Operating Guidelines On Corrective Action

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es Republic of the Philippines NATIONAL POLICE COMMISSION NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS, PHILIPPINE NATIONAL POLICE DIRECTORATE FOR INVESTIGATION AND DETECTIVE MANAGEMENT Camp BGen Rafael T Crame, Quezon City October 26, 2020 Operating Guidelines on Corrective Action 1, BACKGROUND: Executive Order No. 605 dated February 23, 2007 (Institutionalizing the Structure, Mechanisms and Standards to Implement the Government Quality Management Program, amending for the purpose Administrative Order No. 161 S. 2006) was issued to improve and shift the performance of the public sector recognizing the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series which provides International Standards on Quality Management and ensures consistency of products and services being offered. As part of the commitment of the DIDM to continuously improve, a corrective action process is established to ensure that conformities are identified, and appropriate actions are determined to ensure that nonconformities are prevented from recurrence or occurrence elsewhere. 2. PURPOSE: a. To serve as guide for all PNP Units involved in the implementation of DIDM QMS processes, systems and procedures. b. To take responsibility in performing Corrective Action Procedures for all identified nonconformities. c. To establish a procedure that defines a system on provision of necessary actions to eliminate the causes of nonconformities to prevent recurrence or occurrence elsewhere. 3. SCOPE OF APPLICATION: This Operating Guidelines (0G) applies to all nonconformities identified during the implementation of DIDM QMS processes, systems and procedures. 4, DEFINITION OF TERMS: a. Correction — refers to action taken to eliminate the detected nonconformity; b. Corrective Action — refers to action taken to eliminate the cause/s of the detected nonconformity to prevent recurrence or occurrence elsewhere; c. Correction and Corrective Action Report (CCAR) - refers to the document that describes the correction and corrective action plans, timetables and responsibilities; d. Initiator - refers to DIDM personnel who identifies the nonconformity. In case of nonconformity found during audit, the initiator will serve as the auditor. @. Nonconformity (NC) - refers to non-fulflmentfailure to meet the requirement. NCs include product and services that do not conform to fequirements, client complaints, supplier complaints, non-achievement of objectives and targets, non-compliance to statutory and regulatory requirements. 5. POLICIES: This OG is applied to NC found during Internal Quality Audit, valid internal and/ or external customer complaints, and regular monitoring and measurement activities. 6. PROCEDURES: a. When an NC occurs, the DIDM shall take action to control and correct it or deal with its consequences in an appropriate manner, b. Upon determination of the need for the corrective action (e.g. through internal audit, customer complaints, and the like), the Initiator accomplishes Section 1 (i., details of nonconformity) of the CCAR and shall issue a copy of same to the concerned Unit/Division/Section where the NC is found. The concerned Unit/Division/Section Head reviews the NC stated in the CCAR Form and determines the correction/s to be made and assigns the unit staff who will be involved in determining the root cause(s) of the NC; c. By using appropriate analysis techniques (such as: Brainstorming, Cause and Effect Analysis, “Why-Why technique”, among others), and considering the different factors contributing to the NC, the Unit Staff/TWG determines the possible causes of the NC, and eventually, identifies the root cause(s). The Unit StafffTWG, likewise, assesses the risks associated with the recurrence of the NC (or the possible occurrence of the NC in other areas of the DIDM) and uses the assessment results as guides in developing the appropriate corrective actions to be taken; d. The Unit StaffTWG develops, plans, and recommends corrective actions. The results of the root-cause analysis and the description of the necessary corrective action(s) are entered in the corresponding portions of CCAR Form Section 2 which have to be approved by the Unit/Division/Section Head; fe. Upon approval of the corrective action plan, the concerned Unit/Division/Section Head shall have the corrective actions stated in the CCAR Form Section 2 completed within seven (7) days and submitted to the Intemal Quality Audit Team; aa 02042020-040, 4. The Intemal Quality Audit Team and/or concerned Unit/Division/Section Head shall verify the effectiveness of the corrective actions and fill out CCAR Form Section 3; 1) If the corrective actions are verified to be effective as supported by monitoring and measurement data, the CCAR Form will be marked as “Closed” under the remarks portion; and 2) If ineffective, the Unit Staff/TWG shall conduct another analysis and revise the corrective action as necessary; g. Corrective actions proven to be effective may necessitate amendments of existing policies or creation of a new one; h. The Head of the Internal Quality Audit (IQA) Team reports the actions taken and results of verification to the DIDM Command Group; i, The DIDM Command Group reviews and monitors, during its Management Review Meeting, the actions taken and results of verification for continual improvement; and j. Records generated by this procedure are maintained in accordance with the Records Control Procedure. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES: a. The Head of the IQA Team shall ensure that this OG is being implemented and maintained; b. Unit/Division/Section Head and Staff/ TWG 1) Review the NC stated in the CCAR Form; 2) Apply immediate correction to NC; 3) Analyze the Root Cause of NC; 4) Evaluate the need for corrective action; and 5) Implement and monitor effectiveness of the corrective action. Gran omar Police Major General The Director for Investigation and Detective Management rad 03042020-040,

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