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Climate Graph

For each of the following sets of data, create a climate graph displaying the rainfall
as a bar graph and the temperature as a line graph.

Steps for completing a climate graph:

Step 1 On a piece of graph paper, rule up the horizontal axis towards the bottom of
the page so there are 12 spaces for the months of the year. Ensure you allow space
for labelling. Write the letters to represent the months in each space.

Step 2 Rule up the two vertical axes. Label the axis on the left as precipitation (rain)
and the axis on the right as temperature. Mark the units used – precipitation (mm)
and temperature (°C).

Step 3 Work out the scale you will need for precipitation (rain), which will begin at
zero at the base. Ensure you leave enough room for the temperature line to go
above the column graph without crossing into it. Record the scale on the axis.

Step 4 Workout the scale you will need for temperature. You do not need to begin at
zero. Make sure you don’t squash the numbers up too closely or it will be difficult to
interpret the graph. Record the scale on the axis.

Step 5 Plot the rainfall data onto the graph. Rule a straight line across each column
with a ruler. Colour in the columns in blue (to represent water). Do not leave gaps
between the columns.

Step 6 Plot the temperature data. Mark a dot in the middle of each column with a
small point. Join the dots with a hand-drawn curved line. Go over this line in red and
ensure that the line is accurate and neat.

Step 7 Complete the graph with a title and legend.

Climate Graph Example:

Answer the following questions, using data from your graph:

Which biome has the highest rainfall overall?

Which biome has the highest rainfall in:

a. August?
b. January?

Which biome has the lowest temperature in:

a. August?
b. January?

Which biome would you most like to live in? Why?

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