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Master environment/Final (golden copy) – used for cutover


https://Temenos/jboss/standalone> ./

24/7 Online

INFRA app server= X86 intel Linux server on stack 1 (standalone)

Red Hat 8 (RHEL)is an open source Linux based operating system. It operates like most Linux

based OS but is more stable and offers more cutting edge features than other Linux distributions

JBoss7 EAP

DB= Oracle 19C

ISB= Initial System bin

T24 has 3 TIERS

1.Presentation layer – More than 1

2.Application layer


Teller terminals > Load balancer >Application & web layer >
JBOSS 7 is used to create the presentation layer

R21 uses uxp or classic browser.

/Temenos/TAFJ/conf (
/Temenos/TAFJ/conf >

/Temenos/T24/bnk/t24lib (lib)


ie softlink

/Temenos/jboss/modules/com/temenos/t24/main (module.xml file)

/Temenos/jboss/modules/com/temenos/tafj/main (module.xml)


standalone/configuration (Transact.xml)

Amend in 5 areas as below

Also add Browserweb.war for classic browser

/Temenos/UXP/properties (
/usr/lib/jvm (IBM semeru 1.8 java deployment folder)
(chown user:group /folder name)

(./ ./
env |grep java ps -eaf |grep jboss cp -p

.war .deploy .deployed .failed

/Temenos/TAFJ/conf (

The logging level can be changed to ERROR, INFO, DEBUG etc


/Temenos/TAFJ/conf………………… (


Shows presentation or users error log


then type >top


We have jms inqueue , outqueue, IRIS etc

You open TAFJJEE_MDB.jar file using winrar,gzip or 7zip. Inside you find the jboss-ejb3.xml file where you define the

Multithreaded jobs- can use more than 1 agent(workers) when running batch processes like

COB- Many agents take shorter time to run the jobs. Processing power on machines (resources) advises

the no of agents you can use. You set up jobs so that they can be multithreaded. The more the processing

power the more the agents you can use to run your jobs.

Jobs are stored in a joblist, Jobs are fetched from the joblist and they are sequenced


PreCOB DB backup

eficas is used to extract data into warehouse during all stages. Data extraction routines are used

1. Application
2. System wide – calculations e.g. accruals & applying them – heaviest stage
3. Reporting – reports generated/Warehse efficas,ledger,asset liabilities- human intervention-sms alerts if any fail
4. SOD – Open forward days date record
5. Online – some jobs can be run after COB is over
Post COB DB backup

>sudo su -1
>su - t24user user owns all T24 applications - has all the rights
>cd /Temenos/jboss/standalone/deployments>ls -lrt *.deployed
Here > browserweb.war.deployed (uxp) or browser.war.deployed (classic) (classic) (uxp) -- not used coz of resources
>lsmem to get memory usage or >top or >nmon
dsf-uxp.war.deployed is used to deploy packs (patches) with url below
war files are needed for jboss to start.
Jboss brings up the war files & changes them to war.deployed when it starts successfully

>cd /Temenos/jboss/standalone/configuration/> Transact.xml

Transact.xml contains DB IP service name,datasource, db user and password
Also during tuning you can increase/decrease min/max poolsize here.


>tRun EX
Input DATES then L
It will show dates that are there for diff companies

TSA.SERVICE -TSM service starts the servers type BATCH then input the batch name

Field 9 is multivalue- can have many jobs inside a batch
TSA.STATUS give status of running jobs. Eg select 3 & see below output

If you don’t specify server name here it will run across multithread servers. COMO.NAME is system log for the
job (tsA_11_20230411_11-45-07)
CURRENT.SERVICE is BNK/SWIFT.OUT – we can go to this service and see as below
TSA.WORKLOAD.PROFILE table will indicate no of agents. If you go to DE.FORMATING.SERVICE
will give the no of agents allocated
F will move to next page as below BNK/SWIFT.OUT
You can also use I instead of S ie TSA.SERVICE, I as below to amend details

Input BNK/SWIFT.OUT above 2.1 is where you specify the server name to tie the service
. to a particular server as below

Service control can be AUTO,START OR STOP. Review time means it will run after every 10 mins
A batch can have many jobs. Ajob can be core or local. To confirm whether core or local you do a tshow as below

Com.temenos.t24 is core the jar path will also show ie /Temenos/T24/bnk/t24lib


COB has 8 companies as shown below. Select 4 to view that particular company

MB.COB.AGENT will show the no of agents allocated.

SERVICE CONTROL is STOP. To start this cob you amend here to START & it starts running COB
It has been assigned 10 agents as seen below. Use control U to move back in the screen

Select 5 below to display COB 2

BNK/AA.AGENT.COMMISSION.SERVICE is a batch. BNK is mnemonic for that company

Any batch that runs in COB will have a number in the BATCH.STAGE column above. 1st letter stand for stage in cob R =
reporting stage A = application, S = system wide etc If we pick no 12 below
In a service eg customer purge. Inside the service you define the batch, workload profile,

IP or Server name, agents etc. Service does not know jobs running or sequence. Batch will

define jobs in it.


Select 4 below A= adhoc D= daily M = monthly

Pick the batch process name AU1/AA.ARCHIVE.SERVIC. Use ctrl U to move back.
You can add more jobs here

To remove a batch from COB remove the batch stage as below

pick no 4 then I for input then ctrl V to amend below

Then amend no 6 to START start TSM now


Stop each job 1 by 1 below

Confirm only one running is COB 1 6 EQ START


Go to DBTools and clear error

Now start TSM

Control V to save

Now you have to go to DBTools and start TSM

Confirm TSM is on below

Open DBTools as below

CTRL F for next X to exit DBTools

F for next



T24 has 2 holiday tables:
COB holiday table
Clearing holiday table – FX, TI etc

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