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Martinovic Filip

Trifebi Shina Sabrila

Cloud Computing Project Scope

Topic: Cloud-Based Task Management System

1. Functional requirements:
 User Registration and Login: Users can create an account and log in to the system.
 Task Creation and Assignment: Users can create tasks and assign them to specific
individuals or teams.
 Task Status Tracking: Users can track the status of the tasks, such as “In Progress” or
 Task Notification: Users can receive notification when tasks are assigned to them or
have any updates.
 Search Functionality: Users can search for tasks based on keywords.
2. Non-functional requirements:
 Backup
 High Availability
 Response Times
 Scalability
 User-Friendly Interface
3. List of technologies plan to deploy:
 AWS SAM/AWS Lambda
 API Gateway
 AWS Backup/S3 Versioning
 DynamoDB
4. System general description:
The cloud-based task management system will provide a user-friendly interface for users to
create, track, and manage tasks efficiently. The system will be built using serverless
architecture. Users will be able to register and login to the system. They can create tasks,
assign them to individuals or teams, track progress, and receive notification.

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