Work and Energy Resume Form 4

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A. Work
W = F.s
F = force of the object (N)
s = displacement of the object (m)
W = work (Joule)

B. Work as Kinetic Energy Changes

W = ∆ Ek
1 2 2
W= m(v2 −v 1 )
m = mass of the object (kg)
v1 = initial velocity (m/s)
v2 = final velocity (m/s)

C. Work as Potential Energy Changes

W =∆ E p
W =mg ( h2−h 1)
m = mass of the object (kg)
h1 = first height of the object (m)
h2 = second height of the object (m)
g = gravitation (10 m/s2)

D. Law of Conservation of Mechanical Energy

EM1 = EM2
EK1 + EP1 = EK2 + EP2
½mv12 + mgh1 = ½mv22 + mgh2
No. Questions Answer
1 A table with mass of 10 kg initially at rest, the it
pushed as long as 3 second so that the table move
with an acceleration of 2 m/s2. Determine the
work of the table.

2 A hammer that has mass of 4 kg is used to strike

a nail with velocity of 20 m/s into a block of
wood, It turned out that nail went into a block 1
m deep. Determine the force of the hammer.

3 A ball with mass of 500 gram is thrown vertically

upwards with velocity of 20 m/s. Determine the
potential energy of the ball at maximum height.

4 An object with mass of 200 gram is falling down

from height of 30 m. Determine the kinetic
energy of the object at height of 10 m from the

5 Determine the work that object need to move

a car from rest until a car move with velocity
of 36 km/hour.

6 An object is thrown vertically upwards with

initial velocity of 20 m/s. At certain height, the
kinetic energy is one-fourth of potential energy.
Determine the velocity of the object at that time.

7 An object is thrown vertically upwards with

initial velocity of 20 m/s. At certain height, the
kinetic energy is one-third of potential energy.
Determine the velocity of the object at that time.

8 A ball with mass of 5 kg initially at rest, then

the ball is hit so that the ball move with
velocity of 72 km/hour. Determine the work
of the ball.

9 An object with mass of 10 kg moves with

velocity of 10 m/s. Determine the
mechanical energy of the object at height of
5 m from the ground.

10 An object with mass of 2 kg initially at rest.

Then the object move with an acceleration of
4 m/s2 as long as 5 times. Determine the
work of the object.

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