UNIT 6 - Countable and Uncountable

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• Countable and Uncountable


• much, many, a lot of

• sequencing connectors
Vocabulary Food
1 © И Ш Look at the picture. Match the pictures w ith the food and drink words
in the box. Then listen, check and repeat.



■* v f o g r- '

...a p p le s ...banana .1. beans ...b re a d . ...b u tte r ...c a r r o t ....cheese

... chicken ... eggs ....fis h ... pizza ....pasta ....rice ... meat ... milk

Copy and complete the table. Which food in the pictures is healthy?
Which is not very healthy?

Dairy Fruit Vegetables Meat and fish Other

cheese bread

3 Ask and answer questions about the food you like and don't like.
W rite your partner's answers.

( ^ D o you like beans? ) Yes, I do. Do you like ...?

4 W ork in small groups. Tell your friends about your partner.

Ana likes ... but she doesn't like ...

щ Vocabulary bank • page 110 43

A Simon is from England. He takes a packed lunch to
school. In his lunch box there are usually two sandwiches,
some fruit, a chocolate bar and some juice. In the summer,
Simon eats his lunch with his friends in the playground.
Today, Simon has got some cheese sandwiches, an
orange and some apple juice, but he says, ‘I'm not happy
because I haven’t got a chocolate bar!’

В Juliette is from France. She has a hot lunch

in the school canteen with her friends. They
usually have soup, then some meat or fish with
vegetables and a salad. For dessert, they have
some ice cream or a piece of fruit. Juliette
says, ‘Today I’ve got tomato soup, chicken
with salad, an apple and some ice cream.’

С Kazuyo is from Japan. She takes a Bento

Box to school. In it there is usually some
rice, vegetables and fish or
meat. It’s healthy and
fun. Japanese parents
make the rice into
different shapes: popular
cartoon characters, animals, flowers and
buildings! The children have fun eating
them. Kazuyo says, I ’ve got some rice
and some fish, but I haven’t got any meat
today. My rice is in the shape of a panda.
It’s really cute!’

Reading A m agazine article

Look at the photos. W hat food can ^^ME^plore expressions w ith have 2
you see?
4 Read the article again. Find tw o phrases w ith have.

© ■ Ж З Read the article about

Complete the sentences w ith the words below.
school lunches. Match the people
w ith their lunches.
lunch problem fun

Read the article again. Choose the

1 We always have .... in the canteen at 1 o'clock.
correct answers.
2 I usually have.... when I'm w ith my friends.
1 There are sandwiches / vegetables
3 Do you have a .... w ith this exercise?
and fish in a Bento Box.
2 Simon usually has / never has О Vocabulary bank • page 110
chocolate in his lunch box.
3 Juliette usually has / never has
soup for lunch.
4 There is some / isn't any chocolate W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer the questions.
in Simon's lunchbox today. 1 Where do you usually have your lunch?
5 The food in Bento Boxes is unusual 2 Do you have a school lunch or a packed lunch?
because it's fu n to eat / unhealthy.
3 Who makes your lunch?
6 Juliette eats w ith her friends in the
school p la yg ro u n d / canteen.

Language focus 1 C ountable and uncountable nouns
1 Complete the examples from the text on Read and match the texts w ith the correct
page 44. fridge. Then complete the text w ith a, an,
some or any.
Uncountable nouns 1 Our fridge isn't very full. We've got ( . . . e g g , 2....
two sandwiches, an fruit, rice, milk and 3 ... cheese. We haven't g o t4 ... fish
orange, a ...., an .... and we haven't g o t 5 ... meat, but we've g o t6 ...
Grammar reference • page 102 2 In our fridge we've g o t7.... big cake. We've g o t8 .
ice cream too, and 9 ... drinks. We haven't g o t 10...
2 Copy and complete the table. Which words sandwiches. My brother doesn't like sandwiches.
But we've got four big pizzas!
are countable and which are uncountable?
Add some more words.

banana meat m ilk ice cream vegetables

w ater cheese sandwich carrots apple

countable uncountable
banana \ce cream

a/an, some and any

3 Complete the examples from the te x t on
page 44.
6 Draw a fridge w ith five food and drink words
from this unit.
I've got an orange.
I haven't g o t.... chocolate bar. W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer questions
about what's in your fridges.

i vc y u i jui i ic pai luvviVwi icp . Have you got any milk in

I haven't got any sandwiches. your fridge? Yes, I have.
Have you got any sandwiches?
Have you got any sandwiches? No, I haven't.
I've got some rice. D
I haven't g o t.... meat.
Have you g o t.... rice?
8 Draw your partner's fridge.
Grammar reference • page 102 .... -
Learn about fishing in Japan.
4 Circle the correct words. « Which ocean is Japan in?
I'm a vegetarian. I don't eat some /(any)meat. « Why is the sea so important to Japanese people?
Have you got a / any fruit in your lunch box? • What do the women find in the sea?
I need any / some water - I'm really thirsty.
They haven't got any / some apples.
Do you eat an / any orange every day?
I've got some / a chocolate bar.

Listening A conversation Vocabulary M eals and
1 Look at the picture. W here are the teenagers? courses
W hat do you think they are talking about?
4 Copy and complete the table. Put the words
from the listening into the correct column.
2 О н а Listen to the conversation between
There is one extra word. W hat is it?
Tim and Michelle. W ho has got food? W hat
does Tim want?
breakfast dessert dinner lunch
main course snack starter
3 0 п ш Listen again. Are the sentences about
Michelle (M ) or Tim (7)?
1 ... has got a packed lunch. M Meal Courses (parts of a meal)
2 ... has got some money for presents.
3 ... is hungry now.
4 ... always has a big breakfast.
5 ... asks for a sandwich.
6 ... wants to buy a burger.
7 ... has got £20. 5 © Ш З Listen, check and repeat.
© Vocabulary bank • page 110

6 W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer

questions about meals.

W hat time do you usually have breakfast?

I usually have breakfast at 7.30.

W hat do you have for a snack at school? i

I sometimes have
Language focus 2 much / many / a lot o f
there is / there are 5 Complete the examples from the listening on
page 46.
1 Complete the examples from the listening
1 There a re .... cool places to eat.
on page 46.
2 I haven't g o t.... money.
1 There.... a lot of cool places to eat in London. 3 H o w ..,.fo o d have you got?
2 .... there a fast food place near here? 4 I've g o t.... food.
3 .... there any sweets? 5 H o w .... sandwiches have you got?
4 There .... a fast food place on the way home.
Grammar reference • page 102
5 There a great fast food place on the way home.
О Grammar reference • page 102 6 Complete the sentences w ith the words below.

2 Circle the correct option. Are the sentences How much How many a lo t o f (x2)
true for your to w n and school? many much
1 There is / are a supermarket in my town.
2 There isn 't / a re n 't any pizza places.
3 There is / are a sports centre in my town.
4 There isn 't / a re n 't a cafe in my school.

3 Look at the picture. Complete the questions

w ith is or are. W rite some more questions. 4 ....w a te r is there?
1 ..Н Ш Ш Н У ... apples
are there? 5 There isn't water.
2 There a re .... apples.

3 There are n 't.... apples. 6 There's.... water.

....th e re any fruit? 3 ....the re any
....th e re any chocolate bars?
vegetables? 4 ....th ere any juice?
7 What's in your bag? W rite tw o things that
Say it right
you've got in your bag today. Try to use one
Intonation in questions countable and one uncountable thing.
I’ve g o t some pens.
a When w e ask yes!no questions in English, I’ve g o t some water.
our voice goes up. In answers, our voice
goes down. 8 W ork w ith a partner. Ask what's in his/her bag.
• - - ^ ^ Then ask H o w much or H o w many.
Is there any pasta? Yes, there is.
W hat have you got in your bag?
b Match the questions w ith the answers.
1 Are there any olives? a Yes, I do.
I've got some pens.
2 Is there a supermarket? b No, there aren't.
3 Do you like milkshakes? с Yes, there is.
How many pens have you got?
4 Does he like oranges? d No, he doesn't.

с ® ш т Listen, check and repeat.

4 W ork w ith a partner. Ask and answer the

questions in Exercise 3.

Is there any fruit? Yes, there is.

Food 2 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e te x t a b o u t Jo's fo o d h abits
w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
1 ★ Find th e w o rd s fo r fo o d in th e w o rd sq u a re .
pasta rice cheese carrots mt+k
meat pizza beans bread

W hat do teenagers in the UK like to eat? W hat

do we hate? I think I'm typical. I d o n't eat
breakfast because I d o n't have time. I just drink
a glass o f 1 milk Then, I usually eat a
2____________ sandwich at break time because
I can't w ait until lunch! I eat a lot of w hite
3____________ . My mum says this is unhealthy.
I love Italian food, and for lunch at school I
often have 4____________ o r 5 .I
don't really like vegetables but I sometimes eat
6____________ . I like their orange colour!
My favourite meal is chilli con came. I cook
this w ith my dad. You just need 7____________ ,
8____________ and 9_____________ . It's really good!

3 ★★★ Read the clues and w rite the names of

the food.
1 These are long, straight orange vegetables,
с a rro t в
2 They're yellow and monkeys like them,
f r b a n a n a s с u t b ____________
3 They come from chickens,
с i a P p I e s e q I h
e ____________
a к I h r j P b g a s r 4 Use a knife to put this on bread,
b ____________
r e m X g e У r r i m e
5 It's w hite and you drink it.
r с t i У i t e f s e t m ____________
6 They live in the sea and we eat them,
0 e I b i r P a s s a t
f __________
t r e s g к к d w g t u 7 They are long, green vegetables. Cook them
in water.
s h n h с 0 t i m g d b
b ____________
с h i с к e n x t e 0 t 8 It's white. Cook it in hot water,
r __________
a с s I с v h P j к e g

g к P i t a t h e s s e

Unit 4 37
Language focus 1
Countable and uncountable
nouns 4 ★ ★ C o m p le te th e sentences w ith one o f th e
1 » (C ird e ) th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r w o rd s fro m th e box.
ta b le .
lunch problem ftm snack breakfast party
1 C o un ta b le / U n co u n ta b le nouns can be
singular and plural. 1 I always have fun at my sister's house
because there's lots to do there.
2 C ountable / U ncountable nouns have no plural.
2 My brother wants to cook dinner for my parents
3 We use a/an w ith a sin g u la r c o u n ta b le / an
tonight but he has a . He can't cook!
u n c o u n ta b le noun.
3 Can I have a ____________ fo r my birthday next
4 We use some w ith a ffirm a tiv e / ne ga tive month?
plural and uncountable nouns.
4 I know dinner is at 6 o'clock but I'm hungry now.
5 We use any w ith a ffirm a tiv e / n eg ative Can I have a _____________ ?
plural and uncountable nouns. 5 We have_____________ at 7.00 every morning. We
have eggs or toast.
2 ★ ★ ( Circle; th e co rrect fo o d w o rd s. 6 I usually have____________ at school. I eat fish or
1 I've got a(Eana~ng)/ carrots in my bag. meat w ith rice.
2 Have we got any banana / cheese?
5 ★ ★ ★ W h a t fo o d h a ve y o u g o t a t h o m e ?
3 Joe's got an m ilk / egg fo r breakfast.
W h a t h a v e n 't y o u g o t? W rite six se ntence s
4 We haven't got any bread / apple.
a b o u t th in g s fr o m th e lis t.
5 They've got some c a rro t / m eat, but they haven't
got any rice / vegetable. vegetables fru it pasta beans milk
6 We've got some oranges / apple. carrots bread pizza w ater eggs

a/an, some and any We’ve got some milk in the fridge. I’ve got some
water in my room.
★ ★ C om plete th e te x t w ith a/an, some o r any.
Andres Ramos is a footballer. He loves meat, but ★ ★ ★ Plan y o u r m enu fo r to m o rro w .
he doesn't eat a lot these days, and he doesn't eat
Use Exercise 3 as an exam ple. W h a t d o yo u eat
1 any takeaway food. Here's w hat he's got
fo r each meal? Use a d ic tio n a ry if necessary.
to eat today:
B re a k fa s t:2____________ f r u it ,3______________big Breakfast: an egg, some bread and some orangejuice.
plate of eggs and 4_________ bread.
Snack a fte r t r a in in g : 6____ . energy drink
and 7_____________ bananas.
Lunch: 8_ ________ fish, a lot of potatoes and
. vegetables. 10____________ water.
D inner: __________burger and chips and
_______ ice cream - it's his birthday!
Andres is a professional, so he doesn't eat
13____________ chocolate or biscuits or
drink 14_____________fizzy drinks,
but he loves them! M
Listening and vocabulary 0
1 ★ Put th e dishes in th e correct place in th e ta b le .

chocolate bar

starter main course dessert snack


2 ★ й M atch th e fo o d on page 37 w ith th e w o rd s b e lo w .

breakfast lunch dinner

breakfast - eggs

3 © Listen to th e co nve rsa tio n. 4 - - ® s a Listen again. C om plete th e
M atch th e pictures (1 -3 ) w ith th e speakers. ta b le w ith th e correct fo o d and d rin k .

Charlie Simon Helen

■ ■
5 ★ ★ ★ A n s w e r th e q ue stio ns.
1 Who's hungry? _ Charlie
2 W ho wants a bit of chocolate? _
3 W ho tries the bean salad? _
4 W ho had a party yesterday? _
5 W ho wants some cake? _
6 W hat doesn't Simon w ant in the end?

Unit 4 39
Language focus 2
there is / there are much / many / a lot o f
1 ( Circle) th e correct w o rd s in th e g ra m m a r
4 'kCi r c l e ) th e correct o p tio n s. Then d o th e quiz.
ta b le .

1 There is a + sin g u la r / p lu ra l countable noun.

2 There is some + c o u n ta b le / u n c o u n ta b le noun.
3 There are some + sing ular / plural countable
4 There isn't/aren't som e / any + noun.

2 ★ ★ C om plete th e sentences. Use is o r are

and a/an o r some.
Fridge A
There 1 is an_______ egg.
There2____________ cola.
There 3______ _ _ _
HowCm u c tt? / many water is there in
a carrot?
a 66% b 84% с 91%
There4____________ olives.
There 5_ _ _ _ _ _ carrot. How much / many pizzas do Americans
eat in a year?
a 1 billion b 3 billion с 5 billion

How much / many calories are there in an

a 50 b 65 с 30
A How much / many milk is there in 1 kilo of
Fridge В a 10 litres b 5 litres с 3 litres
There 6_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ milk. True or false? There are much / a lot of
There 7 calories in 100 grams of chocolate,
tomatoes. a True, about 520. b False, about 120.
There 8_____________ cheese.
There 9____________ bottle
o f water. ^ J ) ;p lo r e in t e r n a t io n a l w o r d s
There 10____________
5 ★ ★ M atch th e in te rn a tio n a l w o rd s w ith th e
d e fin itio n s .
tacos burger pizza sushi curry lasagne

1 A lot o f people think they're from

Germany but they're American. burger
3 ★ » Correct th e in co rre ct sentences. 2 This delicious food is from Naples
is in Italy. _ _ _ _ _
1 There are some cheese in the fridge. 3 It's usually fish and rice and it's
2 Is there any milk? Japanese. __________
3 There aren't an apples. 4 It's a traditional dish from Mexico,
4 There are any bananas? with chicken, meat or cheese. __________
5 Is there any rice? 5 This is a dish from Italy w ith pasta
6 There aren't any pasta. and meat. __________
6 This food is from India but it's very
popular in the UK. __________

40 Unit 4
Vocabulary there is / there are; much /
many / a lot o f
4 C o m p le te th e co n ve rsa tio n w ith th e w o rd s in
1 W h a t c o lo u r are th e y? C om p le te th e
th e box.
sentences w ith th e w o rd s in th e box.
there is many are there a lot o f much
bananas bread carrots eggs
any Afe-tbere-afly there are How many
m ilk cheese apples

1 Bread . is w hite or brown.

2 . are orange.
3 . is white.
4 . are yellow.
5 . are red or green.
6 . is yellow.
7 are w hite or brown.
Total: 6

Meals and courses

2 C om p le te th e sentences w it h th e w o rd s in
th e box.

dessert dinner snack lunch breakfast

starter main course

1 For bre akfa st in the morning, I have an egg.

2 O u r_____________today is chicken soup.
3 I like ice cream or cake f o r _____________ .
4 My dad usually has_____________at the office.
5 For th e _____________w e're having fish and chips. Alex: Let's make a salad.
6 In the evening, I do my homework, have Gina: Good idea! 1 Are there any
and go to bed. vegetables?
We eat a _____________ in the playground at 11.00. Alex: Yes,2 . We've got
three carrots.
Total: 6 Gina: 3
4 7

Language focus Alex: There a re n 't5

two. But they're quite big.
- ju s t

Countable and uncountable nouns Gina: H ow 6 cheese is there?

Alex: There's7 cheese.
3 Find 12 m ore fo o d and d rin k w o rd s in th e
Gina: Is there 8 yoghurt?
w ordsnake. Are th e y countable o r uncountable? Alex: Yes,9 a lot of yoghurt
' о 3 n < 3 /v Qj
ъ V <T3 Total: 8
<Qj ft 3
e9 e td ^ cu

bread - uncountable

Total: 24
Unit 5 Food

A 10 1.36 Choose the correct

options to complete the
conversation about a Thai dish
called satay. Then listen and
A: I’d like to make satay this
evening. What do you
B: Sounds good.
A: OK, well, we need 1 any /
some chicken. Can you buy
a / some kilo when you go
to the supermarket?
B: Sure.
B A: And we need 3 a / an onion.
B: There are 4 any / some onions
in the cupboard. Can we
have salad with it?
A: Good idea. Do we have
everything we need?
B: I think so. Oh no, we need
a / some tomatoes.
A: And I’d like 6 a / some olive
oil as well. There isn’t 7 any /
some left.
B: OK. So we need 8 any / some
chicken, tomatoes and olive
oil. Anything else?
C 11 Work in pairs. You and your
partner have two recipes you
want to make and some food in
the kitchen. Find out what you
need from the supermarket.
Student A: Turn to page 154.
Student B: Turn to page 156.

12 Work in pairs. Plan a special
meal for six people with
different dishes. Then make
a list of the food you need.
9 Look at the grammar box and check your answers in Exercise 8. We need some …
Countable nouns And we also need a …
You can say a number before these nouns (There is a plural form.): one banana,
two bananas. You can use a/an: a banana, an orange.
Uncountable nouns
You can’t say a number or a/an before these nouns (There is no plural form.): Do we need any …?
a pasta, three bread.
You can use some or any with countable and uncountable nouns:
13 Tell the class about your meal
I’d like some bananas/bread.
and the food you need.
I don’t need any bananas/bread.
Do you have any bananas/bread?

For further information and practice, see pages 161 and 162.

talk about  a special meal  AT A MARKET   SUMMARISING AN ARTICLE  ORDERING A MEAL 59

reading food markets • grammar a lot of and not much / not many •
listening and vocabulary quantities and containers • grammar how many / how much • speaking at a market

5b Food markets
Reading Grammar a lot of and not much /
1 Where do you like shopping for food? Choose an not many
answer (a–d).
4 Look at these sentences from the article. Then
a at a supermarket complete the rules (1–3) with a lot of, not much and
b at a market not many.
c from lots of different shops on the high street
There’s a lot of different food …
d I don’t like shopping!
There are a lot of shops here.
2 Read the article about markets around the world. There aren’t many markets …
Answer the questions. There isn’t much food for sale after 10 a.m.

1 What are the good things about supermarkets? 1 Use with countable or uncountable nouns.
2 Why does the writer like food markets? 2 Use with countable nouns.
3 How old is St Lawrence market? 3 Use with uncountable nouns.
4 What food can you buy in St Lawrence market?
5 What is hot in Castries Market?  A LOT OF and NOT MUCH / NOT MANY
6 What is upstairs at Kreta Ayer Wet Market? Countable Uncountable
7 What can you hear in La Vucciria?
There are a lot of apples. There’s a lot of cheese.
8 When is Borough Market open?
I don’t eat many apples. I don’t eat much cheese.
3 Discuss these questions as a class. I don’t eat a lot of apples. I don’t eat a lot of cheese.
Do you eat a lot of / many Do you eat a lot of / much
1 Do you have a food market in your town or apples? cheese?
city? What days is it open? Yes, I do. / No, not many. No, I don’t. / No, not much.
2 Can you buy fresh food and local dishes there?
What kind? For further information and practice, see page 162.
3 What other street markets are in your town or
city? What do they sell?

Top 5 Food markets

Supermarkets are good for everyday shopping. But food markets are great for fresh
food and local dishes. Here are our top five markets from around the world.

1 St Lawrence, Toronto, Canada 4 La Vucciria, Palermo, Italy

St Lawrence food market, in the centre of There aren’t many markets in
Toronto, is 200 years old. There are a lot of shops the world with live music. But in
here (well over 100) with every kind of meat and Palermo, musicians play and sing
seafood. Shoppers visit from all over the world. as shoppers buy their sausages and
kebabs. It’s a great atmosphere!
2 Castries Market, St Lucia
Naturally, this island in the Caribbean has a 5 Borough Market, London, England
market famous for fish and fruit. Buy some This market is 250 years old and
bananas for lunch and some fish for dinner. And famous with food lovers. It’s open
try the local sauce – it’s very hot! from Thursday to Saturday and it’s
good to go very early. There isn’t
3 Kreta Ayer Wet Market, Singapore much food for sale after 10 a.m.!
There’s a lot of different food here and there’s
also a great restaurant upstairs. Go at around 6
a.m. and have some tasty noodles for breakfast.

unit 5 Food

5 Look at the grammar box on page 60. Then rewrite 9 Match these quantities and containers to the
the sentences with a lot of, much or many where uncountable nouns (1–8).
bag bottle glass kilo packet piece
1 I don’t eat a lot of fast food. slice tin
I don’t eat much fast food.
2 He eats a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. 1 2 3 4
not possible
3 There aren’t a lot of local markets in my region.
4 Do you buy a lot of sweets for the children?
5 There isn’t a lot of milk in the fridge.
6 My family buys a lot of food from the
7 She doesn’t put a lot of salt on her food.
8 Do you eat a lot of strawberries in the summer? 5 6 7 8

6 Work in pairs. Make true sentences for you with

these expressions and tell your partner.
I eat a lot of …
I don’t eat many …
I don’t eat much …

1 a of sauce 5 a of pasta
listening and vocabulary 2 a of chocolate 6 a of tuna
quantities and containers 3 a of bread 7 a of flour
4 a of water 8 a of rice
7 1.37 Listen to a shopper at one of the markets
from Exercise 2. Which market is it?
Grammar how many / how
8 1.37 Listen again. Answer the questions.
1 How many bananas does he buy?
2 How many kilos of rice does he buy? 10 Look at the questions in the two excerpts from
3 How many bottles of sauce does he buy? the conversation in Exercise 7. Which question
asks about countable nouns? Which asks about
uncountable nouns?
A: I’d like some bananas, please.
B: How many do you want?
A: Six, please.
A: Some rice, please.
B: How much do you want? A kilo?


Countable: How many (apples) do you want?
Uncountable: How much (rice) do you want?

For further information and practice, see page 162.

11 Work in pairs. Role play four conversations at
a food market. Ask for this food. Take turns to be
the shopper.
Conversation 1: five apples and some rice
Conversation 2: some bread and a bottle of sauce
Conversation 3: four tins of tuna and six slices of
Conversation 4: a packet of pasta and six eggs
St Lawrence food market

talk about  a SPECIal MEal  at a MaRkEt  SuMMaRISING aN aRtIClE  oRDERING a MEal 61

speaking and vocabulary a menu • real life ordering a meal • pronunciation contracted forms

5d At the restaurant
Speaking and vocabulary Real life ordering a meal
1 What are common starters, main courses and desserts on a 3 1.39 Listen to two people at a
menu in your country? What about your favourite restaurant? restaurant. Answer the questions.

2 Look at the parts of the menu. What dishes would you order? 1 What do they order?
Tell your partner. 2 Look at the menu again. How
much does the meal cost?

4 1.39 Look at these phrases for

ordering a meal. Who says them:
one of the customers (C) or the
waiter (W)? Listen again and check.

 ordering a meal
Here is the menu.
Can I get you anything to drink first?
I’d like a bottle of water, please.
I don’t want a starter.
I’ll have a seafood special.
I’d also like a dessert.
Are you ready to order?
I’d like a four-cheese pizza.
That was delicious.
Can I get you anything else?
Could we have the bill, please?

Starters American English
Read these parts of the conversation in
Soup of the day ........................................................ $6.95 the restaurant:
Garlic fries ................................................................. $4.95 ‘The garlic fries are really good. Do you
call them chips in England?’
‘Could we have the bill, please?’ ‘He
Main courses means the check.’
Some words are different in British
Seafood special ........................................................ $13.95 English and American English: fries/
chips, bill/check.
Four-cheese pizza ..................................................... $10.95
Caesar salad ............................................................ $9.95 For further information and practice,
see page 43 of the Workbook.

Desserts 5 Pronunciation contracted

Ice cream sundae ..................................................... $7.95 forms
Chocolate cake with cream ..................................... $7.95 1.40 Listen and repeat these
contracted forms.
Drinks I’d I’d like a coffee.
I’ll I’ll have a pizza.
Bottle of water (sparkling or still) .............................. $2.50
Iced tea ..................................................................... $2.50 6 Work in groups of three. One
person is the waiter, two people are
customers. Practise a conversation at
Calzone’s restaurant. Use the menu
in Exercise 2. Then change roles.

64 talk about  a special meal  AT A MARKET   SUMMARISING AN ARTICLE  ORDERING A MEAL

4. Use Sequence connectors to explain the recipe.

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