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Prof Ed 108: Assessment in Learning 2 Unit 3 Worksheets


Name: ___Aegee Cedrick F. Manicao____ Score: _____________

Yr & Sec.: BSED SCI 2A Date: 06/02/23

Task: Make your own autobiography describing how your learning is affected by the concepts of affective
domain. Your autobiography must contain all the key words/concepts discussed in the lesson. Also, provide
examples or situations on how these concepts affect your learning. Limit your answer in 1-2 page/s.

My name is Aegee Cedrick F. Manicao, 21 years old, was born on November 2, 2001 at Agoo La
Union, but currently living in Cuenca, Pugo, La Union. I’m currently a college student at Pangasinan State
University, Urdaneta City Campus (PSU-UCC) and taking on Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Major in General Science. My parents are Cruzaldo Manicao and Agostina Manicao. My mother is a variety
seller, she sells a lot of things just to provide our needs, it can be meat, clothes, pants and others while on the
other hand my father is a tricycle driver and I am proud that they both really work had in order for us to achieve
our dreams. I have also only one sibling, my younger sister, namely Crizza Antonette F. Manicao and currently
a college students studying at DMMSU-SLUC (Don Mariano Marcus Memorial State University, South La Union
Campus) and taking on Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education. And that is the background of my
Learning is an aspect in this life that must be experienced and gained by everyone, it is our way to gain
knew knowledge in order to progress and evolve not only as students ourselves but also as a human being. I
myself enjoys learning a lot, because it provides me the opportunity to explore different kinds of knowledge and
gain information that makes me a better person and student. We also all know that there are different aspects
or concepts affects our own learning and one of them is the affective domain. In this autobiography I will show
you how this concept affected the way I learn.
Affective domain is basically one of the three domains in the famous Bloom’s Taxonomy by Benjamin
Bloom, it involves our feelings, attitudes and even emotions. In general term, it includes the way which people
deal with external and internal phenomenon emotionally, such as values, enthusiasms, and motivations. This is
also an important domain when it comes to learning, so basically learning is not just about cognitive and
psychomotor or output. Sometimes as a student when it comes to learning the only important for me is the
knowledge I gain and the output I can create through that knowledge, and I just skip on one important thing,
and that why am I learning what I am learning. That is where this particular domain comes in, through affective
domain we will know the soul purpose and importance of what we are learning. Through this we can also learn
how to appreciate the knowledge that we have gained/garnered. In the course of my learning years, that is what
this domain teaches me. This domain also provides me different kinds of attributes that contributes not only in a
better learning but also in a better life. Based on my own experiences through affective domain concepts I can
improve or acquire traits like value, interest, motivation and others. For example when the teacher just want to
provide knowledge to his or her students and gain output from it without knowing and considering his/her
students emotional status, boredom, uncomfortable feeling and other negative effects will arise, and to be
extreme the class will become dull. But when the teacher consider the affective domain in the learning process
by knowing his/her students emotions or feelings and considering it in his/her own class, students like me will
be more interested and motivated in going to their class because there feeling are considered and has been put
to importance by the teacher. Also through affective domain we, the students, can also learn to value the
importance of learning. That is similar to what happened on one of my class during high school, at first because
the teacher only focused on cognitive and output of the students , the class became boring and our teacher
realized it, we are bored and unhappy during the class, and afterwards the realization comes to the teacher,
that affective domain is not implemented, that is why the teacher decided to change his/her teaching strategy


Prof Ed 108: Assessment in Learning 2 Unit 3 Worksheets

and consider the affective domain more and as a result our class becomes more jolly and the students interest
and motivation for this subject or class has risen. Through affective domain the perception and attitudes of
students on a class will also be set right. For example, the teacher always consider the emotional and mental
status of his/her students and value the importance of learning the perception and attitudes of his/her students
on his /her subject will change positively. Just like my favorite teacher during high school, he always consider
our feeling and emotions in creating task that is lively and jolly, that is why our perception and attitude toward
his class is very good. And lastly affective domain in a class also some what helps the students that are fighting,
anxiety, because if their feelings and emotions are considered by the teacher they might be happy and avoid
emotional break down.
In general, affective domain is a very essential concept in terms of learning, and it creates a lot of good
things, it only proves its importance on the leaching and learning area. We must always remember its presence
and surely we can gain excellence not only as a student but also as teacher in the future. I am constantly
learning not only because I am studying but because it is the nature of the world, continuous learning achieves
continuous knowledge, for advancement, evolution, upgrade and continuous growth for a better life experience
and learning experience.
Once again I am Aegee Cedrick F. Manicao and this is my story on how concept of affective domain
affects my learning. Thank you very much and God Bless.


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