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Coastal Carolina April 9th Tournament

Spring 2022 Tournament Conway, SC

Location and Parking:

The tournament will be held at our campus recreation center, the address is; 107 Tom Dr, Conway
SC 29526. There is parking directly outside of the building.

This will only be a 5 team tournament, with two courts. So we will have two teams on each court
playing, while one team refs while they are off. We are doing two sets to 25, no 3 rd set tie breaker
for time reasons during pool play.

Please arrive by 9:30 at the extreme latest, preferably 9:15.

Time Court 1 Court 2 Ref

10:00am UNCW B vs UNCW A vs Coastal Coastal Carolina A

Charlotte Carolina B

10:45am UNCW B vs Coastal Charlotte vs UNCW Coastal Carolina B

Carolina A A

11:30am Coastal Carolina B vs UNCW B vs UNCW Charlotte

Coastal Carolina A A

12:15pm Coastal Carolina A vs Charlotte vs Coastal UNCW B

UNCW A Carolina B

1:00pm UNCW B vs Coastal Charlotte vs Coastal UNCW A

Carolina B Carolina A
LUNCH Break when complete. Meet up 1 hour later for playoffs.

- Goal is to start playoffs by 2:45
- Seeding will be based on:
- Number of set victories
- All teams make the playoffs. 1st Seed will get a first round bye.
- Single elimination 2/3 sets
- Losing team refs next match (1st seed refs first match

If you have any questions please let me know. Looking forward to seeing you then!

Luke Krausse

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