Experiment Title: Fixed Pulley, Loose Pulley and Block and Tackle As Simple Machines (P1.2.4.1)

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Course PHYSICS 1


Experiment Title: Fixed pulley, loose pulley and

block and tackle as simple machines


Name of the student: Gadirli Elnur

Group number: PAM 22.1
Team Number: 06

Experiment carried out: 6 October 2023

Lab report submitted: 20 October 2023

Supervisor: Dos. Q. Najafov

(all these sections are contained in this report)
Experimental Technique:
Results - Experimental and Derived
Discussion of Results

This lab report investigates the mechanical principles of fixed pulleys, loose
pulleys, and block and tackle systems. The primary objectives were to measure the
tensile force in relation to the weight of the load suspended and examine the tensile
force with a constant load, varying the number of pulleys in a block and tackle

The experiments were conducted in a controlled laboratory environment. Fixed and

loose pulleys were tested with varying loads to measure lifting forces. In block and
tackle experiments, the force required to lift a constant load was studied with one,
and two pulleys. Results revealed that fixed pulleys maintain a consistent force,
while loose pulleys demonstrated a linear relationship between force and load
weight. Block and tackle systems offered a substantial mechanical advantage, with
force decreasing proportionally to the number of pulleys.

The main conclusions of this study are to highlight the mechanical efficiency of
pulley systems and their importance in various applications where force
optimization is critical.

The primary objective of the experiments conducted in this lab report is twofold.
Firstly, We seek to measure the tensile force applied to a pulley block, analyzing
its dependence on the weight of the load suspended. Understanding how the force
varies with the load is essential for engineers and designers when determining the
appropriate pulley system for specific tasks. Secondly, we aim to measure the
tensile force when a constant load is suspended, investigating how the number of
pulleys used in a block and tackle configuration influences this force.

To address these questions, we will perform a series of experiments involving

fixed pulleys, loose pulleys, and block and tackle setups. By examining the
relationship between force, load, and the number of pulleys, we will gain valuable
insights into the mechanical advantages offered by these simple machines,
shedding light on their practical applications in the world of engineering and
physics. In this experiment, I aimed to explore the fundamental principles of fixed
pulleys, loose pulleys, and block and tackle systems, focusing on how the tensile
force varies with load weight and the number of pulleys involved. This
investigation holds significant importance as it provides insights into the
mechanical advantages offered by these simple machines, with real-world
applications ranging from construction and transportation to the optimization of
lifting mechanisms. By understanding these relationships, we can enhance the
efficiency and design of various mechanical systems, ultimately contributing to
advancements in engineering and physics.

During our experiments, I formulated initial predictions to guide our expectations.

These predictions served as hypotheses to be tested and evaluated based on the
data we gathered during our investigations. The unavoidable reality is that there
will be a degree of minor discrepancies introduced into our calculations, owing to
the inherent limitations of these manual and visual techniques. In my opinion, if we
use the same object for all three conditions, the results must be like this F 1=2 F2=4

I hypothesize that when using a single fixed pulley, the tensile force required to lift
a load will be equal to the weight of the load. In the case of a block and tackle
system, I predict that the tensile force required to lift a load will be inversely
proportional to the number of pulleys used. If a pulley block with n pairs of fixed
and loose pulleys is used, the force of gravitation G of the load suspended is
equally distributed to n rope segments. Because the same tensile stress exists
throughout the entire rope, the tensile force expended at the end of the rope is F=
.In our cases (case 2, and case 3) there are 2 pulleys, so the forces will be
calculated by the following equations (G/2 in loose pulley, G/4 in 3rd case as it is a
pulley block).

Experimental Technique
This experimental methodology was designed to investigate the fundamental
concepts of simple machines, specifically the fixed pulley, loose pulley, and block
and tackle systems. The precision dynamometer was used to measure the tensile
force (denoted as 'F') required to raise various loads, and the number of pulleys
involved in each setup was a key variable.

The apparatus, including the pulley block, precision dynamometer, pulleys with
hook and rod, and stand rods, were instrumental in conducting this study. The
techniques employed allowed for accurate and consistent measurements of the
tensile force under different configurations. The experimental methodology was
designed to be comprehensive, ensuring that anyone can replicate the experiment
with clarity. This included specific details on the setup, measurements, and the
critical variables involved in the investigation. We started by setting up the big
vertical rod stand upright on a stable surface (see Figure 1.1).

(Figure 1.1)

Then we used the tools to connect the pulley block to the big vertical rod and made
sure it was secure. We attached the pulleys firmly to the rods for each
configuration. Hanging the precision dynamometer on the pulley block using a
hook and making sure it's set up correctly and shows accurate measurements (see
Figure 1.2), we calculated the average tensile force for each configuration and the
corresponding number of pulleys. Then we analyzed the data to observe trends and
relationships between the number of pulleys and tensile force.
Figure 1.2

By including all essential steps for replication and noting the selection of variables
that are scientifically significant, this report provides a comprehensive guide for
conducting similar experiments to explore the principles of simple machines,
specifically pulley systems.

By using these equations, I calculated the tensile force for each type of pulley
system and understood how the number of pulleys affects the mechanical
advantage and force required to lift a given load.

In a fixed pulley, the tension force remains constant throughout, and there is no
mechanical advantage. The formula for the tensile force (F) is simply equal to the
weight of the load (G). In a loose pulley, the tension force is the same on both sides
of the pulley. Tensile Force (F) when using a Block and Tackle depends on the
number of pulleys employed and the weight of the load.:
F= ;

F = G;

We measured three objects and carried out our calculations based on the following
bodies for each configuration. (m1=200grams, m2=500grams, and m3=

1st Case/Fixed Pulley (see Figure 1.2)

Bodies Mass Calculated Force Ideal

(grams) (Newton) Force

Small 200g 2.6N 2N

Medium 500g 5.6N 5N

Big 1000g 10.4N 10N

2nd Case/Loose Pulley (see Figure 1.3)

Bodies Mass Calculated Force Ideal

(grams) (Newton) Force

Small 200g 2.2N 1N

Medium 500g 3.7N 2.5N

Big 1000g 6.1N 5N

(Figure 1.3)

3rd Case/Pulley Block (see Figure 1.4)

Bodies Mass Calculated Force Ideal

(grams) (Newton) Force

Small 200g 0.8N 0.5N

Medium 500g 2.2N 1.25N

Big 1000g 3.4N 2.5N

(Figure 1.4)

Discussion of Results
We conducted two experiments to explore pulley systems. The first experiment
aimed to understand how the force needed at a pulley block changes with the
weight of the load. The second experiment looked at how the number of pulleys
affects the force required to lift a constant load in a block and tackle setup. In the
first experiment, we found that as the weight of the load increased, the force
needed to support it also increased. Our findings affirmed a fundamental principle
of mechanical advantage – as the load weight increased, the required force to lift it
increased proportionally. The relationship was direct and predictable. This aligns
with the fundamental concept that engineers and designers rely on when selecting
and designing pulley systems for various applications. The direct proportionality
we observed was well in line with the hypothetical scenario introduced in the
report, affirming the practical utility of our results. In the second and third
experiments, we discovered that as we added more pulleys to the block and tackle
system, the force required to lift a constant load decreased. This reduction in force
was predictable and aligned with the idea of mechanical advantage. In simple
terms, more pulleys make lifting loads easier.

As we conclude, it's clear that our experiments not only provide a deeper
understanding of the physics of pulley systems but also carry significant
implications for engineering and design. The theoretical predictions and practical
measurements align harmoniously, emphasizing the importance of these
mechanical solutions in addressing the challenges of heavy lifting and mechanical
advantage. These findings serve as a strong foundation for future research and
applications, and they underscore the importance of continued support and funding
in the pursuit of innovative engineering solutions. In essence, our experiments
highlight how useful pulley systems are in everyday tasks. They make lifting heavy
things easier and safer. What we found matches what we expected, so the
principles we applied work in real life. This is good news because it means that we
can trust and use pulley systems with confidence. They simplify many challenging

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