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CollegeBloc: secure document storage for

educational institutes and recruiter system using



Abstract— A student, whether in high school, pursuing servers are usually designed to allow access only by internal staff,
undergraduate, or postgraduate studies, generates numerous without any form of interoperability. To protect personal information,
certificates like results, diplomas, and transcripts throughout their institutions usually adopt security policies to restrict the access and
educational journey. These certificates are vital for admissions sharing of records. A novel scheme is proposed, which integrates
into educational institutions or employment in companies. educational records storage and sharing among education institutions
However, manually tracking and verifying the authenticity of enabled by blockchain, storage servers and smart contracts. A
these certificates can be a cumbersome task. Without a reliable consortium blockchain is constructed, which is formed by institutions
anti-forgery system in place, there is a risk of encountering
to record educational data in a verifiable and immutable ledger to
counterfeit graduation certificates. To enhance the security and
guarantee data auditability. Multiple institutes can participate in the
integrity of this data, there is a need for digitization guided by the
principles of Confidentiality, Reliability, and Availability. This blockchain. The storage process is based on blockchain techniques
objective can be effectively achieved through the application of and storage servers which are secure. The sharing scheme of
blockchain technology. In a nutshell, our system's workflow will educational records proposed in this work refers to achieving a state
involve a Certificate Issuer responsible for creating certificates. of secure and reliable sharing of educational records, and this sharing
Before these certificates are issued to students, they will undergo operation usually takes place between nodes on the blockchain. Anti-
validation by a panel within the issuing organization. Each tampering inspection based on blockchain. Collusion, Tamper Attack
certificate will be associated with a unique hash key, which serves (could be achieved when the number of member nodes is small) and
as a means for any organization to easily verify the certificate's Replay Attack. Aiming at the need for protection and sharing of
authenticity through a dedicated portal. The advantages of such a educational records, a secure storage and sharing scheme based on the
system are manifold. Students face reduced risks of losing or blockchain, referred to as EduRSS by Li, Hongzhi & Han, Dezhi &
damaging their certificates, and the process of verifying these Li, Kuan-Ching & Castiglione, Arcangelo [1]. The integrity and
certificates becomes significantly streamlined for organizations. security of the data can be ensured by the consortium chain between
Keywords— Digital Certificates, Blockchain,
IPFS, Certificate Generation and Verification

In India, the typical student journey involves admission in
kindergarten, followed by transitions between primary,
secondary, and high schools. Upon completing high school,
admission to a junior college is sought, and for graduation,
another change of college is often required. This repetitive cycle
is the norm for students. Given the vast population, nearly 26.3
million students graduate annually. Managing and verifying
such a vast volume of records poses significant challenges.
Unfortunately, this also creates an unwanted scenario where
fraudulent certificates are produced and tampered with by
concealed agencies. Our goal is to address these issues using
cutting-edge technologies. The fundamental student lifecycle
presents specific issues that warrant solutions. The primary
problem is that at each stage, students must present their
certificates for validation. This poses risks of certificate loss or
damage and places a substantial burden on validators who must Fig. 1 Architecture diagram of the proposed system.
authenticate numerous certificates. With technological
advancements, distinguishing between counterfeit and genuine institutions. A distributed institution authentication mechanism is
certificates demands substantial time and concentration. To proposed to ensure the security of blockchain nodes. Due to
overcome these drawbacks, blockchain technology emerges as a digitalization, most of all records including student records have been
savior. Why choose blockchain? Data within a blockchain digitized. However, currently different digital profiles of a student are
remains unaltered under realistic conditions, and any changes still stored dispersedly in multiple databases, which results in
are instantly detected, eliminating tampering concerns. information silos and vulnerability to security and privacy threats.
Validation in a blockchain relies on approval from multiple Aiming at these deficiencies, this paper by Zhang, Xiaofei & Du,
parties, always ensuring reliability and authentication. This Haiping & Jia, Zhijuan & Cui, Chi & Yang, Yanyan [2] proposes a
effectively resolves tampering issues. The next challenge is the secure storage and sharing scheme of student digital profiles based on
time-consuming validation process. The system we are blockchain technology. With the characteristics of decentralization,
developing not only validates certificates but also generates security, credibility, and tamper-resistance of the blockchain, the
them. This dual functionality streamlines the process, taking consensus of network nodes is achieved through the Delegated
mere seconds for document validation. Since everything is Byzantine Fault Tolerance (DBFT) protocol, and the sharing of
digitally stored, students need not worry about certificate loss or student digital profile information is achieved through the access
damage during validation. In conclusion, our innovative system control mechanism. The public information of educational digital
not only addresses the flaws in the current process but also information is preserved on the blockchain, and the student profiles
provides an automated, reliable, and secure solution that benefits are encrypted and stored in a database or cloud, which facilitates the
both students and organizations. This proposed system Fig.1. not effective storage of personal digital profiles and information sharing
only removes the loopholes in our current system but also gives among various systems. This paper [3] is focused on finding the
us an effective and concrete solution. potential applications of blockchain technology in solving
educational problems. It provides the core features and advantages of
II. LITERATURE SURVEY blockchain technology followed by a few of the current blockchain
applications for education. The benefits and challenges are also
Centralized storage and management mode is usually discussed. As of the present application in education most universities
adopted, which makes systems that use this mode vulnerable to and institutes use blockchain technology to support academic degree
various attacks as cited in the EduRSS by Li, Hongzhi & Han, management and summative evaluation for learning outcomes. It can
Dezhi & Li, Kuan-Ching & Castiglione, Arcangelo [1]. Besides, formulate the whole transcript, which includes learning contents and
the records of different educational stages are stored in separate outcomes as well as student’s achievements and academic
storage servers of education institutions and these storage
certificates. It also includes information about research and strongly typed languages. It is primarily used for scripting smart
experience, skills, online learning experience as well as contracts. An integral part of these contracts is the IPFS hash,
individual interests. These data can be safely stored as described specifically a byte32 IPFS hash, intricately linked to the generated
in the paper [4] and accessed on a blockchain network in document, as comprehensively detailed [7]. This hash serves as a
appropriate ways. This contributes to reducing degree fraud pivotal tool for verifying the document's authenticity. Additionally,
significantly. The proposed ideas for future implementation are various other details are essential
carrying out instructing and learning activities for teachers and
students which facilitates the effective storage of personal digital
profiles and information sharing among various systems. This
paper [3] is focused on finding the potential applications of
blockchain technology in solving educational problems. It
provides the core features and advantages of blockchain
technology followed by a few of the current blockchain
applications for education. The benefits and challenges are also
discussed. As of the present application in education most
universities and institutes use blockchain technology to support
academic degree management and summative evaluation for
learning outcomes. It can formulate the whole transcript, which
includes learning contents and outcomes as well as student’s
achievements and academic certificates. It also includes
information about research experience, skills, online learning
experience as well as individual interests. These data can be
safely stored as described in the paper [4] and accessed on a
blockchain network in appropriate ways. This contributes to
reducing degree fraud significantly. The proposed ideas for
future implementation are carrying out instructing and learning
activities for teachers and students.


• React: We use react for building interactive user
interfaces and web applications quickly and efficiently.
• Solidity [9]: Solidity is a statically typed programming
language designed for developing smart contracts that
run on Ethereum. We use solidity for the core smart
contracts of our project.
• Node JS: Node JS is used to write backends and is
responsible for serving frontend pages, assets and
managing authentication using JWT (Json Web Token).
It also has web3 as a dependency which allows us to run
solidity code on frontend.
• IPFS: The Inter Planetary File System is a peer-to-peer
network for storing and sharing data in a distributed file
system. IPFS uses content-addressing to uniquely
identify each file in a global namespace connecting all
computing devices.
• MetaMask: MetaMask is an extension for accessing
Ethereum enabled distributed applications or ”Dapps” in
your browser. The extension injects the Ethereum web3
API into every website’s JavaScript context so that
Dapps can read from the blockchain.
• Ganache: Ganache is used for testing Solidity contracts
on a personal Ethereum Blockchain. It by default
provides an easy setup for spinning up a network with
around ten users with each having 100 eths on their
account. These accounts can be used to mimic the
transactions between the users.
• Truffle [8]: It provides easy compilation, linking,
deployment and binary management of smart contracts
written in solidity language.
A. Smart Contract for certificate storage and getting the hash
The foundation of any blockchain project rests on its
contract, a crucial component that operates on any node within
the network. These contracts are written in the Solidity
language, a high-level coding language derived from JavaScript
for inclusion in the Certificate. These Solidity files that are in bulk via an Excel file, which is processed in Express
associated with IPFS are managed by platforms such as Pinata and its data stored in MongoDB. To ensure certificate
and Infura. They contain the machine code of the Solidity integrity, students can upload their semester
functions, which is crucial for the proper functioning of the certificates (up to 8 semesters) to IPFS storage using
contracts. IPFS, being a decentralized and distributed system, Pinata, with the associated hash stored in MongoDB.
ensures the security and accessibility of uploaded documents. The College module offers two methods for uploading
These documents are safeguarded by the network and can be certificates: single student uploads or bulk uploads via
retrieved using their respective hashes. Due to its distributed an Excel file. The latter process involves iterating
nature, no single user has sole control over a document, as through each row of the Excel file and converting data
each node in the IPFS system holds a portion of the file. This
into certificates using OpenCV and a Python script
design ensures that no one can modify or deny access to a
connected to Express through the child_process
document single-handedly.
library. The College module also provides access to
student and recruiter lists, with sorting capabilities.
c) Student Module: In the Student module, students
can access their semester certificates upon login.
Additionally, this module allows students to receive and
respond to interview invitations from recruiters. Notifications
are triggered upon invitation receipt, giving students the
option to accept or decline the invitations.
d) The Recruiter module: The Recruiter module
empowers recruiters to review student profiles, assess
certificates, and send interview or coding round invitations.
Recruiters can browse and sort student profiles based on
Fig. 2 Flow diagram of the implemented project various criteria, streamlining the selection process. When an
invitation is extended, students receive notifications to accept
B. FrontEnd or decline the invitation.
Tailwind CSS serves as the cornerstone of our Frontend
development. It's renowned for being a "utility-first CSS
framework," facilitating the rapid creation of bespoke user
interfaces. Tailwind CSS boasts a vast library of pre-made
utility classes, offering developers the ability to construct
responsive and adaptable UIs. Its gentle learning curve makes
it particularly accessible to those already versed in CSS.
Scalability is one of its core strengths, making it suitable for
projects of any size, from small-scale applications to
enterprise-level endeavors. Its Just-In-Time (JIT) mode
accelerates build times, while smaller file sizes are achieved
through style reusability and predefined design systems.
Moreover, styling is seamlessly integrated into our markup,
eliminating the need to navigate external files.
C. Proposed System Fig. 3 Architecture diagram of the implemented system.
Our proposed MERN (MongoDB, Express, React,
Node.js) application is divided into three distinct modules:
College, Student, and Recruiter. The College module's V. CONCLUSION
primary responsibilities encompass managing student data, In conclusion, the integration of a blockchain-based
generating credentials, student registration, and uploading system for secure document storage within educational
semester certificates. Student access includes viewing their institutions holds immense potential for enhancing the
semester certificates and receiving interview invitations from efficiency, security, and dependability of the recruitment
recruiters. The Recruiter module offers recruiters the process. Through the utilization of decentralized storage and
capability to view student profiles, assess their certificates, smart contracts, educational institutions can safeguard critical
and extend invitations for interviews or coding rounds. documents, shielding them from tampering or unauthorized
access. Simultaneously, this technology enables the
a) MERN Stack: Our application leverages the MERN
automation of document verification and authentication,
stack, which comprises MongoDB for data storage, Express significantly mitigating the risks of errors or delays in the
for API development, React for the front end, and Node.js for recruitment cycle and bolstering trust and transparency in the
server-side development. This stack enables seamless process. One of the paramount advantages of adopting
communication between the front end and back end. blockchain technology for document storage in educational
b) College Module: Within the College module, we institutions is the heightened level of security it provides,
automate credential generation upon student registration. along with robust protection against tampering or
Randomly generated passwords are sent to students via email, unauthorized alterations. By dispersing important documents
with the option for them to change these credentials. across multiple nodes within a decentralized storage system,
Registration can be completed individually through a form or it becomes nearly impossible for any single entity to
manipulate or erase them. This ensures the documents' [2] Zhang, Xiaofei & Du, Haiping & Jia, Zhijuan & Cui, Chi & Yang,
integrity remains intact, and any tampering attempts are Yanyan. (2022). Adaptive radial basis function sliding mode control
for platoons under DoS attacks. IET Intelligent Transport Systems. n/a-
swiftly identified and rectified. n/a.10.1049/itr2.12289.
Another pivotal benefit lies in the automation of the [3] Chen, Guang & Xu, Bing & Lu, Manli & Chen, Nian-Shing. (2018).
verification and authentication process. Through the Exploring blockchain technology and its potential applications for
education. Smart Learning Environments. 5. 10.1186/s40561-017-
implementation of smart contracts, educational institutions 0050-x.
can establish automated rules and protocols that validate and [4] Menglu Jin, Chi Cui, Gang Yu, Xiaochong Li, Yu Zhang; Li Zeng.
authenticate documents automatically. This substantially (2020). A Blockchain Based Scheme for Secure Storage and Sharing
diminishes the necessity for manual interventions and the of Student Digital Profiles.
associated risks of human error, simultaneously accelerating
the pace of the recruitment cycle. The adoption of blockchain [5] MoumitaDas, Xingyu Tao, Yuhan Liu, Jack C.P. Cheng (2022). A
technology for document storage in educational institutions blockchain-based integrated document management framework for
construction applications.
stands as a strategic investment with the potential to yield
numerous advantages. These institutions can fortify their
[7] cuments-on-
reputation, safeguard their students' interests, streamline the the-blockchain/
recruitment cycle, and diminish the likelihood of errors or
[8] to-ipfs-
delays. In doing so, they can cultivate an environment of trust, ee65b594937
reliability, and efficiency within their recruitment processes. [9]
[11] tes-on- the-
blockchain-why-and-how c6be37121465
[1] Li, Hongzhi & Han, Dezhi & Li, Kuan-Ching & Castiglione, [12] ology- as-a-
Arcangelo. (2019). EduRSS:A Blockchain-Based Educational Records document-management tool-a92e3a29e70d
Secure Storage and Sharing Scheme. IEEE Access. PP. 1-1.
10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2956157. [13] in-fit- into-
the-web-stack 2f89d43c9d7a
[14] erification-
using-blockchain a02c059ed97b.

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