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Listening skill

Practice #3
A. For each question, choose the correct answer
4. What will the boy look like in his school play?

A: Which character are you in the school play?

B: I’m the main character’s father. I need to look much older than I am, so I
have to wear a suit and glasses. The director said my character should
have long, fair, curly hair, so I have to put that on, too.

A: I’m sure your short dark hair would look just as good.

Boy: Maybe, but you have to do what the director says. He tried to make
me wear a moustache, but it kept falling off, so we gave up that idea.
A. For each question, choose the correct answer
4. What will the boy look like in his school play?

A: Which character are you in the school play?

B: I’m the main character’s father. I need to look much older than I am, so I
have to wear a suit and glasses. The director said my character should
have long, fair, curly hair, so I have to put that on, too.

A: I’m sure your short dark hair would look just as good.

Boy: Maybe, but you have to do what the director says. He tried to make
me wear a moustache, but it kept falling off, so we gave up that idea.
A. For each question, choose the correct answer
And now for the weather. A lot of cloud will move in from the west later this morning, bringing heavy
rain to all parts of the country by early afternoon.

Driving in these conditions will be quite difficult, so take care on the roads.

This rain will be accompanied by strong wilds, which will stay with us over the next few days, but
overnight, any remaining rain will clear away, leaving clear skies everywhere.

The sunny weather should stay until the day after tomorrow, when, unfortunately, the rain returns.

5. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?

A. For each question, choose the correct answer
And now for the weather. A lot of cloud will move in from the west later this morning, bringing heavy
rain to all parts of the country by early afternoon.

Driving in these conditions will be quite difficult, so take care on the roads.

This rain will be accompanied by strong wilds, which will stay with us over the next few days, but
overnight, any remaining rain will clear away, leaving clear skies everywhere.

The sunny weather should stay until the day after tomorrow, when, unfortunately, the rain returns.

5. What’s the weather going to be like tomorrow?

For each question, choose the correct answer
6. Where does the girl want to meet her friend?

A: Hi, I was just calling about going clothes shopping together tomorrow. I’m still OK to meet
at two, but I think I’d prefer it if we didn’t meet at the clock in the town square as we’d
arranged – you’re always late and there’s nothing to do there. So how about seeing each other
at the café? At least I can have a snack while I’m waiting. We could just meet at the clothes
shop, but I’d probably finish my shopping before you got there – I know what you’re like !
For each question, choose the correct answer
6. Where does the girl want to meet her friend?

A: Hi, I was just calling about going clothes shopping together tomorrow. I’m still OK to meet
at two, but I think I’d prefer it if we didn’t meet at the clock in the town square as we’d
arranged – you’re always late and there’s nothing to do there. So how about seeing each other
at the café? At least I can have a snack while I’m waiting. We could just meet at the clothes
shop, but I’d probably finish my shopping before you got there – I know what you’re like !
For each question, choose the correct answer
A: Did you get that book you wante for your music classes?

B: I did. I went into town after school today and got it then. It was on special offer too, so it
was reduced by two pounds from seventeen pounds ninety-nine to fifteen poounds ninety-
nine. I know we saw it on the internet for less than that – it was thirteen pounds ninety-
nine, I think – but I really need it for my class tomorrow and there’s no way it would arrive
in time.

A: Well, I’m just glad you found it.

7. How much did the book cost?

For each question, choose the correct answer
A: Did you get that book you wante for your music classes?

B: I did. I went into town after school today and got it then. It was on special offer too, so it
was reduced by two pounds from seventeen pounds ninety-nine to fifteen poounds ninety-
nine. I know we saw it on the internet for less than that – it was thirteen pounds ninety-
nine, I think – but I really need it for my class tomorrow and there’s no way it would arrive
in time.

A: Well, I’m just glad you found it.

7. How much did the book cost?

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

2 9th October

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

2 9th October

3 5352

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

2 9th October

3 5352

4 £16.40

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

2 9th October

3 5352

4 £16.40

5 31st December 1981

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

2 9th October

3 5352

4 £16.40

5 31st December 1981

6 126

Listen and write the date, number or price you hear.

1 23rd February

2 9th October

3 5352

4 £16.40

5 31st December 1981

6 126

7 2003
Meeting an old friend
Choose the correct explanation for the words in CAPITAL letters.
Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Selina: Patrick? Is that you?

Patrick: Selina! Hello!

Selina: Well, well. Patrick Eastwood. How have you been?

Patrick: Good. Great, actually. How are you? I haven't seen you for ... how long?

Selina: It's been ages. At least fifteen years. Wow.

Patrick: Yeah. Wow.

Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Patrick and Selina: So, what are you doing here?

Selina: Sorry, you go first.

Patrick: OK. What are you doing here? I thought you'd moved to London.

Selina: I was in London for a couple of years. But it didn't work out.
Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Patrick: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ... OK?

Selina: I'm fine! The dream job wasn't really a dream, you know? Um ... and
London is great but it's so expensive. I mean, just the rent on a flat is ... uh …
crazy expensive.

Patrick: I see.
Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Selina: So, I came back. I've been back now for almost five months. Living back
home with Mum and Dad. Which is err ... interesting. Um ... but anyway, what
about you?
Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Patrick: Me? Oh, nothing new. You know me – 'Patrick the predictable'. I never
left here.

Selina: Oh. And is that ...?

Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Patrick: Oh, I'm very happy. I'm married now. We've just celebrated our tenth

Selina: No way! You? Married? To …?

Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Patrick: I don't think you know her. Her name's Marigold. And we've got two kids.
They're five and eight years old.

Selina: Married and with two kids? Wow!

Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Patrick: Don't look so surprised!

Selina: No, no … I'm just amazed how time flies! I'm happy for you. I really am.

Patrick: Thanks. You should really come round to the house one day.

Selina: That would be great. Let's swap numbers and ..

Task #1
True or False?
True False
1. Patrick and Selina have never met each other before.
2. Selina still lives in London.
3. Selina didn't like her job in London.
4. Selina is living with her parents.
5. Patrick also went to London.
6. Selina is surprised that Patrick is married.
7. Patrick has a daughter named Marigold.
8. Patrick invites Selina to his house.
Task #2
Write the correct number to fill the gaps.
Task #2
Write the correct number to fill the gaps.



5 8
Selina: Patrick? Is that you?

Patrick: Selina! Hello!

Selina: Well, well. Patrick Eastwood. How have you been?

Patrick: Good. Great, actually. How are you? I haven't seen you for ... how long?

Selina: It's been ages. At least fifteen years. Wow.

Patrick: Yeah. Wow.

Patrick and Selina: So, what are you doing here?

Selina: Sorry, you go first.

Patrick: OK. What are you doing here? I thought you'd moved to London.
Selina: I was in London for a couple of years. But it didn't work out.

Patrick: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you ... OK?

Selina: I'm fine! The dream job wasn't really a dream, you know? Um ... and
London is great but it's so expensive. I mean, just the rent on a flat is ... uh …
crazy expensive.

Patrick: I see.

Selina: So, I came back. I've been back now for almost five months. Living back
home with Mum and Dad. Which is err ... interesting. Um ... but anyway, what
about you?

Patrick: Me? Oh, nothing new. You know me – 'Patrick the predictable'. I never
left here.
Selina: Oh. And is that ...?

Patrick: Oh, I'm very happy. I'm married now. We've just celebrated our tenth

Selina: No way! You? Married? To …?

Patrick: I don't think you know her. Her name's Marigold. And we've got two kids.
They're five and eight years old.

Selina: Married and with two kids? Wow!

Patrick: Don't look so surprised!

Selina: No, no … I'm just amazed how time flies! I'm happy for you. I really am.

Patrick: Thanks. You should really come round to the house one day.

Selina: That would be great. Let's swap numbers and ...

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