Solution Manual For Ratio and Proportion Dosage Calculations 2nd Edition Giangrasso Shrimpton 0133107205 9780133107203

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Solution Manual for Ratio and Proportion Dosage

Calculations 2nd Edition Giangrasso Shrimpton

0133107205 9780133107203
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Safe and Accurate Medication

Chapter Overview

C hapter 2 is a general introduction to the drug administration

process. It introduces the student to the role of the person

who administers patient medication. It also introduces the various forms and routes by

which medications are administered. The student will begin to develop a vocabulary of

terms necessary to understand pertinent information about drugs and their administra-

tion. This will help the student to understand the responsibilities of administering drugs

safely. Safety, documentation, and accuracy are stressed throughout the text. Recent
Joint Commission recommendations are included, and the “Six Rights” of Medication

Administration are discussed extensively. The student will learn how to interpret drug

prescriptions, medication orders, medication administration records (MARs), drug

labels package inserts, and military time. The roles of the FDA and other organizations
concerned with decreasing medication errors are discussed, and websites provided.

Instructor’s Notes
■ The PowerPoint slides are particularly useful in presenting the material in
this chapter. Slides of drug prescriptions, medication orders, medication
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administration records, drug labels, and package inserts can be projected
as the instructor explains their various components.
■ Demonstrate actual examples of various forms of drugs (e.g., inhalers,
tablets, capsules, patches, and suppositories), if available.
■ Students who have learned this material in other courses may review this
chapter quickly.
■ Discuss the abbreviations to be avoided in medication orders and docu-
mentation (i.e., the “Do Not Use List”).
■ Emphasize the importance of the need to be vigilant regarding drugs that
■ The Nurse Alert newsletter of the Institute of Safe Medication Practice is
a good reference for medication safety issues.

4 © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

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Answers to Chapter 2 Additional Exercises 5

■ Interpreting a drug order is important for the rest of the course and
should be stressed.
■ If the internet is accessible in the classroom, pharmaceutical company
websites can be used to view actual package inserts for drugs.

Key Terms
automated medication intracardiac (IC) prn q.i.d.
dispensing cart (ADC) intradermal (ID) registration
am/pm intramuscular (IM) symbol (®)
bar code intrathecal route
b.i.d. intravenous (IV) safe dose range
body surface area (BSA) local/systemic side effect
buccal lot number standing order
capsule medication stat
computerized physician administration subcutaneous
order entry (CPOE) record (MAR) (subcut)
controlled substance medication order sublingual (SL)
delayed release (DR) metered dose inhaler suspension
dosage strength (MDI) sustained release (SR)
dry powder inhaler (DPI) meters squared (m2) syrup
elixir military time tablet
enteral national drug code t.i.d.
enteric-coated (NDC) topical
epidural nebulizer trademark (™)
extended release (XL) oral (PO) trade name
Federal Drug package insert transdermal
Administration (FDA) parenteral unit dose
generic name pharmacist United States
inhalation Physician’s Desk Pharmacopoeia
Institute for Safe Reference (PDR) (USP)
Medication Practice prescriber
(ISMP) prescription

Answers to Chapter 2 Additional Exercises

1. lopinavir/ritonavir 2. Singular 3. 160 mL
4. 250 mg/5 mL 5. 40 mg per tablet
6. (a) Anusol supp 7. (a) digoxin, Lasix
(b) 6 a.m. (b) Reglan
(c) 4 (c) 10 mg po
(d) Bonivar, Humulin N, Humulin R (d) transdermal
(e) December 16 (e) Omnicef

8. (a) 500 mg/m2 IV on day 1 of each 21-day cycle

(b) fatigue, nausea, and anorexia
(c) yes
(d) intravenous

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6 Chapter 2 Safe and Accurate MedicationAdministration

9. (a) 9 a.m.–0900h
3 p.m.–1500h
6 p.m.–1800h
8:15 p.m.–2015h
2:30 a.m.–0230h
4:45 p.m.–1645h
6 a.m.–0600h
10. (a) digoxin twenty-five hundredths milligram, by mouth daily, do not give
if the heart rate is less than 60
(b) Toradol (ketorolac) 15 milligrams intravenous push every 6 hours for
four doses
(c) Milk of Magnesia 30 milliliters by mouth each day whenever necessary
(or as needed) for constipation
(d) ibuprofen 800 milligrams by mouth three times a day
(e) Novolin Regular insulin 5 units subcutaneously immediately
11. (a) route of administration is missing
(b) nothing is missing
(c) frequency of administration is missing
(d) frequency of administration is missing
(e) dosage is missing

Chapter 2 Examination Questions

Study the drug labels shown in ● Figure 2.1 and supply the following information.
1. What is the generic name of Viagra?

2. How many capsules are in the Tikosyn container?

3. What is the strength of the Singular tablets?

4. What is the route of administration for dofetilide?

5. What is the dosage strength for the drug whose NDC number is
0069 5810 60.

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Chapter 2 Examination Questions 7




● Figure 2.1
Drug Labels for Questions 1–5.

© 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

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ERICA comosa, rubra.

A muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales. Pedunculi brevissimi.

Corolla ventricosa, carnea, basi inflata, apice arctata. Folia quaterna, obtusa, parva,
glabra. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus. Rami erecti, virgati, numerosi.

T beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches. Foot-stalks
very short. Blossom bellied, flesh-coloured, swelled at the base, and narrowed at the
mouth. Leaves by fours, blunt, small, and smooth. Stem shrubby, a foot high,
branching. The branches are numerous, upright, and twiggy.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from August till December.

1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.

2. The chives and pointal.
3. A chive magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA conspicua.

A basi bicornes, exsertæ. Corolla clavata, sesquipollicaris, lutea, basi

attenuata; oris laciniis magnis, revolutis. Folia quaterna, obtusa, linearia, crassa.
Flores subterni. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, tripedalis, ramosus.

T two-horned at their base, and without the blossom. The blossoms are club-
shaped, an inch and a half long, yellow, and tapering to the base: the segments of the
mouth are large, and rolled back. Leaves grow by fours, are blunt, linear, and thick.
Flowers grow mostly by threes. Stem shrubby, upright, grows three feet high, and

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from June till August.

1. The empalement with its three floral leaves.

2. The chives detached from the pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA costata.

A muticæ, inclusæ, stylo exserto. Corolla sub-cylindracea, incarnata, costata,

oris laciniis erectis albidis. Folia caulina terna, linearia, obtusa, pubescentia; folia
ramentacea erectiora, subserrata. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis, erectus, ramosus.
Ramuli frequentissimi.

T beardless, and within the blossom; pointal without. Blossoms nearly cylindrical,
of a flesh colour, and ribbed; the segments of the mouth upright and white. The leaves
of the stem grow by threes, linear, blunt, and downy; those on the smaller branches
more upright, and a little sawed at the edges. Stem shrubby, two feet high, upright
and branching. The smaller branches numerous.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from August till February.

1. The empalement.
2. The chives and pointal.
3. A chive magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA cubica.

A basi bicornutæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores subterminales, cernui; pedunculis

longissimis. Corolla globoso-campanulata, purpurea; limbo maximo, expanso. Folia
quaterna, sæpe quina; nitida, obtusa, reflexa, apice incurvata. Caulis erectus,
fruticosus, pedalis. Rami et ramuli filiformes.

T two-horned at the base, nearly within the blossom. Flowers near the summits of
the branches, hanging down; with very long foot-stalks. Blossom globularly bell-
shaped and purple; the border very large and spreading. Leaves by fours, and often
fives; shining, blunt, bent back, and turned inward at the point. Stem upright,
shrubby, a foot high. The larger and smaller branches thread-shaped.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from April till July.

1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.

2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA cubica, minor.

A muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores sub-terminales, umbellati; pedunculis

longissimis. Corolla sub-campanulata, purpurea; limbo maximo. Folia quaterna,
obtusa, linearia, nitida. Caulis erectus, ramosus, palmaris. Rami et ramuli verticillati.

T beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers near the ends of the branches in
umbels. Foot-stalks very long. Blossom nearly bell-shaped, and purple; border very
large. Leaves by fours, blunt, linear, and shining. Stem upright, branching, a span
high. The larger and smaller branches grow in whorls.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from August till November.

1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.

2. The chives and pointal.
3. The same magnified.
ERICA curviflora.

A muticæ, inclusæ. Corolla curvata, clavato-cylindracea, pubescens,

terminalis, luteo-aurantia. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis,
laxus, superne villosus. Rami laxi, numerosi; ramulis brevissimis, frequentissimis,

T beardless, within the blossom, which is curved, cylindrically club-shaped,

downy, terminating the branches, and of a yellow gold colour. The leaves grow by
fours, are linear and smooth. Stem shrubby, grows two feet high, weak, and hairy at
the top. Branches weak, and numerous; the smaller branches are very short,
numerous, and scattered.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from July till November.

1. The empalement and floral leaves.

2. The chives detached from the pointal, summit magnified.
3. Seed-bud and shaft, summit magnified.
ERICA depressa.

A aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, subterni, sub-sessiles;

bracteis adpressis, imbricatis. Corolla sub-cylindrica, sub-pollicaris, flava. Folia
quaterna, crassiuscula, obtusa. Caulis fruticosus, robustus. Rami divaricati, flexuosi,

T bearded, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the small branches, in general
sitting close to the stem. Floral leaves tiled, and pressed to the cup. Blossom almost
cylindrical, near an inch long, and yellow. Leaves by fours, thickish and blunt. Stem
shrubby and stout. The branches are straggling, zigzag, and pressed downwards.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from May till August.

1. The empalement and floral leaves.

2. The chives detached from the pointal, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal magnified.
ERICA droseroides.

A cristatæ, inclusæ. Corolla ventricosa, læte purpurea, costata, viscosa,

pubescens; ore obliqua, arctata, profunde sanguinea; pedunculi longissimi. Folia
alterna, sparsa, obtusa, apice reflexa, pilis glandulosis micantibus hirta. Caulis
erectus, spithamæus. Rami filiformes, sparsi, erecto-patentes, virgati.

T crested, within the blossom, which is bellied, bright purple, ribbed, clammy, and
downy; with the mouth oblique, narrowed, and of a deep blood colour; foot-stalks
very long. Leaves alternate, scattered and blunt, the end reflexed, and thick with
shining glandular hairs. Stem upright, a span high. Branches thread-shaped, scattered,
upright, spreading, and twiggy.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from July till October.

1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.

2. The chives detached from the pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA empetroides.

A cristatæ, inclusæ, stylo exserto. Flores in medio ramorum densissimè

spicati, horizontaliter siti. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla urceolata, carnea, odorata.
Folia sena, linearia, villosa, obtusa, horizontalia. Caulis debilis, pedalis. Rami
filiformes, laxi.

T crested, within the blossom, shaft without. Flowers in close spikes in the centre
of the branches, standing out horizontally, with very short footstalks. Blossom
pitcher-shaped, flesh-coloured, and sweet-scented. Leaves by sixes, linear, hairy,
blunt and horizontal. Stem weak, a foot high. The branches are thread-shaped and

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from May till August.

1. A leaf magnified.
2. Empalement and blossom.
3. Empalement magnified.
4. The chives and pointal.
5. A chive magnified.
6. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
7. The seed-bud magnified.
ERICA exsurgens.

A muticæ, exsertæ. Corolla clavato-cylindracea, pollicaris, aurantia. Flores

verticillati; verticillis alter altero exsurgentibus. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra, apice
reflexo, mucronato. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis et ultra, erectus. Rami verticillati.

T beardless, without the blossom. Blossoms cylindrically club-shaped, an inch

long, and orange-coloured; grow in whorls, the whorls rising out of each other in
succession. Leaves grow by fours, are linear, smooth, and bent downward at the
point, which is sharp. Stem shrubby, rather more than a foot high, upright. The
branches grow in whorls.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from September till March.

1. The empalement and floral leaves.

2. The chives detached from the pointal.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA exsurgens, minor.

A muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores in medio ramorum verticillati, recti, verticilli

alter alteri exsurgentes. Corolla clavato-cylindrica, saturate aurantia, semi-uncialis.
Folia sena, linearia, glabra, apice mucronata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis. Rami erecti,

T beardless, just without the blossom. Flowers grow in whorls near the middle of
the branches, straight out; the whorls rise out of each other in succession. Blossom
cylindrically club-shaped, of a deep orange-colour, half an inch long. Leaves by
sixes, linear, smooth, and sharp at the point. Stem shrubby, a foot high. The branches
are upright and simple.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from June till October.

1. The empalement and blossom.

2. Flower of a yellow variety.
3. The chives spread open, one tip magnified.
4. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
5. The seed-bud magnified.
ERICA filamentosa.

A muticæ, inclusæ. Flores axillares sub apice ramorum, verticillati, numerosi.

Pedunculi longissimi. Corolla tubuloso-campanulata, purpurea. Folia sena,
tremulantia, linearia, tenuia. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis. Rami simplices,

T beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow from the insertion of the leaves
near the ends of the branches in whorls, and numerous. The footstalks very long.
Blossom tubularly bell-shaped and purple. Leaves by sixes, tremulous, linear and
slender. Stem upright, a foot and a half high. Branches simple and in whorls.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from November till April.

1. The empalement and floral leaves.

2. The chives detached, one tip magnified.
3. The seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
4. The seed-bud magnified.
ERICA flammea.

A muticæ, inclusæ. Flores in ramulis terminales, racemum formantes prope

caulis summitatem. Corolla tubiformis, sub-pollicaris, pallide lutea; apice sub-albidâ.
Folia terna, sæpe quaterna, obtusa, linearia. Caulis erectus, bipedalis. Ramuli
filiformes, virgati.

T beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminating the small branches, making a
long spike near the summit of the stem. Blossom trumpet-shaped, near an inch long,
of a pale yellow; the end whitish. Leaves by threes, often in fours, blunt, and linear.
Stem upright, two feet high. Branches thread-shaped, and twiggy.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from October till February.

1. The empalement and floral leaves magnified.

2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA gelida.

A aristatæ, inclusæ. Floras in ultimis ramis axillares, spicati, imbricati,

dependentes. Corolla cylindrica, apice arctata, pollicaris, albicante-virescens, apice
atro-virens. Folia ramulorum, subquaterna; ramorum sena, curvata, acuta, patentia.
Caulis strictissimus, fruticosus, tripedalis. Rami pauci. Ramuli verticillati.

T bearded, within the blossom. Flowers grow near the top of the branches, close to
the stem, in spikes, imbricated hanging down. Blossom cylindrical, narrowed at the
top, an inch long, of a whitish green, and dark green at the end. Leaves on the small
branches mostly by fours; those on the larger by sixes, curved, pointed, and
spreading. Stem very upright, shrubby, three feet high. Few large branches. The small
branches grow in whorls.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from April till July.

1. The empalement and floral leaves.

2. The chives detached, one tip magnified.
3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.
ERICA glauca.

A cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, nutantes. Pedunculi

longissimi, colorati. Corolla sub-conica, atro-purpurea, ore arctata. Folia terna, acuta,
patentia, glabra, carnosa, glauca. Caulis erectus, fragilis, bipedalis. Rami erecti, longi,

T crested, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in bunches,

nodding. The footstalks are very long, and coloured. Blossom nearly conical, dark
purple, and narrowed at the mouth. Leaves by threes, linear-pointed, and spreading,
smooth, fleshy, and of a sea-green colour. Stem upright, brittle, two feet high. The
branches are upright and long, with few small branches.

Native of the Cape of Good Hope.

In bloom from May till July.

1. The empalement and floral leaves.

2. The chives detached from the pointal.
3. A chive magnified.
4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified.

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