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Systematic Review

Interventions to reduce complications after shoulder

dystocia: a systematic review and
Bayesian meta-analysis
Stephen M. Wagner, MD; Cynthia S. Bell, PhD; Megha Gupta, MD, MSc; Hector Mendez-
Figueroa, MD; Lara Ouellette, MLS; Sean C. Blackwell, MD; Suneet P. Chauhan, MD, Hon DSc

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the outcomes associated with the implementation of simulation exercises to reduce the sequela of shoulder
DATA SOURCES: Electronic databases (Ovid MEDLINE, Embase, the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature database, and Scopus)
were initially queried in June 2020 and updated in November 2020. The following 3 concepts were introduced and refined using the controlled vocabulary
of the database: vaginal birth, shoulder dystocia, and simulation training. There were no limitations to the year of publication as part of the search strategy.
STUDY ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: We included all studies that reported on the frequency of shoulder dystocia and the associated complications before
and after the implementation of interventional exercises to improve outcomes.
METHODS: Two authors independently assessed the abstracts and full-text articles of all studies for eligibility and evaluated the quality of the included
studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Any inconsistencies related to study evaluation or data extraction were resolved by a third author. The
coprimary outcomes of this systematic review and meta-analysis were neonatal brachial plexus palsy diagnosed following deliveries complicated by
shoulder dystocia and persistence of brachial palsy at 12 months or later. The secondary outcomes were the frequency of shoulder dystocia and cesarean
delivery. Study effects were combined using a Bayesian meta-analysis and were reported as risk ratios and 95% credible intervals (Crs).
RESULTS: Of the 372 articles reviewed, 16 publications, which included 428,552 deliveries with 217,713 (50.8%) deliveries during the pre-intervention
and 210,839 (49.2%) deliveries during the postinterventional period, were included in the meta-analysis. The incidence of neonatal brachial plexus palsy
after shoulder dystocia decreased from 12.1% to 5.7% (risk ratio, 0.37; 95% Cr, 0.26e0.57; probability of reduction 100%).
The overall proportion of neonatal brachial plexus palsy decreased, but with less precision, from 0.3% to 0.1% (risk ratio, 0.53; 95% Cr, 0.21e1.26;
probability of reduction 94%). Two studies followed newborns with brachial plexus palsy for at least 12 months. One study that reported on persistent
neonatal brachial plexus palsy at 12 months among 1148 shoulder dystocia cases noted a reduction in persistent neonatal brachial plexus palsy from
1.9% to 0.2% of shoulder dystocia cases (risk ratio, 0.13; 95% confidence interval, 0.04e0 .49). In contrast, the study that reported on persistent neonatal
brachial plexus palsy at 12 months for all deliveries noted that it did not change significantly, namely from 0.3 to 0.2 per 1000 births (risk ratio, 0.77; 95%
confidence interval, 0.31e1.90). Following the implementation of shoulder dystocia interventional exercises, the diagnosis of shoulder dystocia increased
significantly from 1.2% to 1.7% of vaginal deliveries (risk ratio, 1.39; 95% Cr, 1.19e1.65; probability of increase 100%). Compared with the
preimplementation period, the cesarean delivery rate increased postimplementation from 21.2% to 25.9% (risk ratio, 1.22; 95% Cr, 0.93e1.59; probability
of increase 93%). We created an online tool ( that permits calculation of the absolute risk reduction and absolute
risk increase attributable to the intervention vis-a-vis the incidence of shoulder dystocia, neonatal brachial plexus palsy, and cesarean deliveries.

CONCLUSION: Introduction of shoulder dystocia interventional exercises decreased the rate of neonatal brachial plexus palsy per shoulder dystocia
case; the data on persistence of neonatal brachial plexus palsy beyond 12 months is limited and contradictory. Implementation of the interventions was
associated with an increase in the diagnosis of shoulder dystocia and rate of cesarean deliveries.

Key words: cesarean delivery, clavicular fracture, neonatal brachial plexus palsy, simulation exercise, third- or fourth-degree laceration

From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Alpert Medical School, Brown University, Providence, RI (Dr Wagner); Department of Pediatrics,
Center for Clinical Research & Evidence-Based Medicine, McGovern Medical School at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
(UTHealth), Houston, TX (Dr Bell); Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, New
Haven, CT (Dr Gupta); Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences, McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, Houston, TX (Drs
Mendez-Figueroa, Blackwell, and Chauhan); and the Texas Medical Center Library, Houston, TX (Ms Ouellette).
Received March 13, 2021; revised May 5, 2021; accepted May 12, 2021.
The authors report no conflict of interest.
Corresponding author: Suneet P. Chauhan, MD, Hon DSc.
0002-9378/$36.00 ª 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Click Supplemental Materials under article title in Contents at

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Systematic Review

and reported according to the Preferred

AJOG at a Glance
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
Why was this study conducted? and Meta-Analyses criteria.19 A
This study aimed to determine if the rate of complications associated with shoulder comprehensive literature search was
dystocia is lowered after the implementation of simulation exercises. conducted by a trained Medical Librarian
(LO) to locate material on the effect of
Key findings interventional exercises on the clinical
Compared with the preintervention period, implementation of simulation ex-ercises outcomes of vaginal births complicated by
to reduce the morbidity associated with shoulder dystocia was shown to reduce the shoulder dystocia. Using Ovid MEDLINE
rate of neonatal brachial plexus palsy subsequent to shoulder dystocia in conjunction (MEDLINE on OvidSP), a systematic
with an increase in the rate of cesarean delivery and diagnosis of shoulder dystocia. search string of relevant terms was
In 2 studies, the persistence of neonatal brachial palsy at 12 months was reported constructed. The complete search strategy
with contradicting conclusions. was then given to the primary investigator
for approval before translation to the
What does this add to what is known?
following 3 additional databases: Embase,
This systematic review and meta-analysis indicate that although interventional the Cu-mulative Index to Nursing and
exercises decrease the rate of brachial palsy subsequent to shoulder dystocia, this
Allied Health Literature, and Scopus. The
decrease occurs concurrent with an increase in cesarean delivery rates and may not
final searches were all run on the same
influence the rate of persistent brachial plexus at 12 months. day—November 25, 2020—in each
database for consistency and continuity.

Introduction reduction in the frequency of NBPP after Details about the search strategy and data
Shoulder dystocia occurs in about 1% to the implementation of training.12,13 A extraction are available in the Appendix.
3% of all deliveries and, by definition, universal recommendation for simulated
requires additional maneuvers other than training, however, is problematic for at
gentle traction to effectuate birth. least 4 reasons. First, some reports Study Selection
Deliveries complicated by shoulder suggest that the rate of brachial plexus We included randomized and non-
dystocia are associated with maternal (eg, palsy does not change or may paradoxi- randomized studies published in English
obstetrical anal sphincter injuries) and cally increase after training.14e16 Second, that reported on the outcomes of brachial
neonatal complications (eg, frac-ture).1 the decrease in the likelihood of palsy at plexus injury after the implementation of
Among the various complications linked the time of shoulder dystocia may be shoulder dystocia inter-ventional exercises
to shoulder dystocia, neonatal brachial caused by an increased rate of cesarean in labor and delivery units. We excluded
plexus palsy (NBPP), defined as weakness delivery or a tendency to overdiagnose studies that did not examine the rates of
or paralysis of the upper ex-tremity, is shoulder dystocia. Third, about 40% of neonatal brachial plexus injury after the
associated with long-term sequelae like palsy cases is not associated with shoul- implementation of interventional exercises
contractures and sub-luxations, need for der dystocia and a smaller proportion is to reduce sequelae of shoulder dystocia
microreconstruction and muscle transfers diagnosed subsequent to cesarean or those that did not assess the outcomes
with residual muscle imbalance, and delivery.2,17,18 Fourth , in the absence of a shoulder dystocia simulation program.
glenohumeral abnormalities.2e7 In of a systematic review and meta-analysis,
addition, children with NBPP are at risk the unintended consequences of in- Data from each included study were
for obesity and for developing psychological interventions are insufficiently explored. extracted into a custom data collection
and behavioral problems.8,9 To reduce The coprimary outcomes of this sys- form by 2 authors (SPC and SMW) to
the risk of thematic review and meta-analysis were a ensure accuracy. Two authors (SMW and
NBPP, 3 national guidelines on shoulder diagnosis of NBPP following deliveries MG) independently assessed the eligibility
dystocia recommend interventional complicated by shoulder dystocia and of all studies and evaluated the quality of
exercises (ie, con-variably didactics, persistence of brachial palsy at 12 months the included studies using the Newcastle-
sisting communication skills, or later. The secondary out-comes were Ottawa Scale (NOS) (supplement for
simulation exer-cises with mannequins, the impact of the intervention on the details are given in Supplemental Table
reviewing the maneuvers to use, debriefing, frequency of shoulder dystocia and 1).20 Given the pre- post design of
and documentation) for all staff in the cesarean delivery. studies included in the final analysis, we
labor and delivery unit because it improves used the NOS, a con-tent validation tool
communication skills and reduces the Sources designed specifically for the evaluation of
incidence of NBPP associated with This systematic review and meta-analysis nonrandomized trials, to assess bias in
were registered in the International each study. Any inconsistencies related to
shoulder dystocia.1,10,11 Some reports Prospective Register of Systematic data extraction or study evaluation were
on the topic of simulated exercise suggest a Reviews database (CRD42020166467) resolved by a

2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

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third author (HMF). The following variables were as risk ratios (RRs) and 95% credible intervals for the calculation of ARRs and ARIs allows for
extracted from each article: study design, type of (Crs).36 To represent the un-known utility of the the adjustment of the total delivery number,
publication, year of publication, study completion simulation training intervention, we used neutral, baseline prevalence, and a reduction or increase
year, study country, time periods of cohort weakly informative priors centered at an RR¼1 in the thresholds to assess potential intervention
assessment, number of deliveries, number of to estimate the intervention effect (log scale effects for a variety of labor and delivery unit
cesarean deliveries, incidence of shoulder mwNormal [ 0, 4]) and s2 (s2 whalf-Normal settings and caseloads. All analyzes were
dystocia, incidence of NBPP among shoulder [scale¼0.5]). For studies with no observed completed using R version 3.6.1 with additional
dystocia cases, incidence of NBPP among all outcomes in 1 arm, a continuity correction of 0.5 “bayesmeta” and “shiny” packages.36,38e40
deliveries, incidence of persistent NBPP at 12 was added to all 22 cells to allow computation.
months among shoulder dystocia cases, rates of To evaluate the influence of studies with
third- or fourth-degree lacera-tions, and incidence potentially high bias, a sensitivity analysis was
of neonatal fracture undertaken, restricting study inclusion to studies Results
with a good or fair bias rating according to the Of the 1298 articles identified, 751 nonduplicated
NOS. Heterogeneity of the effects was assessed articles were screened and 379 of these were
counts. using s2 and I2 based on the posterior distribution excluded. A total of 372 full-text articles were
The coprimary outcomes were NBPP of s2 significant heterogeneity of the effects evaluated of which 16 met the inclusion criteria
diagnosed in (1) deliveries complicated by across studies was defined as median (Figure 1); 14 of these were peer-reviewed
shoulder dystocia, (2) in all deliveries during the publications and 2 were
study period, and (3) NBPP persistence at 12 . Evidence of abstracts.12,13,15,16,21e32 The 16 included
months or later. The secondary outcomes were studies encompassed 428,552 deliveries, with
the frequency of shoulder dystocia and cesarean 217,713 (50.8%) deliveries in labor and delivery
de-livery. The incidence of third- or fourth- Yo
>50%. Two possible sources of heterogeneity, units not exposed to inter-ventional exercises
degree perineal lacerations and neonatal namely study location (United States vs and 210,839 (49.2%) deliveries in units exposed
fractures of the clavicle or humerus was also noneUnited States) and type of simulation to exercises.
evaluated. A requirement for inclusion in the training (NOELLE or PROMPT vs others), were
meta-analysis was the reporting of outcomes examined by a stratified meta-analysis. NOS bias assessment categorized 10 studies as
from labor and delivery units unexposed and of poor quality,12,21,24e31 2 as of fair
exposed to a shoulder dystocia interventional Frequentist RRs with 95% confidence intervals quality,13,15 and 3 as of good quality
exercise. (CIs) were reported for out-comes described in (Supplemental Table 1).22,23,32 The study by
only 1 study (eg, persistent NBPP). Publication Fransen et al16 was a ran-domized clinical trial
bias was assessed with funnel plots of the RRs and was, therefore, not assessed using the NOS.
Bayesian meta-analyses were independently by standard error for each outcome. Funnel plots did not indicate evidence of
performed (CSB) for primary and secondary publication bias (Supplemental Figures 1e6).
outcomes when more than 1 study was available. To place the harms and benefits in context,
A Bayesian meta-analysis has multiple benefits we created an online tool to calculate the Of the 16 studies that met the inclusion
over traditional, frequentist meta-analyses absolute risk reduction (ARR) and absolute risk criteria in the qualitative analysis, 15 studies
including the ability to incorporate pre-vious, increase (ARI) attributable to the intervention in compared pre- and post-intervention cohorts in
external evidence, to provide complete terms of the incidence of should dystocia, NBPP, a retrospective design12,13,15,21e32 and only
information about the distribution of credible and cesarean deliveries ( https :// ccrebm- 1 was a
parameter values, and to calculate the certainty The ARR for NBPP cluster-randomized control trials
of the increase or decrease in the outcomes, and ARI for shoulder dystocia and cesarean (Supplemental Table 2).16 Considering the
which aids in interpreting the risk and benefit of delivery were calculated by multiplying the total nature of the intervention, it was not possible to
in-interventions.33 Furthermore, the frequentist number of deliveries by the baseline prevalence blind the assessor to the outcomes. Although 9
random-effects meta-analysis model as-sumes and absolute value of 1 minus the RR for each (56.3%) of the studies were conducted in the
that the between-study variance, s2 outcome, followed by rounding it to whole, integer United States,12,13,21,22,31,32,25e27 the
values.37 This calculation was applied to the remainder were done in other
posterior RR values to determine the dis-tribution countries.15,16,23,24,26,29,30 Shoulder dystocia
, has a fixed value, whereas the Bayesian and 95% Cr of the ARI and ARR for each was identified either by International Classification
approach uses a distribution to represent the outcome. Posterior prob-ability of reduction or of Diseases (ICD)-9 or ICD-10 codes (6
uncertainty of s2 . Thus, a Bayesian meta- increase represents the percentage of an ARR studies),13,21,22,27,30,32 medical record review
analysis more accurately describes between- of <0 or ARI of >0, respectively, from these (4 studies),15,23e25 or the identi-fication method
study heterogeneity, particularly when only a few posterior distributions. The online tool was not disclosed (6 studies).12,16,26,28,29,31
important studies are available.34,35 The study The interventional exercises varied among the
effects were trials
combined with Bayesian multilevel models
and reported

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 3

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Systematic Review

Two studies followed newborns with brachial

plexus palsy for at least 12 months. One study
PRISMA flow diagram
that reported on persistent NBPP at 12 months
among 1148 shoulder dystocia cases noted a
Records identified through database Additional records identified
reduction from 1.9% to 0.2% in persistent NBPP
searching through other sources
(n=1298) (n=0) among shoulder dystocia cases (RR, 0.13; 95%
CI, 0.04e0.49).23 In In contrast, the study that
tIid o a

reported on persistent NBPP at 12 months for

all deliveries noted that it did not change
Records aer duplicates removed
(n=751) significantly following intervention from 0.3 to 0.2
per 1000 births (RR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.31e1.90).15
There was evidence that the proportion of
Records screened Records excluded cesarean deliveries increased from 21.2% to
Screie g

(n=751) (n=379)
25.9% following the
introduction of shoulder dystocia simulation
(RR, 1.22; 95% Cr, 0.93e1.59; probability of
Full-text arcs excluded, with increase 93%)
Full-text arcles assessed for reasons
eligibility (n=356)

(n=372) SD Simulaon with no BPI=116

Not assessment of SD Sim=240

(Figure 5) in 8 studies with 311,886

Studies included in
deliveries.13,15,21e23,25,27,30 However, there
quantave synthesis (meta- was extremely high heterogeneity among studies

(n=16) evaluating cesarean de-liveries both in US and

non-US studies
PRISMA, Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses; SD, shoulder dystocia.
(I2 ¼99%), which decreased the precision of
Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.
the RR. High heterogeneity between studies
remained after stratifi-cation by NOELLE or
PROMPT training (Supplemental Figure 10).
with 8 of the 16 reporting the use of either the The proportion of NBPP per shoulder dystocia The majority of studies showed increases in
PROMPT or NOELLE high-fidelity cases fell from 12.1% to 5.7% (RR, 0.37; 95% cesarean delivery rates after the intervention but
trainers.21e26,28,32 All studies had Cr, 0.26e0.57; probability of reduction 100%) 2 sizable yet poor quality studies showed
multidisciplinary attendance for the exercises. ( Figure 3) in 10 studies with 3121 cases of decreases in the rate of cesarean deliveries.25,30
There was diverse simulation leadership among shoulder The proportion of clavicle or humerus fractures
the trials. How NBPP or shoulder dystocia was dystocia.12,13,23,24,27e29,31,32 The reduction (RR, 0.56; 95%
defined and the indication for cesarean delivery in the incidence of NBPP per shoulder dystocia Cr, 0.27e1 .18; probability of reduction 94%)
are described in Supplementary Table 3. case was similar among studies that did and did in 6 studies with 2275 cases of shoulder dystocia
not use NOELLE or PROMPT training showed some evidence of reduction following
Following the implementation of interventional (Supplemental Figure 8). The overall incidence the implementation of a shoulder dystocia
exercises for the management of the shoulder of NBPP among all deliveries, regardless of route simulation exercise (Supplemental Figure
dystocia, the rate of diagnosis of shoulder of delivery, was reduced (RR, 0.53; 95% Cr, 11).23,24,28,29,30,32 Furthermore , there was
dystocia increased from 1.2% to 1.7% for vaginal 0.21e1.26; probability of reduction 94%) (Figure less evidence of a change in the incidence of
deliveries (RR, 1.39; 95% Cr, 1.19e1.65; 4), but with high variability in findings among the obstetrical anal sphincter injuries (RR, 0.79;
probability of increase 100%) in 12 studies with only 3 studies with 124,522 deliveries.13,15,27 95% Cr, 0.49e1.29; probability of reduction 84%)
235,342 deliveries (Figure 2).12,13,22e25,27e32 There was high heterogeneity among these in 4 studies with 1071 cases of shoulder dystocia
There was significant heterogeneity among the studies (I2 ¼78%) with 2 smaller, US-based reported, irrespective of the de-livery
study effects for the outcome of shoulder studies showing a dramatic (w70%) decrease in (Supplemental Figure 12).12,28,30,32 Among
NBPP incidence postintervention,13,27 but 1 vaginal de-liveries, the evidence for reduction in
large study showing no difference.15 None of obstetrical anal sphincter injuries post-
dystocia (I2 ¼68%), primarily among US- the studies that assessed the overall incidence intervention wasroute
similar (RR, 0.73; 95% Cr,
based studies.12,13,22,25,27,31,32 The of NBPP reported the use of NOELLE or 0.39e1.42; probability of reduction 88%) in 2
increased diagnosis of shoulder dystocia PROMPT training (Supplemental Figure 9). studies with 36,078 vaginal
postintervention was more pronounced in the
studies using NOELLE or PROMPT simulators
compared with other training methods
(Supplemental Figure 7).

4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

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Incidence of SD among all deliveries during pre- and postintervention

Cr, credible interval; SD, shoulder dystocia.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

deliveries with heterogeneous effects (I2 ¼85%) alongside a 22% increase in the rate of cesarean heterogeneity and aids in interpreting the certainty
(Supplemental Figure 13).24,30 delivery, albeit with significant heterogeneity in of effects (probability of increase or decrease in
the findings across studies. The overall rate of outcomes). The summarized effects show high
Comment NBPP, however, showed a more attenuated certainty of a decrease in NBPP per shoulder
Principal findings of the study Our decrease of 47% after the implementation of dystocia case after the implementation of
systematic review and meta-analysis of interventions among only 3 studies with high interventional exercises (>90% sure of a decrease
intervention studies indicate that the risk for 13,15,27
variability, and the authors of the 2 in NBPP per shoulder dystocia case of at least
NBPP following shoulder dystocia decreased by studies that followed the newborns to assess 50% from
63% post-intervention compared with the pre- whether the brachial palsy that persisted for
intervention period. more than a year reached different baseline).12,13,23,24,27e32 These benefits
However, conclusions.15,23 The Bayesian meta-analysis should be viewed along with the potential
concurrent with the decrease in the risk for NBPP technique used in this study increase in risks. The meta-analyses also show
per shoulder dystocia case, the frequency of allows a more accurate estimation of between- high certainty of a simultaneous increase in the
documented shoulder dystocia cases increased study rate of cesarean deliveries after the implementation
by 39% of

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 5

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Systematic Review

Proportion of NBPP per shoulder dystocia case during pre- and postintervention

Cr, credible interval; NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

simulation training (>90% sure of some increase would then see an approximate reduction of 1 (more than 0) in cesarean delivery rates (93%
from baseline).13,15,21e23,25,27,30 We do, NBPP per shoulder dystocia case (from an probability of increase). The implications for
however, acknowledge that temporal trends average of 2 at baseline) and a reduction of 2 units of varied sizes and baseline prevalence
and changes in clinical practice patterns may NBPP cases overall (from an average of 4 at can be estimated with the online calculator tool
have contributed to the increase in the baseline). Thus, there is a high certainty that at (
postintervention cesarean delivery rate. least 1 case of NBPP per shoulder dystocia
cases or 1 NBPP case overall will be prevented
As an example of the implications of these (probability of decrease of 100% and 94%, Results
findings, consider the impact of simulation respectively). However, the same unit will also To contextualize the results, several shortcomings
training exercises in a labor and delivery unit see an increase of 69 ce-sarean deliveries of the studies included in the analysis should be
with 1500 deliveries annually. Among 1500 (baseline 318 to 387 after) on average. Although acknowledged.
deliveries, identification of shoulder dystocia there is some variability in the number of First, by utilizing the NOS, most of the studies
increases from 18 cases at baseline to 25 cases, additional cesarean deliveries, there is high were categorized as of poor quality because of
with a high certainty of increase (probability of certainty that there will be some increase a lack of matching individuals pre- and
increase 100%). Most units this size postexposure and a lack of statistical adjustment
for possible

6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

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Proportion of overall NBPP among all deliveries during pre- and postintervention

Cr, credible interval; NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

confounders.20 A sensitivity meta- occurs without shoulder dystocia or interventional exercises for shoulder
analysis, however, of only studies with subsequent to cesarean delivery2,17,18 dystocia included in this systematic re-
fair or good bias ratings showed similar and yet most reports did not provide the view and meta-analysis reveal improved
effects for shoulder dystocia, NBPP (per overall rate of palsy at maternal complications.12,13,15,16,21e32
shoulder dystocia case and overall), delivery.12,16,21e26,28e32Fifth, the Seventh, using Kirkpatrick's framework
and cesarean deliveries as was seen in sequelae of NBPP occurs when the for multiprofessional training, pur-ported
the main analysis (Supplemental Figures neurological deficit persists beyond the benefits of interventions should be
14e17). Second, there was high first year of life and yet most reports did evaluated in the following 4 categories:
heterogeneity in the results among not follow the newborns beyond learners' reaction, knowledge, behavioral
studies, particularly for the outcomes of discharge.12,13,16,21,22,24e32 The 2 change, and improvement in outcomes.41
cesarean deliveries and NBPP incidence studies that did follow newborns up to Most reports do not provide data for all
among all deliveries. Subgroup analysis 12 months had divergent results.15,23 the categories. For example, it is
stratified by study location and use of Fifth, as acknowledged by Crofts et uncertain if the learned practice
NOELLE or PROMPT training did not al23, an increased rate of cesarean de- persisted and if there was an overall
explain this variation; However, we did livery could contribute to the noted improvement in the outcomes of the
employ random effects models to decrease in NBPP and yet most reports maternal-neonatal death. Although the
account for the distribution of the effects did not provide data on the rate and decrease in NBPP is a desirable goal, it
across studies. Third, the definition of indications for a cesarean delivery. should be reported in context with other
shoulder dystocia was not provided in Sixth, shoulder dystocia is associated potential adverse outcomes, especially
most publications,12,16,21,22,25,26,28e31with an increased maternal complication considering the increased cesarean
and the diagnostic criteria for NBPP rate such as postpartum hemorrhage delivery rate associated with the
was often not described.12,15,16,21e32 and third- or fourth-degree lacerations.1 implementation of interventional
Fourth, it is recognized that NBPP None of the studies reporting on exercises.42 Eighth, in 2017, the Standards for

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 7

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Systematic Review

Proportion of cesarean deliveries during pre- and postintervention

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

Reporting Implementation Studies (StaRI) poor quality of the underlying reports,12,21,24e31 involved in the delivery process.45 Finally, it
guidelines were published owing to a multitude there is a concern for needs to be recognized that the combined
of concerns with reports on implementation the notable variations in shoulder dystocia economic and human cost may impede the
trials.43 Because simulation exercises, including who the instructor widespread utilization of simulation exercise.11
most of the studies included in the analysis were is and whether a mannequin is used, the Currently, for example, there are up-wards of
published before the StaRI guidelines, frequency at which the ex-ercise is conducted, 3200 labor and delivery units in the United
compliance of these studies with the guidelines and whether attention-dance is mandatory or States staffed with 350,000 nurses; there are
is unlikely. not. The current interventions assume that once 11,000 certified nurse-midwives and 33,000
shoulder dystocia is diagnosed and the physicians who participate in the delivery of
Clinical implications A recommended ancillary maneuvers are utilized,1 more than 3.7 million births annually.46e50
corollary of studies' shortcomings is whether persistent NBPP is preventable. Simulation exercises for all could strain
currently there is sufficient ev-idence for national
guidelines to recommend simulation exercise to The multifactorial nature of palsy that persists
all providers involved with delivery.1,10,11 We may preclude prevention with current resources.
opine that, at present, there is insufficient interventions.44 Delay in the infant's management
evidence to support a recommendation for all. of brachial plexus may contribute to the residual Strengths and limitations
Aside from the deformity and is beyond the scope of clinicians The strength of our analysis is that this study is
a systematic review or meta-

8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

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analysis on the impact of simulation exercises fracture did. Both of these findings are in contrast neonatal brachial plexus palsy. J Pediatr Rehabil
on NBPP. A MEDLINE search (with terms to our results. In most studies, however, how Med 2016;9:271–7.
6. Brown SH, Wernimont CW, Phillips L, Kern
“shoulder dystocia,” “neonatal brachial plexus NBPP was diagnosed was not described and the
KL, Nelson VS, Yang LJS. Hand sensori-
palsy,” “simulation,” “exercise,” “systematic follow-up of the newborns varied. Using the NOS, motor function in older children with neonatal
review,” and “meta-analysis”) indicates that the majority of included pre-post studies were brachial plexus palsy. Pediatr Neurol 2016;56:
although there are previous meta-analyses on considered as being of poor quality.12,21,24e31

simulation exercises, none examined the impact 7. Vekris MD, Lykissas MG, Beris AE, Manoudis
G, Vekris AD, Soucacos PN. Management of
on NBPP.51,52 Our analysis provides stratified
obstetrical brachial plexus palsy with early
data for studies conducted in the United States plexus microreconstruction and late muscle
and those conducted in other countries. Conclusions transfers. Microsurgery 2008;28:252–61.
We noted that implementation of shoul-der 8. Butler L, Mills J, Richard HM, Riddle R, Ezaki
dystocia simulation exercises decreased the rate M, Oishi S. Long-term follow-up of neonatal
brachial plexopathy: psychological and physical
The largest study contributed 41% to the meta- of NBPP following shoulder dystocia but it was
function in adolescents and young adults. J
analyzed effect of the overall NBPP rate among associated with an increase in shoulder dystocia Pediatr Orthop 2017;37:e364–8.
all deliveries.15 The funnel plot indicates that di-agnoses and does not impact the overall rate 9. Alyanak B, Kilinçaslan A, Kutlu L, Bozkurt H,
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prevalence of cranial asymmetry exists in infants with

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following introduction of obstetric emergency 43. Pinnock H, Barwick M, Carpenter CR, et al. 58. Hehir MP, Ananth CV, Siddiq Z, Flood K, Friedman
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study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2018;18:361. 2017;7:e014141.

10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Appendix (pregnan* and (outcome* or birth* or delivery* (manikin* or mannequin*).ti,ab,kw. (model*

Supplemental content search or complication*)).ti,ab,kw. delivery, obstetric/ adj3 (human* or female* or woman* or
strategy Using Ovid MEDLINE or extraction, obstetrical/ or vaginal birth after women*)).ti,ab,kw. exp Inservice
(MEDLINE on OvidSP) as the cesarean/ exp Labor, Obstetric/ ((vagina* or Training/ ((staff* or team*
primary database, 3 concepts were natural* or or physician* or doctor* or nurs* or resident*)
introduced, including vaginal birth, obstetric*) adj3 (birth* or and train*).ti,ab,kw. exp Patient Care Team/
shoulder dystocia, and simulation childbirth* or “child-birth*” or delivery* or ((“patient care*” or
training. Each concept was refined labor * or labor*)).ti,ab,kw. exp Obstetrics/ healthcare* or “health-care*”
obstetric*.ti,ab,kw. or/1-7 Dystocia/ exp Birth
using both the controlled vo-cabulary or “medical care*”) and team*).ti,ab,kw. or/
of the database and keywords from Injuries/ “birth 15-23 8 and 14 and 24
natural language. Multiple MeSH injur*”.ti,ab,kw.
(Medical Subject Headings) terms ((“brachial plexus*” or
were identified for each concept in
Ovid MEDLINE. Keyword were shoulder*)
added to each concept, in addition adj3 (injur* or palsy*
The results were then uploaded to the
to numerous synonyms. Keywords or stretch* or
EndNote citation manager for automatic and
were searched using the title, dystocia*)).ti,ab,kw.
manual de-duplication.
abstract, and keyword fields within
The de-duplication process was completed
the MEDLINE Ovid database. When
between June 3, 2019, and June 4, 2019. The
the concepts were thoroughly (“Neonatal Brachial Plexus Palsy” or paraly* final number of re-sults from all 4 databases for
developed, they were added together or parali*).ti,ab,kw. or/9-13 review came to 655. Once the de-duplication
to create 1 encom-passing search
process was carried out and the search
string. The initial search strategy exp High Fidelity Simulation Training/ or exp strategies recorded , a com-pressed Endnote
was finalized the week of May 20,
Patient Simulation/ or exp Computer library was delivered to the group, along with
2019 and re-run on November 25,
Simulation/ or exp Simulation Training/ the search strategies for each database, the de-
2020. No limits were used due to the low search result numbers.
(simulat* or “virtual duplication numbers, the search methodology,
Search strategy designed on MED-LINE
realit*” or VR or haptic* or “augment* realit*” in addition to a PRISMA flowchart and checklist.
(Ovid Platform):
or 3D or “3-D” or “three dimension*”).ti,ab,kw.
pregnancy/ or exp pregnancy outcome/ or models, anatomic/ or exp manikins/
Pregnancy Complications/

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e1

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Systematic Review

Publication bias for shoulder dystocia

SD, shoulder dystocia.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e2 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

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Publication bias for NBPP per shoulder dystocia

NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e3

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Systematic Review

Publication bias for overall NBPP with all deliveries

NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e4 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Publication bias for cesarean delivery

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e5

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Systematic Review

Publication bias for clavicle or humerus fractures per shoulder dystocia

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e6 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

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Publication bias for third-fourth degree lacerations per shoulder dystocia

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e7

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Systematic Review

Documentation of shoulder dystocia stratified by use of NOELLE or PROMPT simulators

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e8 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

NBPP per shoulder dystocia case stratified by use of NOELLE or PROMPT simulators

Cr, credible interval; NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e9

Machine Translated by Google

Systematic Review

Overall rate of NBPP stratified by use of NOELLE or PROMPT simulators

Cr, credible interval; NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e10 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Cesarean delivery rate by use of NOELLE or PROMPT simulators

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e11

Machine Translated by Google

Systematic Review

Clavicle or humerus fracture for shoulder dystocia

Cr, credible interval; NA, not available.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e12 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Third- or fourth-degree lacerations per shoulder dystocia

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e13

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Systematic Review

Third- or fourth-degree lacerations with vaginal deliveries

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e14 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Shoulder dystocia rate stratified by studies with Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ratings of fair or good bias

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e15

Machine Translated by Google

Systematic Review

NBPP per shoulder dystocia case stratified by studies with Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ratings of fair or good bias

CI, confidence interval; NBPP, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e16 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Overall rate of NBPP stratified by studies with Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ratings of fair or good bias

Cr, credible interval; NA, not available; NPBB, neonatal brachial plexus palsy.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e17

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Systematic Review

Overall rate of cesarean delivery stratified by studies with Newcastle-Ottawa Scale ratings of fair or good bias

Cr, credible interval.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

10.e18 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology MONTH 2021

Machine Translated by Google Systematic Review

Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for assessing the quality of nonrandomized studies in a meta-analysis
Selection Comparability Outcome
Author, year (maximum 4) (maximum 3) (maximum 4)

Reisner and Landers,21 2010 3 0 3

Grobman et al,12 2011 3 0 3

Inglis et al,13 2011 3 2 3

Walsh et al,15 2011 2 1 3

Nguyen et al,22 2011 3 1 3

Croft et al,23 2016 3 1 3

van de Ven et al,24 2016 3 0 3

Weiner et al,25 2016 3 0 3

Sienas et al,26 2017 3 0 2

Gurewitsch et al,27 2017 3 0 3

Kumar et al,28 2018 3 0 3

Alsafi et al,29 2018 3 0 2

Dahlberg et al,30 2018 3 0 3

Seligman et al,31 2019 2 0 2

Kim et al,32 2019 3 2 3

The thresholds for converting the Newcastle-Ottawa scales to AHRQ standards (good, fair, and poor) are as follows:

Good quality: 3 or 4 stars in selection domain AND 1 or 2 stars in comparability domain AND 2 or 3 stars in outcome or exposure domain.

Fair quality: 2 stars in selection domain AND 1 or 2 stars in comparability domain AND 2 or 3 stars in outcome or exposure domain.

Poor quality: 0 or 1 star in selection domain OR 0 stars in comparability domain OR 0 or 1 stars in outcome or exposure domain.

Fransen et al16 was a randomized clinical trial and was, therefore, not assessed using Newcastle-Ottawa scales.

AHRQ, Agency for Health Research and Quality.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

MONTH 2021 American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.e19

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Study characteristics
Abstract or Published or Study period and Training by, attended by, and
Authors article presented country RCT duration of training Key components of training mandatory
Reisner and Landers21 Article 2010 United States No 2000 e2007 Interdisciplinary crisis - N.M.
36 mo before simulation - NM if mandatory
12th intervention NOELLE simulation
36 mo after Structured debriefings
Grobman et al12 Article 2011 United States No 2006 e2007 Low-fidelity multidisciplinary - N.M.
6 mo before training - N.M.
6th intervention w Didactic portion, repeated - NM if mandatory
6 mo later simulation, debrief
intervention Team-level response to SD
No focus on manual skills to
resolve SD
Announce SD
Summon additional help
Establish roles for clinicians

Inglis et al13 Article 2011 United States No 2003 e2009 Hands off—no hands and no - MFM, CNM, RN
36 mo before traction - Attending, residents, CNM,
2nd intervention Assess position of the anterior R.N.

36 mo after shoulder - Mandatory

Pushing when shoulder is
oblique or posterior arm is
Calm approach to emergency

Walsh et al15 Article 2011 Ireland No 1994 e1998 Call for help - Senior obstetrical atten-dants,
2004 e2008 McRoberts and suprapubic midwifery tutors
promoted as first line - Obstetric residents and
Internal maneuvers second midwives

Nguyen et al22 Article 2011 United States No 2007 e2009 TeamSTEPPS model - Attending, obstetricians,
18 mo before Didactic training house staff, L&D nurses
11 mo after NOELLE simulation

croft Article 2016 United Kingdom No 1996 e2012 PROMPT birth trainer - Obstetricians, CNM
et al23 36 mo before Don't pull hard; do not pull - Obstetricians, CNM
24 mo gap w quickly; do not pull down - Mandatory
72 mo after Documentation
(2001 e2004;
2009 e2012)

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021. (continued)

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Study characteristics (continued)


van de Ven et al24

Abstract or

Published or

Study period and
duration of training
2001 e2010
38 mo before
24 mo training w
38 mo after
Key components of training
ing Trainer
Maneuvers to relief SD
Training by, attended by, and

- Senior obstetrician, CNM

- NM if mandatory

No focus on documentation
Weiner et al25 Article 2016 United States No 2006 e2014 PROMPT program - All hospital personnel
24 mo before Modules and drills assigned to obstetric and
72 mo later
nursery units
Fransen et al16 Article 2017 Netherlands 2009 e2011 - Facilitators: obstetrician and
Forks 1-d (8-h), simulation-based,
multiprofessional obstetric communication expert
team training, focusing on - Multiprofessional staff of the
CRM skills (ie, teamwork obstetric units
Medical simulation center
Orientation, simulation,

Gurewitsch et al27 Article 2017 United States No 1993 e2015 Simulation training - Mandatory for interns
144 mo before All PGY-I - MFM, OB, CNM, RN
No training or gap Avoid lateral traction, episi- - Mandated debriefing after
24 mo later otomy, repeating failed every SD
Assess shoulder's position
Head in axial position
Prioritize fetal maneuvers
Keep track of time

Sienas et al26 Article 2017 United States No 2011 e2015 Low-fidelity simulation - Ob providers, RN
33 mo before Lecture and drills - Mandatory for RN
No training/gap NOELLE simulation
21 mo after Debrief

Kumar et al28 Article 2018 Australia No 2011 e2015 Lectures and drills - Ob providers, CNM
24 mo before PROMPT program - Mandatory every 2 and
12 mo training
24 mo later

Dahlberg et al30 Article 2018 Sweden No 2004 e2015 Prelearning, lecture, simulation - Ob providers, CNM, RN
36 mo before training assistant
No training gaps PROBE program - Mandatory for Ob providers,
96 mo after CNM, RN assistant

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021. (continued)

Machine Translated by Google
Study characteristics (continued)
Abstract or Published or Study period and Training by, attended by, and
Authors article presented country RCT duration of training Key components of training mandatory

Seligman et al31 Abstract 2019 United States No 2015 e2018 Prelearning - N.M.
3 mo before Team-based simulation - Ob providers, RN
28th intervention Documentation - NM if mandatory
3 mo after

Kim et al32 Article 2019 United States No 2008 e2014 Video developed by ACOG - Experienced Ob-Gyn
15 mo before PROMPT birthing simulator - Ob providers, CNM, FP, RN
No training gaps Maneuvers practiced - Mandatory course
48 mo after

Alsafi Abstract 2018 United Arab Emirates No 28 mo before Lecture followed by practical - Multiprofessional
et al29 No training gaps session - All providers
24 mo later - Mandatory
ACOG, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists; CNM, certified nurse-midwives; FP, family practice; HELPEER, Help, Episiotomy, Legs (McRoberts), Pressure (suprapubic), Enter vagina to reduce impacted shoulder, Reduce the posterior arm, Rotate the
patient to her hand and legs (Gaskin maneuver); L&D, labor and delivery unit; MFM, maternal-fetal medicine; NM, no mention; Ob, obstetrical; Ob-Gyn, obstetrician-gynecologist; PGY, postgraduate year; RCT, randomized clinical trial; RN, registered nurses; S.D.,
shoulder dystocia.
Not included in the analysis.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

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Outcomes of interest

Author, year

Reisner and Landers,21 2010 Not defined

Grobman et al,12 2011

Neonatal brachial
plexus palsy

Not defined
Assessed by Follow-up until
No mention


Shoulder dystocia defined as
Not defined

Not defined
Indication for
cesarean delivery
No mention

No mention

Inglis et al,13 2011 Decreased arm movement Neonatologist Download Tight or difficult shoulders, or turtle sign that required No mention
additional maneuvers to accomplish delivery
Walsh et al,15 2011 Not defined Not applicable >1 already Failure to deliver the shoulders at the first attempt in No mention
singleton cephalic vaginal deliveries
Nguyen et al,22 2011 Not defined Not applicable No Not defined No mention

Croft et al,23 2016 Not defined No mention 12 mo or requiring surgeryb Difficulty with shoulders Elective or emergency
van de Ven et al,24 2016 Not defined Pediatrician At birth Additional obstetric maneuvers other than gentle No mention
downward traction were required
Weiner CP et al25 Not defined No mention Download Not defined No mention

Fransen et al,16 2017 Not defined No mention Download Not defined No mention

Gurewitsch et al,27 2017 Not defined No mention Download The prospective recognition of probable shoulder No mention
impaction based upon the clinician's subjective
appreciation of failure of the anterior shoulder to
deliver with application of customary traction

Sienas et al,26 2017 Not defined No mention Download Not defined No mention

Kumar et al,28 2018 Not defined No mention Download Not defined No mention

Dahlberg et al,30 2018 Not defined No mention 6 gp Not defined No mention

Seligman et al,31 2019 Not defined No mention Download Not defined No mention

Kim et al,32 2019 Not defined No mention Download Need for relief maneuvers No mention

Alsafi et al,29 2018 Not defined No mention Download Not defined No mention

to b
Describes the rate of overall neonatal brachial plexus palsy, irrespective of shoulder dystocia; Describes the rate of neonatal brachial plexus palsy subsequent to shoulder dystocia.

Wagner. Interventions for shoulder dystocia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2021.

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