Tugas 1 Introction To Lingustics

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Introduction to Linguistics

Nama: Ida Bagus Wahyu Santika Primadita

NIM: 042296345
UPBJJ: Denpasar

1. In most religions, it is believed that language is a God-given gift to human species.

In Christianity, God gave Adam the kingdom of all animals in the Garden of Eden
and the first thing Adam did was to name these animals. That is how language
started according to religious sources. Today people speak many different
languages rather than only one language because ancient humans became too
proud and they tried to build the Tower of Babel in order to reach God. So, God
punished them by separating their languages.
People tried to discover the original divine language which was spoken by our
most ancient ancestors. They assumed that if a child was brought up without
hearing any language, the first word the child would utter would be in this divine

Cr: https://linguisticsunimet.wordpress.com/about/

2. I think if the animals are trained in such a way they can definitely make sounds
like humans, but not all animals can imitate sounds like humans, only a few
animals can talk like humans.

3. Linguistics is needed in English language teaching because it helps teachers

explain the English components and structures to the students. Every language
has a system or linguistic rules that can be learned in terms of phonology,
morphology. syntax, and semantics. However, English language teaching should
be incorporated with other fields sucl;as psychology, education- cognitive
science, anthropology.

Cr: https://ejournal.unp.ac.id/index.php/selt/article/view/6834

4. Allophone, one of the phonetically distinct variants of a phoneme (q.v.). The

occurrence of one allophone rather than another is usually determined by its
position in the word (initial, final, medial, etc.) or by its phonetic environment.
Speakers of a language often have difficulty in hearing the phonetic differences
between allophones of the same phoneme, because these differences do not
serve to distinguish one word from another. In English the t sounds in the words
“hit,” “tip,” and “little” are allophones; phonemically they are considered to be
the same sound although they are different phonetically in terms of aspiration,
voicing, and point of articulation. In Japanese and some dialects of Chinese, the
sounds f and h are allophones.
Cr: https://www.britannica.com/topic/allophone

5. Bilabial (two lips) lower lip and upper lip.

A bilabial sound is produced by using both lips pressed together.
This produces three different English sounds:

• [p] voiceless

• [b] voiced

• [m] voice
Cr: https://web.mnstate.edu/houtsli/tesl551/Phonetics/page3.htm

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