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Berikut contoh pertanyaan dan jawaban dalam bahasa Inggris yang mungkin diajukan

dalam wawancara untuk masuk TNI (Tentara Nasional Indonesia):

1. Pertanyaan: Can you tell us about your motivation to join the TNI?
Jawaban: I have always been inspired by the values of patriotism, discipline, and service
to the nation. Joining the TNI is my way of contributing to the security and prosperity of
2. Pertanyaan: What qualities do you think are important for a TNI member to possess?
Jawaban: I believe a TNI member should have qualities such as courage, resilience,
adaptability, teamwork, and a strong sense of duty. These attributes are essential for
facing the challenges of military service.
3. Pertanyaan: How do you handle stressful situations and maintain composure under
Jawaban: I try to stay focused on the task at hand and rely on my training and discipline.
I also find that deep breathing and keeping a clear mind help me maintain composure
during stressful situations.
4. Pertanyaan: Have you had any previous military or leadership experience?
Jawaban: Yes, I have participated in leadership programs and have been involved in
various community service activities that required teamwork and leadership skills.
5. Pertanyaan: What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the TNI today?
Jawaban: The TNI faces challenges such as maintaining national security, addressing
humanitarian crises, and adapting to evolving threats in the modern world.
Cybersecurity and counter-terrorism efforts are also significant challenges.
6. Pertanyaan: How do you stay physically fit and mentally prepared for the demands of
military service?
Jawaban: I prioritize regular physical exercise to maintain my fitness level. I also engage
in continuous learning and mental preparation by studying military tactics and
7. Pertanyaan: Are you willing to undergo rigorous training and follow orders without
Jawaban: Yes, I am fully committed to undergoing rigorous training and following
orders as required by the TNI. I understand that discipline and obedience are essential
in a military setting.
8. Pertanyaan: How do you envision your career in the TNI and your contribution to
Indonesia's defense?
Jawaban: I see myself as a dedicated and loyal member of the TNI, constantly improving
my skills and knowledge to serve my country. I hope to contribute to the TNI's efforts in
safeguarding Indonesia's sovereignty and promoting peace and stability.
9. Pertanyaan: Can you share an example of a difficult decision or situation you've faced in
your life and how you handled it?
Jawaban: One challenging situation I faced was during a leadership role in a volunteer
organization when we had to make a critical decision under time constraints. I gathered
input from team members, evaluated the options, and made a decision based on the
best interests of the organization.
10. Pertanyaan: Do you have any questions for us or anything else you'd like to share?
Jawaban: Yes, I'd like to know more about the specific training and development
opportunities that the TNI provides to its members to help them excel in their roles and
advance their careers.
1. Pertanyaan: Can you please describe your leadership style and provide an example of
when you successfully demonstrated it?
Jawaban: My leadership style is a combination of being a decisive and empowering
leader. I believe in making informed decisions quickly, while also empowering my team
members to take ownership of their tasks. For example, during a training exercise, I
assigned specific responsibilities to my team members and provided them with the
autonomy to execute their tasks. This approach resulted in efficient teamwork and a
successful outcome.
2. Pertanyaan: How do you handle conflicts within a team, especially when you are in a
leadership position?
Jawaban: When conflicts arise, I prioritize open communication and active listening. I
encourage team members to express their concerns and opinions, and I work to find
common ground and mutually acceptable solutions. I believe that resolving conflicts
constructively strengthens team cohesion and morale.
3. Pertanyaan: As an officer, you will have to make tough decisions that may not be
popular. How do you handle situations where your decision is met with resistance?
Jawaban: I understand that not all decisions will be well-received, but I prioritize
making decisions that are in the best interest of the mission and the organization. In
such situations, I ensure that I communicate the rationale behind my decision clearly
and transparently. I also welcome feedback and engage in discussions to address
concerns and build consensus whenever possible.
4. Pertanyaan: Can you provide an example of a time when you had to adapt to a rapidly
changing situation and lead your team effectively through it?
Jawaban: During a field exercise, we encountered unexpected weather conditions that
affected our mission. I quickly assessed the situation, adjusted our tactics, and
communicated the changes to my team. We successfully adapted to the new
circumstances and completed our mission. This experience taught me the importance of
flexibility and adaptability in leadership.
5. Pertanyaan: How do you stay updated on developments in military strategy and
Jawaban: I prioritize continuous professional development by attending military
courses, reading relevant literature, and staying informed through military journals and
news sources. I also actively engage in discussions and knowledge-sharing with
colleagues to stay updated on the latest developments.
6. Pertanyaan: In your opinion, what are the key challenges that officers in the TNI face
today, and how would you address them?
Jawaban: One of the key challenges is staying ahead of evolving security threats and
technology. To address this, I would advocate for ongoing training and education in
modern military strategies and technologies. Additionally, I would emphasize the
importance of international cooperation and partnerships to effectively address regional
and global challenges.
7. Pertanyaan: How do you ensure the well-being and morale of your subordinates under
your command?
Jawaban: I believe in leading by example and showing genuine care for the well-being
of my subordinates. I would encourage open communication, provide support when
needed, and recognize their achievements. Building a strong sense of camaraderie and
teamwork within the unit is also crucial for maintaining high morale.
8. Pertanyaan: Do you have any questions or additional information you would like to
Jawaban: Yes, I would like to know more about the professional development
opportunities and career progression within the TNI for officers. Additionally, I would
appreciate any insights into the current priorities and strategic goals of the

Pastikan untuk memberikan jawaban yang jujur dan tulus dalam wawancara ini, serta
menunjukkan komitmen dan semangat Anda untuk bergabung dengan TNI serta berkontribusi
pada pertahanan Indonesia. Selain itu, persiapkan diri Anda dengan pengetahuan tentang
organisasi TNI, nilai-nilai militer, dan tugas-tugas yang mungkin Anda hadapi. Semoga berhasil
dalam wawancara Anda!

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