Rizals Education

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Jose Rizal’s Educational

Educational Background

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
Early Education

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
The Hero’s First Teacher
Dona Teodora
 Mother of Jose Rizal
 Patient, conscientious, and
 Discovered that her son had a
talent for poetry
 She encouraged him to write
Early Education
• At the age of 3, Rizal learned the alphabet from his

• At the age of 5, while learning to read and write, Rizal

already showed inclinations to be an artist. He astounded
his family and relatives by his pencil drawings and
s ke t c h e s a n d b y h i s m o l d i n g s o f c l a y.

• At the age of 8, Rizal wrote a Tagalog poem, "Sa Aking

Mga Kabata," the theme of which revolves on the love of
one’s language.
Early Education
• Rizal’s parents employed private tutors to give him lessons at
• f

• Maestro Celestino – first private tutor

• f

• Maestro Lucas Padua – second private tutor

• f

• Leon Monroy
– Former classmate of Rizal’s father
– Lived at the Rizal home
– Instructed Rizal in Spanish and Latin.
He had private tutors hired by his parents. Maestro
Celestino and Maestro Lucas also hired Leon Monroy, a
Spanish and latin teacher of Rizal and lives in Rizal's
home. When Leon Monroy died, they transferred Jose
Rizal to Biñan accompanied by his brother Paciano who
lived in their aunt house. He was brought to the school
of Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz. The school was a
small nipa hut. Bullied by the son of the teacher named
Pedro. Jose challenged Pedro to a fight, he defeated
Pedro with wrestling and became famous. Old Juancho,
an artist who gave him free lessons in painting and
Young Pepe and his mother, Teodora Alonso
The Light and the Moth

Photo grabbed from: biyahengjuansided.com

The Moth and the Flame was a story told by
Doña Teodora to her son, Jose Rizal. This
happened one night when all the family went
to bed early, except Jose Rizal and his
mother. All Filipino homes at that time
always had a light left burning the entire
night. So was the Rizal home, and at that
particular night their room was dimly
lighted by the only light of coconut oil.

While Jose Rizal’s mother was focused

in teaching him to read in Spanish,
she was losing her patience upon
hearing the boy poorly read. She
decided to tell the boy a story
instead. (When Doña Teodora’s
eyesight was still good, she reads
very well). The mention of the story,
brought Jose Rizal’s sleepy eyes wide
As his mother was telling him the story
of the young moth which did not listen to
the warning of the old moth, his
attention was caught by real, live, moths
circling around the light, as if the
story turned into a reality. If the moths
were attracted to the light, to little
Jose Rizal, the light seemed to be more
beautiful, and the flame more attractive.
• He was envious to the fortune of
those winged insects which joyously
frolicked around the flame. He saw
the tongue of the flame rolled to a
side, and into the oil fell the moth
fluttering for a time. That sight,
for him, was worth his youthful
That was considered a great event by Jose
Rizal. Oblivious of his mother’s presence
and not noticing the story’s end, his
attention was focused on the face of the
expired insect. With his whole soul, he
watched the insect, the insect which for
him… had died a martyr to its illusions.
While putting Jose Rizal to bed, his
mother said: “See that you do not behave
like the young moth. Don’t be disobedient,
or you may get burnt as it did.”
He was not sure if he answered, for
what was in his mind was the
realization that, moths were not
insignificant warning of the old
moth, left a deep impress on Jose
Rizal’s mind. He had given
justification to the demise of the
moth, saying that “to sacrifice one’s
life for it” (ideal), is worthwhile.
Jose Rizal was fated to die as a
martyr for a noble ideal…like that
• The story of the moth is about dying a
noble death- to be a martyr -Rizal
justified such noble death asserting
that "to sacrifice one's life for it,
is worthwhile. -Rizal compared himself
to the young moth in the story, and
like the moth, he died a martyr death
in search for education, reforms for
his people/country.
Rizal's influences while growing up:

A. Hereditary influence: He inherited

his sense of self-respect and the
love of work from his mother. He
inherited his enthusiasm for
literature and arts, and self-
sacrifice from his mother.
• B. Environmental influence: He learned the
courtesy and kindness to women from his
sisters. He learned the love for freedom and
justice from his only brother, Paciano. The
brothers of his mother developed his artistic
ability, his interest in physical exercise
and his love for reading books. His character
was fortified by the abuses of the Spaniards.
His spirit of nationalism, and his
willingness to sacrifice for the redemption
of his oppressed countrymen were awakened
through the execution of the three martyr
priests: Gomez, Burgos, and Zamora.
• C. Divine Providence: Jose Rizal's
greatest influence was Divine
Providence or God's intervention
throughout his life.
Early Education

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
Rizal goes to Binan,Laguna

• June, 1869 - Rizal left for Binan

• Accompanied by Paciano, his older brother
• He was taught by Maestro Justiniano Aquino Cruz
• In academic studies, Rizal beat all Binan boys
• He surpassed them all in Spanish, Latin, and other
Education in Manila

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
Ateneo Municipal de Manila
• He belonged to the class
composed of Spaniards,
mestizos and Filipinos
• His teacher was Fr. Jose
• To improve his Spanish
Rizal took private lessons
in Santa Isabel College
Photo grabbed from: ajiedurante.blogspot.com
Ateneo Municipal de Manila
• During his 4th year in
Ateneo he received 5
medals and graduated as
• He graduated on March
23, 1877(16 years old)
• Received the degree of
Bachiller en Artes, with
highest honors.
Photo grabbed from: ajiedurante.blogspot.com
Ateneo Municipal de Manila
• Wrote his first poem “Mi Primera Inspiracion” (My First
Inspiration) which was dedicated to his mother on her
• He also wrote “Through
Education Our
Motherland Receives
Light” and “The Intimate
Alliance Between Religion
and Good Education”
which showed the
importance of religion in
education. Photo grabbed from: ateneo.edu
Education in Manila

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto.

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
University of Santo Tomas
University of Sto. Thomas (1877-1882)

• After graduated from Ateneo, he continued his

education at the UST, as a medical student.
• As a Thomasian, he won more literary laurels
• During his first term in 1877-1878 in medical course
at the UST, he studied Cosmology, Metaphysics,
Theodicy and History of Philosophy.
Medical Studies in University
of Sto. Thomas (1877-1882)
• It was during the school term
1878-1879 that Rizal pursued his
studies in medicine.
• Shifted to Medicine specializing
in Ophthalmology when he
found out that his mother was
going blind.
Photo grabbed from: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/José_Rizal
University of Santo Tomas

He also enrolled in Ateneo, a course of surveying. November 25,

1881, he was entitled “Perito Agrimensor” (expert surveyor). He
was the president of the Academy of Natural Science and
secretary of Marian Congregation in Ateneo. He pursued his
studied in medicine in UST. One of the reasons is, he wanted to
cure his mother's eye sight. He consulted Fr. Rector of Ateneo for
career choice.
University of Santo Tomas

Rizal received his 4 year practical training in Medicine at the

Hospital de San Juan de Dios in Intramuros. Rizal cut
relationship with Segunda Katigbak. He courted another
woman in Calamba called Miss L. Rizal experienced Spanish
cruelty and brutality from a Lieutenant of guardia civil whom
he just passed by and failed to show his respect. His life in UST
wasn't great, filipino students often get bullied and been
called Indio or chongo. Filipino called the Spaniards Kastila or
bangus. UST was strict to the filipinos that Rizal was not able
to get high honors. Rizal made the decision to finish medical
studies in Spain.
Medical Studies in University of
Sto. Thomas (1877-1882)

• Rizal was unhappy at this Dominican Institution of

higher learning because:
1. The Dominican professors were hostile to him
2. The Filipino students were racially discriminated
by the Spaniards
3. The method of instruction was obsolete and
Medical Studies in University
of Sto. Thomas (1877-1882)
• After finishing the fourth
year of his medical course,
Rizal decided to study in
Spain. He could no longer
endure the rampant
bigotry, discrimination,
and the hostility in the
University of Santo Tomas.
Photo grabbed from: pinterest.ph
Education in Europe

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
Education in Spain
• His departure to Spain was made secret and made a farewell
letter to his parents and Leonor Rivera.To avoid detection, he
used the name Jose Mercado
• May 3, 1882 was his departure. He boarded on Salvadora bound
to Singapore. He then transferred to a French streamer, Djemnah.
The steamer made a few stops to Ceylon and to Suez canal.
Djemnah traversed the Suez canal for 5 days. The steamer had
another stop at port side and finally docking at the harbor of
Marseilles, France on June 12, 1882. June 16, 1882 - Jose reached
Universidad Central de Madrid

• On November 3, 1882, he enrolled in Universidad Central

de Madrid taking up two courses: Philosophy and Letters
and Medicine
• In the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando he studied
sculpture and painting under private instructors. He took
lessons in English, French and German and practiced
fencing and shooting.
• On June 21, 1884, he conferred the degree of Licentiate in
• The Following academic year, he studied and passed all
subjects leading to the degree of doctor of medicine.
Universidad Central de Madrid

• Unfortunately, he was not able to submit the thesis

required for graduation nor paid the corresponding fees
• With that, he was not awarded his Doctor’s Diploma
• Jose Rizal also finished his studies in Philosophy and
Letters with higher grades
• He was awarded the Degree in Philosophy and letters by
the Universidad Central de Madrid on June 19, 1885 with
the rating of excellent.
Universidad Central de Madrid

Photo grabbed from: townandcountry.ph Photo grabbed from: ucm.es

Spain as a realization
• It was a venue for realizing Rizal’s dreams.
• He finished his studies in Madrid and this to him was the
realization of the bigger part of his ambition.
• His vision broadened to the point of awakening in him an
understanding of human nature, sparking in him the
realization that his people needed him.
• It must have been this sentiment that prompted him to
pursue, during the re-organizational meeting of the Circulo-
Hispano-Filipino, to be one of its activities, the publication of a
book to which all the members would contribute papers on
the various aspects and conditions of Philippines life.
Noli Me Tangere
• The idea of writing a novel grew on him, and later he
decided to write and worked hard for Noli Me
• He never told anyone about it until it was finished,
though some of his companions knew what he was
• He wrote half of the novel in Madrid, a quarter of it
in Paris and the rest in Germany.
Education in Europe

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
Opthalmology Studies and Travels
in Europe

• Jose Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to

specialize in ophthalmology. Among all branches, he
chose this specialization because he wanted to cure
his mother’s failing eyesight.
• In 1885, after studying at the Universidad Central de
Madrid, Rizal, who was then 24 years old, went to
Paris to acquire more knowledge in opthalmology
University of Paris

Photo grabbed from: larousse.fr

Education in Europe

Early • Calamba
Education • Binan

• Ateneo De Municipal
Manila • University of Sto. Thomas

• Madrid, Spain
Europe • Paris, France
• Heidelberg, Germany
Heidelberg University
• On February 3, 1886, after gathering
some experience in ophthalmology,
he left Paris and went to Heidelberg,
• At the age of 25, Rizal completed in
1887 his eye specialization under
the renowned Prof. Otto Becker in
Photo grabbed from: travel.wikinut.com
Heidelberg University

Photo grabbed from: heidelberg.edu

Heidelberg University

• On April 22, 1886, Rizal wrote a poem entitled A Las

Flores de Heidelberg (To the Flowers of Heidelberg)
because he was fascinated by the blooming flowers
along the Neckar River, which was the light blue
flower called “forget-me-not”.
• On August 14, 1886, Rizal arrived in Leipzig. There, he
attended some lectures at the University of Leipzig
on history and psychology
Reasons why Rizal choose to reside in
Germany longer:
• to gain further his studies in Science and
• to observe the economic and political
conditions of the German nation
• to associate with the famous scientists and
• lastly to publish his novel Noli Me Tangere
Education in Europe Summary
• Jose Rizal earned a Licentiate in Medicine at the
Universidad Central de Madrid, where he also took
courses in philosophy and literature.
• It was in Madrid that he began writing Noli Me Tangere.
• He also attended classes in the University of Paris
• In 1887, he completed his eye specialization course at the
University of Heidelberg.
• It was also in that year that Rizal’s first novel was
published in Berlin.
Rizal’s Life in Europe
• Jose Rizal lived in Europe for 10 years.
• He could converse in more than 10 different tongues. (22
languages - he is a linguist).
• Excelled at martial arts, fencing, sculpture, painting,
teaching, anthropology, and journalism, among other
• During his European sojourn, he also began to write
novels. Rizal finished his first book, Noli Me Tangere,
while living in Wilhemsfeld with the Reverend Karl
• http://www.joserizal.ph/ed01.html
• https://joserizalproject.weebly.com/jose-rizalrsquos-
• http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~fasawwu/resources/rizal/biograp
• http://asianhistory.about.com/od/profilesofasianleaders/p/
• http://www.joserizal.ph/ed02.html
• http://joserizal.info/Biography/man_and_martyr/chapter04

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