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Your task is to construct a functional synovial joint and present your work to the class.
The model will be assessed based on scale/accuracy, details, use of materials and creativity.
It should include:
- Bones
- Joint Components
- Ligaments
- Surrounding Muscles/Tendons
- Major Arteries/Veins
The presentation will be assessed on accuracy of information, content covered, and quality of presentation skills.
It should include:
- The anatomy of the joint
- Different anatomical views
- Demonstration of movements related to human activities/sports
- Injuries common to the joint, and causes
- Treatments/Surgeries/Rehabilitation
You will be required to bring a one-page handout for each of the students.
Assessment Rubric

Names: ___________________________________________

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4

(50-59%) (60-69%) (70-79%) (80-100%)
Knowledge and - demonstrates limited - demonstrates moderate - demonstrates considerable - demonstrates thorough
Understanding understanding of the basic understanding of the basic understanding of the basic ideas understanding of the basic ideas
ideas and/or concepts ideas and/or concepts and/or concepts and/or concepts
Of the anatomy and function
of the joint - limited use of proper - moderate use of proper - considerable use of proper - thorough use of proper terminology
terminology terminology terminology
Thinking - uses critical and creative - uses critical and creative - uses critical and creative - uses critical and creative thinking
Creativity with construction thinking skills with limited thinking skills with moderate thinking skills with considerable skills with a high degree of
of joint effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness

Organization of presentation - selects strategies and - selects strategies and - selects strategies and resources - selects strategies and resources
resources with limited resources with moderate with considerable effectiveness with high degree of effectiveness
effectiveness effectiveness
Communication - communicates ideas with - communicates ideas with - communicates ideas with - communicates ideas with a high
Presentation limited clarity moderate clarity considerable clarity degree of clarity


Application - analyzes material with - analyzes material with - analyzes material with - analyzes material with a high
limited reference to course moderate reference to course considerable reference to course degree of reference to course
Effective connections made material material material material
to develop a further
understanding of course



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