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Course: Fundamentals and Applications of Combustion Course Code: SNS412

Exam: Final EXAM Time: 2 hrs.
Date: 12-10-2023 Number of Questions: 60
PROGRAM : SPACE NAVIGATION The Exam Consists of: 3 Pages

Only the tables of thermodynamics properties of gases

are allowed. c) both a and b d) None of these
11- By applying 1st law of thermodynamics
Part A on a closed system, Q-W is equal……..
a) ΔU, b) ΔS, c) ΔH, d) none of these
1- The reaction reaches the equilibrium
condition when the rate of forward 12- if the fuel in form of CxHy, then, the ath
can be calculated 2 from ……
reaction is …….the rate of reverse 𝑦 𝑦 𝑦 𝑦
reaction. a) 4𝑥 + , b) 𝑥 + , c) 𝑥 + , d) 𝑥 +
4 2 4 4
a) equal to , b) less than, c) greater than,
d)none of these Questions (13-22) : Small gas turbine uses C8H18 (liquid)
2- In the equation of equilibrium constant Kp , the and 400% theoretical air, the air and fuel enter at 25 °C,
standard pressure (Po) is equal …… atm products leave at 900 K. The mass flow rate of fuel is
a) 0, b) 1, c) 2, d)3 0.25 kg/s per 1 MW output power. Find the following:
3- The relation between Gibbs free energy at STP
( ΔG°) and the equilibrium constant (Kp) is……….. 13- The thermodynamics system in the problem is.......
∆𝐺° −∆𝐺°⁄ −∆𝐺°⁄
a) 𝑒 ⁄𝑅𝑇, b) 𝑒 𝑛𝑅𝑇, c) 𝑒 𝑚𝑅𝑇, a) Open b) closed c) isolated d) adiabatic
d) 𝑒 14- In stoichiometric combustion, the ath is equal ……
4- In the lean mixture, the quantity of oxidizer is
a) 10.5 , b) 11, c) 11.5, d) 12.5
……… stoichiometric proportion.
15- In the actual combustion, the aact. is equal ……
a) equal to, b) less than, c) greater than, d) none of
a) 50 , b) 50.5, c) 51, d) none of these
5- The(𝐴⁄equivalence 16- The number of moles of excess oxygen in products
𝐹)𝑡ℎ. (ratio ( Φ) is defined as ……..
𝐹⁄ )𝑎𝑐𝑡.
a) , b) 𝐴 , c) Both a,b , d) none is equal ………
(𝐴⁄𝐹)𝑎𝑐𝑡. (𝐹⁄𝐴)𝑡ℎ. a) 35.5, b) 36, c) 36.5, d) none
6- If the fuel is burned with 50 % excess air, then the a) Total enthalpy b) sensible enthalpy
actual air is ……times the stoichiometric air
a) 0.5, b) 1, c) 1.5, d) 2.5
7- The percentage of stoichiometric air is equal to
a) (100-Φ)/Φ , b) 100/Φ, c) (1-Φ/Φ), d) none
8- ………. is a flame in which the oxidizer and fuel
are separated before burning.
a) diffusion flame, b) laminar flame, c) premixed
flame, d) turbulent flame
9- The variation in specific heat with temperature is
caused by …….. energy
a) Translational, b) Vibrational, c) Rotational, d)
10- The enthalpy of species at any value of temperature
is equal to the sum of enthalpy of formation and
17- The number of moles of nitrogen (nN2 )in
products is equal to …….
a) 180, b) 188, c) 198, d)none

18- The enthalpy of formation of O2 is equal

a) – 105000, b) – 208100, c) - 205100, d) zero
19- The total enthalpy of the reactants is equal……. kJ
a) –206900, b) –207800, c) –243647, d) none

20- The total enthalpy of the products is equal ………kJ

a) – 755616, b) – 755515, c) – 756616, d) none

21- The output work in kJ/kmolf is equal ……..

a)456000, b) 456500, c) 457000, d)

22- The heat of combustion is equal.................kJ

a) – 55900, b) 55969, c) 56969, d) none

Questions (23-26): Hydrogen is burned with a a) 1080363, b) – 1080363, c) – 1180363, d) none
stoichiometric amount of air during an adiabatic, steady
flow combustion process. Both fuel and air enters the 33- The total enthalpy of H2O (ℎ𝑓° + 𝛥ℎ) is equal
combustion chamber at 25 °C and 1 atm, find the ........kJ approximately.
following: a) – 800400, b) - 900400, c) – 950400, d) none
23- The number of moles of O2 in reactants is ……. 34- The total enthalpy of O2 (ℎ° + 𝛥ℎ) in products
a) 0.25, b) 0.5, c) 0.75, d) 1
is equal ....... kJ approximately.
24- The number of moles of N2 in products is equal a) 34581.5, b) 34281.5, c) 34081.5, d) none
35- The total enthalpy of N2 (ℎ° + 𝛥ℎ) in products
a) 1.55, b) 1.66, c) 1.77, d) 1.88 𝑓
is equal ....... kJ approximately.
25- Using the 1 method to find the AFT, the change a) 440800, b) 524677.92, c) 524766.92, d)none
in enthalpy of N2 (ΔhN2) is equal
…….approximately 36- The heat of combustion is equal..................kJ
(Assume all Δh of the products equal ΔhN2 ) approximately
a) 83973.96, b) 83999.96, c) 83673.96, d) none a) – 1373526.2, b) – 1450095.5, c) – 1550095.5,
d) none
26- Adiabatic flame temperature is equal to.............K
approximately Questions (37-38): The change in enthalpy and
a) 2555, b) 2552, c) 2525, d) 2522 entropy for a certain reaction are – 46.5 kJ/mol and 212
J/mol.K , find the following :
Questions (27-36): Propane C3H8 (gas) is combusts 37- The change in free energy at 25 °C is equal
completely with 130 % theoretical air, propane enters at ……kJ/mol approximately
25 °C, 1 atm, dry air enters at 400 K, 1 atm and the a) – 107.7, b) – 108.7, c) – 109.7, d) none
products exits at 1000 K, 1 atm. Determine the 38- The reaction is ……
following: a) Spontaneous, b) Non spontaneous,
c) in equilibrium, d) none of these
27- Enthalpy of formation of the fuel is equal
……kJ/kmol Questions (39-40): If Kc for the reversible reaction
a) – 103500, b) – 103849, c) -103847, d) none shown below is 9.6 at 300 °C
𝑁2(g) + 3𝐻2(g) ⫘ 2𝑁𝐻3(g)
28- The change of enthalpy of N2 (ΔhN2) in Note: R=8.314 J/mol.K =0.08206 L/mol.K
the reactants is equal ……kJ/kmol 39- The value of Kp at 300 °C is equal ………
a) 2937, b) – 2973, c) 2977, d) none approximately.
a) 0.0434, b) 0.00434, c) 0.000434, d) none
29- The total enthalpy of C3H8 (ℎ𝑓° + 𝛥ℎ) is equal
……… kJ approximately. 40- If Kp = 0.00145 at 500 °C, the value of Kc at the
a) – 103847, b) – 103207, c) – 103674, d) none same temperature is equal.............approximately
a) – 5.83, b) 5.83, c) 5.53, d) none
30- The total enthalpy of O2 (ℎ𝑓° + 𝛥ℎ) in the
reactants is equal ….. kJ approximately.
a) 19901.5, b)19701.5, c) 20701.5, d) none
Part B
31- The total enthalpy of N2 (ℎ° 𝑓+ 𝛥ℎ) in the
reactants is equal …… kJ approximately. True or false?
a) 82351.9, b)72660.1, c) 72151.9, d) none
1- Anthracite coal has the highest calorific value.
32- The total enthalpy of CO2 (ℎ𝑓° + 𝛥ℎ) is equal
........kJ approximately. 2- If ΔG is equal zero, the reaction is in

equilibrium condition.

3- High excess air in combustion of fuels 19- Proximate analysis of coal determines its
results in incomplete combustion. moisture, ash, sulphur & volatile matter content.

4- If Kp is less than one , then, products are favor. 20- The gas which contributes maximum to the
heating value of natural gas is CO.
5- Fixed carbon present in coal is not determined in
its ultimate analysis.

6- Dalton’s law of partial pressures states that, the

total pressure of the gas mixture is equal to the Element Molecular Weight
sum of the partial pressures of the individual H 1
gases. O 16
N 14
7- With increase in moisture content of coal, its C 12
calorific value decreases.

8- The flame of the candle is premixed flame. Best wishes …

Dr. Umro Mostafa
9- The rate of combustion increased with the
increase of the air temperature.

10- The mixture fraction (MF) is a conserved scalar

which is useful for the analysis of diffusion

11- In flue gas analysis by combustion experiment,

carbon dioxide is absorbed by cuprous chloride.

12- The ideal gas law is not valid for the combustion

13- The intensive property is dependent on the mass

and denoted by small letters.

14- An ideal fuel should have high ignition


15- During cyclic process, the algebraic sum of

work is proportional to the heat.

16- In the adiabatic system, the maximum

temperature of the products is called max. flame

17- Higher fuel combustion efficiency can be

achieved by preheating of fuel gases &
combustion air.

18- If the sign of Q is negative, the chemical

reaction is exothermic.

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