzyme carbonic anhydrase converts HCO~ to CO 2
high amount of carbon present in the Ilea; pool (Box 2.2). within and on the outside of some cells.
Surprisingly, there is still debate as to which inorgan ic car-
bon form is the predominant form used by marine algae Generally photosynthesis (both light and dark reactio ns)
(Burkhardt et al. 2001 ). He O; is t aken up by some algal is represented by the following equation:
species and this is converted wit hin the cell to CO 2 by the
6e0 2 + 6H,o + 48 photons of light es 602 + C6H 1,o6.
enzyme carbon ic anhydrase (Raven 199 5; Elzenga et al.
2000) . In m any algae, carbonic anhydrase act ivity has also This highly simplified equ atio n masks the great complex-
been measured on the outer cell surfaces converting HCO; ity of the photosynthetic process. However, it does show
to CO 2 , which is then taken up into the cells. that for these organisms water is used as an electron donor
to produce the reducing power in the overall metabolism,
Note that in chemistry we talk about a substrate, whereas with oxygen produced as an end product. Because oxygen
later in this book we discuss seabed habitats: the sub- is produced, these organisms are referred to as being oxy-
stratum. genic photoautotrophs.

Box 2.2: RUBISCO of the cell. It is the most abundant protein on the planet
RUBISCO is an enzyme of very high molecu lar weight (estimates of 40 million tonnes) . Given this estim ate, an d
and in planktonic algae amounts to 50% of the protei n taking global produ ctivity at 100 x 10 9 tonnes per year,


,...-- HoNF ' --'<,

I,-AOP /
t -'i CO,
reer tens

IPhase 1:(arMnfi xation I


6 0 'C <:'()-<
Ribulose bisp osphute ].phospho ~cer·~otO-e_ - _ 6@
,li;---- 6AOP
3AOP- ~_'

L.-- - 61NAOPH I
(' - - 6NAOP '
------- 6@
Phase3: I P
Regenerationof ~::::~l~;,:;~G~IY~
Ceralde~Yde J.phosphate Phase 2:
( 0 acceptor (G3PI
2 Redudion

I o-o-o-®____
G3P - _ .. Glucose and
(0 sugar) otherorganic

The Calvin cycle. Central to the making of biomass following photosynthetic capture of light.
Copyright © Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Benjamin Cummings
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

1 9 of RUBISCO fixes about 2500 9 C per year, i.e. about It is an important loss react ion in pla nts, especially tropical
10 9 per day, which is equivalent to 70 CO2 molecules plants. The balance b etw een the two alternative react ions
per RUBISCO molecule per second (enzymes characteris- is controlled by the ratio of 02 and CO 2 concentrations
t ically are much mo re reactive, catalysing 10 0 0 0 to 100 at the enzyme:
000 molecular reactions per second).
The carboxylase reaction catalysed by RUBISCO is as Carboxylase (CO, fixi ng) reaction is high at high
follows in the Calvin cycle: CO 2/0 2 ratios.

6 Ri bulose- 1, 5-Bisphosphate + 6 CO, => Oxygenase (C0 2 re leasing) reaction is high at low
12 (3-Phosphoglycerate). CO 2/ 0 2 ratios.

Then follows a complex sequence of reactions, from w hich Therefore:

the sugars glucose (C6 H 12 0 6) and sucrose (C1zHzzO l 1)
are common initial products. At high CO 2/ 0 2 retlee ee carboxylase function
RUBISCO is unusual as an enzyme in that it has a sec- :::::} CO 2 fixation & 02 production.
ond and quite different function as an oxygenase. In this
reaction, rather than adding carbon dioxide on to ribu- At low COi02 retlcs ee oxygenase function
lose- 1, 5-bisphosphate, oxygen is added: :::::} CO 2 production & 02 utilization.

Ribulose- 1, 5-Bisphosphate + 0, => By having carbon-concentrating mechanisms (CCMs;

3-phosphoglycerate + phosphoglycolate. see above) the algae mai ntain high concentrations of
CO, inside the cells where RUBISCO is situated, thereby
This reaction, known as photorespiration, results ensuring that the carboxylase function dominates (Raven
eventually in the loss of carbon and the fo rmation of CO 2, 1997) .

RUBISCO is an en zyme-ri b ulose b isphosphat e


Box 2.3: Photosynthesis and stable Corbon

e- _
carbon isotopes
- 13 e
Carbon is present in nat ure in various isotopic fo rms: the
radioactive isotope 14C and the stable carbon isotopes,
12C and Be. Photosynthetic carbon assi milation results in
discrimination agai nst 13C, and as a result the produced
biomass becomes enriched in 12C whereas the remaini ng
total dissolved inorganic carbon pool becomes relatively Ratio, 13e112e
enriched in 13C (Bu rkhardt et al. 19 9 9a, 1999b; Riebesell
Expressed cs 013C1% 0)
et al. 2000b).
More positive = greoter proportion 13C
This is reflected in their stable isotope ratio, which is
More negative = lesser proportion13 C
com monly reported on a eroo (parts per thousand) basis in
the 0 notation relat ive to the international standard Vie nna Sche matic illustrat ing th e relative proportions (not t o
Pee Dee Belemnite (VPDB) as, li 13 C = 1000((R/RVPDB ) - scale) of t he stable carbon isot opes 13C and 12C.
1), with R = 13C/ 12e. Negative values indicate 12C enrich-
ment and more positive values indicate BC enrichment. tosynt hetically assi milated o rganic carbon (OBCPQC) that
The isotope effect attributable to RUBISCO is about is more en riched in 12C (i.e. isotopically lighter) than the
- 2 70/00 in photosynthetic algae. In other words, the CO 2 available for assimilation by an equivalent amount.
RUBISCO effect alone will result in a li 13C of the pho- This can be observed during growth in CO 2- replete condi-
2.2 Photosynthesis

tions. However, the overall (net) biological isotope frac- The 0 13 e signat ures have become a valuable tool for
t ionat ion during photosynthe sis and, hence, the fi nal 3 1 3 C researchers interested in food webs (see later chapters) .
values are a complex fu nction of a number of factors, The signat ure tends to be conservative and maintained.
such as the dissolved CO 2 concentration, passive and /or Therefore an organism eati ng the primary producer will
active dissolved inorganic carbon transport into the cell, tend to assimilate carbon w ith the same isotopic signat ure
growth rate, cell size, and cell geometry. The departure (in line w ith the proverb 'You are what you eat' ) . By mea-
from the chemical equi librium value has been used by suring the isotope signat ures valuable informat ion can
geochemists and palaeobiologists to identify the earliest therefore be gleaned for determining food web dynamics.
ev idence for life on the planet.

2.2.2 Photosynthetic pigments 1·1

There are groups of photosynthetic bacteria that use other Chlorophyll a

reductants, such as hydrogen, hydrogen sulphide, and fer-

rous iron, and do not produce oxygen. Oxygen can inhibit •-
photosynthesis in these organ isms, which include purple .ao
sulphur bacteria, purple non-sulphur bacteria, and green ••

sulphur bacteria, among ot hers. ~

Some types of photosynthetic bacteria only photosyn-

thesize in anoxic conditions.
, , \ ,
There is a great variety of chlorophylls and other light- 300 400 500 600 700
Wavelength (nm)
absorbing pigments in photoautotrophs. Chlorophy ll-a
(Chla) , is the m ajor chlorophyll of the algae, and is green Ibl
because it absorbs blue (maximally at 430 nm) and red
wavelengths (maximally at 680 nm) of light and reflects
green wavelengths (Fig. 2 .8) . Be cause Chla is such a
ubiquitous pigment in a w ide diversity of photosynthetic -""
organisms it is used as a measure of algal biomass in water
samples, and when photosynthetic rates are calculated (see



2.1 3) they are often referred to the amount of chloro phyll

present in the sample.
A wide range of pigments, including chlorophylls, are
used by photosynthetic organisms to trap light. 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
Wavelength (nm)
- Solar radiation
Carotenoids such as ~-carotine and fucoxanthin, as well Chlorophyll a
as chlorophyll-b, absorb in the green part of the light spec- Phycoerythrin
trum (400 to 5 20 nm), w hereas phycoerythrin absorbs in ~- (Orlltin e

a different range of the green region (490 to 570 nm) (Fig.

2.8b). Phycocyanins and allophycocyanins absorb light in Figure 2.8 (a) The absorption spectra of chlorophyll-a.
the green-yellow (550 to 630 nm) and orange-red (650 to (b) Absorption spectra of chlorophyll-a (green) and some
670 nm) parts ofthe spectrum, respectively. These pigments accessory pigments: Phycocyanin (blue), Phycoerythrin
are examples of accessory pigments. The wavelengths of (red) and [f-carotene (yellow). The spectrum of
light that range from 400 to 700 nm are called the photo- photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) is overlain.
synthetically active radiation (PAR) , and photosynthetic
organisms adjust their light-harvesting pigments to absorb
Photosynthetically active radiation is the wavelengths
various components of this spectrum of light which varies
400 to 700 nm.
w it h wate r depth.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

Among the prokaryotes, the cyano bacteria have ChIa, as carbohydra tes (hence their value as storage m aterial and
as in eukaryo tic photoautotrophs. However, ot her photo- their occu rrence in the eggs of m ost animals).
trophs, such as the pu r ple and green bacteria, contain an y of
a large number of bacteriochlorophylls. These have d iffer- The oxidation of fats yields far more energy than the
ent absorption characteristics than the algal chlorophylls, oxidation of the same amount of simple sugars.
e .g. bacteriochlorophyll-a absorbs m aximally between 830
to 925 nm, whereas algal Chla absorbs m aximally at 430 Where oxygen does not occu r in sufficien t concen tra-
and 680 n m . tions for normal aerobic respiration, some organisms (not
algae or plan ts) can use anaerobic respiration, and use
nitrate , sulphate, carbonate , and organic com pou nds as
2.3 Respiration electron acceptors. When oxygen is depleted , a number of
other proton acceptors m ay replace oxygen, the list of w hich
The ot her major metabolic pathway that needs to be intro - is quite long with 14 compounds identified to date. Some
duced here is aerobic respiration. When oxygen is present, of the proton acceptors are well-known, such as n itrate and
compounds are oxidized using 0 2 as an electron acceptor sulphate, but others are m ore obscure and in m any respects
to produce CO, and adenos ine triphosphate (ATP). All surprising; for example, u ranium, perchlorate, and arsenic
organisms respire and, unlike photosynthesis that can only can also be used by m icro-organisms (see King 2005) . There
take place in t he light , resp iration takes place con tin uously. is a broad ge neralization t hat if a reaction is thermodynami-
Effectively the process of respiration can be exem plified by cally favourable , some m icr o-organisms w ill eventually
the reverse of the equation given for photosynthesis above: exploit it (see Table 2.2 for examples) .
Nitrate respiration is key to the denitrification process
60, + C6H 1206 -> 6CO, + 6H,o + energy*. (Chapter 3) , in which denitrifying bacteria reduce nitrate
(*When glucose is oxid ized d u ri ng respiration, 2870 kJ and nitrite to nitrous oxide or dinitrogen gas:
m ol-' of energy is produced.)
The amou n t of energy produced is dependent on the
nature o f the star ting m aterial : one m ole of fat (e.g. pal-
mitic acid) results in the production of 9959 kJ of energy Un til recen tly nitrate respiration was thought to be only
com pared to t he production of 2870 kJ when the same car ried ou t by bacteria. However, Pina-Ochoa et al (2010)
amoun t of glucose (a carbohydrate) is respired. For a given have shown that ben th ic foraminters are able to store and
weight of m aterial, fats yield at least twice as much energy resp ire n itrates.

Table 2.2 The basic reacti on s of the some proton donors and acceptor reactions involved in respiration. [CH20]
as symbolism for o rganic material , for simplicity of presentation all compounds are shown in their non-ionized

Proton Proton acceptor Respiration Respiration Specific bacteria group responsible

donor end product(s) by-product
Aerobi c metabolism
[CH,Oj + 0, -> CO, + H,O No specific group

Anoxic metabolism- alternative proton acceptors to oxygen

[CH,Oj + 2 HN0 3 -> CO, + H,O + 2 HNO, Denitrify ing bacteria
[CH,Oj + HNO, -> CO, + NH 3 Denitrify in g bacteria
+ 1 -> CO, + H,O + 2 H,5 Su lphate-reducing bacteria
[CH,Oj 2 H,S04 -> CO, + H,O 2 H,5
• •• ••• •• •• •• ••• • • • • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• •• •• • •• •• •• • •• •• •• •• • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • • •• • • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • •• • • ••
Chemoautotrophic metabolism-additional proton donors to organic material
HN0 2 02 +; ~ HN0 3 Nitrite-oxidizing nitrifying bacteria
NH 3 + 0z ~ H20 + HNOz Ammonia-oxidizing nit ri fying bacteria
HzS + 202 ~ H2S04 Su lphur bacteria
2.4 Heterotrophic metabolism
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Sulphur-reducing bacteria use sulphate, thiosulphate, Heterot rophic organisms obtain their carbon from the
and elemental sulphur as electron acceptors in respiration. oxidat ion of organic matter, whereas autotrophic organ-
The metabolism produces sulphide or hydrogen sulphide, isms obtain carbon from CO 2 ,
the rotten egg smell. characteristic of many anoxic waters
and sediments. Methanogenic bacteria use CO2 as an elec- There are other groups of prokaryotes that use inorganic
tron acceptor, producing methane (CH4 ) as an end product. chemicals as their energy source (ch emo lit h o trop hs) .
Most of these organisms obtain their carbon from CO 2, and
Anaerobic respi ration can resu lt in the production of so are autotrophs. There are many sources ofinorganic elec-
potentially toxic products, such as hydrogen sulphide tron donor used by these prokaryotes, which include both
and methane. bacteria and archaea. These include hydrogen sulphide,
sulphur. ammonium, nitrite. and ferrous iron. Again some
Many of the products of anaerobic respiration are toxic ofthese organisms can only survive in anaerobic conditions
(e.g, H2S, which is even more toxic than hydrogen cyanide) . whereas others are tolerant of oxygen.
This toxicity has very great ecological significance in water
management, since plankton. zooplankton, and higher
organisms (e.g. fish) are particularly susceptible to this
toxicity and are at risk in environments that are prone to
produce these compounds. Oxygen is always the preferred
electron acceptor, and, providing there is oxygen in the
water, these toxic compounds will not be produced.

There are alternative proton acceptors to oxygen.

2.4 Heterotrophic metabolism

Organisms that use chemical compounds as an energy
source, rather than light, are called chemotrophs. The
chemo-organotrophs include those bacteria and fungi
that live via the oxidation oforganic compounds and in oxy-
genated habitats; they catabolize organic matter via aerobic Figure 2.9 Beggiataa form filaments that twine together
to form the white mats shown here. Beggiatoa is found
respiration. Because these organisms do not get their car-
bon from CO2 , but rather from the oxidation oforganic mat- in habitats that have high levels of hydrogen sulphide,
including deep hydrothermal vents, su lphur springs,
ter, they are called heterotrophs. Those species that live
sewage-contaminated water, and mud layers (photo:
in aerobic conditions use oxygen (oxygenic heterotrophs)
Samantha Joye, University of Georgia (www.marsci.uga.
as the external electron acceptor, whereas other species in
anaerobic conditions (anoxygenic heterotrophs) can use ed u/Facu ItyPages/Joye/index.htmI).
other oxidized substrates. such as nitrate and sulphate.
instead of oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor. The Examples of chemolithrophic bacteria include the
anaerobic heterotrophs are particularly important in anoxic sulphur-oxidizing bacteria, which grow in the tissues of
sediments and the biogeochemical transformations that hydrothermal vent organisms where sulphides are intro-
take place within these. These bacteria and fungi assimi- duced into well-oxygenated seawater. Mats of Beggiatoa
late low molecular weight organic compounds, such as also grow on the reduced sulphur from the vents (Fig. 2.9) .
sugars, amino acids. pyruvate. ethanol, and acetate, which Purple sulphur bacteria are another example oforganisms
are transported directly into the cells. These organisms that oxidize H 2S and elemental sulphur:
release hydrolytic enzymes to break down larger organic H,S + 20 , => SO ~- + 2W
compounds into low molecular weight substrates that can
S + H,D + 3 / 20, => SO ~- + 2W
then be transported into the cell and then respired and built
up into new biomass.
Nitrifying bacteria are vital for nitrogen cycling and
Heterotrophic organisms assimilate carbon derived from the regeneration of nitrogen forms that can be utilized
the oxidat ion of organic matter. for growth in other organisms (Chapter 3) . Two groups
of chemolithotrophic nitrifying bacteria exist: one group

(including Nitrosomonas) oxidizing ammonium to nitrite
( Anoxic means wit hout oxygen.
and another group (including Nitrobacter) oxidizing nitrite
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

to nitrate. The reactions in this vitally important process of Nitrifying bacteria are important for nitrate regeneration
nitrification are: in marine systems.

NH: + 0 , => NO; + 4W + 2e-

NO; + H20 => NO; + 2W + 2e- Mixotrophs use both phototrophic and heterotrophic
means for assimilating energy.

Box 2.4: Switching metabolism

There are groups of organisms that can also swi tch
metabolism. Good examples are the anoxygenic pho-
totrophic bacteria. These bacteria are capable of uti-
lizing organic carbon when it is available, but capable
of photosynthe tic light utilization and CO 2 metabolism
when organic carbon sources are low. These organisms
are abundant in the upper oceans and are estima ted to Bloom of the autotrophic ciliate Mesodinium rubrum
make up to 11% of the microbial community. in surface waters of the North Sea. This is an obligate
There are also organisms, mixotrophs, which combi ne phototrophic ciliate that contains endosymbiotic crypto-
the use of phototrophic and heterotrophic nutrition (e.g. phyte chloroplasts. (b) The relationship between corals
Stoecker 199 9). Many phytoplankton species, phago- and zooxanthellae is one of the best-known symbiotic
trophs, have been shown to be able to ingest particulate relationships in marine systems (photographs: David
organic material to meet part of their nutritional require- Thomas).
ments. These range from small nanoflagellates that ingest
bacteria and cyanobacterial sized particles th rough to gellates (zooxanthellae) and benthic corals. However,
photosynthetic dinoflagellates that can consume phyto- symbiotic relat ionships are also widespread in marine
plankton and small ciliates more than 10 urn in diameter. pelagic com munities. A variety of algal species from
Many phagotrophic algae increase their rates of particle several classes have been observed to fo rm symbiotic
inges tion in response to nutrient limited conditions in associations wi th protozoans, medusae, turbellarians,
order to obtain growth limiting compounds and elements. and siphonopho res. In most cases these relationships
Some marine organisms, including some molluscs, are highly species specific, most hosts only having one
forami niferans, helizoa, ciliates, and dinoflagellates retain species as a symbiont. Certain species of heterotrophic
chlo roplasts that they have ingested when grazing on dinoflagellates have cyanobacteria attached to their sur-
photosynthetic organisms. The chloroplasts, although faces that sometimes reside within specialized pockets
not fully integrated into the metabolism, can be a useful of the host's cell wall. Planktonic radiolarians and foram-
source of energy. In general the chloroplasts do not func- inifers can contain up to tens of thousands of symbiotic
tion for long periods of time in the new 'host', and their algae per individual.
function gradually declines and they are lost. However, It is clearly not an easy task to unravel the complexi-
in some species, such as the ciliate fv1esodinium rubrum, ties of the metabolic pathways that are vital for the prod-
which is a major species in some 'red tides', are truly uctivity in the oceans. With ever-i ncreasing analytical
photosynthetic organisms (Dolan & Perez 2000). tools the current trend for the discovery of new micro-
One of the best-known symbiotic relationships in the bial co mponents of the marine microbial wo rld is likely
marine world is that between photosynthetic dinofla- to continue.

Symbiotic relationships are vital for coral species, but 2.5 Light in water
also for planktonic radiolarians, foraminifers, turbellar-
ians, molluscs, and siphonophores. Although many factors interact to determine the net pri-
mary production of photoautotrophs in the oceans, natur-
ally it is light that is the dominant factor that determines
the rate and extent of photosynthetic activity (Kirk 1994).
It is both the quality of the light and the quantity of the light
that reaches the chloroplasts w it hin the cells that control
2.5 Light in water
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

these reactions. As anybody who has dived or snorkelled Much of the light incident on the water is reflected at the
in open waters can testify, the penetration of light can vary surface, and the transmission of light is then dependent on
greatly (Fig . 2 .10a) . In clear waters, light can penetrate the quantity ofparticulate matter and also dissolved organic
many hundreds of metres; but in waters heavily laden with matter (DOM) in the water. There is an exponential loss of
sediment or particulate matter, it can be difficult to see a light as it passes through the water (called attenuation)
few metres. No matter how clear the water, below 1000 m due to absorbance of the light by the water itself, photosyn-
water depth, essentially no light penetrates and hence most thetic organisms. particles in the water, and humic material
of the world's oceans with an average depth of 4000 mare and various other DOM compounds that colour the water
permanently in total darkness (t h e aphotic zone, Chapter (Fig.2.10c) .
9) . In general the photic zone (e u ph otic zone) seldom
extends down to 200 m water depth, and in coastal waters Coloured water has very different optical properties than
light penetrates to depths of between 1 and 50 m. non-coloured waters.

Without light, photosynthesis cannot take place. Particles in the water, such as bacteria. plankton. and
sediment, all contribute to the scattering of light in the
water. which causes the attenuation of light. Therefore
In the clearest of waters light seldom penetrates below
the distribution of such particles is intimately linked to
200 m.
the transmission of light through the water. Even bubbles,

Figure 2.10 (a) Light decreases exponentially with water depth, and as light passes through a body of water, it is
not just the amount of light, but also the spectral quality of light that changes. (b) Light quality structures zones of
submerged algae, such as these in a Baltic Sea rock pool (photograph: David Thomas.). (c) River waters often contain
high amounts of dissolved organic matter (DOM). In humic-rich rivers, the DOM turns the waters brown. Where they mix
w ith seawater, the coloured waters can greatly infl uence the optical properties of coastal waters (photograph: David
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

ripples ofwater on the surface, and waves will have dramatic 30,----------------,
effects on the underwater light regime. These features may
result in short-term fluctuations in irradiance, with focus- 25 Marine derived CDOM
ing and defocusing of the light. This will produce a light
regime more akin to a flashing light, which has been shown
.§. 20
Mountain river
Streom draining ogrirulruralland
to enhance the photosynthesis of some phytoplankton s Estuarine eDOM
species. ~ Peatland drainage (,10')
-"c 15
Bubbles, particles, and surface ripples all great ly alter the s'"

lig ht field underwater. 10

It is notjust the transmission of light itself that is affected by

the scattering and absorption oflight, but also the spectral
quality of the light (Fig. 2.10a) . Water absorbs strongly in
the red and infrared part of the spectrum, and so at deeper 500 600
water depths the light is reduced in this part of the spec-
Wavelength (nm)
trum and effectively enriched in the blue and blue-green
wavelengths. Water looks blue because of this differen- Figure 2.11 The absorption of light by different water
tial absorption of the blue and red parts of the spectrum. types influenced by the chromophoric dissolved organic
Coastal waters have a large input of DOM. These reflect in matter (CDOM) within it. (Redrawn from Sendergaard and
the yellow-red part of the spectrum, hence the character- Thomas 2004).
istic yellow/brown colour of some river and coastal waters
(Fig. 2.lOc) . This matter is referred to in the literature as
coloured (or chromophoric) dissolved organic matter or specific. and within a single species can vary with season
eDOM. As the DOM pool in natural waters consists ofa com- and even on shorter time-scales. As irradiance increases.
plex mixture ofcompounds, its absorption spectrum repre- the trend becomes gradually non-linear and a point is
sents the sum of the different overlapping absorption peaks. reached where further increases in irradiance do not result
eDOM absorbs light strongly in the UV and blue region of in increases in the photosynthetic rate. In other words, the
the light spectrum ( < 450 nanometres) and its absorption rate of photosynthesis is light saturated (Pm~) ' The slope of
decreases in intensity with increasing wavelength . When the linear part oftheP/E curve is denoted by the symbol a.
present in high concentrations. eDOM therefore gives The saturation irradiance, Ek, is calculated from the inter-
water a yellow-brown colour. The eDOM in oceanic waters cept between a and Pmax. In some organisms, there can be
is a mixture of matter derived from both autochthonous a decrease in photosynthetic rates at high irradiances. This
(marine) and allocthonous (terrestrial) sources (Fig. 2 .11), decrease is a result of photoinhibition. This results from
and the fluorescent and absorbtion characteristics of the damage to components of the photosystems, such as cel-
colour in a water sample enable researchers to use eDOM lular membranes or electron-transport proteins.
as a tracer to work out the origin of a specific water mass
within the water column. At hi gh li ght levels maximum rates of photosynt hesis can
be inhibited, this is called photoinhibition.
Humic-rich coloured d issolved organic matter (CDOM)
can significantly colour coastal waters. Just as in the terminology used for primary production.
gross photosynthesis is equivalent to the total photosyn-
thesis, and net photosynthesis is equal to gross photosyn-
thesis minus respiration (Fig. 2.13) .
2.6 Light and photosynthesis The characteristics Pmax' Ee, Ek, and a are all species-
dependent, and also vary within a particular species.
The relationship between photosynthesis and irradiance is depending on environmental conditions of light, nutrient
described by the characteristic P/E curve (Fig. 2.12) . At status. and temperature . Generally. Pmax increases with
low irradiance the photosynthetic rate is linearly propor- increasing temperature (up to physiological limits) and
tional to increases in irradiance. At a particular irradiance is higher in organisms that grow at high rates in nutrient-
the photosynthetic rate is equal to the respiration rate, the replete conditions. compared with growth-limited cells in
compensation irradiance, E c . This irradiance is species- poor nutrient conditions.
2.6 Light and photosynthesis
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

(0) P (b)
, ,, 2.0
, Pmox -r
--------- If---- - ~

a- ,, -r
Phofoinhibilion = §:

~ 0
c ~

Po .sa
p. •-
, Compensationpoint

~-... 0.2
E, Ek =

Irrodiance (£)

o 50 100 150
Irradiance umcl m·2 sec- 1

Figure 2.12 (a) The response to photosynthesis (I') in response to changes in irradiance (E}-a PIE curve. With
increasing light, photosynthesis increases linearly and the slope of the increase is a. At the compensation irradiance
Ec the photosynthetic rate is equal to the respiration rate (R). With increasing irradiance the linear trend ceases, and at
the saturation irradiance (Ek) the rate of photosynthesis is saturated (Pmax). In some organisms, there can be a decrease
in photosynthetic rates at high irradiances (photoinhibition). Respiration typically does not change with increasing
irradiance, and gross photosynthesis is indicated by P, and net photosynthesis by P, (after Lalli & Parsons 2004).
(b) PIE curves for phytoplankton cells grown in high (0) and low light (0). In the top set the rate of photosynthetic
carbon assimilation are expressed as a function of chlorophyll concentration of the phytoplankton. In the bottom set,
the same data are expressed on a per cell basis. The low-light algae have acclimated to the low light by increasing
cellular concentrations of chlorophyll , and on a per cell basis reach the same Pmax as the high-light acclimated algae,
although their value of a is greater (i.e. more efficiently utilizing the lower irradiances).

Time course of oxygen concentrotion mation, and in low light conditions the Chlorophyll:Carbon
(Chla:C) ratio can be considerably greater than that for the
' il
same organism acclimated at higher light levels (i.e. in the

.- -•
." ~
low light cells there is more chlorophyll per cell than in
the cells at high light) . Under nitrogen, phosphorus, and
-• . ~
trace metal (e.g, iron) limitation the Chla:C ratio of a par-
'" - ~
ticular photosynthetic organism tends to decrease. Likewise
- 0

'" in lower temperature acclimated cells, the Chla:C ratio is

lower than in cells acclimated at higher temperatures. The
Respiration changing pigment concentrations of cells obviously have
significant effects on the P/ E characteristics of a particular
nme--- algal species (Fig. 2.12b) .

Figure 2.1 3 The relationship between gross By chang ing pigment content algae can photoacclimate
photosynthesis (gross primary production), net to changing light regimes.
photosynthesis (net primary production), and respiration.
A Chla:C ratio of 0.02 :1 is often cited in the literature
and used in models describing phytoplankton dynam-
2.6.1 Light acclimation ics. However, because chlorophyll concentrations within
phytoplankton cells can be altered due to external stimuli
Within certain limits, most photosynthetic organisms are (temperature, irradiance, and the growth status of the
able to acclimate to a given light regime (Macintyre et at. algae) within time periods of hours, the utility of this ratio
2002; Raven & Geider 2003), mostly by altering the con- is rather dubious. Furthermore, ratios in the order of0.0 1:1
centration of chlorophyll and/or accessory pigments per to 0.005 :1 are not uncommon in field populations (Lefevre
cell or per unit cell area. This process is called photoaccli- et at. 2003) .
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

Another feature, exhibited by some algal cells w hen mechanisms are known from terrestrial higher plants. It is
exposed to changing light conditions, is an obvious move- likely that chloroplast-moveme nt processes are important
ment of the chlorophyll-containing chloroplasts wit hin the for coping with rapidly changing light environme nts in tur-
cells. The chloroplasts move along cytoplasmic strands in a bulent surface waters or diurnal changes in light.
process known as karyostrophy. Generally chloroplasts are
distributed within the cell so that efficie nt light abso rption Karyostrophy is a process by which chloroplasts move in
can t ake place. However, in high light, clumping of chloro- reaction to changes in light conditions.
plasts, often around the nucleus, is frequently observed,
and is thought to be associated with mechanisms to protect
Compensation depth is the depth in a water column at
cell organelles from damaging light effects. Although not
which net photosynthesis is O.
universal within aquatic photosynthetic organisms, such

Box 2.5: Compensation and critical It is worth noti ng that there is often a reducti on in the
depths photosynthesis rates measured at t he surface of the
w ater. This represents an often observed lowering of the
The euphoti c zone is the upper part of the water column photosynthetic rate due to photoi nhibition in the very top-
that supports photosynthes is. The bottom of th is zone is most metres of the water column.
generall y defined as the depth at wh ich 1% of the surface Of co urse phytoplankton cells are not at a stat ic depth
irradiance is measured. However, a better representation as they and/ or the water may move. In fact they are mixed
of the bottom of the euphotic zone is the compensation either through out the wh ole water column or, w here w ater
depth. This is the depth at which the gross photosyn- strat ificat ion takes place, wi thin surface mixed w ater lay-
thetic carbon assimilati on by phytoplankton equals th e e rs (Chapter 7). Becau se of this, phytoplankton cells wi ll
respiratory carbon losses, or when the net photosynthesis be mixed above and below the compensat ion depth, to
is O. depths as deep as the mixed layer depth. When cons id-
eri ng net phytoplankton growth it is therefore more pert i-
nent to relate the daily integrated photosynt het ic gains to
the integrated respiration losses over the w ater column
(day and nig ht) to the mixed layer depth.
The critical depth is the water d epth w here the inte-
Photosynthesis(PJ grated daily photosynthetic carbon assimilati on is bal-

At the compensat ion depth (0,) the phytoplankton pho-

- -- -- -o(«mpensctlcndepth
E( compensationlight intensity tosynthesi s is equal to the respirati on, i.e. the compen-
sat ion light intensity Ec• Phytoplankton is mixed in the
water column, above and below the compen sation depth,
down t o the depth of mixing (D m) . The criti cal depth is
the water depth w here the integrated water-column pho-
t o synthesis is equal to the integrated wat er-column res-
piration . In this diagram the area bounded by the points
A , B, C, &. D represents respiration, and the area A , C, &. E
represents the photosynthesis. At the crit ical depth these
two areas are equal. When the depth of mixing is deeper
than the crit ical depth, no net growth takes place. When ,
however, the depth of mixing is shallow er than the crit i-
- - - - - - - - - - - - Omdepthof mixing ca l depth net phytoplankton growth occurs. (After Lalli
and Parsons 2004.)
2.7 Supply of inorganic nutrients

Data from the Norwegian Sea in

• Phytoplankton
\0,000 • Zooplankton 1949 showing the relationship
40,000 ~ Critical depth between mixed layer depth, crit-
ical depth , and phytoplankton
30,000 I Thickness mixed layer
and zooplankton abundance.
Growth occurs only when the
depth of mixing is consistently
• • -...- I above the critical depth. (Illus-
N tration adapted from Sverdrup

-- 100 ~ 1953,)

" ~'
0-rlI' ~ /' I'.
Q 200 I ~ :" -i-

s 10 1\ 20 21 30 4 9 14 19 24 29 4 9 14 19 24 29
March April May

anced by the integrated daily respiratory carbon losses. to grazin g organisms and the respiration of bacteria and
As long as suffic ient nutrients are present, net phyto- other heterotrophic organisms. Interestin gly it led to a
plankton growth occurs when the mixed layer depth is major advance in the design of freshwater reservoirs,
shallower than the critical depth . When the mixed layer w here preventin g algal blooms is an impor tant part of
extends be low the critical depth algal growth is limited by their management.
lig ht, and there is no net phytop lankton growth (Sverdrup The seasonal changes of mixed layer depth an d inci-
1953 ; Smetacek & Passow 1990), dent light playa key role in th e seasonal dynamics of
The critical depth theory was first proposed by Sver- phytoplankton (see be low) , These are discussed be low in
dru p in 19 53. In this theory the respiratio n losses are conj unction w ith the inorganic nutrient demands of grow-
not j ust the algal respiration losses, but also losses due ing phytop lankton po pul ations,

The critical depth is the water depth where the inte- have high concentrations of nutrients, and generally sup-
grated daily carbon assimilation is balanced by daily port high levels of primary production. Waters between the
respiratory carbon loss. two states are referred to as mesotrophic waters, and these
sustain intermediate levels of primary production.
Most marine systems are classified on the basis of the
annual primar y production, whic h is anot her way of
2.7 Supply of inorganic express ing the supply or production of organic matter in
nutrients the wate r body:

In addition to carbon , oxygen, an d hydrogen, the plant Organic Carbon Supply

must incorporate other eleme nts into organic material, This Oligotrophic: < 100 g carbon m-2 year - 1
arises as a consequence of the eleme ntal composition of Mesotrophic: 100 to 300 g carbon m- 2 yea r-'
the various macromolecules, notably proteins and nucleic Eutrophic: 300 to sao g carbon m- 2 year- 1
acids. The principal add itional requirements are nitrogen Hypertrophic: > sao g carbon m-2 year - 1
and phosphorus, and in aqu atic ecology, these eleme nts are
commonly referred to as nutrients or inorganic nutrients. The process ofeutrophication can be defined as an increase
in the rate of supply of organic matter to an ecosystem.
This occurs when there is a change in the concentration of a
2.7.1 Nutrient status of water factor (can be more than one) that limits algal growth , This
Waters that have low concentrations of essential nutrients is often an increase in inorganic nutrients, such as nitrogen
for algal growth are called oligotrophic and are regions or phosphorus, often associated with the run-off of artificial
of low primar y productivity. In contrast, eutrophic waters fertilizers from agricultural land (Chapter IS), The res ulting
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

ecosystems especially vulnerable to eutrophication (Chap-

ters 8 and 15) .

2.7.2 Supply of nutrients

Photoautotrophs require a diverse range of elements for
balanced growth. These include nitrogen, phosphorus, sili-
con, sulphur, potassium, and sodium (all known as macro-
nutrients) . Many trace elements (micro-nutrients) are also
required, including iron. zinc, copper. and manganese. as
well as vitamins such as B12 (cyanocobalamin), biotin, and

Figure 2.14 Increased inorganic nutrient supply can A wide range of macro- and micro-nutrients are needed
result in excessive algal growth as shown by the mass for algal g rowth.
of U1va spp. supported by nutrient-rich run-off from
agricultural land in Ireland (photograph: David Thomas). Although each nutrient has the potential to limit the
growth of photoautotrophs, in most marine environments it
increase in algal growth (both phytoplankton and!or mac- is either nitrogen or phosphorus that is generally the limit-
roalgae), if excessive (Fig. 2.14), can have deleterious effects ing element (cf. Box 2.6 and Boyd et al. 2010) . It is actually
for the whole ecosystem (Skei et al. 2000) . the supply of the nutrient to the organism that is critical.
It is important to stress that eutrophication is a process A nutrient can be present in low concentrations. but if the
of change and is not a trophic state. For example, an estuary uptake rate by the organism is low, only a low supply rate
may have been mesotrophic and is now classified as eutro- is required. Naturally growth can be limited by the supply
phic, but it is not necessarily undergoing further eutrophi- of more than one nutrient at anyone time: nutrients can be
cation. Although eutrophication is generally perceived as a either biomass-limiting or rate-limiting. In the case ofthe for-
detrimental process. it is also important to stress that it can mer. the nutrients are exhausted so that no more biomass can
be a reversible process. There are also instances when low be produced. In contrast. rate-limiting nutrients simply limit
levels of eutrophication can even be considered as being a the rate of new biomass production by their rate of supply.
positive state for increasing the productivity of a specific
water body. Resupply of nutrients primarily takes place by molecular
Eutrophicat ion can be defined as an increase in t he rate
of supply of organic matter to an ecosystem . When a nutrient is taken up by an organism, there is
immediately a reduction in that nutrient in the micro-envi-
ronment surrounding the cell or organism. The resupply
Eutrophication is a revers ible process and not always
of nutrients takes place primarily by molecular diffusion
from the bulk medium of water (Wolf-Gladrow & Riebesell
1997) . Surrounding each cell or surface in water is a diffu-
Strictly speaking eutrophication is a process by which sive boundary layer (DBL) in which water movement and
the productivity of an aquatic system is increased. and can molecular diffusion is restricted. The thickness of the DBL
therefore be caused by factors other than nutrient input. surrounding the organism is therefore critical to determin-
These factors include reducing the suspended material in ing the rate at which nutrients are transported to cell sur-
a water body and therefore increasing the light levels avail- faces. The smaller the organism, the smaller the DBL due
able for photosynthesis, or changing the residence time of to the surface area:volume relationship (Chapter 3) . This
water within a particular system. Therefore, eutrophica- gives smaller organisms a physiological advantage at low
tion is also a natural phenomenon, and is not always asso- nutrient concentrations and is presumed to be why small
ciated with anthropogenic activities. Coastal regions can species of phytoplankton prevail in oligotrophic waters.
receive high dosages of nutrients both directly via marine
outfalls and by discharges from estuaries. This, coupled Small phytoplankton species have a greater surface
with their relatively long residence time. makes coastal area:volume ratio than larger species.
2.7 Supply of inorganic nutrients

Box 2.6: Iron and high-nutrient, low- In the late-1980s, John Martin developed the idea that a
chlorophyll regions lack of iron is the cause and laboratory experiments con-
firmed how vital iron is for phytoplankton growth. A series
In some areas of the world's oceans the supply and of experiments in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean, where large
assimilation of ni trogen, phosphorus, and carbon appear areas of the ocean (hundreds of square kilometres) were
not to be linked. In these waters the phytoplankton stand- seeded with iron, led to substantial increases in phyto-
ing stocks are never large enough to assimilate the N and plan kton growth. In particular, diatoms grew and it appears
P in the surface waters fast enoug h to deplete them at that not all phytoplankton species are equally iron-limited
any tim e throughout the year. These are the 'high-nut rient , (Martin et al. 2002). Several oceanographic expeditions
low-chlorophyll' (HNLC) waters of the subarctic Pacific, showed that , during spring in the Southern Ocean, phyto-
the Sou thern Ocean, and the equatorial Pacific. plankton bloom in iron-rich waters but do not in waters with
Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain limited iron reserves (de Baar et al.1995). It was pertinent
HNLC regions, including suggestions that in these regions to therefore extend the Pacific iron-fertilization experime nts
light (either low or damaging high light intensity) limits to the Southern Ocean. Several studies have now 'fertil-
production to a degree that inorganic nutrients are not uti- ized' Antarctic water bodies and in all of these diatoms
lized or that grazi ng pressure limits the standing stocks of did bloom in response to the added iron. This growth was
phytoplankton. Whereas these factors clearly do playa ro le in turn responsible for the absorption of significant quanti-
to varyi ng degrees, the most compelli ng explanation is that ties of carbon dioxide from the water during the experi-
the rate of supply of iron, an essential trace element for ment (Boyd et al. 2000; Buesseler et al. 2004; Coale et
phytoplankton growth, is limited. al. 2004). Much of this work is synthesized by Boyd et
Dissolved iron concentrations in offshore areas are al. (2007). An extension of this work has been to investi-
extremely low, since the primary source of iron to the gate regions w here natural upwelling water into iron-poor
surface waters of the oceans is from the land, either via surface waters is responsible fo r enhanced phytoplan kton
atmospheric dust deposition in offshore areas or di rect activity, such as on the Kerguelen Plateau in the Southern
depositions from land masses. Atmospheric dust depo- Ocean (Blain et al. 2007; Pollard et al 2009).
sition in the two major HNLC areas- the Antarctic and It is this link between the phytoplankton growth and draw-
equatorial Pacific Oceans-are the lowest in the world. down of atmospheric carbon dioxide that fuels a vigorous
Conversely, in the equatorial North Atlantic, which receives debate about these experiments. There is a concern that
large amounts of dust from the Sahara, iron concentra- these results may be viewed as providing a simple answer
tions are sufficient for the complete assimilation of available for mopping up excess carbon dioxide, thereby curbi ng
nitrates and phosphates. the effects of increasing greenhouse gases. It is thought

. -- ...
....... ~e:S N.E~ .......
/ ~ -- . .
....... - ,
'..-. ....
• I

A satellite image of an iron-fer-

tilized patch during the Eisenex
expedition to the Southern Ocean
in 2000. The sparse phytoplank-
ton outside of the patch is strik-
ing compared with the abundant
growth of phytoplankton within
the patch following fertilization.
The satellite image shows the
increase in chlorophyll (orange/
red) compared to the waters sur-
rounding the patch (blue). (Image:
Philipp Assmy & Joachim Henjes,
AWl Alfred Wegener Institute.)
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

by some that by spreading iron over huge swathes of the al. 2004). Much of this de bate is add ressed in a special
ocean, enhanced phytoplankton growth would effectively issue of the journal Oceanus (volume 46 published in Janu-
trap carbon dioxide. Such ideas about large-scale ecological ary 2008).
engineering have little to do with the work of the scientists The real interest of th is work co mes fro m the implica-
conducting the experiments. Iron fertilization is in fact a poor ti ons for the understandi ng of the atmospheric carbon
way to tackle greenhouse gas problems. Calculations show dioxide levels in past cli mate history. This new evidence
that iron fertilization of the Southern Ocean would not in supports the theory that low amou nts of atmospheric
fact be an effective mechanism fo r carbon dioxide removal. carbon dioxide (measu red in ice cores taken in the Arctic
Levels of carbon dioxide are increasing at such a rate that , and Antarctic) during past ice ages may be linked to high
even by maximizing biological uptake in these oceans by amounts of iron in Antarctic waters that suppo rted large
addi ng iron, there would still be a net increase in atmos- standi ng crops of phytoplankton.
pheric carbon dioxide (Chishol m et al. 200 1; Buesseler et

( HNLC = high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll. ) It has been estimated that for cells less than 1 urn in
diameter, molecular diffu sion is adequate for the resup-
ply of nutrients, but for larger organisms it is a major lim-
Lack of iron may limit the growth of phytoplankton in
iting factor. Therefo re mechanisms for reducing the DBL
HNLC regions.
around the organism are key to the nutrient metabolism
of aquatic organisms. Movement through the water, eit her
Iron-fertilization experiments have resulted in increased by sinking or swimming, means that the nutrient-depleted
phytoplankton growth within the fertilized patches. bound ary layer is dragged with the organism, causing fluid
from the layer to be she ared away. This can then be replaced
by nutrient-replete water. Clearly the velocity and magni-
Fertilization of the oceans with iron is not in any wayan
tude of distance travelled will affect the degree of replace-
easy fix for combating rising atmospheric carbon dioxide
ment. However, it is estimated that swimming significantly
reduces d iffusion-limitation only in organisms greater

(I) 131


Figure 2.15 An y property of an organism that alters the organism 's size and/or shape w ill alter the properties of the
diffu se boundary layer (DBL). Therefore the variety of shapes and form s of phytoplankton shown here will have very
different sinking rates as well as different characterist ics of the DBL surrounding the cells, co lo nies, o r chains. Starting
from t op-left and moving clockwise the images are: (1) Dity/um brightwellii, (2) Ceratium tripos & Rhizoso/enia sp.,
(3) Eucampia zodiacus, (4) Guinardia flaccida , (5) Chaetoceros s ocia/is, (6) Coscinodiscus sp. (photographs: Ian Lucas).
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth

than 100 urn diame ter. In many of the organisms between

-- -
1 and 100 urn diame ter, movement is a means of relocating
into regions of higher nutrient concentration, rather than
address ing diffusion-limitation by altering DBL properties.
Any property of an organism that alters the organ ism's size
and/or shape will alter the properties of the DBL. The re-
fore, organisms that form colonies or chains, such as the
diatoms, change their shape and therefore sinking rate, and
also the characteristics of the DBL surround ing the colony
or chain (Fig. 2. 15) .

The diffusive boundary layer is key to determining nutri-

ent supply to a cell, or surface of a macroalga. Figure 2.16 Structures o n the surfaces of macroalgae ,
such as the ripples on thi s Macrocystis pyrifera, can cau se
In the case of macroalgae and seagrasses, relief or struc- turbulent water movements over the surface of the frond s.
tures on the thallus or frond surface will cause eddy forma- This will increase the exchange of gases and inorgan ic
tion and turbulent motion of water passing over the surface nutrients compared with when undisturbed lamina flow
(see also Chapter 8). This will have the effect of reducing passes over the surface (photograph: David Thomas).
DBLs and therefore enhancing nutrient exchange. As mac-
ro algae and seagrasses cannot move in the water column
by swimming or sinking, they rely on modification of the 2.8 The main limiting nutrients
water movement across their surfaces to enhance nutrient for growth
exchange (Fig. 2. 16) . Seagrasses are also able to t ake up
nutrients from the sed ime nts throu gh their root and rhi- The main products of photosynthesis are sugars, reductant
zome systems. (t he product of reducing enzymes), ATP, and oxygen, which
are themselves substrates in further biosynthetic pathways
Ridges and structures on the surface of a macroalga can (Table 2.2). The other m ajor inorganic nutrients needed
increase the rate of exchange of nutrients and dissolved for the myriad of molecules that make up a living organism
gasses. occur in seawater as different chemical species :
Nitrogen: N0 3, NO l , NH: , NH3 , Nz' and urea.
Naturally on exposed and turbulent wave-infl uenced
waters, water exchange is never going to be a problem. In Phosphorus : HPO'.;", PO';, and, H,PO•.
sheltered waters with little water movement, diffusion-lim- Sulphur: 50'.;", H, 5.
itation of nutrients becomes more of an issue. For example,
the giant Pacific brown seaweed (Nereocystis luetkeana) Particular nutrients are critical for certain organisms,
has smooth blades in rapidly moving water, but in more alt ho ugh not limiting for photoautotrophs in general.
sheltered waters its fronds are ruffled . The ruffled blades An example is silicate, for diatoms and silica-scaled
serve to increase the turbulence as water passes over them, prymnesiophytes (and some cysts of some dinoflagellate
thereby increasing nutrient supply and gas exchange to the species) , which is present in several forms as well: H4 Si0 4 ,
fronds. In faster moving waters the ruffled blades would H3 SiO. , and H3 SiO•.
increase the risk of tearing because of their increased drag;
instead the seaweed's smooth blades tend to form stream- Nitrogen and phosphorus are the main growth-limiting
lined bundles that are not so easily damaged. nutrients in marine systems.

Table 2.3 Typical percentage biochemical and elemental composition of algal cell s.

Biochemical "!o of an algal cell "!oC "!oH "!o0 "!oN "!oP "!oS
Carbohydrate 40 44 6 49
Protein 40 53 7 23 16 1
Li pids 15 69 10 18 1 2
Nucleic acid & nucleotides 5 36 4 33 17 10
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

The balance of these forms of anyone element is highly

.....'. o
,• • ·.'•• •-

--• 0

• ... .
o 0

dependent on many complex biogeochemical processes.
•• ••
'. •• • -'If • •
'. ,:
• . ' • • #~ • • , ,
• It ~ . ... ..

~ • "•
- •

,'. - -.
Many of the trace nutrients are actually only mostly found • 0 "
o r
! ' . .. • , •
,." •
. ~
in complexed forms wit h organic compounds in seawater •, • • , • •
• • " ,••
(Table 2.3). The nutrient demands of individual species . -, , '..
• • I . ••• • I , ••

• •

are n aturally a reflection of its biochemical demands and

composition. Clea rly the proportion of the relative macro- •
• .0•.
• •• • ,

'.. , 1
. ..., -,... .

' ..
• 0 •

-: ' '!. •

molecules, e.g. lipid (cf, nucleic acid) , will determine the

elemental composition of the cell and the relative demands
• 0

• •
• • • •
• ., . •
. ' 0 -

•I . .


to ... "~ •
, I
o .

• :.'•
• ••
· •
for C, N, and P for growth. Although there is great variation
in the composition of the cell, the functioning of the cell
• ·.. . .
. '.

• "-


" o•

(i.e, the requirements for metabolism (enzymes-proteins)

and reproduction (nucleic acid), sets constraints on the rel- Figure 2.17 Epifluorescent photom icrographs of Nile-red
ative proportions of the various macromolecules, and con - st ained diatoms that sh ow the lipid droplets within the
sequently the relative requ ire ments for carbon, nitrogen, cells v ery clearl y (from Pri scu et at. 1990).
and phosphorus during photosynt hesis.
ited. In some cases there can be so much lipid production
that the lipids can be seen as oil droplets with in the cells,
2.8.1 Elemental composition of algae and is one of the reasons algae have been the recent focus
There are obvious nutrient demands that are virtually uni- as possible biofuel sources (Fig 2.17 and also see Current
versal, and these will be discussed here. However, it must be Focus: Us ing algae for carbon sequestration and algal bio-
stressed that in many instances it is not the major ino rganic fuel production) .
nutrients (Table 2.4) that may limit growth, but rather the It is straightforward to categorize the average composi-
rate of supply of trace elements that restrict the growth tion of the organic materials within the phytoplankto n. If
rates (Box 2.6) . we rewrite the simplified photosynthesis equation to take
into account the need for nitrogen (mostly supplied as
A typical algal cell is 400;0 protein , 400;0 carbohydrate , nitrate) and phosphorus (sup plied as phosphate) we get:
15% lipid , and 5% nucleic acids.
106CO, + 16NO, + HPO~- + 122H,o + 18W
=> CI06H 2630 n oN16P + 13 8 0 2
Typically, marine phytoplankton are comprised of more
than 40% protein, 5% nucleic acids and nucleotides, 40% Typically from the equ ation a bove , the ratio of
carbohydrates, and 15% lipids. These proportions can vary carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus in healthy, actively growing
greatly depending on the inorganic nutrient supply, age of algal cells is 106:16:1 . This ratio is referred to as t he Red-
the organ ism, temperature, and irradi ance cond itions. In field ratio, after the oceanographer A. C. Redfield. There-
particular the lipid fraction can vary cons idera bly during fore the typical C:N ratio is 6.6 :1. This is a commo nly used
the lifetime of a phytoplankton cell, being < 10% in expo- parameter to measure the physiological status of algae,
nentially growing cells and increasing to > 25 % in cells in since when nitrogen is limited, or the algal cells are senes-
the station ary phase of growt h, where nutrients are lim- cent or dying, the ratio increases considerably (Burkhardt &

Table 2.4 The major function s o f so m e select ed inorganic nutrients.

Nutrient Examples of functions

Nitrogen Major metabolic impor tance, structural ami no acid, p rotei n metabolism
Phosphorus Structural in pa r ticular membranes and energy metabolism
Potassium Osmotic re gulat io n, protein stability
Calcium Ion transport, enzyme activation, stru ctural function
Magnesium Ion transp ort, enzyme activation, pigments such as ch lorop hy ll
Sulphur Stru ctu ral function, active in enzyme activity
Iron Active in enzyme activity
Sodiu m Ion transp ort , osmoregulation , enzyme activation
Manganese Electron t ransport and membrane structu re
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Riebesell1997; Lenton & Watson 2000; Geider & la Roche switch from carbohydrate production to the accumulation
2002). of lipid reserves. When there is a lack of nitrogen in the
surrounding water, protein synthesis is suppressed and the
The Redfield rat io, carbon:nitrogen:phosphorus IS relative proportion of lipid and carbohydrates increases.

The quotient of CO 2 to 0 2 from the above equation is

2.8.2 Carbon
1.3. This is known as the photosynthetic quotient (PQ) The supply ofinorganic carbon for photosynthesis and algal
(Williams 1998) . This quotient is highly dependent on the growth is seldom (if ever) limiting in marine systems. How-
state of oxidation/reduction of the nitrogen source. When ever, the role of oceans in the global carbon cycle has been
nitrate is taken up by an algal cell it has to be reduced within the focus of intense study in the past decades, especially in
the cell to ammonium before it can be utilized in cellular relation to increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as
metabolism (Fig. 2.22) . Algae can also take up ammonium a result of anthropogenic activity (Box 2.3) .
(NHt) directly as a nitrogen source. avoiding the energy in The biggest pool ofcarbon in the oceans is that locked up
the reduction stage when nitrate is assimilated (see below) . in the sediments, which is, globally, about 10 million Giga-
Therefore growth on ammonium is about 19% more effi- tonnes (Giga is x 10 9 ) . In comparison there are about 39
cient on comparing the PQ values. The resulting PQ is lower 000 Gigatonnes ofdissolved inorganic carbon in the various
at around 1.09. forms discussed above. The next largest pool is that con-
tained within the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) pool at
Ocean ode allile and death about 700 Gigatonnes. It is striking to compare these num-
CO, -Althe balance poinl- berswith the 30 Gigatonnes ofcarbon contained within the

CO2 + nutrients • Organic maUer
particulate organic carbon (POC) pool, which contains all
of the organisms from bacteria to blue whales within the
world's oceans (Fig. 2.19) .
Primary productian
106 CO, + 122 H,O + 16 HNO,+ H,PO, - [((H,OIi" +INH,I" +H,PO,] + 138 0, 30 Gigatonnes of carbon is contained in all of the partic-
ulate phase biology compared to 700 Gigatonnes in the
dissolved organic carbon pool and 39 000 Gigatonnes
in the inorganic carbon pool.

Carbon expressed as
CO2 + nutrients Organic metter
C Atmasphere 750 ~

Oissolved orgonic
carbon (Ooq Inorganic
Organic (
Bauam carbon
- 700
Figure 2.18 Primary production and decomposition Partiwlate organic
(respiration) are driving the biogeochemical pathways "rhan (Poq
- 30
w ithin marine systems in an almost closed 'grand cycle' (living -3)
(from Cullen et al. 2007).

PQ = the moles of 0 2 evolved per moles of CO 2 assimi- Biogenic (arbon in surface marine sediments - 3000

It must be stressed that this discussion of elemental Figure 2.1 g Schematic to show the major pool of
ratios and typical cell composition is oversimplified. The carbon within the oceans. Particu late organic carbon
cell composition (and therefore elemental ratios) will vary (poq includes all organisms from bacteria-sized particles
greatly at different life-history stages, and with changes in to whales. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is generally
the prevailing temperature, light, and nutrient status. For considered to be all carbon that can pass through a 0 .2
example, in older phytoplankton cells there is a marked urn fi lter. (Image: Ruben Lara)
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

There are many algae that deposit calcium carbon- Calcification is related to photosynthetic activity and, in
ate (CaCO,) in their cell walls, sometimes together with particular, the effects of pH on the dynamics ofcalcium and
smaller amounts of magnesium and strontium carbonates. carbonate and bicarbonate in seawater. Certain polysaccha-
In the phytoplankton, the most conspicuous group of algae rides in algal cell walls can actually block crystal growth
to exhibit calcification are the coccolithophorids that pro- and stop calcification taking place. The ability to produce
duce external 'shells' composed ofcalcium carbonate plates these polysaccharides in the cell walls is the likely reason
called coccoliths (Brownlee & Taylor 2002) . These small why calcification is not ubiquitous in marine algae and that
phytoplankton species are common in all seas, although relatively so few species are calcified.
not as abundant in polar oceans. They can form extensive
blooms where the ocean surface turns a milky white. One
of the better-known species ofcoccolithophorid is Emiliana
huxleyi, which can form blooms in the North Atlantic cov-
ering an area of the ocean equivalent to the size of Great
Britain (Fig. 2.20) . The coccoliths sink and are incorpor-
ated into sediments. where they can accumulate in huge
amounts locking up CaCO, (Young & Ziveri 2000) .

Some microalgal and macroalgal species have calcified

cell walls.

Normally when phytoplankton bloom there is a draw-

down of CO 2 due to the assimilation through photosyn-
thesis. However, the production of calcium carbonate
structures by coccolithophorids can actually result in CO 2
being released to the atmosphere due to the formation of Figure 2.20 (a) Planktonic coccolithophorids ('round-
the calcium carbonate: stone-bearers'), such as this Coccolithus pelagicus,
synthesize exquisitely sculptured calcium carbonate cell
Ca2+ + 2HCO, => CaCO, + CO2 + H,o.
walls known as coccoliths (photograph: Jeremy Young,
There are also many examples of calcareous brown, red, Natural History Museum, London). (b) This MODIS
and green macroalgae, i.e. species that have deposited cal- satellite true-colour image shows the blues and greens
cium carbonate in the form of calcite or aragonite crystals of phytoplankton blooms occurring around Denmark, in
within their tissue. This can be so extensive that these spe- the North Sea on the left, and within the Baltic Sea on
cies can be important in the formation oftropical atolls and the right. The bright blue colour of the North Sea bloom
help to cement coral reefs together (Chapter 11) . Calcite is thought to be a coccolithophore-bloom reflecting blue/
and aragonite never occur together in the same alga. and white due to t he reflection of li ght by the coccoliths
there is still some debate as to the metabolic processes that (image: Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Land Rapid Response
acrually lead to the deposition. In some calcifying species Team. NASA/Goddard Space Flig ht Center, Visible Earth).
the crystals are laid down outside the cells, such as in the (c) Several species of macroalgae have calcified cell walls,
green Halimeda, which causes aragonite crystals to pre- such as those comprising this maerl bed. Several species
cipitate in the spaces between the cells. In the fan-shaped of coralline algae form maerl beds, which are often found
brownPadina. aragonite is precipitated in concentric bands at depths of 0-35 m, although in some parts of the world
on the outer surface of the thallus. The corallines such free-living calcified macroalgae have been found at depths
as Lithothamnion and Lithophyllum, on the other hand, down to 200 m (photograph: Bill Sanderson). (d) More
deposit calcite within their cell walls to the extent that the commonly seen calcified macroalgae are the encrusting
cells become encased, except for the cellular connections red species (with lichen-like growth forms) and articulated
(Fig. 2.20) . Corollina offlcinalis combining here to form a vivid pink
fringe surrounding an intertidal rockpool (photograph:
In some coral reef systems over 70Ofo of the reef can David Roberts).
be made from calcified macroalgae.
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth

CURRENT FOCUS: Oceans as carbon 2 . As more CO2 is absorbed by the oceans, there w ill be
sinks and ocean acidification reduction in the pH of the seawater and a correspond-
ing decrease in the carbonate ion concentrat ion (see
Seawater is undersaturated with CO2 compared with the figure be low) , which results in the process commonly
atmosphere and so there is a continual process by which referred to as ocean acidification.
CO2 diffuses acro ss the air-ocean surface and dissolves to
for the dissolved inorganic carb on (DIC) pool. The solubil- Since the Industrial Revolution in the 1700s it is esti-
ity of CO 2 in seaw ater increases as temperat ure decreases mated that the oceans have dropped in pH by about 0 ,1
and so a greater amount of CO2 dissolves in the Arctic and pH unit and it is pred icted that by 21 00 the w orld 's oceans
Southern Oceans than in temperate and tropical waters may have undergone a further decrease of about 0 .4 p H
(Takahash i et al. 2009), units (Zeebe et al. 2009),
Coupled to this 'solubility pump ', the oceans also 'take
A!nmpllere 5urfo(e «eon [C01(oq)I COt l
up ' CO 2 due to photosynthetic assimilation. Ultimately this pro,
(ppm) pH (p mol l-' )
assimilated carbon is transported to the deep oceans as
700 8.3 ss 300
par ticulate matter sinks to the depths, although of course pH
30 250
600 8,'
a con siderable amount of the organic matter produced is ~b~iness OS" u~uol~ [COt ] 25
500 8,1 '00
respired through microbial activity (see Chapter 3 ) . The 15920scenario 10 150
400 (IP(( 1995) 8,0 15
uptake of CO2 by the biology of the oceans and removal to 100
7,9 10
300 [(O!" II \0
deep waters is referred to as the 'b iological pump '. In par t 5
'00 7,8 0 0
the oceans are mitigating against the well-recorded increas- 1850 1900 19511 2000 1050 2100 18511 1900 19511 2000 2050 2100
ing atmospheric CO2 concentrat ions, primarily driven by Year y~,

anthropogenic greenhouse gas release, by absorbing CO2

Predicted changes in atmospheric CO2 to the year 2100
through both th e solubi lity and biolog ical pum ps. However,
and associated changes in ocean pH and carbon chem-
there are two obvious problems ident ified in future global
istry, Adapted from Wolf-Glad row et al. 1999,
climate change scenarios (IPCC 200 7a, b, c) :

1. As oceans warm , they will absorb less CO2 from the At th e moment, th e surface of th e oceans is saturated
atmosphere since the so lubility of CO2 is less in warmer in the vari ous mineral fo rm s of calcium carbonate (e.g.

10' '" 60' 80' 100' 110' 140' 160' 180'1 60' 140' 110' 100' SO' 60' '" 10' 0' 10'

60' 60'
\0' '/'.. \0'
",;e~ ~'0
]0' ./-'-""'-" , ]0'

10' ?/'.:;, 10'

10' 10'
0' 0'
10' 10'
10' -T..h'-4;#'f 10'
]0 ' ]0 '

,,' \0' \0'


10' '" 60' SO' 100' 110'140' 160' 180' 160' 140' 110' 100' SO' 60' '" 10' 0' 10'
@ill 2008 Apr I 13:42:53 1

- 108 - 96 - 84 - 72 - 60 -48 - 36 - 24 - 12 0 12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96 108

Net Flux {arums(m- 2 vear- 1)

Climatological mean annual sea-air CO 2 flux (g carbon m-2 year'] for the reference year 2000 (non-EI Nino condi-
tions). The map is based on 3.0 million surface water pC0 2 measurements obtained since 1970. Thi s yields a net
global air to sea flux of 1.42 Pg carbon year: ". Adapted from Takahashi et al. 2009.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

calcite and aragonite) and these minerals do not dissolve; showed that in the more acidic conditions, the coccoliths
whereas in deeper waters, where the waters are under- (calcium carbonate plates) were more deformed than in
saturated in calcium carbonate minerals, they do dissolve. those formed in normal pH conditions.
Because of the lowering of pH of ocean waters and the This culture work was followed up by Iglesias-Rodriguez
parallel reduction of carbonate ions, the surface waters et al. (2008) who showed that calcification and primary
are becoming less satu rated in calcium carbonate and it production of E. huxfeyi were increased in cultures grown
is predicted that in the next 150 years the carbonate- in more acidic waters and they interpreted their results
saturated surface waters in some regions, especially cold as showing that already populations of E. huxfeyi were
polar waters, may disappear altogether (Feely et al. 2004; already respondi ng to decreased pH surface waters. They
Raven et al. 2005). also backed this up with addi tional field evidence to show
Such changes will bri ng about considerable change to how the average coccolith mass has increased over the
all organisms that utilize calcium carbonate as part of their past 220 years.
body skeleton or external structures. This clearly includes The apparent discrepancy between the Riebesell et al.
the corals and molluscs, but also planktonic forami nfers and and Iglesias-Rodriguez et al. results is an excellent example
calcareous phytoplankton such as the coccolithophores of the difficulties in trying to answer a pote ntial simple
(section 2.8.2). The poten tial effects of such changes are question such as: what do increased CO2 conditions do to
well reviewed by Orr et al. (2005), Fabry (2008), Fabry calcification in a species of coccolithophore? As described
et al. (2008), and Browman et al. (2008). by Fabry (2008), there are several explanations for the
A very good example of the debate about what the discrepancies, including methodological issues on how to
effects of ocean acidification may have on marine organ- realist ically change CO2 conditions in laboratory cultures
isms is exemplified by work carried out using coccolitho- (also see Riebesell et al. 20 10). Maybe the most compel-
phores. Riebesell et al. (2000a) produced some highly ling explanation is that both groups were actually experi-
convincing results that showed that there was very reduced menting on different species of algae, or at least different
calcification in Emifiana huxfeyi grown in response to populations of a single species with very different physi-
increased CO 2 loadi ng in laboratory cultures. They also ological properties.

(a), (b) , (d), and (e) Emiliania huxleyi; (c) and (I) Gephyracapsa oceanica collected fram cultures incubated at [CO,I
12 pmol 1-1 (a-c) and at [CO,] 30-33 pmol 1-1 (d-I) , corresponding to Pcoa levels of about 300 p.p.m .v. and 780
to 850 p.p.m.v., respectively. Scale bars represent 1 I-Im. Note the difference in the coccolith structure (including
distinct malformations) and in the degree of calcification of cells grown at normal and elevated CO 2 levels. (From
Riebesell et al. 2000a.)
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

2.8.3 Nitrogen Nitrogen is the element that most frequently limits pri-
mary production in the oceans. Only some cyanobacteria,
Nitrogen is present in seawater as dissolved molecular such as Trichodesmium species can reduce (fix) nitrogen
N" ammonium (NH.i), nitrite (NO,), nitrate (NO,), and gas, and these species thrive in waters where other forms
as organic forms such as urea, amino acids, and a diverse of nitrogen are limited and thus re strict the growth of
range of complex dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) com- other phytoplankton (Berman-Frank et al. 2001) . How-
pounds (Fig. 2.21) . In seawater, ammonia (NH,J exists as ever, they still need sources of other nutrients, such as
a mixture of the ammonium ion (NHt ) and NH 3 " At sea- phosphate.
water pHs (approx. 8) over 95% is in the form ofNHr, With
increasing pH, the relative contribution of NH3 increases Nitrate is the primary form of nitrogen assimilated by
(e.g. at pH 9, NH: is about 75%) . marine primary producers.

, -_ _ Regenerated Fishand _ Blooms of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria are a feature

NH. + ethers of oligotrophic waters (particularly oceanic tropical coast-
=-c-t---,-,- lines), where nitrogen is present in the water in very low
I,.,"'h.m'""I concentrations, thereby restricting the algal growth. Other
Phytoplankton nitrogen fixers are also found growing on and in sediments
II in coastal regions, saltmarshes, and estuaries, as well as in
the roots of seagrasses and other saltmarsh grasses (e.g.

..•- Spartino spp.), where the nitrogen fixed by the cyanobac-
teria also supports the growth of the plants. In general, Nq-

•• .~
z is the primary source of nitrogen utilized by algae, although
NO, and NH: can also be taken up (Fig. 2.17) . Whatever

the original source of nitrogen, NHt is the form utilized in
Newnltrogen • Biota
cell metabolism and NO, and NO, have to be reduced by the
enzymes nitrate reductase and nitrite reductase within

the cell:
N0 3 ---t nitrate reductase ~ N02 nitrate reductase
NOl" ===ni1rificolion
NO£ - N~ - NH. + ~ NHt

More recently reported for marine systems is the Anam-

mox process (Anaerobic ammonium oxidation) which is
Figure 2.21 Schematic of nitrogen in the ocean including
thought to account for large amounts of the Nz production
input, transformation, and loss terms.
in sediments and other suboxic systems (Fig 2.23 and Ward
et al. 2007) . In this process, NH: and NO, are converted
Only some species of cyanobacteria can fix nitrogen gas by the anammox bacteria into Nz. This is an important
directly. pathway in the marine nitrogen cycle, since it may account
for why most of the NH1, which should theoretically be

NO -
, 3
Nitrate redudnse
NO -

Urea Urea Cell wall -

- Nitrite reductase

Figure 2 .22 Highly simplified schematic of

_ _ _ _ NH/ / Aminoacids ~
major routes of nitrogen uptake and cellular
transformation of inorganic nitrogen into ,
NH + Aminoacids

amino acids by algae. -.. Amino acids

Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

0.1 (Chapter 9) . In contrast, in coastal regions or sites of

NO ~ coastal upwelling, where input of nitrate can be high, t he
f-ratio can be up to 0.8 (Chapters 7 and 8) . The inverse of

_I \ ;,-,. the f-ratio gives th e number of times the element recycles

per year, i.e, an f-ratio of 0.3 implies that an average nitro-
NO ~ gen atom cycles around 3 times per year.
N,O The f-ratio is the ratio of new production to total (new
and recycled) production.

1 2.8.4 Phosphorus
Following nitrogen, phosphorus is the second most com-
Primary - ....- Heteronepbs • mon limiting nutrient in marine systems. However,
. ~
.....1 - -
producers <:» NH '
• in phosphorus-limited systems there is evidence that at
Assimilation Exuetion least cyanobacteria adapt their metabolism to produce
higher proportions of sulphur and sugar-based membrane
lipids instead of phospholipids in order to decrease the
Figure 2.23 Principal features of the marine nitrogen cellular demand for phosphorus (Dyhrman et al. 2007) .
cycle: 1, Anammox, invo lving the generat ion of N2 Phosphate occurs in several inorganic forms in seawater,
from inorganic constituents by autotrophic microbes. HPO~~, PO;, and H2PO<, although at pH 8 and a tempera-
2 , Nitrogen fixation . 3, Nitrification. 4 , Heterotrophic ture of 20°C HPO~- accounts for 97% of the free ions and
denitrification, in which N2 is produced from N0 3 - used it is inorganic phosphorus tha t is most bioavailable for cell
in microbial respiration of organic substrates; th is uptake and metabolism. Phosphorus is also present in a
process also results in the production of NH/ and diverse range of organic compounds (organic phosphates),
CO 2 (not shown). 5, Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to and these are generally classified together within th e dis-
ammonium (DNRA). N0 3- :::; nitrate; N02 - :::; nitrite; solved organic phosphorus (DOP) pool. These can be bro-
N20, ::: nitrous oxide; NH4 + :::; ammonium (from Voss and ken down by enzymes (phosphatases) that are located in
Montoya 2009). the membranes of many algal species. Phosphate limitation
may also result in algae releasing alkaline phosphatases
into the surrounding water to break down nop. When
produced from the remineralization oforganic matter in the external concentrations of inorganic phosphate are high,
oceans, is unaccounted for (summarized by Arrigo 2005) . th e production of alkaline phosphatases is repressed (see
As previously stated, changes in PQ indicate that pro- review of Dyhrman et al. 2007) .
duction based on ammonium is 19% more efficient than
production based on nitrate. In fact, in some algal spe- Phosphorus can also limit primary production in some
cies nitrate uptake is inhibited when there are significant marine systems.
ammonium concentrations in the water. This inhibition is
thought to be brought about by the inhibition of the nitrate
reductase activity within the cells.
2.8.5 Sulphur
Primary production based on nitrate is referred to as
new production. The breakdown, decomposition, and Sulphur is rarely a limiting nutrient as seawater is rich in
respiration of organic matter (Chapter 3) releases a range sulphate, but it is a vital nutrient, primarily for amino acid
of other nitrogen species, ammonium, nitrite, and urea, and protein synthesis (Sievert et al. 2007) . Curiously, in
and even amino acids that can be used as nitrogen sources some macroalgae, such as th e brown Desmarestia, the cells
for primary production. Primary production based on non- contain such high concentrations of sulphuric acid within
nitrate nitrogen sources is called recycled production. their vacuoles that the low pH of the tissues deters grazers.
The ratio of new production to total (new and recycled) Many species of macroalgae also contain large quantities of
production is called the f-ratio . The average global value is sulphated polysaccharides in their cell walls.
between 0.3 and 0.5. However, in oligotrophic deep ocean Several phytoplankton species, as well as red and green
sites, where there is little input of fresh ni trate into the macroalgae, produce a specialized compound, dimethylsul-
upper mixed layer from below, the values can be well below phonioproprionate (DMSP), which is used as an osmolyte
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

in osmoregulation, a storage product, and possibly an anti- the no n-marine salt sulphate in the atmosphere. The subse-
freeze compound (Fig. 2.24) . quent oxidation ofDMS to sulphur dioxide and subsequent
formation of aerosol particles and cloud condensation
DMSP is cleaved into DMS and acrylic acid. nuclei is part of a complex system of localized and global
climate control (Stefels et al. 2007) . High concentrations
Intracellular DMSP is released into the water either of DMSP are also known to deter grazing of phytoplankton
directly orthrough grazing activity (Fig 2.18) . In the water by protozoans (Wolfe 2000) .
column the fate of the DMSP is varied depending on micro-
bial dynamics. but a certain amount produces dimethyl DMS is important in the production of cloud condensa-
sulphide (DMS) . Most of the DMS in the water is converted tion nuclei.
to DMSO (dimethyl sulphoxide), SO~-, and S, only < 5%
being exported to the atmosphere, but still DMS released The most prolific producer of DMSP in coastal waters is
from phytoplankton and macroalgae accounts for most of the planktonic colonial alga, Phaeocystis (Box 2.7) and in

~ud albe!V

- - \
, -• -
Direct - -
__< IDMSO algae I release r-.-: -
;-::_ _
-. -'-\~9ical axidatian/~)-L-:~:::::::::-/
Photochemicalan I
DMSOdiss I

YXidati~ IDMS I ~ Q edumo.v

DMSP algae Excretion
DOMmerel thial
, & lysis Enzymatic cleavage Bialngical
•• complexes
, -"'-"', consumption
: Salinity
Light DMSP bacteria
Temperature r0gesti~
Bacterial amino
Nutrients MeSH
ocids & proteins

DMSP grazers Excretion Demethylation


Figure 2.24 Schematic representation of the processes and pools involved in the marine biogeochemical cycling
of DMSP and DMS. Dominant ro le of functional groups in the different processes is indicated by coloured ellipses:
green, phyto plankton; blue, zooplankton; red, bacteria; black, abiotic factors. eeN, cloud-condensation nuclei; DOM,
dissolved organic material; DMSO, dimethyl sulphoxide; MeSH, methanethiol; MPA, mercaptopropionate; MMPA,
met hylmercaptopropionate; MSA, methanesul phonic acid. Dimethyl sulphide released from phyto pla nkton and
macroalgae accounts for most of the non-marine salt sulphate in the atmosphere, and the oxidation of OMS to sulphur
dioxide and the subsequent format ion of aerosol particles and cl oud condensation nuclei is part of a comp lex system
of localized and global climate control (from Stefels et a l. 2007).
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

ocean ic waters Emiliana huxley i (Stefels et al, 2007) . When now includes the species previously called Enteromorpha )
these algae bloom, there is a characteristic stench of DMS have high concentrations of DMSP. and following a rain
in the air, resulting from the breakdown of DMSP to DMS. shower during low tide, t he DMS released from t he Viva
Likewise intertidal green macroalgal species of Ulva (which spp. ca n be quite pungent.

Box 2.7: Phaeocystis a foam producing a tough me mbrane (Hamm 2000). The membrane has
alga po res less than 5 nm and this effectively protects the
In the North Sea in late spri ng/early summer, a curious colonies from viruses, bacteria, and/or protists.
event takes place where considerable quantities of foam After a bloom of Phaeocystis, when the gelati nous
are washed up on the shore, which normally result in material of the colonies breaks down, a considerable
repor ts of pollution spills. Nothing could be further from amount of organic matter is released into the water. When
the trut h, since the foam is the natural result of the break- th is organic 'soup' is agitated by tu rbulence and wave
down of the colo nial stage of the one of the Phaeocystis action, it fo rms a foam that gets washed up on the shore.
spp. It has been estimated that Phaeocystis spp. contri bute up
Any marine b iologist or biological oceanographer who to 10% of the global marine primary production or around
has had to filter water samples taken during a Phaeocys- 4 b illion tonnes of carbon. Up to 50% of this carbon is
tis bloom will animatedly curse the stuff, since tryi ng to in the fo rm of the colonial gel matrix and so up to 2 bil-
filter even just a few millili tres of seawa ter laden wi th the lion tonnes of gel (or rather extracellular polymeric sub-
colonies of this prymnesiophyte (haptophyte) is a very stances, see Chapter 3) are released into coastal waters
slow process indeed. from this one genus of algae (Schoemann et al. 2005;
Phaeocystis spp. have two phases: a free-livi ng motile Verity et al. 2007).
stage and a colonial stage. It is the latte r tha t is the surge Phaeocystis spp. are not only notorious for their gels,
of any fil tration exercise. The colonies (up to 10 mm in but also for being prolific producers of DMSP and there-
diameter) are embedded in a gelatinous matrix surround- fo re DMS to the atmosphere (Stefels et al. 2007; Verity
ing a hollow centre and the whole colony is covered in et al. 2007) .

(a) Phaeocystis is a cosmopolit an group of species that have a colonial phase of th eir life history (Photograph
Dolors Vaqu e), (b) When Phaeocystis bloom s end, th e colonial st ages break up releasing large quantiti es of di s-
solved organic matter into coastal wat ers. When mi xed up by w ave acti on this is transformed into co p ious amounts
of foam that can wash up on beaches, causing unnecessary public co ncern (p hotograp h: Dav id Thomas).
2.8 The main limiting nutrients for growth

Box 2.8: Ultraviolet radiation damage

Ultraviolet radiation is able to penetrate into the surface waters, and in regions where there is seasonal ozone
depletion , damaging amounts of UVR can result in macroalgae and m icroalgae having to repair cell damage and
change their physiology to produce screening compounds (photograph: David Thomas).

Ultraviolet radiation (UV: UV-A wavelength 320-400 nm One of the few generalizations that seem to be pos-
and UV-B 280--320 nm) can damage RNA transcription sible to make is tha t small cells are more vul nerable to
and DNA replication, and, in particular, UVB radiation UV radiation damage (Karentz et al. 199 1; Buma et
can damage the photosystem II of photosynthetic organ- al. 2001). This is due to t heir surface area to volume
isms, severely limiting photosynthetic carbon assimilation ratios and the low effectiveness of screening pigments
and therefore growth (Buma et al. 200 1; Helbling et al. in small cells, al though Helb ing et al. (1992) fou nd
2001). Some accessory pigments have a photoprotective that UV radiation inhi bited microplankton more than the
role, and these are used to protect cells from damagi ng nanoplankton.
high light levels and also harmful UV radiation . Concentra- It is not simply the amount of UV radiation that is
tions of these are usually low in light-limi ted algae, but damaging. This is because extremely low-light adapted
fo rm rapidly when the algae are transported into high algae are more susceptible to UV damage than algae
light environments or high levels of UV radiation . grown in high light environments. Therefore, algae grow-
The effect of UV stress on many phytoplankton and ing in shade or low-light habitats suddenly exposed to
macroalgal species is to produce UV screening agents high levels of UV radiat ions are highly susceptible to UV
such as f3-carotene, mycosporine-like amino acids radiation damage. This may occur when subtidal stands
(MAAs), and photoprotective carotenoids (Hannach & of macroalgae are exposed on very low spring t ides or
Siglo 1998). These effectively act as sunscreens pre- phytoplankton cells are transported from deep waters to
venting damage to cell structures and DNA (Aguilera et surface waters.
al. 2002; Hoyer et al. 2002). The general response to To complicate our understanding about UV effects on
increased UV radia tion is a combination of a complex primary production there are some reports that indicate
suite of cellular mechanisms, including protection, repair, that U~ especially UV-A, can actually enhance photosyn-
cell size, growth rates, and photo-acclimation. Interspe- thesis in some species of phytoplankton, and Gao et al.
cific differences in response to this complex of factors will (2007) have calculated that, by ignoring the positive
dictate any changes in phytoplankton composi tion. There- effects of UV radiat ion on primary production, estimates
fore, the most likely scenario due to this environmental of primary production in tropical regions may have been
change is a shift in species composi tion or successional underestimated by as much as 13%.
patterns (Vincen t & Roy 1993).
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

2.9 Algal growth teins, and simple carbohydrates. There are reports that up
to 70%of carbon assimilated during photosynthesis can be
The ultimate growth of an organism is a result of the bal- excreted, but in general most values lie between 0 and 20%.
ance between the energy input and the necessary energetic
costs for cell processes to take place and of course repro- Up to 20% of the carbon assimilated during photo-
duction to maintain the following generation (Fig. 2.25) . synthesis can be excreted as dissolved organic carbon
The energetic gains, investments, and losses of individual (DOC).
organisms include the following :
Some algal species increase the excretion of organic
• Material and energy gains: photosynthesis or chemo-
matter towards the end of a bloom, or when light and!or
nutrients become limited. In contrast, laboratory experi-
• Material investments: skeleton formation, production ments have also shown that excretion of organic matter
of energy storage compounds, and formation of repro- continues at a constant rate of about 10%. This excretion
ductive material. also continues during darkness and so is uncoupled from
• Energy and material losses: movement, buoyancy, photosynthetic activity (Fig. 2.26) .
excretion, osmoregulation, nutrient uptake, and respir-
ation .
2.9.1 Nutrients and growth
A range of UV-absorbing compounds are produced by Algae can grow at high rates, given an adequate supply of
algae in high UV conditions to prevent cell damage. light and no limitation in nutrient supply. Phytoplankton
growth is usually expressed as the rate of cell division or
Growth is the expression ofthe integration ofall ofthese increase in biomass per unit of time. In ideal conditions,
losses and gains, within an organism. Thus, in general form: small picoplankton can divide to produce up to 3 generations
per day (ct. bacteria growing in ideal conditions can divide
Growth = Material and energy gains - Material and
every 20 minutes, or 72 generations per day) . For most phy-
energy losses .
toplankton maximum growth rates of 0.3 to 1 generation
This growth can be measured in material (mass) terms, per day are more usual. However, in natural conditions the
e.g. dry weight, wet weight, or in energy terms, kJ. growth rate is better reflected by the net rate of change in
One of the striking features of algal growth is that sig- numbers or biomass including the gains due to reproduction
nificant amounts of the carbon assimilated during pho- and losses due to mortality or export from the system.
tosynthesis are released as excreted organic matter (see
dissolved organic matter, Chapter 3) . This varies greatly Typically phytoplankton divide at 0 .3 to 1 generation
in composition from organic acids, such as glycollate, to per day depending on the temperature and nutrients
vitamins, polysaccharides, fatty acids, amino acids, pro- available.

Photosyntheti( ,,
(orban ,,
assimilotion ,,
Portirulate = :Algal biomass


:,, '-...... .. •
.' •

Energy in ,, I .........

or losses
.>: respiration
ond other
,,, ~
,.J ............
.' ,
." 1

in exuetory metebelk
, .. ,,
......... 1 Filtrafe ,l= Excretion
products demands ,• • .'•
,,, ,,
.. ' .",
,, ,, ,,

Growthl Ught Dark light Dark

Figure 2.26 Carbon assimilation by phytoplankton during
Figure 2.25 The net carbon used for growth or light and dark periods. In the light, carbon is assimilated
production of a primary producer is a product of the by the cells (particulate fraction) , but not during the dark.
photosynthetic assimilation minus several loss terms (c.f. In contrast, carbon continues to be excreted by the cells
Chapter 3). (collected in the filtrate) in both the light and dark.
2.9 Algal growth
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

The growth of phytoplankton can be expressed by the

following equation (from Richmond 2004) :
N t =N2"

where No is the starting number of cells. Nt is the number

of cells after time t (the original No + the cells produced
and n is number of doublings or generations) . Therefore
the time needed for the cells to double is given using the
following equation (where td is doubling time,) :
N t =N0 2"" d

Rearranging the equation:

NINo =2"" d

or using the natural logarithm: 100

In (NINo) = (ln2) t/td

Time -
In (NINo)lt = 0 .693/t d Growth phases
The term Ji is called the specific growth rate (which is spe- lao Exponentiol Stotionary Death
cies-specific and depends on temperature, irradiance levels, ,, ,,
and nutrient concentrations) :
I- , I
Ji = 0 .693/t d· ...•
Therefore if the growth rate (Ji) is 0.69 per day, the doubl-
ing time (r) would be 1 doubling per day.
When growth is described by the equation: I

Time •
the growth of the population is exponential, and if natur-
allogarithms of both sides of the equation are taken, the (eJ
equation describes a straight line (Fig. 2.27a), the slope of
which is u:

InN, = fit + InNo • :;: 11,,, - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~~~~~:':':~==~1

However. no population can continue growing exponen-
tiallyfor an indefinite period. Typically, exponential growth l=
ends following the utilization of one or another essential = ~

j "iJ1
nutrient. When this happens a stationary phase is reached MOI ----
where there is no net increase or decrease in cell numbers ,,
(Fig. 2.27b) . It is important to note that, although there ,,
is no growth of the algal population, the cells continue to
metabolize and produce and/or turnover cellularproduets.
There may even be some cell division (growth), which is K, Nutrient concentration (N) •
balanced by the numbers of cells dying during this phase.
Figure 2.27 (a) The growth rate of a phytoplankton
Ultimately, as the stationary phase extends. the percentage
culture expressed on both arithmetic and logarithmic
of the cells dying increases and thereafter the population
scales. (b) Idealized growth curve for a phytoplankton
enters a death phase.
population. (c) Relationship between nutrient
concentration (N) and the growth rate of a primary
Typically phytoplankton divide at 0 .3 to 1 generation
producer. flmlJJf, is the maximum growth rate, KN the nutrient
per day depending on the temperature and nutrients
concentration at which growth rate is half the maximum
(0.5 Jlmur-the half-saturation constant.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

If light and temperature conditions remain unchanged, Each species of phytoplankton present in a body of water
and losses due to grazing are not important, growth of algae (may be many tens to hundreds of species at any one time)
is mostly limited by the availability of nutrients. The effect has a species-specific growth rate (J1 and J1 max ) ' and also a
of nutrients on algal growth is described by the following species-specific half-saturation constant (K N ) for all of the
equation : nutrients it needs to assimilate. This is one of the reasons
why many different species of phytoplankton can coexist in
a water body (Box 2.9) .
where S is the concentration of the nutrient and KN is the Previously in the ch apter it was described that small
half-saturation constant, or the concentration of the nutri- algae, such as the picoplankton, most efficiently take up
ent at which: nutrients because of diffusive boundary effects. Small pho-
toautotrophs such as these also tend to grow at faster rates.
J1 = Jimax / 2.
Therefore why isn't there anything else but the picoplank-
This is a Michaelis-Menten relationship (as was the ton? The answer is that in the discussions here, we have
relationship between photosynthesis and irradiance, see ignored a major controlling factor limiting algal stand ing
above) , and so whe n at low nutrient concentrations, the stocks, namely, grazing by protozoans and zooplankton. In
rate of increase in growth rate increases rapidly with ris- aquatic systems, grazing pressure exerts a major control on
ing external nutrient concentration (Fig. 2.27c). At higher the dynamics and distribution of photosynthetic organ isms.
concentrations, increases in nutrient concentration add
progressively less to the growth rate until the maximum Photosynthesis provides the organic material for respira-
growth rate is reached and further increases in nutrients tion , while for its part respiration provides the inorganic
do not affect the growt h rate. nutrients for photosynthesis.

Box 2.9: Nutrient dynamics and

In the first examp le (a) , species 1 has a hig her J1 max than
phytoplankton growth
spec ies 2, but both have the same KN• In th is case both
species grow at the same rate unt il a certain level of
nutrients, after which speci es 1 continues to grow further
until it reaches its maximum growth rate. In this case spe-
cies 1 w ill dominate at nutrient concentrat ions greater
than those at KN .

11.... 51 > 52 In (b) , both species 1 and 2 have the same value of
J1 max ' However, spec ies 1 has a lower value of KN t han
KH constant
species 2 . In th is case, species 1 reaches its maximum
(bl growth rate at lower nutrient concent rat ions than spec ies
--cs, 2. Therefo re, in low nut rient concentrat ions, species 1


w ill dominate, altho ugh at higher nut rient conditions both
spec ies will grow equally.
In the third example (c), spec ies 1 has a higher J1 ma x
than speci es 2, but the latter has a lower KN t han species
~ II .... constant
1. At lower nutrient concen trations species 2 grows faster
K,51 < 52
and dominates because it reache s its maximum growth
('I rate at lower nut rient concentrat ions. However, at higher
52 dominates - :- 51 dominates
, nutrient concentrations, species 1 dominates because of
,,, 51
its greater maxi mu m growth rate.
.....-- 7"' - - - - - 52
Examples of possible variations In nutrient growth
p .... 51 > 52 curves of competing pairs of phytoplankton with dif-
ferent specific growth rates (,Li) , maximum growth rates
(,Limax) and half saturation constants (~) for nutrient
• uptake (from Lalli & Parsons 2004).
2.9 Algal growth

Box 2.10: Definition of productivity whether the community is g rowi ng o r contract ing. It is
terms important not to confuse these terms and the use of net
production, w hich is co mmonly fo und in the literatu re and
There is a set of definitions used in ecology that derive could refer to either, is to be avo ided.
basically from th ree physiological processes, namely: Fo r a number of reasons the two processes of pho-
tosynthesis (P) and respiratio n (R) are out of phase, so
1 = P.
Photosynth esis
there will be places and times when and where P > R
2 Algal respiration = Ra •
and R > R The difference between these two processes
3 Whole community respiration = Rc '
(P) - (R) is te rmed net community production (NCP)
The pri mary photosynthetic event is termed Gross (see Box 2.5 regarding the critical depth). Unlike photo-
Production = P. synthesis and respi ration, net community production is
The difference between productio n and respiration in not a process in its own right: there is not a dedicated
the algal community is te rmed Net Primary Production set of enzymes or a single metabolic pathway tha t gives
(also Net Photosynthesis) = P - Ra ' rise to NCP; rat her it is an arithmetic difference. Never-
The difference between production and respiration theless it is arguably the most valuable plan ktoni c rate
within the whole community is termed Net Community measurement we can make, and is the best descrip tor of
Production (also Net Ecosystem Production) = P-R c ' the waxing and waning of the population. Net community
Net Primary Production tells us how much energy production should be distinguished from the similar te rm
and organic materi al is available to the heterotrophi c com- net primary production (NPP; also referred to as net
munity, whe reas Net Community Production tells us photosynthesis: see 2.8), which is photosynthesis minus
about the balance wi thi n the community as a whole, i.e. autotrophic respi ration. Ari thmetically NPP > NCR

CURRENT FOCUS: Using algae for carbon sequestration and algal biofuel
Under ideal conditions of light and replete nutrients, micro-
algae can grow at high rates and achieve high biomass.
For several decades there have been numerous industrial
driven research initiatives desig ned to intensively cult ivate
microalgal cultures on a large scale. This has successfully
been done in b ioreactors and shallow ponds/ raceways for
the cultivation of algae for the nutraceut ical industry and
fo r biomass pri marily for aquaculture feeds (http: / /www.
algae.wu / UK/Welcome/). In the past ten years there
has been renewed vigor in research into the large-scale
growth of algae as a potential source of lipids that can be
converted into biof uels and/or as a way of sequestering
CO 2 from industrial processes.
The case fo r the latter is a co mpelling one, since from
a basic knowledge of Redfield ratio and the equations
for photosynthesis and respirat ion it can be calcul ated
that for 0.8 tonnes of algal b io mass produced, 1.8 tonne
of CO2 will be assimilated. For this amou nt of algal b io-
mass to be produced there would need to be about Large-scale cultures of algae can be grown in bioreac-
45 kg of nitrogen and 4 kg of phosphorus added to the tors s uch as these, which ca n be expanded to fill large
system, as well as lower amounts of othe r maj or and areas of land or in greenhouses. The key is to keep the
trace nutrients. This addi tional requi rement for nutrients tubing narrow enough to maximize the light penetra-
besides CO2 is one of the key factors to be considered in tion (photograph: David Thomas).
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

any economic analysis as to the viability of growing algae processi ng the remaining biomass, it appears difficult to
in a sustainable way. Using industrial fertilizers clearly see how biofuel production from algae can be competitive
adds a considerable cost to the product (algal biomass) compared to the intensive cultivation of oil-rich terrestrial
and generates no greater benefit than growing normal plants. See debate between Reijnders (2008) and Christi
efficient terrestrial crop species. However, if the algae (2008) and further insight by Weyer et al. (2009).
can be grown utilizing nutrient-rich waters from industrial, In any design for a facility for growing on the industrial-
municipal waste outlets, then of course the whole process scale, it is important that light does not become limiting
becomes more tenable. to growth. This nat urally dictates where on th e planet
In terms of carbon sequestration, of course, just pro- such systems are viable wi thout th e additional cost for
ducing biomass is not enough, but something has to ar tificial lighting. The cell cul tures will become dense and
be done with the biomass. As pointed out earlier in the th erefore 'shelf shadi ng ' will prevent even illumination of
chapter, algae do produce lipids and in several species all cells in a suspension. This effect can be minimized in
at various stages of growth and/or under specific envi- one of two ways:
ronmen tal conditions, lipid content can increase over 20%
1. Growing t he cell suspensions In shallow ponds in
of the biomass. The attraction of easily growing lipid-rich,
which the algae are well mixed to ensure that they do
high-biomass 'crops' of algae for biofuel production has
not settle.
achieved much attention. However, it should be stressed
that in exponentially growing cultures of the vast majority 2. Growing the cell suspensions flowing through trans-
of algal species, the lipid content is relatively low « 10% of parent t ub ing narrow enough to ensure th at light can
the total biomass). As compelling as the concept is, w hen penetrate to the middle of the tube, even when the
all the costs of production, includi ng cost of nutrient addi- cell suspension is very dense, but not so narrow that
tions, energy to remove the water from the cell suspension, the shear stress acting on the cells actually causes the
energy to extract lipids from the biomass, and the costs of cells to be damaged (Richmond 2004).

The potential use of large-scale cultivation of algae is hardly a new idea. Over 50 years ago this image was a
rather fanciful idea about how massive algal farms could be set up in space to satisfy a future demand for human
nutrition (Image from the journal Mechanix Illustrated, May 1954).
2.11 Global trend in primary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

2.10 Seasonal trends in ,/ , \ ·L

primary production j~ 11
.. ~
In nature it is impossible simply to consider the limitation of ~
• L I
algal growth in terms of a single factor, as in the examples ~
~ 100 j~ -,
given above (Jickells 1998). Although only one nutrient :i• L .~~

may limit the growth of an alga at anyone time, whether or d j~
not an alga will grow will depend also on other growth-lim- :U J j~~ .~
iting factors of which the most important is light. No matter "?e ~l ~ , -- ,
what the nutrient concentration, if there is not enough light ~ /' /\

E! .i. ' ,/ - ~ ~
..:!I.t:; I I
I \

.S! .~
_ 1 I ' ,

to reach maximum photosynthetic rates. growth rates will -ci I I ' , ',

be compromised. By contrast, if there is plenty of light to

'y , I
I \


:: ,,-\ J
I ,
'\ .

saturate photosynthetic systems. but there are no nutrients. ,,,

II " \ ,
, I,
I, I
' ,I , I \ ,
growth will not take place. This is most vividly shown in
I, I 1
, ",I \
I I \

the seasonal phytoplankton growth dynamics in temperate ,II

(mid to h igh latitude) waters in which seasonal thermal J FMAMJ JA SOND
stratification of the water column takes place that is pre- Month
sented in Chapter 3 .
Figure 2 .29 Seasonal succession of dom inant
phytoplankton species in t he Irish Sea averaged over 14
2.10.1 Succession of phytoplankton
• years (from Barnes & Hughes 1999).
When we measure phytoplankton dynamics in terms of described for terrestrial systems. where species' succession
increases in chlorophyll or particulate organic carbon results in a climax community (Sommer 1989; Roelke &
concentrations in the water, there is the great danger in Buyukates 2002; Worm et al. 2002) .
forgetting that these changes are the result of the growth
through cell division of a number of phytoplankton spe- Many species make up the phytoplankton, and there is a
cies. Different phytoplankton species dominate at different succession of species throughout a bloom or from one
times of the year. and this succession of dominant phyto- season to the next.
plankton species is thought to be controlled by a complex
mosaic of factors. such as temperature, irradiance, growth Even within a 'bloom' event. there is a succession of spe-
rates, and nutrient supply (Box 2.9; Fig. 2.29) . Added cies, even though blooms normally start by the explosive
to this is the influence of grazing by protozoan a nd zoo- growth of an individual species. During the course of a
plankton species, which can have a major role. It is impor- diatom bloom, silicate is taken up by the diatoms to build
tant to note that this succession is not the same as that silicate frustules (Brownlee & Taylor 2002) . As the concen-
Sea 5Urf,re trations of silicate fall in the water due to this uptake. there
--• Ihermedlne
Nutrient limitation
can be a progression from large diatom species to small dia-
- N.

Nutrient tom species that have less demanding silicate requirements

Chlorophyll moximum
for growth.

Ugh! llmitollcn 2.11 Global trend in primary
I production
When considering primary production on a global scale.
the advent of satellite colour images ofchlorophyll distribu-
tion around the globe have been very successful in showing
us that primary production is far from uniform at a large
Figure 2 .28 In stratified waters nut rients may become scale (McClain 2009) . Indeed, large-scale patterns in pri-
limiting in the surface waters. However, nutrients may mary production are partly used to define distinct regions
diffuse from deeper waters upwards across a thermocli ne. or biomes of the world's seas (see Chapter 8) . Ultimately
If this layer is in the euphot ic zone (above the critical there are four major factors that govern primary production
dept h) phytoplankton growth can occur, lead ing to the in marine systems (Falkowski et al. 1998) :
formation of sub-surface chlorophyll layers.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

• Ught-only available in the upper part of the water col-

waters are high, and the clear waters result in light passing
umn (max 200 m) .
deep into the water column (>200 m) . These conditions
• Nutrients- that can be exhausted in upper water lay- are of course conducive to high primary production, but
ers, but are generally available in the deeper part of the because of the lack of mixing of inorganic nutrients from
water column. the deeper waters, tropical waters generally only support
• Stability- to allow algal growth in surface water layers. low primary production, although at a rather constant level
• Mixing- to replenish used nutrients from lower water throughout the year. When storm events do mix surface and
layers to surface. deeper waters, phytoplankton blooms can result from the
input of nutrients. Likewise tropical waters are sensitive to
eutrophication processes, since when nutrients are intro-
Ultimately it is the physics of a water body that controls
duced, the high light levels support a rapid build-up of pri-
the primary production.
mary producers.

These controlling factors are somewhat conflicting, and Tropical waters have generally low primary production
in areas of high primary production it is the physics of the due to low surface water nutrient concentrations.
water body that gives rise to circumstances that enable
these conflicting requirements to be met. In contrast, in the polar oceans there is significant mix-
There are many ocean processes that influence nutrient ing of nutrient-rich lower waters with the surface waters.
supply to surface waters. which vary greatlyin time and size However, these regions are characterized by long times of
scale. These range from storm events that effectively mix the year when day length is short and sun angles shallow.
stratifiedwaters in shallow waters through to global thermo- Therefore, primary production in these waters is limited
haline circulation patterns (Chapters 7, 8, and 12) that mix by irradiance, and generally there is a single peak of pri-
deep ocean waters to the surface after about SOD years or mary production when light is high enough to support net
more. These are also significantly influenced by cyclical gain in algal growth. There are differences in the nutrient
oceanic events, such as EI Nino Southern Oscillation and status of the Arctic and Southern Oceans. In the latter, the
North Atlantic Oscillation events (Chapter 7) . major nutrients (nitrogen and phosphate) are in excess, but
In tropical and subtropical waters, there is normally primary production is restricted due to limitation of iron.
permanent thermal stratification due to the high degree In the Arctic, nutrient limitation does occur following the
of solar heating of the surface waters. Irradiances in these annual late-spring/summer plankton bloom.

_ > 500 L--...J1250-500 1_ _ 1100-250 __I < 100

Figure 2.30 The annual primary production as g carbon m-2 year:' of the oceans from a global perspective (see also
Chapter 1).
2.11 Global trend in primary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Upwelling of nutrients in nutrient-rich waters is charac-

Primary production in polar waters is restricted to short
teristic of several coastal regions. Offshore winds give rise
seasonal windows when light is available.
to offshore transport of nutrient-depleted surface water
that is replaced by upwelling nutrient-rich water, sup-
As described above, temperate waters are character-
porting high rates of primary production. Upwelling also
ized by a suite of complex seasonal dynamics of light and
occurs at major ocean frontal systems in the open oceans,
thermal stratification. These seasonal variations impart a
such as the equatorial regions where north-east and south-
distinctive seasonality in primary productivity: spring and
east trade winds generate two westerly flowing surface
autumn blooms of phytoplankton, with low standing stocks
currents: the North and South Equatorial Currents. The
of phytoplankton in summer and winter.
Coriolis effect causes the currents to be deflected north-
Large oceanic gyres are a conspicuous feature of the
wards in the northern hemisphere and southwards in the
Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, and Southern Oceans. In the
southern hemisphere. The divergent flow of these surface
northern hemisphere these gyres move in a clockwise direc-
waters from the equator promotes nutrient-rich water
tion and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere. These
upwelling, supporting higher rates of primary production
anticyclonic gyres tend to deepen the thermocline, mov-
(Fig 2.32 and also see Chapter 7).
ing water towards the centre ofthe gyre. Therefore nutrient
replenishment into surface waters does not take place, and
these anticyclonic gyres tend to be regions of low primary
productivity (Chapter 7) .

Figure 2.31 A large gyre off the east coast of Japan Figure 2.32 Upwelling of nutrient-rich water resu lts in
in this SeaWiFS image shows the concentration of phytoplankton blooms to the west and south of South
phytoplankton associated with the physical structure Africa (image provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASAl
(image provided by the SeaWiFS Project, NASA/Goddard Goddard Space Flight Center, and GeoEye).
Space Flig ht Center, and GeoEye).
Regions of upwelling are important sites of high primary
Anticyclonic gyres are regions of low primary production production.
whereas cyclonic gyres sustain higher rates of primary
production. Coastal waters and waters overlying continental
shelves ( < 200 m) supportthe greatest primary productiv-
However. cyclonic gyres (anticlockwise in northern ity. This is because many coastal waters are shallower than
hemisphere and clockwise in southern hemisphere) actu- the critical depth (see Box 2.5) and also because coastal
ally result in water being mixed from below the thermo- waters receive large amounts of growth-limiting nutrients
cline into surface waters, due to water being transported from river inputs into the coastal zone (Jickells 1998) .
outwards from the centre of the gyre. Therefore. in such There are many different types of frontal systems in shelf
gyres, higher rates of primary production are supported, seas, and these tend to be associated with increased pri-
due to the mixing of nutrient rich water into surface waters mary production, e.g, fronts associated with river plumes
(Fig 2.31) . and shelf-sea fronts (tidal fronts), where the water column
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

(a) (bl

Figure 2.33 (a) Fronts can be zones where concentrations of biology are found, either as a result of physical
concentration or by increased growth of organisms. Here there is a huge concentration of photosynthetic ciliate
Mesodinium rubrum in the surface waters of a front in the North Sea, as well as bird feathers and green macroalgae
concentrated on the water's surface (photograph: David Thomas). (b) Frontal systems are enhanced zones of biological
activity, as seen here by the whales and birds feeding on planktivorous fish at a front (photograph: Michel Kaiser).

changes from being tidally mixed to being stratified. 1YJli- face waters tend to range between 40 and 50 Pg carbon
cally the dense accumulations of plankton that occur at year-' . Recent estimates of terrestrial primary production
fronts attract feeding aggregations offish, birds, cetaceans, are between 50 and 60 Pg carbon year" which, combined
and fishers (Fig. 2.33; Chapters 7 and 8). with the oceanic primary production. gives a total primary
production on Earth of c.lO' 6 g carbon year' (Box 2.11 &
Frontal systems tend to be regions of enhanced biologi- Table 2.5).
cal activity, either from increased primary production or a
concentration of organisms through physical processes. Marine and terrestrial primary production are roughly the
same at approximately 50 Pg C 'f'.
The high standing stocks of plankton at tidal fronts may
simply result from physical concentration by the water We can measure the distribution of phytoplankton from
dynamics in the frontal zone. However, the conjunction satellites in space (McClain 2009; Fig. 2.3) . Like all pho-
of two separate water bodies can result in an exchange of tosynthesizing organisms, the algae contain chlorophyll.
nutrients (or other components) from one body of water With modern-day satellites, it is possible to estimate the
to the other. chlorophyll concentrations in the surface waters of the
world's oceans and therefore monitor the growth of the
2.11. 1 Global ocean primary
productivity Macroalgae can produce up to 14 kg carbon m- 2 r '.
Global ocean net primary productivity estimates are numer-
ous and varied (Geider et at. 2001) . Most of the variability
Although phytoplankton productivity is much less than
is largely to do with the methods used to measure ocean
that of macroalgae per unit area, on a global scale total
primary production. and the different metabolic processes
phytoplankton productivity is far greater than that con-
that these methods quantify. The most recent estimates
tributed by macroalgae.
based on satellite images of phytoplankton biomass in sur-
2.11 Global trend in primary production

Box 2.11: Comparison of terrestrial

and aquatic primary production
The amou nt of bacterial, algal, or plant biomass (p r im a ry
producers) built up over t ime th rough the process of
photosynthesis is generally referred to as primary prow
duction . This is normally expressed as the amou nt of
carbon fixed by photosynthesis, per unit area of space or
volume, per unit of time. Most estima tes are expressed
as net primary production, which takes into account the
costs of respiration as well.

Net primary production = Total photosynthetic carbon

assimilation - respiration carbon losses.

The production per square metre of seaweeds and

Macroalgae can be very productive, and Laminaria spp.
seagrasses is equal to, or in many cases greater than,
dominated communities have annual productivity rates
that of terrestrial plant based systems. For instance Lami-
of approximately 2 kg carbon m- 2 yea r' (photograph:
naria spp. dominated communities have annual produc-
David Roberts).
t ivity rates of approximately 2 kg carbon m 2 year'. and
the macroalgal sea palm Postefsia has been estimated to An equivalent productivity by the phytoplankton in a l -m
produce up to 14 kg carbon m- 2 year 1 . These estimates wide strip of the adjacent seawater would requi re a stretch
contrast with those for mature rainforests and intensive of water extendi ng out 3.4 km from the shore. From fig-
alfalfa crop production ( 1 to 2 kg carbon m- 2 year"). ures like these it would be easy to think that the seaweed
and temperate tree plantations or grasslands and prairies, production is more important than that of phytoplankton
which are generally less than 1 kg carbon m- 2 year: ". production to the overall productivity of the oceans. How-
Coastal phytoplankton annual production is also gener- ever, compared to the vast area of the globe covered by the
ally less than 1 kg carbon m- 2 year: ". One study estimated oceans (80%) in which phytoplankton grow, the seaweed
the annual productivity of all the seaweeds in a 1-m wide covered strips of coastlines are rather small and at best can
strip of shoreline, 360 m long, was c.600 kg carbon year". be viewed as sites of intense localized production.

Table 2 .5 Comparison of annual primary production between marine and terrestrial systems. It must be
stressed that at best these values are good estimates, but they do allow a comparison of the magnitudes of
primary production from various components of the biosphere.

Domain Global annual roduction

Tempe rate westerly winds 16 .3
Tropical & subtropical trade winds 13.0
Coastal waters 10 .7
Polar 6.4
Marshes/estuaries/macrophytes 1.2
Coral reefs 0.7
Tropical rainforests 1 7 .8
Savannas 16.8
Cultivation 8.0
Mixed broadleaf & needle leaf 3. 1
Needle leaf evergreen forest 3.1
Perennial grasslands 2.4
Broadleaf deciduous forests 1.5
Needleleaf deciduous forest 1.4
Broadleaf shrubs wi th bare soil 1.0
Tundra 0.8
Desert 0.5
*P = peta, and 1 Pg is equivalent to 10 15 g.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

2.11.2 Are the oceans net zone is given in Table 2.6. Not surprisingly. close to 90% of
heterotrophic or net autotrophic metabolism occurs in the epipelagic zone of the open ocean,
There is still a tendency to regard great areas of the ocean of the 10% or so that passes out of the epipelagic zone, all
as biological deserts. This particularly applies to the c.4000 but a small fraction is respired away during its transit to the
m of water that lies between the base of the euphotic zone sediments (Fig 2.34) .
and the deep-sea sediments, which is often seen as merely a The amount accumulating in the sediments is minute
transit zone. As there is no photosynthesis beyond about 200 by comparison: 1 and 12 Tmol carbon year', in the oce-
m, metabolism at these depths must be supported primar- anic and coastal sediments, respectively; onlyO.1% of the
ily by transport of organic material out of the euphotic total oceanic carbon flux. Moving from the surface into the
zone. and marine snow (Chapter 3) plays an important role deep water, there appears to be a shift in the balance of
in this transfer. The organic content of these settling par- metabolism between the micro-organisms and the larger
ticles is depleted during their descent, so we may expect a organisms. The present estimates are that in the euphotic
general decrease in activity with time and therefore depth. zone. the respiration associated with the metazoans as a
Conventionally the oceans are divided into five depth whole is about 10% of the heterotrophic micro-organisms.
zones (Chapters 6 to 8) : whereas in the mesopelagic and bathypelagic zones the
fraction is nearer 30%. This perhaps at first is surpris-
1. Epipelagic zone, from the surface to 150 m, for all
ing as these zones would seem to the zone of the detriti-
intents and purposes synonymous with the euphotic
vores, until one realizes that, unlike the micro-organisms.
the metazoans (the fish, copepods, and the euphausids)
2. Mesopelagic zone (150 to 1000 m) . are highly mobile and are not confined to this zone but
3. Bathypelagic zone (1000 to 4000 m) . undertake extensive vertical migrations. in many cases on
4. Abyssopelagic (4000 to 6000 m) . a diel frequency (Chapter 7), so they are able to visit the
rich feeding areas of the upper ocean during their nightly
5. Hadal zone (6000 to 10000 m) .
excursions. As they will defecate and lose organic material
We have no information of the rates of respiration in the by other routes during their time in deep water, the zoo-
two latter zones but we are beginning to build up a picture plankton are a vector for transport oforganic material
of the upper three zones (Aristegui et al. 2005; Robinson from the surface to depths, thus supplementing the pas-
and Williams 2005) . A summary of rates for these three sive rain of organic particles.
oceanic zones, the oceanic sediments, as well as the coastal

Respiration rate (as mmal 0 2 m-' 11-1)

Epipel,gi, 0.005 0.01 0
zane -T::-:--:=:'~;:~;::;:~~=====:2:===]
90 uni~ recycled Primary production Mesopelagic zane
in surface ~
y lflllunits
...- - 1000 --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7-9 units recycled in

10 units sink aut of photic zane
mid-depth, , -
_ 2000 --
e- Bathypelagic zane

3000 --

~ <I unit preserved in sediments

Abyssapelagic zane
Figure 2.34 Very little of the carbon assim ilated in the
euphotic zone through primary production actually gets
sequestered in the sediments, since most of it is respired Figure 2.35 The vertical distribution of respiration in the
as it sinks; see Chapter 3 (redrawn from Cockell et al. dark ocean. Redrawn from the equation given in Aristegu i
2007). et al. (2005).
2.11 Global trend in primary production
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••• •

Table 2.6 Estimates of respiration for major zones of the oceans. Data f rom del Giorgio and Williams (200 5).

Depth zone Depth Global annual respiration (T' mol carbon yea....') Contribution to open
range (m) ...... .... ..... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .... ..... .... .... ..... .. ocean respiration (~o) *

Coastal zone Open ocean

Epipelagic 0- 150 1200 9000-12000 88
Mesopelagic 1 50-100 0 600-1400 8.5
Bathypelagic 1000-4000 160 - 2 30 2
Sediments 12 1 30- 18 0 1.5

Total 1200 10 000-1 4 000

"T _ tera _ 10 12 ,
• Number s rounded off.

Beyond a depth of about 200 m, metabolism must be ence between estimates of photosynthesis and respiration.
supported primarily by transport of organic material To some small extent we are not comparing like with like,
from the euphotic zone. as the estimate of respiration (the total removal of organic
material) should be compared with the to tal production
of organ ic material (gross production), whereas the esti-
Zooplankton are a vector for the transport of organic
mate of production from 14 C techn ique is of net primary
production (i.e, gross photosynthesis minus autotrophic
respira tion). Thus we need to add on the material lost by
The oceans are not closed as they receive organic mate- autotrophic respiration to the net primary production esti-
rial from land and freshwater ecosystems, via the rivers, mate in order to derive an estimate of gross production. We
and they lose material to the marine sed iments. There ca n make a fairly safe assumpt ion that this form of respira-
are also exchanges with the atmosphere but t hey are very tory loss is no more than 40% of net primary production so
small and can be ignored. The loss to the sed iments is small we need to add this amount on to the figures from 4000 to
compared to overall turnover, the input from the rivers is 5000 Tmol carbon year' , to give 5000 to 7000 Tmol carbon
greater (curre nt estimates give a figure of 34 Tmol carbon year! (see Table 2 .7) . This still, however, leaves a deficit of
year'), but still remains a small component (c.0 .3%) of almost a factor of two. There is almost certainly no over-
the overall cycle. The diffe rence between the inp ut along
w ith the rivers and loss to t he sediments (c.20 Tmol car- Table 2.7 Bud get sheet for the o rg anic fluxes
bon year') , i.e, the net supply, represents t he extent to
into, o ut of, and w it hin th e oc eans (t aken from d el
which ocean ic respiration and photosynthesis can be out Giorgio and Willi ams 200 5). All fluxes are in T mol
of balance. We can assess t he overall gains and losses to the carbo n yea r' (T = 10 12 ) .
oceans from the outside qu ite simply and wit h mo re than
adequate accuracy. This simple so-called mass balance cal-
Sources and Inputs Outputs
culation (see Table 2.7) leads us to the conclusion that there
is a net input of about 20 Tmol carbon year-' to the oceans.
So, if the oceanic system is in some form of equilibrium, as
we believe it to be, then res piration will exceed photosyn - Rivers 34
thesis by this amount, as this net import of material, along Sedi ments 14
with marine photosynthesis, has to be consumed within the • •••• ••••• ••••• •••• •••• ••• •••••••••• ••• •••••••• ••••• •••• ••••• •••• •••
ocea nic system. Thus, the oceans are most probably net
heterotrophic wit h respiration exceeding photosynthesis Photosynthesis 3000-5000
by about 0 .2%. Photosynthesis 5000-7000
What we find , when we compare t he consens us est i- (corrected t)
mates of oceanic photosynthetic production of 50 to 60 Pg Respiration 10 000- 1 5 000
carbon year! (4000 to 5000 Tmol carbon year!) wit h the
estimated sum of the respiration (10 000 to 15 000 Tmol tCorrected for algal respiration-see text.
carbon year'), is a very different story: a massive differ-
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

looked source of carbon to the oceans of a scale that would The annual primary production of seaweed and seagrass
bridge the gap. so we have to acknowledge massive errors meadows can be in excess of rainforest or crop species.
in one, or more likely both, of our global estimates of the
processes of oceanic production and respiration. The basis In water, seaweeds obtain the carbon needed for photo-
of this discrepancy is currently a matter of active debate synthesis from CO 2 or from HC03. When they are exposed
among biological oceanographers and biogeochemists. to air, there is no bicarbonate and photosynthesis can only
take place by the uptake of carbon dioxide from the air. As
long as the seaweeds do not dry out, many species photo-
2.12 Primary production in synthesize in air at rates similar to those measured when
seaweeds they are fully submerged. However, when they begin to
dry out there are considerable differences in capacities
Much of this chapter has concentrated on primary produc- for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis in the low shore kelps,
tion in planktonic photoautotrophs, since these contribute such as Laminaria, even when mildly desiccated, is greatly
the greatest proportion to the primary production in the reduced, whereas the green alga Ulva, often found in inter-
oceans. However, in coastal waters, the intertidal sea- tidal zones, continues photosynthesis down to 35% water
grasses and macroalgae are a very dominant feature. These loss. Fucusvesiculosus, F. serratus. and F. spiralis can all pho-
have a huge influence on the dynamics of coastal inorganic tosynthesize even when desiccated down to a point where
nutrients and cycling of organic matter (Chapter 10). More the remaining tissue water content is less than 30% (Dring
general discussions about the ecology of macroalgae and & Brown 1982) .
seagrasses will be found in later chapters (Chapters 6, 8,
and 10). Macroalgae continue to photosynthesize when exposed
Nevertheless, seaweeds on a shore can grow at impres- to air, and some species even when harshly desiccated.
sive rates, amassing large biomass (Fig. 2.36a) . The pro-
ductivityofseaweeds and seagrasses is equal to. or in many When submerged. considerable energy is expended
cases greater than. that of terrestrial plant systems. For in maximizing the amount of light getting to the chloro-
instance. Laminaria-dominated communities have annual plasts. This is especially important in turbid coastal waters
productivity rates of approximately 2 kg carbon m-2year1• full of plankton and suspended particles that reduce light
Seagrass meadows are extremely productive with annual penetration to a few metres or less. There are several mor-
production rates up to 6 kg carbon m-Zyear1 measured at phological features common to many species of seaweed
some tropical sites, far exceeding estimates for even tropical that help to address this problem. The first is the stipe
rain forests and monocultures of crops (Chapter 10). that supports the bulk of the photosynthetic tissue at the

I,j (b)

Figure 2.36 (a) Infrared image enabling a comparison to be made of terrestrial and intertidal primary producers. The
trees in the background show up red in the image, as do the large standing stock of macroalgae on the shore in the
foreground (photograph: David Roberts). (b) Air bladders at the end of each Macrocystis pyrifera blade help to support
the giant algae in the water, and maximize exposure to the incident light (photograph: David Thomas).
2.12 Primary production in seaweeds
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

surface of the water where incident light is at a maximum. Gas-filled bladders are important in many macroalgal
Nereocystis luetkena is a superb example of this, with a species for maintaining photosynthetic t issues as close
stipe of over 30 m long supporting up to 100 blades, each to the incident light as possible.
several metres long. In species growing in deep waters,
such as the giant kelp species, the stipes act very much Although not as impressively large. many other species
like the trunks of canopy species of trees in a rain forest, use gas-filled bladders in a similar fashion, e.g. Ascophyl-
getting the maximum surface area of photosynthetic cells lum, Sargassum, Fucus, and the bead-like Hormosira . The
as close to the incident light as possible (Figs 2.36b and gases within the bladders contain oxygen and nitrogen in
2.3 7) . roughly the same proportion as in air. and varying amounts
The long stipe of Nereocystis is rather flexible, and the of carbon dioxide. Curiously, the huge pneumatocysts of
blades only sit on the surface because the apex of the stipe Nereocystis contain up to 10% carbon monoxide. although
terminates in an approximately IS-em diameter float, or why this should be remains unclear.
pneumatocyst. This large gas-filled bladder ensures that As in trees that form terrestrial forests, the stipes of the
the blades are floating as high in the water as possible. In seaweeds also act as surfaces for epiphytes to grow on.
contrast, the giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera) has a differ- These can vary from other macroalgal fronds through to
ent arrangement with a small gas bladder at the base of biofilms made from bacterial and/or microalgal assem-
each of its thousands of blades, which connects them to blages. Colonial animals, such as Bryozoa. can also form
the highly branched stipe (Figs 2.36 & 2.37) . dense cover on the outside of large macroalgal species.
both on the stipe and blades. Epiphytic growth can reach
such densities that they restrict the exchange of gases and
inorganic nutrients and cut down on light that reaches the
photosynthetic cells of the host. They can also increase drag
to such an extent that they make their hosts more prone to
being washed away in strong water currents (Fig. 2.38) . To
avoid such problems, 'skin shedding' is widespread among
large seaweed species (Russell & Veltkamp 1984) . Layers
of cell walls are shed from the outer surfaces of the sea-
weed carrying any attached epiphytes along with them
(Fig. 2.39) .

Epiphytes growing on the surfaces of seaweeds restrict

gas exchange and the supply of ino rganic nutrients, as
well as increasing drag.

Figure 2 .38 Macroalgae, like many other structures, can

quickly become host to other algae and sessile animals
Figure 2.37 (a & b) The massive gas-filled air bladder of Fucus serratus
that grow on their surface. Here a frond of
t he bull kelp, Nereocystis luetkeana. Specimen washed up is nearly overgrown by the epiphytic brown Ectocarpus sp.
on the shore in California (photographs: David Thomas). (photograph: David Roberts).
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

isms. Therefore the production is expressed as: change in

concentration of 0 2 or CO 2 per unit of time per unit of
mass or concentration of algae.
The combinations of units are diverse. depending on
the types of measurements being made and/or whether it
is phytoplankton or macroalgae/seagrasses that are under
investigation. For phytoplankton. rates of gas flux are often
expressed per unit of chlorophyll or particulate organic car-
bon (POC) . Measurements with macroalgae and seagrasses
are normally expressed on the basis of fresh or dry weight,
since these are easy to determine.

Rates of primary production are usually based per unit

of chlorophyll, particulate organic carbon or in seaweeds
Figure 2.39 One of the mechanisms by which several on a dry or wet weight basis.
seaweed species overcome problems derived from
epiphyte growth on their surfaces, is the periodic To be most realistic. the incubations during which the
shedding of outer layers of cell walls. In this scanning fluxes of gas are measured should be made under the exact
electron microscope image, the outer layer of cell walls of light regime that would be experienced in nature (Fig.
the brown alga Himanthalia elongata can be seen lifting 2.34) . In a few instances it is possible to take a sample of
off, with the pattern of the underlying cells imprint ed phytoplankton, or macroalgae, from a particular water
(photograph: George Russell). depth, put it in a container, and then perform the incuba-
tions back at the same depth and then subsequently mea-
Seagrass blades are also renowned for supporting dense sure the gases produced or consumed over the incubation.
epiphytic growth. The biomass ofepiphytes can range from However. the simple act of using a closed vessel introduces
25 to 80% and production from 50 to 100% thatofthe sea- changes to the system that some researchers claim result in
grasses. Skin shedding is not carried out by seagrass spe- unrealistic measurements.
cies, but rather they produce large numbers of shoots, and
blades heavily laden with epiphytes break off and are lost. How realistic 'bottle incubations' are is open to debate.

It is logistically difficult to deploy in situ incubations,

2.13 Measurement of primary especially if incubations are made throughout the euphotic
production zone. which may extend down to 200 m in the open ocean.
It is also preferable to make incubations last for whole diur-
The act ofobservation alters the object being observed (crude nal periods. so that the carbon and/or oxygen changes can
interpretation of Schr6dinger's Cat thought experiment) . be integrated over daily periods, thereby including periods
One of the key issues facing biological oceanographers try- of darkness where photosynthesis is absent, but respiration
ing to get good measurements of primary production rates continues. These measurements are onerous; hence com-
is how to translate the measurements they can make to the promise is necessary, as discussed below.
conditions from where their field samples are taken. For the
past 50 years the key techniques to measure primary pro- Although ideal, in situ incubations are often difficult to
duction have been to measure directly the carbon assimila- employ.
tion during photosynthesis and/or the oxygen production
and oxygen uptake during photosynthesis and respiration,
2.13.1 Radiocarbon labelling-the ' 14C
Primary production is mainly estimated by measures of
the fluxes of carbon dioxide and/or oxygen. Primary production is basically the measure of the amount
of inorganic carbon that is assimilated through photosyn-
The amount of carbon or oxygen flux per unit of time is thesis to create new organic matter over a period of time
then related to the biomass of the photosynthetic organ- and over a specified area. Intuitively. therefore, direct mea-
isms creating the fluxes. Commonly used biomass terms are surements of the decrease in the external inorganic carbon
amount of chlorophyll or the weight/concentration of the pool or the increase in the organic carbon pool would seem
organic carbon contained within the photosynthetic organ- the most obvious way to measure primary production.
2.13 Measurement of primary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

In the1950s the Danish scientist, Einer Steemann Nielsen, The advantage of the oxygen system for the estimation
introduced the use of radiolabelled isotope 14C for measuring of primary production is that both rates of respiration and
carbon assimilation in phytoplankton. Since then, the '14C photosynthesis can be directly measured, and so there is no
method', as it is often referred to, has become probably the ambiguity about whether or not net or gross production is
most standard technique for measuring primary production being measured. The major difficulty comes in the conver-
in both phytoplankton and macroalgal studies. sion of the oxygen measurements into carbon terms. The
14C, in the fOITO of NaH14C03 , is added to the incubation photosynthetic quotient (PQ) is the term that describes
water surrounding a macroalgal sample or into a sample of the moles of oxygen evolved per moles of CO, assimilated,
phytoplankton. The photoautotrophs assimilate the 14C dur- and is often quoted as 1.3. However, as described above,
ing photosynthesis and at the end of an incubation period the PQ varies with different nitrogen and/or phosphorus
the quantity of radioisotope within the photoautotrophs is supply. Iflipids are being predominantly produced, the PQ
measured. This is directly converted into the amount of car- is significantly different than ifcarbohydrates are being pro-
bon that has been photosynthetically assimilated during the duced. Respiratory quotients (RQ) are the inverse of the PQ
incubation. and describe the respiratory relationships between oxygen
consumption and CO2 production. and are typically taken to
Uptake of radioactive 14 C is a widely used way to esti- be 1.0 . Although less variable than PQ values, there will be
mate primary production, althoug h it is not clear whether variations around this value, making standardized conver-
net or gross production is being measured. sions less certain.

Technically the method is rather straightforward; how- Photosynthetic and respiratory quotients are important
ever. there is still much controversy about what it actually to convert oxygen fluxes into units of carbon in primary
measures in terms of net or gross production. The other production studies.
major disadvantage of the method is that it is not possible
to measure dark respiration rates and. therefore. estimate
gross primary production.
2.13.3 Electrodes
There is an increasing array of electrodes that can mea-
2.13.2 Oxygen determinations
sure pH. 0 2' CO 2, as well as sulphur and nitrogen species
It is possible to measure both photosynthetic oxygen produc- (de Beer 2000) . These are not typically used to measure
tion and respiratory oxygen consumption during incuba- the fluxes of 0 2 or CO2 in incubations, as described above.
tions. The most widely used accurate oxygen determination but rather are used in field deployments to measure tem-
method is based on Winkler titrations for determining the poral trends and estimate fluxes . Since the 1980s there
oxygen concentration of water. When performed with care. have been great advances in technology that have enabled
this chemical titration determination method is able to mea- reliable electrodes with tip diameters ofless than 50 I'm to
sure precisely very small changes in oxygen concentration. be constructed. These have been revolutionary in measur-
vital where respiration and photosynthetic rates are low. ing small-scale fluxes in photosynthesis and respiration at
surfaces such as biofilms and sediments. Estimates of pri-
By measuring oxygen fluxes both photosynthesis and mary production using these techniques have been greatly
respiration can be measured, enabling bot h gross and enhanced by the engineering of miniature light sensors
net photosynthesis to be estimated. with tip diameters of approximately 100 I'm. Therefore,
the prevailing light regime can be measured at the same
The method involves measuring the increase in oxygen time as the chemical fluxes (Figs 2.40 & 2.41) .
concentration in glass bottles (ranging in size from 10 to
200 ml) in which photosynthesis has taken place and the Increasingly electrodes are used to measure pH and gas
decrease in oxygen concentration in darkened bottles in fl uxes, especially for fine-scale work on the surfaces of
which only respiration has taken place. One major differ- sediments.
ence between this and the '1 4C method' is that the oxygen
fluxes due to bacterial. protozoan. and zooplankton respi- The latest generation of equipment capable of measuring
ration present in the sample will be included, because in small-scale fluxes are the micro-optodes. In these, light of a
reality it is impossible to screen these out of field samples specific wavelength is conducted via fine glass fibres to the
without completely disrupting the photoautotrophs. There- measuring tip, which can be less than 20 urn, The tip contains
fore. the oxygen methods tend to measure community a fluorescent dye that fluoresces at a different wavelength to
metabolism. whereas in general the 14C method is measur- the exciting light. The intensity of fluorescence depends on
ing activity of only the photoautotrophs. the concentration of the substance being measured. Some
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

of the most insightful data on the gas fluxes associated with signal to be quantified. More recently ultrathin layers of 0 2
biofilms and sediment surfaces has come with the use ofpla- indicator have been sprayed on to glass coverslips and then
nar optodes (Fig 2.41; Fenchel and Glud 2000; Glud et al. these used to considerable effect for investigating bacterial
1998, 2001) . In the planar optodes the dye that reacts with activity in biofilms in flow chambers on microscope stages
the substance beingmeasured is spread on thin sheets placed (Kiihl et aI. 2007). It is quite remarkable the level of precision
in contact with the surface ofinterest. The fluorescent signal that can be achieved with these new technologies and the
created by the reaction with the dye is then captured by a quest for simultaneous light, pH. 0 2' and CO2 measurements
charged couple device (CCD) camera. The camera converts on the micro-scale are achievable and will revolutionize the
brightness into an electrical signal, thereby enabling the way we perceive production processes.

(oj (bJ

(e) Figure 2.40 (a) Micro-electrodes are now available for several parameters, including
oxygen and carbon dioxide. These have incredibly small diameter tips (insert),
enabling scientists to profile mi ni-scale (J.tM) differences in primary production
and respiration, in particular in benthic systems. The image shows a 'lander'
eq uipped with several electrodes, which it automatically pushes into the sediments.
It logs the chemical data measured by the electrodes for downloading when the
lander is retrieved (photographs: Dirk de Beer, Microsensor Group, Max Planck
Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen and Christian Lett, Hydra institute). (b)
In situ fluoromete r (window in centre) that can be dep loyed for lo ng pe ri ods of
time (months) to measure concentrations of chlorophyll in the water. Note that
instruments left in the sea become fouled by growth of sessile organisms, requ iring
the antifouling washing arm shown to clean the fluorometer window periodically
(photograph: David Thomas). (c) Measuring photosynthetic activity on algae, corals,
and s ponges (symbiotic algae) in the Red Sea with the in situ chlorophyll fluorometer
DIVING-PAM (photograph: Camillo Weis, Heinz Walz GmbH, Germany,

02 Jlmol L- l
o 700 > 1400
Figure 2.41 Two planar o ptode 02
images (in li g ht an d da rk) of a diatom-
covered sediment. The white line
indicates the position of the sediment
surface. Notice the much deeper 02
penetration into the sediment in the
light, and t he very patchy distributio n
of the photosynthetic activity in the
light (image: Ronn ie Gl ud , see Fenchel
and Glud 2000).
2.13 Measurement of primary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

2.13.4 Fluorescence measurements as Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometers (FRRF). The fluo-
rescence excitation system generates excitation flashes at
The measurement of changes in biomass is one route to rates exceeding 200 kHz. The stimulated fluorescence and
estimate primary production. One of the most commonly excitation flashes, as well as the photosynthetically active
employed methods for measuring chlorophyll is by mea- radiation, are all measured simultaneously. These mea-
suring its fluorescence, either within the cells directly or surements are then used to calculate various biophysical
after extraction from the organism by a solvent. The chloro- parameters that allow rates ofphotosynthesis and therefore
phyll is excited by carefully defined wavelengths of light primary production to be calculated (Suggett et al. 2003) .
and the resulting fluorescence measured directly (Krause
& Weis 1991). Since the 1970s, reliable instruments have
2.13.5 Remote sensing
been available for measuring the chlorophyll fluorescence
in open waters. These send out pulses oflight and the fluo- Probably one of the most significant changes in biologi-
rescence generated is measured. Many systems that pro- cal oceanography over the past twenty years has been the
file for salinity (con du ctivity), temperature, and pressure development and deployment ofsatellite and aircraft-borne
(depth) (CfD sensors) can also be easily adapted to have colour sensors that can record the colour of water masses
in vivo chlorophyll fluorescence sensors attached and this and, using sophisticated algorithms, can allocate the
information relayed backto the ship, together with the tem- colour to concentrations of dissolved constituents, such as
perature and salinity data. Such instruments have become coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), suspended sol-
invaluable for determining the distribution profiles of phy- ids, and (most importantly for primary production) chloro-
toplankton through the water column. For instance, such phyll and other algal pigment concentrations. Such satellite
profiles often help scientists determine from which depths ocean colour sensors provide the only means we have for
they should take water bottle samples for their oxygen or looking at the large-scale distributions of phytoplankton, so
14C incubations for primary production determinations. that monthly and annual distribution patterns can be cre-
ated (McClain 2009) .
Fluorescence sensors are used for the determination of
in situ concentrations of chlorophyll, and therefore phy- Increasingly sensors on satellites provide information on
toplankton biomass. primary production on a global scale.

Such sensors can also be deployed for the long-term These large-scale distribution studies are fundamental
measurement of fluorescence on moorings, automated to our understanding of the large-scale processes in the
underwater vehicles (AUVs), or on seabed platforms (see oceans and how these affect primary production, e.g, the
below) . These can be left for periods of over a year and the inter-annual variability due to massive cyclical phenom-
data logged to allow the seasonal dynamics of phytoplank- ena, such as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) or the
ton biomass to be elucidated in fine detail for that particular El Nino Southern Ocean Oscillation (ENSO) . Naturally,
site (Chapter 6) . as more satellites are deployed carrying such sensors, and
It is possible to derive more information from the fluores- more years of information are collected, these methodolo-
cent characteristics of a photoautotroph than from the sim- gies will greatly enhance our understanding of large-scale
ple measures of in vivo chlorophyll concentrations. Pulse ocean processes.
Amplitude Modulated (PAM) fluorometry is becoming a Ocean colour sensors can also be deployed on aircraft
widespread tool for measuring in situ photosynthesis (Fig. and have been used successfully to record the dynamics of
2.33) . PAM fluorometers use a range of flashing (pulsed) phytoplankton blooms, especially in coastal waters within
lights to measure the photosynthesis from the fluorescence the operational ranges of the aircraft. tight Detection and
induced by the flashes oflight (e.g. Glud et al. 2002) . Gen- Ranging (UDAR) flights use a variety of pulsed lasers to
erally, the fluorescence is excited at high repetition rates by stimulate phytoplankton chlorophyll and other pigments to
microsecond pulses of different wavelengths of light from fluoresce, and the fluorescent signals are then detected by
light emitting diodes (LED) . sensors on the aircraft.

Fluorometric methods are used for direct measurements Surveys of water bodies using aircraft give rapid informa-
of primary production. tion about phytoplankton distribution in surface waters.

The accurate measurement of the variable fluorescence One advantage of such data is that they can be collated
characteristics of phytoplankton is the basis of profiling rapidly by scientists on board the aircraft and relayed to
devices that can measure 'real time' primary production colleagues on the ground or on research vessels. In this
as they are lowered through the water. These are known way, the research vessels can be directed to particular areas
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

of research interest, such as developing phytoplankton

blooms or phytoplankton dynamics associated with water The typical daily cost of an ocean going research vessel
frontal systems. Increasingly, research expeditions will is between $US20 000 and $USSO 000, depending on
rely on information such as this, as well as 'online' satellite size and sophistication.
information to plan and modify cruise tracks to conserve
expensive ship time. As well as chlorophyll concentrations, automated measur-
The major disadvantage of ocean colour sensors, either ing systems are being developed for measuring temperature,
aircraft- or satellite-borne, is that it is only the colour of the salinity, and inorganic nutrients, such as nitrate, phosphate,
very top few metres of the oceans that is measured. As has and silicate, as well as dissolved gases. Increasingly, such
been discussed above (section 2.10), this is unlikely to be devices will be deployed on a variety of ships (including fer-
a reflection of much of the phytoplankton biomass in any ries and commercial shipping), together with fluorescent
one body of water. In particular, features such as sub-sur- sensors for phytoplankton determination (e.g, Cooper et al.
face chlorophyll maxima and accumulations of chlorophyll 1998) . This will enable the determination ofseasonal biolog-
associated with sub-surface processes are not accounted for ical and chemical dynamics along specific routes to be well
using these sensors. defined. Naturally these measurements still suffer from the
limitation that they are only measuring surface waters, since
Many remote sensing methods only give info rmat io n in the water is normally pumped from seawater inlets in the
surface waters, t hey cannot give information about sub- keel of the ships, only a few metres below the water surface.
surface phytoplankton distribution.
Coupled biological and chemical sensors are deployed
on ships that have regu lar routes, enabling large-scale
collection of data over long periods of time.
2.13.6 Automatic measuring devices
Naturally, such ground truth exercises are limited to the The opportunity to profile the concentrations of phyto-
rather restricted activities of research vessels. Although plankton and the parameters that determine primary pro-
many millions of dollars are spent each year on maintain- ductivity over greater water depths is clearly the next step.
ing research ships at sea, the coverage of global oceans at Very important information may be gained using towed
anyone moment of time is minimal. Many research vessels platforms that undulate during towing from the surface
now have the technology to measure the chlorophyll con- to depths of 500 m (Fig. 2.42) . These undulators can be
tent of surface waters continually during the whole of their towed at speeds up to 12 knots (c.6 ms- I ) and their 'flight-
cruise track by pumping surface waters past a sensor that paths' can be set by the operators. These platforms can
measures the fluorescence, which can then be converted to support a multitude of sensors, such as fluorescent chloro-
phytoplankton biomass. This technology is robust enough phyll sensors, light sensors, salinity, temperature, pressure,
to deploy on other ships, such as commercial freighters, nitrate and nitrite, and particle concentration sensors. The
container ships, and ferries . These vessels tend to keep to data from the sensors can be sent to the operators by the
well-defined routes, and so information can be collected connecting cable, giving the scientists on board 'real time'
that will document seasonal changes with high precision. data about a whole suite of information.

Figure 2.42 Various profilers are now

available that can be towed from a ship.
They are designed to undulate over a water
column , profiling a range of parameters
using a range of sensors (insert) carried on
the vehicle. Data can either be logged on the
profiler or, more normally, can be sent back
through cables so that scientists get real-time
data on board the ship (photographs: Chelsea
Techno logies Group,
2.13 Measurement of primary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

) ) ) ) )

,"~.! - - -


Figure 2.43 Conceptual image of the components of an ocean observing system, including research vessels, satellites,
moorings, autonomous underwater vehicles, moorings. The image was supplied by OceanSITES (http://www.oceansites.
org!), a worldwide system of long-term, deepwater reference stations measuring dozens of variables and monitoring
the full depth of the ocean from air-sea interactions down to 5,000 m. (Image: Jack Cook and E. Paul Oberlander, WHOI

devices are designed to 'roam' pre-programmed tracks over

Towed instrument platforms that undulate between the large regions of the ocean, collecting data, Periodically
surface and depths of 500 m can provide valuable infor- these devices surface to send the collated data to satellites,
mation about the biological and chemical characteristics which then transfer the data to base stations from where
of a water body. scientists can download the information . To date. many of
these devices carry sensors for salinity, temperature, and
These technologies are still restricted to the places that pressure among others. However, as technology progresses
ships travel and, therefore, a large part of the worlds' oceans fluorescent and nutrient sensors will be routinely deployed
will be visited only infrequently, if at alL What is needed are on such platforms.
roaming platforms that are able to measure physical, bio-
logical. and chemical parameters across depths and for long In the future Autonomous Underwater Vehicles will be
transects . A whole range of Autonomous Underwater Vehi- used to roam the oceans sending information about pri-
cles (AUV), gliders, and floaters have been under develop- mary production and chemistry to satellites and back to
ment since the late 1990s (Fig 2.43; and see reviews: Paul researchers at their desks.
et al. 2007; Benfield et aL 2007) , These battery-powered
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

Box 2.12: The need for long-term data support the analyses. It is clearer than ever before that
sets long-term monitoring of basic parameters is absolutely vital
There is understandable debate about the impacts of if we are to understand changes taking place and make
global climate change on primary production of the world's predictions fo r the future (Richardson et al. 2006).
oceans, in particular coastal waters and the resulting effects There are too many long-term series to mention here,
on fisheries (IPee 2007a, b, c). Rising sea temperat ures, but as examples it is worth mentioning two quite different
increased freshwater input to coastal waters, increased sampling programmes.
sediment, and inorganic nutrient loadings due to increased
Continuous plankton recorder survey
run-off from land, will all impact the basic factors control-
(1930s to present)
ling photosynthesis and the balance between gross and net
Sir Alister Hardy is arguably one of the most inspirational
community production.
of marine biologists to have transformed the way biological
Despite all of our sophistication of methods we
oceanog raphy and plankton research is done. His books
use to measure, or rather estimate, primary production,
The Open Sea (in 2 parts) and Great Waters are still some
and the development of elaborate biogeochemical models
of the most remarkable writings in marine biology and are
to help predict futu re trends in phytoplankton dynamics,
recommended to anyone consideri ng a career in marine
we still have a rud imentary knowledge that allows us to
biology/biological oceanography.
determi ne trends from natural annual or decadal varia-
Hardy invented the continuous plankton recorder, a
tions (Smetacek & Cloem 2008). There is only one real-
device towed by a ship, at a depth of about 10m, that
istic way to do this and that is the analyses of long-term
collects the plankton onto a silk ribbon. The ribbons are
data series. Fortunately many of the marine laboratories
retu rned to the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Sci-
established regular water sampling of basic parameters
ence in Plymouth, U.K. ( where
such as salinity, temperature, chlorophyll concentra-
the plankton on the ribbon are analysed in blocks of ribbon
t ion , species composition, and nutrient concentrations.
representing a tow distance of about 10 nautical miles.
Some of these have been maintained with no interruptions,
The routine parameters measured and phytoplankton and
whereas some have long periods where data are missing.
zooplan kton species abundance and a colour measure for
Sadly many have been stopped due to lack of funding to
the density of plankton.

70'W 60'W SO'W 40'W 30'W 20'W 10'W O' 10' E

6S'N 6S'N

6O'N 60' N



4S'N 4S'N

40'N 40'N

3S'N 3S'N

70'W SO'W 40'W 30'W 20'W 10'W O' IO' E

Th e Si r Aliste r Hardy Found ation for Ocean Science (SAH FOS) run th e CPR prog ra mme t o monitor the near-
su rface plankto n of t he North Atlanti c and North Sea o n a monthly bas is, usin g co nt inuous plankton record ers
o n a network of shippi ng routes. Th e map shows the full network of routes t hat have been t ow ed ove r th e last
75 years. Th ese ro utes we re not all used at th e same tim e (© SAHFOS Ecol o g ical Stat us Report 2008).
2.13 Measurement of primary production

200000 Partial pressure of COl

180000 •• atmosphere (Mauna loa)
140000 • • •
• •
3year runningmean ~
100000 • =
- -
ts • ~

• •
•• •

. •
• 8- ~

- - - - - - -•- - -
• • • .,
• • .. •
1958 1966 1974 1982 1990 1998 2006
Lon g-term data sets are vital if we a re to interpret eco-
logical change. This example s hows the trends in num- The Hawaii Ocean Time series (HOT) has been co llecting
bers of Ceratium sp p. in th e North Sea samples f rom an extensive series of oceanograp hic measurement at
the co nt inuous plankton record er (C PR) su rveys ove r o ne stat ion si nce 19 8 8 fund ed by th e Nati onal Sci-
50 yea rs. Ceratium s pecies a re known t o be sens it ive ence Foundati on , USA. Here the pC0 2 of surface w aters
to t em perature change and it is possible that the very are co mpared t o th e atm osph eric trend s in CO2 mea-
low numbers in recent years are du e t o this (image from su red at Maun a Loa. The large seaso nal changes are
Edw ards et al 2009 and w it h pe rmission of SAHFOS) clearly v isible, but th e lon g-term increases are very clear
(© SA HFOS Eco lo gical Statu s Report 2008). (image w it h permi ssion of HOT pro gramm e, http:/ /hah-

The first tow was in 19 31 from Hull, UK to Bremen,

Germany and since then more than 275 vessels have been HOT 1-21 SFluoromelric Chlorophyll a(mg nr'I
used to tow CPRs and the North Sea and North Atlantic 20
have been routinely sampled by using a series of shipping
routes since the 19 40 s to the present (Richardson et al
2006). In a single year there can be over 3 80 tows cover-
ing distances of more than 130 000 naut ical miles. " 80
~ 100

Hawaii Ocean Time series, HOT (1988 to


• 120
present) •.>:: 140
Research cruises are made one a month to a deep-water 160
Station ALOHA (A Long-Term Oligotrophic Habitat Assess-
ment ; 22 0 45 'N, 158 0 OOW) located 100 km north of
Oahu , Haw aii (http :// / hot/ M90919293~95%9 798990001~~M~M0 7~

hotjgofs.html). The teams of scien tists on board make

0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
detailed measurements of both physical and biogeochemi-
cal parameters down to 1000 rn. These include tempera-
ture, sali nity, major inorganic nutrients, gas content of the Lon g-term trend s in cho ro p hyll a in th e HOT d ata set .
water, pH, chlorophyll , bacteria and phytoplan kton produc- Larg e inter- annual variatio n is dearly seen wit h peak
tivity, among othe rs. This is a quite remarkable time series values in 19 8 9 , 19 9 9 , and si nce 200 5 bein g greater
reflecting a considerable investment of resources and sci- th an th e ot he r years. NB Thi s is an o ligotrop hic site
entist effort. and th e maximum Chl-a values are ve ry mu ch less than
These data, together with the results of a sister-project peak values measured in more nutrient-ri ch systems.
in the Atlantic, the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS, Al so note that th e maximum st anding stoc k of algae
see: http:/ /bats.bios.edul) , have been fundamental to our is between 60 and 140 m water depth and not at the
understanding of seasonal changes in gas and nutrient bio- surface (see Fig. 2.28) (image w it h perm ission of HOT
geochemial processes, and in parti cular the changes due
pro gramme, http:/ / est.haw
to atmospheric loads of CO2 ,
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

Of course the long-term t rends at anyone site may be standing stock are recurrent and synchronous over large
unique to that site and a synthesis of results from several geographic regions. As a conclusion of their work th ey
sites is a key to understanding controlling factors th at force posed two fundamental ecological questions: ' ( 1) how do
results. This was attempted by Cloern and Jassby (2008) estuari ne and coastal consumers adapt to an irregular and
who searched 11 4 databases from around the world for unpredictable food supply, and (2) how can we extract
seasonal trends in phytoplankton biomass in te rms of signals of cli mate change from phytoplankton observa-
chlorophyll concentration. Their analyses showed that tions in coastal ecosystems where local-scale processes
there was much greater variability between and within the can mask responses to changing climate?'. These are key
systems they looked at (estuaries, lagoons, shallow inland ecological questions facing marine bio logists/b io logical
seas, coastal waters) compared to the terrestrial and true oceanog raphers working with planktonic systems in the
oceanic sites for which seasonal variation in phytoplankton co ming decades.

Figure 2.44 In this st riking pi cture, th e import ance of primary produ cti on p rocesses for th e marin e ecosystem can b e
su mmed up: from th e microbes t o th e w hales th e energy harvested throu gh ph oto synth esis is th e basis of it all. This is
a sout hern ri ght w hale mother wit h her calf swimming along the shores of Peninsula Valdes in Argentina. As they move
their t ail s, a g reen t id e of phytop lankto n swirls b ehind th em . Algal blooms are becomin g more frequent in th e bays of
Peninsula Va ldes, w here so ut hern right w hales gat her each year t o g ive b irth and nurse the ir calves (photog raph by
Mariano Sironi, Instituto d e Conservac i6 n d e Ball enas, Bu enos Aires, Argentina. http:/ /
Further Reading
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Chapter Summary
• Abou t half of the global primary production takes place in marine systems. Most of the primary prod uc-
tion in the world's oceans is d ue to microscopic phytoplankton, si nce macroalgae are restricted to a rather
narrow band on coastlines.
• Photosynthetic algae can vary in size from just a few urn to giant macroalgae > 50 m long. Growth of
primary producers is the difference between the gains from photosynt hesis and losses to respirati o n,
excretion , and the construct ion of skeletal material and storage products.

• Rates of primary production are mainly controlled by light and inorganic nutrient supply. The amount of
light available for photosynthesis depends upon water depth, and the amount of lig ht-scattering particles
that occur in the water:
• The main limiting inorganic nutrients are nitrogen and phosphorus, while in certain marine systems trace
elements such as iron are limiting.
• Seasonal dynam ics of algal growth are controlled by a complicated suite of interactions between irradi-
ance and nutrient supply, ultimately driven by the physical dynamics of the system.
• Eutrophication of a water body is a reversible process and can be caused by factors other than solely
increased inorganic nutrient loading of a system.
• Frontal systems, gyres, river plumes, and coastal upwelling all influence the rate of primary production,
as they influence the transport of nutrient-rich waters to the sea surface.
• Primary production in polar oceans is restricted to a short summer season, in contrast to temperate waters
where two peaks in production are often observed. Primary production of tropical waters is generally
consistently low.
• The measurement of small-scale primary production can be made using oxygen and carbon dioxide trac-
ers, or electrodes and various fluo rometric techniques. On a global scale primary production is measured
using satellite-borne colour sensors that are used to estimate the concentrations of plankton in the water:

Further Reading
A classic introduction to phytoplankton dynamics and constraints on growth is presented by Fogg (199 1) as
well as short essays by Smetacek (1999, 200 1, 2002), The evolutio n of modern phytoplankton is discussed
by Falkowski et al. (2004),
Both Falkowski and Raven (2007) and Williams et al. (2002) give comprehensive overviews of primary pro-
duction in aquatic systems, whereas del Giorgio and Wi lliams (2005) deal specifically with respiration. However,
these primarily deal with phytoplankton, while Lobban and Harrison ( 1997), Lee (2008) , and Graham and Wilcox
(2008) give good overviews of factors influencing primary production of macroalgae. Microbial processes and
the underlying biochemistry of photosynthesis, respiration, and associated metabolism is given by Mad igan et al.
(2008) , who also give a good overview of microbial physio logy and ecology, Bacterial metabolism and ecology
is comprehensively covered by Dyer (2003) , as is general marine microbial dynamics by Kirchmann (2008),
The influence of physical processes on primary production is dealt with by Mann and Lazier (2005), Bigg
(2003) summarizes many of the large-scale ocean processes that infl uence primary prod uction.
It is important to set the topics covered by this chapter into a wider context of biological oceanography, and
Lalli and Parsons (2004), Libes (2009) , Mann and Lazier (2005) , Stumm and Morgan, 199 5, Millar (2004) ,
Cockell et al. (2007) , and Millero (2005) comprehensively link aspects of physics, chemistry, and biology. There
are three excellent books published by The Open University (1995, 2000, & 2005) , that together make a superb
companion text to discussions about issues re lated to marine primary production.
For a more global consideration of primary prod uction and its role in global biogech emical cycles, comprehen-
sive overviews are given by Andrews et al. (2003) , Black and Shimm ield (2003), Emersen & Hedges (2008) ,
Longhurst (2006) , Sar miento & Gruber (2006), and Schulz and label (2000), Broecker (2009) gives a com-
prehensive overvi ew of the oceans in terms of climate change.
Arrigo (200 5) gives a comprehensive overview of the ro le of microorganisms, nutrient cycles, and biogeo-
chemical cycling in marine systems.
Chapter 2 Primary Production Processes

One of the best resources for informed short essays on many of the issues raised in this chapter can
be found in Oceanus, a popular forum pub lished by the Woods Hole Oceanograph ic Inst itute. (http:/ /www. .
• Andrews, J, E" Brimblecom be, P., Jickell s, T. D., Liss, P. S., & Reid, B. J. 2003 . An Introduction to Environ-
mental Chemistry. Wiley-Blackwell.
• Arrigo, K. R. 200S. Marine microorganisms and global nutrient cycles. Nature, 437 : 3 49-355.
• Bigg, G, 2003. The Oceans and Climate. Cambridge Univers ity Press,
• Black, K. D. & Shimm ield, G, B. 2003. Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems. Wiley-Blackwell .
• Broecker, W. 2009. Wally 's quest to understand the oceans CaC0 3 cycle. Annual Review of Marine
Science, 1: 1- 18.
• Broecker, W. 2010. The Great Ocean Conveyor: Discovering the Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change,
Princeton University Press,
• Cockell, C; Corfield, R. , Edwards, N., & Harris, N. 2007 . An Introduction to the Earth-Life System.
Cambridge University Press,
• Del Giorg io, P. & Williams, P. J. Ie B. 2005. Respirotion in Aquatic Systems, Oxford University Press.
• Dyer, B. D, 2003. A Field Guide to Bacteria. Comstock/Cornell paperbacks, Cornell University Press.
• Emerson , S, R. & Hedges, J. I. 2008, Chemical Oceanogrophy and the Marine Carbon Cycle. Cambridge
University Press.
• Falkowski, P. G, & Raven, J. A. 2007 . Aquatic Photosynthesis 2nd edn. Princeton University Press,
• Falkowski, P. G., Katz, M. E., Knoll, A. H., Quigg, A. , & Raven, J. A. 2004 . The evol ution of modern
eukaryotic phytoplankton, Science 305: 354-360.
• Fogg, G, E. 1991, Tansley Review No. 30, The phytoplankton ways of life. New Phytologist 1 18 :
19 1- 2 3 2 .
• Graham, L. E. & Wi lcox, L W, 2008, Algae. Benjemin Cumm ings,
• Kirchman, D. L, 2008. Microbial Ecology of the Oceans 2nd edn . Wiley Blackwell.
• Lal li, C. M. & Parsons, T. R. 2004, Biological Oceanogrophy. An Introduction 2nd edn . Butterworth -
• Lee, R. E. 2008. Phycology 4 t h edn. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
• Libes, S, M. 2009. An Introduction to Marine Biogeochemistry 2nd edn. Academ ic Press.
• Lobban, C. S, & Harrison, P. J. 1997. Seaweed Ecology and Physiology. Cambridge University Press,
• Longhurst, A. 2006. Ecological Geography of the Sea 2nd ed n. Academ ic Press,
• Mad igan , M. T., Martinko, J. M., & Parker, J. 2008, Brock Biology of Microorganisms 12th edn. Pearson
• Mann, K. H. & Lazier, J. R. N. 2005. Dynamics of Marine Ecasystems: Biological-physicallnteroctions in
the Oceans 3 rd edn. Wiley Blackwell.
• Miller, C. B, 2004, Biological Oceanography. Wiley Blackwell.
• Millero, FJ. 2005. Chemical Oceanography 3 rd edn. CRC Press, Florida, USA.
• Open Un iversity. 1995. Seawater, its Composition, Properties and Behaviour. Butterworth -Heinemann.
• Open Un iversity. 2000. Waves, Tides and Shaffow-Water Processes. Butterworth -Heinemann.
• Open Un iversity. 2005. Marine Biogeochemical Cycles. Butterworth-Heinemann.
• Sarmiento, J. L. & Gruber, N. 2006. Ocean Biogeochemical Dynamics. Princeton University Press.
• Schulz, H. D. & Zabel, M. 2000. Marine Geochemistry. Springer Verlag,
• Smetacek, V. 2002 . The ocean's veil. Nature 419: 565.
• Srnetacek, V. 2001 . A watery arms race. Nature 41 1: 745.
• Srnetacek, V. 19 9 9 . Revo lution in the ocean. Nature 40 1: 647 .
• Stumm, W. & Morgan , JJ, 19 9 5. Aquatic Chemistry-Chemical Equilibria and Rates in Natural Waters
3rd edn. Wiley Blackwell, Oxford, UK,
• Williams, P. J, Ie B" Thomas, D. N., & Reynolds, C. S. 2002. Phytoplankton Productivity: Carbon Assimila-
tion in Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. Wiley Blackwell.
Microbial Ecology:
Production and the
Decomposition of
Organic Material

Chapter Summary particulate organi c matter is explored, as is the basic pro-

Micro-organisms have the most important role in the recy- cess of decomposition. The organi sms that comprise the
cl ing, decompositi on, and remineralization of organic mate- mi crobial communi ty are introduced together with the ir re la-
rial. This chapter will reveal how they play such a do minant tive abu ndances and interactions. The complex chall enge of
role and introduce the most important organ ism groups in how we measure microbial diversity and activ ity, and count
oceanic microb ial food webs. The ecological context into micro-organisms in the oceans, leads to a consideration of
which these micro-organisms are embedded is developed the dynami cs of bacterial growth. Fi nally, the chapter con-
and leads to a view that the microbial food web may be seen cl udes by discussing the seasonal cycle of production and
as having two origins: photosynthes is and detrital organic consumpti on a nd the role of marine mi crobes in the global
matter. Th e production and composit ion of dissolved and carbon cycle and cli mate system.

3.1 Introduction Prokaryotic organisms are micro-organisms (bacteria

and archaea) that do not, unlike eukaryotes (e.g. plants,
All sustainable systems are cyclic. In Chapters 1 and 2 the animals), have separate organelles like a nucleus (Greek
production of organic material by marine algae was con- karyon), in their cells.
sidered. The production process utilizes energy in the form
of light. water. and inorganic nutrients, suc h as nitrates,
phosphates, and carbon dioxide. For the cycle of nature
to be completed. t his energy must be rele ased as heat and 3.2 The microbial powerhouse
the ele men ts ass im ilated into organic m aterial du ring
photosynthesis, and then recycled back to their inorganic We can readily perceive larger organisms as whales, fish, and
state. Th is process. the complement to photosynthes is. is large invertebrates in the seas since they occupy the same
respiration. In its n arrowest meaning. respiration is sim- spatial scales (centimetres to tens of metres) as humans. In
ply the biological oxidation of organic material, typically contrast, microbes can be seen and studied only w ith the
by oxygen. and the formation of water and carbon dioxide; help of sophisticated technology, but the same also holds
the reformation of the inorganic nutrients is an intimately true for most of the life in the dark abyssal layers of ocean.
associated process. known by a number of synonyms: min- Temporal, spatial, and bod y-size scale issues, and t he
eralization and remineralization (Chapte r 2) . As the necessary observational techniques and devices to study
process also results in the breakdown of organic m aterial it m icrobes, distinguish them from othe r organisms. Under-
also carries the name decomposition. All living organisms standing the properties of the miniature scales inhabited by
respire; however. in the oceans this process is dom inated m icrobes is required if we are to really understand t he m and
by the prokaryotic m icro-organisms (shortly m icrobes). how they fun ction (see Box 3.2) . Although the oceans are
notably the bacteria and archaea. mainly (99.99999%) water; the biota occupy only approxi-
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

mately O.0 000 1 % of the total volume. From the organism's Body size has a major consequence for metabolism
point of view the environment is very dilute and empty. To (Fenchel 2005) . All free-living organisms take in the
examine marine microbes, the first step is always to con- metabolites necessary for their growth and dispose of their
centrate them from water samples. most often by collecting waste products through the body wall. This transfer is the
them on fine filters . The consequences for organisms ofliv- principal limitation to maximum growth. thus surface area.
ing in a dilute environment and the adaptations needed to rather than biomass, is ultimately the main determinant of
cope with it will be discussed later in the chapter. metabolic rate : If an organism, such as a whale, were to
It is difficult to convince even expert marine scientists achieve a metabolic rate comparable to a bacteria cell, the
that the biomass of micro-organisms is comparable to that metabolic heat it produced would be so difficult to dissipate
of whales or fish, and that their activity, as we shall see, that its body temperature would rise to 1500°C-it would
exceeds that of the combined metabolism of vertebrates be white hot.
many times. But whyis this 50, and why are marine microbes We can explore the consequences of this simply by con-
50 important in the turnover oforganic material in the sea? sidering the organism as a simple sphere:
Besides their qualitative importance in organic material S 4.,., 3
- -
cycling. prokaryotic microbes are very important in other V r3 rx
aspects. Their genetic and metabolic diversity far exceeds
where r is the radius. S is the surface area (which will
the diversity of other groups of organisms. The estimated
reflect metabolism), and V is volume (which is directly
total number of all eukaryotic marine species. including
related to biomass) . Thus. in the case of our simplistic
all phyla of plants, algae, animals, and micro-organisms, in
organism, the specific metabolic rate (metabolism/bio-
the seas and oceans is 230 000, ofwhich approximately 140
mass = S/V) is proportional to l /r, i.e . inversely pro-
000 are known (world register of marine species at http:/ /
portional to the organism's linear dimensions. If we take .
our end members of the marine community (the marine
bacterial cell and the whale) to have linear dimensions of
Eukaryotic organisms have complex membrane-bound
0 .5 I'm (0.5 x 10-6 m) and 10 m, then if this simple rule
structures, like a nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts
is applied, the metabolic rate of a given mass of bacteria
in their cells. Eukaryotic organisms include plants, ani-
would be 2 x 10-', i.e. about 10 million times greater than
mals, fungi , and protists.
the same biomass of a whale. The results of this simple cal-
culation are shown in Fig. 3.1 . Now clearly the calculation
In contrast. the number ofbaeterial species is estimated
is simplistic, as organisms, particularly larger ones. are not
to be from 1 000000 to 1 000000000 (Curtis et a1. 2002;
spheres; further they overcome the S/V limitation in part
Pedros-Alio 2006), of which only a tiny fraction is currently
by increasing the surface areas available for exchange, by
known. Metabolic versatility allows bacteria to carry out
convoluted structures such as gills and lungs. Nonethe-
multiple fundamental biogeochemical processes vital for
less there is a limit to this and so we end up with a broad
ecosystem functioning in the ocean. such as the decompo-
compliance to the S/V rule. but it is not as simple or exact
sition and utilization of dissolved organic matter. nitrogen
as the formula above.
fixation, denitrification, and nitrification.

3.2.1 Small organisms are important - Surfo(e area/volume
-3- I 000000000
- Volume
Why are small organisms so important? There are broadly
two answers to this question. First. the primary production

- Areo 10

of organic material in the seas is associated with micro-

scopic organisms (see Chapter 2 and section 3.8) and the
1000000 75

usually large number ofsteps between the primary produc- --

S -""-

ers and the marine vertebrates results in the loss of almost

all the organic material produced by photosynthesis such


tharthere is very little forlarge organisms to live on (3.3.2).

Second. and related to this. is the consequence of size. 0
10.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
The marine pelagic community spans a range of size from
Diameter (J.lm)
marine bacteria (c.0.1 pg = 0.1 X 10- 12 g), arguably the
smallest free-living organisms, to the whales (c.100 tonnes
= 108 g), the largest ofanimals. This means that biological Figure 3.1 The relationship between diameter, volume,
biomass spans 21 orders of magnitude. and surface area for a sphere.
3.3 The ecological context in which the marine microbes are embedded
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

3.2.2 How is metabolic activity In Fig. 3.3 the distributions of activity and biomass given
distributed and which are the in Figs 3.1 and 3.2 are combined. Because the change of
important organisms? metabolism with size (Fig. 3.2) is much less than biomass
(Fig. 3 .1), the resultant line is very similar to the surface-
Metabolic activity is constrained by metabolic capability to-volume relationship given in Fig. 3.1. Thus we have a
and abundance . A surprising observation made by Sheldon basis for understanding the major part played by micro-
et al. (1972) is that if estimates of biomass are assembled in organisms in the plankton.
logarithmic categories, there is comparatively little change
with body size. Food-web theory suggests that a small Specific metabolic rate (metabolism/biomass) is inversely
decrease in biomass occurs with an increase in the size frac- proportional to an organism's linear dimensions.
tion, which is broadly upheld by field observations. Models
that give the distribution of biomass through logarithmic
increments of size (as length) suggest a small decrease with
body size, which complies with the following relationship: 3.3 The ecological context in
biomass = k x (Size)-O·22 which the marine microbes are
A plot of the above relationship is given in Fig. 3.2, along embedded
with the planktonic groupings that are mainly associated
with the various size categories (see also Chapters 4 and 7) . Before we can explore the role and functioning ofthe micro-
bial community. we need to understand the theoretical eco-
1.0 logical context into which it is embedded. As microbes play
!• a central role in the metabolism of organic material in the

' .9
, :~ ••
~ .s•• . ~
oceans. as in most other ecosystems, it is logical to outline

••-.>; ' .8 ~



• ~


•• - .

~ the rationalizations surrounding the flow of organic mate-
rial through an ecosystem. The flow oforganic material can
•• ~


, .7 be treated in the context of feeding interactions between
• •
a organisms sharing the same habitat and forming food
-- .- §
- -- .-
§ § § §
chains and food webs.

§ §
Size (length in 11m)
- Trophic levels indicate the position of an organism in a
food chain or food web, hence primary producers make
Figure 3.2 The red line shows the theoretical distribution up the lowest trophic level, with the largest predators
of biomass with size. The approximate size bands at the top.
occupied by various planktonic groups are shown.

125 100 --
Aquatic food webs are typically size-structured (e.g.
Loeuille & Loreau 2005), meaning that body size is an
•a ~

1;; important trait (although not the only one) explaining feed-
• l' Distribution of metabolism with size E
• 8' ing interactions between organisms (see also Chapter 7) .

ca= 75
Inueose intumuletlve metobcllsm
with size


6' "it'
a 3.3.1 The concept and consequence of
5.' 4' -a .~
growth yield
E ~ An organism cannot grow (convert food into body tissue)
-a 2' •>
with 100o/n efficiency. The laws of thermodynamics show
'" \ ~
E that work must be done to create new tissue and that this
'-d - -
= =
= =
= =
= =
= =
- -
= =
-= = 8=
requires energy. This energy derives from respiration.
Size (in I'mJ -
-= which occurs at the expense of some of the energy derived
from assimilated food or photosynthetic assimilation (see
Figure 3.3 The size distribution of metabolism and its Chapter 2 and Fig. 3.4). In addition some of the food is lost
progressive integral, with size. The rates are determined via excretion. Respiration and excretion both represent
as the product of the size distribution of specific metabolic losses that result from converting food into new
metabolic activity (Figure 3.1) and biomass (Figure 3.2) organism tissue, i.e. growth. Excretion encompasses both
with size. The figure shows that most of the metabolism is particulate (like zooplankton faecal pellets) and dissolved
associated with organisms less than 100 urn, waste products. This introduces the notion ofthe efficiency
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

ofgrowth, usually expressed as a growth yield or, since it is In this way we may link together the type of flow diagram
often expressed as a percentage, growth efficiency. shown in Fig. 3.4 into a string of trophic yields (see Fig.
3.5) .
. growth G G
Growth yield = Y" = food intake = G + R + E or G + M Given this as a concept we may calculate the overall yield
of our simple food chain as:
where G = growth, R = respiration. E = excretion. and
overall efficiency = Yt = 2 X Yt = 3 X Yt = 4 X •••
M = metabolism.
There is no fixed value for the term Yg, it varies with where Yt = 2' Yt = 3' etc.• are the yields at the various trophic
organism type (unicellular, multicellular), level ofcomplex- levels.
ity, behaviour (motile or non-motile), and stage of devel- If we make the further simplifying assumption that in a
opment (larva, juvenile, adult) . Typically values lie in the given food web the values of Y can be treated as the same.
range of 10 to 30% (Chapters 12 and 13). then the above equation simplifies to:
overall efficiency = (1';)"
G where Yt is a simple representative trophic yield and n is
Food intake Y" growth yield = G/(G+M) the number of steps (note. one less than the number of tro-

phic levels) in the food chain. This simple concept was the
M Metabolism basis of the early work to predict the fishery potential of the
oceans (Ryther 1969) . This concept allows us to explore the
significance of growth (trophic) yield and the number of
Figure 3.4 Schematic of the apportionment of overall steps in the food chain.
metabolism of a heterotroph into metabolism (M) and This sort of analysis can be extended to more realistic
growth (G). branched and interlinked complex food webs, with differ-
entyields at various trophic levels. but the broad outcome is
much the same, and at this level the additional complexity
is not justified. The point made by these calculations (Table
3.3.2 Trophic yield and food chain 3.1) is that both properties have a profound effect upon the
efficiency overall efficiency of the food web, and most natural food
chains (and in particular food webs) are, and need to be,
One organism's growth is another organism's meal. If we energetically inefficient. This inefficiencyis a consequence
consider a simple linear food chain, comprised of physio- of the very large fraction respired and recycled back (rem-
logically similar organisms within each trophic grouping, ineralized) to form the inorganic carbon and, more impor-
we can extend the growth yield concept to a trophic yield. tantly. inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, originally used
In this case the production (growth) at one level is taken as during phytoplankton production. Without this efficient
the food intake for the subsequent one (Chapters 4 and 7) . recycling of nutrients. the food webs in the oceans, as in
production at trophic level. + 1 any other ecosystem. would rapidly stagnate. We may now
fu~k~W=Y= . . ' build recycling of nutrients into our developing conceptual
t production at trophic level.
model ofthe food chain.


Growlh Food intoke

Food intake Y. = growthyield = GI(G+M) Metabolitm

• Metabolitm

Trophic level 3
Trophic level 2
Trophi( level I

Figure 3.5 The simple scheme shown in Figure 3.4 embedded in a linear heterotrophic food chain. Photosynthetic
primary production (the green ellipse) is taken to be the starting point.
3.4 The decomposition process

Table 3 .1 Ca lculat ion of the effect of trophic yie ld and the number of trophic levels o n overall losses
and yields in a simplifi ed food chain.

Trophic yield (%j Number of trophic levels in the food chain

2 5
Yield offood chain (as %)
10 I 0.001
30 9 0.24
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Loss through the trophi c levels (%)

10 99 99.999
30 91 99.76

Yield from I tonne of phytoplankton production

10 10kg 10 9
30 90 kg 2.4 kg

3.4 The decomposition and growt h, it is conven ient to consider the decomposition
process as starting from particulate material. Biological
process particulate material mostly consists of organic macromol-
ecules as cellulose, proteins, ch itin, and fats. Protein- and
So far we have explored a simple linear food chain, sup- carbohydrate-like components are most biodegrad able,
ported by photosynthetic production. The losses due to w ith turnover times from months to years in the surface
respiration have been built into this sequence in Fig. 3.6. ocean, whereas other biological macromolecules, such as
We now need to consider the organic losses-the forma- the components of bacterial cell walls themselves, as well
tion and decomposition of organic detritus. This leads to as other molecules of bacterial origin, are mo re resistant
a realization that there is a second base to the food we b: a to enzymatic attack and can persist in the environment
food chain leading from detrital organic material. Although even thousands of years (Loh et aI. 2004; Nagata 2008) .
decomposition is seen to be the prerogative of the microbes The initial stage of the whole degrad ation process is the
(the group referred to by ecologists as the decomposers), it conversion of the insoluble, non-diffusible material to low
is a process to which all heterotrophic organisms contribute , molecular weight (LMW) dissolved material by extracel-
from bacteria to whales, although for the reasons discussed lular hydrolytic enzymes (digestive enzymes) . In principle,
in 3.2.1, bacteria and the protists play the dominant role. the first stage must occur outside the cell, in the gu t, in
vesicles, or in the external environment. Bacteria are obli-
Decomposition of organic material back into energy and gate osmotrophs, i.e. capable of taking only dissolved
inorganic material is a process to which all heterotro- substrates into the cell. They must eit her secre te extracel-
phic organisms contribute, although the microbes play lular enzymes or use enzymes attached to their cell surface
a dominant role. structures.
The low molecular weight products (amino acids, sug-
Decomposition, the breakdown of organ ic material by ars, fatty acids) may now diffuse or be actively transported
heterotrophic metabolism as a consequence of respiration, into the cell, through the cell membrane in single-celled
results in the production of ino rgan ic carbon (as CO2 ) , organisms (bacteria, protists) or the gut wall in the case of
nitrogen (as ammonium) , and phosphorus (as phosphate) ; most metazoans. The subsequent stages of metabolism, and
the process is collectively referred to as remineralization in particular the very final stages (respiration) , are complex
(or sometimes simply as mineralization) . biochemical processes that require a high level of organi-
zation that can only occur w it hin the cell (Chapter 2) . As
the biochemical basis of respiration is rather universal in
3.4.1 Marine detritus all heterotrophic organisms, we can now se parate the first
Although, as we will see later, there is direct release of solu- stage in Fig. 3.4 into these two steps (see Fig. 3. 7).
ble organic material from marine organisms during feeding No food chain is entirely closed, there is always some
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

Ircphk level3
Trophic level 2
Irephk level I
Growlh Food intoke

Food intake Metabolitm

PhatOiynthesii Metabolitm

Reminerolizotion of
C, N, and P

Figure 3.6 The flow of respired nutrients has been added to Figure 3.5.

Growth the microbes. secrete mucilage or various classes of poly-

Particulate & high saccharide material (exopolymeric substances abbrevi-
Food intake
MW material ated to EPS; we revisit this in Chapter 8) during their
Metabolism growth and development; for example, coral are a rich
source of mucilaginous material. Appendicularians (a
class of chordates also known as larvaceans) surround
Figure 3.7 An extended version of Figure 3.4, showing themselves with a mucilaginous 'house'. which contains
the two stages in decomposition. filtering apparatus with which food is garnered. When
the filters become blocked they discard the 'house' and
construct a new one; this process takes a few minutes
wastage of food along the way. Wastage may occur through and can be repeated up to a dozen times per day.
faeces. from incomplete digestion, release of soluble A quite different source of organic detritus comes
organic material from the algae or heterotrophic organisms from the algae themselves. The mechanism and causes
(exud ates), or damage of, or incomplete feeding upon, the of release ofthis dissolved organic material are far from
prey (so called 'sloppy feeding') . All of these sources of clear. It occurs in active as well as moribund cells, so it
wastage are included in the loss term 'excretion' in the food may be regarded as a 'normal' part of the metabolism
web model developed in this chapter. Dead organisms are of the algae. The release of dissolved organic material
also part of decaying particulate organic matter. In addi- would appear to be high when the cells are under high
tion organic matter is transported from terrestrial ecosys- irradiances and in such situations a metabolic pathway
tems via rivers to estuaries. coastal waters, and continental (photo-respiration), closely associated with the primary
shelf regions. This (both soluble and particulate material) CO2 fixation, is known to produce compounds such as
is collectively known as marine detritus (see Fig. 3.8), the glycolic acid (glycolate) , and amino acids (serine and
nature and origins of which are dealt with in the following glycine) as by-products. However, this is probably only
section. one of a series of processes giving rise to the release of
these compounds. The extent of release in actively grow-
ing, unstressed cells, is probably in the range of 5 to
3.4.2 The nature and production of
15% of photosynthetic production (Chapter 2), but may
marine detritus rise to 50 to 80% if the algae are stressed by high light or
Marine organic detritus is partly composed of the scraps left low nutrient conditions.
over from the various 'meals' of the marine heterotrophs. Because of its multiplicity of sources and formation
As such it has no particular composition and thus will vary mechanisms, marine detritus is a heterogeneous mix of
with the type offood organism and the feeding mechanism. compounds and not readily amenable to detailed chemi-
Although organic detritus may be of poor nutritional value cal analysis. The organic matter in the ocean forms a size
to the organism giving rise to its production. the micro- continuum from millimetre to nanometre scales. For prac-
organisms have the metabolic and nutritional versatility to tical reasons the organic matter is typically divided into
make a meal out ofit. In addition to the uneaten remains two categories based primarily on size. using fine filters,
and dead organisms. there are two additional sources into so-called dissolved and particulate organic material
of marine detritus. Various marine organisms. including (DOM and POM) . The point of separation is not exact but
3.4 The decomposition process

-, , /' Growth

Growth Foodinlllke ~ = growth yield = G/(G+ Ml
-, .Y'
~ Growth Food inlll ke
Y =g rowth yield= G/(G+Ml

At ......... Metobolilrn
At .......


.... Metobolilm /
Reminerclizution of
C, N,a nd P /
Figure 3.8 Incorporation of remineralization and detritu s formation into the diagram in Figure 3.6.

lies in the region 0.2 to 1 urn, determined by the nature,

properties, and loading of the filter used, as we ll as the Tabl e 3 .2 Major organic carbon poo ls' sizes in
morphology of the particles themselves. The distinction the biosphere.
into DOM and POM pools is ecologically relevant, as only
osmotrophs (mainly prokar yotic microbes) can take up
DOM direc tly from seawater, while larger organisms have Pool Pool s iz e
to seek for particulate meals that can be ingested. The dis- (as mol C)
solved organic carbon CDOC) fraction constitutes by far
Ocean ic pools
the largest orga nic pool in the sea, and one of the largest
Dissolved organic material 1 X 10 17
on the planet (see : Box 3.1 figure; Table 3.2). DOC has
Particu late organic material 3 x 10 15
been the subj ect of detailed chemical examination and
Marine plankton 1 X 10 14
yet we have been able to characterize only 5 to 10% as
Fish 5 x 10 12
simple molecules such as amino acids and simple sugars
(hexoses) . The remaining 90% of DOC has been identified
only into broad categories (Ben ner 2002) . While some of Terrestial pool s
the DOC cycles rapidly within the upper part of the water Terrestial plants 5 x 10 16
column, a substantial proportion of the DOC is resistant Soil 2 x 10 18
to d ecay. 14C dating of the resistant material gives it a
half-life of approximately 6000 years. It was previous ly Globa l pools
thought that this recalcitrant material cons isted of com- Foss il fue ls 5x 10 17
plex high molecular weight material and was given the
name 'm ar ine humus', but recent work has shown that
the material has a low molecular weight (be low 1000 d aI- metry) and is commonly referred to as 'm ar in e snow'.
tons) and thus d oes not conform to these earlier notions Early bat hysphere explo rers of the ocean dept hs reported
(Na gata 2008 ) . A major challenge facing the marine marine snow to occur at the scale of a terrestrial snow
chemis t and microbiologists is the chemical nature of this blizzard on occasions . The first step in the creation of
material, it is res istant to decay, and the mechanism of marine snow particles is the agglutination by shear forces
its even tual decay rema ins unknown. The curre nt view of hydrated mucilaginous fibril s released from the plank-
is that its d ecomposition involves photoc hemical and ton to form transparent exopolymer particles or TEPs
microbiological reactions wo rking in consort, but wit h- (Wotton 2004) . The marine snowflakes arise by random
out doubt there is a lot to be learned about this aspect of collis ion of TEPs. In the northern Adriatic these fl akes can
carbon flow in the oceans. reach massive size (Fig. 3.10). As discussed later in this
The particulate organic fraction comprises a melange chapter (Box 3.1 and 3.5 .4) they are a habitatfor marine
of small living organisms , bits and pieces left over from micro-organisms and oases in an otherwise nutritional
the various meals, and particulate material created by desert. It is thought that these flakes are the main vehicle
physicoche mical processes from solu ble detritus. The for the transport of organic matter from the upper ocean to
material (Fig. 3.9) has the general overall appearance the ocean floor and, as such, a vital step in the carbon cycle
of snowflakes (although it lacks their characteristic sym- of the oceans . The fate of marine snow and the rate at which
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

it is decomposed by its bacterial hitchhikers are critical to In a simplified form, Fig. 3 .11 builds on Fig. 3 .7 to show
the behaviour of the oceans as a potential sink for carbon. how this 'waste' material will feed back into the food chain.
As shown in Fig. 3 .12 (3.4.3) the flows to the detrital sec-
tion are multiple. They would appear to be equal to 50% of
the primary photosynthetic formation of organic material.

3.4.3 The utilization and recycling of

marine detritus

Detrital material is potentially a valuable food resource.

Detrital material is potentially a valuable food resource

that is utilized by a complex of organisms (t h e decompos-
ers) . To fit this into our developing model of the marine
plankton community and explore the consequences of the
recycling of organic material. we need to depart from our
simple linear food chain, with a single starting point (the
photosynthetic autotrophs), to rwo initially parallel food
chains with separate starting points : one based on pho-
Figure 3.9 Marine snow particle (photograph: Alice tosynthesis, and the other starting from detritus, which
Alldredge). involves the microbial community. In Fig. 3.12 these sepa-
rate food chains are shown to merge at one point; the reality
is more like that depicted in Fig. 3 .19 in which the whole
system is more of a complex network of feeding and nutri-
tional interactions.
Whereas organic material can only pass through respira-
tion once, a single carbon atom (also a nitrogen or phos-
phate atom) in organic material can be taken up by marine
organisms several times before it is respired. This intro-
duces the concept of organic recycling within the plank-
ton community. The consequence of recycling is that the
organic material used by the planktonic. or any. community
will be greater than the primary introduction of organic
material. If we know the fraction recycled (let us call this
Ydet) it is a simple matter to calculate the total amount of
material passing through the food web. If we take a com-
Figure 3.10 A massive marine 'snowflake' in the northern monly estimated figure ofabout 50% recycled through each
Adriatic (photograph: Michael Stachowitsch). cycle (Nagata 2000), then of the original amount, 50% will
be recycled on the first pass, 50% of that (25% of the origi-
POM recyrling nal) on the second pass. etc., and the total amount passing
through will be in this case:

Partculote & high low MW diffusible

-> 1 + 0 .5 + 0.25 + 0 .125 .. .
or 0.5 0 + 0.5' + 0.5 2 + 0.5' + ... ,
MelDbol i~m
MW malerial material
or expressed more generally:
<, Dissolved organic
Y ~et + Y 1et + Y ~et + Y ~et + K
DOM recycling This is a mathematical series with a surprisingly simple
Figure 3.11 Extension of Figure 3.7, showing the
1- Ydet
recycling of particulate and dissolved organic material Thus ifYdet = 0 .5, then the total amount of organic material
back into the food chain. passing through is 1/(l-Q.5} = 2.
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

-, G
Food intoke r
G-I G_

growlhyie ld = &(G+ Ml
Ell ....

"\ <, r growlh yield &(G+Ml
"'-, ....... •

Grcwlh Food intoke
.> •

<: ~ Metabolilm

-." Metabolim.

~ .ISbaled load th'in
pno\OS'fn,hIlS -



l! <, '<,

-, -, <,
G..... G,o. h" Food intake

grllwlh yield GlIG+M)


~ Growth

Food intake ,• grllwth yield G/(G+ Ml • Metabolism

meterial '. growllJ yield GI(G+M) • Metabolilm

oetti,us-basedtood thain
/ /

Figure 3.12 The dual food chain, showing the two starting bases: photosynthesis (the green ellipse) and organic
detritus (the red ellipse). The detritus-based food chain can start from bacteria (capable of consuming both POM and
DOM) or other organisms (consuming POM). Arrows from "metabolism" boxes to the detritus pool represent excretion,
exudation, and sloppy feeding (3.4.1 and figure 2.25).

3.5 Key organism groups in phylogenetically distant species. The ecologically relevant
the oceanic microbial food grouping of these organisms is based on the function of
the organism as a part of the microbial food web. The most
webs important criteria for functional grouping are size of the
organism and the way it acquires its energy. For example.
We will now set the organismal biology on the conceptual body size together with some other morphological features
background presented earlier in this chapter. Marine plank- determine the possible range of prey available to a gra z-
tonic microbial communities discussed in this chapter are ing or predatory organism. In the following section we will
very diverse and can be classified and divided into different present the major features offive of the most important eco-
categories according to the approach chosen. logical groups present in the marine plankton and compris-
From a taxonomic point ofview, life on Earth is classified ing the oceanic food webs, these are : marine prokaryotes
into three major phylogenetic groups: prokaryotic bacteria. (bacteria and archaea), viruses. algae, protozoa. and mul-
archaea, and eukaryotes. Prokaryotes have no membrane- ticellular zooplankton. We will also discuss the microbial
bound organelles such as nucleii (karyon) in their cells, food web they form in the pelagic realm of the oceans.
from which the name emerges. Eukaryotes comprise all
macroscopic organisms like animals. plants, and fungi ;
3.5.1 Marine prokaryotic microbes
whereas all prokaryotes are microscopic, single-celled
organisms. Viruses do not have their own metabolism. are Marine prokaryotic microbes belonging to phyla Eubocte-
not considered living organisms. and have a separate clas- ria (bacteria) andArchaea (archaea) are central in organic
sification (Tree of life project at http:/ /tolweb .orgltree/ matter degradation and nutrient remineralization in the
phylogeny.html) . All these taxonomic groups are well rep- oceans. Because of their importance. we discuss their diver-
resented in the marine plankton. sity, ecology, and techniques used in their study in the fol-
Another approach to marine microbial diversity is to lowing subchapter in depth. l\vo major physiological types
look at functional groups that are (from the ecological point of prokaryotes are discussed: organotrophs and nitrifying
of view) rather uniform, although most often comprise chemolithotrophs.
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

Chemolithotrophs are autotrophic prokaryotic microbes

Identifying marine prokaryotes
deriving their energy for growth from inorganic reduced Taxonomic classification of an organism is based on its
compounds and capable of fixing atmospheric carbon distinguishable morphological, metabolic, or genetic char-
dioxide for their carbon demand. acteristics that solely. or in combination, separate it from
other species of organisms. The concept of 'species' in
the sexually reproducing organisms. such as animals and
Organotrophs are heterot roph ic prokaryotic microbes
plants, is also defined by interbreeding ability that leads to
deriving their energy and carbon from decomposition
viable offspring capable of reproduction. Distinguishable
and respiration of organic material produced by auto-
morphology or metabolism are difficult to use in classifica-
trophic organisms.
tion of marine prokaryotes (see below), and interbreeding
ability as a basis for species identification is not applicable
Although they appear identical under the microscope, as they reproduce by binary fission .
bacteria and archaea form two deeply distinct evolution- Marine prokaryotes most often lack decisive morpholog-
ary lineages, indeed in phylogenetic terms they are as dis- ical characteristics that could be used in their classification.
tant from each other as they are from eukaryotes. They There are only two broad morphological categories: cocci
are minute in size (typically below Iurn I 0 .001 mm), (spherical cells) and rods (elongated cells) . These catego-
and reproduce by binary fission in which the cell divides ries can be divided into a few further subcategories, like
into two identical daughter cells at a certain point in its straight or curved rods. In addition. there are some specific
growth. Archaea have been found to be important compo- cell shapes that are not common, like corkscrew-shaped
nents of marine microbial communities, especially deep- spirilli (Fig. 13.3 A) and stalked bacteria, which are able to
water habitats. However. these discoveries have occurred attach to surfaces with an elongated stalk. Cell size varies
only during the last 10 years and therefore they are less (Fig. 3.13. A-C) according to nutritional status of the cell,
well-known compared to bacteria. In the following text as well as the phase of the cell cycle (near division cells are
we will use the terms marine prokaryote or marine pro- larger, and daughter cells correspondingly smaller) .
karyotic microbe referring to both bacteria and archaea. In order to study the metabolic characteristics of an
However, at present most of the available research con- organism it is necessary to isolate it from its environment.
cerns marine bacteria. and from other organisms that share the same environ-
Organotrophic marine prokaryotic microbes. or simply ment. and to then maintain it in culture. Such separation
organotrophs, are mainly responsible for the degradation and establishment oflaboratorycultures for the vast major-
of organic matter. These organisms gain energy for their ity of the marine microbes has not been possible so far. This
growth from the respiration (Chapter 2) of organic mate- is because traditional microbiological culturing on nutrient
rial. They are also defined as heterotrophs because they rich media is only successful for a few groups that are able
rely on organic carbon fixed by other organisms (ultimately to grow in high-nutrient environments and respond rapidly
autotrophic organisms. i.e, primary producers. as discussed to an increased availability of resources. e.g. those organ-
in Chapter 2) . Because of their genomic and metabolic isms associated with estuarine environments or decaying
diversity they are able to break down nearly all naturally algal blooms. Culturing of oligotrophic bacteria, i.e . bac-
produced organic material and many synthetic chemicals, teria adapted to a low availability of substrate. nutrient, or
which is usually not the case with other groups of organ- 'food' in seawater, has only been successful with one bacte-
isms that degrade organic matter. In addition, they are rial group. the SARlI Cluster. with one strain maintained
osmotrophs, i.e, able to take up dissolved organic matter in long-term culture (Giovannoni et al. 2005) .
from their environment and thus have access to the vast Due to their lack of morphological characteristics and dif-
pool of dissolved organic matter in the ocean that is mostly ficulties in culturing marine prokaryotes discussed above.
unavailable for larger organisms. we need other methods to describe and study marine pro-
Another important group of marine prokaryotes dis- karyotic microbial diversity and ecology. Most contempo-
cussed in this chapter are chemolithotrophic nitrify- rary studies of microbial community composition are based
ing prokaryotes (also both bacteria and archaea) (Ward on use of molecular markers (either DNA or RNA-based),
2000) . They are autotrophic as they acquire their energy avoiding the cultivation process that inevitably misses most
for growth solely by oxidizing reduced inorganic nitrogen of the marine microbes (Fuhrman 2009) . Use of molecular
compounds and their carbon. from which they create new methods in the study of marine prokaryotes is an example
biomass. by synthesizing organic carbon from CO 2 with of how molecular ecology enables us to expand our views
chemical energy. beyond the horizon of traditional (based on morphology
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

and metabolic characteristics) methods. Molecular ecology

is a field ofbiology that applies molecular population genet-
ics. phylogenetics, and genomics (see Current Focus) to
answer ecological questions. Molecular methods are appli-
cable to the study of the ecology and diversity of various
organism groups (both pro- and eukaryotes) and are widely
used in modern marine ecology. Culture-independent
genetic analysis is a particularly powerful tool for obtaining
knowledge of marine microbes. their community compo-
sition. and ecology. Culture-independent genetic analysis
requires the extraction of nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) from
biomass (obtained from environmental samples or cultured
organisms) followed by the determination of their nucleic
acid sequence. Single or multiple genes, or even a complete
genome, of an organism (Current Focus) can be targeted.
Identification and classification of microbes is typically
based on gene regions that are conserved. i.e. there is little
variation in their nucleotide sequence with time. There are
two key genes involved in identification of microbes: the
165 rRNA gene that encodes the small subunit of ribosomal
RNA in prokaryotic cells, and the IT5 regions (Internal
Transcribed Spacer region between prokaryotic 16S and
235 rRNA genes) . The 165 rRNA gene is highly conserved
as it forms an essential part ofa cell's basic protein synthesis
machinery. The species concept in prokaryotic organisms in
general is subject to ongoing discussion. One suggestion for
the definition of a prokaryotic species is: a coherent cluster
of individual organisms with uniform evolutionary origin
that have a high degree of overall similarity in many inde-
pendent characteristics that can be separated from other
species (Rossello-Mora & Amann 2001) . For practical
purposes species are often defined based on the percent-
age similarity of nucleotide sequence investigated, with
97%similarity representing a commonly used cut-off for a
boundary between species. Another way to express this is
to consider a speciation to occur when a dissimilarity of 3%
occurs in the nucleotide sequence. A scientific description
ofnew prokaryotic species necessitates that the organism is
cultured to enable the description ofits phenotypic (observ-
able) physiological and morphological characteristics.
Figure 3.13 Seawater samples filtered on membrane
filters, stained with fluorescent Acridine Orange stain and Major organic-matter degrading prokaryotic
viewed with epifluorescence microscopy (at
microbes in seawater
x 1250 magnification). (a) Various bacterial morphotypes,
including cocci (round cells), rods (elongated cells), and Organotrophs are, in principle, capable of breaking down
one corkscrew-like spirillum in the lower centre of the nearly all natural organic matter. The availability oforganic
photograph. (b) Cyanobacterial filament being converted matter is one of the main factors that regulates bacterial
from living organism to detrital POM and DOM. At the left growth. biomass, and also community structure in the
end of the filament, cells are still intact but the other end ocean. For those bacteria that degrade organic matter.
is rapidly decaying. Attached bacteria (arrows) can be seen the ocean is an extremely challenging environment. The
on the surface of the filament. (c) Very large bacterial cells introduction of new organic matter into the system (either
and a small marine ciliate (photographs: Riitta Autio). allochthonous. i.e. entering from the land via rivers or
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

autochthonous, i.e. produced within the marine envi- otes occur in about a dozen major phylogenetic divisions
ronment) is extremely variable in time and space in scales (Phyla or Kingdoms), which are commonly found world-
relevant to us and even more variable in scales relevant to wide (Fuhrman & Hagstrom 2008). The most ubiquitous
microbes (think about the variation in organic loading that groups among the planktonic prokaryotes are the groups
occurs during a winter flood versus a summer drought) Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Planktobaeteria, and marine
(Box 3.1) . Other factors that regulate community composi- Actinobacteria, as well as the archaean groups Creanar-
tion are the availability ofinorganic nutrients and trace ele- chaeota and Euryarchaeota (Fig. 3.14) . Some groups can
ments, physical and chemical conditions (e.g. temperature, be easily cultivated and studied in the laboratory, whereas
pH), predation, viruses (see below), and competition. The others do not thrive in culture and are only known by their
relative importance of these different ecological factors for DNA sequences found in environmental samples.
microbial communities is currently unknown (Fuhrman & Although the ecological niches of marine bacterial
Hagstrom 2008) . groups are still not well-understood, recent research sug-
As is the case for other organism groups (e.g. planktonic gests that some marine bacterial groups have defined
algae and zooplankton) in the marine pelagic environment. niches in organic matter degradation. Bacteroidetes have
marine prokaryotes also have typical major taxonomic been associated with degradation of protein and chitin,
groups that characterize their communities. The majority whereas some subgroups of y-Proteobacteria seem to be
of heterotrophic and chemolithotrophic marine prokary- specialized in the utilization of simple sugars or amino

Crenarchaeota Euryarchaeota
Group IArcheeu Group II Armeen
Group III Archeeu
Group IV Archoeo

"SARTI - Pefagibaderia ubique
SAR202 ---J.. fl-Proteobocteria
' OM43

~::::::::-_ _- - IJ-Proteobocterio
Fibrobacter "Marinomonas
SAR406 *Halomonadacae
Bacteroidetes '(olw,lIio
Marine Actinobacteria
"Morine duster A
Lentisphaerae ISy,,,h,,occus)
"Lenfisphaera araneosa
"Prochlorococcus sp.


Figure 3.14 Schematic illustration of the phylogenetic relationships of the major marine planktonic prokaryote clades
(groups with a common ancestor). Black letters indicate ubiquitous microbial groups in seawater. Green colour ind icates
microbial groups associated with coastal ocean ecosystems, grey groups found in t he photic zone and blue groups
confined to the mesopelagic and surface waters during polar winters. (Illustration: Giovannoni & Stingl 2005.)
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs

acid monomers that occur in high concentrations. Marine steps : in the first ste p, am mon ium is oxidized to nitrite
a -Proteobacteria (SARI l) are particularly well-adapted to by ammonium-oxidizing bacteria and then subsequently
take up dissolved amino acids at very low concentrations nitrite is oxidized to nitrate by nitrite-oxidizing bacteria
in pelagic environments (Cottre ll & Kirchman 2000; Eilers (Treusch et a1. 20 05). Ammonium oxidizers are chemoli-
et al. 2000; Church 2008) and can comprise up to 25- 33% thotrophic organisms that use carbon dioxide as their m ain
of total abundance of many pelagic prokaryote communi- carbon source. They are typically slow-growing and gain
ties (Morris et al. 2005) . The specialized role of different their energy for growth by the oxidation of ammonium to
microbes in organic matter degradation in the ocean under- nitrite. Both reactions use oxygen as an electron acceptor. In
lines the need for better recognition of these microbes and most environments both organisms occur together, yielding
an improved understanding of their ecological role in regu - nitrate as the final end-product. Oxidation of ammonium to
lating important oceanic biogeochemical cycles. nitrite is usually the rate-limiting step of nitrification. Nitri-
fying prokaryotes have limited diversity compared to pro-
Nitrifying prokaryotic microbes karyotes that degrade organic-matter, and m ainly belong to
In the process of nitrification, inorganic nitrogen from Proteobacteria (Purkhold et al. 2000) and Cren archaeota
reduced ammonium is oxidized into nitrate (see Chapter 2). (Lein inger et al. 20 06; Wuchter et al. 2006).
Individual species of nitrifiers represent approximately
Nitrification is the biological oxidation of ammonia with 0. 1 % of the total bacterial assemblage and have their maxi-
oxygen to nitrite and further to nitrate. mum abundance near the bottom of the photic zone (Ward
2000). In open oceanic waters the highest nitrification rates
are measured near the base of the photic zone in the upper
Ammonium is a common nitrogenous waste product of
100 m of the ocean, where conditions are optimal for nitri-
heterotrophic metabolism .
fication, and also competition for ammonium and nitrate
from autotrophic phytoplankton is less intense. It is a com-
The nitrification process is exclus ively biological, bination of light and the availability of substrate that are the
whereby ammon ium is conve rted to nitrate, which is used major factors that determine the magnitude and location
rapidly by phytoplankton in the photic zone but accumu- of nitrification rates in both vertical and horizontal scales.
lates in the deeper water layers. It is because of the nitrifi- As ammonium concentrations in water are partly the result
cation process that the major pool of fixed nitrogen in the of the intensity of organic m atter production and degrada-
world's oceans occurs in the form of nitrate (Ward 2000). tion, highly productive systems such as upwelling areas
Nitrification is performed by two different functional have high nitrification rates (Ward 2000).
groups of marine prokaryotic microbes in two separate

CURRENT FOCUS: Marine microbial

• As many of the marine microbes are difficult, or so far
impossible, to maintain in laborato ry cultu re for tradit ional
Genomics is t he study of an organism's complete microbiological studies, culture-i ndependent techniques,
genetic information that is encoded in its DNA nucleotide including environ mental genomics, are an important tool
sequence. Because prokaryotic (bacterial and archaean) for studyi ng the diversity and metabolic capa bili ties of
genomes are considerably smaller and simpler t han uncultured organisms and thei r possible roles in marine
eukaryote genomes, they have been the focus of much ecosystems.
research in the last 10 years. Metagenomics (also referred The development of molecular methods has made
to as 'environmental genomics' or 'community genomics') marine microbial genomics possible only recently. In 2007
is defined as the cult ure-independent genomic analysis there we re approximately 30 complete marine bacterial
of microb ial assemblages or populations, i.e. analysis or archaeal genomes available for study (Moran & Arm-
of genomic information obtained directly from a sample brust 2007; Moran 2008), whereas by 2009 hundreds
taken from t he environment (Moran 2008; Fuhrman of whole or draft bacterial genomes we re available in
2009). Cultu red organisms provide complete genome public databases (Delong 2009) . In addition to complete
sequences and access to organism physiology, while genomes, the metagenomic data obtained directly from
metagenomic sequences show the abundance and distri- natural marine microbial assemblages is growi ng rapidly.
bution of genes and genome fragments from organisms Although microbial geno mes are small compared to
that have not been cultures (Moran & Armbrust 2007). eukaryote genomes, they still contain millions of nucle-
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

otid e base pairs and thousands of genes. Genes are Management and analysis of massive amounts of genetic
defined genome regions that contain the necessary infor- informa tion is demandi ng and constitutes a separate field
mation to maintain cell functions and reproduce from th e of science called bioinformatics. The advent of novel
code in the sequence of DNA nucleotides. To study the sequencing tech niques (e.g. shotgun sequencing and
genetic inform atio n stored in the nucleotide sequence, it pyrosequencing) has made the production of massive
must be decoded. In practice this is done by processi ng amounts of new genomic information possible. Func-
short DNA pieces (fragments) in automa tic sequencing t ional genomics attempts to describe gene and protein
machines that produce the DNA sequence information interactions and, ulti mately, function of organisms in their
found in each f ragment Sequence information is then envi ronment Importa nt areas in functional genomics are
assembled like a puzzle into a complete genome by transcriptomics (analysis of gene expression) and pro-
automated computer prog rams that find the correct place teomics (analysis of protei n expression), which can be
for each short piece of code by identifying overlappi ng studied in cultured organisms, envi ronmental samples, or
sequence regions in the different frag ments. Assem bly both.
of the code cor respo nds to the construction of the circle Two key initiatives that have advanced availability of
seen in figu re A. Afte r assembly, the genome needs to marine microbial genomic data in the recent years are
be annotated. The location and identity of genes wi thin J. Craig Vente r Inst it ute's Global Ocean Sampling (GaS)
the genome are determined from the annotation, which Expedition, and the Gordon and Betty Moore foundation's
can be undertaken by automated computer prog rams. Marine Mic robial Genome Sequencing project (http://
Annotation corresponds to the coloured lines and their www.jcvi.orgl). Venter (also known from his maj or con-
locations along the ci rcle in figu re a. Once annotated, tribution to the human genome sequenci ng project) and
putative genes can be searched fo r from the genome. his team have made several majo r voyages throughout
Putative gene sequences can then be compared to exist- the world's Oceans, wi th Sorcerer II, a 100-ft sailing
ing sequences in gene-sequence databases and thei r yacht fitted wi th the scientific equipment necessary to
possible function determined. This correspo nds to finding obtain the microb ial samples from oceanic w aters. The
the right colou r for each of the coloured lines in figu re a. samples are then processed and sequenced using tech-
niques developed for the human genome project Sor-
cere r II conducted a world ci rcum navigation between
2003 and 2006, followed by a sampling voyage arou nd
North America and in Southern Ocean waters in 2007 to
2008, and finally in 2009 to 2010 samples in the North
Sea, the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean, and the Black Sea
were collected (see figure b) . The fi rst part of the global
Genome mort of ci rcumnavigation expedition alone pro duced 6.3 million
onorganic motter·degrading
= marinebacterium -- base pairs of new environmental marine DNA, w hich was
pu blished by Rusch et al. (2007). The GaS dataset has
4010 pr,tein gen es expanded significantly our unde rstanding of the diversity
IIRNA gen.. and function of oceanic microb ial and viral community
diversity and thei r possi ble functions.
In the Gordo n and Betty Moore Foundation's Marine
Microbial Genome Sequencing project, the J. Craig Ven-
ter Institute is sequencing, and making publicly available,
the genom es of 16 5 cul tivated marine microbes. The
microbes sequenced are contri buted by 79 scien tific col-
laborators wo rldwide, and represent the major mari ne
(a) Genome chart of an o rganic-matte r deg radi ng taxa. These organisms embody an array of physiological
marin e y-Prot eo bact eriu m. The ci rcular form co rre- diversity including: carbon fixers, photoautotrop hs, pho-
sponds t o the bacterial ge no me st ructure, t he size of toheterotrophs, nitrif iers, and methanotrophs. Both GOS
the genome in thousands of base pairs (kb) of DNA and the Marine Microbial Sequencing project make their
sequence is shown in t he outer rim. Each co lo ured lin e genomic data available thro ugh CAMERA (The Community
represents a po ssibl e gene ident ificatio n, w hile t he Cyberinfrast ructu re for Advanced Marine Microbial Ecol-
co lours represent various functional classes of genes, ogy Research and Analysis) that is an onli ne database
e.g. 'protein synt hesis' or 'ion (nut rie nt) transport'. and high-speed computational service, as well as an infor-
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs

- 2003 - 2008 Routes - 2009 -2010Routes

(b) Routes of Sorcerer II sampling voyages in 2003-10 (image from : /cms/research/projectsj

mation resource developed for marine microbial genomi c Genomics can reveal the complete genetic informa-
analysis (http:/ /camera.calitZ.netl). tion of an organism , from which the genes responsible
A genome consists of genes with different functions that for basic or novel biogeochemical processes in the sea
are vital for an organism's cellular functions. Genes can can be traced. One goal of metagenomics is to link par-
be assigned to multiple functio nal categories according ticular ecosystem fu nctions (e.g. specific nitrogen cycle
to major cellular functions. Figure A shows the genome of processes) to parti cular organisms (Fuhrman 2009) .
a marine bacterium that degrades organic matter, where Genetics-based hypotheses, e.g. regardi ng the function
each coloured strip presents a putative gene and each of a particular gene or organism in its environment, can
colour represents a functional category. A concept ual divi- be created and subsequently tested , either in enviro n-
sion between the 'core' genome and accessory 'flexible' mental or laboratory studies. Marine microbial genom-
genome can be made. The core genome tends to perform ics has led to unprecedented discoveries in rece nt years;
central housekeeping fu nctions, such as DNA and protei n for example, based on genomic data from an uncultu red
synthesis. These core genes (e.g. the 16 5 rRNA gene) are marine bacte ria, a novel way to obtain energy from light
typically also used to identify organisms and to construct via a proton pump was revealed and found widespread in
the phylogenetic relationships between them. The flexible heterot roph ic oceanic bacterioplankton (Beja et al. 2000,
genome encodes the accessory functions, such as trans- 2001) . This discovery could ultimately alter our view on
port of nutrients and cell surface properties, which con trol energy assimilation in th e surface ocean.
the niche adaptations, i.e. define where the organisms can The future challenges for marine microbial genomics lie
th rive. The flexible genome is more variable than the core in the meaningful integ ration of genomi c information into
genome and enables organisms to adapt to new envi ron- process and ecosystem studies (see figure c). At present
ments (Fuhrman 2009). For example, the marine cyano- we are only slowly deciphering the identity and genomic
bacterium Prochlorococcus, one of th e best-known marine diversity of marine prokaryotic microbes responsible for
prokaryotes, contains approximately 1200 core genes and major ecosystem and processes in the ocea ns (see figure
4000 flexible genes. The high proportion of flexible genes c). The next steps will req uire bridgi ng th e gaps between
ensures efficient adaptation to changes in the environ- genomics, metageno mics, microbial physiology, biogeo-
ment. Although more variable, the flexible genome seems chemistry, ecology, and physical oceanography to create a
to be typically congruent with the core genome, w hich clearer picture of microbial systems that drive energy and
suggests the existence of stable ecotypes whose distribu- matter flux in the ocean ecosystems (Fuhrman 2009).
tion can be predi cted from environmental factors.
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

Community composition

I CommunityDNAI
~iates feedback co,

'te Jc9 Dimethyl sulphide t I

Bacteria CO 2 .. Oceon microbiome .... DOC
Viruses Cyonophoge
~~o I
P, N, I cycling
ICommunity metabolism I t
Redudive Sulphur
carboxylate metabolism

Oxidative metabolism

(c) The network instructions enco ded in microbial gen om es drive ecosystem processes. This schemat ic s hows
hypothetical linkages between th e ge no mic information of th e mi cro bial assemblage a nd the co llect ive ecological
interaction s and com munity metabolism that in part regulate and sustain bio geo ch emical and eco system p ro-
cesses. Each DNA circle in th e left panel represents a g enome derived from a marine bacterioplankton species.
Co-occur ring m icro-organi sms that inhabit the same enviro nment co llectively form the pool of genes sam pled in
metagen omi c st udies. These inst ructions modulate co mmunity interactions, metabolism, and ecosystem function.
(Ill ust rat io n and fi gure capt ion f rom : D elong 2009 .)

Marine bacterial populations

dead but still intact, because the bacterial envelope and cell
Bacterial cells in a given environme nt belonging to t he wall components are refractory (diffic ult to decay). Some
same species form a population. Cells in a population have cells are dormant (analogo us to hibernation) but capable
variable physiological states (dead, alive, healthy, ill), as of growt h after a certain period, whereas some are starved
is typical also fo r higher organisms (like humans) in their (analogo us to hunger), i.e, suffe ring lack of food but the
populations. Bacteria have, however, also other possible metabolism only partially shut down. Only a fraction of the
physiological states as a result of their small size and versa- population is active and growing, of which only the most
tile metabolic capabilities (del Giorgio & GasoI2008) . Some active cells are capable of reproduction by division. Larger
bacterial cells observed in a population are actually already bacteria are generally more active than smaller bacteria,
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

which often are starved cells that have become 'miniatur- the function of marine bacteria is the persistence of a pop-
ized' to enhance their survival. ulation despite long periods of unfavourable conditions.
There are multiple factors that regulate bacterial popu- Persistence of a population is achieved through adaptation
lations in the ocean but th e two basic categories of control- to starvation and dormancy strategies that allow survival
ling factors are : and growth of species through untypical environmental
fluctuations. Different species have variable general eco-
1. Control of growth rates, which includes substrate
logical strategies to survive and flourish in their environ-
(organic or inorganic) type and its availability, nutri-
ment, which, in terms of substrate or 'food' availability, is
ent availability, temperature, salinity, and pressure, all
dil ute and unpredictable in time and space.
factors that affect the rate new cells enter into a given
Bacteria can be divided between two general ecological
strategies: those that exploit patchiness in the environment.
2. Mortality-controlling factors. such as protozoan preda- and those that compete efficiently at low ambient nutri-
tion, viral mortality. competition, and starvation, which ent levels (Giovannoni & Stingl 2005) . Patch exploiters,
determine cell activity or its removal from the popula- also known as r-ecotypes (Fuhrman & Hagstrom 2008),
tion. are species that can respond to a sudden increase in 'food'
availability, and grow and multiply rapidly. Their popula-
When growth exceeds mortality, th e population grows, or tion size can vary widely in response to favourable growth
alternatively diminishes when mortality exceeds growth. conditions. i.e. they can become dominant in the bacterial
The most important adaptive trait for biodiversity a nd community following the onset of favourable conditions,

101 Ibl
Extinction dispersal Molecular techniques Pure culture techniques

- • -:-- -
• • -

• • •
• •

• • • •

• •
c c
Death Immigration



Abundont ~.---- Taxon ronk -----. Rore Abundant ~.---- Toxon rank - - - - - . Rore

Figure 3.15 Plots of number of individuals versus taxon, with taxa ranked according to their respective abundance.
(a) The total curve represents biodive rs ity and is postulated to be composed of two sections: (i) diversity (red), which
contains the abundant taxa that have an active role in carbon and energy flow in a given ecosystem . These taxa are
maintained by active growth and suffer losses because of predation and viral lysis. The insert shows two autotrophic
flagellates (with red autofluorescence of chloroplasts), one heterotrophic flagellate (large green shape), and bacteria
(small green dots), and corresponds to a winter sample from the Beaufort Sea (photograph by Dolors Vaque). (ii) The
blue section of the curve corresponds to rare taxa, w hich survive in the ecosystem at low abundance, perhaps with
resting stages or spores. This 'seed bank' recruits new species through immigrat ion. Because of the easy dispersal of
micro-organisms, it is li kely that essentially all micro-organisms reach t his ecosystem periodically. One advantage of
being rare is that these micro-organisms eminimize viral attack and predation ; thus, extinction can occur only as a result
of cell deat h. Because extinction can be expected to be low while immigration is probably high, this part of the curve
might be long and perhaps include the whole biodiversity of micro-organisms. (b) The same curve il lust rates which
port ions of biodiversity can be retrieved with different techniques. Molecular techniques can presumably access most
taxa in the diversity part of the curve (solid arrows) but the biodiversity tail is usually not accessible. The left-hand
insert shows RFLP patterns of 185 rDNA clones from a library constructed from a coastal Mediterranean sample of
pico-eukaryotes (photograph by Beatriz Diez). Pure cult ure techniques can only retrieve a few of the taxa present in the
environment (broken arrows). However, these techniques have the potential to retrieve bot h abundant and rare taxa. The
rig ht-hand insert shows Petri dishes wit h ZoBell's medium inoculated with a sample from the coastal Mediterranean
and incubated in the dark. Yellow and orange colonies correspond to Bacteroidetes, small light-pink colonies are
Roseobacter species and the large whi te colonies are y-proteobacteria (photograph by Jarone Pin hassi, il lust ration and
figure caption from Ped r6s-Al i6 2006).
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

but rapidly become scarce when the conditions deterio- turnover and most species have narrowniches and compete
rate . These organisms often have a colony-forming mode for the same resources (Pommier et al. 2007) . A bacterial
of growth and typically can be associated with high pro- community, seen as a whole, is suggested to be always capa-
ductivity habitats, e.g, estuaries or offshore algal blooms, ble of utilizing resources, i.e . organic matter, in an optimal
or marine snow plumes (Box 3 .1; Azam & Long 2001) . way because well-adapted species, although present in pro-
Typical bacterial groups belonging to r-ecotypes are some portionally low numbers. are always present.
culturable y-Proteobacteria and the Roseobacter group of In the euphotic zone bacteria generally have average dou-
n-Proteobacteria (see above) . bling times of the order of a few days, so it is reasonable to
Species that are able to effectively compete for scarce expect community changes on similartime-scales. Bacterial
resources are called K-ecotypes (Fuhrman & Hagstrom community composition can change by up to 10-20% per
2008) or oligotrophs, They favour a single-celled growth day in extreme circumstances (Hewson et a1. 2006); how-
mode and are well-adapted to oligotrophic (low-nutrient) ever, typically. community composition is rather stable over
conditions in open pelagic waters; they are often unable to daily and weekly time-scales and possibly for months (Rie-
respond to nutrient inputs but can utilize scarce resources mann & Middelboe 2002) . The rate of community change
efficiently. In contrast to r-ecotypes they typically have rela- depends upon the prevailing environmental conditions
tively stable population sizes that fluctuate near the car- and stability. On seasonal time-scales succession resem-
rying capacity of their environment. Examples of bacteria bling that of overall plankton dynamics can be expected for
considered to be K-ecotypes are organisms belonging to stable bacterioplankton communities. Seasonal studies of
SARlI cluster of the a-Proteobacteria. succession are rare but suggest that bacteria have repeat-
able seasonal patterns in the North Atlantic (Morris et a1.
Bacterial communities 2005), the Pacific (Brown et al. 2005; Fuhrman et al. 2006),
Organic matter-degrading prokaryotes form distinct com- and the Baltic Sea (Pinhassi & Hagstrom 2000). Since envi-
munities that consist of populations of bacterial species. ronmental factors exert control over community composi-
Typically a community consists of a few abundant species tion, repeated seasonal patterns in the bacterial community
and numerous rare species with low abundance, forming composition indicate both a strong forcing by the environ-
a 'long tail' in species rank abundance plots (Pedr6s-Ali6 mental factors and well-defined ecological niches for the
2006; Pommier et al. 2007) . Such a relationship is also dominating bacterial species (Fuhrman & Hagstrom 2008).
common in communities of higher organisms. In terms ofspatial scales. bacterial community composition
Abundant species (marked red in Fig. 3.15 on the pre- is highly variable at a microscale (l x 10.6 L of seawater
vious page) change according to the changes in the envi- typically harbours 1000 bacteria), especially when con-
ronment. and community assembly rules with seasonality. sidering the differences in bacterial composition between
availability, and quality of organic matter contributing to free water and communities attached to particles, such as
the former, and viral attack, competition, and community marine snow (Box 3.1) . However. microscale variations are
history to the latter (Fuhrman 2009) . Persistence in a pop- integrated at scales from litres (the size ofa typical environ-
ulation, despite long periods of unfavourable conditions mental sample) to the kilometre scale (Hewson et al. 2006) .
(rare species, marked blue in Fig. 3 .15), is an important Again, at larger scales of a few to <50 km, the variation in
adaptive trait for biodiversity and the function of marine community composition increases, probably reflecting dif-
bacteria, as it allows the survival and growth of species ferences in water masses created by the large-scale oceano-
adapted to changes in the environment that occur sporadi- graphic forcing (Hewson et al. 2006; see also Chapter 7) .
cally. Independent patterns of large-scale community com-
Abacterial community in any given environment is com- position patchiness, probably governed by currents and
posed of bacterial populations with different physiological production history (creating different amounts of marine
profiles that form a mosaic of activities within the com- snowfall), can be found at depths between 300 and 500 m
munity. The proportion of active cells increases along with (Hewson et al. 2006) . On a global scale a latitudinal gra-
overall system productivity, but these active cells are also dient in species richness in marine bacterioplankton has
those that are most effectively removed by predation and been found such that species' richness increases towards
viral attack (del Giorgio & Gasol 2008). In general, bac- the equator. as in some animal and plant groups (Pommier
terial communities are highly dynamic with high species et al. 2007, Fuhrman et al. 2008, see also Chapter 1) .
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs

TECHNIQUES: Microbial community frag ment length polymorp hism. Each detected unique tar-
studies: fingerprinting methods get sequence in the fingerp rint represents an OTU that can
represent a strain, a species, a higher taxon, or functional
In addition to obtai ning direct nucleic acid sequence group of microbes, depending on the desi red reso lution
inform ation from oceanic samples (Marine Microbi al of the process. The most co mmon fingerp rinti ng meth ods
Genomics, Current Focus), nat ural microbial commu- are Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymer-
nities are often studied with molecular methods called phism (TRFLP). Denaturing Gel Gradient Electropho-
w hol e-com munity fingerp rinting. These meth ods allow the resis (DGGE) , and Automated Ribosomal Intergenic
detection of org anisms present within an environmental Spacer Analysis (ARls A). These methods have different
sample based on the differences found in the nucleotide sensitivity and can only give a partial pictu re of commu-
sequences of selected regions of genes. It is typical to nity diversity. For example, ARISA can visualize organisms
target conserved gene regions for mari ne bacteria, e.g. that represent 0. 1% of the bacterial population but more
riboso mal RNA gene or functional genes responsible for rare OTUs are ignored. This incomplete detection of diver-
the processes under study (e.g. genes encodi ng enzymes sity is a common problem in all fields of ecology and can
in nitrogen cycle processes). be imputed using statistical methods (i.e. how many spe-
Nucleot ide sequence differences are visualized, pro- cies did we fail to find?). However, th e comparative study
ducing a unique 'fingerprint' for each sample. Visualiza- of standardized fi ngerp rints provides valuable information
t ion can be don e based on target frag ment nucleotide about co mmunity composition, changes in time or space
sequence differences in differen t Operational Taxc- as well as the co-occu rrence of patterns of different spe-
nomic Unit (OTU) or by di rectly meas uring target DNA cies (Fuhrman 2009).

Information on bacterial commun ity structure can be antago nist ic abilities h ave been found to occur w idely
used to understand basic patterns in microbial distribu- among marine bacteria and they are more common in parti-
tions, such as unique geog raph ical occurrence (endemism) cle-associated than free-living bacterial populations (Long
vs. global occurrence (cosmopolitanism), rarity vs. ubiquity & Azam 2001 ). In particular, y-Proteobacteria are prolifi c
and dispersion patterns. Patterns of co-occurrence of spe- producers of inhibitory compounds (and also most resilient
cies helps to define potentially interacting organisms and to them), whereas Bacteroidetes are the least produc tive
interaction networks that provide insights into a greater and most vulnera ble to antagonistic interactions with other
understanding of ecological and biogeoche m ical processes bacteria (Long &Azam 2001) .
in oceans (Fuhrman 2009) . Bacteria can coordinate their gene expression by qu o-
rum se ns ing. For example, this occu rs when bacter ia
Interactions between bacterial populations that have colon ized the same m arine snow particle (Box
As discussed later in this ch apter (3.5.4) , bacteria in normal 3 .1) regu late, by leakin g a nd detectin g sign alling mol-
seawater concentrations occur on average 200 bacterial ecules, the timing of their production of costly extracel-
body lengths apart (co rresponds to approximately 0.5 km lular en zymes needed to solubilize marine snow particles
on a human scale) . It is natural to assume that interactions, in to DOM (Gra m et a1. 2002) . There is a low likelihood
i.e. signalling or direct chemical attacks, between m arine that a bacte ria ce ll would detect its ow n sign a lling
bacteria are important when bacterial densities exceed the molecules and the cell thu s needs to detect m ole cules
seawater concentrat ions, i.e , on marine snow particles secreted by other cells in the immediate vicin ity. Quorum
(Long & Azam 2001). Interactions between marine bacte - sensing allows single-celled bacteria to regulate their gene
rial populations include ant agonistic interactions (or alle- expression, which ultimately benefits the individu al cells
Iopathy) and quorum sensing. Antagon istic interactions by, for example, reducing the cost of extracellular en zyme
refer to the prevention of the growth of anothe r bacterium synthesis.
by the production of certa in bactericidal compounds. Such
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

Box 3. 1: Marine snow plumes as oases the plume when entering it and change their swimming
for marine heterotrophic bacteria behaviour to stay in the plume.
Bacteria swim by rotary movemen t of a flagellum (or mul-
Marine snow particles, flakes, or accumulations of organic tiple flagellae), which are attached to the bacterial cell wall,
matter (Fig. 3.9), are a major vehicle for transporting typically at the end of the cell. They can modify the flagellar
organic matter from the ocean surface to depths and the rotation speed and direction and thus regulate speed and
seafloor. A marine snow particle is colonized by bacteria also direction of their movement to some extent. Flagellae
that produce extracellular enzymes converti ng POM to are left-handed corkscrew-like helices, so counterclockwise
DOM. Because bacteria produce DOM faster than they rotation makes the flagellae move in synchrony and pushes
can consume it, a sinking particle leaves a rich plume the cell forward . When a bacterium occasionally reverses
of organic matter in its wake. Thus marine snow forms th e rotation to clockwise, the forward movement stops
an important source of organic matter in intermediate and it starts 'tumbling'-staying in one place but chang-
depths. Many marine bacteria are motile and can actively ing its orientation. The occurrence of clockwise rotation
swim around instead of j ust passively floating in the water. of a flagellum is suppressed by favourable low molecular
In addi tion, there is clear evidence that seawater bacteria weight DOM molecules (e.g. amino acids) resulting in a
sense chemical gradients and are attracted towards nutri- lower frequency of 't umbling', w hen the concentration of
ent or organic molecules. Bacteria swimming in the water these molecules increases. Bacteria then swim straight
surrou nding the DOM-rich marine snow plume could when enteri ng and staying in the plume but start tumbling
therefore actively sense the DOM gradient at th e edge of when they are about to swim out of the plume and sense
decreasing concentration of favourable molecules.

( Fe

~ ( Phytoplankton
,-' ('
Fe '""Ill Source Phytoplankton
particles delritus

Metazoa Bacteria

The marine snow particle colonized by bacteria, which turn particulate organic matter into DOM. Plume of excess
DOM trailing behind the particle as it sinks contains carbon (C) and mineral nutrients (N, Fe, Si). Free-living bacteria
(red) are attracted to the plume by their chemokinetic ability and grow rapidly. Particle colonizers may also release
their progeny (blue) into the plume. High concentrations of bacteria attract protozoa, which attract larger animals
(metazoa). Marine snow particles and their plumes may thus become focal points for the upper ocean microbial
food webs (illustration and figure caption from Azam & Long 2001).
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs

The swimming speed of a bacterium , the time inter- leaking sig nal molecu les th at influence prox imate bacte-
val between successive t urn s, and its chem ical sensit ivity rial cells. In phase 3 only the fast-swimm ing bacteria are
(ability to sense t he organ ic matter molecules) are traits able to remai n wit hin th e plumes of DOM. Once again, the
that cont ri bute to its chemokinetic behaviour. In addition, lowest po ssib le tumb ling frequency and high est chem ical
the abi lity to effectively produ ce ext racell ular enzymes is sensitiv ity lead to optimal pl ume uti lizati on. Overa ll , the
important for bacteria colonizing the part icles. st udy suggests that chemo kinet ic behaviour can have a
The study by Kiorboe and Jackson (200 1) is a theoreti- significant effect o n bacterial growth in marine snow par-
cal modelling st udy in which a previously pub lished physi - ti cles and pl umes, and that opt imal tumb ling fre quency
cal mod el of the flow and concentration fields around a and chemical sensitiv ity predicted by th e mode ls are pos-
sinki ng part icle and a mod el of the chemokinetic behav- sible, i.e. they co rrespond to previously reported values.
io ur of bacteria are co mbined to pro duce est imates of It is not known w hether the same spec ies colon ize
the o ptimal behaviour of bacteria col onizing marine snow the particles and pl ume, wi th parti cle dwell ers releas-
par ticle s and pl umes. In model simulat ions performed for in g the ir progeny into the pl ume (Azam & Long 200 1)
large and small marine snow particles separately, bacterial or w hether there are d ifferent spec ies that specialize in
swimmi ng characterist ics and chemosensory behaviour living on particl es or wi thi n plumes . Optimal chemo ki-
were varied to define optimal values for bot h traits. In net ic behavio ur can increase the growth rate of bacteria
colonizing and sol ubilizi ng a marine snow par ticle th ere in a pl ume by a factor of ten compared to a sit uati on
are t hree critical phases from th e bacteri al poi nt of view: w it h an absence of chemo kinetic behavi our. Plumes are
( 1) encounter wit h th e particle, (2 ) growth on the marine favourab le for bacterial growth and are ubiquitous and
snow particle and ectoenzym e pro duct ion to sol ub ilize predictable enough to per mit co nstant colon ization and
PO M into DO M, and (3) pl ume uti li zation for growth as utili zatio n by bacteri a. As not on ly the par ti cle itse lf but
describ ed above. also th e DOM -rich plum e can become colonized by bac-
In phase 1, the smallest possib le t umbling frequency teria, the marine snow pl umes are hot spots for bacterial
(0 .1 to 1 second betwee n tumblings) combi ned wi th high pro duction in the oceans and are responsib le for a large
chemical sensit ivity yi elds the best result for col oniza- part of the pro ducti on, even th o ugh they occ upy a minor
t ion. Once th e aggreg ate has been found , the bacteri a fraction of the w ater vol ume. Parti cle col onizat ion and
need to prod uce ectoenzymes to sol ubil ize it into a usab le pl ume utili zatio n have conseq uences for carbon flow in
form . Ectoenzyme produ ction is a costly process such the upper ocean and beco me the focus of a compl ex
that bacteri a colonizi ng the same particle may be able to and partly independ ent food web (Box 3.1 fi gure; Azam
keep the ectoenzyme pro duct ion at an opti mal level by & Lo ng 200 1) .

3.5.2 Viruses 2006; see Chapter 1 for sim ilar trends in other gro ups of
organisms) .
Vir uses are submicroscopic biological entities of size about Viruses have an important regulating function w it h
20 to 200 nm (from 0 .00002 to 0.0002 mm) that replicate respect to marine prokaryotes by infecting and killing them.
by infecting cellular life and using the cellular machinery of Viruses also have a significant influence on the fate of marine
the host cell. They contain genetic material in the form of primary and secondar y production. The importance of
RNA or DNA but are not organisms since they have no inde- viruses for the pelagic m arine ecosyste ms have been under-
pendent metabolism or reproduction capacity. Although stood for just the last 15 to 20 years and our knowledge on
not organ isms , they form an important functional gro up viral diversity and the role of vir uses within marine microbial
as they are capable of infecting marine organ isms from food webs is accumulating at a rapid pace.
prokaryotes to whales (Fuhrman 1999; Suttle 2005) and Most marine viruses contain DNA and probably infect
occur in very high numbers. There are typically ten billion prokaryotes. Viruses that infect bacteria are called bacte-
viruses in a millilitre of seawater, which makes viruses the riophages. In the surface oceans there are also very large
most abundant biological entities on Eart h, exceeding the spherical (diameter from 130 to 200 nm) viruses that infect
number of bacteria by an order of m agnitude. It has been phytoplankton cells. Viruses infect their host by finding spe-
estimate d that there are several hundreds of thousands cific receptors on the cell surface and then injecting their
of marine viral species, and diversity is highest in low lati- DNA or RNA into the cell, where it takes control of the host
tudes and decreases toward s the polar areas (Angly et al. cellular machinery. Some viruses are very host-specific and
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

can only infect one particular strain or species, whereas sively on viruses or environmental viral genomics . Viruses
others seem to have a wider host range. It is possible that typicallyhave genomes that are 40 times smallerthanmarine
each bacterial strain has at least one virus capable of infect- prokaryotes, which makes it easier to study their genomes.
ing it (Breitbart et al. 2008) . A key factor in infection is the Viruses have different replication cycles, ofwhich the two
host-virus contact rate. which is a function of the amount most important types are the lytic cycle and the lysogenic
of host cells and viral particles in the water. It has been sug- or latent cycle (Fig. 3.16) . In the lytic cycle, viruses infect
gested that viruses limit the abundance of bacterial species cells. replicate, and release themselves into the environ-
that become dominant in the microbial community since ment through lysis of the host cell. In the lysogenic cycle,
the viral infection rate increases as the concentration of host viruses infect the cell and insert their genome into the host
cells increases. This is termed the 'kill-the-winner' hypoth- genome, staying latent and replicating with the host until
esis and may be an important mechanism that controls both some external factor (e.g. ultraviolet radiation) triggers the
prokaryote and algal populations. lytic cycle (induction) . Viruses can remain in a dormant con-
Viruses are always dependent upon their host cells. This dition for long periods of time until favourable conditions
means that it is necessary to isolate both the virus and the activate the lytic cycle. Parts of the host genome can accom-
host cell if they are to be srudied under laboratoryconditions. pany viral genetic material and can be subsequently trans-
Most prokaryote viral hosts have not been culrured, which ferred to another host organism and become inserted into
further complicates the study of viruses (see marine pro- its genome. This feature makes viruses important vectors for
karyotes) . However. as for marine prokaryotes, viruses that the lateral exchange of genetic material. i.e. from one organ-
cannot be produced in the laboratory can be srudied using ism species or strain to another. Ithas been suggested that in
culture independent-methods based on genes found exclu- highly productive waters (with a high abundance of hosts)

IVirus Ufe Cycles I

Virus attachment to host Virus encrhment to hcsr

ILysogenit I
• MTemperate"phage

Nucleic acid injected into host Virus nucleic acid injected

• Host with viral nucleic acid integrated into

~ genome or as extrachromosomal element II
Host makes copies of viral
I Normal division......-c---....
Host makes tuples of viral
nucleic acid and coat proteins nucleic acid and coat proteins

• II •
Normal division mnllnues unless induction occurs
\ I \ 1: II I
Viruses self-asscmble within host Host releeses progeny viruses without

• II
lysing· by budding or extrusion
I Normal \
di,ilion ---- ~

H05llyses to release progeny viruses
Host progeny continue to release viruses unless "cured"

Figure 3.16 Virus life cycles (illustration from Fuhrman 2000).

3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

the lytic cycle is dominant, whereas in low-productivity sys- survive on a pure diet of bacteria in the marine pelagic
tems lysogeny is more prevalent (Weinbauer et al. 2003) . In zone (Jurgens & Massana 2008). They generate feeding
addition to the lytic and lysogenic cycles, a chronic life-cycle currents by undulating their flagellum and collect the prey
is possible (Fig. 3.16), whereby an infected host cell and its particles through contact with the flagellum or by using
progeny constantly produce and release new viral particles filter structures.
without completely lysing. Flagellates have specific adaptations to enable them to
operate in both a dilute and very viscous environment and
they can process 100 000 times their body volume ofwater
3.5.3 Protozoa per hour (Boenigk & Arndt 2002) . Flagellate grazing is an
Protists are unicellular eukaryotes that can occur as indi- important limiting factor for bacterial production and is a
vidual cells or colonies. They can be either auto- or hetero- selective force in marine bacterial assemblages, as large-
trophic. The autotrophic species include most eukaryotic sized bacteria are more vulnerable to grazing.
microscopic single-celled planktonic algae. Permanently Protist microzooplankton characteristically fall into the
heterotrophic, non-pigmented motile protists are called body-size range of 20 to 200 urn, They include major sub-
protozoa. Some species, especially flagellated algae, can groups such as the ciliates and the larger dinoflagellates.
have both auto- and heterotrophic forms that are persis- Ciliates are characterized by hair-like organelles called cilia,
tent or change their mode of energy acquisition according which are identical in structure to a flagellum, but they
to the prevalent environmental conditions. Some species occur in largernumbers on the cell surface (Fig. 3.13) . Cili-
are capable ofobtaining energy simultaneously from photo- ates can be bacterivorous, herbivorous, predatory (preying
synthesis and through the use of organic compounds from also on other ciliates), or mixotrophic (using chloroplasts
outside the cell, or by alternating between the auto- and captured from algal prey to supply them photosynthetic
heterotrophic mode of nutrition. These species are termed products) .
mixotrophs (See Chapter 2) . As neither the taxonomic Large non-pigmented dinoflagellates are also an impor-
classification nor the size of protozoa determines their eco- tant part of the microzooplankton. They are flagellated
logical function, protozoa are classified here by the nature cells that have two differentiated flagellae, one of which is
of their food, although this will also reflect their size indi- used for motility and another for grazing. Together ciliates
rectly. Protists can feed across several size-classes of food and large dinoflagellates are considered as the main preda-
particles and in some cases they can ingest prey that is tors of smaller phytoplankton in the oceanic pelagic zones.
larger than themselves . Protitsts can typically reproduce Dinoflagellates have versatile feeding habits and can prey
asexually by binary fission or sexually, when two cells upon significantly larger organisms by extending a pseudo-
conjugate. The species concept in protists is based on the pod (highly plastic membrane-like organ) around the prey
morpho-species concept, whereby species are defined by cell (Jacobson & Anderson 1986) . Although many dinofla-
their morphological characters (Caron et al. 2009) . Pro- gellates are covered by an armour of cellulose plates, they
tistan communities in the oceanic pelagic zones share the are capable of extracellular feeding (Fig. 3.17) .
same characteristics worldwide (Jurgens & Massana 2008) .
The diversity of protists seems to be very high, with thou-
sands of species anticipated even in a single group (Von
3.5.4 Metazoan zooplankton
der Heyden & Cavalier-Smith 2005) . The genomic study of Metazoan (multicellular) larval zooplankton include
eukaryotes is much more challenging than for prokaryotes crustaceans that are taxonomically very distinct from the
because of their larger genomes. For instance, the dinofla- microzooplankton protists. However, the larval stages of
gellate genome size varies from 1 to 70 times the size of many metazoan plankton belong to the same size-class as
the human genome (Hackettet al. 2004) . Despite the chal- microzooplankton and are functionally similar (see also
lenges, several marine protist genomes are currently being Chapter 7) .
sequenced (Caron et al. 2009).
Flagellated bacterivores comprise a very diverse range
3.5.5 Algae
of protists with representatives from all major protistan
lineages. They are collectively known as the heterotro- Organisms comprising the planktonic microscopic algae
phic nanoflagellates (HNF), and span a size range of 2 (phytoplankton) have been presented in more detail
to 20 um. Flagellates are characterized by 1 to 4 flagellae already in Chapter 2 . In the context of this chapter, the
that are whip-like, motile, flexible organelles that consist categorization of algae is mainly presented in relation to
of microtubules. The flagellae serve multiple functions by their function as a part of the microbial food web. Algae as
providing propulsion for movement and as a device to gen- a functional group are taxonomically diverse, containing
erate feeding currents (see below) or are used for sensing both prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. Prokaryotic
the environment. Flagellates are the only grazers that can autotrophic primary producers belong to cyanobacteria
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

Q b
o 30 50s


Figure 3.17 Image sequences on three species of heterotrophic armoured dinoflagellates feeding on diatom s (a and c)
and a small flagellate (b) by extending a pseudopod over them (modified from Jacobson &. Anderson 1986).

(also called blue-green algae) , and these can be either uni- karyotes, we enter a realm characterized by a value known
cellular, filamentous (Fig. 3.13) , or colon ial. In contrast, as Reynolds' number (Box 3.2), where the behaviour of
eukaryotic algae are taxonomically and morphologically particles gives the impression that the water is very viscous;
more diverse (Chapter 2). All organisms grouped here into although it is important to stress that this is in appearance
algae are , however, autotrophic primary producers, and only, as it is a feature of their lack of momentum rather
produce new organic carbon from inorganic substances by than any change in the viscos ity of water. This means that
using light energy. feeding mechanisms that rely upon straining or collecting
The size range of planktonic algae spans more than two the particles by sweeping them into funnel-shaped gul-
orders of magnitude from tum single-celled cyanobacterial lets simply do not work for algal fl agellates and bacteria;
(picoplankton) to large diatoms (200 urn in diameter!). It whe reas for larger algae it is a very effect ive feeding mecha-
is in this size-range that the combination of fluid dynam- nism. Predators that operate at smaller scales typically rely
ics and size has a cons ide rable bearing on the mechanisms on the generation of feeding curre nts by fl agellar move-
used to collect food. In the case of the smaller algae and pro- ment (see above) .

Box 3.2: Life at low Reynolds'numbers5--'where our intuitions fail

The Reynol ds' number is a coeffic ient that gives us a scale that allows us to ant icipate how a moving organism will
exp erience the fluid physics of its envi ronment. It is calculated from the size of the organism, its rate of movement,
and a property known as the kinematic v iscos ity, w hich is the normal viscosity t imes the density of the fluid . We occupy
high Reynolds' numbers, e.g. 10 6 , whereas micro-organisms occupy low numbers, e.g. 10 -5 . Our everyday experi ence
gives us a poor understanding of the circumstances at low Reyno lds' number and our intu itions can be very misleading.
If we were to experience life at the scale of micro-organ isms we would be in for big surprises. Consider the basic
component of Reynolds' number- the kinematic viscosity. The kinematic viscosity of air is greater than water, thus it
means that a part icle the size of a bacterium falling through the atmosphere into the ocean would settle faster once
3.5 Key organism groups in the oceanic microbial food webs

it entered th e water, not slower as we would experience in our scale. At low Reynolds' numbers, the fluid gives the
appearance that it is highly viscous, and if we look at organisms under a high-powered microscope (when we enter the
world of low Reynolds' numbers) we can actually see this phenomenon. Scaled up to the human scale, the environment
has a viscosity somewh ere between molasses and tarm ac. In truth the viscosity is the same, but the organisms have
vi rtually no momentum. This lack of momentum means tha t w hen micro-organisms cease swimming, they stop almost
immediately; a bacterium coasts for 10 microseconds, only the length of a hydrog en bond (0. 1 nm). On our scale
such a deceleration would be lethal, many orders of magnitude worse than driving a Formula One car at full speed
into a concrete w all. These properties at small scales have a controlli ng influence on the mechanisms for the mot ility
and feeding of organisms living at these scales. A delightfully entertaini ng account of life at low Reynolds' numbers
is given by Purcell (1977).

3.5.6 How much do we find?


In Fig. 3.2, we produced profiles of biomass and activity

developed extensively from t heory. However theory can

only take us so far. Field observations of biomass and cal- -
culated surface area are broadly consistent with the theo- -

= 50
• Biomass
retical distribution given in Fig. 3 .2 (Fig. 3. 18 and Table
3.3) . The biomass profile shows that there is not a marked
• Surfote oreo

d ifference in biomass between the small and large forms, ~
and t he h igh biomass of phytoplankton is probably in part 0

an artefact as much of the sampling from which these com- -


pilations are derived, as have been made during t he bloom
period. The strikin g feature is t he span of surface areas, --

dominated by the bacteria (Table 3.3).

Figure 3.18 The typ ical di stributi on of surface area and

biomass of th e maj or planktoni c grouping s.

Table 3 .3 Typical values for abundance and biomass and su rface area of the major planktonic types.

Number Biomass Biomass Surface Surface

(per m 3 ) (mmol e /m 3 ) (%) area (m 2 /m 3 ) area (%)
Viruses C. 10 16
Bacteria C. 10 12 _ 10 13 1.5 16 1.00 73
Phytoplankton c. 10 8 _ 10 9 5.0 52 0.30 22
Bacterivorous c. 10 1O 1.0 10 0.05 4
Herbivorous c. 10 6 0.2 2 0.01 1
Larval zoopl ankton c. 10 5 0.3 3 0.005 0 .4
Adult zooplankton c. 10 3 1.5 16 0.01 1
9.5 1.37
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

3.5.7 Trophic structure of the oceanic ter, where there is a continuum ofsizes oforganic material.
microbial food webs Microbes are found attached to living algae, where they
We now need to put the pieces together. Fig. 3.19 summa- are thought to playa key role by 'pruning' mucus from the
rizes our current understanding of the major flows within surface of the algal cell thereby reducing its stickiness,
the oceanic microbial food web and provides a pictorial inhibiting aggregation and the consequent enhancement
summary of the statements in 3.5. This diagram can be of settling of the algae out of the illuminated part of the
reorganized to give the twin source food chains developed ocean. Bacteria and other microbes colonize all forms of
in 3.4.3. As the intensity of the various flows will vary with detritus, including fragments of body parts and faecal pel-
the location and time of year. no attempt is made to gen- lets. thereby facilitating their decomposition. Marine snow
eralize on them here; this will be done in 3.7. The relative (3.4.2) evidently is a rich habitat for micro-organisms ofall
distribution of the biomasses is summarized in Table 3.3, types, including a range of bacteria, and autotrophic and
but again these figures vary spatially and temporally and heterotrophic protists (Azam 1998; Azam & Long 2001;
the numbers may only be taken as guides. Box 3.1) . The benefits and negative aspects of colonizing
particles are complex. The particle may provide a source
of organic material for microbial growth if the basic matrix
3.5.8 Spatial and phase distribution
is organic. but less so if it is primarily an inorganic matrix;
Popular accounts of the plankton give the impression that a for example, a diatom frustule . The physical chemistry of
drop of water is teeming with life. Without doubt there are adsorption leads us to expect that the availability oforganic
many thousands ofindividual organisms in a drop ofwater. material will be lower in the vicinity ofa surface than in the
Bacteria are present in numbers of a million or more per surrounding water (Box 3.3) . The potential disadvantages
cubic centimetre. in other words they occur about 100 um of being attached to particles are very real: the presence
apart. Hence, if a drop of seawater is viewed under a high- of the protist community will increase the threat due to
powered microscope, there is less than a 1 in 50 chance ofa grazing by these forms; further, the large size and the rich
bacteria cell occurring in the field of view. For that reason. microbial community on marine snowflakes make them
bacteria and other micro-organisms most often are concen- choice food-items; these attached organisms are now avail-
trated on fine filters and stained with fluorescent dyes for able to metazoans, which would not have the capability to
microscopic examination. feed on individual microbial cells. Finally, hitching a ride on
Micro-organisms are certainly not homogenously dis- a rapidly sinking particle on its way to the cold organically
persed though the water. The simple dichotomy of organic sparse ocean depths would not seem a strategy that benefits
material into 'dissolved' and 'particulate', as used in chemi- the attached organisms.
cal analysis. is a poor representation of the reality in seawa-




Heterotrophic flagellates
:->. ~ f!;\------'

Dissolved and particulate organic material

Figure 3.19 The trophic connections
within the microbial network.
3.6 The dynamics of bacterial growth and its measurement

dependent upon the growth rates assumed and the time-

Box 3.3: Adsorption and the scale cons idered. Even in the case of more slow-growing
concept of activity bacteria that occur in the sea, we would arrive at the same
position in less than a year.
A common misunderstand ing is that as many sur-
faces adsorb organi c material, they are areas that
are favourab le for microb ial growth. However, an
3.6.1 The measurement of bacterial
understandi ng of the basi s of adsorption indicates
growth and biomass
the opposite. The physical chemi st defi nes a prop- In a natural population , whe re organ isms are constantly
erty 'a ctivity', which is the fraction of the molecu les being grazed or eaten by predators, one cannot, as in a
present that are reactive. It is only the active mol- culture, simply measure growth from an increase in num-
ecules that can engage in chemical and biochemical bers, i.e. changes in standing biomass; instead, growth rate
reactions and set up diffu sion grad ients. Adsorption needs to be quantified . 'IWo of the most commonly used
occurs because the adsorb ing surface reduces the approaches used to m easure bacterial growt h are pre-
activity of the absorbed mo lecu le below that in t he sented in the following section.
bulk water. This sets up a diffusion gradient, w hich Both methods are based on recording the uptake of radio-
decreases towards the surfac e (in contrast to the actively labelled precursors of DNA or protein that exclu-
concentrati on wh ich increases) . The consequence sively bacteria are able to take up from their environment.
of this is that material diffuses tow ards the surface, Whe n heterotrophic bacteria are offe red the re ady-made
hence the elevated concent rat ion at the surface (con- precursors at high enough concentrations (in the micromo-
centrati ons at surfaces however is a questi onable lar range), they shut down their own precursor synthes is
concept) . Thus, the availab ility of the compound for and use only radioactively labelled precursors. By measur-
a micro-organ ism to assim ilate is less at the surface, ing the uptake rate of these labelled precursors it is possible
becau se its activity is lower than in the bulk medium. to estimate the rate of bacterial production, i.e, the synthe-
This not ion w as resisted for some considerable tim e sis of new bacterial biomass. The first method employs the
but now it has been shown tha t bacteria grow more incorporation into DNA of ' H (tritium)-labelled thymi-
slow ly on surfac es, which is consist ent with these dine (a nucleotide; Fuhrm an &Azam 1980,1982). Labelled
arguments. On the other hand, bacteria coloniz ing thymidine is added to a seawater sample and incubated in
marine snow par ti cles may be well-adapted to life ambient conditions . Subseque nt to the incubation, which
on particles (3.5. 2) and/ or gain benefit by releasing can be as short as 30 min, the cells are lysed and the sample
their progeny in the blqh-Dofvl plume trailing behind is filtered through a fine filter (typically with a pore size
the particle (Box 3.1). of 0.2 ~m) that retains radioacti vely labelled DNA synthe-
sized by the bacteria during the incubation. The amount of
radioactivity in the filter is then measured by scintillat ion
counting. Information from the radioacti vity retained on
3.6 The dynamics of bacterial the filter (assum ing that the incubation time and volume
growth and its measurement are known) provides a rate of incorporation of thymidine
into DNA. As thymidine represents close to 25% of the bases
The l /diameter rule (see 3. 2.1), developed from the sur- in DNA, it is a very simple matter to calculate the qu antity
face-to-volume relationship to account for the relationship of DNA produced. Given the assumption over the total DNA
between metabolism and size , applies equally to microbial content of a single bacterial cell and the mass of the cell, one
growth and the consequence is that bacteria can have very can calculate the rate of formation of new bacterial biomass.
rapid growth rates. The record is a division every 10 min, Nevert he less, it is important to note that the validity of the
the norm for cultures is 20 min to an hour, and for natural technique is intimately linked to the validity of the assump-
populat ions from one to a few days. Binary division gives tions, which often need to be verified for new environments
rise to exponential growt h : 1,2,4, 8,16, etc., thus growth with separate methodological testing.
is literally explos ive. Simply expressed, the change in cell The second approach follows the incorporation of 3H_
numbers after 'n' divisions is 2 TI • The consequence of this or He-labelled leucine (am ino acid) into protein (Kirch-
is impressive. An organ ism that divides at a rate of once m an et aJ. 19 85). The basic approach is much the same:
every 10 min, wo uld result in 24 x 60/ 10 = 144 divisions the calculation in this case requires knowledge of the ratio
after 24 h. Fro m an initial single cell, this would give rise between cell biomass and its leucine content (or the per-
to 2 144 = 2.2 X 1043 cells. They would occupy a space of centage ofleucine in proteins and the percentage protein in
1.S x 10 15 km", 1000 times the volume of the Earth ! One has the cell) . Again the uncertainties in these assumptions limit
to be honest that the outco me of the calcula tion is highly the accuracy of the techniques. The two techniques measure
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

fundamentally diffe re nt properties: the [3H]-thymi dine balancing the books. As a consequence of recycling (3.4.3),
technique is associated with the rate of cell productio n, the organic material can pass through the bacteria more than
leucine technique with the rate of biomass produc tio n. Any once, so in principle bacterial production can exceed pri-
attempt to compare the two methods requires an accurate mary production ; this can only occur to a limited extent
knowledge of the biomass of a single bacterial cell, which and the heterotrophic processes in the water column can-
in a n atural population is an extre mely difficult property to not exceed production by large amounts. However, whe n
determine (Duc klow 2000) . attempts a re m ade to produce a budget for the oceans, most
The biomass of marine bacteria and ot her microbes can frequently we end up w it h a presently unexplained deficit
be estimated using a host of methods that can be di vided of organic material (see also 3.7). This is curre ntly a m atter
into three categories. Most often cell-counting methods are of active debate and without doubt there are some issues
used where microbial cells are directly counted and their related to the errors related to temporal and spatial averag-
biovolume measured eit her by epifl uoresce nce microscopy ing, as well as questions over the accuracy of the methods
(e.g. Hobbie et al. 1977) or, increasingly, by flow cytometry. for measuring both photosynthetic and heterotrophic rates
Biovolume or cell numbers can be transformed to carbon of production.
values by suitable empirical correction factors. Direct mea-
surement of microbial carbon can be done by removing
larger organ isms and ot her particles by pre-filtration and
3.6.2 Food web dynamics and growth
then collecting microbial cells on fine filters (again typi- control in oceanic microbial food webs
cally 0.2 - ~m pore-sized filters are used) for direct carbon Given the potential for explosive growth, changes in bacte-
analysis. A third alternative is to use a proxy for microbial rial numbers through the seasons are surprisingly muted
biomass. Proxies can be che mical (e .g. the concentration of (Fig. 3.20) . In the case of bacteria, three m ajor factors con-
bacterial cell wall compone nts or fatty acids) or molecular strain bacterial growth in the oceanic water column: (1 )
(e .g. number of 165 rRNA genes), which then can be trans- control by flagellate or ciliate grazing, (2) resource limita-
lated to biomass with known correction factors. tion, and (3) viral mortality. In the following, the major
Table 3.4 conta ins a summary of data for bacterial bio- growth-regulating mechanisms, which apply not only for
mass, produc tio n, and growth rates in the euphotic zone of bacteria but throughout the ocean ic m icrobial food webs
the major zones of the oceans, along with comparable d ata in the oceans , are discussed.
for the phytoplankton. At low latitudes, bacterial and algal
biomasses are comparable; but in cold waters, the bacterial
Grazing and viral mortality: top-down control
biomass may dominate. This m ay represent a community Bacteria are grazed by small protozoa, in particular hetero-
shift to compensate for reduced rates of bacterial metabo- trophic nanoflagellates (HNF) . The grazing control on prey
lism at low temperatures. Cons istent with this, in the warm populations (e.g. bacteria) is termed top-down control, as
water of low latitudes, bacteria grow much faster than the predators (that are higher in graz ing chains) control the
phytoplankton. The production rates draw attention to a abundance of their prey (McQueen et al. 1989 ; Thingstad
major contemporary problem in biological oceanography: 2000). Top-down control also includes the effects of para-

Table 3.4 Bacterial and phytoplankton production and growth rates in the euphotic zone of various oceanic
areas (recalculated from Ducklow, 2000).

Equatorial Subtropical Temperate Polar (Ross

Zone Gyre (N. Atlantic) Sea)
Euphotic zone depth (m) 1 20 14 0 50 45
Average biomass (as mg C m-3 )
Phytoplankton 11 2 20 5
Bacteria 9 4 90 2 54
Average production rate (mg C m- 3 d:')
Phytop lankton 2 1 6 0
Bacteria 11 3 22 28
Average grawth rate (d")
Phytop lankton 0 .1 0 .1 0.3 0 .3
Bacteria 0 .7 0 .8 0 .3 0 .1
3.6 The dynamics of bacterial growth and its measurement
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

to select the larger bacterial cells preferentially, so the size
Flagellate distribution of the bacterial population, when it is grazed.

Bacteria is shifted down from a modal diameter of 0 .75 to 0.5 I'm,
resulting in a threefold reduction in cell volume from 0.22
-- to 0.065 I'm' .

= I0
Bacteria do also have mechanisms to escape size-
c /\ selective grazing. e.g. miniaturization of cells and colony
I~ formation. Marine viruses occur at abundances of about

-• 5
IJV \1\
10 7 crrr-', i.e, about 10 viruses for every bacterial cell. and
kill and infect bacteria (3.5.3) . We have a great deal to learn
.lI J of the impact ofviruses on marine biota: it is estimated that
/ W\i1 V"" they may account for 5 to 40% of the mortality of bacteria.
160 ,OJ
120 140 180 7110
Day of the year
'" ' 60
Resource limitation: bottom-up control
Another important cate gory of bacterial abundance-
Figure 3.20 Seasonal changes in the abundance of controlling factors are related to resource availability. i.e .
bacteria and heterotrophic nanoflagellates in a shallow growth, and are termed bottom-up control. because they
marine fjord. Redrawn from Strom (2000), original are defined by factors lower in the food chains (Thingstad
material from Anderson and Sorensen (1986). 2000) . The seas are an organically dilute environment.
Characteristically. the concentration of individual mol-
ecules is in the region of 10-7 molar (10 grains of sugar per
sites and viruses that are other major sources of mortality. ton of seawater would give a similar concentration) . Also
The dynamics between the bacteria-protozoan predator- availability of inorganic nutrients (N. P) or trace elements
prey relationship and that of the phytoplankton-meso- can be limiting bacterial growth in the upper ocean. This
zooplankton coupling are different and a critical factor in dilute environment constrains both the rate and extent
the determination of the dynamics of the various plank- of bacterial growth. Resource limitation is governed by
ton communities. In the latter case. the growth rates are the law of minimum (discovered by the famous German
very different; the zooplankton reproductive rate is about chemist Justus von Liebig (1842) and hence is known as
tenfold slower than that of phytoplankton. This mismatch Liebig's law of the minimum), stating that availability of
allows the phytoplankton to bloom before their predators the scarcest resource limits the abundance or standing
can increase in numbers or size sufficient to graze down biomass of an organism (see also Hiddink & Kaiser 2005) .
the bloom. In the case of the bacteria-protozoan coupling, Typical biomass-limiting factors in ocean pelagic zones can
their growth rates are more comparable (a pproximately a be considered to be nutrients (nitrogen). or trace elements
day) so the bacteria have no opportunity to bloom, at least (e.g . iron) for planktonic algae. and organic carbon com-
for any extended period, as their increase in abundance is pounds or phosphorus for heterotrophic bacteria. Another
quickly followed by an increase in the numbers of the pro- type of limitation is termed Blackman limitation (named
tozoans. The latter graze down the bacteria again. giving after British plant physiologist F.F. Blackman (1905), who
rise to Latka-Volterra limit cycle oscillations (Fig. 3.20) . discovered the two-step nature of the photosynthesis),
where resource limits population growth or metabolism
Abundance or biomass control caused by predation or rate, instead of directly limiting standing biomass. Black-
virus mortal ity is termed top-down control. man limitation can be light for phytoplankton or the type
or relative lability ofavailable organic matter for heterotro-
As an extension to one-level oscillation (with two func- phic bacteria (3.4.3) . Specific limitation type or substrate
tional groups involved), trophic cascades are typical in characterization for marine microbes in oceanic environ-
planktonic microbial food webs. In a trophic cascade a ments is complex and difficult. Multiple co-limiting fac-
predator (e .g. zooplankton) suppresses the abundance of tors. both of the major limitation types specified above
its prey (ciliates) and thereby releases predation pressure and complex physiological or species-specific limitation
on the next lower level (flagellates), increasing its abun- patterns. can act simultaneously in a microbial community
dance and further suppressing their prey (b acteria). The in the sea (Arrigo 2005) . Bottom-up or resource control
top-down effects that are mediated in trophic cascades are can thus manifest itself, e.g, through shortage of chemical
complex and explain how. for example. increase in zoo- substrates (pa M/Da M for heterotrophic bacteria) or also
plankton abundance can lower the abundance of bacteria. shortage of prey organism for a predator. Bottom-up control
There is a secondary feature of the control by grazing that is might be expected to lead to competition between bacte-
related to prey-size selection. The protozoan predators tend ria for the same limiting resources, leading to changes in
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

bacterial community composition. In addition to top-down acteristic situations seen elsewhere in the surface oceans.
and bottom-up controls on bacterial populations, a third Seasonal changes of solar angle and subsequent changes in
type-'sid eways' control-can be postulated (Fuhrman & amount of solar energy entering the oceans are especially
Hagstrom 2008) . Sideways control refers to resource com- important in temperate areas, just because of the thermal
petition between bacterial populations and the active nega- stratification patterns they evoke in the upper water-col-
tive effects they can direct towards each other (allelopathy, umn. Another important role in the seasonal production
see 3.5.1) . cycle is in direct light-limitation on phytoplankton growth.
In the following we shortly go through the seasonal temper-
Resource limitation, meaning shortage of an essential ate stratification and phytoplankton productivity patterns,
growth factors limiting growth rate or standing biomass also depicted in Fig. 3.21, which are then elaborated more
of an organism , is termed bottom-up control and is gov- in the paragraphs from 3.7.1 to 3.7.4.
erned by the Law of the Minimum or Blackman limitation .
The thermocline is the boundary between dense, cooler
bottom water and warmer, less dense surface water.

3.7 The seasonal cycle of • Winter: The sun is low in the sky, days are short, and
production and consumption due to low solar angle much of the radiation energy is
reflected from the ocean surface. Winds tend to mix
We now have all the pieces in place to look at the dyoam- surface waters deep into the water column. With no
ics of the microbial food webs in the context of seasonal thermocline, the water column is fully mixed (isot h er-
and larger biogeochemical cycles and terms of matter and mal) and the inorganic nutrients are evenly distributed
energy flow. In this and the following section we consider throughout the water column. Although phytoplank-
the seasonal changes in a temperate marine ecosystem and ton are present throughout the water they do not grow
explore the changes that occur with time and in space. The because short days and the low angle of the sun mean
seasonal cycle of temperate waters, in which seasonal ther- that light levels are too low to support high rates of pho-
mal stratification of the water column takes place, gives the tosyothesis and growth.
best example to consider as it encompasses most of the char-
• Spring: In spring the sun is higher in the sky and day
Phuse IV (<0,1.) Ph", I jhese II Phose III Phase IV length increases. This results in more solar energy
0 0
absorption by the water and the development of a ther-
nof:° <,

\: 0
- Nutrient5
- Phytoplonkton
mocline, which effectively traps phytoplankton in the
surface waters. If the mixed layer depth is shallower than
, 0 - Zooplankton

- 0 anit detritu the critical depth (see Chapter 2), phytoplankton will
0 , 0

/,, :--.. bloom, since there are abundant nutrients and adequate
0 0

0 , 0 0
light to support maximal growth rates. This is termed
0 0 0
new production.
0 , 0 0
• Summer: The sun is high in the sky and day length is
0 0 0
0 0 0

:; long. This results in the surface waters warming even

Feb Mar Apr Moy Jon

i' " lui Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

more and the development of a strong thermocline that
prevents any mixing between the surface and waters
below the thermocline. Once the nutrients in the sur-
o o face waters have been used up (typically nitrate and/or
1 phosphate) phytoplankton growth ceases, despite the
fact that light conditions are good enough for maximum
photosyothetic rates to take place. Some growth will
continue based on regenerated nutrients. This is termed
Winter Spring Summer Autumn Winter recycled production.
• Autumn: The sun is lower in the sky and day length
Figure 3.21 The relative seasonal fluctuations of
shortens. The surface waters begin to cool again and
inorganic nitrogen, phytoplankton , zooplankton , and
autumn winds tend to mix surface waters deeper lead-
organic detritus (dissolved and particulate organic
ing to a breakdown in the thermocline. This results in
material) in temperate waters in relation to the seasonal
nutrients from deeper waters mixing above the thermo-
thermal stratification of the water column . The phases (1-
cline and this supports an autumn bloom of phytoplank-
IV) are described in the text.
ton while light levels are still high enough to support
3.7 The seasonal cycle of production and consumption
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

photosynthesis. The autumn bloom is not as great as

poration into organic molecules as amino acids. About 20
the spring bloom, because of lower light levels and also
to 25% of the energy used in photosynthesis can be spent
because concentrations ofnutrients are not as great as at
on reducing nitrate to ammonium; small amounts are also
the beginning ofspring. This is termed new production.
used for the reduction of sulphate and other minor ele-
The depletion of nutrients in surface-mixed water layers ments . Oxygen is appropriately viewed as a toxic waste
results in the establishment of a nutricline between the product of the photosynthetic reaction. Phosphate is also
surface waters and deeper water: a gradient of low to high incorporated into organic material at this stage, but unlike
nutrients with increasing depth. There is therefore a poten- C, N. and S there is no change in the oxidation state and for
tial flux of nutrients from below to above, and the maxi- this reason it is not included in Fig. 3.22.
mum flux will be in the region of the nutracline. Some of the formed organic material will be used to fuel
This biological cycle of seasons is embedded in the over- algal respiration, but by far the major part will pass into,
all biogeochemical cycle, introduced in Chapter 2 is shown and cycle round, the food web (Fig. 3 .19) . As it flows and
again in Fig. 3 .22 . The cycle involves a throughput of cycles through the food web, it is respired. The principal
energy, entering as visible radiation and departing as heat respiration products are carbon dioxide, water, and ammo-
in the form oflong-wave radiation. and a cycle ofnutrients. nium. To complete the cycle. the ammonium needs to be
Thus. whereas an atom of say C. N. or P can cycle round oxidized back to nitrate by the nitrifying bacteria (the lower
indefinitely. perhaps a number of times in one season (the right-hand quadrant in Fig. 3.22). However, this does not
reciprocal of thef-ratio, see 2.8.3, gives the number of times automatically occur for there is a short circuit. as the algae
a nitrogen atom is cycled per year). energy passes through may use ammonium; indeed. for energetic reasons they use
the system once only, to be lost eventually as heat to outer it in preference to nitrate. This gives a cycle (the two upper
space. Although all energy eventually passes through the quadrants in Fig. 3.22) within the overall cycle. As we shall
system and elements are recycled, both can be also stored see. the flows through the four quadrants vary in intensity
in the seafloor for geological times (e.g. in fossil fuels), re- through the season.
entering the biosphere through geological processes or dur- The broad temporal sequence of events in the seasonal
ing the short industrial history also by human actions. cycle of the plankton is shown in Fig. 3.21 and the primary
As we treat a cycle of production and consumption here, driving forces are discussed in Chapter 2. It is convenient to
we could begin anywhere, but it is logical to begin at the consider the seasonal events as four phases:
point of photosynthetic formation of organic material,
Phase I- the initial development of the spring phytoplank-
where solar energy is directly transformed into chemi-
ton bloom.
cal energy. This event, and the circumstances initiating
it. is discussed in Chapter 2. The photosynthetic process Phase II- the demise of the phytoplankton bloom.
involves the absorption oflight and the splitting ofwater to
Phase III- a mid-summer recycling phase.
provide the reductants (a proton and an electron) needed
for the reduction of carbon dioxide. The reductants are also Phase IV- the regenerative period, lasting until the bloom
used to reduce nitrate to ammonium, prior to their incor- the following spring.

Figure 3.22 A simple schematic of the

Photosynthesis principal reactants of the photosynthesis-
respiration cycle. The broad, multicoloured
arrow depicts the flow of energy through
Ught the system , entering as short-wavelength,
(visible high-energy, visible radiation , and leaving as
radiationj long-wavelength, low-energy heat or infrared
radiation . The cycles of elements are shown
in the middle. The cycle of nitrogen shows
Heat (infrared the intermediate production of ammonium
and the short-circuiting of the nitrogen
part of the cycle. The left-hand sector of
the diagram represents the photosynthetic

IFlow of energy I - - - IFlow of material I process, the right respiration. The food web
interactions are not shown. (To simplify the
diagram nitrate (NOJ and ammonium are not
shown in their charged form .)
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

This sequence ignores the autumn bloom. This is done for mixed layer, along w ith the concomitant deepening of the
the sake of simplicity, the autumn bloom can be considered compensation and therefore the critical depth, trigger the
as a brief rerun of Phases I and II. The relative flows over initiation of the phytoplankton bloom. This results in an
the seasons of the various biological and chemical pools are initially uncontrolled burst of algal growth (Figs 3.23a
shown as a mandala in Fig. 3.23. and 3.21) . The bloom is characteristically dominated by
diatoms, as the high levels of nutrients present favour
their growth. Their predators, traditionally thought to be
3 .7.1 Phase I:the initiation and growth
the calanoid copepods, do not have the metabolic capac-
of the phytoplankton bloom ity to respond to the banquet offered to them; hence the
The warming ofthe upper water-column. the development bloom initially is uncontro lled. There will be, as a con-
of the thermocline, and the consequent shallowing of the sequence of the algal growth, some release of dissolved

(a) (b)
Phase I:Spring bloom development Phase II:Spring bloom demise
/ <, /' / <, / <,
Diatoms Iepepeds Diotoms Iepepeds
<, / -, / <,
.••.-- _
/ .r-,
AutotrophIC: _

.••-= Autotrophic~
/. /
, Illictes
.= = f1agellales :/ flagellales
= = y
c-= 1 -r-J 1
-= , /'
/" t
- 'erotrop~i( _ ',erolrophiC }_ - , ~.,
eterotrop I(
, 'terotrophic
- ,,-bacteria> ~agellales -, bacte~ia y ~agellal"

Dissolved and particulate Dissolved and particulate
organic material orgonic materiol

Phase IV:Autumn/winter regeneration period
Phase III: Mid-summer re-cyt:ling period
I t
/ <, <, /' -, / <,

~ Icpepcds - -,
/' <,
-.=-•= , t
--•= t
-== 'A'ulalroph >- /'
/ <,

-= ~agellate5
, >--
.... -= =

•= /Heteretrcchk
, j •= /. '
~lerotrophiC ~
,:,< / /
, Heterotrophic
-, barte~io flagellates -, bacte!ia ~agellate5
, >
Dissolved and particulate Dissolved and particulate
organic material organic material

Dominant flow
I Signifi(ant flow
-_. Minor flow
Insignifimnt flow

Figure 3.23 The variations in the flows of material throug h the microbial network shown in Figure 3.19 through the
four phases of the year shown in Figure 3.22. The width of the arrows indicates the intensity of the flow.
3.7 The seasonal cycle of production and consumption
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Phose IV(<ont.) Phose I Phose II Phose III Phose IV

organic detritus and some particulate detritus as a con-
sequence of zooplankton activities. This will result in an
increase of the pool of non-living organic matter and con- Photosyntflesis
1- - Respiration
sequent bacterial growth. In this phase, the autotrophic 1- - Nel mmrnunits production
phase, the left-hand quadrants of Fig. 3.22 dominate (see
Fig. 3.25a) . As a result of the assimilation of the organic
matter released by the algae. the flow of organic material
through the microbial sector of the food web increases.
Through this phase, the major part of the respiration is
associated with the algae; that associated with the het- .e
erotrophic population is minor. This is a period of positive
net community production, as depicted in Fig. 3 .24. The
Jon Feb Mor Ajlr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Od Noy Dec
algal growth results in a drawdown of the pool of inor-
ganic nutrients and this. coupled with the consequential
growth of the zooplankton, eventually results in a slowing Figure 3.24 The distribution of respiration and
down of the rate of phytoplankton growth leading onto to photosynthesis rates through the season. Also shown
the next phase. is net community production (the difference between
photosynthesis and respiration).

3.7.2 Phase II: the demise of the spring

trolled by grazing. The reason for this is that the organisms
bloom that now constitute the main hub of metabolism all have
The combination of the events above results in the demise comparable growth rates and so. as one group increases in
of the spring bloom and a progressive growth of the het- abundance. so its predator responds by increased grazing
erotrophic parts of the community, especially the microbial and its abundance increases. Eventually the prey becomes
sector. the bacteria, the heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and diminished and so the grazing activity ofits predator is cur-
the microzooplankton (see Fig. 3 .25b) . There is, during tailed. There are two further layers ofinteraction. First. the
this period, a change in the balance between production growth of the predator gives rise to an increase of its own
and respiration, and a consequent fall in net community predator and so its own demise. To give a concrete example:
production, becoming negative on occasions (Fig. 3.24) . the increase in abundance of the bacteria will give rise to
Importantly there is a downward shift in size of the primary an increase in the abundance of the heterotrophic nano-
producers from the diatoms to the autotrophic flagellates. flagellates, which pin down the bacteria. The subsequent
This is driven in part by selective grazing of the larger forms increase in the nanoflagellates gives rise to an increase in
by the zooplankton, but more importantly by the fall in the microzooplankton, which will graze down the nano-
nutrient concentration. The smaller-sized algae have a nar- flagellates, releasing the control on the bacteria (a trophic
rower diffusion boundary layer (see 2.7.2) and so are able cascade; 3.6.2), which then can flourish a second time. This
to out-compete the diatoms for nutrients when the concen- gives rise to the sort of perturbations seen in Fig. 3.20.
trations are low. This drives the whole centre of metabo-
lism downwards in size (Fig. 3.25b) and so the growth in As the nutrients fall in concentration and the recycled
emphasis of the microbial network. In many respects this nutrients become more important in summer we enter
is a transitional phase leading to the establishment of the a phase of very closely coupled metabolism and a food
next phase. web t ightly controlled by grazing.

As a result of the assimilation of the organic matter The second form ofinteraction derives from the fact that
released by the spring bloom algae the flow of organic much of the organic detritus the bacteria use (e.g. muci-
material through the microbial compartment of the food lage) is nitrogen-deficient and therefore nutritionally poor.
web increases in spring. Bacteria, however, have the facility to assimilate inorganic
nitrogen and incorporate it into organic material. thereby
making up this deficiency and enriching the food quality.
This gives rise to a further level of control. As the bacte-
3.7.3 Phase III: the mid-summer
ria compete with the autotrophic flagellates for inorganic
recycling period nitrogen, these in turn are controlled by the microzoo-
As the nutrients fall in concentration and the recycled plankton. Thus, the development of the microzooplankton
nutrients become more important. we enter a phase ofvery can favour the bacteria in two ways as the microzooplank-
closely coupled metabolism and a food web tightly con- ton predate on the two groups of organisms that control
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

bacterial growth: the autotrophic flagellates (a) Autotrophic phase

(that compete with them for inorganic nitro-

Photosynthesis Respiration
gen) and the heterotrophic nanoflagellates
(that graze upon them) . The system is locked
in a rather loose equilibrium and will tend to
meander (as in Fig. 3.20) from one state to {visible
the other. There will be a tendency to swing radialion)
from a net autotrophic state to a net hetero- :@ - ~.........
trophic one, thus NCP will shift from positive
Heal (infrared
to negative.
The system, shown as the upper fWO quad-
rants in Fig. 3.25b, is self-sustaining and in
principle could cycle and oscillate in this man-
ner indefinitely. It is in fact the basic structure IFlow of energy I - - _ . IFlowof materiall
of many low latitude oligotrophic plank-
tonic communities. This is a stable situation
and will persist until some external force (Ii) Re<y<ling phase
disturbs it sufficiently to break down the con-
trols (see also alternative stable states and Photosynthesis Respiration
phase shifts in Chapter 8) . Part of this stabil-
ity derives from the recycling of ammonium.
There is a three-way competition for
ammonium in the plankton as the plank- radialion)
tonic autotrophs, the heterotrophic bacteria,
and the nitrifying bacteria all compete with
~ ---_ . ......
one another for ammonium. The competition Heal (infrared
between the bacteria and the autotrophs is
part of the self-sustaining mechanism; how-
ever, the nitrifiers will produce nitrate and
its production would move the system out of IFlow of energy I - - _ . IFlowof materiall
this state. The growth of the nitrifying bacte-
ria is inhibited by light, whereas that of the
photo-autotrophs is of course light-depen- (e) Heterotrophic phase
dent, and thus light may provide the basis
of the switch. In the mid-summer period, I Photosynthesis Respiration
when the sun is high. the nitrifiers compete
poorly against the microalgae for ammo-
nium (the short circuit in Fig. 3.25b) . As the Light
autumn period is entered and the sun angle (visible
decreases. the balance between the nitrifiers
and the algae shifts in favour of the nitrifiers, ~ ---_ . ......
and the ammonium produced by the micro- Heal (infrared
heterotrophs is not recycled but converted to radialion)
nitrate. Nitrate has to be reduced first before
it can be incorporated into organic material.
as this is an energy-consuming reaction it is a
less satisfactory nitrogen source for the bac-
IFlow of energy I - - _ . IFlowof materiall

teria and to a large extent also the algae. This

is probably one of a number of mechanisms
that jerk the community out of its tightly
coupled structure. Another will be the break- Figure 3.25 Figure 3.22 redrawn to show the changes in the dominant
down of the thermocline and the formation flows during three phases of the year: the autotrophic phase (Phase I),
of the autumn bloom, essentially a re-run of the recycling phase (Phase fII), and the regeneration phase (Phase IV).
Phase I. When the autumn bloom wanes, the Phase 11 is not depicted as it is transitional between Phases J and III.
3.8 Oceanic microbes in global carbon and nutrient cycles
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

circumstances may no longer favour the re-establishment (Bowler et at. 2009) . The distribution of carbon in the sea is
of the structure seen in mid-summer. Thus, for a number of governed by two fundamentally distinct processes (termed
reasons the planktonic community enters the last phase of 'pumps') that have independent controls (Fig. 3.26) . The
the seasonal cycle : the heterotrophic phase of regeneration. solubility carbon pump, which transports mostly dissolved
inorganic carbon, is controlled by CO, dissolubility and
large-scale ocean circulation. The other is the biological
3.7.4 Phase IV: the final regeneration carbon pump that is driven by microbial production and
of nutrients consumption of organic matter and is currently not well
Whereas, as one enters the autumn period, phytoplankton understood (Bowler et at. 2009) . The biological transfer of
activity decreases, the particulate and especially the dis- particulate carbon from near surface habitats, where it is
solved organic detritus, left as a result of their growth. per- produced by primary producers, to great depths, where the
sists and is a source of food for the microbial heterotrophic majority ofdecomposition takes place (Chapter 2), sustains
community. Phosphate regeneration is essentially a one- the CO, depth profile in the open oceans with highest con-
step process as it is produced in its final form by respiration. centrations below 1000 m depth (Chisholm 2001; Bowleret
As we have seen, the case of nitrogen is more complex, a1. 2009) . Microbial processes in the ocean thus sequester
as ammonium, the immediate product of respiration. in carbon from the atmosphere and store it in the deep sea over
the presence of oxygen is a potential source of energy that time-scales that range from centuries to millennia. As phy-
the nitrifiers can utilize. The conversion back to nitrate is toplankton production is an important driver of the biologi-
a two-step process (see the lower third of Table 2.2), car- cal pump, it has been suggested that by releasing prevalent
ried out by two different types of nitrifying bacteria and the iron limitation (3.6.2) in parts of the world ocean, carbon
intermediate, nitrite. shows a temporary rise in concentra- sequestration into the deep ocean water layers would
tion in the autumn period prior to its conversion to nitrate. increase. helping to combat increasing atmospheric CO2 ,
Slowly, through the late autumn and the winter period, the Functioning of oceanic microbial food webs powering the
heterotrophs use up the detrital material and regenerate biological carbon pump are currently not well understood
the nutrients. eventually reinstating the circumstances and large-scale fertilization could lead to unprecedented
that existed at the onset of the spring bloom. side effects such as deoxygenating the deep ocean and the
generation of greenhouse gases that are more potent than
Throug h the late autumn and the winter period, the het- CO, (Chisholm 2001) .
erotrophs use up the detrital material and regenerate Because of their central role in global primary produc-
the nut rients. tivity. as well as their capacity for rapid growth, marine
microbes are a major component of global nutrient cycles.
This (the upper and lower right-hand quadrants in Fig. In the nitrogen cycle marine microbes also mediate complex
3 .25c) is a period of predominant heterotrophy and a sus- biogeochemical processes, such as nitrogen fixation from
tained period of negative net community production (Fig. atmospheric N2, nitrification, and denitrification (microbial
3 .24) . Thus, by the time winter gives place to spring, the conversion of nitrates into N2 gas). Global biogeochemical
great cycle of the plankton is complete and ready to start cycles of elements have been shaped by the forces of evolu-
again. tion over geological time-scales and they are important fac-
tors in the functioning ofthe Earth System (Chisholm 2001) .
During the summer recycling period the system is self- Marine microbes can modulate the coupling between the
sustaining and in principle could oscillate in this manner cycles of nutrient and carbon on global scales (Arrigo 2005) .
indefinitely. Microbial oceanography is a relatively new scientific dis-
cipline that focuses on the ocean as a habitat for the evolu-
tion and regulation of microbial-based processes and their
ecological consequences. It combines observation, experi-
3.8 Oceanic microbes in mentation, and models. and strives to integrate the prin-
global carbon and nutrient ciples of several otherwise unrelated disciplines (Bowler et
at. 2009) . Microbial oceanography bears great promises for
cycles improved understanding of the Earth System but is also con-
fronted by great challenges, including development of sam-
Oceanic microbes playa central role in the global carbon pling strategies for the highly dynamic and complex habitat,
cycle and subsequently climate regulation. Approximately development ofconceptual and theoretical ecological mod-
half of the daily photosynthetic production of organic mat- els and better understanding of marine microbial diversity
ter on Earth takes place in the upper 100 m of the marine and its connections to global biogeochemical cycles (Bowler
environment, exclusively produced by marine microbes et at. 2009) .
Chapter 3 Microbial Ecology: Production and the Decomposition of Organic Material

Lorge ""'.~ -
phytoplankton- _ _~~_ , --= 7 .....

?:J)~ ""
~ Small 1
phytoplankton ~~
1:.'~ ~~

'. :. ~..
J Zooplankton g
• : " ~',,:: , ... - ' fl!1 Microlooplonkton c


Sea floor

Figure 3.26 The biological pump is a collective property of phytoplankton-based food webs. Together with the solubility
pump (right), which is driven by chemical and biological processes, it maintains a sharp gradient of CO2 between the
atmosphere and deep oceans, where carbon is stored. Most of the phytoplankton POM production is decomposed
into CO 2 in the upper water layers, from where it re-enters t he atmosp here. Part of the produced POM is exported into
deeper water layers, decomposed into CO 2 and stays d issolved in deep water. The net resu lt is transpo rt of CO 2 from t he
atmosphere to the deep ocean. The food web structure, relative abundance of species, and production control influence
how much CO, w ill be pumped into the deep ocean (illustration and figure caption from Chisholm 200 1).

Chapter Summary
• The small size and large surface-to-volume ratio of micro-organisms endows them with extraordi-
nary hig h metabo lic rates.
• Due to the high o rgan ic losses at each troph ic step, marine food-chains transfer a minute amount
of primary production t o the top predato rs.
• Marine microbial food-chains interlink and form complex, highly dynam ic microbial food-webs that
are the engine of oceanic biogeochemical cycles.
Further Reading
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

• Ecosystems consequently are hig hly efficient at recycl ing organic matter and nutrients. Most of the
metabolism in the ocean plankton is associated with single-celled organisms.
• The utilization of 'waste' organ ic detritus by the micro-organisms provides the basis of a second
food chain that o riginates from marine bacteria.
• The seasonal cycle of the trophic metabolism may be considered in four phases:
• Phase I-the in itial development of the sp ring p hytoplankton bloom.
• Phase II-the demise of the p hytoplankton bloom.
• Phase III-a mid-summer recycling p hase.
• Phase IV-the rege nerat ive period , last ing until the bloom the following spring.
• The Oceanic microbes playa central ro le in the global carbon cycle and subsequently climate regu la-
• Microbial oceanography is a relatively new scientific discipl ine that focuses on the ocean as a habitat
fo r the evolution and reg ulation of microbial-based processes and their ecological consequences.

Further Reading
• del Giorgio. P. A. & P. J. le B, Williams 2005. The global significance of respirat ion in aquatic ecosystems :
from single cells to the b iosphere. In P. A. del Giorgio & P. J. Ie B. Will iams (eds) Respiration in Aquatic
Ecosystems. Oxford University Press. Oxford, pp, 267-303 .
• Hansell. D, A. & C. A. Carlson 2002 . Biogeochemistry of Morine Dissolved Organic Matter. Academ ic
Press, Amsterdam.
• Kirchman. D, l . (ed.) 2000. Micrabial Ecology of the Oceans. John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New York.
• Kirchman. D. L (ed.) 2008. Micrabial Ecology of the Oceans (2nd edn) . John Wiley & Sons. Inc. New

Key papers and reviews

• Arrigo K. 2005. Marine micro-organisms and global nut rient cycles . Nature 437: 349-355.
• Bowler. c., Karl, D, M" & Colwell, R. R. 2009. Microbial oceanography in the sea of oppo rtu nity, Nature,
4 5 9 : 18 0-1 84.
• Caron. D. A. , Worden, A. Z .• Counlway, P. D.• Demir. E" & Heidelberg, K, B, 2009. Protists are microbes
too: a perspective. ISME Journal. 3: 4- 12.
• Delong. E. F. 2009. The microbial ocean from genomes to biomes. Nature 4 5 9 : 200-206.
• Delong. E. F. & D, M. Karl 2005. Genom ic perspect ives in microbial oceanog raphy. Nature. 437 :
336-3 42.
• Fuhrman J. A. 2009. Microbial community structure and its functional implications. Nature 459: 19 3-
19 9 .
• Giovannoni. S, J. & U. St ingl 2005. Molecular diversity and eco logy of microbial plankton. Nature, 4 37:
3 43-348.
• Legendre, L & Rassoulzadegan, F. 199 5. Plankton and nutrient dynamics in marine waters. Ophelia 4 1:
15 3- 7 2 .
• Moran, M. A. & Armbrust, E, V. 2007. Genomes of Sea Microbes. Oceanography, 20: 47-55.
• Pomeroy, L R. 19 74 . The ocean's food we b. a changi ng paradigm , Bioscience 24 : 4 9 9- 504.
• Suttle. C. A. 2005. Viruses in t he sea. Nature, 4 3 7: 356-36 1.
Secondary Production

Chapter Summary
Secon dary production is the production of biomass by het- linked to the life history of organisms. As a result, the pro-
erotrophic organisms and is measured as the increase in duction to b iomass ratio of small organisms is generally
biomass over time. In food we bs, secondary production can higher than that of larger organisms. This chapter introduces
be defined as the total amoun t of biomass tha t becomes how secondary production is measured and the major fac-
available to be consumed by the next t rophic level. Second- tors that control it. Human impacts, such as fisheries, eutro-
ary production of a population depends on the growth and phication, and climate change, generally have a negative
mortality rates of the population and it is, therefore, tightly impact on secondary production.

4.1 Introduction This chapter discusses what secondary production is,

how it is measured, what determines the amount of second-
Secondary production is the production of biomass by het- ary production and how secondary production is affected
erotrophic organisms, and this includes all production by by human activities. This chapter is focused on the second-
animals, fun gi, and some bacteria. A large fraction of the ar y production of marine benthic invertebrates and fish.
primary production of micro- and macroalgae is consumed Techniques to estimate energy flow in microbial food webs
by multicellular heterotrophic organisms and converted are discussed in Chapter 3.
into secondary production. The amount of secondary pro-
duction in an ecosystem, therefore, defines how much of The carrying capacity of a species is the population size
the primar y production is converted into heterotrophic bio- or biomass that an ecosystem can support in the long
mass. The amount of secondary production by a particular term . The trophic level of an organism is their position in
trophic level also determines how much food is available the food chain . Plants form the first trophic level , animals
for higher trophic levels. For example, the second ary pro- that feed on plants (herbivores) are the second trophic
duction of a fish population will define what the maximum level. Carnivores that feed on these herbivores form the
sustainable yield is for this population, and determines how third trophic level.
much food this population needs to maintain its rate of
growth (see also Chapter 13) . Therefore, the quantification
of secondary production is an important step in enabling
4.1.1 What is secondary production?
us to understand the flow of energy in food webs and the
carrying capacity of ecosystems. Secondary production It would seem logical to call production by herbivores sec-
has also been used as an indicator of ecosystem health ondary production and production by carnivores tertiary
(Murawski 2000; Rochet & TrenkeI2003). This means that production, and this terminology is sometimes used. How-
the quantification of secondary production is of great inter- ever, in general all production by heterotrophs is summa-
est to marine and fisheries ecologists. rized under the term secondary production and that is how
4.1 Introduction
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

we will use the term secondary production in this chapter.

Secondary production is defined as the production of
biomass by heterotrophic organisms and is measured as the
change in biomass with time . In food webs, secondary pro- June
duction can be defined as the total amount of biomass that
is available to be consumed by the next trophic level over
some time period. While biomass is measured as a density
(e.g. g m"), production is measured as a rate (e.g. g rrr-y' ). July
To illustrate what secondary production is, consider the
following analogy. A fish farmer starts with fish eggs, and
raises these through the larval and juvenile stages until the
fish reaches a marketable size. During this period. which August
can last several years. the fish will increase in size, but at
the same time many eggs, larvae, and fish will die. The
production of this fish farm is the sum of the biomass of

Figure 4.2 (a) Production of the encrusting bryozoan

Membranipora membranacea. This colonial bryozoan
typically lives on fronds of kelp such as Laminaria digitata
and can grow very fast. This image illustrates the size of
the colony over three subsequent months. The production
of this colony in July (1 month, production measured in
this case as mm 2 month") is equal to the surface area of
the colony in July, minus the surface area that was already
present in June. Similarly, the production of this colony in
August is equal to the surface area of the colony in August,
minus the surface area that was already present in July_(b)
The nudibranch Limacia c1avigeria feed ing on Membranipora
Figure 4.1 Siphon cropping of the clam Macoma balthica membranacea. (c) Light microscope image of Membranipora
by a juvenile plaice Pleuronectes platessa. membranacea, Galway Bay, Ireland (A.-M. Amui-Vedel).
Chapter 4 Secondary Production

all fish when they are harvested when marketable, minus production a lone and ignore go nad production. In this
the biomass of all fish when they entered the farm (in this chapter we will focus on somatic produc tion. Ecologists
case the negligible weight ofthe eggs). To calculate the pro- and the fishery biologists are m ost interested in somatic
duction of fish per year, the biomass of fish at h arvesting is produc tion because this represents the quantity of m atter
divided by the time over which the fish grew, which gives and energy that is available as food for the organisms in the
the biomass produced per year (e .g. tons fish y ' ). A farmer next trophic level, suc h as natural predators, and for human
will aim to maximize this production, rather than the bio- consumpt ion in the case of commercially exploited species
mass present on the farm, as the number of animals that (see Chapter 13). Secondary production also includes body
leave the farm determine his income (see also Fig. 4.2). In parts that are lost and regenerated . For example, a sign ifi-
ecological stud ies, the meat produced by animals that died cant part of the production of bivalve populations on inter-
before harvesting is also included in the secondary produc- tidal mudflats is due to the regeneration of siphons that are
tion estimate. cropped by fish and shrimp predators (Fig. 4.1) (De Vlas
Secondary production cons ists of two components : 1979). In this example, this component of production can
somatic and gonad production. Somatic production is the be difficult to quantify because it requires knowledge of the
production of tissues, such as muscle, brain, skin, scales, frequency of siphon cro pping by predators.
shell, but not gonads . Gonad production is the production
of reproduc tive tissue, suc h as sperm and eggs. Most sci- Production changes according to the life-stage (egg,
ent ific studies of secondary product ion focus on somatic juvenile, adult), season, and availability of food .

Box 4.1 Effect of the development

of a cohort on production

Secon dary prod uct ion of a pop ulat ion depend s

on the growth and mortality rates of th e po pula- (o) ec ••
tion . Production th erefore changes w ith life stage, e •••
season, and food supply. The producti on of an • c ••
e c ••
ind ividual organis m is equal to th e increase in the ce.e
bod y mass of thi s ind ivid ual over a year. The popula-
300- , - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - , - 12
tion production is th e sum of the pro duction of all
ind ividuals in a popu lation. To ill ust rate th is, let us
consider a popu lation of clams Nucula nitidosa, and
250 10
8 ..s
wi thin th is popu lation a single cohort. A cohort is a =
• Density 6 ~
group of plants or animals born more or less at the • Weigbt
same time. Cl ear co horts can be found in popula-
tion s where reproduction is seaso nal. Species that
reproduce throughout th e year w ill not have defined
cohorts and spec ies that have life cycl es that are 1968 1970 1972 1974
shorter than one year can have several co horts in a Year
year that may be indisti nguishable. When th e larv ae (b) 800 , -- - - - - - - - - - - - ----,
of the clams settle, the larvae are abundant and
small. Over th e perio d of several years, the indivi dual
clams increase in mass, while at the same time many 600
indivi dual clam s die, until after about 8 years the last ~= 500
large clam dies (fig ure a). The tota l biom ass of this -E
The populati on development of the 1968 cohort a 200
of Nucula nitidosa in Swan sea bay based on
data from Warwi ck & George (1980): (a) density 0+----,- ,-----,- --,- .----.- ,--- ,----1
and average weight (AFDW), (b) cohort biomass 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976
(AFDW). Year
4.2 Measuring secondary production

population at any ti me can be calculated by multiplying A species with equivalent growth but a lower mortality
the abundance by the average weight of the clams. The rate will reach a h igher population b iomass maximum
total biomass of cl ams increases from near zero in 1968 and will therefore have a higher production. A species
to a maximum in 19 7 1, and then decreases agai n to near wi th equivalent mortali ty rate but a lower growth rate
zero in 19 75. Biomass is therefore add ed to the cohort by will reach a lower popul ation biom ass maximum and
the gro wth of individual organisms, while biomass is lost will therefo re have a lower p roduction. Obv iously, t he
from the cohort due to mortality of individuals. Mortality com bi nation of hig h growth and low mortality results in
occurs due to predation, disease, senescence or changing highest production.
environmental conditions such as hypoxia. We explain in Section 4.2 how to calculate the produc-
Second ary production of a population thus depends tion of the clam population.
on the growth and mortality rates of the population.

4.1.2 The production to biomass ratio species; a cohort of l -year-old juvenile clams will have a
(PIB) higher PIB than a cohort of 5-year-old adult clams. Again,
When trying to understand patterns in production, a use- this is due to the relatively higher growth rates of smaller
ful concept is the production to biomass ratio (P/B) . and younger organ isms.
This ratio describes how much biomass is produced by the Because PI B ratios va ry widely between different groups
standing stock of biomass, usually per year. For example, of second ary producers, even groups that seem less impor-
the PIB of macrobenthic invertebrates is around 1.5; this tant in terms of biomass can contribute sign ificantly to eco-
means that the annual production of macrobenthic inver- system production when they have a high PIB ratio (Table
tebrates is about 1.5 times its average biomass. 4.1). For example, nematodes in soft sediments generally
Growt h and mortality are two important life-history have a lower biomass than macrofaunal invertebrates, but
parameters, and as with most life-history parameters, both because their P/B is higher, their production is generally
growth and mortality are correlated to the body size of higher than that of macrofaunal invertebrates (Schwing-
organisms. Because of this, the PIB of species and popu- hamer et al. 1986).
lations is also closely correlated to their body size. Small
species generally have high growth rates and high mortality
rates. This results in a low biomass but a high production 4.2 Measuring secondary
and therefore small organ isms have a high PIB. Large spe- production
cies have low growth rates and low mortality rates. This
results in a high biomass but a low production and therefore Production can be reported in many different units. For
large organisms have a low PIB (Box 4.1) . The general rule example, production has been reported as wet weight/
of a higher PI B for smaller organ isms is also valid within mass (WWI W M ), ash free dry weight/mass (AFDWI
AFDM), organic carbon (e ) , and joules (J) , all per year, and
for different areas or volumes (e.g. m·2 , km', m-'). When
Table 4.1 Typical PIB values for some groups of
comparing production estimates from different sources, it
marine organisms. Small organisms generally have
is therefore important to ensure that comparable units are
higher production to biomass ratios than larger
used. If different units are used, conversion factors can be
used to recalculate all measurements to a single unit (Brey
2008) .

Group PIS 4.2.1 Cohort-based methods

Bacteri a 26~292
Secondary production is most easily estimated for rec-
Micro-alg ae 7-24
ognizable cohorts of species. To measure the secondary
Meiofauna 3-19
production of a cohort, we have to examine the growt h of
Sm all benthic invertebrates 1-6
individu al organisms and the population mortality. 'IWo
Large benthic invertebrates 0.2-2
different approaches are possible when estimating second-
Fish 0.5-0.8
ary production using cohort-based methods: measurement
of production of biomass due to growth, or the measure-
Sources: Jenn ings et al. (2001 a); Schwing hamer et al. (1986). ment of the elimination of biomass due to mortality.
Chapter 4 Secondary Production

Measurement of the elimination of biomass as a measure and fish, one has to separate these cohorts from each other
of production may seem counter-intuitive, but one has to before the analysis. For bivalves such as Nucula nitidosa,
realize that all biomass that is lost by a cohort due to mor- individual cohorts are usually recognized by counting the
tality must have been added previously due to production number of year-rings on the shell. Fish cohorts can be rec-
by growth . Therefore, at the cohort level, whe n the last an i- ognized by counting year-rings on the otoliths or scales.
mal in the cohort dies, the amount of biomass eliminated However, unlike fish and clams, many organisms leave no
exactly equals the amount of biomass produced (a lthough easily discernable record of their age in growth structures.
this argument is less robust when considering organisms The production of a population with identifiable cohorts
that can regenerate body parts or those that grow and can be estimated using the increment summation method
senesce). The biomass that was produced by an organism (Table 4.2) . The 19 68 cohort of Nucu la nitidosa was sam-
only becomes available for higher trophic levels when it dies pled each year in summer to estimate the density and aver-
(for whatever reason: predation, parasitism, disease , harsh age body mass ofthis cohort. The density of clams decreased
abiotic conditions) and therefore the biomass eliminated is over time to reach zero in 1976, while the average body
a logical way to estimate secondary production in foodweb mass increased at the same time (Box 4.1 , figure a). The
studies. Furthermore, measuring the production of biomass total population biomass (= density x average body mass)
due to growth and the measurement of the elimination of reached a maximum in 1971 (Box 4 .1, figure b) . The incre-
biomass due to mortality can be mathematically equivalent. ment summation method calculates how much the average
As described in the example of the clam Nucula nitidosa clam increased in weight over each sampling period, in this
(Box 4.1) , a cohort starts at birth with m any eggs with a low case a year. Because some clams died over the period of a
body mass and finishes with the death of the last old and year, we have to use the average density over the examined
large individual. Biomass is added to this cohort by growth period to get a representative estimate of the abundance of
of the body mass of individual organisms, while biomass is the clams in that year and therefore a good production esti-
lost from the cohort by the death of individual organisms. mate. This method means that the increment summation
To estimate production of a cohort, it is necessary to repeat- method estimates the area under the curve when density is
edly measure the abundance and body mass of the cohort plotted against average body mass, and such a plot has been
(Box 4.1). When more than one cohort is present in the named the Allen plot (Fig. 4.3 ) . The actual calculat ions are
population, as is usually the case for benthic invertebrates straightforward and illustrated in Table 4.2. To estimate

Table 4.2. Calculation of the production of the 1968 cohort of Nucula nitidosa in Swansea Bay using the
increment summation method .

Year Density Body mass Body mass Average of Production Average PIB
(n m- Z) (mg) difference density in two (mg m-z y-') population ratio
between years (n m- Z ) biomass
years (mg) (mg m- Z)

1968 248 0.149

1.0 71 206 (A) 221 1 19 1.8 6
1969 16 4 1.2 20
2.529 144.5 365 334 1.0 9
1970 125 3.749
2. 195 121.5 267 585 0.46
197 1 1 18 5.944
2.23 1 83 185 547 0.34
1972 48 8.175
1.4 4 5 29 (B) 42 244 0.17
1973 10 9.620
0.709 8.5 6 84 0.07
1974 7 10.329
0.910 6.5 6 70 0.08
1975 6 1 1.239
2.783 3 8 34 0.25
1976 0 14.022
• • • •• •• •• • •• •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • •• • • • •• • • • • •• • • • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • • •• • • • •• • • • •• • • • •• • •• • •• •• •• • •• •• • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••• •

Total 1 10 0 mg m- 2

A and B refer to the areas under the fitted line in figure 4 .3 that corresponds to these values. Biomass is reported as mg ash free dry
we ight. Modified from Warw ick & George ( 19 8 0 ). An excel spreadsheet of these calculat ions is available on the Online Resource Centre.
4.2 Measuring secondary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

300 -,---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
production over the 1968-69 period, it is necessary to cal-
culate the difference in body mass for the average animal
between the two years (i.e, the increase in body mass over 250 1968
this period, 1.071 mg) and the average of the densities in
the two years (206 nr-) . Production over this period is then
simply the product of the increase in body mass and the
average number of animals present: 1.071 mg x 206 m-2
= 221 mg m-2 y l. This amount is equivalent to the area of -"

A in Fig. 4.3. This method requires repeated sampling of
the same population and the precision of the production

estimate will increase with increasing sampling frequency.
Ideally, the population should be sampled several times a
year. Infrequent sampling leads to an underestimation of 50
secondary production rates (Morin et aI. 1987). The last 1973
1974 1975 1976
column ofTable 4.2 presents the P/B ratio ofthis cohort. As 0
expected, P/B decreases with the increasing age and body- 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
size of this cohort. 80dy mass Imy)
If cohorts cannot be identified and separated, cohort-
based methods such as the increment summation method Figure 4.3 Allen plot of Nucula nitidosa. Over time,
cannot be applied. Some complicated mathematical meth- the dens ity of clams decreases while their body mass
ods can be used to estimate production, but these are increases. Production is the product of the increase in
beyond the scope ofthis book (see Van der Meer 2005) . body mass over a period and the average number of
organ ims present in this period. The area under the curve
therefore represents the production of this cohort over
4.2.2 Allometric relationships its lifetime. Areas A and B refer to the production of the
It is easy to appreciate that estimating the production ofjust years 1968-69 and 1972-73, respectively.
a single cohort of a species requires a substantial amount
of field work to repeatedly collect samples and laboratory
analysis to quantify, age, and weigh all organisms. How-
ever. often the production of a whole community, rather
than a single species. needs to be estimated. Sampling of
marine organisms can be time-consuming and expensive,
particularly when research vessels need to be used to sam-
ple offshore ecosystems. Methods to estimate production
that only require a single sampling campaign and no ageing
of the organisms are therefore much less time-consuming
and therefore cheaper. As we have shown above. a correla-
tion exists between the body size of organisms and their
P/B ratio. The relationship between P/B and the body size
of individual organisms can be used to estimate produc-
tion of communities when the body size of the organisms
in this community is known. For example. Jennings et al.
(2001b) developed an allometric relationship between
body mass and the P/B ofmarine invertebrates, which they Figure 4.4 A 2-m beam trawl sample from gravelly
used to estimate the production of benthic invertebrate ground in the Long forties in the northern North Sea.
communities in the North Sea. Theyweighed all individual Weighing every individual animal from a sample like this is
organisms in their beam trawl and anchor dredge samples. a labour intensive activity. Photo: J.G. Hiddink.
and used these weights to estimate the PIB ratio for each
of these organisms (Figs 4.4 and 4.5) . By multiplying P/B ment, as well as the body size of the organisms, to estimate
with the body mass of each individual organism, the pro- production. This is particularly useful when large spatial
duction for this organism is estimated. The sum of all these scales are considered. where the environmental conditions
individual production estimates then gives the production vary considerably. Tumbiolo and Downing (1994) devel-
of the whole community. oped a marine benthos production model that accounts for
Alternative approaches use information on the environ- worldwide variation in benthic production based on bio-
Chapter 4 Secondary Production

1,----------------, mass, individu al body mass, water temperature, and depth.

Accord ing to their study, production P (mg dry mass y l)
depends on body m ass of the organism B (mg dry mass),
the maximum ind ividual body mass that a species can reach
1 Wm (mg dry mass). the annual mean surface temperature
T, ('C) , and depth Z (m) for m arine be nthic invertebrates :
0 10gP = 0 .24 + 0.96 10g B -0.21l0gWm
0 + 0 .03 T, - 0. 16 l og (Z + 1).

This equation explains 86% of the observed large-scale
worldwide variability in the production of benthic marine

• • inverteb rates. The effect of temperature is pos itive, indicat-
ing that production is higher in warmer seas. The effect of
depth is negative, suggest ing that food quantity or qu ality
are lower at greater water dept h.
The predictions of production by allometric relation-
-1 + - - - - - , - - - - - - r - - - - - - - - - 1
ships are only correct for average populations. The pro-
-4 -1 0 1
duction that is estimated by these models for individual
10910 bodymoss
populat ions can be wrong by as much as factor 2.5 (Bre y
2008). Prediction error diminishes rapidly when estimates
Figure 4 .5 The relation ship between the body mass of several populations in a commun ity are pooled. There-
(9 AFDW) of North Sea benthic invertebrates and their fore, allometric relationships can be used to estimate the
production-to-biomass (PIS) ratio. Larger organism s have production of whole communities (i.e. the combination of
a lower PIS ratio. The fitted relationship is described by many populations), but should not be used to estimate the
109 10 PIS = 0.233 109 10 B + 0 .197. Source: Jenning s et al. production for individual species.
(2001 b).

TECHNIQUES: Using meta-analysis Large-scale patterns of benthic production and produc-

to examine global patterns of macro- t ion to bi omass ratios (PIB ) are a function of life-history
invertebrate production in marine characteristics of populat ions (such as populat ion bio-
benthic habitats mass, body size, and maximum age) and the environment.
A meta-analysis combines the results of multip le stu dies Using a meta-analysis of data published in 15 marine
that address similar research questions, and provides a ecology journals, Cusson and Bourget (200 5) examined
powerful tool to generate general trends or responses global patte rns in the production of marine benthic inver-
at global scal es. In a meta-analysis, data are integ rated tebrates and in relation to envi ronmental vari ables such
and summ arized from ind ivid ual st ud ies to generate a as substrate ty pe, wa ter depth, and seawater tempera-
single estim at e for an effect. The advantage of doing this ture. Their database contained 54 7 datasets that related
is that the results of the meta-analysis w ill be more gen- the second ary production of benth ic invertebrates to
erally appl icable than the results of the ind ividual stu d- environmenta l variables from 14 7 papers. The datasets
ies and that a meta-analysis w ill be more powerful than included information on 207 taxa from 170 study sites,
single st udies (essent ially each individual stu dy becomes ranging from 0 to 930 m depth. From each dataset,
a single rep licate). Meta-analysis is wi dely used in epi- they collected information about secon dary production
demiology and evidence-based medicine today. For a and environmental parameters. The relationship between
detailed descri pti on of how meta-analysis can be used environmental variables, life-history variables, and PIB
in a systemat ic review process in conservation and envi- ratios was examined for the dominant taxonomic groups
ronmental management, please refer to the Guidelines of benthic invertebrates (annelids, arthropods, echino-
for Systematic Review of Effectiveness of Interventions derm s, and mo ll uscs).
in Conservation and Environmen tal Management (htt p:/ / The meta-analysis s howed that hi gh values of PIB uments/Review guid elines- ratios were observed in temperate zones w hile low val-
version3.0JI NAL_OOO. pdf). ues of PIB ratios we re observed in polar regions (8 0
4.2 Measuring secondary production

to 60 0 5) and (sub) trop ical zones (4 0 0 5 to 20 0 N) temperatures. This can be expl ai ned from the decreas-
(see fi gure). The highest production was observed on ing food avail ability with depth an d increasi ng potential
hard substrata, for filterfeedi ng molluscs. The highest Pia for growth with increasing temperatures. However, these
ratios were observed for org anisms that feed on algae abiotic vari abl es did not greatly improve the predictions of
including sed iment with hi gh organic enrichment, omni- production by biotic variables such as life span an d mean
vores, and arthropods (see table) . Production and Pia body mass alone.
ratios we re lower in deeper waters an d higher at higher

Table Outputs of the meta-analysis of 147 studies. Mean annual production (+SE) and PIS for the
dominant taxonomic groups, functional groups, and subst rata (Cusson & Bourget 2005).

Group Mean production Mean P/B ratio (y,.-')

(109 10; kJ m-Zy,.-1)
Taxonomic group
Mollusca 1.9 4 + 0.08 (n= 227) 1.77 + 0. 14 (n= 230)
Annelida 1.42 + 0.09 (n = 12 3) 3.37 + 0.38 (n = 120 )
Arthropoda 1.30 + 0.08 (n = 140 ) 4.85 + 0.3 1 (n = 140 )
Echinodermata 1.34 + 0.23 (n = 27) 0.3 4 + 0.06 (n = 28)

Functional guild
Deposit feeders 1.47 + 0.09 (n = 175) 2.54 + 0. 15 (n = 175)
Fi Iter feed ers 1.9 6 + 0. 11 (n = 134 ) 1.8 2 + 0.20 (n = 136)
Grazers 1.64 + 0.08 (n = 8 1) 2.81 + 0 .43 (n = 82)
Omnivores 1.2 5 + 0.1 1 (n = 96) 4 .94 + 0.54 (n = 95)
Predator 1.3 7 + 0. 13 (n = 4 5) 3.41 + 0 .49 (n = 4 2)

Substratum type
Alg ae = 65)
1.10 + 0. 15 (n = 62)
4 .1 8 + 0 .48 (n
Hard 2.2 1 + 0. 16 (n = 69) 1.09 + 0.18 (n = 70)
Muddy 1.46 + 0.07 (n = 219) 3.25 + 0.21 (n = 216)
Sandy 1.67 + 0.08 (n = 18 4 ) 2.90 + 0.30 (n = 188 )

4-,---- - - - - - - - - - - - -----,


0 1----._ • ,----,-_ -,------,_ -,-------,_ ---,----\

Chapter 4 Secondary Production

4.3 Drivers of secondary Primary production determine s how mu ch energy

production is potentially available for secondary production . The
amount o f this energy that actually ends up in organisms
Table 4.3 presents some typical values of secondary pro- as tissu e depends on the efficiency o f the transfer of this
duction from different marine ecosystems. There exists energy betwee n trophic levels (t he transfer efficiency),
a large variation in the magnitude of secondary produc- and the number o f times this transfer is made , w hich is
tion between different ecosystems and different groups of defined by the food-chain length. Transfer efficiencies
organisms . In this section we w ill discuss w hat factors are fo r ectothermic marine organisms, such as zooplankton,
responsible for these differences. cephalopods, and fish, are in the range of 10- 60% (Jen-
In the preced ing text (Section 4.2.2), the empirical rela- nings et aI. 2001 a). This means that 10- 60% of the energy
tionship between production and environmental factors that was consumed is then converted into the tissue o f the
indicates that secondary production of benthic inverte- predator. Thus, in each step in the food chain, 40- 90%
brates relates to temperature and water depth. In general, of the energy is lost to sloppy feeding, res piration, an d
secondary production of a population is affected by the incomplete digestion. Predators that are at the top of long
amo unt of food that is available for this population. This fo od-chains w ill therefore have less food available to them
in turn depends on local primary production, bottom tem- and therefore a lower secondary production than preda-
perature, water depth, the troph ic level of the o rganism, tors halfw ay up these foo d chains . Exam ine, for example ,
and the trophic efficiency of the organisms in the fo od web. the very simple food we bs in Fig. 4. 6. Phytoplankton is
Ecosystems that have a high primary production can eaten by krill, krill is eaten by a baleen whale, or alterna-
support more secondary production. For example , a strong tively by a fish that is eaten by a baleen whale . The four-
large -scale correlation exists between the amount of pri- link food-chain has a lower potential production of baleen
mary production by phytoplankto n and the production of whales because energy is lost in each transfer in the chain
fish and squid (Iverson 1990 ; Frank et aI. 2007) . Such eco- (as transfer efficie ncy is < 10 0%) and the chain is longer.
sys tems, in which the abundance of organisms at higher tro - Since the energy transfer is inefficient, the produ ction of
phic levels is positively related to primary production, are explo ited species w ill be lower for species that are higher
said to be governed by bottom-up control. Top-down con- up the foo d chain . Species such as mussels, anchoveta
trol occurs when, for example, the grazing of filter-feeding (Peruvian anchovy, Engraulis ringens), and krill that feed
benthos on phytoplankton is so strong that they deplete the directly on phytoplankto n w ill therefore be more produc-
phytoplankton, such that a neg ative correlation between tive than species that are at the apex of long fo od chains
the abundance of the filter feeders and the phytoplankton such as tuna, sharks, and cod.
exists (see also Chapter 7) .

Table 4.3. Typical values of secondary production for a set of ecosystem s and groups of organisms. 1 g C
repre sents approximatel y 13 g wet weight ti ssue (Brey 2008) . Secondary production is high for organisms
at low trophi c level s, and for producti ve ecosystems in shallow coastal seas. Production is lower for deep sea
ecosystems and for high trophic level organisms.

Ecosystem type Area Group Secondary production

(9 C m-2 y-')
Deep sea Fish 0.02-0.21
Shelf sea North Sea Fish 5.1
Tropical coral reefs Fish 2.3-5.8
Deep sea Rockall Trough Macrobenthic invertebrates 0.1
Shelf sea Bay of Fundy Macrobenthic invertebrates 15.4
Tidal flats Wadden Sea Macrobenthic invertebrates 10.8-45.9
Shelf sea Bay of Fundy Meiobenthic invertebrates 17.5
Shelf sea North Sea Zooplankton 36.6
Upwelling zones Zooplankton 5.4-22

Sources: Cush ing (1 9 6 9); Beukema & Cadee ( 1986); Emerson ( 1989); Gage (1 9 92); Haedrich & Merrett ( 1992); Heath (2005);
Hiddink et al. (2006); Jenn in gs et al. (2001 a).
4.3 Drivers of secondary production

I I.0Sg Cm'y'
IS.2S gCm-' y' I
Baleen wholes Baleen wholes
I Transfer efficiency· 15%
I Transfer effldenry - 15%

induding krill
I 3SgCm ' y' Fish ) :e .( ~ I 7gCm ' y'
Transferefficiency" 20%

I• Transfer efficiency" 35%

I I 3SgCm ' y'
IlO0gCm ' y' I includingkrill
I Transfer efficiency " 35%

I lO0gCm'y' I

Figure 4 .6 Two simple food-chains that assume that all production is used by the next trophic level. Energy is lost
in every step of the food chain because transfer efficiency is less than 1000;0. Because of this, in this example the
production of baleen whales that feed on krill is higher than the production of baleen whales that feed on fish, which in
turn feed on krill.

CURRENT FOCUS: Fish production is

primary production (see figure). The highest productivity
determined by primary production
of phytoplankton and fish occurs off the coasts of Wash-
Fishing yields from cont inental-shelf ecosystems can ington and southern Bri tish Columbia. These results there-
either be controlled by the amou nt of primary production fore support the hypothesis that fish catches in these
available (bottom-up control) or by predator-prey inter- ecosystems are controlled by the primary production and
actions (top-down control; see Chapter 7).lf fish catches are therefore bottom-up controlled.
are controlled by primary production through bottom-up
contro l, a posi tive correlation between fish production
and primary production is expected. Ware and Thomson
r = 0.87;
(2005) used the mean annual chlorophyll a concentration
p<O.OOOI ;
to test the hypothesis that the fish production along the n= 11
west coast of North America is controlled by primary pro-
duction of phytoplankton. The surface concentration of

chlorophyll a is a proxy for the rate of primary production
and can easily be estimated using satellite images (e.g.
using SeaWiFS; htt p:/ / oceancolor. gsfc Sea-
WiFSI). Resident species, such as herring and groundfish,
are those fish that occupy the conti nental shelf year-round
and undertake only spatially limited seasonal mig rations.
The study considered reside nt fish species only because
these are the species tha t depend exclusively on local
food production. In sustainably exploited fisheries , the
yield of fish is likely to be related to their production, and 0.0 -j--.--,--,,!- , --,-,--,--,-- ,, -, -.,--j
therefore it was considered justified to use catches as a o 2 4 6
Mean rhl-e ronrenlmlion {mg.}
proxy for fish production. The mean annual yields of resi-
dent fish species were calculated from landing statistics
from 19 60 to 1998. The results of Ware and Thomson Large-scale correlation of the annual mean chlorophyll
(2005) showed a clear alongshore variation in primary a concent rat io n and the long-term annual yield of resi-
production along the west coast of North America and dent fish for each of 11 regions on the west coast of
that the yield of resident fish was strongly correlated to North America (Ware & Thomson 2005).
Chapter 4 Secondary Production

We can now explain the differences in the second- Relatively few marine organisms dismantle prey that
ary production in the different ecosystems and groups of are larger than their own body mass. Exceptions wou ld
organisms that we observed in Table 4 .3 . The production incl ude crabs and some pelagic shark species.
of benthic organisms in shallow seas and intertidal areas is
higher than in the deep sea because primary production is As discussed earlier. the production-to-biomass ratio of
generally higher in these areas, and because a larger frac- small organisms is higher than for large organisms. This
tion of this primary production reaches the seabed in areas means that the amount of biomass that is produced at lower
that are shallow (the deeper the water column the greater trophic levels by small organisms is higher than the produc-
the chance ofan organism intercepting the primary produc- tion of biomass at higher trophic levels generated by larger
tion on its way to the seabed) . Within ecosystems. the pro- organisms. In addition to this, energy is lost in each step in
duction of zooplankton and macrobenthos is higher than the food chain because the transfer efficiency of organisms
that of fish because they have a lower trophic level. is only around 10-60%. This means that more food is avail-
able for small, low trophic-level organisms than for large,
high trophic-level organisms. As a result of this, generally
4.4 Size structuring in marine marine ecosystems have a typical size structure with many
food-webs small organisms and fewer large organisms (Fig. 4.8) . This
regular pattern of the distribution of biomass over the body
The body-size of organisms relates to their position in food size classes oforganismscan be disrupted bydisturbance of
webs in marine ecosystems. Most marine fish and benthic ecosystems (see below under Section 4 .5.1) .
invertebrates eat their prey whole and therefore the maxi-
mum size of prey they can eat is limited by the size of their
mouth. As a result of this. larger organisms feed on larger
prey at high trophic levels, while smaller organisms prey
on smaller prey at lower trophic levels. Therefore, marine
predators generally feed on prey that is substantially
smallerthan their own body mass (Fig. 4 .7) . For example,
fish in the North Sea feed on average on prey that has a body
mass that is 424 times lower than their own body mass (Jen-
nings & WaIT 2003) . This means that a 100 g herring will
feed on average on prey weighing just 0.235 g (about the
weight of a very small sandeel) .


I 1 Figure 4.8 The fish catch of a 4-m beam trawl in the
5.0 i J central North Sea, sorted according to body mass. The
{ J catch consists of many small fish, and progressively less
<' fish in the large-size classes. No very small fish were
V caught because they escaped through the mesh of the
/'( )
( 1A net. Photo: Nick Dulvy with permission.
4.0 4.5 Human impacts on
secondary production
3.5 , , , , Human activity has the potential to change the magnitude
4 6 B 10 12 14
of secondary production in the seas and oceans, primar-
Body moss doss (l'9,)
ily through fisheries, eutrophication, and climate change.
Figure 4.7 The relationship between body mass and In fact, a key assumption behind fisheries' management is
mean trophic level for fish in the North Sea Large fish that exploitation will increase the produetion-to-biomass
feed at higher trophic levels in marine ecosystems ratio ofexploited stocks by removing the largest body-sized
(Jennings & Warr 2003). individuals in the population.
4.5 Human impacts on secondary production
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

4.5.1 Fisheries illustrated using the direct physical disturbance to benthic

communities associated with bottom trawling as an example.
Exploitation will decrease the standing stock biomass of a Asingle pass of a bottom trawl. such as a beam or otter trawl
population. and will also lead to a reduction in the average (see Chapter 13), typically results in an approximate mortal-
body size when the largest individuals ofa species are pref- ityof 50% among the macrobenthic invertebrates that live in
erentially caught, as in the case ofmost fisheries . As smaller or on the seabed (Kaiser et al. 2006) . In areas that are trawled
organisms have a higher PIB ratio, the PIB of exploited regularly, this physical disturbance results in changes in the
populations will be higher than that for pristine popula- biomass, production, species' richness. and size distribution
tions. By reducing overall population size, the fishery will of benthic invertebrates (Hiddink et al. 2006) . The biomass
also reduce intraspecific competition for resources (food, of large, hard-bodied organisms, such as bivalves and bur-
mates, habitat), hence this also contributes to a higher PIB . rowing sea urchins, decreases strongly in response to bottom
As a result. the reduction in production due to exploitation trawling because of their naturally slow life-history (i.e, they
will usually be less severe than the reduction in biomass. grow slowly and reproduce infrequently or have a late age
Similarly, in communities with many species that all of maturity) . Small, soft-bodied animals, such as polychaete
differ in their life-history parameters (such as growth and worms. are much less severely affected by trawling, or may
natural mortality rates), the most productive species tend even benefit from the release from competition with the
to be least severely affected by exploitation. Species with large-bodied invertebrates. Bottom trawling therefore has
low natural mortality rates will be more strongly affected by a negative effect on the biomass and production of benthic
additional fisheries' mortality than species with high natur- invertebrates. butbecause ofthe shiftin emphasis from large
al mortality rates, because the mortality due to fishing is to small animals with high PIB ratios, the decrease is less
larger relative to their natural mortality. Life history cor- pronounced for production than for biomass. For example.
relates strongly with body size, such that smaller organisms for the southern North Sea, bottom trawling in 2003 reduced
have higher growth and mortality rates. This means that biomass of benthic invertebrates by 56% (relative to pristine
in exploited communities. a shift in dominance to smaller conditions), while production was reduced by21 % (Fig. 4.9)
species can be expected (Myers & Worm 2003) . (Hiddink et al. 2006) .
The effect of fisheries on secondary production can be

Bottom trawling effort Production of benthic invertebrates

3·E 3·E

56·N North Seo 56·N

55·N 55·N

54·N - 54·N

53·N 53·N

52·N 52·N
l·W O· I·E 2·E 3·E 4·E 5·E 6·E W O· I·E 2·E 3·E 4·E 5·E 6·E

Figure 4 .9 Bottom-trawling frequency and modelled production of benthic invertebrates in the southern North Sea
Production is negatively affected by bottom trawling and therefore production is the mirror image of bottom-trawling
frequency in some areas. In the southern North Sea, production is low regardless of trawling frequency because of
frequent disturbance by waves and strong tides (Hiddink et al. 2006).
Chapter 4 Secondary Production

Although we use bottom trawling as an example of

physical disturbance, other forms of physical disturbance
such as ice scour, organism feeding activities, anoxia,
wave erosion , and current shear stress will all affect bio-
mass and production of organisms living on the seabed
(see Hall 1994 for a review) (see also Box 4.2).

Box 4.2 Effect of bottom trawling on

the production of benthic ecosystems
There are suggestions that bottom trawling may have posi-
tive effects on the secondary production of small worms,
and th ereby increase food production for flatfish, such as
juvenile plaice Pleuronectes pfatessa that feed on small
soft-bodied prey. The idea behind this is that 'ploughing '
the seabed with heavy beam traw ls increases the produc-
tion of the small benthos that flatfish feed on by remov-
ing the large fauna that small benthos compete with over
food and space (Hiddink et al. 2008). Support for this
idea is found from observations and model predictions
fo r the 'plaice box'. The plaice box is a 38 000 km 2 gear
rest riction area (a type of Marine Protected Area) in the
south-eastern North Sea th at w as established to reduce
the by-catch of undersized plaice (Pleuronectes pfatessa)
in heavily traw led coastal nursery grou nds. Large, mature
plaice are distributed more widely and further offshore
th an juvenil es (Rij nsdorp & van Leeuwen 1996). The
plaice box was closed to trawlers with an engine power
> 30 0 hp for part of the year in 19 8 9 and for t he whole
year since 19 9 5. Th ere are no spatial rest rict ions on fish-
ing by trawlers wi th an engine power < 30 0 hp and fishing
effort by these vessels in the plaice box has increased
since 1989. Neverthel ess, total t raw ling effort in the
plaice box was reduced by more than 90%, and most of
this effort w as redistributed into adjacent areas (Pastoors
et al. 2000). At the time of closu re, it was expected that
t his closu re would result in an increase in plaice stocks
of 25-35% , but instead plaice spawning stock biomass
has declined strongly (Pastoors et al. 2000). There also
seems to have been a shift in the spatial distri bution of (a) plaice Pleuronectes platessa on a sandy seabed and
juvenile plaice to the deeper offshore w ate rs that have (b) polychaete worms such as Ophelina Jimacina form
remai ned open to all trawlers. Beam traw ling causes direct an important food source for plaice. (Photographs: Hil-
physical disturbance of the seabed leading to the mor- mar Hinz with permission.)
tality of some components of the benthos, but creates
space for colonizat ion by smalle r-bodie d opportunistic
species, such as polychaete worms and small bivalve mol- the effect of the displaced activity along the edge of the
luscs (Kaiser et al, 2006). Using an extensively validated plaice box. The overall production of benthos wi thin the
body-size-based model (Hiddi nk et al. 2006), Hiddink et plaice box increased between 1.5 and 2 times compared
al. (20 0 8 ) were able to mo del the response of the ben- with that outsi de. How ever the production of smaller soft-
thi c community to the removal of the direct distu rbance bodied fauna (the preferred food of plaice; Hinz et al.
caused by large beam t rawlers within the plaice box, and 2006) was twice as high outside the plaice box. As plaice
4.5 Human impacts on secondary production

abundance is positively correlat ed w ith prey biomass, Hid- finnus that feed on large invertebrates may be negatively
dink et al. (2008) concl uded that plai ce aggregate most affected by bottom traw ling in two ways. Fi rst, exp loitation
in the areas outside the plaice box where th e pro duct ion reduces th e populat ion size of the fishes and, second, the
of their preferred prey is higher. However, fish such as pro duction of the large invertebrate s that these fi sh feed
cod Gadus morhua and haddock Mefanogramm u5 aegle- on is severely reduced by bottom traw ling.

4.5.2 Eutrophication 100%,...--;c;-;-.,-;:--

Mild periodic
- - - - - - - ----, 0%

Eutrophication (see Chapter 16) can have positive effects

on secondary production through an increase in primary Energyto Energyto
production. In some areas of the Baltic Sea, macrobe n- mobile Severe microbes
thic production seems to have doubled as a response to predators seasonal
eu trophication (Diaz & Rosenberg 2008) . Eutroph ication Persistent
of coastal waters is viewed as an undesirable state because
it can lead to hyp oxia and blooms of toxic algae. Conse-
0% L --=::::~....: 100%
quently many countries h ave invested in water treatment
and management practices to reduce the inputs of nitrates Figure 4 .10 Conceptual v iew of how hypoxia alters
and phosphates (nu trients) from terrestrial to marine sys- eco system energy flow. The green area indicates that the
tems. Where this has been successful, the recent reduction majority of energy is transferred from the benthos to
in the flux of nitrate and phosphates to some coastal seas higher-level predators under normal oxygen conditions.
seems to have had a negative impact on the productivity As a system experiences mild hypoxia, there can be
of coastal shr imp and fl atfish fisheries (Rij nsdorp & van a pulse of benthic energy to predators when benthi c
Leeu wen 1996 ). Howe ver, whe n large phytopl ankton invertebrates that are normally not available to epibenthic
blooms di e off and sink to the bottom, dissolved oxygen predators, leave their burrows. If oxygen co ncent rat io n
levels in bottom waters drop due to microbial breakdown declines further, macrobenthi c and fi sh predation
of these algae. When dissolved oxygen levels fall below 2 decreases in importance and an increasing proportion of
ml 0 2 1-1 benthic fauna start to show unusual behaviour benthic energy is tran sferred to microbes (orange to red).
such as abandon ing their burrows, prob ably because oxy- From: Diaz & Rosenberg (2008).
gen levels in their burrows drop faster than those in the
water column. When these animals leave their bu rrows,
they become available to epibent hic predators that can-
4.5.3 Climate change
n ot normally extract deep -burrowing shrimp, clams, and
worms from the sed iment. Mild hypoxia can therefore Climate change has an effect on the magnitude, timing, and
temporarily increase the e nergy flow to the mobile preda- d istribution of primary production in the world's oceans.
tors in the ecosystem by generating a pulse of energy when This in tu rn is likely to affect secondary production. We give
the animals in lower t rophic levels become stressed due one example here of the effect ofclimate on pelagic second-
to hypoxia (Fig. 4.10) . Th is does not always happen and ary production.
it is only w ith in a n arrow range of cond itions that hypoxia The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a climate indica-
facilitates secondary pro duction of mobile predators. tor that indicates the speed and direction of the westerly
Severe hypoxia culminates in mass mortality of fish and winds across the North Atlantic and winter temperatures
bent h ic invertebrates when dissolved oxygen levels fall on both sides of the Nort h Atlantic (see Chapter 7) . The
below 0.5 ml 0 , 1-1 (hypoxia, Diaz & Rosenberg 2008). secondary production of the copepod Calanusjinmarchicus
Areas that are exposed to long periods of hypoxia h ave in the North Atlantic is strongly affected by the NAO. Fluc-
a low secondary production and no benthic macrofauna. tuations in abundance of C. finmarchicus can be explained
Benthic secondary production in Chesapeake Bay (USA) by the effect of the NAO on spring primary production and
is estimated to h ave been reduced by S%, while secondary temperature (Fromentin & Planque 1996). C.jinmarchicus
production in the Baltic Sea h as been reduced by 30% due was more abundant in years with low water temperatures
to hypoxic events. and a high primary production, which were found in years
Chapter 4 Secondary Production

w ith a low NAG index. Copepods are the main food source This example show that changes in the climate may alter
for the larvae ofmany commercial fish. and climate change the spatial distribution of primary and secondary produc-
is therefore likely to affect the production of planktonic food tion. This may place an additional stress on fish popula-
for fish larvae. which determines the recruitment success tions, many of which are already over-exploited. It seems
and consequently the fishery landings. Although there are inevitable that marine top predators. such as fish. seabirds.
other copepod species (Calanus helgolandicus) upon which and marine mammals will need to adapt to a changing
the fish can feed, the species that have replaced G.finmarc- level, timing, and spatial distribution of secondary produc-
hicus in the community are less energetically rewarding tion as a result of climate change.
prey d ue to their smaller body-size.

Chapter Summary
• Secondary production is the production of biomass by heterotrophic organisms, such as inverte-
brates an d fish. The amount of secondary production in an ecosystem therefore defi nes how much
of the primary production is converted into heterotrophic biomass and how much food is available
fo r higher trophic levels.
• The quantification of secondary production is important for understanding the energy flow in food
webs and carrying capacity of ecosystems.
• The production-to-biomass ratio (PIS) describes how much biomass is produced by the standing
stock of biomass per year. PIB of organisms is correlated to their life history and body size. PIB
of large organisms is low, while the PIB of small organ isms is high.
• Secondary production can be estimated using several methods, including cohort-based methods
and allometric relationships between body size and PIB. Cohort-based methods are more precise
but req uire more effort.
• Apart from body size, the magnitude of secondary production for a species depends on the primary
production in the ecosystem, the trophic level of the species and the transfer efficiency of energy
between trophic levels. Secondary production is high in ecosystems with a high primary production,
and higher for organisms that feed at low trophic levels.
• More food is available for small, low trophic-level organisms than for large, high trophic-level organ-
isms. As a result of this, marine ecosystems have a typical size structure with many small organisms
and fewer large organisms.
• Human impacts such as fisheries, eutrophication, and climate change generally have a negative
impact on secondary production.

Further Reading
Van der Meer (2005) and the website of Brey (200B) describe in detai l how to measure ene rgy flow in
food webs and how to estimate secondary production using several different methods. The webs ite by
Brey contains a wealth of information, and a range of computation spread-sheets that have been set up
to allow easy estimation of secondary production, and empirical models for the estimation of production,
PIB, mortal ity, and other parameters. Je nnings et al. (2001) d iscuss the linkage between primary produc-
tion and fishery landings.
• Brey, T. 2008. Population Dynomics in Benthic Invertebrates. A Virtuol Handbook, Version 0 1.2 , (http:/ / / index. htmll ' Alfred Wegene r Institute for Polar
and Marine Research , Germany.
• Jennings, S., M, J. Kaiser, & J. D. Reyno lds, 200 1. Chapter 2, Marine eco logy and production processes.
In: Morine Fisheries Ecology, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
• Van der Meer, J. 2005. Measuring the flow of energy and matter in marine benth ic animal popu lations.
In: A. Eleftheriou & A. Mcintyre (eds). Methods for the Study of Morine Benthos. Blackwell Science,
Part Two


10 - - ..

12 •
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Chapter Summary by a wi de range of invertebrates, often in very high num-

Estuaries represent th e great transit ion between freshw ater bers, and are vital nursery syste ms for fi sh and feedi ng
and marine biomes, and as such they are influenced by both grounds for birds. They have also been referred to as the
aquatic realms, yet they have a di stinct, except ionally vari- most degraded habitat type on earth, so they are perhaps
able, and fascinating environment and ecology of th eir own. the finest example for st udying the conflicts between ecol-
The perception of estuaries as low diversity, muddy, and ogy, co nservati on, and human use. Such st udy, however,
inhospitab le places is misgu ided and stems from a narrow requ ires a broad knowl ed ge of th e ecosystem of an estuary
appreciation of th e est uari ne system. Due to th e incred ibly and how it functions as a w hole.
varied conditions present in estuaries th ey are inhabited

5. 1 Introduction example, deltas and estuaries. and consequently the ecol-

ogy of these systems. The following definition seems to be
5.1.1 What is an estuary?
the most suitable for the global study of estuarine ecology
An estuary is commonly thought of as the place where a river and highlights how potentially limited much of the research
meets the sea, but this intera ction of the two major aquatic on estuaries has been . The vast m ajority of work has been
realms results in a wide variety of systems of which a n estu- concentrated in the middle regions of temperate systems ,
ary is just one type. However, while most people wo uld not resulting in a rather narrow percept ion of estuarine ecology
h ave trouble picturing what an estuary looks like. providing that pervades their study.
a definition of what exactly an estuary is has proved excep-
tionally difficult. Over 40 definitions of an estuary have so An estuary is an inlet ofthe sea reaching into a river valley
far been attempted. using a range of crite ria such as dilu- as far as the upper limit oftidal rise, usually divis ible into
tion ofseawater, tidal regime, and geomorphology. Salinity three sectors: (1) lower, free connection with the open sea;
levels traditionally have been used to define estuaries. but (2) middle, subject to strong salt and freshwater mixing;
h ave perhaps led to a focus on the role of salinity at the (3) upper, characterized by fresh water but subject to daily
expense of other environmental and biological variables. tidal action.
as will be explored later. Additionally, such definitions can
produce anomalies. an extreme example being the Amazon Defining the upper and lower limits of estuaries can be
estuary. In the Amazon estuary. tidal influence extends 735 difficult, particularly if specific levels of salin ity are used
km from the estuary mouth. but due to the vast river flow as a guide. In unmanaged estuaries. from our defi nition,
there is no significant seawater penetration into the estu- the upper boundary of an estuary can be considered to be
ary. while mixing of river and seawater is still evident 1000 the limit of daily tidal infl uence, whic h m ay be truncated
km seaward of the river mouth. Tidal influence, however. is in urban estuaries by the construction of barriers suc h as
extreme ly important in defining the difference between, for weirs. In this case, the upper limit of the estuary will always
Chapter 5 Estuaries

be fixed spatially regardless of fiver flow or tidal incursion.

The outer limits of estuaries are much more difficult to Box 5.1: Past sea-level rise
define. Large rivers produce a plume of reduced salinity
water far out into the open sea. Hence, fixing the outer limit There is much current concern about the conse-
of the estuary as the location where the dilution of seawa- quences of global warming induced sea-level rise
ter is no longer measurable can be unhelpful. In practice, (see Chapte r 14), but there have been dramatic
the boundaries of most estuaries tend to be subjectively changes in global sea-level during the last 1.8 mil-
defined by coastal morphology or management criteria (if lion years that have moulded many of the marine
an agency only has jurisdiction to 3 nautical miles from the systems we have today, such as coral reefs and, in
coastline, this is often used as a cut-off point). What is clear particular, estuaries. Many temperate estuaries were
is that an estuary is not an isolated entity and any consid- completely covered with ice only 17000 years ago,
eration of estuarine ecology needs to place the system in a while most others did not exist as we know them
continuum from the river to the sea. Both of these major due to the lower sea-level. Consequently, estuaries
aquatic biomes have strong and controlling influences over have successively appeared and disappeared as part
the ecology of estuaries, as shall be seen in this chapter. of coastal systems. Following the retreat of the last
(Weichselian) glaciation during the Holocene, sea-
levels rose rap idly, around 20 m in 2000 years, as
5.1.2 Evolution of estuaries the ice melted and changed the face of Earth's coast
Estuaries are very different from many other marine sys- (see figure). Around 6000 years ago sea-level was
tems in that they are ephe meral over geological time, more similar to current levels, but there have been
particularly in temperate regions where they have been minor sea-level variations over this time, which can
successively influenced by the process of glaciation. They be detected, for example, in estuari ne saltmarsh sedi-
are also areas of high sediment deposition, so through time ments.
can demonstrate a degree of infilling and success ion. At
Thousands of years ago
such time-scales, they are therefore more similar to lakes
0 ,
-- ---- ,
than other marine systems . At the height of the last glacia-
tion (17000 Before Present, BP), sea-level was over 130 ----,
m lower than it is now (Fairbridge 1980) ; the retreat of
the ice sheet resulted in a comparatively rapid elevation of ,, Postglacial
.,,- ,,
sea-level (Box 5. 1) . This initiated flooding of the exposed ~
sea level
continental shelf (for example, the Nort h Sea, which was -'"
·50 c- ,, me
eit her dry or a freshwater lagoon) and eventually the inun- ~ ,,
dation of river valleys by 6000 BP when modern estuaries
were created . Consequently, the majority of the world's

0; ,
estuaries are exceptionally new systems in geological and
evolutionary terms, which has sign ificant consequences for ,,
their colonization, diversity, and ecology. -100 c- ,,
, ,
5.1.3 Classification of estuaries 5 10 15
Thousands ofyea rs ago
A problem contributing to the difficulty in defining estuar-
ies is that, globally, there is a wide range of estuary types,
demonstrating large differences in geomorphology, tidal Change in relative sea level over the last 15 000
range, and salin ity characteristics. Consequently, a range years.
of classification schemes has been devised in order to pro-
vide a comparative framework for the study of estuarine
systems .
A popular way of classifying estuaries is to use their but have a shallow sill at their mouth formed from glacial
topography (Fig. 5. 1), which has arisen in general from deposits. This limits the exchange of seawater and thus
their method of formation following post-glacial sea-level circulation wit hin the fjord. Consequently, despite their
rise. Coastal Plain estuaries (Fig. 5. 1a), which tend to be spectacular appearance, fjords can have quite anoxic basins
the most common and familiar, result from the flooding of and few organ isms living w ithin their depths. Estu aries
river valleys following eustatic sea-level rise, as do fjords can also be created by offs hore deposits, forming barriers
where flooding res ults in deep-sided estuaries formed across bays and inlets into which rivers flow. These barri-
from glacial V-shaped valleys. Fjords tend to be very deep, ers, which can be joined to the coast (longshore) or out to
5.1 Introduction

Figure 5.1 Examples of three d istinct types of estuary based on method of formation. (a) Chesapeake Bay, USA, a
coastal p lain estuary. (b) San Francisco Bay, USA, a tectonic estuary. (c) Great South Bay, Long Island, USA, a bar-built
estuary (Photos: (a, c) NASA, (b) USGS).

sea (offshore), restrict the flow of seawater, allowing the earth movement lowered the land seawards of the fault.
build up of diluted water in the resulting bay and form an enabling the Pacific Ocean to spill overthe entrance (where
estuary. These are known as bar-built estuaries (Fig. 5.1c) the Golden Gate bridge is located) and into the basin we call
and. as in the case of the south-east of the United States. can San Francisco Bay.
be extensive features of the coast. Further deposition can
result in the estuary being cut off in dry seasons resulting Change in sea-level can be either eustatic, due to varia-
in what is known as a blind estuary. Finally, estuaries can tions in volume of the ocean, or isostatic, due to varia-
be created by a completely different mechanism: isostatic tions in the level of the land (see also Chapter 8).
variation. in areas of tectonic activity. The classic example
of land sinking, flooding the valley, is San Francisco Bay While such a classification on topography is perhaps the
(Fig. 5.1b). The San Andreas fault-line runs adjacentto San most obvious method of defining estuaries. it has little real
Francisco. with a history of tectonic activity. A past large ecological relevance in terms ofthe conditions provided for
Chapter 5 Estuaries

associated organ isms, except on a broad biogeographical tion through a combin ation of encroachment and flood
scale. For example, fjords tend to be boreal, whereas blind defence. A classic case is the Thames estu ary in central
estuaries are more prevalent in tropical regions. Estuaries London, where the channel has been narrowed through
have therefore also been classified in terms of tidal range centuries of construction to a third of its width in Roman
(Box 5.2) , a factor that has huge consequences for the times; the tidal range at London Brid ge is now over 10 m.
dynamics and ecology of estuaries and wh ich, for example, The high tidal range with in estuaries provides, however,
makes them separate from brackish water seas. Globally, a major resource for the exploitation of renewable energy
estuaries demonstrate a wider range of tidal amplitude (Current Focus).
than other marine systems, ranging from less than a metre Tidal mo vement is therefore a key indicative descriptor
in many tropical systems (e.g. Vellar estuary, India) to over of estuaries. However, tides have a greater importance by
16 m in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Canada (Fig. 5.2) . varying a range of physicochemical parameters that in turn
The scale of water movement into estuarine systems can affect organism function, survival, and distribution. While
be huge . The tid al prism (the difference in the volume of organisms can adapt well to cons tant extre mes, such as
water in an estuary between high and low tide) of the Bay temperature, acute environmental variability is exception-
of Fundy is estimated to be 100 billion tonnes! Four catego- ally stressful. Due to this high level of variability, estu aries
ries of estuary, therefore, have been suggested depending are perhaps the most naturally stressful of all aquatic sys-
on tidal range: microtidal «2 m range) , mesotidal (2-4 tems. Several key environmental parameters vary spatially
m), macrotidal (4-6 m) , and hypertidal (> 6 m) . The tidal and temporally in estuaries and thus influence the organ-
range in estuaries can be artificially enhanced by urbaniza- isms that inhabit them.

Box 5.2: Explaining the tides (a very

simplified starting point ... imagine a
world with no land mass)
The daily movement of the tide is caused by the gravita-
tional pull of the moon. At anyone point in time, water is
pulled towards the moon forming a bulge that relates to
local high tide. Areas of the Earth perpendicular to the
line of the moon will experience low tide. As the earth
rotates, the bulge of water appears to move over the
earth surface, w here in practice the earth is moving below
the bulge. High t ide is therefore really one very large wave
movi ng over the earth's surface.
The size of high and low t ide varies over a range of
time-scales. The most familiar is the monthly cycle of
spring and neap t ides. As the moon orbi ts the Earth,
its position relative to the sun changes (resulting in the
phases of the moon) . When the moon and sun are in align-
ment, thei r g ravitational pull is complementary, resulting
in higher raising forces and therefo re greater high tides
and subsequent lower low tides (see figu re). When moon moves closer to the earth, result ing in greater gravitational
and sun are perpendicular to the earth, the pull of the sun pull. The relat ive distances and positions of moon and
coun teracts, to a small degree, the gravi tational force of sun result in long-term t idal cycles, such as the 18 .6-year
the moon resulting in low amplitude (neap) tides. In addi- lunar nodal t ide (reflected in tree rings, for example) up to
tion to the spri ng-tide cycle, there are much longer t idal an 1800-year cycle that has a strong influence on global
patterns. The moon's orbit is not consistent, so at times it climate (Keeling & Whorf 2000) .
5.1 Introduction

Current focus: using the tide to from burni ng fossil fuels to other energy-generati ng meth-
generate renewable energy ods that are more sustai nable or release no carbon or
other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. The marine
If CO2 levels in the atmosphere are to be reduced in order environment provides a maj or energy resource in terms
to combat global climate change, there has to be a move of wave, wind, and tidal stream power, and extensive

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~.~MOiG~~ry •••••••
................ Flat .. , .. ,
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Bridgewate,e '•

Figure a - Severn Tidal Power Group ! David Kerr

Figure b - Photog raph : © La mediatheque EDF / Yannick Le Gal
Figure c - Photog raph: Open Hydro
Chapter 5 Estuaries

research and development is underway in order to dis- t ion , concludi ng that a Severn Barrage could produce
cover the most efficient w ay of harnessing this huge sup- 4 .4% of the UK's electricity needs and last 120 years,
ply of 'free' energy. Wind and wave energy generation thus providing a major and reliable renewab le contribu-
relies, to some deg ree, on the prevailing weather condi- t ion. At maximum stream it could generate 15GW of
tions, but tidal movement is predictable and consistent peak power, equivalent to three nuclear power stations
(see Box 5.2), so may well be one of the key renewable (Renewable Energy Centre 2007). However, there would
energy sources to focus on. be major local impacts on the system above the barrage,
Tidal stream varies consi derably aroun d the world, wi th a potential loss of 75% of intertidal habitat , large
from practically tideless seas, such as the Baltic and changes in the sedi mentary and production regime as
Black Seas (see 5.5. 1), to the vast tidal move me nt cur rents are reduced and light penetration increases (Fal-
present in some temperate estuaries an d inlets, in par- coner et al. 2009), and rest rictions to migrating fish. Only
ticular the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada, and the one commercial-scal e tidal barrage is currently opera-
Severn Estuary in SW Britain (5.1 .3 ) . Here the rate of t ional, though at a much smaller scale to that proposed
water movement on flow ing and ebbi ng tides is hig h for the Severn: La Rance Tidal Power Plant in Brita nny,
enough to potentially gen erate significant amou nts of France (8 m tide; figu re b), which was constructed in
electrici ty; current speeds in t he Severn can be up to the 19 6 0 s, can produce 4% of Bri tanny's power, and
4. 1 ms'" . with a t idal range of up to 14.6 m (Carling et has long since recovered the cost of construction. In the
al. 2005), whilst the volume of water entering the Bay of Severn, ou r decision is whether the wide, long-term envi-
Fundy each t ide is greater than all the rivers in the world. ronmental benef its of barrage construction outweig h the
Plans to harness the resource from the Severn and Fundy local impacts to the system: a real conservation dilemma.
have been discussed for decades, but more recently their In the Bay of Fundy, barrage const ruction is more dif-
potential has been taken more seriously as governments ficul t and here the installation of smaller-scale underwa-
look to exploiti ng thei r renewable resources. ter tu rbines has been proposed (figu re c), the first test
In the Severn, plans have generally focused on building device being deployed in November 2009 by Nova Sco-
a barrage across the estuary to generate energy (figure tia Power in the Minas Passage part of the Bay system.
a) , trapp ing w ater from higher up the estuary and pass- This uses the Open Hyd ro Open-Ce ntre Tu rbine (http://
ing it th rough turb ines on the ebbing tid e-a large-scale hyd which is simple
version of 'ti dal mills' present in Europe from the twelfth and reliable for the tough conditions of Fundy and has
centu ry. The UK Sustain able Development Comm ission its b lades covered to minimize impacti ng marine ani-
(h ttp:// mmissio ag es/tid al-powe r. mals. Potenti ally, large arrays of such devices could be
htm l) has undertaken maj or reviews in barrage construe- deployed in t idal streams.

5.1.4 Important environmental potentially be exposed to near fresh water at low tide and
variables near marine conditions at high tide. In the mid-Ythan estu-
ary, Scotl and, salinity ranges from 3 to 29 over a tid al cycle.
Classically, salin ity h as been considered to be the dom i- Salinity is now presented as a dimensionless measure
n ant influence on the survival and distribution of estuarine known as Practical Salinity Units (P5U). It is unitless when
organisms due, perhaps, to it being the most obvious vari- presented , i.e. just the number.
able that defines an estuary. While the role of salinity m ay
have been over played in the past, it is still one of the most However, such dramatic variation between low- and
important factors that affects organisms and demonstrates high-tide saliniti es is only indicative of the mid -estuary
a wide variation within estuaries. This variability has two area, salinity range decreasing cons iderably towards both
components. First , there is spatial, longitudinal va riability, ends of the estuary (Attrill 2002 ; Fig. 5.3). The salin ity of
salinity ranging from 0 at the river end to around 34 at the water trapped in the sediment of intertidal areas (intersti -
mouth. In tropical estuaries, evaporation can cause salinity ti al water) is much less variable over a tidal cycle «2 in
levels to exceed those of seawater (see 5.5) . However, the the Ythan) , the sed iment filling with heavier seawater, the
most important aspect of salinity variation that defines tidal lighter freshwater flowing over the surface of the sediment.
estu aries is that salinity at anyone point varies consider- In addition , m any intertidal areas will not experience low-
ably over time. With ever y tid al cycle, an organism could salin ity water as they are exposed by the receding tide. The
5.1 Introduction

Figure 5.2 Extreme t idal range in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia. The two pictures were taken 4 h apart, a student is
circled at the water's edge in the second photo (photographs: Martin Attrill).

Salinity profiles
salinity of interstitial water in subtidal sediments appears A

~'\ "
to be more similar to that of the overlying water. Salinity Fresh
levels can also vary seasonally due to changes in freshwater •
flow. This aspect of temporal salinity variation in estuar- • limited mixing zane---f
ies has been comparatively overlooked, but can have dra- A
matic implications for the ecology of estuaries (see 5.2.3) .
However, freshwater flow rates affect the current speed of
Solt wedge effect. Alargesnlume of sea water in relation
river water entering the estuary, and the way freshwater to freshwater run-off produces thewedge effect, 05 the see Depth
reacts with saltwater entering with the rising tide, together water dams bock the freshwater. Typical rertiml salinity
with the topography of the estuary, can produce estuaries profile is givenfromA-A. 8ottom
of different vertical salinity structures. This has allowed an
alternative classification ofestuaries based on their salinity
profile. A variety of types has been defined, but basically [ - ~

- J
depend on how well mixed the two water sources become, Fresh
, I-I-- I ' "
and these can vary over tidal cycles and with seasonal input I
offreshwater (Fig. 5.4) . •
While salinity variation is an inherent feature of estuar- A
ies, it is not necessarily the only important stressor influ-
encing organisms. Three other factors can potentially have Surface
equally significant roles on the ecology of estuaries.
Two-layer flow. Alarge vol ume 01 freshwater in relation to see Depth
water produces a 2-layer flowwith outgoinglreshwaterflowing
18 oser incaming salt water. Typicol5alinity profile fro mA-A i5sheen, ,"". 0

0 --- - -- ~ ~

-- -- ~

~ 11 A

10 • •
""- ,
S,II (
) Fresh

6 ,
'" A
4 »>
1 Surface

0 10 10 3D Depth
Mean mid-tide salinity Well mixed estuary. Patternsofflowand estuary topography
result in evensalinity cmss thevertical profile(A-A) ,"". 0
Figure 5.3 Salinity range along the length of an estuary,
in this case the Thames. Figure 5.4 Stylized salinity profiles of estuaries.
Chapter 5 Estuaries

Perhaps the most recognizable features of estuaries are the
expansive intertidal mudflats composed of soft, fine, grey
silt, extremely difficult to walk over (Fig. 5.5) and giving
off a distinctive sulphurous odour when the sedime nt is
disturbed. This fine, mobile sediment is a highly difficult
habitat to colonize. There are no points of attachment for
macroalgae or sessile organisms, while organisms intoler-
ant of mechanical disturbance wo uld not be able to deal
wit h the mobility of the substratum. Addit ionally, the fine
particles can easily clog delicate feeding and respiratory
structures, and the sedime nt makes locomotion difficult
(Fig. 5.5). It has therefore been suggested that organisms
that thrive in estuarine mudflats need to be more adapted
to the sediment than to the salinity variation (Barnes 1989) . Figure 5.5 Extensive mudflats are characteristic of most
However, despite being symbolic ofestuaries, under normal estuaries, the wide expanses of mud exposed at low tide
cond itions, large fine-grained mudflats only tend to form in being rich in organic material and difficult for organisms,
the middle reaches of the estuary and are comprised mainly and marine biologists, to move over (photographs: Martin
of marine-derived material, even though they may be many Attrill).
kilometres from the sea. The deposition of sed iment in an
estuary is mainly due to comparative tidal and river current ally rich in fine organic material that has settled out with
speeds (Box 5.3), although the highest suspended sediment silt particles in the water column. Consequently, estuaries
conce ntration tends to be further up the estuary (the turbid- have one of the highest levels of secondary production in
ity maximum) due to a dynamic interaction between fresh aquatic systems (see 5. 3 and Chapter 4). If a deposit-feed-
and saline water (see Dyer 1997) . Conseque ntly, sedime nts ing organism can tolerate the extremely stressful conditions
near the mouth and heads of estuaries tend to be much more prevalent in a mid-estuary mudflat, then growth rates and
coarse, as tidal and river flows are great here, thus prevent- production can be extre mely high due to the quantity and
ing settlement of finer particles (see also Chapter 8) . qu ality of ava ilable food.
The extens ive mudflats found in estuaries are exception-

Box 5.3: Sediment deposition in a very simplified version of sedimentation in estuaries,

estuaries which is further influenced by many factors, such as salin-
Estuaries are typically associated with extensive banks of ity structure, local topography, and tidal movement, etc.,
very fi ne mud, but these only really occur in the middle but provides the general, large-scale pri nciples. For full
of the estuary and are mainly composed of marine sedi- details see Dyer (1997).
ment. How do they for m he re, often tens of kilometres Due to the large amou nt of suspended material, estu-
from the sea? Sediment deposition is related to current aries are naturally turbid. In the 19 60 s the Kinks sang
speed-when tide or river cu rrents are fast they can hold about the Thames being a 'dirty old river'- this may have
on to much of the ir sediment. However, in the middle been the case at the t ime, but now th e comparatively
estuary, river and t idal cu rrents meet and slow down, unpolluted estuary still looks dirty due to the high natural
the reduced velocity allowing suspended solid load.
the settlement of the finest silt
particles carried in the water. Reduced velocity
As either river or t ide slows as
it moves along th e estuary, suc-
cessively smaller particles settle
out, creati ng a distinct sediment
Gravel Sa nd Silt Silt Sand Gravel/shell
profile (see figure). Gene rally,
tidal movement is much greater in
Gravel Sand Silty mud Sand Gravel/shell
terms of volume than river input,
so the mid-estuary mud is mainly •
of marine origi n. This is clearly Estuarinesediment profile
5.2 Estuarine organisms

Dissolved oxygen of estuaries, with knock-on effects for oxygen levels; for
Very few aquatic systems have naturally low levels of dis- example, the discharge of warm water effluent from power
solved oxygen (DO) and appropriate oxygen levels in water stations. It has been estimated that at the height of power
are vital to sustain life. Both estuarine waters and sedi- station activity, the water temperature in the Thames Estu-
ment have extremely high levels of organic material (see ary was raised by over 3°e.
5.3 .1), so consequently have very high levels of bacterial The conditions within. and surrounding. estuaries are
activity. Aerobic bacteria dominate the breakdown of mar- directly linked to human activity. Few. if any. estuaries in
ter in estuarine waters. and consequently use up dissolved the world could be regarded as totally free from human
oxygen in the process, resulting in reduced oxygen levels influence, whether this is an impact on the water quality of
in mid-estuary water. Oxygen levels tend to be normal at the system, interference from fisheries and aquaculture. or
the head and mouth of an estuary, so a longitudinal profile more commonly modification of the surrounding bankside
of DO would show a notable dip in the mid-estuary. This is environment. Therefore, estuaries arguably represent the
known as a DO sag. Oxygen removal is more severe from most anthropogenically degraded habitat type on earth, a
interstitial water in mudflats. The fine nature of the sedi- factor that must be kept in mind when investigating their
ment prevents re-aeration by diffusion. Hence. below the ecology (Edgar et al. 2000) .
surface of the mud. bacterial action removes oxygen. with
subsequent breakdown of matter undertaken by anaerobic
bacteria. This process results in potentially toxic by-prod-
5.1.5 Division of estuaries into zones
ucts, such as methane (CH.) and hydrogen sulphide (H 2S), To enable further sub-classification of estuaries, they have
the latter having the effect of turning the mud black and been traditionally divided up into zones reflecting the over-
producing the 'rotten eggs' smell. This is a natural process in all environmental conditions apparent in that particular
estuarine mud (it would occur in unpolluted estuaries) and region. Several schemes have been devised, generally based
adds a further physiological stress for organisms attempting around salinity levels (e.g. the Venice system), but all are
to live in mudflats. subjective to a high degree and zones are hard to spatially
Generally. the level of oxygen removal from estuarine define in a dynamic system that is varying over tidal and
water will not have a dramatic effect on the associated biota; seasonal cycles.
however, many estuaries worldwide have been favoured A typical classification is as follows :
places of human settlement, with large cities having been
constructed on their banks. Human activity (e .g, sewage Zone 1: Head. Estuary dominated by river flow, salinity
disposal) can supplement the amount of organic matter in generally < 5, strong river currents resulting in
the estuary and thus stimulate excessive removal of oxy- coarse sediment of stones and gravel.
gen by bacterial action. In extreme cases (e.g. the Thames; Zone 2: Upper Reaches. Main area of mixing of fresh and
Attrill 1998). estuarine waters can become exceptionally saline water, salinity highly variable (e.g. 5-18),
depleted ofoxygen, with dramatic and severe consequences currents can be negligible. resulting in fine.
for the ecology of the system (see also Chapter 15). The muddy sediment in intertidal areas.
naturally low level ofoxygen in mid-estuarine water makes Zone 3 : Middle Reaches. Flows dominated more by tidal
it exceptionally vulnerable to human impact. currents. salinity 18-25. extensive intertidal flats
mainly muddy but with more sand present.
Temperature Zone 4 : Lower Reaches. Faster tidal currents. salinity
Temperature does not vary greatly over a tidal cycle and 25-34. Sediment now mainly sand.
changes in temperature longitudinally are fairly minimal. Zone 5 : Mouth. Where estuary meets the sea, strong tidal
However, in higher latitudes. seasonal patterns in tem- currents and generally fully saline conditions.
perature change can be the major trigger for migration and Sediment clean sand with shell fragments, or even
reproduction of estuarine organisms, particularly mobile rock in some cases.
species, such as fish and large crustaceans (see 5.2.2) . This
influence of temperature can be more important than salin-
ity variation. so needs to be considered as a major environ- 5.2 Estuarine organisms
mental factor in estuarine ecology. Temperature can also
influence the speed of microbial breakdown in estuaries.
5.2.1 Origin of estuarine organisms
Bacteria process organic matter much faster in the tropics Estuaries are exceptionally new systems in geological
or during the summer in temperate systems. This has con- terms, particularly in temperate and boreal regions. There-
sequences for DO levels and temperate urbanized estuar- fore. they have been open to colonization by organisms only
ies are more vulnerable to severe DO sags in summer than since the retreat ofthe last ice age (5.1.2) . Tropical systems
in winter. Human activity can also affect the temperature potentially have been more stable through time, although
Chapter 5 Estuaries

they will have been affected to some degree by sea-level from the Northern European fauna after the last ice age. A
changes. The effective extinction of estuaries at higher good example is the bivalve Mya arenaria (Fig. 5.6a; Box
latitudes during the last glaciation event would have had 5.4) . Barnes (1994) suggested that the diversity of very
severe consequences for the fauna and there is much debate similar Gammarus species (Fig. 5.6b) existing in brackish
as to whether brackish water conditions existed during this water represents successive species evolving into estuaries
period to act as refugia for estuarine organisms (Barnes after each ice age.
1994) . Three scenarios for the recolonization of estuaries Whatever the evolutionary pattern of estuarine coloni-
following glacial retreat are therefore possible.1flocal refu- zation, estuarine organisms originate from two possible
gia were present, then recolonization by similar suites of sources:species of freshwater origin extending into estuar-
organisms present prior to glaciation might have occurred. ies from rivers and marine species colonizing estuaries from
Organisms mayhave remained in brackish water systems at the sea. The dynamic. stressful nature of estuarine condi-
lower latitudes and recolonized using successively higher tions produces strong evolutionary selection forces. so spe-
latitude systems as stepping stones. Alternatively. some ciation in such habitats is potentially rapid. Indeed, genetic
species may have become extinct if no refugia existed, so research on estuarine organisms, such as amphipods, has
a third scenario is that organisms have evolved into estuar- revealed significant genetic differences between popula-
ies from suitable marine species during each post-glacial tions within the same estuary that are found in different
period. Evidence is equivocal, although some estuarine spe- habitats (Stanhope et at. 1993).
cies recorded as subfossils are known to have disappeared

Figure 5.6 Examples of estuarine species. (a) Mya arenaria, which became extinct in European estuaries during the last
ice age (photograph: Andrew Butko). (b). Gammarus roeseli, one of several very similar species of amphipod inhabiting
estuaries (photograph: Michael Manas). (c). The mysid Praunus Bexuosus, which has very advanced osmoregulation
(photograph: Kare Teines). (d). The ragworm , Nereis diversicolor, is one of the most successful organisms in northern
temperate estuaries due to its ability to colonize practically any salinity as long as mud is available (photograph: David
Samuel Johnson).
5.2 Estuarine organisms

bivalve molluscs. Mudflats in the middle of an estuary will

Box 5.4: Extinction and tend to be inhabited by large numbers of polychaetes, oli-
reintroduction of Mya arenaria gochaetes, and small crustaceans, in particular arnphipods.
Wh at happened to estuarine species duri ng glacia- In outer estuary areas, large beds of bivalve molluscs, such
tion? Mollusc shells provide a clue. The common as mussels and oysters, are not uncommon. In parallel wit h
estuarine bivalve Mya appeared to become extinct the head of an estuary, examples of the majority of marine
in Europe during the last ice age, as its habitat dis- taxa can be found in the outer estuary area. Other species
appeared. It did not naturally recolonize from North utilize estu aries during migration, either from freshwater
America, but most likely was reintroduced by human to the sea (catadromous species, e.g. the Chinese mitten
movement across the Atlantic from the fou rteenth crab (Eriocheir sinensis), the eel (Anguilla angu illa)) or vice
centu ry. Subsequently, th e bivalve has spread through versa (anadromous species, e.g. salmon species, such as the
brackish w ater in Europe, only reach ing the Black Sea chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha )).
in the 19 60 5, and would be regarded by most as a Plants are poorly represented below the high-tide mark
classic species of these habitats. Did other species in estu aries, although huge plant-dominated areas exist
also suffer this extinctio n? We have li ttle evidence to over the land-estuary transition, such as salt marshes (see
go on, but the fate of estuarine species during gla- 5.3.4 and Chapter 10). Few hard substrata are available for
ciatio n and the subsequent method of recolonization algal attachment (apart from those of human origin), while
may be important in helping to understand diversity the turbid waters result in minimal light penetration and
patterns and speciation in estuaries. restrict phytoplankton production. Benthic diatoms and

ephemeral green algae can colon ize the surface of mud-
flats (Chapters 2 and 3). The only large standing biomass of
plants in estuaries tends to be seagrass beds (Chapter 10),
which are usually restricted to the outer estuarine regions.

5.2.2 Responses of estuarine

organisms to environmental variation
A large su ite of species can be found along the full length
of an estuary, but comparatively few are able to exploit the
- Natural rich conditions present in the mid- or upper-estuarine mud-
- Anth ropogenic flats due to the high degree of environmental variability
detailed in 5.1.3. Traditionally, the physiological ability to
respond to reduced salin ity has been seen as the key to the
survival of marine species in estuaries and determines the
realized distribution of any organism. A reduced salinity
The head of an estuary is dominated by organisms of in the external medium exerts an osmotic stress, resulting
freshwater origin, with most freshwater taxa represented. in uptake of water by the organism, which has an internal
Insects generally do not penetrate far into estuaries, in par- fluid concentration greater than that of the surround ing
allel with the full marine environment, with the possible water (hyp erosmotic). To prevent lethal dilution of body
exception of dipteran larvae such as the Chironomid ae. fluid s, water uptake has to be mitigated or prevented by,
The most abundant freshwater taxa in estuaries tend to be for example, active pumping of water or internal mo ve-
fish (e.g. catfish in tropical estuaries) , pulmonate molluscs ment of ions. One might then expect that good powers of
(such as the Lymnaeidae) , and, in particular, oligochaetes. osmoregulation would be a distinctive feature of all suc-
These worms are extre mely successful colonizers of estu- cessful estuarine organisms . In fact, they exh ibit a very
aries, wit h several species found only in the upper- and wide range of abilities to osmoregulate. Many organisms,
mid-estuarine areas, often in vast numbers. The majority such as molluscs, have little, if any, osmoregulatory abili ty
of oligochaetes belong to two families: the Enchytraeidae and are thus termed osmoconformers. They survive and
and the Tubificidae. In particular, tubificids can thrive thrive in estuaries by exhibiting exceptionally high toler-
in estuaries wit h some organic enrichment, having been ance to diluted blood concentrations, wh ich is sufficient
recorded at densities of over 1 million m-2 in such mid- over most of their range in estuaries. At the other extreme,
estuary mudflats. crustaceans are amongst the most efficient osmoregulators .
The maj ority of ot her common organisms that pen- Species such as the mysid Praunusflexuosus (Fig. 5.6c) are
etrate far into estuaries are of marine origin, in particular able to maintain a relatively cons tant internal medium
polychaetes, nematodes, crustaceans, fish (see 5.2.4) , and across a very wide range of external salinities. Many other
Chapter 5 Estuaries

tribution within estuaries. rather than salinity (Lawrie et

animals fall between these two extremes in theirosmoregu-
al. 1999).
latory ability. Some algae can also survive extreme salinity
• The shore crab (Carcinus maenas) is a classic estuarine
variation; the green alga Ulva is perhaps the most tolerant,
organism and an efficient osmoregulator. However.
changing ionic and metabolic concentrations in response
modelling work suggests that salinity appears to be
to variations in salinity. Estuarine Ulva also possess thinner
unimportant in determining its movements and distri-
and stretchier cell walls than fully marine species, allowing
bution, with temperature the key factor (Attrill et al.
changes in tissue water content and cell volume.
1999) . Below approximately 8°C the crabs become com-
paratively inactive. Dissolved oxygen concentration is
An organism with blood concentrat ion t he same as the
the only physicochemical parameter significantly related
external concen t ration is isosmotic, blood more concen-
to distribution patterns of the brown shrimp (Crangon
trat ed than external is hyperosmot ic, blood less concen-
crangon) . Findings for both of these species are sup-
trat ed than the external medium is hyposmot ic.
ported by other laboratory results.

Thus. while osmoregulation is clearly important to aid • Temperature appears to be the dominant variable influ-
survival of many species that encounter reduced salinity encing the movement and distribution of many estuarine
conditions, considering this to be the major determinant fish species (see 5.2.4) .
ofspecies distribution in estuaries is an over-simplification.
Organisms found in the most variable conditions within an In summary. while an important environmental factor,
estuary are not necessarily the most sophisticated osmo- salinity should not necessarily be considered the major
regulators. but often simply the most tolerant. The major- influence over distribution patterns in estuaries. Overall
ity ofexperimental work on osmoregulation has considered environmental variability is probably the limiting factor
organism response to fixed salinity values, whereas organ- for most organisms that penetrate estuaries. with other
isms in estuaries (particularly in subtidal areas) are sub- environmental factors influencing their local distribution
ject to highly fluctuating conditions on a tidal and seasonal and survival.
basis. Therefore, an experiment determining the minimum
salinity at which a species can survive may have limited
application in the estuarine environment. Estuarine organ-
5.2.3 Impact of freshwater inflow on
isms also demonstrate a marked physiological plasticity, estuarine organisms
enabling them to adapt to different salinity regimes even Much focus on environmental variation in estuaries has
if they have minimal osmoregulatory abilities, such as the been on the short-term impact of tidal cycles. However.
mussel Mytilw; edulis (Tedengren et al. 1990). Effectively, conditions within an estuary vary over a longer, seasonal
the majority of estuarine species are able to tolerate a wide time period, particularly in higher latitudes and in tropical
range of salinities. and while their absolute upstream limit areas with seasonal monsoons. as the amount offresh water
will be affected by their ability to deal with fluctuating, entering the estuary varies considerably. Most organisms
reduced salinities (amongst other variables), their physi- respond to tidal variations in conditions by simply tolerat-
ological tolerance would generally be greater than that ing the variability for this short time period or by avoiding
experienced in the environment over their realized range. contact with lower salinity water by burrowing. bivalves
Other environmental factors therefore potentially control closing their shells. or fish moving in and out of estuaries
the survival and distribution of estuarine organisms on a with the tide. However. large changes in the amount of
day-to-day basis, and research supports this: fresh water entering the estuary due to increased. seasonal
precipitation can alter the conditions in anyone part of the
• The distribution of many infaunal organisms is deter-
estuary quite dramatically (e.g. salinity; Fig. 5.7), changes
mined by the availability of mud habitat rather than
that are effective over much longer periods of time. This
salinity levels (Barnes 1989) . The polychaete Nereis
influence of such variations in flow has generally been
diversicolor (Fig . 5.6d), for example, is found practi-
neglected, despite the potentially large impact they may
cally throughout an estuarine system wherever stable
have on estuarine ecology and the spatial distribution of
mudbanks occur. As such a habitat is not found above
estuarine organisms.
the upper estuary. Nereis is not present here. although
Estuarine organisms can demonstrate three responses to
settling larvae (neochaetes) have been recorded from
increases in flow. and subsequent large decreases in salin-
samples in near freshwater conditions.
ity, particularly in the upper estuary where seasonal inputs
• The mysid Neomysis integer is an excellent osmoregula- can lower the salinity to practically fresh water: either the
tor and is found across large parts of Northwestern Euro- organisms tolerate the changes. they migrate or drift to
pean estuaries. However. avoidance of high flow areas avoid low salinity water, or they do not survive at all. In
appears to be the key factor in determining its local dis- the first scenario. temporal samples of the community in
5.2 Estuarine organisms

80 l1li0
abstraction of water; Fig. 5.8) resulted in the upstream
40 l1li0 movement of many sedentary species. Changes in the com-

16l1li0 munity at the very head of the estuary were even more
- 8l1li0 marked (Attrill et al. 1996). Despite very small changes
~ •
a t. in salinity (0.25) many species, particularly insects, disap-
.=. ••
\:' . .
"", ..
peared rapidly from the community (Fig. 5.9) leaving a low-
BOO \' .-.-.
..-. .... ... .
diversity assemblage of tolerant species. Traditionally, the
freshwater part of an estuary is considered to be the area

•• •
... .
• •.. •

< 5, but this study demonstrated that very subtle changes
• •• • •
• ••• • in the salinity regime can have dramatic consequences for
160 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 upper estuarine communities. Either species that inhabit
Salinity this area of the system are far more susceptible to salinity
variation than traditionally thought. or other factors asso-
Figure 5.7 The relationship between freshwater inflow ciated with variation in flow have large impacts on these
and salinity levels in an upper estuary. organisms.

an estuary would demonstrate few changes. whereas the Abst raction-the planned removal of water from riv-
latter two responses would result in the removal of the ers or lakes to supplement drinking supply. Generally
organism from the assemblage and possible shifts in com- water is pumped to reservoirs to maintain their level.
munityup and down the estuary. Clearly, long-term studies This action can dramat ically affect the amount of water
are needed to elucidate responses of organisms to seasona l entering estuaries.
flow changes. but unfortunately few such data sets exist.
In the Fraser River, Western Canada. flow is highly sea-
sonal but due to ice formation and melting in the Rocky
Mountains. Lowest flow rates into the estuary occur during
winter when water is locked up as snow in the mountains,
dramatically increasing over spring and summer as melt-
water flows to the coast. The responses of benthic inverte-
brates were recorded over this seasonal change (Cha pman
& Brinkhurst 1981) . There were notable patterns in organ-
ism occurrence at the more freshwater estuarine sites. with
freshwater species, such as the oligochaete Tubifex tubifex,
present in large numbers for much of the year, but absent
during winter when flow levels dropped. Similarly, the
freshwater species Paranais frici was replaced in winter by
a species more adapted to estuarine conditions, P. litoralis.
Populations of these highly sedentaryworms demonstrated
movements both up and down the estuary on a seasonal Figure 5.8 The impact of drought conditions on
basis. Similar changes to ranges within the estuary were estuaries-low tide in the Thames Estuary (at Kew) during
noted in the Thames, UK (Attrill & Rundle 2002), where low-flow conditions, with only a small freshwater channel
severe reductions in flow (due to drought conditions and evident (photograph: Martin Attrill).

1989 1990
Taxon 272829 3031 32 33 3435 3637 38 39 4045 3111620242628 3032 34 3638 40 42 4547 49
low-Row periods
• •
• •• • • •

Erpobdellidoe -- • • - .. •- •

Figure 5.9 Disappearance of upper-estuarine
Asellidoe •• • taxa following reductions in freshwater flow
Sphaeriidae • • into an estuary. The solid bars show when a
Chironomidae family of organisms was present, with the week
Oligochaeta number during each year along the top of the
Chapter 5 Estuaries
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Drought-induced changes in freshwater inflow can also primary production in the oligohaline zone. This higher
have large consequences for the water quality of the mid- production results in increased macrofaunal densities,
estuary, and subsequently impact the mobile organisms creating greater predation pressure on meiofauna and so
present there (Attrill & Power 2000a, 2000b) . Despite being reducing their numbers (see 8.3 .1 for organism size defini-
over 60 km from the river. low-flow conditions over a 4-year tions) . The impact of inflow on estuarine production was
period were shown to significantly affect a range of param- also apparent in a study of phytoplankton in the Swan River
eters in the mid-Thames estuary (including dissolved oxy- Estuary, Australia (Chan & Hamilton 2001), and led to the
gen. temperature. salinity) that are the major influences on conclusion that alterations to freshwater discharge can
mobile estuarine organisms. The long-term nature of this have a significant impact on phytoplankton biomass and
study (17 years) allowed the populations of mobile inver- species composition, with regulation of the dominant group
tebrates to be modelled and demonstrated significant shifts (e.g. green algae and diatoms) by inflow.
in their abundances and distribution patterns following the
onset of drought (Fig. 5.10) .
There is also evidence that different inflow rates can
5.2.4 Estuarine fish communities
have significant effects on the productivity of estuaries. Due perhaps to their relative ease of sampling, much work
Montagna and Kalke (1992) studied two estuaries in Texas, on the ecology of estuaries has focused on the inverte-
USA, which were very similar, apart from the size of the brates inhabiting the extensive intertidal mudflats. How-
river entering the system, providing a spatial comparison ever, estuaries also support a large fish biomass, which
of the effect of freshwater inflow. The Guadalupe estuary exploits the high levels of available food represented
had nearly 80 times the freshwater inflow than the Nueces by exceptional numbers of infaunal and mobile inverte-
estuary, and had a much higher macrofaunal density and brates. In parallel with invertebrate taxa inhabiting estu-
shellfish production, but a lower density of meiofauna. The aries, the fish fauna is represented by species originating
difference in production was explained by higher nutrient from both freshwater and marine systems. Only a few
input to the Guadalupe estuary via river flow that boosted fish species depend on estuaries for the whole of their

9 0 , - - - - - - - - - - - --,-- - - -----,

, ,
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" ., .. ,:,
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lil40 , ' , ~. :
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Draught years
30 ,'~.: :

Draught years

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 aDO 900 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 aDo 900
Weeks framJanuary I, 19n Weeks fram January 1, 19n
1000 ,-- - - - - - - - - - - - -,-- - - -----,
Draught years
,,, : ' " , ••

" ",
'~,"! ~ ,:
I~ :
, ,';:" .':'\ , ',,:: " ,:~':f,:'
I; :

,' .
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: V ",: .•,,'
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·• •, ,•
, ., "
'.'. ,,

· ,

200 400 ~o

Weeks from January I, 1977

Figure 5.10 Examples of models constructed for water quality and mobile invertebrates in the Thames estuary
demonstrated marked changes in seasonal patterns following the onset of drought.
5.2 Estuarine organisms

Figure 5.11 Fish species living and breeding within estuarine systems: (a) the mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus
(NOAA); (b) the smelt, Osmerus eper/anus, which strangely smells of cucumbers! (Markku Varjo/www.kuvaliiterLfi).

life cycle, however, and can be termed estuarine special- temperate areas, higher densities and species' richness
ists. Examples include the mummichog (Fundulus het- have been recorded during the rainy season. Like inverte-
erod itus; Fig. 5 .11a) and the smelt (Osmerus eperlanus; brates. the overall salinity regime can influence the longi-
Fig. 5 .11b), the latter species laying its eggs in the upper tudinal distribution offish species, but their comparatively
reaches of estuaries. In many northern temperate estuar- high tolerance to a range of salinities, coupled with their
ies, the three-spined stickleback (Gast rosteus aculeatus) motility. enables them to avoid unfavourable conditions;
is common, a species more generally associated with salinity therefore appears unimportant in determining the
fresh water. However, the stickleback has only colonized usage patterns of estuaries by fish . The majority of large-
freshwater systems since the last ice age, spreading into scale studies have concluded that water temperature is
rivers from estuaries. Other fish species utilize the whole the most important parameter related to the distribution
length of estuaries during their life cycle. An example is of fish over the year. initiating migration movements. for
the flounder (Platichthy s flesus), the post-metamorphosis example. However. other parameters are also highly influ-
juveniles inhabiting the very top of the estuary. extending ential for certain species and at a more local level. Ade-
into rivers. As flounders grow they move down to the main quate dissolved oxygen levels are vital for fish survival in
body of the estuary, where they spend most of their life, estuaries, and historically pollution-induced low DO levels
and tend to migrate to the sea to spawn. Many marine fish have reduced, or completely eliminated. the nursery roles
species exploit the rich environment of the mid-estuary ofestuaries such as the Tyne, northeastern England. Some
by undertaking migrations in and out with the tide . An fish species may also follow their prey. For example, whit-
example is the grey mullet (Chelan labrosus), which fol- ing (Merlangius merlangus) are closely associated with the
lows the tide into even small creeks. Unlike most fish spe- brown shrimp (Crangon crangon ), upon which they exert
cies in estuaries, however, Chelon is principally a grazer. strong predation pressure (Bergh ahn 1996) . On a more
feeding off diatom films on the mud surface and leaving local level, habitat complexity may be a highly important
distinctive feeding traces in the mud. influence on the size and diversity of the fish assemblage,
Probably the most important role of estuaries for fish particularly in tropical systems where seagrass beds and
species is. however, as a nursery ground for marine spe- mangroves are prevalent.
cies, one fourth of all fish species in the Virginia/Carolina Estuarine fish assemblages may also be influenced by
region of the USA being estuarine-dependent (Ray 1997). much larger scale phenomena. Attrill and Power (2002)
The majority of fish found in temperate estuaries are reported that diversity, abundance, and growth of fish
juveniles within the first two years of life . Vast numbers species in the Thames estuary over a 16-year period were
of such fish can move into temperate estuaries at certain primarily influenced by variations in climate known as the
times of the year (particularly winter), utilizing the high North Atlantic Oscillation (Fig. 5.12, Box 5.5) . For a large
food supply and the generally less harsh, warmer condi- number of fish species. this climatic influence appeared to
tions than present in the open sea. The high turbidity of be greater than factors such as water temperature, salinity,
estuaries may also provide a certain level of refuge from or freshwater flow. How could a variable climate pattern
visual predators. Therefore, estuaries are exceptionally have such a controlling influence? A significant relation-
important in providing recruits to many coastal fisheries ship was evident between the NAO and the difference in
(see Techniques box) . Seasonal use of estuaries by fish also water temperatures between the North Sea and estuary. At
occurs in tropical regions, here dominated by wet and dry low phases of the NAO (cold, dry winters) the estuary was
seasons. While these systems are much less studied than significantly warmer than the open sea, providing highly
Chapter 5 Estuaries

TECHNIQUES: Using otolith (Leakey et al. 2009), particularly when compared in

microchemistry to trace fish relat ion to t he calcium in the water- the Sr:Ca ratio
movements increases wi th salinity. The figu re shows the Sr:Ca results
for an otolith of a plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) caught
Estuaries are very important nursery grounds fo r the in the southern North Sea off the Thames Estuary. The
early years of many coastal fish species, t he you ng fish very centre of the otoli th was laid down when the fish
then migrating out of the estuary to join the coastal was in its larval and early juvenile stages, and it can
stock. Other fish species undertake migrations from be seen that the samples ablated from th is point have
freshwater to th e sea or vice versa, so experience a a lower Sr:Ca ratio than those nearer the edge, which
range of salini ties over their life cycle. To understand the would be laid down in later years. It therefore appears
importance of estuaries to fish stocks, and aid t heir con- that this fish did indeed spend the first stage of its exis-
serva tion, it would be very useful to quantify this use of tence in reduced sali nity, migrating out to full sali nity
estuarine systems by fish species; but how? Fortu nately, condi tions as it got older.
a history of where fish have been living is stored in their Using otoli th microchemistry can provide insights into
ear bones, or otoliths, solid structures laid down as the migrations of species that actually change t he way we
fish grows and often demonstrating growth rings like understand th eir ecology. A classic example involved
fish-scales or t rees. These otoli ths are produced using investigating otolith chemistry of eels (Anguilla; Tsuka-
the minerals from the wa ter in which the fish was liv- moto et al. 1999), these species bei ng textbook exam-
ing at the t ime, so the composi tion of these bones will ples of catadromous migration, movi ng from living most
be in t he same proportions as the surroundi ng water of their lives in freshwater systems to spawn in t he sea.
(Leakey et al. 2009). If the fish moves between waters Tsukamoto et al. (1999) studied the distribution of the
of different chemical composition, then t his will result otolith Sr:Ca rat io in eels from the Atlantic and Pacific
in a different chemical signatu re of the ear bone layers to assess the proportion of time spent in freshwater and,
put down in each water body. By analysing the chem- to their surprise, showed that many of the specimens
istry of otoliths we can therefore obtain information on they collected from t he mari ne environment showed no
whether, fo r example, a fish has lived in low salinities evidence of ever being in freshwater at all, spending
during its early life-stages or elucidate its migration pat- their whole life at sea. It is clear, therefore, t hat eels
terns (Chang et al. 2004). need not be catadromous, but some populations are
Undertaking suc h analysis is, however, difficult fully mari ne.
and involves advanced analytical equipment in 0.003 , -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - --,
order to get enough resolution in the data to look
0.0025 • • •
at changes in habitat th roughout a fish's life: each
• •
individual year band of the otoli th will have to 0.002 •
be separately analysed, for example. One of t he
main methods to do th is is to cut the otolith in
0.0015 •
• •
section and use a laser to ablate a small part of 0.001
the otolith. The result ing gases are cap tured and
analysed using a sensitive mass spectrometer, the
result ing overall equipment needed being termed 0
1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9
'Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass
Ablotion point
spectrometry' (LA-ICP-MS; Ludsi n et al. 2006).
From th e results the concentration of elements
wi thin the sample can be determi ned. Several
elements are key to study in ter ms of assessi ng
whether a fish has been in brackish or freshwater,
as they vary consistently with changes in salin-
ity. Strontium, in par ticular, can exhibi t a strong
gradient along the freshwater-marine continuum Ph oto graph: Ch ris Leakey
5.3 Productivity and food webs

• 20

,, .
, ..-


9 , "
Figure 5.12 Relationships
between the North Atlantic
'"•• ,, .S!
18 , ," Oscillation Index (NAOI) and
=, B , ,

--. •=0
0 17
-- ~
fish diversity, abundance,

• 16
, • -• 7 •
, •
and growth in the Thames
• ,,

, ,
estuary. The data are fitted to
0 10 20 30 ., ~

50 10 20 30
the NAO 1 that incorporates
NAOI NAOI a lag.
- 65
••• 1.8
." . . . . -
-• •, , .
;; 6.0 , '"
. ~ ._ - --. - 0
= 55 , , ,,


-• , , ,
__r ;;

- -• -- -." .- .... .- ...

. ..
_ --
•• 1.4
--:, , ..... "
• - ~
5.0 •
, , »:

• 1.2

-• 'E 45

10 20 30 40 10 20 30
..- 11
•• -•

•,, • 10 ,


•c ' 00
s -:
,, • .~

=, 9 • ,, , ,'
. • ~

-- -

~ , = ,,
• B
- - -
-. •

• -=•

•0 7 •

- 0
• 6 ,, ".•
Ji ,
'0 10 20 30 ., 50 10 20 30 .,

e 1000

'200 ,,
.,, •
1.2 , • -
;; 1.0

.5 0
,, = O.B


, ,
\.. ,
. . ........" . , , , •,

-"0 0.4 , ,

- 200
, -.- - -. ....
0 -- , ,

'" 00 10 20
~ '" ....

30 40
00 10 20 40

favourable conditions for manyjuvenile fish. Consequently, beds that can form in the mouths of estuaries (Chapter 10)
more individual fish appeared to be using the estuary dur- and the systems bordering the outer estuary (saltmarshes,
ing this phase of the climatic cycle. Growth and diversity mangroves) . Production in estuaries is therefore dominated
were higher during wet, warmer phases, and increased by the utilization of detritus; amorphous organic mat-
species' number was related to the appearance of southern ter present in very high levels in estuarine sediment and
species in the estuary. The appearance of such warm water water. Typical levels of dry organic matter (measurement
southern species in northern temperate regions has been of the biomass ofall organic material) in an estuarine water
highlighted as a consequence of global warming, but some sample can be 110 mg I -" compared with 1-3 mg I - 1 for
species may just be responding to climate cycles. open seawater. Similarly. the organic carbon in an estuarine
mudflat can result in a biomass ofdetritivores ten times that
of offshore sediments. These invertebrates in turn support
5.3 Productivity and food high numbers of predators, including birds and fish. The
webs carbon from this detrital source is therefore the main foun-
dation for the estuarine food web, so where does it mainly
5.3.1 Energy sources-where does the come from? Detritus finds its way into mudflats from the full
carbon come from? range of surrounding habitats (allochthon ou s), including
fully terrestrial (e.g, leaf litter brought down by rivers),
Overall plant biomass and primary production are low in marine (material from algae, seagrass, and animal mate-
estuaries (5.2.1), with the exception of extensive seagrass rial brought in with the tide), semi-terrestrial bordering
Chapter 5 Estuaries

systems (e.g. saltmarshes, mangroves) , and from produc- 5.3.2 The use of stable isotope
tion generated within the estuary itself (au to ch t honous) . analysis in estuarine food webs
So how important are these respective sources in estua-
rine food webs? Are particular carbon sources favoured by Carbon has two stable isotopes, 12C and 13c. Due to differ-
estuarine organisms? Until comparatively recently, such ent modes of photosynthesis, plants accumula te t he heavy
ques tions were hard, if not impossible, to answer, but the isotope of carbon at different rates (see Chapter 2) . There-
development of stable isotope techniques have enabled fore, it is possible to distinguish between, for example, a
estuarine ecologists to gain an insight into these questions. leaf fro m a tree and a green a lga by determining the stable
isotope ratios with in each plant's tissues. An alysis mea -
Organic carbon is the bioavailable carbon present in a sures the proportion of the heavy isotope and compares
sediment, so does not include mineral forms like CaC0 3 this with t he standard . The difference is expressed as 013C
found , for example, in mollusc shells. It is generally (%0), wh ich varies depending on the source carbon. There-
assessed by the loss of material after combustion in a fore, an isotopic signal can also be ob tained from detritus,
furnace . which indicates its origin. The resolution is improved con-
siderably by also determining the stable isotope ratios of
nitrogen, or preferably sulphur, within the material, giving
a second axis allowing separation of carbon sources that
Box 5.5: The North Atlantic overlap when carbon alone is used (Fig. 5.13). The isotopic
Oscillation (NAO) ratios of C and S are relatively conserved whe n plant m ate-
rial is ingested and incorporated into the bodies of animals,
The climate in the North Atlantic undergoes a rela- so analysing the tissues of estuarine animals will en able
tively unpredictable cycle in terms of its weather
patte rn, this cycle being known as the NAG, and its
fluctuations are measured by a simple atmospheric
10 rr===j T::----r"'""~T--;----__,
pressure differential between Iceland and the Azores Oligo-phyla \~'"
~'~, Benthicmicro algae
(the NAG Index). At one extreme, high pressu re over 15 h.
, ...... ',
Iceland will result in cold, dry wi nters in Nort hern
,, ...... ,
,, o
Eu rope (a low NAOI), whereas comparatively high
0, 0
~" ~ ..
• -
'" • loli
pressure over the Azores results in dominant winds 5 marsh
from the SW and consequently wa rm, wet, and windy ,, Fresh
o , ma rsh ,,
wi nters. The oscillation between these two states ,
is shown in the figu re. This climatic cycle is now ---s:

recognized as having an extremely important influ- ~


ence on the weather, the position of the Gulf Stream, 70 10

sea temperatures, and consequently the ecology of Oligo-phyla I,, M/Ephylo I'.
15 o ', a Benlhlt micro
, algae
terrestrial, freshwater, and marine syste ms in NW
~ ,, 0 0
= , p ••
Eu rope. Cor related long-ter m cycles have been Q
10 •• ••
observed in a disparate range of marine organisms " ,, c ~

from plankton, throug h to benth ic commu nities and 5 Ierr loli
,, marsh
fish catches. Fresh ,,
0 marsh ,,
NADindex (De! - Mar) 1864 - 2003 ,,
-30 -25 -20 -15 -10
4 Depleled Enriched
o e(%j

Figure 5.13 Exampl e ran ges of st able isotop e ratio s for
carbon and sulp hur in a range of plants cont ribut ing t o th e
d etritus of upper and lower regi ons of an est uary. Symbols
o n th e figure refer t o th e co mparat ive isoto pic rati o s w it hin
the tissues of est uarine animals (o pen circles-pelagic,
clo sed sq uares- bent hic), enabling th e carbon so urce o n
.. 18L
O ~"LOO~I~"~O~I~LO-I~"~O~"L~~I~9S~O~"L60~I~"~O~"L~-I~"~O~200LJ
O w hich th ey feed t o be assessed. M/E = mid-estuary, o ligo =
o ligohaline, Terr = t errestrial material, Fresh = freshw ater,
Phyto = phytoplankton .
5.3 Productivity and food webs

information to be obtained on the carbon source utilized Therefore, such analysis of animal tissue (together with
by these organisms. This has proved a very important tool in other components of the food web) can enable the trophic
aiding our understanding of how estuaries function. level of an organism to be determined. This technique was
One of the most comprehensive studies was under- put to interesting use in the Exe estuary, south-west Eng-
taken in the Plum Island Sound Estuary, northeastern USA land, where there is a large bed of blue m ussels (Mytilus
(Deegan & Garritt 1997). Samples of plant material and a edulis). A copepod, Mytilicola intestinalis, occupying the
large range oforganisms were obtained from the full length guts of Mytilus had previously been blamed for population
of the estuary and analysed for stable isotope ratios in order crashes in commercial mussel stocks in Europe. but evi-
to determine which carbon sources were most important dence that it was in fact a harmful parasitic was equivocal.
for the estuarine organisms and. additionally, whether the Stable isotope analysis determined that the copepod had
relative importance of these sources varied over the length a nitrogen isotope ratio 2.8%0 above that of the host gut
of the estuary. Researchers wanted to know whether ani- (Gresty & Quarmby 1991), suggesting it therefore feeds
mals simply utilize local carbon sources or if they were more on host tissue (although not directly, perhaps sloughed off
selective. Organisms were found to rely heavily on local cells) rather than sharing the gut contents.
sources of carbon (Fig. 5.13). Upper estuarine food webs
were based on fresh water, saltmarsh, and phytoplankton
5.3.3 The importance of birds in
carbon, in contrast to the lower estuary where marine phy-
toplankton, benthic algae, and perhaps saltmarsh material estuarine food webs
were the most important. The results were supported by The majority of books and chapters on estuaries include
notable shifts in the carbon sources utilized by species pres- diagrams of food webs, indicating the major links from
ent along a large length of the estuary, such as the mum- detritus up to large predators. often with attempts to quan-
michog (Fundulus heteroclitus, Fig. 5.11a). Interestingly, tify energy flow along these links. However, such construc-
despite the large seasonal input of terrestrial leaf matter in tions tend to be oversimplified in the context of estuaries,
New England, this carbon source seemed unimporta nt in due to the variability in species' distribution over tidal and
the food web of the Plum Island Sound Estuary. seasonal cycles, and can thus only ever be a generalization
A similar, though perhaps even more unexpected, result of trophic interactions within estuaries. which will vary
was found in the tropical Embley River estuary in Australia considerably over both spatial and temporal scales. Many
(Loneragan et al. 1997). Stable isotope analysis was uti- large and diverse groups tend to be lumped in one box
lized to investigate whether seagrass- ormangrove-derived within food webs, indicating their trophic level but mask-
carbon were important carbon sources for commercially ing any detail about their specific interactions. Fish in estu-
important prawn species in the outer estuary. Organic mat- aries, for example, feed on all possible trophic levels from
ter in the sediment was found to correspond to the main primary production to other fish, and their diet potentially
local source. but this pattern was not reflected in the tis- varies considerably with time of year. position in the estu-
sues of the prawns. While prawns inhabiting seagrass beds ary, and the body size of the fish . This is even more true for
did seem to rely completely on seagrass-derived material. birds. which have been comparatively neglected in estua-
mangrove-inhabiting prawns did not depend on carbon rine food-web analyses (which concentrate on 'marine'
from mangroves. utilizing either algae or seagrass mate- species). or assigned to a single compartment at the top
rial. The conclusions from most work so far undertaken is of the web. Both approaches oversimplify t he role of birds
that animals in estuaries do not appear to be able to utilize in estuaries to such a degree that an erroneous impression
terrestrially derived material to any great degree. However, can be given of their importance, and thus potentially how
a recent study has suggested that oligochaete worms may estuaries function.
provide an entry route for terrestrial carbon into estuarine Estuaries are exceptionally important habitats for birds,
foodwebs (Attrill et al. 2009), having evolved into estuar- particularly those in temperate latitudes, which provide key
ies from freshwater and terrestrial systems (earthworms). feeding areas for birds undertaking migration. Principally
w here they are major processors of detrital material. It is estuaries are vital for h uge populations of wading birds
probable, however. that most animals inhabiting estuaries (Charadriformes) and wildfowl (Anseriformes); 4.5 mil-
do not have the physiological capability to assimilate ter- lion shorebirds migrate to just the British Isles every year,
restrial carbon direct from detritus and most is utilized by while> 1 million western sandpiper (Calidris mauri; Fig.
bacteria, the carbon being released through bacterial res- 5.14a) stop over on the Fraser River Estuary. west Canada.
piration (see Chapter 3) . Among the birds that use estuaries we can find examples of
Analysis of nitrogen isotope ratios can provide further species feeding at all trophic levels from geese grazing on
evidence helping to determine the position of organisms seagrass (e .g. Brent geese, Branta bemicla; Fig. 5.14b) to
within food webs. The heavy isotope of nitrogen ( 15N) con- piscivorous species such as cormorants (e.g. Phalacrocorax
centrates up the food chain at approximately 3%0 per step. carbo) and herons (e .g. Tigrisoma mexicanum) . Grazing
Chapter 5 Estuaries

Figure 5.14 Examples of bird species reliant on estuaries for food: (a) western sandpiper, Calidris mauri, which forms
huge flocks in NW America (photograph: Alan D. Wilson); (b) Brent geese, Bronta bernie/a, major grazers of intertidal
seagrass beds in outer estuaries (photograph: Adreas Trepte).

Brent geesecan have a dramatic impact on intertidal sea- invertebrates sustaining a larger population of birds (Fig.
grass beds as they eat the roots as well as the leaves. Huge S.ISb) . The distribution of invertebrates across both estuar-
flocks can therefore be major bioturbators in outer estuar- ies and individual mudflats can vary considerably, so the sup-
ies, reworking the top em of sediment 8 times in 3 months. ply offood for foraging waders is not uniform and influences
However, the vast majority of birds (particularly waders) the distribution of birds on a mudflat. Clearly, the optimum
feed on the rich supply of invertebrates inhabiting the mud- patch for a bird to feed in is one with the highest density of
flats of estuaries. with a distinct niche separation in terms prey, but this also depends on the number ofother competing
of prey item, evidenced by different bill length s, feeding birds foraging in the patch. Agood patch with lots ofcompeti-
methodology, and feeding position on the shore. Overall, the tors will eventually be less suitable than a less-rich patch with
dynamic interaction between the two groups of organisms fewer competitors due to increasing interference with other
contributes to the size of populations of both invertebrates birds, so birds will move to exploit other areas in which the
and birds present in an estuary. The number of birds feed- rate of reward is greater. Eventually, birds should be distrib-
ing on an estuary is directly related to the size of available uted across the mudflat so that the proportion on a patch
mudflat, a simple area effect (Fig. S.ISa) with important con- will approximate the proportion of resources in that patch,
sequences for estuarine habitat loss. However, at a smaller and all individuals receive equal rewards. This is mown as
scale, the abundance of feeding birds is dependent on the the 'input matching rule' of the ideal free distribution (see
amount of available food in the mud, a higher biomass of Sutherland 1996) and is an example ofgame theory, which

1l1li 10l1li l D,1JIJIJ 5D,DIIII D lDD 2DD JDD

Estuary size (hal Prey m-2

Figure 5.15 (a) Relationship between estuary size and t he average number of five wader species present. (b)
Relationship between prey density (Nereis, Scrobicularia) and wader density (curlew, Numenius arquata).
5.3 Productivity and food webs

demonstrates that the pay-offofa strategydepends on which the mudflat (Fig. 5.16b), removing a large percentage of
sttategyis adopted by others. Ifbirds conform to the IFD, the the standing biomass and exporting substantial amounts
strategy is considered to be stable as no individual can gain a of carbon to the terrestrial environment through their fae-
higher food intake by moving. ces (Post et al. 1998) . This removal of prey resource can
have a major impact on bird distribution. as previously rich
Ideal Free Distribution: ideal refers to birds choosing to patches become depleted, altering their suitability. Simple
forage where rewards are highest, free refers to the fact depletion models have been shown to accurately predict
that there are no impediments to their movement. shorebird distribution over a range of different scales (Gill
etal. 2001) .
However. other factors tend to moderate the ideal free
distribution so that it rarely applies on mudflats. One fac-
5.3.4. Saltmarsh systems: production
tor is territoriality: if one species is dominant and actively
defends its foraging patch, then other bird species are no
where estuary meets the land
longer free to move between patches, so suitabilitywill vary The sheltered shorelines of outer tropical estuaries and
between patches. This is known as the ideal despotic dis- lagoons are often bordered by extensive mangrove forests
tribution. On estuarine mudflats. for example. aggressive (Chapter 10), but in temperate regions these ecosystems
species of gull or crow can highly influence wader distri- are replaced with another important habitat based around
bution. A further factor highly relevant to estuarine birds plants of terrestrial origin: saltmarshes. Adam (1990)
is the tendency for many waders (such as dunlin, Calidris defines these marshes as 'areas vegetated by herbs, grasses
a/pinal to forage in flocks, mainly to reduce predation risk. or low shrubs'. bordering saline water bodies. and contrast-
Newly arriving birds tend to join existing flocks rather than ing markedly from seagrass beds (Chapter 10) as they are
risk foraging alone; despite the potential higher rewards exposed to air for the majority of the time, becoming sub-
in areas without flocks. predation risk reduces the suitabil- merged at high tide, sometimes only at high spring tides,
ity of these habitats. This is known as the Allee effect and giving them their alternative name of tidal marsh. Due to the
can dramatically shift the theoretical ideal free distribu- main constituent plants being generally small. saltrnarshes
tion. Bird distribution can also be affected by interference tend to be very flat, low-lying areas at the top end of mud-
and depletion. Interference between birds can be through flats (Fig.5.1?), providing a striking contrast to the dark
direct aggressive contact (e.g. oystercatchers, Haematopus grey of the adjacent mud. They are therefore most impor-
ostralegw;) or indirectly, The movement of redshank (Tringa tant in low-lying coastal estuarine areas. where there is not
totanus) over the mud influences the number of their prey. a sharp increase in vertical gradient at the top of the shore.
Corophium volutatoT. which retreat into the burrow on and in such regions, such as parts of NE America. can form
detecting the bird (Fig. 5 .16a) . Consequently, redshank extensive marshes thatare the dominant coastal habitat; for
avoid foraging in patches recently exploited by another example, the Great Marsh in New England, USA covers a
redshank (yates et al. 2000), so will influence the distribu- total ofover 8000 ha. Globally, however, saltmarshes occupy
tion of feeding groups. Foraging redshank tend to be more a comparatively small area estimated at 45 000 km 2_
dispersed than waders such as dunlin. Finally, feeding slightly larger than Denmark (Greenberg et al. 2006) . Most
birds can have a dramatic impact on the invertebrates in saltmarsh is to be found in SE USA and NEAsia (Table 5.1) .

(e) '" Redshank walks (b) 80 4.0


~ 40 ,,
ceer mud

,, '1' 60 3.0

,, -
B '1'
~ ~

g , g
~ =
-- 40
20 ~ 2.0 g


--- 10

20 1.0

0 0 J 0
5 0 5 10 10 20 A 5 0 N D J f M A M J J
Minutes Month

Figure 5.16 (a) The response of Corophium to redshank forag ing. (b) Depletion of prey by bird foraging over the year.
A = Nereis and Nephtys in the Wash, eastern England; B = Corophium and C = MytHus in the Ythan Estuary, Scotland.
Chapter 5 Estuaries

Table 5.1 The aproximate surface area and dominant vegetation for tidal marshes, by coast line (from Greenberg
et al. 2006).

Continent Coastline Extension Dominant vegetation


North America North Atlantic 50 0 Spartina, Phragmites

South Atlantic, Gulf Coast 15 00 0 Spartina, Juncus
Pacific 440 Salicornia, Spartina
Eastern South America Atlantic 2300 Spartina, Juncus
Europe All 1400 Salicornia, Spartina, grasses
Asia (Japan, Korea, Chi na) Pacific 25000 Chenopods, Phragmites
Australia, New Zealand, Tasmania- Southern (temp erate) 772 Sarcocomia, other chenopod
South Africa Southern 70 Sarcocomia, Spartina, grasses

" There are more extensive salt marshes in trop ical Austral ia, but th ese are high, level flats above mangroves-often hypersaline
and with large salt flats and sparse vegetation-and are not counted in the total area.

on the marshes of East Coast USA. Behind the pioneers

ofte n exists the main part of the marsh dominated by a
few species of fleshy herbs and grasses , such as Salicorn ia,
Sueda , and Juncus. Towards the land the flora becomes
more diverse and at this point competition between plants
becomes an important factor governing distribution (Adam
1990) , the reverse of the pattern of algae on a rocky shore.
Distribution of plants on the main marsh is, however, not
just a simple gradient o f salinity tolerance, but a mix of
responses to both salinity and flooding. In some marshes,
the soils of the mid-marsh can have higher levels of salt than
lower parts that are regularly refreshed by the tide due, for
example, to evaporation in summer, w hilst lower marshes
have more waterlogged soil. In Californian saltmarshes , it
Figure 5 .17 (a) The saltmarsh of Langerbaan Lagoon , was found that Salicorn ia was better able to tolerate flood-
South Africa-the most southerly such system on the ing w hereas Arthrocnemum was more able to deal w ith
continent. (b) Sarcocornia capensis, the South African higher salin it ies (Pennings & Callaway 1992).
version of Sa/icomia common in northern hemisphere In a sim ilar pattern to mangroves (Chapter 10) , it would
saltmarshes (photographs: Martin Altrill). appear that few grazer species are able to feed directly on
living saltmarsh plant material, the main competitors for
Saltmarsh plants face similar problems to mangroves, this organic substrate being fungi and bacteria (Lillebo et aJ.
having to live in salty, waterlogged soils and deal with reg- 1999) . The majority of invertebrates living in saltmarshes
ular inund ation, so show patterns of zonatio n w ithin the therefore consume a mix of processed detritus and micro-
marsh reflecting the plants' tolerance to these conditions , organisms and incorporate saltmarsh pro duction in this
particularly the high salin ity; these plants are known as manner. Mos t foo d webs within tropical and temperate
halophytes. Saltmarshes are also characterized by low plant estuarine syste ms are therefore detritus based. Within salt-
diversity, reflecting the harsh conditions. At the interface marshes the few herbivores that exist tend to be insects (e .g.
between the mudflat and the marsh are pioneer species Orthoptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera) , plus a few mol-
capable of surviving in these marine intertida l cond itions luscs and crustaceans, reflecting the terrestrial nature of the
and provide stabilization of the substratum. Examples of saltmarsh plants. Penn ings et aJ. (2001) stud ied herbivory
such plants are grasses w ithin the genus Spartina, w hich in eastern USA saltmarshes and discovered some interest-
form large stands and can be the main primary producers ing large-scale patterns. Through transplant and feeding
5.4 Diversity patterns in estuaries

experiments, they discovered that plants from northern Saltmarshes represent perhaps the most terrestrial habi-
marshes were more palatable than equivalent plants from tat utilized by marine organisms, and are perhaps one of
southern marshes: in laboratory tests 85% of herbivores the systems most threatened by potential sea-level rise as
showed a preference for the northern plant. Further investi- a result of global climate change. as they become more
gations (Pennings et al. 2009) revealed that herbivore pres- inundated. As sea-levels rise. such intertidal and supralit-
sure was, however. much greater in the southern marshes: toral habitats will need to retreat landwards: it has been
herbivores were typically >10 times more abundant and estimated that with a rise of 6 mm/year, estuarine systems
damage to plants was 2-10 times greater in southern in the UK will need to migrate landwards at around 10 m/
marshes than northern ones. On transplantation, north- year, whilst open-coast landforms may show longshore
ern plants particularly suffered in southern saltmarshes. It migration rates of 50 m/year (Pethick 2001) . Clearly this
would therefore appear that selective pressure in southern has major implications for management. particularly in
saltmarshes due to higher herbivore damage has resulted conflict with flood defences. If large flood barriers have
in greater plant defenses at lower latitudes and thus lower been constructed at the top end of saltmarshes, as has been
palatability, a biogeographic trait in consumer-prey inter- the case in many low-lying areas of northern Europe. the
action that has been noted in other systems. marsh habitat has nowhere to migrate to. As sea-levels
Whilst comparatively few herbivores on saltmarshes rise, the marsh will just become gradually inundated with
are of marine origin. saltmarshes, like adjacent estuaries. a smaller and smaller existent area-a phenomenon known
are sites of high secondary productivity. with a range of as coastal squeeze. An alternative flood-defence mechanism
marine invertebrates colonizing the marshes to exploit the is the use of managed retreats, areas of coastal land 'sacri-
detritus available. This in turn provides food supply for ver- ficed' to the sea so that hard flood defences are removed
tebrates; saltmarshes are important foraging sites for wad- and the flood tide spills over large areas of, for example, old
ing birds and wildfowl, particularly at times when mudflats agricultural land. This mechanism clearly requires vacant
are inundated. However. the marshes differ from the flats land by the coast-a rare commodity in developed areas
by having a high level of structural complexity, as well as such as SE England.
the abundant food supply (comparable with seagrass beds;
Chapter 10), and so additionally saltmarshes are impor-
tant habitats for many juvenile fish at high tide. Rountree 5.4 Diversity patterns in
and Able (2007) define five types of marsh function mak-
ing them valuable to fish and other nekton: reproduction,
foraging, refuge from predation, refuge from stressful envi- 5.4.1 Diversity trends along estuaries
ronmental conditions. and environmental enhancement of
physiology. However, the same authors state that little is Estuaries are generally considered low-diversity systems.
actually known about the structure of fish assemblages in with few species able to survive in the harsh environment
tidal marshes, and even less about the relative importance they present. This is certainly true for mid-estuary mud-
of these functions. but it would seem these functions vary flats, which tend to be used to represent the whole estuarine
across spatial gradients within the marsh and over tidal, system; this habitat contains fewer species than in border-
diel, and seasonal time-scales, resulting in organism ing marine or freshwater systems. This image of estuaries,
migration across marsh habitats over these scales to exploit however, is perhaps a little simplistic as over the full length
functions available. Other studies have demonstrated clear of the system many species from a wide taxonomic range
value of marsh use by fish. For example. manipulations of can be found-over 750 species of invertebrate have been
male mummichogs (Fundulu.s heteroclitu.s; Fig 5.11a) resid- recorded from the Thames for example.
ing in marshes in NE USA revealed that fish which had full Few systems on earth will present such a wide phyletic
access to the marsh surface exhibited higher growth rates diversity due to the combination of marine and freshwater
and had a greater production rate than males restricted taxa. Additionally. sites in outer estuaries have been noted
to pools (MacKenzie and Dionne 2008) . Australian salt- to have higher species' richness than adjacent marine sys-
marshes differ from those in the northern hemisphere as tems. generally due to the provision of complex structural
they are inundated less frequently and for shorter periods habitats. such as seagrass meadows and mussel/oyster
(Hollingsworth & Connolly 2006), though fish still manage beds. However. trends in benthic macro-invertebrates
to exploit these habitats. Glassfish (Ambassisjacksoniensis) have provided the paradigm for estuarine diversity trends,
were caught before and after feeding on marshes and two exemplified by the Remane diagram (named after Adolf
other habitats and found to have significantly fuller stom- Remane, a German marine scientist who worked primar-
achs on returning from saltmarshes, having fed extensively ily in the Baltic in the early twentieth century), which is
on zoea larvae that were released following synchronized generally used to describe how diversity varies with salinity
spawning of the resident crabs. along an estuary (Fig. 5.18a) . This trend shows a dramatic
Chapter 5 Estuaries

decrease in number of species from river into the estuary, in the mid-estuary were simply marine, or freshwater taxa
with a species' minimum around 7 (known as the arten- at the extreme edges of their range, the pattern of species
minimum) then a gradual increase in diversity towards
J change into an estuary from each end representing an eco-
fully marine conditions. cline.
The diagram is subdivided into freshwater species,
marine species. and true estuarine species (green sector Ecocline and ecotone are two forms of landscape bound-
in Fig. 5.18a) . The existence of these estuarine. or brack- ary between systems. Ecoclines tend to be gradual, w ith
ish water. species has been questioned by several authors a transition of communities, whereas ecotones are more
and three completely independent studies have redrawn abrupt (see Kent et al. 1997 for more details).
the Remane diagram. removing this group of organisms
(Fig. 5.18b) . Barnes (1989) argued from a physiologi- The relevance of the Remane diagram as a model for
cal angle, suggesting these true estuarine organisms are diversity trends in estuaries has also been questioned, as
simply marine opportunists able to exploit the particular it was developed in the 1930s as a hypothetical description
conditions in the mid-estuary. but in terms of salinity toler- of trends in the Baltic (see 5.5 .1), a practically tideless sea.
ance could be found practically anywhere in the estuary. As described earlier (5 .1), the environmental variability
Sediment provision is perhaps a more important factor in estuarine systems is the major constraint to organism
determining where these organisms are found . Attrill and colonization, so an axis with fixed salinity may not be very
Rundle (2002) examined faunal patterns in estuaries at meaningful. What does a salinity of '7' actually mean in an
the evolutionary scale and concluded that species present estuary? If salinity range is used as a measure of environ-

{-I ,,
, (h)
True estuarine :

spedes :
1' 0
, !l.
Freshwater spedes

, ~

,,, ~
o 1 10 11 20 2S 30 31
o 1 10 11 20 2S 30 3S
Salinity Salinity

«) 2 1 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
{dl 2 1 , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,

• 20
= • ' t:,
---- ............ .~ IS
. ... ... _-- - - - __
10 --_

-- -.---_..---. - ,
. c 10
"'-+ • •
2 4 6 8 8 10 1214 16 18 20 22242628 30 32
Salinity range lalinity (PIUj

{.} 12
1 - - - - ----::;;:::::= :::-1
•~ 8•
... ,.. 6
.; 4 ~-diversity
<1 1-10 11-20 > 20 o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Average salinity Salinity

Figure 5.18 Examples of diversity trends in estuaries. (aHc) Patterns of macro-invertebrate diversity: (a) original
Remane diagram, (b) modified model removing estuarine species (see text), (c) linear model of diversity using salinity
range. (d) Algal diversity in the Thames estuary. (e) Zooplankton diversity in the St. Lawrence. (I) Fish diversity in
Chesapeake Bay_
5.4 Diversity patterns in estuaries

mental variability in estuaries (Attri1l2002), a linear model 5.4.3 The role of biodiversity in
can be constructed to describe diversity trends in estuar- ecosystem function
ies (Fig. 5.18c) . It is often assumed that the classic model Two main questions describe what is perhaps one of the
of diversity trends for macro-invertebrates is representa- most important current ecological debates, namely whether
tive of all taxa in estuaries, but this does not seem to be biodiversity matters (see also Chapters 1 and 6) . Are high-
true. For both algae and zooplankton (Fig. 5.18d,e) there diversity ecosystems more stable? Is the functioning of an
is a steady decrease in number of species present from sea ecosystem affected by how many species are present (eco-
to river, with no species minimum in the mid- or upper- system functions include measures of primary productivity,
estuary. Fish diversity is hard to determine due to their decomposition rates, etc.)? The comparatively low diversity
mobility, but appears to show a decrease in the mid-estuary to be found in mid-estuarine mudflats makes them excel-
area. However, a very different pattern is apparent when an lent test systems for investigating the role of biodiversity in
alternative measure ofdiversity is used (see Chapters 1 and the functioning of an ecosystem. The estuarine assemblage
15) in this case ~-diversity, rather than the usual measures
J can be manipulated and still be comparatively representa-
of a-diversity (Fig. S.18f), demonstrating a peak in diver- tive of the natural state, unlike experiments on grassland,
sity in the upper estuary. rainforest, or coral reef systems, for example, where such
studies are only ever going to include a small fraction of
extant species.
5.4.2 Larger scale diversity trends Two main studies that involved estuarine invertebrates
Anecdotal evidence has suggested that tropical estuaries have been undertaken to address the relationship between
are more diverse than their temperate equivalents, espe- diversity and ecosystem function. Emmerson et at. (2001)
cially in the Indo-Pacific, so potentially a latitudinal diver- investigated diversity-function relations in a series of
sity cline (Chapter 1) may exist in estuarine systems. If this mesocosms measuring ammonia-nitrogen (NH 4-N) flux
is the case, it raises interesting questions about organism as an indicator of ecosystem function (a process essen-
adaptation to fluctuating salinities. Empirical evidence for tial for primary production) under varying treatments of
this is rather lacking, particularly for the key mid-estuary biomass and diversity. Nitrogen flux increased with an
areas, and direct comparisons are often difficult due to increase in biomass, but relationships with diversity were
the inherently different nature of temperate and tropical idiosyncratic and varied between sites. Significant effects
estuarine systems, particularly the overall salinity regime. of species' richness were apparent from a Swedish fjord,
Tropical estuaries, for example, often experience hypersa- but in a Scottish estuary (Ythan) only species' identity was
line conditions (see 5.5.2) due to intense evaporation, so important. In this case, the ragworm (Nereis diversicolor;
for inner parts of these systems the salinity variability may Fig. 5.6d) had a disproportionate effect on NH 4-N produc-
be very different. tion. However, one consistent result was that ecosystem
Direct comparisons of numbers ofspecies found in mud- function was much less variable and more predictable at
flats across the globe are difficult due to variations in sam- higher diversities, supporting the idea that diverse systems
pling methodology, but initial attempts to investigate the are more stable. Bolam et at. (2002) undertook elaborate
existence of large-scale diversity patterns have been made and extensive field experiments in Forth Estuary, Scotland,
in mid/outer estuary mudflats using a diversity index inde- again manipulating the biomass and diversity of patches
pendent of sample size (Attrill et at. 2001) . A significant of mudflat and relating diversity and biomass to a set of
increase in diversity was apparent at decreasing latitudes, indicators of the functioning ofa detritus-based ecosystem,
supporting the idea that tropical estuaries are indeed more such as organic content, nutrient fluxes, and community
diverse than those at higher latitudes. Of the manyexpla- respiration. Neither changes in biomass nor diversity were
nations for the latitudinal diversity cline (Chapter 1), the found to significantly affect any of the ecosystem functions,
most likely explanation is the impact of glaciation on high- with the exception of oxygen consumption, so provided no
latitude systems (Box 5.1), many of which were effectively real evidence that diversity is related to the functioning ofa
extinct until < 10 000 years ago. Tropical systems have mudflat community. We return to this tropic in more detail
therefore remained comparatively undisturbed for a much in Chapter 6.
longer time period than temperate systems, and are thus
much older systems which have had a longer effective evo- Mesocosms are an intermediate-sized system, such as a
lutionary time to allow diversification. If tropical estuaries dug-out pond or in situ enclosure, that can be replicated
are found to be comparatively diverse, it is feasible that tem- and manipulated to test both structural and functional
perate estuaries are currently low diversity systems because parameters as a representative aquatic ecosystem.
they are geologically new rather than solely because of the
impact of environmental variability.
Chapter 5 Estuaries

5.5 Other 'brackish-water' is only one narrow, shallow entrance linking the Baltic to
systems the North Sea between Denmark and Sweden, and restrict-
ing inflow of seawater. It takes 25-35 years to replenish the
In addition to estuaries, there are other aquatic systems that whole Baltic from the North Sea. Over 250 rivers flow into
do not fit into truly marine or truly freshwater categories. the Baltic. diluting the water retained within the sea. Gen-
Some of these. like estuaries, have salinity levels more dilute erally salinity is < 8, with a gradient apparent in salinity
than seawater, others can have salt levels much higher than levels from Denmark to Finland. A large proportion of the
the sea. This section provides an overview of these other northern Baltic is frozen every winter. However. despite
'brackish-water' systems. which can be categorized into the apparent salinity gradient. conditions in the Baltic are
three main groups: hyposaline seas (large bodies of water very different from those in an estuary, as the Baltic Sea is
with salinity < 34), hypersaline waters (coastal water bod- practically tideless. Consequently, salinity levels at anyone
ies with salinity mostly > 34), and lagoons (shallow coastal point do not vary to any great degree. resulting in a stable
systems that exhibit a range of salinities) . salinity gradient without the highly variable, and stressful,
conditions apparent in estuaries.
Hyposaline water has salinity less than full strength sea- Some familiar marine groups. such as elasmobranchs
water; hypersaline water has salinity greater than sea- and cephalopods, are absent from the main Baltic due to
water. the consistently low salinity levels. For other organisms,
particularly benthic species. their distribution in the Baltic
tends to correspond much more closely to their theoretical
lower lethal salinity limit than is the case in the fluctuating
5.5.1 Hyposaline seas
conditions of estuaries . Therefore. organisms are found in
From Scandinavia through central Asia are several large, much lower salinities in the Baltic than in estuaries. Two
mainly enclosed bodies of water including the Baltic, Black, outer-estuarinebivalves. for example. Macoma balthica and
Caspian, and Aral Seas (Fig. 5.19a) . None ofthese systems Mytilus edulis, can be found over most of the Baltic down
is freshwater, but they have low levels of salinity and con- to salinities of 3 and 4 respectively. Due to the stability of
sequently many organisms of marine origin. The fauna of the system and the extension of species' ranges, in many
these seas has many similarities to estuaries, but crucially parts of the Baltic there is an interesting mix of marine and
there are key differences between the two, exemplified by freshwater taxa that is not found so clearly in estuaries. A
three examples. fisherman on the east coast of Sweden. for example, could
catch both pike (Esoxlucius) and cod (Gadus morhua) from
The Baltic the same spot on the same day! Living in highly reduced
The Baltic Sea is a large (370 000 Ian') body of water sur- salinities at the edge ofan organism's range does have ener-
rounded by the countries of Scandinavia and northern getic costs. however. The extra energy required for survival
Europe. The sea is generally very shallow (average depth 55 at low salinities means that less energy is available for
m), but with one basin dropping to 460 m. Crucially, there growth (the scope for growth is reduced); individuals of

(o)I----/=~==_=__:~ (b)

Vistula lagoon
Germony Polond
, Ukraine Slrcsh

o Bulgori loguno Modre


Figure 5.19 (a) Map of Europe and Asia indicating the position of other 'brackish'-water systems described in the text.
(b) Laguna Madre in Texas, US.
5.5 Other 'brackish-water' systems

benthic species, such as the clamMya arenaria (Fig. 5.6a), hypersaline waters are typically tropical in location. or situ-
get smaller with a decrease in salinity up the Baltic. In sum- ated in continental areas with extremely high summer tem-
mary, therefore, the Baltic presents a similar set of species peratures. They also tend to be ofa much smaller scale than
to those found in comparable estuaries, but the lack of tides hyposaline seas. Hypersaline waters do not include inland
and consequent stable salinity regime allows further pen- brines such as the Utah salt lakes, which have no connection
etration in relation to average salinity. to the sea or a larger body of water.
An example of a hypersaline water is the Sivash (others
The Black Sea include the Suez canal and Curacao Lakes, West Indies) .
The Black Sea represents a trio of large hyposaline seas in This is located on the Crimea peninsula on the north coast
central Asia (Fig. 5.19a; further east are the Caspian and of the Black Sea (Fig. 5.19a) and is a comparatively long,
Aral Seas) and is bigger in area than the Baltic (423 000 thin body of water isolated from the Sea ofAzov (the north-
km-) . In a similar fashion it has only one very narrow con- eastern section of the greater Black Sea) by a land barrier.
nection to the Mediterranean, but is much deeper than the There is only a very small entrance to the Azov Sea, so water
Baltic, with a maximum depth of over 2200 m, and with exchange is exceptionally limited. Salinity in the Sivash
salinity levels ranging generally from 17 to 21. Due to the varies along a gradient from 11 at the connection with the
deep basin and minimal inflow of water from the Mediter- hyposaline Azov Sea up to 132 at its most inland part. Tides
ranean. the vast majority of the deep water in the Black in the area are minimal, so there is little daily fluctuation.
Sea is stagnant and deoxygenated, representing probably but conditions vary seasonally due to the very cold winters
the world's largest body of anoxic water. Therefore, nearly and hot, dry summers experienced in the Crimea.
all the benthic production within the system is generated The conditions in the Sivash therefore present very dif-
from a shallow (30-60 m) shelfin the north-west. However, ferent problems for organism colonization than estuar-
the Black Sea is a highly disturbed system that has been ies or hyposaline seas. Organisms penetrating the Sivash
exposed to the introduction of alien species (particularly originate from the hyposaline Azov Sea, and so will have
the comb-jelly Mnemeopsis), over-fishing, and pollution to be able to tolerate both reduced and elevated salinity
(see Chapters 13 and 15) . Furthermore, a history of inputs levels, their distribution up the Sivash being dependent on
into the Black Sea from surrounding countries has exac- their upper salinity tolerance. However. many organisms
erbated the deoxygenation of water in the basin and has that thrive in estuaries have also the ability to deal with
caused the anoxic layer to rise in the water column. poten- increased salinity, examples in the Sivash being the floun-
tially threatening the survival of the shallow and productive der (Platichthysflesw;) (occurs up to a salinity of 60), the
north-western shelf . cockle (Cerastoderma edule) (65), and the mullet (Mugi!
cephalus) (110) . However, in the most hypersaline areas
The White Sea (> 130) such organisms cannot survive, and here the excep-
The White Sea (Fig. 5.19a) is a large (94 000 Jan') inlet tionally salty waters are colonized by a few specialist spe-
in the Russian Arctic that presents apparently extremely cies. such as the brine shrimp (Arremia salina) and larvae
harsh conditions for organisms. Water temperature varies of the midge Chironomus salinus (note the latin names give
dramatically over the year. the average October-May tem- a clue to their ability to deal with highly saline conditions) .
perature being -1' C, although the coldest surface tempera- The existence of hypersaline waters provides a salinity
ture so far recorded was in the White Sea (-2.78'C) . During range from 0 to > 130 over which organisms can be distrib-
summer. however, temperatures can reach 20°C. whilst uted and therefore extends the graphs of diversity trends
the sea surface and intertidal area are covered in ice from
November to May. Generally, the salinity of the White Sea Fresh water :
is 23-25. but following ice melt in summer it can drop to 5.
Despite these apparently hostile conditions, many typi- _ 75
cal estuarine species exist in the intertidal sediments. such .!!! Hypersaline
as Arenicola marina. Mya arenaria. and Macoma balthica, --
'15 50
and perhaps most surprisingly, beds of seagrass (Zostera .8
marina) develop during the summer. ~25
Bro(~sh Ultraha line
WD r
0 /
5.5.2 Hypersaline waters
o 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 95 135 145 +300
Hypersaline waters are those with a salinity regime higher Estuary Salinity
than that of seawater (i.e, > 34). To achieve such concen-
trated saline conditions. the water body has to have an Figure 5.20 Hypothetical diversity trend over the fu ll
evaporation rate greater than the inflow of fresh water, so salinity range including hypersaline waters.
Chapter 5 Estuaries

developed for estuaries and hyposaline seas (Fig. 5.20) . from hyposaline (e.g. Vistula, 0-6) to hypersaline (e.g.
Generally, there is a decrease in diversity with an increase Laguna Madre, 39-62). In rare cases a variable salinity
in salinity from 34 until the ultrahaline conditions are gradient is apparent over very small scales within lagoons.
reached, which are inhabited by just a couple of species. an example being the Swanpool, Cornwall, UK. This is a
The Remane diagram can be extended (Hedgpeth 1967; small, generally hyposaline lagoon with depths < 3 m. A low
Fig. 5.20) to demonstrate how the diversity trend over the sill at the seaward end of the lagoon enables full-strength
full salinity range may be expressed (Fig. 5.20) . seawater to overflow at high tides. Due to its density. this
seawater slides to the bottom of the lagoon creating a halo-
cline with low-salinity water floating on seawater and a fast
5.5.3 Lagoons
transition in terms ofsalinityfrom 4 to 34 (see also ROFIs in
Lagoons are comparatively small areas of sea that have Chapter 8) . In tropical areas, lagoons are often fringed by
been semi-isolated by the development of a barrier. Super- mangroves (see Chapter 10); reed beds, e.g. Phragmites are
ficially, they appear similar to systems such as the Sivash, the dominant fringing plant in temperate areas. However.
but generally lagoons are much smaller and in particular due to their size. shallow nature. and comparative stabil-
they are very shallow, generally only a few metres deep. ity, lagoons often differ markedly from estuaries and other
Consequently, they rarely become stratified in the summer larger brackish-water systems by possessing a diverse sub-
due mainly to wind action, but can vary in size consider- merged plant community, with macrophytes able to root
ably. The whole SE of the USA could be viewed as a series on the lagoon floor. The plants present reflect the salinity
oflagoons and bar-built estuaries extending 4500 Ian along of the lagoon, with pond species, such as water lilies (e.g.
the coast. Most are much smaller, the largest in the UK Nymphea), present in the more freshwater systems, while
being the 14 Ian Fleet lagoon in Dorset, England. Lagoons halophytes dominate saline lagoons, in particular sea-
can form through the development of two main types of grasses such as Halodule spp. (Chapter 10). The fauna of
barrier. The deposition of sand can commence offshore, lagoons tends to reflect the pool ofspecies in the neighbour-
which eventually builds into a bar with no connection to ing main body of water. but lagoon specialists can occur.
the land (similar to bar-built estuaries), thus enclosing a Examples analogous to estuarine species are the lagoon
shallow body of water. An example is the Laguna Madre cockle (Cera.stodermaglaucum) and the snail Hydrobia ven-
in Texas, USA (Fig. 5.19b) . Alternatively, barrier formation trosa .
can extend out from the land (longshore barrier), eventu-
ally isolating the lagoon (e.g. the Vistula lagoon, Poland; Halophytes are angiosperm plants that can tolerate
Fig.5.19a) . increased salt levels in the sediment. These include sea-
Lagoons demonstrate a wide range of salinity regimes, grasses and saltmarsh plants.

Chapter Summary
• Estuaries represent the transition system between freshwater and marine biomes, but most estuar-
ies were only formed following the end of the last ice age 6-10 000 years ago.
• Conditions within tidal estuaries are exceptionally variable, particularly salinity, sediment type,
oxygen, and temperature. This variability results in harsh conditions that are amongst the most
challenging for life in the marine environment.
• Estuarine systems include a mix of freshwater and marine organisms, few of which can tolerate the
physico-chemical conditions present in the mid-estuary. Most successful organisms are excellent
osmoregulators, which are capable of adjusting the balance between their internal body fluid salt
concentrations and those of the external water. These species can be very abundant in estuarine
mud .
• The distribution of organisms within an estuary is not just controlled by salinity. Many organisms
require the presence of mud, or depend on cues from other environmental variables, such as tem-
perature or freshwater flow, to determine where they are found .
• The amount of fresh water entering estuaries from the river has a major influence on the ecology
of the system, affecting production, diversity, and distribution of organisms.
Further Reading

• Estuaries are exceptionally important nursery grounds for many marine fish species, young fish
exploit ing the high food source and more favourable conditions for survival and growth. In temper-
ate regions, saltmarshes associated with estuaries can also be important foraging areas for juvenile
• Estuarine food webs are powered by detritus from a range of marine, freshwater, terrestrial, and
estuarine sources, although it would appear that terrestrial carbon is relatively unimportant, despite
vast amounts entering temperate estuaries in autumn and win ter.
• Estuaries are exceptionally important habitats for birds, particularly those on migration . Four and
a half million shorebirds migrate to just the British Isles every yea r; where they exploit the high
biomass of invertebrates in mudflats.
• Many inl and seas, such as the Baltic and Black Sea, have conditions similar to estuaries, but gen-
erally do not have tides. In these systems the salinity gradient is much less variable and marine
organisms tend t o be found at lower sali nities in these seas than in tid al estuaries.

Further Reading
• Adam, P. 1990 . Saltmarsh Ecology. Cambridge Un iversity Press, Cambridge.
• McLusky. D.5. & M. Ell iott. 2004 . The Estuarine Ecosystem: Ecology. Threats, and Management. Oxford
University Press, Oxford.
• Sutherland. W. J. 199 6 . From Individual Behaviour to Population Ecology. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Key Papers and Reviews

• Attrill, M. J. & S. D. Ru ndle 2002 . Ecotone or ecocl ine: ecological bo undaries in estuaries. Estuar. Coast.
Shelf Sci 55: 929-36.
• Emmerson M. C. et al. 200 1. Consistent patterns and the idiosyncrati c effects of biodiversity in marine
ecosystems. Nature 4 11 (6833) : 73-77 .
• Lotze. H. K.• Lenihan. H. S.• Bourque. B. J., Bradbury. R. H.• Cooke, R G.• Kay. M. C. et al. 2006. Deple-
tion, degradation, and recovery pote ntial of estuaries and coastal seas. Science 3 12: 1806-1809.
• Rowntree, RA. & K.W. Able. 2007. Spatial and temporal habitat use patterns for salt marsh nekton:
implications for ecolog ical fu nctions. Aquatic Ecology 4 1: 25-45.
• Williams S. L. and Grosholz, E. D. 2008. The invasive species challenge in estuarine and coastal envi-
ronments: marrying management and science. Estuaries & Coasts 3 1: 3-20
Rocky and Sandy

Chapter Summary such as coastal d efence, recreat ion , and fisheries p rod-
The biodiver sity of the shore is exceptionally high com- ucts. Shorelines around the world are experiencing maj or
pared to lan d, wi t h all major taxonomic groups represented . impacts caused by human po pulat ion pressure and there is
Ecological research on shores has underpinned much of a necessity to defend our economic and soc ial investment
present-day marine ecology and has strongly influenced in coastal development from the effects of accelerated sea-
mainstream ecology. In addition, shores are of increasi ng level rise. Understanding how shores function ecologically
concern to governmental policy-makers becau se of their is therefore important not simply for intellectual reasons, but
recognized provision of goods and serv ices for humans, for practical purposes if their full value is to be maintained .

6.1 Introduction result, it is not surprising that ecological research on shores

has underpinned much of m arine ecology and has been the
The habitat created at the point where the land meets the laboratory of prefere nce for m any m ainstream ecologists.
sea is the most accessible part of the m arine environment for In addition , shores are of increasing concern to govern -
humans. To explore deeper and further out to sea requires mental policymakers because of their recognized provision
rafts, canoes, or larger vessels and involves increased risks, of goods and services for humans, such as coastal defence,
wh ile the shore itself, including adjacent shallow waters, recreation, and fisheries products (Duarte 2000), and the
offe rs rich resources that can be collected wit hout great curre nt threats to these services (Brown & McLachlan
effort. It is therefore no surprise that early human settle- 2002 ; Kenn ish 2002; Thompson et al. 2002). Shore lines
ments abound on coastlines, a pattern of habitation that around the world are experiencing m ajor impacts caused
persists to the present day. by human population pressure and there is a necessity
to defend our economic and social investment in coastal
Shores are studied because they are accessible, taxo- development from the effects of accelerated sea-level rise
nomically relatively simple, and provide ecological goods by spe nd ing many millions of dollars on coastal defence
and services to society (see the Preface and Chapter 16 projects. Understand ing how shores function ecologically
for a definition of goods and services). is therefore important not simply for intellectual reasons,
but for practical purposes if their economic value, as well
Early m arine biologists found the shore attract ive for as their aesthetic and cultural values are to be m aintained.
their science for similar reasons of access ibility and the
diversity of habitats and their associated fauna. The biodi-
Shorelines around the world are experiencing increasing
vers ity of the shore is exception ally high compare d to land,
pressure from human developments that threaten their
with all major taxonomic groups represented (even insects,
physical and ecological integrity despite our increasing
if you look hard enough) , and the fauna and flora are eas-
dependence on the services provided to human society.
ily collected for study or m anipulated experimentally. As a
6.2 What is the shore?

6.2 What is the shore? 1990). The influence ofthe shore extends even further if a
larger scale perspective is taken to include the supply oflar-
Defining the shore is not as straightforward as it might val stages from offshore water masses. the origins and end
seem. The early domination of shore ecology by north- points of migratory taxa such as turtles and shorebirds, and
west European and North American scientists who worked the material linkages between shorelines ofdifferent types.
in macro-tidal areas has resulted in a very restricted per- Thus, as for other marine systems, defining 'the shore' is
spective of a shore : the area between high- and low-water quite an arbitrary exercise and understanding patterns and
marks. As a result, shore ecology became synonymous with processes within an area like the intertidal zone requires
intertidal ecology. This was unfortunate for several rea- acknowledgement of a much larger scale system within
sons. First, many shores around the world do not experi- which that limited area of habitat is set.
ence significant tides and in such areas changes in air pres-
sure will cover and uncover the shore to a far greater extent Not all shores experience significant tides, yet they sup-
than tidal action (Fig . 6.1) . Second, the distribution and port a typical 'intert idal' fauna and flora. The functional
abundance of shore biota were inevitably understood in extent of the shore extends well above and well below
the context of tidal rise and fall, yet tides per se cannot be normally recognized limits.
responsible for these patterns (Figs 6.1 and 6.2) . Third, the
emphasis on tides as a controlling factor promoted the view In this chapter, the focus is very much on rocky and
that physical variables limited the distribution and abun- sandy shores. Other kinds of shore habitats (estuary, man-
dance of shore organisms and thereby distracted attention grove, tropical reef) are dealt with elsewhere in this book,
away from the importance of biological processes. Fourth, but given the broader network in which rocky and sandy
the functional influence and extent of the shore may extend shores operate, reference to these other systems draws
far into the terrestrial hinterland and down beyond the surf attention to the important ecological linkages that exist
zone hundreds of metres offshore (Brown & McLachlan between them.

(0) Environmental gradient (bJ (I)


-~ -~ -~

Mean high tide

\ Rock Rolk

Sea Sea

"- ~ \. Mean law tide

Figure 6.1 The wet-dry gradient (a) t hat characterizes the shore is set up by the interface between water and air. Waves
will extend this gradient up and down the shore (b), and tides (where present) further amplify the grad ient (e). The effect
of the tide is th us to greatly expand an existing gradient, tides do not create the gradient per se.

Figure 6.2 Zonat ion patterns on contrasting shores. (a) Lichens and brown algae form distinct bands on an artificial
rock wa ll at Pwllheli, North Wales, an area that experiences sign ificant tidal rise and fall of a few metres. (b) A typical
shoreline in an essentially atidal area at Tjarno, Swedish west coast. (c) The angiosperms Spartina and Sa/icomia form
characteristic zones at the edge of a salt marsh, Sylt, Germany.
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

6.3 Environmental gradients genetic origin (Fig. 6.3), and the majority require access
and the shore to the marine environment to complete their life history.
Generally, species have different requirements (tolerances)
The shore is characterized by several environmental gradi- and are able to live further or nearer to the water surface
ents (termed ecoelines elsewhere; e.g. Whittaker 1974) . according to these tolerances. It does not follow that high-
These gradients interact and intersect in quite complex shore organisms cannot withstand immersion in seawater:
ways to generate specific environmental conditions for many appear to be restricted to high-shore levels because
shore organisms. All other things being equal, specific and ofbiological pressures (e.g. predation or competition) from
predictable biological assemblages will be found at the species living at lower shore levels (6.4.1 and Chapter 1).
intersections of these gradients according to their physical,
competitive, and physiological abilities to occupy particular Most shore species are marine in origin and need regu lar
sections of the gradients. a phenomenon known as zona- access to the sea
tion (Figs 6.2 and 6.3) .

Different species have different physiological and eco-

6.3.2 Exposure to wave action
logical tolerances and hence occupy different sections
of environmental gradients. A feature of all coastlines is that they experience wave
action to varying degrees (Box 6.1) . Waves are generated
Four main gradients can be recognized on shores: wet- by the frictional drag of wind on the sea surface: the longer
ness/dryness; exposure to wave action; substratum particle the distance over which the wind blows (termed fetch), the
size; salinity. higher the waves. Waves may also arrive on the shore in
the form of swells; these are the ghosts oflarge, wind-gen-
erated waves produced by storms far offshore. The forces
6.3.1 Wetness/dryness expended when waves arrive at the shore will depend on
The wetness/dryness gradient is set up at the tension how much energy is extracted through friction as a result of
between water and air. The environment becomes progres- direct contact with the immediate offshore substratum and
sively drier with distance from the water surface and this any associated biological structures, such as kelp forests,
gradient is amplified (not created) by waves and tides (Fig. reefs, or sandbanks. Thus, shallow sloping offshore areas
6.1) . Almost all of the plants and invertebrates encountered will tend to dissipate the energy in the waves arriving at
on rocky and sandy shores are marine aquatic in phylo- the shore, while steeper cliffs with deep water at their base
will experience a much greater physical impact of wave
action. Because waves are wind-generated, physically shel-
Species A
tered localities, such as fjords, narrow estuaries, and shores
facing away from prevailing wind directions, will have less
wave action on average. Wave action, of course, will vary
daily and seasonally. Many of the anatomical and behav-
ioural attributes of shore organisms reflect adaptations to
minimize the risk of dislodgement by wave action and this
allows different species to occupy different sections of the
exposure gradient.

- Inueasingly stressful Enviran.mental Increasingly benign- Wave action is a major determinant of commun ity struc-
gradient ture and composition , as well as individual shape, form ,
and behaviour.
Figure 6.3 Zonation of two species along a generalized
environmental gradient running from stressful to benign Shore ecologists use the terms 'wave action' and 'expo-
conditions (with respect to the organisms). The two sure' synonymously, and the latter should not be confused
species A and B occupy different sections of the gradient with exposure to air when shores are exposed by receding
according to their ability to tolerate physiological stress tides, more properly termed 'emersion'. In addition, the
(left-hand tail of the distribution) or biotic interactions concept ofexposure to wave action is difficult to apply sensi-
(right-hand tail of the distribution; see also 6.4). Note that bly to sandy beaches and mudflats, because of the complex
for terrestrial taxa, such as saltmarsh plants, the sea is a interactions between particle size, beach slope, and wave
stressful environment, while for marine taxa, it is the land energy. Sediment shore ecologists thus prefer to describe
that is unfavourable. a beach as having a particular morphodynarnic state that
6.3 Environmental gradients and the shore

Box 6. 1: Wave formation right seabed conditions, these coasts produce some of
Waves are generated by friction from wi nds at the air! the best waves sought by surfers. Althoug h the surface
water interface. The length of fetch (the distance over features of waves are clear to see, internal waves occur
which ai r moves unimpeded by a land mass) , wind speed, beneat h the surface, which decay towards the seabed.
directio n, and duration, and the depth of water all affect These internal waves rarely persist beyond a depth of
the period and height of waves. Waves can conti nue 50 m. However, as waves pass into shallower areas, the
to be propagated even wi thout the influence of wi nd, internal waves will create physical disturbance on the sea-
this is known as swell , which decays gradually over time bed, which will increase with decreasi ng water depth. This
in the absence of wind. Coasts that are exposed to the produces a gradient of wave distu rbance on the sea floor
ocean typically have swell with a long period. Given the that decreases with distance offshore and with depth.

..- .
, Surf or breoker zone

-a Outer lineof Wove«est Wove«est

! !
E Reformed WOVe!; reform breckers
Uprush wovei break indeeper water
~ ....
Bockwoih \..Wove trough !stillwater level
Ofkhore bar Oceanbonom"

occupies a point along a reflective-dissipative spectrum, often too unstable to permit surface attachme nt and the
rather than a wave exposure grad ient (see 6.3.5) . fauna lives within the beach (the infauna and meiofauna;
Box 6.2) , unless wave action is sufficiently low. Shores of
'Morphodynamic state' is preferred to the term 'w ave intermediate particle size are very inhospitable for marine
exposure 'to describe sandy beaches and mudflats. life because they are too unstable for surface dwellers and
are comprised of particles that are too large for an infau-
n allifestyle (Fig. 6.4). Thus, different species are capable
of living in d ifferent sections of the particle size grad ient
6.3.3 Particle size and many of them are specialized to cope w it h the unique
Shores can be ordered along a particle-size gradient rang- conditions presented.
ing from extremely large particles, such as a cliff or boul-
der beach, to those made up of very fine particles only a The sizes of the particles that make up the shore have a
few microns in diameter (Fig. 6.4). Large particles provide huge effect in determining the kinds of organisms that
a stable surface for attachme nt, and epifauna and flora can survive there.
dominate such shores. In contrast, finer particle sands are

Box 6.2: Macrofauna and meiofauna per unit mass. This means that their energetic importance
In addition to the commonly encou ntered larger infauna can be as high, and in many cases higher, than that of
of beaches and mudflats, such as clams, shrimps, and the macrofauna in the beach. Meiofaunal taxa also occu r
polych aete worms, a rich variety of tiny organisms live on rocky s hores (Hicks 198 5; Gibbons & Griffiths 1986)
on, and between, t he individual par ticles, including in association with the microhabitats provided by large r
nematodes, harpacticoid copepods, gastrotrichs, archaic species, but they have been less well studied than those
groups of polychaetes, kinorhynchs, and flatworms. These in sediments. Notwi thstanding thei r small size and thei r
are grouped together as the meiofauna. Because of thei r taxonomic and identification challenges, meiofauna are an
small size (typically less than a milli metre) these taxa are extremely rewarding group to work with, since so little is
not familiar to most marine b iologists, let alone the non- certai n about thei r ecology and functional importance in
expert. They occur in very large numbers, hundreds per marine intertidal systems. For an excellent website dedi-
10 0 em" of beach, and because of thei r small individual cated to meiofauna see: www.meiofau
body size (only a few fl9) , they have high res piration rates
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

The physical refuge provided for infaunal taxa by fine and seawater and the habitat where this occurs most obvi-
particle shores brings additional challenges. Coarse (sandy) ously is the estuary. Here. river water with a very low con-
and fine (muddy) particle beaches will present very differ- centration of ionic salts meets marine water with very high
ent physical and microbiological environments, mainly due levels of such ions. The degree of physical mixing between
to their differences in surface area available for microbial seawater and fresh water can range from very little. with
activity and their capacity to retain water at low tide (Fig. the less dense fresh water flowing over the top of the marine
6.5) . water. to complete mixing, where turbulence by large waves
can result in similar salinities at the water surface and the
seabed. The exact nature of the mixing and hence struc-
6.3.4 Salinity
ture of the vertical and longitudinal salinity gradient will
This gradient has been largely dealt with in Chapter 5 and be variable for anyone estuary. depending on the relative
only a summary is provided here for completeness. The volumes of fresh and sea water, wind-driven physical tur-
salinity gradient is generated by the meeting of fresh water bulence that results in mixing of fresh and sea water and

I'I _~"" Ihl lei


Idl lei

IgI ~~ Ihl
Epifcunc/flcrc Epifo un9 cnd

.. --

Nc mccrobictc

;11 £fEo Ai"

{Iilh Laflle boulden Small bou lden Cobble! Shingles (ool'llllOnd Fi nelll nd ",
(Tens of melT1is) (Me/res) (Centimetres) (Millime/res) (Microns)

Figure 6.4 The environmental gradient of particle size, ranging from large rocks and cliffs to mud composed of grains
only a few microns in diameter: (a) exposed cliff (Otago Peninsula, New Zealand); (b) sheltered cliff (Little Loch Broom,
Scotland); (c) boulder shore (Isle of Wight, England); (d) shingle beach (Norfolk, England); (e) sandy beach (Clacton ,
England); (I) mangrove (Manakau , New Zealand); (g) seagrass bed (Moray Firth, Scotland). (h) Shore organisms can only
live on the sides of the larger particles (epifauna and flora), and between the particles (infauna) on sandy beaches and
mudflats (except in extremely sheltered habitats where some epifauna and flora reappear). Intermediate-sized particles
that make up shingle and cobble beaches present a hostile environment for both types of organism, because they are
too large to retain water and too mobile for surface attachment.
6.3 Environmental gradients and the shore

spring-neap tid al patterns. The distribution of t he fauna

and flora along this gradient will thus represent a response
to the average cond itions present. The majority of species
found in estuaries are marine in origin, wit h few freshwater
taxa penetrating far downstream.

• • • 6.3.5 Interactions between gradients

and zonation patterns
Mud Fine sand Coarse sand All t he above grad ients interact to generate particular con-
d itions for life on shores. For instance, increasing wave
.. • action will amplify the wetn ess-dryness grad ient, and
o -----
t hereby uplift biological zones w it h increasing wave expo-
sure. Wave action and water movement will sort particles
-§ according to their mobility and in the process drive the
- -- -- - overall beach environment towards a more reflective or a
more d issipative morphodynamic state (Table 6 .1) . The
interactions between salin ity and particle size are complex
and dealt wit h in Chapter 5.
The types of fauna and flora recorded at any location on
20 a shore can be understood as the biological responses to the
o Reducing 0 Oxidizing product of these interacting gradients, allow ing for bioge-
ography (Chapter 1). The overall patterns of d istribution
Figure 6.5 The ave rage parti cle size t hat ma kes up
and abundance are revealed as zonation patterns, which
sandy beac hes and mudflats has a profound effect o n
are most obvious on exposed macro-tidal rocky shores, and
the physico-chem ical co ndit ions experienced by the
least obvious in sheltered sandy fl ats. Not surprisingly, we
infauna. Mud s have a mu ch g reater surface area available
understand much better the processes maintaining rocky
for micro bial activity by virt ue of th eir small individual
shore zonation t han is the case for other shore habitats.
particle s ize. They a lso reta in water better than sands and
One of the most important features of roc ky shore zon a-
a re usual ly waterlogged. Th e mi crobial activity reduce s
tion patterns is the similarity that occurs worldwide. These
co mpounds, suc h as iron and sulp hate, in th e sed iment
were described most elegantly by Stephe nson and Ste-
creati ng ano xic co ndit ions the extent of which is refl ected
phenson (1949, 1972 ), in a period when marine ecology
in th e depth at which the sedi ment changes co lour from
was developmental and more descriptive. Similar, but not
o ra ngey-brow n (oxi dize d iron particles) to dark brown o r
identical, types of fauna and flora occupy similar positions
black (reduced iron sulphi de) (see also Cha pte r 8).

Table 6 .1 So me of the features of beaches at th e ext reme ends of th e morpho dynamic spect ru m. Intermediate
morphodynami c stat es have intermediate f eatures. After Raffaelli and Haw kin s (1996).

Dissipative beaches Reflective beaches

Sediments Fine Coarse
Waves Small Large
Slope Shallow Steep
Swash conditions Benign Harsh
Fauna Rich Impoverished

(,j Ib}r-- - - - - - - - "'I Di ssipative (a) and

refl ective (b) beach es o n
the Co ro mandal coast ,
New Zealand .
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

on shore gradients, independent of biogeographical region structuring processes that operate on all rocky shores: only
(Fig. 6.6) . The significance of these universal features of a limited range of body forms and phylogenies can cope
zonation is that they imply similar and strong underlying with life on shores. Also, these consistencies in the major

Figure 6.6 The universal zonation

scheme proposed by Step henson and
Stephenson (1972). The main zones
are where biota occur worldwide,
with slight modifications according
to biogeography. This zonation is
well-illustrated by this rocky shore on
the Otago Peninsula, New Zealand
(left), or the Nort h American example
(above). In the North American
exam ple, Pisaster starfish can be seen
Supra linoral fringe lying j ust beneath the band of black/
,:~....~ ~IQ(k lichen and litterlnld snoil.1 blue mussels on a shore in Vancouver
Island, Canada. These voracious
predators limit th e lower distribution
Mid-Iinoral zone
of the mussels and actively contri bute
(barnacles, mussels)
to th e creation of d ist inct zonation
patterns as d iscussed later in this
chapter. Photograph: lain McGaw.

...-...-...-...-:;:~~~fra-littOrOI fringe (large kelps]


-- -
~\..""'- --
__ - ~
Infro-linoral zone
6.4 Causes of zonation

zoning species worldwide have permitted the invention

of a spatial referencing framework for the unambiguous
location (within a shore) of where particular studies were
undertaken (Fig. 6.6) . Thus, the term midlittoral (or eulit-
toral) would conjure the same mental image of a shore
habitat for all rocky shore ecologists.
Dahl's scheme
Remarkably similar general patterns of zonation recur
throughout the world which offers interest ing possibili-
ties to undertake comparative studies .

Similar schemes have been proposed for sandy shores

(Fig. 6.7), and there is some evidence of universal zonation
patterns for crustaceans (Dahl 1952). However, most general

environment of the beach, rather than its biology (Salvat

Figure 6.7 'Universal' zonation schemes for sandy
beaches provided by Dahl (1952) based on the
6.4 Causes of zonation occurrence of crustacean groups, and Salvat (1964)
based largely on the degree to which water is retained by
Given the striking zonation patterns seen on rocky shores. the sediment.
and to a lesser extent on sandy shores and mudflats, it is not
surprising that a major preoccupation of shore ecologists Given that the majority of species encountered on rocky
has been discovering the determinants ofzonation. Earlier and sandy shores are marine and aquatic in origin. we
workers naturally assumed that the tides must be in some should not be surprised that the upper zonal limits of a
way responsible. given the intimate association between large number of species have been shown to be associated
the so-called intertidal area and the twice-daily rise and fall with physiological tolerance to factors such as desiccation
of the tides. Various schemes and theories were advanced. and thermal stress. In general, experiments have shown
exemplified by the critical tidal level arguments put forward that species found higher on the shore are more able to tol-
by Colman (1933), and later developed byDoty (1946) and erate dryness and thermal stress than lower shore species.
others. It was argued that as one moved down the shore, Many of the experiments have been focused on adult indi-
there were certain regions where only small differences in viduals, but it is often the environmental conditions experi-
shore level were characterized by large changes in the period enced by the recruit (larval) stages that more importantly
of immersion. when averaged over a year. In other words. determine the adult distributions, especially for sessile
the immersion-emersion gradient was particularly steep at taxa. such as barnacles and mussels. The juveniles of many
these points and thus critical for any species that decided to mobile taxa. such as marine snails, recruit onto lower shore
settle in these regions. Upper and lower distributional limits levels, and later migrate to higher levels as they become
of several species seemed to coincide precisely with these larger and their physiology alters such that they can cope
critical levels. While plausible, indeed compelling, Under- with harsher environmental conditions. Juvenile stages of
wood's (1978) re-examination of this theory revealed the most species (terrestrial oraquatic) tend to be the mostvul-
basic science as thoroughly flawed. species' distributional nerable to stress.
limits occurred haphazardly along the shore rather than in
groups, and re-plotting of the tidal data did not support the Upper dist ributional li mits of species are generally (but
idea of critical levels. Nevertheless, the concept lingers on not always) set by t heir to le ra nce to physical factors.
in several marine ecology textbooks. perhaps because of a
reluctance to take the tides out ofintertidal ecology. The determinants of lower zonal limits are not easy to
attribute to physical faerors. Why should aquatic organisms
Zonation patterns on shores cannot be explained by require a certain period of drying? Several pioneering stud-
ti dal rise and fall. The concept of a critical tidal level ies (e.g. Baker 1909) demonstrated that high intertidal spe-
that dictates e ntirely the patterns observed on shores cies actually grew better under a lower shore tidal regime,
still persists in some marine ecology textbooks. This is while Stephenson and Stephenson (1949) suggested that
an out-dated concept and should be t reated accordingly. competition and/or predation might be responsible for
some zonation patterns. However. it was Joseph Connell's
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

now classic experiments on the determinants of zonation tats requires the destruction of the medium in which the
patterns in the barnacles Chthamalus montagui and Semi- organisms live: quantitative sampling involves digging out
balanus balanoides that provided the most rigorous argu- volumes of sediment and separating the fauna, usually by
ment for biological factors setting lower distributional sieving or elutriation. Nevertheless, this approach reveals
limits ofshore species (Connell 1961a, 1961b) . The persua- zonation patterns that are usually not visible at the sedi-
siveness ofthese experiments lies in the controlled manipu- ment surface (Fig. 6.8) .
lation (removal in this case) of one species (Semibalanus
balanoides) occupying the zone immediately below another Zonation patterns, as well as their underlying causes, are
potentially competitive species (Chthamalu.s montagui). much harder to detect on sandy beaches and mudflats.
Connell was able to show that in the absence of competi-
tion for space, a limiting resource on his rocky shore, the Marine ecologists have sought to understand the role of
higher shore species could survive at lower shore levels individual species within sediment communities by system-
than those at which it was normally found . This manipu- aticallyremoving particular species and studying the conse-
lative approach to understanding the determinants of quences. Carrying out such species removal experiments in
zonation patterns has been emulated repeatedly by many sandy beaches or mudflats is fraught with interpretational
workers. As a result, it is now something of a paradigm in problems if the habitat has to be disrupted to such a severe
rocky shore ecology that lower distributional limits of spe- extent. Just think how difficult it would be to remove 10
cies occur as a result of biological factors, while physical individuals of one species from a patch of sandy beach that
factors set upperlimits to distributions. However, there are contains 100 individuals comprising 20 species. A second
exceptions, especially amongst the macroalgae (Hawkins problem arises in that, unlike the sessile fauna of rocky
& Hartnoll1983). Thus, grazers may prevent the upshore shores, the infauna is mobile and can easily move back into
extension of foliose seaweeds on some Australian shores areas cleared in manipulative experiments. In other words,
(Underwood & Jernakoff 1981), red and brown seaweeds it is difficult to maintain the integrity of the experimental
grow further upshore in the absence of limpets on the Isle design ofspecies removal experiments (but see Techniques
of Man (Hawkins & Hartnoll 1985), and the green seaweed box) . Third, the beach fauna lives in a three-dimensional
Codium may be partly limited by grazing from above (Ojeda environment and displays zonation verticallyas well as hor-
& Santilices 1984). Notwithstanding these exceptions, an izontally, and some species redistribute themselves at each
intriguing question posed by this paradigm is whether it is high tide. Experiments aimed at removing potential com-
applicable to the zonation patterns that occur along other petitors therefore have an additional layer of complexity.
kinds of gradients, particularly the wetness-dryness gra- Fourth, it is not clear whether space is a limiting resource
dient on sandy shores, but also to salinity, exposure, and for which competition occurs in sandy beaches and mud-
particle size gradients in other habitats. flats, in the same way that it does on rocky shores. Certainly,
the intensive interference competition, where individuals
Competition and predation have been shown to be overgrowor crush one another, that is seen between space-
important determinants of lower distributional limits of occupying species on rocky shores is virtually absent in sedi-
species on many rocky shores. ment assemblages, probably because individuals tend to be
mobile (as opposed to the many attached biota found on
There has been very little exploration of this question rocky shores) and can simplymove awayfrom one another.
for the last three environmental gradients, but some work
has been done on zonation patterns on sandy shores. Space is not such a severe constraint on sandy shores
One of the issues for sandy shore (and mudflat) ecologists as the fauna are mobile and can relocate to avoid com-
is that the description of zonation patterns in these habi- petition.

EHWI ~-~------;'::~:
Figure 6.8 Zonation on
a sandy beach , Newburgh,
Scotland. Only the most
abundant species are
represented for the sake of
----"" clarity. Data from Raffaelli
ElWI et al. (1991).
6.5 The organization of shore communities

Despite these issues, several investigations have demon-

strated the importance of physical factors in setting upper Box 6.3: Manipulative field
distributional limits, such as Petersen and Black's (1987, experiments
1988) transplant experiments of the bivalves (Circe and
Placamen ) to higher shore levels, where they grew more The most convincing manipulative field experime nts
slowly and suffe red higher mo rtality due to physical fac- are those in which the treatme nt and control plots are
to rs. The importance of biological factors in setting distri- highly replicated to provide the necessary statistical
butionallimits is illustrated by Posey's (1986) study of a power to detect an effect of a particular manipulation.
Californian beach. Here, the burrowing activities of the Such powerful designs will convince the most critical
ghost shrimp Ca llianassa excluded a tube-dwelling worm reviewer or edi tor (see Chapter 15) . It is therefore
Phoronopsis from higher shore levels, while the lower distri- somewhat ironic that the two rocky shore experiments
butionallimits of the shrimp were probably set by predation that ecologists are completely persuaded by are fatally
by a fish, the sculpin Leptocottus. Such manipulative stud- flawed in this respect. The first is Lodge's (1948)
ies are few and far between and, as in the case of Posey's removal of the limpet Patella from a wide strip run-
study, both upper zonal limits may be set by biological inter- ning down a shore on the Isle of Man, UK, and the
actions. Clearly, the factors responsible for zonation in a subsequent bloom of algae in the manipulated area.
three-dimensional habitat, such as a sandy beach, are not The second is Paine's (1974) set of experime nts on
as clear as for two-dimensional rocky shores. Pisaster on the Washington coast, where removal of
the starfish saw a massive increase in mussels and
a collapse in community structure (Fig. 6.9). Neither
6.5 The organization of shore study used a properly replicated experimental design,

communities and there were essen tially no controls (Raffaelli &

Moller 2000). Yet the scientific commu nity is per-
In common w ith all other biological assemblages, shore com- suaded by these experime nts that Patella and Pisaster
munities are organized by a combination of top-down (con- are keystone species. Why? Because (a) the effects
sumer-driven) and bottom-up (resource-driven) processes. were so dramatic, and (b) the resultan t changes in
Many of the classic studies on top-down processes in food abundance and distribu tion of algae and mussels were
webs were first performed on rocky shores . Consequently, completely outside the 'norm ' for similar rocky shore
there has been a tendency to generalize these results across commu nities. However, Lodge and Paine were lucky
all shores and even across all types of ecosystem. Notwith- to get away wi th it: the effects of predator removals
standing the fact that some of these earlier studies would be are often much more subtle and a proper experimental
unlikely to pass the present-day peer-review process (Box design is advised to all would-be manipulators!
6.3), they have made a major contribution to mainstream For fu rther discussion, see Raffaell i and Moller
ecological theory. Before we discuss the relative importance (2000).
of different processes in the dynamics of shore assemblages,
it is worth rehearsing the features of shores that make them
so amenable to studying these kinds of questions.
many relative ly small plots can be located w ithin a small
spati al exte nt. The three-dimensional variation w it hin
6.5.1 The role of field experiments
shore sed iments is usually compressed into a layer no more
Of all the arguments that can be used to convince scientists than 20 em deep. In addition, processes of interest tend to
that a particular viewpoint is correct, the experimental fal- operate over relatively short ecological time-scales (weeks
sification of hypotheses has proven the most persuasive (i.e. to years), allowing them to be investigated wit hin the tradi-
the rejection of the null hypothesis). Field experiments tional 3- to 5-year research grant period. Finally, of course,
h ave to be properly designed and analysed so that there is shores are highly accessible and en able sampling to occur
no ambiguity in their outcome (Underwood 1981 , 1997; with high precision; you can be sure that you collected your
Hurlbert 1984, Huston 1997) . An important aspect of their samples from w ithin the experimental plot you intended
design is that the experimental plots (areas wit hin which to sample. These features mean that it is much easier to
the manipulation occurs) need to be replicated many times investigate certain types of processes on shores compared
and dispersed appropriately over the study area (see Chap- to other habitats, such as forests or the deep sea.
ter 15 ). This is often very difficult to achieve for many types
of taxa and ecosystem (Raffaelli & Moller 2000) , but not The outcome of experimental manipulations of shore
for shores . The small body size, high dens ities, and small- communities are only persuasive if executed correctly
scale nature of spatial patterns of shore species means that and unambiguously.
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

However, while sh ores are highly amenable to the 6.5.2 Keystone predator or prey?
experimental manipulative approach, not all questions
can be satisfactorily addressed in this way, especially those The keystone status of starfish, such as PiseLSter (Fig. 6.9),
questions concerned with processes that operate over large or limpets, such as Patella, is not due to any inherent attri-
spatial and long temporal scales (Raffaelli & Moller 2000) . butes of these species. Their status depends entirely on the
Seductive as they are, field experiments are not the answer response of their prey resource to reduced consumption,
to every problem, although they are a powerful investiga- and in that sense the actual identity of the consumer is irrel-
tive tool. evant. In other words, the factors that drive the competitive
Despite the experimental design issues that surround dynamics of the prey should be the focus of investigation.
some of the earlier field experiments (Box 6.3), there is no For instance, while Pisaster has been shown to be a key-
doubt that top-down processes are of prime importance on stone predator on exposed coastlines along the northwest-
some kinds of shore. Experiments involving the removal ern USA, on other shores this is not the case. Similarly, the
of suspected key consumers. such as predatory starfish. whelk Morula has an organizing role on some shores in New
or whelks. and herbivorous sea urchins or limpets, have South Wales, Australia, but not on all shores (Fairweather
often revealed strong competitive interactions between & Underwood 1991) .
species whose populations are regulated by the available
spatial re source (e .g, the availability of rock surface forthe A keystone species may simply be another 'brick in the
settlement of barnacles) . Often a competitive dominant wall' in different circumstances. In other words, the iden-
emerges in the absence of the consumer, with a resulting tity of keystone species can be highly context specific.
loss of inferior competitors and a lower overall commu-
nity biodiversity (Fig . 6 .9) . While such experiments are One factor that determines whether a 'keystone effect'
dramatically effective in demonstrating the importance of will be seen in the relatively simple communities of temper-
top-down control by what have become termed keystone ate systems (see below) is the recruitment dynamics of the
predators, their outcomes need to be placed in context dominant prey. This realization has led to the development
(Pace et at. 1999) . of an extremely important, but at the same time incredibly


Superior Spedes-rlth
prey assemblage

Plscster, USA Slkhcster, New Zealand

, - - - - - - --,
: Keystone : 15 20
: predator :
~------- ~

, ,,
, ,
'- , ,
,, ,,,
, ,
L __ I

Superior Spedes-pcor
prey assemblage
5'- -' 0'- -'
Starfish present Starfish removed Starfish present Starfish removed

Figure 6.9 The role of keystone predators in maintaining species' richness. Left top: a strong controlling interaction
between a competitively superior prey and its predator permits the coexistence of an associated module of other
species. Left bottom: breaking the link releases the superior prey, which monopolizes the resources on which the modu le
species depend (after Paine 1980). On the right are examples of how species' richness is reduced in the absence of
keystone starfish in the US and New Zealand (after Raffaelli and Hawkins 1996).
6.5 The organization of shore communities

challenging, area of shore ecology known as supply-side taxa are typically of the interference type. including over-
ecology (Gaines & Roughgarden 1985; Gaines et al. 1985; growth, crushing, smothering, and chemical warfare (algal
Lewin 1986) . The significance of this area is best demon- and sponge allelochemicals) . Taxa that are not sessile can
strated by considering the dynamics of species with off- move away from such interference competition, which
shore early life-history stages, such as barnacles. mussels, explains why competitive exclusion, and hence keystone
and algae. Recruitment of these taxa usually occurs every effects. are harder to demonstrate in the mobile species
year, but it is the strength of a particular year's cohort of found in sandy shores and mudflats, as well as for rocky
recruits that will determine the outcome ofcompetition and shore gastropods and amphipods. Thus, by keeping mussel
hence community organization on the shore. Heavy recruit- densities low. Pisaster is partly responsible for maintaining
ment by the dominant competitor will. in the absence of a high diversity of primary-space occupiers. but reduces
a consumer. lead to the exclusion of inferior competitors. biodiversity overall by reducing the habitat available for
However. if recruitment of the dominant competitor is poor. those secondary-space occupiers living in the highly com-
other species will not decline in the absence of the so-called plex mussel matrix. a system ofextremely high biodiversity
keystone predator. These processes are also critical deter- on rocky shores (Suchanek 1992) .
minants of the likelihood of the successful colonization of
species that have been introduced into new ecosystems The structure created by beds of primary-space occupi-
through human activities. ers, such as mussels and oysters, permits a high local
biodiversity of associated fauna to develop due to
Population recruitment processes operating far out at increased habitat complexity and organic enrichment
sea may profoundly affect the outcome of interactions on from the production of faeces and pseudofaeces.
the shore, especially for those species that have offshore
dispersed larvae.

6.5.4 Bottom-up processes

The central question for understanding the dynamics of
these communities is therefore 'what determines recruit- Despite a great deal of effort, much of it involving manipu-
ment strength?'. The answer rests in the ocean climate lative field experiments. it has been hard to demonstrate
determinants of the offshore currents that carry the larvae consistently an important role for top-down processes
or spores to the shore. If there are plenty of larvae in the for sandy beach and mudflat communities (Raffaelli &
currents and if these sweep the shore at the right time. then Hawkins 1996) . These systems often support a much larger
recruitment will be strong. In this respect it is unfortunate range ofconsumers. including shorebirds. crustaceans. and
that there has been an emphasis on the keystone nature of fish, which occur in large numbers and have high energy
the consumer, because the dynamics of these shores may demands (Table 6.2; Chapter 5) . One might therefore
in fact be driven by events hundreds of kilometres offshore. expect top-down control in such systems, but this has been
If this larger-scale perspective is taken, it could be argued difficult to demonstrate experimentally. There are a num-
that bottom-up, not top-down processes organize the shore. ber of faerors that might be involved: low natural predator
Finally. in shore communities with a more complex set densities, poor experimental design. prey movement in and
of predators. such as those found on many tropical shores out of cages, inappropriately sized cages, insufficient time
(Menge & Lubchenco 1981 ; Menge et al. 1985) and in tem- duration for the experiment, and, finally. a real absence of
perate estuaries and mudflats (Reise 1985; Raffaelli & Hall top-down control (see Techniques box) . There is no doubt
1992), the removal of anyone predator does not usually that many experiments that have attempted to discern the
lead to the kinds of cascading effects documented for some importance of predation in these systems suffer from exper-
temperate rocky shores. since the remaining species simply imental design problems (Raffaelli & Moller 2000) . Experi-
mop up any released prey resource. This effect is known as ments in these habitats are typically short-term (weeks to
diffuse predation (Hixon 1991) . Keystone predators are not months) and may be too short to reveal anything but the
therefore a characteristic of such shores. initial, transient dynamics. which mayor may not be the
same as the longer term behaviour of the system. This is
important given that the effects ofcompetitive interactions,
6.5.3 Primary and secondary space
e .g. for food resources, among prey species are likely to be
Top-down effects on shores are most obvious between con- subtle and long-term.
sumers and those prey species that are primary space-
limited. That is, they compete aggressively for the rock The outcome of competitive interactions between mobile
surface. Such taxa include truly sessile groups, such as species may be much less dramatic than for sessile taxa
algae. barnacles. oysters, and sponges, as well as semi- because mobile taxa can move to avoid competition.
sessile taxa. such as mussels. Interactions between these
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

Table 6 .2 Exampl es of high co nsumpt ion rates by shoreb irds feedin g on (a) macro phyte stand ing cro p, and
(b) invertebrate produ cti on . Data from Thayer et al. (1984) and 8aird et al. (1985), respectively.

Prey "!o Consumed) Prey "!o Consumed)

(a) Macrophytes (b) Invertebrates

Zostera 30-75 Ythan estuary 36
Ruppia 20 Tees estuary 44
Potamogeton 13 Langebaan lagoon 20

(a) Seagrass bed Moray Firth, Scotland; (b) wading birds that are typical invetebrate feeders.

(, j
- • .. .. '- Ib)

TECHNIQUES: Experimental The essence of any experimental approach towards

approaches to understand species understanding the ecological significance of species' inter-
interactions in soft shores actions is that if two species perform equally well when
they are together and when they are not together, then
The techniques and approaches for sampling and map- there can be no significant interaction between them. Con-
ping the distribution and abundance of shore species and versely, if thei r performance is different in the two situ-
relevant environmental variables are well-documented, but ations, then they must interact in some way. Setting up
there are few guides to help those who wish to explore experiments w here particular species are either present or
dynamic interactions between species, especially for soft absent requires creative methodologies, especially in the
shores. Here, we describe a case study focused on explor- case of field experiments where the intervention technique
ing the interactions between species ranging from shore- may itself produce so-called 'hidden treatment effects'
birds to small invertebrates, on tidal flats in north-east (Huston 1997). Below are some ways in which experi-
Scotland, and which comprise the Ythan food web. ments were carried out on Ythan species, in the field and
The Ythan food web is relat ively simple, comprising only the laboratory, in order to identify important interactions.
c.100 macro-species, but an unknown number of meio- Carryi ng out experimental manipulations like the ones
faunal and microbial taxa. The trophic interactions between described above is not for the faint-hearted. A major
these species are well-documented (e.g. Hall and Raffa- advantage of the Ythan is its sheltered nature (we never
elli 199 1; Gorman and Raffaelli 2003), but the dynamic lost any experiments due to scouring or to cages being
importance of those interactions, and their consequences washed away by storms, unlike our experience in other
for system structure and function, had not been explored more exposed locations). This is important because such
using experimental manipulations of the ki nd pioneered experiments often have to run for a co nsiderable time
by rocky shore ecologists. Partly, this was because such (many months). The naturally muddy nature of the site
experiments were thought to be too difficult, and indeed meant th at increased siltation inside fine meshed cages
they can be. However, the Ythan team persevered and their was rarely sig nificant. Also, the site is a nature reserve,
approaches and the lessons learned may be useful for oth- minimizing chances of vandalism, and the team were based
ers embarking on such experiments, including questions of on-si te at Culterty Field Station, only a few hundred metres
how biodiversity is related to ecosystem functioning (see from the experimental sites. Of course, experiments alone
Current Focus box). are not sufficient to fully elucidate all the interactions: we
6.5 The organization of shore communities

spent a great deal of time doing more empirical natural face, including the fish, so we could be sure that predators
histo ry in order to help us interpret the results and to check we re really present or absent in the different treatments) . If
the integrity of the treatments (many of these species you decide to embark on such experiments, you will need
leave recognizable tracks and signs on the sediment sur- nerves of steel, but the final product is well worth it!

Taxa Response Technique Issues Reference

manipulated taxa

Shorebirds Benthic infauna Large (me-scale] plots fenced No sedimentation effects (cage Raffaelli & Milne
(Redshank (amphipads, and roofed with thin, horizontal 'mesh' is coarse and does not 1987
(Tringa polychaetes. strings, that let fish and slow water flow ) . Strings may
totanus) , Dunlin oligochaetes, epibenthic predators in, but get fouled by drifting algae
(Calidru5 snails) excluded birds. and need to be kept clean
alpina) , regularly.
.. ~c:~~~~~) .
Eider ducks Mussels Eiders feed by diving onto Because there are no sides Raffaelli et al
(Somateria and their intertidal beds of mussels to the cages, water flows are 1990
mollissima ) associated when they are covered by the natural, but there may be
invertebrate tide. They can be excluded significant shading effects on
community by a simple coarse-mesh roof microbial communities within
suspended on stakes within plots (needs to be explored)
large (m--scele) plots. Other
species, some birds and all fish
and epibenthic predators have
access to mussels.

Ad ult flatfish Benthic infauna Large (me-scale) plots fenced Fouling of cages by drift algae Raffaelli & Milne
(PJatichthys (amphipads, and roofed with coarse mesh can reduce flow s and lead to 1987
ffesus) polychaetes, (several em) exclude flounders. build up of sediment inside
oligochaetes, cages, so they need to be
snails) checked and cleaned reg ularly.
Exclosures like this exclude all
other large predators and have
to be used in conjunction with
the designs described above
to interpret results.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••• •••••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••••••••• ••• •••• ••• •••• ••• •••• ••• •••• ••• •••• ••••••••••••• •• •• •••••••••••
Small fis h Benthic infauna Large (c. 1 m 2 ) enclosures with The relatively small mesh is Jaquet and
(gabies (amphipads, an intermediate mesh ( 1-2 likely to red uce flows and lead Raffaelli 1989
Pomatoschistus polychaetes, cm) to enclose predators. If the to higher levels of suspended
spp) and oligochaetes, substratum is prone to drying material (sediment and
j uvenile flatfish snails) out at low tide, then a short perhaps invertebrates) inside
(PJatichthys 2 -3-cm wall may be needed the enclosure. However,
ffesus) around the inside of the cages because comparisons of
to retain sufficient water. response fauna are made
Also, solid barriers should betwee n cages with fish
be inserted inside the cages at natural densities and
and pushed in flush with the cages without fis h, then
sediment surface to ensure that any difference between the
enclosed fish (and invertebrate treatments cannot be d ue to a
prey) cannot bury out of the 'hidden treatment'.
caged area.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

Taxa Response Technique Issues Reference

manipulated taxa

Epibenthic Benthic infauna Relatively small (0.25 m 2 ) The small mesh can be Raffaelli et al.
crustaceans (amphipods, enclosures with a small mesh expected to reduce flow s 19 8 9
(brown shrimp polychaetes, (a few mm, depend ing on and lead to higher levels of
Crangon oligochaetes, the size of the predators) suspended mate rial inside the
crangon and snails) to enclose predators. If the enclosure. However, because
the shore substratum is prone to drying comparisons of response
crab Carcinus out at low ti de, then a short fauna are made between
maenas) 2-3-cm w all may be needed cages with shrimps/crabs at
around the inside of the cages natural densities and cages
to retain sufficient wate r, without shrimp/crabs, then
although crabs and shrimps are any difference between the
usually good at 'digging in' as treatments cannot be due to a
the ti de recedes. Solid barriers 'hidden treatment'.
should be inse rted inside the
cages and pushed in flush with
the sediment surface to ensu re
that enclosed shrim ps and
crabs (and invertebrate prey)
cannot bu rrow out of the caged
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Invertebrate s Small infauna Solid walled. box cages c.20 As above. Raffaelli and
(ragworm and meiofauna. x 20cm, roofed with fine Hall 19 9 5;
Hediste mesh (500!J m or less) . Cage Lim ia and
diversicolor, pushed in almost flush with Raffaelli 19 9 7
amphipod sediment. Solid sides prevent
Corophium movement in and out of cages
volutator) of manipulated species and of
response species.
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • ••• • • • •• •• •• • • • •• •• • •• • •• • •• • •• • • • ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • ••• • • • •• •• •• •• • • • • • •• •

Mussels Epifauna, Sheets (0.25 m 2 ) of mussels Sheets should be kept as Ragnarsson and
(Mytilus edulis) infauna, and removed from within mussel intact as possible (not alw ays Raffaelli 19 9 9
meiofauna beds, rinsed to remove any easy) . Since the effects
associated sediment and of mussels are likely to be
inverteb rates and re-Iaid on via increased deposition
bare ti dal flats. Sheets secured of fine sediment thro ugh
by pegs until firmly attached to red uced flows and mussel
sediment surface. pseudofaeces, this 'hidden
treatment' is not a problem for

Tube worms Infauna and Ar tificial tu be fields (0.25 m 2 The density and protru d ing Ragnarsson and
(Lanice meiofauna plots) created with drinking height of tubes is expected to Raffaell i 2000
conchilega) straws of a similar diameter and have an impact on sediment
shape to Lanice tubes. deposition / erosion rate s. Tops
of tubes act as attachment
sites for filamentous algae,
w hich may be an effect of
interest or an unwanted
'hidden treatment'. Assembling
large numbers of tubes
(typically several thousand for
an experiment) is not the most
exciting job.
6.5 The organization of shore communities

Taxa Response Technique Issues Reference

manipulated taxa
Lugworms Infauna and Lugworms added to plots (c. All treatments start with Ragnarsson and
(Arenicola meiofauna < 1 m 2 ) of defaunted sediment, defaunated sediment, w hich Raffaelli 2000
marina) other plots left as controls. All is difficult to establish and
sediment caged below surface manouver in large quantities.
with fine mesh. Because all plots are similarly
defau nated , any difference
between treatments must
be due to the presence of
• •••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • •
Weed Infauna and Sheets of algae secured to With large plot sizes of several Hull 198 7;
mats (Ulva meiofauna mud flat to produce plot sizes of m 2 , coverage becomes uneven Raffaelli et al.
intestinalis) 0.25 to 5 m" and patchy. 19 98

Manipulative field experiments on the Ythan estuary, Aberdeenshire. Top left: flounder-exclusion cages. Top
right: cages with different densities of gobiid fish . Centre: a cage for maintaining different densities of small
crustacean predators (note barriers that prevent escape from the caged area once the cage is sunk into the
mudflat). Bottom: tracks left by flounders (left) and shorebirds (right) provide evidence that the cages work (or
don 't) at excluding the right predator and that control (uncaged) plots are visited by predators.
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

Notwithstanding the above criticisms of manipulative field instance by loosening and destabilizing the sediment fabric
experiments in sediment systems, it would seem that bot- and making it more vulnerable to erosion by water move-
tom-up processes dominate, with predators limited by their ment. Alternatively. species that pump oxygenated water
prey. rather than vice versa. Many prey individuals remain through burrows create a more favourable environment for
inaccessible to predators, living out of reach for much of other species (Fig. 6.10; Box 6.4; Chapter 8) .
the time within the sediment and only a proportion of the In addition to changing the local environment for associ-
prey standing stock (as opposed to production) may be pre- ated species, bioturbation will also alter the flux of nutri-
dated. The dominance of bottom-up processes is perhaps ents between the sediment and the overlying water and in
not surprising given that sandy shores and mudflats tend this respect the biodiversity of intertidal flats may have an
to be net importers of organic matter from elsewhere; for overall impact on ecosystem functioning. an emerging hot
example, upstream and along the coast in the case of estu- topic in ecology (Curent Focus) . Many epibenthic preda-
aries, and from kelp beds in the case of many exposed sandy tors, including flatfish, crabs, and shorebirds, disturb the
beaches. sediment surface intensely during their feeding activities
(Hall et al. 1993) . While the resultant pits and surface fea-
Most prey ind ivid uals in mudflats and beaches are tures created tend to fill in with fine material and perhaps
unavailable (Le. buried to deep in the mud) to predators detritus. on most beaches the local effects are quickly erased
like shorebirds and fish , and their numbers are driven by by bedload transport (Fig. 6.10) . Of course, not all interac-
the supply of organic matter and ot her food resources. tions can be classified as top-down or bottom-up: many are
mutualistic or facilitatory, as in other kinds of ecosystem
and these are reviewed in Box 6.4.
In summary, the picture that emerges from evaluations
6.5.5 Disturbance and bioturbation of top-down and bottom-up processes on shores is that a
A feature of sediment systems. whether intertidal. sublit- mixture of both is always present to differing degrees and
toral or deep sea. is physical disturbance to the structure of this mixture will vary with the relative strength of con-
the sediment and alteration of the physico-chemical envi- sumer and resource recruitment. as well as the influence
ronment by the organisms themselves or external events of wider-scale processes, such as ocean currents and catch-
such as storms and ice-scour. Species living within the sedi- ment run-off. The latter is a particularly important concept
ment move through it. ingest and egest particles. and draw in the emerging field of coastal zone management in which
oxygen-rich water down from the surface to depth (Rhoads the interactions between land and the adjacent marine
1974) . This local-scale biological disturbance (bio turb a - areas are of fundamental importance.
tion) can change the environment for other species. for

Figure 6.10 (a) Effect of bioturbation by burrowing ghost shrimp Callianassa, (Manakau, New Zealand), which piles up
a large growing mound (seen here in section) by ejecting processed sediment through the top of its burrow entrance
(Tamaki & Flach 2000 ). Note the oxygenated burrow walls caused by the animal pumping water from the surface
(shown as light brown sediment lining burrow). (b) A depression or pit made by an eagle ray feeding at the sediment
surface on small bivalves (Manakau , New Zealand). Such pits form significant structures on intertidal flats (Thrush et al.
6.5 The organization of shore communities

Box.6.4: Facilitation in marine does not have a negat ive effect on any of the other spe-
communities cies involved (i.e. commensalism and mutual ism) (Bron-
stein 19 9 4 ) . Facilitation includes all forms of positive
Organisms that live w ithin an assemb lage are intercon- interacti on, from 'tightly coevolved, mutua lly obligate rela-
nected through a co mplex series of interacti ons (Grimm t ionships to loosely facultative relationships' (Stachowicz
199 5) that can be either neutral, positive, or negat ive, 20 01). Facilitation can affect marine systems at all levels
depending on the organisms involved. Organi sms exhibit of organizat ion, from ind ividual organisms (e.g. specif ic
a range of interact ions wi t h different co mpo nents of their Symbiodiniu m spp. end osymbiont dinoflagellates in cor-
commun ity such that a predator of one species may be als; Lajeunesse et at. 20 03) to the formation of large
the prey of another (e.g. Travis et al. 2006). biogen ic structures by foundation species that facilitate
A recently emerging area of interest is that of the 'facil- wh ole biotopes (e.g. horse mussel reefs or maerl beds;
itator', a phrase more often associated w ith corporate see Chapter 8). Further examples of facilitation at differ-
business events! Interspecific facil itation is any interaction ent levels of organization within communit ies are given in
that has a positive effect on one of the species, but that the table below.

Table Modes of facilitation in the marine benthos. These broad mechanisms of facilitation are common to all

Mechanism Notes Examples

Habitat creation Habitats may be created by a singl e foundation species or a guild of speci es Reef-buil ding corals 1
Increases general habitat heterogeneity Oysters and mussels-
Provides a suriace for attachment Seagrass beds"

Provision of a Transform ing a two-dimensional structure into a th ree-dimensional structure Reef-buil ding corals 1
refuge provides an environment wh ere prey is able to shelter from potential predators Oysters and mussels-
Relic structures remain ing once species are dead can facilitate long after Seagrass beds"
organisms are gone (Aronson and Precht 2001; Munksby et at. 2002) Polychaete worms"
• ••• •••• ••••••• ••••••••••• ••• •••• ••••••• ••• ••••••• •••• ••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••• •••• ••• •••• • •• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••
Hydrodynamic Decreases flow velocity and increases sedimentation (Luckenbach 198 6) Reef-buil ding corals 1
modification Facilitates by increasing sed iment stability (Bruno and Kennedy 2000) , Oysters and mussels-
improving food delivery (Worcester 199 5; Shashar et al. 1996) , and by Seagrass beds"
increasing pro pagul e retention (Eckman 198 3; Bruno 2000) Polychaete worms"

Amelioration Intertidal organisms retain mo isture at low tide, shade substrate and provide Fucoid alqae''
of desiccation moisture for associated species (Thompson et al. 199 6; Bertness et al.
stress 19 99b )
Allows species to exte nd their realized niche (Bertn ess et at. 19 99 b)
• • •• •••• ••• • • •• •••• ••• •• •• ••• •••• •• • •••• ••• • ••• • • • •••• • •• ••• • ••• ••• • • •• •• • • ••• •• • •••• •• • • ••• •• • •••• • •• ••• • • •• ••• • •• • •• • •• ••• • •• •• • ••• ••• • •• • • •
Amelioration of Through bioturbation and bioirrigat ion, organisms cause th e oxic-anox ic Luqworrns''
anoxic stress chernocllne to move dow nwards in sediment th us facilitating by reducing Ghost shrimps?
anoxic stress Stingray"
Commonly caused by bioturbating and bioirrigat ing infauna (Pearson 2001 ;
Rosenberg 2001 ; Meysman et at. 2006)
· .
Enhanced Increases the supply or retent ion of agents of reproduction Reef-buil ding corals 1
pro pagule Oysters and mussels-
retention Seagrass beds"
Polychaete worms"

' Luckhurst and Luckhurst 19 78 ; Jones and Syms 19 9 8; Syms and Jones 2000. 2004; 2Tolley and Volety 2005; "Dean et at. 2000; Lee and
Berejikian 2009; "Schwindt and Iribarne 2000; Dame et at. 2001; Schwindt et at. z ooa a, 2004b; sKappner et al. 2000; 6Reise 19 8 1a,
198 1b; Reise and Volkenborn 2004; Vo lkenborn and Reise 2007; Volkenborn et al. 2007, 2009; "Ber kenbusch et al. 2000. 2007;
"v alentine et al. 1994; " Estes and Palm isan 1974, Carr 1989.
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

6.6 The shore network Coastal water movements have an incredibly significant
impact upon the change and pattern in shore organ isms,
The previous section has stressed both the openness and and are responsible for the transport of inorganic nutrients,
connectivity of shores. Ecologists are usually required to organic m aterial, sediment and its associated infauna, lar-
delimit spatially (and temporally) their study areas in order vae, and spores within the water column, as well as smalle r
to m ake sense of the complexity present, but the linear con- fish and crustacean consumers . Often, m ajor shifts in com -
tinuity of the coastline and its openness to the ocean neces- munity structure and composition on the shore can only be
sitates a broader perspective if one is to truly understand satis factorily explained by cons idering near-coast hydro-
how shores work. While conceptualizing a particular shore dynamics. The irony is that m any shore ecologists are not
as a part of a larger network is relati vely straightforward, trained in this a rea and that mainstream ecologists seek-
quantifying those linkages will be a d aunting t ask and one ing to use the shore as a convenient laboratory for testing
that is best suited to modelling as opposed to empirical theory m ay not be aware of the importance of water move-
approaches . However, there are a number of general fea- ment. Our understanding of suc h physical processes is fur-
tures that can be described empirically. ther hampered by the paucity of data routinely collected.
Clearly, this is an aspect of shore ecology in need of urgent
Shores are highly open systems, receiving and exchang- support and development.
ing resources and propagules with each other and with
offshore systems.

CURRENT FOCUS: Biodiversity and Much of the earlier research in this area was dominated
ecosystem functioning-how many by terre strial ecologists working on plant biodiversity and
species does a shore need? primary producti on, but mari ne intertidal systems have
The past 10-1 5 years have seen an explosion in research increasingly played a part in unravelling these relati on-
focused on the relat ionship between biodiversity and eco- ships and the mechan isms behind them (Bulling et al.
system functioning in an attempt to describe the relation- 20 0 6 ). This is partly because shores provide ideal experi -
ships between the number of different kinds of organ ism mental systems (t his chapter) for exploring and test ing
in an ecosystem and the rates of ecosystem processes mainstream ecological theory, but also because they are
(figure a) that underpin the serv ices that provid e benefi ts rep resentat ive of a system that covers c.80% of the
to society (Balvanera et al. 2006 ) . The qu estion is an planet surface: the sea bed , characterized by small inver-
important one given the signif icant species losses from tebrates that go about their business w ithin and on the
ecosystems as a result of anthropoge nic act ivities: are sediment and in doing so may govern the biogeochemi cal
there crit ical numbers and kind s of species needed to fluxes at the sediment-water interface.
sustain particular processes? Much of the work to date in th is area has involved main-
taining different co mb inations of species, levels of spe-
cies' richness and biomasses in high ly controll ed micro- or
meso-cosm facilities, rather than in situ on the tidal flat or
beach. This is be cause for sediment habitats it is d ifficult
to manipu late infaunal species' richness in the fie ld w ith-
out disrupting the sediment habitat and inc urri ng 'hidden
treatment effects' (Huston 19 97) , although some have in
fact achieved this (e.g. Bolam et al. 2002). Meso-cosms
oft en emp loy defaunated sedi ment to w hich species are
then carefully added in order to ensure the treatments are
correct. This allow s a high degree of experimental cont rol
Biodiversity so that the effects of biodiversity on, for instance ammo-
nium fluxes, can be unequivocally interpreted (Bulling et
Fig a. Possible relati onships between biodiversity and al 2006). Whilst this approach is good for experimental
ecosystem processes (function s). The three different design considerat ions, it lacks the realism of the fie ld sit u-
models, cu rvilinear, linear, and random , describe the ation and is be st suited for understanding and expl oring
different impacts of species loss on ecosystem process mechan isms and relationships, rath er than provi d ing true
rates (after Raffaelli 2010). estimates of fluxes under d ifferent diversity scenari os. In
6.6 The shore network

our own experiments in this area, it is clear that the 40

biot urbatory behaviou rs of different species can have
a large effect on nutrients leaving the sediment-water Corophium va/uta/or
interface. Large, mobile burrowers such as the poly-
chaete Hediste diversicofor have a much greater impact
than the surficial ploughing snail Hydrobia ufvae (figure Hydrobia ufvae
b). It is clear that the number of species is less impor-
tant than species ' identity. This is confirmed by studies 4 B
on functionally similar and dissimilar species on South biomass (g wet weight)
Australian sandflats: nutrient release rates are higher
when several different functional types are represented
40 Boston Bay,
than when all the species are of the same functional
-~ 30 South Australia
--- 3-spedesmixture
type (figure b).
Making such experiments more 'nat ural' can be
-- Salina/or (ragifis
Callianassa ceramica
achieved by adding flow to the meso-cosm systems,
Ka/e fysia scafarina
using specially designed flumes. When this was done
for Hediste, the results were quite different: under real-
istic flow condi tions, Hediste changed its behav iour
completely, switching to bei ng a filter-feeder with con- 6 12
sequent reduced bioturbatory potential (figure c). biomass (g wet weight)

This only serves to underline the pitfalls of extrapo-

40 jesen Boy, Salina/or fragifis
lati ng from simple, highly controlled experiments to the
field. Of course, the next obvious step is to assemble
-.~ 30 South Australia
--.. Sa/ina/or solidus
such experiments in the field, so that the full range of =
environmental conditions is experienced, and extending
-15 20
8atiflaria diemenensis

to larger spatial and longer temporal scales (Raffaelli ~ .,; -------- ----- -- 3-spedesmixture
2006, 20 10). Such extensions present major techni- § 10
cal and logistic challenges bu t given the success in
using intertidal sediments for informing what is a crucial 6 12
question in conservation ecology, it will be well worth biomass(g wet weight)
the effort.
Fig b Biodiversity-ecosystem functioning
experiments -> Raffaelli (2010).

o without flow
o withflow

Fig c Effect of flow (shaded bars) vs. static (clear bars)

mesocosm conditions on the release of ammonium
from sediments by three species of interdrial inverte-
o 100 200 300 400
brates. Modified from Biles et al. (2003).
ammonia ±I s.e. (1-1 mol /litre)
Chapter 6 Rocky and Sandy Shores

Often , major shifts in community st ructure and composi- greatly on beach dynamics. For sandy shores, ASLR may
tion on the shore can only be satisfactorily exp lained by increase erosion, create a steeper beach profile and increase
considering near coast hydrodynamic processes. turbidity (Goss-Custard et aI. 1990). With less organic mat-
ter retained in the beach, there will be a lower biomass of
In addition to the physical transport ofliving and non-liv- infauna. These problems will be exacerbated ifbeaches are
ing material on- and offshore, and between different shore protected by hard engineering, as the available beach area
types. larger organisms can make purposeful migrations. will be progressively sandwiched between a rising sea-level
These include larger fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals, and an immovable structure. the so-called coastal squeeze.
which undertake such journeys for breeding, feeding, otto The net result of sea-level rise for many soft shores will
find a refuge from bad weather or predators. Their use of therefore be a smaller, less productive beach (Fuji & Raf-
the shore can be considerable. especially for warm-blood- faelli 2008), although other scenarios are possible, depend-
ied taxa with high energy demands, such as shorebirds and ing on sedimentation patterns and the relative rise of the
marine mammals (Table 6.2), although, as argued in 6.5.5, sea and land (Beukema 2002; Goss-Custard et aI. 1990).
cascading effects on the community are rarely detectable.
Sea-level rise not only reduces intertidal area, but pro-
found ly alters sediment distribut ions.
6.7 The future of rocky and
sandy shores It is likely that rocky shores, at least those below high
cliffs, will not be subject to coastal squeeze. since the biol-
The future of rocky and sandy shores depends on the tem- ogy can migrate upwards over time without impediment.
paral perspective taken. A series of key analyses looking at However. both rocky and sandy shores in some regions
impacts and threats to 2025 (Brown & McLachlan 2002; could experience a more severe wave climate, due to an
Kennish 2002; Thompson et aI. 2002, Kennish et aI. 2009) increase in storminess with climate change (IPCC 2001) .
have identified a continued increase in many of the anthro- Of most concern, perhaps. is the suspected relationship
pogenic impacts that shores experience today. mainly between sea-level and the return time of storm surges,
because of projected increases in coastal populations catastrophic flooding events that can remove entire beaches
worldwide. Looking further ahead to 2080, accelerated and mudflats. For instance, one estimate suggests that an
sea-level rise (ASLR) will undoubtedly impinge upon low- increase in sea-level of 0.5 m, well within the range pre-
lying sedimentary shores and estuaries. but also on rocky dicted by 2080, can alter the return time of a 1.5 m storm
shores because of changes in currents and hence transport surge from 1 in every 100 years to 1 in 10 years or less
patterns, as well as changes in wave climate (Chapter 15) . (IPCC 2001) . How shore communities, both soft and hard,
would respond to catastrophic disturbances at a frequency
Accelerated Sea-level Rise, d ue to cl imate change, will that approximates the lifespan of much of the shore biota is
have large-scale impacts on sandy beaches and mudflats hard to predict. However. longer lived species would have
over the next 50-1 00 years. difficulty adapting to such conditions due to their lower
fecundity and infrequent recruitment.
Beaches are dynamic physical entities. maintained by
processes operating above and below the beach as com- The frequency of catastrophic wave action is likely to
monly defined (Brown & McLachlan 1990), so that changes increase dramat ically with rises in sea-level.
in sediment supply and wave climate are likely to impact

Chapter Summary
• Rocky and sandy shores are the most accessible parts of the marine environment and contain
representatives of almost all the major classes of animals and plants.
• Rocky and sandy shores occur at either end of an environmental gradient of habitat particle size
that ranges from very large (cliffs and boulders) to very small (individual sand grains). Species
occupy sections of this gradient and the wetness/dryness (shore level) and wave-action gradients,
and reveal zonation patterns that are most obvious across the shore level gradient.
Chapter Summary

• The distribution and abundance of these species are determined by their tolerances to physical
factors, such as water movement and desiccat ion, and to biological factors , such as competition ,
biotu rbation , and predat ion.
• Rocky and sandy shores provide excellent laboratories for exp loring mainstream ecolog ical con-
cepts. Much of t he pioneering research using controlled experimental manipulations has been
carried out on the seashore.
• Different kinds of shore are net exporters or importers of energy, especially detrital material.
Understanding ecological funct ioning requires shores to be viewed as connected networks.

• Sandy and muddy shores are particularly vulnerable to climate change induced sea-level rise,
because they are often prevented from transgressing inland.

Further Reading
Little and Kitching (200 1) is an excellent concise book that deals with rocky shores, w hile Raffaelli and
Hawkins (1996) consider in depth the deve lopment of interti dal ecology. Raffaell i and Moller (2000)
critically evaluate the use and misuse of experimental approaches in ecology. Reise (1985) is a detailed
consideration of the ecology of tidal flats.
• Bertness, M. D. 2007 . Atlantic Shorelines, Natural History and Ecology. Princeton University Press,
Woodstock, UK.
• Little, C. & Kitching, J. A. 200 1. Biology of Rocky Shores. Oxford Un iversity Press, Oxford.
• Raffaelli, D. & Haw kins, S. J. 1996. Intertidal Ecology. Chapman and Hall.
• Raffaelli, D. G. & Moller, H. 2000. Manipulative experiments in animal ecology-do they prom ise more
than they can deliver? Advances in Ecolagicol Research 30: 299-330.
• Reise, K. 19 8 5. Tidal Flat Ecology. An Experimental Approach to Species Interadions. Springer-Verlag,
Pelagic Ecosystems

Chapter Summary ants, but great whales and jellyfish alike are s ubject to the
Away from coastal boundaries and above the seabed, the conseq uences of pelagi c ecosystem variabil ity. Physical
pelagic environment encompasses the entire water column process es in the pelagic exert major cont rol on biologi cal
of the seas and oceans. The pelagic envi ronment extends activity, and lead to substant ial geograp hic vari ability in pro-
from the sea surface to th e abyssal depths, from the trop- duction. Know ledge of biophysical interactions is essent ial
ics to the polar regions, an d is a highly heterogeneous and for und erstandin g ecolog ical patterns and processes in the
dynamic three-d imensional habitat. It is th e most volumi- pelagic environment, for management of fisheries ecosys-
nous habitat on Earth. The pelagic environment is home tems, and will be key for predictin g changes in th e pelagic
to some of the most revered and reviled marine inhabit- induced, for examp le, by cl imate change.

7.1 Introduction escaped human impacts. For example, 90% of stocks of large
pelagic fish, such as tuna (Scombridae) and jacks (Caran -
The term pelagic means 'o f the open sea', and the pelagic gidae), may have been removed by fishing (Myers & Worm
realm is a largely open, unbounded environme nt in which 2003), and whole zooplankto n com mun ities h ave shifted
the inhabitants have freedom, within physiological limits, their spatial distribution (Beaugrand et aJ. 2002) , possibly
to move in three dimensions. The pelagic environment is the in response to ocean warming, itself most likely caused by
largest habitat on Earth. Contrary to the common perception ant hropogen ically-released greenhouse gasses OPCC 2007) .
that the sea is an unchanging, relentless expanse, the open Microscopic plastic fra gments are also widespre ad in the
ocean is an environment where variability is very much the oceans, and have accumulated in the pelagic zone (Thomp-
norm. Patchiness in physical properties (e.g. temperature, son et a1. 2004) wit h damaging consequences for a variety of
salinity, turbidity), biological production, and biomass exists orgamsms .
at a range of scales in space (centimetres to hundreds of kilo-
metres) and time (minutes to decades and beyond). One of Despite its apparent remoteness, the open ocean has been
the key challenges to understanding open-ocean function influenced strongly by human activities such as fishing , pol-
lies in understanding the mechanisms that cause, and conse- lution , litter, and anthropogenic climate warming.
quences of, this patchiness (Mackas & Tsuda 1999; Mitchell
et aJ. 2008). The pioneering studies of open-ocean ecology made from
vessels wit h evocative n ames such as Discovery , Cha llenger,
The open ocean is a highly dynamic and variable environ- and Atlantis have been enhanced in recent years with obser-
ment, even though it may appear superficially uniform to vations from technologically advanced research platforms
the human eye when viewed from the shore. that include Earth-orbiting satellites (Bricaud et aJ. 1999)
and unmanned autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs;
Despite the fact that much of the open ocean is remote from see Box 7.5) (Griffi ths 2003) . The aim of this chapter is to
land, beyond the horizon for land-based observers, it has not provide a synt hesis of open -ocean ecosys tem fun ction and the
7.2 Definitions and environmental features

factors that control it, insight into difficulties associated face) . There are numerous differences between the neritic
with sampling the heterogeneous pelagic realm, and some and oceanic zones, differences that arise not least because
examples of ecological step-changes (regim e shifts) in the of differences in proximity to land and consequent differ-
global pelagic environment. ences in nutrient and sediment loading in the water column
(much of the sediment load in the seas and oceans is ter-
rigenous and is delivered by rivers and estuaries; Chapter
7.2 Definitions and 5) . Sailing out from a coastal port towards the open sea it
environmental features is common to notice a transition from turbid to clear, blue
waters. This transition is obvious not just from the deck of
The pelagic realm spans the entirety of the water column, a ship but is visible from space. Indeed, interpretations of
beginning at the sea surface and ending just above the satellite remote-sensed observations of ocean properties
seabed (the benthic realm; Chapters 8 and 9) . This mid- have to distinguish 'Case l' waters, where the ocean colour
water marine ecosystem is the largest on Earth and com- is determined predominantly by algal pigments, from
prises over 99.5% of the planet's habitable space (Robison 'Case 2' waters, where reflections from particulate mat-
2004) . The pelagic realm can be subdivided by total water ter dominate (Fig. 7.1) (Babin et al. 2003) . Differences in
depth and distance from shore. The neritic zone lies adja- particulate loading lead to differences in underwater light
cent to shore, over continental shelves, and covers about climate that, along with different nutrient availabilities,
8% of the Earth's total sea area. Out beyond the continen- have led to differing photosynthetic architectures in neritic
tal shelf break, which is delimited typically by the 200-m and oceanic phytoplankton. Offshore species of diatoms
depth contour (isobath), lies the vast, open oceanic zone have evolved lower photosystem 1 and cytochrome b(6)f
(92%of the total sea area, covering 65%of the Earth's sur- complex concentrations, enabling them to decrease their

Figure 7.1 An enhanced true-

colour view of ocean colour
from the SeaWiFS satellite (18
May 1998 13:08 GMT) showing
Case 1 and 2 waters around and
to the south-west of the British
Isles, North-West Europe. Satellite
images were received by the NERC
Dundee Satellite Receiving Station
and processed by Peter Miller and
Gavin Tilstone at the Plymouth
Marine Laboratory (PML) Remote
Sensing Group (http://www. SeaWiFS data
courtesy of the NASA SeaWiFS
project and Orbital Sciences
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

iron requirements without compromising photosynthetic primary production (Chapter 2) and because it enables
capacity (Strzepek & Harrison 2004) . However, oceanic visual predation (predators that hunt using the sense of
diatoms have probably sacrificed their ability to acclimate sight) . In deeper, darker waters tactile predation (preda-
to the rapid fluctuations in light intensity that characterize tion by touch) dominates (Eiane et al. 1999), but in clear
dynamic and turbid coastal waters. Another adaptive bio- oceanic waters the threat from visual predators is increased
logical consequence of the difference in sediment and par- because these predators can detect preyovergreater ranges
ticulate loading between the oceanic and neritic zones can (Aksnes & Giske 1993). Shark attacks on humans often
perhaps be seen in squid anatomy. Myopsin squid inhabit occur in turbid waters (Cliff 1991), possibly because under
the neritic zone (for example Loligo forbesi, which is com- these conditions prey recognition is difficult and humans
mon in north-west European coastal waters. or L. opalescens are mistaken for typical prey such as seals. The upper part
from the west coast of the USA) and have a membrane of the water column into which light penetrates is called
across the eye that may serve to protect the eye from par- the photic zone. In clear tropical oceanic waters this zone
ticulate irritants suspended in the water: in the open ocean may extend as deep as 200 m (much less in more turbid,
myopsin squid are replaced largely by members of the sub- temperate locations), although at this depth light intensity
order Oegopsina (for example, the European flying squid, will usually be too low to drive photosynthesis (Chapter 2) .
Todarodes sagittatus) in which the membrane is absent, pos-
sibly because it is unnecessary.

The neritic and oceanic zones are very different, due in

part to their differing distances from the coastline and
associated differences in particulate and nutrient loading.

Open ocean and coastal diatoms have different photo-

synthetic architectures that enable them to cope with
different nutrient availabilities and light climates.

The presence of a protective eye membrane in neritic

squid may be an adaptation to heavy particu late loading
in near-shore seas.

The pelagic component ofthe open ocean can be divided

further by depth. The upper surface of the ocean is known
as the neustic zone and, in the tropics especially, is a habi-
tat made harsh by exposure to high levels of ultraviolet
radiation. Floating organismsinhabiting this zone typically Figure 7.2 The Portuguese Man o'War (Physalia physalis,
have a blue colouration (Fig. 7.2) due to the presence of a colonial Cnidarian) floats at the sea surface and has a
protective pigments that are able to reflect this damaging blue colouration (photograph:
part of the light spectrum. The development of the ozone
hole in the Earth's atmosphere has resulted in increased lev- Organisms that live in the neustic zone are particularly
els of UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface (the ozone vulnerable to increases in UV radiation.
layer acts as a UV shield), particularly in the southern hemi-
sphere. In the Southern Ocean, Antarctic krill (Euphausia The upper 200 m of the water column is also known as
superba) may be particularly vulnerable to UV-induced epipelagic (Fig. 7.3) . Light at the red end of the spectrum
DNA mutation because krill DNA is rich in thymine, which is absorbed rapidly by seawater and does not penetrate far
is the base that is most susceptible to UV radiation damage into the epipelagic zone (Chapter 2) . Red colours are effect-
(Jarman et a1. 1999). Since krill migrate away from the sea ively invisible at depth, therefore, and many pelagic crust-
surface during daylight hours, however, their behaviour aceans adopt this colour as a means of camouflage against
will probably serve to limit DNA damage, but UV damage visual predators (Fig. 7.4) . Below the epipelagic zone
to other species remains a distinct possibility, and photo- are, sequentially, the mesopelagic (200 to 2000 m), the
synthesis by Antarctic phytoplankton shows inhibition by bathypelagic (2000 to 4000 m), and the abyssopelagic
elevated UV (Smith et al. 1992). (4000 to 6000 m) zones. As depth increases, organisms in
Light also plays an important role in pelagic ecosystem the pelagic environment are faced with increasing physio-
function away from the neustic zone, both because it drives logical challenges: pressure increases by 1 atmosphere for
7.2 Definitions and environmental features

every 10 mincrease in depth (Box 7.1 ; 1 atmosphere = 1 kg

cm- 2, equivalent approximately to the mass ofa bag ofsugar
balanced on your finger tip) and in some locations oxygen-

minima layers (Rogers 2000) arise at depth because oxy-

gen is depleted by bacteria breaking down material sinking
from the sea surface. Low oxygen concentrations render
compartments of the world ocean inhospitable to multicel-
lular life. and ongoing warming together with rising atmos-
pheric CO 2 will see an expansion of oxygen minima zones,
perhaps by more than 50% by volume, by the end of the
twenty-first century (Stramma et al. 2008) .
In general terms the total mass of biota per unit vol-
ume of seawater decreases with depth (Yamaguchi et
al. 2002) . This is because, with the exception of energy
input by chema-autotrophic processes at hydrothermal
vents (Chapter 9), biological processes in the deep sea are
fuelled entirely by photosynthetically-generated organic Figure 7.4 A mesopelagic zoop lankton/nekton sample
matter from the illuminated surface region. This material showing the predominance of red-coloured crustaceans
either sinks passively, sometimes in strong pulses of'marine (photograph: Andrew Brierley).
snow' (Billett et al. 1983), or is transported downwards by
vertically-migrating organisms that excrete, or are eaten, at bon does, however, reach the deep ocean interior, where
depths deeper than which they feed. Animals migrating ver- it can be consumed by organisms on the sea bed or incor-
tically through a series ofoverlapping yet ever-deeper depth porated into sediments (Billett et al. 2006) . Trapping, or
zones form togethera 'ladder' ofmigration from the surface sequestration, of carbon in the deep sea is the end-point of
to the deep down which carbon is passed as if in a chain of the so-called 'biological pump' that transfers atmospheric
ever-smaller buckets. As material descends further from the CO 2 to the ocean (Lutz et al. 2007).
surface it becomes distributed through an ever-increasing
volume afwater. This dilution effect means that as distance The total mass of biota per unit volume of seawater
from the surface increases, food availability decreases, with decreases with depth.
the consequence that less animal biomass can be sustained
at depth. In the deep pelagic zones, energy efficiency is par-
Energy efficiency is important in the deep pelagic due to
ticularly important and animals adopt stealthy, sedentary
the dispersed nature of potential food.
lifestyles and use cunning mechanisms to ambush prey in
darkness (Seibel et al. 2000) . Photosynthetically-fixed car-

High water Pelagic

, j Neritic
Oceanic [ Phatic
. -

Low water Epipelagic

(antinental shelf 200m

~. ~
~ ~ - - -- ----- -------- --- --- --- --- ----------
1000 m

%~~ -

" Bathypelagic ...
~- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4000m

Benthic _
---Abyssal ~--\-a~a~p"I~9~C___ 6000m

• I 1 ‫סס‬oo m

Figure 7.3 Depth zones in the pelagic realm.

Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

The word plankton is derived from the Greek word pla-

Box 7.1: Seawater as a dense and nao, which means 't o wander'.
viscous (sticky) medium
Plankton can, however, move vertically, adjusting their
Seawater is denser and more viscous than air. The depth, and do so pronouncedly during diel vertical migra-
increased density offers advantages to some mari ne tions (DVM) at dawn and dusk (Fig. 7.5). Diel vertical
organisms, for example, providing physical support migrations are a ubiquitous feature of pelagic ecosystems
that reduces the need fo r skeletal strength (beached (Hays 2003) and are thought to be driven primarily by the
whales suffer because their skeletons are inadequate trade-off required to enable plankton to feed in the food-
to support their bulk in air), but also presents chal- rich upper water-column and yet to avoid the illuminated
lenges such as rapidly increasing pressure with upper layer in daylight because of the increased risk of
depth. Seawater density varies as a function of the visual predation incurred there at that time (Tarling 2003).
concentration of dissolved salts (salinit y; salinity is This is probably not the whole story, however, as vertical
reported without units since it is defined in terms of migration some times continues in the constant darkness of
the ratio of the electrical conductivity of seawater polar winter (Berge et al. 2009) .
to the electrical conductivity of a po tassium chlor-
ide standard; see also Chapter 5) and tempera- Daily and seasonal changes in incident light intensity
tu re (warm water is less dense than cold water). have profound effects on biological processes in the
The strength of cohesion, or stickiness, of a fluid is pelagic environment, driving vertical migrations and
quantified by its dynamic viscosity. The dynamic seasonal plankton blooms.
viscosity of olive oil, for example, is 40 t imes tha t
of seawater. The motion of a particle of a given size Some organisms, such as copepods and chae rognat hs,
and velocity is more impeded thro ugh a medium of complete their entire lifecycle as plankton and are called
greater dynamic viscosity (thin k of a marble sinki ng holoplankton. Others, such as fish lar vae and barnacle
through a bottle of water and a bottle of olive oil). For larvae, spe nd only a part of their lifecycle as pl ankton,
a fluid of a given dynamic viscosity (e.g. seawater) either growing or settling out to the seabed as they age,
the conti nuity of motion of a particle is controlled and are called meropl ankton. A planktic phase provides
by its velocity and size, and can be quantified by the opportunities for dispersal and colo nization, but is also
Reynolds' number (Re). For a given fluid, Re is sim- a stage that is particularly vulnerable to predation (Pech-
ply: (particle velocity x particle size)/ dynamic vis- enik 1999 ). Planktotrophic larvae (larvae that have an
cosity. Re is dimensionless because the units used in exte nded pl anktic phase) may suffe r higher per capita
its calculation cancel out. Broadly speaking for small mortality than lecithotrophic larvae that have a limited
organisms moving at slow speeds Re is less than planktik phase, but planktotrophic organisms may achieve
10 0 0 and seawater is 'sticky': ciliates, for example, more wides pread genetic dispersal than lecithotrophes
stop the moment they cease swimmi ng. For larger (Todd et al. 1998).
organisms travelling at higher speeds Re is greater
than 1000: the inertia of a large pelagic fish, for Animals whose larvae have a prolonged planktic phase
example, enables it to continue gliding through the (i.e. that are planktotrophic) generally produce a higher
water even after it has ceased active swimming (see number of eggs per unit body mass than do animals
also Chapter 3). with lecithotrophic larvae. This may be because mortality
rates in the plankton are high.

Organisms that are capable of swimming to the extent

that they can overcome horizontal currents are known as
nekton. Inhabitants of the open ocean span several orders
7.3 Pelagic inhabitants: of magnitude of size, ranging from viruses, bacteria, and
protozoa to large predators such as sharks and whales,
consequences of size which may reach many metres in length and body masses
of several tonnes. Generally speaking, large organisms are
Pelagic organisms can be divided into two categories on the nektic and smaller organisms are planktic: micronekton
basis of their locomotory prowess. Plankton are unable to have intermediate swimming abilities and are of the order
counteract the influence of horizontal currents and so drift of 4 em in length (for example, large euphausiids such as
passively in the horizontal plane (ocean currents often Antarctic krill). This size-relate d difference in mobility
exceed 1 knot or e. 0.5 m s"). arises in part because of the interaction betwe en size and
7.3 Pelagic inhabitants: consequences of size

200 -60
_ 300 =

.§. .~
"" 400 -70 =
~ 500 =

600 -80

'----------.J -90
-J8 -36 -J4 -J2 -JO - 28 -26 -24
longitude degrees

Figure 7.5 An echogram showing the rapid ascent of zooplankton and nekton (as detected using a 38 kHz scientific
echo-sounder) from depth to the near surface at dusk. This migration from 400 m to 50 m takes less than 2 h. The
upper bar indicates periods of day (light blue) and night (dark blue). Temporal and spatial variability are tightly
intertwined in this echogram.

viscosity (Box 7.1) : seawater is essentially a 'sticky' medium of successively bigger fish (Fig. 7.6) . A more taxonomically
for small organisms (Van Duren & Videler 2003) and, for extensive example from the North Sea has unicellular algae,
them, a constant expenditure ofenergy is required to main- such as diatoms (c. 100 11m diameter), grazed by copepods
tain motion. There are exceptions to the size-mobility gen- (e.g. Calanus finmarchicus, c. 3 mm length), which are in
eralization. however, and the Arctic lion's mane jellyfish turn predated by herring (dupea harengus, c. 20 em length),
(Cyanea arctica) that may attain tentacle lengths of 40 m, which might be consumed by gannets (Sula ba.ssana, c. 180
remains a passive, planktic drifter. The very smallest plank- cm wing span), or minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata,
tic organisms include viruses and bacteria (Azam & Worden c. 7 m length). This strongly size-structured progression is in
2004) and protozoa (Struder-Kypke & Montagnes 2002). marked contrast to many terrestrial food chains where small
The small size of these organisms belies their importance predators (for example, hyenas, body mass c. 40 kg) may
to pelagic ecosystem function. Viruses are a major cause of cooperate in social groups to take herbivores that are con-
mortaliry, a driver of biogeochemical cycles, affect the form siderably larger (e.g, wildebeest, c. 250 kg).
of available nutrients and the termination of algal blooms
(Suttle 2005) . Dissolved organic carbon is taken up by bac- In terrestrial systems, animals that forage in social groups
teria, which are consumed byheterotrophic nanoflagellates can deal with prey items much larger than themselves.
and in turn by ciliates in the so-called microbial loop at
the base of the food chain (Chapter 3) . This loop recycles Pelagic food webs are often far more complex than the
organic matter that is too small to be consumed by meta- simple four-linked-chain diatom-copepod-fish-bird exam-
zoan plankton, and the metazoans are able to prey upon ple from the North Sea. An analysis of a 29-species' food
ciliates. The microbial loop therefore fuels the pelagic food web for the Benguela ecosystem. for example. undertaken
chain, and is especially important in oligotrophic waters to determine ifculling Cape fur seals (Arctocephalus pusillus
(Lenz 2000) . pusillus) would increase biomass of commercially impor-
tant hake (Merluccius spp.) (Yodzis 2000) noted that there
Very few pelagic organisms dismantle their prey before were over 28 million pathways including hake and seals!
eating, a behaviour more common in benthic biota such This complexity of food webs, and the fact that most lev-
as crabs. els can be controlled either from above (top-down control,
e.g, by predation) or below (bottom-up control, e.g. by food
As well as impacting mobility, organism size is also a limitation; Verity & Smetacek 1996) renders it very difficult
major architect of pelagic food-web structure. Pelagic organ- to make predictions of the consequences of bioregulation.
isms will typically consume food items whole, and the size of In general. smaller mean predator:prey body size ratios are
item thatan animal can consume is constrained by its mouth characteristic ofmore stable environments, and food chains
size, such that predators are usuallysubstantially larger than are longer when mean predator:prey body size ratios are
their prey (Cohen et al. 1993; Jennings & WaIT 2003) . This small (Jennings & Warr 2003) . Systems that have shorter
concept is well captured by Brueghel's picture Big Fish Eat food chains are generally much more susceptible to trophic
Little Fish, in which small fish are tumbling out of the mouths cascade effects (Brierley 2007; Chapter 8) .
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

The complexity of food webs means it is difficult (if not Oscillation that exhibits decadal-scale variability (Chavez
impossible) to predict the outcome of selective culling et al. 2003; see also Chapters 1, 8, 13, and IS).
of higher predators on lower tropic levels. Neverthe-
less, there is increasing evidence that populations of top Fish, which are generally longer lived than zoop lankton,
predators, such as seals, may, at current levels, have a are impacted by environmental variabil ity over longer
disproportionate predation effect on fish populations. t ime-scales.

7.4.1 Physical processes contributing

to temporal and spatial variability
The physical properties of the open ocean are heterogeneous
by depth, position (latitude, longitude), and over time. In
addition to the depth-related changes in light intensity and
oxygen concentration already mentioned. vertical gradients
in water temperature. density, current velocity, and nutrient
concentration may also exist. Solar heating warms the upper
ocean leading to the development of a thermal gradient by
depth. In some regions, combinations of tidal and wind-
driven processes cause turbulence and mixing of heated sur-
face water. with cooler water below. However, in regions or
seasons where winds are light and wave action slight. or in
water that is too deep to be mixed completely by tidal flow
Figure 7.6 'Big Fish Eat Little Fish:' by Pieter Brueghel (Chapter 8). pronounced vertical stratification can become
the Elder (1557) showing smaller fish tumbling from the established: warm surface waters then become effectively
mouths of bigger fish. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, isolated from cooler. deeper waters by a thermocline. Verti-
Harris Brisbane Dick Fund, 1917 (17.3.859). cal stratification is also promoted in situations where fresh
water is introduced. Rain, river run-off. and ice-melt all
introduce fresh water to the surface of the ocean. Low salin-
itywaters are less dense than high salinity waters (Box 7.1)
7.4 Temporal and spatial and stabilize the upper water column because more energy
variability in pelagic is required to mix low salinitywaters downwards. The strong
ecosystems density gradient between the mixed, buoyant, low-salinity
surface waters and underlying high-salinity waters is known
The open ocean is not homogenous. Interactions between as the pycnocline. The depth of the mixed layer, as bounded
physical and biological processes result in variability over by the pycnocline or thermocline, will vary depending upon
a range of temporal and spatial scales, and patchiness is a prevailing conditions (Chapters 2 and 8) .
key feature of pelagic ecosystems. The Stommel diagram
(Fig. 7.7) illustrates the scales of variability that are inher- Where winds are light and wave action slight, or in water
ent characteristics of pelagic ecosystems, from centimetres t hat is too deep to be mixed completely by tidal flow,
to thousands of kilometres horizontally and from seconds vertical stratification can develop.
to millennia. and shows how variations in time and space
are interlinked. It is important to appreciate the interplay As well as causing downward mixing. wind can lead
of temporal and spatial scales, and it is a theme that recurs to the upward transport of water from depth. Such wind-
throughout this book. Phytoplankton are short-lived and driven upwelling occurs over a range ofscales. At the small
are influenced by small-scale mixing processes (Martin scale. Langmuir circulation is generated as wind blows
2003) . The diel vertical migration (DVM) of zooplankton steadily across calm water, causing near-surface vortices
at dawn and dusk is restricted to certain times of day but several metres in diameter to develop parallel to the wind
occurs everywhere (Pearre 2003), indeed DVM is the larg- flow (Box 7.2) . At the interfaces between neighbouring
est coordinated movement of biomass on the planet. Fish, vortex cells, alternating lines of upward divergence and
which are generally longer lived than zooplankton, are downward convergence develop. Flotsam accumulates
impacted by environmental variability over longer time- on the surface above the downward zones, leading to the
scales: the Peruvian anchoveta (Engraulis ringens), for development of prominent, parallel wind lanes on the
example, is influenced strongly by the E1 Nino Southern surface. Zooplankton may also accumulate in downward
7.4 Temporal and spatial variability in pelagic ecosystems

A. 'Micro' pmrhs
R. Swarms
C. Upwelling
D. Eddies andrings
E. Island effects
__ IOOOOKm F. 'EI Nino' type events
Ice age variations JI G. Small ocean basins
H. Biogeogrcphitol provinm
__ 1000 Km I. Currents and Oleanic fronts - length

§;~~ I __ IOOKm J. Currents

K. Oleani! fronts - width
Annual cycles
,'/ "'-_G.--
J o Ship,
,---~ D Moorings

o Satellites

log l (em)
Biomass .-- 1 em

o log P(sec)

Figure 7.7 The Stammel diagram , overlain to show the scales that can be sampled with various platforms, and features
such as fronts. Modified from ICES Zooplankton Methodology Manual, Harris et al. (eds), (2000), page 36. Copyright
2000, with permission from Elsevier.

zones because they are able to swim upwards against the of the wind in the northern hemisphere and to the left in
flow (Pershing et al. 2001). the southern hemisphere. This movement is called Ekman
transport (Box 7.2). It contributes sign ificantly to gene ral
Langmuir circulation can lead to the accumulation of ocean circulation and can result in pronounced upwell-
zooplankton and flotsam , which forms visible wind lanes, ing. In the case of the Benguela Curre nt, for example, and
at the sea surface. other southern hemisphere eastern boundary currents, the
prevailing sout h-easterly winds blow alongshore and drive
At the large scale, wind plays a role inducing flow in most near-shore Ekman flow away from the coas t. This in turn
surface curre nts. Curre nts do not flow parallel to the direc- draws cold, nutrient-rich waters from depth to the surface
tion of the w ind but, due to interactions w it h the Coriolis at the coast (Carr & Kearns 2003) . Changes in global wind
force, when averaged over the whole of the water column, patterns have the potential to affect upwelling and the eco-
curre nts move at 90° to the wind. Movement is to the right systems that are dependent upon them (Grantham et a1.

Box 7.2: Wind-driven circulation on the sea surface running parallel to the direction of the
processes wind. Vortices are usually not large enough to bring nutri-
As wind blows over the surface of the sea it generates ents up from deep water beneath the pycnocline.
waves and induces vertical and horizontal mot ion in the Large-scale ocean currents are also induced by wi nd,
water. Langmuir cells are small-scale, parallel, helical but occur at angles to the direction of the wind rather than
vortices tha t are often apparent as a series of wind lanes parallel to it. This is because of the interaction between
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

friction and the Coriolis force . The Coriolis fo rce is the ceases. Cumulative impacts of Coriolis force result in an
force experienced by a mov ing bo dy of w ater due to th e increasing angle of deviation away from th e wi nd wi th
fact that the planet is rotating. The water colu mn can be depth. Curren t vectors in all layers form a spi ral pattern
thought of as a series of horizontal layers. The upper layer known as an Ekman spiral. The averaged effect of the
at the sea surface is subject to wi nd friction (w ind stress) spi ral is that the mean motion of the wi nd-driven (Ekman)
at the top and water fr iction (edd y viscosity) at the bot- layer is at right angles to th e wind direction. Reprinted
tom. Subsequent layers are impacted by friction with lay- from Ocean Circulation (2nd edn), the Open University
ers above and beneath. Slippage between layers results in Course Team (2001) , pp. 42 and 68. Copyright 200 1,
an exponential decrease in current speed with depth until, with permission from Elsevier.
below the depth of frictional influence, wi nd influence

Downwelling [ronverqentes
where seoweed, debris, foom,
ond plankton a«umulate)

Helical vortices -----:-;

Wind stress

mation of the
'- ---J Ekman layer Average
monon of the
Ioriolis Ekman layer
__ - Depth,!
Ioriolis farce -- -- - - ___ ~ _~ ~ -
~~- -~ frictional
infl uence
7.4 Temporal and spatial variability in pelagic ecosystems

Horizontal boundaries between water masses with dif- example. sheds warm core rings regularly into the south
ferent physical properties are known as fronts (Box 7.3) . Atlantic (Garzoli et al. 1999) and this so-called Agulhas
Fronts occur at a range of scales, from tidal mixing fronts leakage is an important mechanism for transoceanic mix-
that separate mixed and stratified waters in coastal seas ing. Vertical variations in current flow lead to shear stress
(Hill et al. 1993) to major oceanographic boundaries such that has major ramifications for horizontal structuring in
as the North Wall of the GulfStream and the Antarctic Polar the ocean (see Current Focus box) .
Front (Taylor & Gangopadhyay2001) . High-velocitycurrent Whilst it is recognized commonly that organisms are
jets associated with fronts can be important long-distance influenced by physical processes in the ocean. it is less
transport routes for many marine organisms: Antarctic krill widely accepted that organisms can influence ocean
(Euphausia superba) are transported widely throughout the dynamics. However, recent work has suggested that ani-
Scotia Sea from breeding centres off the Antarctic Peninsula mals can influence biogeochemical cycling (Wilson et al.
on frontal currents (Thorpe et al. 2004), and large oceanic 2009) and, more controversially. ocean mixing (Kunze et
squid, such as Illex illecebrosus, take advantage of currents at. 2006; Katija and Dabiri 2009; Fig. 7.8): rather than
for distribution and feeding (O'Dor 1992) . Meanders in just being passive occupants that are impacted by physi-
fronts can lead to columns of water (core rings) being shed cal change. life forms in the pelagic can make active and
from one side of the front to the other; the retroflection of climate-influencing contributions to planetary function
the Agulhus current around the southern tip of Africa, for (Brierley & Kingsford 2009).

Most fronts are highly mobile, dynamic features that can-

not be represented accurately by single, static lines on

7.4.2. Consequences of temporal

and spatial physical variability for
pelagic primary productivity and
The depth to which water-column mixing occurs, the
mixed-layer depth, has major implications for primary
production in the open ocean because photosynthesis only
takes place in illuminated surface waters. If the mixed
layer is deep it is possible that phytoplankton will sink or
be carried down below the compensation depth (Chapter
2). reducing net production. In temperate waters. primary
production is minimal during winter when light levels and
temperatures are low and the upper water column is thor-
oughly mixed by storm action and convection (Backhaus et
at. 2003) . Phytoplankton blooms do not commence until
calmer, warmer weather in the spring leads to upper water-
column stratification. From this point on, phytoplankton
cells are retained in the upper mixed layer, benefit from the
increased illumination from the sun as it reaches higher
angles in the sky, and grow and reproduce rapidly. Phyto-
plankton require nutrients such as phosphate. silicate, and
nitrate to grow. As phytoplankton blooms develop, concen-
trations of these nutrients become depleted and the effect-
ive isolation of the mixed layer from the larger nutrient
Figure 7.8 Drift of dye behind a swimming Mastigias pool beneath means that nutrients are not replenished. In
spp. jellyfish showing the mixing that animal motion temperate waters, nutrient limitation may inhibit phyto-
can induce (image from Katija & Dabiri 2009: http:// plankton growth throughout the summer months. A second re/journal/v460/n 72 55/fig_tab/ bloom may though occur at the onset ofautumn when wind-
nature08207J2.htm l). driven mixing brings nutrient-rich waters from beneath
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

the pycnocline up in to the illuminated surface layer (Diehl replenishment) and reducing ice extent (that reduces
2002) . In the North Sea the classic two-peaked (spring and water-column shading) could lead to increased open ocean
autumn) phytoplankton bloom pattern has been disrupted primary production, but these increases (e.g. 0.03 Pg C per
by eutrophication: riverine input of nutrients from agricul- year since 2003 in the Arctic; Arrigo et al. 2008) will prob-
tural and industrial run-off have overridden natural nutri- ably not counteract the mid-latitude reductions. Recently,
ent limitation and led to more-or-less continuous summer Smetacek (2008) has proposed that the depletion ofbaleen
phytoplankton production (Heath and Beare 2008) . whales in the southern oceans may be responsible for the
decline in primary productivity. With the removal of the
Although the development of stratification is a neces- great whales from the ocean. the anticipated ecosystem
sary precursor to phytoplankton bloom formation in tem- response was predation release for prey species such as
perate waters, the persistence of an upper layer that is krill. However, krill have declined and have been replaced
effectively cut off by density and temperature gradients to some extent by biota such as salps. Smetacek's (2008)
from the waters beneath can eventually inhibit phyto- theory is that whales were keystone species in this ecosys-
plankton growth. tem. Krill consume phytoplankton and thereby capture ele-
ments such as iron. If krill die and sink to the ocean floor,
the iron is lost from the pelagic system. However, if the ktill
A phytoplankton maximum can develop at the pycnocline
are consumed by whales, the iron is then defaecated back
in high summer as this is the interface between nutrient-
into the pelagic zone and becomes available to primary pro-
rich deep water and illuminated but nutrient-depleted
ducers. Smetacek (2008) described this as 'manuring the
surface stratified waters.
oceans' (see also Nicol et al. 2010) .
In the same way that fronts on weather maps mark
In regions of the world where upwelling is persistent boundaries between different air masses. fronts in the sea
throughout the year (Box 7.2) nutrients tend not to be lim- are boundaries between dissimilar bodies of water. Fronts
ited and annual primary production levels are high. How- occur off estuaries at boundaries between fresh and salt
ever, in the Pacific off South America changes in prevailing water, in shelf seas between tidally-mixed and stratified
weather conditions associated with the El Nino Southern waters, at continental shelf breaks adjacent to upwelling
Oscillation reduce the usually strong upwelling, and ensu- regions and. at the global scale. between major current sys-
ing nutrient limitation has dramatic negative consequences tems. Fronts tend to be sites with higher biological activity
for primary production and fisheries in coastal waters. than the surrounding water masses, often because nutri-
Tropical ocean basins tend to be permanently stratified and ents are transported upwards into the stratified euphotic
primary production levels are low. As a consequence, sur- zone at fronts. Tidal-mixing fronts (also known as shelf sea
face waters in these tropical regions lack particulate matter fronts) occur between tidally mixed and stratified waters.
and are very clear: such waters are termed oligotrophic. They occur when the intensity of turbulent mixing caused
Open ocean waters distant from land can be enriched with by tidally induced flow over the seabed is sufficient to
nutrients in dust blown from land. Wind-blown (aeolian) overcome the barrier to mixing caused by thermal strati-
Saharan sand fertilizes the open Atlantic with iron. increas- fication. In simple terms, this is a function of the strength
ing production (Jickells et al. 2005), but winds can also of the tidal flow and water depth; a strong tidal flow will
bring pollutants and Red Sea plankton may be poisoned by generate sufficient turbulence to completely mix shallow
copper in desert dust (Paytan et al. 2009) . Other areas of water. On the stratified side of the front, nutrient concen-
the world ocean have low phytoplankton biomass despite trations in the warm surface waters are depleted and the
the presence of high nutrient concentrations. These HNLC strong thermal gradient prevents nutrients from beneath
(high nutrient, low chlorophyll) regions include the South- being mixed upwards. Phytoplankton growth is therefore
ern Ocean and Equatorial Pacific, and hypotheses proposed nutrient-limited and low. On the well-mixed side of the
to explain their existence include grazing pressure and front, although nutrients are not limited, phytoplankton are
absence of trace elements, particularly iron (Chapter 2) . continually mixed down out of the illuminated surface layer
The oceans generate about half of Earth's annual global and growth is light-limited. Atthe front itself, stratification
primary production (48.5 Petagrams of 104.9 Pg C; Field weakens sufficiently to enable some vertical nutrient flux
et al. 1998) but since 1999, global ocean primary produc- but remains strong enough to hold phytoplankton in the
tion has fallen by 0 .19 Pg C per year (Behrenfeld et al. photic zone long enough for them to take advantage of the
2006) . The majority of this reduction has occurred in the nutrients. A study in the North Sea found new production
permanently-stratified low latitude oceans (roughly 4S"N at tidal fronts to be low (Heath and Beare 2008) and it was
to 45"S) because warming and strengthening stratification concluded that, in order to accord with the traditional view
have caused nutrient limitation. In polar regions, increased that these areas are highly productive zones. they must be
wind strength (leading to increased mixing and nutrient loci of high recycled production. Increased phytoplankton
7.4 Temporal and spatial variability in pelagic ecosystems

production at fronts leads to higher zooplankton standing -.,

stocks and increased densities of predators and underly- E
;; 20
ing benthos (see also Chapters 2 and 8). Plankton grazers, 1;;

including Basking sharks and Manta rays, may forage in
these food-rich zones (Priede and Miller 2009) .
- 15
= 10
Iron is thoug ht t o be one of the key limiting t race ele- ~
ments in HNLC regions, and experimental iron ferti liza- -5

ti o n in t hese locat io ns has stimulated phytoplankton ~ 2
: 1
prod uction (Boyd et al. 2007).
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Total phytoplankton production (g (m"2 yr 1)
Global variation in the pattern of annual primary pro-
duction is strikingly clear in images of averaged chloro-
phyll concentration obtained through satellite imagery Figure 7.9 The relationship between primary production
(see Fig. 2.5, Chapter 2) . Regional coherence in the pat- and nekton production. Fish and squid production =
tern of annual phytoplankton production has been used (0.095 phytoplankton production) - 3.73, r' = 0 .96. 1
as one diagnostic feature in the hierarchical separation of = Atlantic Ocean gyre centre, 2 = Atlantic Ocean gyre
the global ocean into distinct biogeographic biomes and boundaries, 3 = Hawaiian waters, 4 = Bothnian Sea, 5
provinces (Longhurst 2006) . A biome is the largest coher- = Gulf of Riga, 6 = Gulf of Finland, 7 = Baltic Sea, 8 =
ent community unit that it is convenient to recognize, and Nova Scotian shelf, 9 = Gulf of Maine, 10= Mid-Atlantic
Longhurst (2006) distinguishes four in the global ocean, bight. Redrawn from Iverson 1990. Copyright 2000 by the
which are characterized by the principal mechanisms driv- American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc.
ing their mixed layer depth: in the Westerlies biome local
winds and irradiance force the mixed layer depth; in the shelf seas and regions with strong upwelling account for
Trades biome the mixed layer depth is influenced by large- the vast majority of the world's commercial catch (Watson
scale ocean-circulation processes; in the Polar biome the & Pauly 2001), whereas oligotrophic central open-ocean
presence of buoyant. fresh water from ice melt in spring basins contribute little. Commercially important pelagic
constrains the mixed layer depth; and in the Coastal biome fish species do not consume phytoplankton directly but usu-
diverse processes including upwelling force the mixed layer ally predate zooplankton and micronekton that are primary
depth. Within these biomes. 51 provinces are recognized consumers. Understanding zooplankton ecology is there-
(Chapter 1). Separation of the global ocean into provinces fore key to understanding fisheries production.
is very useful because it allows regional differences in physi-
cal oceanography to be used to gain understanding, and GLOBEC (global ocean ecosystem dynamics; http://www.
make predictions. of regional differences in ocean ecology. was a global research effort to unde rstand
interactions between primary consumers, higher trophic
Knowledge that a particular area of ocean lies in a par- levels, and fishe ries.
ticular province enables predictions to be made regard-
ing ecosystem function there, even if field data for the Many zooplankton populations are bottom-up con-
specific area are lacking. trolled (that is they are limited by food availability) (Rich-
ardson & Schoeman 2004) . Zooplankton blooms are only
able to develop once phytoplankton biomass and produc-
tion has become sufficient to sustain zooplankton grazing
7.4.3 Consequences for higher rates. In temperate waters, therefore. peaks in zooplankton
trophic levels of variability in primary biomass occur in spring and autumn slightly after the phy-
production toplankton blooms. In high latitudes, where seasonality is
extreme and the phytoplankton bloom is limited to a single
Regions of the world's ocean with high primary productiv- spring/summer peak. some zooplankton species survive
ity support richer pelagic communities. with higher total the dark. food-impoverished winter months in deep water
biomass. than do regions with low primary production. In in a dormant state called diapause. Copepods including
fact there is a direct linear relationship between the mag- Calanus finmarchicus in the sub-Arctic North Atlantic and
nitude of annual primary production and nekton (fish and Calanoides acutus in the Southern Ocean build up large
squid) production (Sommer et at. 2002; Jennings et at. stores of lipids during summer feeding, a small proportion
2008) (Fig. 7.9) . This relationship is apparent in the dis- of which fuels their survival overwinter. At the end ofsum-
tribution of global fish catches (Chapter 13) : nutrient-rich mer, growth and development are arrested and individu-
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

als sink. over wintering in a sta te of hibernation at depths plankton. Developing fish larvae 'surf on the wave of zoo-
between 500 m and 2000 m (Box 7.3) . In late w inter or plankton production' and the match-mismatch hypothesis
early spring, copepods emerge from diapause and migrate (Cus hing 1990) proposes that larval fish survival w ill be
to the surface to spawn. Because of the short production gre atest in years when the period of plankton production
season. the timing of reproduction is critical at high lati- overlaps most closely with the period oflarval food demand.
tudes. By using lipid reserves accumulated in the previous Satellite data that revealed between-year variations in the
year to fuel reproduction. these copepods can spawn early, timing of the spring phytoplankton bloom support this
independent of the present year's phytoplankton bloom, hypothesis wit h regard to haddock (Melanogrammus aegle-
and ensure that their young are in place to fully exploit the finus ) on the shelf east of Nova Scotia (Platt et al. 2003 ;
short lived phytoplankton bloom. Fig. 7.10) . An index of larval haddock survival (size of age
1 year class divided by spawning stock biomass) showed
Co/anus finmarchicus survives food-depleted winter that two exceptionally strong yea r classes occurred when
months in the north Atlantic by drawing on lipid reserves. the peak of the spring phytoplankton bloom was between
This also enables it to produce young in advance of the 2 and 3 weeks earlier than the long-term average. An early
phytoplankton bloom in the following year. bloom may reduce larval mortality by starvation.

The timing of the phytoplankton bloom not only influ- Survival of larval fish is greatest when the overlap
ences zooplankton secondary production but also places a between the period of planktic food availability and food
significant control upon organisms that predate up on zoo- demand by fish is greatest.

Box 7.3: Diapause depth, water density, It is not yet clear what the main evolutionary drivers
and lipid composition of variation in copepod lipid co mposi tion are. In order
to survive the winter individuals need to descend below
The overwintering depth of the copepod Co/anus finmar- the depth of wi nter mixing, and will also have increased
chicus varies throughout its distribution range in the north chances of survival overwi nter if they descend below
Atlantic. In the eastern Norwegian Sea, for example, Cafo- depths where predators can operate. In Norwegian fjords,
nus overwi nters at about 800 m, whereas in the Iceland overwi nteri ng is shallower in fjords where visual predators
Basin overwi ntering is at around 150 0 m (Heath et al. are absen t (Bagoien et al. 200 1), but the winter distri-
2004), despite the fact tha t both locations have similar but ion of predators in the open ocean is not yet known.
total water depths (c. 2000 m) . The water-colu mn vertical Ironically, therefore, individuals tha t feed too successfully
temperature profile varies markedly throughout the north over summer and lay down excessive lipid reserves may
Atlantic: in the eastern Norwegian Sea the temperat ure at be unable to sink to depths below predators; th is would
the overwintering depth is approximately O°C, whereas in p rovide a strong selective pressu re agai nst over-con-
the Iceland Basi n it is much warmer (4°C) . This physical sumption and may be one reason w hy some copepods
variation provides much insight into the variation of the enter diapause early in the year w hen the phytoplankton
overwi ntering depth. At the onset of diapause Co/anus b loom is still in full swing. Since current flow is different
becomes physically inactive and sinks passively until it at different depths, the overwintering depth will also have
reaches the depth where it is neutrally buoyant. This is the a profound influence on the location at w hich individual
depth at which the density of the copepod is the same as Co/anus surface afte r diapause. In order to complete its
the density of the surroundi ng seawater, which itself is a lifecycle successfully, Cafonus has to surface at a location
function of ambient temperature and salinity. One of the where offspring can be spawned and hatch and eat, and
major contributors to variation in density between cope- descend to overwinter to complete the lifecycle. It is likely
pods is lipid composition, such that density decreases as that few depths will enable this to be achieved, providi ng
the proportions of lipid increases. Using knowledge of another sou rce of selection. It is clear that the lifecycle
the temperature and salinity at the overwi nteri ng depth in of Cafonus is t ied very closely to its environment; under-
several locations, and hence the density there, it has been standi ng the environmental space-ti me dynamics will be
possi ble to predict the propo rtion of lipid that should be vital to gaining full understanding of regional variability in
expected in individuals overwintering at particular loca- Co/anus abundance and consequences to higher t rophic
tions. A very good linear relat ionship has been found levels such as fis heries (Heath et al. 2008).
between predicted and actual values (Heath et al. 2004).
7.4 Temporal and spatial variability in pelagic ecosystems

Spatial, as well as temporal. coherence is required

between production and consumption if high-biomass
pelagic communities are to develop. At the large scale,
_ 8
it has been suggested that iron fertilization in regions of
low primary productivity could enhance production up
the food chain to zooplankton and fisheries, and that the •• 6

increased photosynthesis could also lead to an increased c 1998
drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide (an enhanced
.;: 4

biological pump) that may mitigate against climate change
(Lovelock & Rapley 2007) . Complex trophic interactions, 2000
2 2001 •
however. make implementation of this far from straightfor-
ward (Cullen & Boyd 2008). Indeed, recent observations

2 1
• •1979,1997

0 -I -2
of phytoplankton blooms in the Southern Ocean, stimu- Anomalies in the timing of spring blooms (weeks)
lated by natural iron enrichment of waters flowing past
the Crozet Islands, suggest blooms stimulated artificially Figure 7.10 Larval haddock survival (size of the year
are weak, perhaps because oflarge losses of the artificially class at age 1 (R) divided by spawning stock biomass
added iron. This has significant implications for proposals (SSB» against deviation from the mean time of the annual
to mitigate the effects ofclimate change through purposeful peak in phytoplankton production. Timing of the peak
addition of iron to the ocean (Pollard et al. 2009) . At the of the spring phytoplankton bloom explains 89% of the
smaller scale, patchiness is essential for maintaining eco- variance in larval survival , providing strong support for
system function. If phytoplankton and grazers were mixed the match-mismatch hypothesis. Redrawn from Platt et al.
homogenously, then resource depletion would soon occur, (2003) with permission from the author.
whereas patchiness and spatial segregation enable higher
overall biomass to be maintained (Brentnall et al. 2003; ing fish, squid, marine mammals, and birds (Durazo et al.
Mitchell et al. 2008) . Furthermore, if zooplankton did not 1998) . The exact mechanisms by which predators locate
aggregate in high densities, then pelagic filter-feeders, such prey in the wide expanse of the open ocean remain largely
as basking sharks (Cetorhinus maximus) and baleenwhales, unknown and different cues are likely to be important at
would not be able to survive on a diet of these organisms. different spatial scales (Fauchald et al. 2000) . A growing
Whales incur high energetic costs while foraging (Acev- body of evidence suggests that many marine predator spe-
edo-Gutierrez et al. 2002) and it has been estimated, for cies do not forage at random across the pelagic expanse.
example, that Right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) require but follow search patterns with Levy-like distributions:
copepod prey concentrations to exceed a minimum thresh- predators make occasional long-distance relocations to
old of 4500 individuals m~3 of seawater just to balance the 'new' search areas and undertake numerous short forays in
energy expended during feeding (Beardsley et al. 1996). each area (Sims et al. 2008) . This type of foraging may be
Furthermore, whilst some euphausiid species aggregate to an evolutionary response to distributions of prey including
form swarms. perhaps to gain protection from predators, zooplankton that also exhibit Levy distributions. In some
paradoxically it is swarm formation that makes krill viable ecosystems prey are located regularly in production 'hot
prey for whales: it has been suggested that if krill off Nova spots' (Davoren et al. 2003), attracting larger predators
Scotia were dispersed uniformly at average densities, then in a predictable manner. Conservation measures aimed
fin whales feeding there would need to swim at 900 km h' at reducing conflict between wildlife and fishers need to
to eat their fill in an 8-h period (Brodie et al. 1978) . account for geographic variability such as this in ecosys-
tem management plans. Fisheries for Antarctic krill. for
If phytoplan kton and grazers were mixed homogenously, example. may in future be required to operate outside the
th en resource deplet ion would soon occur, whereas spa- foraging areas ofland-based central-place foragers during
ti al segregation enables higher overall biomass to be their breeding season (Constable & Nicol 2002) .
maintained .
Conservation measures aimed at reduci ng conflict
Frontal regions tend to be characterized by increased between wild life and fishers need to take in to account
primary production and to support particularly rich pelagic th e fact th at predators sometimes forage at production
communities (Box 7.3). Fronts are therefore sites of intense hotspots that occur at oceanographic features such as
feeding activityand are targeted by mobile predators includ- fro nts.
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

7.5 Sampling the open ocean tion of the water column of particular interest (Brierley
et al. 1998). Optical particle counters (OPCs) can be used
The some times extreme horizontal, vertical, and tempo- instead of nets to obtain estimates of zooplankton numeri-
ral patchiness that is characteristic of pelagic ecosystems, cal density (He ath 1995), and photograph ic and video
and the huge size-range of organisms inhabiting the open devices en able high -qu ality im ages of ocean inhabitants
ocean, present considerable difficulties for quantitative to be obt ained (Benfield et al. 1996). Light is attenuated
sampling. rapidly by seawater though, and visu al sampling is often
Early studies of the open ocean depended almost com- constra ined by water clarity (Chapter 2) . Sound, on the
pletely on fishing nets to sample living organisms. Netting other hand, propagates very efficiently through seawater,
remains an important component of biological oceano- as is testified by the long-range vocal commun ications of
graphic research, but the systems in use tod ay are consid- some whales. Scientific echo-sounders can be used to detect
erably more complex than those used in the pioneering and quantify abundance of zooplankton and fish (Holliday
d ays (Wiebe & Benfield 2003) . These days, nets are often & Pieper 1995), and ever-increasing sampling resolution
equipped with depth, temperature, salinity, and other sen- (see Techniques box) is detect ing biologically important
sors. Data from these sensors can be relayed to the ship in features such as micro-layers (McManus et al, 2003), which
real time, either along conducting cables or via acoustic are likely to be of very m ajor importance to pelagic ecosys-
links, and enable nets to be placed accurately in the sec- tem function (see Curre nt Focus box).

CURRENT FOCUS: Microlayers and the several days. Thin layers produce micro-environments of
'paradox of the plankton' physical, chemical, and biological parameters. They con-
tain densities of organisms several orders of magnit ude
In 19 61 Hutchinson expounded the 'Paradox of the highe r than adjacent depth zones (Benoi t-Bi rd 2009),
Pl ankton', questioning how it could be possi ble for such a and may be important fo ragi ng sites for fish and other
large number of plan kton species to coexist in the appar- pred ators. Layers at different depths in the same area
ently homogenous pelagic environment. The t radi tional may contain distinct plankton assemblages. The species
ecological view is that a variety of niches are needed if or populations that comprise each distinct thin layer prob-
species are to coexist, otherwise competitive exclusion ably aggreg ate in response to different sets of biological
enables a single species to dominate. Recent experi men- and/or physical processes.
tal and theoretical work supports this view (Levine and Microlayers someti mes occu r at the pycnocline as zoo-
Hill e Ris Lambers 2009). Traditional pelagic-sampling plankton forage on material that is suspended there, but
techniques, such as vertical netting, reversing thermo m- may be deeper or shallower. Layers can occu r in strati-
eters, and early echo-sou nders, provided only quite low fied water where current sheer is low, but sheer has also
vertical sampli ng resolution, and contributed to the per- been proposed as one of the forming mechanisms. Some
ception th at, other than the thermocline, there was little phytoplankton cells are motile and swi m upwards against
vertical structuring in the water colum n (see Tech niques gravity. When they swim upwards into shear zones, zones
figure, upper panel). A w ater colum n with little ver tical where the direction of ho rizo ntal flow changes rapidly
heterogeneity woul d provide little opportunity for niche over a sho rt vertical range, they are made to t umble
differentiation, and a low number of niches should sup- because of an interaction of gravitational and viscous
port only low diversity. Advances in the resolu tion of opti- torques. When the shear exceeds a critical threshold, tum-
cal and acoustic sampling tech nology (see Techniques bling prevents the phytoplankton from swim ming further
box) have, however, led to the discovery of widesp read upwards and they become trapped- the process is called
'thin layers' of high biological activity in the ocean (McM a- gyrotactic trappi ng (Du rham et al. 2009; see the figu re
nus et al. 2003). Th e existence and persistence of plan k- below ) . This mechanism is a good example of how b io-
tic thin layers generates great biological heterogeneity logical patchiness arises as a consequence of physical
in the water colum n, and may go some way to expl ai n heterogeneity in the ocean. Understa nding exactly how
the 'Paradox of the Plankton'. Thin layers, which range in physical and biological processes interact could lead to
thickness from a few centimetres to a few metres, may be more powerful ecosystem models of, for example, the
many kilometres in horizo ntal extent and may persist for fo rmation of harmful algal blooms (Grunbaum 2009) .
7.5 Sampling the open ocean

lu} Ib}

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

----------------- ----------------------
F====:: S" ~ ~
ulzl ~( )
I Hul az I

Gyrotacti c trapping. (a) A gyrotacti c phytoplankton 's speed and m is mass. (b) Schematic of gyrotactic trap-
centre of mass (red) is displaced from its ce nt re of ping. Cells can migrate vertically at low shear but tum-
buoyancy (x = z = 0). As a result, the swimming direc- ble and become trapped where lSI > SCR' accumulating
tion in a shear flow, u(z), is set by the balance of gravi- in a thin layer. (From Durham et al. 2009.)
tational (Tg ) and vi scous (T) t orques. V is swimm ing

While modern imaging and acoustic technology have vations, or observations over large extents of ocean, other
improved our ability to sample the ocean realm , we con- sampling platforms or techniques are required. Moored
tinue to be reliant upon often-rudimentary nets to obtain instruments can be used to collect long time-series of data
biological samples. from spot locations (Schofield et al. 2002). Auto no mous
underwater veh icles (Box 7.S), gliders , and vertically-
At the larger scale, organisms that must come to the sea profiling floats, such as those in the Argo network (www.
surface to breath (e.g. seals, whales) , or that forage over argo , have the potential to be able to operate in
the sea surface (e.g. seabirds) , can be counted at sea by weather conditions that curtail sampling from ships, and in
observers on research vessels. Alt hough much biological add ition can work in environments that are impenetrable
oceanograph ic data are still collected from sh ips, logistic to sh ips. These autonomous and Lagrangian platforms and
cons tra ints place restrictions on the amo unt of time that sensors ('ALPS', Dickey et al. 2008) are providing a wealth
ships can spend at sea. In order to make longer term obser- of valuable in situ data.

TECHNIQUES: Active acoustic over ranges of kil ometres and beyond. Dolphins, sperm
sampling whales, and other toothed whales use sound at higher
frequencies (40 Hz- 30 0 kH z) to locate prey in turbid
Li ght is attenuated rapidly by seawater and travels only and deep-hence dark- locations. Sound is a very effect-
relatively short distances, but sound propagates very ive medium for scientific sampli ng in the ocean, and a
efficient ly. Thus, whereas cuttlefish can use changes in variety of devices are in common use for pelagic and
skin colouration to communicate visually over ranges of seabed exploration. The process of actively transmitting
several metres, baleen whale s use low-frequ ency sound sound in to the water and detecting the returned echoes
(between about 10 and 30 Hertz) to communicate is called active acoustic sampling (as opposed to passive
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

sampling w hich involves j ust listening, for example for ated continuously produce a 2D dataset, where the x-axis
animal vocalizations). on the echogram is time rather than distance.
In the most basic form of active acoustic sampling, The strength, or intensity, of an echo from a water-
downward-facing echo-sounders transmit regular pulses colum n target is a function of many factors including tar-
of single-frequency sound ('pings') that are reflected or get size, shape, density, and acoustic frequency. In very
backscattered by the seabed and targets in the water col- general terms, targets scatter sound most efficiently w hen
umn. A typical ping might be 1 millisecond long, and ping the sou nd waves have a similar wavelength to the target
rates of 1 ping per second can be achieved to sample the size. Wavelength (A, m), frequency (f, Hz ) , and sound
entire water column in the c. 200 m depths of on-shelf velocity (c, m S·1) are linked according to the equation:
locations. The frequency of choice for biological sampling c =f 'A,
is usually in the range of tens to hundreds of kHz. Bio- from which it can be seen that for a fixed sound velocity
logical targets can include single fish, fish schools, plank- (a nominal value for the speed of sou nd in sea water
ton, and aggregations of organisms that in some cases is 1,500 m s' ") waveleng th decreases as frequency
form continuous layers. Layers in mesopelagic depths increases. Sound at 38 kHz has a wavelength of approxi-
are called deep scattering layers. These are a promi nent mately 3.9 cm, and 12 cm anchoveta (Engraulis ringens)
and ubiquitous feature of the world ocean, comprising tha t have swim bladders about 4 cm long (air-filled swim
commu nities of crustaceans, myctophid fish and other bladders are very strong acoustic targets) will yield an
organisms, and have been known since the early days echo almost twice as intense at 38 kHz than at 120
of acoustic sampli ng in the 1960s. Echo-sounders oper- kHz, where the wavelength is 1.2 ern. Euphausiids j ust
ated continually along a research vessel's survey track 15 mm long, by contrast, including Antarctic krill Euphau-
yield data tha t provide a two-dimensional slice through sia superba, return echoes that are about 35 t imes more
the watercolumn (2D; x = distance, y = depth). A visual intense at 120 kHz than at 38 kHz.
representatio n of these data is known as an echogram The fac t that different organisms produce different
(Fig. 7.5). Echo-sounders can also be mounted on fixed re lat ive echo intensities at different frequencies, or dif-
moorings, facing upwards or downwards, and when oper- ferent echo spectra, can be used to discriminate different

Acoustic Frequency: 1100 kHz

_ 15 ~:------:==:::i==~===;;;;;;;;;;;j;;;;;;;;;;;;;==1
E 10

~ 5
60 min, 2m

• •
" •

o 1min, 0.125m
12:00 15:00 18:00 21 :00 00:00
Time of Doy

-80 -75 -70 -65 -60 -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30
Volume Smtterlna Strencth fdBl

The bottom panel shows an acoustic record co ll ected in 1998 by an upward-looking 1100 kHz echo-sounder.
The colour scale shows echo intensity, which is greatest in regions of the water column where organism packing
density or biomass is highest. The record has a sampling resolution of 1 minute x 0 .125 m, and reveals a per-
sistent thin layer between 5 and 10m from the echo-sounder. The upper panel shows the same data averaged
on to a 60 minute x 2 m vertical grid , which was the state-of-the-art as recently as 1994: no fine layer is evident
in that record. From Holliday et al. 2003.
7.5 Sampling the open ocean

species and/or sizes of targets. This in turn enables the presence of persistent thin layers. The Current Focus box
development of automated processes to identify and sum provides additional details on these hith erto unknown
echoes from particul ar species, and for abundance esti- fine-scale features, features that could explain the main-
mates for species to be generated from acoustic survey tenance of biological diversity in pelagic ecosystems.
data in a robust and repeatable manner. Annual biomass Multi beam echosounders sample a fan of beams that
est imates of numerous pelagic species includi ng krill, her- might make up an almost- 180° swath beneath a vessel.
ring, and anchovy are determ ined fro m acoustic surveys, When operated continually along a survey track, these
and these estima tes feed in to processes that set annual instruments deliver a th ree-dimensional (3D; depth x
catch quotas. along-track positio n x across-track position) view of the
The resolut ion of acoustic sampling has increased water colu mn (Gerlotto et al. 199 9) . Multibeam sonars
greatly in recent years, and will likely continue to do so enable entire fish schools and krill swarms to be imaged,
given ongoing engineering and electronics advances. The providi ng new insig hts into agg regative behaviour and
figu re on the previous page shows how high-resolution the way in which predators interact with prey (Cox et al.
sampling by a moored echo-sounder has revealed the 2009).

There are essentially two strategies that can be fol- In addition to providing fascinating data on the behaviour
lowed when sampling the dynamic pelagic environment: of an imals, sensors attached to animals can, by 'exploit-
Lagrangian or Eulerian. Lagrangian or current-following ing' their behaviour, provide a completely new view of
sampling obtains time-series of data from the same par- ocean processes. Elephant seals, for example, undertake
cel of water, whereas Eulerian sampling obtains data long journeys in the Southern Ocean in winter, travelling
from the stream of water that passes by a fixed geo- to oceanographically important locations at times of year
graphic location. These contrasting views of space and when conventional research vessels seldom venture. CTD
time can give markedly different perspectives on biologi- profiles from instruments attached to these animals have
cal and physical processes. cast new light on sea ice formation and dyn amic frontal
processes in the Southern Ocean (Charrassin et a1. 2008) .
Earth-orbiting satellites are able to provide coverage of By measuring the high-latitude ocean during winter, ele-
the entire surface of the global ocean on a weekly basis and phant seals fill a 'blind spot' in our sampling coverage, and
deliver near-synoptic information on, for example, sea sur- these 'an imal oceano graphers' have the potential to greatly
face temperature, chlorophyll concentration, and frontal improve our understanding of ocean fun ction.
position (Miller 2004) .
Satellites can also be used to track the movements of Satellites can relay information from tags attached to air-
larger an imals as they forage at sea over extended periods breathing animals, such as whales and turtles, collecting
of time (Thompson et al. 2003) and can relay d ata from data about their behaviour and patterns of movement
instruments attached to the an imals. Leatherback turtles in near real time.
(Dermochelys coriacea ), for example, have been tracked
in the north Atlantic (Hays et al. 2004) and time-depth The capacity of scientists to be able to collect d ata from
recorders attached to their carapaces h ave revealed that the pelagic realm seems ever to be increasing. Plans are
they undertake asto nishingly deep di ves (to more than afoot to establish a series of permanent, automated ocean
1000 m; Houghton et al. 2008) . Leatherbacks are criti- observatories that will be able to deliver multidisciplinary
cally endangered, and a major source of mortality for them data continuously in real time, yea r on year. Although these
is capture by pelagic fisheries. Knowledge of leatherback systems will contribute enormously to our understanding
distribution and dive characteristics obtained via satellite of ocean ecosystem fun ction, they will present new ch al-
telemetry could lead to the implementation of conserva- lenges in terms of extracting meaningful summaries from
tion measures designed to reduce the interaction of turtles potentially overwhelming quantities of d ata.
with fisheries, and thus reduce by-catch (Hays et al. 2004) .
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

Box 7.4: Autonomous underwater


Autonomous Underwate r Vehicles (AUVs) are unmanned

submersibles that can be programmed to navigate in
th ree dimensions underwater. They can carry a variety
of scientific instruments and are able to make measure-
ments in parts of the ocean th at are inaccessible, either
physically or op erationally, to conventional research
platforms such as ships. The Autosub AU\/, for example,
has been equipped wi th a scientific echo-sounder and
deployed on missions beneath Antarctic sea ice. There,
it has made obse rvations on the distribution of krill
under ice, and of ice thickness, that were impossible to
make using ice-breaking research vessels (Brie rley et al.
2002). Autosub is among the largest of AUVs presently
ava ilable to the scientific community, with an instrument
payload capacity of 10 0 kg (we ight in water). Autosub
is 7 m long x 1 m in diameter, weig hs 2 400 kg, is pow-
ered by manganese alkali batteries, propeller-drive n, has
a range of about 800 km, and a maximum depth capabil-
ity of 1600 m. Web lin k: http:/ / (photog raph: Andrew Bri-
erley). Autosub has con tinued to pioneer the exploration
of hostile, under-ice envi ronments. This exploration is
not wi thout risk though and in 2005 the origi nal vehicle combines a high depth capability (6000 m) with long
became stuck in Antarctica under the Ronne Ice Shelf. range (500 km) . These characte ristics, that are usually
Since then, however, developments have con tinued, and mutually exclusive, were achieved by developing pressure
Autosub has ach ieved missio ns of over 50 km beneath balanced lithium polymer batte ry tech nology, eli minat-
the Pine Island Glacier. A new generation Autosub 6000 ing the need for expensive and bulky pressu re resistant
with deep ocean capability has been built. Autosub 6000 housings.

7.6 Pelagic fisheries Fisheries for pelagic species have the potential to be
among the most sustainable and least damaging to the
Fisheries for pelagic species have the potential to be among environment.
the m ost sustainable and least d amaging to the enviro n-
ment. Shoaling species like the Atlantic mackerel (Scom ber Planktivorous fora ge fish, such as sardine and anchovy,
scom brus) and North Sea herring (Clupea harengus) form h ave vital ecosystem functions, particularly in upwelling
single-species agg regations, and by-catch of non-target spe- zones, where they form an important mid-trophic-level link
cies is minor compared to the demersal sector (Chapter 13). in so-called wasp-waist ecosystems (Cury et al. 2000). In
Stocks of mackerel, in particular, seem to be bucking the these systems one, or just a few species, of small planktivo-
global trend of decline and faring well under good m anage - rous fish dominate their trophic level. Abundance of these
ment and regulation. Myctophids, or lantern fish, are small species can fluctuate wildly under variable enviro nment al
mesopelagic fish that form a major component of oceanic regimes and high fishing pressure and may result in m ajor
deep-scattering layers. They have been fished historically in ecosystem changes. Fishing for large tropical pelagic fish,
the sout h-west Indian Ocean and in the South Atl antic, but including tuna and jacks, has also had substantial impact.
fishing ceased in 1992 because of unfavourable econom ics Analyses of long-lining d ata suggest that 90% of biomass
and m arket-resistance, and myctophids are not presently of large pelagic fish m ay have been removed (Myers &
under threat. Worm 2003) . Open-ocean fisheries have tended to develop
7.7 Regime shifts in pelagic marine ecosystems

ahead of management procedures (maybe by as much as 15 grounds are favourable (16 to 18'C) .ln years when move-
years) and, in the case of pelagic long-line fisheries, it is pos- ment of the highly dynamic front between the Brazil and
sible that the estimated pre-exploitation biomass to which Falkland currents displaces waters of favourable tempera-
management processes are anchored are unrealistically ture from over the hatching area, recruitment is reduced
low because they represent already-depleted stock levels. (Waluda et al. 2001) .
This 'missing baseline' presents particular difficulty for the
long-term restoration ofstocks because the size of the stock Semelparous animals, such as squid , are particularly
pre-exploitation remains unknown, and thus it is very dif- vulnerable to over-fishing as their populations are not
ficult to say when, or if, restoration has been achieved. Not composed of multiple cohorts that provide a safety net
only has long-lining hit pelagic fish hard, but it has been, against over-exploitation.
and is still, responsible for substantial declines in albatross
populations. Albatrosses take baited long-line hooks as they
are thrown from fishing vessels, drowning as the long-line
sinks. Some populations are showing marked and continu- 7.7 Regime shifts in pelagic
ing decline (ruck et al. 2001) but elsewhere, notably off marine ecosystems
South Africa, efforts to educate fishermen as to practices
that can limit conflict are having major success: for every Ecologists have long recognized that ecosystems may exist
100 albatrosses being killed in fisheries in South African in 'multiple stable states'. In the oceans, conspicuous and
waters in 2006, 85 are now (as of 2009) being saved. Seine rapid jumps from one state to another have become known
netting for tuna also suffers from by-catch. particularly of as regime sh ifts (Scheffer et al. 2001) . Shifts typically
dolphins, although, following international outcry, prac- take less than one year to occur and regimes may persist
tices are in place to reduce the impact to levels that are now for decades (Hare & Mantua 2000) . Regime shifts may
ecologically sustainable (Hall 1998). be driven by climatic changes, fishing pressure, or both,
and may be evident in physical and biological ecosystem
It is possible that the estimated pre-exploitation pelag ic parameters. In the north Pacific. for example, statistically
fish biomass t o w hich management processes are significant regime shifts in 1977 and 1989 are apparent in a
anchored are unrealist ically low because they represent composite index of 100 biological and physical time-series,
already-depleted stock levels, the so called 'rn issinq- including the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), zooplank-
baseline' effect. ton biomass estimates, and salmon catches (Fig. 7.11).
Regime shifts present major challenges for scientists
attempting to manage fisheries. In the North Sea a regime
The whole issue of 'dolphin-safe' tuna remains the sub-
shift in 1988 was evident from plankton time-series data
ject of debate and there were moves in the United States
from the Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) surveys
to ease legislation relating to the defi nition of the prod-
(Reid et al. 2001) . It has been suggested that this shift was
uct. See also 'Eco labelling' in Chapter 16.
caused by increasing flow of Atlantic waters into the North
Sea, an increase that was correlated with a change in the
Squid are fished on the open seas, mostly using hooked, North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOl) (Heath & Beare
coloured lures (jigs) at night to catch animals attracted to 2008) . Recruitment ofcod (Gadu.s morhua) in the North Sea
bright lights. The high-intensity lights used to attract squid has declined since the mid-1980s: it is possible that changes
to jigs are so bright that they can be seen from satellites, and in the plankton following the regime shift have had a nega-
this has opened a new mechanism for potentially monitor- tive impact on the supply of food to young cod (bottom-up
ing and managing open-ocean squid fisheries (Rodhouse control) and have brought the end of the 'gadaid outburst'
et al. 2001) . Robust management is particularly important that previously brought good catches of cod (Beaugrand et
for squid because they are short-lived. often semelparous al. 2003) . In the face ofsuch possible environmental impacts
(spawn once and die), species and therefore vulnerable on fisheries, it is clear that future attempts to manage fisher-
to over-fishing. since there are few cohorts to provide a ies will need to take environmental factors into account, as
buffer from failure of any single generation. Squid also well as data on fish population dynamics and catch levels.
respond rapidly to changing oceanographic conditions This realization has led to calls for the development of an
and it is becoming increasingly clear that it is essential to holistic, ecosystem approach to fisheries management (Pit-
understand interactions between squid and their ocean kitch et al. 2004; Chapters 13 and 16).
environment in order to predict interannual variations
in recruitment. Recruitment of the squid Illex argentinus The 19 88 regime shift in the Nort h Sea may have been
to the Falkland Islands' fishery, for example, increases in caused by an infl ux of nut rient-rich Atlantic water.
years when water temperatures over the squid egg-hatching
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

Although not necessarily a symptom of regime shift per ring for zooplankton food . Juvenile haddock gain shelter
se.jellyfish appear to have increased in prominence in many amongst the tentacles ofsome jellyfish, so haddock recruit-
pelagic marine ecosystemsworldwide in recent years (Rich- ment benefits from the presence ofjellyfish: adult haddock
ardson et at. 2009). Jellyfish blooms have occurred in the are predatory upon herring and jellyfish therefore mediate
Bering Sea. the northern Benguela current. and elsewhere, increased predation by haddock (Lynam & Brierley, 2007) .
possibly in response to climate and fishing effects. Indeed, Complex interactions between climate and jellyfish may
it has been suggested that jellyfish-dominated communi- therefore impact fish stocks. even in the absence of fish-
ties are the inevitable end-point in pelagic ecosystems per- ing. and could have major implications for the recovery of
turbed by fishing (Pauly & MacLean 2003) . In the North fish stocks. even after any cessation of fishing. Understand-
Sea, correlations between the abundance ofjellyfish and an ing these linkages will be important for 'ecosystem-based'
Index describing the periodically fluctuating North Atlantic management: indeed, it has already been shown that imple-
Oscillation (NAOI) have been detected (Lynam et at. 2004) . mentation of the jellyfish-haddock-herring interaction in
Furthermore it seems as though the recruitment of herring an ecosystem model of the North Sea improves predictions
(Clupea harengu.s) in the North Sea is adversely affected by of gadoid recruitment (Mackinson & Daskalov 2007) .
high jellyfish abundance. The jellyfish-herring link is prob-
ably mediated by a number of associations. Jellyfish prey Jellyfish-dominated pelagic communities may be one
upon herring eggs and larvae. and also compete with her- consequence of overexploitation of pelagic fish stocks.

1977 regimeshih There has been an almost exponential rise in the inci-
dence of the term 'regime shift' in the scientific literature
~ 05 II~ ~ ll i since the early 1990s. It is possible that this is because the
incidence of regime shifts is increasing, or that accumulat-
Ia 0
ing time-series of data are enabling more changes to be
III I -r
'" ·05
~ , I IIq
detected. A note of caution is perhaps necessary regarding
this apparent increasing prevalence, however: simulation
, ,
1965 1965 1975 1980 1985 1990 studies looking at random, independent time-series with
the same frequency content as the Pacific Decadal Oscilla-
tion have shown that techniques used to identify 'regime
1989 regimeshih shifts' may find them in noise. Detection of step-changes
does not therefore necessarily provide evidence of pro-
J!! 05
IlL .. T cesses leading to any meaningful regime shift (Rudnick &
liI I ~ 1"
Davis 2003), since the step changes may be artifacts of the
~ data.
Jl ·05 I I
, 1 .1 • .1 .1
1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 7.8 The future for pelagic
marine ecosystems
Figure 7.11 Mean and standard error of a composite
index of 31 physical and 69 biological parameters from With an ever-increasing human population. and an ever-
the north Pacific between 1965 and 1997, showing growing demand for food protein, it seems likely that pres-
significant step changes or 'regime shifts' in 1977 and sure on the open ocean is likely to continue to grow. There
1989. The physical time-series represent atmospheric is a history of fisheries advancing further from shore. into
and oceanic processes, while the biological time-series deeper and more distant waters, as conventional coastal
all relate to oceanic species ranging from zooplankton resources are depleted, and this looks set to continue.
to salmon and groundfish. Each of the time-series was Fishing effort has already had major impacts on the global
normalized before plotting and statistical analysis by ocean. As traditional fish species are removed, fishing
subtracting the mean across both regimes and then effort turns from these higher trophic-level predators to
dividing the data for each regime by the standard smaller species. This phenomenon has become known as
deviation for that regime. Standard errors for each year fishing down the food web (Paulyet at. 1998) and is eco-
were computed as In,where S is the standard deviation logically unsustainable.
across all variables within a year and n is the number Humans are not just altering the open-ocean ecosys-
of time series used in the calculation «100). Redrawn tems by removing biomass but are also degrading it by
from Scheffer et al. 2001 with Nature Publishing Group's addition. The incidence ofwaste in the ocean is increasing,
copyright permission and permission from the author. with floating rubbish potentially distributing species far
7.8 The future for pelagic marine ecosystems
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

beyond their usual ranges, leading to alien colonizations of A recent forecast of the likely state of aquatic ecosys-
distant shores (Barnes 2002) . Introductions ofalien species tems in 2025 identified climate warming as the most sig-
in ballast water from cargo ships has also had devastating nificant single threat (Chapter 15), and climate changes
effects on pelagic ecosystems. such as the introduction of have already had measurable impacts on sea-ice extent
the ctenophore Mnemiopsis leydii to the Black Sea (Kideys and zooplankton distributions (Polunin 2005) . Tempera-
2002). This ctenophore, a native of the eastern USA, was ture change is the most pervasive threat to marine eco-
predatory upon fish eggs and led to the collapse of the Black systems globally (Halpern et al. 2008) and, if it continues
Sea anchovy fishery. Dumping CO2 at sea in an attempt to unchecked, it could result in multiple extinctions before
reduce further increases in atmospheric concentrations is the end of this century (Jackson 2008; Brierley and Kings-
being investigated (Hunter 1999) . As well as the addition ford 2009) . Perhaps the biggest climate-related threat to
ofobjects and organisms, human activityhas also increased north Atlantic pelagic marine ecosystems arises from the
noise levels in the ocean. Low-frequency noise from ship- possibility that increased warming and consequent freshen-
ping, oil-exploration. and military activities may adversely ing of the Arctic may switch off the North Atlantic current
impact cetacean communication and foraging (Croll et (NAC) and hence perturb global ocean circulation (Rahm-
al. 2001) by masking the sounds these animals generate. storf 2002) . Because of interactions between circulation,
Killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the waters of Washington vertical mixing, nutrient supply, and production, reduction
State, USA, increase the lengths of their calls significantly of the NAC could reduce north Atlantic plankton biomass
(by about 15%) in the presence of whale-watcher boat traf- by more than half, and reduce global export production
fic, and probably do so in an attempt to overcome the noise by more than 20% (Schmittner 2005) . It is probable that
generated by these boats that may mask their usual calls changes like this have happened multiple times during the
(Foote et al. 2004) . Propagation of underwater sound in the Earth's history, and occurred over very short periods. If, as
range of frequencies used for cetacean communications will some models predict, this were to happen again in the near
increase as the ocean become more acidic (Chapter 15) . future, the consequences for the Earth's ecosystem and cli-
Expected changes in ocean acidity could enable sounds to mate would be so severe that concern for the state of the
travel up to 70 per cent farther underwater, increasing the pelagic realm would probably not be at the top of human-
levels of background noise in the oceans and potentially ity's agenda.
affecting the behaviour of marine mammals (Hester et a1.
2008) .

The incidence of waste in th e ocean is increasing, wit h

floating rubbish potentially distributing species far
beyond their usual ranges leading to alien colon izat ions
of distant shores.

Chapter Summary
• The pelagic realm is highly heterogeneous, and production is patchy in both space and time. Pro-
duction is generally higher closer to land, because of increased nutrient input (rivers, upwelling),
and close to the surface because of light availability. There is a direct link between primary produc-
tion and fisheries' production.
• Organism size has a major bearing on mobility in the pelagic environment. Plankton are generally
small «10 mm long) and are unable to swim against currents, but drift passively on them. Larger
organisms (nekton) can move actively against currents. Plankton can however move vertically and
undertake pronounced diel migrations that contribute significantly to the 'biological pump'.
• Pelagic food-webs are size-structured: small organisms are consumed by a succession of larger
grazers or predators. Most biomass occurs at the lowest trophic levels (grazers) and gradually
decreases at increasingly higher trophic levels.
• Environmental heterogeneity and the large range of pelagic organism-size (from plankton to
whales) presents a severe challenge for sampling the pelagic environment. Technological advances
Chapter 7 Pelagic Ecosystems

provide the means to collect ever-increasing quantities of data, but net sampling remains important
for collection of biological material.
• Pelagic fish that form large single-species' shoals should be amongst the most straightforward to
manage and can be exploited with little risk of bycatch. Nevertheless, even pelagic species that
inhabit remote locations far from land have been impacted severely by fishing.
• Pelagic ecosystems can suffer step-changes, shifting rapid ly from one state to another. Such 'regime
shifts' may be due to impacts of climatic change, and have major implications for ecosystem man-

Further Reading
Longhurst (2006) provides an excellent description of the causes and consequences of geographic
variab ility throughout the world 's ocean, Mann and Lazier (2006) give a broad coverage of b iological
responses to physical processes in the ocean, and Miller (2004) provides a broad coverage of 'biological
oceanog raphy' , A useful plankton atlas of the North Atlantic was published in Volume 27 8 of Marine Ecol-
ogy Progress Series (20 0 4 ) , This provides a summary of Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) methods,
and describes how this invaluable long-term record has become an important implement in our under-
stand ing of how pelagic ecosystems respond to global change, Steele (2004) provides a brief review
of regime shifts and their defi nition. His article is the first article in a special issue dedicated to regime
shifts. The book Fisheries Acoustics by Simmonds and Maclennan (2005) provides excellent coverage of
the use of sound for sampling aquatic environments, as well as some information on sound production
by marine animals.
• Anonymo us, 20 0 4, Continuous plankton records: plankton atlas of the Nort h Atlantic Ocean (1958-
19 99 ) , Marine Ecology Progress Series 278. Supplement available on line at: http:/ /
abstracts/meps/CPRatlas/contenls,htm l
• longhurst, A. R. 2006, Ecological Geography of the Sea (2 nd edn) . Academ ic Press, San Diego,
• Mann, K, H, & l.azler.L R. N, 2006, Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems: Biological-Physical Interactions in
the Oceans (2nd edn) . Blackwell, Oxford,
• Miller, C. 20 0 4, Biological Oceanography, Wiley-Blackwell.
• SlrnrnondsJ. & Maclennan, D, 2005, Fisheries Acoustics, Theory and Practice (2nd edn) . Blackwell,
Oxford ,
• Steele, J. H. 20 04. Reg ime shifts in the ocean: reconciling observations and theory. Progress in Ocean-
ography 60: 13 5-4 1.
Continental Shelf •


Chapter Summary eycom bed w ith burrowing crustaceans and worms through
Continental shelves are the most heavily explo ited and uti- species-impoverished mob ile sands to bedrock encrusted
lized areas of the wo rl d 's oceans and support the greatest w ith luxuriant growths of particulate feed ers and algae. The
level of biological production. The ecology of the shallow benthos is a critical link in the transfer of organic material
shelf areas is st rongly influenced by phy sical processes and nutrients from the w ater col umn above to t he seabed.
such as w aves, t ides, currents, erosion, and inputs of mate- The flo w of energy th ro ugh food webs varies considerably
rial from the adjacent land mass. These processes generate amo ng regi ons, w ith greater web complexi ty at mid to high
a great diversity of ecosystems and habitats at regional latitudes. Systems w it h strong linkages amo ng individ ual
and local scales. The composi tion of the seabed and its species are prone to troph ic cascades and are mo re sensi-
associated biota are a direct reflect ion of the physical pro- t ive to the removal of key species lead ing to ecosystem
cesses that act upon it and vary from mud sedi ments hon- regime shifts.

8.1 Introduction The abundant plankto n and fish fauna found in these
waters are a key food resource for populations of top preda-
The world's continental shelves contribute only 8% of the tors, such as seabirds and marine mammals. In add ition to
global sea-surface. Nevertheless, their shallow nature means their status as hotspots of biological activity, the proximity
that most of the waters of the continental shelf fall wit hin to the coastline and shallow n ature of shelf seas means that
the euphotic zone (Chapters 2 and 7) , which coupled wit h they have become the focus of intensive human activities and,
organic and mineral inputs via riverine discharges and strong in addition, receive agricultural and industrial contaminants
physical mixing of the water colu mn and seabed. make from terrestrial run-off (Curre nt Focus). Sh ipping, fishing,
them among the most productive and economically impor- exploration for, and extraction of, hydrocarbons, mining of
tant regions of the world's oceans (Costanza et aJ. 1997) . In sed iments and minerals, underwater cable laying, wind farm
regions where the shelf is narrow, nutrients are add itionally and tid al barrage development, offs hore aquaculture and rec-
supplied through upwelling of water from the deep sea. The reation are just some of the major activities that occur and
high productivity found on continental shelves fuels high lev- impact upon the continental shelf-sea environment. The ecol-
els of secondary production (see Chapter 4) , which in turn ogy of the continental shelf is under ever-increasing levels of
underpins major global fisheries (Chapters 2, 7, and 13) . human usage, which has resulted in major changes in ecosys-
tem structure in some localities.
Primary production in shelf seas fuels 900;0 of the world 's
fisheries landings, consequently future environmental The intensive use of the coastal shelf inevitably increases
changes that impact upon primary production are likely to the risk of environmental damage from activities such as
have major consequences for shelf sea ecosystems and the over-fishing, eutrophication, mineral extraction, dumping of
goods and services that they provide (Pauly & Christensen waste, and oil spill accidents. The effects of these human
1995). activities may be exacerbated by the additional stress
imposed by the current rapidly changing environmental
conditions, particularly if they act synergistically.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

CURRENT FOCUS: Catchment to from one form to another, and determi nes the bioavai l-
coast-joined up research ability of the materials for phytoplankton, microbes, and
It is rare in ecology for marine an d terrestrial scientists Land-management pract ices are equally importa nt
to work together, their boundaries of research are clearly determi nants of the content of run-off w it hin a catch-
defined as either essentially dry or wet and salty ! Su ch ment. Plant ing of hed ges, trees, the stocking density of
compart mental ization has no do ubt arisen due to t he dif- livestock, and the app lication of ferti lizers and pesticid es,
ferent sampling techniques that are used for these envi- all have an impact on the q uality of w ater discharged into
ronments, an d the chemistry of the marine environment estuaries and coastal systems.
often means that you cannot si mply apply a t errestrial In add it ion to these lan dward effects, increasing sto rmi-
technique in an aquatic context (the chemical composi- ness in coastal w aters w ill increase co astal erosion and
ti on of seawater plays havoc w ith some scientific instru- wave stress that is an important source of mortality for
mentation) . How ever, changi ng g lobal envi ronmental coastal benth ic pop ulati ons. Indeed , it is li kely that the
con dit ions mean that t he impacts of physical processes, biomass supported in som e coastal areas w ill decrease
such as rainfall and stor mi ness, are likely to have the significantly w ith consequences for ecosystem processes
greatest impact in the coastal zone, such that marine sci- and benthic feed ing predators.
enti sts need to begin to consi der ho w terrestrial catch-
ment processes are likely to affect coastal ecology and
shelf systems in the fut ure.
We kno w from cli mate forecasts that precip itatio n
events are likely to become less or more intens e in d iffer-
ent parts of the world. Rainfall erodes terrestri al sediments
and flushes nutrients and organic material from w ithin a
catchment and ultimate ly transports those components
into rivers and estuaries. This, coupled wi t h increasing
temp eratures altering th e ability of upland bog to retain its
dissolved organ ic carbon, mean that the composition of
run-off is li kely to change the quality of w ater d ischarged
into rivers. The nutrients and organic materials that pass Ultimately, the quality of material that emerges from the
into rivers are altered by biogeochem ical and microb ial mouth of this estuary into the adjacent coast is deter-
processes as they pass dow n the system towards the mined by the land-management practices that affect
open sea. The intensity of rainfall w ill affect the rate of the surrounding catchment and the regime of rainfall
flushing through the system and hence the residence t ime and erosion pattern s that impact upon it (photograph:
during w hich nutrients and organic matter can be altered Manfred Heyde).

8.2 Definitions and in the strandline wreckage in the upper shore that occurs
environmental features after an onshore storm, are we able to observe unaided
some of the organisms that live at the shallowest edge of
The contine ntal shelf extends from the extreme low-water the contine ntal shelf. Generally the continental slope h as
m ark on the shoreline down to a depth of approximately a shallow gradient of ap proximately 1 0 except in regions
200 m and is termed neritic (Chapter 7). Th is region where glacial activity has sculpted a more dramatic seabed.
extends beyond the land from between nearly zero up The shallow depth of the continental shelf and its position
to 1500 km offs hore out to the shelf break. Beyond this adjacent to the physical barrier of the land m ass mean that
point the continental shelf slopes down to the abyssal plain it is strongly influenced by physical forcing processes,
(Chapter 9) . The shelfbreak is an area where biological a nd suc h as glaciation events, currents, waves, the formation
geological m aterial from the continental shelf is supplied of fronts and water turbidity (Fig. 8.1). The interaction of
to the shelf slope , through a variety of processes suc h as these processes is influenced by shelf width and geographic
the death of organ isms or more dramatically via subma- disposition and is strongly re lated to consistent patterns in
rine mudslides. Only on extreme low-water spring tides, or regional ecosystem structure .
8.2 Definitions and environmental features

to the west of Florida in the GulfofMexico at a present-day

Physical processes perform a key role in the conti-
depth of 4D m below sea-level. Glacial deposits characterize
nental shelf environment due to its proximity to land,
much of the continental shelf bed in the higher latitudes
inputs of fresh water, seabed topography, and shallow
and are typified by fields of boulders and gravel beds.

The continental shelf is relatively young in geologi-

cal terms and has undergone dramatic expansion and
8.2.1 Influence of glaciation events contraction as a result of glaciation events. Evidence
for these events can be seen vividly on the seabed as
The physical and biological characteristics of the continen- drowned river plumes, boulder fields, and glacial scour-
tal shelf habitat are strongly influenced by the geological ing. See Fig. 8.2 and Box 8.1.
composition of the seabed, much of which has resulted
from past glacial events that have had a profound influence
on coastal margins and shallow near-shore seabed structure
8.2.2 Importance of waves and flow
(Fig. 8.2) . The melting and formation of ice sheets causes
the sea-level to rise and fall respectively, while the Earth's The physical effects ofwave5 have important consequences
crust is lowered underthe weight ofice, butrebounds (rises) for the ecology of the shallower areas of the shelf (Emer-
in its absence (Box 8.1) . Thus areas hundreds of kilometres son 1989), and their effects reach down to a depth of 80
offshore may have been dry land at some point in recent m on open Atlantic coasts during gale-force conditions
geological history. This is reflected in the surface topogra- (Chapter 6) . Clearly, the depth to which waves influence
phy of the seabed where it still possible to see drowned river benthic ecology will depend on the extent to which the
deltas (e.g, off the River Congo in Africa) , while evidence of coastline is sheltered from prevailing winds and the extent
hominid butchery of large mammal bones has been found of fetch (Hiscock 1983). In areas where the physical force


, ,
~~ ,~0,, /


sediments Sea bed

1. River
(aaslal zane 2. Estuary
[ 3. (aastal baundary layer
4.Shelf praper
S. Shelf break Slape sedimenls

Figure 8.1 Key processes that influence the continental shelf environment (adapted from Alongi 1998). POM =
Particulate organic matter, DIN:;; Dissolved inorganic nitrogen, DOM ::;: Dissolved organic matter.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed


o 05 I
~i1 om"tr'"

Figure 8 .2 This multibeam-derived image of the seabed to the north of Anglesey, Irish Sea, shows the dramatic impact
of past glacial events o n the sea bed . Submarine drumlins are clearly visible in this image, shown as a series of rounded
mounds and pits. Such a clear image is unusual as the pits are normally filled in with deposits of fine sediment; however,
the strong tidal cur rent s in this area have prevented sediment infilling (image courtesy of Katrien Van Landeghem).

of waves causes sediment movement, wave action can be a physical constraints on the type of organ isms that live in
m ajor cause of m ortality among be nth ic animals and has particular h abitats. Thus close to the shoreline. the seabed
been shown to affect secondary production by limiting the is affected most strongly by bot h waves and currents. as
body size of organisms that can survive in a highly energetic we move further offs hore the effects of waves reduce and
environment (Emerson 1989). Water movement generates the effects of curre nts begin to dominate the physical and
curre nts and these affect both the shallow and deeper parts biological processes on the seabed . This grad ient is clearly
of the shelf. The phenomenon of flow is extremely impor- reflected in the biomass of sessile filter and deposit feed-
tant for the ecology of the contine ntal shelf. as it affects the ing biota. which increase wit h distance away from shallow
passive and active transport of organ isms. their gametes. into deeper water where the physical stress associated with
and larvae (Techn iques box), and the rate of supply of food waves and curre nts decreases and the seabed is therefore
from the pelagic system to the seabed , and places upper less frequently subjected to physical disturbance.

TECHNIQUES:Where do all the larvae from, or tow ards, the surface (the speed of flow is high-
go? est at the surface and lowest close to the seabe d-an d
negligible at the boundary layer). In t he fig ure, we show
Tidally driven currents are essential for the dispersal of the output of a particle-tracking mod el t hat w as used to
the larvae of many organisms. Rel at ive to the speed of understand the likely dispersal pattern of scallop larv ae
surface currents, most larv ae are capable of only small spawned within an area closed to scallop-fishing activities.
movements (a few body lengths per second compared Understanding the orig in and end point of scallop larval
with flow speeds typically of >0.5 rn s'"). Larval behav- dispersal helps us to understand how we might design
iour in response to envi ronmental cues, such as light and a netwo rk of protected areas th at would increase the
salinity, can induce vertical mig rat ion in the water column, sustainabil ity of the scallop popul at ion (see also Online
hence dispersal speed is altered as the larv ae move away Resou rce Centre for a video simulation) .
8.2 Definitions and environmental features

The output of a larval-dispersal model

for scallop released from Douglas Bay
(D), Isle of Man . The darker red the
areas, the higher the probability of lar-
vae arriving in that area of the sea after
3 weeks of drifting in the plankton (the
typical period required for develop-
ment prior to settlement to the sea-
bed). Image courtesy of Simon Neill.

Box 8.1: Rise and fall of the continental tially 14 000- 10000 years ago during the last glaciation
shelf edge event. After thi s pe ri o d, global sea-level changes have
had a major influence on the coastal landscape. About
The coastal margins of the State of Maine (USA) have 14 000 years ago global (eu st at ic) sea-level w as about
left clear evi dence of the rise and fall of coastal margins 11 0m below its present level. However, the wei ght of
in respon se to glacial events. Land -level alte red substan- local ice-sheets that were over 1 km thick depressed the

lal 0
•> Maine shoreli ne Offshore
.e 40

c Holotene shoreline \

50 Helerene with lome glooomorine





Ibl Terrestriol Glociomarine

Ice sheet Retreating ftesheet
melt wafe r
,..,. Sea level
rIS ing
deposits deposits
Sea level

Seo level

(a) Reflect ion of sound waves from the seabed strata at a depth of cAD m offshore of Maine USA shows the suc-
cessive deposition of glaciomarine material during various glaciation events. (b) A schematic image to show the
various stages of vertical movement of the continental shelf in relation to glacial retreat and changes in sea-level.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

level of the Earth's crust, which meant that relative sea- coastline to move well offshore of the present coast. Thus
level was 70 m above that of the present day. Eustatic withi n the space of 4000 years the coastal margi n varied
sea-level was relatively low, but rising as the ice sheets by as much as 12 5 m, with a coastline that expanded or
began to melt. Ultimately, the re lease of the weight of the contracted by te ns to hundreds of kilometres depending
ice allowed rebound of the land to outpac e the rate of on the slope of the local continental shelf and coastal
the rising global ocean. Thus, local relative sea-level fell margin (the shallower the slope the greater the incu rsion
(as the land rose), until it reached 55 m below the pres- or excurs ion by the sea).
ent sea-level about 11 000 years ago. This caused the

Fetch is the uninterrupted distance over which winds restricted areas of coastl ine. Current is incre ased w hen a
exert friction at the sea surface. wate r m ass m oves through, or around , land-bounded
restrictions or across ir regularities in the seabed topogra-
phy. Typically, stra its and the narrow mouths of estuaries
The ecological importance of wave action diminishes
have some of the strongest tidal flows, reaching speeds of
with reducing fetch and distance from the shore as water
up to several metres per second . Headlands and bedro ck
depth increases.
protrusions from the seabed also present restrictions to the
flow of wate r and lead to stro ng cur rents around their apex
Animals that are either attached to a substratum or that (Fig. 8.3; see also Online Resource Centre video simulation
move relatively little or infrequently are termed sessile. associated with the Techniques box) .
As water m oves over the seabed, the uneven se abed
The rising and falling water mass has important implica - induces friction, which slows the immediate wate r column
tions for organ isms that live on the shore (Chapter 6) . An above, so seabed currents are rarely as fast as sea-s urface
equally important result of this oscillation is the flow or cur- currents (except in areas of the deep sea ). Currents and the
rent that is generated as the water floods into, or ebbs from, associated bottom shear stress, influence food availabil-

West East
o 2 4 6 8

Figure 8 .3 Current velocity

generated through the tidal rise
and fait of water in a sea basin is
exacerbated dose to the coast,
where coastal morpholog y and
restrictions increase the speed of
flow. This can be seen dearly for
the example of the northwestern
European shelf above, with strong
mean surface velocities in the 1"o 54
English Channel , the southern
North Sea, and the George's
Channel. Current velocities are also
increased around headlands, such
as off the North of Scotland and
around the coast of Brittany and
Velocity keyemf l
Normandy on the coast of France.
- - - Over75
The darker the blue lines, the higher
- - 25· 75
the current velocity. Adapted from Under 25
Metcalfe et al. 2002 .
8.2 Definitions and environmental features

ity for benthic communities (Jenness & Duineveld 1985) dient between the two bodies ofwater means that a flux of
and benthic secondary production (Warwick & Uncles nutrients occurs from the mixed water mass to the nutrient-
1980; Wildish & Peer 1983). High levels of shear stress depleted upper stratified waters of the adjacentwater mass.
cause scouring of the seabed and its biota, while high cur- This fuels primary production to a level higher than in the
rent velocities inhibit effective feeding activity. Biota that surrounding waters (Chapter 7) .
live in such environments tend to have characteristics or As full salinity seawater approaches the coastline. it
behaviours that enable them to cope with the extremes of interacts with lower salinity water discharged as an estu-
physical stress. Typically, attached biota are highly flexible arine plume. The difference in density between the two
or encrusting, while mobile fauna will often seek shelter bodies of water sets up a frontal system due to the density
from currents within the sediment or in crevice habitats. At gradient between the two bodies of water (the less dense
the other extreme. areas with reduced water movement at estuarine water is more buoyant than full salinity seawater)
the seabed will not replenish the supply of food to the sea- and may deflect the estuarine water along the coastline in
bed, which then becomes a limiting factor for the growth of one direction due to the Coriolis force (Chapter 7) . Agood
benthos. At a certain current velocity threshold, food par- example of such a plume is the discharge from the River
ticles transported from other areas will begin to sink to the Rhine in the North Sea, which flows northwards along the
seabed, where they become available as food to the benthos Dutch coastline . These areas have become termed regions
(Creutzberg 1984; Widdows et al. 2010) . The exact figure of freshwater influence or ROFIs .
for the current velocity threshold will depend upon particle
size and buoyancy. The latest research highlights how flow Elevated production of phytoplankton at fronts attracts
is strongly related to the rate of passive exchange of nutri- both fish and their predators, such as seabirds and
ents and oxygen between the top few millimetres of the marine mammals, and results in a greater supply of
sediment surface and the overlying water. A reduction in organic matter to the benthic fauna.
flow reduces the diversity ofthe surface sediment microbial
assemblage, which in tum alters the physical properties of The elevated primary production at fronts fuels produc-
the sediment. Different microbes produce different types of tion in the benthos and in pelagic and demersal fisheries.
extracellular products that coat sediment grains and hence As a result. fronts are often the foci of fisheries' activities
affect properties such as shear (Biles et al. 2003) . but also attract piscivorous and planktivorous seabirds
and sea mammals, and there is evidence to suggest that
Flow velocity influences the rate of supply and resus- fronts may be associated with above-average by-catches of
pension of particulate matter to and from the seabed, marine mammals. such as the harbour porpoise (Phocoena
is linked to the rate of nutrient exchange at the sed i- phocoenu) (McGlade & Metuzals 2000; Trites et al. 2007) .
ment-water interface, and places upper constraints on
the body size of biota that can live in a particular habitat.
8.2.4 Light and turbidity
Water depth and turbidity are important determinants
of the distribution of benthic algae in the shallow waters
8.2 .3 Fronts and production close to the coast. Areas of the seabed affected by estua-
The development of fronts has important ecological impli- rine plumes are generally severely light-limited due to the
cations in areas where water becomes stratified (Chapter associated high load of suspended sediment and phyto-
7) . During winter periods. the water column of the con- detritus, which attenuates light in the first few metres
tinental shelf is held in a well-mixed state by high winds of the water column (Chapter 2) . Thus these areas of the
and wave action. This means that dissolved oxygen, carbon seabed tend to be dominated by animals, and any algae
dioxide, and nutrients are relatively evenly distributed from are restricted to the very shallowest water adjacent to the
the sea surface to the seabed. The water column remains shore. In contrast. coastal areas that are typically open to
well ntixed throughout the year in areas where the seabed the ocean. and have limited riverine discharge. have much
currents are strong and cause turbulent mixing. typically clearer waters and here a full range of algae can be found
close to the coast in shallow water. In offshore waters and with clear zonation from the shallow to the deeper water
areas not strongly influenced by tidal mixing. periods of ofgreen (shallow), brown, and then red (deep) algal domi-
prolonged warm temperatures and calm conditions lead to nance. In these situations algae can be dominant in terms of
stratification. This results in thermal depletion ofoxygen at their biomass. The width of the algal-dominated zone will
the seabed and nutrients in the surface layers of the water depend on water clarity and slope of the seabed (the clearer
column. Frontal systems occur at a point where a stratified the water and lower the slope the greater the area of seabed
and mixed body of water meet. The resulting density gra- that will be suitable for algal growth) .
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Algae are restricted to a narrow zone of near-shore shal- In the absence of human intervention through fishing ,
low waters in regions where major riverine discharge and pollution, or other forms of ecological disturbance,
near-bed tidal resuspension of sediments increase the continental shelf ecosystems can be categorized under
turbidity of the water column. seven models according to the dominant physical pro-
cesses and shared ecological features at higher levels
of organization. Human intervention can lead to entire
regime shifts within these systems in which the species'
8.2.5 Regional ecosystem types composition is maintained but the relative dominance of
Basin-scale oceanographic processes va ry with shelf seabed each species changes.
and coastal morphology (Warwick & Uncles 1980). These
characteristics vary on a regional basis and are the primary
determinants of regional shelf ecosystems. In the absence
of the effects of fisheries, pollution, or the flux of ant hro- 8.3 The seabed habitat and
pogenic materials, a relatively small number of physical biota
factors regulate vegetation types or phytoplankton biomes
th at are modified by basin -scale circulat ion patterns and While it may be tempting to consider the continental shelf
coastal morphology (above). The close coupling between seabed habitat as rather two-dimens ional compared to the
physical processes and the biology of shelf seas enables pelagic habitat above (Chapter 7) , it is very much a t hree-
them to be partitioned into broad regional ecosystem types, dime ns ional habitat, even though the third d imension,
which Longhurst (1995) attributed to seven model systems. depth, is much more compressed than in pelagic systems.
These systems are presented in Table 8.1 and show the link While in pelagic systems the depth dimens ion can exceed
between regional physical processes, primary production , several thousands of metres in which biota can be found
and then the linkages to other compartments in continental from the water's surface to just above the seabed of the deep
shelf ecosystems (Chapters 1 and 7) . While each of t he eco- sea. The seabed hab itat is bounded by the depth to which
systems with in each model displays diffe rences in species biota can burrow and continue to live (usually no more than
composition, there is a high degree of similarity among the 2 m within the sed iment) and the extent to which they pen-
ecosystems at higher levels of organization (e.g. primary etrate into the waters above (30 to SO m for some of the
producers, secondary production processes, top predators) . largest kelp genera such as Macrocystis) (Fig. 8.4) . In some
cases the biota are the key constituent of the habitat, as in
kelp forests, mussel and oyster reefs, m aerl beds, corals,
and sponges. We will deal with specific examples of these
habitats later in the chapter (8.7) .

Table 8 .1 Seven models of co nt inental s helf ecosystems giving th eir geographic locality, the principal primary
and seco ndary production processes and ot he r key co mpo ne nts and cha racte rist ics at higher trophic levels
(adapted from Longhurst 1995).

Model Geographic location Primary and secondary production Higher trophic levels

Model 1 Eastern Siberian and Laptev Productivity is light-limited, with seasonal cycle Benthic invertebrates are
Polar Sea coasts of Siberia. symmetrical about local irradiance max imum . abun dant and diverse
irradiance- Northeastern and Northern Latter corresponds with solar max imum or providing food fo r
mediated coasts of Greenland . min imal snow cover. abun dant but low-d iversity
production Below ice, phytoplankton productivity and populations of fish and
Northern coasts of Canadian
peak in zooplankton b iomass are low, but abundant squid. Large euphausiids
archipelago to west Beaufort
regions flora in the infiltration zone at th e ice-seawater (krill) , characteristic of
permanently matrix . Underside of ice < 2 m thick may open-water regions, are
Almost entire coast of replaced by small Euphausia
ice -covered support de nse growth of d iatoms associated
Antarctica . crystallophorias and provide
w ith abun dant po lychaetes, copepods, and
amphipods. food for pelagic fish
(Pleurogramma spp.) and
crab-eater seals.
8.3 The seabed habitat and biota

Model Geographic location Primary and secondary production Higher trophic levels

Model 2 Coasts of Greenland . Shallow po lar halocline induces water column Production exceeds
Polar North America from stability very early in open-water. consum ption in the water
irradiance- Newfoundland to th e Productivity is light limited , its seasonal cycle column and supports rich
mediated Aleutians. being symmetrical about th e local irradiance and d iver se macrobenthos,
production maximum. Where pack-ice remains, con ditions esp ecially in boreal regions,
Northern Asia from Finland where shelf areas uncovered
peak in to the Sea of Okhotsk. may resemble Mod el l .
regions where by ice are much more
Short sectors of Antarctic After ice -melt, in open water, phytoplankton exte nsive than around
Ice-cover accumulates during th e period wh en p roductivity
coast in midsummer in Antarctica. Low-diversity
dis perses inc reases, and then tracks its initial de cline.
partially or
eastern Ross Sea, to east of fish fauna, especially in
Ronne ice shelf and in Phytoplankton is dominated by d iatoms, a
completely in th e Antarctic, where small
Dumont d 'Urvilie Sea. subsurface chlorophyll maximum is often
summer, or Nototh enids dominate .
observed; in shoal water, significant b iomass of
only wh ere The w ider Arctic shelves
benthic macroalgae develop.
broken pac k- support a greater diversity of
Planktonic herbivores are represented by Gad idae,
ice develops.
abundant large co pepods, euphausiid s and Sebastldae, Anamlcbos sp p.
salps, of which some species form swarms that Grey whale, wal rus, and
suppo rt major stocks of baleen whales and bearded seal are boreal
seals. be nthic feed ers, having no
austral equivalents.
•• • •••• •••• • ••• ••• • •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• •••••• ••••• • ••• • •• ••• ••••••• ••• ••• ••••••• ••• • •• ••• ••• ••••••• ••• •• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • •
Mod el 3 On mid-latitude continental After w inter mixing, a p ulse of productivity and Most autotrophic production
Canonical shelves, under th e influence chlorophyll is induced by estab lishme nt of water passes directly or indirectly
spring-autumn of the global westerly w inds. column stability. Thereafter summer stratification th rough th e macrobenthos,
blo oms of From Finland to Iberia and is associated with relatively low productivity. which is abundant, diver se,
mid-latitude off the Mediterranean. Prog ressive mixing in autumn may induce and characteristic of each
continental From Newfoundland to renewed productivity fuell ed by nutri ents sediment type.
shelves Florida. Off Tasmania and accumulated below the summer pycnocline . Diversity of fi sh fauna
south ern Australia. This sequence is modifi ed by intermittent wind- exceeds that in polar
induced coastal convergence and d ive rge nce, ecosystems (typically 200
and persiste nt water column mixing in regions species of >50 families). In
wh ere tidal velociti es excee d critical valu e. boreal regions, major stocks
Effects of est uarine tu rbi dity p lume s may of shoaling Clupeldae and
mask th e canonical sequence, which weakens Scom bridae together with
towards th e equator. The balance between mainly de mersal Gad idae,
pico-autotrophs and larger algal cells is more Percidae, and Pleuron ecti dae.
equitab le than in very high latitud es. In shoal In much more restricted
water, esp ecially at high er latitud es (Norway, austral shelf regions,
Iceland, Newfoundlan d, Tasmania) th ere is dupelds occur as in th e
significant autotrophic p roduction in kelp north, together with a
beds. Small co pepods d ominate the inshore more-difficult-to-specify
herbivorous plan kton, larger species nearer th e demersal fauna. Energy flow
shelf ed ge, often over-wintering in deep water. from pelagic invertebrates
Their seasonal cycle of abundance follows that is mainly to dupeids and
of phytoplankton. scombrids, from be nthos
mainly to demersal fis h
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mod el 4 Falklands shelf, the southern The seasonal productivity sch ed ule, otherwise In many respects th e
Topoqraphy- North Sea, th e shelf of appropriate to Model 3, is instead forced by heterotroph ic b iota, and
fo rced th e Gulf of Alaska wh ere oth er factors (see adjacent column), d iffering energy flows, are broadly
summer tidal mixing consistently regionally. Consequently, p hytoplankton similar to those appropriate
production d ominates the stability of productivity tends to peak in mid-summer rather to Mo del 3 eco systems.
th e water mass, temperate than in spring.
North Pacific where the In many respects the autotrophic biota, and
oceanic permanent halocline ene rgy flows, are broadly similar to those
passes inshore across the ap propriate to Model 3 ecosystems.
shelf, so constrain ing w inter
mixing to water above th e
pycnocline. New Zealand
and sim ilar locations
wh ere, topographically-
forced upwell ing sites in
shallow water dominate th e
productivity sequence.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Model Geographic location Primary and secondary production Higher trophic levels

Model 5 The Atlant ic from Iberia These are th e 'classical ' coastal upwelling Bent hic consumers are
Intermittent to Senegal and Gabon to regions of easte rn boundary current and oth er abundant, but not d iverse,
production Benguela. coasts, som e of which occur at relatively low and there is much physical
at coastal The Pacific from Oregon to latitudes. The shelf is characteristically narrow, exp or t of organic material
d ive rgences. Mexico and Peru to southern and th e influence of river effluents minor. into deep basins on th e shelf
Chile. The Indian Ocean from The equator-wa rd com ponent of the Trade or across th e shelf ed ge into
Oman to Kenya. winds induces strong and persistent offshore deep water. Along th e shelf
Ekman drift, inducing upwelling of nutrient-rich edge, deep -water rockfish
deep water. This p rocess is usually strongest (Sebastes) are abundant,
during summ er. Similarly, in th e Ind ian Ocean characteristic, and diverse.
th e South-west Monsoon forces offshore drift, Anchovies (Engraulis,
principally off Somalia. Cetengraulis) are ubiquitous
Upwelling results in a rap id increase in primary vertebrate herbivores,
production of phytoplankton, principally d iatoms, w ith in addition, sardines
and chlorophyll accumulation coincides with th e (Sardinella longiceps) in th e
durat ion of upwell ing periods. Indian Ocean. Populations
of predators, mostly
The biota have low divers ity and high coll ective
pe lagic c1upeids (Sardina ,
biomass. Special ized invertebrate herbivores
Sardinops) , mackerel
are large calanoi d copepods (typically Ca/anus
(Scomber) , hake (f'v1erluccius,
or Calanoides) , euphausiids and filter-feeding f'v1icromesistius) , sealions,
anomuran crabs, each having life history tactics and piscivorous seabirds
that take th em into deep water, or th e shallow are characteristic of th ese
sea-floor, during non-upwelling periods. Kelp regions.
forests reach th eir maximum development and
generate significant autotroph ic product ion
and accumulation of biomass. There is heavy,
intermittent settlement of large p hytoplankton
cells and faecal material to th e sediments,
frequently resulting in an oxygen deficit at
certain depths on the narrow shelves.
............. .................... ...... ...... ... ... ...................... ............. ................ ............. ........ ........ ..................
Model 6 Amazon, Niger, Congo, Indus, Trad e wind regimes force only weak seasonality Bent hic community ty pes
Small Ganges, Ir rawaddy, Mekong, in mix ed layer depth, observed minor changes conform to sediment types,
amplitude and oth ers. These are wet represent the geostrophic resp onse of the and wh ere th ese resemble
response to tropical coasts, d ominated by pycnocline to seasonality in trade wind stress those of cool er seas,
trade wind th e effluent of a few major rath er than mi xing. The basin-wide slope of the members of the global
seasonality in rivers or many smaller river th ermocline has important consequ ences in th e suite of benthic infaunal
regions with systems. Pacific and Atlantic Oceans; to th e west it lies communities occur (e.g.
sign ificant In th e Atlantic, th e Gulf deeper than th e shelfedge, but in th e east it is at clams such as Venus) .
coastal river of Guinea, the Guianas, mid-shelf level. In the east , therefo re, the benthic Inshore, orqanic-rich
d ischarge s and north ern Brazil. In regime has typical tropical character shorewards sediments may be exte nsive
which th e easte rn Pacific, from of this line, but more temperate characteristics and support stocks of
d ominate Columbia to southern in cool water seawards. On easte rn Atlant ic and crustacea dominated by
over oceanic Mexico. In the Indo-Pacific, Pacific coasts, th e nutrient cline is perennially pe naeid shrim ps. These
processes from the South China Sea shallower than th e phot ic depth, except during sediments are prone to
that would to south-western India, excep tional events, and vertically-inteqrated resuspension by wave action
otherwise including much of th e production rate is not normally liq ht-Hrnited . In monsoon seasons.
dete rmine Indonesian Archipelago Everywh ere, river d ischarges into th e low-salinity
surface layer have strong seasonality, reflecting Fish fauna is diverse at
seasonal and th e northern coast of all taxonomic levels and
changes. Aust ralia. regim es of wet and dry seasons, so that th e
seasonal sch edule of p rimary product ion rate includ es a higher p ropor ti on
is govern ed by nutrient input from th e land and of pelagic sp ecies than in
possibly reduced irradiance due to p rolonged Mod els 3 and 4 at highe r
heavy cloud cover during wet seasons.
Autotrop hic organisms are ty pically small cells,
excep t in coastal b looms fu elled by river-borne
nitrate, which are dominated by Coscinodiscus
and oth er diatoms. The b iomass of coastal
subtidal macroalgae is not significant due to
water turbidity. Consumers are numerically
d ominated by small copepods, but diatom
blooms support large stocks of herbivorous
c1upeids (Atlantic-Ethma/osa, Brevoortia; Ind o-
Pacific- Sardinella /ongiceps). A large p roportion
of d iatom material sinks to the seab ed.
8.3 The seabed habitat and biota

Model Geographic location Primary and secondary production Higher trophic levels

Model 7 In th e Atlantic, only th e Ecosystem of shallow seas off th e coasts The macrobenthos
Small Caribbean. In th e Indo-Pacific of the dry tropics, wh ere river efflue nts are asso ciated with coral ree f
amplitude parts of the Arabian Sea, the minimal. Many isolated islands and archipelagos fo rmations is exceptionally
res ponse to Red Sea, north-east Australia , in tropical seas are surround ed by reduced diverse at all taxonomic
trade w ind and of the Indonesian Mod el 7 ecosy ste ms, of which th e dominant levels.
seasonality archi pelago. characteristic is th e d evelopment of coral On open sandy sediments,
in regions off reefs where topography pe rmits, elsew here unencumbered with reefs,
dry coasts unconsolidated sediments are dom inated by very high densities of filter-
with relatively carbonate sand. feeding crabs (Pinnixa,
. .
rnmor river There is w eak seasonality in mixed layer dept h, Xenophthalmus ) are
discharges. and nutrient clin e is usually shallower than th e typical, together with oth er
photic depth, except during excep t ional events. organ isms, especially filter-
Most p rimary production occurs in the benthos. feeding clams.
Macroalgae (Sargassum) , encrust ing coralline Fish fauna is also diverse,
green (Halimedia) and red algae, cyanophyte both taxonomically and
mats and sea-grass meadows dominate functionally.
community p roduct ion, in addition to th e activity Parrot-fish (Scaridae) are
of symbiotic dinoflagellate s within th e tissues of among th e most important
many invertebrates: scleractlnian corals, giant herbivores, directly
clams (Tridacna), co elenterates (alcyon ians, consum ing coralline and
anthozoans, and scyphozoans), large ascidians oth er algal mats, and these
and encr ust ing sponges. may fo rm a large-fraction of
Nutrient sources and fluxes are various: total fish b iomass.
advection, upwelling, vertical flux in fractured An intense and complex
basement rocks, some terrestrial runoff. network of trophic links
Nitrogen-fi xing bacteria occur in the tissu es betwee n fish and benthic
of some corals, and cyanobacteria fix nitrogen invertebrates is characteristic
w ithin algal mats. Internal exchange s of of this ecosyste m. This
nutrients within and between organisms is highly trophic complex supports
compl ex. Export from th e benthic ecosyste m, a w ide variety of large
exc ept in th e form of carbonate ero ded to sand predators.
and gravel factions, is a small but complex flux.
Water clarity is high, and p hytoplankton is
d ominated by th e plco- and nano-fractions, as
in oligotrophic ocean ecosyste ms. These are
consumed by protists and small zooplankters
th emselves th e p rey of many filter- and
tentacular-feedinq polyps of corals and oth er
co elenterates.

Body size affects bot h production processes and the 8.3.1 Body size and position
degree to which biota are associated with particular h abi-
tats (see also Chapter 4). The body size of animals living in The m ajor groupings of an imals based on body size are
the seabed is affected by burrowing ability and constraints macrofauna, meiofauna, and the microbiota. The meio-
on respiration due to oxygen exchange. The body size of fauna are usually de fined as those organisms that would
attached biota that inhabit the surface of the seabed are pass through a sieve with a mesh diameter of 0.5 mm but
constrained by physical processes, suc h as shear due to that would be retained on a mesh of 0 .063 mm. The meio-
curre nt velocity. The degree of mobility of the biota (i.e. fauna are the least well-stud ied, yet probably the m ost
their life mode) varies from those organisms that are firml y diverse, group of m arine organ isms that can be observed
cemented to a substratum, to anemones that are able to directly using light microscopy (Lambshead et al. 200 1).
reposition themselves by a few mm per day, to highly mobile Anything larger than this is termed the m acrofauna. The
crabs and fishes that migrate tens or hundreds of kilometres small body size of meiofauna means that their rates of pro-
every year. The mobility of the biota affects their ability to duction (how much biomass is gene rated wit hin a given
respond to environmental change and places a constraint time ) is much higher than for the larger m acrofauna.
on the extent and range of habitat that can be utilized. Accordingly, meiofaunal population responses to environ-
mental and human disturbances can occur within days and
weeks , which make them excellent indicators of environ-
mental stress (e .g. pollution, physical disturbance). Most
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

(bJ (II

Figure 8.4 The three-dimensional extent of the seabed habitat will vary considerably depending on the hardness and
stability of the seabed. Rocky substrata provide a firm and stable anchorage for many animals and plants such as kelp,
soft corals, and sponges. The stability of this substratum means that often these animals are able to attain much larger
body sizes than similar or the same species found in less stable habitats (a). Very few organisms can penetrate bedrock.
Substrata that are composed of particles can vary considerably in stability from bedrock to fine muds and clays. Even
the largest and heaviest particles can become mobile in certain sea conditions. Boulders provide interstitial spaces
that act as refugia and provide a firm anchorage for epibiota. As particle size decreases, so the ability of animals to
penetrate into the sediment increases until in the softest sediments it is limited only by the depth to which oxygenated
water can be circulated into burrow systems. On mixed sediments (gravely shelly sands) the upper size of epibiota is
constrained by near-bed currents (animals that grow too big will be sheared off the seabed) leading to adaptations such
as a flattened body form (b). However, softer sediments like mud tend to have a less diverse array of emergent epibiota
and are usually limited to soft bodied animals like anemones and sea pens (c).

research has been devoted to the study of macrofauna due the substratum. In some cases calcareous algae form their
to their amenability to experimental and observational own unique biogenic habitat, these maerl beds harbour
studies. Nevertheless, the contribution of the microbiota a high diversity of biota due to their complex structure.
(dinoflagellates, diatoms, bacteria) to biomass and pro- Infaunal organisms live buried within the substratum,
duction in coastal seas is often under-represented, and in either entirely (such as free-burrowing polychaete worms
the tropics can considerably exceed that of meiofauna and and heart urchins) or partially. Examples of partially bur-
macrofauna combined (Fig. 8.5; see also Chapter 3) . Body ied infauna include burrowing shrimps, which build gal-
size and longevity is also an important determinant of the
rate of recovery after a disturbance has occurred. Small ani-
mals recolonize areas of disturbance via larval recruitment -• 6
on a scale of days or weeks, whereas increasingly larger or
slow-growing biota can take many months or years to recol-

onize and attain their former biomass. The most extreme ••
= 2
example of the latter would be slow-growing deep-water
corals found on the continental slope edge or on seamounts Bacteria Meiafou na Macrainfauna Epifouna
(Chapter 9) or maerl (calcareous algae) beds (Hall-Spencer -=~ 50
& Moore 2000) .

Despite th eir cont ribution t o benthic production and
.... 30
'6 20
diversity, meiofauna and the microbiota are the least
well-stud ied size-classes of marine biota.

- 10
Bacteria Meiafou na Macrainfauna Epifouna

The biota can be categorized according to their relative

position within or on the seabed. Epibiota are those emer- Figure 8.5 Estimates of mean biomass and production
gent organisms that are anchored in or upon the substra- of different size classes of benthic biota in the Gulf of
tum (e .g, corals, anemones, hydroids) or those free-living Papua, northern Coral Sea (Alongi, D. M. & Robertson, A.
organisms that move about on the surface of the substra- I. 1995. Factors regulating benthic food chains in tropical
tum (e .g, gastropods, starfish, crabs, fishes) . Macroalgae river deltas and adjacent shelf areas. Geo-Marine Letters
are almost exclusively epibenthic and grow attached to 15: 14~ 152. Copyright Elsevier 1995.)
8.3 The seabed habitat and biota

leries within the substratum but emerge periodically to interstitial spaces between sedime nt particles (Paterson &
forage for food or mates, or burrowing sea cucumbers that Black 199 9 ) (Box 8.2).
live within the sediment and extend feeding tentacles onto
the sediment surface . In very shallow subtidal areas with The microbiota have an important influence on the cohe-
good illumination at the seabed, unicellular diatoms and sive properties of the sediment through the production of
dinoflagellates contribute to the microbial community, extracellular organic secretions that modify flow and other
and along with cyanobacte ria and bacteria, inhabit the important ecosystem functions such as nutrient exchange.

Box 8.2: Current flow over the seabed

Smooth turbulent flow Rough turbulent flo w


logarithmic No laminar
layer sub-layer

lam inar sub-layer Mussels lmreese turbulent

Microbial infillin g topographicrelief

Cohesive Non-cohesive Hydrodynamicallyrough

The fi gure shows the impact that microb ial organisms can present it significantly affects the flow of part icles and
have on flow over the seabed by inf illing the gaps between nutrients to and from the bed. The bi ological significance
sedim ent part icles to create a 'smoother' surface. A rough of the physics becomes clearer w hen we consi der the
bed w ill experience greater stress for the same overall cons equ ence of animal growth on the seabe d. Mussels
flow than a smoot h bed. This has important consequ ences settlin g onto a smooth substratum will increase t he sur-
for plants and animals living at the sed iment surface. Under face complexity of the bed making it 'rou gher'. This in tu rn
rough , t urbulent conditions, turbulent eddies are formed will increase turbulent flow over the seabed. The t urbulent
th at impact the bed and increase the likelihood of erosion flow breaks down the boundary layer and encourages a
of the sed iment and resid ent bi ota. Under such condi- downward transport of phytoplankton from the layers of
t ions it is not possible for t he viscous laminar sub-layer water above, encou raging further growth and an increase
to form. This is someti mes termed the boundary layer, in the rough ness of the bed. Paterso n, D. A. & Black, K.
wh ich acts as a hydrodynamic and molecu lar buffer zone 19 99 . Advances in Ecologicol Research, 29: 15 5-1 9 3 .
between the bed and the flow above. When th is layer is Copyright © Elsevier 19 9 9 .

The image represents the chloro-
E 6 3 l=
phyll a (food for mussels and
=L other filter-feeders) profile in a




4 0 body of water followed across a
> 0
0 ~
mussel bed over a 1.5-h period .

~ 3 Phytoplankton depleted bymusselfiltration withtime 5 -

Within 1.5 h nearly a third of
0 0

'15 ~ the plankton was removed from

6 0
0 the entire water column. Water
Q ~

height rises from 11.00 to 12.30

0 7
11.00 12.30 with the incoming tide. (Image: J.
Time (hi Gascoigne.)
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

8.3.2 Life mode and mobility of biota reefs or kelp beds. However, in regions where sediments
predominate at mid to high latitudes, fish species are often
The sessile components of the benthos are more closely associated with a range of sedimentary habitats that may
associated with the composition and physical character- vary from fine sand to gravel as in plaice (Pleuronectes pla-
istics of the seabed and show seasonal growth followed tessa) (Kaiser et al. 1999a; Shucksmith et al. 2006) (Fig.
by periods of winter dormancy at higher latitudes. This is 8.6) . Such variation in habitat use can be attributed to dif-
true both of macroalgae and particularly of colonial ani- ferent behavioural characteristics at different life-history
mals, such as hydroids. In contrast, much of the epiben- stages. Juvenile plaice are strongly selective of specific
thos exhibits varying degrees of mobility from crawling sediment grain sizes, as this determines their ability to
gastropod molluscs and starfishes to highly mobile fish. burrow into the substratum to evade predation; however,
Despite their apparently slow speed, starfish are known to adult plaice are released to some extent from predation
occur in dense feeding aggregations. which move slowly pressure (apart from fishing) and utilize a wider range of
and systematically across the seabed. consuming animals habitats (Gibson & Robb 1992; Shucksmith et al. 2006).
in their path. Where these 'swarms' coincide with commer- Some species make extensive spawning migrations (Box
cial shellfish beds they can cause severe economic losses 8.3) . For example, plaice in the eastern English Channel
for cultivators. Many crabs (e.g. Cancer pagurus and Maja migrate hundreds of kilometres to reach spawning grounds
squinado) move inshore in the spring and summer where in the North Sea and show activity patterns that utilize the
mating occurs. often in dense aggregations, followed by a prevailing tidal currents to reduce the energy expended
movement into deeper offshore water during the winter during the migration (Metcalfe & Arnold 1997). Other fish,
months to avoid wave action and severe decreases in near- such as bass (Dicentrachus labrax), undertake seasonal
shore water temperature. migrations that track the rise and fall of seawater tempera-
ture as they require a minimum seawater temperature of
Sessile biota show seasonal patterns of growth and 9°C for ovary maturation to occur. Typically, stocks move
dormancy at hig h latitudes, while mobile epifauna north from the coast of France and up through the English
exhibit varying degrees of inshore/offshore movement Channel and Irish Sea in late spring, returning south in
in response to water temperature. Inshore migrations the late autumn with falling water temperature. However,
of many decapods (crabs and lobsters) coincide with over the past decade there is a stronger tendency for bass
mating aggregations. to over-winter in waters where previously they were only
transient. This change in behaviour is directly linked to
The distribution of bottom-dwelling fish can be linked increasing seawater temperatures and has also extended
strongly to certain habitat types within regional seas, par- the range of this species further north.
ticularly when associated with specific habitats such as

Figure 8.6 Fish show high habitat affinities when the habitat is structured, as in reefs or kelp beds. However, fish
associated with sedimentary habitats tend to be less closely associated with a specific habitat and may occur across a
wide range of sediment types at different stages of their life history. Here an adult plaice is photographed on a uniform
sandy habitat (a), while fish such as this red gurnard (b) are more closely associated with highly structured habitats. The
inset maps show the position at which each of these photographs were taken and highlight great spatial variation at
scales of 1-Skm.
8.4 Functional roles of the biota

Box 8.3: Migration in continental shelf seas

Sea surface


(urrent direction
.- --.
5 N

Plaice are normally bottom-dwelling fish that spend much day. When the tidal stream flowed in a northerly direction
of their time buried in the sediment and, althoug h they towards the spawning grounds, the fish was seen to swim
are widespread, they show temporally stable patterns in up into the water colu mn where it swam with the current
distribution, which is stro ngly associated wi th the environ- When the t ide t urns in the opposite di rection, the fish
mental characteristics of the seabed habitat (Hinz et al. descends to the seabed where it waits for the next turn
2003). However, plaice also unde rtake extensive move- of the tide. By adapting its behaviour to take advantage
ments to thei r spawning grounds. The data above were of the prevailing current, plaice are able to move several
obtained during a study in which a plaice was tagged wi th hundred km in less than a week (redrawn from Metcalfe
data loggers that recorded the fish's depth throughout the et al. 2002).

8.4 Functional roles of the cinu rn undaru rn). Even herbivorous sea urchins (e.g. Echi-

biota nus esculentus ) and suspens ion feeders such as brittlestars

(e .g. Ophiura ophiura, Ophothrixfragilis ) are known to feed
As in all biological systems, the continental shelf seabed on carrion from time to time. These animals are known as
community has representatives that can be categorized facultative scavengers. There is some controversy as to the
accord ing to what they consume (predators, scavenge rs, possible existence of obligate scavengers, i.e, animals that
herbivores, filter feeders, suspens ion feeders) or what they consume only carrion, but it appears possible considering
do to the physical structure and processes within the habi- the physiological energetic constraints . The most likely
tat (bioturbators, eco-engineers). candidates would seem to be sm all (< 6 mm long) lysianas-
sid amphipods of the genus Orehomene, wh ich appear to
specialize in the consumption of crustacean carrion. This
8.4.1 Predators and scavengers
group of amphipods show m any specialist adaptat ions to a
Most animals in continental-shelf systems are highly flex- scavenging lifestyle, such as the ability to survive extended
ible in terms of their feeding strategy. Nearly all preda- periods without food and to gorge on carrion such that their
tors will also scavenge carrion; for example, fish (d ab, body size increases by up to 500%. However, a convincing
Limanda limanda ), starfis h (Asterias ru bens), decapods experimental demonstration of an obligate scavenging life-
(Cancer irrorat us), and gastro pod snails (e.g. whelks, Bue- style remains elusive (Ruxton & Houston 2004) .
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Many consumers at high latitudes exhibit multiple feed- sequently, filter feeders have an important role in ben-
ing modes and often resort to scavenging when carrion tho-pelagic coupling as they process phytoplankton and
is available-t hese are facultative scavengers. Carrion is suspended organic matter into faeces and pseudofaeces,
more likely to occur at high latitu des where physical pro- which are deposited on the seabed. This material is rich in
cesses are a significant source of natural mortality. organic matter. which is processed by the microbial com-
munity and in turn feeds suspension feeders such as clams
(e.g, Mya truncata), and bulk sediment processors such as
The existence of a purely scavenging (obligate) lifestyle
irregular sea urchins (Echinocardium cordatum), sipun-
remains speculative in cont inental-shelf systems. If they
culans, and polychaetes. Bryozoa, hydrozoans, sponges,
occur, obligate scavengers are most likely to be fo und
and anemones are particle feeders; although there is some
among t he small-body-sized scavenging amp hipod
evidence that the latter two animal types can also absorb
dissolved organic matter through their body wall as a sup-
plementary food source. These groups are more prevalent
in deeper water than filter feeders that rely upon a supply
8.4.2 Grazers of phytoplankton. Indeed, there is a strong negative rela-
tionship between depth and filter-feeder biomass, declining
Grazing animals include herbivorous fishes, such as some down to 50 m from 3 to 0.2 g carbon m-2 for the North Sea
blennies (Blenniidae), sea breams (Sparidae), gastropod (Bryant et al. 1995).
molluscs, and sea urchins, all ofwhich playa key role in the
maintenance of diversity within algal-dominated commu- Biomass is somet imes calculated as the dry weight of
nities. Herbivory in fishes is much more prevalent towards living tissues (including shell material) minus the ash
lower latitudes, while at higher latitudes herbivores are remaining after combustion , i.e. ash-free dry weight.
primarily invertebrates. In systems in which a particular
species or guild is the predominant grazer. they can have a
Pseudofaeces are the means by w hich filter-feeding biota
keystone or eco-engineering role on the habitat through
rid themselves of indigestible or rejected particles. These
their consumption ofcertain types of algae. Grazers are not
particles are bound in mucus secreted by gill tissues.
the only eco-engineers, as we will see a little later (8.5.1).
M ucus production requires energy expenditure and is
Grazers also include carnivores such as nudibranch mol-
one reason why filter feeding ceases when suspended
luscs (sea slugs) that consume encrusting bryozoa, soft
sediment loads become excessive.
corals. and sponges by scraping at the colonies with their
radula. Some of these associations may be very specific; for
example, the sea slug Tritonia hombergii graze dead men's
fingers (Alcyonium digitatum) and may be one of the few 8.4.4 Bioturbators
predators of this soft coral. Many of the external morpho-
logical features of bryozoa (spines) and the extracellular Animals can have both a stabilizing and a destabilizing role
products of sponges and soft corals act as defence mechan- within sediments. Palaeoecologists have studied in great
isms against the predatory activities of sea slugs, which detail the manner in which live animals perturb sediment
has developed into an 'evo lutio nary arms race' between structures. This has given them insights regarding the likely
predator and prey. agents of trace fossils that have recorded the passage of
animals through or across sediment habitats. A seminal
The development of comp lex ornamentat ion in gastro- publication by Schafer (1972) describes in detail the dif-
pod shells is a stro ng evol utionary driver of cheliped ferent modes ofsediment disruption that occur as a result of
morphology (claw design) in snail-eating crabs and is a animal activities. These vary from the surface bulldozers.
classic example of the 'evolutionary arms race'. such as irregular sea urchins and gastropods, to the feed-
ing pits of starfish and elasmobranch fishes such as rays,
to the burrow labyrinths and chambers created by burrow-
ing crustacea (Box 8.4 and Current Focus) . The cumulative
8.4.3 Particle feeders effects of these animal related sediment disturbances are
Filter feeders such as oysters. mussels, and clams extract known as bioturbation.
phytoplankton from the water column and suspended mat-
ter from just above the seabed (su spe nsion feeding) . An
individual animal of 1 g ash-free dry weight is estimated Bioturbators have left their mark in fossilized sediment-
to filter 57litres of water per day (Heip et al. 1995). Con- ary rocks. These are termed trace fossils.
8.4 Functional roles of the biota

Bioturbators perform a key role in seabed systems as increases sediment porosity. The depth and complexity of
they enhance the passage of oxygenated water deeper into the burrow structures vary considerably among different
the sedime nt than it would ot herwise penetrate by passive species and can vary in depth from a few centimetres to
diffusion between sed ime nt particles. Increases in surface metres (Jones & Jago 1993). These burrows can extend
sediment porosity have been found in association w it h the well into the deeper layers of the sedime nt that are charac-
deposit-feeding bivalve Yoldia limatula and at a depth of teristically coloured black due to the bacterial production
9-12 cm as a result of the deposit-feeding activities of the of hydrogen sulphide (H,S) in the absence of oxygen. The
polychaete Heteromastus fi liform is (Mulsow et al. 2002) . burrows themselves increase the surface area available for
The physical movements of these animals as they feed oxygen and nutrient exchange that enco urages enhanced
and reposition disrupts sedime nt structure and thereby microbial activity on and in the burrow walls. For example,

Box 8.4: Influence of fauna on (0)

sediment structure
(a) Callianasid shrimps live in soft muddy/sand sedi-
ments and create intricate sub-sediment passageways.
Apart from the burrow entrance there are other con-
nections to the sediment surface that emerge within
sediment mounds that act as chimneys on the sea-
bed. These chimneys cause water to accelerate as it
passes over the mound , which draws water within the
chimney out. This causes the water within the burrow
system to move through the passageways and thereby
encourages new oxygenated water to be drawn into
the burrow system. The shrimp store food and 'garden'
microbial activity inside chambers.

(b) Echiuran worms use their highly extendable probos-
cis to gather surface sediment matter at great distances
(150 cm) from the entrance of their burrow. Once the
sediment has passed through their gut it is expelled in
a faecal mound. Echiuran burrows are often inhabited
by lodgers such as blennies and scale worms.

(c) Feeding pits are excavated by starfish while trying

to consume a burrowing sea urchin (photograph: James
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

the brittlestar (Amphiurafiliform is) occurs in densities as g (d r y weigh t) m? yr ' . Field observations a t a site in the
h igh as 70 0 m? in Galway Bay, Ireland. The burrow s con - Nort h Sea demonstrated that the sediment expelled by the
structed by such a high d ensity of a nimals can expose 1.4 m 2 mud sh rim p formed unconsolidated volcano-like m ounds,
of burrow w all m- 2 of the seabed (Solan & Kennedy 20 03 ) . w h ich sign ifican tly m odify seabed su rface topography. Ca l-
Sediment conveyors, suc h as callianassids and ech iu - lianassa subterranea's m aximum con tr ibu tion to sediment
ran worms , transfer surface sed ime nts to deeper layers resuspension results in a lateral sed imen t transport r ate of
wit h in the sed imen t, w hich results in a pe ak in ch lorophyll 7 kg m' month:". Thus, mud sh rim ps n ot on ly re work sedi-
a concentration that is greater than that at the sed ime nt m ent d ee p w it h in the substratu m bu t are also important
surface . Branch an d Pringle (1987) found that ch lorophyll d eterminants of the rate of sed imen t exchange between
a concentration was greatest at a depth of 15-25 em in the adjacen t sed imentar y h abitats.
presence of Callianassa kraussi. At this depth the sub-sur- Ech iu ran wor ms are a bu ndant bioturbators of mud sedi-
face sediments are reworked by burrowing animals such as m ents. However they are extremely d ifficu lt to stu dy in lab-
urchins (Echinocardium corda t um ) an d polychaetes such as orator y stu d ies due to their fragility, an d the y a ppear to be
Scoloplos armiger, w hich ingest sed imen t from w hich they relatively immobile once established. Hughes et al. (1 99 9 )
digest organic m atter an d bacteria . These processes recycle studied the rate of sedimen t ejection by the ech iu ran worm
minerals and nutrients w hen the y a re transferred to the sur- Maxmuelleria lankesteri in the field. They found that bur-
face o f the seabed as sed imen t m ound s and faecal pellets. rows and sed imen ts persisted throughout the I -year stud y
period a nd that worms ejected sediments year round . The
Bioturbators increase the complexity of the surface of m ean ejection rate was 2748 g burrow-' y ' . The su perfi-
the substratum through the creation of pits and mounds cial sed imen t, on w hich M. lankesteri feeds, was ve r y r ich
and enhance the exchange of oxygen and nutrients in organ ic matter, w ith m onthly valu es of a pproximately
across burrow walls that occur to a depth of up to 2 m 12-17% sediment dry weigh t . Ejection rate remained con -
in the sediment. stan t at labile fractions of organic matter below - 50% , bu t
increa sed sh ar ply a bove this threshold, so sedimen t ejec-
Sed imen t conveyors m ake a sign ifican t con tr ibu tion to tion rate increased w ith increa sing food qu ality. Bu r rows
the resuspension of sed imen t in the overlying water colu m n a ppeared to be static an d individual ejecta m ounds cou ld
and influence seabed topogra phy. Rowden et al. (1998) persist for longer than a yea r. Th is is qu ite different to d eep-
und ertook both laboratory a nd field trials u sing the mud sea ech iu ra for w h ich changes in burrow m orphology are
sh r imp (Callianassa subterranea) and found that sed imen t more frequent and prob ably relate to the higher quantity of
reworking va ried with temp erature and h ence season. They labile organ ic m atter on the con ti nen tal shelf.
estimated a n a n nual sed imen t turnover budget o f 11 000

CURRENT FOCUS: Estimation of

ecosystem functioning in sediments BPj is the community bioturbation potent ial at sampling
pointj, estim ated as the sum of the products of the sedi-
Mixing of marine sediments by the resid ent fauna is an ment reworking mod e for each species i (R) and its ash-
important ecosystem function (Naaem et al. 2002) that free dry mass (AFDM ij ) . Sj is the observed number of
increases the penetrat ion of oxygenated wa ter d eeper species (speci es richness) at sampling point j. Sed iment
into the sediment than w ou ld occur w ithout these fauna. reworking mod es (R) are defined in a number of reviews
Thus sediments w ith a high biomass of fauna that mix (e.g. Solan et al. 2004 ; Michaud et al. 2006) . R, values
sediments w ill enhance biological production of micro- ranged from - 1 (for sediment stabilizers) to 4 (for sedi-
bia l, mei ofaunal , and macrofaunal biota. Different spe- ment regenerators).
cies wi thin an assemblage w ill affect the sediment to a We can relate the bioturbation potential of an assem-
greater or lesser extent depending on their feedi ng mode blage of organisms by quantifying the sediment mixing
or lifesty le (e.g. active burrower versus sedentary deposit depth using a sediment p rofile imag ing camera (SPI)
feeder). It is possible to est imate the b iot urbation poten- (Rhoads & Cand e 197 1). The SPI consists of a ca me ra
tial for the speci es sam pled at an individual sampling point mounted above a prism contain ing distilled water with a
according to the followi ng equation (Solan et al. 2004) : side-mounted tran sparent Perspex plate. As the prism is
s, p ushed into the sediment it is possible to obtain a pho-
BFj = L;=1
R, ' AFDMij tographic image of a vert ical transect of the sediment.
The resulting image can be analysed wi th image-analysis
8.5 Food webs in shell systems

software. The image is partitioned into layers of binary reduced sediment fracti ons, using a standardized pixel
images, from which it is possi ble to separate oxic and intensity th reshold.

1·1 (b) (<)

18 18 18
16 16

.• j•
• 16
_14 E 14 • • •• _ 14

- ~-! 12 fi
-"-1 2 • • -"- 12

""- ""-
.:.0 8
ca 6


,. 6
.a 8

• ~.

•• • 6 ••

:!-: 4

•• •
0 , , , , , , , , 0 , , , 0 , , , , , , , ,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Community biotu rbation potential Community bioturbation potential Community bioturbation potential

Thi s examp le is taken from a st udy of th e effects of an that th e effect of Man ila cla m va ries acco rdi ng to th e
invasive species of clam (Manila clam Tapes philippina- co ntext of the enviro nment it invades. (a) Ria For-
rum ) o n ecosystem functi on (sed iment mixin g) across mosa , Portugal; (b) Bay of Arcachon, France, o utside
three sites in Europe. The relationsh ips betw een est i- of seag rass patches: black for stat ions where a coarse
mated sediment mixing depth (e m) , co mmunity biotur- sedime nt fraction (> 5 mm) was present, and grey for
bat ion potential, a nd measured habitat cha racterist ics stat ions wit h finer sedi me nts; (c) Poole Harbour, UK.
at the three sites a re hi ghly va riable, whic h indicates Ad apted from Quei ros et a l. 2011 .

8.5 Food webs in shelf Food-web complexity confers ecosystem resilience

systems unless major environmental changes (e.g. EI Nino) or
human intervention cause multiple species replacements
The study of food webs provides the framework to under- or extirpations.
stand consequences of the interactions between species
within a system, i.e , the pathway of consumption and the Ecosystem resilience can we aken considerably when
flow of energy from one trophic level to another. Several environmental and human sources of stress act simultane -
metrics of food webs provide insight into biomass partition- ously and may lead to a phase shift in t he ecosystem. A
ing and production in an ecosystem. Species richness and combination of chron ic over-harvesting across a wide range
the number of species interactions (links between species) of fish and shellfis h species combined with decadal changes
are among the most important of these metrics. Even for in water temperature and stratification (which affects pri-
relatively simplified systems in wh ich many species have mary production) , has caused the decoup ling of the ben-
been lumped together in general categories (e.g. bacteria) thic- pelagic system on the eastern Scotian Shelf off Nova
the linkages among d ifferent species or groupings is h ighly Scotia. Severe declines in demersal (bottom-dwelling) fish
complex (Fig. 8. 7). productivity have coincided with compensatory increases
in pelagic fish biomass (Choi et al. 2004) . What we have
seen is a switch from a system dominated by benthic biota
8.5.1 Ecosystem resilience and bottom-feeding fishes, like cod and haddock, to one
The flexibility of feeding modes (including cann ibalism) dominated by zooplankton and planktivorous fishes. How-
gives rise to great complexity in continental-shelf systems ever, it is important to note that phase shifts also occur
(Link 2002) (Box 8.5) . This complexity means that the in response to strong environmental forcing (e.g. El Nino
removal of one or two or more species from t he system is events) without any interference from humans (Gra nt ham
unlikely to bring about significant cascade effects at either et al. 2004).
h igher or lower trophic levels, and is a general feature of
marine foods we bs (Frank et al. 2005) .
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

74 78 79

. , 68



2 1

Figure 8.7 Species and links of the north-west Atlantic food web. The web represents interactions at the approximate
trophic level of each species, with increasing trophic level towards the top of the web. The left side of the web generally
typifies pelagic organisms, and the right to middle represents more benthic/demersally oriented organisms. 1 = Detritus.
2 = Phytoplankton. 3 = Co/anus spp.. 4 = Other copepods. 5 = Ctenophores. 6 = Chaetognatha (i.e. arrow worms).
7 = Jellyfish. 8 = Euphausiids. 9 = Crangon spp.. 10= Mysids. 11 = Pandalids. 12 = Other Decapods. 13 = Gammarids.
14 = Hyperi ids. 15 = Caprellids. 16 = Isopods. 17 = P1eropods. 18 = Cumaceans. 19 = Mantis shrimps. 20 = Tunicates.
2 1 = Porifera. 22 = Cancer crabs. 23 = Other crabs. 24 = Lobster. 25 = Hydroids. 26 = Corals, anenomes.
27 = Polychaetes. 28 = Other worms. 29 = Starfish. 30 = Brittlestars. 31 = Sea cucumbers. 32 = Scallops. 33 = Clams,
mussels. 34 = Snails. 35 = Urchins. 36 = Sand lance. 37 = Atlant ic herring. 38 = Alewife. 39 = Atlant ic mackerel.
40 = Butterfish. 41 = Loligo. 42 = lIIex. 43 = Pollock. 44 = Silver hake. 45 = Spotted hake. 4 6 = White hake.
47 = Red hake. 48 = Atlant ic cod. 49 = Haddock. 50 = Sea raven. 51 = Longhorn sculpin. 52 = Little skate.
53 = Winter skate. 54 = Thorny skate. 55 = Ocean pout. 56 = Cusk. 57 = Wolfish. 58 = Cunner. 59 = Sea ro bins.
60 = Redfish. 61 = Yellowtail flounder. 62 = Windowpane flounder. 63 = Summer flounder. 64 = Witch flounder.
65 = Four-spot flounder. 66 = Winter flounder. 67 = American plaice. 68 = American halibut . 69 = Smooth dogfish.
70 = Spiny dogfish. 71 = Goosefish. 72 = Weakfish. 73 = Bluefish. 74 = Baleen whales. 75 = Toot hed whales,
porpoises. 76 = Seals. 77 = Migratory scombrids. 78 = Migratory sharks. 79 = Migratory billfish. 80 = Birds.
8 1 = Humans. (From Link 2002.)
8.5 Food webs in shell systems

Box 8.5: Complex feeding interactions t riphosphate (a poten t attractant of scavenging Inver-
tebrates) leak into the surrou ndi ng water. Despi te the
The flexibility of feedi ng modes in shelf systems makes normal risk of being eaten, whelks will approach feeding
food-web analyses extremely complicated, but has given starfish and are able to consume some of the prey tha t is
rise to some fasci nati ng behaviou ral interactions between in the process of being digested (Rochette et al. 2001).
predators and their prey. In the North Atlantic, the starfish This behaviour is known as kleptoparasitism . Rochette
(Leptasterias polaris) is a voracious predator of the w helk et al. (2001) found that this behaviour was more preva-
Buccinum undatum. When rest ing, whel ks remain buried in lent in large r female whelks just before the time they were
the seabed to red uce the chance of detection by preda- due to lay their eggs. Hence the whelks were bolder w hen
tors. Leptasterias are extra-oral feeders, such that once thei r energy dem ands were greatest. Afte r thei r eggs had
they have begun to digest their prey they are less likely been laid, female w helks we re far less likely to approach
to be able to catch and consume anything else. Extra-oral or feed in the presence of predatory starfish.
digestion can be messy, and amino acids and adenosine

(0) (b)

(a) A buried whelk Buccinum undatum with its sip ho n protruding above the sandy subst rat um and (b) a st arfi sh
Asterias rubens succumbs a whelk using extra-oral digestion. Hermit crabs (Pagurus bernhardus) are attracted by
the molecular stimulants released during extra-oral digestion (photograph s: James Perrin s).

Extra-oral digestion is a process whereby starfishes ages occur among species, several rules of thumb seem to
extrude their stomach on to their prey, which is thereby apply. Some examples of cascades are given in Table 8.2.
enveloped and covered in digestive enzymes. Not all In all cases, none of the cascades involve more than three
starfishes use this technique and many ingest their prey interactions between different species, i.e. they are simple
whole whereupon digestion occurrs intraorally. systems even though they may be embedded within highly
diverse and complex systems . These embedded mini-sys-
tems are perhaps to be expected in high-diversity ecosys-
Organisms within food webs are assigned to a particular
tems that are characterized by more specialized feeding
trophic level according to their relationship with other
interactions (e.g. coral reefs). The interactions that occur
components [i.e. their role as predators and prey) in the
wit hin the cascade are between organisms from major tro-
food web, hence bacteria and other primary producers
phic levels within a system, e.g. predator-herbivore-pri-
are found at the bottom of the food web at the lowest
mary producer, few involve intermediate trophic levels.
trophic levels and apex predators at the top, and hence
In contrast, the food web of the Benguela upwelling system
highest trophic levels (Chapter 4).
has at least seven interactions between the bottom and the
top of the system. Key predators or herbivores in trophic
cascades are usu ally the do minant organisms at their tro-
8.5.2 Trophic cascades phic level and often these can be ecosystem-engineering
biota. In the case of a significant decrease in the population
Scientists have looked hard for evidence of strong species' of a pred ator or herbivore, there are few others to take their
interactions in both terrestrial and aquatic food webs with place, which means that linkage between one trophic level
limited success (Table 8.2) . In situations where strong link- and another is strong . This contrasts sharply with many of
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

the more 'open' marine ecosystems where there may be Ecosystem engineering biota are those that due to their
three or more predators that exert similar levels of preda- abundance and feeding or other activities exert a strong
tion on one or more species (e.g. birds, cetaceans, and seals influence on the structure of the ecosystem, e.g. urchins
all eat the sam e pelagic fishes in the Benguela upwelling grazing kelp.
system) (Yodzis 1998 ). Cannibalism is rare w ithin species
involved in systems prone to trophic cascades in sharp con-
trast to many marine ecosystems in which cannibalism is
common; for example, North Atlantic cod (Gadus morh ua)
8.5.3 Hunting, fishing, and trophic
and hake (M er/uccius spp.) are both good examples of fish cascades
that exert considerable density-dependent predation pres- Understanding the characteristics of communities in which
sure on their own species. trophic cascades are likely to occur is critical for effective
conservation management (Chapter 16). On the west coast
Trophic cascades are likely to occur when the linkages of North Ame rica, the effective conservation of sea otter
between species are strong and the linkages occur (En hy d ra /utr is ) may have helped to conserve kelp beds
between species assigned to major trophic levels. that provide important habitats for many fish and inver-
tebrates. Past hunting of sea otters depleted their popu-
lations so severely that they no longer exerted significant

Table 8.2 Examples of trophic cascades from marine, freshwater, and terrestrial systems (adapted from Pace et
al. 1999).

Ecosystem Cascade Evidence Effects


Oceanic Salmon- Ten-year t ime series Increased phytopl ankton w hen salmon
zooplankton- abundant
Coastal Whales-otter- Long-term data and Predation by w hales on otters leads to urchin
urchins- kelp behavioural stu dies populat ion expansion and increased grazi ng
of kelp
Intertidal Birds- urchins- Manipulation of bird Algal cover greatly increased w hen urchins
macroalgae preda tion on urchins reduced

Fresh water

St reams Fish- invertebrates- 1o and 2° product ion Annual 10 production affecte d by 6-fold
periphyton affected by predat ion of d ifference
invertebrate popul at ions
Shallow lake Fish-zoopl ankton- Ob servations of lakes Reductions in fish abundance led to shift in
phytoplankton und er cle ar and t urbid zooplan kton size-structure w ith consequent
conditions effects on phyto plankton
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •


Meadow Lizards- Ob servations and Grasshopper density med iated by lizards,

grasshopper-plants expe rimental stu dies plant biomass decline wi th decreasing lizard
Trop ical Beetles-ants- Ob servations and Beetles predate ants that remove herbivoro us
forest insects-p iper plants manip ulation of beetle insects that consu me plants. More fo liage
density in enclosures consu med in presence of beet les.
Boreal forest Wolves- moose- Study of moose g razin g Population cycl es of wolves, moose, and
balsam fi r over 30 years balsam fir
8.6 Characterization of seabed communities

predatory control over urchin populations. Under normal Indirect effects of human activities or environmental
circumstances urchins consume algal material at the base changes that occur elsewhere can have indirect effects on
of the kelp canopy, but with an increase in their popula- species linkages. This may explain the sudden increase
tion the urchins began to deplete kelp beds through grazing in sea otter predation by killer whales as a result of a
pressure. This excessive grazing resulted in urchin barren decline in the population of their normal prey, sea lions.
grounds, where the bedrock was colonized by small epi!-
ithic algal species and urchins.

Once established , urchin barren gro unds are persistent 8.6 Characterization of
un less predation pressure increases, the urchins are
physically removed or mortality increases due to disease.
seabed communities
Lists ofspecies that comprise a communityare useful at one
Urchin barren grounds represent a phase-shift that has level in that they provide an immediate idea of the main
been repeated in other systems around the globe, notably characteristics of the benthos in a particular area and they
on coral reefs. Urchins are capable of surviving on minimal are the starting point for understanding the composition of
energy intake for extended periods of time. Once urchin food webs (above) . However, an over-emphasis on single
barrens are established, only urchin disease or an increase species perhaps misses more interesting general structuring
in predation can possibly reverse the shift to the former patterns that might be observed across a range ofcommuni-
state. In the late-twentieth century, otter populations have ties that have different components at the species level. As
grown following hunting bans and improved conservation, we have seen. most communities contain a range of taxa
so they have exerted in turn more predation pressure on the that can be assigned to different trophic levels or functional
urchins. This has allowed kelp beds to establish on areas groups within the communiry. Box 8.6 highlights the simi-
of barren ground. Clearly, these effects can be confounded lar functional role performed by different species within
by many other factors, such as oceanographic effects (e.g. distinct assemblages. A broader categorization of commu-
temperature and current patterns) on urchin recruitment. nity constituents may be more ecologically meaningful,
and kelp growth and survival, which has been negatively particularly when one is interested in examining long-
affected by pollution and over-harvesting in the past decade. term changes in community structure. Over long periods
In general terms. the effective conservation ofotters has of time (years) within a community, one species may be
helped to conserve the kelp beds (Estes & Duggins 1995) . replaced by another, but if their functional role is similar,
Or so we thought, until Estes et a1. (1998) reported annual then the functional integrity of the community should be
declines of2S%year on year for the population of sea otter maintained. This situation may occur with rising global sea
at Adak Island, Alaska. Severe declines in the population of temperatures. For example. as high latitude boreal species
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) appear to have trig- begin to retreat further north they will be replaced by colo-
gered a switch in the predatory behaviour of killer whales nizing species from lower latitudes that may fulfil a similar
(Orcinus oroo) in the Aleutian Islands archipelago. The otter role. This has important implications for how we moni-
population living between Kiska and Seguam Islands (an tor the composition of coastal communities through time
area spanning about 700 km), totalled about 53 000 sea (Chapter 15) .
otters prior to the early 1990s but was reduced to 13 000
some six years later. Given that a single killer whale can An over-obsession with single-species approaches to
easily eat more than 1800 otters per year. it is entirely fea- monitoring may miss more relevant patterns at higher
sible that whale predation may have been one cause of the levels of organ ization within communities. Nevertheless,
decline. The decline in sea lions is either related to cyclic single species may be a useful indicator of ecosystem
environmental changes in species of forage fishes. or due health if they represent general community responses
to over-fishing of the latter, or both of these effects acting to large-scale perturbations, e.g. the level of tri-butyl tin
together. in gastropods (Chapter 15).
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Box 8.6: Functional consistency much more impo rtant than the original aim of Thorson's
between different assemblages descriptions, which atte mpted to catego rize multiple
Two communi ty types as descri bed by Thorson (1 9 7 1) . assemblages as specific ty pes. Thus, it would appear
Althoug h we would avoid using the specific 'labels' or that general rules can be applied to the composition of
names for th ese assemblages, both contai n different soft-bottom assemblages across a variety of systems. The
species, but in each case it is possibl e to identify dif- distribution of these functional types wi thin assemblages
ferent species that perform similar ecological functions. can alter in response to external forcing factors such as
This consistency in assemblage structu re is ecologically organic pollution or physical st ress.

Mocomo Aim
Community Community
Myo orenario Myo truncata

Surface suspension feeder

Deep bioturbator

Bivalve Bivalve

ArenicoJa marina Logis koreni

Sediment processor
Sub-surface bioturbator

Polychaete Polychaete

Spionid Abro alba

Suspension and surface deposit


Polychaete Bivalve

Macoma baJthica Ophiuro sp,

Surface deposit feeder

Bivalve Echinoderm

Cardium edule Phoxus pelJudicus

Suspension feeder
Shallow bioturbator

Bivalve Echinoderm

Pandalussp. BlKcinumundotum

Surface bioturbator

Crustacean Gastropod
8.7 Specific habitats

Marine benthic ecologists have typically tried to char- we will encounter. Global temperature changes are likely to
acterize benthic assemblages in terms of their main (most lead to an increase in the numberofnew variants ofbiotopes
abundant) constituent species or those species that occur on recorded as warm water species invade colder latitudes.
a regular basis in consecutive samples taken from the same
area (often the latter is more important than the former) . What Keith Hiscock, former Programme Director of the
In many ways it is similar to describing terrestrial systems Marine Life Information Network, thinks of the utility of
in terms of oak woodland, bog, or heather moorland. The biotope classification: 'It is more accurate to indicate
notion ofdistinct assemblages that could be assigned labels that survey data can usually be matched to a particular
was pioneered separately by Petersen (1914) in the North biotope (enabling li ke-with-like comparisons of species
Sea off Denmark, and later by Jones (1950) and Thorson richness, extent etc.) but, inevitably, some survey data or
(1957) . Petersen gave titles or names to certain types of results of data analysis will be impossible or very difficult
benthic assemblage that were encountered, usually based or questionable to match to a particu lar biotope'.
on the more conspicuous bivalves or echinoderms that were
typical of these assemblages, e.g, Abra community, Brissop-
sis community, shallow Venus community. Jones (1950)
used a slightly different labelling approach, which was based 8.7 Specific habitats
mainly on a description of the location and sediment asso-
ciation of the community, e.g, boreal offshore muddy-sand The seabed habitat is composed of the inert non-biological
association. These approaches have influenced a great many and biogenic material (e .g. broken shell material) and
subsequent studies that have often attempted to pigeon-hole the biota that live in association with it. In addition to the
the assemblages encountered in the terms used by Petersen. prevailing water-column conditions overhead, the inert
Jones, and Thorson, hence it is not unusual to read papers elements ofthe habitat dictate the basis ofwhat can, or can-
that contain phrases such as 'similarto theAbra community not, live within or upon that seabed. This normally depends
as described by Petersen'. However, it is clear that benthic upon the interaction between seabed hardness and stabil-
communities are highly varied at different scales in space ity. The physical nature of the seabed ranges from bed-
and time. hence attempting to attach descriptions to assem- rock, boulder fields, cobble pavements, gravel lags, coarse
blages that have only a partial relationship to the limited mixed sediment, sands, and muds. Excluding bedrock, the
range of assemblages of biota studied by Petersen, Jones. physical size of the individual particles that make up these
and Thorson is somewhat meaningless. habitats vary in diameter from micrometres up to several
metres (see also Chapter 6) . At present. sediments domi-
There is an almost unavoidable tendency for ecologists nate the seabed habitat of the continental shelf and vary
to attempt to give names to particular assemblages of according to their tectonic history, the quantity and quality
species. It is questionable whether this approach is useful of riverine inputs of sediment. and the transport by waves
given the infinite number of possible variants created by and currents. On the inner continental shelf at depths of
the substitution of one species for another. less than 65 m, muds and sands are the most common sub-
stratum (37% and 47%, respectively), while hard substrata
The characterization of biological communities on the are relatively rare (6%) and the remainder are made up of
basis of habitat characteristics and indicator species pro- reefs and shell debris (Hall 2002). For the purposes of the
vides a means of describing specific biotopes that then next sections we will deal with the general categories of
become a reference point against which to measure tem- substrata as hard (bedrock to cobble), soft (gravel to mud),
poral change or consistency in community structure. The and biogenic (habitats formed by living organism) habitats.
biotope classification scheme used by conservation agencies Coral reefs. mangroves, and seagrasses are the subject of
in the UK is highly advanced and a useful source of ecologi- separate consideration in later chapters.
cal and habitat information (Fig. 8.8) . This system can be
linked to the European Union Nature Information System Sediments dominate the present-day continental shelf
(EUNlS), so that it is comparable at a wider scale. The prob- seabed, bedrock and biogenic reef habitats are relatively
lem with such characterizations is that they are potentially uncommon.
infinite. as the multivariate community statistics on which
they are based are so sensitive that it only requires a slight
deviation in community composition or habitat descrip-
8.7.1 Hard habitats
tor (e.g. pebbles versus pebbles with sand) to initiate yet
another biotope description. New combinations or interme- Hard substrata. though rare on the continental shelf, are
diate communities are conceivably limitless-and the more probably the most familiar habitats to the general pub-
we sample the same marine environment the more variants lic (aside from coral reefs) due to their photogenic biota.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Erect sponges, Eunicella verrucosa and Pen/al1ora foliacea on slightly tide-swept moderately exposed
circalittoral rock. MCR.ErSEun

Recorded and expected MCR.ErSEun

Bedrock with the sea fan Eunicella verrucosa and the soft coral distribution for Britain and Ireland
Alcyonium glomeratum amongst a hydroid turf.
Image width ca 1.0 m.
Image: Rohan Holt
Key Informatio n researc hed by: Angus Jackson & Dr Keith Hiscock This information is not r efereed .

Distribution 01 biotope in Britain and Ireland

Recorded in southern England from Dorset westwards, in the Isles of Scilly and on the north coasts of Devon
and Cornwall, Lundy and Skomer. One record from Bardsey Island in north Wa les (without Eunicella
verrucosa) and also from several locations on the west coast of Ireland inciuding Donegal and Bantry Bays.

Description 01 b iotope

For a full description of Mainly found on exposed and moderately exposed rock, in slight tidal currents and
this biotope inciuding ofte n relatively silty, with a rich variety of species typically including branching and
characterizing species, cup sponges, the sea fan Eunicella verrucosa and the ross coral Pentagora
distri bution, survey foliacea. Typically a bryozoan turf of Cellaria spp. and Bugula spp. is present
information and amongst the larger species (see the biotope CR.Bug) . The branching sponges
references visit Axinella dissimilis, Stelligera spp. and Raspailia spp . are typically present, with
b!!p:llwww. jncc .gov.ukl cup sponges Axinella infundibuliformis and Phakeflia venfilabrum found in some
mennaidlbiotopesl643.htm cases . t,igtonium glomerafum and Parerythropodium coralloides (now Alcyonium
hibernicum) may also be present and short vertical faces sometimes have the star
anemone Pamzoaafhus axinellat!# and/or P8[ aagu;comus. There are
numerous examples of sites with lots of branching and cup spo nges where sea
fans have not been found (but are often known to be present within ti1e same
geog raphical area); some of these are included in MCR.ErSPboISH. Diazona
violacea is also often recorded in this biotope although it occurs in MCR .ErSSwi
also. There are a few instances of Swiftia pallida being found at the same sites (in
SW Ireland) as Eunicella verrucosa. W here ti1is biotope occurs on more open
coast (e.g. SW Britain and W Ireland) the cotton spinner sea cucumbe r Holothurla
forskali is ofte n present.

Figure 8.8 An example of database informat ion for a circalittoral biotope as described by the Marine Life Informat io n
Network for Britain and Ireland (MarLIN). The biotope classificat ion scheme is linked directly to the EUNIS classificati o n
system at certai n levels wi thi n its hierarchical structure. The biotope descripti on is composed of a com binat ion of
physical habitat and biological constit uents. For more informat ion on biotope classification and images of biotopes and
ecological informat ion see http:/ / (photograp h: Ro han Holt).
8.7 Specific habitats

Bedrock is inherently the most stable substratum (unless in syndicates in which each participant is allocated the har-
subject to seismic activity), followed by decreasing sizes vesting rights to a number of boulders on which the kelp
of boulders and cobbles. All of these hard substrata can grow. Off the coast of California, giant kelp (Macrocystis
be found in a gradient of physical conditions that range pyrifera) are managed with the use of marine protected
from high to low stress depending upon their exposure areas. This species can grow at rates of up to 50 cm dol.
to physical processes such as near-bed flow. wave action, The stipe and fronds of these algae are buoyed by gas-filled
and scour bywater-borne sediments and glaciers. Thus it is pneumatocysts that support the stipe and ensure that the
possible to find bedrock rich in luxuriant epibiota in areas fronds remain close to the sea surface. where irradiance is
with clear water and moderate current, or to have bedrock greatest. The high rate of primary production and retention
that is species poor due to high near-bed currents or severe of kelp detritus in giant kelp forests supports highly diverse
wave action. Hard substrata provide a secure anchorage for communities with over 200 species of macrobiota ofwhich
sessile biota many ofwhich are either macroalgae. encrust- 36% may be highly associated with the kelp forest (Dayton
ing calcareous algae, particle or filter feeders. As for rocky 1985; Steneck et al. 2002).
shore habitats, competition for space is intense and some Rock reef and boulders with high surface relief will offer a
organisms such as soft corals, anemones. or sea squirts may number of different microhabitats. The sides and overhangs
come to dominate a given patch of the habitat. of reefs and boulders tend to be dominated by particle feed-
ers such as sponges. bryozoa, and sea squirts. Many of the
Hard substrata are occupied by encrusting sessile biota, sessile biota exhibit adaptation to life in changingwater cur-
hence competition for space is a key community structur- rents. Flow over polyps and feeding tentacles will affect the
Ing process. rate ofdelivery offood particles. At low flow rates, the deliv-
ery rate of particles may be insufficient; hence feeding may
Hard substrata are particularly important for algae that cease because it is not energetically profitable. When flow
require a secure substratum on which they can settle and is too strong, feeding may not be physically possible as par-
then develop a holdfast. Most macro algae would soon be ticles evade capture or entrapment and the increased drag
washed away by currents and waves if they were anchored incurred may elevate the risk ofshear or bodydamage, hence
in soft sediments. Some smaller algae. such as Enteromor- feeding structures are withdrawn. Many of these organisms
pha spp., are able to attach securely to small pebbles or even also exhibit diurnal patterns in feeding behaviour that coin-
the shells of bivalve molluscs, but these occur in relatively cide with movements of zooplankton in the water column.
low-energy environments. At higher latitudes. macroalgae
are confined to a relatively narrow coastal band of shallow Sessile particle feeders modify their feed ing activity in
water in which light is attenuated rapidly due to the load of relation to flow velocity by cessation of feeding when
suspended matter in the water column. At mid to low lati- the delivery rate of particles is too low or when current
tudes in regions of upwelling, the biomass of macroalgae velocity might incur physical damage as a resu lt of shear.
is greatest due to water clarity and the enhanced supply of
nutrients from deeper oceanic water. At lower latitudes. the The crevices and interstices associated with reef, boul-
water is clear enough to support photosynthesis byepilithic der, and cobble habitat permit exchange ofwell-oxygenated
encrusting algae down to mid shelf depths (75-95 m). water and provide ideal refugia both from strong near-bed
flow and predators. Many commercially important fishes
Hard substrata are a fundamental requirement for the utilize boulder reefs in their juvenile stages and experi-
establishment of many macroalgae and enables giant mental and field observations demonstrate the importance
kelp to attain a length of up to 40 m. Notable excep- of the protection from predators provided by this habitat
tions include Sargassum muticum, which can survive as a (Auster & Langton 1999). The provision of suitable cryptic
free-floating form, which partly explains its invasiveness. habitat is a critical constraint of commercially important
taxa such as lobsters Homarus gammarus. which com-
Kelps are the subject of fisheries in northern Europe, the pete aggressively for the best refuges, causing displace-
USA, and Chile, and are restricted to mid to high latitudes ment of individuals when there is a shortage of suitable
(Steneck et al. 2002) . Their economic importance and sen- habitat. Small lobsters generally remain within a relatively
sitivity to ecological regime shifts, harvesting, and other restricted area of the seabed moving a distance of <4 km
forms of human disturbance mean that harvesting of this during a 30-month period, while larger individuals can
resource requires careful management to ensure sustain- move as much as 45 km in the same time (Smith et a1.
able use (Box 8.7) . In Chile, management of the harvesting 2001) . Fishery enhancement programmes have sought to
of kelp resources has occurred for at least a century. The increase available habitat through the use of artificial reefs
'parcela' system occurs in two main regions where fishers made from a varietyofmaterials includingconcrete blocks,
extract the kelp Durvillaea antarctica . Fishers are organized tyres, and even scrapped streetcars.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Box 8.7: Distribution and structuring

processes in kelp communities subsequent extirpation of cod from the inshore waters
of Nova Scotia released sea urchins from predator con-
(a) The distribution of dominant kelp genera around trol leading to a sequence of phase shifts between sea
the world (from Raffaelli & Hawkins 1996). The global urchin and kelp dominated communities. Only the inter-
distribution of kelps is physiologically limited by light at vention of sea urchin disease increased natural mortal-
high latitudes and by nutrients, warm water, and com- ity sufficiently to permit the periodic re-establishment
petition from macrophytes at low latitudes (Steneck et of the kelp in this system (see also 8.5.3) (adapted from
al. 2002). (b) Urchins Strongylocentrotus droebachien- Steneck et al, 2002).
sis are major herbivores of kelp. Over-fishing and the


-- 0;;,,-- -------
'"'":: ."

MaCfocystis & ____ j1J~rD9'SJis,

- - leSsOniO -
Ecklonio &

Kelp deforestation
reported (usualiy
sea urchins)
(b) Iocsrol cod extirpated Disease cycles

Kelp Kelp Kelp & Codium
5 -0 o -e-e e e - 0-"

~ 3


-e; 1 Urchin Urchin

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1000

8.7 Specific habitats

The availability of suitable crevices can lead to strong ,is lost. such that we gain only a partial impression of the
density dependence for animals such as lobsters. habitat. For example, many of the fine silt and clay parti-
cles «0.063 mm diameter) are elongated or flat with high
surface-to-volume ratios and are attracted to each other
via Van der Waals forces. In contrast. larger particles are
8.7.2 Soft habitats generally spherical and exert no significant inter-particle
Soft-sediment characteristics mirror the hydrodynamic attraction. Particle-size analysis tells us nothing about the
processes and topography of the seabed. Substrata with packing of the components of the sediment and hence we
particle sizes from gravels down to coarse sands are closely are unable to infer to what extent interstitial spaces exist
determined by physical processes (water flow and wave between particles and hence the porosity (and hence water
effects) and as a result are subject to frequent physical dis- content) of the sediment. Sediments with high porositywill
turbance. However as the influence of physical processes have a greater exchange of oxygenated water, which will
decreases, finer sediments predominate, and biological and increase the depth within the substratum that free-living
chemical processes begin to have an important influence animals can exist. Sediment porosity also affects how eas-
on the physical properties of the sediment (Fig. 8.9) . Not ily organisms can burrow into and through the sediment.
surprisingly, you only tend to find finer sediments in less
physically perturbed environments, i.e. in sheltered shal- Particle-size analysis of sediment habitats destroys the
low bays, fjords, or beneath gyres or areas of deeper water physical properties conferred by chemical activity and
with minimal current. The stability ofsedimentary habitats biological processes. Techniques that measure the prop-
depends upon the interaction between physical, biological, erty of sediment in situ would give a better indication of
and chemical processes. properties relevant to benthic communities.
Geologists and ecologists typically describe soft sedi-
ments in terms of their particle-size composition. This Near-shore sediments less than 30 m deep are often
necessitates the disaggregation of particles within the highly perturbed by wave action. As a result, emergent ses-
sample. As a result we turn 'living' sediment into one that sile epifauna are often absent while highly mobile, robust,
has lost most of its biological properties. i.e. the structural scavengers are often dominant (e.g. swimming crabs,
effects of organic molecules and microbial films that coat hermit crabs, starfishes, whelks) . Much of the infaunal
the surface of individual particles. During this process assemblage is characterized by highly mobile short-lived
other crucial information about the nature of the habitat polychaetes and rapidly burrowing small bivalves (e.g,
predatory worms Glycera spp. and small bivalves such as
Mysella spp. and Donax spp.) . Some larger biomass species
are present, but these tend to be deep (20 em or more) bur-
rowers such as Ensis spp. or Mya spp. Moving into deeper
water beyond the influence of wave action. near-bed cur-
rents become the dominant physical process and can gen-
erate considerable habitat diversity over spatial scales of a
few hundred metres (Fig. 8.10) . The absence of wave dis-
turbance in deeper water coincides with an increase in the
occurrence and biomass of sessile biota such as hydroids,
Physical Ihemlml bryozoans. suspension-feeding bivalves such as scallops,
and tubebuilding polychaetes such as Chaetopterus spp.
Penentoge silt ana (Or (ontent (Figs 8 .11 and 8.12) .

Figure 8.9 The interaction of sediment composition Soft-sediment habitats can vary considerably over dis-
and biological recovery rate in disturbed sed iments. In tances of <100 m. The hab itat variability is driven by
coarse sediments with a low percentage of silt and clay, physical processes such as near-bed currents.
physical processes are dominant. As the percentage of
silt and clay content increases, so the contribution of Emergent biota increase the topographic complexity of
biolog ical processes, such as microbial activity, become the seabed and are often associated with their own diverse
more important. Chemical attraction is most important in assemblage of biota. For example, Haines and Maurer
the finest sediments. Biolog ical recovery rate is slowest (1980) found that the tube complexes of serpulid worms
in those sediments that are infl uenced by a mixture of were closely associated with 54 species, in contrast to the
physical, biological, and chem ical processes. Adapted surrounding sediments that contained 107 species. The
from Dernie et al. (2003). patterns of species' association seem more strongly related
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

Emergent sessile biota can support their own microcom-

munity of high diversity per unit volume of habitat. In
add ition to seabed features such as sand waves, emer-
gent fauna provide shelter or a source of prey for many
demersal fishes.

The additional structural complexity afforded by emer-

gent fauna and bedforms has important implications for
habitat use by more mobile species. Bottom-dwelling
fishes, such as silver hake (Merluccius bi/inearis), use small-
scale seabed features, such as sand ripples. to shelter from
currents oras coverfrom where they ambush prey (Auster
et at. 2003) . The high abundance of prey associated with
complex seabed structures is an important food source for
many bottom-dwelling fishes, as revealed by analysis of
Figure 8.10 Near-bed currents can generate considerable their diets. In softer mud sediments, cerianthid anemones
habitat heterogeneity in near-coast subtidal systems. and sea pens (Virgularia spp.) are among the few emergent
This image is derived from acoustic data of the seabed fauna that exist in this habitat (Fig. 8.11).
showing a strip of seabed approximately 200 m wide. In deeper water (>50 m deep), in basins or in shallow,
Two distinctly different sediment habitats are apparent: sheltered areas. finer sediments. such as silts and muds.
(a) mobile megaripple systems, which are subject to are able to settle out due to reduced physical forcing. The
daily physical stress and erosion that are dominated by epifauna tends to be sparse in such areas with few sessile
small-body-sized fauna; and (b) more stable shelly gravel emergent species (mainly anemones and sea pens) and
sand sediments that are typified by filter- and suspension- low abundances of mobile scavengers. such as starfishes
feeding communities. and hermit crabs. The fauna is typified by burrowing mega-
fauna that shape the surface of the seabed with burrow
to the architecture of the structure rather than the identity entrances and mounds of excavated sediment and faeces
of the tube-building species. The tube complexes of both (8.4.4) . The fauna is dominated by crustaceans, typically
the serpulid Hydroides dianthus and Pomatocerus triqueter callianassids, with commercial fisheries for Norwaylobster
had similar associates: Nereis succinea, Lepidonotus squama- (Nephrops norvegicus) and hyperbenthic pandalid shrimps.
Ius, Polydora ligni, Eumida sanguinea, Syllis gracilis (Kaiser Echiuran worms are deposit feeders that use a highly
et at. 1999b). Thus, similar structures on the seabed would extensible proboscis to feed on surface organic matter at
appear to attract comparable groupings of fauna. distances up to 1 m or more from their burrow entrance.

0.9 0.07 0
0 (,j (b)
0.8 0 0.06
0.7 0.05
~ 0.6 0
~ 0.04 0 0 0
• 05 0
0.4 0
• 0.03

g 0.3 0
0 ~ 0.02

0.2 8
°0 0
o 08
0 o
0.1 0 00 0 0000000 0 0 m~

0 ~.Ol Figure 8.11 The changes in soft-

40 so 60 70 80 90 40 SO 60 70 80 90
sediment characteristics with
Water depth Water depth
1.0 increasing depth as measured from
0 0 (I) photographic images of the seabed.
co 00

E 0
0 Featureless sand habitat (a) that


0 0 is frequently rippled (b) is typical
of relatively shallow water depths
=~ (40 to 60 m). Emergent fauna were
0 0
c increasingly evident as sandy substrata
0 ~

occurred in water deeper than 60 m

40 SO 60 70 80 90
Water depth (c). (Lindholm et al. 2004.)
8.7 Specific habitats

These worms graze the surface sediment sequentially in munity has sufficient time to become replenished through
a circular fashion, such that the surface microbial com- production processes (see also section 8.4.4) . The burrow

(0) (b)




Figure 8.12 A selection of sedimentary habitats. (a) A fine muddy habitat wit h brittlestars and a sea pen; burrow
entrances and mounds ind icate the presence of a high number of bioturbators in th is habitat. (b) A sandy mud habitat
wit h evidence of some reworking of seabed sediments by bottom currents. A surface dwelling sea slug Scaphander
sp. leaves a distinctive surface furrow just above the starfish. (c) A mobile sandy habitat formed by near-bed tidal
currents, which is typified by small infaunal organisms and an impoverished epifaunal commu nity. (d) A typical mixed
sediment with a veneer of sand overlying a coarse gravel and shell sediment. (e) A stable, mixed sediment dominated
by cobbles and gravel. This stable substratum is typically colon ized by large, attached filter feeders, such as hydrozoans
and bryozoans and anemones. (I) A cobble and mixed sediment habitat dominated by the sli pper limpet (Crepidula
fornicata) with clumps of blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). (g) A muddy, sand habitat stabilized by a lawn of tube-build ing
polychaetes Lanice concheliga. These hab itats provide rich feed ing grounds for flatfishes. (h) A biogenic habitat
dom inated by horse mussels showing the deposition of silt and organic matter among t he shell matrix. This community
is typified by a high abundance of filter- and deposit-feeding epibiota and has a high diversity of associated species.
Photographs © E. Ivor S. Rees. See the online resource centre for additional images.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

entrances, mounds, and pits excavated by the infauna also aggregated into so-called multi-species' clumps, whic h is an
provide important shelter for fish species, and often a num- unusual feature for muddy sediments (Box 8.8). The filter-
ber of species will share the same burrow complex. feeding activity of these multi-species' clumps is critical for
benthic-pelagic coupling in this system. The longevity of
Mud-sediment habitats are typified by limited emergent the species involved means that repeated anoxic events do
sessile fauna and a low diversity of mobile epibenthos. not leave sufficient time for these associations to recruit and
become reestablished.
Many semi-enclosed seas (The Adriatic, The Baltic) and
fjordic areas are typified by mud communities due to their Soft-sediment communities in semi-enclosed seas areas
sheltered nature and low current regime (Chapter 5). How- are subject to periodic anoxic events that can lead to
ever, the enclosed nature of these water bod ies encourages 1000;0 mortality of the macrobenthos.
strong stratifica tion of the water column in the summe r.
The combined effects of eutrophication and stratification
can le ad to periodic anoxic events at the seabed w ith a
8.7.3 Biogenic reefs
100% mortality of the benthos (Chapter 15). For example,
over the past two decades, the sublittoral benthic commu - Biogenic habitats or reefs are structures created by aggrega-
nities of the Northern Adriatic Sea have suffered repeated tions of organisms, which may or m ay not rise from the sea-
large-scale mortalities (JustiC199 1) . These events have also bed, that form a discrete community from the surround ing
been associated with an excessive development of marine habitat. Biogenic reefs can be composed ent irely of the reef-
snow, which blankets benthic biota and elevates microbial building organisms or accumulations of biota, organic, and
activity suc h that oxygen at the seabed is rapidly depleted. inorganic m aterial. Suc h habitats are formed by bivalves
The benthic com mun ities in the Northern Adriatic are (e.g. oysters, mussels), polychaetes (e .g. Sabel/aria spp.),
composed largely of sessile, epibenthic filter- and suspen- corals, and sponges. Locally, biogenic reefs can contribute
sion-feeding organisms. They are long-lived and typically to significant proportions of the seabed habitat (Lenihan &

Box 8.8: Multi-species' clumps in the

Northern Adriatic
(a) Characteristic high-biomass co mmunity co ns ist ing
of s po nges, ascidians, and brittlestars at 25 m depth in
the Gulf of Trieste. The organisms are typically aggre-
gated into so-ca ll ed multi-species' clumps. Marine
snow events are often associated with hypoxia-related
mortalities. In an advan ced stage, enormous cloud-like
mucus aggregates eventually sink to the sea floor, fur-
ther accelerating the colla pse of benthic co mmunit ies.
(b) Dead multi-species' clump covered with marine snow
during an oxyge n crisis. Death of the s po nge or ascid-
ian co re of s uch aggregations also kills the assoc iat ed
fauna, for example cru staceans and polychaetes. (c)
The first recolonization phase is characterized by more
rapid-growing , o pport unistic form s, here by tubeworm s
and the ascidian Ciono. They bear little resemblance to
the typical multi-species' aggregations formerl y found
here. Knowledge about s uch successions provides valu-
able information on past collapses and on the resilience
of these co mmunit ies. Photograph a: Kurt Fedra; pho-
tographs b- e: Michael Stachowitsch .
8.7 Specific habitats
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Peterson 1998; Cranfield et al. 1999). For example, exten- due to currents will be greatly reduced in the interstices of
sive oyster beds occurred in Chesapeake Bay on the eastern the reef matrix, which creates the right conditions for depo-
US coast and in the Foveaux Strait, southern New Zealand sition of faeces and other organic matter that fuels produc-
(Crassostrea virginica and Tiostrea chilensis respectively) . tion of the associated benthos and microbial communities
However, in both localities, long-term harvesting has (Lenihan & Peterson 1998).
severely reduced the seabed coverage of oyster reefs. As biogenic reefs are constructed primarily of living
organisms, they are particularly vulnerable to physical
Reef-building fauna can exert strong grazing pressure disturbance, fishing, or pollution effects associated with
on primary production in the water column through filter eutrophication. The initial establishment of reefs depends
feeding . The removal or degradation of such structures upon the chance settlement of a cohort of recruits coupled
through harvesting or pollution has led to large-scale with favourable environmental conditions. Hence restor-
ecosystem changes particu larly in the zooplankton com- ing degraded reefs is fraught with problems and prone to
munity. failure. Restoration is further complicated when the reef-
building organisms are slow growing, as in the case of the
In the case of Chesapeake Bay it was estimated that the calcareous algae known as maerl. Maerl grows at a rate of
oysters filtered the entire volume of the water body every about 1 mm ;r1into twiglets and branches that interlock
day. With such a large turnover ofwater volume it is not dif- to form a living sediment matrix. This open matrix has
ficult to understand why the ecology of water bodies such large interstitial spaces that permit deep penetration of
as Chesapeake Bay might be changed by reducing oyster oxygenated water into the maerl substratum. Maerl is also
reef biomass. These reefs act as a sink for phytoplankton associated with the reef-building bivalve Umaria hians,
production and transfer this biomass from the pelagic to which constructs 'nests' of shell debris and other material
the benthic system. In addition to their role in transferring attached to its byssus threads and can form beds at den-
energy to the seabed, biogenic structures greatly contrib- sities of more than 700 individuals m~2 within the maerl
ute to marine habitat complexity by increasing the three- matrix (Hall-Spencer & Moore 2000) . This bivalve is scarce
dimensional relief of seabed topography and often have a in any other type of habitat and hence is highly vulnerable
nursery function for juvenile fishes and crustacea. In the to environmental impacts that might adversely affect the
case of fauna that provide a hard surface, such as bivalves maerl habitat. Maerl habitats may also be threatened by the
and tubeworms, the reef structure may provide a settle- consequences ofocean acidification due to their calcareous
mentsurface forepibiota such as algae. soft corals. sponges. structure.
tunicates, hydroids, and bryozoa, which further contribute
to the processing of water borne particulate matter. Reef Some reef-bui lding biota can be many hundreds of years
structures represent irregular features on the seabed and old and hence they are particularly vu lnerable to any
consequently affect flow around and over them. Erosion form of disturbance.

Chapter Summary
• Continental-shelf systems account for approximately SOfo of marine habitats yet they are t he site
of much of the ocean's global primary production that ultimately fuels major world fisheries.
• Shelf systems are relatively young on a geological scale, with large changes in the extent and posi-
tion of the coastal margin occurring during the last glaciation event. Drowned river deltas, glacial
lag deposits, and glacial scour are features of the current continental shelf seabed.
• Tidal currents generate turbu lent flow as they move across the shallow seabed areas of the shelf
close to the coastline. This turbulence generates mixing throughout t he water column and prevents
thermal stratification, and enhances the flow of material to the seabed and hence benthic produc-
tion. Further offshore in deeper water, stratification occurs and leads to t he development of fronts
at the interface with mixed water masses.
• The world's continental-shelf systems can be categorized into regional ecosystem types according
to the prevalent environmental conditions that impinge upon t hem and characterize t he timing of
the spring/summer phytoplankton bloom that fuels shelf food webs.
Chapter 8 Continental Shelf Seabed

• The flora and fauna of the continental shelf seabed system can be subdivided accord ing to their
fu nctional role (e.g. predators, herbivores) and ecosystem function (e.g. ecosystem engineers, sedi-
ment processors, habitat formers). Large-scale population changes in key species can lead t o effects
on other trophic levels in some relatively simple systems.
• Early marine ecologists attempted to categorize particular assemblages of species that occur on
continental shelves. However, it is questionable w hether t his approach is useful given the infinite
number of possible variants created by the substit ution of one species for another and the likely
large-scale changes we will see w it h current trends in global ocean warming.
• Seabed habitats can be categorized according to the characteristics of the substratum (hard or
soft-sediment). The physical characterist ics of soft-sediment habitats are indicative of t he physi-
cal energy that affects the seabed, with mud occurring in low energy environments, while coarse
sands occur in tidally swept areas exposed to wave action. Some habitats are com posed of living
biota such as kelp fo rests, maerl beds, and oyster reefs t hat are critical links with their associated
communities of organisms.

Further Reading
Dayton (1994) discussed the issues of scale and stability in hard bottom marine communities, whi le
Snelgrove and Butman ( 1994) review the debate on the relationship between animal assemblages and
soft sediment habitats. Hall (2002) assesses the major impacts t hat affect present day shelf systems.
• Dayton, P. 19 9 4. Community landscape: scale and stability in hard bottom marine communities. In P.
Giller, A. Hildrew, & D. Raffaelli (eds) Aquatic Ecology: Scole, Pattern and Process. Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Oxford, pp. 289-332.
• Gray, J. S. & Elliott M. (2009) Ecology of marine sediments: from science to management. Oxford
University Press, 225 pp.
• Hall, S. J. 2002. The continental shelf benthic ecosystem: current status, agents for change and future
prospects. Environmental Conservation 29: 350-74.
• Snelgrove, P. & C. Butman. 19 9 4 . Animal-sediment relationships revisited: cause versus effect. Ocean-
ogrophy and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 32: 1 11 - 77 .
The Deep Sea

Chapter Summary are mi ll ions of s pecies inhabiti ng the deep-sea benthos;

The deep-sea floor represents the largest, yet least-known, the main grou ps of large, mob ile organi sms are echino-
habitat on eart h and ranges from the edge of the cont i- derm s, decapod crustaceans, and fi sh, many of which show
nental shelf at 200 m depth, down to the abyssal plai n 5 remarkable adaptations to deep-sea life. Recent exploration
km below the surface, w ith tren che s pl unging to 10 km using s ubmers ibles has revealed exciti ng 'island' habitats
in places. The environment is remarkab ly constant across in the deep sea with a leve l of producti on and diversity
the ocean floor: col d, dark water overlying soft, deep mud. higher than the surro undi ng e nv ironments. These incl ude
While the high hydrostati c pressure is th e most obvious hyd rothermalvent communities, which are powered by pro-
physical feature of the deep, it is food supply from the sur- duction from chemosynthetic bacte ria and are practically
face that is the limit ing factor for life on the abyssal p lain. In independent of s unli ght. Vents have a unique, re markable,
temperate areas, the food inp ut can be seasonal, providin g and productive assoc iated fauna, incl udi ng huge vestimen-
cues for reproduct ive cycles. Due to the lack of food , the tife ran wo rms that have no mouth or gut, but rely on vast
community of animals in the d eep sea is of much lower populations of bacteria within the ir bodies, and the Pompe ii
abu ndance than in shallow wate rs, but some organisms can worm that lives in water temperatures above 60°C- the
grow considerably larger than the ir shallow-water relatives, most thermotolerant animal so far discovered.
s uch as 2 5 cm s ingle-celled organisms! Pote ntia lly the re

9.1 Introduction square metres- perhaps a millionth of the total seabed area
(see . Only the development of submers ibles
The deep ocean represents the largest habitat on the planet. in recent decades has led to a more vibrant view of deep-sea
yet remains the least known; humans have landed on the ecology and enabled the discovery of some of the most excit-
m oon, but due to conditions inhospitable to humans. no ing and fascinating habitats on ear th . However, the dark, cold
one has yet set foot on the deep-ocean floor. The kilometres depths of the abyss still generate a sense of the unknown that
of wate r separating us from the abyssal floor prevent much has resulted in varied descriptions of deep-sea environment
remote sensing of the bottom features. As a result, even the from a complete ly lifeless re alm to one occupied by strange
topography of the world's seabed is not fully documente d , monsters, epitomized by books such as John Wyndham's The
and the life that is found there is even less well-documented. Kraken Wakes . The truth lies somewhere in between, and the
Therefore , unlike other h abitats in the m arine re alm, the aim of this chapte r is to detail the enviro nment that exists on
stud y of deep-sea organisms has been exceptionally difficult the ocean floor. the problems facing organisms living there,
and our knowledge of how the deep sea functions has, until what these organisms are , and how they are distributed; and
recently, had to be pieced together from samples representing to explore some of the astonishing 'island' habitats that have
a tiny fraction of the ocean floor. The total area of quantitative more recently been discovered within the deep sea.
mud samples taken so far from the deep sea is only abo ut sao
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

9.2 Definitions and world has revealed the abyss to be far less uniform, with
environmental features many small topographical features resulting in 'rolling hills'
rather than plains. Additionally, such smaller-scale studies
9.2.1 What is the deep sea? have revealed the existence of many sea mounts. which
rise from the ocean floor but do not break the surface (Fig.
The definition of 'the deep sea' is relatively vague, but 9 .1) . In original maps that extrapolated from known points,
generally represents all the water and seabed beneath the it is clear that such features would be missed. but these
edge of the continental shelf (Fig. 9 .1; this shallow area have recently been found to host fascinating and diverse
being termed neritic, see Fig. 7.3) . Generally, this bound- communities (de Forges et al. 2000) . Other features of the
ary tends to be at a depth of about 200 m, so the deep sea ocean floor are much larger and well known and coincide
can be regarded as any water or benthic habitat situated with areas of generation or subduction (one crust mov-
below 200 m . The deep-sea benthos can be divided into ing under another) of the oceanic crust. The abyssal plain
separate depth regions that refer to the general topogra- does not extend across the whole Atlantic ocean basin. but
phy of the ocean floor that is generated as a consequence is interrupted by a long chain of mountains known as the
of plate tectonics. At the edge of the continental shelf is the mid-ocean ridge (Fig. 9.1, Chapter 1) . The ridge is the site
shelfbreak, where the gradient of the floor increases down of the formation of ocean crust. which spreads out evenly
the continental slope. This can be exceptionally steep at on each side (meaning the Atlantic is getting wider), and
many continental margins (e.g . off the south-west coast of therefore can also be the site of intense volcanic activity
the British Isles) and, if visible, would be among the most that results in hydrothermal vents (9.5) . Trenches in
impressive natural features on earth . In such areas. the the ocean floor (Fig. 9 .1) occur where plates meet and the
slope can extend downwards from 200 to 4000 m, but more ocean crust buckles and deepens as it moves beneath an
often the gradient is less dramatic, and the steep slope gives adjacent plate. These trenches represent the deepest parts
way to a gentler continental rise between 2000 to 5000 m . of the sea and can extend down to 10 000 m . The deep-
At around 4000 to 5000 m, the ocean floor is reached and est point of all is the Mariana Trench off the Philippines
extends over the ocean basins at depths generally around (10912 m) . The bentltic area within a trench (a depth of
5000 m (the abyssal plain) . The benthic area associated between 6 000 to 10 000 m) is known as the hadal region.
with the gradient from continental shelf to abyss is known
as the bathyal region (though some definitions end this
9.2.2 Problems with sampling the
region at a depth of about 2 Ian), the area on the sea floor
is termed the abyssal region. deepsea
Early attempts to map the ocean floor relied on extensive Despite being the world's largest habitat, the ecologyofthe
extrapolation from the few sonar transects that were avail- deep-sea floor is the least understood due to inherent prob-
able. For example. the famous three-dimensional maps of lems of sampling (Chapters 7 and 15). Traditionally, our
the ocean floor produced in the late 1960s (published in knowledge of the organisms of the deep has been pieced
National Geographic magazine) relied on relatively few together from the contents of comparatively few remote
transects across the ocean (Kunzig 2000). the topogra- trawls, grabs, and dredges that have been hauled up from
phy between them was inferred by an artist's impression . the depths. Piecing together the ecosystem on the abyssal
Consequently, these early diagrams illustrated the abyssal floor, or even how animals live their lives. from such sam-
plain as generally a huge, flat expanse-an image that has ples is extremely difficult (if not impossible) and involves
persisted in the minds of both professionals and amateurs. considerable guesswork. To comprehend how difficult such
However, more recent detailed work in certain parts of the an exercise is. sampling the deep sea has been likened to

Sea level
/ I
(ontinentol.helf :i c
Continental slope ~ ~

. I'me / AbJ'Sll1 5
-;1 I
Sea mount Abyssal plain
Mid-ocean ridge
I- Trench

Figure 9.1 A hypothetical cross-section of an ocean basin indicating the main topographical features of the deep sea
and terms used for areas of the deep-sea floor. Vertical scale is much exaggerated.
9.2 Definitions and environmental features

sampling the rainforest by flying a plane above the clouds, have been employed since the 1980s. Originally, cameras
pulling a net through the trees and constructing the system with open shutters were mounted on sampling gear such as
from the contents of the net. This would clearly be ridicu- benthic sleds; the film-winding mechanism was connected
lous, but it is how deep-sea biologists have had to work. In to the flash unit. The camera therefore recorded the seabed
recent years our means of investigating the deep sea has before the sampling gear moves over it (Fig. 9 .2a) . Alter-
improved dramatically, first by the use of photography and natively, stat ionary photographic gear has been dropped to
particularly by the development of manned submersibles. the seabed-basically a frame with a camera mounted on
For the first time scientis ts can actually see what the organ- it known as a bathysnap (Techn iques box). Photographs
isms are like in their natural surroundings . were taken at certain intervals (e. g. 1 hour, 1 d ay) and the
However, even taking a trawl from the sea floor is excep- gear is left on the seabed often for months. The camera was
tionally difficult and requires a scale of sampling unnec- retrieved by transmitting an acoustic signal to the seabed ,
essary fo r the rest of the marine realm. To pull a trawl or which released weight s attached to the camera mount,
dredge along the abyssal seabed at a depth of 5000 m would and the bathysnap floated to the surface to be retrieved.
require nearly 11 000 m of wire ; considering the oceanic Such series of images gave us important information on the
conditions involved a large ship is required. Additionally, dynamics of the deep-sea bed . Cameras (still or video) ca n
knowledge of the location of the trawl is vital to know it is also be deployed with bait attached to the frame (e .g. a fish
actually on the seabed, so sophisticated acoustic devices are carcass) in order to attra ct and photograph scavenging ani-
required . Deep-sea sampling is therefore very expensive and m als (Fig. 9.2b) . Suc h pieces of sampling ge ar were fondly
prone to failure, even for the collection of the most basic of known as bathysnacks ! More recently, suc h underwater
samples; simply placing and retrieving a sampling device on observation has moved on with the use of digital and high
the deep sea floor takes hours rather than minutes. definition vide o and st ills camera technology, allowing
As well as traditional gea r, much of our knowledge of quantitative analysis of the sea floor and some beaut iful
life on the ocean se abed, particularly detail of m egafaunal pictures that bring the deep to life (Fig. 9.2c, Techn iques
anim als, is from photography. Two main types of cam era box).

TECHNIQUES: Stills image and video

sampling in the deep sea
Dr Kerry Howell (Mari ne Institute, University of Plymouth)
discusses some of the latest advances and applications
of imaging techniques in the deep sea. In the past our
knowledge of life on the deep-sea bed was li mited to
w hat could be broug ht up in a t rawl or box core. While
th is provid ed us wi th a basic understanding of species
composit ion, distri bution, and abundance in the deep, it
told us very little about t heir relationship w ith their envi-
ronment. Advances in technology now allow us to use
cameras to observe deep-sea organisms in situ (see fig-
ure a) , provid ing us wi th new insights into the ecology
and behaviour of the deep-sea benth os.
The use of photography and video as sampli ng tools (a) Sea-spiders mating at 900 m depth on the Wyville-
is growing rapidly, and t he range of systems used is Thomson Ridge. Photograph: Crown Copyright BERR/Defra.
immense. Some of the more well-known and established
systems include rem ote ly ope rate d veh icles (ROVs) , Lande r systems are stat ic and deployed on the sea-
auto nom ous unde rwate r vehicles (AUVs), landers, bed . They te nd to be use d to study temporal changes
manned submersibles, and towed photography and vid- in communities or physiological / behavi ou ral ecology. The
eog raphy frames (sledges, drop frames) (for review see: Bathysnap system (Lam pitt & Burnham 19 8 3), consisting
Solan et al. 2003; Coggan et al. 2007). Essentially all of a downw ard-facing stills camera mounted on a frame,
use mounted video and/ or st ills cameras to sample the can be deployed for one year or more on the seabed, tak-
deep-sea benthos. ing images at set t ime-intervals, provi ding information on
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

changes occurring at a site over time. This system was

pivotal in providing evidence of a seasonal pulse in the
food supply to the deep sea in the form of marine snow
(see 9.3.5; Billett et al. 1983). Baited landers, equipped
with video cameras trained on the bait, have been used to
study swimming speeds, tail beat frequencies, and escape
respo nses of deep-water fish (Bagley et al. 19 9 4 ; Bailey
et al. 2003).
Beyond Lander systems, all other systems tend to be
used to study distribution, abundance, and organism-
environment relationships. Towed camera systems are
relatively inexpensive and include drop-frame systems
that are suspended in the water colum n up to 10 m off •

the bottom, bed-hop systems that are hopped up and - •

down over the seabed, and sledge systems that are towed . -

along the seabed (figure b). These systems tend to be

towed along straight transects of predetermined length (c) A North Atlantic codling , sheltering behind a ro ck
providing strips of video of the seabed and/or 'quadrat'. at 500 m depth o n Hatton Bank. Image Crown Copy-
like stills images along those transect lines. ROY, AU\/, right BERR/Defra.
and manned submersi ble systems may be driven along
more complex tracks, although still providing (albeit not 1999), cold seeps (Olu et al. 1996), canyons (Hecker
straight) strips of video of the seabed and associated et al. 1988), and sea mounts (Lundsten et al. 2009), as
stills images. Images may be quantitatively analysed to well as to study fish-habitat associations and behaviour
provide estimates of species' abundances. Video data (Uiblein et al. 2003; Lorance and Trenkel, 2006; figure c) .
tend to be used to provide semi-quantitative, or qualita- While video and image sampling provides us with a new
tive, information on species' abundance, habitat charac- dimension to deep-sea research, its use is not wi thout
teristics, and organism behaviour, although increasingly pitfalls. The key downside to this type of sampling is the
researchers are looking to obtai n quantitative data from lack of physical samples. Where some species are easily
video, as digital and high definition techno logy improves. identified from video and image data, many require physi-
Such systems have been used to map the distribution of cal samples to firmly establish identifications. Frequently
species and assemblages in various deep-sea ecosys- the use of 'morphospecies ' must be employed in order to
tems, such as hydrothermal vents (Sarrazi n and Juniper interpret the image and video data. The various platforms
available can rarely be towed at a constant speed or at a
constant height above the seabed, making interpretation
of data and comparisons between tow s and areas chal-
lengi ng-two lasers are regularly used with such gear to
provide consistent scale in the resulting images. Video
data are often of low quality compared to the stills came ra
data, and integration of these different data is difficult In
recent years the use of high-definitio n video in benthic
sampling has improved both our ability to identify species
from video data and obtain quantitative data from video
through allowing high-quality frame grabs of a given size
field of view. As technology has moved on, there is no
doubt that video and image sampli ng is becomi ng an
effective, accepted, established method of sampling the
deep-sea, with equal po tential in shallow water.
(b) A typi cal drop-frame system used for video and
image survey. Photo: Kerry Howell.
9.2 Definitions and environmental features

Figure 9.2 Photographs of organisms on the deep-sea floor: (a) and (b) taken during the 19805, (c) a more recent
dig ital image. (a) A red crab Geryon trispinosus reacting to the approach of a photosled. (b) A 'bathysnack' photo of the
spider crab Neolithodes attracted to bait. (Copyright National Oceanographic Centre, Southampton). (c). The deep-sea
coral reef Lophelia with an associated squat lobster (photo: NOAA).

The most expensive, but enlightening, method of sam- scientists now able to set out experiments on the ocean floor
pling the deep sea is the use of manned submersibles, such and record the response of organisms in real time. Deter-
asAlvin, Shinkai 6500, and Nautile (Fig. 9.3) . Certainly our mining the ecology of deep-sea vents, for example, would
understanding of how the deep-sea system functions has never have been possible by using remote sampling tech-
progressed in leaps since the extensive use of submersibles mques.
for observation, sampling, and even experimentation, with

Figure 9.3 Examples of submersibles used to explore the deep sea.

(a) Alvin, (b) Johnson Sealink (both photos: NOAA), (c) Nautile (photo:
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

9.2.3 What is the environment like on to determine which parameters potentially influence the
the abyssal plain? organisms found there (Gage & Tyler 1991) . Some param-
The deep abyss is clearly very different from all ot her eters vary little below 2 000 m ; for example , salin ity is rela-
marine habitats, but how is that reflected in the physical tively consta nt at 34.8 + 0 .3, whilst pH is fairly constant
and che mical environme ntal parameters that influence below 2000 m around 7.7-7.8 (Dore et aI2009 ), raising
organisms? Other chapters have demonstrated that single concerns about potential deep-sea impacts of ocean acidifi-
variables can have a large influence on the distribution of cation, particularly plans to capture CO2 and store it in the
organisms within a system (exposure to air on intertidal deep sea (Current Focus), as cur rently no change in pH has
shores, salinity in estuaries). Therefore, it is important to been apparent at such depths (Dore et aI 2009).
review the cond itions in the deep-sea floor (at 5000 m)

CURRENT FOCUS: Carbon capture and tion (oxygen is used du ring burni ng instead of ai r so
storage in the deep sea the exact amount can be regulated, which aids removal
of 100% of CO, in the flue). If suitable storage can be
Perhaps the most pressing issue facing the world today is found. CCS. if fully implemented, can potentially captu re
creating global sustai nable energy generation that does 236 b illion tons of CO2 , correspondi ng to a 33% reduc-
not produce further greenhouse gases, the aim being to tion in global emissions by 2050 compared with today
reduce CO 2 emissions and th us the concentration of such (Soloman 2007). So where can such large volu mes of
gases in the atmosphere in an effort to combat global captured CO 2 be stored?
climate change. Burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas, and Storage (or seq uestration) of CO 2 is much mo re
oil, has been the pri me method of energy generation, cre- efficient if it can be converted into liquid: th is can be
ating the at mospheric build up of CO2 ; for example, 96% achieved by either cooling or using pressu re. Options
of carbon emissions from 199 1 to 2000 resulted from t herefore are to store CO2 either in terrestrial, subter-
usi ng fossil fuels for ene rgy (US EPA 2002). Therefore, ranean aquifers, trapped below rock, or the deep sea;
a focus of more recent energy development, particularly be low about 800- 1000m CO, has a liquid-li ke density.
in developed cou ntries, has been on renew able energy Terrestrial sto rage is problematic as the buoyant CO 2 can
sources (such as wind, solar, hyd roelectric, and tidal) and migrate upwards through any available conduit (House et
new-generation nuclear power. There is an impending al. 2006), so all such reservoirs must have impermeable
problem, however, of how we generate enough electric- layers and be continu ally monitored for leakage. Disposal
ity in the near futu re, as old fossil-fuel powe r stations and in the deep sea could therefore be preferable and has
nuclear installations are decommissioned, yet renewable three main alternatives: inject the CO 2 into the deep water
technology and the construction of new nuclear stations itself ('di rect ocean storage'); store it in deep-sea sedi-
is not ready to fill the energy generation gap. In the UK, ments; or sequestrate the CO 2 in deep-sea basalt aquifers
for example, there is concern of potential energy short- beneath the ocean floor.
ages by 20 15-20 due to th is gap in provision. One w ay Injection of CO2 into the deep ocean is seen as just
to cou nter such a problem, and to help com bat cli mate accelerati ng the natural process of CO2 uptake tha t has
change, is if we can remove the CO2 from power stations resulted in much of the emitted CO2 ending up in the
burni ng fossil fuels and lock this away somehow, prevent- ocean as b icarbonate rather t han in the atmosphere
ing it reaching the atmosphere. This approach is known as (Sabine et al. 2004). How ever, the re are two maj or
Carbon Captu re and Sto rage (CCS) and with developing concerns that have made this option undesi rable. This
technology could provide a major contribution to reducing process will cause co mparatively rap id acidification of
emissions, particularly in countries such as China cu r- the deep-sea with profou nd effects on deep-sea organ-
rently reliant on burning fossil fuels. One problem is what isms. Experiments suggest that the impact of such dis-
to do with the CO2 once it is captu red; one solution is to solved CO 2 under the pressures of the deep-sea are more
store it in the deep ocean. severe than at atmospheric pressu re, wi th orga nisms
A number of technologies are cur rently available for dying quicker and at lower CO 2 concentrations tha n the
capturing CO, (see llo and this can surface (Ishimatsu & Ku ri hara 2008). Additionally, this is
be done either post-co mbustion ('end of pipe' separation not a permanent solution: current circulation will mean a
using chemical cleaning through an absorbent removing large fraction of the injected CO2 would be released to
80-90% of CO, ). pre-combustion (90% of CO, removed the atmosphere afte r a few hundred years (House et al.
from fuel before burning) , or by using oxy-fuel com bus- 2006).
9.2 Definitions and environmental features

Permanent storage of CO 2 in deep-sea sedi ments

does seem feasible, as long as the local conditions and
the depth of injection are suitable, as liquid CO 2 can be
denser than the overlying pore water or CO2 hydrates can
be formed to stop CO2 flow and cap the system. House

et al. (2006) suggest that injection into water depths of
>3000 m and 300 m below the sedi ment surface results
in permanent storage of th e COz' They also conclud e that
all the CO 2 emmisions of the US can be stored in an 80
km z area, with the US economic zone capable of storing
thousands of years of current US CO 2 emissions.
A further permanent solution is to store CO2 in suitable
deep-sea geological formations, as the deep-sea basalt
provides a vast reservoir of cap acity able to accommo- Schematic of a carbon-capture and storage scheme
date centuries of emissions and, in the US, wi thin pipeline using seabed geological formation s. Adapted with
distances to populated areas on the west coast (Gold- permission from the Bellona Foundation (http:/ / www.
berg et al. 2008; see figu re). In such deep aquifers, the
injected CO 2 would react wi th calcium and magnesium
ions from the basalt, form ing stable carbo nate minerals. field off Norway has been injecting 1 million tons of CO2
For certai n areas of the world, storage of captu red CO 2 a year since 19 9 6 and storing the gas in deep saline
in deep-sea sedi ment and basalt could therefore provid e a aquifers (Solomon 2007).
major method of reducing carbon emissions, whilst fossil
fuel power stations are still being used. Such technology
is al ready in act ion in shallower water: the Sieipner gas

9.2.4 Light m ates of the same species, finding food, and predator avoid-
ance . Scientists in the first submersibles entering these dark
The deep-sea water column can be divided up in terms of depths were amazed at the extent of the bioluminescence
light penetration (see Fig. 7.3). The top layers (euphotic) as organ isms emitted light on contact with the submersible.
h ave enough light for photosynthesis. Down to about 1000
m there is still enough light for some vision (dysphoric
zone) , but below this there is no light at all (aphotic) . The
9.2.5 Temperature
abyssal plain is therefore very different from practically all The temperature of deep-sea water is low and constant.
other marine habitats in that no light pene trates the deep Below abo ut 2000 m, temperature gene rally ranges
ocean to these depths; the abyss is in permanent dark- between only - 1' C to 4' C, with the majority of the abyssal
ness. Consequently, photosynthesis is not possible, so no water at around 2°e. As organisms only ever encounter cold
living plants exist in the deep sea, resulting in a food web water, m any are killed by the temperature shock as they are
dependent entire ly on energy from detritus and carrion brought to the surface in samples. The minimum recorded
originating from the systems above (with the exceptio n of temperature is - 1.9°C beneath Antarctica, where cold water
bacterial chemosynt hesis in hydrothermal vents, see 9 .5. 2). sinks. However, there are two particular deep-sea areas that
However, many deep-sea organ isms have evolved methods h ave unusually high temperatures. The Mediterranean Sea
of generating light using light-emitting bacteria contained h as a very deep basin and water at 4000 m here has been
in special cells (biolu m in escen ce ; Box 9. 1) . Th is light recorded at temperatures of 14°C, while water at 2000 m in
generation in the darkness has many uses, such as finding the Red Sea can be as high as 21.S' C.
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

Box 9.1: Bioluminescence green in colo ur (generall y in the range 440-479 nm)
as blue light travels furthest in water and most marine
Bi oluminescence is the light produced by a chemical organis ms are sensitive to blue light. Notab le exceptions
react ion w it hin an organi sm. Perhap s the most fam iliar are deep-sea malacosteid fish (I oosejaws) , whi ch have
bio luminescent organisms are fireflies (actually beet les) , an unusual ability to produce red light (Haddock et al.
but li ght product ion is comparatively rare on land and is 2004) . This is achieved through the use of filters and a
much more a feature of the marine environment, w here it fluorescent pi gment insid e the photophore, wh ich takes
is a relatively common feature. Practicall y all marine taxo- the energ y and re-emits it as red light. Generally, fish
nomic groups from dinoflagellates to fish have members cannot see red light, but loosejaw s (e.g. Aristostomias)
that can biolumin esce (producing the light themselves or have extra photoreceptive p igments, all owing light to be
using bacteria housed in light organs or photophores) , detected in this range. This predatory fish can therefore
part icularly be low the euphot ic zone in the ocean-for emit light that only it can detect and allows red-coloured
example, approximately 90% of animals are biolumines- prey to be illuminated (Fig. 7.4) .
cent in t he mesope lagic zone. Tw o main chemicals are Images from http:/ / w ww.l ife /b io lum / .
requi red to produce bioluminescence: luciferin creates the Copyright Steven Haddock. See website for more info r-
light, but require s luciferase, which catalyses t he oxidat ion mation of biolumi nescence.
of luciferi n resulting in light. Most of t he light is b lue-

9.2.6 Dissolved oxygen refreshed by a range of bottom curre nts, which can provide
environmental cues for organ isms (e.g. to direct the action
The oxygen content of the water is relatively constant across of feeding appendages, m igration, etc.) . As well as directly
the abyssal plain, with a concentratio n of c.S mg 1-1 below measuring flow, we can see that currents exist from photo-
2000 m. Under normal oceanic conditions, the oxygen min- graphs of, for example, sea anemones whose tentacles are
im u m t ends t o bej ust below the euphotic layer (400 to 500 trailing in a uniform direction. Three main types of curre nt
m ). Some areas of the deep sea have notably low oxygen exist in the deep sea. First, in some parts of the ocean , tidal
levels, due to specific local cond itions, suc h as the Santa currents can reach down as far as the base of the continen-
Catalina Basin off California, which consequently ap pears t al slope (e .g. Bay of Biscay, Eu rope) an d can even f orm
to have a lower faunal divers ity than comparable nearby familiar ripple patterns on the deep-sea floor. Tidal curre nts
regions suc h as the San Diego Trough. will change direction, but generally the bottom curre nts
are unidirectional and come from two sources. Second , the
oceanic conveyor (Chapters 7 and 12) is vitally important
9.2.7 Bottom currents for the movement of water and provides constant, unidir-
Levels of oxygen, and other variables, are kept compara- ectional curre nts in the deep sea. For example, cold, de nse
tively constant because the deep-sea floor is continually water sinks at the Antarctic and moves northwards across
9.2 Definitions and environmental features

the Pacific above the seabed (Box 12.1) . Third, the Corio- size by the impact of pressure squeezing air from the mate-
lis current arises from the rotation of the earth and the rial matrix. High pressure can also slow down the rate of
relative movement of water in respect to the seabed. As the enzyme catalysis.
earth spins. the majority ofthe water in the oceans remains However, it has to be remembered that, although the
stationary, resulting in oceanic currents (Chapters 7 and pressure seems severe to us, organisms that have evolved
8). However, at the ocean floor, a small layer of water (the to live in the abyss do not experience any fluctuations in
viscous sublayer) moves with the earth. whereas the water pressure, or the other variables discussed above. and so are
further up the column moves at a relatively slower speed. not necessarily subject to environmental stress from such
The sea floor is therefore moving beneath the water col- factors. Organisms adapt well to living at extremes; it is
umn, resulting in a current. Due to the scale of the earth's variability in the environment that is particularly hard to
movement. however, the impression is of the water moving deal with (Chapters 5 and 6) . There is one physical factor
over the seabed. that potentially does pose problems for organisms living on
the abyssal sea floor: sediment.
9.2.8 Hydrostatic pressure
9.2.9 Sediment
The most notable, and predictable, feature of the deep sea
is the immense hydrostatic pressure due to the weight of In parallel with the mid-estuary (see 5.1.4), the sediment
overlying water. the single most limiting factor for humans. across the vast majority of the ocean floor is soft, fine mud,
Pressure increases by 1 atmosphere every 10 m, so on the though at a much greater scale. This soft sediment rep-
abyssal plain it is over 500 atmospheres (d. 4 atmospheres resents the world's largest single habitat due to the con-
on a very deep scuba-dive) . At the bases of trenches it is sistency of the physico-chemical conditions. The mud on
even greater. An average-sized person standing on the the abyssal plain has been deposited over millennia, and
bottom of the Mariana trench would experience pressure consequently in some areas can be up to 1000 m thick. so
equivalent to holding up 48 jumbo jets! One consequence of benthic organisms have to develop strategies in order to
pressure. as every diver knows. is that it compresses gases, remain above the sediment, such as possessing long stilts,
including the swim bladders of fish. The impact on gas is long stalks of sessile animals, climbing on other organisms,
illustrated by attaching a polystyrene cup to the outside of and flotation methods. As this parameter is probably the
submersibles (Fig. 9.4), the cup shrinking to a much smaller single physical variable affecting organism distribution. it
is worth looking at the sediment in more detail.

Sessile organisms settle as larvae and then can not move

after settlement, e.g. barnacles, sponges, most bryozo-

Deep-sea sediments can be divided into two clear classes:

clay particles. inorganic sediments found mainly under
oligotrophic surface waters such as mid-ocean gyres; and
biogenic oozes, sediments found below productive sur-
face waters and containing >30% biogenic skeletal mate-
rial. The composition of this biogenic material can vary.
depending on the dominant taxa in the surface plankton,
and two subclasses of biogenic ooze can be identified. Sili-
ceous oozes are silicon based. and are therefore made up
from the skeletons of two main groups: diatoms (whose
skeletons are known as frusrules, Fig. 2.15) and radiolar-
ians (Fig. 1.5f) . Due to the dominance of diatoms in many
ocean regions, siliceous oozes are found beneath diatom-
productive surface waters such as the sub-Antarctic and
central-west Pacific. Calcareous (or Foraminiferan) oozes
are sediments based on calcium carbonate (CaC0 3) and are
Figure 9.4 Before and after. The impact of hydrostatic composed of the skeletons of two groups of plankton with
pressure at 3000 m on a polystyrene cup. All the air in calcareous skeletons, namely the Foraminifera (Fig. 1.5g)
bubbles within the po lystyrene has been squeezed out, and coccolithophores (Fig. 2.20) . As foraminiferans are the
shrinking the cup size. Photo: Matt Johnson. more widespread of these two groups. the sediments are
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

commonly named after them. Coccolithophores can, how- marine systems such as estuaries and rocky shores. To
ever. form massive blooms in surface waters (Chapters 2 and discover what may be the major limiting factor for abyssal
7; Fig 7.1 Case 1), turning the water a chalky bright blue organisms we have to look at biological variables.
colour similarto an alpine river. Calcareous oozes tend to be
found in shallower water than siliceous oozes as the hydro-
static pressure at great depth forces CaC0 3 into solution. 9.3 Food supply to the deep
The composition ofdeep-sea sediments is therefore rela- sea
tively predictable and depends on the productivity and spe-
cies' composition ofthe surface waters. This fall of material 9.3.1 Production in the deep sea
from the euphotic region of the ocean to the deep-sea floor
has major implications for deep-sea life. as we will see later As light is absent on the abyssal plain, no photosynthesis
(9.3), and is unlike the situation on the continental shelf occurs. The ocean floor is therefore one of the few major
(Chapter 8) . Hard substrata are very uncommon in the deep habitats in the world where living plants are absent and
sea, which has consequences for many sessile groups that in thus the deep sea does not have a direct input from the pri-
shallow waters tend only to be found on reefs. Examples of mary production underlying the majority ofthe world's eco-
exposed rock, or other hard material, include hydrothermal systems. A different form of primaryproduction does occur
vents (9.5), sea mounts, steep slopes where sediment can- in some isolated parts of the deep sea : bacteria associated
not settle (such as trench walls or mid-ocean ridges), beds with hydrothermal vents (9 .5) using sulphur compounds
of manganese nodules, and whale skeletons. On death, the to fuel chemosynthesis (Box 9 .2) . However, the organ-
bodies of whales fall to the ocean floor, where scavengers isms occupying the vast majorityof the ocean floor have no
quickly remove the tissues and leave the skeleton. The direct input from primary production, but instead have to
bones appear to remain for a long period of time, forming relyon the input oforganic material from the euphotic layer
an important 'island' habitat for a high diversity of organ- of the ocean, mainly in the form of particulate organic
isms (Fig. 9.5; Baco & Smith 2003), including those gener- matter (POM) . The deep-sea bed is therefore an entirely
ally found only on hydrothermal vents. It is possible that allochthonous system. Only about 1 to 3% of the surface
whale skeletons provide an importantstepping stone for the net primary production reaches the abyssal seabed (Gage
dispersal of vent organisms (and others) as the bones con- & Tyler 1991) and is the food supply for the whole deep-sea
tain sulphurous compounds necessary for chemosynthesis system away from hydrothermal areas. Therefore, food sup-
(9 .5.5) . It has been estimated that whale skeletons may ply is the major limiting factor for deep-sea organisms and
be on average only 9 km apart across the deep-sea floor. is the main reason there is a comparatively low abundance
This distribution may have been modified by the whaling and biomass of animals on the ocean floor.
industry, both by removing whales and in dumping flensed
skeletons regularly in certain areas . Allochthonous systems rely on the input of organic mate-
In conclusion, the environmental variables discussed rial from outside the system, compared with autochthon-
here do not vary greatly and therefore do not have as dra- ous systems that mainly generate their own production.
matic a controlling influence in the deep sea as in other

Figure 9.5 Deep-sea hagfish

on a whale skeleton. Copyright
9.3 Food supply to the deep sea

9.3.3 Large food falls

Box 9.2: Chemosynthesis at
hydrothermal vents The whole bodies of dead an imals and large fractions of
plants can sink intact to the oce an floor and provide a foo d
Microb iolog ists first uncovered chemosynthesis In source for a suite of scavenging organisms, suc h as amphi-
the late-nineteenth centu ry, but until t he discovery pods, brittlestars, and fish (in particular hagfish; Fig. 9.5
of hydrothermal vents it was cons idered to play no and rat-tails Fig. 9.lOb) , which may be attracted to feed on
significant role in the photosynthesis-dom inated car- the amph ipods. Fish, whale, and squ id carc asses rapidly
bon cycle of the Earth (van Dove r 2000). Chemo- attract a range of large scavenging animals, as witnessed
synthesis is a significant microb ial process involved by baited cameras (Jones et al. 1998) , and it is clear that
in seawater sulphur cycling. Organic matter is con- such animal food falls are the prime resources for a range
sumed by sulphate-reduc ing bacteria (generally in of deep-sea an imals. However, the appearance of a carcass
the absence of oxygen, such as in anoxic sediments), on the ocean floor is an unpredictable and sporadic event,
converti ng sulphates to sulph ides. This product can so scavengers have to be able to respond to, and m ake the
then be subject to microbial oxygenation, resulting in most of, any food fall that occurs. In particular, these organ-
the generation of organic compounds: isms may h ave to endure long periods between meals and
so some scavengers have become particularly adept at gorg-
5'-(sul phide) + CO, + a, + H,O -> 50~- +
ing. The giant amphipod Eurythenes (9 .4.11; Fig. 9 .6) may
[CH,OI (org anic materia l)
be able to eat up to 75% of its body weight (Hargrave et al.
However, when this process occurs away from vents 1994), enough to sustain a mature female for over a year.
there is no additional organic material form ed, si nce While suc h amph ipod species appear to have adapted to
organic carbon is bei ng oxi dized to generate the sul- feed on carrion, animal carcasses do not form the sole food
phid e in the first place. At vents, new suppl ies of source for the majority of fish species that appear when bait
sulphide are being generated from the geochemical is provided, but provide important ene rgy subsidies that are
interaction of seawater and heat, allowing a net gain rapidly exploited . Initially it was proposed that some fish
of organic compounds an d accumulation of new bio- that quickly appear on bait, such as rat-tails, would demon-
mass. The process was termed 'chemosynthesis' to strate a 'sit and wa it' strategy, as this would be more energy
give a direct comparison with 'photosynthesis', but efficient than constant foraging. However, when ra d io
should be more thoroughly described as 'ch emo- transmitters were placed in bait (Priede et a1. 1991 ; see also
autolithotrophy' (van Dover 2000). If this seems a Techniques box in Chapter 10) it was found that these fish
mouthfu l, animals (such as those at vents) utilizing are active foragers and the food fall is dispersed over great
chemosynthesis are ter med 'ch emo het eroo rgano- distances as faecal deposits.
trophs '. Large food falls of plant material also provide an impor-
tant carbon supply to the deep-sea floor. This can be from
the shallow water m arine environment, in the form of

9.3.2 Dissolved organic matter (DOM)

While the most important food input is from paM , DaM

m ay have an important role in providing carbon to sed i-
m ent-dwelling organisms. Measu re ments of interstitial
water have shown that DOM in deep-sea sediment can
be 10 times that of the overlying water and it is suspected
that some large an im als (such as vesti mentiferan worms
and some polychaetes) derive a significant proportion of
their carbon from DOM sources. However, DOM is created
mainly from the metabolic processes of metazoans, bacte-
rial action, and decay, so it is primarily a reworking of car-
bon that has been de rived from external sources .

Figure 9.6 The giant deep-sea amphipod Eurythenes

gryllus which can grow up to 140 mm long
(photograph: Bruno Danis).
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

algae and seagrass, or plants that have been washed from 9.3.4 Particulate organic matter (POM)
terrestrial regions. in particular woody debris. Fruit such from the euphotic zone
as mangos have even been recovered from the deep-sea
floor. Terrestrially derived material is often comparatively The importance, and temporal patterns. of comparatively
unimportant in coastal marine systems (e.g. estuaries; see amorphous POM falling to the seabed from the ocean sur-
Chapter 5), despite its large biomass, due primarily to the face layers was quantified in the 1970s and 1980s using a
lack of marine organisms able to process the cellulose and combination ofsediment traps and long-term photographic
lignin present in terrestrial matter. In some deep-sea areas records (Billett et al. 1983; Lampitt 1985). The results of
wood can be commonly encountered. such as in trenches these studies provided one of the most important discover-
and basins in the Caribbean, and seems to be a key source ies in marine biology that has changed the way we view the
of carbon for some species. deep sea. Some dead, or dying, material from the plank-
In particular. wood is processed by boring bivalves ton falls through the euphotic zone without being recycled
(Xylophagainae; Fig. 9.7), which convert it to faecal pel- (most organic matter is degraded in the water column) and
lets. making it available to other organisms. It appears that sinks to the deep sea. This material can be categorized into
such species have symbiotic bacteria in their gills that can three main groups: faecal pellets (primarily from copepods
digest cellulose (Distel & Roberts 1997), although they lack and includes partly digested matter and bacteria), moults
the dense populations of gut bacteria found in termites. for (the hard parts of the plankton, including dead intact small
example. It is an indication of the importance of woody organisms). and. in particular. amorphous aggregates. This
debris in the deep sea that this feeding strategy is apparent. latter category has been termed 'marine snow' (or phytode-
Experiments set up by submersibles using wood structures tritus) as it is flocculent organic material that falls through
for settlement. etc., have been ruined by deep-sea animals the water column to the seabed and is from a range of
eating the wood, while wood has also been suggested as an sources. in particular gelatinous animals (such as salps),
important stepping stone for the dispersal of vent organ- bacteria, and the remains of diatoms. The aggregates are
isms (Distel et al. 2000) . also comparatively rich in protein, trace metals, carbohy-
Both terrestrial plant material, and floating seaweed such drates, and lipids. An important feature of marine snow is
as Sargassum floating within the Sargasso Sea in the west- that as it falls it 'scavenges' other particles. and so the size
ern Atlantic. can provide a seasonal input to the deep sea of each aggregate increases with depth. This has the effect
associated with storm seasons such as the monsoons. In the of speeding up the sinking rate, so that the organic matter
case of Sargassum, storms during the hurricane season burst reaches the sea floor much more quickly than individual
flotation bladders, resulting in plants sinking to the abys- particles and can avoid decomposition in the water column.
sal floor below. The discovery of such seasonal inputs has This input ofPOM is the prime supply ofcarbon to the deep-
major consequences for deep-sea animals and has altered sea benthic ecosystem.
our perception of the deep sea as a never-changing. season-
less system (9.3.5) . This is much more apparent when the
9.3.5 Timing of food inputs to the
main input of food material to the deep sea is considered.
deep-sea benthos
Primary production in the euphotic zone of temperate and
polar areas is highly seasonal (Chapter 2), with the major
temperate bloom occurring in spring. Therefore, the major-
ity of phytodetritus sinking out of the upper layers of the
ocean occurs during these blooms. Due to the aggregation
of particles, sinking rates for most material are around 100
m d- l (rather than perhaps 2 m d- l for a large individual
phytoplankton), so organic material would take between
1 to 2 months to reach the abyssal sea floor. Using primar-
ily long-term photographic records of one portion of the
deep-sea floor, the pattern of phytodetritus arrival has been
determined. In the temperate Porcupine Sea Bight, mini-
mal amounts of organic matter can be seen on the sea floor
during May and June. However, during late June the floor
starts to become covered in dark phytodetrital 'fluff, which
Figure 9.7 A block of wood retrieved from the deep- builds up rapidly during July until it is covering practically
sea containing the wood-eating boring bivalves from the the whole seabed (Lampitt 1985; Fig. 9 .8) . The input of
family Xylophagainae (photo: Meg Daly). material begins to decrease and the organisms on the sea-
9.4 The organisms of the deep sea

These tend to be small. opportunistic organisms such as
foraminiferans, nematodes. and copepods; foraminiferans
1 ../ such as Alabaminella becoming the dominant species after
the arrival of the phytodetritus (Smart & Gooday 1997) .
~ Work on organisms in the Porcupine Abyssal Plain. and
other areas, in recent years has demonstrated that many
." species. such as isopods, bivalves, and echinoderms. dem-
€~ onstrate seasonal maturation ofovaries and egg production
a (Fig. 9 .9). Five species of echinoderm were found to show
, , , remarkable reproductive synchrony, all producing small
May June July
planktonfeeding larvae in January or February, the larvae
Figure 9 .8 Seasonal deposition of phytodetritus onto the reaching surface waters in time for the spring phytoplank-
ocean floor (4 km depth) of the Porcupine Sea Bight. ton bloom. Such reproductive strategies do still remain
unusual in the context of the whole deep-sea and reflect
bed rapidly respond to the food supply, the detritus being evolutionary developments in areas where such strong sea-
quickly removed into the deep-sea food web. By mid-August sonal signals exist. For much of the rest of the ocean floor,
much of the seabed is again clear. Practically all material is megafaunal organisms reproduce throughout most of the
taken up by either microbes or metazoans, and so does not year and tend to produce large eggs with a lot of yolk, indi-
become incorporated into the sediment. Animals feeding on cating more direct or abbreviated development.
the sediment (e.g. holothurians) therefore have to process
vast quantities in order to extract sufficient organic material. r-selected species have generally fast generation times,
The input of food therefore provides a strong, regular, short lifespans, and mature early. They are commonly
and predictable seasonal signal for deep-sea organisms in found in disturbed or rapidly chang ing areas and survive
what is otherwise a seasonless. unchanging environment. in these cond itions as successive generations. The alterna-
This has allowed the biology of deep-sea organisms to be tive (k-selected) are long-lived, but competitive, organisms
viewed under a different light, with the potential for life that rely on stable conditions to survive and reproduce.
strategies and breeding cycles to have developed in order Such stability is clearly a feature of the deep sea.
to correspond to, and maximize the use of, this seasonal
input of food . Several species appear to have r-selected A further consequence of the increase in sinking rates
characteristics (thought unlikely in the deep sea) and have of material is that comparatively large amounts of food
populations that directly respond to the input of detritus. arrive on the ocean floor at specific times during the year,
rather than a continual low input of food. This also means
that there is a vast difference in the amount and timing of
food supply across the ocean floor. Deep-sea areas in tropi-
cal regions with minimal seasonality within the plankton
will not experience large, seasonal falls oforganic material,
whereas benthic regions beneath oligotrophic mid-oceanic
gyres will have a continually low amount of available food .
The deep-sea benthos is therefore far from being the same
habitat across the globe. While this may be true for other
physicochemical factors, the great variability in food supply
appears to be the prime forcing factor underlying spatial
patterns in biomass. abundance. diversity, and life histories.

9.4 The organisms of the deep

Figure 9 .9 A female deep-sea spider crab, Neolithodes,
carrying an egg mass. Crabs hold their abdomen under 9.4.1 General patterns of organism
their body, compared with lobsters, which have a straight change from shallow water to the deep
'tail', the female abdomen being much larger and hairier
than the male's enabling it to carry the eggs (photograph:
Craig Cary, University of Delaware College of Marine and One of the great gradients in the marine realm is the depth
Earth Studies and Delaware Sea Grant). gradient from coastal waters. across the shelf. and down
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

the continental slope to the abyssal plain. Providing infor- ing food concentration. However, some larger organisms
mation on how assemblages of organism change along do not demonstrate such a body size decrease, even quite
this dine dearly requires samples at all depths. This can the opposite, as exemplified by Figure 9.lOc, which plots
be problematical, as in many areas the continental slope is individual fish body size against depth: fish on average get
very steep and hard, if not impossible, to sample. The scale bigger as you move into the deep sea. Large deep-sea fish
and steepness of the continental slope can be dramatic in
places. South of the British Isles, for example, the slope (eJ 16
drops 2000 m over a few kilometres-a sloping diffhigher .. . "'. .• ••
than those of the Grand Canyon. Therefore, our knowledge
of species' patterns as we move from the shallows to the
12 •
• -• .' • •
~ Bacteria
deep sea has been built mainly from a few geographical 'k 10 ~ Meiofauna
• Mauofauna
areas where the slope is shallow enough to allow detailed
-g 8
sampling over the whole depth range. One such area is the - • Megafauna
Porcupine Sea Bight to the south-west of Ireland (indi-
cated in contour lines on Fig.?l) . Samples from trawls,
and other devices, can be pooled to enable general patterns
to be explored and some very clear trends have become
apparent. These were supported by samples taken from the o
other side of the Atlantic and more recently we have been
able to piece together samples from around the world to • ••
generate an overall global picture of how patterns of organ- -4
o 1000 2000 3000 41100 5000 601
isms change. llepth 1m)
(bJ 16 - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
9 .4.2 Abundance and biomass of • Bacteria
14 •• • Meiofauna
assemblages • Mauofauna
12 •
The number of individual organisms in any given area, • • Megafauna
and their total biomass, shows a sharp decline as you move 10
'k , "'. '" '"'" "' . .'" .
from shallow to deepwater (Fig. 9 .lOa, b; Rexet at. 2006),
although the rate of decline varies depending on the size of -
= 8 '" It... ~ t . '" ••
• • • ••
- • .. • •

organisms. The large animals (megafauna) show the dear- '"
:c 4 ' 1
est decrease in abundance with depth, whilst there appears
to be very little change in the number of bacteria. Overall, .s 2
however, there are many more organisms per unit area in
shallow water (Chapter 8) than there are in the deep sea; o
• . .. •
• • •
the abyssal plain is characterized by having a very sparse
fauna. These trends have been related to overall food supply
and its quality. Lowest levels of biomass are found in abyssal

regions under waters of low productivity, whereas coastal •
biomass is boosted by terrestrial run-off and high coastal
productivity, which will diminish with increasing distance g • •
from land. An exception to this pattern can be deep trenches .S' 600
relatively close to land, which act as traps for coastal sedi- ~
- • •
ment and detritus and consequently can often have a stand- .'
ing biomass much higher than would be predicted from the •

•'. .
trend in Fig. 9 .lOb. •

200 • • • •
• • •
9 .4.3 Size of individual organisms •
•• • .' • •
The trend in individual organism size shows a less consis-
tent pattern and varies between different sized organisms. o 1 ? , , ,
Generally, for the macrobenthos there is a decrease in mean Figure 9.10 Depth-related trends in (a) global abundance
size with depth, supported by trends in the meiofauna of organisms, (b) total organism biomass, and (c) size of
(Gage & Tyler 1991). This also has been related to decreas- individual fish off New England.
9.4 The organisms of the deep sea

are thought to be very old, as their growth rates are slow was rather bad luck for Forbes, and with further sampling
in the cold water. The orange roughy, for example, found it was clear that life existed in the depths; however, the
on sea mounts can live 120-130 years and does not reach arguments as to how many species are present in the deep
maturity until the age of 23-29 . This species is therefore sea still continue. We tend to think of coastal regions as
exceptionally vulnerable to over-fishing (Koslow 1997) . teeming with species, whereas the dark depths of the abyss
Depth-related increase in size becomes extreme in some have comparatively little life. This image perhaps arises
deep-sea groups, which demonstrate gigantism: giant from the trend in abundance (Fig. 9 .10a), and having
organisms are one of the major features of the deep sea fewer individual organisms clearly will affect the number
(9.4.11), a trend also apparent in polar seas (Chapter 12.9), of species present in any given area (Chapters 1 and 15).
suggesting this phenomenon may be a function ofcold tem- However, perhaps a more suitable measure of diversity is
peratures rather than depth. how many species are encountered when studying a cer-
tain number of individuals, which will control for changes
in density. Work from the late 1960s and into the 1980s
9.4.4 Diversity trends
suggested that such patterns ofdiversity do not necessarily
OUf impression of diversity in the deep sea has changed demonstrate a linear relationship with depth (Fig. 9.11a),
dramatically over the period of its study. In the nineteenth as perhaps would be expected, but a peak in diversity at
century, Edward Forbes suggested that an 'a zo ic zone' ( = around 2000 m depth (Rex 1981) . Potentially this rela-
'no animals', so lifeless) existed below 600 m, following a tionship may be still affected by the declining density with
series of dredges in the Aegean Sea. It just happened that depth, and clearly there is a need to increase sampling in
this is a particularly sparse region of the deep sea. which the deepest areas to clarify this pattern. When quantitative

(-J 25 PolydlOetes
• • 6 ,,
-- 15 •
20 •

o (0)

• ·• ••, • •
, • r• ,• ••
10 8 4o ~
••• ~

5 ~
• •
0 c

15 Invertebrate megafauna
• •
s 25 ~
•• •
•• • •
= •

t• 10 •
• • • • \..~
, .
• , , , ,
on 0
(b) ,, •
•• t ••

2 4 0 2 4 --.
2O ~ •

• .,
• ,
Depth (km) ~

J • • •" I
I • • • •
1Or ••

• •
• • I
'" 5f- • '.


100 t 0
DO 20
60 ,
t •
, ,
0 --vi" 15 • , •
• •,
•• • • ,, ••
I •• •
20 , ~

, •• ,..
•• •• • ,, •
, I
••. '
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 = , I
• • • ,, •• • •
lndiriducls 900 an"2 5
,, • • ••
'- ..

Figure 9.11 Diversity patterns in the deep sea. (a) An 60 40 20 0 2 0 4060 DO
example of the number of species expected for each 50 N latitude S
individuals encountered, indicating a peak in diversity
around 2000 m. (b) The relationship between number Figure 9.12 Latitudinal diversity trends in three groups
of individuals in a 900 cm 2 sample and the number of of invertebrate for deep-sea sites suggesting tropical
species in the sample, demonstrating a remarkably similar deep-sea areas are more diverse than those at higher
ratio regardless of depth. latitudes, particularly in the northern hemisphere.
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

samples from a range of deep-sea sites are collated there An organism 's realized niche represents the range of
appeared to be a consistent ratio of number of species to cond itions over which the species exists in its habitat.
number of individuals in a specified area, regardless of This contrasts with the fundamental niche, which is the
depth (Fig. 9 .11b; Grassle 1989) . Additionally, abyssal range of conditions over w hich the species could survive
sites can vary considerably in their diversity. even those if other factors, such as competition, were not involved .
comparatively close geographically (see 9.2.6) . A distinct
latitudinal diversity trend (see Chapter 1) is also appar-
entin the deep sea for several groups (Fig. 9.12), although
9.4.6 How many species are there in
there is evidence that the southern hemisphere is more
diverse than deep-sea areas in the northern hemisphere the deep sea?
(Rex et a1. 1993) . The trend in diversity with depth there- One of the great debates in ecology is how many species
fore remains to be confirmed, perhaps due to the compara- actually exist on the earth. Much of the debate has centred
tively small number ofsamples we have managed to obtain on diverse terrestrial systems such as tropical rainforests
from the deep sea. However. what is clear is that overall (with their huge insect diversity), with inputs to the debate
the deep sea is far more diverse than early workers could from coastal marine areas such as coral reefs. As the deep
possibly have imagined (see section 9.4.6) . sea was generally regarded as species poor, the world's lar-
gest habitat had not been considered as being important in
terms of global diversity until comparatively recently. The
9.4.5 Trends in species composition
vast majority of work on the deep sea has concentrated on
Most large environmental gradients in the marine envi- the larger animals. but as more and more samples are pro-
ronment demonstrate a distinct sequential distribution cessed from the sediment it is becoming clear that the diver-
of organisms, such as for rocky shores (Chapter 6) and sity of small organisms in the deep sea is very high indeed;
estuaries (Chapter 5) . Closely related organisms have most new mud samples that are thoroughly studied reveal
specific environmental requirements and so fill a realized species new to science. However, the problem arises with
niche that has minimal overlap with similar potentially estimating the number of species in the whole ocean basin
competing species. Perhaps surprisingly. given the huge from the tiny fraction of the seabed that we have sampled.
spatial scale, a sequential distribution of similar species Attempts to undertake this extrapolation have launched the
is also apparent along the depth gradient from coast to deep sea into the midst of the 'How many species?' debate.
abyss. An example is for squat lobsters (galatheid crust-
aceans) in the Porcupine Sea Bight (Fig. 9 .13), where The diversity of microbes has only recently been
species from two closely related genera each exist across approached using new techn iques that amplify ribo-
comparatively narrow depth ranges. Where overlap does somal RNA in samples. rRNA is a constitutive molecule
occur (e.g. Munidopsis rostrata and M. bermudezi), the in bacteria, and sequences can be determined in order
species appear to be functionally separated; for example, to assess the number of species present, even if the
each member of the pair has one of two different chela bacteria cannot be cultured.
morphologies (Fig. 9.13) . In the case of the example pair
of species, M. bermudezi has spade-shaped chelae, while The World Resources Institute (http:/ /
those of M. rostrata are spear-shaped. How this morpho- states that approximately 1.4 million species are known to
logical difference relates to feeding, and thus niche sep- exist on the planet. most of these are insects, especially bee-
aration. is however unclear. tles (Chapter 1). Estimates in the early 1990s suggested a

Depth (m)
Species o 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Munida rugosa
Munida sarsi
Munida tenuimana
•- Figure 9 .1 3 Bathymetric
Munidopsis curvirastro
Munidopsis rostrato - distribution of squat lobster
Munidopsis bennudezi
Munidopsis aries - species in the Porcupine
Sea Bight, illustrating a
Munidopsis antonii clear sequential distribution.
Munidopsis porfoiti Species illustrated are M.
Munidopsis crossa
bermudezi (left) and f\1.
rostrata (right).
9.4 The organisms of the deep sea

total of 3 to 4 million species were present on earth, mainly bivalve molluscs. and pericarid crustaceans (e .g . amphi-
in the terrestrial environment, but attention was drawn to pods. cumaceans), while the main meiofauna constituents
deep-sea diversity following a study by Fred Grassle and are nematodes. copepods, and Foraminifera. It is the larger
Nancy Maciolek of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute megafauna that show the differences. organisms that are
(Grassle & Maciolek 1992). They had taken a large number big enough to show up in photographs and to be caught in
of replicate samples from along a deep-sea depth contour trawls. These can be divided into three groups.
off New England, USA, and had found a remarkably high
number ofspecies new to science. in particular polychaetes.
9.4.8 Sessile megafauna
Additionally, new species continued to be encountered with
additional samples. The pattern of species' capture with Sessile organisms are generally uncommon in soft-sediment
increasing sample area was assessed and used to estimate environments due to the lack of suitable hard substratum
further species' capture rates across the deep-sea basin, for attachment. However. two comparatively unfamiliar
with a conservative conclusion that there were probably at groups of cnidarian that are found in coastal areas are
least 10 million species in the deep sea. This caused much much more successful in the deep sea. Both are members
controversy, particularly among terrestrial ecologists and of the Anthozoa (a group containing corals and anemones) :
some coastal marine ecologists who criticized the tech- the sea fans (gorgonians), and the sea pens (pennatulids) .
niques used. but initiated a more detailed consideration of These organisms are anchored to the sediment by means
the globe's total biodiversity, particularlywhen the smallest of a stalk, with the feeding and reproductive zooids held
organisms are considered. well above the fine mud. Both groups are often found in
Research on nematode worms has shown that this group comparatively large beds and seem to be characteristic of
is exceptionally species rich in the deep sea. but, as in most relatively high-energy deep-sea regions. A further group
habitats. had been comparatively ignored, and estimates of deep-sea anthozoans are the extensive hard coral reefs,
of their diversity in the deep sea have been as excessive whose size and importance has only recently been appreci-
as 100 million species, although recent detailed analyses ated with the use of video technology.
have considerably reduced such predictions (Lambshead & Deep-water corals occur worldwide, often on sea mounts;
Boucher 2003) . Recently, it has also become evident that extensive reefs are present between 800 and 1300 m off
there is a vast diversity of bacteria and viruses in the world's west Ireland, for example. One Lophelia pertusa reef (Fig.
oceans (e.g, Beja et al. 2002), a large undefined number 9.2c) on the SulaRidge off Norway, was found to be over 14
of parasite species, plus perhaps a much-underestimated km in length and rose 30 m above the bed in some places.
insect diversity in the terrestrial biome. Biodiversity esti- The reefs are also extremely old-recent pieces of skeleton
mates are therefore constantly under revision. The only real dated using 14C were found to be at least 4550 years old!
certainty is that we do not know how many species there Due to their complexity compared with the muddy bottom,
are, and estimates now range from 10 million to over 111 deep-sea coral reefs also have a diverse associated commu-
million species in total. It is unlikely we will ever be much nity, including fish, and thus have been popular areas for
more accurate. particularlywhen the majority of the Earth's fishing. Only recently has it become apparent that trawl-
surface remains unsampled. ing has done extensive damage to many of these ancient
deep-sea reefs (Hall-Spencer et al. 2002) . The only other
group ofsessile organisms that are commonly encountered
9.4.7 The main groups of organism on
in the deep sea are the sponges (Porifera) . For example,
the deep-sea bed beds of soccer-ball-sized glass sponges (Pheronema) can be
We are very familiar with the main groups of larger marine found below 1000 m in the Porcupine Sea Bight and their
organism dominant in shallow waters, but comparatively main opening (o scu lu m) is regularly used as ready-made,
few taxonomic groups of animal have proliferated on the sediment-free burrows by animals such as Munida squat
deep-ocean floor and are most regularly caught in samples. lobsters (Fig. 9.2c) .
Some taxa that are comparatively innocuous or species
poor in coastal regions are dominant in the deep sea. The
9.4.9 Sedentary megafauna
assemblage composition of the abyssal plain, even at the
level of phylum, will therefore show marked differences The group of deep-sea organisms that we probably know
from shallow water. least about are the large animals living below the mud sur-
From the comparatively few samples fully analysed, the face . While our grabs and dredges can sample the smaller
taxonomic composition of smaller organisms in the mud and shallow-living fauna. the only real information we have
(termed macrofauna (>0.5 mm) and meiofauna «0.5 on anything larger or deeper is from photographs, either of
mm), see 8.3 .1) are similar to equivalent sediments in shal- part of the organism or, more tantalizingly. marks left on
low waters. The macrofauna are dominated by polychaetes, the mud surface (termed Lebensspuren-German for 'life-
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

9.4.10 Mobile megafauna

The group of deep-sea organisms we know most about

are the large animals that move about on. or just above,
the mud surface and are caught in both photographs and
trawls. Many taxonomic groups are represented in the
mobile megafauna. but three are particularly dominant and
characteristic ofthe deep-sea fauna: echinoderms. decapod
crustaceans. and fish.

The deep sea could reasonably be termed the kingdom of
the echinoderm, as this phylum is far more prevalent than
in most shallow regions. All classes of echinoderm are well
represented in the deep-sea benthic fauna, but two groups
are particularly widespread and diverse: the brittlestars
(Ophiuroidea) and sea cucumbers (Holothuroidea). The
holothuroids in particular are remarkably diverse and com-
mon in the deep sea, and show a fantastic range of mor-
phological developments to life in the deep ocean, from
swimming ability due to the development of 'fins' (e.g.
Enypniaste; Fig. 9 .15) to highly modified oral tentacles (e .g.
Peniagone) that are used as hand-like structures to collect
Figure 9.14 Example of traces left by deep-sea organisms sediment particles. In some food-rich parts ofthe deep sea.
on the mud surface taken at the Hawaii-2 observatory at sea cucumbers can also be abundant, forming 'herds' that
-5000 m depth. (a) Track trace, 'the lugworm' presumably move together across the seabed. Examples include Kolga
an animal moving along or under the surface (photograph: hyalina and Scotoplanesglobosa, whose suction-like feeding
Stace E. Beaulieu WHOI). (b) Spoke trace, a feed ing method has been termed 'vacuum cleaning', as they suck up
impression made from the central hole, perhaps by an sediment and its inhabitants. Deposit-feeding sea cucum-
echiuran worm (photograph: ECOMAR project, Oceanlab, bers have to process vast amounts ofsediment to obtain suf-
University of Aberdeen).

traces'; Fig.9.14) . Another group of organisms that is not

commonly encountered in shallow water, but appears to be
a major constituent of the deep-sea infauna, is the Echiura
(spoon worms) . These live permanently in burrows, but
extend a feeding proboscis across the mud surface to collect
depositing detritus. Occasionally the proboscis has been
caught in photos and the extended part has been measured
at over 50 cm long. suggesting an animal size of at least
a metre. Echiuran worms also leave a distinctive. rosette-
like feeding trace (Fig. 9.14b) and examples of these that
have been photographed were clearly made by organisms
biggerthan 1 m. It is likely that many unusual and fascinat-
ing large animals live below the deep-sea sediment surface,
but unless our technology develops dramatically they will
remain unknown.

Sedentary-organisms that tend to stay in one place, but

could move, if required. Examples include sea anemones, Figure 9.15 The swimming holothurian Enypniastes,
large burrowing worms such as Arenicolo, and students. illustrating the amazing diversification of sea cucumber
form in the deep sea (photo: NOAA).
9.4 The organisms of the deep sea

ficient food : a single individual can pass 100 g of sediment life the crabs migrate up the continental slope to shallow-
through the gut every day. Such organisms, together with water breeding grounds (Attrill et al. 1990). It is possible
burrowers, can have a large bioturbating effect and are that the absence of small crabs in the shallow areas is due
highly important in structuring and altering the sediment. to competition from the comparatively high densities of
and in potentially influencing small-scale diversity patterns Munida sarsi squat lobsters present at these depths (Fig.
(Widdicombe et al. 2000) . 9 .13) . Below 1000 to 2000 m there are very few crab spe-
cies to be found, with the amazing exception of a couple
Decapod crustaceans of species (e .g. Cyanograea) that exist on the ocean floor
Crabs, prawns, and lobsters are a familiar component of around hydrothermal vents (9 .5.3) .
practically all coastal habitats, but like echinoderms the
most common large crustaceans on the deep-sea floor Ontogenetie-a factor that changes as an organism pro-
belong to a less familiar group. Below the edge of the con- gresses thro ugh different developmental stages. Exam-
tinental shelf, the dominant group of walking (re pt a n t) ples are o ntogenetic shifts in diet, and changes in the
crustaceans are the squat lobsters-anomuran crustaceans shape or size of certain body parts, such as crab chelae.
related to hermit crabs (Fig. 9 .13) . Crabs are comparatively The noun is ontogeny.
rare in the deep sea and seem to be mainly a shallow-water
group, with a couple of exceptions. The red crabs (Geryon The other main group of deep-sea decapod crustaceans
and Chaceon) can extend down to below 1000 m in many are the prawns, which tend to swim above the seabed
parts of the world and are often the object of commercial (n a tant) . Many of these are large compared with shallow-
fisheries . In the Porcupine Sea Bight, the red crab spe- water species, and are often a bright red colour (Fig. 9 .16a).
cies is Geryon trispinosus (Fig. 9 .2a) , which appears to This would be an unusual anti-predator mechanism in
undertake an ontogenetic depth-related migration as it coastal regions, but is a common strategy in the deep sea
passes through its life stages. Young crabs are present only and is related to the relative attenuation of light. Red light
in deeper water, while the largest breeding adults are in does not penetrate far into the water column, and so in the
depths at the top limit of the deep sea (2-300 m) .ltwould gloomy (dysph otic) regions of the deep sea, where some
appear that the larvae settle out at depth and through their light still penetrates, the red wavelength is absent. There-

Figure 9.16 (a) Examples of deep-sea prawns, highlighting their use of red colouration for 'camouflage' (photo:
NOAA). (b) Head of the rattail Nematomurus. (c) The 'jellyfish' Conocavara (both photos: Martin Attrill). (d) The deep-sea
anglerfish Phrynichthys, collected at 800 metres depth in 1991 (phote: WHOI).
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

fore, red organisms will be 'invisible' as there is no red light the orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticlLS) and the coel-
to reflect off them. A fascinating predator-prey arms race acanth (Latimeria chalumnae), have wax esters making
has evolved in the deep sea. with some species of deep-sea up more than 90% of the swim bladder fat to boost buoy-
fish possessing light organs that produce red light-a torch ancy (Randall & Farrell 1997), while others (e.g .Antimora
to reveal red prey in the dark! (Box 9 .1) rostrata) have fat-filled swim bladders, mainly cholesterol
and phospholipids. An alternative buoyancy method is
Natant organisms mainly swim , whereas reptant organ- to reduce body density (particularly skeletal and muscle
isms mainly crawl on the seabed. density) by converting tissues to lighter substances such
as water, gelatinous material, or cartilage. Such fish with
watery or gelatinous tissues (e.g. Acanthonus, Conocovara;
Fish Fig. 9 .16c) are only slightly denserthan water and true jel-
Perhaps the most evocative images of the deep sea are the lyfish!
weird, alien-like fish with huge teeth, bulging eyes, or enor-
mous mouths, which have been trawled up from the deep
9.4.11 Gigantism in the deep sea
and feature in many a documentary series. However, most
of these species inhabit the featureless open-water habi- A feature of the deep sea is that some groups that are
tat and few groups of deep-sea fish are actually adapted classified as macrofauna in coastal waters have deep-sea
to a true benthic lifestyle. These are mainly rays, hagfish, species that are so large they can be caught in trawls and
some flatfish, and angler-fish, a group that has diversified considered megafauna (Gage & Tyler 1991) . Giant amphi-
in the deep sea and generally employs some form of bio- pod and isopod crustaceans are features of the deep-sea
luminescence as a lure (Fig . 9 .16d) . Most fish found on benthos (and also Polar regions; Chapter 12) and among
the abyssal floor are known as benthopelagic, swimming the major scavenging organisms. Examples include the
just above the seabed but not resting on it. A diverse group massive amphipod Eurythenes gryllus, which can grow to
of fish comprise this assemblage, but there appears to be 140 mm (Fig. 9 .6), and the giant swimming isopod Bathy-
a common. elongated body form regardless of taxa that is nornus gigantelLS (Fig. 9 .17), which can grow to 0 .5 min
the ideal shape for deep-sea life. This is exemplified by the length and is commercially fished! Sea spiders (pycno-
rat-tails (Macrouridae; Fig. 9 .16b), with long dorsal and gonids) also have giant representatives in the deep sea:
anal fins supported by many fin rays and practically no tail Colossendeis colossea has a leg-span up to 0.5 m, its long
fin. In cold water, with comparatively low energy inputs, legs acting as stilts that help to keep the body above the
fast movement may not be practical, so it is likely that most sediment. However, perhaps the most remarkable exam-
benthopelagic fish move slowly and continually across the ple of gigantism occurs in a group known as the xenophy-
bottom. ophores (Levin 1994), originally thought to be related
Rat-tails, such as the roundnose grenadier (Coryphaenoi- to sponges but now known to be giant single-celled pro-
des rupestris), are members of the same major group as cod tozoans (their own phylum within the Protoctista), that
and haddock (Gadiformes). They are a successful, diverse, are so large they appear in photographs of the seabed and
and comparatively abundant taxonomic group within are bigger than most macrofaunal metazoans. Their form
the benthopelagic fishes and have supported commercial
fisheries, particularly by Russian fleets (Randall & Farrell
1997). A major problem for benthopelagic fish is the ability
to remain above the sediment. Hydrodynamic lift, as used
by many coastal fishes, requires relatively fast movement
and thus a large amount of energy, so is nota suitable strat-
egy in the deep sea. To achieve neutral buoyancy, deep-sea
fish either use buoyancy devices or reduce tissue density. As
with shallow fish species, many still utilize swim bladders
to achieve buoyancy, despite the problems of gas compres-
sion under the immense hydrostatic pressure-fish with
gas-filled swim bladders have been found to a maximum
depth of 5000 to 7000 m where the energetic costs of main-
tenance probably become too great.
An alternative buoyancy option comparatively unaf-
fected by pressure is to use lipids instead of air in a swim
bladder. Lipid accumulation in organs such as the liver is Figure 9.17 The giant deep-sea isopod Bathynomus
used for buoyancy by shark species, but some fish, such as giganteus.
9.5 Hydrothermal vents islands in the deep sea

is varied, from spherical to disc-shaped and can have a 9.5 Hydrothermal vents->
branching n etwork below the mud surface . The largest, islands in the deep sea
the leaf-shaped Stannophyllum, is 0 .25 m in diameter and
1 mm thick! In some areas of the deep sea. such as the Thirty years ago, practically all deep-sea ecology was
south Pacific. xenophyophores are the dominant taxon focused on the comparatively featureless deep-sea bed and
and can comprise 97% of the biomass. our impressions ofdeep-sea life were therefore determined
The best-known example of a deep-sea giant is the by this image. However, discoveries over the last couple of
legendary giant squid Architeuthis. The maximum size of decades, through the use of submersibles and more inten-
this species remains unclear. the largest caught specimen sive acoustic mapping, have demonstrated that the ocean
(1878) measuring nearly 17 m long. Sailors' observations, basin is not a continuous. featureless floor but within these
and sucker scars on sperm whales. suggest squid lengths plains are a series of other features that have exciting,
> SO m, but it has also been pointed out that such scars may unique, and often diverse communities: islands in a sea of
increase in size as the whale grows. However. there appears mud. Most are based on unusual outcrops of hard substrate
to be an even bigger species, the 'colossal' squid Mesony- that have been formed by different means, and include sea
choteuthis hamiltoni, a specimen of which was caught in mounts (De Forges et al. 2000) and deep-sea coral reefs
2003 from 2000 m off New Zealand (http:/ /www.tonmo. (Hall-Spencer et al. 2002; Fig.9.2c) . However, the most
com/science/publicigiantsquidfacts.php) . dramatic and unusual island communities are associated
Why do giant taxa exist in the deep sea? Several theories with hydrothermal vents.
have been produced, including links to the metabolic effects
of great hydrostatic pressure and cold. the differences in
9.5.1 What and where are
dissolved oxygen levels (see 12.9), delayed onset of sexual
maturity. and indeterminate growth-organisms live a very
hydrothermal vents?
long time and continue growing. Other ideas relate to the Hydrothermal vents are associated with parts of the ocean
method of food capture. and perhaps have a clearer evo- floor that exhibit high levels of tectonic activity, such as
lutiona ry route. For example, giant scavenging amphipods the spreading axes of plate formation (mid-ocean ridges),
could be an adaptation to a foraging strategy where high and vent clusters have been given evocative names such as
motility is needed to locate sparsely dispersed food. How- 'Rose Garden' and 'Snake Pit'. The first vent was observed in
ever, we are still not clear how, or why, animals often living 1977 on the Galapagos Rift (Pacific) from the submersible
in extremely oligotrophic areas become so large. Alvin (Fig. 9 .3a) by a team including Bob Ballard-the man

Figure 9 .18 (a) A black smoker. (b) A dense aggregation of ventimentiferan tubeworms (Riftia) near a hydrothermal
vent. (Copyright: NOAA.)
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

behind the rediscovery of the Titanic. The system was found

by 'chance' when investigating temperature anomalies in
surface waters. Within such regions, hot magma chambers
occurnear the seabed and heat up water that has permeated
into the ocean floor; water temperatures above lOQOC are
possible due to the high hydrostatic pressure that prevents
waterboiling. This superheated water erupts back out ofthe
seabed carrying with it a rich cloud ofminerals, such as sul-
phides, methane, manganese, and many other trace metals.
The vent therefore often appears as smoke emerging from a
chimney formed by mineral deposits (Fig. 9 .1Sa) . The hot-
test, and most dramatic, type of vent is therefore termed
'black smoker' due to the colour of the plume, and water
temperatures within the plume can be up to 350°C. 'White
smokers' also exist, which tend to be a little cooler. and in
some areas hot water escapes through cracks and crevices
in the seabed to form diffuse vents with water temperatures
much lower than the smokers. Hot emissions from smokers
are rapidly mixed in the cold deep-sea. so most vent animals
generally live in water temperatures close to the ambient
of 2°C (the plume water also contains no oxygen), though
there are astonishing exceptions, such as the polychaete
worm Alvinella pompejana (or Pompeii worm; Fig. 9 .19),
which forms burrows on the vent chimneys (Cary et a1.
1998) . Water temperatures within the worm burrows mea-
sured by Alvin were found to average 6SoC, with frequent
spikes up to 81 °C. Pompeii worms emerge from burrows Figure 9.19 The Pompeii worm (Atv/nella popejana}-the
to feed on filamentous bacteria and have been known to most thermotolerant multicellular organism on Earth?
survive short exposure to 105°C! Alvinella is the most ther- (Copyright: Nature.)
motolerant eukaryotic organism known.
vents is not primarily explained by production offree-living
bacteria, but through chemosynthetic, symbiotic bacteria
9.5.2 Production at hydrothermal
that live within the vent invertebrates. A group of animals
vents unique to vent environments has therefore evolved that
Hydrothermal vents are exceptional among deep-sea relies upon a symbiotic relationship with bacteria.
islands, and vastly different from the rest of the deep sea,
in having a huge biomass of associated organisms (Fig.
9.5.3 Classic vent animals
9.1Sb) . Clearly, alternative methods offood supply are sus-
taining these communities. and this production is autoch- Probably the most striking examples of this dependence on
thonous and related to the supply of reduced compounds symbiotic organisms are the large vestimentiferan tube-
(particularly sulphur compounds) emerging from the vent. worms characteristic of vent communities in the Pacific
Vent assemblages are sustained by primary production gen- (Fig. 9. I Sb). Previously these worms were classified within
erated by bacteria through chemosynthesis (Box 9.2) and another unusual worm group, the Pogonophora, then
considered of little importance until recently, when vents given a phylum of their own (Vestimentifera), but through
were investigated. molecular analysis are now known to be highly developed
Chemo-autotrophic bacteria are present in hydrothermal members of the Polychaeta. The 1 to 2 m long worms, such
fluid and tend to be members of the most ancient Archaea. as Riftia pachyptila, live in white tubes attached to the vent
These can tolerate exceptionally high temperatures and are surrounds (15 to 20°C) with a red tentacular plume extend-
therefore either known as hyperthermophiles (SQ-115°C) ing from the tube, which can be retracted quickly when
orthe most extreme superthermophiles (> 115°C) . Bacte- disturbed. While superficially the worms look like normal,
ria are also free-living in the vent environment, such as the if large, tube-dwelling polychaetes feeding on particulate
filamentous bacteria fed upon by Alvinella, and thus pro- material, they have two strange anatomical features: they
vide a continually replaced food supply for vent animals. completely lack a mouth and digestive system and they
However, the comparatively large biomass associated with have a specialized organ (tro ph o som e) that houses che-
9.5 Hydrothermal vents islands in the deep sea

mosynthetic bacteria deep within the animal's body; bac- Vestimentiferans are classic features ofPacific vents. but
teria compose up to 50% of the weight of the worm. Riftia in the mid-Atlantic (whose vent systems have a very differ-
relies on bacteria for its organic carbon supply, the plume ent fauna to the Pacific), the dominant animal is often a spe-
of tentacles is used to uptake other nutrients from the sur- cies of shrimp (e.g, Rimicaris exoculata; Fig.9 .20), which
rounding environment. can form huge swarms around hydrothermal vents. These
Other key components of the vent fauna are large, white shrimps are characterized by large, paired dorsal eyes that
bivalve molluscs, which form extensive clusters in cracks can extend halfway down the midline of the shrimp; the
and crevices around smokers and other vents. These are typ- shrimps do not possess normal eyes and eyestalks. It has
ified byrwo genera: the giant clam (Calyptogena; Fig.9.20), been proposed that Rimicaris can detect thermal radiation
which can grow up to 26 ern, and the vent mussel (Bathy - emitted from hot vent fluids, thus enabling the shrimp to
modiolus). These molluscs also house symbiotic bacteria (in navigate around the vent without being cooked.
cell vacuoles rather than a specific organ), which supply While the tubeworms, bivalves, and decapod crusta-
the majority of the bivalve's organic carbon needs. Calypto- ceans are the most prominent groups associated with vents.
gena takes in ambient CO2-rich water over the gills through most other taxa are also represented, particularly sessile
siphons, while its foot extends into the crevice where it lives and sedentary animals. such as sponges and anemones.
in order to exploit warm sulphide-rich vent fluids. Few fish species are found only in vent habitats. an excep-
The other major group present on vents are decapod tion being the well-named Thermarces, which has aspects
crustaceans. which scavenge off other vent animals rather of its biochemistry adapted for high temperatures as well
than having endosymbiotic bacteria. Squat lobsters are as high pressure. The fish appears to feed on the abundant
common. but Pacific vents also have associated crab spe- swarms of amphipod crustaceans (Halice) that can reach
cies (e.g, Bythograea thermydron ; Fig.9.20) that are key densities of > 1000 1-1above lower temperature vents!
members of the vent food-web but comparatively uncom- The exact composition of vent assemblages and the rela-
mon anywhere else in the deep sea due, perhaps. to the tive position of species at a vent seem closely related to the
planktonic larval strategy generally adopted by the group. chemical speciation within the vent water (Luther et a1.
How this species has colonized and adapted to life on vents 2001) . Significant differences in oxygen, iron, and sulphur
is therefore an interesting question, but it would appear speciation are correlated with the distribution of taxa in dif-
that larval stages of the crab remain in the vicinity of the ferent microhabitats.
vent. Like shallow-water crabs, large numbers of eggs are
produced, but first-stage zoea of Bythograea have been cap-
9.5.4 other types of vent and seep
tured in plankton tows of bottom water over vents rather
than at the surface thousands of metres above. However, Not all chemosynthesis-based communities in the deep
the most remarkable feature is the megalopa (settling larval sea rely on hot-water vents and distinct assemblages have
stage), which is enormous compared with shallow-water been discovered associated with other conditions, where
crabs (5-10 cm carapace length) and common in both a suitable concentrated source of nutrients is available.
water overlying vents and within clumps of Riftia where Most of these are termed cold seeps; for example. where
they appear to take refuge. oil leaks onto the sea floor from underground reservoirs.

Figure 9 .20 Examples of organisms associated with hydrothermal vents. (a) The giant vent clam Calyptogena (Photo
taken by Richard A. Lutz). (b) Swarms of shrimps (Rimicaris) around vents in the North Atlantic (© Missao Seahma,
2002 (FCT, Portugal PDCTM 1999MAR15281) w/IFREMER).
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

These communities are often dominated by the bivalves (oj Riffio pochypnlo
that have symbiotic relationships with chemosynthetic bac-
teria. The deepest chemosynthesis-based community so far -"

discovered is at 7326 m in the Japan trench (Pacific) and is 0 1.5

dominated by the bivalve Maorithyas hadalis (Fujikura et al. :E 1.0 8 o

1999) . At this site, as in other trenches, the assemblage is o
sustained by chemosynthesis using the high sulphide con- 0.5
tent of the sediment associated with the geologic fault . A
large deep-sea oil 'lake' exists on the sea floor in the north- 0 1 2 3 4
ern Gulf of Mexico. The lake is ringed by deep-sea bivalves, 2.0
(bJ Bothymodiolus thermophilus
which can cluster so closely that individuals get pushed into
the lake-with fatal consequences.

0 . ____ 0 - -

1.0 __ A - - - - - - - -
9.5.5 Dispersal and gene flow in vent
• :E ",03.
orgamsms 0.5
Most vent organisms are uniquely associated with vents or
seeps, and a feature of vent fauna is the number of endem- o 1 2 3 4
ics, many with ancient lineages. The persistence of ancient log (distonce)
taxa has led to suggestions that vents have been compara-
tively immune to major planetary extinction events. as Figure 9.21 Gene flow models in vent organisms. (a)
they are only indirectly dependent on the sun. However. Rlitia, the isolation-by-distance model, with migration rate
hydrothermal vents are comparatively temporary in nature decreasing with distance. (b) Bathymodiolus, the island
as the Earth's crust will move over the magma chamber and model, where migration rate is constant, regardless of
the vent will 'die'. Observation of the Rose Garden vents distance.
near the Galapagos Islands since discovery in 1979 has
suggested some degree of succession as the vent matures vent mussel appears to be unusual in this respect. though
and its chemical nature changes (Hessler et al. 1988; Van its apparent wide dispersion may be also influenced by its
Dover 2000) . Rifria seems associated with comparatively ability to colonize a range of seep and vent types.
new vents, but declines in relation to decreases in sulphide Despite the general lack of dispersal ability, vent organ-
concentration . The bivalves, however. persist and even isms appear to successfully colonize the majority of vents.
expand their populations as vestimentiferans disappear. The puzzle of how poorly dispersing larvae can travel large
suggesting possible competitionbetween mussels and tube- distances has focused on the supply of potential stepping-
worms. New vents will clearly emerge through the same stones between vents that provide the suitable nutrient sup-
geological process, but one of the most interesting aspects ply for chemosynthesis to occur. Whale skeletons provide
of vent ecology is how organisms disperse between vents such a resource (HzS is produced by bacterial decomposi-
and how new vents become colonized . The majority ofvent tion of lipids). so larvae could disperse over several gen-
organisms appear to have larvae with abbreviated develop- erations (Smith & Baco 2003) . Conversely, it has also been
ment (lecit hotroph ic), so will be colonizing nearby vents. suggested that some groups of organisms may have origi-
Surveys in the Pacific have suggested vents are generally nally invaded vents from biological material, such as whale
< 10 km apart but there is up to 100 km between vent bone and wood; analysis of such material from the deep
fields, presenting dispersal problems between these strings sea revealing small mussel species (e.g . Idas washingtonia)
of islands for short-lived larvae of endemic vent species in the same subfamily as Bathymodiolus, which appear to
(Van Dover 2000) . If dispersal, and thus gene flow, is lim- have preceded vent specialization within this lineage (Dis-
ited then there would be extensive genetic differentiation tel et al. 2000) . These small bivalves possess chemosyn-
between vent fields. Two different models of gene flow are thetic endosymbionts, utilizing sulphide produced by wood
apparent in vent taxa (Vrijenhoek et al. 1998; Van Dover decomposition, so it is feasible that wood (and bone) were
2000) . Rifria fits a 'stepping-stone' model with most gene vectors that originally transported mussels to vents.
exchange occurring between neighbouring populations While vent taxa appear to disperse effectively, through
and gene flow declining with distance (Fig. 9.21a), whereas a variety of strategies. it would appear that some deep-sea
patterns of gene flow are different for Bathymodiolus (Fig. islands remain uncolonized . Recently. a new vent field was
9.21b) where migration rate appears unrelated to distance. discovered in the mid-Atlantic (named 'Lost City'), which
This is termed the 'island' model suggesting long-distance had steep-sided black smokers and dense microbial com-
dispersal and mixing of larvae within a 'migrant pool'. The munities, yet none of the large invertebrates associated
Further Reading
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

with other Atlantic vent systems (Kelley et al. 2001) . This currents have not, as yet, brought settling larvae of vent
new field lies 15 km off the main axis of the mid-Atlantic organisms.
ridge and clearly is in a position where the main dispersive

Chapter Summary
• The deep ocean floor (below 200 m) represents the largest habitat on the planet, but the least
known. The abyssal plain extends across the bottom of much of the ocean at depths of 4000-
5000 m.
• Sampling the deep-sea floor is except ionally difficult and is an expensive undertaking. As a result,
much of our knowledge of larger organisms comes from photography and comparatively few
samples. More recent ly, submersibles have revolutionized how we can sample and observe this
distant environment.
• Conditions on the abyssal plain are remarkably constant, generally being dark and cold (2°C), w ith
the seabed made up of fine , deep mud. Hydrostatic pressure is over 500 times that at the surface.
• Food supply is the main limiting factor for deep-sea animals, as the food web relies on the fall of
organic material from the surface layers, mainly as 'marine snow'. This fall is seasonal in temperate
regions, giving regu lar annual cues to benthic organisms.
• Only 1-3"0 of surface production reaches the ocean floor, so animals on the abyssal plain are in low
abundance and total biomass. However; individual animals can grow very large, with giant members
of groups such as sea spiders, amphipods, and xenophyophores (giant single-celled protozoans)
a feature of the deep sea.
• There is much controversy over how many species live in the deep-sea, with estimates as excessive
as 100 million! We will never know the actual number, but it is possible that the majority of species
on earth live in the deep sea.
• Many deep-sea organisms produce light, known as bioluminescence. This can be for a range of
functions, such as attracting prey, deterring predators, spotting prey in the dark, and advert ising
for mates.
• In the late 19705 and early 1980s the use of submersibles assisted the discovery of an entirely
new ecosystem in the deep-sea-hydrot hermal vents. The sulphur in these vent systems is used by
bacteria to generate production throug h chemosynthesis-primary production without t he need
for sunlight. Many vent animals, such as giant tube worms known as vestimentiferans, have vast
numbers of these bacteria living symbiotically in t heir bodies and providing them with a food sup-
• How vent animals disperse continues to puzzle marine ecologists. Some species may use stepping-
stones on t he ocean floor to reach new vents. Whale carcasses could be very impo rtant for vent
animal dispersal as their bones contain sulphur.

Further Reading
• Gage, J. D. & Tyle r, P. A. 199 1. Deep-Sea Biology: a Natural History of Organisms at the Deep-Sea Floor.
Cambrid ge University Press, Cambridge.
• Herring, P. 2002 . The Biology of the Deep Ocean. Oxfo rd Un ive rsity Press, Oxford.
• Van Dover, C. L. 2000. The Ecology of Deep-Sea Hydrathermal Vents. Pri nceton Un ivers ity Press, Prince-
ton , NJ.
Chapter 9 The Deep Sea

Key papers and reviews

• Levin, LA., Etter, RJ. , Rex, M.A., Gooday, AJ., Smith, CR, Pineda et al. 200 1. Environmental infl uences
on reg ional deep-sea species diversity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32, 51 -93 .
• Martin , W" Baross, J., Kelley, D" & Russell, MJ, 2008, Hydrothermal vents and the origin of life, Nature
Reviews Microbiology 6, 805-814.
• Rex, M.A. et al. 2006, Global bathymetric patterns of stand ing stock and body size in the deep-sea
benthos. Marine Ecology Progress Series 317: 1-8.
• Roberts J.M ., Wheeler AJ., & Freiwald A. 2006. Reefs of the deep: the biology and geology of cold-
water coral ecosystems. Science, 213 : 543-547.
Mangrove Forests and
Seagrass Meadows

Chapter Summary the product ivity of mangrove fore sts. Spec ies such as mud-
Mangrove forests and seagrass meadows represent two of skippers demonstrate incred ible levels of adaptation to life
the most valuable marine habitats in the world, rivalled only in this intertidal habitat. Seag rass beds provide a st ructural
by co ral reefs for their importance in providing a high level hab itat on generally feat ureless soft-sediment bottoms, and
of productivity and physical structure that supports a con- so are uti lized by a w ide and diverse range of fish and inver-
siderable biodiversity of associ ated animals. However, both tebrates, providing a physical ho me, food supply, and shelter
systems are remarkable in that they are based on higher from predation. Seag rass meadow s are also vital grazing
pl ants more generally associated w ith terrestrial systems, areas for large vertebrates, such as turtles and sea cows.
so mangrove trees and seag rasses demonstrate fascinating Both mang roves and seag rasses provide a range of fu nctions
physical, biological, and life-cycle adaptati ons that enable that influence the w ider coastal ecosystem and have value for
survival in the marine realm. Mangrove forests host a unique humans, so their fragmentation and loss has conseq uences
mix of marine and terrestria l animals, including insects, birds, far beyond the orga nisms that live associated wi th these
fish, and particularly crabs, w hose activities heavily influence plants.

10.1 Introduction ever conditions allow, the land is covered by plants and so the
m ajority ofland an imals utilize plants as a structural habitat.
A fund amental, and obvious, difference between the ecology In a sim ilar manner to insects, which dominate the terres-
of terrestrial and marine systems is the taxonomy of the main trial animal fauna, few terrestrial vascular plants have been
primary producers that power the respective food webs. Pro- able to exploit marine cond itions . In fact, only one group
duction within the ocean environment (Chapter 2) is mostly is able to live full y beneath the sea: the seagrasses. These
generated by small, often microscopic algae, suppleme nted angiosperms can grow, flower, and reproduce all within the
in coastal waters by larger brow n, red, and green macroalgae subtidal e nviron ment, and in parts of the world form vast
attached to the seabed and intertidal zone. Generally, stand- mea dows in coastal habitats. This results in a very unusual
ing biomass is low (on a global scale) , although production habitat, much more similar to those on land than those gener-
itself can be very high. With comparatively few exceptions (as ally found in the sea, and therefore providing an important
we will see), marine animals do not generally rely on plants prod uction source and home for m any associa ted marine
for shelter, giving the impression that the sea is an animal- organisms .
dominated, rather than plant-dominated, system (thin k of Two other important coastal systems are created by higher
coral reefs, for example). The terrestrial environme nt, in con- plants: mangrove forests and saltm arshes.
trast, is dominated by large primary producers such as trees,
grasses, and herbaceous flowering plants (a ngio sp er m s), For more details on saltmarsh ecology see Adam (1993).
which are comparatively recent in evolution ary terms; terres-
trial angiosperms , for example, only appe aring extens ively in Wh ile these assemblages of plants cannot tolerate con-
the fossil record approximately 100 million years ago. Wher- tinual immersion in seawater, they are highly adapted to
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

dealing with the problems faced by plants on the fringes of

the marine environment. Consequently they too can cover
huge areas of the land/sea interface and provide a key role
both in terms of the functioning of coastal ecosystems and
the provision of a structural habitat for a diverse range of
species. Saltmarshes tend to be associated with estuarine or
lagoonal systems at higher latitudes; their ecology is there-
fore outlined in Chapter 5. Mangroves, on the other hand,
are closely connected with both marine and estuarine
conditions, and have a diverse and important associated
fauna. Together with coral reefs and seagrass meadows.
mangroves are recognized by UNEP as the most important
marine habitats. This chapter will therefore discuss how
two contrasting plant groups (seagrasses and mangroves)
are able to survive in the marine environment. and, in par-
ticular, investigate their relationship with a diverse and
often unusual range of animals, which associate them-
selves with these plant-based habitats.

10.2 Mangrove forests

10.2.1 What is a mangrove?
Mangroves are woody trees or shrubs that flourish at the
sea/land interface in sheltered tropical coastal and estua-
rine regions where fine sediment collects. They can be
subdivided into two categories : true mangroves, which
only occur here. and mangrove associates. which can
also be found elsewhere. e.g. rainforest. An individual tree
is termed a mangrove. while the whole forest habitat is
a mangal (or simply 'mangrove forest') . There are three
basic forms of mangrove. depending on shore morphology
and sediment. salinity regime of the surrounding water.
and the relative tidal and freshwater influence (Fig. 10.1) .
Riverine mangroves form where there is a low tidal range
and a dominance of freshwater flow, such as the deltas of
major rivers. Most of the large areas of mangrove forest in
Asia are riverine mangroves. Tide-dominated mangroves
are fully intertidal, often in full-strength seawater and are
subject to high-wave action. These are also termed 'fring-
ing' mangroves and are often the pioneer species that first
colonize the intertidal mudflats. Basin mangroves occur to
the landward-side of fringing mangroves, where there are
lower tidal currents and wave action, but where salinity can
be highly variable due to evaporation and rainfall. Figure 10.1 Examples of types of mangroves: (a)
riverine mangrove, (b) tide-dominated (or fringing)
For an excellent, more detai led text on mangrove ecol- mangrove, (c) fring ing mangrove roots w ith associated
ogy, see Hogarth (1999). community of animals. Copyright: (a) US Fish & Wildlife
Service, (b) NOAA, (c) Martin Attri ll.
Mangroves are taxonomically diverse (Tomlinson
1986), with representatives in mangals of 16 very differ- families dominate the world's mangrove flora, however,
ent plant families . This suggests that the mangrove habi- in terms of both diversity and ecological role. The first
tat has evolved separately at least 16 times . Two main is the Avicenniaceae, represented by eight species of
10.2 Mangrove forests

the genus Avicennia (the black mangrove); the second, mangrove associates, generally forest plants that are
the Rhizophoraceae, which includes the red mangrove able to tolerate the conditions found in the high swamp,
(Rhizophora, 8 species) together with three other gen- but cannot deal with the excessively harsh environment
era (Bruguiera, Ceriops, and Kandelia) . Other important inhabited by the true mangroves. So why do mangroves
families include the Combretaceae (which includes the show such a distribution pattern in relation to distance
white mangrove. Laguncularia). the Sonneratiaceae from the sea and why is it so difficult for terrestrial trees
(important in Australia and Southeast Asia; 5 species), to inhabit the coastal fringe? Two main factors limit plant
and also one species of palm (Palmae), Nypa, demon- distribution: increased salt levels and waterlogged sedi-
strating the width of mangrove taxonomic range. Nypa ment, although other more minor factors (such as soil
pollen and fruits have fossilized well, due to the condi- nutrient levels) can also have an influence.
tions in mangrove forests, providing information on the
evolution of palms and climate change. Nypa fruits from
the Eocene (60 mya) have been found in the UK!
10.2.3 How mangroves deal with
living in a marine environment
When considering how terrestrial organisms penetrate
10.2.2 Where are mangroves found? the intertidal zone. we have to invert our usual percep-
Mangroves are strictly tropical, and their distribution tion about the stresses affecting marine organisms living
across the globe coincides very closely with that of in this habitat. On a soft-sediment shore, high salinity
coral reefs, but they are also found in tropical regions levels and water being maintained within the sediment
where local conditions do not favour reef development, are crucial to the survival of a marine organism. but both
such as the Amazon region of South America. Distribu- cause extreme problems for terrestrial plants used to liv-
tion is generally confined to the 20°C isotherm either ing in dry soil with minimum salt content.
side of the equator. modified by either warm currents
extending their distribution (e .g. east Australia). or Waterlogged sediment
cold currents extending into the tropics (e .g. west South The thick, waterlogged mud present in mangrove forests
America) . Diversity is highest in the Indo-West Pacific presents a key problem for trees, the sediment is excep-
(IWP) and declines dramatically away from this region tionally low in oxygen and tree roots need oxygen to
to a minimum in the Caribbean/West Atlantic (Ellison respire and function. Mangroves have developed three
et al. 1999). This is thought to be due to increased local main morphological adaptations to enable their roots to
diversification following continental drift (vica r ia n ce obtain oxygen despite growing in anoxic conditions (Box
hypothesis), ratherthan the IWP being the centre of ori- 10.1) . All involve root structures that exit the sediment
gin of mangrove taxa and from where they subsequently enabling air to be taken in though special pores (called
dispersed to other parts of the world. Mangroves develop lenticles) and keep the section of root within the sedi-
wherever shallow-sloping, generally muddy shores are ment supplied with oxygen.
available within this region, especially lagoons, estuar-
ies. and river deltas. Diversity is then due to separate Dealing with increased salt levels
evolution of species. rather than dispersal from a centre The presence of salt results in two main problems for trees
of origin. living in marine conditions. First. the uptake of salt dis-
rupts cellular mechanisms and is fatal for most plants. This
A vicariance event is t he formation of a barrier to can be dealt with through either exclusion of salt by roots,
genetic exchange that causes separation of related taxa tolerance ofsalt in tissue (this is much higher in mangroves
(e.g. continental drift, glaciation). than other plants), or secretion of excess salt through the
bark or by shedding leaves (they often taste salty iflicked).
Within a mangrove forest. there is a clear pattern of Second. and perhaps most importantly, salt water in sedi-
distribution of species with distance away from the sea. ment reduces the osmotic difference between the root and
The fringing mangrove species are found at the sea edge, the sediment making it difficult to take up water (Hogarth
and across most of the world these pioneer trees tend to 1999) . Rhizophora only takes water from the top 50 em
be species of Rhizophora. Other true mangrove families of soil (fresh water is less dense than seawater and hence
inhabit conditions behind these fringing species; in Flor- occurs in the upper layers of soil in these systems) and it is
ida, for example. Avicennia and Laguncularia are located thought that Avicennia excludes 90-95% salt at root sur-
in the mid-swamp, Laguncularia preferring natural topo- face (salt can be excreted, though we are not sure exactly
graphic highpoints where sediment is less waterlogged. how it is excluded) . Due to this osmotic difference, man-
Behind these true mangroves are distributed a range of groves take up water much less easily than other plants
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

and so n eed a much greater proportional root biomass to

Box 10. 1: Mangrove root structures ach ieve this (the add itional growth needed for roots there-
fore restricting energy being put into vertical growth and
Different mangrove families have varyi ng st rategies reproduction) . Wit h in a mangrove forest. trees inhabit-
enab ling them to get oxygen to roots w ithin anoxic ing higher salinity soils have a larger below:above ground
sed iment. Rhizophora produces aerial roots (a), w hich biomass ratio than those in more freshwater conditions ,
leave the tree up to 2 m from the ground and then highlighting the efforts required to survive in marine sedi -
penetrate the so il, giving the tree support. The aerial ments (Saintilan 199 7; Fig. 10.2a). Mangroves also have
section is rich in lenticles to take in air. Rhizophora can much greater root biomass than ot her trees. In Australia,
al so produce aerial branches to aid oxygen uptake. Bru- mangrove root biomass was estimated as 125 tonnes per
guiera roots periodically break the soil surface during hectare (r ha-' ), compared with 9 0 t har! for large eucalyp-
growth, producing 'knees' above the sediment surface tus and 32 t ha-! for Acacia (Snowden et aJ. 2000).
(b) through wh ich air is taken up. Avicennia roots have The difficulty in taking up water has additional impor-
a feature symbolic of mangrove forests, w ith vertical tant consequences. Plants tend to regulate temperature by
tubes (pneumatophores) emerg ing every 15- 30 em transpiration. allowing water to be evaporated from leaves
from horizontal roots (c) . The tip of each tube has to cool the plant. Mangroves cannot afford to cool leaves
abundant lenticles for air uptake. A 2 to 3 m high primarily by this route as water is a limiting resource. but
Avicennia can have up to 10 0 0 0 pneumatophores. to achieve maximum photosynthesis leaves also need to be
held perpendicular to the sun-which consequently maxi-
mizes temperature increase ! Rhizophora holds leaves at
(0) angles to the sun depending on how exposed the leaf is.
Those at the edge of the tree, in full sun, are held at 75' ,
thus preventing overheating, while shaded leaves furt her
back into the tree are fully exposed to the sun d irection (0°) .

10 o Avicennia
• Aegiceras
i5 1 • •o


= o• 0
10 20 30 40 50
<> S./anceo/ato
o S. alba

'" 200
, , ""0 , ,
(e) 0 20 40 60 80 100
Salinity (% seawater)

Figure 10.2 Dealing with salt levels. (a) The cost

of living in high salinity s e d ime nt s- ma ng roves
require proportionally larger root biomass to enable
water uptake when salinity is high . (b) Comparative
distribution along a s a linity gradient of two closely
related Sonneratia s pe cies, their natural distribution
relating to a combination of salt tolerance and
competitive ability.
10.2 Mangrove forests

Salt tolerance also varies between species within the

same genus, which relates to their natural distribution
within a mangrove forest. For example. in Australia, Son-
neratia alba has a higher salinity tolerance than S. lanceo-
lata and is therefore found closer to the sea. However. S.
lanceolata outcompetes S. alba at lower salinities as it can
grow taller (Ball & Pidsley 1995; Fig. 10.2b) .

10.2.4 How do mangroves reproduce?

Mangroves all produce flowers. which require pollinat-
ing. A large range of flower size and method of pollination
exists, reflecting mangrove taxonomic diversity. from the
small wind-pollinated flowers of Rhizophora to the large,
beautiful blooms of Sonneratia and Bruguieru. which are
pollinated by bats, moths, birds, and butterflies.
The key problem facing mangroves living in marine sedi-
ments is dispersal of resulting seeds, which would need to
tolerate inundation and high salt-levels, or be dispersed by
the sea. Most mangroves demonstrate a degree ofvivipary;
following pollination the growing embryo remains on the
parent plant (up to several months) . The young plant
therefore does not leave the adult as a seed or fruit, but as a
fully developed seedling known as a propagule. The most
advanced vivipary is shown by Rhizophora (Fig. 10.3)-
seedlings in South-East Asia have been recorded up to 1 m
long. Mangroves put a huge amount of energy into propa-
gule production; Avicennia in Costa Rica can produce more
than 2 000 000 propagules ha- 1 yr" representing 10 to
40% of net primary production (Smith 1992) . Figure 10.3 The propagules of Rhizophora. Photograph:
Martin Attril!.
Vivipary is the process of giving birt h to live young and
is generally associated wit h animals. In plants, it refers the root system. The assemblage of organisms associated
to the seeds germinating on the plant instead of falling. with mangroves is therefore a unique mixture of animals
that colonize the mangrove forest from both the land and
Rhizophora seedlings drop from the parent plant the sea, resulting in a dynamic and diverse associated
directly into the water. Initially they float horizontally, community.
turning vertically after about a month when roots develop
(by 40 days) . The roots drag on the bottom and the seed-
10.2.5 Terrestrial organisms
ling can get stranded horizontally, or sink, where they
erect themselves vertically after rooting. If not rooted after
associated with mangroves
30 days, propagules retain buoyancy and are viable for > 1 Non-woody plants are not common in the marine section
year. although survivorship is species-specific and depen- of mangrove forests, due to the same pressures of salinity
dent on propagule weight. and waterlogged soil that affect the mangroves themselves.
So, why are mangroves only found in the tropics? The Epiphytic species that can avoid the sediment are the most
combination of three key components has a high energy successful, particularly those belonging to two groups-the
cost: being a tree, tolerating salt. and coping with water- bromeliads and the mistletoes. Insects. however. are suc-
logged soil. The environmental conditions (light limita- cessful, as anyone who has visited a mangrove swamp will
tion) in temperate regions would not allow photosynthesis know to their cost! Ants. termites, and mosquitoes are par-
all year round and so the tree would not gain enough ticularlyabundant (Hogarth 1999), with some mosquitoes
energy to survive. moving on to unusual hosts; Aedes pembaensis, for example.
Mangroves provide an incredibly complex structural has been recorded feeding off mudskippers at low tide. This
habitat, both above the water line and below it through species also has an unusual life cycle, laying eggs on the
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

pincers ofcrabs, after which the larvae develop in the crabs' A range of terrestrial vertebrates has also become spe-
burrows. The major ecological impact ofinsects. however. is cialized for life in mangroves, including species of reptile
their grazing activity on the leaves of the mangroves. dam- and amphibian that have developed exceptionally high
aging the leaf and thus reducing the potential of the tree tolerance to high salinity water. One example is the crab-
for photosynthesis. growth. and reproduction. The seasonal eating frog (Fejervarya cancrivora, Fig. lOAc) . Amphibia
emergence of caterpillars (e.g, the moth Nophopterix) can are not generally associated with marine systems, but F.
have particularly dramatic impacts. Grazing can also have cancrivora can survive as both tadpole and adult due to
a controlling effect on the successful settlement and growth exceptional osmoregulatory abilities. The most diverse and
of new propagules. Sousa et al. (2003) noted that settling obvious group ofvertebrates in mangroves, however, is the
Rhizophora propagules were only successful in clear gaps birds. which use the mangrove forest for nesting, feeding,
within the existing forest (e.g. those caused by lightning and as a roost at high tide. Many mangrove systems around
strike) . While offering better growth conditions, refuge the world are protected specifically due to the high num-
from predation by the beetle Coccotrypes rhizophorae (Fig. bers of these high-profile organisms they support. The bird
10Aa, b) was just as important, with seedling mortality fauna is a mix between waterfowl and terrestrial species
increasing with distance from the gap into the forest. that feed off insects, etc.• within the mangrove canopy.

.- •


• - •

• •

• ••

• •
., ~

• •

,.' • •.
. .,
, -•
• •

•• ••

• •

Figure 10.4 (a). The beetle Coccotrypes rhizophoroe, a key predator of new settling mangrove progagules (b) (with
kind permission from Springer Science & Business Media from Sousa et al. 2003). (c) The crab-eating frog Fejervarya
cancrivora, one of the few amphibians able to survive in marine conditions (copyright Nick Baker, www.ecologyasia
com). (d) The gastropod Terebrolia pa/ustris, adults of which are able to graze mangrove leaves (photograph: Christoph
10.2 Mangrove forests

over 5600 ha of mainly state-owned habitat, principally

Crocodiles are frequenctly associated with mangroves.
mangrove. and is fed by four rivers. The ibis population
Croeady/us acutus, for example, has special salt glands
peaks in autumn/winter (up to 10000 birds); most birds
that remove salt from its body which is acquired during
then migrate to South America leaving behind a small
feeding activities.
breeding population (Bildstein 1990). Despite protection
of their mangrove habitat. this is a reversal of the situation
The complex nature of the mangrove ecosystem allows in the 1950s and 1960s, when the majority of birds stayed
extensive niche differentiation within the canopy bird to breed. so the decline in breeding numbers was somewhat
fauna. Noske (1995) studied the feeding guilds of these of a worrying puzzle. Non-breeding birds feed off marine
birds in Malaysia, recording 17 species from four contrast- prey, such as fiddler crabs (Uca) and polychaetes (Nereis),
ing feeding guilds (neetarivores, aerial hawkers, bark for- but it was noted that nestlings raised on such salty prey did
agers, foliage insectivores) . Within these guilds, species not develop properly, breeding adults switching to foraging
avoided direct competition through small-scale spatial in freshwater areas inland.
variation in their distributions. For example, two species Despite official protection of the mangrove forest. much
of woodpecker were each restricted to a different tree of the freshwater wetland in Trinidad had been drained for
species (Avicennia and Sonneratia). and thus separated rice production. removing the ibis's feeding grounds. As a
within the forest due to differential distribution of the result the birds began to migrate to the Orinoco delta to
mangroves. Within the same tree, two species of foliage breed, where freshwater habitat was still available. A fur-
insectivores (flyeater, Gerygone sulphurea, and ashy tai- ther twist to the story was uncovered when high levels of
lorbird, Orthotomus ruficeps) were spatially separated by mutation (chlorophyll deficiency) were recorded in Rhi-
height, the flyeater only foraging below 4 m in the canopy zophora in parts of Caroni Swamp (Klekowski et al. 1999),
and the tailorbird at the canopy top. traced to high levels of mercury within the sediment under
the trees. particularly those where scarlet ibis were nest-
Hutchinson (1957) defined a niche as an In-d imensional ing. Samples of feathers from ibises and other birds in the
hypervolume' representing a space of all environmental roost revealed that the ibis had exceptionally high levels of
factors that affect the welfare of a species. Niche overlap mercury in their feathers (41 ppm compared with 6 ppm
can therefore potentially result in competition, niche d if- for other species) . The high level of mercury in feathers was
ferentiation allowing species to coexist. traced to the ibis's new foraging grounds in the Orinoco.
which are key gold-mining areas . The mining operations
Mangrove birds can be key species for the conservation release high levels of toxic metals into the watershed . Mer-
of mangrove habitats, but full details of their ecology is nec- cury is accumulated in feathers (Chapter 14), so when the
essary in order to plan suitable management strategies. A ibis returned to Trinidad for winter to moult, the feathers
good case study is that of the scarlet ibis (Eudocimw; ruber, contaminated the soil and impacted the mangroves. Many
Fig. 10.5) within the Caroni Swamp in Trinidad. The ibis birds demonstrate a remarkable tolerance to metal contam-
forages within the channels of the swamp and returns to ination, being able to 'dump' metals in feathers and then
roost in the tops of trees at dusk-a spectacular sight when shed them, removing the toxin.
thousands ofbirds return at once. Caroni Swamp comprises

Figure 10.5 The scarlet ibis,

Eudocimus tuber, an inhabitant of
mangroves in the Caroni swamp,
Trinidad (photograph: Mike
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

TECHNIQUES: Animal-attached
remote sensing

Many large vertebrates associated wi th marine and

coastal environments, like the scarlet ibis discussed
in this chapte r, move consid erabl e dist ances dur-
ing migration to breeding grounds or whilst foraging.
Traditionally, such movements have been stu died and
inferred by visual observations (e.g. the ibis flying to
Orinoco), or by tagging organisms (e.g. bi rd rings, fish
tags) and recording when these marked individuals are
seen, or caught, elsewhere. Such methodology is lim-
ited, wi th respect to its power of inference, particularly
if the organisms of interest are not easy to observe,
move long distances across oceans, or (as is the case
wi th most marine organisms) th ey are primarily under




" ..-Jaw'tsJt. . ...

(a) A gentoo penguin , PygosceJis papua, with a multi-channel data recorder on its back (from Ropert-Coudert &.
Wilson 2005). (b) Recorded flight paths of Gannets (Morus bassanus) foraging from Skomer Island , superimposed
on water depth, fishing intensity, and chlo rop hyll a production (courtesy Stephen Votier and Matthew Witt).
10.2 Mangrove forests

wate r. Conseq uent ly, met hods have been developed using
increasi ngly sophisticated miniturized technologies that
allow us to attach devices to organisms (see figu re a)
and follow them more closely. Such devices can record
exactly where organisms have been and, most recently,
simultaneously record more complex information on their
environment, physiology, and behaviour. This branch of
science is known as telemetry (Greek: tele far, met-
ros- measurement ) and the technology is termed ani-
mal-attached remote sensing or bio-Iogging fo r s hort
(Ropert-Coude rt & Wilson 2005). Bio-Ioggers can be
attached to organisms, record their movements, and then
be retrieved later (e.g. fro m seabi rds at breeding colonies;
e.q. Wilson 2003), can auto mat ically release from the
organism and be recovered (e.g. 'pop-up ' tags on large
fis h; Gore et al. 2008), or provide streamed data via satel-
lite o r mob ile receiver (Block et al, 2005) .
Bio-Ioggi ng has revo lut ion ized our knowledge about
the movements and foraging patterns of seabi rds- pre-
viously very little was known beyo nd at-sea observa tions
abo ut what b irds do away from th eir colony and w here (c) Basking shark Cetorhinus maximus (photo: NOAA).
they go. Figure (b) provides an illust ration of t he move-
ment t races obtained by suc h devices, which include GPS either side of the Atlantic. Additionally, basking sharks are
capability to record location, in this case forag ing t rips not protected outside of Europe, so east Atlantic sharks
of the gannet Morus bass anus from Skom er Island off could be exposed to hunting in w aters ou tside European
Wales. Birds flyaway from the co lony in co mparat ively protection meaning th is endangered species may be more
straight lines and change their movem ent pattern as they vulnerable than we thought
circle to forage at a range of locations. Geo- referenced Bio-Iogging can also provide information on the physi-
data can then be co mpared wi th other data sets, such as ology and behaviou r of a marine organism whilst it is div-
primary produ ction hotspots or key fishing areas, to pro- ing and foraging. For example, beak ang le senso rs have
vi de insights on the cues used by gannets to find suitable been attach ed to penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus)
feeding grounds (see also plaice vertical movements in carrying bio-Ioggi ng devices, which record every t ime
Chapter 8). the beak is open w hilst the animal is at sea, in addition
Bio-Iogg ers have also provided information on the to the range of environmental parameters (Wilson et al.
movement of large fish, such as t una (Block et al. 2005) 2003). These devices are retrieved after one fora ging
and basking sharks (Gore et al. 2008). The basking shark run, and reveal when penguins take breat hs at the surface
Cetorhinus maximus (figure c) is the world's seco nd larg- and can also determine w hen they cap ture prey under-
est shark (grow ing up to 10m) , feeding on coastal plan k- water (Wilson et al. 2002). Penguins seem to be able to
ton during the summer around productive coasts, such as predict and prepare for deep dives, as they take an extra
the w est coast of the British Isles. A series of satelli te tags breath at the surface for every 2.5 m increase in maximum
that monitor position and depth w ere attached to sharks depth (Wilson 2003, Ropert-Coudert & Wilson 2005) ;
off the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea; Gore et al. 2008) the descen t rate is also quicker for deep dives. Penguins
to fin d ou t where the British sharks w ent in wi nter w hen have to assess the best strategy for air intake and divi ng in
they are rarely seen ; it was assum ed they headed sou th relat ion to opti mally exploit ing available prey; for example,
down the coast of Europe. However, one fem ale shark taking in more breaths allows deeper divi ng, but requires
travelled over 9500 km across the Atla ntic to t he coast more time spent at the surface. The beak sensors indicate
of Newfo und land and on route dived to a depth of 1264 that b irds inhale an ext ra breath for every fo ur fis h caug ht
m , using th e deep m id-ocean! This finding has major in t he dive beforehand, providi ng enough oxygen for prey
impli cations for ou r understanding of the species and its pursuit, but minimizing the time spent at the surface away
conservation, as it is clear fish around the globe can prob- from the prey (Ro pert-Co udert & Wilso n 2005).
ably intermingl e rather than being in discrete populations
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

10.2.6 Marine organisms associated the adults graze directly on mangrove leaves once their
with mangroves radula has metamorphosed to be able to penetrate the
Examples from the vast majority of marine taxa can be leaf surface.
found associated with mangroves or in the surround-
ing sediment; the sessile fauna attached to submerged Ontogenetic means relating to t he development of an
roots is particularly diverse. the roots providing a hard organism. Thus ontogenetic changes are those that occur
substratum for attachment that otherwise is restricted over the developmental life cycle (e.g. a larva will have
in a soft-sediment environment (Farnsworth & Ellison different characteristics to an adult, such as an ontoge-
1996; Figure . Despite domination by long-lived netic change in feeding).
groups. such as sponges and ascidians, the mangrove
root community in Florida was found to be incredibly The classic marine organisms generally associated
variable, and the assemblage composition on individual with mangroves tend to inhabit burrows within the sur-
roots changed dramatically over short time periods (l to rounding mud and. unlike those in temperate mudflats,
2 months; Bingham & Young 1995). This was thought to for example, are much more active at low tide. Two key
be related to the intensity of stochastic perturbations.
such as physical disturbance from strong tidal flow and
predation causing large fluctuations in the abundance of
certain species. This disturbance prevented competitive
processes from producing a stable. equilibrium commu-
nity. There is some evidence that this 'fouling' community
on mangroves can impact the fitness of mangrove trees
due to their smothering effect, perhaps impeding gaseous
exchange. In Hong Kong, Aegiceras corniculatum fouled
with large numbers of barnacles were found to produce
fewer flowers, the energy needed to cope with respiratory
stress perhaps affecting resources available for reproduc-
tion (Li & Chan 2008) .

Sessile organisms are those that are fixed in place so

they cannot move, such as barnacles and sea squ irts.
Stochastic means involving a random or chance variable.
For example, a severe storm is a stochastic perturbation.

Fewer marine species are associated with mangrove

trees above the water line; except for gastropod mol-
luscs. the majority are detritivores or graze off epiphytic
algae. The most abundant mangrove snails are mem-
bers of the genus Littoraria and, in a similar process to
mangrove birds. different species show distinct niche
separation within the mangrove. For example, in Papua
New Guinea, L. pallescens lives on the mangrove leaves
(where it grazes on algae rather than the leaf itself), L.
intermedia inhabits tree bark in freshwater creeks. while
L. scabra is also associated with bark. but on seaward trees
(Hogarth 1999). This species undertakes a daily vertical
migration up and down the tree in order to avoid becom-
ing totally submerged (Alfaro 2008), varying its diet as it
encounters different sub-habitats during its migration-
it is even able to ingest and assimilate zooplankton. Few
marine snails are actually able to feed on the mangrove Figure 10.6 Mudskippers: mangrove fish remarkably
leaves themselves, an exception being Terebralia palustris adapted to life out of water. Here Periopthalmadon
(Fig. lOAd) . This species demonstrates an ontogenetic is gu lping air to take it down into its burrow
change in diet, the young feeding off detritus, whereas (photographs: Toru Takita and Atsushi Ishimatsu).
10.2 Mangrove forests

groups will be considered further here: mudskippers body mass yet survive (Gordon et al. 1978) .
and crabs. Mudskippers (Fig. 10.6) are unusual fish Crabs are perhaps the most important group of man-
related to gobies, represented by several long-named grove fauna. They are particularly abundant and diverse
genera (e.g. Periophthalmus, Boleophthalmus, Scartel- in this habitat, have a major impact on sediment dynam-
aas) and are exceptional among fishes in their amphibi- ics through their burrowing activity, and are the main
ous behaviour. They live in water-filled burrows, processors of mangrove detritus. The action of crabs has
emerging as the tide drops, often following the tide in a major influence on the whole functioning of the man-
and out (Ikebe & Oishi 1996) to forage, 'walking' across grove system (as we shall see) and so they are an example
the mud surface using modified pelvic and pectoral fins. of an ecosystem engineer. Two main families of crab are
Most are omnivores. but some species specialize (e.g. dominant in mangroves : the Grapsidae (e .g. Sesarma,
Periophthalmodon feeds on crabs) . Mudskippers are Fig. 10.7b) and the Ocypodidae (e .g. fiddler crabs such
highly physiologically adapted to this amphibious life- as Uca, Fig. 10.7a) . The grapsids have the most important
cycle, but do have to return periodically to their burrows role in terms of the functioning of the mangrove ecosys-
(Box 10.2) . However, they are remarkably tolerant to tem, so we will look further at how they influence forest
desiccation; Periophthalmus cantonensis, for example, productivity.
can survive 2 .5 days out of water, while P. sobrinus
spends 90% of time out of water and can lose 20% of its An ecosystem engineer is an organism that directly or
ind irectly modulates the availability of resources to
other species. It is able to modify, maintain, and create
hab itats (see Lawton & Jones 1995; and Chapter 8).

Mangrove leaves are exceptionally unpalatable for

invertebrates due to high proportions of carbon exacer-
bated by high tannin levels. Generally it is assumed that
a C:N ratio of < 17 is required to be profitable to inver-
tebrates (i.e. there is enough nitrogen in the substance
to be worth the effort), but ratios in mangrove litter can
be 70 to 100 for Rhizophora (Lee 1998). Consequently,
the majority of carbon produced by the mangrove forest
is liable to be exported away from the syste m as leaves,
or the nutrients become locked up due to slow microbial
decomposition. Grapsid crabs, however, have the rare
ability to utilize mangrove leaf litter as a prime food
source, despite its apparent unpalatability, but the diges-
tive mechanisms for this important feeding habit have
yet to be elucidated. A few species, such as S. messa, are
able to feed directly off fre sh leaf material; S. leptosoma
has even been observed making daily vertical migra-
tions up mangrove trees to graze on live leaves (Van-
nini et al. 1995). Grapsid crabs also store leaves within
burrows (Fig. 1O.7b), so fulfil an important function in
retaining carbon material within the mangrove syste m .
Robertson (1986) concluded that S. messa populations
could remove or store up to 28% of all Rhizophora lit-
ter, with major implications for the reduction oforganic
Figure10.7 The two main families of crabs dominant in matter export from mangrove forests and thus the flow
mangrove forests. (a) Ocypodidae: Uca lactea annulipes of energy into coastal systems (Lee 1998) .
feeding on a dead crab. (b) Grapsidae: Perisesarma Grapsid crabs also have a major ecological impact
samawati dragging a leaf down into its burrow (photos: through their burrowing activity (bio turba tion; see also
Verheyden & Gillikin Chapter 8), which can influence the chemical make-up of
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

disturbance of the experi ment had an effect, termed pro-

Box 10.2: How mudskippers aerate cedural control) ; and control areas (e ) , which were left
their burrows alone . Levels of so il chemicals were measured and forest
production assessed by the fall of stipules (for growt h,
Mudski ppers' burrows are constructed in highly anoxic stipules are outgrowths of the leaf base, whic h are shed as
sediment and measurements wi thin burrows have the leaf grows) and the number of m ature propagules on
shown that the wa ter in deeper chambers contains trees (for reproductive outpu t) . Bu rrowing was found to
practically no oxygen at all. It has therefore been some- have significant effects on the sed iment chemistry, w ith
wh at of a puzzle as to how mudskippers cope with increases in sulphide and ammo nia in exclusion plots due
these inhospitable conditions, part icularly as eggs are to lack of aeration by burrowing, which would normally
laid and reared in ap parently hyp oxic w ate r. Ishimatsu allow oxidatio n to nutrients more useful to plants. There
et al. (1998) noted that wal king near Periophthal- were also significant impacts o n forest productivity, w ith
modon burrows caused bubbles of gas to be released higher growt h (stipule fall ) and propagule production in
up the main shaft. Further observations revealed how areas that included crabs, particularly during the m ain
mudskippers oxygenate d their living quarter s- before su mmer growing season (e. g. Fig. 10 .8) .
ente ring the burrow the fi sh fi lls t heir mouth cav- The conclusions from work u nd ertaken in Australia
ity with ai r (Fig. 10 .6 ) and trans ports this down and SE Asia are unequivocal: crab ac tivity is key to the
t he burrow, often making ret urn trips. Air released in healthy functioning of mangrove forests through recyc-
the breeding chamber becomes trapped, providing an ling of organic m aterial and bioturbation. However,
oxygen reservoir for the fish and develop ing embryos Mcivor and Sm ith (1 995) assessed the ecological roles of
that are often laid on the roof of chambers, w here air crabs in Florida mangrove forests, where the family Xan-
w ill accumulate. thid ae is more common than grapsid crabs . Xanthid crabs
do not have leaf-processing abilities, so it was concluded
that in the Americas, crabs do not have a significant role
0, 80% surtece ---' l -- in leaf breakdown, the latter is presumably achieved pri-
marily by microbial action .

Breeding chamber -
eggs on roof

- 4

- 3
~ Crob removal

02 < 3% surfoce
~ 2
30cm z

the sedimen t and subsequent forest productivity. This is 0'--( DR ( 0R ( 0R ( 0R ( 0R ( 0R ( 0R

exemplified by a study in Queensland, Australia (Smith et Nov Dec Jon Feb Mar Apr Mav
al. 1991 ), which investigated the impact ofremoving crabs
from mangrove areas. The st ud y includ ed three treat- Figure 10.8 The results of crab-removal experiments
ments: a removal area (R) , where all crabs were trapped on mangrove forest productivity. The production of new
and removed; a disturbance area (D), where activity was propagules was greater in areas that included crabs
undertaken but crabs not removed (to see if the physical due to their bioturbating activities (Smith et al. 1991).
10.2 Mangrove forests

10.2.7 The wider role of mangrove However, mangroves do have a clear physical role influ-
ecosystems encing the flux of material to coastal systems by provid-
Mangrove forests as a whole provide a range of valuable ing a buffer for land run-off, e.g. from storms. During the
functions that influence surrounding coastal systems, and terrible Indian Ocean tsunami of December 2004, areas
impact on human activities such as fisheries (Chapter 12). in SE India where mangroves had been cleared suffered
Two of the most important are their potential role in nutri- more damage than adjacent coasts where mangroves
ent input and energy flux between mangrove and marine remained (Danielsen et al. 2005) . This was a tragic illus-
systems, and the provision of a nursery for fish species tration of the important role of mangroves that act as
that recruit to local fisheries and coral reefs. 'green' barriers to coastal erosion processes. In particu-
Despite the efforts of crabs, much detrital material lar. mangroves reduce the amount of sediment washed
from mangroves is exported out of the swamp to sur- into the coastal region, which would otherwise negatively
rounding systems, particularly from fringing mangroves impact adjacent reef systems through increased turbid-
(Robertson et al. 1992), providing a large potential source ity that reduces light penetration (Hogarth 1999); where
of food. Jennerjahn & lttekkot (2002) estimated that 46 mangroves have been removed (e .g. for shrimp farming)
x 10 12 g C/yr (i.e. 46 000 000 tonnes!) of mangrove car- there are potential consequences for the health and sur-
bon reaches the ocean each year, representing 11 % of all vival of local reef systems.
terrestrial carbon entering the marine environment. The
relative value of this material to marine organisms within Tannins, among many other chemicals, have been pro-
adjacent systems is inconsistent. due to the general unpal- duced by plants in an 'arms race' with insect grazers.
atibility of the tree leaves to marine animals. The use of Such chemicals are unpalatable, so help protect the
stable isotopes (Chapter 4 .3 .2) has proved valuable in plant. Tannins are responsible for the astringent taste of
assessing how important mangrove detritus is compared unripe fru it and red wine.
with other carbon sources. Schwamborn et al. (2002)
investigated the uptake of different carbon sources by Mangroves have a clear positive role in the provision
crustacean larvae in a tropical estuary to which a large of recruits to local fisheries and, in particular, coral reef
amount of mangrove detritus was exported. They found systems. This conclusion had been somewhat anecdotal
the contribution of mangrove carbon to larval nutrition to (Baran & Hambrey 1998) due to the presence ofjuvenile
be negligible, with only the zoeae of porcelain crabs hav- coral reef fish in mangrove systems, but Mumby et a1.
ing a significant proportion of mangrove carbon in their (2004) have now unequivocally demonstrated the value
tissues. A similar. though perhaps even more unexpected. of mangroves to coral reef fish populations. Working in
result was found in the tropical Embley River estuary in Belize, they assessed the assemblage of fish present on
Australia (Loneragan et al. 1997). Stable isotope analy- replicate reefs with or without a rich mangrove stand
sis was utilized to investigate whether seagrass- or man- nearby (Fig.10.9a) . There were marked differences in the
grove-derived carbon were important carbon sources for reef-fish communities between the two sets of sites (Fig.
commercial prawn species in the outer estuary. Organic 10.9b), and mangrove extent was the dominant factor
matter in the sediment was found to correspond to the that affected the fish assemblages. In particular, the bio-
main local source. but this pattern was not reflected in mass of fish species known to use lagoons or mangroves
the tissues of the prawns. While prawns that inhabited as juveniles was enhanced in reefs near to mangrove-rich
seagrass beds did seem to rely completely on seagrass- areas. Mumby et al. (2004) concluded that the main rea-
derived material, mangrove-dwelling prawns did not son for these results was that, once fry are large enough
depend on carbon from mangroves, but utilized either to leave seagrass habitats, mangroves provide a refuge for
algae or seagrass material. juveniles from predators and a plentiful food supply that
Mangrove leaf litter does not even seem to be valuable increases juvenile survivorship and recruitment to coral
in nutrient-poor habitats, and Lee (1999) demonstrated reefs. They noted that the largest herbivorous fish in the
that additions of mangrove detritus to sandy substrata did Atlantic. the parrotfish Scarus guacamaia. whose life his-
not enhance the marine benthic community. perhaps due tory critically depends on mangroves, has become locally
to the high associated tannin levels. It therefore appears extinct since mangrove removal. It is clear that conserva-
that carbon from mangroves is rarely directly utilized by tion policies targeted at protecting coral reef habitats also
marine organisms, the carbon probably entering the food need to consider nearby mangrove systems.
web following bacterial decomposition and recycling.
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

(a) Mangrove ,xlenl (rirh" seart') N -------. I

Reef ,ysl,m T
8 TU L G (
101_102 km
33 36-11 79-84 25 46-57 25
10°_10 1 km
10-2_10 -1 km - .
.. --
---- • ••
-- -.-

Mangrove-rich profil' Mangrove-scorce profile

Stress: 0.19

a GE
aa GW
a GW aL

Figure 10.9 Experiment by Mumby et al. (2004) in Belize to assess how impo r tant mangroves are as a
nursery ground for coral reef fish. Coral sites, w ith and without associated mangroves, were studied (a) and
it was clear that coral reefs with nearby mangroves had a d ifferent fish community w ith a higher b iomass. (b).
Mu ltidimensional scaling ord ination showing the similarities between fish communities at each site--the closer
the sites on th is 'map', the more similar their fish assemblages. Blue squares are all the mangrove-rich sites.

10.3 Seagrass meadows dating ancient wrecks due to its known growth rate. Above
ground the seagrass is made up of discrete shoots that
10.3.1 What are seagrasses?
emerge from the rhizome and comprise several strap-like,
Seagrasses are the only truly marine angiosperms. gener- lam ina te leaves that grow from the base of the shoot (the
ally growing in soft sediments in shallow coastal waters. leaf sheath), although the genus Halophila has rounded
Below ground there is a network of rhizomes and roots leaves Fig. 1O.l1b. The number and height of leaves var-
(Fig. 10.10), the rhizomes spread horizontally joining ies considerably between species. the longest leaves (over
individual plants, while the roots extend vertically into 6 m) belonging to the Japanese species Zostera caulescens
the sediment. The root-rhizome network of the Mediter- (Aioi et a1. 1998; Fig. 10.11c, d) . In suitable conditions
ranean Posidonia oceanica can build up over hundreds of (see 10.3.2), seagrasses can form extensive meadows
years. forming a peat-like 'm a tte' several metres thick covering la rge areas of seabed (e.g. the seagrass bed
(Borg et a1. 2006), which has even been used as a tool for within the Spencer gulf near Adelaide. Australia. covers
10.3 Seagrass meadows

Figure 10.10 Schematic d iagram

representing the main structural features
of a seagrass.

- - leaves

- - leaf sheath

- - leafsear
(= node)
- - Internode(vertical rhizome)
Apical meristem
(horizontal rhizome)
. __ (horizonlol rhizome)
- root

over 4000 km-; Keuskamp 2004) with densities of shoots with sheaves adapted to high-energy environments; (b)
> 1200 m-2 (e.g, Posidonia oceanica; Borg et al. 2006), hydrophilous, and thus submarine, pollination; and (c)
creating one of the most important and extensive subtidal extensive lacunar systems that enable transport of oxy-
marine habitats in the world. gen to the below-ground structures in anoxic sediments.
The taxonomy and origin ofseagrasses has been subject
to much debate, but seagrasses are clearly polyphyletic Polyphyletic-a useful grouping of organisms that has
and generally assigned to two families, Potamogetona- more than one evolutionary root form. For example,
ceae and Hydrocharitaceae, neither of which is related 'winged vertebrates ' would include birds and bats, but
to the grasses familiar on land. Fossil evidence suggests each has very different origins. Hydrophyte a true
that seagrasses first appeared in the marine environment plant that has fully adapted to live in water. Hence also
around 100 million years ago. the oldest Cretaceous fos- hydrophilous.
sils include the genus Posidonia. but their ancestors are
uncertain. Two candidates have been put forward : coastal The diversity of seagrasses is surprisingly low. with
plants (e.g. saltmarshes, mangroves) and freshwater only c.50 species represented worldwide (Hemminga &
hydrophytes. Some seagrasses have lignified stems and Duarte 2000), although this figure has generated much
two genera are viviparous. linking them to mangroves, discussion. The majority of the species are contained
while freshwater plants show many of the adaptations within three of the oldest genera: Zostera, Posidonia, and
required to survive in the marine environment, such Halophila . There is little evidence that seagrasses have
as basal meristems and lacunar gas transport systems ever been more diverse. a major reason perhaps being
(Hemminga & Duarte 2000) . Certainly it seems likely due to the very low rate of sexual reproduction (10.3.3)
that the seagrass habitat has evolved several times over and dispersal restricting gene flow. However, seagrasses
the last 100 million years (perhaps from both ancestral are exceptionally plastic in nature, and also show much
routes), with the genera Phyllospadix (Fig. 1O.lla) and genetic diversity even within meadows (Reusch et a1.
Enhalus appearing significantly later than other sea- 1999a), which means it remains unclear how many spe-
grass groups (Larkum & den Hartog 1989). However cies of seagrass exist (Box 10.3) . Most seagrass meadows
they have evolved, seagrasses possess three key attri- are monospecific, particularly in temperate regions. but
butes that enable them, uniquely. to colonize the marine tropical meadows have been reported with up to 12 sea-
environment (Hemminga & Duarte 2000) : (a) leaves grass species present (Duarte 2001).
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

10.3.2 Where are seagrasses found?

Box 10.3: Diversity of seagrass: 1
Unlike mangroves and saltmarshes, seagrasses are found how many species are there?
in all the world's coastal seas except for Antarctica (prob-
ably d ue to ice scour) and cove r approximately 0. 1 to Seag rasses are morp ho log ically plastic, a te rm that
0.2% of the global ocean (Duarte 2002) . Some species describes speci es that ap pear very different depend-
have extensive d istributions , such as Zostera marina (eel- ing on the envi ronment to w hich they are exposed.
grass) , which occurs in Europe from the White Sea to the As classification is generally based on morphological
Mediterranean, on both coasts of Nort h America and the features (e.g. shape of leaf margins), there is around
Nort hwest Pacific (Gree n & Short 2003). Ot her species a 20% uncerta inty w ithin the seag rass world as to
are more restricted . Posidonia ocean ica is the dominant how many species of seag rass actually exist, wit h
seagrass across the Mediterranean, bu t is not found else- most arguments focused within the three main gen-
where, whereas some seagrasses have a very narrow range era (Hafop hila, Zostera, Posidonia ). Molecul ar tax-
indeed ; P kirkmanii occurs only in a sm all area off SW Aus- onomy (e.g. the use of DNA markers) has he lped
trali a. The peak of d iversity occurs in Malaysia, and sea- the confusion to some degree and ten ded to reduce
grass species richness declines with distance along m ajor the number of existing speci es defined using mor-
cur rents from this point (Muka i 199 3) , resulting in su g- pho logical featu res. For example, intertidal Zostera
gestions that this may be the centre of origin for seagrasses marina looks d ifferent from subtidal plants and in the
(Hemminga & Du arte 2000) . UK has been considered a separate species (Z angus-
With in their biogeographical range, much of the coast tifolia) , although genetic evi dence from mainland Europe
is devoid of se agrass due to unsuitable habitat cond itions; suggests it is just a plastic form of Z. marina. Outside
so individual se agrass beds can potentially be separated the UK the speci es is not recognized . However, the
by large d istances of inhospitable coast. The vast m ajor- use of genetics has raised further problems, and has
ity of se agrasses re quire a soft substratum that will en able drawn into do ubt the identity of some genera. For
example, the genetic distance between Heterozostera
and Zostera is similar to that between species of Zos-
Figure 10.11 Examples of different seagrass forms. tera, suggesting th at one genus shoul d include both
(a) Pbyttospadts iwatensis, part of a genus that can these taxa (Hemminga & Duarte 2(00) . Whatever the
grow on rocky s ho res and are known as s urf grasses final total of species, it is clear that seagrasses are a
(photograph: Daniel Mosquin). (b) The broad-leaved very low-diversity group.
Halaphilia ovalis (photograph: Keith D. P. Wilson).
(c) The world 's largest s ea g rass, Zostera caulescens
from Japan. The person in (d) is 1 .83 m tall (photos:
Akihiro Dazai, Shizugawa Nature Center).
10.3 Seagrass meadows

the penetration of roots; although some species can grow the clear waters off the island of Malta has been recorded
on rocks (e.g. Phyllospadix, Posidonia) this is unusual and as far down as 40 m (Borg et al. 2005) . High-turbidity
most only develop on sand or mud. water can therefore be a limiting factor for seagrass colo-
However, some features of soft sediments make plant nization and growth.
growth impossible, particularly highly mobile or exposed While the lower level of a seagrass bed is set by light
sediments that can result in burial of colonizing sea- levels (unless limited by habitat availability, e.g. the pres-
grasses, or those with very high inputs of organic mat- ence of coral reefs in the tropics). factors controlling the
ter resulting in reduced, anoxic sediment conditions. upper limits are less well studied (Hemminga & Duarte
Paradoxically, the presence of a seagrass meadow on 2000) . Several seagrass species, such as Zostera marina
soft sediment can increase the sediment organic content, and noltii, Phyllospadix, and Halophila spp., can form
from both the seagrass production itself and the capture extensive intertidal meadows (Fig . 10.12) . Desiccation
of other detrital material. Seagrass beds can also change can be minimized by the structure of the bed. dense con-
the particle size distribution of the sediment. the baf- tinuous seagrass trapping water beneath the flat-lying
fling effect of seagrass blades slowing water currents and leaves. Ultraviolet damage is also thought to be a major
enhancing the deposition of fine sediment particles. Sea- factor preventing intertidal survival, particularly of sub-
grasses therefore have a very complex relationship with tidal species, while in some regions upward extension
the sediment, which we are only starting to untangle. may be prevented by physical factors such as wave expo-
Seagrass is also limited by the light levels, which must be sure. ice scour, or the lack of suitable substratum.
above the threshold where photosynthesis is still possible.
As a result, the maximum depth where seagrass mead- The depletion of the ozone layer primarily through our
ows are found is related to their compensation point. use of CFCs has allowed increased fluxes of UV radi-
This depth is controlled by the clarity of the water, so in ation , in particular the damaging UVb. There is much
comparatively turbid. temperate regions. seagrass beds speculation abou t its effects on plants, but concerns
are found at depths shallower than in clear. tropical or include inhibition of photosynthesis and the cost of tis-
Mediterranean water. Zostera marina in Europe is gener- sue repair and production of blocking compounds (see
ally found above 6 m depth, whereas Posidonia oceanica in also Chapter 12).

Figure 10.12 (a) An intertidal seagrass meadow of Zostera marina at Salcombe, SW England. (b) Close up of Z.
Marina plants. (Photos: Martin Attril!.)
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

Many seagrasses show a tolerance to a wide salinity ing the exte nsive natural Posidonia ocean ica bed s with
range (for example, Z. marin a occurs in full -strength consequen t loss of large areas of seagrass coverage (see
seawate r and also down to a salinity of 5 in the Baltic), Cu rrent Focus box). While not so dramatic, the Japanese
and seagrasses often are a major feature of estuaries and seaweed Sargassum m uticum poses a threat to native Zos-
hypersaline lagoons (Chapter 5), although the majority of tera beds in Nort h-west Europe. While direct competition
species perform optimally und er fully marine conditions. under natural cond itions does not appear to occur, physi-
However, success in estuaries and similar coastal systems cal damage to seagrass bed s (e.g. from boat anchors) can
m ay be limited by high levels of plant nutrients in the allow the colonizatio n of Sargassum, and once established
water, whic h is becoming an increas ing p roblem through it appears that seagrass cannot reclaim the space. Large
agr icultural run-off (Chapter 14). Such high levels of, for beds of Zostera in NW France have been lost to Sargassum
example, nitrate and ammonium, can d irectly affect the by this mechanism (Givernaud et al. 1991 ) and it wo uld
growth of seagrass (Short et al. 1995), but it also influ- also appear that seagrass beds may, unfortunately. aid the
ences the competitive balance between the seagrass pro- settleme nt of Sargass um, the seagrass cano py can trap
d uctivity and that of algae associated with the seagrass floating fragments of the seaweed that can then become
meadow. represented by an epiphytic assemblage grow- attached and grow wit hin the root-sedimen t matrix
ing on the leaves or by macroalgae that grow alongside, (1\veedley et al. 2008) .
or amongst, the seagrass meadow.

20 0 r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , BO
Epiphytes are organisms growing on the surface of
plants, but not deriving nutrition from them. Generally
the term is used for other plants (including algae), but
sessile animals such as bryozoans can also be termed
MmroQ Igee
epiphytes. 150 60

Williams and Ruckelshaus (1993) d emonstrated that o0- --=


Zoste ra marina showed a saturation-type response to

--~ ~

increasing nitrogen levels; above sedimen t ammo nium
conce ntrations of 100 umol l-' the seagrass was unable -- 100 40

o 0
to increase growt h rates. Once ove r such a threshold. o E
= ~

algal growth may con tinue. resulting in a shift in domi- . ~

nance w it hin the seagrass bed (Short et al. 199 5). This 20 ""
can have detrimental results for the seagrass, in particular
due to light limitation imposed by the algae reducing sea-
grass productivity and. ultimately. survival. Hauxwell et
al. (200 1,2003) demonstrate d that eelgrass (2. marin a ) Eelgrass
o o
was now absen t or d isappeari ng in all Waquo it Bay estu-
aries (Massachusetts) d ue to excessive algal growt h (Fig. o 100 200 300 400

10.1 3), exceptthose that received the lowest land -derived Nilrogen loading role (kg N·h,l.y" )
nitrogen loads.
Introduced algae are also posing a severe threat to Figure 10.13 The relationship between the growth of
seagrass coverage in Europe. The alga Caulerpa taxifolia seagrass and macroalgae at increasing levels of nitrogen
has been acciden tally introduced to the Med iterranean loading, indicating algal biomass increases relative to
from sout hern France and is spread ing rapidly. smot her- seagrass under increasing nutrient co nd it io ns.

CURRENT FOCUS: Invasive species ships. A vast range of species have therefore been
introduced into terrestrial, freshwa ter, and marine
Ever since humans have been moving round the world regions across the globe where they are not native, with
we have been transporti ng species with us, either over 500 such species established in the coastal waters
intentionally for cultivation and recreational hunting, of the USA, for example. Where conditions are similar to
or as stowaways in, for example, the ballast water of native areas, the species can be incorporated into the
10.3 Seagrass meadows

flora an d fauna of the new region: a significant number

of familiar terrestrial species in northern and southern
latitu des have been introduced (e.g. rabbits and green
shore crabs). A large proportio n of introduced species
do not cause significant problems, but this is not the
case wh en an introduced (or 'alien') species becomes
invasive. These organisms can outcompete, or outgrow,
native fauna and flora causing large changes in native
biodiversity and often fo rm very large populatio ns
indeed. Consequ ently our introduction of invasive
species is now seen as one of the main global th reats
to biodiversity, even leading to the ter m 'invasional
meltdown' (Grosholz 2004). In response to this
increasing threat to biodiversity, governm ent agencies
have been set up to deal with this crisis, such as the
US Departm ent of Agricul tu re National Invasive Species
Informat ion Center (http://www.i nvasivespeciesinfo.
gov). This body has clearly defined invasive species
as: (1) non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under
consideration and (2) whose introduction causes or is
likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm
to human healt h.
What makes an introduced species become invasive?
Certai n traits seem key to invasion success (Kolar &
Lodge 2001), including: the ability to reproduce rapidly
and both asexually and sexually; fast growth; high disper-
sal abili ty; the ability to deal with a wide range of envi-
ronmental conditions and food types, and release from
nat ural predators and parasites that con trolled popula-
tions in nat ive areas. In particul ar, an important factor in
the persistence of invasive species is termed propagule
pressure: the rate at which a species is introduced to
the ecosystem. Successful establishment has been corre-
lated with th e number of introduction events and number
of organisms introduced (or inoculum size; Drake et al.
2005). Therefo re, it is more likely a species beco mes
invasive if humans are continually introduci ng it to new
The Invasive Species Speci alist Group (http:/ /www. Three of the world 's top 100 worst invasive species: has produced a Top 100 of the world 's worst (a) Caulerpa taxifolia (photo: NOAA), (b) The South
invasive species, which includes a range of organisms African native ribbed mussel ; Au/acomya ater (centre),
causing major problems in marine habitats, such as the surrounded by the invasive blue mussel Myti/us galfo·
seaweed Cau/erpa taxifofia (a), the mussel fv1yti/us galfo- provincia/is (photo: Martin Attrill), (c) Carcinus maenas
provincia/is (b) and the crab Carcinus maenas (c) . (photo: Ar Rouz).
Cauferpa taxifofia is a popular decorative alga used in
fish tanks and seems to have been introduced acciden- exceptionally fast and is able to cover 100% of the sea-
tally into the Medi terranean in 1984 from the Oceano- bed, smo thering all native sessile invertebrates, algae,
grap hic Museum in Monaco. By 2000 it had colonized and, in particular, the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. Inva-
13 1 km' of seabed at 103 locations along 191 km of sion of seagrass beds seems particularly successful when
coast (Occhipi nti-Ambrogi & Savini 2003). The aquarium seagrass has already experienced some decline due to
strain of th e alga (cap tive bred to be resistent) grows other human pressures; dense meadows seem to rest rict
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

C. taxifofia to the bed margins, but impacted beds seemed Steffani 2004). However, this invasive species has had
too fragile to resist the progagule pressure (Occhipint i- some unexpected positive effects. The African black oys-
Ambrogi & Savi ni 2003) and competitive ability (Pergent tercatcher, Haematopus moquini, is one of Afric a's rarest
et al. 2008) of the invader. C. taxifolia has been rep lacing wadi ng b irds, wi th a population that was as low as 3000
Posidonia across the Mediterranean where it can invade pai rs (Coleman & Hockey 2008). The rapid colonization
damaged beds, vastly reducing native speci es' diver- of rocky sho res by large f\1. galfoprovincialis has provided
sity and fish hab itat; the seawee d also prod uces toxic a new, more accessible, and widesp read food source for
substances (caulerp enynes) aiding its invasion. More t he oystercatcher, result ing in an increase in t he popul a-
recent ly, the same Caulerpa strain has been documented t ion size and a much more successful breeding rate: in
in Californi a (Jousson et al. 2000), where $US6 mill ion 19 7 8 only 10 % of pai rs raised two chicks, which had
w as spent up to 2004 trying to eradicate it, and in 2002 increased to 30% by 1988.
it appeared in Sydney Harbour. A second Caulerp a spe- Carcinus maenas is the most common intertidal and
cies (C racemosa) has more recently been introduced to estuarine crab in northern Europe, yet its introduction to
the Mediterranean from Australia, the first record being other parts of the world through ballast and aquaculture
off Lybia in 19 9 0 (Klein & Verlaque 2008) and in the fol- has caused large problems, particularly in estuaries along
lowing 17 years it has spread quickly to 12 countries and t he east coast of the USA where it w as first recorded in
all maj or islands in the Mediterraean. This invasion event 181 7 . This crab is now found on the west coast of the
could be one of the most serious in the Mediterranean USA , whe re it grows larger than in other areas; it also
(Klein & Verlaque 2008), but has not received as much occu rs in Aust ralia. In general, Carcinus is a maj or pest
attention as C taxifolia. of the shellfish industry. In the USA, Carcinus potentially
f\1ytilus galfoprovinicialis is native to the Mediterranean interacts wi th th e native estu arine blue crab Calfinectes
and surrounding areas, but in 19 7 4 was introduced to sapidus, th e two crabs' abundance being neg atively cor-
the west coast of South Africa, most li kely through bal- related, although Calfinectes may in this case show resis-
last w ater. It spread dramatically (about 11 5 krn -year" ") tence to the Carcinus invasion as the European crab is not
and now occupi es available rocky shore along the whole found in Ch esape ake Bay w here Caflinectes is com mon
of the west coast of South Africa and at least the south- (DeRivera et al. 2005). However, in California, Carcinus
ern half of Namib ia (Branch & Steffani 2004). Its rapid predation has affected the spread of another introduced
spread w as due to a series of key features of the invader species. The clam Gemma gemma has been present in
itself and also the nat ive communi ty, such as t he high Bodega Harbor for nearly 50 years wi thout showi ng signs
productivity and strong wave action of the South Afri- of be ing invasive, but t he situa tion changed upon t he
can West Coast, a lack of predators and parasites, and arrival of Carcinus in 1989 (Grosholz 2004) as the crab
the mussel's fast growth and high rep roductive output. beg an preferentially predati ng th e nat ive Nutricola clams
Indigenous mussels have been competi tively displaced freeing up space on the shore for Gemma to spread. It is
in the interti dal, particularly the endemic species Aula- clear that invasive species can also have indi rect effects
comya ater, and the new mussel matrix has also affected and positive interactions wi th other alien species that may
the grazing ability, and thus population, of som e native be difficult to predict.
limpet speci es such as Scuteflastra argenvilfei (Branch &

Changes to the global cover of seagrass have raised estuaries, from where d ispersal and recolonization could
much recent concern, Green and Short (2003) stating that occur. It has been suggested that the salinity tolerance of
15% of seagrass worldwide had been lost over the 10-year the seagrass was greater than th at of the slime mould,
period up to 2003, due mainly to a combination of human allowing some beds to survive in reduced salinity refug ia
activities. However, seagrass within the northern hemi- (Durako et a1. 2003) .
sphere, particularly Z. marina, was devastated du ring the
1930s by a mysterious wasting d isease that killed massive
10.3.3 Reproduction and growth of
areas of seagrass and resulted in the loss of many beds in
Europe and Nor th America. The culprit was identified as seagrasses
a slime mould Laby rinthula zosterae, causing brown spots Seagrasses can reproduce both sexu ally and, rarely,
to appear on the leaves, whic h spread to the shoot wit hin asexually (e.g. through f r agments of drifting r h izom e) ,
weeks. Many of the surviving beds were located wit hin the prominence of sexual reproduction within beds vary-
10.3 Seagrass meadows

ing widely across species and geographical location. The coatings of Zostera) . However. evidence suggests they do
majority of seagrass genera are dioecious, which is rela- not disperse far from source. 80% of Zostera seeds from a
tively rare in terrestrial angiosperms and has been sug- Chesapeake Bay population remaining within 5 m of their
gested as a way of avoiding self-fertilization (Hemminga bed of origin (Orth et al. 1994). The seedlings themselves
& Duarte 2000) . may also be a dispersive stage, while in the two vivipa-
rous genera (Amphibolis and ThalcLssodendron), the seed-
Dioecious-having separate male and female plants. lings develop attached to the mother plant. However, it
would appear that the survival of both seeds and seed-
Flowers tend to be produced seasonally, even in tropi- lings is very low indeed, the probability that any given
cal species where it often coincides with very high spring shoot will successfully establish a new seagrass genet is
tides, and is generally controlled by temperature (Ramage <0.00001 (Hemminga & Duarte 2000) . Sexual reproduc-
& Schiel 1998), which facilitates simultaneous flowering tion is therefore exceptionally inefficient within seagrass,
ofseagrasses across wide areas. However. only a small pro- resulting in clonal propagation as the major method of
portion of a bed will flower at once « 10%), and there is seagrass meadow survival. The consequence is ancient
great variability between years, making flowering a com- beds (as outlined earlier) and highlights how potentially
paratively rare event in seagrass beds. with minimal allo- vulnerable existing seagrass beds are; recolonization is not
cation of carbon to this process by the seagrass (in direct straightforward.
comparison to mangroves), resulting in the existence of Established seagrass patches grow through the lateral
very old clones in some areas . One extensive single Zostera extension of the below-ground rhizomes into uninhabited
marina clone in the Baltic is thoughtto be > 1000 years old surrounding soft sediment (as long as the conditions of
(Reusch et al. 1999b) and represents the largest known that sediment favour seagrass growth), eventually pro-
marine plant, covering a total area of 6400 m 2 and weigh- ducing a new shoot unit, or ramet. Growth rates vary
ing approximately 7000 kg! In contrast. flowering occurs considerably between species but tend to be related to the
relatively commonly within intertidal Zostera beds, such size of the seagrass, with a negative relationship between
as those in Northern Ireland. It appears that disturbance rhizome diameter and horizontal extension rate (Duarte
and stress enhance seagrass flowering, and thus sexual 1991; Fig. 10.l4a) . AI; a result, the smallest species, such
reproduction, compared with more stable subtidal beds, as Halophila ovalis (Fig. 10.lIb), can spread up to 5 m y '
which favour vegetative growth. and are often regarded as pioneer species in multi-species
Practically all seagrass species have hydrophilous meadows. Rhizomes can also branch. allowing a two-
pollination, a development within seagrasses that allows dimensional colonization of new sediment.
survival in marine systems, pollen being released into the
water column to fertilize female flowers (Hemminga & The time between the development of two seagrass
Duarte 2000) . The resulting seeds vary in their disper- units is known as the plastochrone interval and is a use-
sal ability; some species have negatively buoyant seeds ful measure to compare growth rates between species
(e .g. Halodule spp.) that will not travel far, while others and under different environmental conditions.
possess structures that enhance buoyancy (e.g. the seed

(oj 1000 10
--... 9


0 0
E -r
I ~ 7

100 00

6 ~

~ ~
5 pi'
g 0 0

t ~
- g
10 0 II 3
- ~ .t "-
0 [Y
g I
= , , , , , , , , , , ,
1.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 16.0
611/90 911/90 12/1/90 313191 611/91 911/91 12/1/91 3/2/92 6/1/92 9/1/92
Rhizome die meIer (em) Dete

Figure 10.14 (a) The growth of seag rass rhizomes of different sized seagrass species smaller species w ith thi nner
rhizomes grow faster. (b) Seasonality in seagrass prod uctivity-Zostera marina off Washington State, USA.
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

Leaf growth can be highly seasonal in temperate spe-

Some fish are only found in a certain habitat, such as
cies, relating to temperature and especially light levels.
seag rass beds. These are termed obligate inhabitants,
A study on Zostera marina on the west coast of the USA
and wo uld disappear with loss of habitat. Other fish use
exemplifies such seasonal patterns of production (Nel-
the bed o ut of 'cho ice ' at certain times of the day. These
son & Waaland 1996; Fig. 10.14b), peak summer values
are known as facultative inhabitants.
being 6.5 times those in winter. Unlike the beds them-
selves, leaves do not live particularly long, with a lifes-
pan generally shorter than land plants (Hemminga et al. Seagrass beds have an important role as a nursery
1999) . Leaf age also varies considerably between species ground for the juveniles of commercially important fish
(up to a year for Posidonia oceanica), but most will shed species (Jackson et al. 2001) . For some species, the physi-
leaves throughout the growing season (e.g, Zostera mean cal habitat is key as a shelter from predation, but other fish
leaf lifespan is < 100 days), resulting in large amounts of are attracted to seagrass beds due to their supply of food
plant organic matter entering the coastal ecosystem; in in the form of invertebrates; Jenkins and Hamer (2001)
dense seagrass areas (e.g. parts of the Mediterranean) demonstrated that King George whiting (Sillaginodes
much of this litter can wash up on beaches, where in punctata, Fig.1O.15b) juveniles tended to be associated
some locations it has been harvested by local people for with density of their prey (small crustaceans) as much as
use as an agricultural fertilizer. seagrass habitat. Clearly, seagrass beds are important due
to a combination of shelter and food supply.
Similarly, seagrass beds may attract larger predators
10.3.4 Factors structuring the
too, preying on the small fish and larger invertebrates shel-
assemblages associated with tering in the bed. Predation pressure has been suggested to
seagrass be a major force structuring the assemblages found within
Seagrass meadows make available a high level of physical seagrass beds. For example, denser parts of seagrass beds
structure within what is usually a comparatively homog- (i.e. those with more shoots per metre) have been shown
enous, featureless subtidal habitat. Additionally they are to provide more shelter for prey items (Edgar & Robertson
highly productive systems (from both the seagrass and 1992). Predators maybe expected to forage less efficiently
the associated algae) and so provide potential food and in dense. thick seagrass, thus providing a refuge for smaller
shelter for a wide range of organisms. Many studies have animals . A further factor that may influence the success
demonstrated that seagrass beds have a richer associated of predators is distance from the edge of a bed, the pre-
community than surrounding soft sediments. includ- sumption being that the further in the bed a prey organism
ing invertebrates living in the sediment and on seagrass is. the harder it is for predators to reach it. This has been
blades (Connolly 1997; Lee et al. 2001), larger mobile demonstrated in a range of experiments where survival
invertebrates (e.g. crabs, cephalopods), and certain fish of prey in the field has been measured; Bologna and Heck
that shelter within the meadow (Jackson et al. 2001) . (1999), for example, reporting that bay scallops (Argopec-
This is perhaps not surprising as seagrass clearly provides ten irradians, Fig. 1O.15a) living along edges of beds, suf-
a complex structure within which animals can hide from fered a higher predation than those within the meadows.
predators, and also provides completely new habitats (e.g. However. these scallops on the edge also seemed to grow
the leaves) that will host species not found in soft sedi- quicker. so there may be a trade-off between survival and
ment. Lee et al. (2001) highlighted this, by demonstrat- growth. A method used to assess relative predation levels
ing that all invertebrates recorded living in soft sediments in seagrass beds is tethering. Prey items (e.g. prawns) are
off Hong Kong were also present in adjacent seagrass attached to lines and placed within different parts of the
beds, but 48 additional species were only found associ- seagrass bed. Comparative losses to predation can then
ated with seagrass. However. the structural complexity be recorded (e.g. Hovel & Lipcius, 2001) . Gorman et al.
of the habitat may not be the only factor influencing this (2009) tethered juvenile cod (Gadu.s spp.) over a range
boost in species diversity. Edgar (1999) undertook some of seagrass patch sizes and found highest predation levels
elegant experiments with artificial seagrass and found occurred on the edges of intermediate size patches (25
that a much richer community developed in treatments m 2 ) , suggesting predators may be attracted to larger patch
that also included seagrass detritus than those with sim- areas because of increased prey numbers. but patches of
ply artificial leaves. He concluded that small invertebrates this size do not provide enough safety for prey. Seagrass
required the provision of food and showed little depen- beds also host their own predator species, which utilize
dence on solely the seagrass structural characteristics. cryptic camouflage to hide within the canopy and feed
10.3 Seagrass meadows

off small invertebrates and, occasionally, fish. The best- be found associated with seagrass beds across most of the
known group are the Sygnathidae-the pipefish and sea- world. Seahorses, in particular, have a very high conserva-
horses (e.g. Hippocampusjayakari, Fig. 10. 15c) which can tion status. resulting in protection ofseagrass beds in some
regions (see also Chapter 14).
Additional to theories on predation refuge, there is
a direct relationship between the structural complexity
of a meadow and the associated organisms. which also
can explain their distribution within a bed. A5 a habitat
becomes more architecturally complex. it is expected that
more niches will become available. allowing higher num-
bers of species to be supported. Such a relationship has
been observed with coral reef fish and cactus-dwelling
insects, for example. Similarly. there have been clear
examples within seagrass beds of measures of complex-
ity being related to diversity. Webster et al. (1998) dem-
onstrated a positive relationship between shoot density
and associated invertebrates. while several classic studies
have positively related seagrass biomass to the number of
species recorded (e.g. Heck & Orth 1980). Increasing sea-
grass biomass has been seen as an analogue for seagrass
complexity, but Attrill et al. (2000) raised an alternative
explanation that high seagrass biomass simply provides
a greater leaf area (due to the two-dimensional nature
of the leaves) and so the relationship is a species-area
effect; more species are recorded because a greater area
has been sampled. Attrill et al. (2000) highlighted this by
demonstrating a close relationship between diversity and
seagrass biomass. but not with alternative measures of
structural complexity (Fig. 10.16) . Whatever the reason,
thicker, healthier beds do seem to provide a more favour-
able habitat for increased diversity.
At a larger spatial scale, the structure of a seagrass
meadow itself can also affect the assemblage oforganisms
associated with it. A key concern in seagrass (and terres-
trial) ecology is the fragmentation of beds (habitat) into
smaller patches. Patchy beds can be naturally generated
by specific environmental conditions, but much fragmen-
tation of continuous beds is due to human activities, such
as damage caused by boat anchors. propellers. or moor-
ings (Fig. 10.17) . Habitat fragmentation has a range of
consequences that impact organisms living within that
habitat. The overall area of the seagrass can be reduced,
which may impact big species requiring a comparatively
large territory. so the relative importance of fragmenta-
tion for conservation is a major issue : is one large area
better than several small areas? This has become known
as the SLOSS debate: Single Large Or Several Small
Figure10.15 Organisms using seagrass beds as cover. A further consequence offragmentation is that discrete
(a) The bay scallop Argopecten irradians within a seagrass patches of seagrass can form islands that are separated
bed (photo: Dave Clausen). (b) King George whiting from the next patch by bare sediment, potentially isolat-
Sillaginodes punctata (photo: Peter Macreadie). (c) The ing organisms from the main population. Crossing this
cryptic predatory fish Hippocampus jayakari (photo: Ole sediment therefore presents a risk, and corridors of veg-
Johan Brett). etation are very important for the movement of species
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows


2l l- •
- ••

Ci.20 l-
• • • • -
2l •
-- 15f- • • • •
g g

• • •• •••
-- 20

• •• • • •
.::- 15
• •
•• • • •

•• • • • •• •• • •
g 10 l- g


10 •• •
z • g
d •
5f- z 5

0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Complexily index Seog ro~ biomass (g. OWl)

Figure 10.16 The relationship between invertebrate d iversity and seagrass arch itecture. Attrill et al. (2000)
demonstrated that structural complexity was not related to associated diversity, but there was a relationship with
seagrass biomass. They suggested this was due to increasing biomass providing a larger area to sample, and so
more species were encountered .

such as crabs (Micheli & Peterson 1999). Fragmentation sure have also produced contrasting results. Irlandi et al.
also increases the edge effect within seagrass habitat. (1999), for example, worked on the role of fragmentation
a patchy bed having a much larger edge:area ratio than on the survival ofthe same scallop species as Bologna and
continuous beds. Previously we saw how predators are Heck (1999), but found no consistent patch size effect.
potentially much more successful at the edges of beds, so
increasing the amount of edge can increase overall pre- The sea is a relatively open system , as there are rarely
dation pressure. Fragmentation can also change water any barriers at a localized scale to organ ism disper-
flow and sediment deposition, and ultimately physical sal through the water between habitat 'islands" unlike
conditions within a bed. While the detrimental impact between two forest areas, for example. Factors such as
of fragmentation on land is comparatively well-accepted, the longevity of the larval dispersal phase and meso-
evidence from seagrass beds is more equivocal. Bowden scale oceanic physical barriers determine connectivity
et al. (2001) demonstrated higher diversity of sediment- between different areas of the sea.
dwelling invertebrates in large Zostera marina patches
than small ones, but McNeill and Fairweather (1993) The consequences of fragmentation within the marine
found that several small patches had a higher over- environment (beyond the detrimental loss of overall area)
all diversity than continuous patches of the same area. require further investigation, but processes involved may
Studies into the impact of patch size on predation pres- be quite different in this open system to those on land.

Figure 10.17 Zostera marina

bed in Jersey, English Channel.
The clear patches are gaps in
the seagrass meadow caused
by the physical impact of
mooring chains used by the
yachts. (Photograph: Emma
Jackso n/ Paul Tucker.)
10.3 Seagrass meadows

However. there is one further scale of organism size reliant

on seagrass where seagrass loss may have more notable

10.3.5 Seagrass as a food supply for

large grazers
The majority of small grazers, such as gastropod molluscs
and amphipods, which inhabit seagrass beds generally
feed on the epiphytic algae, rather than directly grazing
the seagrass leaves. Such grazers therefore potentially
have a role in limiting the growth of such algae within
seagrass beds, and thus could influence the productivity
of the seagrass itself by preventing algal overgrowth and
shading (Williams & Ruckelshaus 1993). Additionally,
invertebrate grazers may be key in reducing the impact
of increasing nutrients within coastal systems, which may
favour growth by algae over seagrass (10.3.2), although
experiments are so far inconclusive (e .g. Keuskamp
2004) . The only invertebrates that demonstrate a major
grazing impact on the seagrasses themselves are sea
urchins, with examples of overgrazing apparent across
the globe in tropical and temperate waters (Eklofa et al
2008) . An example is Lytechinu.s variegatu.s, which can
occur in huge numbers (up to 360 m-2 ) within seagrass
beds off the east coast of North America. The urchin has Figure 10.18 (a) Tha/assio testudinum is known as turtle
been demonstrated to seriously overgraze beds in Florida, grass (photo: NOAA). (b) The green turtle, Chelonia mydos,
removing (for example) nearly 0.8 km- of meadow in 8 which grazes primarily on seagrass, giving the seagrass its
months (Rose et al. 1999). name (photo:
The major direct grazers of seagrass are. however,
marine vertebrates, in particular two groups: the turtles young leaves or leaf tips, which are more nutritious and
and the sea cows (Sirenia) . Both groups have representa- have lower lignin content. Turtles are seen to return to the
tive species that feed primarily on seagrass and can have same feeding area in order to graze newly grown vegeta-
major impacts on the growth. productivity. and structure tion. This continued grazing stresses the plant, resulting in
of seagrass meadows. The green turtle (Chelonia mydas, reduced leaf production, so eventually these feeding areas
Fig. 10.18b) grazes primarily on Tholassia testudinum are abandoned. In beds oflow density, turtles are less select-
(hence its common name, turtle grass, Fig. 10.18a), par- ive and forage more widely.
ticularly in the Caribbean and adjacent tropical regions. Four extant species of Sirenia exist: three species of
manatee (Fig. 10.19), and the dugong (Dugong dugan) .
The green turtle is actually brown , so its name may Manatees are not seagrass specialists; while they feed off
appear somewhat inappropriate. However, it was named seagrass when in salt water, manatees spend much time
after the colour of its fatty flesh. The turtles were hunted in freshwater where they forage on submerged vegeta-
primarily to make turtle soup. tion. For example, water hyacinths are a staple food for
the West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus) in many
Young turtles are pelagic omnivores, but once they Florida rivers. The dugong occurs in the Indo-West Pacific
reach 20 to 35 em in size they begin benthic foraging, pref- region and is more strictly marine, with seagrass forming
erably on seagrass, though they will graze on algae where the main diet. Unlike manatees. dugongs can feed in large
seagrass is not available (BjomdaI1980) . Adults demon- herds of 100 to 200 individuals, particularly in the exten-
strate a die! feeding pattern, resting during the night (e.g. sive seagrass beds off northern Australia. Unlike turtles,
on coral reefs) and foraging during the daytime. Their dugongs often take the whole seagrass plant, roots and
specific foraging strategy depends on the seagrass density. all, leaving distinctive feeding trails through the seagrass
In high-density areas turtles are selective, avoiding older bed (Preen 1995) . In dugong foraging areas off Austra-
leaves or those covered in epiphytes. and consuming the lia. the seagrass beds are composed of two main species :
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

Fig 10.19 Manatees, and particularly

dugongs, feed on seagrass and generate
d isturbance to the seabed. Manatee use
of habitat close to the shore in shallow
water, e.g. Florida, makes them vulnerable
to injury by boat propellers. (Photograph:
Oxford Scientific/photolibrary.)

Zostera capricorni is the dominant large species inter- m-2 y-l) and borealforests (800 gm-2 y-'; Whittaker 1975).
spersed with patches of the fast-growing pioneer Haloph- Seagrass beds therefore provide large amounts of carbon
ila spp.. Dugongs prefer to feed on Halophila as it has a for input into coastal systems. supporting food webs and
high nitrogen content and low proportion of fibre. and as commercially important species such as prawns (see Lon-
a pioneer species Halophila is the first to recolonize the eragan et al. (1997) in 10.2.7, for example) . The high leaf
disturbed areas left by dugong feeding. In this way, graz- biomass produced by seagrass beds is also harvested by
ing by herds of dugongs alters the species composition of humans for a range of uses, such as packing material. fibre
the seagrass meadow, stimulating the growth of Haloph- for use in mat weaving, and even seagrass furniture and
ita, and herds have been observed grazing the same loca- storage boxes (Green & Short 2003).
tion for up to a month as they crop the new growth of
Halophila within their grazing trails. This activity has It is useful to compare seagrass productivity with that of
been termed cultivation grazing, as the dugongs' feed- other systems: savannah> 900 9 m- 2 v:'. boreal forests
ing results in a greater proportion of their favoured food = 800 g m- 2 y-' , lakes and streams = 250 g m- 2 r' .
supply. Rainforests, however, produce 2200 9 m~2 y-' (Whittaker
19 75).
As well as four existing species of sea cow, a further
species (the 10-m long Stellers sea cow, Hydrodama-
lis gigas) was hunted to extinction by 1768-within 30 Seagrass beds also provide key ecological services.
years of its discovery in the Arctic waters of the Bering The root-rhizome system enhances sediment stabiliza-
Strait. tion and thus prevents erosion, while the foliage slows
water currents through their baffling effect. encourag-
ing sediment to settle and preventing resuspension.
Extensive seagrass beds therefore are stabilizing fea-
10.3.6 The wider role of seagrass
tures within the coastal landscape, and provide a nat-
meadows ural form of coastal protection. In the low-lying Wadden
As well as providing a habitat maintaining high levels of Sea (Netherlands), seagrass debris was traditionally used
biodiversity. a nursery ground for fishery species, and pro- to make dykes. and restoration of Zostera marina beds
viding food for large endangered grazers, seagrass beds through transplantation is being investigated as a natural
perform other critical functions that make them valuable barrier to protect the coast (van Katwijk 2003) . Perhaps
to both coastal ecosystems and humans (Green & Short the greatest value of seagrass beds is. however, indirect
2003) . roles in water purification and nutrient cycling (Green &
For a marine ecosystem, seagrass beds have exception- Short 2003) . Through sedimentation processes and the
ally high biomass and productivity: Duarte and Chiscano active uptake of nutrients into the seagrass meadow eco-
(1999) estimated an average production of 1012 g dry system. large seagrass beds can be effective in removing
weight m-2 y-l. This is higher than other marine primary nutrients from the water column and trapping them for a
producers, such as macroalgae (365 g dry weight m-2 y-l) comparatively long time in leaflitter; most algal-dominated
and phytoplankton (128 g dry weight m-2 y-l), and com- or planktonic systems have a much quicker turnover of
parable to key terrestrial systems such as savannah (900 g nutrients. Seagrasses can therefore help mitigate problems
10.3 Seagrass meadows
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

of eutrophication (10.3.2) and even bind organic pollut- Seagrass beds therefore provide a range of goods and
ants. Similarly. seagrasses can help drawdown and remove services of benefit to coastal ecosystems and humans (see
carbon dioxide and play some role in the amelioration of Chapter 16). Costanza et al. (1997) attempted to put an
climate change, particularly species such as Posidonia oce- economic value on the world's ecosystems relating to these
anica whose root-rhizome matte can persist for hundreds services, suggesting seagrass/algae beds are worth $19 004
of years. While their overall impact compared with phyto- ha- 1y-1, mainly due to their nutrient cycling role. Green and
plankton in the world's oceans will be low, their high pro- Short (2003) therefore estimated the global value of sea-
ductivity gives them a disproportionate influence in coastal grasses to be $3.8 trillion (i.e. $3.8 x 1012 ) , but pointed out
systems (Green & Short 2003). that this does not represent the total worth of the ecosystem
and is not a purchase value!
The matte of Posidonia can be roug hly aged due to
known growth rates. It has therefore been used to date
old wrecks in the Mediterranean!

Chapter Summary
• Mangroves and seagrasses are both 'true plants' and their aggregations represent two of t he most
valuable marine hab it ats in the world, being highly productive and with a very high associated bio-
• Mangroves are found mainly in the tropics and are woody trees that can flourish at the land/sea
interface. Through morphological and physiological adaptations, mangroves can deal with their
roots being in waterlogged, anoxic sediment, and can tolerate the high levels of salt, surviving in
conditions that would be fatal for most plants.
• A dynamic mix of terrestrial and marine organisms share mangrove forests. They are important sites
for many bird species, including species of hi gh conservation status such as scarlet ibis.
• Crabs are t he most important marine group of organisms associated w ith mangroves, their burrowing
activity and consumption of leaf litter being important for carbon cycling and in turn ing over the
sed iment (which affects the production of mangroves).
• Mangroves have an important wider role, exporting carbon to surrounding areas, protecting the
coast from erosion and providing a nursery area for many fish species, including those from coral reefs.
• Seagrasses are the only angiosperms that can survive fully submerged in the marine environment. They
are found across the world's coastal seas and can form huge meadows covering 1000s of km 2 •
• Meadows mainly form in shallow subtidal soft sediments in clear water, but can extend int o the
intertidal zone or even grow on rocks. In the clear waters of the Mediterranean, Posidonia beds
can grow down to 40 m.
• Seagrass leaves form a substratum for the settlement of a d iverse epiphyte community. The rela-
tionship between seagrass and algae is complex, and can be altered by increased nutrient levels that
favour the algae, outcompeting the seagrass.
• The physically complex nature of seagrass beds, compared to surrounding bare sand, results in
meadows having a high associated biodiversity of marine animals (invertebrates and fish). The diver-
sity and abundance of animals is associated directly with the amount and complexity of seagrass
that is present, from the density of shoots to the overall areal cover of seagrass.
• The global cover of seagrasses has been reduced dramatically (15% from 1993 to 2003) as they
are sensitive to changes in light levels, nutrients, and human mechanical disturbance.
Chapter 10 Mangrove Forests and Seagrass Meadows

Further Reading
• Green, E, P. & Short, F. 1. 2003, World Atlos of Seaqrasses. University of Cal iforn ia Press,
• Hemminga, M, A. & Duarte, C M, 2000, Seogross Ecology Cambridge University Press,
• Hogarth, P. J. 19 9 9, The Biology of Mongroves, Oxford University Press, Oxford ,

Key papers and reviews

• Alongi, D,M, 2002 , Present state and future of the world's mangrove forests, Environmental Conserva-
tion 29: 331 -349,
• Duarte, C. M. 2002. The future of seagrass meadows. Environmental Conservation 29: 192-206.
• Jackson, E" Rowden, A.A., Attrill, MJ" Bossey, SJ" & Jones, M,B, 200 1, The importance of seag rass beds
as a habitat for fis hery species, Oceonogrophy ond Morine Biology: on Annuol Review 39, 269-303 ,
• Molnar, J.L" Gamboa, R.L" Revenga, C , & Spaldi ng, MD, 2008, Assessi ng the g lobal threat of invasive
species to marine biodiversity. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6: 4 8 5-4 9 2.
• Ropert-Coudert, Y. & Wilson, R.P. 2005. Trends and perspectives in animal-attached remote sensing.
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3 , 4 3 7-444.
Coral Reefs

Chapter Summary silently above them observing the inhabitants. Indeed, reef
The first sight of a coral reef has inspired many to seek a research has burgeoned with the advent of widely available
career in marine b io logy. The bands of bright colou r fringi ng scuba-diving gear in the 1950s. However, for millions of
the coasts of tropical islands and highlighting small coral people in the tropics, reefs are not only a source of fascina-
atolls in an otherwise deep-blue ocean are a marvel to most tio n, but thei r mai n source of food, buildi ng materials, and
of us and attract a globally significant tou rism business. income. The activities of bu rgeoning human populations
These reefs can be hund reds of metres thick, and yet they are th reateni ng co ral reefs around th e world, and although
have been built by a thin veneer of living coral tissue. Spe- reefs can be highly productive, growth of the reef itself can
cies' diversity on reefs can equal that in rainforests, but be a transient process, easily upset by changes in climate,
reefs are probably more accessi ble because you can float sedimentation, fis hing, and pollution.

11. 1 Introduction habitat. Despite their vas t size, reefs are among the most
sensitive of marine habitats to human disturbance; they are
Coral reefs support some of the most diverse and produc- in fact the marine ecosystem most threatened with anthro-
tive communities in the marine environment. Living corals pogenic degradation. We consider the roles of climate
create limestone formations that may be thousands of kilo - change, fishing, and pollution in driving this degradation.
metres long and hundreds of metres deep. While the sm all
polyps that form living coral are best viewed under a micro-
scope, limestone coral reefs are clearly visible from space. 11.2 Reef development and
Coral reefs const itute a shallow, productive, and brightly
illuminated ecosystem, supporting an am azing diversity of
plant and animal species . In many areas, by providing pro- From the seafarer's perspective, reefs are rocks close to the
tection from wave ene rgy, they also help foster ecological sea surface that can damage a ship's hull. However, coral
oases such as of mangroves and seagrass beds (Chapter 10) , reefs are distinct because they are biogenic, or deposited
in otherwise deep and oligotrophic oceans. Coral reefs are by living organisms (Veron 2000). Growing corals and
an iconic ecosystem; they figure prominently in advertising, calcare ous algae deposit carbonate and this can form vas t
attract major tourism and exemplify the complexities of the limestone structures that raise the living reef high above
marine environment. the surround ing seabed. Thus, the Great Barrier Reef in
This chapter describes the global distribution and typol- Australia extends for 2000 km and has an are a of 48 000
ogy of coral reefs, the biology of reef building corals, and km-, and Enewet ak Atoll in the tropical Pacific is over 1300
the factors that influence their growth and reproduction. m thick. While the reef at Enewetak Atoll is probably 50 mil-
We will look at the productivity of re efs, and the biology lion years old, most of the limestone that forms the struc-
and diversity of animals supported by this production and ture of the Great Barrier Reef was deposited in the last 500
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

000 years and most modern reef grow th d ates only from
the last 10 000 years, during the present interglacial period Table 11.1 The global distribution of warm water
(Holocene) (Chapter 1). coral reefs. After Spalding et al. (2001).
Most reefs are found within a band 30° north or south of
the equator (Fig. 11.1 ) . The extent of shallow-water coral Region Area (km 2 ) "!o of world
reefs worldwide is 284 300 km- (Table 11.1 ) ; this is only total
around 3% of the total tropical continental shelf area but is
Atlantic and Caribbean 21600 7.6
inordinately rich in terms of biodiversity.
Caribbean 20000 7.0
Atlantic 16 0 0 0.6
Coral reefs cover <0 .10;0 of the global ocean surface
area, yet, for example, they host over a quarter of all
Indo-Pacific 261 200 91.9
known fish species on Earth and the vertebrate species'
Red Sea and Gulf of Aden 17400 6.1
density (number of species per unit area) is far greater
Arabian Gulf and
than that of rain forest.
Arabian Sea 4200 1.5
Indian Ocean 32000 11.3
See http: // / for global maps of coral Southeast Asia 91 700 32.3
reef distributions. Pacific 1 15 900 40.8

The re are two broad groups of corals: reef- build ing or Eastern Pacific 1600 0.6
hermatypic corals, and the non reef-building aherma-
typic corals. Hermatypic corals are largely confined to the
.-1- ,- 284400

tropics, wh ile ahermatyp ic corals are found worldwide.

The growt h of hermatypic corals and ot he r reef-builders,
and hence the distribution of coral reefs, is strongly influ- stop growing a nd are eroded by a va riety of an imals, a
enced by the physical environment. process known as bioeros ion, However, in regions such
as West Africa other forces are at work, and land-derived
Reef-building corals are known as hermatypic. siltat ion also inhibits reef formation. In 11. 3 we look more
closely at factors affect ing growt h of corals.
The latitudin al span of coral reefs corresponds w it h
a temperature range of 18 to 36°C, wit h opt imu m ree f Reef growth is influenced by sea temperature.
development occurring at 26 to 28°C. Tempe rature helps
explain the absence of reefs fr om much of the tropical Corals and other carbonate-form ing organ isms form
coas ts of the Americas (Fig. 11.1 ) and West Africa, where several types of reef, depending on the availability of
cool upwelling water (Chapter 7) does not support coral underlying substratum (existing carbonate reef or igneous
growth. Reefs in areas where temperatures vary cons ider- rock), long-term changes in sea level, light levels, and wave
ably in space and time will often show highly intermittent action . Fringing reefs develop on the shelving shores of
patterns of growt h . Suc h an area is the Gala pagos Islands, most rocky tropical islands (Fig. 11.2). These reefs develop
where several ocean curre nts, carrying water of different because corals settle and grow on well-illuminated and
temperatures, m eet. During warm periods there may be shallow areas of the rocky substratum. As the corals grow
rapid acc re tion of reefs, bu t during cooler periods, reefs towards the sea surface, they create a shallow platform

Figure 11.1 Global distribution of coral reefs. After Spalding et al. (2001).
11.2 Reef development and distribution

Figure 11.2 Different types of coral


Patm reel Barrier reef Awn

and. over several thousand years. the platform reaches a sea level rise relative to the land. in which land subsid-
height where it isjust exposed by low tides. Further upward ence may also be important. Barrier reefs grow quickly
growth of the reef then stops because the corals cannot tol- because the exposure of the corals to prevailing wind and
erate drying and intense wave action. However, the fringing currents can enhance growth (Fig. 11.5) . Atolls are per-
reef may continue to grow horizontally. as the edge of the haps the classic example of a coral reef, a ring of reef with
platform provides shallow and well-lit areas for more corals low-lying islands surrounding a central lagoon. Atolls can
to settle and grow. Horizontal development will continue be 10 km or more across, and many are famed for their
until the base of the platform is too deep and poorly illumi- biological diversity, seabird colonies, and military signifi-
nated to support coral growth . cance (Box 11.1) . Charles Darwin was the first scientist
to speculate on the formation of atolls, and his theory is
Fringing reefs grow on shelving coastlines. widely accepted today (Fig. 11.6). When a volcanic island
is formed, it is quickly colonized by corals and a fringing
Patch reefs or bommies are small reefs that grow in reef forms. Then, as the island subsides or sea level rises,
shallow lagoonal areas and are often surrounded by sand. corals grow most rapidly on the outer edges of the former
Patch reefs may grow upward until they are just below the fringing reef and a barrier reef is formed . Eventually, the
surface at low tide, but they are often deeper (Fig. 11.3). island may be lost altogether, but the ring-shaped atoll
Barrier reefs surround many tropical islands and are usu- remains.
ally separated from the land by lagoons with patch and
fringing reefs. The lagoons are typically 1-10 Ian wide. Other types of reef are patch, atoll , and barrier reefs.
Barrier reefs on one side of an island will be exposed to
the prevailing oceanic swells, and are visible from the
The theory of atoll formation was first put forward by
land as a line of breaking surf (Fig. HAl . Barrier reefs
Charles Darwin.
may develop from fringing reefs following periods of

Figure 11.4 A lagoon and barrier reef in Vanuatu . Note

Figure 11.3 A lagoonal patch reef in Fiji. (Photograph: the line of surf breaking on the barrier reef in the
Simon Jennings.) distance. (Photograph: Simon Jennings.)
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

Figure 11.5 An o ute r reef slo pe o n the Great Astrolabe Reef in Fiji. (Photograph: Simon Jennings.)

Box 11.1: Aldabra Atoll hostility of Aldabra may have discouraged visits from fish-
Aldabra Atoll , 34 km by 14 km in size and one of the ermen, they would have been no deterrent for the military,
world's largest co ral atolls, is situated in the Indian Ocean, who had already developed another atoll , Diego Garcia
approximately 200 miles north of Madagascar (9°25'5 in the Chagos Arc hipelago south of India, as a military
46°25'E). The scientific importance of Aldabra Atoll was base. The British Government was clearly unappreciative
recognized by 18 50 , since, unlike most other atolls and of the ecological importance of Aldabra. Denis Healey,
despite regular visits from fishermen in preceding years, a senior British poli tician , had responded to a question
there was no permanen t settlement on the island and it in the House of Commons by stating that 'the island of
had been left relatively undisturbed. By 1850, giant tor- Aldabra is inhabited-like Her Majesty's Opposition Front
toises had virtually disappeared from other Indian Ocean Bench-by giant turtles [sic] , frigate birds and boobies;
atolls, due to direct exploitation and habitat modificatio n nevertheless, it may well provide useful facilities for aircraft'.
following guano digging and logging. The guano deposits The Royal Society, Smithsonian Institution, National Acad-
on Aldabra were insufficient to make digging commercially emy of Scien ces, and other bodies, vigorously opposed
viable and it was a hostile atoll with difficult boat access. development. The protest culminated with the British Royal
When a company proposed to lease the atoll for woodcut- Society mounting an expedition to Aldabra in 1967. They
t ing in the late 1800s, Charles Darwin and other eminent aimed to ob tain all possible information on the islands
scientists argued for protection of the tortoise popula- before any development started. Devaluation of the Brit-
t ion. No protective legislation was passed, but private ish currency, rather th an the views of environmentalists,
arrangements we re reached with the lessor in retu rn for eventually rendered the military scheme too expensive and
assistance with rent. subsequent changes in international relations and defence
The famous expedition diver, Jacques Cousteau, vis- strategy meant that development never occurred. Partly as a
ited Aldabra Atoll in 1954, and the popular media cov- result of the military threat, however, Aldabra is one of the
erage that followed publicized its biological importance. most thoroughly studied oceanic atolls and its ecological
However, with the 'Cold War' at its height followi ng the significance led to its designation as a World Heritage Site
Cuban Missile Crisis, and Aldabra formi ng part of the Brit- by the IUCN in 1982. It is now managed by the Seychelles
ish Indian Ocean Territory, the British and US Governments Island Foundation (http:/ / .
Signed a 1965 treaty to make the islands of the territory Source: Stoddart (1984).
available for defence purposes. While the isolation and
11.3 Corals and coral communities

growth. as corals grew quickly to remain well-illuminated.

However, sea levels have also risen by 10 m or more in 1000
years. which is faster than maximum coral growth rates;
in such cases, corals have been left behind in deep water,
unable to keep pace. Maximum rates of reef expansion and
growth usually occur in the warmer interglacial period.

Fluctuations in sea level have a key effect on reef growth.

Bioerosion involves removal of carbonate by grazers

(e.g parrotfish and sea urchins) and borers (e.g. sponges,
bivalves); see 11 .7.

Reef growth is also rapid when shallow shelf areas sub-

side. provided that the rate of subsidence does not carry
corals out of the brightly illuminated zone.

11.3 Corals and coral

Corals build vast limestone structures but, in evolutionary
terms. th e corals are quite simple organisms. During reef
formation, their most important features are the capacity to
live colonially and to deposit calcium carbonate skeletons.
Corals. and hence reef growth, are very sensitive to the
physical environment.
Hermatypic corals are largely confined to the tropics,
while ahermatypic corals are found worldwide. The pol-
yps of hermatypic corals usually contain symbiotic algae or
zooxanthellae, which photosynthesize and provide energy
Figure 11.6 The formation of an atoll. A volcanic island for the coral polyp (Fig. 11.7). The relationship is symbi-
is colonized by corals and a fringing reef develops
(upper). As the land subsides (m iddle), so a barrier reef
is formed, which, as the land subsides further or sea
level rises (lower) becomes an atoll.

Historical patterns of reef growth are typically revealed ----,'iL----- ?<-- - li>ntode
by examining cores cut into reefs. Reef growth is rarely con-
tinuous, and periods of fast growth are often interspersed - - --tt------+I-- Phorynx
with periods of bioerosion. The fastest recorded rates of : - - - - - - - - - Meson" ,1
net reef growth are around 20 m in 1000 years, but3 m per ~lome nt

1000 years is more typical today. On the Great Barrier Reef :::0-- - Connecting sheet
and at Enewetak Atoll coral growth involves an average
deposition of 4200 tannes of limestone krrr?r i . The linear -----1t-- Them
extension of individual corals can reach 20 em y-I, and for - -Sderoseplum
short periods reef accumulation can be rapid. but such rates
of annual growth are not sustained over geological time. In
geological time, reef growth has been primarily affected by ----=---------'---- 8' ,,1plate
sea level fluctuations of up to 140 m, caused by repeated
accumulation and melting ofglaciers in the northern hemi-
sphere and the associated expansion and contraction of the Figure 11.7 A coral polyp. The zooxanthellae are found
area of warm tropical seas (Veron 2000) . Falls in sea level in the gastroderm is. After Muller-Parker & D'Elia. (1997)
expose reefs. while increases in sea level promoted reef and others.
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

otic because the polyps provide protection and nutrients The successful reproduction and recruitment of corals
for the zooxanthellae, while the zooxanthellae fix carbon is fundamental to reef development. Reproduction ensures
and produce ene rgy for the polyp (Table 11.2). A number new individuals will form and recruitment is the process by
of stress ors, such as elevated temperature, ultraviolet light, which young corals join the coral community. Most herma-
and nutrient levels, can cause the symbiosis to break down typic corals consist of polyps, and these colonies grow by
and ultimately kill the corals. asexual budding. Polyps can also detach from some colo-
nies and establish new colon ies elsewhere or, particularly
Hermatypic corals contain symbiotic algae that fix carbon with branching corals, pieces of skeleton with attached pol-
dioxide and produce energy. yps will break off and subsequently grow.

Zooxan thellae are dinoflagellate symbiotic algae, Corals can reproduce sexually and asexually.
mostly belonging to the genus Symbiodinium . They con-
tain characteristic dinoflagellate pigments, as well as chlo- While detached polyps m ay be ciliated and able to drift
rophyll. Zooxanthellae can live independently of the host or swim, the long-distance dispersal of corals is mostly
coral in a free-living motile stage, but in the coral polyps achie ved throu gh sexual re product ion (Carlon 1999).
they lose their flagellae and motility. The symbiotic algae Here, corals release eggs and sperm, and fertilized eggs
can be transmitted during coral reproduction, but corals can develop into a ciliated larva, which can drift over long dis-
also obtain them directly from seawater (Muller-Parker & tances before settling. Corals may be gonochoric, simul-
D'Elia 1997). Successful coral growth requires that the cor- taneous, or sequential hermaphrodites. Most species are
als can gather nutrients from oligotrophic tropical waters . simultaneous hermaphrodites.
The tentacles of the coral polyps can capture nutrient-rich Some coral species reproduce by brood ing; the eggs are
zooplankton directly while the zooxanthellae provide pho- fertilized internally and the ciliated larva (p la nu la) devel-
tosynthetic by-products. ops inside the coral polyp (Richmond 1997). However,
The zooxanthellae are autotrophic and require nutri- most species are broadcasters, releasing eggs and sperm
ents, light, and carbon dioxide to fix carbon. These symbiotic into the water column for fertilization (Fig. 11.8). Spawn-
algae can obtain the nutrients by recycling waste products ing corals exhibit m ass releases of gametes during particu-
from their animal host, from the zooplankton caught by lar periods of the year, usually related to lunar cycles. On
their animal host, and through direct uptake from seawater. the Great Barrier Reef, gamete release by over 100 species is
During photosynthes is, carbon dioxide is removed from the synchron ized, presumably because the corals are respond-
water to produce organic matter. When the rate of photosyn- ing to common cues. Synchronization no doubt incre ases
thesis is high, the rapid uptake of CO, will promote calcium the probability of fertilization within species and also has
carbonate precipitation at the base of the polyps. the effect of swamping egg and larvae predators (Oliver &
Babcock 1992).
Once eggs are fertilized they develop into planulae that
Table 11.2 Benefits of the symbiosis between are capable of settlement in 1- 3 days. These larvae gene r-
zooxanthellae and corals. Modified from Muller-
Parker and D'Elia (1997).

For the anima!

Supply of reduced carbon providi ng low respiration
costs and conservation of metabolic resources
Increased growth and reproduction
Increased calcification rate
Conservation of nutrients
Sequestration of toxic compounds by algae
•• ••• ••• ••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••••••••
For the zooxanthellae
Supply of CO2 and nutrients from host maintenance in
photic zone
Protection from UV damage by animal tissues
Maintenance of a high population density of a single
genotype by host under uniform environmental Figure 11.8 Coral spawning showing the eggs
conditions emerging from the polyps (photograph: Greg Bunch/
- gbundersea).
11.4 Coral reef productivity and food chains

ally only acquire their zooxanthellae after settlement and temperatures of 38°C and minimum temperatures of 12°C.
metamorphosis, whereas the larvae of brooders already Such temperature changes in the central Indian Ocean
contain zooxanthellae from the parent colony. During would cause extensive coral death and, in many cases, sus-
metamorphosis the larva secretes a calcified basal plate and tained increases in temperature of 2 to 3°C for a few weeks,
the form of the polyp develops. Factors such as suspended as occur during E1 Nino events (Chapters 7 and 8), may be
sediment load. temperature. and salinity will affect rates enough to lead to mass mortality.
of coral egg fertilization and larval survival. Interestingly,
even distantly related corals seem to require the presence of Most corals are sensitive to temperature change.
crustose-coralline algae for successful metamorphosis and
settlement. These algae in tum need the grazing of fishes Reefs grow fastest when salinity is 33 to 35, typical
and invertebrates to keep them clear of other organisms, of offshore oceans. At lower salinities, in the vicinity of
thus within the ecosystem there is an indirect connection river estuaries, for example, extensive coral reefs do not
between the amount of grazing and coral establishment. develop, even if sediment loads are low and light penetra-
The reproduction and growth of hermatypic corals is tion through the water is good.
strongly influenced by the physical environment. Corals are Wave action generates currents around reefs and
principally affected by temperature, light, depth, salinity, enhances the transfer of nutrients and dissolved gases such
wave energy, sediment, and pollution. as oxygen. However, some corals cannot withstand the
turbulence induced by waves. For this reason, wave action
The physical environment determines coral distribution. has an important structuring force on coral communities,
especially on outer reef slopes. Many tropical regions are
Light is vital to corals, as it allows the zooxanthellae to also affected by powerful waves during hurricanes. The his-
photosynthesize. Most reef accretion occurs at depths of 0 tory of hurricane damage has affected the distribution of
to 10 m, and even in clear oceanic water, hermatypic cor- modern reefs, since corals in areas impacted by hurricanes
als are rare below 30 m. We saw in Chapters 2 and 7 how will usually be tolerant to intense disturbance or be short-
quickly light attenuates as it enters the water, although light lived species that can recolonize an area between hurricane
penetration is good in shallow water when the sun is almost events. In the Caribbean, for example, the distribution of
vertically overhead and the water is clear. Indeed, working reef types reflectshistorical patterns ofstorm and hurricane
underwater on coral reefs at a depth of3 to 4 m there is still disturbance (Hubbard 1997).
sufficient ultraviolet light to cause sunburn.
The zonation of corals is partly explained by the effects
Corals need light to grow and are rarely found at depths of wave action.
>30 m.
Some corals can remove sediment from their surface, but
Diving down an outer reef slope it is always surprising in general sediments cause smothering, abrasion, shading,
how quickly the bright colours of the reef and a superabun- and recruitment inhibition in reef corals. Pulse sediment
dance of small colourful fish are replaced by more sombre loads are often storm-related and reef organisms may be
oceanic blues. As the light intensity fades, so corals become only acutely affected by them, but suspended sediments
increasingly scarce, and are found only in small patches that result from agricultural practices on land, dredging,
(Fig. 11.5). The availability of light determines the maxi- and coastal development have had a significant impact on
mum depth at which corals are found. Coral linear exten- reefs in recent times. One of the main effects ofincreases in
sion rates may drop from a centimetre per year at 2-5 m suspended sediment load is to shade corals, and they can no
depth to a few millimetres or less at 10 m. In the presence longer grow in the reduced light levels.
of bioeroders, such as parrotfish and sea urchins, it is not
surprising that almost all reef accretion takes place in the ( Suspended sediment can kill corals. )
shallow well-lit zone.
We have already seen that temperature governs the
global distribution of reefs, with optimum reef develop-
ment occurring at 26 to 28°C. Corals have quite low toler- 11.4 Coral reef productivity
ance to temperature variation, although tolerance is species and food chains
and site specific. Corals that have evolved in very stable
temperature regimes are typically less tolerant to change Swimming up to coral reefs from the surrounding waters,
than those that have evolved in more variable environ- it soon becomes clear that reefs are highly productive. The
ments. Sheppard et al. (1992), for example, describe reef productivity is usually expressed per unit of projected sur-
corals in the western Arabian Gulf that survive maximum face area of the reef. This is very different from the true
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

surface area, which accounts for the complexity of the reef disperse the organic compounds they leak or excrete. Most
habitat. and can be 15 times greater than projected area turf algae are constantly grazed by herbivores, keeping
(Hatcher 1988, 1997). them in the most productive phase of growth through the
intense feeding and probably local recycling of nutrients via
Coral reefs are very productive, but most of the produc- defecation and excretion. Rates of gross primary produc-
tion is recycled withi n the reef. tion by reef algae range from 1 to 40 g C m-2 d-" 20 to 90%
of what is left after respiration and export being grazed by
Corals are responsible for significant carbon fixation on herbivores, even though some algal species have evolved
coral reefs, but less than half the carbon they fix is available anti-grazing mechanisms.
to consumers, because most is respired, recycled. or accu-
mulated within the coral colony. In fact, only a few reef spe- Reef algae can be very productive and support many fish
cies, such as the gastropod Drupella. the crown-of-thorns and invertebrate food chains.
starfish Acantha.ster, and some parrotfishes (Scaridae) or
butterflyfishes (Chaetodontidae), feed on coral polyps Phytoplankton production in the water surrounding
directly. Reef algae are extremely productive, and the car- reefs also makes an important contribution to the produc-
bon that they fix plays a much greater role in supporting tion of reef animals. The phytoplankton support zooplank-
reef food chains because they are directly grazed by many ton that are grazed by reef animals as currents carry them
reef species and because across whole reefs coral typically across the reef. The extent of plankton use byreef fishes was
cover only a small proportion of the total substratum. dramatically illustrated by Hamner et al. (1988) . As water
flowed over the reef slope, virtually all copepods and other
Not much coral production is eaten directly. zooplankters were picked off by planktivorous fishes (Fig.
11.9). Although production in the waters surrounding reefs
Shallow and well-lit coral reefs provide an ideal substra- is low on a per unit area basis. the continuous flow ofwater
tum for algal growth. Most reef areas not covered with cor- overthe reefs means that reef planktivores can eat plankton
als are colonized by turfs of filamentous and small fleshy from a very large area of ocean (Polunin 1996).
algae that are directly grazed by fishes and invertebrates.
The algae and photosynthetic bacteria that account for Reef animals also eat plankton that drift over the reef.
most reef production across whole reefs ultimately rely on
the surrounding seawater to supply organic nutrients and The 24-h cycle has often been used to measure net com-
munityproduction on reefs because photosynthetic produc-
tion takes place in daylight hours and respiration occurs at
°l----- ----:;;::~
night. Net production over the 24-h period is known as the
excess production (E), such that an excess production of
zero equates to a photosynthesis/respiration ratio (P/ R)
10 Iepepods of one . On most reefs. E is very low in relation to measured
rates of production. This indicates strong competition
among animals for the food produced in the ecosystem. The
low E and prevailing oligotrophy ofsurrounding waters also
imply nutrient recycling within the system, but it is unclear
30 2 how this might occur. For entire reefs. gross community
40 production is typically2.3 to 6.0 gC m-2 d-" while Eis-Q.01
to 0.29, and P/R is 1.0 to -1.11 (Hatcher 1988).
10 In spite of their primary productivity approaching that
of upwelling systems (Chapter 6), the capacity of reefs to
produce fish is probably no greater than that ofother conti-
nental shelf areas. Thus in the South Pacific, fishery yields
of 14 to 35 t krrr- y-! have been reported from many loca-
Figure 11.9 Zoop lankton densities at sites on the tions and this compares favourably with 20 to 50 t krrr- y-!
reef front. Zooplankton abundance falls to almost from temperate shelves.
zero as water crosses the reef because fishes and other
planktivores are grazing the zooplankton. After Hamner
et a l. (1988).
11.5 Reef fauna

11.5 Reef fauna large areas have more species than small areas, and there
are remarkable sim ilarities in their make-up (Bellwood &
While 100 000 or so species are now known from coral reefs, Hughes 2001 ).
when these communities have been fully studied they may
ultimately prove home to over a million species. However On geological timescales there have been mass extinc-
we already know that on an area-specific basis, the species' tions of reef animals.
richness of animals on coral reefs is exceptionally high. At
least 4000 species of marine fish, almost one-third of the Reef-building corals evolved over 200 million years ago,
global total, are found on coral reefs. and their distribution was effectively circumglobal in shal-
low seas for at least 100 million years . Given the position
Coral reefs are among the world 's most diverse ecosys- of the cont inents at this time (Chapter 1) the only m ajor
tems. barrier to coral distribution was the proto-Pacific ocean,
extend ing from As ia to the Americas. Subsequently, the
We also know that the diversity of reef animals is far con tinents moved apart, and create d oceans that were
from uniform, with higher species' richness of most groups largely unconnected, and the coral reefs and associated
in the Indo-Pacific rather than the Atlantic, and a centre comm unities in the Indo-West Pacific, East Pacific, West
of di versity in Sout h-East As ia. In the case of some 794 Atlantic, and East Atlantic evolved in different ways (Vero n
species of Scleractinian reef-building corals, for example, 2000). Then, around 3 to 4 million years ago, the Isthmus
the number of recorded species peaks in South-East As ia of Panama emerged and severed the connection between
(particularly central Indonesia, southern Philippines and the East Pacific and West Atlantic, and these communities
western Melanesia), and fall s at higher and lower latitudes also evolved independently. Based on the fossil record, it is
and longitudes. Remote reefs in higher latitudes often have clear that the coral reefs we see today are not the result of
the fewest species. The same general patterns of species' a long history of evolution in a stable environment. Rather,
richness apply to almost all other groups of reef animals; the diversity we observe is a result of large -scale extinction
for example, between the Indo-West Pacific, wh ich conta ins events and rapid periods of evoluti on . Some reefs were
South-East Asia, and the East Pacific (Table 11. 3). effectively elim inated by mass extincti on every 20 to 30
million years, with a delay of 3 to 10 million years before
Diversity is determined by reef history and the local they appeared again. Other reefs were less affected by these
physical environment. extinctions and evolution continued.

Local va riations in the diversity of reef organisms are Modern patterns of large-scale diversity are influenced
attributable to the regional pool of species, the variety of by the isolation of reef provinces following continental
h abitats, and spatial differences in enviro nmental factors drift.
that determine which species are represented in a particu-
lar patch of habitat. When a specific site on a reef is followed Events during the last 2 million ye ars appear to have led
over time, it will be evident that the mix of species changes. to the major differences in the diversity of reef animals in
This dynamism is determined by the interaction between the East Pacific, West Atlantic, East Atlantic, and Indo-West
processes introducing species new to the site (e.g. larval Pacific (Paulay 1997). The East Pacific reef fauna proved
drift, survival, and settlement) and those leading to local vulnerable to the variable environmental conditions in this
demise (mortality of all kinds). Area is important in this; region and there were several large-scale extinctions after

Table 11.3 The diversity of reef animals expressed as the number of known species. Modified from the
compilations of Spalding et al. (2001) and Paulay (1997).

Group Indo-West Pacific Eastern Pacific Western Atlantic

Scleractinian corals 719 34 62
Alcyonarian corals 690 0 6
Cypraeid gastropods (cowries) 178 24 6
Bivalves 2000 564 378
Echinoderms 1200 208 148
Reef fish 3000 300 750
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

the East Pacific and West Atlantic faunas became isolated . were the result of human impacts. Decline in coral cover
This isolation prevented recolonization from the West on Caribbean reefs and on the Great Barrier Reef since
Atlantic although, despite the distances involved, there was the 1970s and 1980s, respectively, is cause for great con-
some recolonization from the central Pacific. Today. there- cern and indicates that reef ecosystems are not sufficiently
fore. more of the East Pacific fauna is shared with the Indo- robust to withstand the major human disturbances (Bell-
West Pacific than the Atlantic. In the West Atlantic there wood et al. 2004) .
were several mass extinctions, including those associated Most reef research is still relatively young and most
with oceanographic changes that followed the closure of 'long-term' time-series of ecological data began in the
the Isthmus of Panama. Despite subsequent speciation. last 35 years. Since many of the first scientists to work on
diversity in the West Atlantic remains relatively low. Rates reefs considered that they were rather stable ecosystems.
of extinction in the Indo-Pacific region were lower than the first observations of disease and damage recorded by
elsewhere, at least in the last 5 million years. and almost reef scientists were considered to be unprecedented and
all extant coral genera are found in the fossil record. Rates catastrophic. In the longer term. a more pluralistic view
of speciation were also low, but coupled with the low rates of reefs has arisen. It is clear that reef development is a
ofextinction they contributed to the high levels of diversity cyclical rather than a continuous process, with episodes of
observed today. The complex pattern of islands and ocean rapid coral growth interspersed by episodes ofcoral death
currents through them, combined with changes of sea level and erosion.
and limited dispersal, provided multiple opportunities for Despite the natural variability and evidence of resil-
local populations to become geographically separated ience over large time spans. it is also clear that human
(Mora et al. 2003) . impacts are a threat to coral reef ecosystems. Today. the
When scientists first began large-scale studies of coral relative roles of natural and human activities on reefs are
reefs in the 1950s and 1960s, they sent back pictures of a focus of much research. which seeks to understand what
colourful flourishing reefs supporting abundant and diverse drives the balance between coral reef growth and bioero-
communities of animals. Early research focused primarily sion, the causes of coral bleaching. and what has been rec-
on the systematics and ecology of the corals and other ani- ognized as the worldwide degradation of reefecosystems.
mals. and the first collections of time-series' data on coral The threats are both direct. from increased sedimentation,
abundance and diversity were initiated. It became clearthat destructive fishing practices. ship groundings. or pollu-
reefs were not the stable communities, which were struc- tion. and indirect. due to climate change and over-fishing
tured by competition, that many scientists thought they (Chapters 12 and 14) .
were looking at. Rather. reefs were dynamic ecosystems.
In contrast. the geology ofreefs has tended to emphasize
continual change because of the huge time spans involved,
11.6.1 Disease
but there is geological evidence also of consistency in com- Corals and other reef organisms are susceptible to diseases
munity structure over considerable periods of time. Thus, caused by pathogens or parasites (Richardson 1998) . The
reefs formed successively at the same location by repeated likelihood and effects of disease may be aggravated by the
land uplift in northern Papua New Guinea exhibit remark- direct and indirect impacts of human activities. One of
able within-habitat similarity in the coral species present the first recorded coral diseases was the so-called 'black
over a 95 000 year time-span. This is in spite of there being band disease' that affected brain corals in the Caribbean.
more than seven times as many coral species available in This is caused by the cyanobacterium Phormidium coral-
the regional pool of species (Pandolfi 1999). lyticum. which invades the coral tissue and produces a fine
Thus reefs do change over time. but at the same time black band that spreads across the surface of the coral.
demonstrate some characteristics of stability. Many ques- The cyanobacterium and associated micro-organisms cre-
tions surround the nature of these processes structuring ate anoxia. which kills the living coral tissue . The bacte-
this intricate ecosystem, and the extent and nature of its ria utilize the organic compounds released by the dying
resilience to natural and anthropogenic environmental coral cells. The black band will move a few millimetres
change. every day, leaving a bare coral skeleton, which is usually
colonized by filamentous algae. It appears that physically
damaged corals are more susceptible to black band dis-
11.6 Threats to coral reefs ease . Several other diseases have since been recognized in
corals. although accurate diagnosis is often difficult.
In the 1970s, many scientists had begun to ask whether
contemporary changes in reefs were faster and larger Corals can suffer from a number of diseases leading to
than those seen previously. and whether these changes large regime shifts in community structure.
11.6 Threats to coral reefs

11.6.2 Storms, cyclones, and will not photosynthesize or deposit carbonate as fast, and
hurricanes their ability to keep up with sea level rise and resist bioero-
In shallow water, storm-induced waves can lea d to destruc- sion will be reduced.
tion of branching corals and even to destruction of corals
on the reef slope due to debris falling from the reef crest.
Storms can also cause the death of reef fish when they try
11.6.4 Coral bleaching
to seek shelter in corals. which are then smashed by wave Coral bleaching is a generalized response of corals to stress
action. Coasts exposed to frequent storms will have entirely (Coles & Brown 2003) . Bleaching is so called because the
different coral communities from those found in sheltered zooxanthellae are ejected from the corals and the skeleton,
areas and close to the equator. where cyclones and hur- which is typically white, becomes visible (Fig. 11.10) .
ricanes are relatively rare. In the cyclone belt, typically Bleaching is also associated with decreases in growth and
10° to 25° north and south of the equator, many shallow reproductive output, and prolonged bleaching leads to
reefs are dominated by fast-growing Acropora corals that coral death. Following bleaching, the coral framework is
quickly recolonize reefs following hurricane damage. With often taken over by bioeroding animals and reef growth
hurricanes occurring at intervals of years to decades. slow- is replaced by bioerosion. Moreover. bleached corals will
growing corals rarely have time to develop. The recovery of be colonized by filamentous green algae, which, although
reefs following storms may be further delayed by effects of more productive. tend to take over the reef from corals and
human activities. thus reduce reef accretion. Since fish and invertebrates are
also commonly dependent on the refuge that coral pro-
Fast-growing corals dominate reefs exposed to cyclone vides, it is likely that many species will be lost and herbivo-
and hurricane activity. rous species will become more abundant.

Coral bleaching has major implications for the future of

coral reefs, leading to possible lo ng-term changes in spe-
11.6.3 Climate change cies composition of t he coral and its associated fauna.
It is widely predicted that climate change will lead to ris-
ing sea levels over the next century. Future sea level rise Many of the most severe bleaching events have been
is expected to be 3-10 mm y-l and evidence suggests that attributed to high water temperatures, which occur sea-
healthy corals could accrete at this rate in the past. How- sonally and may be further enhanced in certain years by
ever, there is concern that other impacts will weaken cor- regional climatic events. Bleaching can be induced by short-
als, degrade coral communities. and impair their capacity term exposure to temperatures that are elevated by 3 to 4°C
to accrete during periods of sea level rise. These other and longer term exposure to elevations of 1 to 2°C, although
factors include climate-linked increased frequencies and vulnerability to bleaching depends on the thermal regime
intensities of storms or ENSO events (Chapters 7 and 15; to which corals have already adapted.
Box 11.2) and also direct human impacts. such as nutrient The 1997-98 ENSO event caused increases in sea tem-
inputs from poor land-management. In deeper water corals perature and bleaching on most of the world's coral reefs

Figure 11.10 Bleaching of

massive corals in the Galapagos
Islands. (Photograph: Simon
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

Box 11.2: Natural archives of were distinct biologically fo r more than 2000 years (Aron-
environmental change in corals and son et al. 2004).
reef ecosystems
Coral reefs have been profoundly impacted by humans but
it is not always easy to discern the relative roles of natu ral
and human processes in long-term changes. We expect
that the changes wrought by humans cannot decline in
the foreseeable future (e.g. McClanahan 2002) and in
some respects records of past change can inform us about
for ms of future change. We are lucky that through cor-
ing into reef structu res and individual corals (figure) much
information has been derived abo ut rates of change in the
surrounding environment and responses to this of the
co rals themselves and the wider commu nity. Four exam-
ples illustrate this remarkable historical data.
Massive corals from the Huon Peninsula of northern Papua
New Guinea retain an annual growth pattern and fluores-
cence of the growth bands that varies wi th rainfall, while
the relat ive natural abundances of the stable isotopes of
oxygen in the skeleton are indicative of EI Nino-related
changes in water temperat ure since 1880. This in turn has
made it possible to infer that EI Nino is not just a modern
phenomenon, but the magnitude of recent EI Nino events
tends to be larger than ove r the last 130 000 years (Tudhope
et al. 200 1). In western Sumatra, cores from massive corals Example of a co re of the co ral Acropora palmata
show that a mass mortality of corals and fishes on reefs coin- from Galeta Reef, Panama. The excellent preservation,
cided with upwelling and a bloom of algae, the latte r prob- upward-curving growth pattern of the individual coral-
ably driven by inputs to the sea of iron derived from burni ng lites, and light-coloured layer of crustose-co ralline algae
fo rest during a dry year (Abram et al. 2003) . at the top all indicate that this co ral has not been over-
Coral coring into whole reef structu res has shown that turned and probably w as part of a framework formed
at Discovery Bay in Jamaica, the modern changes in the in place. Submarine m icrocrystalline calc it e coats the
com munity are unprecedented over the last 1260 years coralline crust , a red encru sting foraminifer Homotrema
(Wapnick et al. 2004). In Panama, the community of reef tops this and penetrates the unprotected base of th e
corals has in the most recent decades converged wi th that coral. Scale bar 0.5 em (Macintyre & Glynn 1976). Photo-
of corals reefs some 1 50 0 km distant in Belize, which graph: Ian Maci ntyre.

outside the central and western Pacific. Ultimate ly this

led to large-scale coral m ortality and losses of 70- 80% of The f req uency of coral bleaching events is expected t o

coral cover on many reefs. The effects were particularly in crease in the future.

pronounced in the Indian Ocean, where more than 90%

of coral died. The biological and economic consequences
have been profound on many islands that rely on reefs to 11.6.5 Crown-of-thorns starfish and
act as coastal sea defences, to attract tourist di vers, and other coral predators
to provide fishing grounds (Jon es et al. 2004) . Wh ile the
ENSO is a natural event, the frequency and intensity of Crow n-of-thorns starfis h (Aca nth aster planci) feed on liv-
ENSOs may be affected by human -induced climate change . ing coral (Fig. 11.11 ), and at h igh abundance they can
The frequency of coral bleaching is expected to increase in kill large areas of reef. Crown-of-thorns starfis h are free-
the future (Sheppard 2003) . spawning sexually reproducing species, and a single female
11.6 Threats to coral reefs

may produce 12 to 60 million eggs in a spawning season. There is evidence that outbreaks occurred prior to human
The eggs and larvae are planktonic for 9 to 23 days before impacts. but equally, there is evidence for an increased
settlement. Following settlement. the juvenile starfish grow incidence of outbreaks in some heavily disturbed or fished
to 1 em diameter in 4 to 5 months and shortly afterwards, regions. Recovery of reefs may take 20 to 50 years.
they start to feed on live coral. The juveniles grow fast and
reach maturity in 2 years or so. feeding on coral by everting Starfish outbreaks are often linked with disturbance asso-
their stomachs over the live coral and secreting an enzyme ciated with fishing.
that breaks down the coral tissue, allowing them to absorb
the products. Crown-of-thorns starfish often move across
reefs in fronts, large groups of animals that kill most of the
corals in their path.
11.6.6 Pollution, sediments, and
Crown-of-thorns starfish (COTS) are a major agent of The main causes of increased sediment loadings on coral
change on Pacific reefs. reefs are run-off following deforestation. port develop-
ment. and dredging. Erosion rates from deforested farm-
Typically, the abundance of adult crown-of-thorns star- land can be 100 times greater than from natural forests.
fish is 1 to 20 km-2 , but during outbreaks they can reach often reaching 1000 tonnes or more krrr- y-l. Coastal devel-
densities of SOD krrr-'. The first major crown-of-thorns out- opment also increases sediment loading. as road run-off is
break that was witnessed on the Australian Great Barrier often discharged directly to the coast. It is hard to separate
Reef led to massive media interest and a race by scientists the effects of nutrient inputs from those of sedimentation
to understand and control the population explosion. Out- on coral reefs, because they often go hand in hand. How-
breaks have been reported from many other regions. There ever, nutrients derived from industrial discharge. vegeta-
are many possible causes of starfish outbreaks and no single tion removal, and lack of sewage treatment are thought
theory seems to apply in all circumstances. One popular widely to have accelerated algal growth on many reefs at
theory suggests that fishing has reduced the abundance the expense of corals. Corals are also directly sensitive to
of fish predators on juvenile starfish, and this has allowed nutrients such as phosphate. Locally, oil pollution from
the juvenile starfish to proliferate, leading to outbreaks of tanker or ship groundings has killed areas ofreef and there
adults in subsequent years (Moran 1986) . Other theories are major concerns about increased nutrient levels from
suggest that outbreaks are due to natural phenomena, such farmland and sewage inputs.
as exceptional larval recruitment. In reality, outbreaks
Nutrients from agricultural runoff and sewage discharge
probably have different causes on different reefs, and both
have accelerated algal growth at the expense of corals.
natural and anthropogenic factors no doubt contribute.

Figure 11.11 A crown-

of-thorns starfish
(photograph: Jeffrey
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

11.6.7 Fishing high sediment loadings, discharge of human and animal

waste leads to high nutrient loadings, and where land is
Burgeoning human populations with inherent needs for reclaimed for port developments and possibly housing. One
food and income have driven the development and expan- of the main criticisms of many human-impact studies on
sion of fisheries on coral reefs. Fishing leads to direct reefs is that there is too much emphasis on finding a single
damage to reef habitat and a reduction in the abundance, cause of change in the reef ecosystem, and not enough
biomass, and mean size of species targeted by the fishery, emphasis on looking for synergistic and cumulative causes
and local extinction of the most vulnerable species. Fish- (McClanahan 2002) .
ing can also have more profound and complex impacts on
the structure and function of reef ecosystems.
Habitat-destructive fishing methods may be used on 11.7 Reef growth and
reefs, such as reef drive netting and trapping, blast and
chemical fishing. The latter methods are highly unselec-
tive and often adopted by fishers desperate to meet imme- While corals are laying down limestone and building
diate requirements for food or income. Blast fishing is reefs, many other reef processes are eroding the lime-
practised on many reefs, even though it is often illegal. stone and producing coral rubble and coral sand even on
Commercially produced explosives from mines or arma- undisturbed reefs (Fig. 11.12) . Reefs are presumed to be
ments are frequently used, but mixes of charcoal and 'healthy' and showing net growth when corals have the
oxidizing agents are a common alternative. Completed upper hand. However, in many cases erosion is the domi-
bombs are dropped into the water after igniting a short nant process and the reef fails to grow. Even on growing
delay fuse . Given that charges are deployed in different reefs, erosion rates are usually high and net accretion only
locations, detonate at different depths, and contain differ- just exceeds net loss. Relatively small shifts in the struc-
ent types and amounts of explosives, it is hard to quantify ture of reef communities can thus shift the balance from
their impact. However, repeated explosive fishing reduces net accretion to erosion (Glynn 1997) .
actively growing reef to dead coral rubble. Much of the
kill is wasted, since fish and invertebrates will be eaten Reef growth is a balance between accretion and bioero-
by other fish, invertebrates, and birds before collection sron.
begins, and fishers only collect a small proportion of the
remaining fish. Explosive fishing thus impacts the reef Most of the erosion of the reef substratum is by organ-
ecosystem at all levels and recovery from damage takes isms. Many of these bioeroders are not visible on the reef
many years. surface, since they bore into coral skeletons. Internal bor-
The ecological relationships between sea urchins and ers include species of sponge, polychaetes, crustaceans,
fishes, which we discuss in 11.7, are readily affected by and molluscs. While rates ofbioerosion are very variable,
fishing (McClanahan et at. 2002) . The persistence of her- and will depend on the solidity of the carbonate matrix,
bivorous fishes appears to depend on the presence of sea borer abundance, and body size, bioerosion rates of over
urchin predators, which maintain sea urchin populations 2 kg CaCO, rrr- y-l have been recorded for individual spe-
at a level where their low gross production makes them cies. The principal external grazers are the larger species
inefficient competitors. A fishing-induced shift towards a of mollusc, echinoderm, and fish . Depending on abun-
herbivore community dominated by one species of urchin, dance, individual species can bioerode 3 kg CaC0 3 m-2 y-l
rather than many species of fishes and urchins, has been and more (Glynn 1997).
a major factor in the degradation of reef ecosystems in
the Caribbean. These impacts are further discussed in ( Many bioeroders are hidden in the reef. )
Chapter 13.
Very few bioeroders invade coral through living tissue.
Fishing has driven sea urchin population explosions in Rather, they tend to attack dead skeletons. Thus natural
some parts of the world. and human impacts that lead to the death of coral tissue
(11.6) allow bioeroders to colonize . There are positive
Our examination of separate human impacts on coral feedbacks here, of course, since the death of corals allows
reefs is, of course, rather misleading. Even though scien- bioeroders to proliferate and the proliferation ofbioerod-
tists tend to study single impacts, rather than synergistic ers further weakens a reef and makes it more vulnerable to
or cumulative impacts, impacts are rarely separable. Most storm damage. Storm damage will result in further coral
over-fished reefs, for example, will be found close to highly death, allowing more bio-eroders to colonize.
populated areas, where agricultural development leads to Some reefs have entered long-term cycles of net bio-
11.7 Reef growth and bioerosion

Internal bioeroders [bcrers]

A. Algae, fungi, bacteria

B. Spanges (CHon/doe)
I C. Bivalves (Whophogo)
D. Barnacles (l, hot')'o)
E. Sipunculans (Aspidosiphon)
F. Palychaetes (E,,/ddoe)

External blcecders (gro" n)

G. Purrariish (Sror;doe)
H. PuHeriish (k o/hron)
I. Hermit crab (Anicu'",)
J. Limpet (Aemoeo)
K. llnhin (D/odemo)
L. Chitan (Aeon/hop'eoro)

Figure 11.12 Internal and external b ioeroders on a coral reef. After Glynn (1997).

erosion. In the Galapagos Islands. for example. where urchin grazing leads to bioerosion, which may exceed the
conditions are not ideal for coral growth and where many rate of carbonate accretion. The significance of urchin
corals died afterthe 1982-83 ENSO, most reefs are slowly grazing was illustrated following a major die-off of urchins
crumbling to rubble with little sign of recovery. Even when in the Caribbean, when carbonate began to accrete in
some recovery was observed, this was further stalled by some (less intensively fished) areas previously subject to
more coral bleaching and death. In Galapagos, the main bioerosion. If urchin populations are established, they can
bioeroder is a sea urchin Eucidaris. which erodes carbon- reduce algal biomass so markedly that they out-compete
ate as it grazes and reached very high densities (up to 30 herbivorous fishes . While grazing. the area-specific rates
m~2) following the 1982-83 ENSO. ofbioerosion due to urchins are higher than those of car-
bonate eroding fishes such as parrotfishes, and urchins
Sea urchins are important bioeroders of coral reefs and have been implicated in limiting reef growth in many loca-
are key 'ecosystem engineering' biota tions .
The loss of hermatypic corals through bleaching,
The relative dominance of herbivorous fishes and inver- crown-of-thorns starfish outbreaks. and other causes
tebrates has profound influences on rates of reef accre- has potentially profound consequences for coral reef
tion and bioerosion. The grazing activities of herbivorous ecosystems because the corals and underlying carbonate
fishes clear space for coral settlement and enhance the constitute habitat for a vast range of species (Current
survival and growth of young coral colonies. Conversely, Focus) .
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

CURRENT FOCUS: Impacts of coral the potential dispersal of larvae, areas can locally recover
loss on coral ecosystems from such loss. However where larval supply is limited
(as at remote oceanic sites) the recovery may be slow.
Hermatypic corals may be the weakest link in coral reef This has been the case in the Seychelle Islands, where
ecosystem resilience because they are susceptible to a 9 years after the 1998 bleachi ng event, coral cover was
variety of large-scale threats including bleaching, dis- still low, although thankfully sufficient to allow some return
eases, algal overgrowth driven by nutrient inputs and of coral-dependent fish to shallow-water reefs. In other
loss of grazers, cyclone damage, and coral-predator out- locations, such as the Chagos Archipelago (British Indian
breaks. The link between sea surface warming and coral Ocean Territory), coral recovery was faster because cor-
bleaching means that corals may be the Achilles heel of als in deeper water were not affected by the bleachi ng,
this iconic ecosystem and indeed coral cover is tending and long-term impacts on fish species have been small.
to decline all over the world. But what is the connec- The Seychelle Islands, however, also illustrate that where
tion between coral reefs as integral ecosystems and coral coral recovery is poor, the recruitment to some reef-asso-
cover? The widespread bleaching death of corals that cia ted fishery species may be adversely affected because
occurred in the Western Indian Ocean in 19 9 8 showed of the nursery function played by live branching corals.
that fish communities were affected in various ways. Those Mari ne protected areas (Chapter 16), because they had
species that were reliant on branchin g corals for food been put in locations where there was a lot of branching
or shelter declined quickly. These species include many coral that was especially susceptible to bleachi ng , suf-
coral-feedi ng butterfly fish and damselfish, and co lo urful fered particularly bad ly. The structural complexity of the
gobies that live amongst the branches of corals. Such habitat declined more and declines of fish species were
species would be lost completely from areas where hard greater in most cases than in unprotected areas.
corals were co mp letely elimi nated. Fortunately th ro ugh Reference: Pratchett et al. (2008).

11.8 Dynamics of reef animals mental changes. Clear water however does not guarantee
ease of understanding! Even accurately recording densities
Coral reefs provide superb natural laboratories for the of animals may be surprisingly difficult (Techniques box) .
study of ecology, behaviour, and population dynamics This is regrettable; interpreting past changes in populations
because the inhabitants are usually so much more visible through existing data requires us to be able to combine data
than in many other marine ecosystems (Fig. 11.1 3). Coral that may prove surprisingly different in the way they were
reefs have indeed provided many examples of important collected and thus in the light they may throw on particular
ecological processes and responses of these to environ- aspects of the ecosystem.

TECHNIQUES:Visual and other protocols. Major issues arise with the counti ng of small
assessments of coral reef health cryptic and large mobile species. Most surveys do not
include crypt ic species, while the variability of data for
Over the years, abundant data have accumulated on vis- large species is so great that the statistical power to detect
ible aspects of community structure, such as densities differences in time or space is small. What th is means is
of particular species or groups of fishes and the bottom that the best data are derived from studies focusing on
cover of hard corals. However there are many potential particular species or groups of species. The small species
pi tfalls in such data and it is frustrati ng that the absence are more accurately recorded in small areas that are inten-
of clear protocols used in the collection of past data con- sively searched, and in some cases these counts have
strai ns our ability to identify and interpret past trends. been checked against other techniques. The large mobile
Mobile animals like fish are a case in point. Here, visual species are more likely to be encountered in large sample
techniques have been prevalent but these include circular areas with plenty of replicat ion but avoidance of divers
and rectangular areas (transects), areas varying greatly in and other factors like mobility can mean they are under-
size, and gathering of visual data accordi ng to different estimated. In Fiji for example, emperors (Lethrinidae) are
11.8 Dynamics of reef animals

important in fishery catches around reefs but these are data collection, underwater visual census work requires
rarely recorded in underwater census work! Likely local substantial preparation also fo r species' identification,
extinctions of large species, such as the bumpheaded underwater record ing, and so on. For bottom cove r, visual
parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), were in fact identi- data are also widely used, but for the information to be
fied by surveys of fishe rme n's knowledge. Techniques consistent and for observer errors to be reduced, careful
such as baited video have been used elsewhere but these preparation and training are requi red. More reliable data
cannot give estimates of actual densities. The visual data on the benthos come from use of video transects, though
can be used to give rough estimates of biomass where these requi re a definite protocol (e.g. distance of camera,
the length of individual fish is also recorded; however, angle, categorization of bottom cover) and often involve
accuracy of length estimation under water comes only painstaking work back in the laboratory.
wi th training and ongoing verification. For competent For further information see McClanahan et al. (2007).

However, it is perhaps not surprising that scientists have

used reefs to test many hypotheses about the processes that
structure an imal communities.

Reefs provide ideal natural laboratories for the study of

behaviour and ecology.

One nice example of the ways in which coral reefs have

been used as laboratories is for the study of the factors
structuring reef fish communities. In the early years of reef
science, when many scientists were still coming to terms
with the species richness and range ofadaptations observed
in reef fishes, they were quick to suggest that the high
di versity of reef fishes must be a consequence of commu-
nities that were structured by very strong competition for
resources. This was assumed to res ult in population sizes
close to carrying capacity and limited by the availability of
shelter or food. Moreover, the supply of larvae was assumed
to be almost limitless in comparison with the capacity of
established populations to accept new individuals. Care-
ful experimentation and study of the dynamics of reef fish
populations soon falsified this hypothesis, and it was clear
that population sizes were often determined and limited
by the rates at which larval fish recruited from the plank-
ton to the adult populations: the 'recru itm en t limitation'
hypothesis. This also implied that one species would not in
time out-compete another, because the local abundance of
juveniles was unlikely to be related to the number ofspawn- Figure 11.13 The clear, warm water overlying coral
ing adults at the same location. In these terms, population reefs means that they are ideal places for the study of
sizes and thus whole commun ities would be less orderly, marine ecology. Many fish and corals are highly visible (a)
being determined by chance events in the plankton. and thus divers can easily conduct underwater studies
However, no one facto r can adequately account for the of marine life (b). (Photographs: Simon Jennings.)
complex structure of reef fish communities. For one thing,
there may be significant recruitment to local populations
derived from local adult spawn ing (Jones et al. 1999). likely to be observed when the potential of the community
There is also evidence that communities are not necessar- to absorb settling individuals is high. In this case, the subse-
ily chaotically structured; in some respects patterns are quent abundance of a cohort w ill be a function of the abun-
repeated in space and in time. Recruitment limitation is dance at settlement and density independent mortality.
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

are shrimps that live deep inside the shells of hermit crabs,
and small fish, such as the 'cleaner wrasse'. that remove
ectoparasites from fish that could easily eat the cleaner.
Such close associationshelp to explainhow so many species
can coexist; they also highlight how in many cases the loss
of one species may have knock-on effects on others (Fig.
11.14) .

11.9 Reefs and human society

There is no doubt that coral reefs are threatened by climate
change and direct human impacts, and that globally reefs
will be very different a few years hence from what they are
now (Knowlton 2001) . Yet reefs are more than a source of
fascination and a scientist's and tourist's playground. For
millions of people, often in the poorest countries of the
world. reefs provide their food and income.

Reefs are a source of food and income for millions of


On many tropical coasts. subsistence fishing is the main

source of dietary protein and fish protein accounts for a
greater proportion of total dietary protein in countries
where per capita gross domestic product (GDP) is low
(Kent 1998). In the fishing villages of the Pacific Islands,
fish consumption of200 to 300 g per person d~l is common
and is far greater than the consumption of other protein.
Figure 11.14 Striped cleaner wrasse (Labraides For the South Pacific Islands as a whole, with a population
dimidiatus) attending a monocle bream (Sec/apsis sp.), of around 6.5 million, per capita annual fish production
These wrasse use their thick lips and front canines found is approximately 17 kg. In the heavily populated coastal
at the front of both jaws to remove ectoparasites. regions ofSoutheast Asia and Central America, people treat
(Photograph: E. Schloql.) fishing as a fallback source of food and income when no
alternatives are available.
Conversely, when the capacity of the community to absorb
settling individuals is lower, density dependent mortality Subsistence fishing is the main source of dietary protein
may be detected and result in modified relative abundance in countries where GDP is low.
(Doherty 2002} .ln overall terms, the structure and dynam-
ics of reef fish communities are determined by many of the Many reef fish caught for subsistence are not traded and
same factors that determine the abundance of much less are not recorded in conventional fishery statistics. Thus
visible communities in deeper, muddier, and superficially their value to society may be overlooked by policy-makers.
less attractive ecosystems. For the Pacific Islands, Dalzell et al. (1996) calculated the
replacement value of subsistence fisheries production as
No single factor can adequately account for the complex $US180 million, substantially more than the $US82 mil-
structure of reef fish communities. lion of commercial fisheries production.
Coral reefs are alsovaluablebecause they attract tourists.
Of note amidst the great wealth of coral reef species is especially divers and snorkellers. Over ten million people
the large number of very close associations. such as sym- visit the Great Barrier Reef in Australia each year. provid-
bioses. between species . We have already considered the ing annual tourist revenue of around $US700 million and
coral-zooxanthellae relationship that is a basis for reef making it one of the most commercially significant ecologi-
construction, but there are many more. These include fish cal sites on the planet. Over 25%of all tourists visiting the
that live with burrowing shrimps and in sea anemones. and Seychelles Islands pay to enter one of the Marine National
delicately coloured crabs that live within coral heads. There Parks, and the income from this has exceeded the budget of
Further Reading
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

the government's Division of Environment. Whole towns, a result of coral mining, coral bleaching, or sedimentation
such as Sharm El Sheikh in Egypt are supported by revenue may leave coasts vulnerable to wave erosion and storms. In
from tourist divers in the Red Sea, to the extent that a ship the Indian Ocean's Maldive Islands, the mining of corals as
grounding in the nearby Strait ofTiran resulted in compen- building materials has removed sections of reef and left the
sation payments for reef damage of $US1765 m-' . Valua- coast exposed to wave action. The cost of replacing these
tion ofcoral reefs as a source of tourist revenue is a complex reefs with concrete blocks that dissipate wave energywould
process. depending on expected rates of recovery and 10s5 be $US2 million krrr' . The government recognized that it
of value to tourist divers (Spurgeon 1992) . would be ecologically and economically efficient to use the
concrete for building and to leave the coral reef where it
Reef tourism has brought significant economic benefits was! Rates of coral mining have been cut from a peak of 1
to many countries but also contributes to the anthropo- million tonnes year ! in the early 1990s to a few thousand
genic pressures that act upon coral reefs. tonnes at designated sites today.

Reefs also provide important ecosystem services in Reefs act as coastal defences and hence provide an
terms of coastal defence. Shallow reefs cause waves to import ant 'service' for human society.
break and dissipate wave energy. Loss of these defences as

Chapter Summary
• Coral reefs are some of t he most diverse and productive commun ities in the marine environment.
They are created from tiny coral polyps but are easily visible from space. With the exception of
deep water corals, most corals grow at temperatures of 18-36°C and most are found 30° north
or south of t he Equator:
• Coral reefs are rarely stable communities living in benign environments. Rather, they are continuously
evolving and subject to physical disturbance on time scales from seconds to centuries.
• Contemporary distributions of reef corals and associated animals reflect 200 million years of
evolution and the separation of oceans due to continental drift.
• Rates of reef growth only just exceed rates of bioerosion, while fixation of carbon only j ust meets
the community respiratory demand for fixed carbon. Small shifts in reef community structure due to
human and environmental impacts can lead to net bioerosion and loss of net productivity.
• Coral reefs constitute natural laboratories for the study of ecology. Thus reef science has made impor-
tant contributions to the w ider understanding of marine ecology.
• Reefs provide millions of people, often in the world's poorest countries, with a vital source of food ,
income, and other environmental services.
• Coral reefs are threatened by human impacts, including fishing , pollution, sedimentation, and
climate change.

Further Reading
The edited boo k by Birkeland (1997) Life and Death on Coral Reefs is an excellent summary of the his-
tory of reefs, reef growth, and the impacts of natural and human activltles, Spalding et al. (200 1) provides
detailed maps of global reef distribution, protected areas, and human threats to reefs. This is an essential
reference text for anyone w ith an interest in coral reefs. Sale's (2 00 2) edited book on reef fishes gives
a good description of the ecology of fishes on coral reefs and shows how reefs provide a perfect natural
laboratory for the study of fis h ecology,
Chapter 11 Coral Reefs

• Birkeland , C. 1997, Life and Death an Coral Reefs, Chapman and Hall, New York,
• Sale, P. F. (ed.) 2002, Coral Reef Fishes: Dynamics and Diversity in a Complex Ecosystem, Academic Press,
San Diego,
• Spalding, M, D" Raviliaus, C, & Green, E, P. 2001 . World Atlas of Coral Reefs. University of California Press,
Polar Regions

Chapter Summary m thick. The effects of global climate change are likely to
The polar oceans and seas have been a lure for the explorer have profound influences on these regions, especially in the
and scientist ever since the first whalers and sealers identi- Arctic. However, ou r understanding of their ecology, and
fied them as rich hunting grounds. They are now receiving therefore th e potential threats of cl imate change, is still
much attention due to a rapidly changi ng landscape and sea- rud imentary due largely to the hostile working condi tions.
sonal dynamics attri butable to global climate change (IPCC Like other extreme envi ron ments, th e metabolic and physi-
2007a, 2007b, 2007c). Organisms living in Arctic and Ant- ological adaptations th at enable life to go on are a pote n-
arctic waters are ad apted to low temperat ures, long periods t ial source for novel biotechnological applications, and polar
in the year of poor, or no light, and an ecosystem dominated organisms, in particular microorganisms, are also poten tial
by the seasonal formation, consolidation, and subsequent proxies for life on extrate rrestrial syste ms.
melt of a layer of frozen seawater that can be more than 10

12.1 Introduction
Cold, hostile, barren , wh ite wastelands would be a fairly
typical impression of the frozen pack ice that covers polar
oceans and seas. This image is reinforced during the long
polar winter when, if t he sun does rise above the horizon,
the fleeting light is no more than dull d rear y half-light. Even
in summe r, snow blizzards can descend with no warning,
forming cond itions of such poor visibility that it is impos-
sible to see just a few centimetres in front of you. It is of
course not all gloom and despondency, and even in the
bleak winter, ethereal displays of aurora borealis (in the
North) or aurora australis (in the South) , light up the sky in
electromagnetic pyrotechnic displays that enhance the feel-
in g of being in a part of a world governed by physical forces
quite disco nnected fro m the rest of the Ear th (Fig 12.1 ).
At its maximum extent area pack ice (Fig. 12.2) can
cover an area comprising 13% of the Eart h's surface,
making it a biome that compares with those of the tundra Figure 12.1 Aurora borealis lighting up the sky over a
and deserts. Outside of the polar circles, sea-ice is also frozen sea-ice land scape in west Greenland (photograph:
an ephemeral feature of the Baltic, Caspian, and Okhotsk David Thomas).
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

Figure 12.2 The seasonal

dynamics of polar seas and
oceans are dominated by
the annual formation and
consolidation of millions of
square kilometres of frozen
seawater that drive ocean
circulation, climate, and
the ecology of the regions
(photograph: David Thomas).

Seas. Despite this, the study of these regions still lags air. In 1992 a floating base on the sea-ice was established
behind what is known from temperate and tropical seas. for the joint Russian-American expedition. Ice Station
Relatively few oceanographic research expeditions ven- Weddell, in the Weddell Sea. The ice camp started in the
ture into polar waters each year, and there are limited February drifting northwards with the pack ice until finally
numbers of coastal research stations. so that despite over breaking up in the June . A similar concept was used for the
200 years of scientific endeavour in the Arctic and Antarc- year-long Arctic SHEBA project, October 1997 to October
tic, polar marine research is still a rather young research 1998. where 35 scientists. technicians, and a ship's crew
area. Vast expanses of the polar oceans and coastlines collected valuable time-series' data on the physics, chem-
remain unvisited, and we know very little indeed about istry, and biology in and under the pack ice. Studies such
the polar systems in winter, simply because even now we as these have highlighted the need for multidisciplinary
cannot conduct large-scale research programmes during research teams combining forces to maximize the under-
winter months. standing of the key processes taking place.

Pack ice can cover areas as large as the t undra and des- Ice camps and drift stations are good opportunities for
erts , although because of host ile working condit ions we collecting temporal data sets in pack ice regions.
know relatively little abo ut these frozen realms.
There is a longer history of drift stations in the Arctic
Seagoing research is always expensive, but specially than in the Antarctic, and probably the most famous ice
strengthened ice-breaking ships that can sail into pack ice drift in ships were the pioneering drifts by Nansen on
(Fig. 12.3), and whose powerful engines consume vast the Fram from 1900 to 1906, and Amundsen from 1918
quantities of extra fuel to break through even modest ice to 1925 in the Maud. Since these early ship drift experi-
fields, are even more expensive than the norm. There are ments. there has been a large number of ice camps in vari-
permanently manned coastal stations dotted around the ous parts of the Arctic. The longest series of camps were
Antarctic continent, as well as stations that are just manned those by the Russian scientists who started annual pack ice
for the summer. Likewise. on Arctic coasts there are several camps in 1937 that continued until 1991. The stations were
research centres that conduct scientific research through- generally constructed on multi-year ice floes about 2 km in
out the year. although for logistical reasons most of the diameter and 3 to 5 m thick. The series was started again in
activity takes place during summer months. However, these 2003 with station NP-32, which ended in March 2004 when
stations are few. and the hostile conditions and immense the researchers had to be rescued as their ice floe began to
effort in simply keeping the stations running mean that break up. These drift stations have collected some of the
research opportunities are limited during winter months. most comprehensive data sets about weather patterns,
There have been attempts to study pack ice processes by ocean processes, and of course the sea-ice on which they
establishing floating ice camps. These are either set up by were floating.
freezing a ship into the ice and building a camp around the Polar regions are places of stark contrast. It is not with-
ship, or deploying the equipment and camp personnel by out reason that the polar oceans are considered to be some
12.1 Introduction

Weekly mean seawater temperatures

0 Signy Island
_. ,,!Uti ---~


'" -I

')~"\ ~~ ~rb ';$>q.... ~rb ~rb ~"\~"\ ~ ~~ ~~ ,~<;;.q.
~~~ ~q.~ 'J~~ q.~ q.~ <;:-":i ~...":i ~~ ~ )
<-,q.~ ~oS' <::::Jq.~ ')~ «,'1>

Daily freshwater pool temperalures

--... 10 ...•• •


........:.:..:.• ....... • ••

- .,;,
_ -.:-
. ...,..,
'" - 10 .. ....
, ... .....
- 20
•.. •
• Maximum temperature
• Minimum temperature
~(;)~ ~(;)~ ~~'I$- ~~~ ~(;)"\ ')~<;:-q. ~"\ ~~~... ';$>rb '::s!q.... ';$>rb
,)(;)1;:' <# ~ ~~ ~q.~ 'J0~ ""q.~ &~
<-,q."'i. ~<::J <::::J'I>

Daily mean soil temperatures

Figure 12.3 Modern ice-breaking research ships, such 10
as the German RV Polarstern, enable scientists to study 5
deep into pack ice, throughout the year. They become
floating laboratories and are key to the rapid progress
~ /0 :.
made in our understanding of these hostile regions of --
the past 50 years (photograph: David Thomas). --

- 10
• " •.. f .-
• "'C•

• ~ , ~\J.
e - 15
of the most hostile places on Earth for life to survive, but
surprisingly they support considerable life. Contrary to the '" - 20
" · .,S·'
I. •
picture described above, in the summer the polar experi-
- 25-
ence is dominated by long days, where at the height ofsum-
mer the sun does not sink beneath the horizon. Although
seldom hot, temperatures rise to such an extent that it is
possible to work in lightweight clothing, and one of the
greatest problems is ensuring that the correct precautions Figure 12.4 Seasonal variability in mean temperature
are taken to avoid severe sunburn. Peck et al. (2006) illus- in Antarctic marine, freshwater, and terrestrial sites.
trate this point in their comprehensive review of the envi- Data presented for sea temperatures are from Signy
ronmental contraints on life in Antarctic ecosystems. Not Island (northern maritime Antarctic) and McMurdo
only are there large ranges in seasonal light and tempera- Sound (continental Antarctic). Data for freshwater and
ture, the latitudinal differences in climate are huge when terrestrial temperatures are from Adelaide Island
looking at Antarctica as a whole (Figs 12.4 & 12.5) . They (southern maritime Antarctic). From Peck et al. (2006).
stress how environmental pressures. in particular tem-
perature. are key in determining resource and colonizable damental ecological consequences. As further illustrated
space availability, resulting in many biological differences by Brierley and Kingsford (2009), it is the vulnerability to
between organisms living as little as 10 m apart with fun- changes in seasonal dynamics. in particular those linked
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

Air Soil Freshwater pool Sea at 20 m

20 -,-::------,---------, 20 -,-::------,- - - - -----, 2-,-::------,- - - - ---,
December December December December

10 10 10 I

0 0 0 0


c -10 - 10 -10 -I

... E
- 20 - 20 - 20 -2

- 30 - 30 - 30 -3

July July July July

10 14 18 22 26 30 10 14 18 22 26 30 10 14 18 22 26 30 20 22 24 26 28 30
Time (dale)

Figure 12.5 Maritime Antarctic variability in temperature in summer (blue lines December) and winter (red lines July). Data
show comparisons of short-term (sub-hourly) temperature variability in summer (thick upper line) and winter (thin lower
line) over several days in air, soil , freshwater, and marine environments (all data for Signy Island). From Peck et al. (2006).

to se a-ice dynamics, that make the polar regions so acutely

fine tuned to even slight climate perturbations. Conditions at the poles are not uniformly harsh . In winter

The distinctive seasons at the poles are of course the rea- it is difficult to imagine any life existing at the poles. In

son for the obvious migrations and behaviour of the larger summer, life flourishes during the long days, and tem-

biota: polar bears, arctic foxes, walrus, seals, whales, pen- peratures can be above freezing .

guins, and a plethora of other seabird species (Sale 2006).

Intriguing as the behaviours and ecologies of these larger Pack ice not only influences the polar regions themselves.
animals a re, the seasonal free zing over of polar oceans, the but also helps drive global ocean thermohaline circulation
consolidation of an ice layer on the surface of the water. and patterns through the formation of deep water masses (Box
its subsequent melt have far-reaching consequences on the 12.1 ), as well as influencing global weather patterns. Over
whole of the ecosystem. in particular the seasonal dynam- the past decade there has been increasing interest in the
ics of the plankton and the season ality of coastal benthic effects of global climate warm ing on sea-ice dynamics. and
communities. In this chapter various aspects of polar eco- the consequences for global ocean circulation and the ecol-
systems will be discussed w it hin the framework of seasonal ogy of polar regions.
changes in the extent of sea-ice.

Box 12.1: Sea-ice and ocean In the conveyor bel t circulation, warm surface and inter-
circulation mediate waters (0- 1000 m) are transported towards the
northern North Atlantic, where they are cooled and sink to
Despite their very different characteristics, they are all form North Atlantic Deep Water that then flows southwards.
interconnected by a large-scale movement of water that In southern latitudes, rapid freezing of seawater during
is re ferred to as The Globol Conveyor Belt (Broecker 199 7; ice formation also produces cold, high-density water that
Broecker et al. 199 9; Clark et al. 2002). sinks down the continental slope of Antarctica to form
The basis of themohaline circulation is that when a kilo- Antarctic Bottom Water. These deep-water masses move
gram of water sinks from the surface into a deeper part into the Sou th Indian and Pacific Oceans where they rise
of the ocean, it displaces a kilogram of water from the towards the surface. The retu rn leg of the transport begins
deeper waters. As seawater freezes in the Arctic and Ant- with surface waters from the northeastern Pacific Ocean
arctic and sea-ice fields form, cold, highly saline brines are flowing into the Indian Ocean and then into the Atlantic.
expelled from the g rowing ice sheet (see 12.2), increas- It is not just the temperatu re and salinity of the deep-
ing the density of the water and making it sink. water formation in the polar regions that is crucial to the
12.2 What is pack ice?

-- . _.- The si nking of co ld saline

water in the Arctic and Ant-
arctic Weddell and Ross Seas
drives large-scale ocean circu-
lation in t he so -called Global
Conveyor Belt.

ocean circulation. These water masses are oxygen-rich, and (see Chapters 2 & 3) duri ng the transfer of the deep-water
so are fundamental for transport ing oxygen to the ocean masses. Therefore, water rising at the end of the co nveyor
depths whe re respiration by deep-sea organisms con- bel t in the northeastern Pacific has higher nutrient load-
sumes oxygen. The transport of dissolved organic matter ing, and lower oxyge n conce ntrations than North Atlantic
and inorganic nut rients are also fundamentally governed waters at the begi nning of the conveyor belt (Sarmiento
by this t ransport, increasingly nutrients being remineralized et al. 2004).

The freezing of seawater to form the pack ice of the shallow coastal regions can ground, caus ing severe disrup-
Arctic and Antarctic is fundamental for the deep water tion to benthic communities (see also Chapter 1), whereas
circulation of water masses. others are carried on ocean curre nts where they are slowly
broken into smaller components and of course melted. Due
to the physical pressures and strains that form in these hu ge
blocks of ice, they can somet imes explode in spectacular
12.2 What is pack ice? fashion.
Pack ice is instead formed from the freezing of seawater
Because ice is the dominant feature governing the ecology in autumn when the surface of the water is cooled to below
of polar regions, it is prudent to understand exactly what - 1.8°C, the freezing point of seawater (Eicken 1992). The
pack ice is. resulting ice crystals rise to the surface whe re they aggre-
gate into dense slicks of grease ice. It is at this early stage
Icebergs are not derived from seawater, but are broken- that the ice is 'in ocu lated' with organisms because plank-
off pieces of freshwater glaciers and ice shelves. ton stick to, or are 'sca ve n ged' by, the ice crystals as they
rise through the water. After a few hours of further freez-
Although icebergs are a conspicuous feature of polar ing, the ice crystals accumulate to form loosely aggregated
marine landscapes, they are not actually formed in the discs, ice pancakes, 5 to 10 em in diameter (Fig. 12.7).
sea itself, but derive from the large glacie rs and ice sheets These grow larger becoming 20 to 50 ern thick 'sup er pan-
that cover the Antarctic continent or Ellesmere Island and cakes', several metres across. Wind and wave action raft
Greenland in the Arctic (Fig. 12.6). The ice sheets grow the pancakes together, and often several end up lying on
from snow accumulation and spre ad out, eventually reach- top of one another. They freeze together and after one or
ing the coasts . The ice sheets, less dense than seawater, two d ays a closed ice cover h as formed, strong enough to
can spre ad to cover thousands of square kilometres of the support working on the ice with heavy sledges, generators,
ocean. Tides, currents, wind, and wave action cause stresses and ice-coring equipment. Further free zing and the subse-
in these huge masses of ice that result in them breaking up, quent thickening of the ice take place by congelation ice
or calving, into icebergs that vary in size from a few square growth, where water molecules free ze on to the bottom of
metres to m any hundreds of square kilometres. Icebergs in the ice sheet. However the pack ice zone is still dominated
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

Figure 12.6 Sea-ice (foreground)

is frozen seawater, and not the
same as icebergs, which are
formed when the freshwater ice
sheets flowing off the Antarctic

- continent (cliffs in background)

break up (photograph: David

by water currents, wind, and wave action, and ice floes are pores in the ice matrix (Weissenberger et al. 1992; Krembs
continually being moved apart. so that areas of open water et al. 2000) . The morphology of these channels and pores,
appear between the floes, or rafted under great pressure the total volume of the ice occupied by them, and the salin-
so that huge ridges over ten metres thick comprised of ice ity of the brines contained within them, are governed by
boulders span large distances. temperature and the age ofthe ice. In colder ice the volume
occupied by the channel system is less, and the salinity of
The pack ice undergoes a characteristic formation pro- the remaining brine is higher than in warmer ice. As the ice
cess includ ing grease and pancakes. grows and ages there is a continuous loss of brine due to
brine expulsion and gravity drainage, resulting in a gradual
Unlike freshwater ice, frozen seawaterforms a semi-solid reduction of bulk ice salinity (Box 12.1) .
matrix, permeated by a network ofchannels and pores (Fig.
12.10) . Salt does not enter the ice-crystal structure and so, When seawater freezes it is not solid but rather forms
as the ice forms. salts and other dissolved constituents of a structure more akin to a sponge fi lled with a highly
seawater are expelled and collect as a highly concentrated concentrated brine.
brine solution within the labyrinth of brine channels and

Figure 12.7 Pancake ice

forms when sea-ice crystals
coagu late and grow together
in turbulent water conditions
(photograph: David Thomas).
12.3 Arctic vs Antarctic pack ice

12.3 Arctic vsAntarctic pack The main reason for these differences is that the Arctic

Ice basin is a Mediterranean-type sea almost enclosed entirely
by land. There are only two broad openings, at the Bering
There are profound differences between the Arctic and and Fram Straits. where exchange with other oceans is
Southern Oceans with major implications for the organisms possible . In contrast. the Southern Ocean is a circumpolar
living in the two regions (Spindler 1994; Comiso 2003b) . girdle that is open to, and exchange is possible with, the
The total area covered by the Southern Ocean (between Atlantic. Indian, and Pacific Oceans. Therefore a much
50 to 60 and 70"S) is about 36 million km-, much larger higher percentage ofArctic sea-ice lasts for longer than one
than the 15 million krrr' of the Arctic Ocean (between 70 year (multi-year ice) even surviving up to 10 years or more,
to SOON) . At its maximum extent. sea-ice in austral winter whereas most of the ice in the Antarctic lasts less than a
forms a girdle covering 20 million km 2 around the Antarc- year. Consequently the Arctic ice has the greater mean ice
tic continent. This is an area greater than that covered by thickness of around 3 .5 m, compared to 1.5 m for Antarc-
North America. By summer this has melted to a mere 4 mil- tic sea-ice. Rafting and deformation processes can result in
lion km- . In contrast, the Arctic Ocean is almost totally cov- significantly thicker floes being formed in localized areas
ered by about 14 million km 2 of frozen seawater in winter, (Haas 2004) .
although by summer only about 7 million krn- melts (Fig. An important feature of the Arctic Ocean is that about
12.8) . one-third of the ocean is taken up by shelf seas with depths
of 100 m or less. In fact the Arctic Ocean only has a mean
The la rgely land-locked Arctic Ocean has considerably depth of 1800 m, the smallest ofany ocean. In the Antarctic,
more ice, which lasts several years compared to the the continental shelves are very narrow. and so the Antarc-
larger Southern Ocean , which has predominantly ice that tic pack ice zone is largely overdeep oceanic basins between
lasts just one year. 4000 and 6500 m deep.

lal March. 5, 2000 Ibl Sept. 11,2000 I

/ / / "H-........


• •
' 8%

{dl February 16, 2000 ' 34..

' 8%
" ..

Figure 12.8 The maximum

a nd m inimum extent of sea-ice
600s cover in the Arctic Ocean (top)
a nd Southe rn Ocean (bottom)
(images: Josefino Com iso, NASAl
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

melt occurs mainly from the bottom and sides of the ice
There are no river inputs into the Southern Ocean, in
floes, which are in contact with the ocean, and melt pools
stark contrast to the Arctic basin into which flows consid-
are less often encountered on the surfaces of Antarctic sea-
erable freshwater run-off from large river systems. •

The Southern Ocean is largely cut off from terrestrial Surface melt ponds are a conspicuous feature of the
influence, except for limited aerial deposition. whereas the surface of Arctic ice in summer. These are only rarely
Arctic basin is characterized by a high input of fresh water found in Antarctic ice.
from many large river systems. such as the Mackenzie, Db,
Lena. and Yenisey. These river systems naturally input high
amounts of suspended solids, dissolved organic matter,
and inorganic nutrients (Dittmar & Kattner 2003). Natu- 12.4 Life in a block of ice
rally these rivers also discharge pollutants such as PCBs,
heavy metals, and biological contaminants, which will be Underneath a pristine white snow cover, the ice is often
absent from the Antarctic. As a result of such large amounts a light-brown through to rich-coffee colour, caused by
offreshwater input, much of the surface waters of the Kara, a thriving sea-ice biota composed of a multitude of tiny
Laptev, East Siberian, and Beaufort Seas have low salini- (mostly microscopic) organisms comprising viruses, bacte-
ties. Arctic ice formed in coastal areas can be heavily laden ria, algae, protists, flatworms, and small crustaceans (Fig.
with sediments, which are then transported large distances 12.9). They include many of the plants and animals of the
in the moving ice fields carried by the transpolar current. phyto- and zooplankton ofthe open ocean, which is in fact
Even allochthonous material, such as tree trunks and soil where they originate (Chapter 6) . Unlike their counterparts
turfs, become encased in Arctic ice floes and are eventually in warmer seas and oceans, these polar planktonic organ-
released many thousands of kilometres from the place they isms have a unique phase in their seasonal cycle when they
were initially caught up in the ice. are caught up into the semi-solid matrix of the ice (Garrison
Even during the melt seasons there are significant differ- 1991; Palmisano and Garrison 1993; Thomas & Dieclanann
ences in the ways in which melting takes place. As summer 2002).
approaches, more solar radiation is absorbed by the ocean,
and the surface layer of the ocean warms up, increasing the Often sea-ice is turned brown due to a rich microbial flora
rate of melting of the ice. However, in the Arctic the sea- and fauna that grows within the semi-solid ice matrix.
ice begins to melt at the surface and extensive melt pools
form decreasing the albedo (reflectance of light) from the As grease ice forms, planktonic organisms stick to, or
ice surface, allowing more solar radiation to be absorbed, are caught between, ice crystals as they rise through the
thereby increasing the melting process. In the Antarctic, water when surface waters freeze (Box 12.2; Garrison et

Figure 12.9 The growth of

photosynthetic diatoms can
reach such proportions that the
ice floes are frequently co loured
brown (photograph: David
12.4 Life in a block of ice

al. 1989). Subsequently, as the ice grows and consolidates, assemblages , there is evidence that the organisms are liv-
the organisms become trapped with in the brine ch annels. ing in a situation more akin to biofil ms .
Bacteria are conspicuou s in sea-ice assemblages, enter- The most con spicuous organ isms in the ice are pen-
ing the ice mostly on the surfaces of larger organisms. As n ate diatoms (un icellular photosynthetic microalgae; Fig.
temperatures drop there is a gradu al transition in bacte- 12.10), which reach such concentrations that their photo-
rial populations from the diverse mixed-species' inoculums synthetic pigments discolour the ice brown. Diatom stand-
originating in seawater to psychrophilic species (mini- ing stocks up to 1000 ug chioro phylll-l have been measured
mum growth temperature < DOC, optimal growth tempera- in sea-ice, which compare with typical values of 0 to 5 pg
ture < 15°C, and m aximum growth temperature < 20°C). chlorophyll 1-1 for surface waters in the Southern Ocean
The growth of psychrophilic heterotrophs (Dem ing 2002) (l.egendre et al. 1992 ; l.izotte 20 01 ). Primary production
is fuelled by large pools of dissolved organic m atter (DOM) in Antarctic sea -ice (63 to 70 Tg C y-l) is estimated to con-
cons isting largely of carbohydrates produced by the death tribute S% to the total annual primary production (1300 Tg
and lysis (breaking apart) of sea-ice organisms, as well as C y-l) in the sea-ice influenced zone of the Southern Ocean.
by the exudation of organic polymers by algae and bacteria This apparently minor contribution is in fact highly signifi-
(Fig. 12.10). Muc h of this organic m atter is produced as cant, in that the sea-ice organisms provide a concentrated
extracellular polymeric substances (EPS; Krembs et al. food source that extends the short period of primary pro-
2002) , in suc h quantities that in dense sea-ice microbial duction in the water column (Box 12.3).

Box 12.2: Where do ice organisms

come from? benthos by larv al stages, even in species w ith poor swim-
mi ng capabil ities. Another commonly cited vector in shal-
For several of the sea-ice fauna, the mechanisms by which low w ater is lifting of organisms from the benthos attached
they are incorporated into sea-ice is unclear, since many to anchor ice, platelets of ice formed in shallow coastal
do not have an obvious planktonic life. The most obvious waters. However, most of the pack ice, espec ially in the
vector is that residual multi-year ice contains populations Antarct ic, overlies water several th o usand metres deep
of organisms that act as innocula for new ly formed ice. and here mechanisms of colonization by non-plankton ic
Whereas t his is fine in t he Arct ic, in t he Antarctic only a organisms remain enigmat ic.
very small percentage of the sea-ice lasts for more than Antarcti c t urbellarians spawn in sea-ice in aust ral sum-
one season, so this seems unli kely. mer. Eggs, j uveniles, and adults w ill be released into the
Nematod es are apparently not present in Antarctic water col umn upo n ice melt. Altho ugh sea-ice t urbellarian
sea-ice (only one record by Blome & Ri emann 19 9 9 ) , a species can swim, none have been reported in the plankton
stark contrast to Arctic sea-ice, where free-living species, and it is presumed that they sink to the sea floor. It has
especially belonging to the superfamily Monhysteroida, are been sug gested t hat sea-ice t urbellarians may have an
found in abundance (Riemann & Sime-Ngando 199 7). No adhesive d isk by w hich they attach to crustaceans before
rotifers have been found in Antarctic sea-ice either, even being released from the ice. Swi mming crustaceans,
though these too are also common in Arctic sea-ice sam- including amphi pods that migrate from the sea floor to
ples. The reasons for these Arctic/Antarctic differences are the ice peripheries, or the common ice copepods may act
unclear, and it is possib le that they are simply sampl ing as vectors to transfer the flat worms to different ice floes
artefacts: in t ime, more comp rehens ive sampling may (Janssen & Gradinger 19 99 ).
produce more com plete faunal records for Antarctic sea- Many ciliate spec ies have been described fro m sea-ice,
ice. Foram iniferans, w hich are very abundant in Antarctic wi t h no eq uivalent p lanktonic form being descri bed (Petz
sea-ice, had for many years remained unknown from Arctic et al. 199 5). It is specul ated that for many of these spe-
sea-ice but since the late 19 9 0 s have now been found cies, colonizat ion takes place v ia rest ing spo res, although
t here, albe it only in a few samples. Alternatively, it may there is no d irect evidence for th is. There is a simil ar
be that suitable vectors for colonization of sea-ice are not conundrum for the Arctic nematodes, and even w hale
present in the Antarct ic. baleen plates that conta in th rivin g po pulations of nema-
In coastal reg ions wi th shallow water depths it is not todes have been cited as poss ible vectors for bring ing
d ifficult to imagine colonizati on of the sea-ice fro m the nematodes into close contact w ith sea-ic e floes.
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

channels with diameters < 200 urn have been shown to be

effective refuge from grazing organisms. Only rotifers and
turbellarians can traverse 'channe ls' significantly smaller
than their body diameter. Turbellarians change their
body dimensions in response to salinity changes, shrink-
ing (because of osmotic water loss) with the increasing

I salinities found in the smaller channels. Rotifers can pen-

etrate channels just 57% the width of their body diameter,
w hereas most other organisms simply congregate in the
narrowest of the tubes into which they can physically fit,
according to body size. Even despite the physiological and
biochemical prerequisites for survival and growth within
the ice matrix, there have been surprisingly few obligate/
endemic microalgal or protozoan species associated with

Figure 12.10 A sea-ice diatom in a sea-ice brine
channel (photograph: Christopher Krembs). The smallest brine channels within the ice provide micro-
scopic refuges from grazers for diatoms.

Up to 5% of the total Southern Ocean primary produc- Within the ice there is therefore a complex microbial
tion takes place wit hin the sea-ice. However; this forms a food-web based on a concentrated source of primary pro-
highly concentrated food source for grazing zooplankto n duction within the ice . Although ice is an effective barrier to
in winter when the water column is devoid of food. light, the light conditions within the ice are certainly more
favourable to algal growth in the top 2 m of the ocean's
Heterotrophic protists and metazoans. such as rotifers, surface th an when the algae are mixed through the upper
nematodes. turbellarians, foraminferans, and small cope- mixed-water layers in open waters . Sea-ice algae also have
pods can accumulate in sea-ice at concentrations ranging well-developed photo-acclimation and adaptation (see
from hundreds to thousands of individuals per litre; sev- Chapter 2), resulting in them h aving efficient light-harvest-
eral orders of magnitude higher than those in the water ing mechanisms for growing in low light (Kirst & Wieneke
(Fig. 12.11 ; Schnack-Schiel et al. 2001; Michel et al. 1995) . As long as re-s upply of inorganic nutrients is pos-
2002) . The smaller protozoans and metazoans graze the sible, either by exchange or remineralization processes
dense growths of bacteria, flagellates, and diatoms, while (Cha pters 2 & 3) within the ice itself, dense algal biomass
the narrow brine channels exclude larger species from is ensured.
exploiting these food sources (Krembs et al. 2000) . Small

Figure 1 2.11 Food-web based

around the Antarctic pack ice. (a)
pennate diatoms; (b) autotophic
flagellates; (c) foramin ifers; (d)
ci liates; (e) turbellarians; (f)
copepod nau plii; (g) harpactico id
~f cope pods; (h) calanoid copepods;
"0 (i) euphausiid larvae ; (k) Antarctic
krill, Euphausia superba; (I)
young notot henoid fish, such as
Pagothenia borchgrevinki. Note
not to scale (i mage: Sigrid Schiel).
12.4 Life in a block of ice

Sea-ice organisms are adapted to low light, low tempera- are produced by both bacteria and microalgae; however,
tures, and high salinities, all prerequisites for life within many ot her marine organisms cannot produce PUFAs, and
a block of ice. require them to be supplied in their diet (Nichols 2006).
Enhanced PUFA production wit hin sea-ice algae and bac-
teria has been measured, induced by low irradiance, low
Surprisingly not many endemic organisms have been iso-
temperature, and high salinities, and therefore se a-ice
lated from Antarctic or Arctic sea-ice.
assemblages will be a richer source of essential PUFA for
grazing organisms . Since the conditions that stimulate
Naturally this growth has implications for pelagic organ- PUFA production in sea-ice microbes are most extre me
isms that remain free of the ice matrix. Amphipods, cope- in winter, it is probable that PUFA production in the ice
pods, krill, and ice fish are examples of types of organism organ isms w ill be maximal at that time. Organisms graz ing
that graze on the rich food source associated with the ice within winter sea-ice will therefore have a diet enriched in
(Schnack-Schiel 2003). This food source is collecte d on the PUFAs, which may be a significant factor in maintaining
peripheries of ice floes or in cracks and crevices of rafted viable stocks (especially for zooplankton larvae ), and for
ice, or ice that has recently been broken up or begun to melt. maintaining the fitness, enabling the exploitation of more
For many of these organisms their seasonal dynamics and favourable feeding conditions upon ice melt in spring. An
life histories are tightly coupled to a source of food in the example of such seasonal dynamics is shown by Arctic
ice, and even the interannual distributions of krill, the piv- copepods. Female Ca lanus glacialis have been shown by
otal organism in the Southern Ocean food-web, is strongly Soreide et aJ. (2010) to feed on the PUFA-rich ice algae in
correlated with pack ice cover because of food contained the spring to fuel an early maturation and reproduction,
w ithin it (Box 12.3). w here as the subsequent offs pring feed on the high-quality
The complex interaction of low temperatures and high food during the phytoplankton bloom in the ice -free wate rs
salinities in sea-ice brines of course bring about changes 2 months later. Naturally with diminishing Arctic ice cover
in the biochemical nature of the organisms themselves (Current Focus) such timings and feeding dynamics w ill
(see Chapter 2), and in turn implications for their qual- be change d, and since copepods are a rich food source, it
ity as a food source for protozoan and metazoan graz- is likely that the transfer of energy-rich lipids through the
e rs. For example, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) food chain w ill be greatly affected.

Box 12.3: Southern Ocean krill if blooms are not initiated, the large amounts of particulate
material released from the ice upon melting are valuable
Euphausia superba stocks in the Southern Ocean are esti- food sources.
mated to exceed 1.5 billion tonnes (cf. the total mass of It is now clear that the distribution patterns of krill are
people on the Earth approximates to 0.5 billion ton nes) and closely linked to sea-ice condit ions. In years when sea-ice
are the primary food for squid, penguins, seals, and baleen cover is prolonged there is significantly higher krill recruit-
whales. In fact they are often referred to as being central to men t, and in some reg ions of the Antarctic, krill abundance
the Southern Ocean food-web (see reviews in: Nicol & de can be predicted on the basis of cycl ical variations in sea-
la Mare 19 9 3 ; Brierley & Thomas 2002). Krill feed vora- ice exte nt (Atkinson et al. 2004). However, it cannot be
ciously on phytoplankton and also feed carnivorously on underestimated how difficult it is to catch and study the
copepods. Krill populations can form dense swarms, which, population dynamics and behaviour of krill. Nat urally, until
if they come to the surface, can tu rn the water a spec- this can be done reliably over wide geographic regions,
tacular blood red. ou r understanding of krill biology is limited. Nicol and Bri-
Adult krill can survive extended periods of starvation, erley (20 10) outline the pros and cons of a variety of
even shrinking over winter periods. However, j uvenile krill techniques that have been employed, including net sur-
require a constant supply of food. The dense growth of veys, photographic/video, and acoustic methods.
sea-ice organisms, often on th e periphery of ice floes, The salp (So/po thompsonii) is thought to reach high den-
provides such a source of food throughout t he w inter sities in years following red uced ice extent. Salps live for
w hen food in th e water column is not present. When th e less than one year, and feed by filter-feeding phytoplank-
ice melts, the organisms released from the ice can initiate ton. They do not feed on ice organisms. In the absence of
ice-edge algal blooms that are rich grazing grounds. Even krill, the salps are able to exploit the spring phytoplankton
Chapter 12 Polar Regions
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Other seabirds

• '(
(, ) I

(induding kri' ~II)~~-J~}- -:)
("-._ - - _ ..
• • Seal
Boeterio Protozoa

Simplifi ed drawing of Antarctic pelag ic food-we b s how ing th e cent ral role of krill as a 'keysto ne s pecies' (after
Med lin & Priddle 19 9 0 ).

bloom and undergo explosive population growth. In good poor food stocks for the salp populations.
sea-ice years, the krill have the upper hand over the salps One of the problems with the studies abou t the distri bu-
because the sea-ice has provided good feeding grou nds tion of krill under sea-ice is the difficulty in actually mea-
over the winter, resulting in good gonad development and suring the distribu tion of the krill. Recent developments in
possibly allowing multiple spawning to take place. In these autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) mean that it is
years the krill exploit the phytoplankton bloom, resulting in now possible to deploy them reliably under pack ice to con-

o - 45

· 55

- GOO- m lon g tran sect
und er ice floes by Autosub
75 equipped w it h an upw ard-
and d ownw ard-l o okin g
echo-so u nder. Th e hu g e
·75 swar ms of krill are swi m-
min g mainly at a wate r
L -_ _~_ _~_ _~_ _~ ~_ _~_--'L.......j· 80 d epth of 50 m (image:
100 200 300 400 500 Andrew Brierley, from Brier-
Distance (m) ley et al. 2002).
12.5 Sea-ice edges

duct extensive echo-sounder surveys covering areas of many surprisi ngly showed adult krill grazing at depths down to
hundreds of square kilometres. In a study in the Weddell 3000 m. Not only was it surprising that krill are found at
Sea in January 200 1, the density of krill w as th ree times such depths (it was previously thought that they lived in
higher under the ice compared to open water, wi th the the upper 500 m) , additionally many mature females were
vast majority of the krill wi thin a band 1 to 13 km south viewed at the greatest of depths. The authors point out
of the ice edge (Brierley et al. 2002). that because krill are such strong swim mers it would only
In another study using innovative technology for observ- take the individuals about 4 h to migrate fro m the deepest
ing marine organisms, Clarke and Tyler (2008) used the sites to the surface.
deep-water, remotely operated vehicle, ISIS, and rat her

Krill population dynamics are reviewed by Brierley and smaller floes. Floe size increases rapidl y w it h distance
Thomas (2002). from the sea- ice edge (Fig. 12.1 2). Although more pro -
nounced in the Antarctic, MIZs are also important features
in the relatively limited zones where Arctic sea-ice meets
warmer waters .
12.5 Sea-ice edges
Melting sea-ice releases vast volumes into the surround-
When large volumes of sea-ice melt. the freshwater ing sea, often forming a stabilized , low-salinity surface
released lowers the salinity in the waters at the ocean su r- water layer in which algal blooms take place.
face and can stabilize the upper water column, effectively
setting up a frontal system, which is associated wit h algal Alt hough the stabilized water column has often been
blooms (e .g. Strass & N6t hig 1996 ; also see Ch apter 2) observed at melting ice-edges, it is not always the case.
and subsequent higher rates of grazing . In the Southern When there are strong pre vailing winds and pronounced
Ocean, the spring phytoplankton bloom tracks polewards, wave activity in the MIZ, the released fresh water will be
beginn ing in October, in the wake of the melting ice-edge. effectively mixed wit h surface waters (Bathmann et a1.
Rates of sea-ice decay are equ ivalent to movements of the 199 7; Murphy et aJ. 1998).
sea-ice edge of up to 1.6 km h-' . With the exception of tides The blooms of algae take place because there is a
over mudflats, the passage from day to night, or the spread reduced likelihood of algae being mixed downwards into
of forest fires, it is difficult to conceive of a faster changing light-limited depths. The inoculum is often species being
biological environment (Squ ire et aJ. 1995). The marginal released from the ice matrix. It is not just an inoculum of
ice zone (MIZ) exten ds u p to 100 to 200 km in width, algae of course, and inorganic d issolved nutrients, DOM,
the extent of which is determined by the pe netration bacteria, metazoans, and protozoans released from the ice
of waves and swell that break the pack into numerous all contribute to a highly dynamic biological system. In turn

Figure 12.12 The concentrati on

of ice floes in the marginal ice
zone (MIZ) decreases further
toward s the open ocean. The
surface waters of MIZs ca n be
highly productive, if stabilized by
melt water from melting sea-ice.
(Photograph: David Thom as.)
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

the blooms are a rich feeding ground fo r zooplankton , and

in turn larger predators. Swarms of krill feeding in 'fren-
zies' have been recorded at ice edges, and in turn the MIZ
is often a very intense feeding ground for seabirds , whales,
and seals. Birds and mammals also utilize the ice edges in
their migrations, exploiting the rich food sources as they

Ice-edge algal blooms in turn attract zooplankton graz-

ers, often in a 'frenzy' of feeding activity. In turn , birds
and mammals are attracted to ice edges for the rich
sources of food .

Not all of the material released from the ice is incorpo-

rated into ice-edge blooms (Riebesell et aJ. 1991 ). There
have been studies to show that much of the biology ac tually
aggregates into large accumulations and sinks quickly to
depth as m arine snow (Chapte r 3). The feeding of zooplank-
ton on the ice organisms can also effectively package a high
percentage of the ice biota into rapidly sinking faecal pellets Figure 12.13 Faecal pellets produced by zooplankton
(see Fig. 12.13). Mean settling velocities for faecal pellets of and protozooplankton are important in transporting
between 60 and 200 m day-' are common, although values organic matter from surface waters to the benthos.
up to 1500 m day-' are reported (Levente r 1998). There The faecal pellet shown was collected at 400 m, and
are numerous reports of faecal pellets from copepods and is full of sea-ice diatoms consumed at the surface.
protozoans containing unbroken ice di atom frustules, often Interestingly, many of the diatoms seem to be intact.
of monospecific origin, reaching the sediments. Krill faecal (Image: David Thomas.)
pellets contain mostly broken/digested diatom frustules
and are easily broken. Therefore their efficiency as a major
flux-mediator to great depths is questionable, despite them Aggregating ice organisms and faecal-pellet production
having potentially high settling velocities . However, a sed i- results in a large downward flux of biogenic material to
ment trap under a krill swarm recorded a flux of 660 mg C the underlying sediments.
m-2 d- 1, which is the greatest flux recorded fo r faecal matter
of herbivo rous plankton (Ca dee et aI 1992).

Box 12.4: Biology and products for Antarctic coast. They estimate that sea-ice extent in th is
elucidating past sea-ice extent region was rather constant between 184 1 an d 19 50 and
Contrary to the satellite record account of sea-ice in the th ereafter there was a sharp decrease of about 20%.
Antarctic presented in the Current Focus box, Curran et Dixon et al. (20 0 5) also measured MSA concentrations
al. (2003 ) provided indirect evidence that, at least in in several ice-sheet ice cores and estim ated that the sea-
some regions of the Southern Ocean, there have been ice extent in the Amundsen an d Ross Seas was generally
decreases in sea-ice since 19 50 . They measured con- hi gher, from 180 0 to 19 9 2 compared to the period 14 8 7
centrations of methanesulphonic acid (MSA) in ice cores. to 18 0 0 . Most recently Becag li et al. (2009) have shown
This is a breakdown product of OM S, which in turn is a MSA concentrations in the glacial ice of Talos Dome to
brea kdown product of DMSP (Chapter 2) produced in be a good proxy fo r sea-ice extent in the Ross Sea over
large quantiti es by algae in the high-salinity, low-temper- the past 14 0 years.
ature bri nes of sea-ice. By measuring concentrations of Interestingly the results of Curran et al. (200 3) were
MSA in the glacial ice core, they have estimated sea-ice not to o dissimilar from conclusions drawn from analyses
extent in a particul ar sector (80 0E to 140 0 E) off the east of early whalin g records. De la Mare (1 9 9 7 ) estimated
12.5 Sea-ice edges

th e extent of the Antarcti c summer ice-edge from posi- Corte and Guinet (2007 ), accounting for the b ias in the
ti ons where w hales were caught, or record ed by scien t ific w haling data, also high light a signif icant reduct io n in the
expeditions, from the early 19 205 up to 19 60 . This is sea-ice exten t happeni ng in the 19 60 s, espec ially in the
because the w haling for blue, fin, and mi nke w hales was Wed dell Sea region.
focused on product ive ice-ed ge reg ions and there was an Another example of sea-ice algal-prod ucing b iomark-
internati onal requirement to record the pos it ion of w hale ers for elucida ti ng past sea-ice extent is t he recently
catches. Therefore it w as possib le to make estim at ions described C25 mono unsat urated hydrocarbo n (IP25)'
of previo us ice-ed ge extents before satellites w ere used, wh ich has been found to be prod uced by sea-ice diatoms
and compare these to the satell ite data collected since the and to be very stable in sed iments over geo log ical t ime
19 70 s. De la Mare concluded that there had been a 2 5% (Belt et al. 2007, 2008). The marker has proven to be a
drop in the extent of t he summer sea-ice in the Southern robust proxy for sea-ice and the position of ice edges as
Ocean in j ust twenty years. However, ot her analyses of the far back as the past 300 000 years have been est imated
data had ind icated t hat t he w hale catch data may not be from its presence in sedim ent cores taken from different
as re liable as first thought (Ackley et al. 2003; Vaughan regi ons of the Arcti c (Masse et al 2008; Muller et al.
2000). The debate has conti nued and most recently 2009; Vare et al. 20 10).

The major characteristic of this flux from the ice is the clearly indicates that more precise consideration of large-
highly seasonal nature of short pulses of organic mate- scale processes needs to be made. Although the same holds
rial that result in adaptive feeding strategies for benthic true for the Southern Ocean, the latitudinal range covered
organisms , which may receive only occas ional pulses of is not as great as in the Arctic, since much of sout hern
material. This effect is compounded by the short, intense polar region between 70 0 S and the south pole is actually
periods of primary production that are characteristic of covered by the land mass of the Antarctic continent.
open w aters in polar re gions (Ch apte r 2) , quite differ- Natu rally, sea-ice cover has profound implications
ent from the fluxes of material in tropical or temperate for the amount of light penetrating deep into the water
regrons, column. This potentially has consid erable effects on the
In both the Arctic and Antarctic su mme r, light is not diel vert ical migration of zoopla nkton (DVM), which is
the limiting factor to phytoplankton growt h in the open often thought to be triggered by light. Likewise summer-
ice-free waters when day lengths reach up to 24 h. In win- time periods wit h no , or very short, night periods could
ter, light is severely limiting. Low temperatures are not
considered to be limiting to phytoplankton production in
either of the polar regions. Despite such similarities, the
productivity of the open Arctic and Antarctic waters are 8S'N I- _ n
quite different. Over much of the open Arctic Ocean, the
water is strongly stratified wit h a d istinct pycno cline at
between 20 and 50 m (Chapters 2 & 7). Inorganic nutri-
80'N 1__
ents in the su rface waters are quickly exhausted follow-
ing phytoplankton growt h . Nut rien ts are only replaced
by regeneration processes in the surface waters, or when
the pycnocline is disrupted and nutrient-rich water from 7S' N 1_
below introduced into the surface wate rs . In coastal
waters or regions of nutrient upwelling, such as along the
western Bering Strait, primary production yields are simi-
lar to temperate regions.
It is important to note that the Arctic Ocean and seas Mar Apr May June July Aug Se pt
cover consid erable latitudinal gradients , ranging from
sub-polar, wit h seasonal conditions quite similar to those
d escribed for temperate regions in Chapters 2 and 3 to
the waters close to the north pole which have a very short Figure 12.14 Conceptual overview of the primary
window of the year in which primary production can take production regimes in the European Arctic along a
place (Fig. 12.14; Leu et aJ. 2011). There is a great ten- latitudinal gradient. Image courtesy of Eva Leu and first
d ency to cons ider the Arctic as a whole , but Fig. 12.14 published by Leu et al. (2011).
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

severely impede the environmen tal triggers for DVM turbidity, and species compos ition . Cottier et al. (2006)
behaviour. Wallace et al. (20 10) h ave looked at the influ- h ave also identified an unsynchronized DVM during Arctic
ence of sea-ice cover on the DVM of Arctic zooplankton, summe r, whic h returned to a more synchronous behav-
and found that in ice-free sites there was a synchronous iour once there was a significant period of night.
migration, whereas in ice-covered sites there was asyn-
chronous behaviour. Interestingly these authors do not The Southern Ocean has high concentrations of inor-
think the e ffect of ice on the DVM was particularly du e ganic nutrients at all times of the year. In contrast, the
to light effec ts, but rather due to effec ts of the ice cover, Arctic surface waters become nutrient-limited.
in conju nction wit h the hydrography, on food availa bility,

Box 12.5: Washing powder to 'life in space'

The brown colouration of the ice on the surface of the moon of Jupiter, Europa, has raised the tantalizing link with
ice systems on Earth. It is unlikely that the colouration is due to diatoms, although organisms that live in sea-ice
are useful proxies in the growing field of astrobiology (image: courtesy of NASAfJPL-Caltech).

In recent years, the stu dy of sea-ice org anisms has inten- enthusiastically scrutinizing the ice-covered seas of Jupiter's
sified, fu elled in part by the realization th at the physio- moons, Europa and Ganymede, and the surface of Mars, as
logical and biochemical acclimations that micro-organisms well as speculat ing about life in the ice-covered neoprotero-
thriving in the ice have to undergo may have consi derable zo ic 'snowball earth' . Despite the tantalizing lure to co m-
pote ntial for biotechno logical app lications. These incl ude pare the brown colouratio n observed on Europa's surface
the prod uction of po lyunsaturated fatty acids, w hich in ice to diatom-coloured sea-ice, the extraterrestrial ice syste ms,
organisms keep membranes fluid at low temperatures, for tens to hundreds of kilometres thi ck, are substantially differ-
aquacultu re, livestock, and human food. Research is also ent to the 1 to 10m thick ice we know from Earth's polar
concentrating on the use of cold-adapted enzymes for a host oceans. If life form s do exist, or have existed on these bod-
of industries, ranging from cleaning agents to food process- ies, it seems that they will be quite unlike those that domi-
ing (Cavicchioli et al. 2002). nate the sea-ice found on Earth today (Cavicchio li 2002;
Some of the keenest interest in sea-ice organism biol- Chyba & Philli ps 2002; Marion et al. 2003).
ogy co mes from the new breed of astrob iologists w ho are
12.6 Polar benthos

In contrast, the Southern Ocean is an example of a form solid blocks of ice. In some sites, it is not uncommon
high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll region. Inorganic nutrients for macroalgae and seagrasses to become encased in the
are seldom limited in open waters, but at the same time sea-ice. together with fauna that was not able to migrate
phytoplankton growth is moderate. Open waters rarely to deeper waters (Fig. 12 .15) . When ice melts in the late
become stratified, except for the stratification at ice edges spring, melt ponds consisting of freshwater form, and big
discussed above. Recent large-scale iron-fertilization sheets of melting ice can result in lowering of the salini-
experiments indicate that, for many regions of the South- ties of the surface waters of coastal waters for significant
ern Ocean, a paucity of iron is the major factor limiting periods of time . Fast-growing, short-lived opportunistic
the potential for phytoplankton growth (discussed in more macroalgae such as Enteromorpha dominate the resulting
detail in Chapter 2) . floras of the ice-scoured parts of shores.
Nicol et al. (2010) have raised an intriguing hypothesis
that krill actually store about 24% of the available iron in Tide or wind-driven blocks of sea-ice are particularly
the Southern Ocean, and that the eating of krill by baleen effective in clearing intertidal areas of all sessile organ-
whales (the major consumers of krill) is an efficient way Isms.
of releasing iron back into the system. They analysed the
iron content of faecal matter from whales and found it The effect of ice scour and the clearing of benthic habi-
to be particularly iron-rich. They went on to hypothesize tats by seasonal drifting ice can reach down to depths of 10
that 'allowing the great whales to recover might actually m or more in extreme cases, and ice disturbance is possibly
increase Southern Ocean productivity through enhancing the major structuring element of polar nearshore biologi-
iron levels in the surface layer.' cal communities (Gutt 2001; and Chapter 1). Therefore
sublittoral communities can be highly disturbed, at times
showing characteristics of a highly ephemeral flora and
12.6 Polar benthos fauna (Box 12.5).

Blocks of ice, especially on a shore with a large tidal range, The keels of icebergs can cause dramatic destruction
can be very effective at removing attached intertidal of benthic assemblages growing at depths between 10
organisms (Fig. 12.15) . It is therefore a general feature and 500 m.
of polar intertidal shores that very little life is supported
from autumn through to late spring when ice thaws again. In particular, in shallow coastal regions in both the Arctic
Tide pools, even large ones. are no refuge. since these just and Antarctic, the grounding of icebergs causes consider-

Figure 12.15 (a) Blocks of loose sea-ice are effective at scouring rocky shores clean of attached organisms,
especially in reg ions with a high tidal range. (b) In some shallow sites macroalgae, seagrasses, and inve rte brates can
become encased into the sea-ice matrix. (Photographs: David Thomas.)
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

able d amage to benthic com m u nities (Gu tt 2000; Gerdes larly in Antarctica) . rneans that areas disturbed in this man-
et al. 2003; Gu tt & Piepenburg 2003) . However, the keels ner are likely to be characterized by a continuous natural
of large icebergs can be ve ry d eep and damage from large fluctuation between extreme d isturbance and recovery.
icebergs scraping across the benthos has been recorded Com munities ca n be held at early successional stages, or
by remotely operated vehicles carrying camera and video even completely destroyed by scouring, and these effects
equipme nt. Sessile organisms are erad icated and pioneer occur from t he intertidal to depths down to sao m in Ant-
species begin to grow in high abundances on the disturbed arctica. The wide scales of d isturbance intensity are thought
substratum. In some areas, major iceberg scour events have to contribute to the overall high levels of Antarctic benthic
been estimated to take place over periods of every SO to 200 biological diversity. Iceberg scour effects are less prevalent
years. The consequence of this periodicity in disturbance, in the Arctic where there are far fewer icebergs compared
combined with t he slow growth of many species (particu- to the Antarctic.

Box 12.6: Macroalgae in polar regions Antarctic, actually begin to grow during periods of darkness
at the end of th e wi nter, w hen still covered by the ice.
Some macroalgal species, including the red Iridaea cor- These species have not found a way of growi ng without
data, occu r at latitudes of 77 °5, w here th ey experience light. Instead they begin to grow by using the starches and
up to 10 mon ths of ice cove r. Polar macroalgae are gener- other metabo lites that they sto red in the previous year's
ally highly adapted to low lig ht conditions often growing growth period. The new tissues produced are ready to begi n
under sea-ice fo r much of the year, and only experiencing photosynthesis as soon as light becomes available when the
short windows of light in the summer (reviewed by: Kirst ice breaks up. This kick-start maximizes the growth period
& Wieneke 1995; Wieneke et al. 2009; Wulff et al. 2009). during the short su mmer months. The development of
Many species are severely photo-inhi bited (see Chapter new blades in the dark is probably controlled by circannual
2), even at low incident irradiances and/or susceptible to rhythms governing seasonal growth patterns. This hypothesis
ultraviolet radiation damage, although in some species this is supported by indications of free-running growth rhythms
damage is slight if measurable at all (Karsten et al. 2009). when these seaweeds are grown under constan t conditions
Several species, including the brown Laminaria solidun- (Wieneke et al. 2009).
gu/a from the Arctic and the red Po/maria decipiens from the

./ .

Several species of macroalgae grow in seaso nally ice-covered wat ers, are very efficient primary producers at low
light, and have seaso nal growth st rateg ies t o best utilize the sho rt w indows of light in summer months (photo graph:
David Thomas).
12.8 Endemism in polar benthos

Kirst and Wieneke (1995) review many of the responses ever. it now seems that this is not as straightforward. In par-
of polar macroalgae to low light and low temperatures. ticular. resuspension of sediments and lateral advection
of organic rich material. are important for the transport
of biogenic material from shallow sites to deeper basins.
Resuspended and advected material is thought to be the
12.7 Polar bentho-pelagic main food source during winter months when the influx of
coupling phytodetrirus and faecal pellets from waters above is negli-
gible (Klages et al. 2001) .
The largest proportion of the Antarctic shelf benthos fauna There is evidently no uniform pattern in the degree of
is made up of sessile suspension-feeders, such as sponges, coupling ofAntarctic invertebrate benthic animal reproduc-
cnidarians, bryozoans, ascidians, and echinoderms (Fig. tion and the extreme seasonality ofprimary production and
12 .16). Suspension feeders can feed on a whole range of concentrated food source. However, there are many exam-
particulate organic matter, extending from bacteria, pica- ples where reproduction takes place uncoupled from the
and nanoplankton, through to zooplankton several centi- summer supply of food. One explanation is that the organ-
metres in length, a particular species having adaptations isms utilize the high influx of food to best build up gonadal
for a particular size class of food (reviewed by Arntz et tissues to the maximum.
al. 1994). Any extensive assemblage comprised of differ-
ent types of suspension feeder will be a three-dimensional
community with a range of feeding strategies and types 12.8 Endemism in polar
that have the ability to exploit this huge spectrum of food
The benthic floras and faunas of the Arctic and Antarctic
Suspension feeders make up the vast majority of shelf are quite different. In general. the numbers ofspecies in the
and deep sea benthos of polar regions. major groupings of macrobenthic organisms are between
1.5 and 6 times greater in the Antarctic than the Arctic. In
Such suspension feeders survive in an environment of fact the Antarctic species diversity is akin to the same levels
high primary production in spring and summer. but almost of diversity recorded for tropical regions (Brey & Gerdes
nothing in winter, and so the scarcity of primary production 1997; Chapter 1). The differences are also compounded by
and diverse abundant benthic assemblages of high biomass the fact that there is a much higher degree of endemism
are somewhat anomalous. It was long thought that these among the Antarctic flora and fauna compared to that of
organisms simply fed on the short pulses of phytodetrirus, the Arctic (Briggs 2003) . The degree of endemism varies
and then survived long periods of feeding inactivity. How- greatly between different groupings of organism: up to

Figure 12.16 In many regions

:-..- surrounding the Antarctic, the
benthos is covered by diverse
assemblages of suspension
feeders. The bentho-pelagic
coupling between seasonal
primary production in the water
column and transport of this
food source to the benthos
is key to the survival of such
assemblages. (Photograph: Julian
Gutt, Alfred Wegener Institute.)
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

70% of the fish genera and 95% of fish species found in the and into the North Atlantic as a result of reduced ice cover
Antarctic are endemic; whereas only 5% of polychaete gen- (Reid et at. 2007) . It is proposed that this is the first time in
era and 57% of the polychaete species in Antarctic waters 800 000 years that such a migration has taken place, and
are endemic. Only about 5% of the macroalgae found in naturally the speculation is that such events may happen
Arctic waters are endemic, and in the Antarctic 30% of the with benthic as well as other plankton.
macroalgal species found are endemic. Interestingly crabs, The Antarctic was effectively cut off from the world
flatfishes, and balanomorph barnacles, common in the Arc- ocean 25 million years ago by the formation of the Ant-
tic, are missing from the Antarctic fauna (Eastman 2000) . arctic Circumpolar Current (ACC), and lack of shallow-sea
Of course these numbers are only approximate and change linkages is traditionally thought to effectively isolate the
considerably as more taxonomic research takes place, and waters surrounding the Antarctic continent from recruit-
by the introduction of powerful molecular techniques to ment from elsewhere. However, there are studies, such as
unravel phylogenetic conundrums. Clarke et at. (2005), that bring into question this long-held
The whole question of endemism and species' diversity view, and increasingly it does seem that as climate regimes
and abundance in the Southern Ocean flora and fauna is change, especially in regions such as the western Antarctic
of course greatly limited by the relatively small areas that Peninsula, invasion of Antarctic waters by non-polar spe-
have been properly surveyed. For example, the Antarctic cies will be be measured (Barnes and Peck 2008) .
deep-sea (abyssal) benthos has received little attention, Clearly there are many vectors that can facilitate the
and has often been viewed as a region of low biodiversity. migration of species into the Polar regions, and ballast
However, three coordinated expeditions in the deep Wed- water in ships is often cited as a probable mechanism.
dell Sea (748 to 6348 m) between 2002 and 2005 showed However, even the transport of organisms simply on
that this is not true (Brandt et at. 2007) . Among the 13000 anthropogenic derived debris, including plastic, has been
specimens examined, the team found : 200 polychaete spe- found to be a probable source of the introduction of inva-
cies (81 previously unknown to science), 160 species of sive species (Barnes 2002a; Convey et at. 2002 ; Barnes
gastropods and bivalves, 76 species of sponges (17 previ- & Fraser 2003) . Large-scale transport of plastic material
ously undescribed), 674 isopods (585 new to science), 57 across the Arctic is superbly illustrated by a consignment
nematode species, and 158 foraminifera species. Likewise, of 29 000 plastic, floating bath-toys, including ducks,
studies on metazoans (size fraction 32 to 1000 mm) from frogs, and turtles, lost from a container ship in the North
the South Sandwich Trench (Brant et at. 2004) revealed Pacific in 1992. It was hypothesized that the floating toys
unexpectedly high standing stocks, well above the pre- would be transported across the Arctic Ocean into the
dicted estimates from worldwide relationships of meiob- North Atlantic, and toys showed up on North Atlantic
enthos abundance and water depth. coastlines in 2003 and findings are still being reported in
July 2007.
Alt ho ugh there are only short pulses of food descending
from upper water layers, resuspension and lateral advec- The Antarctic was cut off from ot her waters about 25
tion of sediments are important processes for feeding million years ago, whereas the Arctic is far younger, hav-
sessile organisms for the rest of the year. ing been established about 2 million years ago.

There are a much higher number of endem ic genera and

species in th e Antarctic compared wit h the Arctic fauna
and flora.
12.9 Gigantism in polar waters
One of the characteristics ofmany benthic organism groups
The explanations for the differences in degrees of (particularly molluscs and crustaceans) in polar regions is
endemism between the Arctic and Antarctic are mainly the fact that they reach much greater sizes than their coun-
due to the greater age and longer isolation of the Antarc- terparts in warmer waters. Of course small species are still
tic (Crame 1999) : Arctic benthic floras and faunas arise present, and not all polar invertebrates are large.
from the last 2 million years. The Arctic benthos is more Antarctic sea spiders up to 400 mm across are a hundred
akin to cold-temperate Atlantic or Pacific forms, it being times the size of the common European sea spider. Isopods,
more accessible to invasion from these regions . There are such as Glyptonotus antarcticus, found throughout Antarc-
the first reports of planktonic species from outside the tica, the Antarctic Peninsula, and sub-Antarctic Islands
Arctic Basin moving into, or even through, the Arctic; from the intertidal to 790 m depth, are up to 20 em in length
most notably the diatom Neodenticula seminae is thought and weigh 70 g. In comparison, isopods in other parts of the
to have migrated from the Pacific across the Arctic basin world may reach a maximum size of just several centime-
12.10 Birds and mammals

tres. Other 'giants' include 2 to 4 m tall sponges and ribbon larger than allied species from temperate and tropical
worms over 3 m long. It is thought that this 'gigan tism' is waters . These larger organisms have more tissue volume
brought about by a combination of factors (Fig. 12.17; see to which they must supply oxygen, but relatively less sur-
also Chapter 8) . face area with which to sequester the oxygen. Therefore,
Low water temperatures certainly slow metabolic rates the higher oxygen contents of the low-temperature polar
to the extent that growth rates are slow enough to enable waters are ideally suited to support these larger species.
them to live longer. Respiration rates are barely measurable
in many of the benthic organisms by standard laboratory
techniques. These result in some polar organisms having 12.10 Birds and mammals
lifespans that are considerably longer than allied species
from warmer waters (Brey 1998) . The birds and mammals that inhabit polar regions are of
It appears that the primary cause leading to variations course the most conspicuous organisms ofthe pack ice. and
between polar organisms and those from warmer climes is attract an inordinate amount of attention from the public
due to differences in the dissolved oxygen content of the and policy-makers interested in the tourism. conservation,
water (Chapelle & Peck 1999, 2004) . The physiological and exploitation of the regions. Historically it was these
limit on the size of a particular organism is the amount of organisms that stimulated much of the early enthusiasm
oxygen it can get into its blood, and in oxygen-rich waters for the exploration of the Arctic and Antarctic.
this is largely dependent on the efficiency and length of the Evocative as these animals are, an interesting compari-
circulation systems supplying oxygen to the tissues. It is also son is that the total biomass of bacteria (each weighing less
true that in colderwaters the oxygen demands of tissues are than 1 picogram) in the Southern Ocean is around 3 x 10 7
less, contributing to the possibiliry of large size. tonnes, whereas that of whales (each approximately 100
tonnes) is only around Bx 10 6 tonnes. Even a single krill
IGigantic' invertebrate species are thought to result super-swarm extending over 450 krn- is estimated to have
from slow growth rates in low-temperat ure waters and a biomass of2.1 x 106 tonnes (Fogg 1998).
t he increased dissolved oxygen concentrations in polar Sea-ice is a vital requirement as a platform for repro-
water. duction for many mammal and bird species (reviewed by
Ainley et aI. 2003) . Antarctic seals, such as the leopard
Gigantism in polar waters is not restricted to organisms (Hydruga leptonyx), crabeater (Lobodon carcinophagus),
with highly developed circulation systems for transfer of Ross (Ommatophoca rossi), and Weddell (Leptonychotes
oxygen. Ctenophores, anemones, sponges, copepods, and weddellii) seals, and emperor penguins (Aptenodytes for-
pteropods all have representative species that are much steri) in the Antarctic give birth to their young on the ice

Figure 12.17 Giant sponges are

a consp icuous component of
Antarctic benthic commun ities.
These grow at extremely slow
rates, and are thought to be
the longest li ving organ isms on
Earth, although their colonial
nature means that not all cells are
ancient. (Photograph: Ju lian Gutt,
Alfred Wegener Institute.)
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

in late winter/early spring. Other seal species, such as the the links between sea-ice distribution and krill discussed
Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella) and southern ele- previously have important implications on the foraging
phant seals (Mirounga leonina), also spend some time in ecology of the seals. Leopard seals feed on krill, but also
ice-covered waters. This ensures that young become inde- feed on penguins and seal pups. The Ross seal preys on
pendent by late summer when food is most available. Sea- squid, whereas the Weddell and elephant seals feed on
ice is also an important platform for birds to renew their fish, which in turn feed on the krill, such as the Antarctic
plumage. Penguins and flighted birds, such as snow and toothfish (Dissosthichus mawsoni) and Antarctic silverfish
Antarctic petrels, all use icebergs and/or ice floes as plat- (Pleuragramma antarcticum) .
forms to avoid predators while replacing their insulating
feathers, which are vital for surviving the cold, as well as The rich sources of food associated with ice edges and
flight feathers (Fig. 12.18) . under ice floes provided major feed ing grounds for birds
and mammals alike.
Sea-ice is an important platform for raisi ng young and
hauling o ut for many seal species. In the Arctic, the main food-item for many of the birds
and mammals is the Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida), a fish
In the Antarctic many of the penguin species (Fig. 12.18) that feeds on crustaceans, often associated with sea-ice
and seals (Fig. 12.19), such as the crabeater, rely on the vast floes. However, pelagic amphipods, especially of the genus
stocks of krill as a food source (Smetacek & Nicol 2005) . Parathemisto, also form an important part of the diets of
Crabeaters feed almost exclusively on krill, and therefore seals, such as the ringed (Phoca hispida), harp (P. groen-

· - --""-_r-
~ ~
-' ~~

....- =-.
--== -
- -.
-- -- -
- -

~- -
- - -.- -

Figure 12.18 (a) Penguins are a conspicuous feature of Antarctic pack ice, such as these Adelle penguins
(Pygoscelis odeliae), the most numerous of the Antarctic penguins. (b) Emperor penguins (Aptenodytes forsten)
are associated with sea-ice all year round (c) King penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) are found on sub-antarctic
isla nds, such as South Georgia (d) The snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea) is an obligate ice species and well camouflaged
against t he ice. (Photographs: David Thomas.)
12.10 Birds and mammals

Figure 12.19 (a) Adult Weddell seals (Leptonychotes weddelil) breed further south than any mammal on Earth.
They spend much of the winter in the water; keeping breathing holes open in the overlying ice by grinding the ice
with their teeth . (b) Crabeater seals (Lobodon carcinophagus) are thought to be the most numerous seal species on
Earth (estimates up to 30 million). They feed on krill using interlocking teeth to 'st rain' krill from the water. (c) Adult
leopard seals (Hydruga leptonyx), which , although notorious for eating penguins and seals, actually has krill as a large
part of its diet. (d) Antarctic fur seals (Arctoceptho/us gozel/o) on South Georgia spend time in the marginal ice zones.
(e) Southern elephant seals (/VIiroungo leonino) are known to feed under sea-ice (photographs: David Thomas.)

landica), hooded (Cystophora cristata) , and bearded polar bears may travel many hundreds. if not thousands
(Erignathus barbatus) seals. These amphipods feed on phy- of kilometres. These large roaming distances are of course
toplankton, including the dense accumulations of ice algae extended (easily over 100 000 km-) because the bears are
on the peripheries of ice floes. travelling on a moving platform of ice that is blown by wind
Walruses (Odobenus rosmarus) do not feed on ice-asso- and carried on ocean currents. Although much of these
ciated organisms; however, they also use sea-ice for haul- distances are completed on top of the ice, because polar
ing out. often using their distinctive tusks as ice axes. Their bears are such strong swimmers, they can swim distances
prey is mainly made up from molluscs. such as bivalves in excess of 100 km at a time . This results in polar bears
(Mya truncota) and whelks (Buccinum spp.), and so they sometimes being observed several hundreds of kilometres
are restricted to hauling out on ice covering shallow ( < 70 offshore, probably because the ice floes they were traveling
m) coastal regions. on had melted from underneath them (Born et aI. 1997;
Probably the most evocative of all the mammals associ- Wiig et aI. 2003) .
ated with sea-ice is the polar bear (Fig. 12.20, Ursus mariti- The ice is a vital platform for them to forage on their
mus) . It is difficult to estimate how many polar bears there prey, which comprises seals, walruses, and whales (Stirling
are, but estimates place the number at between 20 000 and 1998). Although polar bears do spend time on land, it is a
40 000 in the whole of the Arctic basin. Within a year many true marine mammal, depending on the sea- and pack ice
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

Figure 12.20 Polar bear (Ursus

maritimus) walking on sea-ice
(photograph: courtesy of Finlo

for its existence, and it is the largest of the non-aquatic car- seals. As the bear populations decline, problem interac-
nivores. Many polar bears preferto remain within the pack tions between bears and humans will continue to increase,
ice all year long (if possible), since the ice floes provide a as the bears seek alternative food sources. Polar bears
platform from which the bears can catch seals, which are usually return to the same area for overwintering and can
their main prey. utilize the same maternity den several times. However,
warming of some permafrost regions has already resulted
The southern limits of polar bears are basically governed in such dens collapsing, and making the suitabiliry of dens
by the southernmost extent of sea-ice. more precarious than has been the case up to now (cf.
Lunn et al. 2004) .
Polar bears are found throughout the ice-covered waters In both the Arctic and Antarctic, baleen whales are
of the Arctic Ocean. The greatest majority of bears roam able to forage under ice only as long as they can hold their
near pack ice that is thinner or breaks open on a regular breath. These are open-water species and generally fol-
basis. Generally, bears avoid heavily ridged, rough sea-ice low the seasonal retreat of ice edges, subsequently leaving
and thick multi-year ice, mostly because the densities of the polar regions before the seas freeze over in autumn.
seals are low in these ice types. The southern limits of polar Therefore, although blue (Balaenoptera musculus), fin (B.
bears are basically governed by the southernmost extent of physalus), and right (B. glacialis) whales all migrate to
sea-ice, and a few have been reported as far north as close the Southern Ocean to feed on zooplankton such as krill,
to the north pole, although generally it is thought that very minke whales (B. acutorostrata) are the only cetaceans to
few stray further than 800 N, since the ice is generally thick occur deep in the Antarctic pack ice. Some populations
multi-year ice-floes. of minke whales even live in the pack ice all year round.
Polar bears are a good example of the profound and These 'small' whales that feed on krill use a hardened ros-
complicated effects of decreasing Arctic sea-ice (Current trum on top of their heads to break the ice to enable them
Focus) . The predicted decreases in summer sea-ice will to breathe.
result in polar bears migrating further north to forage for
food than at present. These effects have been highlighted Few whales are capable of living deep within the pack
by many researchers (Derocher et al. 2004; Stirling and ice, and most species that frequent polar waters feed in
Parkinson 2006), and the combined effects of decreases in open waters or in the relatively diffuse ice-edge regions.
sea-ice thickness and the progressively early sea-ice break-
up are linked to decreasing size in polar bear populations In the Arctic, beluga (Delphinapterw; leucas), bowheads
in the Western Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay. A consequence (Balaena mysticelUS), and narwhals (Monodon rnonocerus)
of this is that the surviving bears have to search for alter- also break sea-ice with their backs to form breathing holes,
native food sources close to towns and communities. This and their lack of dorsal fin is considered an adaptation to
is because earlier break-up of sea-ice is forcing bears on having to break ice with their backs. However, in general,
to land earlier in the year, thereby preventing them from cetaceans in the pack ice of both hemispheres tend to be
feeding on seals and building up sufficient fat stores with mostly found in leads and open-water areas towards the
which to survive before the autumn/winter formation periphery of pack ice . Bowheads and minke whales are the
of sea-ice when they can return to the sea-ice to hunt for only whales to be found truly within the Arctic pack ice.
12.10 Birds and mammals

Open water is vital for breathing mammals, and seal spe- the pack. Antarctic Weddell seals maintain their breath-
cies living deep within the pack ice expend much energy ing holes by gnawing away the ice at the periphery of
in keeping breathing holes open. the hole w it h their teeth. Older Weddell seals h ave worn
teeth as a result of blowhole excavation, and starvation
The toothed sper m (Physeter macroceph alus) and killer following broken teeth is eviden tly a common cause of
whales (Orcinus orca) are found in sea-ice regions. The mortality. Arctic ringed seals use heavy claws on their
former largely feed on squid, consuming up to 3% of their fore-flippers to maintain breathing holes in ice up to
body we ight per day. Killer whales predate on seal, birds, 2 m thick.
or cetaceans in the pack ice, but they also feed on fish, There are several flighted birds that are highly adapted
including the large Antarctic toothfish. Certainly it seems to an almost exclusive life in the pack ice: Ross's and ivory
that some whales, including bowheads, narwhals, minke, gulls (Pagophila eburnean and Rhodostethia rosea, respec-
and belugas, may shelter in the pack ice in an effort to tively) in the Arctic and the snow petrel (Pagodroma nivea)
avoid groups of killer whales. in the Antarctic. These are all white in colour, an ad apta-
For all the mammals living in pack ice, breathing tion allowing them to approach their prey more closely as
holes or areas of open water are vital for survival. This we ll as avoiding predators, as long as their background
is the reason why most whales are restricted to the dif- is white.
fu se marginal ice-zones, or areas of open wate r wit hin

Box 12.7: Ozone holes and the poles and choanoflagellates followi ng high UV radiation (David-
son & van der Heijden 2000).
Seasonal depletion of ozone in the troposphere over both It has been proposed that one of the environmental fac-
the Arctic and Antarctica and increased ultraviolet radiation tors influencing krill abundance in the Antarctic is increased
reaching the ocean's surface are well-reported phenomena UV damage due to ozone depletion, followi ng evidence that
(Uchino et at. 19 9 9 ) . The consequences of this have been Euphausia superba may be more susceptible to damage
the source of much speculation and include the possibility than other Antarctic zoo plankton (Jarman et al. 1999). In
of harmful effects on organisms living in surface waters of the pelagic zone, krill swarms are most often found well
the polar oceans (reviewed by Brierley & Thomas 2002). below the sea surface during daylight and are unlikely to be
In te rms of the ecology of sea-ice and ice-associated exposed to high UV levels. Interestingly, it has recently been
waters, the ecosystem components that may suffer the shown that vertical migration by zooplankton is influenced
largest influence of an increase in UV radiation are th e by UV: deeper migrations occur in the presence of high
blooms that occu r in the stabilized waters of the marginal levels of UVb. Therefore, the depth and duration of ver tical
ice-zones during spring and summer. The melt-water-sta- migrations may be influenced by ozone-related increases in
bilized shallow mixed depths may be 20 m or less, and UV, in tu rn impacting predato rs that feed on these species.
UVb can penetrate to dep ths in excess of 50 m. Sea-ice
itself, especially if covered by snow, is a particularly good
barrier to UV light, and so sea-ice organisms and those
living under ice cover are unlikely to be severely damaged
by UV effects.
In Antarctic waters, links between UV rad iation increases
and reduced viability of natural bacterial assemblages have
been shown, although bacterioplankton is often not very
sensitive to increased UV radiat ion, due in part to rap id
repai r of UV damage (Wi nte r et al. 200 1). Relatively swift
population changes in bacterial species' co mposition and
acclimation to hig h UV radiation may also have con trib-
uted to low UV induced inhi bition of bacte rioplankto n.
After strong UV exposu re there can actually be increased Image of a stained concentrated sample of sea-Ice
bacterial production resulting fro m increased phytoplankton bacteria viewed under the microscope. The fluorescent
mortality and inactivation of viruses that reduce marine stain makes it easy to count the numerous bacteria. The
bacteria. There are reports of increased concentrations of large structures are sea-ice diatoms (photograph: S6nnke
bacterial grazers, ciliates, hete rotrophic nanoflagellates, Grossmann).
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

Seasonal ozone holes result in increased harmful doses UV radiation may ind uce chances in the vertical migra-
of UV radiation reaching the surface of polar oceans. tion patterns of zooplankton .

CURRENT FOCUS: Decreasing sea-ice

Some of the most dramatic large-scale changes (and
most widely repo rted) to be recorded in any marine sys-
tem in the past 30 years are the changes in perennial
ice-cover in the Arctic (i.e. the yearly mini mum ice cover) ,
which has been reported as decreasing at a rate of about
9.2% per decade (Comiso 2002; Stroeve et al. 2007).
There is also a red uct ion in the yearly maximum ice extent,
which is decreasi ng at a rate of 2.8% per decade. The
consequence is an annual mean decrease of around 4.3%
per decade.
However, it is not only the extent that is reducing, but
20 ,----------"F"~~~..,
- Yearly mQlimum
18 - Yearly mean
- Yearly minimum
Per rent (hange I Decade:- 2.826%
14 - -
- -- - - --
~1 2
- ~ ....-..~__~
• • .,:1 - ....
": "t.;:(h;:;,;::
__ c
e I Decade:-4.307%
__ .::'--., .. ~
~ 10
8 Per rent (hange I Decade:- 9.048%
6 - - ~
, , , , , , Mean sp ring sea-ice thickness in the Arctic for (a) 1982-
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
87, (b) 1988-95, (c) 1996-2000, and (d) 2001-D7.
Per cent change per decade in yearly concent rat ions of From Maslanik et al. (2007).
Arctic sea-ice area. Data collected by satell it e o bserva-
tions. These data are routinely updated on http:/ /arctic- These sorts of major findings have led several research- / . (Source: Nansen Environmental and Remote ers to conclude that there will be no perennial sea-ice
Sensing Centre, Norway, h! in the Arctic summers after the 2050s (Serreze et al.
2007). This would mean that, although sea-ice would
form in wi nter, it would all melt in the followi ng spring /
also the thickness of the ice: Haas (2004) and Haas et summer and there would be little thick ice, which is char-
al. (2008) reported on a series of surveys made between acteristic of the Arctic (Maslanik et al. 2007). In fact, the
19 91 and 2007, between Svalbard and the North Pole, seasonal dynamics of ice fo rmation, consolidat ion, and
where sea-ice thickness was routinely measured. Dur- melt would be similar to that we know of fo r the Southern
ing the whole period there was a 22.5 % reduct ion in Ocean pack ice today.
the average sea-ice thickness fro m 3.1 1 m to 2.41 m. Schiermeier (2007) gives a very thought-provoking
Rothrock and Zhang (20 0 5) also reported a greater than social-economic synopsis of how the Arctic region may
2 m decrease in sea-ice thickness in the central Arctic change over the next 20 years as a result of warming
between the 19605 and 19 9 0 5. Maslanik et al. (2007) climate. Among the examples of possible developments
have summarized these thickness changes showi ng the following standout:
how the oldest ice types have essentially disappeared,
• By 20 12, the polar bear may be li sted as a th reatened
and 58% of the multi-year ice now consists of relat ively
young 2- and 3-year-old ice, compared to 35% in the
mid-1980s. • By 20 17, vecto r-borne diseases become more wide-
spread among the Inuit and mosquitoes migrate to
12.10 Birds and mammals

the Arctic, and the Arctic cod could be replaced by carbo n year ' to 500 Tg carbon year" (Pabi et al. 2008).
temperat e fish. In Antarctic waters (south of 60°5), phytoplankton pri-
• By 2027, the Arctic Ocean may remain ice-free in Sep- mary production is estimated to have averaged 19 49
tember and oil tankers and freight ships may be able +70. 1 Tg C year" between 1997 and 2006 (Arrigo et
to sail the Northeast passage. al. 2008b).
In the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula, several
The tren ds in the Antarctic are not so clear-cut, an d long-term monitoring stations have been established
there are some years that have significantly more ic e, (Clarke et al. 2008; Montes- Hugo et al. 2009) and, as
and others w ith signi ficantly less ice. In fact there is described in Chapter 2, they are proving invaluable for
evidence of a slight decadal increase in ic e cover in recording major ecological changes. Montes-Hugo et al.
the Antarctic (Parkinson 2004). There is an apparent (2009) report how the region is undergoing transition
paradox in the effects o f global climate change on from a cold-d ry polar regime to a warm-humid sub-Ant-
both polar regio ns, which naturally is the subject o f arctic climate. They notice that the changes have resulted
muc h d iscussion to scientists trying to mo del future in a shift in coastal primary production over the past 30
climat e dynamics (Walsh 2009). years, with decreases occurring in the north of the region
The Antarctic Peninsula region is one of the regions of and increases in southerly stations of thei r study area.
the world that is warming the fastest, where average air These are clearly linked to the changing sea-ice extent
temperatures have risen by 2°C per decade (Vaughan in the region and the altered seasonality of key environ-
et al. 200 1, 2003). This warmi ng has been linked to mental signals th is brings about (Clarke et al. 2007).
increased glacial melt and retreat on the Peninsula (Cook Naturally, there are some organ isms, such as the
et al. 2005), which has received considerable attention krill in the Southern Ocean and polar cod in the Arct ic,
by a general non-scientist audience. Correspondi ng with whose recrui tment is directly linked to sea-ice extent.
this rapid warming of the western peninsula, there are It is likely t hat kri ll spawning an d rec ruitm ent wi ll be
significant decreases of 8% per decade of sea-ice extent significantly red uced if sea-ice extent and/or season is
in the Belli ngshausen and Amundsen Seas. However, furth er re duced (Atkinson et al. 2004), and the sub-
this is balanced by a correspo ndi ng increase of 7% per sequent effects on birds, seals, and whales is subject
decade in the Ross Sea (Comiso 20 10). These two sec- to much speculation (Nicol et al. 2008). Thi nner sea-
tors are adjacent to each other and it would appear that ice floes may result in increased primary production
there is a movement of ice from the Amundsen Sea into w ithin the ice an d g reate r inocula of seeding o rgan-
the Ross Sea, as well as increased ice production in the is ms into th e water on ice m elt. Naturally, increased
latter. food sources in the ic e w ill possibly enhance zoo-
It is very di ffi c ult to guess the effects that such plankton stocks in under- ic e waters. It is also p os-
changes in ice cover may make to polar seas. It is sible that extended periods o f primary production
cl ear that ocean-wide pred ictions w ill mask cons ider- may result in the summer open-waters, especially
able, smaller, regi o nal-scale differences (d. Leu et al. in the Southern Ocean where inorganic nutrients are
20 1 1). Arrigo et al. (2008a) have calculated thatthe available in excess. Decreases in ice extent have even
reduction in sea- ice cover has res ulted in an increase been proposed to be beneficial fo r increasing emperor
in the annual primary production of between 27 and penguin hatching success, since the breeding colon ies
35 Tg carbon year" between 2003 and 2007. They w ill be closer to feed ing g rounds.
hypothesize that, should the trends on Arctic sea- In the Arctic, increased river run-off and altered organic
ic e loss continue, there may be a 3-fold inc rease matter and inorganic nutrient loading into the coastal
in prod uctivity in the Arctic above those measured wa ters where ice forms will have numerous effects on
between 19 9 8 and 2002. To put these fig ures into the biology of these waters. Naturally there will also be
context, estimates of annual primary production by an increase in pollutants bei ng carried into the coastal
pelagic phytoplankton in the Arctic range from 300 Tg wa ters with increased riverine flow.
Chapter 12 Polar Regions

Chapter Summary
• Polar regions are characterized by highly seasonal changes in day-length and temperatures. Althoug h
extreme low temperatures prevail, this is not the main limiting factor to life in polar regions.
• Although the effects of climate change are maybe more pronounced in the Arctic at present, changing
climate will have profound implications for ecosystems in both polar regions.
• The annual formation , consolidation, and subsequent melt of sea-ice is the fundamental process
that determines the unique ecology of the Arctic and Antarctic oceans.
• A significant primary production takes place in the ice itself, providing a vital source of food at times
of the year when food in the water column is sparse.
• The stabilization of the water column by melting ice can induce ice-edge algal blooms that induce high
g razing activity.
• Benthic assemblages in polar regions are dominated by suspension feeders, which not only utilize
the highly seasonal pulses of food from waters above, but also from resuspended and advected
sed iments.
• Sea-ice scraping the intertidal and the scraping of the seafloor by icebergs have considerable destructive
effects, down to below 300 m, on polar benthic assemblages.
• High dissolved oxygen concentrations, low temperatures, and longevity in polar waters enhances the
phenomenon of 'gigantism'.
• Many bird and mammal migrants frequent polar waters in summer months. However, only a few obli-
gate species live throughout the year deep in the pack ice.
• Seasonally high doses of UV rad iation have m ixed effects on polar ecosystems, although damaging
effects may be far less than often perceived.

Further Reading
For general texts on t he b iology of polar regions cons ult Thomas (2004) , McGonigal and Woodworth
(200 1) , Thomas et al. (200B) , Sale (200B) , Shirihai (2002) , St irling ( 199B), and Wood in and Marquiss
( 1997) . For more informat ion on the bio logy and physics of sea ice, consult Brierley and Thomas (2002) ,
Knox (1994) , Hempel and Hempel (2009) , Thomas and Dieckmann (20 10) , and Eicken et al. (2010) . Arntz
et al. (1994) review the zoobenthic processes. Mastro and Wu (2004) present an inspiring view of Antarctic
benthos, ice, and mammals. Smetacek and Nicol (2005) describe vividly t he potential effects of g lobal
cl imate change on plankton through to whales living in polar oceans.
• Arntz, W. E., Brey, T., & Gallardo, V. A. 19 9 4 . Antarctic zoobenthos. Oceanography and Marine Biology.
an Annual Review: 32: 241 -304.
• Brierley, A. S. & Thomas, D. N. 2002. Ecology of Southern Ocean pack-ice. Advances in Marine Biology:
43: 171 - 2 76 .
• Eicken, H. R. , Grad inger, M., Salganek, K. , Shirasawa, D. K. , Perovich, M., & Lepparanta, M. (eds) . 20 10.
Field Techniques for Sea Ice Research. University of Alaska Press.
• Hempel, G. & Hempel, I. 2009. Biological Studies in Polar Oceans- Exploration of Ule in Icy waters. ","rtschaft-
verlag NW, Bremerhaven, Germany.
• Knox, G. A. 19 9 4 . The Biology of the Southern Ocean. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
• Mastro, J. & Wu, N. 2004. Under Antarctic Ice. University of Californ ia Press.
• McGonigal, D. & Woodworth, L 200 1. The Complete Story Antarctica. Frances Lincoln, London.
• Sale, R. (200B) . The Arctic-The Complete Story. Francis Lincoln Ltd., London.
• Shirihai, H. (2002) . A Complete Guide to Antarctic Wildlile , Princeton University Press, New Jersey, USA.
• Stirl ing, I. (199B) . Polar Bears. The University of Michigan Press, An n Arbor, Michigan , USA.
Further Reading

• Smetacek, V. & Nicol S, 2005, Polar ocean ecosystems in a changing world, Nature: 437: 362-368,
• Thomas, D. N, 2004, Frozen Oceans-The ffoating World of Pack-ice, Natural History Museum, London,
• Thomas, D, N, & Dieckmann, G, 5, (eds) , 20 10, Sea Ice (2nd edn) . Wiley-Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,
• Thomas, D, N" Fogg, G, E" Convey. P., Fritsen, C , Gilli, J-M " Gradinger, Ro , Laybourn-Parry, J., Reid K" &
Walton, D, H, 2008, Biology of Polar Regions, Oxford University Press,
• Wood in,S, J. & Marquiss, M, 199 7, Ecology of Arctic Environments, Blackwell Science, Oxford,
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Chapter Summary few fisheries realize their potential benefits to fish ers and
Fishi ng ought to be the perfect example of an industry society. In past decades, the main objective of fishery man-
based on a renewable resource, since fishers take har- agement was to maxi mize catches without compromising
vests they need not sow. Fisheries are a key contri butor to future catches. For biological, soci al, and econom ic reasons,
global food security and econo mic activity, but fisheries are th is obj ective was rare ly met. Some fi sheries collapsed and
often subsidized, w asteful, cause excessive environmental others th reatened species and habitats of conservati on
damage, and ignite confli cts between otherwise friend ly concern that were not their intended targets. Today, fish ery
nations. Scientific understanding of fish populations and managers still face great challenges as they start to take
their management is good, but much of this understanding account of the impacts of fishing on the ecosystem and to
is not translated into effective management, and relatively integ rate conservation concerns into management plans.

13.1 Introduction 13.2 Global fisheries

Fishing provides food, income, and employment for mil- Global fish landings rose steadily from 1950 to the early
lions of people, but fishing is also one of the most wide- 1990s, but have slightly decreased since then and now
spread human activities in the marine environment and can hover around 80 million tonnes (Fig. 13.1), and their first
have unsustainable env ironmental costs that threaten rare sale value is approximately $U550 billion. The cessation of
species and m arine ecosystems. Fisheries, of course , do not the long-term increase in global fishery landings reflects
o nly target fish. The term is loosely used to refer to humans the overfis hing of many species, and landings are likely to
capturing many w ild m arine species, ranging from algae to remain stable or decline in future . Fisheries contribute sig-
invertebrates, fish, and w hales. nificantly to the global supply of protein, particularly in the
world's poorer countries , and sustainable management of
Fisheries are a vital source of food , income, and jobs for fisheries brings benefits to society and environment alike .
millions of people especially in the developing world . Global fish-catches are dominated by remarkably few
species. Five species of fish, out of more than 15 000 found
In thi s chapter we describe the scale and impact of fisher- in the sea, usually account for more than 15% o f annual
ies, the biological processes that support fish production, landings, although thi s does fluctuate as a consequence of
how sustainable le vels of catch can be predicted, and how the variable dynamics of these species and the effects of
fisheries and marine ecosystems can be managed to meet fishing and climate . These species are the Peruvian anchovy
a range of objectives. Our emphasis is on fisheries that tar- (Engraulis r ingens) , the Alaskan pollock (Th eragra chalco-
get fish and invertebrates, as these groups account for the gramma ) , the Chilean jack mackerel (Tra chur us murhyi) ,
majority of global landings. the Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) , and the chub
mackerel (Sco mber j aponicus ) . All these fishes are found
Chapter 13 Fisheries
• • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••• • • •• • • • • • • •• • •

140 , -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -----,
in upwellings or on continental shelves. areas where levels
of primary production are very high (Chapters 2, 7, and
~ 1110
8) . Indeed, the majority of global landings come from pro- c
.2 BO v
ductive shelf ecosystems and upwellings, and not from the S
open ocean, where production is generally low (Fig. 13.2) . World excluding Chino
Not all fisheries' catches are represented in the statis-
2O -L-- /'
tics available, owing to catches that are taken illegally or
o +-~-~~-~~~-~~-~~___\
not reported (Box 13.1) . A recent estimate of the scale of 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
illegal and unreported fishing suggests annual catches of Year
between 11 and 26 million tonnes valued at US$10 bn and
US$23.5 bn (Agnew et aI. 2009) . Illegal and unreported Figure 13.1 International landings of marine fishes and
catches were higher in developing countries with weak gov- invertebrates by all countries excluding China. Data from
ernance systems. FAD (

Global landings' statistics are updated annually at www. people migrated across the Pacific thanks to the ubiquity For further information on all the fished species of fishes and coconuts. As seafaring and navigational skills
listed in this chapter see improved, so vast offshore fish resources were discovered.
By the early 1500s, fishers from France and Portugal were
regularly crossing the Atlantic Ocean to fish for cod (Gadw;
morhua) off the coast of Canada (Box 13.2) . Many wars
13.2.1 A brief history of fisheries'
were fought over fish, and Kurlansky's fascinating book
exploitation Cod: a Biography ofthe Fish that Changed the World (1997)
The sea has been fished since ancient times, and there tells the story of the burgeoning cod fishery and the inter-
are many references to fisheries in Greek, Egyptian. and national struggle to control it.
Roman texts . In many small, island nations, fish have been
a vital source of protein, and Polynesian and Melanesian People have caught fish since prehistoric times, and
many wars have been fought over fish.

• .
Ln(Catch) • •
~ >8 ,
0 >6
= >4

< -1
< -3
lSI < -4
< -5
- < -6

Figure 13.2 Spatial distribution of marine fish landings from 1950 to 2004, expressed as natural logarithm of the
average reported catch (in metric ton km- 2 year- '). From Worm et al. (2009).
13.2 Global fisheries

Box 13.1: Catches and landings Box 13.2: Collapse of a fishery: the
Canadian cod
Fish and other animals that fishers bring ashore are
often called catches or landings. Although these Cod have been fished off the coast of Newfoundland
terms are often used interchangeably, this is not cor- for 500 years, but in 19 9 2 , after years of intensive
rect. Catches describe the fish caught by the fish- fishi ng, cod were fished to commercial extinction and
ers but, as well as the fish they are tryi ng to catch, the Canadian Government was forced to close the
catches contain a range of other species, some valu- fishery. The collapse of the cod is a classic example
able and some not; these are known as by-catches. of too many fishers chasi ng too few fish, and as the
By-catches have caused social and political contro- fishery became increasingly mechanized and tech ni-
versy because they can include species such as dol- cally efficient, so the fishing capacity of the fleets
phins, seabirds, or turtles. far exceeded the biological productivity of the cod
Valuable by-catch species will be kept, but the stock.
remainder of the by-catch is usually discarded at sea From the fifteenth to the nineteenth centuries, cod
because it contains animals smaller than legal size- were mainly caught with hook and line, and were so
limits or not suitable for selling and eating. The dis- abundant that fishers thought their numbers would
carded animals are known as discards. Since many not be affected by fishi ng. However, technological
discards will have died or been wounded during cap- developments, such as the introduction of large trawl
t ure, they do not survive when returned to the sea. nets, powered winches to haul the nets back to the
Landings describe fish that are brought ashore, and fishi ng vessels, freezer traw lers that could store large
are thus a measure of catches minus discards. Since catches, and sonar devices to locate shoals of cod,
discards account for around 27% of the catches in vastly increased fishi ng capacity and the cod became
global fisheries, landings data, such as those pub- threatened. Annual cod landings peaked at around
lished by the FAG, greatly underestimate the num- 810 000 to nnes in 19 6 8 , when many large Euro-
bers of fish and other animals killed by fishing. pean freezer trawlers regula rly travelled across the
Source: Alverson et al. (1994). Atlantic to fish. By 1977, when Canada took control
of the fishing grounds wi thin 200 miles of her coast,
and effectively closed the European fishery, landings
had already fallen to 20% of their maximum.
Even with the cod stock under national control,
While fishes, especially in estuarine and coastal areas, social and political pressures still made it very difficult
were depleted by pre -industrial fisheries, fishing re ally to reduce fishing effort, and the demise of the cod
began to affect fish stocks and the marine ecosystem on continued. The abundance of adult Canadian cod fell
a global scale following the Industrial Revolution. With from an estimated 1.6 million tonnes in 1962 to 22
industrialization, the power a nd range of fishing vessels 000 tonnes in 1992, when the fishery was finally
increased rapidly, as did the ca pacity to catch and store closed. The closure was a disaster for the Canadian
fish. Methods for the large-scale canning and freezing of fishi ng industry and many fishers were left strug-
fish products were developed, and the new intensive farm- gling to survive on welfare payments, while service
ing industry needed large volumes of cheap fish-meal as and processi ng industries, that once thrived in many
anim al feed. Countries suc h as the former USSR, J apan, coastal tow ns, had to shut or relocate. Ten years
Spain, Korea, and Poland h ad m assive government sub- later, the cod stock has shown little sign of recovery
sidized fleets that ranged the world's oceans in search of and many boats now fish for other species, such as
fish. Until the 1970s, there was little control of these fleets, shrimp.
since most of the wo rld's oceans were not under national Source: Hutchings & Myers (1994).
control. However, in the early and mid-1970s, increasing
competition for fish led m any countries to claim n ational
jurisdiction up to 200 miles from their coast. Since 90%
of world catches were taken within 200 miles of the coast, 13.2.2 Overfishing and the need for
these claims brought 90% of fisheries under n ational con-
trol. The demise of the subsidized high seas fleets followed,
but most of the fisheries under national control were st ill There are m any detailed reasons why individual fisheries
poorly m anaged and collapsed in the subsequent decades are overfis hed but, in basic terms, overfis hing is a conse-
(Cushing 1988; Burke 1994). quence of too many fishers and vessels chas ing too few fish.
Chapter 13 Fisheries

Why does this happen? Studies of many fisheries around formance of fisheries management. For example, in east-
the world have shown that when a potential fishery is dis- ern Canada. 60% of assessed stocks were collapsed in 2007
covered, new fishers start to fish as fast as they can . Indeed, (Worm et al. 2009) .
on an individual basis, the faster fishers fish, the more Ensuring that catches and profits are sustainable are not
money they will make. Other fishers who find out about the only goals offishery management. Today, managers are
the new fishery will also join the race to fish. Soon, there increasingly seeking to implement ecosystem-based man-
will be too many fishers chasing too few fish, the stock will agement, where management decisions take account of
be depleted and catch rates and profits will fall because the conservation and ecosystem concerns, such as the wider
rates of fishing exceed the biological capacity for replen- effects of fishing on biodiversity, rare species. birds. and
ishment. mammals. Later in this chapter we will look in detail at
the effects of fishing on the environment and what can be
Good fishery management seeks to ensure that catch done to mitigate these effects while maintaining fishery
rates never exceed the rates of biological replenishment production.
of fish stocks.
Despite the potential benefits of fisheries to society, the
The range of phases that a fishery can go through can be effects of fishing on ecosystems and rare species are a
described as fishery development, full exploitation, over- growmg concern.
exploitation, collapse, and recovery. During each of these
phases, there are clear trends in fish abundance, fleet size,
catch, and profit (Fig. 13.3) . Fishery managers usually
work to support the objective that catch rates do not exceed
13.2.3 Fishery science
potential rates of replenishment, and that the sustainabil- Fishery science was first treated as a scientific discipline in
ity of the ecosystem is not compromised. 'TYPically, this is the late-1850s, when the Norwegian Government hired sci-
consistent with keeping catch rates at levels below those entists to find out why catches of cod fluctuated from year
associated with full exploitation. to year. Cod had been caught in northern Norway, and then
The objectives of preventing over-exploitation and preserved by salting and drying for many centuries. The
ensuring that catches and profits are sustainable in the money made from exporting dried cod was used to import
long term have proved hard to achieve in practice. Thus in other foods and to pay traders and bank loans in southern
2007, 14% of the worlds's assessed stocks were collapsed, Norway. However. cod were not always a reliable source
where collapse was defined as stock biomass less than 10% of income and, when the cod fishery failed, the people
of unexploited biomass. This compares with reductions in of northern Norway would start to default on their bank
unexploited biomass of 40-60% that are expected in sus- loans. For the Norwegian government. fluctuations in the
tainable fisheries. The global figure of 14% collapsed hides cod fishery caused economic and political hardship, and so
significant regional variation in the state of stocks and per- the government hired scientists to explain why the catches
fluctuated and what might be done about it.

. •c
r-, Fishery science began in Norway during the nineteenth
century, because the Government wanted to know why


e :;:;
cod catches fluctuated .
----- By 1900, most of the developed economies were employ-
c V <, ing fishery scientists. These scientists described the biology
and migrations of fishes and had shown that abundance

-, fluctuated from year to year because the numbers of young

fish entering the fishery were very variable . Moreover,
:§ 0 - -- - - - -- - - - -- ------
"\-- -- - ..-"
it was clear that the abundance of a year-class of young
'" Fully Over- fish was established in the first few months of life, and
Developing Fishery Fi~hery
Unexploited exploited exploited rol1opse retovery depended on conditions in the ocean environment. By the
~shery fishery
1960s, fisheries science was an advanced field and scien-
tists had developed models that predicted fishery landings
Figure 13.3 Patterns of exp loitation in an unregulated and profits when fish were killed at different rates. These
fishery. Ideally, fisheries are regulated to hold them in models allowed sustainable rates of fishing to be estimated,
the developing or fully exploited phase. After Hilborn & but the advice that scientists gave was rarely translated into
Walters (1992). effective management (Smith 1994).
13.4 Fished species and their fisheries

By the 19605, fishery scientists could predict potential ing than smaller and faster growing species, and the abun-
fish catches and profits when fis h were killed at different dance of species with short life cycles and a small number
rates . of age-classes in the population will fluctuate more from
year to year.

Large and slow-growing species are the most vulnerable

13.3 Fish production to fishing.

While fished species are some of the most conspicuous and Most fish and shellfish species form a number of stocks
intensively studied inhabitants of marine ecosystems, they across their geographical range. These stocks have char-
account for a fraction of total production. Fish, at least by acteristic life-stories and migrations, and will therefore
the time they are sufficiently large to be caught, usually feed respond differently to fishing. Stocks of the same species
relatively close to the top of long food chains. As we saw in can interbreed, but mixing between them is low, and so
Chapters 4 and 7, these food chains are quite inefficient, they respond more or less independently to fishing. This
and only a fraction ofpreyproduetion is converted to preda- means that stocks are treated as management units in most
tor production at each step in the chain . This means that fisheries.
the production offished species per unit of primaryproduc-
tion falls as the length of food chains increases, and that Fish stocks are populations of fish that have character-
higher fisheries' yields can be taken from species lower in istic life histories and can be treated as a management
the food chains, like plankton-feeding sardine or anchovy, unit because they respond more or less independently to
rather than from their predators, such as hake. The effects fishing. Fish stocks are treated as the primary manage-
ofinefficiency in the food chains are such that, while global ment units in most fisheries.
marine primary production is thought to range from 30 to
60 X 109 tonnes y-l, fish production is unlikely to exceed 2 Fish stocks do not respect national or administrative
x 10 8 tonnes. boundaries, and they migrate on many scales, from local to
oceanic (Chapter 8) . Migrations allow stocks to remain in
Fish account for a fraction of total prod uction in the sea the best possible conditions for feeding, growth, or repro-
because the food chains leading from primary produc- duction. Since migrating fish often cross the boundaries
tion to fish productio n are quite inefficient. of nations, international management areas, and marine
reserves, catches of fish in one area can affect catches of
Globally, phytoplankton account for almost 90% of pri- fish in another. This can lead to international competition
mary production and thus support most fish production. for 'shared stocks' and, for this reason, many fisheries are
Ecosystems with higher primary production invariably assessed and managed by groups of nations. For example,
support higher fish production, and so fish production is the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission (lATIC) was
highest on the continental shelves and in upwellings (Fig. founded in 1949 to manage tuna fisheries in the tropical
13.2). More than 20% of primary production is probably Pacific Ocean and includes member countries from North,
required to sustain fisheries on the continental shelves and Central, and South America, France, Japan, and Vanuatu.
in upwellings, and thus fishing must have a major impact
on patterns of energy flow in marine ecosystems (Pauly & Because stocks may migrate between the national waters
Christensen 1995) . of many countries, many fisheries are jointly managed by
several countries.
Ecosystems where primary production is higher will sup-
port higher fish prod uction. Most fished species have pelagic larvae and will grow in
mass by 5 to 6 orders of magnitude in the course of their
2 to 20-year life-cycles (Fig. 13.4). Most fished species are
also very fecund, but the majority of eggs and larvae will
13.4 Fished species and their perish, from starvation or predation, in the first few weeks
fisheries oflife. Thus, although many fished species have fecundities
of103to 106 , the mean number ofadults produced per adult
Knowledge of the life histories and distribution of fished per year usually falls in the range 1 to 7. The extentoflarval
species is key to understanding how they are affected by mortality is shown, for example, by the West African rock
fishing and the environment. Thus large species with slow lobster Uasus islandii) . For every 1 million eggs laid, only
growth and late maturity tolerate much lower rates offish- one, on average, survives to adulthood.
Chapter 13 Fisheries

Figure 13.4 The life

cycle of the sea bass
(D/centrorchus lobrox).

2adult bass
Weight = 3000 g
Length = 65 em
Age = 12 years

1million bass eggs

Weight = 0.0005 g
180 Juvenile bess
Diameter = 1.0 mm
Weight = 5g
Age = 7days
Length = 60 mm
Age = 180 days

1400 bass larvae

Weight = 0.008 g
Length = 10 mm
Age = 49 days

13.5 Fish population biology Recruitment in fish stocks is highly variable. This is the
main reason why the abundance of fish stocks fluctuates
Fish abundance. like that of other species, fluctuates in from year to year.
space and time.Abundance fluctuations are driven by phys-
ical and biological processes that affect the production and On average, more adult fishes would be expected to pro-
survival of eggs and larvae, and by growth and mortaliry duce more recruits. If there were no limit to this relationship.
during the juvenile and adult phases. When scientists dis- populations would grow indefinitely. In fact, compensation
covered that they could age fish by counting growth rings occurs. and the number of recruits produced per spawner
on ear bones (otoliths) or scales, it became clear that only is higher at intermediate rather than large population size
a few age-classes accounted for most of the biomass in fish (Fig. 13.5). At large population size, densiry dependent
stocks, even when many year-classes were present. The fish effects, such as spawners consuming their own larvae (com-
in these abundant age-classes often dominate catches for mon in plankton-feeding fishes like anchovy) or reduced
several years. reproductive output due to competition for food or space.
Recruitment is the term used to describe the number of lead to reduced average recruitment. Relationships between
fish that reach a specified stage in the life cycle, usually the spawner and recruit abundance (often known as stock-
age ofjoining the fishery. Large variations in egg and larval recruitment relationships) determine how fish stocks
survival mean that recruitment is very variable from year to respond to fishing, because they describe the capaciry of the
year, and often varies by a factor of20 or more. stock to maintain abundance in the face of fishing pressure.
13.6 Fishing methods

Various mathematical models are used to describe
I • Red kingcrob I spawner-recruit relationships. These all feature high
recruitment at low population size and lower recruitment at

-'"- 1.0
large population size. Variance around the average model
is as important as the model itself. Such variance is driven

- • by physical and biological processes that are largely unpre-

~ - dictable, such as the stability of the water column and the
-'" •
timing of phytoplankton or zooplankton production peaks
di! - 05
in relation to the timing of spawning and larval develop-
ment (Chapter 7) . The impossibility of predicting annual

levels of recruitment creates uncertainty for the fisher,

the fisheries' scientist, and anyone else who depends on a
• fishery. Owing to the challenge of predicting recruitment,
o 2 4 6 8 10
fisheries' surveys are often used to measure directly the
StOlk (tonnes XIQ'J abundance of young fishes a year or two before they enter
the fishery.
Figure 13.5 The spawner-recruit relationship for Alaskan
red king crab. Note that more recruits per spawner are View stock-recruitment relationships for many of the
produced at low abundance and the considerable variance world 's major fish stocks at http:/ /
around the relationship that is largely due to the effects of
the environment on egg and larval survival.

Stock-recruitment or spawner-recruitment relationships

13.6 Fishing methods
describe the average numbers of recruits produced by a Humans use a staggering variety of innovative and not so
given number of spawners, and are used to help assess innovative methods to catch fish. These range from simple
the capacity of a fish stock to tolerate fishing . baited hooks on a handline, to dynamite bombs that are

(oj (bJ

(J (dJ

Figure 13.6 Examples of fisheries: (a) tuna line fishery, (b) tuna purse seine fishery, (c) squid jig fishery, and (d) dynamite
fishing on a coral reef. Copyrights: M. Marzot (FAO Photograph) (a), Fishing News International (b, c), and Thomas Heeger
Chapter 13 Fisheries

thrown into the sea to stun fish (Fig. 13.6) . When fish are across the seabed or used to encircle fish. These include the
very valuable. complex and expensive methods are worth familiar trawl and beam trawl nets that are towed behind
using. Thus, off Cape Cod in the USA, large bluefin tuna fishing vessels on most of the world's continental shelves.
(Thunnus maccoyii), which can sell for up to $US400 000 and the giant encircling seine nets that are used to catch
each, are tracked by spotter planes and shot from fast boats oceanic fishes, such as anchovies and tunas (Fig. 13.7) .
with electrified harpoons (see also Chapter 14) . Active gears also include dredges that are towed across the
Fishing gears are conveniently categorized into two seabed to catch shellfish, and gears such as spears, har-
groups: active and passive. Active gears are usually towed poons, and explosives.



Figure 13.7 Examples of active fishing gears: (a) purse seine and (b) bottom trawl net.
13.6 Fishing methods

Passive fishi ng gears are put in the water and fish are as price and efficiency are taken into account. As a result,
caught when they move into the gear: Active fishing gears many gears catch target species but also impact the environ-
are towed or moved in other ways to pursue the fish. ment and non-target species. Thus trawl nets crush rare ani-
mals on the seafloor, and may catch non-target sea turtles
Passive gears are put in the water and fish are caught or skates, and gill nets can catch seabirds and marine mam-
when they move into the gear. Examples of passive gears mals. Only a few gears efficiently catch target species and
are nets that are set on the seabed or left to float in the open few others. These include the large purse seine nets used to
ocean, and entangle fish by the gills (Fig. 13.8). Other pas- surround shoals of anchovy, herring, or sardine.
sive gears in widespread use are the baited pots used to Not surprisingly, fishers are highly innovative people and
catch crabs, lobsters, or prawns, and various types of fish will always strive to increase the efficiency of their gears.
traps (Sainsbury 1996). As legislation is introduced, either to reduce catching effi-
Fishers would like their gears to catch target species with ciency or to reduce the environmental impacts of fisheries,
great efficiency, and to catch little or no by-catch. However, so fishers usually alter their behaviour and gear to maintain
gear design relies on many compromises and factors such their income.


Figure 1 3.8 Examples of

passive fishing gears: (a) gill
net and (b) long-line.
Chapter 13 Fisheries

13.7 Fish stock assessment (Fig. 13. 9). Methods of fisheries' stock assessment seek to
estim ate the levels of fishing mortality that will safely be
A good understanding of the population biology of fished balanced by recruitment and growth (Techniques box) . If
species is needed to predict the levels of catch that can be these levels of mortality are exceeded, then the size of the
taken from fisheries, but without compromising catches in stock and the capacity of the stock to maintain fishing mor-
future years. For fishing to be sustainable, the fishing mor- tality will fall. Excessive fishing mortality is the main cause
tality that reduces population biomass must be balanced of stock collapse.
by the levels of recruitment and growt h that maintain it

TECHNIQUES: Data inputs to fish stock

assessments sus involves counting and, in some cases, sizing fishes
directly. It is ofte n used over shallow-water habitats, such
Fish stock biomass can be measured directly or it can be as co ral reefs, but has also been in the deep sea from a
predicted from knowledge of the contributions of recruit- submersible vehicle. Depletion methods use relat ionships
ment and growth and the losses from nat ural mortality between catch per unit effort and cumulative catch, over
and fishi ng mortality (Fig 13.9). This box describes some a short period, to estimate abundance. They are easily
of the tech niques used to measure fish stock abundance, b iased if catch ability changes through time or there is
recruit ment, growth, and nat ural and fishing mo rtality. short-term immig ration or emigration from th e popula-
Direct estimates of biomass tha t do not rely on com- tion. Corrections have been proposed to deal wi th these
mercial fishe ries data (fishery independent) are made issues but require additional data collection. Egg produc-
using a range of survey techniques. When these surveys tion methods use the abundance of fish eggs in the sea
focus on younger age-classes of fish they will also pro- to est imate the biomass of spawners that produce these
vide estima tes of the numbers of young fishes that will eggs. Eggs are caught in fine-meshed nets on surveys
subsequently enter the fish ery. For bottom-dwelling spe- tha t cover the spawning area and spawning season. Esti-
cies in shelf seas, trawl surveys are widely used to esti- mates of the fecundity of spawners and the sex rat io
mate abundance. These are usually conducted annually can then be used to estimate the numbers of fish that
and cover the same area wi th a standard fishing gear, in would need to have reproduced to produce the observed
an attempt to control those factors that lead to variations abundance of eggs.
in catch rates th at are not driven by true abundance. For Fishes sampled on surveys and in commercial fisheries
pelagic species, th at ofte n fo rm mono-specific schools, can be used to esti mate size at age and hence growth.
acoustic surveys can be used to esti mate abundance. The ear bones (otoli ths) of fishes are usually used for
Sound pulses are produced by the survey vessel and ageing, although scales are prefer red for some species
when they meet objects of different density in the water and do not require that the fish is killed when ageing.
column, including fishes, the echoes they produce can Banding on the otoliths reflects seasonal growth patterns
be recorded and proc essed to provide est imates of and the ban ds can be counted to estimate age. Relation-
fish abundance. The gas-filled swi m-bladders of fishes ships between size and age can be used to model growth.
account fo r much of the echo. Processing requires that When species cannot be aged, there are also a range of
th e acoustic reflect ivity or target strength of the fishes methods that use the size distribution of a population to
is known and th at the echoes from individual fish can estimate growth.
be integrated over depth and the distance travelled by Total mortality rates in a fish population can be esti-
the ship. mated from the relationship between catch rates and age,
Other methods of estimating fish abundance directly since the decreases in catch at age reflect reduct ions
include mark and recapt ure, underwater visual census, in numbers owi ng to mortality, if other baises, such as
depletion methods, and egg production methods. When changi ng catchabili ty, can be controlled for. However, it is
using mark- recaptu re, tagged fish are allowed to mix very hard to sep arate the total mortality into natural mor-
wi th their popul ation, which is then re-sampled, with tality and fishing mortality, owi ng to the effects of fishing
the proportions of marked and unmarked fishes being and inte ractions between fish populations on popula-
used to esti mate abundance. Successful application of tion dynamics. For this reason , natural mortality is ofte n
th e method relies on an identifiable population and the app roximated, most recently by using life-history theory
random mixing of marked and unmarked fishes. It tends that links rates of natural mortali ty to maximum body size,
to have been used most effectively for crustaceans that actual body size, growth, and temperat ure.
live in fairly well-defi ned habitats. Underwater visual cen-
13.7 Fish stock assessment

Fish stock assessments are used to predict the catches
that can be taken from fisheries without compromising 1
catches in future years.

Many methods are used to assess sustainable levels of z

fishing. Potential yields of fisheries are initially calculated

on a per-recruit basis because, as we saw in 13.5, recruit-
ment is unpredictable from year to year. However, once the
abundance of recruits in a year-class has been measured, Grawth
the yields per recruit can be converted to a total yield that 1
can be taken from the fishery.
Yield-per-recruit models are used to determine the
rates of fishing that give the best trade-off between the size
of fish caught and the numbers in the stock. Because fish
will die from both natural and fishing mortality, the num-
bersoffish in a year-class declines over time. However, indi-
viduals will also be growing over time. As a result, there Population Biomass
will be an optimal age for catching fish, the age when their 1
biomass is highest (Fig. 13.10) .

Yield-per-recruit models are models that are used to

predict when the potential yields per recruit are high-
est, but they ignore the potential effects of fishing on
Aae •
Since yield-per-recruit models only predict the age when
population biomass is highest, they ignore the potential Figure 13.10 As fish get older their numbers decl ine
effects of fishing on recruitment. The age at maximum pop- due to mortality. However, their individual body size will
ulation biomass could well be less than the age at maturity. increase due to growth. As a result, population biomass
Thus intensive fishing could impair recruitment. Indeed. (size x numbers) is greatest at an intermediate age.
we have already seen how recruitment falls when spawn-
ing stockbiomass is low in our analysis ofstock-recruitment
Recruitment Growth Replacement lines can be used to test whether fish-
ing will lead to recruitment failure and stock collapse. A
replacement line shows the replacement level where aver-
age recruitment rates are high enough to balance spawning
stock size. Using the replacement line, and a stock-recruit-
ment relationship, such as introduced in 13.5, Fig. 13.11
shows two replacement lines. corresponding to low (a)
Population biomass and high (b) rates of fishing. We predict the fate of the
population from the starting stock size by using the stock-
recruitment relationship to predict recruitment in the next
generation and taking this as the new stock size'S'. In our
first example. the replacement line crosses the spawner-
recruit curve and the population will reach a theoretical
equilibrium. In the latter example. the replacement line is
Fishing marta lily Natural Mortolily steeper because fishing mortality is higher, so the stock can-
not replace itself and tends towards collapse.

Figure 13.9 The population biomass of fish is increased Replacement lines are a method for the analysis of
by the processes of recruitment and growth and is spawner-recruit data that can be used to assess the risk
decreased by natural and fishing mortality. of recru itment overfishing.
Chapter 13 Fisheries

(a) (bl
Law fishing mortality High fishing mortality

I- I.'"


Spawners - _• Spawners - _•

Figure 13.11 Replacement lines on a spawner-recruit curve: (a) low fishing mortality and (b) high fishing mortality.

The diagram in Fig. 13.11 represents average and ide- 13.8 The management process
alized conditions. In reality. there are uncertainties in the
data used to conduct population analyses and a best single There are many possible goals of fishery management, from
estimate of the potential yield from a fishery is not neces- maximizing catches. employment, income supply. or profit,
sarily a good or reliable estimate. In recent years, there has to ensuring that conflicts are avoided and rare species are
been much more emphasis on confronting risk and uncer- not threatened. Methods of analysis, such as those already
tainty in fisheries' science. and the single best estimates that described for optimizing yields from single-species stocks,
were once used to advise fishery managers are increasingly have been used to assess how other management objectives
expressed as a series of estimates and associated probabili- can be met (Hilborn & Walters 1992). Many fisheries are still
ties. For example, rather than stating that the total allow- managed to meet social and economic objectives, although
able catch should be one million tonnes, the scientists would there is increasing emphasis on fishery conservation and
provide advice as a decision table, where the probabilities protection of marine ecosystems. Once management objec-
of different stock sizes occurring in the future are given for tives are identified. science provides the basis for setting a
a range of capture options (Hilborn 1996) . This advice is management strategy and advising on a management action.
often more useful than advice based on single best estimates Figure 13.12 gives examples of management objectives,
as it allows managers to assess the potential consequences strategies, and actions. We have already seen how science
of their decisions. can be used to advise on management strategy and action.
Reference points are usually used to guide manage- Fishery management actions usually consist of catch
ment (Caddy 1998). Reference points may provide targets controls, effort controls. or technical measures. Catch
for stock biomass or fishing mortality that are sustainable controls are implemented as total allowable catches or indi-
or avoid serious and irreversible harm to a fish stock. An vidual catch quotas and effort controls are usually imple-
example of a reference point is B MSY' the biomass at which mented by limited licensing schemes for fishers or vessels,
the maximum sustainable yield is taken from the fishery. effort quotas. or vessel and gear restrictions. Technical mea-
Another example would be Bpa' the minimum stock bio- sures include controls on the size of mesh in nets in order to
mass that is consistent with the precautionary approach. let young fish escape, and closed seasons or area closures in
This means that if the biomass is above Bpa. then there is fisheries. All these management actions have advantages and
a specified probability that biomass is above BUm' the limit disadvantages, and may be difficult or expensive to enforce.
reference point identifying the biomass that is needed to Most fisheries are managed using a combination of all three
ensure stock persistence. Biomass reference points are usu- approaches.
ally presented with corresponding fishing mortality (F) In modern fishery management, there is increasing
reference points. These indicate the rates of fishing mortal- emphasis on a so-called precautionary approach, as man-
ity that need to be achieved to meet the biomass reference agers try to learn from lessons of the past and to apply this
points. Examples would be FMSY' Fpa' and FUmwith the values wisdom in the future. The precautionary approach is based
determined using models that link biomass and fishing mor- on the idea that management actions taken today should
tality. Since the models are only representations of the real not compromise the needs offuture generations. and should
world, it is never certain that a given value of F will lead to avoid changes that are not reversible. and identify unwanted
the predicted value of B. outcomes of management actions in advance, and the mea-
sures needed to correct them. The precautionary approach
applies both to the management of the target stock, and
13.8 The management process

to managing the impacts of fishing on the ecosystem (FAO tives, to fishing and lack of governance. These factors are
1995). often paraphrased as 'too many fishers chasing too few fish'.
From ecological. economic, and social perspectives, fish- The FAO analysis also showed that scientific advice on the
eries' management has often been unsuccessful. An FAO status of fish stocks and the effects of fishing made only a
analysis suggested that the main factors leading to unsus- small contribution to a complex management and decision-
t ainable fishing included inappro priate incentives, high making process, and often carried little weight in relation to
demand for limited resources, poverty and lack of alterna- immediate social and economic considerations .

CURRENT FOCUS: Faith-based sustainable yie ld for a fish po pulat ion is often associated
fisheries wi th declines in biomass of 4 0 -60% from the unex-
In a challenge to the growing percep tion that fi sheries plo ited state. Thu s, in relation to a management objective
were in crisis as a result of g rowi ng demands for food for sustainable use, such a decline may be acceptable,
and income and ineffective management, Hilborn (2006) while those w ith objectives that tend towards preserva-
questioned the quality of the science th at was used to t ion might consider the same decli ne to be unacceptab le.
support these claims. He suggested that the view that More recent ly, Hilborn and Boris Worm, th e author of
'fisheries management has failed, we need to abandon a paper that Hilborn had previously cri t icized, decided
the old app roaches and use marine protected areas and to coll aborate. Their intenti on was to avoid faith-based
ecosystem-based management' had become an ingrained approaches, by enco uraging a hypothesis and data-driven
belief among many worki ng on fisheries ' issues and th at exercise where scient ists w ith both conserv at ion and fish-
they were looking for evidence to support this view, rather eries' backgrounds worked together w ith the same data in
than observi ng fis heries to ask how much evidence th ere an attempt to draw scientific concl usions about the state
was to support this and othe r competi ng hypot heses. of w orld fisheries. The analysis explicit ly exami ned th e
Con t rove rsially, he contrasted advocacy in fi sheries trade-offs between co nservation and sustainable use, and
with scientists' unanimous condemnat ion of faith-based showed that fi shing rate s below those that gave maxi-
teachings in evo lution. Hilborn em phasized that scien- mum multi-species sustainable y ield wo uld provid e a sig-
tists working on fisheries' issues sho uld reject agenda- nif icant proportion of th e potent ial food and income from
driven, faith -based publication, and revive a peer-review a fishery, whi le minimizing speci es'col lapses and imp acts
process that was failing, because he felt th at almost any on fish size and abundance (Worm et al. 2009) . Further,
paper showing a sig nificant decline in fish abundance or th ey showed th at fishing rates were decreasing in half of
t he benefits of marine-protected areas had a high prob- th e ten systems that they examined in detail , and in so me
ability of getti ng favourable review s in some high-profile cases reaching or falling below th e rate s th at wo uld y ield
j o urnals. He pressed th e parts of th e marine science maximum multi-sp ecies sustainable y ield . The auth ors
commu nity that had adopted a faith-based approach to did cauti on that their analysis w as largely co nfined to
remem ber t hat they were scientists and to go back to intensively managed fi sheries in deve loped co unt ries,
searching for testable hypotheses and ev idence. w here scienti fic data on fish abundance are coll ected,
As we ll as high lighting weaknesses in the scientific and pointed out that so me excess fi shing effo rt is simply
and peer-review process, Hilborn 's challenge reflected disp laced to co unt ries w ith weaker laws and enforcement
the different w orld views assoc iated wi th conse rvat ion capac ity. However, this data-focused analysis did serve
and sustainable-use agendas. Scie ntists wil l have different to dem onstrate that management was working in so me
opi nions abo ut de sirab le states of the environment and fisherie s and that not all fisheries' managem ent had failed.
the role of fisheries. The se op inions are influenced by Interestingly, the manag ement methods used to co ntrol
their backgrou nds, interests, professional responsibilities, exploitation rate s were, and sti ll are, diverse and a com-
and political and environmental views. They also influence bination of approaches, such as catc h quotas and co m-
how sc ient ists perceive the current state of th e env iron- munity management co upled w ith st rateg ically pl aced
ment and the perfor mance of fisheries' management, and fi shing clos ures, ocean zon ing, selective fishi ng gear,
influence their behaviour and work as profess ional scien- and economi c incent ives, cou ld all help to meet manage-
tists. As such, it is unavoidable that some scientists see ment objectives for fi sheri es and ecosystems. The most
sustainable use w hen others see a pressing conserv at ion important thing was that these manageme nt efforts were
issue (Jennings 2007) . This is especia ll y th e case in rela- customized to the place and th e fishers to be managed.
tion to changes in abu ndance, w here ach ieving maximum
Chapter 13 Fisheries

Maintain sustainability 13.9.1 Fish communities

Management offishery
objectives Species vary in th eir vulnerability to fishing. Apart from
Minimize environmental
impacts the simple fact that a la rge hook or net with a large mesh

I will only catch large individuals, vulnerability depends on

behaviour and life history. Life history determines the levels
Maintain abundance of fishing mortality that a population can tolerate, and spe-
Management of bycotch species cies with slow growth, late maturity, and large body size are
strategies Maintainabundance very vulnerable to fishing . In many cases. species with la rge
oltorgetstock body size are also the favoured targets of fishers.
Fishing has consistently reduced the abundance oflarge
fishes in the world's oceans. Thus communities once domi-
Area closures to protect
nated by large fishes are now dominated by small fishes
Management bytotchspecies
and invertebrates. To some extent these changes can be
actions (otch limits (size and reflected in the composition of la ndings. For example, Fig-
nu mbers) for torgetstock ure 13.13 shows that smaller species now dominate land-
ings from parts of the Atlantic. Pacific. and Indian Oceans.
Figure 13.12 From a management objective to a However, changes in the composition of landings are not
management strategy and action. always indicative of changes in the sea because fishers'
gears are selective and small species may be differentially
13.9 Environmental impacts of targeted when they are more valuable.
fishing Manyfisheries are 'mixe d' fisheries and catch many spe-
cies of target and non-target fishes. This applies particularly
While fishing provides food, income, and employment, the to trawl-net fisheries that catch bottom-dwelling fishes and
ever-increasing intensity and diversity of fishing operations many trap and line fisheries on coral reefs. The differential
has environmental costs that impact the productivity and vulnerability of species to fishing means that some will be
biodiversity in ecosystems. Here, we see how non-target dramatically depleted by levels of fishing that others can
fishes, birds, mammals, and turtles are affected by fishing withstand. The North Sea, for example, has been heavily
and the impacts of fishing on habitats such as sea mounts, trawled for over 100 years, and species with large body sizes
kelp forests, and coral reefs. These impacts are a growing and slow growth, such as the largest skates and rays, have
concern for fishery managers and conservationists. been virtually extirpated in that period. One estimate sug-

- -

Change in ~on do rd length(em)

_ <·100
_ > ·100··50
Figure 13.13 Differences between the mean maximum lengt h 0 > ·50 · ·5
of fish and invertebrate species landed in global fisheries in the 0 > · 5. < 0
19505 and 19 905. From Pauly et al. (2005). o no chongefinaeose
13.9 Environmental impacts of fishing

gests that the current biomass oflarge fishes weighing 4-16 mortality rates do not threaten the long-term viability of the
kg and 16-66 kg, respectively, is now 97'4% and 99·2% population (Allen 1985; Hall 1996) . However, while many
lower than in the absence of fisheries exploitation, while consumers were concerned about dolphins. far fewer were
the community biomass (fishes 64g to 66kg) is 38% lower concerned about sharks, and it has become clearthat shark
than predicted in the absence of exploitation. Community by-catches in tuna long-line fisheries have led to worldwide
biomass is less affected because small and intermediate- collapses in some shark populations (Baum et al. 2003).
sized fishes can still be productive at high rates of fishing Seabirds are caught by accident in long-line and gill
(Jennings & Blanchard 2004) . Throughout the world's seas, net fisheries . There is particular concern for the viability
there are examples oflarge, slow-growing species becom- of wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans) populations
ing locally and regionally extinct. These include groupers because these albatrosses are frequently caught on long-
and large parrotfishes on tropical reefs and sharks and lines used to catch southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus mac-
skates in the Atlantic (Dulvyet al. 2003). coyii) and Patagonian toothfish (Dissostichus eleginoides)
in the Southern Ocean (Fig. 13.14) . The bluefin runa fleet
deploys 107 million baited hooks annually and killed 44
13.9.2 Birds and marine mammals 000 albatrosses prior to 1989. Despite the introduction of
Fishing is often most vehemently criticized when birds, some conservation measures, this albatross could decline
marine mammals, and turtles are taken as by-catch. These to extinction ifhook numbers are not dramatically reduced.
impacts have consistently attracted more public attention Seabird catches on long-lines are an inconvenience for
than the impacts offisheries on fish, and have forced fishery the fishers as well. They lose bait and have to reset the lines.
closures and significant changes in fishing methods. Mass Conservation measures introduced include bird scarers
dolphin mortality in the eastern tropical Pacific tuna purse- and devices that set the lines below the diving depth of the
seine fishery during the 1960s and early 1970s attracted birds. However. some bird populations have already been so
considerable public attention and provoked widespread depleted by fishing that any further by-catches are likely to
criticism ofthe environmental impacts offishing. Hundreds threaten their viability (Weimerskirch et al. 1997).
of thousands ofdolphins were killed annually because purse
seiners set their nets around pods of dolphin to catch the
13.9.3 Trawling impacts on the seabed
tuna that swam with them. When the nets were hauled. the
dolphins were trapped and usually died. By 1980, the popu- When trawls are dragged over the seabed, they are bound to
lation ofeastern spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) was kill animals and damage habitats. The significance of trawl-
reduced to one-fifth ofits original abundance. Intense pub- ing impacts depends on the habitats where they are fished
lic pressure and consumer boycotts of tuna products led to and levels of narural disrurbance on the fishing grounds. On
new fishing practices to release trapped dolphins alive and sandy seabeds in shallow, tide-swept, and wave-impacted
the use of observers to monitor dolphin mortalities on all areas, most of the animals living on and in the seabed are

purse seiners. very well adapted to high rates of mortality and disrurbance,
Today, annual dolphin mortality is less than 5% of that and the effects of trawling are relatively minor (Chapters 8
in the 1970s. and consumers increasingly purchase pole and 15) . Conversely, in deep areas where wave and tidal
and line caught 'dolphin friendly' tuna. Levels of marine action are low and the seabed habitat is dominated by habi-
mammal by-catch in most fisheries are now set so that the tat-forming (biogenic) species. trawling can have major and
(0) ~ :AI; (b)

Figure 1 3.14 (a) A drowned black-browed albatross caught up in the meshes of a trawler fishing in the Southern Seas.
(b) These shags became entangled in a ghost-fishing bottom-set gill net while trying to extract the gadoid fish (middle).
(Photographs: (a) Richard Woodcock (b) Blaise Bullimore.)
Chapter 13 Fisheries

long-term impacts that reduce both biomass and diversity re alization has sparked a flurr y of activity to identify wh at
(Jennings & Kaiser 1998; Kaiser & De Groot 2000). Typi- has become termed 'essential fish h abitat'. Amendments to
cal examples of vulnerable habitats are maerl beds, coral the US Magnuso n-Stevens Act require fisheries m anagers
reefs, and the biogenic habitats on sea mounts. The impacts to co ns ider the wider ecological impacts of fishing ge ars
of trawling on sea mounts are perhaps the most dramatic upon fish h abitat in addition to issues such as fishing effort
described to date (Box 13.3 ). control and total allow able catches (Auster & Langton
Simple empirical and modelling stud ies have shown that 1999 ). Essential fish habitat (EFH) is a description open
many seabed species w ill be extirpated if trawling frequen- to interpretation, but it is clearly defined w ithin legislation
cies exceed 2 to 3 times per year. However, large-scale stud ies to mean 't hose waters and substratum necessary to fish for
of the distribution of fauna on many major fishing grounds spawning, breeding, feeding or growth to maturity'. This
show that many vulnerable species persist. The reason for legislation is an important step towards an ecosystem based
this is that trawling d isturbance is actually very patchy (Fig. fisheries management (13 .10) as it recognizes the potential
13.15). While m any shelf seas are swept, on average, at negative effects of the direct and indirect effects of fishing
least twice each year, fishers tend to return to favoured fish- on fish populations. The introduction of this legislation
ing grounds and trawl tows that they know to be free from caused a hiatus among m anagers, w ho we re faced w ith
obstructions. As a result, some areas may be trawled 10 to 15 the t ask of identifying EFH for a multitude of species. This
times each year, while adjacent areas are vir tually unfished. revealed large voids in our knowledge about the basic biol-
Provided that spatial patterns of effort are consistent from ogy of many of the species currently under management.
year to year, animals can recolonize fished areas from those Some elements of EFH, such as spawning and nursery
that remain unfished. Management measures that increase areas, are relatively well-known for the majority of com mer-
the long-term homogeneity of effort, such as rotating closed cially explo ited species, and in many cases these are already
areas, m ay increase the cum ulative effects of trawling. afforded some protection by permanent or seasonal area clo-
In add ition to the changes to ecosystem processes caused sures. Nevertheless, for some particularly vulnerable species,
by bottom fishing d isturbance, alteration of the seabed may such as rays, we know w here breeding aggregations occur,
also change its functional importance for associated target but the habitat into which the eggs are laid remains open
species. In other words, not only does fishing deplete fish to speculation . However, of equal relevance are the habi-
stoc ks, but it may also adversely affect their habitat. This tat quality issues that affect the acquisition of food and the

Box 13.3: Trawling impacts on sea

mounts as fishing vessels can now 'mine ' them for stocks of long-
lived and slow-growi ng species, such as orange roughy
Technological development of fishi ng gears and fish- (Hofpfostethus atfanticus). Electronic positioning systems
ing boats is making more and more habitat accessible on the vessels and nets can be used to posi tion the net
to trawling. Sea mou nts, once difficult to locate and too precisely and to traw l on the relat ively ti ny sea mounts
rocky to trawl, have been heavily fished in recent decades, tha t rise from depths of several kilometres to within 500

A multi beam image of Ely Sea mount. A caldera is visible at the top. (Image: Jason Chaytor/NOAA).
13.9 Environmental impacts of fishing

to 2000 m of the surface. sea mounts and has immedi ate knock-on consequences
Sea mounts are unique deep-sea environments, and, for fish and invertebrates th at use coral habitat.
because they rise from great depths, their topog raphy When t rawled and untrawled sea mounts are compared,
enhances local wate r cur rents. These currents carry it is obvious th at the untrawled mounts have a diverse
nutrients and prey over the sea mounts, and rich com- inverteb rate fauna of high b io mass, dominated by sus-
plex com munities of suspension feeders, such as corals, pension feeders including hard and soft corals, hydroids,
develop, in contrast to the low biomass communities of sponges, and brittlestars. Of the inverteb rate species
deposit feeders on the surroun ding seafloor. Many ben- studied on untrawled sea mounts south of Tasmania,
thic species living in association with sea mounts are new 2 4-43% were new to science and 16--33% we re prob-
to science, long-lived, and vulnerable to traw ling. ably rest ricted to the sea mo unt environ ment. The benthic
When sea mounts are fished for the first time the nets biomass on untrawled sea mo unts w as 10 6 % g reater,
can take by-catches of several tonnes of coral! In fact, and the number of species per sample 46% g reater, tha n
as the first orange ro ughy fisheries developed off New on traw led sea mounts. The unwanted effects of traw ling
Zealand, there was interest in starting a precio us coral on these habitats provided justification for establishing a
industry based on black coral by-catch! The damage to 'Mari ne Protected Area' around twelve sea mounts.
coral is the first and most dramatic effect of traw ling on Source: Koslow et al. (2001) .

avoidance of predators. The identification of those habitats

that may have an important or 'essential' functional role for •
individual species is likely to be complex for those species
that utilize different habitats at partic ular stages of their
life history. For example, many fish species start life close
inshore , moving further offshore as they increase in bod y
size (Rijnsdorp & van Leeuwen 1996) . It might be relatively
straightfor ward to identify EFH for fish strongly associated -.. .... ~

w ith seabed str uctures, such as reefs or bioge nic habitats

(seagrasses, m angroves, oyster beds), however many fish in
temperate systems exhibit highly flexible lifestyles and utilize
a wide range of different habitat types. Never theless, for such
species, it is possible to identify areas that consistently attract
the greatest proportion of the population, and presumably
these areas fulfil some functional role.
Previous studies of the relationship between fish assem -
blages and their environment have focused on the relation- Figure 13.15 The patchy spat ial distribution of bottom
ship between fish distribut ion and enviro nmental variables trawling activity around the UK in 2007. Each point is
such as salin ity, depth , and substratum type (e .g. Smale the record of a vessel location from a sat ellit e vessel
et al. 1993). In some cases these variables are good co r- monitoring syst em. (Lee et al. 2010.)
relates of some fish assemblages. They do not necessarily
defi ne the essential fe atures of a specific h abitat; rather rocky substrata might be considered non-essential. In con-
they constitute a co mponent of that habitat that m ay act as trast, str uctural complexity g reatly increa ses the survival
a sur rogate for some other more important habitat feature . ofjuvenile roundfishes as it provides refuge from predation
Habitat complexity and str ucture appear to be important (Tupper & Boutillier 1995) (Box 13.4).
physical features for some fish species (Auster et aI. 199 7). Just because we find fish associated with a particular
Many stud ies have demonstrated the relationship between habitat does not necessarily ind icate that the habitat h as an
flatfish species and the sediment particle composition of the essential functional role. For example , there is great inter-
seabed (Gibson & Robb 1992). For example , small plaice est in the relatively recent discovery of deep-water co ral
are better able to bury themselves in sediments that have reefs on the continenta l shelf edge of the Nort h Atlant ic
a particular grain-size composition and choose particular and elsewhere. These reefs provide prominent habitat fea-
sedimentary habitats accordingly. Hence, a specific particle tures in a relatively uniform seabed landscape and act as
size-compos ition m ay be an essential habitat requirement foci for fish such as redfish (Sebastes spp.) for w hich there
for flatfish, w hereas the presence oflarge sess ile epifauna or is a commercial fishery. Conser vation gro ups a rgued for the
Chapter 13 Fisheries

Box 13.4: Essential fish habitat

organisms, such as sea scallops, o r the t roug hs of sand
Biogenic (living) and physical features of seabed habi- waves provide cove r for silver hake (Merluccius biliniaris)
tats can have a critical function for certain commercially from where they ambush prey (b). Attached fau na, such
important species. Mud habitats appear to have few large- as sponges, provide complex th ree-dimensional structure
scale topographic features, but large cerianthid anemone s in which fish, such as sculpin (Myoxocephalus sp.), can
provide shelter for animals such as spider crab (Lithodes shelter from predators and ambush their prey (c).
sp.) (a). Depressions in the seabed formed by other (Photographs: © Peter Auster.)

(01 (bl

protection of the reefs on the basis that they provided EFH development and expansion of fisheries on tro pical coasts,
for the redfish (Malakoff 2004) . However, redfish are found and fishers are inc reasingly turning to habitat destructive
in a wide variety of h abitats across a large geog raph ic area, fishing methods to maintain yields. For m any fishers, who
and despite a concerted research effort evidence of a critical have few, if any, alternative so urces of food and income,
link between redfish ecology and deep-water corals remains there is no choice but to do this.
uncertain (Fossa et al. 2002; Kaiser 2004) . Muro-ami drive netting, bottom set gill nets, and heavy
traps have all caused habitat destruction on reefs. Muro-ami
fishing is widely practised in South-East As ia and involves
13.9.4 Effects of fishing on coral reefs fishers driving fish towards a net w it h weighted scare-lines
In Chapter 11, we saw that coral reefs are among the most that are dro pped repeatedly on to the coral. However, fish-
delicate and highly structured m arine habitats. The topo- ing with explosives has even greater effects on reefs. Explo-
gra phic comple xity of reefs provides refuge and feeding sive, blast, or dynam ite fishing is pract ised in m any regions,
opportunities for m any fish and invertebrate species. Areas and although it is often illegal, this is unlikely to deter fish-
of act ively growing reefs that h ave not been damaged by ers desperate for food and income. Repeated blast fishing,
human activities can sustain fishery yields of up to 5 tonnes whe re explosive charges are detonated over and on the reef,
km- year! (Fig. 13.1 6). These fisheries are usually prose- soon reduces large areas of actively growing reef to rubble.
cuted by line and spear fishers, who cause minimal d amage Needless to say, fisheries of this type are not sustain able,
to coral and catch a range of species from many trophic lev- killing manyjuvenile and non -target species and destroying
els. However, growing human populations have driven the their habitat.
13.10 Ecosystem-based fishery management

Figure 13.16 Selling fish caught

in a coral reef fishery in Fiji.
Photograph: S. Jennings.

Fisheries also have indirect effects on coral reefs. Sea predators. Both the spiny lobster (Panulirus interruptus)
urchins and fishes, such as the colourful parrot and sur- and the sheepshead (Semicossyphus pulcher) were once suf-
geonfishes, are the dominant herbivores on reefs. The ficiently abundant to help limit urchin populations, but this
persistence of herbivorous fish on reefs depends on the is no longer the case. Ironically, a large fishery that targets
presence offish that eat sea urchins. These urchin predators the red sea urchin (Strongylocentrotusfranciscanus) has now
maintain sea urchin populations at a size where their low developed, depleting urchin populations and allowing the re-
gross production makes them poor competitors with herbiv- establishment ofkelp in some areas (Tegner & Dayton 2000) .
orous fish. If populations of urchin-eating fish are reduced
by fishing, then urchin populations expand and the urchins Compare this example of a fishing effect wit h that of
graze reef algae to such low levels that herbivorous fish can hunti ng of sea otters in Chapter 8.
no longer compete. The dominance of urchin grazers on
heavily fished reefs has knock-on consequences for corals.
Thus, herbivorous fish clear space for coral settlement, and
enhance the growth and survival of young coral colonies, 13.10 Ecosystem-based
while urchins erode the substrate as they graze and pre- fishery management
vent coral recruitment and growth. On heavily fished reefs
where urchins dominate the grazer community. bioerosion Fisheries can provide society with huge benefits in terms of
leads to loss of structural complexity, reduced fish biomass income. food, and employment, but instead. fisheries are
and disruption of the ecological processes responsible for often unsustainable and an environmental threat.
fish production (McClanahan 1992) (see also Chapter 8) . The ecosystem approach to fisheries management
(EAFM) is widely adopted by the current management agen-
cies. The EAFM is part of the ecosystem approach and is con-
13.9.5 Effects of fishing on kelp forests
sistent with the concept of sustainable development, which
As in our last example of the indirect effects of fishing, we requires that the needs offuture generations are not compro-
look at another situation where urchins playa keystone role. mised by the actions of people today. The broad purpose of
Kelp forests are found in many cool. shallow. and nutrient- the EAFM is to plan, develop, and manage fisheries to meet
rich coastal waters (Chapter 8), and support diverse fish the multiple needs and desires ofsocieties. butwithoutjeop-
and invertebrate fisheries. Sea urchins graze on kelp, and ardizing the options for future generations to benefit from
when sea urchins become abundant, either as a result of the full range of goods and services (including, of course,
high levels of recruitment or the indirect effects of fishing, non-fisheries benefits) provided by marine ecosystems (FAD
they can graze kelp until the kelp forest ecosystem shifts 2003) . The approach is usually geographically specific, adap-
to an alternative state, known as 'u rch in barren ground'! tive. considers multiple drivers. takes account ofuncertainty,
The extent ofMacrocystis kelp forests offsouthern Califor- seeks to balance multiple objectives, and involves stakehold-
nia has shrunk dramatically since the mid-twentieth century. ers (FAD 2003; Browman & Stergiou 2005; Murwaski 2007) .
This is partly the result of changing oceanographic condi- The success of the EAFM depends on whether high-level
tions and pollution. but is also due to the depletion of urchin governmental commitments to an EAFM can be turned into
Chapter 13 Fisheries

specific. tractable, and effective management actions that habitat and non-target species will be used to set targets for
will lead to better fish-stock management and remedy the ecosystem-based fishery management and to assess the suc-
unwanted impacts of fishing on non-target species. habitats, cess of management action. The choice of indicators is likely
and ecological interactions. With some notable exceptions, to reflect the growing priorities of species' and habitat con-
such progress with implementation has been slow to date servation as justifiable goals of management, and it is likely
(Pitcher et al. 2009) . Moreover, implementation of EAFM that increasingly large areas of the sea will be closed to fish-
will not remove the high, short-term costs of moving towards ing in order to meet conservation objectives (Chapter 16) .
sustainability (principally the costs ofcapacity reduction and
providing alternative employment) and ways ofmeeting and
mitigating these costs still need to be explored. 13.11 The future of fisheries
Many of the existing moves towards the implementation
of the EAFM have often been characterized by management Many fisheries are currently fished beyond sustainable limits
action to mitigate the environmental impacts of fishing on a and expected reductions in fishing effort will provide long-
case-by-case basis. Thus turtle excluder devices (lEDs) have term benefits, by creating more productive and more profit-
been fitted to trawls to stop turtles being killed as by-catches, able fisheries and reducing environmental impacts. Capacity
or fisheries for small pelagic 'forage' fishes have been closed for improved fisheries' management will be greater in the
in the vicinity of seabird breeding colonies. These manage- developed world where there will be some commitment to
ment actions are likely to be the first steps in a long process meeting the short-term costs of effort reduction. The pros-
of integrating environmental concerns into fisheries' man- pects for sustainability in poorer nations are not so good.
agement, and many commentators now see the EAFM as an unless the international community makes the financial
evolutionaryratherthanrevolutionaryprocess. In the longer commitment to provide alternative livelihoods for fishers.
term it is likely that indicators of the impacts of fishing on

Chapter Summary
• Fisheries are a vital source of food , income, and employment, especially in the developing world .
Around 80 million tonnes of fish are landed each year and 20 species of fish account for over 40Cfo
of these landings.
• Fishing gears can be described as active or passive. Active gears are towed towards the fish , while pas-
sive gears are not. Fishing gears catch a range of species, including bycatches, that will be discarded
by the fishers if they are not worth eating or selling.
• Stocks fluctuate in abundance as a result of natural and fishing effects. Variations in egg and larval
survival have a major impact on the size of year classes recruiting to the fishery.
• Fish stocks are usually assessed to predict the size of catches that can be taken without compromising
future catches. Fishery management actions consist of catch controls, effort controls, and technical
• Fisheries have environmental costs that can threaten rare species and the sustainability of the fished
resource. There have been increasing attempts to mitigate these costs by adopting the precautionary
approach and ecosystem-based fishery management.
• Large reductions in global fishing capacity are needed to get the greatest social and economic benefits
from fisheries and to ensure that biodiversity conservation and sustainability goals are met.

Further Reading

A wide-ranging introduct ion to marine fisheries ecology is provided by Jennings, Kaiser, and Reyno lds (2 0 01 ).
Th is book describes f isheries exploitation, conservation, and management in tropical, temperate, and polar
environments, and focuses on issues of contemporary concern such as marine reserves, the effects of fish ing
on coral reefs, and the incorporation of the precautionary princ iple into management advice.
• Jenn ings S., Kaiser M. J. & Reyno lds J. D. 2 0 01. Marine Fisheries Ecology . Blackwell Science, Oxford.

Chapter Summary
Aqu acu lture in marine systems can be traced back to well ates its own environmental prob lems and has led to disease
before Roman t imes. Even then it was clear that the culture outbreaks, over-harvest ing of forage fi shes to generate fish-
of marine speci es w as feasib le only at great expense. While meal, genet ic dilution of w ild stoc ks from farm escapees,
freshw ater products conti nue to contribute most in terms of and has caused eco log ical problems in areas where local
lan dings and val ue, marine produ cts are becoming increas- carry ing cap acity has been exceeded. A better understand-
ingly important, and technological advances make it more ing of these issues w ill help to ensure that aquacultu re is
viable to produce fi sh and other biota at reasonable cost undertaken in an environmentally sustai nable manner.
and w ith a reduced environmenta l impact. Aquaculture ere-

14.1 Introduction technology, and high technology waste -treatme nt systems

have contributed to a decline in the costs of production of
Marine aquaculture continues to be a rapidly expand ing many species. As a result, fish-farmed cod (Gadus morhua)
global industry and is probably one of the best examples landed on the shelves of major retail outlets for the first
of our ability to take biological knowledge and apply it time in 200 1 (although this remains financially unviable
to improve the biological and economic yield from the at present given the subsequent demise of the comme rcial
marine environme nt. Given current rates of global human companies involved ).
population growt h, it will be necessary to produce an Although aquaculture can be traced back several millen-
additional 40% of protein from the sea by 2030. As cur- nia, it is still an industry very much in its infancy in some
rent yields from capture fisheries taken around the world parts of the world and consequently is associated with its
have either reached a plateau or are diminishing, there is own social and environme ntal problems that vary accord-
a growing need to consider aquaculture as an alternative ing to geographic context. Indeed some sectors, such as
source of obtaining protein from the sea. As many wild shrimp cultivation, have witnessed their own 'gold rush'
capture fisheries have collapsed and local economies have as a result of high market values of shrimp . As with any new
suffered the consequences of the ensuing economic hard- industry, the primary concern of participants has been to
ship, many have pointed to aquaculture as the solution to invest in technology and research des igned to overcome
the impending shortfall in food production from the sea. the problems of production and stock control, such that
Some even speculate that aquaculture could remove the the enterprise becomes economically viable. In contrast,
need to fish wild stoc ks altogether. As our understanding less attention has been given to the environmental conse -
of the life-history requireme nts of an increasing range of quences of cultivation practices. Yet it is ironic that in many
species increases, so previously 'd ifficult' species have parts of the world the environme ntal impact of aquaculture
become more feasible subjects for cultivation. In addition practices has become one of the impediments to the fur-
to these advances, increasing automation, improved feed ther expansion of the industry. Thus it appears that short-
Chapter 14 Aquaculture
• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

term economic return continues to dominate the business In past and present times aquaculture of omnivores or
of aquaculture in developing countries . This chapter aims shellfish has provided an easily harvested and reliable
to introduce the historical developme nt of aquaculture, source of food .
the variety of techniques used to rear a range of different
organisms, the technology employed to increase productiv- In the past, aquaculture has provided a reliable and easily
ity, and the environmental and biological consequences of harvested source of protein that is independent of natural
aquaculture in m arine ecosystems. As aquaculture involves fluctuations in capture fisheries. However, the present-day
the rearing of organisms in an artificial environment, there production of fish-oil, which is key for the cultivation of car-
are potential welfare issues that are of concern to wider nivorous fish species, has declined over the last two decades;
society, hence the chapter also considers this issue. this means that the further expansion of this sector of aqua-
culture may be impeded (Current Focus : The catch-22 of
The environmental impacts of aquaculture have become aquaculture) . The term 'a qu a cu ltu re' has only been in
one of the impediments to its further expansion. use for about 40 years, which coincides with its incre asing
industrialization, most notably in the salmonid sector of the
industry. The term 'culture' implies human intervention that
14.2 Aquaculture past and enhances production of the cultivated species. This m ay be
very simplistic at one level (e.g. the introduction of nutrients
present and organic material from animal wastes, as in Chinese poly-
Fishes, molluscs, crustaceans, and plants have been culti- culture systems), ranging through to highly sophisticated
vated by humans for several thousand years. Archaeological computer-controlled culture in intensive water-recirculation
evidence is strongly suggestive of the culture of carp (Cyprin- systems. In the early 1970s the production offreshwater and
idae) by early civilizations as widely distributed as China, marine fish and shellfish was the equivalent of only 12% of
Japan, and Italy. Indeed, carp are recurrent motifs in art the annual world fish landings for human consumption (c.
from these regions. Car p were no doubt cultivated for their 6 million tonnes). At that time, this source of protein pro-
food value but also for their aesthetic appeal. whic h gave vided 4% of the world's supply of animal protein, excluding
rise to varieties such as koi carp, much valued by aquarists in the contribution of milk. In As ian countries, aquaculture
present-day cultures. Carp are an ideal species for cultivation makes a far greater contribution to the overall supply of ani-
due to their tolerance of high-stocking densities and low dis- mal protein due to the prevalence of freshwater aquaculture
solved oxygen levels, their omnivorous diet and high growth in this area, and almost 75% of fish cultivation arises from
rates. However, marine species present a much greater tech- Asia (Allsopp 1997; Subasinghe et aJ. 2009). Since the early
nological challe nge because of their requirement for high 1970s, the production of finfish has increased ten-fold while
water quality and, in many cases, their carnivorous diets, a the contribution of capture fisheries to world protein supply
fact recognized long ago by the Romans (Box 14.1). has only doubled (Fig. 14.1). As a result, in 2007, aquacul-
ture contributed c. 45% to the global production of fisheries,
Fish have been cultured for many thousands of years. worth US$94.s billion at first sale value, of which marine
However, the culture of marine species is far more systems contributed US$37.S billion (FAO 2007).
demanding than that of freshwater species.
While production of protein from wild-capture fisheries
reached a plateau in the early 1990s and latterly has
begun to decline, aquaculture now provides nearly 45%
Box 14.1: Aquaculture in Roman (65.1 million tonnes) of all aquatic products (both fresh-
times water and marine).
'There are two kinds of fish-ponds, the fresh and
the salt. The one is open to common folk, and not While m arine-capture fisheries are governed by enviro n-
unprofitable, where the Nym phs furnish the w ater for mental factors that affect recruitment and hence are unpre -
our domestic fish; th e ponds of the nobility, however, dictable and vulnerable to over-exploitation, aquaculture
fi lled w it h sea-water, for whi ch only Neptune can is largely dependent upon inputs of feed and upon good
furni sh the fish as w ell as the water, appeal to t he m anagement of the cultivation system to avoid disease
eye more than the purse, and exhaust the po uch of and enviro nmental degradation. These criteria for success-
the owner rather than fill it.' ful aquaculture in some way appear to be more att ain able
From Rerum Rusticarum by Marcus Terentius Varro than a more rational use of wild fisheries. Despite this,
(12 7- 126 BC), translated by Hooper & Ash (1934). m any aquacu ltu re practices are themselves d ependent
upon wild-capture fisheries to provide protein from lower
down the food chain (e .g. smaller fishes, such as sandeels,
14.2 Aquaculture past and present

Ammodytes spp., or anchoveta) to make fishmeal. However, culture from its dependence upon wild fisheries, which
this irony h as been brought sh ar ply into focus by some that provide an unpredictable product of var iable quality. With
have made a case that aqu aculture is partly the cause for the increasing move towards genetically engineered crops,
the demise of certain world-capture fisheries (Naylor et a1. it should be possible to manufacture feeds that contain the
2000). For this and other reasons, plant-based fish-feeds particular protein and lipid requirements of marine piscivo-
are seen as the most attractive solution to disengage aqua- rous species (Current Focus).

CURRENT FOCUS: The catch-22 of

aquaculture n- 3 fatty acids (Sathivel 2002), and it is now com mon
practice to integrate fish offal products from the process-
At present, the cultivation of predatory finfish species is ing industry into the feed admi nistered to Pongosius cat-
highly dependent upon the availability of fish oils th at fish. However, in certain parts of the developed world,
are included in the formulated diets that are fed to these such as Europe, there is an illogical squeamishness about
species. As a result, aquacultu re is a net 'consumer' of feeding recycled body tissues to the same species, w hich
wild captu re fisheries, in particular, of oil rich species no doubt stems from the feed-related disease outbreaks
such as anchoveta and othe r small pelagic species. While tha t occu rred in terrestrial livestock. Unlike terrestrial live-
it is possible to replace the protein in fish feed wi th plant- stock, many carnivorous fish species are nat urally can-
derived alternatives, the rep lacement of fish oil with plant- nibalistic.
based oils is not so simple. Fish oil has a particularly high In addition to fish, other marine biota may produce suf-
content of n- 3 highly unsatu rated fatty acids (HUFAs) ficient n-3 HUFA to provide a viable alternative to fish oil.
that are essential for the optim al growth and healt h of Recent studies have examined the potential of unicellular
farmed fish (Tu rchini et al. 2009). Thus, the availability algae, copepods, and benth ic invertebrates. In particular,
and efficacy of the use of fish oil presents a challenging the cultu re of Co/anus finmorchicus generated sufficient
bottleneck to the further development of the aquacultu re n- 3 HUFA to adequately replace fish oil in the diet of cul-
industry focused on carnivorous fish, especially given the tu red Atlantic salmon (Olsen et al. 2004). However, the
continued decline in the annual production of fish oil from cultivation of copepods in sufficient quantities to replace
1985 (1481 t) to 2006 (988 t) . The same issues do fish oil remains uneconomically feasible at present, but
not apply to the cultivation of herbivorous or om nivorous could be a promisi ng possibility at some poi nt in the
freshwater species, such as carp and tilapia. future. The use of unicellular o rganisms also offers the
possi bility of using gene manipulation to produce strains
What are the alternatives? tha t will generate commercially viable quantities of n-3
Current research indicates th at fish can cata bolize oils HUFA. The use of unicellular algae would be energetically
produced by plant species such as soya, linseed, palm, more efficient that cultivating copepods because there is
canola, and sunflower. This means that some of the fish oil one less energy transfer step in the process (sunlig ht-
currently used in fish meal is simply used to maintain the algae vs sunlight-algae-copepods).
metabolism of the fish by providing a sou rce of energy Even once the above issues have been reso lved, there
and hence this can be replaced by a plant substitute. A are other considerations that may affect the future desi r-
vegetable oil that would provid e a good substitute for fish ability of farmed fish fed alternative diets wi th lower lev-
oil would have a high satu rated fatty acid and monoun- els of fish oil. One of the strongest marketing messages
saturated fatty acid content (Tu rchini et al. 2009). Many attached to fish-related products are the health advan-
forms of vegetable oil are rich in n-6 and n-9 fatty acids tages conferred by eati ng fish, many of w hich are related
and they can be blended to produce an optim al feed that to its high n-3 HUFA content. A reduction of the latter
achieves good growth rates, although this will still lack in the final product could detract from its marketability.
sufficient HUFA to produce the same results as a feed Conversely, a red uct ion in the use of fish oils would likely
blended wi th fish oil. decrease the likelihood of bioaccumulation of polychlori-
One method to reduce the reliance on industrial fish- nated biphenyls and related co mpounds in the tissues of
eries to generate fish feed is to improve the manner in farmed fish. It is clear that the issue of findi ng an accept-
w hich we utilize waste from the fish-processing industry. able replacement for fish oil in the diet of cultivated fish
Fish viscera contain livers, w hich are storage organs that is a key issue if we are to make the necessary prog ress
contain high levels of fish oil. Viscera retained from pro- to max imize the future potential of marine fish cultivation
cessed catfish contained up to 2 1 mg s' dry weight of as a signi fican t sou rce of dietary protei n.
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

Aquaculture is often dependent upon feeds produced molluscs are filter feeders and feed on naturally occurring
from fish at low trophic levels, such as sandeels and phytoplankton in the water column and convert this to
anchovies, which have high fish-oi l content. These 'fish- body tissue. Again. little or no input is required to provide
eries to feed fish' are themselves a major environmental sufficient food for the cultivated species, although care is
concern. needed to ensure that bivalves are not overstocked to the
extent that the carrying capacity of the local environment
In terrestrial systems, the domestication and farm- is exceeded. In contrast, most fish and crustaceans feed on
ing of animals has centred on cattle, pigs, sheep, goats, animals higher up the food chain; hence overall energy con-
chickens, turkeys, geese, and duck. The restricted range version efficiency is reduced (Box 14.2) .
of farmed species means that technology is easily transfer-
able between species in terrestrial systems. This restricted Carrying capacity is the amount of biomass that can be
range ofspecies contrasts sharply with the hundreds offish, supported in terms of oxygen and food requirements by
mollusc, crustacean, and, latterly, echinoderm species that a particular volume of water. Once the carrying capac-
have become the subject of widespread cultivation. The ity of a system is exceeded, the effects of competition
diversity of farmed marine species makes their cultivation will increase density-dependent mortality and possibly
an exciting though onerous area of research, as the indi- water quality.
vidual requirements of such a wide range of taxa require
specific research effort. To date approximately 300 species are cultivated across
all aquatic systems. Of these. 20% are carnivorous. but
A much greater range of animal species is cultivated in these yield only 10% by weight of all production. How-
marine systems compared with land-based systems. The ever. carnivorous species tend to be those most prized by
diversity of cultivated species in marine systems greatly gourmets and consequently they command high prices per
increases the research burden necessary to bring these unit weight and contribute 40% ofall aquaculture revenue.
species to commercial levels of production. Although herbivorous and omnivorous fishes (e.g. tilapias
and carps) continue to account for the majority of global
Algae and bivalve molluscs are among the most attrac- fish production, they still command a relatively low price
tive candidates for cultivation, as these are the most effi- per unit weight. Nevertheless, they are the best subjects to
cient in converting energy into biomass that is available for fulfil basic world food-requirements as they do not require
consumption, and they are ranked second and third behind sophisticated cultivation systems and are inexpensive to
finfish in terms of tonnes of production (Fig. 14.2) . Algae rear. They also tend to be species that are highly tolerant
produce sugar and starch through the process of photo- of high stocking densities and low dissolved oxygen levels.
synthesis. hence, provided water clarity is sufficient and Thus. in a world with an ever increasing human population,
there are adequate nutrient supplies in the water column, these are the fish that are likely to meet the future demands
little input is required by the cultivator (Chapter 2) . Bivalve as a basic source of high quality dietary protein.

120 While herbivorous and omnivorous freshwater fish con-

90 tinue to dominate world fish aquaculture production in
•00 terms of biomass, carnivorous fishes continue to com-
.e0 60 mand the highest per unit we ight financial value.
To this day, freshwater fish form the largest component

0 of world aquaculture production. both in terms of tonnage

and financial value (Fig. 14.2) . For fish production, it is
apparent that freshwater and diadromous (e.g. salmonids)
-60 fish products remain the dominant sector of the market.
1950 1960 1970 19BO 1990 2000 2007 while in the marine and brackish water sectors, molluscs.
algae. and crustaceans dominate (Fig. 14.2) . However.
r-... Food fishsupplies fromoquowlture freshwater fish products are. in general, relatively low value
Food fishsupplies fromrupturefisheries
Non-food uses per unit of production compared with marine fish products,
which are worth at least three times as much as freshwa-
Figure 14.1 Ut ilization of fish supplied from wi ld capture ter equivalents (Fig. 14.2) . However. marine products are
and aquaculture sources in terms of fish used for human more risk prone and hence costly to produce. as the marine
consumption or fish used for no n-food uses, e.g. fert ilizer, sector of aquaculture remains an emergent industry (FAO
fuel. Source: FAD (2007). 2002) .
14.3 How do we produce food from the sea?

Box 14.2: Conversion efficiency . 1998
2\ 000 2007
Conversion efficiency refers to the passage of • 20000
energy through food-chains and webs and is dis- ,
~ 15000
cussed in Chapters 4 and 7. As one organism
consumes another, energy is used to create body 10000

tissue, for metabol ism and reproduction, wh ich \000

results in net energy loss. Some organ isms are more 0
efficient at converting one form of organic mate- MiS(eliollE!oUl Morine DiodromoUl (rUlta(e<lns Molium Algae freshwater
aQuatic fi,hes fishes fish
rial into another, but the net result always results animals
in energy loss. As more and more links are added Ibl
3\ 000
to a food chain, so the process of the conversion . 1998
30000 2007
of energy (J) into body mass becomes less and
less efficient. Hence the conversi on of light into 2\ 000

the tissue of plants is the most efficient process, ~ 20000
while the food chain that links microalgae to large 1\ 000
carnivorous fishes , such as sharks, is one of the 10000
most ineffici ent. In contrast, the produ ction of edible \000
protein from bivalves is highly efficient as there are 0
only two steps in the process (sunlight-microal- MiS(eliollE!oo1 Morine Diodromau1 (rUlta(e<lns Molium Algae freshwater
aQuatic fi,hes fishes fish
gae--bivalves) . animals

Figure 14.2 (a) Global annual production (10005 tonnes)

of different groups of marine taxa for 1998 and 2007
showing the dramatic rise in production over a 10-year
14.3 How do we produce food period. (b) Global annual first sale value (US$1 0000005)
from the sea? of different groups of marine taxa for 1998 and 2007
showing the dramatic rise in value over a 1O-year period.
The production of marine species spans the spectrum from Source FAO 2007.
the relatively unsophisticated release of species into natu-
rally enclosed systems, where they derive their nutrition antibiotics to ameliorate the effects of disease and stress,
from n atural sources (extens ive cultivation) , to the highly which are symptomatic of high stocking density. These sys-
soph isticated and controlled cultivation and high density tems are also subject to close environmental control (often
stocking of species in totally enclosed intensive-recircula- using computerized systems) and require constant moni-
tion systems. Extens ive systems are typically based upon toring (Allsopp 1997).
brackish water coastal lagoons that have high levels of pri-
mary production in the form of phytoplankton or algae, Extensive cultivation systems rely on primary production
which stimulate the production of high numbers of food to fuel the growth of cultivated species, whereas inten-
organ isms required by fish or prawns that are released sive cultivation systems require sophisticated monitoring
into these systems . Another example of extens ive cultiva- and environmental control.
tion would be the deposition (known as relaying) of the
seed of bivalve molluscs harvested from the wild in areas As in terrestrial agriculture systems , monoculture is
with enhanced productivity and easier access for harvest- typically undertaken in developed countries and generates
ing. The productivity of extens ive systems can be further the greatest income within the marine aquaculture sector.
enhanced by the additional input of nutrients or fertiliz- Monoculture is attractive to farmers because it requires
ers (e.g. the input of animal faeces). Production may also investment in a limited range of equipment and food, and
be enhanced with some hum an manipulation of feeding simplifies marketing of the product. Monocultured species
regimes or stocking density and species' composition. As tend to be those that are tolerant of high stocking densi-
soon as human intervention is involved in the cultivation ties; however, outbreaks of disease are the greatest threat
process it is deemed to be semi-intens ive. Intensive systems to monoculture systems, as the organisms are often much
are typified by high stocking densities and usually require more vulnerable to infection due to their suppressed immu-
the use of artificial feeds that are dosed with vitamins and nity resulting from elevated stress levels. Alt hough the con-
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

CURRENT FOCUS: Fish welfare and 2009; Sandee et al. 2009). The issue of welfare is inevi-
aquaculture tably vulnerable to 'belief-based ' assertions, w hereas the
scientific approach demands a dispassionate examination
The environ ment in which fish are cultivated is artificial, of the evidence surrou nding welfare issues.
and, by necessity, the fish are held at high stocking den- The definition of welfare is important because it deter-
sities to provide the greatest yield pe r unit of energy m ines how we measure perfor mance agai nst specific
expended and to maximize financial profitability. Exam- objectives. For example, assessing the behavioural rep-
ples of extensive cultivation in which fish are allowed to ertoi re of far med fish compared to thei r wild cou nter-
grow in semi-natural conditions are unusual. High stock- parts would be appropriate if a nature-based definition
ing densi ties can lead to increased aggressive behaviou r of w elfare is adopted. In contrast, measu rement of physi-
among fish (leading to fin-nipping), a g reater prop ensity ological status or growth rate would be appropriate if
to transfe r parasites among individuals, and intense inputs using a function-based definition of welfare. Once per-
of organic pollutants (faeces and uneaten feed) in the formance metrics have been identified, it is possible to
vicini ty of the farm, which reduces wa ter quality. All of target research to improve particular aspects of a defined
the latter elevate stress levels in fish, which make them attribute of welfare. However, if good welfare requires
more suscepti ble to pathogens. Fi nally, the fish need to fish to lead a completely nat ural life, aquaculture (or any
be slaughtered efficiently, w hich will involve further physi- other kind of farmi ng) can never meet such a defini tion
ological stress as the fish is removed f rom its environ ment of welfare.
prior to slaughter. Each of these facto rs can ulti mately
red uce the quality of the product and hence the price it What has the industry done about fish
attracts at market. As a result , there has been a strong welfare?
financial incentive for the aquaculture industry to invest in There exist already guidelines and legislation wi thin which
research that has sought to mini mize t he negat ive physi- the aquacultu re industry must operate in certain parts
ological responses that are associated with husbandry or of the world. These guidelines address a proportion of
the envi ronment in w hich the fish live. issues that fall under a 'welfare ' heading. Outside these
commitments, there are other initiatives th at are closely
Definitions of welfare tied to improving profitability. Fish th at are in poor con-
Since the earl y 1990s, the scientific interest in issues that dition, diseased, and heavily parasitized do not attract
relate to fish welfare has been reflect ed in the steady rise buyers!
of publications focused on aspects of this topic. Fish wel- It is important to select the app rop riate species for
fare is complex and controversial and is well-reflected in a cultivation as some species, st rains, and individuals react
recent spate of pape rs wi th divergent views on the sub- better th an others to intensive husbandry syste ms. For
ject (e.g. Hunt ingfo rd et al. 2006, 2007; Arlinghaus et example, fish that nat urally school at high densities are
al. 2007). A function-based definition of welfare woul d more li kely to adapt to high density stocki ng conditions
suggest tha t an animal's w elfare is good if it has adapted t han speci es that are primarily soli tary and territorial.
to its environment, and is in good healt h and biological Research on welfa re-friendly husbandry syste ms has
function. An alternative nat ure-based defini tion of good focused on specific aspects of the cul tivation process
welfare would relate to the ability to lead a natural life with th at include issues surrounding humane transport (e.g.
the exp ression of behav io ur as observed in the wild. A Iverson et al. 2009) and slaughter (e.g. Knowles et al.
feeling s- based approach would define good welfare as 2008), various systems for feedi ng fish according to their
the conditions in which an animal is free of negative expe- current appetite (e.g. Noble et al. 2008), and passive
riences such as pain, fear, and hunger, and has access size-g rading (e.g. Pfeiffer & Freeman 2004) . The devel-
to posi tive experiences, such as soci al companionship op ment of welfare indicators that are easily measured can
(Hunt ingford & Kadri 2009). The above definitions are be used to reflect general fish welfare and these would
developed from an anthropocentric point of view, and the include food intake, fin condi tion, and water quality. How-
reader should be aware that it is difficult for humans to ever, as product quality is related to the price paid in the
develop a perspective on what a fish (or any othe r animal) supermarket, there is probably a strong link between fish
experiences, and hence wh at is or is not acceptable (fo r welfare indicators and the average income of the target
a philosophical perspective on these issues see: Evans market.
14.4 What is cultivated and where?

ditions in which fish are cultivated lead to highly efficient tion, a further 15.1 million tonnes of aquatic plants were
production. this artificial environment raises issues relating produced in 2006, of which 99.8% were cultivated in
to the ethics of animal welfare (Current Focus: Fish welfare marine waters (FAD 2008).
and aquaculture) (Fig. 14.3) .
Go to http:/ / for the latest facts and figures
Monocu lture yields the highest financial income but is for world aquaculture production.
prone to outbreaks of disease, environmental , and ethi-
cal issues. Production is dominated by countries in Asia. China is
by far the world's leader in terms of overall production,
Polyculture tends to be practised in countries with less with 35 million tonnes of food fish produced in 2005 . The
well-developed economies and is often associated with relatively low value per unit production is due to the domi-
subsistence farming or fishing. However, more developed nance of low-value cyprinids (carp and their relatives) in
countries are beginning to realize that the cultivation of the Chinese aquaculture sector. This contrasts sharply with
'companion' species can increase both production and Japan's production of O.77 million tonnes, which was val-
income. and often alleviates the need for the use of expen- ued at US$3.06 billion, comprising of high-value species,
sive chemicals or maintenance. For example, sea urchins such as scallops, oysters, and amberjacks. Within the last
Psammechinus miliaris are used to graze fouling algae off decade, the low-income food deficit countries have main-
the nets ofsalmonid cages while yielding their own produer tained an upward trend in production due to their active
(sea urchin gonads) (Ross et al. 2004) . Some of the best promotion of aquaculture as a means of subsistence. How-
examples of polyculture come from freshwater systems in ever, in contrast to areas such as Asia and South America.
which carp. tilapia, or crustaceans are cultivated. In this Africa has been slow to develop its potential for aquacul-
case the aquatic organisms are cultivated in combination ture, despite considerable investment. Production in Africa
with plant or animal husbandry. For example, tilapias are has risen at a rate of 12% per annum since 1970 to the
farmed from rice-paddies. or domestic animals housed in present day, but this is approximately half the rate of most
enclosures suspended over cultivated ponds enrich the other areas.
water with their faeces. Those species best suited to this
form of culture tend to be either herbivorous or consume While Asia and Central America have expanded marine
prey low down the food-chain (i.e. zooplankton or arthro- aquaculture rapid ly, Africa is yet to realize its fu ll poten-
pod grazers) . tial, despite extensive water resources in the sub-Saharan
region. The main bottleneck remains economic infra-
Polyculture is usually practiced with species that feed structure in many states that continue to be bli ghted by
lower down the food-chain, although there is increasing political governance challenges. Sadly, the situation has
interest in the use of companion species that provide changed little in the five years since the publication of
cleaning services that would normally require the use of the first edition of th is book.
chemicals or human husbandry.
Although nearly half of all aquaculture production is
composed of finfish, more than 90% of this fish produc-
tion is derived from freshwater systems. The remainder of
14.4 What is cultivated and the production is divided mainly between plants and mol-
where? luscs. Crustaceans contribute approximately 5% to world
production in terms of weight but their economic value is
Historically, the majority of aquaculture has developed in considerably more than this (Fig. 14.2) . The cultivation of
freshwater environments, which probably refleers the lim- salmonids is so successful that production has overtaken
ited nature of the natural resource and also the perception the amount offish generated by salmonid wild-capture fish-
that the cultivated species are unable to escape an enclosed eries. The 'farmed salmon' is lovingly known as the 'chicken'
body of water (Figs 14.1 and 14.2). This contrasts with the of the sea because ofits dominance offish counters in West-
reluctance of mariculturists to explore the possibility of ern supermarkets.
ranching due to the inability to contain released individu- However. as we will see later. the proliferation in sal-
als. Freshwater aquaculture continues to dominate world monid production has led to a plethora of environmental
production of aquatic animals with 30 million tonnes pro- problems. Cultivated marine fish species are exclusively car-
duced in 2006 (FAD 2008) . In addition to this a further 1.9 nivorous species that command a high market value . Bass
and 10.8 million tonnes were produced in brackish and (Dicentrachus labrax), sea bream (Sparidae), and turbot
marine waters. respectively. In addition to animal produc- (Psetta maximus) are now commonly cultivated throughout
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

Box 14.3: Cultivation of southern

bluefin tuna

Harvesting southern bluefin tuna from holding pens is

a delicate operation to ensure that the fish are main-
tained in pristine condition . Any damage to the fish
will ultimately lower their value at market. As soon as
the fish are harvested , they are returned for imme-
diate processing and shipping to markets in Japan.
Photograph reproduced with the permission of the
Tuna Boat Owners of South Australia/Australian Fish-
Figure 14.3 Fish that make ideal subjects for ing Management Authority.
aquaculture are tolerant of high-density stocking
levels, but high-stocking densities inevitably lead to
physiological and behavioural problems. These sole So/eo
so/eo are prone to caudal fin damage, as they instinctively
try to bury themselves into the base of the rearing tank.
Technological advances in feed and rearing systems mean
that many fish species are now much less expensive to
produce than wild-caught fish.

southern Europe, where warm waters promote high growth

rates. Humans will go to real extremes to cultivate some of
the most prized fish species (Box 14.3).

Carnivorous species are favoured for marine aquacul-

ture and they command higher prices than herbivorous
species. However, herbivorous species of fish represent
the means to produce high-quality protein in the most
efficient manner with least reliance (none in some cases)
on wild-capture fisheries for feed .

Red and brown algae are cultivated in substantial quan- Undertaking research on methods to improve the
tities with 14. 8 million tonnes cultivated in 2005 worth growth of southern bluefin tuna is an expensive
US$7. 1 billion. Red algae are somewhat more valuable undertaking, when each fish is valued in US$1000s.
than brown algae as they are produced for food consump- Here, scientists measure the dimensions of a fish.
tion, where as brown algae (mostly kelp species) supply (Photograph: Brett Glencross.)
the alginate industry. Nearly all cultivated mollusc species
14.5 Food requirements and constraints

are bivalve molluscs of which mussels contribute most in terns in which only bivalves and gastropods convert phy-
terms of production, followed by oysters, clams, and scal- toplankton, particulate organic matter, and alga e into
lops (Table 14.1). Although in many cases bivalves com- high-quality protein. In contrast, herbivorous fish are low-
mand a relatively low price per unit product, they require value (but high production) species. Cultivation of high-
no investment in feeds or antibiotics, and hence produce value carnivorous fish, crustacean, and mollusc species
a much lower environme ntal footprint compared to pro- dep ends upon a dependable and consistent high-qu ality
duction of marine finfish. The cultivation of crustaceans is protein diet. Artificial feeds are the staple diet of most cul-
largely based on penaeid shrimp (89% by weight of fresh- tivated carnivorous species, but these still depend on fish-
water and marine global production) , which are currently meal derived from low-value by-catch species for their
valued at approximately U5$5 billion per year at first sale. protein component. Half of the production costs for salmo-
Although a high-value species, shr imp are costly to pro- nids and Asian shr imp production is spe nt on artificial
duce and their cultivation has been associated with envi- feed (New et al, 1993). The idea of catching fish to feed to
ronmental degradation of coastal margins and widespread fish (or terrestrial animals) is increasingly controvers ial
disease outbreaks. (Naylor et al. 2000), as well as energetically inefficient
(Pitcher & Hart 1982; Box 14.2). As a result, there is great
Alginates are derivatives of marine algae that are used interest in the development of artificial feeds based on
in everyday products ranging from shaving foam to food- plant-derived protein (Curre nt Focus: The catch-22 of
thickening agents. aqu aculture).

Finding a viable replacement for the 'fish ' component

Southern bluefin tuna are captured hundreds of kilo-
in artificial feeds for carnivorous fish species is a key
metres out to sea and then transferred to holding pens
bottleneck in expanding aquaculture further. Once the
close to the coast where they are conditioned prior to
link between wild-capture fisheries and aquaculture can
processing. Bluefin tuna are among the world 's most
be severed , it is likely that aquaculture will dominate
endangered fish species, and trade in Atlantic bluefin
world fish production.
tuna was banned by the European Union in 2010.

Artificial diets based on the protein derived from soy-

bean, lupin, and canola (a type of rapeseed) appear to
yield acceptable growt h rates and are half as cos tly to
14.5 Food requirements and produce. Plant-based feeds offe r benefits in add ition to
constraints cost savings. Plant crops are more reliable than the wildly
fluctuating stocks of small pelagic fishes used for fish-
In marine plants, good growt h will be achieved with suf- meal, the nutrient composition is more easily controlled,
ficient light, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and nutrients. Over- and the shelf-life of plant-based feeds is su pe rio r. With
stocking marine plants will lead to competition for all of the current trend for ret ailers to offer sustainable prod-
these resources and will yield lower production per kilo - ucts wit h ingredients that can be traced to source, plant-
gram of plant mass. In terrestrial systems, domesticated based feeds offer a much simpler solu tion in terms of
herbivores convert vegetable matter into highly desirable product tracking. Another consideration is the potential
protein products. This contrasts sharply w ith aquatic sys- to introduce pathogens through imports of feed. Frozen

Table 14.1 World aquaculture production in 1999 of the six most important marine species in terms of
production (tonnes). The value (US$1000s) of each of these species is also shown. The relative value per unit
product is shown as the ratio of the value to total production. Statistics reproduced from the FAO (2002).

Species Common name Production Value Ratio

Crassostrea gigas Pacific oyster 3600459 3 3 127 13 0.92
Ruditapes phifippinarum Manila clam 18204 13 2194522 1.21
Patinopecten yessoensis Scallop 9 28724 12 524 48 1.35
Penaeus monodon Prawn 575842 36 5 1783 6.34
Mytifus edulis Mussel 498461 2 72419 0.55
Chonos chonos Milkfish 38 1930 599957 1.57
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

pilchards imported from South America and then fed to antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection in intensive finfish
farmed southern bluefin tuna kept in suspended fish cages and crustacean aquaculture systems. Finally. in common
(Box 14.3) introduced a virus which then infected South with terrestrial farmed systems, marine organisms are now
Australian stocks of pilchard and caused high mortalities the subject of trials using recombinant DNA methodologies
(Thorpe et al. 1997) . to produce fish with altered body shape and size charac-
Plant-based feeds are seen as the future for more sus-
tainable farming of marine carnivores (see Current Focus: For more information on genetically modified fish go
The catch-22 of aquaculture). to

14.6 The role of biotechnology

14.7 Negative effects of
The production per unitvolume ofwater ofmarine aquacul- biotechnology
ture systems has increased with biotechnological advances.
Often the species that have the highest unit value are the Biotechnology has certainly helped to improve our abiliry
most demanding in terms of husbandry or dietary require- to cultivate marine organisms more efficiently and to pro-
ments. For example, halibut (Hippoglossus spp.) require vide better quality products. However. there is consider-
very cold water at elevated pressure for their eggs to hatch, able concern regarding the deleterious effects of escapees
after which the newly emerged fish larvae are particu- of normally farmed fish and, latterly, genetically modified
larly problematic to wean on to artificial feeds. In another organisms. The genetic diversity of wild stocks is threat-
example, the formulation of an appropriate pellet feed is ened byescapes and accidental releases of hatchery-reared
currently a major problem for the cultivation of southern individuals that can competitively exclude wild fish. A
bluefin tuna in South Australian fish farms, partly due to reduction in genetic diversity has the potential to lower
the expense of having a laboratory subject with a price tag resistance of wild stocks to environmental change and
ofUS$1000s per individual (Box 14.3). pathogens. This issue has been particularly prominent in
the salmon industry of North America. Large-scale hatch-
Cryopreservation enables gametes to be stored until ery release programmes have been undertaken to coun-
they are required and li berates hatcheries from the need ter the effects of habitat loss and overfishing. However.
to condition male fish synchronously with female brood- hatchery-reared fish compete with the existing wild fish
stock. for habitat and food, prompting Hilborn (1992) to argue
that large-scale hatchery programmes for salmonids in
Biotechnological advances have enabled the cryo- the Pacific North-west posed the greatest single threat to
preservation of viable gametes. which has eliminated the the long-term maintenance of salmonid stocks (but for a
breeding constraints associated with species that have sea- recently revised opinion see: Hilborn 1999) . The issue of
sonal reproductive cycles and ensures a reliable supply of escapees is largely a problem for cage-based cultivation
larvae year round or when conditions (biological or eco- systems that are located within the marine or freshwater
nomic) are most favourable. This is particularly important environment. However. this problem could be eliminated
for markets in developed countries where retailers expect entirely if cultivation systems were moved into land-based
a predictable source of products throughout the year. Con- cultivation systems in which discharges ofwater are strictly
trolled sex differentiation has enabled the production of controlled (see Section 14.11) .
sexually sterile fish. This can be achieved by a number of
techniques, including the induction of triploidy in female Large-scale releases of hatchery-reared fish int o the
fish, that yield monosex stocks of fish. Sexually sterile fish w ild are perceived by some to pose one of the great-
put more energy into tissue growth (soma) and yield a est threats to the long-term maintenance of salmonid
greater proportion of consumable tissues at market size. stocks.
Fish with suppressed gonad maturation will not develop
manyofthe behavioural traits (i.e, elevated levels ofaggres- Artificial feeds are a convenient means for administer-
sion) that occur with the onset of maturity and spawning ing medication to captive organisms. Although the use of
condition. Genetic selection has been used to reduce head antibiotics reduces infection rates in intensive cultivation
and fin size. This helps to further reduce waste in the final systems, their excessive use can lead to a build-up of drug
product. Artificial diets now include growth stimulants that resistance in the pathogen. As uneaten feed accumulates
improve feed-conversion rations. They are often dosed with on the seabed beneath fish cages, the encapsulated anti-
14.9 Cultivation of fish in cages

biotics can affect microbial communities in the immediate by pumping air directly through air-blocks located in the
vicinity, leading to a reduction in their diversity. Additional base of the pond.
concerns associated with the use of antimicrobials in fish
feeds include: the spread of drug-resistant plasmids to The coastline is a fi nite resource and the excessive devel-
human pathogens; transfer of resistant pathogens from opment of coastal aq uaculture has led to a reduction
fish farming to humans; and presence of antimicrobials in in coastal water quality in some regions, particularly in
wild fish. central America and Indonesia

Encapsulated feeds can lead to the release of large

amounts of antibiotics into the marine environment with
the potential to alter microbial communities in the envi- 14.9 Cultivation of fish in
ronment immediately surrounding the cultivation site.
Ponds and lagoons do not permit farmers to maintain close
control of their stock; they are less easily maintained and
14.8 Cultivation systems disease problems are not so easy to treat. Suspended cages
provide an excellent means of retaining the cultivated spe-
Terrestrial farmers need to contain and protect their live- cies in open well-aerated seawater. while liberating farm-
stock and crops using enclosures and barriers. Equally. ers from the constraint of limited coastal pond resources.
mariculturists need to ensure that their livestock is secure. Suspended fish cages are used in all aquatic systems. Essen-
Mobile biota (e.g. fishes, snails, shrimp) have different tially, they consist of a large net bag with buoys at the top,
containment requirements to those that are sessile (e.g. which is anchored to the seabed using anchors and chains
bivalves. algae) . Semi-enclosed coastal water bodies. such (Fig. 14.4). Nevertheless, suspended cages are themselves
as lagoons and saline ponds. provide naturally enclosed limited to coastal areas that are sheltered from adverse
or semi-enclosed culture systems. However. these coastal weather conditions and are within a short distance of the
resources are limited, and often they are associated with shore for ease of maintenance. For this reason. the great-
a unique fauna that may be of conservation interest. est concentration of caged fish farming tends to occur in
such that they clash with the needs of the aquaculturist. coastal fjordic systems (sea lochs, rias, inlets) that provide
Shrimp cultivation in Central America and Asia has led natural shelter from wind and wave action. Such areas are
to the creation of artificial coastal ponds in areas where only found in a limited number of locations in a particular
there formerly existed mangrove forests. These ponds country, and many countries lack such an environment.
need to be in close proximity to seawater so that the pond The most prolific producers of suspended-cage farmed fish
water can be exchanged on a frequent basis. However. include Norway, Scotland, Canada, New Zealand, Chile,
the coastal margin is a finite resource and the demand for and Greece . All of these countries have complex coastlines
space has resulted in such a high density of shrimp ponds that are either riddled with inlets or fjords or have a high
that the effluents from one pond have contaminated the number of offshore islands that provide natural shelter.
intake water of the adjacent pond . Not surprisingly, this Once again the limited nature of the coastal resource has led
has resulted in a severe reduction in coastal water quality (in the past) to over-expansion of this sector of the industry.
and serious outbreaks of disease that have caused entire with high densities of fish farms developing within these
shrimp harvest failures. We will return to this subject later semi-enclosed water-bodies.
in the chapter.
The use of natural ponds and lagoons is usually asso- Suspended-cage culture is usually confined to coastal
ciated with extensive culture or semi-intensive culture. areas that are sheltered from adverse weather conditions
Often, wild juveniles may be captured and released into by the morphology of the coastline.
the ponds to on-grow by feeding on the natural food within
the pond. Alternatively, hatchery-reared juveniles are This has led to problems with carrying capacity in sys-
released into the ponds in conjunction with supplemental tems in which the exchange of water is reduced in com-
feeding or enhancement of pond productivity using natural parison with open coastal systems (Gowen & Bradbury
or artificial fertilizers . The stocking density of natural and 1987; Black & Truscott 1994) . Single, isolated fish farms
semi-natural pond systems has to be monitored carefully will increase the demand on oxygen supplies in the sur-
to avoid exceeding the carrying capacity and oxygen sup- rounding water; they will reduce current flow beneath the
ply within the system. In some cases. additional aeration fish cages and increase the supply of organic matter to the
of the pond water is undertaken using paddle aerators or seabed. Typically this increases the physiological stress
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

TIdal current

• •
• •
• • • •
• • •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
Faeces and food pellets • • •
• •• •

Anoxic area of seabed beneatth cage

Figure 14.4 A typical suspended fish cage showing t he buoys on the surface of the sea, the anchor ropes, and the
zone beneath the cage that will be affected by falling uneaten food pellets and fish faeces. A build-up of organic matter
beneath t he cage can lead to anoxia and an impoverished benthic fauna. In extreme cases of organic pollution, only
bacterial mats persist beneath fish cages. The presence of the cage and the ropes that anchor it to the seabed will
increase friction and hence the turbulence of the flow of water around the cage. This will tend to cause a zone of lower
velocity water beneath the cage that will further concentrate faeces and uneaten pellets as they fall through the water
column. A proportion of the solid particles will be carried downstream by the prevailing tidal currents, leading to zones
of decreasing organic enrichment around the cage.

on the benthic community beneath the cage and leads to water column have been linked with outbreaks of toxic algal
a reduction in species' diversity or. in extreme cases. the blooms and mass fish mortalities (Smayda 1990).
elimination of all macrobenthos, which are then replaced
by bacterial mats of Beggiatoa spp. (Pearson & Rosenberg Depending on their size, when fish farms occur in isola-
1987; Chapter 15) . tion they have relatively little effect on the wider envi-
In cases of severe organic enrichment, benthic communi-
ties that are found beneath fish cages can be replaced by
mats of bacteria. However, management practices have
improved such that organic waste from excess feed has
been reduced greatly and cages are moved regu larly to
enable systems to undergo a period of recovery.

When farms occur in isolation it is relatively simple to

alleviate the environmental problems by moving the loca-
tion of the farm to allow the affected seabed to recover over
a number of years (Fig. 14.5) . However, some enclosed
water bodies have been overpopulated with fish farms,
which have magnified the adverse effects of cage farming
and eliminated the possibility for simple management solu-
tions to the associated problems. Typically. these systems
have been associated with greatly reduced dissolved oxygen Figure 14.5 Isolated fish farms are less likely to cause
concentrations in the water column, which has increased severe environmental effects than large concentrations
stress levels for the fish and increased their vulnerability of fish farms in enclosed water bodies. (Copyright: US
to disease outbreaks. The environmental changes in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.)
14.10 Cage cultivation: a lousy system?

14.10 Cage cultivation: a As in all intensive systems, cage-based aq uacultu re prac-

lousy system? tices elevate the risk of t he ra pi d sp read of d isease and
paras ites.
Intensive cultivation of any species is likely to encourage
the rapid spread of d isease or parasites . It is not surprising The loss of fish stock to sea lice infestation led to the
then that sea lice infestations are common in most coastal development of che mical treatments that would kill the sea
areas in which marine salmonid aquaculture occurs. Sea lice. However, these were limited to two m ain treatments:
lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis) are isopod parasites that feed dichlorvos (an organophosphorus derivative now banned
on the blood of marine fishes. In salmonids, a parasite load for use in the fish aquaculture industry) and hydrogen
of only 10 sea lice can lead to mortality of the fish as they peroxide. The frequent and widespread use of these com-
migrate to sea. As cage-farmed fish are held in high den- pounds led to reduced efficacy caused by resistance that
sity, the de nsity of sea lice within the vicin ity of the cages developed in the sea lice. In more recent times, there has
is also high. Concern has been raised that wild mi grating been a tendency to look to biological control methods. How-
salmon ids (salmon and sea trout) are more suscepti ble ever, the latter require intense research and initial a ttempts
to infestation as they pass close by salmon farms that are to use golds inny wrasse (Ctenolabrus rupestris) led to con-
found on their mi gration route. Th is potential for elevated cern about their escapability and potential to act as vectors
infestation rates has been linked by some to the decline in of disease. However, recent technological advances mean
w ild salmon id populations and h as the potential to affect that the cultivation of the larger ballan wrasse, which is less
other salmonid species (Bjorn et al. 2007) likely to escape from salmon nets, is now commercially fea-
sible (see Techn iques box) .

TECHNIQUES: Using cleaner-wrasse to concerned that the w rasse could spread di sease and
remove salmon lice parasites from one farm to another (Costello et al. 1994;
Sal mon farming is par ti cularly important in Northern Gibson & Sommervi lle 19 9 6 ) . A simple sol ution to the
Europe which supplies 5 3% of the w orld market at pres- wrasse esca pee problem is to use smaller meshes on
ent (FAO 2007). The majority of these fi sh are culti- the sal mon cage but t hese might impede w ater flow and
vated in cages located in coastal areas t hat are sheltered could also incur a greater biomass of fou ling biota on the
from adverse weather con ditions. Salmon are vulnerable net meshes.
to att ack by sea lice, wh ich reduces t he qual ity or even The solution might be to t urn attention to the use of
kill s the fish if the infestati on is heavy enough. Chemi cal a larger body-sized wrasse species, such as the ballan
treat ments to remove the sea lice are associated w it h wrasse (Labrus bergyfta ) . However, the development of
concerns regarding bi o-accumu latio n of th e chemicals a w il d-capture fishery for ballan w rasse would hardly be
in the final sal mon produ ct whi ch are then passed onto a sustainable solution to provi ding the cleaner-wrasse
humans although this is strictly monitored in some loca- need ed for the sal mon industry, hence a new programme
t ions. In add ition, th e excessive use of chemicals in some of research to develop the scientif ic knowledge to rear
local ities has led to the development of resistance that these fish on a commercially viable scale was required.
necessi tates the developm ent of new chemicals or the Below, aquacult ure specialist Anne Berit Skiftesvik, leads
use of increased doses of chemical treatment. This con- us through the technological and scient ific challenges that
stant battle to eradicate sea lice in sal mon farmin g is had to be overcom e to understand how to rear this fish
costly and potentially damaging to the immediate environ- on a commercial scale.
ment around th e fish farm due to bio-accumu lation and
What was the driver to focus on ballan
persiste nce of some chem icals such as dichlorvos.
wrasse and not some other species?
Intensive research effo rts have been made to exam-
ine th e uti lity of so-called 'cleaner-wrasse' and attent ion It was known from anecdotal accounts that the w rasses
t urned first to try and utilize t he gol dsinny (Ctenofabrus would pick lice off the sides of salmon. Therefore, early on
rup estris). However, the small body-size of these w rasse in the quest for the 'best' w rasse species to use, several
means that they could escape from conventional salmon species were tested and the ballan w rasse (a) proved
nets and possi bly act as a vector for any fish pathogens its elf an effect ive lice-pic ker. Further, ballan wrasse
ingested by the sea lice cons umed during the 'cleaning ' are large enough to be co-cult ured w ith large r salmon
process. As a result , co mmercial farm ers initially were (small er wrasse would be eaten by the salmon) and are
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

large enough so that a reasonable mesh size can be used

in sea cages (the mesh size must be matched to the size physical environmen t that they live in. To accomplish
of wrasse used to prevent their escape; however, small this for ballan w rasse, we undertook a series of projects
mesh sizes are not practical). Balian wrasse continue that aimed to characterize their spawni ng habitat and
to pick lice at lower temperatures than other species their spawning behaviour in the wild (using underwater
(which greatly extends the geographic range over which video came ras). The information gained in these projects
they can be used effectively, particularly northward). formed the basis for our first attempts to cul ture the
Balian wrasse are also more robust than other species. species.

For ballan wrasse, what turned out to be

When considering a new species for the major challenges to cultivating them
culture, what are the first things you need successfully and how did you solve them?
to understand?
The amount of space that ballan requi red for their
You need to know as much about thei r natural ecology spawning behaviour displays was difficult to assess
(and behaviour) as possible, particularly the ecology of and was at fi rst underestimated (i.e. size of th e tank
the reproductive adults and the early life-stages and the and; water depth). The number of males in the brood-
stock holding tank must be matc hed to the space
available so that males can establish territories. The
fish must be provided wi th structure in which they can
hide (e.g. macrophytes simulated using shredded black
plastic garbage bags) . Wild brood-stock had to be given
enough t ime to acclimate so that they were not stressed
in captivity or by the frequent appearance of humans.
Artificial spawning substrata must be provided (e.g.
pieces of carpet) over which the adults can play out their
spawning dance and onto which the eggs can settle and
adhere. These artificial substrata must then be removed
from the brood-stock tank and placed in egg incubators.
The eggs must be removed from the tank because: ( 1)
larvae (b) would be flushed out of the brood-stock
tank and cannot be cul tured in that environment and
(2) if the eggs are not removed from the brood-stock
tank, the males will invest energy to protect them and
will not continue spawning (c). There proved to be a
minimum temperature below which egg development
was poor. Larvae of the ballan wrasse were qui te fussy
and required live feed for a relatively long time compared
to other marine species and a specially-formulated diet
was required at weaning to obtai n good survival results.
Larvae did not perform well in terms of growth and
14.11 Breaking away from the coastal margin

survival, and reduce waste. Improving the culture tank

environment so that it is better-suited to the specific
req uirements of ballan w rasse larv ae and early juveniles
(e.g. flow, depth, structure, shelter). If ballan w rasse are
to be used with salmon, the nets on salmon farms must
be kept much cleaner of fouli ng organisms th an would
norm ally be required. This is because the ballan w rasse
will, nat urally, eat the food that is easiest to get. Cleaner
nets encourage them to eat more sea lice.

Do ballan wrasse provide an effective

solution to the salmon lice problem?
survival under the fluorescent lighting typically used in Balian w rasse can be very effective in keep ing sea lice
hatcheries. Better results were obtained when the larvae infestation under control (particularly egg-bearing female
were cultu red under natural light (i n a facility with a lice) th roughout the on-growing period-at a stocking
transparent roof) an d later using lamps with a spectral density of only 1 % that of the salmon. It is important to
output that is closer to natural sunlight (note that ballan emphasize here that w rasse are continuously eliminating
wrasse eggs (d) are deposited in shallow illumina ted lice, w hereas other t reat ments are short-lived and
w ater in the early summer). must be repeate d at regular interv als (which is much
Are there any other technical issues that more invasive and damaging to the salmon, and the
need to be overcome to make ballan environment). The lice can never develop resistance
wrasse a viable proposition? to this form of control (as they do to chemicals). Also,
w rasse can be used even if the salmon are ill or in poor
Reducing the duratio n of the period during which the condi tion (a situation that makes the use of chemicals
larvae require live feed woul d help to reduce the cost of impossible- that would result in mass mortality).
cultivation. Improving weaning success in the transit ion Nonetheless, w rasse must be viewed as one part of a
fro m live feed to formulated diet. Improving the nut ritional multi-pronged approach to controlli ng salmon lice (e.g.
quality, taste, and palatabili ty of the formulated diet some topical chemical treat ments; lice t raps; vaccination)
(specif ic to th is species), as this would increase g rowth, since t hey will never completely eradicate the parasite.

14.11 Breaking away from the To find out more about offshore fish farm cultivation visit
coastal margin http: / / spot l itel archive/spot_hawai i.
With the ever-increasing demands on the coastal margin,
the prospects for the expansion of suspended-cage culti- Recirculation systems present the most sophisticated
vation is finite. This has led to research into alternative level of current aquaculture rearing techniques. Enclosed
technologies for intensive marine fish cultivation. Two tank and raceway systems have been used to cultivate
developments are most noteworthy: the development of marine fish for a number of decades, but in the past they
offshore automated fish cages and the development of have been restricted to coastal locations by the neces-
recirculation systems. Automated fish-cage systems are sity to pump a sufficient through-put of se awater. This
a recent development in the last decade (Fig. 14. 6). The incurred costs, both from the pumping of water and, in
essential features of these systems are that the fish are some cases, the need to heat it when warm-water species
fed automatically, they can be lowered to the seabed such were cultivated in temperate areas. With the developme nt
that they are beyond the effects of wave action and cause of recirculation systems, the cultivation of marine species
less of a navigation hazard to shipping, and they can be is no longer tied to locations adjacen t to the coast (Fig.
resurfaced for repair, maintenance, and har vesting (Dahle 14.7). In addition, non-indigenous species can be culti-
1995) (Fig. 14. 6). vated as there is no risk of accidental introductions into
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

(a) unit area by reducing stress induced by disease and water

contamination. Recirculation systems are divorced from
, [~~:!::I-Automoted feed unit__, the environmental problems associated with cage and
pond cultivation, as the waste products can be collected
and disposed of in an appropriate manner and even used
as fertilizer. There is even the potential for diversification
An(hor ropes into areas such as hydroponics in which high-value plant
crops could be grown in conjunction with semi-recircula-
tion systems, such that they remove excess nitrogen and
Weight phosphorus products and yield a vegetable crop as a bonus
(Fig. 14.8) .
(al . - - (bl

Figure 14.7 Recirculation systems (a) can be constructed

on land far from the sea, as they require minimal inputs
of fresh seawater and can be maintai ned using artificially
made seawater, if necessary. Land-based systems have the
advantage that they can be enclosed, which gives greater
potential for e nvironmental control (b). (Photog rap hs: M. J.

Figure 14.6 (a) A schematic of an offshore fish cage

as currently in use in the North Atlantic and the Gulf of
Mexico. These 1 5 m deep nets are entirely automated and
sunk to the seabed to avoid the effects of extreme weather:
Apart from occasional servicing and reloading of t he feed
hopper, they are relatively low in terms of maintenance
needs. (b) Moi swim near t he surface inside an offshore
aq uac ulture cage, (photo: NOAA). (c) SeaStation 3000
with feeding tube approximately 13m below the s urface
offshore of Honolulu, Hawaii (photo: NOAA).
Figure 14.8 A fine crop of salad greens growing on
the local environment. Such systems also have greater the waste products of aquaculture. Hydroponics has the
biosecurity in circumstances when genetically modified advantage of using natural plant growth t o remove excess
organisms are cultivated. The highly controlled environ- nit ro gen and phosphorous from cultivation systems.
ment of recirculation systems increases productivity per (Photograph: Kevin Fitzsimmons, University of Arizona.)
14.12 Shrimp cultivation: the gold rush

Recircu lation systems mean that marine species can be In 1987, Taiwan was among the world's leading shrimp
cultivated almost anywhere. Any waste generated by producers with 115 000 tonnes of Penaeus monodon pro-
these systems can be remediated in biological fi ltration duced by small family-run intensive farms . However. a
systems and can also incorporate hydroponic cultivation. combination of environmental and disease factors crippled
the industry with a two-thirds decrease in production by
1988. Despite attempts to revive the industry by cultivat-
ing alternative Penaeus species, production was down to
14.12 Shrimp cultivation: the 25 000 tonnes by 1994 and many farmers turned their
gold rush attention to farming marine fish (Rosenberry 1994). The
main culprit was the excessive number of shrimp farms
Shrimp are a high-value crop that is prized throughout the that developed in the coastal margin. Farms were packed
world. The high by-catches (16 kg of by-catch for every 1 kg together so tightly that the effluent from one farm polluted
oflanded shrimp) associated with wild-capture shrimp fish- the intake water of the adjacent farm. As this process was
eries (Chapter 13) mean that their cultivation is an attractive repeated many times along the coastline. so the quality of
way of overcoming this adverse side-effect of the wild- the coastal water deteriorated and elevated the physiologi-
capture fishery. Once the technological difficulties in rear- cal stress for the cultivated shrimp. This in turn probably
ing shrimp had been overcome, shrimp culture increased made the shrimp more vulnerable to disease. which then
rapidly in Asia and Central America. Consequently, shrimp spread uncontrolled from one farm to the next. This col-
farming has become a multibillion US$ business world- lapse in the Taiwanese shrimp industry left a gap in the
wide. However, uncontrolled and unplanned expansion in world market that was quickly filled by production from
the early days of the industry resulted in widespread crop China. which rose at a rate of 80% per year and reached
failures due to disease and poor water quality (Fig. 14.9) . 199 000 tonnes in 1988. Again, a similar story unfolded
These chronic problems have arrested the further expan- and resulted in the spread of white-spot virus from China
sion of shrimp aquaculture . Disease is mostly responsible to other Asian countries causing mass mortality in a wide
for recent production declines. Nowadays. shrimp produc- range of shrimp species (Nakano et at. 1994) .
tion is seriously affected by rapidly spreading viral epidem-
ics across the Asian region . Of the 20 known types of virus The rapid and uncontrolled expansion of shrimp farm ing
that affect shrimp. the white-spot virus in Asia and Taura has resulted in severe disease problems. White-spot virus
Syndrome virus in the Americas are the most threatening. spread from China to the other Asian countries causing
mass mortalities of shrimp.
Wild-capture shrimp fisheries yield high-value catches
but generate large by-catches of non-commercial value Similar problems have occurred in the shrimp-culti-
and species of conservation importance (e.g. turtles, sea vation industry in the Western hemisphere. In Ecuador.
snakes). Shrimp cu lture elim inates the environmental extended drought elevated the salinity and nutrient lev-
effects of by-catch, but has led to its own environmental els in the Guayas River estuary, which supported a large
problems. number of shrimp farms. Vibrio spp. thrive in this type of

Figure 14.9 Deforestation along the

coastline of Java has occurred to give the
land over to the development of shrimp
cultivation ponds. This story is repeated
around the world and has often led to severe
environmental, water quality, and disease
problems. (Photograph: L. LeVay.)
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

environment and infected the shrimp held in the farms bor- development of shrimp farms has accounted for only 5%
dering the estuary. This infection causes shrimp to swim at of mangrove destruction to date, but on a localized scale
the surface of the ponds where they fall prey to seagulls. the impact of shrimp farming may be far more severe. For
The name of this syndrome is Gaviota, which is the Spanish example. the construction of ponds used for aquaculture
word for seagull. These outbreaks of disease were treated has destroyed 20% of the mangrove forests in areas of
with antibiotics or by encouraging the growth of harmless Ecuador (Phillips et at. 1993) .
bacteria that out-competed the harmful Vibrio spp . but had
mixed results. Fortunately. EI Nino rains lowered the salin- Although mangrove areas are natural habitats for many
ity in the affected estuaries and thereby diluted nutrient shrimp species, areas cleared of mangrove forest are far
concentrations and eliminated the disease in 1993 (Cham- from ideal for their cultivation. The removal of mangroves
berlain 1997) . In the future. marine organisms mayexperi- for shrimp cultivation also leads to coastal erosion and
ence a higher incidence of disease outbreak and pathogen the loss of critical ecosystem goods and services.
attack with increasing physiological stress induced by the
current rapidly changing global climate (Harvell et at. While most shrimp-producing countries now recog-
2002) . nize the ecological importance of mangroves. the high
revenues earned from shrimp cultivation are likely to
maintain the pressure for development of some areas of
14. 13 Shrimp farming and mangroves . Recent attempts to model the social and bio-
mangroves logical benefits of mangrove conservation indicated that
only 12% of the mangrove outside Thailand's mangrove
As we have seen in Chapter 10. mangroves act as nursery conservation areas should be given over to shrimp farming
areas for estuarine fishes and invertebrates, and provide and that 61 % of these mangroves should be maintained in
a feeding and breeding ground for birds and mammals. their natural state (Pongthanapanich 1996). Nowadays,
They also prevent coastal erosion by storm and wave the importance of mangrove forest for the sustainable
action, and prevent soil erosion. In the early years of the use of coastal areas is widely acknowledged . Hence new
shrimp-farming industry. areas occupied by mangroves shrimp-farm developments incorporate mangrove planta-
were considered ideal for development for shrimp farm- tions that naturally remove some of the excess nutrients
ing as they were considered to have little economic value . and organic matter produced by the cultivation process
As they were the natural habitat for many of the cultivated (Fig. 14.10).
shrimp species, they seemed to be the best location for
shrimp farms (Fegan 1996) . However, it turns out that Socio-economic and biological modelling indicates that
mangroves have acid sulphate soils with an acidity of pH only a small proportion of mangrove forests should be
3 to 4 when dried out, which creates unfavourable con- given over to shrimp cultivation.
ditions for shrimp cultivation. In a global context, the

(0) (bl

Figure 14.10 (a) Shrimp pond constructed in a deforested mangrove swamp. (b) The new approach to shrimp cultivation
that incorporates the development of mangrove forest in conjunction with shrimp ponds. (Photograph: L. LeVay.)
14.14 Cultivation of molluscs

14.14 Cultivation of molluscs d ement each year, but the mass mortalities occur just prior
to the cockles attaining the size at which they would recru it
Bivalve aquaculture is confined to intertidal and shallow to the fishery. Increasing seawater temperatures, sewage
subtidal areas. One of the biggest attractions of bivalve spe- discharge, agricult ural run-off, and weakened genetic
cies is that they require no inputs of food by the farmer, as stocks all have been blamed for the failures in this fishery.
they feed on phytoplankto n. In add ition, bivalves generally
require relatively little husbandry and hence are suitable Bivalves require relatively little husbandry and convert
for cultivation in areas of the world where the use of high primary production (phytoplankton) into protein. As a
technology is unfeasible at present. Despite the obvious result, the cultivation of bivalve molluscs is often highly
attractions of bivalves as a potential crop, as in other sec- sustainable.
tors of the aquaculture industry, environme ntal problems
have occurred due to over-exploitation of limited coastal The cult ivation of bivalves can help to redress the
resources (e.g. space) . Various environmental effects may adverse effects of other aquaculture activities . For example,
result from differe nt stages of the bivalve cultivation pro- the effl uents from fish farms are nutrient enriched, and can
cess: seed collection, seed nursery and on -growing, and lead to the development of toxic algal blooms . The filter-
harvesting (Table 14. 2). Bivalve fisheries are themselves feeding activities of bivalves re move algae and particulate
at threat from changing environmental conditions. Recent matter from the water column and hence reduce the like-
mass mortalities of important bivalve fisheries (such as lihood of bloom formation (Shpigel et al. 1993). Mussels
oysters in France) h ave occurred due to outbreaks of dis- are particularl y effective organ isms that remove excess par-
ease. In the UK, one of the econo mically most important ticulate-bound nutrients from eutrophic systems (Haamer
cockle fisheries, worth US$ millions per annum, h as expe- 1996), and have been used for the restoration of enclosed
rienced chronic mass mortalities for reasons that are as yet water masses that are heavily polluted (Russell et al. 1983).
unknown. This particular fishery undergoes good spat set- While these mussels are unfit for human consumption, they

Table 14.2 A summary of the environmental effects associated with different st ages of bi valve cu lt ivat ion,
adapted from Kaiser et al. (1 9 98). I

Seed collection

Ecol og ical effect s of harvesting wi ld seed (e.g. reduction of food for bird s, physical impacts on the seabed by fishing
gear, trampling across shores).
Alteration of habitats by use of spat settlement materials, such as crushed shells, gravel, or man-made products (known
as cultch).
Effluents from seed hatcheri es may conta in antibiotics and chemical poll utants.
Introductions of alien species with imported brood-stocks.
• • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • • • • • •• • •• • •• • • • •• • •• • •• • • •• • • • • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • • • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • •

The on-growing phase

Over-stocking leading to problems wi th carry ing capacity of enclosed systems, such as bays.
High density of int erti dal st ructures leadin g to poor w ater circulat ion and build-up of organic matter and reduced spec ies'
diversity in local benth ic community.
Spraying of chemicals on interti dal areas to remove 'pest species', such as burrowing shri mps.
Alteration of habitat by addition of gravel and other material to provide firm substratum on which to grow bivalves.
Exclusion of birds, fi sh, and crustaceans from feedi ng areas due to use of protect ive netting.
• • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • •• • •
Disturbance to w ading bird s.
Physical disturbance of subst rat um by mechanical harvesting devices.
By-catch morta lity of invertebrate species associated wi th bivalve cult ure sites.
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

represent a cost-effective and self-perpetuating means of While there is now wide concern regarding the intro-
maintaining water quality. Although these mussels may be duction ofalien or exotic species into different geographi-
unfit for human consumption in their primary condition, cal areas of the world through ships' ballast water, humans
it may be possible to consider harvesting them as fish feed have been deliberately moving bivalve species around the
provided that they contain no pathogens or compounds world for many years . For example. Asian Manila clams
that might be bio-accumulated up the food chain. (Tapes philippinarum) and Pacific oysters (Crassostrea
Suspended rope cultivation of bivalves generates some gigas) have been grown in Europe for at least the last thirty
similarenvironmental problems to suspended fish cage cul- years. The importation of adult and bivalve seed has been
tivation. The location ofmussel farms is critical if these envi- responsible for the introduction of a wide range of marine
ronmental effects are to be minimized. Mussels require a organisms that are alien to countries where formally they
good exchange ofwaterto replenish phytoplankton biomass did not occur (Reise et al. 1999) . These organisms can
to achieve adequate growth rates for commercial purposes. have severe ecological consequences and financial impli-
Flow is severely reduced toward the centre of a set of mus- cations for the aquaculture industry when they include
sel ropes. The reduced flow enhances sedimentation rates, competitors of bivalves, such as the slipper limpet (Crep-
hence faeces and pseudofaeces tend to accumulate beneath idulafornicata). bivalve predators. such as the American
the mussel ropes leading to organic enrichment of the sedi- whelk tingle (Urosalpinx cinerea), and diseases, such
ment. The degree to which this occurs is strongly related as Bonamia, which infects the blood cells of flat oysters
to the flow regime at the site of cultivation. Hartstein and Ostrea spp. Furthermore. in the case of both Manila clams
Rowden (2004) studied three contrasting sites ofsuspended and Pacific oysters. these species have become naturalized
mussel cultivation in New Zealand. They found that the site in many of the locations where they were introduced. In
with the highest mean flow regime had the lowest percent- particular, Pacific oysters have developed large reefs in
age organic content and that organic content was always France and The Netherlands where they have over-grown
higher directly within the mussel farm area compared to beds of native mussels that were formerly of high com-
the surrounding sediments (Box 14.4). mercial value (Fig . 14.11) .

Figure 14.11 A reef of the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas in the German Wadden Sea. Extensive beds of
these oysters are now forming in areas occupied by valuable mussel fisheries (Photo: Susanne Diederich/Alfred-Wegener
14.15 Ranching at sea

Bivalve cultivation has been linked to the introduction of a stock-enhanceme nt programmes wo rldwide. Reseeding
large number of alien species in certain countries, many of and stoc k-enhanceme nt programmes are more likely to
which have established self-sustaining populations. be financially viable if the species in ques tion have a high
fin ancial or resource value. Examples include red sea bream
(Pagrus major) and Japanese flounder (Paralichthys oliva-
ceus) in Japan, and Atlantic cod in Norway (Svanstad &
14.15 Ranching at sea Kris tiansen 1990 ; Watanabe & Nomura 1990). The rearing
environme nt does not expose hatchery fish to the natural
Technological advances in rearing techniques have con- variability of temperature and food availability that they
siderably incre ased the range, quality, and quantity of fish encounter in the wild. They are also protected from preda-
that can be cultivated, and has provided a new impetus for tors. As a result, hatchery-reared fish of an equivalent age to

Box 14.4: Environmental problems pared w ith surro und ing areas (outside) . At this site, the
associated with suspended rope opport unist ic dorvallid po lychaete Schistomeringos loveni
cultivation of mussels is numerically dom inant beneath the mussel ropes, co m-
Suspended rope cultivation of mussels is practised exten- pared to the species-rich surro und ing areas, whi ch are
sively in New Z ealand. As in other locali ties, the environ- dom inated by more bioturbating fauna such as Amp hiura
mental effects of cultivat ion are closely linked to physical s pp.. At the higher energy Blowh ole Point, the organic
parameters. In low-energy environments, such as Cath- content of th e sedi ment is far lower than at Cath eri ne
erine Cove, organic material accumu lates beneath the Cove, neverth eless signif icant subtle differences are sti ll
cultivation site, partly due to the reduct ion in w ater flow apparent in benthic co mmunity st ructure (adapted from
among the mussel ropes. Clear changes in the benthi c data in Hartste in & Rowde n 2004) .
co mmunity occur beneath the mussel ro pes (inside) com-

Catherine (ave - lowenergy


• lnside Blowhole Point - high energy


• Outside . I n ~i d e
] 30
c • Out~ide

~ 20

• ---.e


c "';::
... • ~ -"c
. - •••-- -

0 c



0 •a •••

• -" -
'5 0
~ -e ~ '0

- - -•• ...-
0 ~
c c c
e E • ••
c 0 a ~
< ~ ••
~ E


Table The environmental co nd it io ns at Catherine Cove and Blowhole Point upstream and
d ownstream of the cu lt ivat ion sit es.

Current (cm 5-') Percentage organic

Catherine Cove (low energy) 3 .4 1 Upstream 10.6 Insi de
3 .16 Dow nstream 5.4 Outside
• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• • •• • • •• • • •• •• • ••• •• •• •• • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • •• •• • •• •• •• •• • •• •• • •• •• • •• • •• •• • •• • •• • •• •• • •• • •• •
Blowhole Point (high e nergy) 10.2 Upstream 3.2 Insi de
9. 7 Dow nstream 2.9 Outside
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

wild fish are inferior in terms of their behaviour and physi- for release, contributed to the success of this programme.
ology. Recent research indicates that their chances of sur- Bivalves, such as scallops, need to be seeded at a density
vival are greatly increased if they are conditioned to natural that is sufficient to permit effective fertilization at spawn-
temperature regimes and food in advance of release. For ing. Not only must the density at which the animals are
example, the technique required to eat an artificial food released be considered, but also local hydrography, which
pellet will differ greatly from a natural prey item that will affects larval dispersal.
exhibit cryptic behaviour and escape responses (Brown &
Laland 2001) . Hatchery-reared fish that have never expe- Successful mass-release programmes require detailed
rienced a predator threat can be trained to avoid preda- knowledge about what constitutes a favourable environ-
tors more effectively. Brown and Laland (2001) describe ment for a particular species.
approaches for using wild 'trainer' fish that demonstrate
the appropriate behavioural responses to predator stimuli
in view of hatchery individuals.
14.16 A conservation role for
Fish reared for mass release into the wild need to be
'taught' how to behave in response to predators and
prey. Sturgeon (Acipenseridae) were originally harvested for
their eggs or caviar. Today they are also appreciated for the
Releasing many millions of small fish or shellfish into the quality of their flesh. However, the demand for caviar led
sea is, to an extent, an act of faith. How do we know that to overfishing of the wild populations and, in combination
the released individuals make any contribution to overall with the effects of pollution. many species are at low levels
catches? For sedentary taxa such as bivalves this is not so of spawning stock biomass. Recent advances in the aqua-
much of a problem, but for mobile taxa such as fish it is culture industry mean that sturgeons are now cultivated
necessary to tag them in some way so that future returns around the Caspian Sea and in North America. These fishes
can be ascertained. This is usually achieved by chemically can achieve phenomenal growth rates and some species
tagging the fish such that a chemical signature is incor- will achieve 3.8 kg in their first two years with a conversion
porated in the bony body parts, such as the otoliths. In ratio of 1.5 :1 or better. As improvements in aquaculture
Hawaii, hatchery-reared striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) techniques continue to develop there is great potential to
eventually accounted for 75% of the sampled fish popula- alleviate pressures ofover-fishing on the wild stocks ofstur-
tion in nursery areas. Thorough pilot studies that identified geon, although these continue to be threatened by changes
the optimum release-size of fish, the best sites and season in climate and environmental qualiry (Elahimanesh 2001) .

(oj (b) .....---~"""l"'"-

Figure 14.12 Sea horses are harvested and then sold dry for the traditional medicine trade in China (a). Conservation
of sea horses requires a combination of education regarding their vulnerability to exploitation, and the use of
aquaculture to replace a wi ld-capture industry (Photograph: Patrice Ceisel/Shedd Aquarium and Project Seahorse). Such
approaches have been used successfully to supply the aquarium trade with reef fishes such as clownfish (b).
14.16 A conservation role for aquaculture?
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Aq uaculture could alleviate fish ing pressure on wild depend upon syngnathids for their livelihood. Syngnathid
stocks of species of conservation importance, such as fishers are commonly so poor that they cannot stop catch-
sturgeons and sea horses. ing syngnathids unless they earn money in other ways.
One outcome of syngnathid culture in countries that do
Syngnathids (sea horses and pipefishes) are threatened not traditionally exploit them might be reduced prices for
by over-exploitation due to the demands of the Chinese syngnathids in source countries. This could force fishers to
medicine trade (Fig. 14.12) . These fishes have unique life- catch more syngnathids in order to meet their basic needs
history strategies that involve male incubation of the eggs or deflect them from one diminished resource to another,
in a brood pouch. They have a low reproductive output and creating new conservation problems. Aquaculture is likely
in some species they pair-bond for life. Hence these fishes to have the greatest conservation value when syngnathid
are highly vulnerable to sources of additional mortality. fishers become syngnathid farmers, thereby direetly reduc-
As a result, syngnathid aquaculture is seen as a potentially ing pressure on wild syngnathid populations. Once such a
lucrative commercial venture. which may aid the conser- shift in perspective is achieved, the value oflive syngnathids
vation of wild populations. Cultured syngnathids could in the wild as a supply of brood-stock will exceed their value
help to meet any future increases in global demand and as a dead product.
possibly alleviate the effects of overfishing. The extent to
which syngnathid culturing reduces the exploitation of To find out more about the biology and cultivation of
wild syngnathid populations will depend, in part, upon its syngnathids go to http:/ /
effects on subsistence fishing communities that currently

Chapter Summary
• Global aquaculture activities continue to increase in terms of their overall contribution to fish-
based sources of protein. Nevertheless, marine species are primarily carnivorous and are unlikely
to achieve levels of production seen in species that feed at lower trophic levels (e.g. carps and
• The cultivation of carnivorous species requires the manufacture of feeds from other sources of
protein. While much effort has been centred on replacing fish-based protein with plant-based pro-
tein , the former remain the primary component of fish feeds and create their own environmental
problems associated with industrial fisheries.
• The cultivation of marine algae and bivalve molluscs are among the most environmentally sustain-
able sectors of the cultivation industry as neither requ ire inputs of feeds. However; bivalve cultiva-
tion can exceed the carrying capacity of relatively enclosed marine systems (e.g. lagoons).
• Most cultivation sites are located in coastal areas where aquaculturists compete for space with
other stakeholders. Constraints on carrying capacity and space have necessitated the development
of automated offshore fish cages that remain on the seabed with minimal maintenance.
• Developments in modern recirculation systems mean that land-based cultivation of marine species
may become economically viable on a large scale within the next decade.
• Aquacu lture of genetically modified species has the potential to dilute the genetic integrity of wild
populations when cultivated fish escape holding nets. Sea lice infestations associated with salmonid
cultivation sites have been blamed for declines in wild fish that are infested as they pass cultivation
• The movement of cultivated species around the globe has led to introductions of 'exotic' pest
species, diseases, and parasites into new environments.
Chapter 14 Aquaculture

Further Reading
For a comprehensive overview of the environmental effects of aquaculture see Black (200 1) . Naylor et al .
(2000) highlight the add itional impacts of harvest ing fish to grow fish. Hilborn (1992, 19 9 9) provid es
an insight into the debate surrounding the use of hatcheries to supplement declining stocks of salmonids.
• Black, K. D. 200 1. Environmental Impacts of Aquaculture. Sheffield Academ ic Press, Sheffield.
• Hilborn, R. 1992. Hatcheries and the future of salmon in the Northwest. Fisheries 17 : 5-8.
• Hilborn, R. 1999. Confession of a reformed hatchery basher. Fisheries 24: 30-31 .
• Naylor, R. L, Goldbu rg, R. , Primavera, J., Kautsky, N., Beveridge, M. cn, Clay, J., Folke, C , Lubchenco,
J. , Mooney, H. A. , & Troell, M. 2000. Effect of aquaculture on world fish supply. Nature 405: 1017-24.
Disturbance, Pollution,
and Climate Change

Chapter Summary ence, it is necessary to understan d how marine co mmuni-

Human activiti es around the globe have been linked to a t ies respond to ecological d isturbance and env ironmental
diverse range of ecological changes in marine ecosystems. change. It is also imperat ive to app rec iate t he tem poral
Many of these activities involve exploitation of biological and sp at ial scale at w hich these processes are relevant
and mineral resources, while other forms of interference Asce rtaining w heth er ecological changes have occurred in
are linked to indust rial and agricultu ral disch arges into river response to d istu rbance or environ mental changes req uires
basins. Often, the changes in marine systems that result a rigorous approach to experimental design and monitoring
from th ese activit ies are catastroph ic, w hile others are sub- and a careful co nsideration of t he issue of sta tist ical power
t ler and only becom e apparent after many years. In order to to detect change.
assess the relative ecol ogical importance of human interfer-

15.1 Introduction estuaries and sheltered bays that provide safe a nchorages
and convenient access inland . In contrast to the vast tracts
Human activities are having an ever-increas ing influence of open oceanic waters, the coastal margins of the world's
on global marine ecosystems . While the debate continues land masses are the focus of intensive human activities.
a bout the causes and significance of present global warm-
ing, few would now deny that the world's climate is chang- Global climate is currently changing faster than at any
ing more dramatically than at any time in the last century, time in the last 100 years and has already caused dra-
a nd scientis ts have even debated the proxim ity of the next matic changes in polar ice cover.
ice age (King 2004 ; Weaver & Hillaire-MarceI2004). More
recently, attention h as turned to the effects of changing Human activities modify the marine environment, both
the acidity of the oceans through the increase in the par- through the removal of biomass and habitats and via the
tial pressure of CO 2 in the atmosphere (Caldeira & Wickett additio n of contaminants and physical structures. Marine
2005) . The prospect of life without calcium carbonate is dif- biological resources are heavily exploited for consumption
ficult to contemplate (b ivalves with no shells, mass failure and economic gain (Chapter 13), and habitats often altered
oflarval stages, spineless sea urchins). Although the subtle incidentally. Rivers convey terrestrially derived m aterial
effects of ch anges in weather patterns mi ght not cause load ed with sewage, agricultural, and industrial pollutants
immediate alarm, sign ificant events suc h as the break-up onto the continental shelf (Chapter 8) . Understanding the
of a large area of the Antarctic ice shelf in 1995 made global ecological responses to these human activities requires an
media headlines (Vaughan & Doake 1996). More recently, appreciation of both watershed and marine environmental
the reopening of the Arctic route from the Atlantic to the processes. Marine traffic, oil and gas extraction, and dredg-
Pacific further highlighted the decline in ice sheet cover. ing are all concentrated in shelf areas, although the price
With the exceptio n of desert and polar regions , coast al and demand for oil has pushed exploration further down the
areas are de nsely populated, particularly at the mouths of continental shelf slope. Further offs hore in the mid-ocean,
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

direct human influences are limited to oceanic crossing by Pickett and White (1985) defined disturbance as 'any dis-
marine vessels and fishing activities. The decreasing influ- crete event in time that disrupts ecosystem, community. or
ence ofhuman activity with distance from the coast is related population structure and changes resources. substratum
to the physical limitations imposed by the environment availability, or the physical environment'.
(wave height and depth) and the logistics of getting there.
Nevertheless, these activities are expanding further offshore Most human activities in the marine environment cause
as coastal resources are depleted and technological develop- some form of ecological disturbance. These occur against
ments enable exploitation of more extreme environments. a background of natural disturbances that occur at a vari-
ety of spatial and temporal scales.
Understanding the ecological consequences of human
activities in the coastal zone requires knowledge of land-
ocean interactions that include watershed and marine
environmental processes.
15.2.1 Sources of disturbance
Disturbances act at different scales and frequencies. Changes
in sea level. ocean temperature. and water circulation, mod-
Extreme environments offshore in deeper water are made
ify habitats and their associated fauna over large areas and
more accessible with technological advances that reduce
usually overlong timescales ( >20 years) . Natural phenom-
costs, increase profitability, and increase safety. Despite
ena such as cyclones and hurricanes have regional impacts
the latter; the more extreme the environment, the more
on a seasonal basis and affect a wide range of marine habi-
risk of adverse incidents with much larger ecological
tats to different extents (Hall 1994) . Periodic outbreaks of
ecosystem-engineering organisms. such as starfishes and sea
urchins, can lead to periods of prolonged habitat modifica-
In this chapter, the role ofhuman activities in causing eco- tion (Chapter 8). Rising ocean temperatures may facilitate
logical disturbance is considered. and their significance is the proliferation of non-indigenous species, which can alter
gauged against the scale and frequency of natural sources the existing community assemblage through the process of
of disturbance. To understand the ecological importance of competition for space and other resources. Human agents
human activities in the marine environment, we need to be of change vary from the direct effects of an oil spill, habitat
able to detect changes in measured ecological characteristics damage by bottom fishing on the seabed, eutrophication of
using appropriate observational or experimental techniques. sea basins. discharge of toxic substances. to trampling across
An understanding of the scale at which ecological processes the seashore. Whatever the source ofdisturbance. it is a fun-
operate should underpin the ultimate selection of metrics damental process that contributes to the maintenance of
chosen for study (e .g, diversity, abundance, biomass) . We diversity in all ecosystems.
discuss the relevance of a selection of measures and the
importance of appropriate experimental design. The wide Disturbance is one of the most important ecological
range of human impacts on the marine environment dictates processes in the maintenance of diversity by opening
that we are selective in our coverage. Issues surrounding up resources for colonization by opportunistic species.
aquaculture and fisheries were addressed in previous chap- However, excessive levels of disturbance lead to species
ters (Chapters 13 and 14) . poor communities.

15.2 Ecological role of 15.2.2 Scale of disturbance

disturbance There is an intimate link between the spatial and temporal
Earlier chapters have discussed the spatial and tempo- scale at which environmental change occurs. At the smallest
ral scale at which various small- and large-scale processes scales (J.1m). chemical reactions between sediment particles,
operate in the marine ecosystem (Chapters 1, 6, 7, and 8) . flocculation oforganic matter in the water column, viral. and
These dynamic processes affect ecological processes and the bacterial processes occur on a very short timescale. At the
structure of communities and habitats. such that they are next scale up. minute-by-minute disturbances occur as the
in a continuous process of change. These natural fluctua- result of the feeding activities of macrofauna in sedimentary
tions form the backdrop against which the relative impor- habitats and as a result of their movements upon or through
tance of human activities should be assessed. Almost any the sediment, creating burrows or furrows in their wake. At
human intervention in the marine environment, whether slightly larger scales, up to one metre, larger-scale bioturbat-
positive (e.g. habitat restoration) or negative (e.g. dumping ing processes become important (e.g. faecal mound forma-
of waste), leads to some measure of ecological disturbance. tion. burrow chamber excavation), and the feeding activities
15.2 Ecological role of disturbance

of megafauna such as birds, fishes. and crabs become impor- lar study in a Scottish sea loch. They hypothesized that the
tant agents of disturbance that occur every tidal cycle. Thus pit-digging activities ofa large predatory crab (Cancer pugu-
the seabed is a mosaic of patches in different stages ofalter- rus) would generate significant community changes in the
ation and recolortization (Grassle & Saunders 1973) . Each soft-sediment assemblage. Yet, despite a carefully designed
modification on its own is relatively small compared to the experiment. no ecological effects were apparent. They con-
total habitat resource; however. the summed total of these cluded that larger-scale natural disturbance processes. such
effects is such that they have a significant role in determining as wave disturbance, masked any subtle effects that pit dig-
the characteristics of that habitat (Fig. 15.1) . ging by crabs might generate.

Small-scale physical disturbances may seem relat ively Even t he additive effects of multip le small-scale dis-
insignificant when considered on their own, but their turbances may be masked by much larger-scale envi-
additive effects may influence w ider-scale community ro nmental disturbances, such as storm-induced wave
structure. perturbat ion. Thus the relative effects of biota on the
environment are context-dependent, such that a species
The additive effects of small-scale natural disturbances may have an important effect on the ecology of a com-
are well illustrated by the effects of the burrowing and munity on one location, but less of an effect in another
feeding activities of the soldier crab (Mictyris plarycheles) locat ion.
in southeastern Tasmania. As soldier crabs forage across
intertidal mudflats they create intensely disturbed areas of
sediment in discrete patches interspersed with undisturbed
15.2.3 Recovery rate
areas. These small-scale disturbances have the most pro-
found effect on the meiofaunal assemblage, such that nema- The scale of physical disturbances created by micro-, meio-,
todes, species' richness, species' diversity. and evenness were and macrofauna are relativelysmall and the recovery time of
significantly reduced in disturbed as opposed to undisturbed the habitat in response to those disturbances is rapid, occur-
areas. although total abundance was unaffected. Changes in ring within seconds to weeks (Table 15.1) . Recovery times
community structure were subtle and resulted from an over- in response to disturbance increase with scale. At smaller
all change in the balance of relative abundances of many scales ( < 1 rn), recolonization occurs through active move-
species. rather than from changes in a few dominant species ment and passive transport ofadults into the disturbed area.
(Warwick et al. 1990). Hall et al. (1993) undertook a simi- At larger scales of disturbance, typical patterns of recoloni-
zation occur. For example. physical disturbance of the sea-
bed by towed bottom fishing gear disrupts the surface of the
seabed and kills, damages, or digs out many of the infauna
and epifauna in the path of the trawl. The immediate post-
trawling effects are typified by a reduction in resident species
number and abundance (Kaiser et al. 2002) . However, this is
always accompanied by a short-term (2 to 3 days) influx of
scavenging species. which are attracted to the carrion gener-
ated in the disturbed area (Ramsay et al. 1997). Thereafter,
the recolonization rate is linked to the supply oflarvae to the
disturbed area and habitat stability. If disturbance involves
disruption of the habitat, a process of habitat restoration is
required before recolonization of the associated biota occurs
in full (Fig. 15.2) . For those habitats formed by living biota
with slow growth rates and irregular recruitment of larvae.
recovery times are measured in years or even decades (Collie
et al. 2000) .

Recolonizat ion after disturbance events follows a typ ical

Figure 1 5.1 The physical disturbance created by individual pattern, with short-term immigration of active and scav-
fauna, such as estuarine fiddler crabs, may be small in scale enging fauna, followed by longer-term (months t o years)
(em), but the additive effects of the disturbance created recolonization thro ugh larval recruitment. The scaveng-
by the entire popu lation within an estuary can lead to the ing fauna disperse within a few days after the biota killed
complete reworking of the surface of these sediments in by the disturbance have been consumed.
just one low tide (photograph: M.J. Kaiser).
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

Table 15.1 The relationship between the s pat ia l s ca le of a disturbance and the time taken for recovery to
occur. Recovery is defined as the point at which the biological co mmunity wit hin the disturbed area is no longer
significantl y different from that in other s imila r and proximate areas that were not the subject of the disturbance
(control areas).

Spatial scale Temporal scale Processes


~m milliseconds- seconds Chemical reactions, virus and bacterial driven processes

mm-crn secon ds-minutes Meiofaunal processes, macrofauna l sediment reworking, predation,
herbivory, faecal production
0 .1- 1 m rn inutes-days Bioturbation , diatom mat formati on, megafaunal disturbances (e.q.
feed ing pit excarvation) , precipitation of minerals (calcium carbon ate
1-1 0 0 m days-months Recolonization and redi stribution of small microbiota, biomass and
pop ulat ion fluctuations, sediment resuspension and settlement,
bedload transport, t idal scour, and currents
100-10 000 m months-years Hurricane and strong events, iceberg scouring, sub marine landslid e
events, seismic activity, recolonizat ion of large macrobiota
> 10 0 0 0 m years-decades Volcanic and seis mic activity, anoxic events, submarine landslides,
global warming, EI Nino events, coral bleaching, global warm ing,
reco lonizati on of large slow-growing macrobiota

Figure 15.2 The relationship between the rate at which
• Silty sand
0.6 sedimentary habitats recover (quantified as how quickly
\ • Mud
• Muddysand 0 standard pits dug into the sediment filled in (decrease in
• 0
depth of pit cm d- 1) ) and the rate of biological commun ity
• • 0
recovery (measured in terms of the rate at whi ch the

• •
difference between control and dug plots decreased
• 0 in terms of the total number of individual organ isms

- 0.1 inhabiting the sediment). Muddy sand treatments filled in
more slowly than any other treatment and consequently
-0.02 -0.015 -0.01 -0.005 o recolonization was much slow er.
Habitat recovery rate mm/day

15.2.4 Intermediate disturbance in low-energy environments, such as fjords. The fallout of

hypothesis uneaten food pellets and faeces that descend to the seabed
The responses of species' diversity and assemblage char- results in an organ ically enriched environment, which in
acteris tics to disturbance can be described by an impor- extre me cases is suitable only for the growth of bacteria
tant ecological paradigm: the intermediate disturbance or a few species of small opportunistic taxa (oligochaetes
hypothesis (Box 15.1 ). Rhoads (1974) and Pearson and and Capitella spp.) that are highly tolerant of low-oxygen
Rosenberg's (1978) models of the changes that occur in cond itions (Chapter 14). Such a commun ity has very low
macrofaunal commun ity structure along a gradient of dis- diversity. At increasing distances from the area beneath
turbance follow the principles of the intermediate distur- the cage, the loading of organic enrichment decreases, dis-
bance hypothesis (Fig. 15 .3). Their models of macrofaunal solved oxygen levels increase, and environmental stress is
community responses to physical disturbance and organic reduced , such that the opportun istic species are gradually
enrichment are amplysupported by direct observations. The replaced by larger body-sized biota, such as echinoderms
Pearson and Rosenberg (1978) model is well-illus trated by (sea urchins and brittlestars) and bivalves, many of which
the situation that occurs beneath suspended fish farm cages perform important ecological functions , such as mixing
15.2 Ecological role of disturbance

Box 15.1: Intermediate High i - - -r== = = : : : : ; - - - - - - - - i

disturbance hypothesis
Although not the first, Connell's ( 1978) appli- 3
cat ion of the intermediate disturbance hypoth-
esis (IDH) is perhaps the most quoted. He used
the IDH to explai n changes in species' diversity
under different scenarios of disturbance in two
habitats of high diversity: tropical rainforests
and coral reefs (figure). At low levels of dis-
t urbance, succession processes eventually lead Climax community
Grosslystressed community e.g. deepwater roral reef
to a climax com munity dominated by relatively
e.g. beneath site of cage cultivation of fish
few species of large biomass (3). When this Low
state is disturbed, e.g. by a tree fall in a rain- Frequent distu rbance - - - - - - - - - - - - Infrequent disturbance
forest or the damage of coral reef structures by Immediatelypail-distu rbance - - - - - - - - - Long cher 0 disturbance
a passing hurricane, space becomes available Intense distu rbance - - - - - - - - - - - - Minimal disnr rbcme
that permi ts colonization by opportunistic spe-
cies (2). The modified assemblage now has a
co mbinat ion of climax and opportunistic species, thereby bance increases, only a few opportunistic species persist
increasing diversity. As the severity or frequency of distur- resulti ng in an assem blage of low diversity (1).


Figure 15.3 The Pearson and Rosenberg

(1978) model of the response of seabed
50 rm communities to physical disturbance (a) and
BiOQ.enicsediments a gradient of gross pollution (b). Towards
(shells &
calcareous the left of the diagrams the benthic
communities experience the greatest
intensity of stress and the community is
(pebble, groyel) characterized by low diversity, and typically
is dominated by only oligochaete and
Small encrusting Shell encrusting Iuniene s Sponges Reefforming polychaete worms and mats of bacteria.
Bryozoa Bryozoa Gostropods Brittle stars Bryozoo In Figure (b) only the top few mm of the
Small biyolyes Mussels Erecl Bryozoa Iuniretes Echinoderms
Oysters Mussels Gostropods Crobs sediment are oxygenated at the left of the
Oysters Erecl Bryozoa Bisolses
Mussels Gastropods diagram. As stress decreases to the right of
Anemone Mussels
Oysters Anemone the diagram, so the body size and longevity
Oysters of the fauna increases (typified by large
Timesince disturbance burrowing bivalves and echinoderms). The

depth of oxygenated sediments gradually
increases with decreasing stress levels and
increasing bioturbatory activity. The same
gradient occurs in response to organic
enrichment usually along a gradient
of distance from the source of input.
Figure (a) is the response of epifaunal
communities to dredging, showing the
macrofaunal succession on the seafloor of
the Foveaux Strait, New Zealand (Cranfield
et al. 2004). (Figure (a) reproduced from
Journal of Sea Research, 2004, vol. 52,
Gross pollution Distonce Normol 109-126 with permission from Elsevier.)
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

sediments that enhance oxygenation and microbial produc- Measures of changes in body-size class describe the
tion (Fig. 15.3) . Exactly the same type of response would be relative abundance of small and large individuals in a
observed in response to sewage discharge or in areas with population. This is particularly important w hen trophic
high inputs of nutrients. status changes with increasing body size, e.g. th e tran-
sit ion from juveniles considered as prey, to adults that
The intermediate disturbance hypothesis describes the become predators.
response of community diversity across gradients of dis-
turbance. Highest diversity occurs at intermediate lev- In most cases. the effects of human activities are not spe-
els of disturbance that result in assemblages with both cies-specific and have variable effects on different compo-
opportunistic and climax species. nents ofan assemblageoforganisms. For example, release of
a contaminant from a point source of discharge (e.g. chemi-
cal discharges from an outfall pipe) is likely to have greater
cumulative effects on a range of sedentary fauna and less
15.3 Measuring the effects of severe effects on mobile fauna that are transient within the
human activities area affected by the discharge. In the case of direct physical
disturbance (e.g, by bottom trawling or aggregate dredging),
In order to study the effects of human interference on the certain fauna may be more vulnerable than other constitu-
ecology of marine communities and their components, we ents of the biological assemblage. The resultant community
need to be able to quantifyappropriate measures ormetrics changes are often subtle and might not be revealed by the
that respond in some way to the human activity of interest. examination of the response of individual species. In these
These metrics must be amenable to quantification in a reli- cases it is more usual to take multi-species samples that are
able and consistent manner. Processes that respond over
decadal timescales require long-termstrategies ofsampling 3
if these are to be quantified. The metrics to be measured Phytoplankton
2 f-
may be univariate responses of single factors. such as
change in abundance or species' richness; distributional 1 I- ~
techniques that measure the distribution of individuals or o
biomass among an assemblage oforganisms; or community
responses that measure the responses ofmore than one spe- ·1 I- "'\ -I'
cies, known as multivariate responses. ·2
15.3.1 Univariate measures 2 l-

1 I-
When investigating the response of a single species to an
,-Y; w
environmental gradient or disturbance treatment in an
experiment, it is typical to measure changes in abundance.
·1 I- ~ --;/'
biomass, or some other physiological. morphological, or , , ,
behavioural response. However, measuring the response of ·2
a single species takes no account of the effect that changes Kiniwoke clutch
in the abundance orbody-size class distribution of that spe- 2 l-
cies mighthave on communitystructure. This is particularly , f),."
1 l-
important when the trophic status of taxa changes through
their life history. This is typified by the relationship between o ~ t-;
cod (Godu.s morhua) and whiting (Merlangiu.s merlangus) . ·1 f-
:'-. -0.
Small cod are consumed by adult whiting, which in turn , ,
are eaten by adult cod. Single species that are the focus of 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
long-term studies tend to be those that are easily identified
and counted in situ (e.g, seabirds, pinnipeds, limpets, bar- Figure 15.4 Parallel long-term trends in phytoplankton
nacles). or show strong morphometric changes in response biomass, herring abundance, and kittiwake clutch-size
to a stress agent (e.g. development of male characteristics driven by patterns in weather in the North Sea. The y axis
in female whelks) . Often, such taxa are considered to be is a relative scale showing the degree of change around a
indicators of environmental change that may (or may not) mean value (0 :;:: no change from mean). (From Aebischer
be reflected in other parts ofthe ecosystem (Fig. 15.4) . et al. 1990.)
15.3 Measuring the effects of human activities

representative of the biological assemblage. Within each Diversity indices summarize counts of multiple species
sample, counts of multiple species can be collapsed into a within a sample in a single coefficient. Different indices
single coefficie nt, such as a diversity index. For example, are sensitive to either changes in rare or dominant spe-
some diversity indices give a measure of the extent to which a cies within the assemblage.
relatively small number of species account for a large propor-
tion of the total number or biomass of individual organisms
w ithin a sample (Box 15.2; see also Chapter 1).

Box 15.2: Univariate and distributional

community characteristics
Sample A B C
Abra olba 150 2 1
Acanthocardia echinata 5 1 3
Acteon tornatilis 1 1 1
Chamelea gallina 1 3 6
Corbulo gibba 1 1 4
Donax vittatus 55 5 2
Dosinia sp. 2 1 1
Ensis ensis 1 15 2
Fabulina fabula 2 350 1
Total number of species S 9 9 9
Total number of individuals N 218 379 21
Species' richness (Margale!) d = (5 - l ) f ln N 1.49 1.35 2.63
Pielou's evenness J r = H' f l og 5 0.4 0.18 0.9

This example shows th ree samples of a benthic assem- galef) or an index of evenness (Pielou) derived from the
blage with only the abundance of the bivalve taxa recorded. Shannon Wiene r diversity index (H') and the total number
The distribution of individuals within each of samples of species (S). Sample C has the highest species' richness
A, B, and C is very different. In samples A and B, Abra as the same numb er of species are distributed among a
alba and Fabulina fabula are numerically dominant, w hile smaller number of individuals. Accordingly, sample C also
in sample C the individuals are more evenly distributed has the highest index of evenness (measured on a scale
among the species. Below the community data are shown between 0 and 1). The same community data can be dis-
two univariate metrics of these samples, the total num- played graphically in a k-dominance plot, which shows the
ber of species and the total number of individuals. These cumulative percentage dominance of each species in the
metrics are then used to calculate a diversity index (Mar- assemblage ranked according to dominance.


.. A

• y8
. a 40

1 10
Species rank
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

While diversity indices are a useful tool for detecting The use ofdiversity indices can fail to detect large changes
major community changes that occur as a result of gross or differences in the composition of biological communities.
disturbance or along steep environmental gradients. they For example, two communities mayhave the same diversity
can be insensitive if the changes are manifested as spe- index even though their species' compositions are entirely
cies' replacements with similar levels of abundance. In different. Alternatively. the abundance ofone species might
addition. if diversity indices are to be used effectively, it is decrease while another increases by an equivalent amount
essential that the scale at which community diversity met- in response to environmental stress. These limitations have
rics are measured is appropriate for the scale at which an been overcome to an extent by the introduction ofnew mea-
agent of change may operate. A good example of this scale sures, such as taxonomic diversity and taxonomic distinct-
effect is the response of diversity metrics to bottom fishing ness (Somerfield et at. 1997) (Chapter 1). These indices
disturbance. Fishing gears disturb large areas of the sea- are more sensitive to environmental and other disturbance
bed. Even so, highly abundant small-body-sized animals gradients than traditional measures (Fig. 15.6). However, in
(e.g, polychaete worms) are relatively resilient to physi- order to calculate taxonomic distinctness it is necessary to
cal disturbance, while less common larger fauna. such as have a detailed knowledge of the taxonomy of most of the
burrowing sea urchins and bivalves, are highly vuloerable components of the assemblage. a feature that is lacking or
to disturbance. Typically, marine ecologists collect many variable for many areas of the world.
small samples of the seabed to try and improve the chance Policy makers and environmental managers are par-
of detecting responses to environmental change (15.3.5) . ticularly interested in 'indicators' of change. Typically they
However, Kaiser (2003) found that it was not possible to dislike the complexity of natural systems and would pre-
detect the effects of fishing on community diversity when fer a single metric or group of metrics that convey simply
small-scale (0.1 m-) samples were collected. Only when whether the state of the environment is 'good'. 'bad', or 'the
larger-scale samples were considered. which sampled more same'. However, in reality. there is such complexity behind
effectively the less common and more vulnerable species, any of these metrics that they are prone to misinterpreta-
did the effects of fishing on diversity emerge (Fig. 15.5) . tion. As with diversity indices. indicators such as the mean
This example underlines how sampling at the wrong scale trophic index (MTl) that indicates the mean trophic status
can lead to erroneous conclusions about changes in com- of the fish community in the sea, does not tell you why a
munity diversity! particular change might have occurred or whether it is
driven by natural environmental fluctuations or induced by
While collecting many small samples may increase statis- human activities (see Chapter 4 for more on trophic level) .
tical power, fewer larger samples reveal changes in rare See Borja et at. (2000) and Borja & Dauer (2008) for a fur-
species more effectively. ther discussion of the application of a range of different
indicators used to assess system status.

Figure 15.5 The size of sample units collected (note: do not confuse with the number of samples collected) is critically
important if rare species are those most vulnerable to a particular form of disturbance, such as bottom fishing (a). If
the size of samples collected is too small (A), then species' richness will not be sampled with sufficient power to detect
the effects of the disturbance. This is illustrated in an example of a study of the effects of sample size on the ability
to detect the effects of fishing on benthic diversity (b). As the size of the samples collected increases (A, B, and C),
the effects of fishing on species' richness (means + 2 SE) suddenly become apparent as indicated by the significant
differences (denoted by 0) between fished and unfished areas.
15.3 Measuring the effects of human activities

New diversity indi ces, such as taxonomic distinctness, are

sensitive to changes in abundance or biomass of particu-
lar species and have overcome some of the insensit ivity
of other ind ices.

15.3.2 Distributional measures

These techniques summarize a set of species counts from a
single sample as a curve or histogram. For example. k-dom- ••
inance curves rank species in decreasing order of abun-
dance, the steeper the initial part of the curve the greater 4.0
the contribution of one or a few species to the overall
abundance (Box 15.2) . Counts of each taxon are converted
to percentage abundance relative to the total number of
. ..,..-
•:. ......
•• • ••
H' 3.0
individuals in the sample. The cumulative percentages are
then plotted against species rank (Lambshead et al. 1983).
A similar plot can be generated for biomass and superim-
posed on the abundance plot to give ABC (abundance-bio-
mass-comparison) curves as defined by Warwick (1986) .
In a relatively pristine or low-energy environment, a
community typically will be dominated by large-bodied 100 1000 10000
individuals (e.g. sponges, soft corals, large fishes) and Distance [m)
the biomass curve would lie above the abundance curve Figure 15.6 The example shown is calculated from
(relatively few individuals contribute to a relatively high species ' abundance data for an oilfield in the North Sea.
proportion of the biomass, giving a steep biomass curve) . Various diversity indices were calculated and plotted
At increasing levels ofenvironmental or physical stress, the against distance from the centre of the oilfield to a
large body-sized biota are replaced by high abundances of distance of 10 km. Taxonomic distinctness (~*) was
very small biota (many individuals contribute a relatively found to be the most sensitive univariate measure of
small proportion of the total biomass but a relatively high community structure, increasing linearly as samples were
proportion of total abundance, giving a steep abundance collected further away from the centre of hydrocarbon
curve) and the biomass and abundance curves eventually contamination while the Shannon-Wiener diversity index
cross over such that the abundance curve lies above the (H') was insensitive beyond 100m from the centre of the
biomass curve. oilfield (Somerfield et al. 1997).
Another distributional technique that is useful in the con-
text of exploited systems is to examine the distribution of
different body-size classes of organisms in the community. Dist ributional techniques, such as ABC curves, provide a
Typically large body-sized organisms are those that are long- useful insight int o changes in biomass distribution rela-
lived or slow growing and therefore the most vulnerable to tive to the abundance of biota in response to distur-
over-exploitation or disturbance from anthropogenic activi- bance.
ties. Thus under a regime of over-exploitation or excess dis-
turbance, the proportion oflarge body-sized individuals will
be expected to diminish, while smaller body-sized classes 15.3.3 Multivariate techniques
will become more prevalent. If the number oforganisms are
allocated to Log base 2 size-classes, it is possible to estimate These techniques compare two or more samples based on
the slope of this relationship. The steeper and more nega- the extent to which these samples contain the same or dif-
tive the slope, the lower the proportion of big 'things' in the ferent species at varying levels of abundance. Multivariate
community, which indicates potential over-exploitation or analytical techniques incorporate both species' identity
a condition of elevated disturbance (Rice & Gislason 1998). and abundance or biomass. A comparison between pairs
While this rule holds quite well for highly structured marine of samples will yield a similarity coefficient that indicates
systems, it requires a greater input of taxonomic identity to the degree (percentage) of similarity between each pair of
interpret the results for terrestrial systems (Petchey & Bel- samples. When there are more than two pairs of samples,
grana 2010) . pairwise comparisons are made between each possible
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

combination of samples. The resulting similarity coeffi- 15.3.4 Detecting change

cients are used as the basis to classify or cluster mutually
similar groups of samples. This can be taken on a further As marine ecologists, we are interested in detecting eco-
stage to yield an ordination plot (Fig . 15.7), which maps logical changes in response to human activities in the
the samples in either two or three dimensions, such that the marine environment. This might be the change in biomass
distances between pairs ofsamples reflect their relative dis- of plankton or fish abundance over several decades, or
shnilarity ofspecies composition (Clarke & Warwick 1994). might be the change in community characteristics in areas
In a similar manner, the same samples can be analysed in where aggregate extraction occurs. To stand any chance of
terms of their environmental characteristics (depth, salin- success we need to ask the correct question at the outset.
ity, bottom current speed, etc.) and another ordination plot This is a problem that besets many of the long-term data
generated. The similarity matrices on which the species and sets that continue to be maintained today. While they are
environmental data plots are generated can then be com- an invaluable source of data, many were never designed
pared to investigate the extent to which environmental to answer some of today's ecological challenges. Long-
similarities among samples reflect patterns in community term data sets often track environmental factors, such as
data (Fig. 15.7) . These analyses are complex but have been seawater temperature, which is reflected in the response
made accessible to non-specialists through the develop- of ecological metrics such as phytoplankton biomass (Fig.
ment of sofrware packages such as PRIMER (Plymouth 15.4) . However, many other variables are also correlated
Routines in Multivariate Ecological Research) . to these fluctuations and may be either synchronous or out
of phase. Long-term ecological changes are strongly driven
Mult ivariate techniques, such as multi-dimensional scal- by environmental fluctuations and it is difficult to disen-
ing ordinat ion (MDS), can be used to visualize the lit- tangle the relative importance of the influence of multi-
eral similarity between multiple samples in relation to ple environmental factors . For example, to ascertain the
experimental manipulations or environmental gradients. non-lethal effects of chemical contaminants on fish larval
The closer together two sample points appear in the survival, it would be desirable to conduct a series of con-
ordination plot, the more similar their assemblage com- trolled laboratory experhnents that manipulated only this
posit ion; the further apart they appear in the plot, the variable while environmental conditions were held con-
more dissimilar their const ituents. stant. Adding additional variables into the experimental
design is possible but much more demanding on resources.
Similarly, the ecological consequences of activities such as
Stress, 0.13 dumping of waste, channel dredging, aggregate extrac-
wN tion, and bottom fishing require an experimental approach
aT o
T wN o to determine the degree of change attributed to these
a T o wN RWB
o activities and the rate at which restoration of community
RWB o 0 RWB attributes occurs (if at all) .

~; Long-term data sets are an invaluable tool to elucidate

long-term trends and responses in biol ogical metrics.
However, many of these data sets are unable to answer
iIY conclusively some of today's pressing environmental
questions due to t hei r original design and sampling
limitations (see Green 198 9).

Figure 15.7 An MDS ordination plot of fish and benthic communities sampled from sandbanks in the Irish Sea using
a bottom fishing trawl. Each point represents one standardized trawl samp le and t he codes relate to locations around
the coast of Wales. Interpretation of the plot is quite simple. The closer together the samples appear in the plot, the
greater the degree of similarity between them in terms of species' compos ition and abundance. Not surprisingly, the
samples collected from the same location tend to be more similar to each other than samples collected from elsewhere.
In addition, a key environmental parameter (carbonate content of the sediment) can be overlaid on the plot. This shows
that locat ions shown above the solid line of the plot have a relatively low carbonate content (small bubbles), whi le those
below the line have a relatively high carbonate content (large bubbles) (from Kaiser et al. 2004).
15.3 Measuring the effects of human activities

Long-term data sets of fish abundance were set up spe- Vulnerable species could become extinct many years
cifically to measure fluctuations in spawning stock biomass before we realize their demise if survey design is inad-
(Ch apter 13) and provide key guidance when setting con- equate to detect declines in their populations.
servation priorities for fish populations. However, as fish
become less abundant with over-exploitation, it becomes
more difficult to sample the population with accuracy (i.e,
15.3.5 The experimental approach
there simply are not enough fish to sample, or they are too
elusive). Knowledge of the statistical power of surveys to The ab ility to design and interpret appropriately designed
detect trends is essential, since the consequences of not expe riments is one of the fundamental tools of the ecolo-
detecting a real trend can be profound (see Peterman 1990) gist. The re are a number of crucial steps that must be con-
(Techniques box). In ot her words, a population m ay be sidered to avoid comm on pitfalls made by both students
heading for extinction but we might not detect this critical and professionals alike. First, what is the question you are
decline because the survey design does not have sufficient trying to answer? Let us say we are interested in knowing
statis tical power. This situation is particularly acute for spe- the effects of bivalve shellfis h harvesting on the associated
cies that are highly vulnerable to fishing effects or that are benthic fauna in a sandflat habitat. So the question is 'What
uncommon w ithin an assemblage under normal circum- changes does shellfis h h arvesting cause in the associated
stances . Maxwell and J ennings (2005), examined these benthic community?', or to put it as a null hypothesis 'Shell-
effects for Nort h Sea fish survey data and found that the fish harvesting causes no ch ange in associated benthic com-
power of the survey to detect abundance decreases on tim- munity structure '. Thus we h ave identified that we need to
escales of < 10 years was low. Hence, there is a real danger manipulate a benthic assemblage containing an appropri-
that some species could become extinct many years before ate target species (e .g. clams, cockles, mussels) by subject-
we become aware of their demise. ing it to a typical harvesting methodology (e.g. hand raking,

Techniques: The importance of which may decide whether fisheries managers decide to
statistical power close, or permi t harvesting, and possibly whether the fish-
Statistical power is not about flexi ng your analytical prow- ermen cont inue to make a living or not. When no effect of
ess. Every experimental study has some level of error, the fishery is reported, it is important to exami ne whether
whether from deficien cies in sampling or due to natural the statistical power of the experimen t was sufficient to
variability. Statistical tests are associated with a probabil- detect the effects of interest (see Hall et al. 1993 for an
ity value, which is often set at 0.05. What this means is elegant example). This underlines the value of prelim.
that there is a 1 in 20 chance that the result obtai ned inary sampling that can be used to calculate the amount
occurred by chance alone. Hence, there is always a dan- of replication required to detect a certain level of effect
ger tha t our apparently significant effect is in fact false (e.g. a 10% change in abundance of a particular spe-
and occurred by pure chance. This is known as a Type I cies or community metric) before the main experimental
error. This is particularly likely to occur when undertaking manipulation is performed. Such an approach was used
multiple pairwise tests, the more tests that we perform the by Stewart et al. (2010) to hig hlig ht the level of repli-
greater the chance of getting an erroneous result by pure cation required to detect the outcome of implementing
chance (e.g. testing for differences in each environmental marine reserves in temperate systems. They found that
parameter measured at each of two sites). The chance of to detect large effects with statistical rigour would neces-
making a Type I error is reduced by correcti ng or loweri ng sitate over 30 repli cate reserves. Such an experiment
the level at which significance is deemed to have been is now possible given the increasing number of marine
achieved (e.g. from 0.05 to 0.0 1). reserves implemented across t he world. When read-
When significant differences occur between two treat- ing scientific papers that report non-significant results,
ments, but we fail to find this difference, a Type II error always exami ne the error bars surrou nding the mean or
has occurred. Non-significant outcomes are equally as median values that are reported. If these are large com-
important and just as informative as significant effects. pared to the mean or median (i.e. they have a high error
Consider the example of the study of the effects of a : mean ratio) then treat their declared 'non-signif icance'
shellfish fishery on benthic communities, the outcome of with caution.
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

(0) IbJ
Treatment plot 0 0
o o 0 0
o 00 0
o o
o o 0 0 0
o o 0
a (ontrol plot 0
o 0 0
o 0 0 0
o 0
o 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0
0 000


Pseudo-replication Replitation

Figure 15.8 (a) The wrong way to do it! One treatment plot and one control plot each sampled eight t imes. The eight
samples are not replicates of the treatment, they are simple multiple samples of a plot. Multiple samples are taken to
ensure that a representative selection of the biological assemblage is sampled at the correct spatial scale. (b) The right
way to do it! Multiple rep licated treatment and control plots. Each plot is a replicate in an investigation to determine, for
example, the effects of shellfish harvesting on benthic biota (c). Photograph © Gen Broad.

suction dredging) . This is the experimental treatment. The accounted for by using a Latin squares approach that rep-
manipulated treatment will need to be compared with a licates the control and treatment plots across the environ-
control that is not subjected to the treatment. mental gradient. However, time and budget constraints
Good experimental design is dependent upon asking the do not always permit the luxury of preliminary sampling,
correct question at the outset. hence it is important to build additional treatment and
An appropriate site needs to be selected, ideally this control replicates into the design to ensure that any anom-
should be relatively uniform in nature, with no obvious alous replicates do notjeopardize the validity of the experi-
additional sources of variation (e.g. riverine discharge at ment. It is much better to sample an excessive number of
one end) or these will need to be taken into account in the replicates, as it may not be possible to return and collect
eventual experimental design. The chosen site will also additional samples at a later stage once the experimental
have a representative fauna, as clearly there is no point manipulation has been completed.
investigating the effects ofshellfish harvesting at a site with
no shellfish. The treatment (the act of harvesting) needs Preliminary sampling often identifies environmental or
to replicate as closely as possible the intensity and scale of biological gradients or anomalies that may compl icate
activity that is normally conducted (Fig. IS.B), otherwise later analysis, and enables the calculation of the sam-
there is a danger that the results will be open to the accusa- pling effort necessary to detect a given level of change
tion that they are not truly representative of the real activi- in a variable. Often, the luxury of prel iminary sampling
ties they purport to represent. Other factors to consider is not possible, hence the potential pitfall of collecting
might be the seasonality, intensity, and frequency of the too few samp les needs to be acknowledged in the sam-
normal harvesting activities. pling design. It is better to collect too many samples
than too few.
If an experiment is designed to answer questions about
the effects of a particular human activity, it is important
that the scale and techn iques used to create the treat-
ment effect are representative of the activity of interest.
15.3.6 Pitfalls to avoid
This brings us on to a classic pitfall: the difference between
Having identified a likely site for the experiment it is a sample and a replicate. In Fig. 15.8a, a treatment and con-
important to ensure that there are no strong biological trol plot are shown. Eight samples have been collected from
gradients by taking preliminary samples in a random grid each plot, from which it is possible to calculate means and
pattern across the proposed study site. A strong biologi- errors and to generate statistical tests for significant differ-
cal gradient (i.e. much higher densities of shellfish at one ences between the two plots in measured variables (abun-
end of the site) will complicate the process of ascertaining dance, biomass) . But this tells us nothing about the effects
the effects of the shellfish harvesting treatment but can be of shellfishing on the benthos. It can only tell us whether
15.4 Agents of change

one plot is different (or not) compared with the other. The factors that might also lead to changes in community struc-
samples within the treatment and control plots are not rep- ture. For example. if four control plots were studied, three
licates. The common pitfall is to treat the samples within might exhibit similar changes over time while one of these
the plots as if they were replicates of the treatment and might experience a chance settlement oflarvae ofa particu-
control. This is known as pseudo-replication. A properly lar species that did not occur at the other sites. This design
replicated design is shown in Fig. 15.8b. Clearly more sam- tells us that we can be more confident that the difference
pling effort is used, but the treatment and control plots are between the treatment and control sites that we studied are
replicated (2 treatments x 3 replicate plots x 8 samples) . 50 real effects and not attributed to a chance occurrence.
what can one do if time and budget dictate that this is too
many samples? It is important to preserve or increase rep-
lication at the level that addresses best the initial question. 15.4 Agents of change
In this example, if we had to reduce our sampling effort by
half, it would be better to take only 4 samples from each of
15.4.1 Riverine input and land use
3 control and 3 treatment plots rather than taking 6 samples The composition and quantity ofriverine discharge into the
from each of 2 control and 2 treatment plots. The greater shelf seas will affect h abitat composition and biology in the
the level of replication. the greater the statistical power immediate area of discharge. Globally, this is an important
to detect differences among treatments (Techniques box) . process given that 70%of the sediment input to the sea is
What can we do if it is not feasible to replicate the treat- from riverine sources. although this varies from region to
ment? Abandon the experiment is one alternative. but not region (Milliman 1991) (see also Chapter 8) . Dam con-
very helpful if a scientific study is required for policy advice. struction, fluvial management regimes, and the effects of
Typically, such an example might occur if the cost of creat- changing patterns in precipitation linked to global climate
ing the treatment is prohibitive. as in the study of the eco- change will all affect the rate and quantity of riverine inputs
logical effects ofaggregate extraction undertaken by Kenny in the marine environment. The amount of sediment dis-
and Rees (1996) . Using ships to generate experiments can charged is related to drainage basin size; the surface area of
be very expensive, typically U5$30 000 per day (or more), a small drainage basin provides lower storage capacity for
and clearly places a constraint on what can be achieved on sediment than a larger basin. Thus smaller rivers discharge
a fixed budget. Kenny and Rees (1996) overcame this prob- a proportionately greater load ofsediment per unit ofwater
lem by using a Before After Control Impact (BACI) design, discharged than much larger systems.
in which both a designated control and treatment plot are
studied priorto any experimental disturbance (Underwood Some 70tyo of sediment input into the sea is derived
1991). Once the similarity of these plots was confirmed, from rivers, hence changes in land-use and rainfall are
the experiment proceeded. The design is still pseudorep- li kely to have a significant impact on marine communities
licated (there is only one treatment and one control plot) in coastal regions.
but we have more confidence that the difference detected
immediately after aggregate extraction is indeed attrib- Some of the world's largest rivers are located in South
uted to the effects associated with dredging (as opposed America where they are known to play an important role
to some other random factor) . However, an examination in structuring the topography and sedimentary conditions
of this study reveals the weakness of such designs as the of the adjacent seabed (Amazon and Papuan continental
authors were unable to account for changes recorded some shelves) . Close to the river mouth the water column is
24 months later and were only able to speculate that these heavily laden with sediment and results in a distinct layer-
were site-specific changes caused by local physical forcing ing of sediment reflecting discrete periods of deposition of
due to wave action (Kenny & Rees 1996). riverine sediment and erosion of the seabed. Consequently
the fauna is highly impoverished in this environment and
In some cases, a Before, After, Control, Impact experimen- tends to be dominated by bacteria (Rhoads et al. 1985).
tal design is the only viable option, but such a design Field studies demonstrate that the body size, abundance,
has far weaker powers of inference than a fully replicated and depth distribution of benthic fauna are at their lowest
experiment w ith equal numbers of control and treatment across the continental shelf coincident with peaks of riv-
replicates. erine discharge and maximum trade-wind stress. During
periods of low riverine discharge and minimal wind stress.
BACI designs are appropriate for the examination of macrofauna abundance was highest and bacterial biomass
short-term responses to human interference. but are highly increased bya factor of two (Aller & 5tupakoff 1996).
unsatisfactory for detection of long-term effects. This basic The quality a nd quantity of sediment transported by
design could be improved by introducing multiple replicate river systems is affected by the land-use practices that occur
control plots th at can be studied for the effects of random in the river catchment. Deforestation and other agricultural
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

practices have led to substantial soil erosion, such that it

is estimated to be 3.7 times greater than 2500 years ago,
prior to the period when forests were cleared for agricul-
tural purposes. Widespread cultivation ofland in northern
China is considered to have caused the tenfold increase in
sediment discharge from the Yellow River. The increasing
demand for greater areas of agricultural land to support
subsistence farming in developing countries seems likely to
increase the sediment discharge from regionally important
rivers (Hall 2002) .

Deforestation for agricultural purposes has been associ-

ated w ith a 3.7 times increase in soil erosion.

15.4.2 Eutrophication
High nutrient loads in river discharge are associated with
phytoplankton blooms that generate mainly diatomaceous
phytodetritus. This material descends to the seabed where
it fuels high rates of microbial respiration and depletion
of oxygen (a n oxia) at the sediment-water interface (Fig.
15.9) . Such events tend to coincide with periods of calm
weather when inshore waters undergo stratification. The
Baltic Sea, the Adriatic, and the Gulf of Mexico are well-
documented examples oflocations where such events occur
on a regular basis (Turner & Rabalais 1994; Chapter 8) .
Systems that are particularly susceptible to eutrophication Figure 15.9 Although this looks like the aftermath of
would include those with restricted tidal inundation. poor an oil pollution incident washing ashore, it is in fact the
water exchange or tho se susceptible to stratification. Typi- product of a phytoplankton bloom die-off off the coast of
cally such systems include fjordic areas, enclosed bays. and Cape Cod (NE United States), lovingly known as'munge'
areas with relatively deep water. by local people (the word 'rn unge' or 'rn unq' means to
mash into a mess). The genus responsible for the bloom is
High nutrient inputs into enclosed bays and other areas probably Phaeocystis. (Photograph: D. A. Kaiser.)
prone to water-column stratification have been associ-
ated with eutrophication of coastal waters. flow into the Mississippi would appear to be diffuse and can
originate as much as 1000 Ian upstream. thus it is almost
While periodic anoxic events occur naturally. their impossible to pinpoint a single major source of contamina-
extent and severity appears to be related to human influ- tion. Arresting the activities of an entire industry will take
ences. Nitrogen loading doubled in the River Mississippi considerable scientific proof that requires the elimination
berween the WOOs and 1980s, and it is thought that the ofother possible causative agents (e .g. climate change) . For
increasing scale of anoxic events in the Gulf of Mexico is example, hydrocarbon fuel consumption appears to be the
linked to eutrophication (Turne r & Rabalais 1994; Box primary source of atmospheric inputs of nitrogen. which
15.3) . Evidence for this hypothesis arises from srudies of have increased by 50 to 200% over the last 50 years (Paerl
stable isotope signatures and organic tracers in sediment 1995).
cores, which indicate that nutrient levels started to increase
in the 1950s and finally levelled offin the 1980s, coinciding Sources of nitrogen input into river systems are diffuse
with a threefold increase in the use of chemical fertilizers and may occur many hundreds of kilometres from the
by the agriculrure industry in the latter half of the rwentieth sea, but evidence suggests that agricultural run-off is
century (Eadie et al, 1994) . The sources of nitrogen that the primary culprit.
15.4 Agents of change

Box 15.3: Anoxic events in the Gulf of

Mexico afalaya Rivers. In the last decade, the extent of bottom
water hypoxia ( 16 000 to 18 000 km') has been greater
Weather condi tio ns, large-scale physical oceanographic than twice the surface area of the Chesapeake Bay, rival-
processes, biological productivity, the amount of nutri- ling extensive hypoxic/anoxic regions of the Baltic and
ent discharge, and other factors affect oxygen depletio n Black Seas. Depending upon environmental condi tio ns,
in coastal waters. The largest zone of oxygen-depleted hypoxia occurs from late February to early Octobe r, but
waters in the entire western Atlantic Ocean, occurs in is most widespread, persistent, and severe in June, July,
the northern Gulf of Mexico on the Louisiana continental and August. See also Justic et al. (2005).
shelf adjacent to the outflows of the Mississippi and Atch-

RoDom Dissolved Oxygen Contours

SEAMAP Summer Groundfish Survey
June 14-July 16, 2006 NOAA Ihip Oregon II

Dissolved Oxygen
• 0.00-0.10
. 0.11-1.00
• 1.01 -1.10
• 1.11 -2.00
2.01 -2.10
2.11 -3.00
o 3.01 -3.10
o 3.11 -4.00
o 4.01 -4.10
4.11 -1.00
Gulf of Mexi(o • 1.01 -1.10
• 1.11 -6.00
• 6.01 -6.10
• 6.11 -7.00
• 7.01 -7.10
• 7.11 -8.00

Bottom dissolved oxygen concentration as measured by NOAA in mid July 2006. To put this into
context, the extent of the dead zone is greater than that shown in satellite derived images of the
area covered by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill that was finally capped in July 2010 (see Box 15.5).

Mass fish kills, like the one shown here, typically

occur in the vicinity of the Mississippi dead zone.
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

15.4.3 Water use maintained by the supply of suspended riverine sedime nt.
Accretion of the Nile delta was reversed after the construc-
Clearly the inputs derived from riverine discharge have tion of the barrage on the River Nile in 1868, and further
an important influence on shelf-sea ecosystem processes. exacerbated with the construction of the Aswan dam. The
Consequently, any activity that alters riverine discharge reduction in supply of riverine sediment to the coastline led
is likely to have ecological consequences for near-shore to coastal eros ion rates of between 5 and 240 m per year.
ecosystems . Major dam schemes are responsible for some The associated reduction in nutrients transported out to sea
striking changes in marine ecosystems. For example, in the was linked with a decline in landings from fisheries for both
Adriatic Sea, the output of the River Po and adjacent river pelagic and demersal fisheries (Box 15.4). In later years,
systems has been lowered by 12% in the recent years. The fishery production increased as the reductions in nutrients
reduction in nutrient inputs has been associated with a supplied through the Nile discharge were replaced through
decrease in primary production in the local shelfwater mass coastal urbanization and the concomitant increase in dis-
(Alongi 1998). The structure of many river delta regions is charge of sewage into the River Nile (Nixon 2004).

Box 15.4: Effects of damming the River

Nile High Dam. The declines in fisheries are in part thought to
relate to the fall in phosphorus and nitrogen released into
Catches of commercially important fish species (a) fell the Mediterranean Sea from the River Nile. (c) However,
dramatically after closure of the Aswan High Dam in as populations along the river expanded it seems highly
1964. Both demersal (jacks, mullets. bass, and redfis h) probable that inputs from sewage have offset the loss of
and pelagic (herring, sardine, and anchovy) fish landings nutrient input as a result of closure of the Aswan High
remai ned low until 1980 when they rose steadily. Shrimp Dam. Reproduced with permission from American Scien-
landings (b) showed similar trends but have never recov- tist 92: 156-16 5.
ered to levels experienced prior to closure of the Aswan
(0) 8D DDD Ib) 80Doo ,
70DDD 70Doo - Damdoses

:=- 60 DDD
•§ 50000
• Jocks, mullets
• Red/ish, boss
• Herrings, sardines, ollChovies
:=- 60 Doo
0 50000


ac 40000
-g> 40000

c 0
0 30000 30000
,/ Domdoses E
20000 20000
, ~

10000 10000
0 0
1960 19m 1980 mo 2000 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
Year Year

('I Nile Mediterranean

6700 tonnes
4000-8000 tonnes phosphorus
dissolved attached to sedimen
nitrogen "-- '

•• Water treatment pla nt

--- 108000 tonnes
16000 tcnnes nitrogen
~ Dam phosphorus
15.4 Agents of change

1000 m deep. Exploration of the deeper parts of the ocean

Reductions in riverine discharge, as a result of water
incurs greater risk as it becomes logistically more difficult
abstraction and dam construction, affect coastal erosion ,
to control drilling operations. Experts have estimated that
primary production , and commercial fisheries. River sys-
BP's Deepwater Horizon well leaked 4 .9 million barrels of
tems that are subject to damming may be more adversely
oil into the Gulf ofMexico before itwas capped inJuly2010.
affected by climate change related changes in precipita-
This was not the first time a leak of this scale had occurred
t ion .
in the Gulf of Mexico, where the Ixtoc Ileakissued 3.3 mil-
lion barrels of oil in 1979. While the Deepwater Horizon
grabbed a lot of headlines, it is a one-off incident and per-
15.4.4 Hydrocarbon exploitation haps not much bigger (in terms of its ecological impact)
than the annual 'dead zone' that occurs off the Mississippi
The extraction of oil and gas from the sea inevitably delta (see Box 15.3).
releases hydrocarbons into the marine environment as a Technology for dealing with these incidents, and our
result of drilling activities, and in the past, due to the use understanding of the ecology of the biological recovery pro-
of contaminated drilling mud (Olsgard & Gray 1995) . The cesses that occur after such incidents, are much improved.
ecological effects of the addition of fine sediment to the Indeed, it is often ecologically better to leave natural eco-
seabed beneath drilling platforms and the contaminants logical processes to degrade oil spills rather than to inter-
within drilling mud are associated with a localized reduc- vene with the use of chemical dispersants. The use of
tion in species' diversity. These effects are ameliorated with dispersants is often driven more by aesthetic demands to
increasing distance from the drilling platform. In the case preserve the appeal of tourist beaches, rather than on any
of gas platforms in the Gulf of Mexico, community changes scientific grounds. In the early 1970s, the oil dispersants
are confined to within 100 m of the drilling platform (Mon- used to clean beaches after the MV Torrey Canyon oil spill
tagna & Harper 1996) . However, in the North Sea, the were more harmful to organisms than the oil itself (South-
cumulative effects of using drilling mud over periods of up ward & Southward 1978). Nowadays, dispersants are much
to nine years, led to ecological changes at distances of up to less toxic and bioremediation of oil-contaminated habitats
6 km from the drilling platform. However, the more recent is enhanced by the use of bacterial digestion to speed the
use of water-based drilling mud has considerably reduced breakdown ofthe oil.
adverse ecological effects on seabed communities (Olsgard
& Gray 1995). The pollutant effects ofdrilling activities are The use of dispersants on oil spills can have more severe
far less dramatic than the impacts of accidents that occur ecological consequences than if the oil were permitted
while carrying oil in bulk across the oceans. to biodegrade. However, social and economic issues
often dictate that unsightly oi l needs to be removed from
Understanding the negative ecological effects of the tourist hotspots, and thereby override ecological consid-
contaminants in drilling mud has prompted the oil and erations. The process of degradation can be accelerated
gas industry to seek more environmentally friendly alter- by the addition of 'oil-eat ing' bacteria.

High-profile examples of oil-spillage incidents include

the grounding of the MV Exxon Valdez off Canada and the
15.4.5 Mining geological resources
MV Braer off the Shetland Islands or the destruction of oil Advances in marine technology have made the mineral
pipelines and refineries during the Gulf War. The ground- resources of the seabed accessible in a wide range of dif-
ing of the MV Braer differed from most oil spill incidents in ferent marine environments. These range from relatively
that it coincided with extremely severe storm-force winds shallow coastal waters, where sand and aggregate (gravel)
that were maintained for a number of weeks. The result- are extracted, to deep-sea mining of manganese nodules
ing sea conditions meant that the oil was highly dispersed on the abyssal plain, to diamond dredging off the coast of
by natural wave action (Box 15.5). However, when a ship Namibia. In each of these examples, sediments are removed
runs aground, the good news is that the potential amount directly from the seabed (usually via a dredge head) and the
of oil that can be spilt into the ocean is understood from desired products extracted on board the vessel at the sur-
the cargo capacity of the vessel. These spills were miniscule face . Not surprisingly, these activities represent an intense
compared to the recent Deepwater Horizon oil well blowout localized disturbance to the seabed and completely alter the
in the Gulf ofMexico. As oil resources become more scarce, biological and geological composition of the habitat.
oil companies are attempting to drill for oil in waters below
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

Box 15.5: Impact of oil on the marine ten t rough seas contribu ted to emulsification of the oil in
environment the MV Broer incident and helped the rapid dispersal of
the oil. Oil tankers may run aground frequently, but they
Crud e oils and petroleum products are complex sub- are small incidents co mpared to the recent BP Deepwater
stances, typically most of the volatile fractions evaporate Horizon well blowout (a). Of the 4.9 mill ion barrels of
into the atmosphere shortly aft er they have been released oil leaked into the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater
into the environment The heavier fractions are then Horizon well , 800 000 barrels were collected using spe-
exposed to a variety of physical, chemical, and b iological cialized booms to gather the oil for removal by specialized
processes according to the prevailing weather conditions. 'clean-up ' vessels. The hot cli mate in the Gulf of Mexico
For example, aerosols and emulsions are for med as a would have hastened the evaporation of the more toxic
result of wave action, while exposu re to ultraviolet light lighter fractions of oil.
leads to photo-oxid ation at the surface of the sea. Persis-

(. J Largesl accidental oil spills (b) Thefoolprinl ofthe Deepwater Horizon oilspill asof26 July2010 Ibl.Thegrey
Million ba rrels
areasonthemap depid theextent ofthespill os esrerfuiaed fromthesheenfromthe
0 1 2 3 4 S ail allOlysedfro msatelliteimagery(source NOAA).
Deepwater Horizon, well
USA,201 0

htec1, well
Mexico, 1979
.:."II..,.-'" .
Extent of sli(kvisible in
; ~Ofell it e imogery, July267010
Nowruz Field, well Deep'/iCfer horizon MC742
Persian Gulf, 1983

Amoro Cadiz, lanker

Fro me, 1978

TorreyCanyon, lanker I~ , I I

I ! , 1~ I
UK, 1967

ExxonValdez, lanker (() Satellite derived imageIe) of thesameoilspill. Photo: NASA.

USA, 1989

Most aggregate extraction is permitted under licenses The demand for raw materials to supply housing and
granted for defined areas of the seabed. Improvements construction projects is unlikely to decline in the foresee-
in satellite navigation systems have enabled more accu- able futu re, and Charlier and Charlier (1992) predicted that
rate compliance with these licenses by aggregate com- production would reach 200 million tonnes for the United
panies, but also enable stricter enforcement through the Kingdom alone in the next century. Extrac tion of marine
use of 'black box' recorders that log vessel movements. aggregate in the United Kingdom has increased from 7 mil-
15.4 Agents of change

lion tannes per annum in 1969 to a relatively constant fig-

Early excitement regarding the feasibility of deep-sea
ure ofapproximately22 million tannes per annum between
mineral extraction subsided with a reduction in the
1989 and 2003. Dredging ofaggregates and the disturbance
stock market value of commodities such as copper and
of the seabed generated by towed bottom fishing gears has
some similarities in terms of their ecological effects on ben-
thic biota and habitats. However, while fishing activities are
widespread, aggregate dredging is confined to restricted Mining minerals at extreme depths is an expensive busi-
areas thatare strictly controlled through licensing schemes. ness and only likely to become economically viable when
However, dredging is a much more intensive activity, and the combined nickel, copper, and cobalt content of the
removes the habitat to depths of up to 1 m , Hence, recovery manganese nodule exceeds 2.5% at an abundance of > 10
of the habitat is a key process in determining the rate of kg rrr-. Only a few regions in the Pacific Ocean and from the
recovery of the biota associated with that habitat (Dernie Central Indian Basin in the Indian Ocean meet these criteria.
et al. 2003; Fig. 15.2). Economic-grade manganese nodules are generally found in
the middle of the ocean in water depths exceeding 4500 m .
Aggregate extraction causes intense, but localized , dis- Manganese nodules would have to be lifted at the rate of 3
turbance of the seabed that can lead to long-term habi- million tonnes per year for 20 years at an individual mine
tat alteration lasting in excess of several years. site covering an area> 6000 km 2 to make such a proposition
economically feasible. The lower costs associated with the
Kenny and Rees (1996) used a commercial gravel terrestrial mining of these metals mean that mining in the
dredger to remove 50 000 tonnes of aggregate off the deep sea is likely to remain on hold for the foreseeable future
east coast of England. 'IWo years later. the sediment com- although there are indications that the demand for minerals
position in the area from which the aggregate had been in China will make this financially feasible (Glasby 2000; see
removed was still dominated by particles finer than in a also http:/ / for
comparable control area. and was much more prone to further insights into deep-sea mining).
resuspension as a result of wave action. This is perhaps
not surprising given that habitat recovery is likely to
15.4.6 Contaminants
occur as a result of the active transport of gravel material
into the site, a process that requires highly energetic pro- In addition to concern regarding the effects of elevated
cesses (violent storm activity and strong seabed currents) . nutrient inputs into coastal waters. there is considerable
Although species' diversity was restored after two years. concern over the long-term and often subtle effects of per-
the biomass of many of the longer-lived species remained sistent contaminants in the marine environment. Many of
greatly reduced (e .g . the horse mussel, Modiolus modio- these contaminants, such as radionuclides and organic
lus) . The natural disturbance regime at individual sites substances, are derived from industrial and heat-gener-
will determine the rate of habitat and biological recovery ation sources. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) are
that is likely to occur as a result of dredge disturbance particularly persistent and accumulate through the food
(Hall 1994) . chain with negative effects expressed in top predators. For
Fears of shortages of metal resources in the early 1970s example, PCB contamination of prey has been linked to
sparked interest in the idea of mining manganese nodules hatching failure for a number of avian predators, while
in the deep sea. Manganese nodules contain metals such contaminants such as mercury occur in higher concentra-
as iron. manganese, copper. nickel, cobalt. zinc. and silver. tion in the feathers of seabirds sampled in the latter half of
Dredging for manganese nodules involves the use ofremotely the twentieth century. compared with those sampled from
operated seabed vehicles that crawl along the seabed scoop- museum collections (Arcos et al. 2002) . While the effects
ing up surface deposits. and thereby create a furrow in the of such contaminants on apex predators have been well-
seabed surface. Experimental studies have demonstrated documented, the effects on organisms at lower trophic
(not surprisingly) that the dredging process reduces both levels is less well-studied. Although invertebrates such as
habitat and species' diversity within the dredge track, and amphipods are used in lethal toxicity tests, the incidence
produces a sediment plume. Sedimentation at these depths of contaminant mortality associated with bioengineer-
occurs at the rate of a few millimetres every 1000 years. As ing organisms (Chapter 8) that affect habitat structure
a result. dredge tracks will persist for many years creating remains unknown. The effects of contaminants may be
long-term changes in deep seabed topography, while filter- subtle in that they do not necessarily cause direct mor-
feeding organisms may be adversely affected by the unnatur- tality but may have negative population effects via their
ally large pulse of sediment that settles out of the plume influence on recruitment processes and larval viability.
(Theil & Schriever 1990). For example, Atlantic croaker (MicropogoniC15 undulatus)
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

larvae exposed to the chemical Aroclor 1254 have signifi- reproductive success. Not all molluscs exhibited the same
cantly reduced growth rates and are less capable of evad - symptoms; po pulations of Littorina li ttorea had lower
ing predator stimuli (McCarthy et a1. 2003) . egg production, while oysters developed thickened and
deformed shells (Matthiessen et a1. 1995). The causative
Contaminants can have subtle sub-lethal effects that agent was identified as tributyl tin (TBT) based anti-foul-
affect the performance and subsequent survival rate of ing paint that was used on the hulls of boats. Legislation
organisms. Larval stages are particularly vulnerable to has since banned the use of this paint on certain categories
these effects that are easily overlooked . of vessels and has been associated wit h a recovery in mol-
lusc populations in countries where its use is restricted.
Abnormalities in the growth and reproduction of a A much more rece nt issue of concern is the possible
number of different molluscs became apparent in the effect of different types of man-made nanomaterials and
mid-1980s. Symptoms included reduced growt h, shell nanoparticles on natural systems and organisms. This
deformation, and declining population abund ance in spe - area is well reviewed by Handy et a1. (2008) . Nanopar-
cific localities. In particul ar, dogwhelk (Nucella lapillus) tides have occurred naturall y since the formation of the
populations had become locally extinct in the United King- Earth, but latterly humans have begu n to manufacture
dom and elsewhe re, usually in localities close to harbours specific nanoparticles (NPs) w ith particular properties
and ports . The most striking symptom associated wit h (Table 15.2) . Manufactured NPs could be carbon-based
these declines was the occurrence of imposex. Imposex (carbon spheres or nanotubes), metal-based, compos ite,
is manifested in female gastropods by the development of or multi-layer NPs (e.g. platinum core- silica shell) . Conse-
a vas deferens and in some cases a penis, which lowers quently, commercially available nanoproducts are di verse

Table 15.2 Location of nanoparticles in the natural environment, the types of particles and their
ecotoxicological potential. Reproduced from Handy et al. (2008).

Particle types and ecotoxicological potential

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••••••••••••• ••••
Volcanic dust
Bismuth oxide nanoparticles were found in the stratosphere in 19 8 5, and the presence of these materi als was linked
to volc anic eruptions in the 19 8 0 s.

Ocean surface microlayer (SML)

Contains colloi ds, sub-micron components of phytoplankton, and carbon particles. Functions in t ransport of mat erial at
the ai r-water interphase. There are concerns that organic pollu tants present in t he SML may be adsorbed to colloi ds
and other nano-scale material in the SML.

Nat ural freshwater contains very com plex colloid material, which includes inorganic minerals and organic matter such
as humic substances. Concerns exist over the accumulat ion and t ransportation of NPs in the colloid fraction.

Other natural waters

Nanopart icles were found in many types of natural w ater including the oceans, surface waters, groundwater, atmospheric
w ater, and even treated drinking w ater. These include a wid e variety of nanoscale mineral particles, and demonstrates
the ubi quitous nat ure of nanoparticles in the natural envi ronment.
• •••••••••••••••• ••• ••• ••• ••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
Ice cores
Carbon nanotubes, carbon full erenes, and silicon dioxide nanocrystals have been found in 10 OOO-year-old ice cores.
The carbo n nanopart icles are assumed to be derived from natural combustion processes and deposi ted into the ice
core via at mospheric deposition.

Historic sediments
Examination of th e Cretaceous- Tertiary (K-T) bou ndary layer at Gubbio, Italy showed iron particles (hematite) and
silicates. The average particle siz e of the hemat ite was 16- 2 7 nm. There is specul ation tha t meteorite impacts coul d
alter NP format ion in sediments at the K-T boundary.
15.5 Climate change

and offer many potential applications that include elec- important clam Mercenaria mercenaria and the eastern
tronics, optics, textiles, medical devices, cosmetics, food oyster (Crassostrea virginica) . The present northern limit
packaging, water treatment technology, fuel cells, cata- of these species is Cape Cod on the eastern seaboard of the
lysts, biosensors, and agents for environmental remedia- United States, although isolated populations are found fur-
tion. The small size of nanoparticles means that they affect ther north in the warmer waters of the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
sub-cellular level processes and are consequently complex These temperature changes are also likely to extend the
to understand. Furthermore, how they become integrated spread of some non-native species that have been intro-
into the marine environment and then integrated into duced through ship's ballast water or other practices, such
organisms is equally complex. For example, in marine as aquaculture . Many introduced species are considered
surface waters the small size of NPs means that they will to be pests, as they predate commercially valuable shell-
be dominated by Reynolds' number (Chapter 3) and this fish ; for example, the green crab (Carcinus rncencs) that
will affect the diffusion ofNPs and lead to trapping of high has become established on the western coast of the United
concentrations of NPs in the ocean surface microlayer. States and in Australia.
Organisms that are in intimate contact with this ocean sur-
face microlayer (e.g. eggs, fish larvae, zooplankton) may Increasing sea temperatures will extend the poleward
therefore be particularly vulnerable to any effects associ- distribution of low-latitude species and may enhance the
ated with NPs. Organisms associated with biofilms or the geographic spread of non-native invasive species.
sediment surfaces may be affected similarly.
We have already seen in Chapters 5, 7, and 8 that
See Evans et al. (2000) for the controversy surrounding semi-enclosed water bodies are prone to anoxic events as
potential replacements for TBT. a result of stratification of the water column and oxygen
depletion at the seabed. The frequency of such events may
increase as warmer temperatures lower the oxygen carry-
ing capacity ofwater, while the biological oxygen demand
15.5 Climate change of the biota will increase. Lower oxygen carrying capacity,
coupled with eutrophication, will increase the likelihood of
So farwe have examined the effects of human activities that such events, which may have more frequent adverse effects
have relatively restricted spatial effects on communities or on coastal fisheries. Temperature effects on fisheries are
particular groups of animals. However the potentially sig- of particular concern since water temperature is a strong
nificant consequences of global climate change for marine predictor of fish distributions, the timing of spawning,
systems and activities affect all regions of the planet at both growth rate, and survival oflarvae (Heath 1992; Lehody
small and large scales (Hall 2002) . Those changes likely to et at. 1997). In the coastal waters of the USA, for exam-
occur in response to global warming include : sea-level rise, ple, a reduction in the spatial extent of oxygen-rich, cool
water-column warming, precipitation, wind speed and water may cause concomitant changes in the distribution
patterns, water-column circulation, and the frequency and of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) (Coutant 1990). Further
intensity of storms. We give only a few examples ofenviron- increases in global sea temperature are likely to cause new
mental changes that might affect marine ecosystems. combinations of species mixes both in fish and benthic
assemblages .
Coral bleaching is an increasing global phenomenon
15.5.1 Temperature effects (Harvell et at. 1999) that occurs when the symbiotic zoo-
Global warming is likely to affect biological processes and xanthellae are expelled, algal pigmentation is lost, or
biodiversity in the oceans. Rising temperatures may result both scenarios occur, giving the coral tissues a 'bleached'
in a reduction in the equator-to-pole temperature gradi- appearance (Chapter 11) . These events have been linked
ent. The frequency of El Nifio-like conditions in the tropi- with exceptionally high seawater temperatures, elevated
cal Pacific will probably increase, with the eastern tropical doses of ultraviolet radiation, infection by pathogens, and
Pacific warming to a greater extent than the western tropi- the alteration of local salinity regimes. The degradation
cal Pacific (lPCC 2000) . In conjunction with hydrographic of coral reefs has important economic consequences for
conditions, temperature plays a significant role in deter- local communities that often depend on reef-related eco-
mining the biogeographic distribution of species and we tourism and associated fisheries as an important source of
can undoubtedly expect to see changes in species' distri- Income .
butions with climate change (Chapter 1) . For example, a
northward extension of warmer conditions may enable the Coral bleaching has severe implications for artisanal fish-
merger of the currently geographically disjunct distribu- eries and eco-tourism.
tions of warm temperate species, such as the commercially
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

15.5.2 Change in rainfall regions in the world occur in regions of intense upwelling,
the potential for climate change to affect fisheries seems
The effects of climate change on rainfall may be impor- highly likely (Bakun 1990) . Recent anomalous changes in
tant given the influence of river and land run-off in estua- the upwelling of cool, nutrient-rich water off the coast of
rine and coastal systems (Chapters 5 and 8) . The effects the western United States led to an extensive anoxic event
of increasing rainfall can also combine with tidal surges resulting from unusually high productivity. Extensive areas
resulting in a greater intensity of coastal and flood plain of the seabed from the continental shelf edge to within 700
inundation (Fig. 15.10) . Rainfall is a prominent seasonal m of the surf zone were severely oxygen depleted. resulting
feature in areas of the tropics especially where monsoon in mass kills of commercially important fish and shellfish
rains occur. Global predictions ofchanges in rainfall suggest species (Grantham et at. 2004) . Changes in wind patterns
little change in southeast Asia and South America. where may alter wind-induced currents that are important for
riverine influences are especially important, but potential larval transport, which means that larvae may no longer
small increases (5 to 20%) for the Indian subcontinent, East be conveyed to habitats suitable for further development
Asia, Canada, and Northern Europe and potentially large (Heath 1992) .
increases ( >20%) for Northern Asia and the Sahara (lPCC
2000) . Even if these predictions are accurate. it is difficult
to ascertain their consequences given the changing use of
15.5.4 Ocean acidification
water abstraction with industrial growth in many of the Levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO,) are rising and
countries affected . Changes in the quantity of freshwater are reducing oceanic pll, causing shifts in seawater carbon-
discharged from estuaries into coastal waters will affect the ate chemistry (Doney et at. 2009) . This process, termed
intensity of stratification that occurs along the density gra- ocean acidification (OA), has seen our oceans absorb up
dient formed in the Region of Freshwater Influence (ROFl, to a third of atmospheric CO 2 since the onset of the Indus-
Chapter 8) . Thus the changes reported in Table 15.3 are trial Revolution (Sabine et at. 2004) . Increasing the con-
likely to lead to an increase or decrease in the strength of centration of CO2 disrupts the natural buffering capacity of
alongshore density driven currents which may have impor- seawater towards higher concentrations of carbonic acid,
tant ecological consequences for the dispersal oflarvae and dissociating into hydrogen (H+), bicarbonate (HCO,), and
propagules and other organisms associated with fronts. carbonate ions (CO~~; eqn 15 .1) . Increased H+ production
already has caused the pH of seawater to decrease from a
30 pre-industrial pH of 8 .16 to present levels of pH 8.05 (Gui-
• Tidal notte & Fabry 2008) and is forecast to decrease further
2l • Fluvial and 'incombination'

by 0.3-0.5 pH units at the end of this century, equivalent
to a 100-150 % H+ increase (Houghten et at. 2001; Cal-

~ deira & Wickett 2005) . Such large-scale changes in ocean
0 15

pH are the greatest experienced over the last 300 million
~ 10 years (Caldeira & Wickett 2003) but continue to rise at an
accelerating rate outstripping even the most pessimistic of

CO 2 (arm) iii CO 2 (aq) + H,D iii H2C03 1i1 H+

+ HCO,IiI 2W + CO;- (15.1)

Figure 15.10 The increasing frequency of closures of The organisms most at risk are marine calcifying organ-
the River Thames barrier in recent years is one indication isms (i.e. molluscs, echinoderms. crustaceans) that biomin-
of the increasing effect of elevated rainfall and greater eralize carbonate (CO~~) and calcium (Ca 2 +) ions to form
incidence of tidal surges and sea level change (King calcium carbonate (CaCO,) skeletal or shell structures
2004). (eqn 15.2) (Current Focus) . As more CO 2 enters oceanic
surface waters. the seawater's natural buffering capac-
ity steals away these vital carbonate building blocks that
15.5.3 Water circulation are required for calcification by converting the reactive
H+ and CO;- ions towards more stable HCO, (eqn 15 .1) .
Intensification of alongshore wind stress on the ocean sur- Thus the availability of these carbonate ions (referred to
face may already have increased coastal upwelling inten- as the saturation state) will determine whether organisms
sity (Bakun 1990) . As many of the most productive marine can successfully deposit their vital CaC0 3 scaffold. Seawa-
15.5 Climate change

Table 15.3 Mod elled river discharge und er present day and future rainfall scenarios, showing th e difference in
discharge for wate rsheds w ith or w it hout dams.

Discharge 1960s Discharge 2050s Relative change

(km ' yr-') (km' yr-') ("!o)
Dam unirnpacted Kouilou 28.4 20.0 - 2 9 .6
Cross 59.9 61.8 3. 1
Chari 29.1 34.3 17 .9
Dam impacted Seneg al 5.7 2.5 - 5 6 .0
Congo (Z aire) 1349.0 1267.5 - 6 .0
Volta 32.8 4 8 .1 46.7
•• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••• ••• •••• ••• •••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••• ••• •••••••
Dam unirnpacted cs 22.3 20.8 - 6 .7
Chu Salween (Thanlwin) 98.5 13 5 .2 37.2
Nad ym 16 .0 26.5 65.9
Dam impacte d Ku ra 22.0 13.7 - 3 7.8
Ganges-Brahmaputra 1 186.9 13 8 8.4 17.0
Indus 121. 2 174 .6 4 4 .1

Dam unirnpacted Merauke 1.5 0.9 - 4 0 .6
Fly 13 5.4 147 .5 9.0
Sepik 10 0 .7 13 3 .6 32.7
Dam impacted Murray 1 1.1 9.5 - 14 .3
Ramu 32.7 4 0 .1 22.8

Dam unimpacted Adour 6.5 6.2 - 4 .9
Pechora 142.0 174. 1 22.6
Mezen 26.5 32.8 23.8
Dam impacted Kuban 13 .0 9.7 - 2 5 .1
Volga 23 4.0 2 46.3 5.2
Severn, Dvina 101.2 12 3 .4 2 1.9

North and Central America

Dam unimpacted Patuca 12 .3 3.4 - 7 2 .0
Yu kon 187.2 246.0 3 1.4
Kobu k 0.2 0.8 212.2
Dam impacted Grande de Matagalpa 30. 1 7.7 - 74 .3
Mississippi 530.6 540.0 1.8
Colorado 1.3 2.4 8 1.6
•• ••••••• ••••••• •••• ••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••• ••• •••• ••••••• ••••••• ••••••• •••• ••• •••••••
South America
Dam unimpacted Coppename 10 .7 0.7 - 9 3 .4
Essequibo 155. 1 78.8 - 4 9 .2
Santa Cruz 0.9 1.0 17 .3
Dam impacted Parnai ba 26.6 5.0 - 8 1.2
Am azonas-Orinoco 6802 .4 5536.5 - 18 .6
Doce 2 4 .4 33.4 37. 1

The authors used a HadCM 3 cli mate-change mode l under the A2 scenario to generate their outputs. What is clear is that the
changes in rainfall and hence d ischarge vary considerably from one region to another. In some cases, rivers with dams show much
greater changes relative to more 'natura l' free-flow ing river systems. The conclusion is that habitat restoration and naturalization
of river systems may be important to develop resilience to climate driven changes in precipitation (Palmer et al. 2008).
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

CURRENT FOCUS: Ocean acidification

Labo rato ry-based expe riments have confi rmed that
high CO 2 conditions impact marine calcifyi ng organisms
through changes in calcification rates (increased and
decreased) , and via distu rbance to physiological and
metabolic processes (Ries et al. 2009). Such expe riments
are extremely important in aiding our understanding of
how organisms might react to GA. However, most of these
tri als are short-term relat ive to the organism's average life-
span and do not rep licate the chronic effects of OA that
will span decades. Chronic exposure to increased CO2 may
have complex effects on the growth and reproduct ive suc-
cess of calcareous marine organisms (Doney et al. 2009)
and could induce physiological acclimat ion or flexibili ties
that are not observed in short-term experiments. Long-
te rm experiments currently in prog ress will be essential to
det erm ine whether calcifying org anisms can demonstrate
acclim ation to this rapid ly changing envi ronment.
Marine volcanic vent sites (Chapter 9) reduce seawa-
te r pH and provi de insights into the poten tial implications
of OA. Com mun ities abund ant with calcareous organisms
loc ate d beyond the vents shift towards com munities that
lack corals and have significant reductions in sea urchi ns
and coralline algae (Hall -Spencer et al. 2008). Fu rthe r-
more gastropod shells dissolve increasi ng their risk of
predation due to the reduced carbonate satu ration state.
Further work on these natural underwater OA laboratories
is required to better understand the implications of OA and
how communities coul d be affecte d as preli minary obser-
vations do not bode well fo r the futu re of calcifying organ-
isms. Comparat ive stu dies using natural systems can be
complicated by the effects of confounding variables that
make it diffi cult to arrive at unambiguous conclusions. Hall-
Spencer et al. (2 0 0 8 ) chose thei r sites carefully such that coralline algae) at a mean of pH 8.2 but few epiphytic
all vents were at ambient temperatu re and there were no calcifiers (only bryozoan s such as Electra po sidoniae)
differences that relate d to chemicals such as arsenic and occurred on seag rass fronds at mean pH 7 .6. (d , e).
sulphu r that are often associated with other vent systems. Photos: Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa.

Observational evidence of the effects of

Figure (a) shows a Posidonia oceanica seagrass
meadow located at a shallow CO2 vent at a depth of 2
m off the Italian coast (Ischia). This location provided
an opportunity to undertake a comparative study of
calcifying organisms that occurred in close proximity
to a source of elevated CO 2 (Hall-Spencer et at. 2008).
Photo: Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa.
Martin et al . (2008) examined calcifying epiphytes on
the fronds of the Posidonia oceanica that occurred in They also examined rocky shore communities at the
seawater with different pH values (b, c). Fronds of sea- CO 2 vents. In locations where the seawater had a mean
grass were heavily fouled by epiphytic calcifiers (mainly pH 8.13 , they found abundant calcify ing species, such
15.5 Climate change

as coralline algae, Paracentrotus Iividus, Mytilus 90110- most likely susceptible to OA. Furthermore, some larval
provincia/is, and barnacles (f), but where seawater had a species, such as echinoderms, form skeletal structures in
mean pH 7.79, coralline algae were absent and limpets a yet more readily soluble form of CaC0 3 : magnesium cal-
such as the Patella caerulea (9) showed signs of severe cite. Labo ratory studies of larval responses to OA are lim-
shell dissolution . Photos: Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa. ited and have so far demonstrated inhibitory effects that
increase the risk of recruit ment failure under conditions
of OA Notable effects include reduced sperm swimming
speed, red uced egg size and fertilization success, as well
as increased occurrences of abnormalities and mortal-
ity. However, these larvae have been derived from adults
not previously exposed to high COz conditions. Although
these trials do indicate the underlying stress responses of
larvae, they do not offer enough information on an organ-
ism 's ability to acclimate and adapt towards OA. Experi-
ments currently in progress have observed abnormal
development of larvae obtained from adults previously
exposed to high COz' as well as reduced survival 0).
Colonies of the symbiotic coral Cladocora caespitosa OA is a recent phenomenon wi th key research emerg-
(h) were transferred into the vent area and showed live ing only wi thin recent years. It is evidently clear that many
polyps but skeletal dissolution after 3 months at pH organisms can display detrimental reactions towards OA,
7.43 (i). Photos: Riccardo Rodolfo-Metalpa. while others appear to be able to compensate for it, but at
what cost? We still have much to learn about OA's impacts
on our oceanic flora and fauna from the individual level to
food-web impacts.

•• •

- ...- .... -

Experimental evidence of the effects of

ocean acidification Psammechinus miliaris sea urchin larvae derived from
In order to survive, marine calcifiers must be able to con- adults exposed to normal concentrations of CO2 (right)
tinue to populate through reproduction to display possible and high concentrations of CO2 (left). The larva on the
adaptations tow ards OA Early life-stages are the most right shows abnormal development. The scale bars =
sensitive part of an organism's life cycle, and therefore 100 ~m (photographs Coleen Suckling).
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

ter saturated with CO~- allows organisms to biomineralize 15.6 Interaction of multiple
their CaC0 3 structures, but in undersaturated conditions factors
they cannot. Marine CaC03 is typically secreted in two main
forms: calcite and aragonite (aragonite is 50% more soluble We have provided a sample of the influence of human
than calcite) . The stability of each form is governed by the activities on the marine environment. We have dealt with
amount of available CO~-, temperature, salinity, pressure, each of these factors separately for simplicity, but multiple
and a stoichiometric solubility product for each form (Feely factors may operate at the same time or in sequence. While
et al. 2004) . These factors determine the depth at which one factor on its own may not have serious consequences
calcite and aragonite become undersaturated, known as the for an organism or community, the synergistic action
saturation horizon. Below this depth boundary, organisms of several factors may prove catastrophic. For example,
that utilize CaC0 3 for biogenic structures will be vulner- organisms under one form of environmental stress (e.g.
able to dissolution. The elevated partial pressure of CO, rising mean sea temperatures) may be less able to cope
has increased its depth of influence in the ocean and has with the physiological demands of adapting to increas-
contributed towards the upward shoaling of the carbon- ing frequencies of freshwater discharge that might occur
ate saturation horizon by 50-200 m over the last 200 years with changing rainfall patterns, and their resilience may
(Sabine et al. 2004) . This has narrowed the depth range be further weakened by exposure to industrial contami-
over which organisms can calcify normally. Models forecast nants. The effects of multiple and sequential human inter-
further upward shoaling of this saturation horizon, caus- ference are well illustrated by a testimony given to the
ing surface waters to become undersaturated with respect United States Congress to encourage it to consider the con-
to aragonite in many parts of the oceans by the end of this sequences of introducing a non-native oyster into Chesa-
century, although parts of the Southern Ocean already are peake Bay. Declines in native oyster stocks in Chesapeake
undersaturated (Orr et al. 2005) . Bay are well documented and have been linked to reduced
water quality and overfishing, but attempts to reinvigo-
CO'3- + Ca' + ~ CaCO3 (15.2)
rate the oyster stocks have repeatedly failed. One solution
Geographic location will playa key role to the extent appears to be to introduce a non-native species that may
of OA's effects on marine calcifying organisms. Colder be more tolerant of present day environmental conditions
waters naturally retain more CO 2 and are more acidic than and parasitic fauna that were accidentally introduced into
warmer waters (Guinotte & Fabry 2008) . As a result, satur- Chesapeake Bay as a result of past aquaculture introduc-
ation states are highest in shallow, warm tropical waters tions or discharge of ship's ballast water. The testimony
and lowest in cold, high latitude regions (Feelyetal. 2004) . given in Box 15.6 highlights the complex considerations
There is particular concern over the future of polar marine that face managers of natural resources that have to weigh
organisms that are uniquely adapted towards their cold sur- the ecological risks and potential benefits of such intro-
roundings. In an environment where larval and adult devel- ductions.
opment is ten times slower than in warmer regions of the
world, the ability for organisms to adapt to these changing
conditions is highly questionable.

Changes in wind stress may intensify coastal upwelling

and have been linked already to anomalously high produc-
tion and mass kills of commercially important fisheries.
15.6 Interaction of multiple factors

Box 15.6: Non-native oysters in the Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife and Oceans, Commi ttee
Chesapeake Bay on resources, United States House of Representative in
2003 by Professors J. L. Anderson and R. Whitlatch, both
This text is paraphrased from a testimony given to the experts in oyster ecology and the ecology of Chesapeake
108th US Congress (Fi rst Session), Subcommittee on Bay.

Good morning Mr Chairman and members of the Subcommittee. Thank you for this oppor-
tunity to speak to you about the proposed introduction of the non-native oyster Crassostrea
ariakensis .
The [native] oyster stock in the Chesapeake Bay has declined dramatically. Harvest is now
about one per cent of what it was at the end of the nineteenth century. Fishing pressure and
habitat degradation resulting from agricultural, industrial, and residential pollution, defores-
tation, and oyster reefdestruction have contributed to the decline. In recent decades, however,
the diseases MSX and Dermo have been identified as the core reasons for further decline. It
should be noted that MSX is caused by a parasite that was introduced to the East Coast from
Asia. Fisheries' management efforts and various restoration programs have not been successful
in restoring the oyster stock to date. The loss of the oyster has been devastating to the oyster
industry and its dependent communities. Those that remain in the Chesapeake oyster process-
ing sector now rely on oysters that are brought in from the Gulf of Mexico region and other
areas for their economic survival. Furthermore, the loss of oysters has contributed to declines
in water quality and clarity.
The introduction of the non-native Suminoe oyster, or Crassos trea ariakensis, from Asia has
been proposed as a solution to these difficult problems. Indications are that it may grow well
in the Chesapeake Bay and it is known to be resistant to MSX and Dermo. Despite the positive
results of introductions of some oyster species, some extre mely negative consequences have
been observed as well. A major risk of introducing a non-native oyster comes from pathogens,
such as MSX, or the introduction of other animals or plants that may be attached to oysters.
While in Australia and New Zealand, introduced non-native oysters have displaced native
Aquaculture of ste rile non-native oysters, represents an appropriate interim step that pos-
sesses least risk (in terms of the available options) to the Chesapeake Bay and its dependent
communities. However, limits and controls on aquaculture practices must be implemented
to minimize the risk of introducing pathogens or reproductive non-native oysters during this
transitional phase. This approach may provide limited benefit to parts of the oyster industry
and it provides decision-makers with the added information required to make future decisions.
Moreover, this option allows more time for innovative, science-based efforts to restore native
oyster populations. On the other hand, the option of not allowing any introduction fail s to
address fishing industry concerns and will not result in improved understanding of the rami-
fications of non-native introductions. It may also increase the risk of rogue or uncontrolled
introductions. The option of the direct introduction of reproductive non-native oysters, is not
advised given the limited knowledge base on C. ariakensis and the potential for irreversible
consequences of introducing a reproductive non-native oyster into the Chesapeake Bay. It is
unlikely that there exists any 'quick fix' to the Chesapeake oyster situation .
Chapter 15 Disturbance, Pollution, and Climate Change

Chapter Summary
• Natural agents of disturbance to marine commu nities and systems occur across a full range of
spatial and tem poral scales.
• The response of commu nity metrics (diversity) to d ist urbance can be predicted from ecological
paradigms, such as the intermediate disturbance hypothesis.
• The relative impact of human activit ies on marine ecosystems needs t o be assessed against a
background of natural environmental fluctuations that occur at a variety of tem poral scales. Our
ability to detect the effects of human intervention critically depends on an appropriate analytical
or experimental ap proach.
• Coastal shelf environments are subjected t o the most intensive human activities that include fish-
ing, aq uacu lture, mi neral and hydrocarbon extraction, shipping activit ies, tourism , and discharges
of effluents and pollutants.
• Eutrophicat ion, which has result ed from elevated inputs of organic matter and nutrients from agri-
cultural run-off, has caused widespread blooms of toxic microalgae and anoxic events that have
resulted in mass mortalities of marine biota.
• Persistent contaminants, such as PCBs, have subtle effects at t he population level by affecting sur-
vivorship of larvae and juveniles. The full impact of these contam inants is a subject of specu lat ion.
• The congested inhabitation of coastal margins means that much of the world's population is vu l-
nerable to changes in sea level linked to global climat e warmi ng.
• Increases in global rainfall will elevate freshwater and sediment d ischarge into coastal waters
thereby affecting density-d riven currents in ROFls and w ill change the dist ribut ion of biological
commu nities.

Further Reading
Clarke et al. (1994) provi de a readable and sympathetic (to the non-mathematical) guide to the detection
of ecological changes in marine (and other) communities. Evans et al. (200 0) provide a synthesis of the
debate surrou nding replacement of tributyl tin w ith suitable, less environmentally damag ing alternatives.
Hall (2002) provides a review of agents of change in coastal systems in the present and also examines
possible future impacts. For an up to date review of ocean acid ification see Fabry et al (2008) .
• Clarke. K. & Warwick, R. 199 4 . Change in Marine Communities: an Approach to Statistical Analysis and
Interpretation. Natural Environmental Research Council , Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Plymouth.
• Evans, S, M., Birchenough, A. e., & Brancato, M. S. 2000, The TBT ban: out of the frying pan into the
fire? Marine Pollution Bulletin 40: 204-2 1 1.
• Fabry, VJ" Seibel, BA, Feely, RA & Orr, J,e. 2008, Impacts of ocean acidification on marine fauna and
ecosystem processes. ICES Journal of Marine Sciences 65: 4 14-432.
• Hall, S. J. 2002. The continental shelf benthic ecosystem : current status, agents for change and future
prospects. Environmental Conservation 29: 350-374.

Chapter Summary As a reader of this book you probab ly do, but many others
In 1768 , only 27 years after they had bee n discovered, the in the world w ill be more concerned wit h the source of their
giant Steller sea cows (Hydrodamafis gig as), w hich grazed next meal. In dealing w ith issues of conservation and sus-
on algae around Bering Island , were driven to exti nction by tainable developm ent , the marine ecologist enters a wid e
hunters. North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacia/is) arena, w here practice and po li cy are also sw ayed by moral,
were reduced to near extinction by commercial whaling cultu ral, polit ical, soci al, and econo mic values. However, this
in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and only 300 is also a challenging and rewardi ng arena, w here science
remain today. Large fishes of all spec ies are increasingly plays a key role in assessing the sustainability of human
rare following decades of over-exploitation, and marine impacts, prioritizi ng conserv at ion projects, and underp in-
habitats are lost as a result of land reclamation, polluti on, ning the development of effective conservation pol icy.
and commercial development. Shou ld w e, and do we, care?

16.1 Introduction less well-known . For example, an analysis of records in the

Ocean Biogeographic Information System, which is cons id-
In preceding chapters, we have seen how pollution, fisher- ere d to be the most compre hensive datab ase with records
ies, and aquaculture, together with clim ate change, have of the distribution and identity of marine taxa, showed
impacted, and are continuing to impact, the m arine envi- that the gre at majority of m arine diversity was described
ronment. Given that humans are the most sign ificant con- for shallow coastal waters, wh ile the records of diversity for
sumer of natural resources on the planet, these are just a deep, pelagic are as were relatively scarce (Fig 16.2) . On the
subset of the possible activities (Table 16.1) that impact the one hand this is a good sign, that we are focusing research
m arine environment. efforts in areas most likely to be impacted by human activi-
In many cases, human impacts are unsustainable, threat- ties, but, on the ot he r, it is a concern that we know so little
e ning species, habitats, and ecosystems, and the envi- about areas that are starting to be impacted by direct and
ronmental goods and services they provide. One recent indirect human impacts.
analysis attempted to estimate the distribution of combined Applied m arine ecology is the source of scientific evi-
human impacts on the world's oceans. The distribution of dence to identify when and where conservation actio n is
impacts was very patchy, and the highest impacts occurred needed, both by assessing the sustainabihty of impacts and
in some coastal regions close to human population centres developing methods to mitigate unsustainable impacts.
(Fig 16.1 ). However, the analysis also suggested that no Good scientific knowledge of a system can be needed to
areas remain unaffected by human influence and that 41 % support effective conservation, but it is not necessarily suf-
of the area cons idere d was affected by multiple drivers. In ficient to achieve it; since progress towards conservation
the broadest sense, the coastal areas with high impacts are objectives will be strongly influenced by social and eco-
often those that are stud ied most intensively by scientists, nomic factors.
while areas where impact is expected to be lower are often
Chapter 16 Conservation


• Very 10. impact «1.4) o Medi um impact (4.96-11.47) • High impact (12-15521
o law impact (1.4-4.95) o Medium High impact (8.47- 121 • Very High impact [> 1552)

r;::::::;-:--=- -,

Figure 16.1 Global map (a) of cumulative human impact

Relative volume
on marine ecosystems as predicted by Halpern et al. 0
(2008). Inset boxes show highly impacted regions in the
Eastern Caribbean (b), the North Sea (c), and the Japanese
waters (d), and one of the least impacted regions, in
northern Australia and the Torres Strait (e). From Halpern
et al. 2008. 3000

c.35 xlO6km3
- -

Figure 16.2 Global d ist ribution of marine taxa recorded 7000 Continental shelfand slope Number of rercrds
in the BOIS database. Area is scaled on the graph to 0 Ill"
be proportio nal to volume of ocean. The number of 8000 200 10'
taxonomic records for each combination of sample and 400 10'
bottom dept h is standardized to the volume of water. 600 10'
The inset shows in greater detail the continental shelf 10000 800 10'
and slope, where the majority of records are found . From 1000 Ig;
Webb et al. 20 10. II 000
16.2 Why conserve?
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

a whole range of actions. It m ay include outright protection

Table 16.1 Principal human impacts on the of populations or areas from human disturbance; but it may
marine environment. also involve zoning and other types of regulation that help
to keep human use within sustainable limits.
Aggregate extraction and mining
Aquaculture Sustainable management requires human intervention to
Dredgi ng maintain or create an environment that does not compro-
Engineering and co nst ruction mise the wellbeing of future generations.
Land-based impacts In this chapter, we cons ider the ethical a nd economic
Military activities foundations of marine conservation, together with how con-
Oil and gas servation issues can be identified and prioritized. We discuss
Reclamation i the role of poverty in driving the use of the m arine enviro n-
Recreation ment and highlight how marine conservation has to find a
Renewable energy way to accommodate the short-term needs, aspirations, and
Shipping expectations of humans. We therefore look in some detail
at the economics of m arine conservation , the strengths and
weaknesses of the policies that promote it and the legisla-
tion introduced to back it up. We also describe how conser-
Applied marine ecology underpins conservation advice vation policy is implemented and give some examples of the
and action through the provision of a robust evidence- successes and failures of conservation initiatives.
base of science.

At least in political terms, conservation contr ibu tes 16.2 Why conserve?
to sustainable development. Sustainable development
requires that the needs of future generations are not Ecology is at the scientific heart of conservation, since pop-
compromised by the actions of people today. Sustainable ulation growth is limited by the ava ilability of resources,
development h as m any facets, and includes social objec- and species interact wit h each other and their abiotic envi-
ti ves, suc h as human equ ity. Conse rvationists highlight ronment. Thus the n atural enviro nment limits the scope for
that recognition of the natural limits on hum an popula- development and exploitation, and sets an ever-changing
tion and economic growt h must go hand in hand w it h baseline (e .g. the effects of climate change) . Apart from
attempts to meet social objectives. Increasingly, n ational the fa ct that some conservation objectives, suc h as protec-
and international a greements express a move towards tion of particular species and maintenance of water quality,
sustainable development, and these underpin much of the are now incorporated into law, conservation is justifiable
conservation and environmental pro tection legislation we on ethical and econom ic grounds. However, perceptions
see tod ay. The contemporary tre atment of conservation of conservati on differ and justification is never a strictly
contrasts with the preservationist approach, which focuses quant itative exercise; one person's sustainable harvesting
on the protection of species and habitats wit hout reference of renewable fish populat ions will be another's devastation
to n atural change and human requirements (Agardy et a1. of a fragile marine environment.
2003). It is important to m aintain a sense of pers pective Conservation of biological diversity has been a m ajor
in conservation and remember that, even wit hout human focus of recent conservat ion efforts. As mentioned in Chap-
intervention, some species would become extinc t through ter 1, biodiversity has been define d as 't he variability among
n atural processes. living organisms from all so urces including, inter alia, ter-
In this chapter, marine conservat ion is considered as a restrial, m arine, and ot her aquatic ecosystems and the
contribution to sustainable management of the seas. Con- ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes
sistent with sustainable development, sustainable manage- diversity within species, among species and of ecosystems'
ment requires human intervention to m aintain or create an (Convention on Biod ivers ity; Box 16.1 ). Some of the key
environment that does not compromise the wellbeing of justifica tions for biod ivers ity conservation are: ( 1) that
future generations. The extent to which individuals, towns, humans have moral a nd ethical responsibilities to care for
regions, nations, and the international commun ity regard life on Eart h, (2) that living organisms enrich our lives, (3 )
long-term human wellbeing as dependent on the presence that 'e cosyste m services' are provided by many species,
of a clean, produc tive, and biodiverse marine enviro nment, and (4) that living organisms allow ecosystems to adapt to
will determine the strength of ethical and economic support change and are a source of materials that benefit humans
for m arine conservation. Conservation potent ially involves (Kunin & Lawton 1996) . At the personal level, belief in the
Chapter 16 Conservation

relevance of various justifications will depend on social cir-

cumstances. Thus moral and ethical responsibilities to care Box 16. 1: International agreements
for life on Earth may not hold much sway if you are starving. that support marine conservation
A common justification for the sustainable use of the At the World Summit on Sustai nable Development
m arine environment is that m arine species provide impor- (WSSD) in Johannes burg (2002), the follow-on meet-
t ant benefi ts for humans (Norse 1993). Thus, fisheries and ing to the United Nations Conference on Environment
aquaculture are a vital source of food, income, and employ- and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro,
ment, particularly in the world's poorer countries (Chapters Brazil in 1992, signatories agreed on a plan of imple-
13 and 14); and marine species are the source of m any use- mentation for sustainable development. The plan gives
ful compounds, such as the algal polysaccharides, carra- high priority to integ ration of the th ree components of
geenans, and agars that are used in food m anufacture. The sustainable development, namely: economic develop-
sea is also an important so urce of non-biological resources, ment, social development, and environmental protec-
suc h as hydrocarbons for fuel and sand and gravel used in tion. It also recognizes the particular circumstances of
bu ilding. Such direct economic benefits from the sea are the major regions of the world, including the plight of
probably the easiest to quantify, as they have real economic small island states, for which coastal zone management
value (i.e. they are tradable commod ities on the wo rld's and sea level rise are important issues.
stock m arkets), but are not necessarily the most important Recognizing that marine ecosystems are critical for
benefits derived from marine systems. global food security and sustaini ng economic prosper-
Benefit may also derive from goods and services that ity (fisheries and shipping), the WSSD plan of imple-
have no 'tru e ' market value, suc h as the storm protection mentation included strong commitments to improved
affo rded by coral reefs, control of carbon dioxide in the conservation of the marine environment, including
atmosphere, and waste and nutrient removal or recycling application of an Ecosystem Approach by 2010 (Box
(Table 16.2). In some attempts to value the marine environ- 16.3), implementation of the FAO code of conduct for
ment, these services are the most valuable properties of the responsible fisheries (fisheries that do not overexploit
seas and oceans . However, their value is rarely accounted fish populations or harm marine wildlife and habitats),
for when assess ing the sustainability of human impacts. We maintenance of the productivity and biodiversity of
look at issues associated with cost ing suc h services later in important and vul nerable marine and coastal areas,
this chapter in sect ion 16.4. The m arine enviro nment is establishment of marine protected areas, development
widely used for recreation, and coral reef-related tourism of nat ional and international programmes for halting
can be one of the most valuable industries in ot herwise the loss of marine biodiversity, and control of pollution
poor countries with little other means of wealth generation and the spread of alien species. These can be seen as
(Chapter 11 ). People using the sea for recre ation generally a wish list rather than a series of actions that will be
choose a clean, healthy, and productive environment in universally implemented on the timescale suggested.
preference to one that is polluted and animal poor. However, raising these issues at international summits
highlights thei r importance and underpins improve-
men ts in environmental protection at inte rnational,
16.3 What to conserve national, regional, and local levels.
There can be rapid uptake of high-level commit-
At a societal level, the general greening of governme nt pol- ments in other fora. For example, following WSSD, the
icy is intended to encourage nations, companies, and indi- 2002 Ministerial Declaration of the Fifth International
viduals to conduct their activities in a sustainable way. Many Conference on the Protection of the North Sea recog-
of these actions, and the ways in which society addresses nized the need to manage all human activities using
and fails to address issues of sustainability, are covered in an Ecosystem Approach that co nserves biological
16.5. However, when human impacts are not m anaged in a diversity and ensures sustainable development. Subse-
sustainable way at source, conservation efforts often focus quently, at the national level, the United Kingdom Gov-
on h alting unsustainable rates of habitat or species loss. ernment published 'Safeguarding our Seas', a strategy
Unfortunately, the magnitude of existing human impacts on for the conservation and sustainable development of
the m arine environment is such that a great deal of effo rt the marine environment. This included specific commit-
is focused on fighting rearguard actions rather than plan- ments to marine conservation, such as the adoption of
ning for sustainabiHty before the impact occurs (cure the an ecosystem approach, that were consistent with the
cause n ot the sympto ms) . It is hoped that the greening of requirements of WSSD.
government policy will help to encourage proactive, rather Source:
than re active, conservat ion . Proactive conservation, for
example, might require that measures to mitigate unsustain-
16.3 What to conserve

Table 16.2 Examples of ecosystem services from natural marine ecosystem s (Costanza et at. 1997).

Ecosystem service Examples

Gas regulation Oceans balancing CO 2 content of atmosphere, thus regulating atmospheric
Water regulation Oceans as ultimate source of water as a basis for agriculture, industry, and
Nutrient cycl ing Gaseous fixation and organic matter decom position as sources of nitrogen for
primary production in all ecosystems
Waste treatment Breakdown of sewage by micro-organisms in conti nental shelf waters
Provision of nat ural refugia Habitats such as seagrass and saltmarsh as nursery grounds for fisheries
Food production Coastal waters as generators of fishery products
Provision of raw materials Marine sediments and rocks as sources of aggregate for build ing
Sourcing of genetic materials Provide natural compounds useful in medicine
Provision of recreat ion Offer sport fishing habitat, opport uniti es for ecotourism
Provision of cultural assets Offer resources for aesthetic, educational, and scientif ic purposes

able impacts are incorporated into plans for development Conservation will never be an entirely logical process
or exploitation before those plans are sanctioned (16.6.1) . when so many value judgements are involved , and since
attempts to conserve whales a nd dolphins often gain strong
Conservation actions must be prioritized to ensure public support, efforts to conserve them may be more suc-
appropriate use of limited funds, but decisions can be cessful. Protecting such charismatic species may also have
difficult and emotive. positive and negative implications for h abitats and other
ecosystem components on which they depend. An example
Prioritization is needed to identify the conse rvation of the former might be the removal of fishing from a par-
actions that make the biggest contribution to sustainabil- ticular locality to avoid cetacean by-catch, which may have
ity. At the global level, prioritization involves international concomitant beneficial effects for associated species (e.g.
decisions about the investment in combating threats such seabirds or fish). Negative effects can result when the pro-
as climate change. At regional and local scales, prioritiza- tected species becomes a 'pest', as exemplified by the con-
tion is needed to decide how scarce resources should be flict between sport fishermen and fish-eating cormorants
allocated to proactive and reactive conservation, and the or seals.
specific issues to address. Prioritization involves many diffi- Methods for conservation prioritization of individual
cult and emotive decis ions . Thus the last few surviving indi- species are often relatively quantitative. Thus the World
vidu als of a species usu ally attract great public and media Conservation Union OUCN) produces a 'Red List' of threat-
interest, and provide impetus for conservation action, but ened species, which is intended to be an easily and widely
may stre tch, disp roportionately, resources that could be understood system for classifying species at high risk of
used for large-scale habitat conservation or maintaining the extinction (Box 16.2) . This system is used to class ify all the
abundance of common species that play important roles in world's animal species for which d ata are available, and
the ecosys tem and provide direct benefits to humans. many fishes and marine mammals h ave been listed .
In public perception, marine conservation is often epito-
mized by conce rn for marine mammals, seabirds , and sea Species are prioritized for conservation by the IUCN:
turtles, even though less conspicuous species and marine httpv/wwwlucnredlfst.crq.
h abitats are threatened by human activities .
Habitat conservation is now playing a greater role in the
The tendency to 'value' some species more than others marine environment, with widespread calls for greater use
is a consistent trait in humans when surveyed for their of marine reserves. Thus far it has not been poss ible to cre-
willingness to contribute financially (willingness to pay) ate very large marine reserves, so animals such as whales
to the conservation of biodiversity. Large charismatic are still managed on a population-by-population basis.
taxa (marine mammals) attract higher bids than organ- Habitats and regions can be ranked for conservation prior-
isms at lower trophic levels such as invertebrates and ity according to factors including their biological diversity
algae [Ressurreicac et al. 2010). within particular biogeographical regions (Chapters 1, 7,
Chapter 16 Conservation

and 8) and roles in sustaining particular species or groups Networks of marine protected areas may be proposed to
of species. The process of selecting sites for conservation help conserve species and habitats. The idea here is that a set
will typically involve the measurement or description of of reserves is selecte d to meet specific conservation objec-
attributes of a site or series of sites, an evaluation of these tives, such as the representation of each of the community
measures against a set of criteria and a method of com- types known in a region at least once, or the conservation of
bining the results to enable ranking of sites (Bibby 1998) . a fixed proportion (e.g. 30%) of biodiversity fe atures. Algo-
Measures typically include species' diversity and rarity, size rithms can search a species or attribute by site database to
of area, representativeness, naturalness (naturally a very find a minimum set of areas that meet a given objective. If
h ard thing to define ), cultura l criteria, and vulnerability. sites are selecte d sequentially to define a minimum set to
Combining all scores is a problem, as some are strictly quan- meet a stated objective, then the select ion of any new site
titative (area, diversity), while others are qualitative (natur- depends on the properties of those already selected. Thus
alness). One approach is to rank sites based on quantitative the new set complements the series. A w idespread tool used
criteria and then to deal with practical considerations at to develop such networks is the MarXan software devel-
the final stage. oped by Hugh Possingham and colleagues at the Univers ity
of Queensland. The tool has adv anced considerably since
Prioritization of habitats and regions for conservation its early inception, when it was possible only to integrate
can be a quantitative and qualitative process that can biological and habitat data for consideration . More recently
complicate the integration of these data into a single the tool has been expanded to integrate social and economic
reference point. data , such that it is possible to set a fixed conservation objec-
tive that is achieved by minimizing economic and social costs

Box 16.2: The nrcx Red List included in the list. Some fish-stock managers argue that
The IUCN Red List recog nizes seven categories of spe- the reference poi nts used for management are conserva-
cies extinction, threat, and endangerment where there are tive, and if population biomass were kept at, or above,
sufficient data (see figu re). The categorization is based those targets then there would be little risk of extinction.
on factors such as reduction in population size over a Others argue that the observed rates of decline in many
specified time period, geograp hic range size, and abso- exploited fish populations meet listing criteria and that the
lute population size. A species may be listed as critically population biology of fish makes them no less prone to
endangered, for example, because it has decreased in extinction than many bird and mammal species (Hutch-
abundance by >90% over the last 10 years or 3 gen- ings 2001). Regardless of the pros and cons of these
erations. Marine mammals and turtles have been listed arguments, the Red List has a role in highlighting species
for some time, and other marine species are increasingly that are severely depleted or threatened wi th extinction,
appearing on the list. Certain sharks, rays, and chimaeras and should help to promote the conservation action that
are likely to be added. There has been some debate about is sought by fishery managers and conservationists alike.
whether managed commercial fish stocks should be Source: http: / /

Extinct (EXJ

Extinct in thewild (EW)

Critically endangered (CR)
(Adequate dataJ (Threatened)
Endangered (EN)

Vulnerable (VUJ
(EvaluatedJ Near threatened (NT)

least concern(lCJ

Data deficient (DO)

Not evaluated (NE)

16.4 Economics of conservation

(a) Using only bialagi,,1 dete (el Fine resolution economic dala
Figure 16.3 MarXan software generated different marine
Fishing reserve designs according to the type of data used. The
outcome of using only conservation data (a), conservation
per PU
and economic data (b). Panel (c) shows the distribution
of economic activity expressed as gross revenue per

- annum per planning unit (PU) area and clearly shows the
spatial heterogeneity in the commercial value of different
areas around the coastline, with darker areas having
Ibl Using biologicol and economic Idl Ircnemlr impact the highest value. Panel (d) shows the economic impact
dolo on stakeholders of the scenarios shown in panel (a =
minimising) and panel (b = fine resolution). Integrating

. ,
e --

o '~

ie ,§
economic considerations reduced considerably the
economic costs in the short-term. Note however, this
figure does not account for any economic benefits that
'g g O.S might be accrued from the implementation of marine
ArelHTlinimizing Fine resolution

to marine stakeholders (see Richardson et al. 2006) . The because reserves displace activities while outright control
value ofsuch tools is their ability to investigate the outcome of the activities is needed to stop them. It would be inex-
of different management scenarios. In a case study in Wales cusable to lose sight of the activiry and thus fail to address
(UK), Richardson et a1. (2006) were able to demonstrate the problem at source. This is why conservation of the
that the inclusion of the spatial data on the distribution of marine environment involves other actions, such as regu-
economic activities related to fisheries significantly reduced lation of fisheries and pollution (see Chapters 13 and 15)
the financial impact on the key stakeholders (fishers) while and integrating the management of multiple uses (16.5) .
maintaining the conservation objectives (Fig. 16.3). Such linkage between multiple issues, together with the
fact that each issue may be addressed by different govern-
MarXan freeware is now widely used in the planning ment departments and nations, has highlighted the need
of networks of marine conservation zones or marine for more joined up conservation objectives and methods of
protected areas and was used to inform the design of planning. One framework for achieving this is dubbed the
the Great Barrier Reef conservation areas (http://www. 'e co syste m approach' (Box 16.3).

Rigorous quantitative procedures for prioritization are 16.4 Economics of

often seen to be essential, and yet the approaches to pri-
oritization we have described can be seen as an intellec-
tual rather than a real-world exercise. Indeed, many sites Economic development has environmental costs, which are
are protected simply because they were in areas where rarely paid for by the businesses, governments. and indi-
enforcement was possible, where they brought immediate viduals that profit from the development. The assimilation
economic benefits to a local community, or where there of sewage by ecosystems and side effects of species' declines
was regional or national support for protection, or perhaps wrought by fishing are cases in point; the polluter and fisher,
more importantly minimal opposition to their creation. respectively. are rarely asked to bear the costs of their actions.
It is also important to recognize what site-based con- Failure to take account of the environmental cost of
servation can and cannot achieve. The openness of marine human activities has meant that development is driven by
systems means that pollution impacts. for example, have false economic incentives and disincentives, and is unlikely
to be tackled by reducing polluting inputs, not by setting to be sustainable. Moreover. because many human activities
up reserves. A terrestrial analogy was the acid rain that fell in the marine environment, especially fisheries. are subsi-
on Sweden in the 1970s and 1980s. Conservation actions dized or unprofitable, there are very high short-term eco-
(e.g. liming lakes) in Sweden had minimal effect until the nomic costs associated with moving towards sustainability.
UK Government was persuaded to take action to reduce The high short-term costs of changing human behaviour are
sulphur emissions from its coal-fired power stations. which one of the greatest impediments to effective conservation.
were the cause of the acid rain. Similar arguments can be Fisheries provide an excellent example of the way in
proposed for stopping fishing and habitat damage too, which short-term economic forces promote unsustain-
Chapter 16 Conservation

ability, even when the long-term econom ic benefits of sus-

Box 16.3: The ecosystem approach t ainable fisheries are known to be high. For the fisher, the
decision w hether to catch fishes now or leave them in the
The recognitio n that sectoral issues that affect the sea w ill depend on their future va lue. If the value of a fish
mari ne environment were often managed in different stock 5 years in the future is perceived to be less than the
ways, by enti rely different bodies and without sufficient money that could be made after 5 ye ars by catch ing the fish
regard for thei r cumulative or synergisti c impacts, has now, selling them, and investing the money in a bank, then
led to the recognit ion that a more 'joi ned-up' app roach there is an economic incentive to fish as hard as possible in
was needed to ensure environmental protection. The the short-term . This is known as 'disco un tin g the future'.
ecosystem approach is intended to provide this. It has Discount rates are used to measure the rate at w hich the
variously been defined as 'the integrated management perceived value of a resource, such as a fished stock, falls
of human activities, based on know ledge of ecosystem over time. Discount rates reflect the cost of return on alter-
dynamics, to achieve sustainable use of ecosystem n ative investments. Thus if you 'invest ' so me money in fish
goods and services, and maintenance of ecosystem by leaving them in the sea, you require that its value should
integrity' or in less scientific terms, as an approach th at grow at least as fast as the value of money in the bank. If the
'puts emphasis on a management regime that main- value of fish in the sea grows more slowly, or if the future
tains the health of the ecosystem alongside app ro- value of the fish might be jeopardized by activities of com-
pri ate human use of the marine environment, fo r the peting fishers, then it is a good economic strategy to catch
benefit of current and future generations'. the fish sooner rather than later.
As with the aspi rations of inte rn ational meet ings, The present value (PV) of income V, t years into the
th ese defini tions are 'high level ' and do not he lp to future is:
set operational management obj ectives. The science v,
PV(V,) = (l + 8)'
sup port and adv isory process must th erefo re seek
to guide the choice of objectives and met hods of where 0 is the discount rate. The decline in perceived
achieving them. This work is cu rrently in the early value of a unit of income at different discount rates is shown
stages, but is likely to revo lve arou nd the develop- in Fig. 16.4. High discount rates (typically 0.1 to 0.2) tend to
ment of a suite of indi cators of human activity and be used by fishers because fishers are uncertain about reap-
ecosystem impacts that can be used to measure the ing the benefits from fishes left in the sea, especially when
success of management and th e respo nse of the their competitors might catch them, and processes such as
ecosystem. With any such approach , the main chal- stock recruitment are highly unpredictable. Fishers' rates are
lenges are separating the ecological impacts of the typically higher than bank interest rates and thus it generally
human activ ity fro m the impact of environmenta l and pays to catch fish and invest the profits. This explains why
clim atic effects, and deve lo ping an approach that
is sufficiently powe rful to detect imp acts on the 1.0. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
ti mescales that matter to managers (the lifetime of
Governments and often sho rter).
The Co mm ission set up by the 1982 Convent ion on 0.8
the Conservat ion of Antarctic Marine Living Resources
(CCAMLR) has ta ken an ecosystem approach to tack-
~ 0.6
li ng anthropogenic (mainly fishery-rel ated) mortality 0
of marine animals. The problems include loss of alba- .=
t rosses and petrels to fishery long-lines, entanglement ~ 0.4
of marine mammals in marine debris, and impacts of
fishing on the seabed. In the first case, the Commission
acted by controlling the timing of fishing and manner of 0.2
fish offal disposal, as well as requiring scientific observ-
ers on all vess els fishing outside nat ion al w aters in
CCAMLR areas. The management of the Great Barrier o 10 20 30 40 50
Reef Marine Park (Box 16 .4 ) also provides an example Time Iyearsl
of an ecosystem approach.
For fu rther details see the CCAMLR (www.ccamlr. Figure 16.4 The decline in the perceived value of a unit
org) and GBRMPA ( websites. of income at different discount rates. Thus the economic
benefits of intact and the modified ecosystem must be
directly co mpared .
16.4 Economics of conservation

species such as whales, wit h very low growth rates, were the functions of intact ecosystems alone is inadequate for
'mined' rather than fished sustainably. Market instruments supporting decision-making because human-converted
that capture at a private level the social and global values ecosystems also have value to society. Thus the economic
of sustainable fishing through, for example, premium pric- benefits of intact and the modified ecosystem must be
ing for sustainably harvested fish, may be an important step directly compared. Two marine case studies are instruc-
towards sustainability (Kaiser & Edwards-Jones 2006). tive in this regard. Full economic valuation of Philippine
OUf arguments about the effects of discounting on fish- mangrove, as against the aquaculture to which it may be
eries also apply to other forward projections of value; for converted (assuming a 6% discount rate over 30 years),
example, in the context of climate change. Thus if global shows that conversion makes sense in terms of short-term
warming has costs in 25 years, the willingness to invest in private benefits . However, when external costs such as loss
mitigating them now wo uld be very low, even if the dis- oflong-term timber and charcoal supply, offshore fisheries,
count rate were small (Hanley 1998 ). and storm protection, are incorporated, the total economic
Where areas of the marine environme nt are being con- value (TEV) of mangrove is around 70% greater than that
verted for human uses, such as aqu aculture, there are sev- of shrimp farms. Sim ilarly, on Philippine reefs (assuming
eral key questions to ask about the costs of such conversion. 10% discount over 10 years), destructive fishing practices
For example, what is being lost and what gained, who are had high initial benefits to the users, but the benefi ts of sus-
the beneficiaries and losers, and what is the economic ratio- tainable reef fisheries and tourism were then lost. The TEV
nale for conservation? In recent years, a growing range of of intact reef was 75% higher than that of a destructively
approaches have been applied to value the services pro- fished reef (Balmford et aJ. 2002).
vided by marine ecosystems (Techn iques box) . Valu ing

TECHNIQUES: Valuing marine

ecosystems about their (hypothetical) responses to changes in the
availability of ecosystem services. For example, in the
There is growing pressure to emphasize the economic contingent valuation approach, people may be asked how
costs and benefits of different conservation options, and a much they are willing to pay (WTP) , or, alternatively, how
range of tools have been developed to value marine eco- much they are willing to accept (WTA) in compensation,
system services. Broadly, economic valuation methods can for a given change in an ecosystem service. While conti n-
be divided into revealed preference or stated preference gent valuation methods focus on payments, choice mod-
methods that value use and non-use values, respectively. elling is an alternate stated preference method in which
Revealed preference methods estimate the ' use value' of people are asked to rank the acceptability of the status
ecosystems, while stated preference methods provide an quo against other scenarios for ecosystem services. A
alternate approach when services are not marketed. This criticism of WTP methods is that they can generate unre-
is a particularly useful approach for rather nebulous con- alistic values that have yet to be tested by attempting to
cepts such as 'beq uest value' and 'cultural value'. extract the stated value from human society.
Revealed preference methods can include market All the methods for valuing ecosystem services are
analysis where, for example, coral reefs or fisheries are subject to biases and concerns, and the development
valued in terms of their contribution to tourism or catches. of these methods is an active area of research. Another
In other cases, avertive behaviour and replacement-cost issue that has recently been raised is the need to avoid
methods may be used. These assume that the cost of double counting when valuing services. For example,
aver ting environmental damage is a proxy for the benefits when services are classified in groups such as 'support-
that a service provides or that the replacement cost of a ing services ', 'provisioning services', 'regulating services',
service provided by marine ecosystems, such as nutrient and 'cult ural services'. To avoid the risk of double coun t-
cycli ng, is a proxy for its value. Another example mig ht be ing, Fisher and Turner (2008) recent ly proposed an
the loss of a mangrove forest that fulfils many functions alternate classification of servi ces as 'intermed iate' (e.g.
including prevention of storm damage to the coastli ne. A prima ry production, nutrient cycl ing) , 'fi nal services' (e.g.
'value' can be attributed to this service in terms of the habitat provision, fisheries production), and 'benefits'
cost incurred to build a concrete breakwater to replace (e.g. food and recreat ion) , all supported by abiotic inputs
this service if the mangrove were to be removed. like sunlight and nutrients. In this approach, servi ces and
Stated preference methods include choice modelling benefits are distinguished and double-counting is avoided
and contingent valuation. Here, people are questioned because only the final benefits are valued.
Chapter 16 Conservation

Table Expressed willingness to pay (Euros) to prevent a given (10 %) decline in marine biodiversity
of different taxa or marine biodiversity in its entirety showing the median and mean values stated by
residents and vi sitors to the Azores (Ressurreicao et al, 2010).

Valuation Scenario Level of Loss Sample Group Median Mean

Algae 10 % Visitors 23 € 66 €
Birds 10 % Visitors 25 € 71 €

Fish 10 % Visitors 30 € 86 €

Invertebrates 10 % Visitors 24 € 68 €

Mammals 10 % Visito rs 30 € 85 €

All marine species 10 % Visito rs 138 € 58 1 €

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••

Algae 10 % Residents 16 € 45 €
Birds 10 % Residents 17 € 48 €

Fish 10 % Residents 20 € 58 €

Invertebrates 10 % Residents 16 € 46 €

Mammals 10 % Residents 20 € 58 €

All marine speci es 10 % Residents 96 € 405 €

This image shows a researcher questioning tourists about their willingness to

pay to prevent a given loss in species diversity in the Azores Archipelago. The
study investigated preferences for marine mammals, seabird s, fi sh , marine inver-
tebrates, and algae (see table). As in other studies, there were stronger pref-
erences for the charismatic fauna (fish and mammals), but, more importantly,
respondents were willing to pay much more to co nserve ' b io d iversity' in its
entirety co mpared with the summed values they gave for each of the taxa inde-
pendentl y. An extension of this study also revealed that WTP for biodiversity
was relatively consistent over a 3-year period that straddled the global financial
crisis between 2007 and 2009, which demonstrated an unexpected resilience
to the background economic climate.
16.5 Conservation policy and legislation

Ecosystemsand the production of services Other copitol

inputs People

D ~ ~
Primary and intermediate Final ecosystem
Goodsjhenelits Volueo! ....01 which
processes services goods.... II value

Nutrient '--'\ Food

BioturbotiO"r---V cycling production ,--,/

Mangrove '--'\
production r-r-v Biomass r--V

A schemat ic to show the provision of primary and intermediate processes by biodiversity through t o final eco-
system services and how these underpin the provision of good s o r benefits to human society. Goods have direct
monetary va lue that ca n be traded as commodities, whereas ecosystem services (ES) have monetary value that
is assessed through the techniques described in this box such as 'will ing ness to pay' (adapted from Fisher et
al. 2008).

16.5 Conservation policy and Education and experience in the early years of life have
legislation a major influence on attitudes and actions . Childre n who
regard conservation as an important issue are likely to
Human impacts on the marine environment are determined retain this opinio n when they diverge into a ra nge of careers
by the actions of individuals, villages, towns, cities , nations, or lifestyles. Education, at least for most children and young
and businesses steered by government regulations or ince n- adults, is based on a syllabus that is mandated by regional
tives, social pressure, conscience, or market forces. These or national government. The content of this syllabus can
impacts can be mitigated, even eliminated , by a variety of influence how people subsequently respond to, and deal
means, but in this the actions of individuals are of para- with, sustainable development issues. In many countries,
mount importance. Human behaviour can be infl uenced the general 'greening' of government policy is now reflected
by many means includ ing education, persuasion, economic in the school syllabus and this has encouraged childre n to
incentives, legal pressure , and militar y force. Broadly think about the role of conservation and sus tainable devel-
speaking, conservation faces a choice between top-down opment, and has also increased aware ness of issues such
and bottom-up approaches, or more usu ally some mixture as climate change that may not be locally visible. However,
of the two, to achieve its goals. childre n attend ing a small school on a Pacific island where
The greater the proportion of society that is influenced 90% of animal protein comes from fish will have a very dif-
by its own desire to conserve, the more effective conser- ferent perception of the marine environment from childre n
vation is likely to be. In practical terms, this means that at a landlocked inner city school where their exposure to
humans impacting the environment should see and share in marine species is through aquaria, supermarket counters,
the benefits of conservation and sustainable development. and restaurants. Education level also strongly influences
This requires effective education. Two countries that exem- the responses given in contingent valuation studies of eco-
plify this are Australia and New Zealand. These countries system services. People educated to degree level or higher
h ave adopted extremely 'green' policies towards use of the cons istently give more pos itive res ponses or are willing to
marine environment. pay higher values to conserve abstract concepts such as
Chapter 16 Conservation

Figure 16.5 Monterey Bay

Aquarium in California, USA, is one
of many large aquariums that runs
education programmes with a strong
conservation message. Copyright
Monterey Bay Aquarium.

biodiversity. Care needs to be taken to tease out people's policy, driven in part by international gatherings and dec-
willingness to pay from their ability to pay-richer people larations such as the Rio Convention on Biological Diver-
are able to pay more than those with low incomes (Ressur- sity and the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable
reicao et al. 2010) . Development (WSSD) (Box 16.1) . Several governments
Nature reserves and public aquaria also play an increas- have expressed aspirations to move towards embedding
ing role in teaching parties of visiting schoolchildren and the principles of sustainable development in all a spects of
adults about the marine environment. For example, the policy, rather than having an environment ministry that has
Monterey Bay aquarium in California, USA opened in 1984 to compete with, rather than work with. other ministries.
and is visited by 1.8 million people a year. This aquarium such as industry, transport, and fisheries, for funding and
runs education programmes to raise awareness of overfish- influence. Indeed. the treaty of the European Community
ing of ocean species, such as the bluefin tuna (Fig. 16.5) . states 'that environmental protection requirements are to
Thus by displaying related rona species in aquaria, visitors be integrated into the definition ofCommunity policies and
are able to see animals that would rarely be seen except in activities. in particular with a view to promoting sustain-
cans and photographs. This must have a major effect on per- able development'. Of course, it often takes a long time for
ceptions ofthese animals, which will increasinglybe seen as such high-level aspirations to be converted into action.
beautiful and endangered sea creatures, rather than over- Many current systems for marine environmental man-
priced food in short supply. agement are confused by conflicting interests and shared
For those parts of society that do not see the benefit of responsibility. For example, in UK estuaries, human activi-
sustainable development. or are unable to support it. eco- ties are regulated by at least 80 parliamentary acts and a
nomic incentives and legal measures are needed. Rigorous series ofEU regulations. Even though several estuarine sites
policing and heavy fines do change the behaviour of some of important conservation status have been designated for
groups of people but they are unlikely to be effective with- protection as SSSls (Sites ofSpecial Scientific Interest), port
out the support of wider society, and this support is most and harbour authorities still regulate shipping activity in
likely to be gained through persuasion and bottom-up pro- these areas, and gravel or sand extraction can be licensed.
cesses, such as those fostered by education. Thus many perceive sites that have legislated conservation
Policies on sustainable development are influenced by status to be 'paper parks' that have only weak enforcement
the electorate. non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to prevent degradation of conservation features.
the media, science, industry, and economic and military Even in cases where the need for rapid conservation
concerns. Governments are lobbied on many issues by peo- action is recognized. many groups often have to liaise and
ple with many perspectives (st akeh old ers), and for every reach agreementbefore action canbe taken. Thus the North
argument in favour of conservation and sustainable devel- Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis ) was brought near
opment, there are likely to be opposing arguments from to extinction by commercial whaling, and by the 1900s the
those sectors of society that fear losses of food. income. or population numbered around 300 individuals. Despite
access rights. complete cessation ofcommercial whaling. the right whale
Nevertheless. there is a general 'greening' ofgovernment was still at risk from entanglement in fishing gear and col-
16.5 Conservation policy and legislation

lision with ships. A population analysis in 1998 suggested The recognition that management of many human
that the rates of mortality affecting the whale population activities in the marine environment has become overly
could drive the whale to extinction within 200 years (Cas- complex and heavily influenced by sectoral concerns has
well et al. 1999). The only way to save the whale was to prompted the development of an ecosystem approach
reduce mortality, and this could best be achieved by reduc- (Box 16.3) . This approach builds on other attempts to
ing the probability of ship collisions, which accounted for improve cooperation among sectors. through approaches
80% ofall deaths. Such collisions often occurred in the Bay such as 'int eg rated coastal zone management' (lCZM),
of Fundy, where a shipping route crosses one of the main which have already been widely used with various levels
feeding areas used by the whales. In late 2002, after sev- of success in some coastal regions. Integrated coastal zone
eral years of pressure from the WWF and other bodies, the management (lCZM) is a dynamic, multidisciplinary, and
International Maritime Organization gave the Canadian iterative process that promotes sustainable management
Government permission to reroute shipping in the Bay of of coastal waters and lands (coastal zone). ICZM brings
Fundy. The new shipping lanes came into effect on 1 July together all those involved in the development. manage-
2003 and are expected to reduce the risk of ship collisions ment. and use of the coast in a framework that facilitates
by 80% and should help to prevent the extinction of the integration of their interests and responsibilities. Over the
population (Fig. 16.6). Clearly in such cases, good scientific long term. ICZM seeks to balance cultural, economic, envi-
advice, and both national and international understanding ronmental. recreational. and social objectives in order to
and agreement, are needed. achieve common goals. In Europe the environmental con-
International agencies can playa key role in coordinat- cerns that have led to the development of ICZM thinking
ing conservation actions across many areas ofjurisdiction. include the impacts of fishing (Ch apter 13), aquaculture
Thus whales, turtles, fishes, and water currents do not (Chapter 14), pollution (Chapter 15), rapid human pop-
respect national boundaries, and local or national conser- ulation growth, and poor employment opportunities in
vation will often be ineffective. The International Whaling coastal communities.
Commission, for example, tries to regulate whaling on a
global scale, though agreement is hard to reach in such an Integrated coastal-zone management provides a frame-
international agency when countries perceive conservation work for management of multiple human impacts and
issues in different ways and some seek to continue exploita- activities. The integrated approach of ICZM is consis-
tion while others strive to ban it. tent with the ecosystem approach to management in t he
marine environment.

A European Union (EU) ICZM Demonstration Pro-

gramme consisting of 35 projects in a range of socio-eco-
nomic. cultural. administrative, and physical conditions
across Europe in 1996 to 1999 concluded that a sectoral
approach (e.g, dealing with issues impact by impact) to
management did not meet the needs of managing complex
• issues in coastal areas. Management should therefore be

., r - inherently inter- and multidisciplinary; promote integration

of the terrestrial (e.g. human settlements. watershed con-
Grond ' •~ siderations) and marine (e.g. fisheries) components; high-
Monon %.-"
light the need for integration of all relevant policy areas,
sectors, and levels of administration; and use informed
participation and cooperation ofall interested and affected
Atlantic Ocean parties to assess the societal objectives. In short. ICZM
implies a new style ofgovernance that involves partnership
New .hipping lanes with all ofthe segments of civil society, and solicits the col-
- - Old .hipping lanes laboration ofall coastal zone stakeholders in the conception
- - _. Right whale and implementation of a development model that is in their
feeding grounds mutual interest (European Commission 2000) .
Eight principles have been drawn from successful coastal
management initiatives and helped to form the basis for a
Figure 16.6 Shipping lanes in the north-west Atlantic call on ED member states to set up national strategies for
were moved to reduce the probability that endangered ICZM by 2006 (European Commission 2002) . These prin-
right whales wou ld be struck by ships. ciples include: (1) a broad overall perspective; (2) a long-
Chapter 16 Conservation

term perspective taking into account the precautionary administrative (local and international, NGO and govern-
principle; (3) adaptive management; (4 ) local specificity mental) organization. To show how all of these levels are
and diversity; (5) working with natural processes and car- being incorporated is beyond the scope of this book; instead
rying capacity of ecosystems; (6) involving all parties in we give three examples that help to illustrate the range of
the management process; (7) support and involvement of actions involved. The first of these is the assessment of envi-
relevant administration bodies at national, regional, and ronmental risk in any project, in the process referred to as
local levels; (8) a combination of instruments to facili- 'enviro nmen t al impact assessment' (EIA) . The second is
tate coherence between sectoral policy objectives. Thus in ecolabelling, which provides consumers with a basis for
Europe, the move towards ICZM recognized the important environmental choice and seeks voluntary participation of
role of coastal lands and waters for nature and ICZM is an an industry in practices that meet sustainable development
ambitious strategy, or at least a wish list, for addressing objectives. The third is the use of marine reserves (marine
some of the overarching environmental concerns for the protected areas), from which fishing and other forms of
coastal zone. ICZM is considered a prerequisite for success- extractive use are excluded.
ful management of coastal and marine resources around As we consider these various forms of conservation
the world, and many international bodies, such as the Food action, it is worth considering the overall context in which
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Inter- conservation policy is implemented. Most conservation
governmental Oceanographic Commission, United Nations action is ultimately driven by high-level objectives. As we
Environment Programme, and the World Bank. support have seen, these objectives are often chosen internationally
and promote ICZM. at fora such as the World Summit on Sustainable Develop-
When it comes to environmental decision-making at a ment (Box 16.1). Then, sustainable development strategies
global level, the dichotomy in the sustainability, profitabil- have to be developed to help meet the objectives. Conserva-
ity, and capacity for species' and habitat conservation in the tion actions consistent with the strategies are then taken to
developing and developed world needs to be recognized. meet the objectives. Progress towards objectives is moni-
Developing countries still have some of the greatest assets tored, and strategies and actions (hopefully not objectives!)
in wilderness areas and biological diversity. but they have amended to ensure objectives are met.
the greatest human population growth rates and fewer
resources for conservation. It is also worth remembering
that opportunities for conservation in developed Western
16.6.1 Environmental impact
nations are often subsidized bypoor people. The removal of
assessment (EIA)
capacity in developed countries can have harsh social and The aim ofElA is to prevent. reduce, or offset any adverse
economic consequences in the short term but, in the longer impacts of each and every major development affecting
term, these are often softened by government subsidies and the environment, including the sea (Barrow 1997) . EIA
job opportunities in other sectors of the economy. In the is a formal process to identify and predict the environ-
poorer countries of the world, fishing is often the occupa- mental impacts of a project, with a view to mitigating
tion of last resort for families with no other opportunities adverse impacts or addressing them in revised plans. Such
for subsistence. The scale of poverty and reliance on fish- assessments are required for activities such as oil-rig and
eries in the developing world has been widely described wind-farm construction, and aggregate extraction. Inter-
elsewhere (Kent 1998) . It is possible that 1 billion people estingly, however. fisheries' development is usually exempt
in 40 developing countries may lose access to their primary from EIA. The omission of fishing has led to some internal
source of protein as a result of overfishing (UNDP 2003) . argument among the industries concerned in Europe,
The international community will have to intervene to since fishing has been identified as the greatest threat to
provide funding for conservation in the poorer countries. the marine environment by the Oslo and Paris Commis-
This would, for example, include providing the means to sion, which upholds the Convention for the Protection of
generate alternatives sources of livelihood to alleviate the the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic from
poverty that lies at the root, for example, ofdestructive fish- dumping and land-derived and offshore sources of pollu-
ing practices and unsustainable coastal development that tion. The purpose of EIA is to support the objectives of
threaten biological diversity. conservation and sustainable development by integrating
environmental protection requirements into the planning
process at the earliest possible stage. The EIA process
16.6 Conservation in action serves to predict the environmental. social. economic. and
cultural consequences of a proposed activity and to assess
Action to meet the objectives of marine conservation is plans to mitigate any adverse impacts resulting from that
being taken on many fronts, and this has involved many activity. Although there is much variation in practice,
levels of ecological (species, habitats, ecosystems) and particularly among countries, EIA often provides a focus
16.6 Conservation in action

for the involvement of society in reviewing the potential ecolabel to recognize and reward sustainable fisheries .
impact of the activity, through submissions from the pub- The MSC was founded in 1996 as ajoint venture between
lic and government bodies. WWF and Unilever, became an independent charitable
organization in 1999. and is funded by grant income and
Environmental impact assessment aims to predict the royalty fees paid for use of the MSC ecolabel on products.
impacts of development and to mitigate or avoid those Products bearing the MSC ecolabel have won the patron-
impacts that are unsustainable. age of royalty and celebrity chefs alike, and retail giants
put MSC ecolabelled products on their shelves, with an
Once it is decided that an EIA should go ahead, a six- ever increasing range of different products currently on
stage process begins. This involves seoping, quantifica- offer. Fisheries certified under the MSC scheme include
tion, report production, decision on project, and, if the the Western Australian rock lobster, New Zealand hoki,
development is allowed to go ahead, development and Bering SealAleutian Islands pollack, and Alaska salmon.
monitoring. During seoping, all the potential impacts of The certification process is conducted by a panel of inde-
the projects are listed, and during the quantification stage, pendent scientists who assess the fishery against criteria
the magnitude of each impact is assessed in relation to the for the status of the stock, ecosystem impacts due to fish-
existing habitats, species, and activities at the proposed ing, and the management systems in place (Philipps et al.
development site . Based on scoping and quantification, an 2003) .
Environmental Statement is produced and this is reviewed
by government and associated agencies to determine Several groups now certify or recommend fishery prod-
whether development should go ahead. ucts from sustainable fisheries (see http://www.mcsuk.
A developing and more comprehensive form of impact org and
assessment is Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) .
SEA assesses the wider impacts of any development. tak- With the commitment to improving fishing practices by
ing account of interactions with other forms of develop- the industry, qualification for the MSC ecolabel should be
ment and the wider environment. relatively straightforward for fisheries where the choices
of how much fish to catch and how to catch it are under the
control of a single group of fishers. It will be in their inter-
16.6.2 Ecolabelling
est to invest in long-term sustainability and in ecolabelling
Consumer choice can have a powerful influence on the that will attract premium prices and access to consistent
use of the marine environment as demonstrated by the markets. However. as we saw in Chapter 13. the majority
boom in sales of 'do lp h in friendly' or 'd olp h in safe' tuna of the world's fisheries are not like this, and most fishers
when the public saw the first pictures of dolphin kills have little control over the setting of fishing quotas. and
in tuna purse seine net fisheries . Today, increasingly they share the fish resource with other fishers and nations
detailed information is available on the provenance of who may not choose to fish responsibly and are caught up
wild caught fish. in the race to fish . Fishers who participate in these fisher-
ies may be impeded from realizing their ambition to move
What we ultimately buy in the supermarket may influ- towards MSC certification due to the actions of others that
ence the behaviour of fishers and other users of the are beyond their control. Thus the MSC scheme focuses
marine environment. very much on consumer choice as the driver for change
in fisheries (Kaiser & Edwards-Jones 2006) . Interestingly,
In Great Britain, the Marine Conservation Society pub- although consumer choice is held up as the main driver
lishes a 'Good Fish Guide' to help consumers who like to for change by the MSC, it is the major retailers that have
eat seafood but are concerned about the impacts of fishing had the most significant impact in terms of changing fish-
on fish stocks, marine wildlife, and habitats, to choose fish ers' behaviour to date. Many of the world's largest retailers
that come from sustainably managed fisheries that mini- have stated a desire to source all fish-related products from
mize damage to the marine environment and do not harm MSC certified fisheries by 2012 . Thus retailers have set a
other wildlife. Organizations such as the Seafood Choices new standard. irrespective of consumer choice. The rea-
Alliance are important non-governmental bodies that soning behind this may seem to be a wholehearted accep-
attempt to generate consensus among users of seafood tance of sustainable use of natural resources, but another
(retailers. processors, importers. and catching sector) explanation may be simply that unreliable sources of fish
about how to move towards sustainable and safe seafood from collapsed or teetering fisheries is simply bad for busi-
(see website http :/ / . ness and over-complicates supply-chain logistics. Irrespec-
Internationally, the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) tive of the above, the MSC benchmark set by retailers has
runs a market-based certification programme and seafood initiated significant changes in the attitude and behaviour
Chapter 16 Conservation

of fishers' organizations in d eveloped countries (previ-

Marine reserves protect a very small proportion of the
ously many were skeptical of the benefits of accreditation)
marine environment. In the open marine environment,
and this is perhaps reflected in the tenfold increase in the
the use of reserves for conservation must go hand in
number of certified fisheries in just the last 5 years. The
hand with control of human activity outside the reserve.
MSC has its detractors and supporters, leading to contem-
porary debate on the role of the organization in promoting
sustainable fishing (see Hilborn & Cowan 2010; Jacquet et One of the success stories in marine reserve conserva-
al. 2010; Kaiser & Hill 2010). tion is that of the large Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in
northeastern Australia (Box 16.4). However, many marine
reserves are small and vulnerable to climatic events, land-
16.6.3 Marine reserves derived pollution and run-off, and poaching.
Reserves, where human activity is spatially controlled Small reserves on and around coral reefs have provided
or banned, have useful roles to play in marine conserva- most of the evidence for the potential conservation ben-
tion and there has been an upsurge of interest in them, efits of reserves. Most important has been the demonstra-
often stimulated by growing appreciation of the effects of tion that when protection is effective, many site-attached
fishing on habitats and species. It is notable that < 1% of reef fish species and invertebrates attain greater densities
the marine environme nt has reserve status as opposed to and sizes than in areas where they are fished. This may
6% of land, and this alone suggests that marine reserves be important to fisheries because these species may pro-
need to be more extensive than they are. No reserve can duce larvae that w ill support recruitment to fished areas,
be fully effective at protecting m arine life if ships can spill may themselves migrate out into the fished areas, and, in
oil and ot her toxic su bstances in the vicinity, if curre nts the case of rot ational closure, ma y ultimately be caught
feed contaminan ts to the animals living there, if animals directly. Alt hough there is some evidence for rapid build-
migrate from the reserve and can be affected by fishing up of abundance of fished species soon after protection,
or pollution elsewhere, and if climate change drives the this is very soon dissipated when areas are reopened; thus
protected species to ot her locations. The proper solution rotational closure seems not to be a useful strategy, unless
to these problems lies in the effe ctive regulation of the fishing effort is otherwise curbed. With respect to other
human activities involved. Thus far, the greates t progress potential benefits of marine reserves to fisheries, late
in tackling large-scale issues in marine conservation has juve niles and adults do mi grate to fished areas, but the
involved t ackling the impacts directly. For exa mple, by movement is often over small distances, and unless fishing
stopping whalers killing whales, preventing yachts using effort is otherwise reduced, this is unlikely to compensate
TBT on their hulls, and controlling d ischarges of heavy for the loss of yield due to protection. The protection of
metals and radio activity into the marine environmen t adult fishes to ensu re larval recruitment to fished areas
(Chapter 15). Wit h some of these activities controlled, and is perhaps the most useful potential benefit of marine
moves towards greater limitation of fishing effo rt, now is rese rves to sustainable fisheries, but regrettably, it is the
a good time to start using reserves more widely to support least well understood.
marine conservation. Once establishe d, marine reserves can undoubtedly

Box 16.4: The Great Barrier Reef Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), and the
Marine Park GBR was recognized as a World Heritage Site in 198 1.
The Great Barrier Reef (GBR) Marine Park is an example The GBR Marine Park is divided into four sections for
of one of the first attempts to conserve and manage at management purposes (figure a), and the challenge for
the ecosystem scale. The GBR Marine Park Act (1975) managers is deciding who can do what and where in each
underpins the conservation of the GBR, providing for of the sections. Zoni ng plans for each section (e.g. figure
conservation of the GBR and sustainable use of the sur- b) provide for activities that are as-of-right, wi th permis-
rounding region. The main tool for protecting and preserv- sion, or prohibited, and widely available maps ensure that
ing the GBR, as requi red by the Act, is zoning. Zoning all potential users are aware of restrictions on their move-
separates conflicting human activities and protects the ments and activities.
most vulnerable areas. The Park is managed by the Great
16.6 Conservation in action

The least rest rict ive zones are 'general use' in which (b)
activi ties such as shippi ng and traw ling may be permit-
•• •s
ted, but mining, oil drill ing, commercial spear-fishing,
,• •s
- - - •• a •
•~ --• , • •• -• i
and spear-fishi ng with breathing apparat us are not •• •
e ~ 0
Other zones provid e for habitat protection, estuarine
conserva tion, or general conservation, w hile pe rmit-
-. ,s .•

.~ •


':§ •



•a •

- j s • 0
~• ~ ~

ting restricted commercial or recreat ional use. The most uowlture Permit
restrict ive zones are 'marine national park zones', w hich Bait nellin
Booti ,di¥i , hoto ro h
are no-take 'areas'; 'scientific research zones', which (rabbin tro in
Horm t filhing lor aQuarium fish,
only all ow access fo r agreed scientific research; and rl n eIIhwr

'preservat ion zones' w here all entry is prohi bited except Hormt fi lhing lor lell IU[umber,lrolhul, Permit
tro ilol rOlk lob~er
in emergencies and to con duct scientific research that Limited lolleltin
Limited I ear filhin lnorkelonl
woul d be impossible elsewhere. In 2004, a new zon- Line filhin
ing plan w as introduced to incorporate 28 new coastal Nelli n other than boit neni
Reseonh other than limited im II resecnh Permit
protected areas and a Representative Areas Prog ram, Shipping (other than in a delignated
Ihipping oreo)
w hich ensu res that examples of th e ent ire range of Tourilm Pro rom Permit
habitats and biodiversity are represented wi thin highly Trocnionol use of marine reseures
Marine National Park zones. Trolling

14"\ rT----,----------,---,-------,----,

(oral See

•• • •••
.. --.. For Northern
--... section
;:::::== ~
----- senen
(cru] Sec

.-- .... Mockoy-


Iuims •

The four management areas of the Great Barrier Reef

Marine Park.

Zoning of the Cairn s/Cooktown Management Area of the

Great Barrier Reef Marine Park with a key t o permitted

For further details see the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority website (http:/ /
Chapter 16 Conservation

ex pend iture and, as wit h other conservation tools, there

Box 16.5: Paying for marine are socio-economic cons traints to the effective man age-
conservation ment of marine reserves. Some of the best studied marine
reserves a re at Su milon and Apo Islands in the ce ntral
Polici ng Mari ne Protected Areas (MPAs) is an Philippines, and Russ and Alcala (1996) have described
expensive busi ness and governments rarely provide 20 years of hopes and fru strations on Sumilon Island. A
adequate fundi ng. Given that the polici ng and man- marine reserve was established there in 1974, but there
agement of a small MPA requi res several staff and h ave been several major breakd owns of management.
around € 100 000 per year, income from recreational Remarkably, this was at a site where the aggregate fish-
divers tha t use MPAs could make an important finan- eries' yield from the island was higher when the marine
cial contribution to effective marine conservation. reserve was ope rating (Russ & Alcala 199 6). One of the
Over 200 MPAs in the Caribbean and Central key problems with management on the island seemed
America contain coral reefs that are likely to attract to be that fishers were not convinced of the real benefits
recreat ional scuba-divers. Indeed, a survey of MPA of the marine reserve and were not full y involved in its
use by dive operators showed that 46% conduct at management. There are other examples of re peated break-
least 80% of their diving in a MPA down of reserves on tropical reefs. Together they indicate
At present, only 25% of MPAs wi th coral reefs that management imposed from outside the commun ity,
charge divers an entry or user fee, and this is typically and wit hout the support of the commun ity, is unlikely to
€2-3 per dive or diver. However, divers have already work.
shown willi ngness to pay up to €25 per day to access Given the small areas that are designated as reserves
some MPAs, and this is only a fraction of their total in the marine environment and the key role that they can
expendi ture on equipment, training, accommodation, play in protecting species an d h abitats of conse rvation
and entertainment. concern, they should be used more wide ly to support con-
The wider Caribbean and Central America is a servation objectives. However, the designation and effec-
prime location for diving and attracts 57% of all tive protection of marine reserves must go h and-in-hand
international scuba-diving tourists. Provided the rec- with direct control of overall human impacts (Fig. 16.7).
reational use of MPAs can remain consistent with the In this section on conservation in action, our examples
goals of conservation and sustainable development, h ave shown that, because of the multiple concerns, the
higher charges for diving access to all MPAs would complexity of the issues and interdisciplinary demands of
help secure much needed funding for MPA protection decision-makers, conservation action is as much art as sci-
and management. Indeed, if user fees were raised to ence. The uncertainty of environmental decision-making
around €25 per diver this would raise approximately was well illustrated by the concerns for deep-sea pollution
€93 million per year, sufficient to cover some 78% of raised by the disposal of the Brent Spar oil platform (Gage
the predicted shortfall in funds for MPA management & Gordon 1995 ; Angel & Rice 1996) . Shell aba ndoned
in this region. plans to dispose of this redundant oil-sto rage platform
Source: Green & Donnelly (2003). by sin king it in water 2200 m deep in the northeastern
Atlantic. Shell had been given scientific advice that deep-
sea disposal was the best environmental option, but envi-
ronmental groups protested that toxic residues wou ld
h ave an important educational role in d rawing public leak from the platform and contaminate the food-chain.
atten tion to areas of special ecological significance, pro- Greenpeace boarded the platform in a bid to pre vent its
viding opportun ities to see rel atively undisturbed marine sinking and eventually the Brent Spar was to wed to a
h abitats, and encouraging people to observe the benefits fjord in Norway to be dismantled. It may well be that the
of conservation. environmental costs of disposing of the platform inshore
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, and some othe r have been greater than those of deep-sea disposal, and the
reserves around the world, also show that marine reserves arrival of the platform inshore also caused controversy in
can be very successful econo mically (16.6) . Th is is impor- Norway. Scientists have continued to d ebate the pros and
tant, as econo mic success is likely to foster comm un ity cons of the various disposal options, and yet the des ire
support and good enforceme nt, both of which are para- of Greenpeace to make an issue of the disposal and the
mount to success ful management. On many coral reefs, ens uing campaigns at fuel stations in Germany effectively
diving tourism is a key source of income to support reserve forced the final disposal option.
man agement. However, not all areas benefit from tourist
16.7 Evidence-based conservation

h~m~m .~'~~-~~·~I~ ~ ~ nli ~


r De c

cJ III fl'1 'i'i' ilB U< fl'1 til J7 1 *;1 a 20 I~ ][ &. !f.i ~t 6 fill I J
,_ /i;lr1:'';
The Fisheries Prot 11 Ordinance (Ca p. 17 1) carries a ~fAX'lM UM FIN E ew $200.1100 A~ J) 6 ~ IONTI IS I 'tl)H:I SO~ 'l EST

i(!t I 1'1 1'1.\ ,Ifj JlI! W

Agr lcultun... Ftshcrtes and Ce nserva tlnn Department

Figure 16.7 This sign at Tai 0 fishing village in Hong Kong informs people that they can still fish, but only if they do
it in an environmentally sustainable manner. The use of indiscriminate and destructive fishing practices is illegal and
fishers are subject to heavy fines and a prison sentence if they ignore the warn ings. (Photo copyright: Johanna Junback.)

16.7 Evidence-based Evidence-Based Management (http:/ /www.cebc.bangor.

conservation . Systematic review defines the protocols used to
search the available published literature using specific cri-
As scientists, we are primarily driven by the desire to teria for selecting or rejecting the inclusion of the studies
understand better the natural systems that operate in the located. The evidence-based approach is important as it
marine environment. Understanding causal relationships generates conclusions that avoid issues of publication bias
requires a deductive hypothesis driven approach that (the tendency ofjournals to publish only positive outcomes
aims to eliminate external influences that might gener- or certain types of study) or at very least to highlight the
ate errors in our reasoning. However, conservation is an issue. An example of the application of the approach is the
emotive area of science and is prone to 'belief-based sci- study of the response of fish and other taxa to the imple-
ence', where scientists decide upon a position and then mentation of no-take marine reserves in temperate systems
look for evidence to support it (Hilborn 2006; see Chapter (Stewart et at. 2010) . The study validated the conclusions
13). Similar problems can occur in the field of medicine, of some previous studies, but highlighted potential pub-
where scientific errors can endanger human life . Thus it lication bias in data that reported biomass metrics as the
is not surprising then that some of the most robust sci- response variable (for fish) . The study also highlighted the
entific evaluation methodologies have arisen in the field potential for habitat-confounding effects in the response
of medicine, where systematic review methodology has metrics in the reported studies, which often did not pro-
been developed to provide a framework for the evaluation vide adequate habitat data for a robust validation of their
of multiple independent studies. This approach has been conclusions. Anybody undertaking a systematic review
advocated for conservation biology through the Centre for soon realizes how poorly scientists report data that are
Chapter 16 Conservation

vital for understanding or interpreting the reported results Remaining energy

• sources
(journals do not like long tables of results, although the
internet should make access to original data easier) . The D Natural gas
most important characteristic of systematic review is its 14 .-- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---1 1 Hydropower
rigour, which provides policy makers with a high level of
confidence in the reported findings and recommendations.
12 1 Mineral oils

16.8 Life-cycle analysis

In Chapters 13 and 14 we looked in detail at the ecologi- 4
cal issues that are associated with food production in the
marine environment. Both wild-capture fisheries and
aquaculture contribute significantly to the world supply of o
protein, and this will need to increase into the future. Aqua- Formed solmon fillet Farmed vege-salmanfillet

culture is becoming increasingly important and is likely to

overtake wild -capture fisheries as the main source ofaquatic Figure 16.8 Life-cycle analysis showing the energy score
protein production inthe next 5 years. In additionto the eco- for the production of a farmed chicken fillet, a farmed
logical problems associated with wild-capture fisheries and salmon fillet, or a farmed 'vegetarian' salmon fillet , given
aquaculture, the post-harvest processes also have associated the possibility of new advances in feed production.
impacts on the environment that are generated from the The energy consumed (MJ) per fillet unit (FU) is lowered
transport and processing of the product. It is important to considerably if salmon farming could move further away
consider all stages of the production process to have a truly from feeds dependent on wild-capture fisheries. From:
objective view of whether one form of production might be Ellingsen, H. & Aanondsen, SA (2006) Environmental
better than another. Such an approach is adopted by Life impacts of wild caught cod and farmed salmon-a
Cycle Analysis (LCA), which was developed primarily for comparison with chicken. International Journal of Life
land-based industries. Although still in its infancy for food- Cycle Analysis, 1: 60-65.
based products, it provides a valuable basis for influencing
the sourcing policy of retailers. An interesting example of ments to successful conservation are the massive changes
the application of this technique was a comparison of the to marine habitats and species that have already occurred
environmental impacts of wild-caught cod and farmed and the emphasis on reactive rather than proactive man-
salmon compared to farmed chicken (Ellingsen & Aanon- agement. However, awareness of marine conservation
dsen 2006) . What the LCA revealed was that the capture issues is growing and many governments have made inter-
phase (fishing) for cod and the feeding phase for salmon national commitments to sustainable development and the
and chicken dominated all the other environmental impacts ecosystem approach. Few of these international commit-
considered in the study. The production of chicken was the ments have yet to be translated into successful conservation
most energy efficient. but cod and salmon production were action, but there are some encouraging examples that sug-
similar in this respect. However, to produce a 200 g fillet gest combined controls on human impacts and large-scale
of cod, the environmental impact (footprint) of fishing gear marine zoning schemes, which include marine reserves.
affected an area of seabed 100 times larger than the area of could lead to long-term improvements in sustainability.
land needed to grow the food necessary to produce a stan- The wealthy developed world currently has more capacity
dard 200 g fillet of chicken. The analysis also demonstrated to implement conservation measures, and yet many poorer
that, if salmon aquaculture could become more dependent nations are responsible for species-rich and productive
on plant-derived sources of protein. it would become much marine environments. In many poorer nations, prospects
more environmentally friendly than current practices used for improved sustainabilityare not good, unless the interna-
to produce salmon (Fig. 16.8) . (See also http:/ / tional community commits to supporting and financing the for information about LCA ofsalmon farming.) ecosystem approach and subsidizing the very high short-
term social and economic costs associated with moving
towards sustainability.
16.9 The future
Current conservation actions take place in a marine envi-
Every contemporary conservation action takes place in a ronment that has a lready been dramatically altered by
marine environment that has already been dramatically human activities.
altered by human activities. Some of the biggest impedi-
Further Reading
• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

Chapter Summary
• Conservat ion is the sustainable management of the marine environment. Sustainable management
requires human intervent ion to maintain or create an environment t hat ensures that the well-bei ng
of future generat ions is not compromised.
• National and internat ional agreements express an aspiration to move towards sustainable develop-
ment, and these underpin much of the conservation and environmental protection legislation that
we see today.
• There are ethical, ecological, and economic reasons to conserve, but short-term economic forces
often d rive unsustainable development, despite the long-term economic benefits of conservat ion.
• Recent conservation policy reflects a high-level aspiration to achieve sustainable development.
However, converting high-level aspirations into practical , funded, and effective conservation actions
remains a challenge.
• Sustainable development includes not only biological and ecological considerations, but also
involves a considerat ion of the conseq uences of actions (e.g. conservation) for local economies,
and social and cultural structures.
• Conservat ion actions invo lve many levels of ecological (species, habitats, ecosystems) and adminis-
trative (local to inter national) organization. Their success depends on the w ealt h and cul t ural values
of society.

Further Reading
Kunin and Lawton ( 1996) provide a holistic analysis of the importance of b iod iversity and the necessity
for conservat ion. Norse (1993) provides a conservat ionist's po int of view of t he int eg rat ion of conserva-
t io n in decision making, wh ile Sutherland ( 199B) provides an objective v iew of the role of conservation
wi th case stud ies.
• Kunin, W. E. & Lawton, J. H. 1996. Does biodiversity matter? Evaluat ing the case for conserving spe-
cies. In K. J. Gaston (ed.) Biodiversity: a Biology of Numbers and Difference. Blackwell Science, Oxford,
pp. 2B3-30B.
• Norse, E. A. (ed.) 19 9 3. Global Marine Biological Diversity: a Strategy for Building Conservation into
Decision Making. Center for Marine Conservation, Washington.
• Sutherland, W. J. (ed.) 19 9 B. Conservation Science and Action. Blackwe ll Science, Oxford.

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Below we have provided a selection of weblinks that will booklnavlog/index.html Alfred Wegener Institute for
help you gain a more in-depth understanding of some of Polar and Marine Research, Germany.
the issues we have covered in Marine Ecology: Processes, Biodiversity research: DIVERSITAS is a major inter-
Systems, and Impacts. More importantly these websites open national program dealing with biodiversity and eco
the door to specific regional examples of marine ecology at system processes. as well as the links between eco-sys-
work, current issues, and data that you can download and tern services and society. Many marine and intertidal
use. Weblinks evolve all the time, 50 while we have tried aspects are included in this program http :/ /www.
our best to ensure all of these links are current some will
inevitably change. If they have changed, typing some of Biodiversity and ecosystem function: A major website
the keywords in the description text will probably take you holding up-to-date literature on marine biodiversity and
relatively quickly to the new location. Alternatively. visit the ecosystem functioning can be found at http:/ /www.
book's online resource centre at www.oxfordtextbooks. to access up-to-date URLs for all links Bioluminescence webpage: http :/ /www.Iifesci.ucsb.
given here. edu/biolum/, A site full of excellent information on
the biology of bioluminescence with pictures and video
Antarctic & Arctic: There are many websites dealing with clips.
Arctic and Antarctic issues. However. by going to the fol- Carbon cycle: For a general introduction to the marine
lowing websites it is possible to follow links to this wealth of carbon cycle and the links between chemistry and biol-
information and direct links to the organizations at which ogy and global climate change see: http:/ /earthguide.
Polar research is conducted:
http:/ / shtml.
http:/ / http:/ / Climate change: A wealth of information about global cli-
index.html http:/ / mate change can be found at the website of the Intergov-
Antarctic living resources: This is the website of the Com- ernmental Panel on Climate Change: http:/ /www.ipcc.
mission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living chi. The North Atlantic Oscillation website, http:/ /
Resources. http:/ / www.Ideo.columbia.edU/NAO/, provides everything
htm. It contains information on Southern Ocean eco- you wanted to mow about this climate pattern. describ-
systems and efforts to take an ecosystem approach to ing the underlying mechanism, plotting data and linking
management of fishery resources there. to other useful NAG web resources.
Antarctic spring phytoplankton bloom: Part of the NASA Coccolithophorids: For a detailed introduction into the
Goddard Space Centre's web site, this provides images of biology, biogeochemistry, and geology of this important
the seasonal development of the spring phytoplankton group of phytoplankton go to: http:/ /www.soes.soton.
bloom in the North Atlantic. It also provides information
on patchiness and some of the problems this presents Consequences of climate change: A global analysis of the
for sampling. http:/ / current and predicted effects of climate warming can be
DOCS/OCDST/nab.html. found at http:/ / site contains lots of
Aquaculture: The Food and Agriculture Organisation of informative reports and illustrations of the predicted
the United Nations compiles and publishes download- effects of global warming.
able data and figures on the cultivation ofaquatic organ- Conservation: The website of the Society for Conservation
isms around the world http:/ / To find out Biology http z/ z' provides up-to-date
more about aquaculture research visit the University of access to key issues affecting the conservation of all
Stirling, Institute of Aquaculture website http:/ /www. natural resources. The Marine Conservation Society of the United Kingdom http:/ / and Marine
Benthos: The virtual handbook written by Tom Brey of Conservation Biology Institute USA http:/ /www.mcbi.
the Alfred Wegener Institute is a mine of information org provide lots of useful links to other organizations,
regarding benthic ecology and production processes: conservation work opportunities and projects, and sci-
this can be cited as: T. Brey 2001. Population Dynamics in entific information on current topical issues.
Benthic Invertebrates. A Virtual Handbook . Version 01.2. Coral reefs: For a global perspective on coral reefs see
http :/ / http:/ / and for the International

Society for Reef Studies webpage go to: http:/ /www. commercial perspective is given at http:/ /www.seafish. where you will also find excellent seafood recipes.
Deep-Sea: NOM Vents programme. http:/ /www.pme!. Other informative research websites include those of A site dedicated to information and the Centre for Environment. Fisheries. and Aquaculture
research on the geology and biology of hydrothermal Science http:/ /, Fisheries Research
vents, with lots of pictures and video clips. Services Aberdeen http:/ /
Detecting change in biological communities: For infor- ics/marine, the Australian Institute of Marine Science
mation on detecting change in communities and key http:/ / Visit the Worldfish Center
considerations in experimental design, see the manual website for more information about Asian and African
on offer at http:/ / fisheries and projects http:/ /www.worldfishcenter.
Diatoms: A key resource for anyone wanting to learn more org.
about diatoms is the International Society for Diatom Habitat listing: The MarUN database held at the Marine
Research, which includes links to many other diatom Biological Association of the United Kingdom gives
websites: http:/ / access to a wealth of information about intertidal and
Estuaries: The website of the Estuarine Research Federa- subtidal coastal habitats with links to primary and 'grey'
tion http:/ / provides information from literature that is invaluable for learning and research
the world's largest estuarine science organization, http:/ /
including publications, education, and links. Harmful algal blooms: Information about algal blooms
European Network of Excellence: MarBEF is a major net- and harmful algal blooms, red tides, and algal toxic-
work of European marine ecologists that involves over ity can be found at: http:/ /www.whoi.edU/science/
80 different institutes . This is an excellent starting point redtide/ as well as http:/ / .
for finding out what is going on in Europe and an ideal Longterm data sets: There are a number of long-term
starting point for finding placement work opportunities oceanographic data sets for which biological, chemical.
or employment http:/ / and physical data are collected to examine seasonal,
Evolution & Diversity: The Tree of Life Web Project (ToL) inter-annual. and even decadal variations:
is a collaborative effort of biologists from around the Hawaii Ocean Time-series (HOTS) http:/ /hahana.soest.
world. On more than 3000 worldwide web pages, the
project provides information about the diversity of Bermuda Atlantic Time-series (BATS) http://bats.bios.
organisms on Earth, their evolutionary history (phylog- edU/
eny), and characteristics. http:/ / . Monterey Bay time-series study http:/ /
Exploitation ofnon-biological resources and renewable bog/Projects/centraicaVsummary/ts_summary.htm.
energy: For exploitation of non-renewable offshore VOS UnderwaypC02 Program http: www.pme!
resources and alternative forms of energy generation co2/uwpco2/
such as windfarms see http:/ /www.thecrownestate. Continuous Plankton Recorder Survey: http:/ /www.sah- This website has links to reports and information
regarding the amount ofmaterial removed from the sea- Mangroves: For mangroves, see http:/ /
bed and the potential of wind and wave energy to meet tcmweb/tcm/mglinks.htm, A site listing most of the
future energy requirements. major websites dealing with mangroves and wetlands .
Flagellates: A website dealing with flagellates that are Maps of major marine environments:
important in microbial processes in marine systems, and http:/ /
well introduced at http:/ / http :/ /
id=50. marine/environments.html
Fisheries: Up-to-date global fisheries statistics includ- Marine Institutes: There are a number of websites that
ing biological and economic information is available give extensive listings of places around the world where
through http:/ / Regional information marine research takes place:
for Europe is available at http:/ / where it http :/ / oceanlink.island.neVcareer/ careerlinks.
is possible to download a database of European fisher- html
ies statistics. Current research in the US can be accessed http:/ /www.skio.peachnet.edU/resources/
through http:/ / which marinelinks.php
is a highly informative website with respect to current http:/ /
issues in fisheries and gives access to free to use photo- linksl?searchterm=links
graphic images . A particularly informative industry-run http:/ /
website can be found at http :/ /, Marine systems: GLOBEC http :/ /!.ac.ukl
which gives the fishers' angle on current issues. A more globec/ is the International Geosphere-Biosphere
•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •

Programme (IGBP) core project responsible for under- Seagrasses: WCMC Global Seagrass Database. http :/ /
standing how global change will affect the abundance, Based
diversity, and productivity of marine populations. This around the world atlas of seagrasses, the website gives
web site gives summaries of recent GLOBEC-related some introductory information, but most interestingly
work and access to data. has a series of online maps showing the distribution of
Meiofauna: The website of the International Association seagrass species around the world .
of Meiobenthologists and all you wanted to know about Seaweeds or macroalgae: Probably the best starting point
meiofauna http:/ / for any seaweed-related enquiries. http:/ /www.sea-
Microbial loop: Background information about the micro- Algaebase http:/ / has details
bialloop and why it is important can be found at: http:/ / on 57 000 algal species, 1500 images, 33 000 biblio- graphic items, 104 000 distributional algal records, and
Satellite imagery: The Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view a 27 ODD-word online glossary.
Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project http:/ /seawifs.gsfc.nasa. Viruses: This website gives a good general overview of
gov/SEAWIFS.html uses satellite observations to pro- aquatic viruses and current research topics in the field,
vide quantitative data on global ocean bio-optical prop- as well as further weblinks: http:/ /library.thinkquest.
erties. This website provides an overview of the project, org/CR0212089/halo.htm.
has some excellent summary maps and even enables you
to produce mapped globes from a perspective of your
This page intentionally left blank
Locators for headings which also have subheadings refer to gene ral aspects of that topic
Species appear un der their common and family names where possible

c -proteobacte ria 100-1 ,1 0 7 amphipod, gia nt 261 a rten -mi nim um 166
ABC curves 409 Amundsen Sea 1 Arthrocnemum spp. 164
a bunda nce a nchovy, Peruvian 357 asse mbly, genome 102
annual variations 23 a ngios pe rms, seagrasses. see seagrass assessm ent . see measurement
bacteria 105 a nimal attached remote sensing 284-5 Aswan High Da m 4 16
and body size 23, 27-8 a nimal motion, te mporal/spatial patterns Atlantic Ocean, food webs 236
and compe tition 24-6 203 Atlantis 194
deep sea 264 a nnotation , genomic 102 ato lls 30 7, 308- 9
seasonal trends, m icrobial 11 7 a nnual variations. see seasonal cycles a tten uation , light in water 45
a byssal plain 252-3, 256-60 a noxia 4 14-5 . see also eutrophication aurora borealis 325
a byssopelagic zone 74 , 196 anoxygenic heterotrophs 43 Australia
ACe (Anta rctic Unipolar Curre nt) 344 anoxygenic phototrophs 44 conservation 444-5
acclimation 47-9 Anta rctic/Arctic comparisons 331- 2, Embley River estuary 161
accretion , Nile delta 4 16 343-4, 350-1 endemism 15
acid ification 57, 422-6 Anta rctic krill 196 Swan River estuary 156
acoustic sa mpling 209-11 Anta rctic shallow waters, fauna 24 a utochthon ous species 100, 160
active fishing gears 364-5 Antarctic Unipolar Curre nt (ACC) 344 a utomated aquacult ure cages 39 1- 3
activity conce pt 115 a nti-fouling paint 420-1 a utomatic measurement devices 82-6
adaptations, polar regions 334 a ntibiotics 386, 394 a utonomous un derwater veh icles (AUVs)
add itive effects, disturbance 403 a nticyclon ic gyres 7 1 83, 194, 209 , 2 12,25 3,254, 336
adsorption 115 a photic zone 45 a utotrophs
aggregate extract ion 417-9 a ppe nd icular ians 94 net ocean productivity 74-6
agriculture, impact 41 4 aquaculture 377-8, 399 season al cycles 122
Agu lhas leakage 203 biotechnology 386-7 zooanthellae 3 10
a he rmatypic corals 30 6 cages 387-9 1 a utumn season 118,11 9 ,1 22,1 23
Alaskan pollo ck 357 conservation role 398-9 AUVs . see autonomous underwater
albatross, im pact of fishing 37 1 cultivation systems 387, 387- 9 1 veh icles
Aldabra Atoll 308 d isease 383, 386-7,393-4, 399 azoic zone 265
algae . see also phytoplankton; seaweed environmental impacts 395-7 Azores, conservation 438
blooms 7 1, 120- 1,337- 8, 4 14 feed re qu irements/ constraints 378- Azov Sea 169
ca rbon storage 34 80, 385-6
coralline 3 12 , 424-5 further reading 400 BACI (Before After Control Im pact)
dinflagellate symbiotic 3 10 global d istribution 383- 5 experimental design 4 13
elemental composition 53 , 54-5 global sta tistics 38 1,385 bacte ria 89. see also m icrobial ecology
farming/biofuel 67,68 historical account 378-8 1 communities 106- 7
inorgani c nutrients 50 methods 38 1-3 fingerprinting methods 10 7
microbial ecology 111- 5 mollusc 39 5-7 growth dynamics 115-8
primary production 34-6, 64-8, 73 offshore 39 1-3 key organism groups 97- 109
salinity cha nges , tolera nce 154 population biology 390 marine snow communities 108-9
zonation 3, 224 sea ranching 397-8 oligotrophic 98
alginate s 385 shrim p 393-4 osmotrophs 93
alien species 397, 42 1 welfare 382, 384 polar regions 333
Allee effect 163 aquaria, public 440 species numbers 90
Allen plots 130-1 aquatic systems, primary production 73 Bacteroidetes 100
allo chthonous species 99 ,260 archaea 89,97-109 balla n wrasse 389- 9 1
allometric relationships, secondary Arctic/Antarctic comparisons 331- 2, Baltic Sea 168-9
production measurement 131- 3 343-4,35 0-1 bar-built estuaries 145
alternative stable states 122 Arctic Ocean 331 barnacles 2 , 3, 4 , 180
Alvin 255,271 sea-ice cha nges 339,35 1 barrie r coral reefs 307. see also coral
Amazon es tuary 143 nutrients limiting growth 340--1 reefs; Great Barrie r Reef
ammonite s, complexity 27 a rms races, evolutionary 38, 232 , 289 barrie r, River Thames 422
a m moniu m 101 , 122 Arrhenius re lationship 11 basin mangroves 278

basking shark 285 biotechnology 386--7 isotopes 4 0

bathymetric distribution, lobster 266 biotopes, continental shelf 241,242 pools 95
Bathymodiolus 274 bioturbation . see a150 disturbance radiocarbon la belling 78-9
bathypelagic zone 74,75,196 continental shelf biota 232-4 sources, estuaries 159- 61
bathysnacks 253-4,255 grapsid crabs 287 storage, deep sea 256--7
bathysnap system 253 shores 188, 191 carbon dioxide 38-41,78,422--6
Bay of Fundy 148, 149 birds carnivores 232. see also predator-prey
beaches. see shores estuaries 161- 3 systems
bears, polar 347-8,350 impact of fishing 371 carrying capacity
bedrock substrata, continental shelf polar regions 345-51 aquaculture 380
241-4 shore experiments 185 ecosystems 12 6
Before After Control Impact (BACI) bivalve molluscs oxygen 421
experimental design 413 aquaculture 395-7 catches, fisheries 359,368
Beggiatoa 43 competition 25 Caulerpa taxifolia 295-6
belief-based science 447-8 experiments 181,411-2 CCAMLR (Convention on the
benthic ecosystems. see seabed habitat! suspended rope cultivation 397 Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living
biota black band disease 314 Resources) 436
bentho-pelagic coupling 232, 343 Black Sea 169 CDOM (coloured dissolved organic
benthos, polar regions 341-4 black smokers 271-2 matter) 45--6,46, 81, 82
Big Fish Eat Little Fish picture 199-200 bleaching, coral 315--6,421 cell-counting, bacterial 116
biodiversity blind estuaries 145, 146 Challenger 194
and abundance 24 blooms, piankton 71, 120-1,337-8, 414 change. see also regime shifts
conservation 439, 440 body mass . see size detecting 408,410-1
coral reefs 306,313-4 BOIS database 430 natural 402
deep sea 265-7 bommies 307 sea-level 144-5,151-2
and ecosystem function ix, 21, 22 bottom-trawling 137-9,364 charismatic species 433
estuaries 143, 165-8 bottom-up processes chemical dispersants 4 17
hypersaline waters 169 food web dynamics 117-8 chemolithotrophs 97-8,98
index 15, 16,407,408,409 secondary production 134 chemo-organotrophs 43
mining 419 shore commun ities 181, 183, 188 chemosynthesis 261,272
patterns 9, 10,11,15-22 boundary layer 229 chemotrophs 43-4
polar regions 335 Bouvet Island 11 Chesapeake Bay 145, 249, 4 26, 4 27
seagrass meadows 292,299-300 brachiopods, competition 25 Chilean jack mackere l 357
shore communities 182, 190-1 brackish water systems 168-9 choice, consumer 443-4
willingness to pay for 438 Braer, oil spillage 417 chlorophyll 41,51-2,204
biodynamics. see population dynamics breathing holes, pack ice 348-9 chronic life cycles, viruses 111
bioerosion, coral reefs 309,318-20 Brent goose 161-2 chub mackerel 357
biofuel 67 Brent Spar oil platform 446 clam species (various)
biogenic reefs, continental shelf 248-9 brine channels, sea-ice 334 climate change 421
biogeography 9-15,203-5 broadcast-spawning 23 secondary production 127,128-3 1
bioinfonnatics 102 bryozoa, secondary production 127 classification of estuaries 144-8, 15 1
bio-iogging 285 bubbles in w ater 45--6 cleaner wrasse 322,389-91
biological capacity, fishe ries 360 buffer zone, current velocity 229 climate change 6, 139--40,401,421. see
biological pump 57,124 bulldozers 232 a150 temperature
bioluminescence 257,258 Burgess Shale 18 acidification 422--6
biomass carbon sinks 57
continental shelf 248 cages, aquaculture 387-91,391-3 coral reefs 315
deep sea 264 calcium 54 eutrophication 421
definitions 232 Cambrian fauna 19 rainfali 422
estuaries 159- 60 CAMERA (Community sea-ice 350-1
fisher ies 366-8 Cyberinfrastructure for Advanced water circulation 422
kriil 345 Marine Microbial Ecology Research and climate patterns, marine 6--7
microbial 90, 115--6 Analysis) 102 coastal biomes 11-2,205
and ocean depth 19 7 Canada, Fraser River 155 coastal p lain, estuaries 14 5
to production ratio (P/ B) 128 Canadian cod 359 coastal waters, primary production 71
and size 91 carbon 55-9 Coastal Zone Colour Scanner (CZCS) 10,
temporaVspa tial patterns 204-5 aigal growth 64-8 II
biomes 11-2,205 bacterial growth 116 coccolithophorids 56
biota. see flora/fauna cycles, globai 123-4 cod 238

aquaculture 377 glaciation 2 19,220-2 red coloured 197

Canadian 359 hard substrata 241-4 shore 186
continental shelf 244 light/turbidity 223-4 cryopreservation 386
deep-sea 254 primary prod uction 71 cultivation systems, aquaculture 387
historical account of fishing 358 seabed habitat/biota 224-31 culture-independent genetic analysis 99
polar regions 351 size, organism 227-9 curlew 162
salinity tolerance 168 specific habitats 241-9 currents, ocean 5--6, 422
whiting impact 406 trophic cascades 237-8 Antarctic Unipolar 344
cohort-based methods 129- 31 wave action/currents 219-23,229 continental shelf 2 19-23,229,246
cold seeps 273-4 continental slope 252 deep sea 258-9
colonies, and organism size 28 Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Gulf Stream 7
colour sensors 36, 195 surveys 84-5,213 polar regions 328-9
coloured dissolved organic matter Convention on Biological Biodiversity 15 cyanobacteria 59
(CDOM) 45-6,81,82 Convention on the Conservation of Cycliophora phylum 2
Community Cyberinfrastrueture for Antarctic Marine Living Resources cyclones 315,402
Advanced Marine Microbial Ecology (CCAMLR) 436 cyclonic gyres 71
Research and Analysis (CAMERA) 102 conversion efficiency 381 CZCS (Coastal Zone Colour Scanner) 10,
compensation conveyor belt, global 258,328-9 II
depth 48 copepod species
irradiance 46 human impacts 139-40 damming rivers 416--7
point, seagrass meadows 293 parasites 161 Darwin, Charles 307,308
competition spatial patterns 206 data sets, long-ter m 84-6,410
and abundance/biodiversity 24-6 Cope's rule 28 DBL (diffusive boundary layer) 50, 52-3
and ammonium 122 coral bleaching 315--6,421 decapod crustaceans, deep sea 269-70
and latitude 26 coral reefs 56, 58, 305, 323 decomposition 55, 89, 93-7
shore zonation 180 acidification 424-5 deep sea 251,275. see also hydrothermal
complexity 27 further reading 323-4 vents
conservation 429-3 1,449 hu man impacts 314-8,320,322-3 abundance/biomass 264
in action 442-7 Impact of fishing 317, 318, 322, 363, abyssal plain 256--60
ecolabelling 442, 443-4 374-5 biodiversity 265-7
economics 43 5-9, 446 organisms/communities 309-11, carbon storage 256--7
ecosystem approach 432,435,436 3 13-4,320 currents 258-9
environmental impact assessment population dynamics 320-2 definitions 252
442- 3 prod uctivity/food webs 311-3 dissolved organic material 261
evidence-based 447-8 reef development/distribution 305-9 dissolved oxygen 258
fish communities 207 reef growthlbioerosion 318-20 further reading 275-6
fund ing 446 reproduction 3 10-11 gigantism 270-1
further reading 449 types 307 hydrostatic p ressure 259
future scenarios 448 Coriolis current 259 large food falls 261-2
habitat 433-5 Coriolis force 202,223 light 257
legislation/policy 439-42 Corophium volutator 163 major organism groups 267-70
life cycle analysis 448 CPR (Continuous Plankton Recorder) organisms 253, 254, 255, 258, 260,
marine reserves 444-7 surveys 84-5,213 261,263-71
reasons for 431-2 crab species particulate organic material 262
role of aquaculture 398-9 climate change 421 produ ctivity 260-3
valuing certain species over others d isturbance 403 sampling 252-5
432-5 food webs 237 sediment 259--60
consumer choice 443-4 mangrove 287-8 size, organism 264-5
contaminants 4 19- 21. see also pollution spawner-recruitment relationships species composition trends 266
continental shelf 1,195,217-8,249-50 363 temperature 257-8
biogenic reefs 248-9 temperature effects 154 timing of food inputs 262-3
biota, functional ro les 231-5,240 critical depth 48-9 zonation 263-4
communities 239-41 critical tidal level 179-81 Deepwater Horizon oil spillage 415, 4 17,
definitions 2 18 crocodiles 283 418
ecosystem type 224-7 cross-section, ocean basin 252 definitions
fisheries 358 crown-of-thorns starfish 1, 316--7 biodiversity 15
food webs 235-9 crustaceans. see also crabs; krill; lobsters; biomass 232
fronts/production 223 shrimps continental shelf 2 18
further reading 250 deep-sea 269-70 deep sea 252

estua ries 143-4 distribution, species 430 genomics 104

fisheries catches/landings 359 aquaculture 383-5 mangroves 289- 90
mangroves 278-9 climate change 421 role of microbial ecology 9 1-3
ontogenetic 286 coral reefs 305-9 seagrass meadows 302-3
pack ice 329-30 human impacts 407,409,430 secondary p roduction 126
pelagic 194 kelp beds 244 sediment 234-5
pelagic ecosystems 195-7 mangroves 279 shores 190-1
productivity 67 seagrass meadows 292-6 ecosystem goods/services viii-ix
seagrass meadows 290-1 disturbance 402 and conservation 431,433,439
secondary production 126-8 ecological role 402-6 coral reefs 322-3
sessile organisms 286 impact of fishing 371-4 impact of fishing 375-6
shores 173 intermediate disturbance hypothesis ecosystems
success 26-7 404--{i carrying capacity 126
welfare 382 recovery rate 403-4 continental shelf 224-7
deforestation 414 scale 402-3 secondary production 134-6
deltas 143 shores, rocky/sandy 188,191 ecotones 166
density of seawater 4,198 sources 402 ectoparasites 322
deposition, sediment 150 diversity index IS, 16, 407,408,409. see edge effects
depth distribution, lobster 266 also biod iversity sea-ice 337-41
determinants of zonation 179-81 DMS (d imethylsulphide) 61 seagrass meadows 300
detritus, marine 93~. see also marine DMSP (d imethylsulphonioproprionate) education, and conservation 439, 440
snow 60-1 efficiency
nature/production 94-6 DO (d issolved oxygen) . see
growth 91-2
u tilization/recycling 96-7 eu trophication; oxygen
trophic yield/food chain 92-3
diamond dredging 417 DOC (dissolved organic carbon) 55,95
effort controls 368
diapause depth 206 dolphins 213, 371,433
EFH (essential fish habitat) 372-4
diatoms DOM. see dissolved organic matter
EIA (environmental impact assessme nt)
adaptations 195-6 dred ge netting 364
442- 3
frustules 37-8 dredging 417- 9
Ekman transport 201-2
lipid constituents 54 drilling mud contamination 417
El Nino Southern Oscillat ion (ENSO) 6-7
polar regions 332,333-4,340 drop-frame syste ms 253-4
annual variations in abundance 23
diel vertical migration (DVM) 19, 339-40 drought, impact on estuaries 155--6
climate change 421
diffusive bou ndary layer (DBl) 50, 52-3 drug resistance 386
coral reefs 3 15,316
dimethylsulphide (DMS) 6 1 d ugongs 301-2
primary production 204
dimethylsulphonioproprionate (DMSP) dunlin 163
remote sensing 81
60-1 DVM (diel vertical migration ) 199,
temporal/spatial patterns 200
dinflagellate symbiotic algae 3 10 339-40
dynamic viscosity of seawater 196-9 electrode measurement devices 79-80
dioecious species 297
dynamite fis hing 363,374 eleme ntal composition, algae 53, 54-5.
direct economic benefits 432
disaggregation 245
see also nutrients
discards, fisheries 359 echinoderms. see sea urchins elephant seals 211
Discovery 194 echo-sounding 211,220,336-7 Ely sea mount 372
disease ecoclines 166, 173-9 Embley River estuary, Australia 161
aquaculture 383,386-7,393-4,399 ecolabelling 442,443-4 emersion, shores 174
co ral reefs 3 14 ecology, terrestriaVmarine comparison endemism 12-5,343-4
dispersal, hydrothermal vent organisms 277 energy, renewable 147-8, 159-60
274-5 econo mic viability, mining 419 engineers, ecosystem 237-8, 287, 319
dispersants, oil spillage 417 econo mics of conservation 435-9,446 ENSO. see EI Niflo
dissipative beaches 177 ecosystem approach enviro nmental grad ients, shores 173-9.
dissolved organic carbon (DOC) 55, 95 to conservation 432, 435,436 see also patterns, environmental
dissolved organic matter (DOM) 45-6, to fisheries management 375--6 environmental impacts. see human
94-5 ecosystem-based management 360, impacts
deep-sea 261 375-6 environmental variables, estuaries
food webs, microbial 114 ecosystem engineers 237-8, 287, 319 148-54
marine snow commu nities 108-9 ecosystem fun ction 15 epifauna 175
polar regions 337 and biodiversity Ix, 21, 22, 167-8, epifluorescence 37, 8 1, 116
dissolved oxygen (DO). see 190-1 epipelagic zone 74, 75, 196
eutrophication; oxygen and d isturbance 404 epiphytes 77-8,294
distinctness, taxonomic 409 estuaries 167-8 EPS (exoploymeric substances) 94

erosIOn and abundance 23 production 361

coral reefs 309,318-20 coral reefs 3 13-4 science 360-1
current velocity 229 detecting change 4 11 seabed impacts 371-4
human impacts 414 KT 18 stocks 361
sea-ice 341 and organism size 28 water use impacts 416
error-to-mean ratio 411 sea cows 429 fjords 144,1 46
essential fish habitat (EFH) 372-4 whales 440-1 Fleet Lagoon, Dorset, UK 170
estuaries 143, 170-1 extra-o ral digestion 237 flexible genomes 103
biodiversity 165-8 extreme environments 402 flora/fauna
birds 161-3 exudates 94 conservation 433
carbo n sources 159-60 Exxon Valdez oil spillage 417 continental shelf 224-31
classification 144-8 eye membranes, squid 196 coral reefs 309-1 1, 313-4
definitions 143-4 deep sea 260,266,268-70
dissolved oxygen 151 facilitation 189 hydrothermal vents 272-3
environmental variables 148- 54 faecal pellets 338 impact of fishing 371
evolution 144 faith-based fisheries management 369 mangroves 286-8
fish communities 156--9 Falkiand Isiands 11 microbial 97-115
further reading 171 farming, fish. see aquaculture polar regions 11-2, 205, 332-7,
hypersaline waters 169-70 fauna/flora. see flora/fauna 341-51
hyposaline seas 168-9 fecundity, fish species 361 seagrass meadows 298-301
impact of freshwate r inflow 154-6 feeding, sioppy 94 sea ice 332
lagoons 170 feelings-based definitions, welfare 382 Florida, mangroves 286
origins of organisms 151- 3 fetch 222 flound ers 157
productivity/food webs 159--65 field experiments. see experiments flow cytometry 116
salinity 148-9 finge rprinting methods, bacteria 107 fluorescence 37,81,116
saltmarsh systems 163-5 fish/fish communities foam 62
sediment 150, 154 deep sea 270 food labeliing 442,443-4
stable isotope analysis 160-1 estuaries 156--9 food webs/chains 91
temperature changes 151, 154 eutrophication 414 continental shelf 235-9
zones 151 farming. see aquaculture coral reefs 311-3
ethical responsibilities 431-2 mangroves 290 estuaries 159--65
EU. see European Union and primary production 135, 136, marine detritus recycling 97
eukaryotes, species numbers 90 205-7 microbial 89,114,116-8,124
Eulerian sampling 211 and sea urchins 318 pelagic ecosystems 199- 200
euphotic zone 4,45 seagrass meadows 298-9 polar regions 334,336
Europa 340 shores 185 secondary production 135
European Union size structuring 136 fossils, trace 232
Nature Information System (EUNIS) vertical migration 199 fragmentation, habitat 299-300
241 welfare 382, 384 Fraser River, Canada 155
regulations 440-2 fishmeal feeding, aquaculture fringing
Eurythenes (giant amphipod) 261 378-80,385-6 coral reefs 307
eutrophication 49-50,139,402,414-5, fisheries 357,376 mangroves 278
421. see also hypoxia; oxygen ecosystem-based management 375--6 fronts, bioiogical 72,204,207,223
evidence-based conservation 447-8 environmental impacts 370-5 frustules, diatoms 37-8
evolution, estuarine species 144, 151- 3 fish stocks assessment 366-8 function-based definitions, welfare 382
evolutionary arms races 38,232,289 further reading 376 functional roles, continental shelf biota
excess production, coral reefs 312 future scenarios 376 240
excretion 94 global 357-61 fund amental niches 266
Exe estuary, Devon 161 historical account 358-9 funding, conservation 435-9, 446
exoploymeric substances (EPS) 94 human impacts 137-8 further reading
experiments impact on birds/mammals 371 aquaculture 400
acidification 425 impact on coral reefs 3 17,318,322, conservation 449
human impacts 411-2 363,374-5 continental shelf 250
shore communities 180-2, 184-7, impact on kelp beds 375 coral reefs 323-4
190-1 management 359-60,368-70 deep sea 275--6
explosive fishing 363,374 methods 363-5 estuaries 171
exposure, shores 174-5. see also wave overfishing 359--60 fisheries 376
action pelagic ecosystems 212-3 human impacts 428
extinction 11 population biology 362-3,366 microbial ecology 125

patterns, marine environmenta l 29 greenhouse effect 6. see also climate detecting change 4 10-1
pelagic ecosystems 216 change estuaries 143, 146, 155--6
polar regions 352-3 greening of government policy 432, eutrophication 4 14-5
primary production 87-8 439-42 experiments 411-2
seagrass meadows/mangroves 304 grey mullet 157 fisheries 370-5
secondary production 140 gross photosynthesis 46 further reading 428
shores, rocky/sandy 193 gross production, definitions 67 hydrocarbon exploitation 417, 418
future scenarios growth dynamics/measurement. see also indicators 408
conservation 448 nutrients interaction of multiple fact ors 426
fisheries 376 microbial ecology 9 1-2, 115-8 measuring/assessment 406--3,442-3
pelagic ecosystems 214-5 secondary production 129-30 mining 4 17- 9
shores, rocky/sandy 192 Guadalupe estuary 156 and natural fluctuations 402
Guidelines for Systematic Review of ozone holes 349-50
Galapagos Islands 306, 315 Effectiveness of Interventions in pelagic ecosystems 194,214-5
gastropod molluscs, biodiversity 10, Conservation and Environmental renewable energy generation 148
18-9, 20 Management website 132 riverine input/land use 413-4
gears, fishing 364-5 Gulf of Mexico 219,415,417, 418 seagrass meadows 299, 300
gene flow, hydrothermal vent organisms Gulf Stream 7 and secondary production 136-40
274-5 Gulfwar 417 shores 172,192
genetic analysis, culture-independent 99 gyrotactic trapping 209 water use 4 16--7
genetic modification, aquacultu re 386 humus, marine 95
genomics, microbial 101-4 habitat/s osee also specific habitat types hurricanes 315,402
ghost shrimp 181 conservation 433-5 hydrocarbon exploitation 4 17,418
gigantism fragmentation 299-300 hydrodynamic processes 192
deep sea 270-1 hadal zone 74 hydrophilous species 291,297
polar regions 28, 344-5 haddock 207 hydrophytes 291
glaciation haloclines 4 hydroponics 392
continental shelf 219, 220-2 halophytes 164,170 hydrostatic pressure, deep sea 259
origins of estuary organisms 152, hard substrata, continental shelf 241-4 hydrothermal vents 197, 252, 271- 5
153, 157 Hawaii Ocean Time series (HOT) 85 chemosynthesis 261
global herbivory, fish 232 organism dispersal/gene flow 274-5
aquaculture statistics 381,385 hermatypic corals 306,309-1 0,320. see organisms 272-3
carbon/nutrient cycles 123-4 also coral reefs productivity 272
conveyor belt 258, 328-9 hermit crab 237 hypersaline waters 169- 70
d istributions. see distribution herring 23,214 hyposaline seas 168-9
fishe ries statistics 357-8 heterotrophs 43-4. see also secondary hypoxia. see eutrophication; oxygen
primary production 69-76 production
secondary production 132-3 marine snow 108-9 IATIC (Inter-American Tropical Thna
gold rush, shrimp 377,393-4 microbial 98, 122 Commission) 361
gonad secondary pro duction 128 net ocean productivity 74-6 ibis, scarlet 283
Good Fish Guide (Ma rine Conservation high-nutrient-lew-chlorophyll (HNLC) ice-breaking research ships 326--7
Society) 443 regions 51-2,204 ice pancakes 329,330. see also pack ice
goose, Brent 161-2 highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) icebergs 329, 330, 341
Gould, Stephen J. 18 379 ICZM (integrated coastal zone
government policy, greening 432, historical accounts management) 441-2
439-42 aquaculture 378-81 ideal despotis distribution 163
grand cycle, p rimary production! fisheries 358-9 IDH (intermediate disturbance
decomposition 34,55 Hong Kong, sustainable fishing 447 hypothesis) 404-6
grazmg HOT (Hawaii Ocean Time series) 85 immigration rates 11
continental shelf biota 232 HUFAs (highly unsaturated fatty acids) increment summation method 130-1
food web dynamics 116--7 379 indicators, environmental impacts 408
mangroves 282 human impacts 401-2,428,431. see indices, biodiversity 15, 16, 407, 408, 409
seagrass meadows 301-2 also climate change; conservation; Indo-West Pacific hotspot 19
grease ice 329,330,332 disturbance; pollution induction,lytic cycles 110
Great Astrolabe Reef 308 aquaculture 395-7 industrial revolution 57
Great Barrier Reef 305--6,309 contaminants 4 19-2 1 industrialization, aquaculture 378
h uman impacts 314 continental shelf 2 17 infauna 175
Marine Park 43 6, 444-5, 446 coral reefs 314-8,320,322-3 inoculu m size 295
Great South Bay, Long Island 145 current changes in sea-ice 350-1 inorganic nutrients 49-53, 54

integrated coasta l zone management latent cycles, viruses 110 mapping, deep-sea 252
(ICZM) 441-2 lateral advection 343 Marella 18, 19
Inter-American Tropical Tuner latitude, and competition 26 Margalefs diversity index 15
Commission (IATIC) 361 LCA (life cycle analysis) 448 marginal ice zone (MIZ) 337,338
intermediate disturbance hypothesis Marine Conservation Society
(IDH) 404--jj leatherback turtles 211 Good Fish Guide 443
internal waves 175 lecithototrophic organisms 4,274 marine detritus . see detritus
International Union for Conservation of legislation, conservation 439-42 marine humus 95
Nature (IUCN) 433,434 leucine growth dynamics, bacterial 115-6 Marine Life Information Network 241,
intertidal ecology 173. see also shores life cycle analysis (LCA) 448 242
invasive species 294-6, 396 life mode, continental shelf biota 230-1 Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) 446
invertebrates, human impacts 137-8 life-stage, and secondary production 128 marine reserves 440,442, 444-7
Irish Sea Light Detection and Ranging (UDAR) 81 marine snow 95,96,105,107,108-9,
glaciation 220 light in water 44-6 197
larvae dispersal 221 acclimation 47-9 Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) 443,
succession 69 continental shelf 223-4 444
iron 51-2,54 coral reefs 311 market va lue, and conservation 432
krill 341 deep-sea 257 MarXan software 435
and primary production 204-5 and photosynthesis 46--9 mass balance calculation 75
irradiance 46--7. see also light in water and primary production 70 mass extinction. see extinction
island biogeography 10--1 zonation 4,45 MDS (multi-dimensional scaling) 410
IUCN (International Union for limiting resources 117-8, 180. see also mean troph ic ind ex (MTI) 408
Conservation of Nature) 433, 434 nutrients measurement. see also below
lipids 53, 54; see also HUFAs; PUFAs fisheries stocks 366-8
jack mackerel, Chilean 357 littoral zone 3 growth, bacterial 115-8
J amaica 11,316Japan 11,71 lobsters 266 human impacts 406--13,442
jellyfish blooms 214 Long Island, Great South Bay 145 secondary production 129-33
Juncus spp. 164 long-term data sets 84-6,41 0 un ivariate measures 40 6--9
J upiter 340 low latitude p lankton communities 122 measurement, primary production 78-86
low molecular weight (LMW) products 93 automatic devices 82-6
karyostrophy 48 lugworms, experiments 187 electrodes 79-80
k-ecotypes 106 lysogenic/lytic cycles, viruses 110 fluorescence 8 1
kelp beds 239 oxygen 78, 79-80
continental shelf 242 mackerel 2 12,357 radiocarbon labelling 78-9
global distribution/structuring 244 Macoma balthica 168 remote sensing 8 1-3
impact of fishing 375 macroalgae. see seaweeds Mediterranean Sea 120,169,257,292,
primary production 76-8 macro-ecology 9 296
keystone species 182- 3, 204, 336 macrofauna, continental shelf 227-9 meiofauna 175, 227- 9
kill-the-winner hypothesis 110 mammals 345-51,371,433. see also melt pools, pack ice 332
kinematic viscocity 112-3 dolphins; polar bears; whales membranes, eye 196
kleptoparasitism 237 management Membranipora membranacea
knees, mangroves 280 conservation 440 12 7
krill 19 6, 204, 341, 335-7, 345 ecosystem-based 360 mesocosms 167,190-1
K-seleetion 263 fisheries 359-60,368-70 mesopelagic zone 74,75,196
KT mass extinction 18 manatees 301-2 meta-analyses, secondary prod uction
mangroves 164, 170, 277-8, 303 132-3
labelling food 442,443-4 adaptations 279-81 metabolism
lacunar systems 291 associates 278,281-8 heterotrophic 43-4
lagoons 170 carbon storage 34 microbial ecology 89-91
Lagrangian sampling open ocean 21 1 conservation 436--7 metazoan zooplankton 111
Laguna Madre, Texas 170 definitions 278-9 methane clathrate 7
land use, human impacts 413-4 d istribution 279 methanesulphonic acid (MSA) 338
Lander systems 253-4 ecosystem function 289-90 m icrobial ecology 89, 124-5. see also
landings, fisheries 359 further reading 304 bacteria
Langmuir circulation 200-1 primary prod uction 35 algae 111-5
large food falls, deep sea 261-2 reproduction 281 archaea 89,97-109
large oceanic gyres 71 shrimp aquaculture 394 biomass 113
larvae dispersal, scallop 220-1 manipulative field experiments. see decomposition process 93-7
larval viability, contaminants 419- 20 experiments deep-sea 266

food web dynamics 116-8 MTI (mean trophic index) 408 Northeast passage 35 1
further reading 125 mudflats, estuaries 150 Norway, fisheries science 360-1
genomics 101-4 mudskippers 286-8 nucleotides, labelled 115-6
global carbon/nutrient cycles 123-4 mullet 157 number of species, deep sea 266--7. see
growth dynamics/measurement multibeam echosounders 21 1,220 also biodiversity
115-8 multidimensional scaling (MDS) 4 10 nutriclines 119
growth yield 91-2 multivariate measures, human impacts nutrients/ nutrient dynamics 49--63
Identifying 98-9 409-10 algal growth 64-8
key organism groups 97-115 mummichog 157,161 Antarctic/Arctic comparisons 340-1
metazoan zooplankton 111 Muro-ami fishing 374 aquaculture 385--6
organic-matter degrading species mussels 3,161,186,295-6 carbon 55-9, 64
99-104 Mya arenaria 152, 153 coral reefs 317
as powerhouse of ocean 89-91 myopsin, squid 196 cycles, global 123-4
prokaryotes 97-109 Mytilicola intestinalis 161 inorganic 49-53,54
protozoa 111 iron 51-2,54
seasonal cycles 118-23 nanomaterials 420-1 nitrogen 54,59-60
size 90-1 nanoparticles 420-1 phytoplankton 66
trophic structure 114 natant organisms 270 seagrass meadows 294
trophic yield/food chain efficiency natural fluctuations 402 sulphur 54, 60-3
92-3 nature-based definitions, welfare 382 trends, global 70
viruses 109- 11 nature reserves 440,442,444-7
wider ecological context 91-3 Nautile 255 obligate inhabitants, seagrass meadows
microbial loop 199 nekton. see fish; squid 298
rnicrobiota, continental shelf 227-9 nematode worms 27 ocean basin cross-section 252
microchemistry, fish 158 Neomysisinreger 154 ocean currents. see currents
microlayers 208 neritic zone 195, 196, 252 oceanic carbon pools 95
mid-ocean ridge 252 net community/ecosystem/primary oceanic conveyor 258, 328-9
migration, continental shelf biota 230-1. production, defi nitions 67 oceanic zone 195,196
see also vertical migration netting, fish 208,252-3,364 oceanography 4-5
Milankovitch cycles 6 networks, shore 190-2. see also food offsho re aquaculture 391-3
mineralization 89 webs/chains oil platforms, disposal 446
mining, human impacts 417-9 neustic zone 196 011 spillage 415,417,418
missing baseline effects 213 NGOs (non-governmental organizations) oligotrophic species/environments 49-
Mississipi dead zone 415 440 50,98, 122,204
mixed layer depth 48-9,203 niche differen tiation 283 ontogenetic, definitions 286
mixing 70 Nile River 4 16 ontogenic factors 269
mixotrophs 44 Nimbus satellite 10 OpenHydro Open-Centre Turbine
MIZ (marginal ice zone) 337,338 nitrate, seasonal cycles 122 148
mobility nitrifying prokaryotes, microbial 43, opticle particle counters (OPCs) 208
continental shelf biota 230-1 97-8,101 organic recycling 96--7
• • •
deep-sea megagfau na 268-70 nitrogen 54,59-60 orgamsm size. see size
models, disturbance 40 5 flux, estuaries 167 organisms of specific ecosystems. see
molluscs. see also bivalves; mussels; isotope ratios 161 flora/fa una
oysters pollution 414-5 organotrophs 97-8
aquaculture 395-7 no n-governmental organizations (NGOs) osmoconforme rs 153
biodiversity 10,18-9,20 440 osmoregulation 153-4
contaminants 420 no n-native species 397,42 1 osmotrophs 93, 98
monosex stocks, aquaculture 386 North America 10, I S, 155 otoliths, fish 158,362
Monteray Bay aquarium 440 North Atlantic right whale 440-1 over fishing 359--60
morphodynamic states, shores 174-7 North Atlantic cod 238 oxygen/oxygen levels 28. see also
morpho-species 15 North Atlantic Oscillation eutrophication
mortality estuarine fish communities 15 7, 159, abyssopelagic zone 197
fishing 367-8 160 carrying capacity 421
measurement 129-30 human impacts 139-40 deep-sea 258
mosaics, patch 403 regime shifts 213 estuaries 151
MPAs (Marine Protected Areas) 446 remote sensing 81 hypoxia 139
MSA (methanesulphonic acid) 338 North Sea mangroves 288
MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) 443, foam 62 measurement of primary production
444 regime shifts 213-4 78,79,79-80

polar regions 345 regime shifts 19 5, 213-4 bentho-pelagic coupling 343

respiration 42-3 sampling open ocean 208-12 benthos 34 1-4
oxygenic heterotrophs 43 size, consequences 198-200 birds/mammals 345-51
oysters 249,349-50,396,421, 426, 427 temporaVspatial patterns 200-7 current changes in sea-ice 350-1
oystercatche rs 163 penguins 284-5,346 endemism 343-4
ozone holes 349-50 Peruvian anchovy 134,357 estimating past changes in sea-ice
pH 38-9,57,79 338-9
Pacific Ocea n 204,2 13-4 Phaeocystis spp. 62 further reading 352-3
pack ice 326,328,329-32,346. see a150 phase shifts 122. see also regime shifts gigantism 28,344-5
sea-Ice Philippines 436-7 organisms 11-2,205,332-7
palaeoecology 232 phosphorus 54, 60 pack ice 329-32
pancakes, ice 329. 330 photic zone 45, 196 primary production 71
parad ox, plankton 208 photo-acclimation, polar regions 334 sea ice edges 337-41
Paranais spp. 155 photo-respiration 94 policy, conservation 439-42
parasites 237 photography, wildlife 157, 253- 5, 258 pollock, Alaskan 357
particle feeders 232, 243 photophores 258 pollu tion
particle size gradients 175- 7. see also photosynthesis 36-42. see also primary and biodiversity 16
sediment production coral reefs 317
particulate organic carbon (POC) 55 algal growth 66 eutrophication 4 14-5
particulate organic material (POM) 94-5, carbon dioxide 38-41 human impacts 419-21
96 and light 46-9 oil spillage 4 17-8
deep-sea 260,262 pigments 4 1-2 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) 419
food webs, microbial 114 seasonal cycles, microbial 119, 121 polyculture 378,383
marine snow communities 108-9 photosynthetic quotient (PQ) 55 polyphyletic taxa, seagrasses 291
passive fishing gears 364-5 phylogeography 13 polyps, coral reef 309-10
patches physical processes polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) 335,
coral reefs 307 continental shelf 219 340
mosaics 4 03 coral reefs 3 11 POM. see particulate organic material
patterns, marine 1-2,29. d eep-sea 256--60 Pompeii worm 272
seasonal cycles; spatial patterns; pelagic ecosystems 200-3 population biology
temperature; temporal patterns; physics of seawater 198 aquaculture 390
zonation physiological tolerance, and zonation 179 fisheries 362-3,366
abundance/size 23-8 phytodetritus, continental shelf 223 population dynamics
biodiversity 9,15-22,165-8 phytoplankton. see also algae coral reefs 320-2
biogeography 9-15 blooms 71, 120-1, 4 14 krill 337
biomes 11-2 fronts, biological 223 Porcupine Sea Bight 262-3,264,266
climate 6-7 n utrient dynamics 66 Portuguese Man '0 War 7, 196
endemism 12-5 prod uctivity 8,9,35 PQ (photosynthetic quotient) 55
estimating past changes in sea-ice remote sensing 8 1,82 pravons 152, 153,269
338-9 shape 52-3 precautionary approach to fisheries
estuaries 165-8 succession 69 management 368
further reading 29 pigments, photosynthetic 41-2 predator-prey systems. see also food webs
local versus regional 11 plaice continental shelf 23 1-2,237
oceanography 4-5 continental shelf biota 230-1 estuaries 163
pelagic ecosystems 200-7 hu man impacts 138-9, 373 shores 181- 7
polar regions 339 plankton. see also phytoplankton; seagrass meadows 300
predator-prey systems 163 zooplankton preliminary sampling 411
productivity 8-9 larvae dispersal 220-1 primary production 33-4,87
secondary production 132- 3 paradox 208 algal growth 64-8
shore zonation causes 179- 81 pelagic ecosystems 198- 9 consequences for higher trophic leve ls
PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls) 4 19 planktotrophic organisms 4 205-7
pelagic ecosystems 194-5, 215--6 plasticity, seagrasses 292 continental shelf 2 17
definitions 19 5-7 plastochrone intervals 297 by ecosystem type 34
fisheries 212-3 Plum Island Sound Estuary 161 and fronts, biological 223
further reading 2 16 pneumatocysts 77 further reading 87-8
future scenarios 214-5 poe (particulate organic carbon) 55 global trends 69-76
physical processes 200-3 polar bear 347-8,350 heterotrophic metabolism 43, 43-4
primary production/biogeography polar regions 325-9, 352 inorganic nutrients 49-53
203-5 Arctic!Antarctic comparisons 331-2 light in water 44-6, 45,46-9

marine plants/algae 34-6 realized nich es 266 river disch arge, human impacts 4 13-4,
measurement 78-86 recirculation systems 391-3 417, 423. see also individual rivers by
nutrients limiting growth 53-63 recolonization/recovery rates, afte r name
pelagic ecosystems 203-5 disturbance 4 03-4 riverine mangroves 278
photosynthesis 36--42,46-9 recruitment strength 183 rivet hypothesis of biodiversity 22
phytoplankton 35,36 recyciing 96-7,120,121-3 rocky/sandy shores. see shores
polar regions 339 red coloured crustaceans 197 rock substrata, continental shelf 241-4
respiration 42,42-3 Red List (lUCN) 434 ROFIs (regions of freshwater in fluen ce)
seasonal trends 69 Redfield ratio 54-5 223
seaweeds 76-8 redshank 163 Roman times 378
and secondary production 134-5 redundancy hypothesis, biod ivers ity 15, root structures, mangroves 280
terrestrial comparison with aquatic 73 22 Rose Garden hydrothermal vent 2 71,274
primary space, shores 183 reefs, continental shelf 248-9. see also ROVs (remotely operated veh icles)
procedural control 288 coral reefs 253,254
production-to-biomass ratio (P/B) 129. reference points, fisher ies 368 R-selection 263
see also secondary production reflective beach es 177 rubbish pollution 215
and body mass 131- 3 regime shifts RUBISCO (ribulose biphosphate
human impacts 137-8 coral reefs 314 carboxylase/oxygenase) 37,39-40
productivity/ production. see also primary; impact of fishing 375
secondary production pelagic ecosystems 195, 2 13-4 SAHFOS (Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation
aquaculture 381,385 regions of freshwate r in fluen ce (ROFIs) for Ocean Science) 84
autochthonous 160 223 Salicornia spp. 164
bacterial 116 regulations, conservation 440-2 salinity
coral reefs 3 11-3 Remane diagrams 165--6 estuaries 148- 9
deep sea 260-3 remineralization 89,334 hyposaline seas 168
definitions 67 remote sensing 195 impact of freshwater inflow 154-6
estuaries 159- 65 animal attached 284-5 lagoons 170
fisher ies 361 primary production 8 1-3 mangrove adaptations 279-81
and fronts, biological 223 polar regions 336--7 pack ice 330
hydrothermal vents 272 remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) response of organisms 153-4
patterns, marine 8-9 253 ,254 seagrass tolerance 294
seagrass meadows 302 renewable energy 147-8, 159-60 shores, rocky/ sandy 176--7
seasonal cycles, microbial 118-23 replacement lines, fish eries 367-8 zonation 4,5, 176--7
prokaryotes 97-109. see also microbial replicates 412-3 salmon aquaculture 389-91
ecology reproduction salt-wedge effect 149
propagule pressure 295 coral reefs 310-1 saltmarsh systems 163- 5, 277-8
propagules, mangroves 281 mangroves 281 sampling
proteobacteria 100-1, 107 seagrass meadows 296-8 deep sea 252-5
proteomics 102 reptant organisms 270 measuring hu man impacts 408
proton acceptors 42, 43 research, river catchment to coast 218. see open ocean 208-12
protozoa I II also experiments pitfalls 412-3
protozoop lankton 338 reserves, marine 440,442,444-7 San Andreas fau lt 145
provinces 12, 205 resilience, ecosystem 235-7,320 San Francisco Bay 145
pseudofaeces 232 resource limitation 11 7-8, 180. see also sandpiper 161-2
PUPAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) 335, nutrients sandy shores. see shores
340 respiration 42,42-3 Sargasso Sea 262
purple sulphur bacteria 43 and decomposition process 93-4 satellite sampling 211
purse seine netting 364 microbial 89, 119, 121 saturation irradiance 46
pycnoclines 4, 339 patterns, marine 75 scale, microbial ecology 89. see also size
pyrosequencing 102 seasonal cycles 119, 121 scallops 220-1,299
vertical distribution 74 scarlet ibis 283
quorum sensing 10 7 resuspension, sediment 343 scavengers
Reynolds' number 112- 3, 198 continental shelf 23 1
radiations, evolutionary 17 ribulose biphosph ate carboxylase/ deep-sea 261-2
radiocarbon labelling 78-9 oxygenase (RUBISCO) 37,39-40 scrence
ragworm 152, 154, 167, 186 Riftia 272-4 conservation 447-8
rainfali 422 right whale 440-1 fisheries 360-1
ramets 297 Rio Convention on Biological Diversity 440 scouring, by sea-ice 341
ranching, aquaculture 397-8 rippies 45-6 sea cows 301-2,429

sea horses 398 d rivers 134-6 Sir Alistair Hardy Foundation for Ocean
sea-ice 328. see also pack ice further reading 140 Science (SAHFOS) 84
biota 332 human impacts 136-40 sites of special scientific interest (SSSIs)
birds/ mammals 346 measurement 129-33 440
current changes 350-1 meta-analyses 132-3 Sivash 169- 70
edges 337-41 size structuring 136 size, organism 27-8
past changes 338-9 secondary space, shores 183 and abundance 23
sea level changes 7,144-5,151-2 sedentary megafauna, deep sea 267-8 and biomass 91
climate change 422 sediment continental shelf 227-9
coral reefs 309 continental shelf 241,245-8 deep sea 264-5, 27G-1
glaciation 219-22 coral reefs 311,317 food webs 136
sea lice 389-91 deep sea 259-60, 268 measuring effects of human activities
sea mounts 252,372-3 ecosystem function 234-5 406
sea ranching 397-8 estuaries 150, 154 microbial 90-1
sea temperature. see temperature human impacts 413-4 and P/B ratios 131-3
sea urchins influence of fauna on structure 233 pelagic ecosystems 198-200
and acidification 425 manipulative experiments 190-1 polar regions 28, 344-5
barren grounds 239, 375 and mining 4 19 sloppy feeding 94
coral reefs 319 resuspension 343 smelt 157
deep-sea 268-9 shores, rocky/sandy 174, 180 snow, marine 95,96, 105,107,108-9,
and fish communities 318 size gradients 175- 7 197
seabed habitats 1, 4 suspended 223 snowball earth 340
continental shelf 224-31 terrigenous 195 social circumstances, human 432,442
fisheries 371-4 wave action 220 soft sediment, continental shelf 245-8
human impacts 138- 9, 371-4 seine netting 364 solubility pump 57
Seafood Choices Alliance 443 self-sustaining seasonal cycles 122 somatic secondary production 128
seagrass meadows 277,303,277-8 sessile organisms Sorcerer II 102, 103
associated organisms 298-301 deep-sea 267 Southern Ocean
carbon storage 34 definitions 286 Arctic!Antarctic comparisons 332
definitions 278-9,290-1 Severn estuary, energy generation 14 7-8 biodiversity 20
distribution 292--6 shags, impact of fishing 371 Bouvet Island 11
ecosystem function 302-3 Shannon-Weiner diversity index 15, 40 7, diatoms 333-4
further reading 304- 409 high-nutrient-low-chlorophyll regions
grazing 301-2 shape, phytoplankton 52-3 204
primary production 35,78 shark, basking 285 krill 335-7
reproduction 296-8 shelf break 218,252 nutrients limiting growth 340-1
seals 211 ,346,347,349 Shinkai 6500 255 organisms 334
seasonal cycles/dynamics. see also shipp ing lanes 441,445 sea-ice changes 339
temperature; temporal patterns shore crab 154 sea temperature changes 6
abundance 23 shores, rocky/sandy 172,192-3 southern right whale 86
autumn 118,119,122, 123 biodiversity 190-1 Spartina spp. 164
microbial ecology 117-23 bottom-up processes 181, 183, 188 spatial patterns
po lar regions 326,327-8 definitions 173 biodiversity 18- 21
primary production 69 disturbance/bioturbation 188, 191 pelagic ecosystems 200-7
secondary production 128-9 environmental gradients 173-9 spawner-recruitment relationships 363
spring 118, 12G-1 , 206 experiments 181-2, 184-7, 190-1 speciation rates 11
summer 118,121-3 further reading 193 species richness. see biodiversity
winter 118, 123 future scenarios 192 species-area relationships 11. see also
seawater, physics of 198. see also organization of communities 18 1- 9 biodiversity
temperature particle size gradients 175-7 sponges 242,345
seaweeds. see also kelp beds primary/ secondary space 183 spring blooms/cycles 118, 120-1, 206
carbon storage 34 salinity gradients 176--7 squat lobster 266
po lar regions 342-3 shore networks 190-2 squid 196, 199,205-7,213,363
primary production 35,76--8 wave action exposure 174-5 SSSIs (sites of special scientific interest)
and seagrass meadows 294 wetness/dryness gradients 173 440
SeaWiFS project 36,195 zonation 177-81 stable carbon isotopes 40,160-1
secondary production 126-8, 140 shotgun sequencing 102 stakeholders 440
allometric re lationships 131-3 shrimps 157,377,387,393-4 starfish 1,182,237,316-7
to biomass ratio 128 siphon cropping clam 127, 128 statistics

aquaculture 381,385 coral reefs 306,311,316 trophic structure, microbial 114. see also
detecting change 411 deep-sea 257-8 food webs
fisheries 357-8 estuaries 151 trophic yield/food chain efficiency 92-3
stepping stone models 274 polar regions 328 tropical waters, primary production 70
stickleback, three-spined 157 response of organisms to 154 true mangroves 278
stipules 288 temporal patterns 5, 6. see also seas onal tube worms 186
stochastic peturbations 286 cycles/dynamics Tubifex tubifex 155
stock-recruitment relationships 362-3 abundancelbiodiversity 16-8, 23, 25 tuna 194
stocks, fisheries 361 ,366-8 food inputs, deep sea 262-3 aquaculture 384-5
Stommel diagram 200-1 pelagic ecosystems 200-7 dolphin-safe 213
storms, coral reefs 315 primary production 69 fisheries 363,364,371
stratification, continental shelf 223. see TEPs (transparent exopolymer particles) turbidity
also zonation 95 continental shelf 223-4
stressed environments 426. see also terrestrial habitats and seagrass meadows 293
human impacts carbon pools 95 turbulent eddies 229
biodiversity 15 and mangroves 281-5 turtles 211,301,371
coral reefs 310 primary production 73, 76 type 1/11 errors 411
current velocity 229 terrigenous sediment 195
estuaries 146,168 tethering, and seagrass meadows 298 UK Sustainable Development Commission
microbial ecology 94 TEV (total economic value) 436 148
response of organisms 153-4 Thames, River 146,156,157,159,422 ultraviolet (UV) light 7
submersibles, deep sea 255 thermoclines 4,5, 118, 122 adaptations to 196
subsidized fleets, fisheries 359 three-spined stickleback 157 algal growth 64
substrates, chemical 39 thymidine, labelled 115-6 damage 63
success, definitions 26--7 tidal energy generation 147-8 ozone holes 349-50
succession, phytoplankton 69 tidal-mixing 204 and seagrass meadows 293
Sueda spp. 164 tidal range ultrahaline conditions 170
sulphur 54,6G-3 Bay of Fundy 149 Ulva spp. 154
sulphur-oxidizing/reducing bacteria 43 continental shelf 222-3 univariate measures 406-9
summer seasonal cycles 118,121-3 estuaries 146 universal features, zonation 178, 179-81
supply-side ecology 183 tidal surges 422 uplift zones 177
surface area tide-dominated mangroves 278 upwelling 71,422,426
and biomass 113 timescales. see temporal patterns urchin barren grounds 239,375. see also
to volume ratios 28,90 Titanic 272 sea urchins
surface currents 6 top-down control US Magnuson-StevensAct 372
suspended rope cultivation, bivalve food web dynamics 116-7 UV. see ultra violetlight
molluscs 396,397 secondary production 134
suspended sediment 223 shore communities 181 valuation, marine ecosystems 437
suspension feeding 232 topographical classification of estuaries Van der Waals forces 245
sustainable development 431 ,435 144, 145, 149 variance, spawner-recruitment
sustainable fishing 447 total economic value (TEV) 436 relationships 363
Swan River estuary, Australia 156 tourism vertical migration 199, 339-40
swell 175 and climate change 421 vicariance hypothesis 279
Symbion pandora 2 coral reefs 322-3 viruses 109-11,116-7
symbiosis 310, 425 willingness to pay 438 vivipary 281,291
synergistic effects, human impacts 426 trace fossils 232 volume to surface area ratios 28, 90
syngnathids 399,400 Trades biome 11-2,205 vulnerability to fishing 370
transcriptomics 102
tannin 289 transparent exopolymer particles (TEPs) walruses 347
taxonomic 95 waste/rubbish pollution 215
distinctness 15,409 trawling 137-9,252-3,364,371-4 water circulation 422. see also currents,
diversity 15 trenches, deep sea 252 ocean
TBT (tributyl tin ) 42G-I tributyl tin (TBT) 42G-I water use, human impacts 416-7
technical measures, fisheries management triploidy 386 waterlogged soils, adaptations 279
368 trophic cascades 237-8 wave action
tectonic estuaries 145 trophic function 16 coral reefs 311
telemetry 285 trophic levels 12,91 patterns, marine environmental 5
temperature, land/ sea. see also climate secondary production 126 shores , rocky/sandy 174-5
change; seasonal cycles/dynamics size str ucturing 136 temporal/spatial patterns 200

wave formation 175 World Resources Institute 266 wrasse 322,389-91

websites World Summit on Sustainable WTP (wiliingness to pay) 437,438
aquaculture 383,386,391 Development 432
autonomous underwater vehicles 2 12 welfare, fish 382, 384 xenophyophores, deep-sea 270-1
conservation 433, 443 Westerlies biome 11-2,205
Convention on the Conservation of wetness/dryness gradients, shores 173 Yellow River 4 14
Antarctic Marine Living Resources whales 86 yield-per-recruit models 367
436 biogeography 204
coral reefs 306, 308 conservation 433, 440-1 zonation 2-4
fish production 135 extinction 429 causes 179- 8 1
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park 445 impact of fishing 371 continental shelf 223-4
Guidelines for Systematic Review of polar regions 338-9, 348-9 coral reefs 31 1
Effectiveness of Interventions in whe lks 237 estuaries 15 1
Conservation and Environmental White Sea 169-70 pelagic ecosystems 196--7
Management 132 whiting 157, 406 shores 173-9
invasive species 295 wildiife photography 157, 253- 5, 258 universal features 178
MarXan software 435 wiliingness to pay (WTP) 437,438 zooanthellae 309,311
OpenHydro Open-Centre Turbine 148 wind action zooplankton
photography 157,258 and climate change 426 coral reefs 312
sea horses 399 pelagic ecosystems 200,201-2 metazoan III
Seafood Choices Alliance 443 wind speed patterns 5 polar regions 338
Sorcerer II 103 winter seasonal cycles 118, 123 productivity 8, 74, 75
stock-recruitment relationships 363 wood, deep-sea 262 vertical migration 199
UK Sustainable Development World Resources Institute 266 Zostera spp. 294, 297-8, 300, 302
Commission 148 World Summit on Sustainable
world register of marine species 90 Development (WSSD) 432,440
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