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COMPETENCIES: Evaluate one’s development through the help of significant people around him/her (peers,
parents, siblings, friends, teachers, community leaders)
Identify ways that help one become a capable and responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

1. Humans undergo continuous development across their lifespan. This developmental aspect happens when
a child learns to interact with others around them.
A. Emotional Development
B. Personal Development
C. Physical Development
D. Social Development
Answer: D
2. Most Junior High School Completers opt to take the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Strand because they want to be a nurse in the future. At what developmental stage does the situation happen?
A. Adolescence B. Early Adulthood C. Infancy and Early Childhood D. Middle Adulthood
Answer: A
3. Irish is attending to the needs of her aged parents. At what developmental stage does the situation happen?
A. Adolescence B. Early Adulthood C. Infancy and Early Childhood D. Middle Adulthood
Answer: D
4. A developmental task is a task that arises at a certain period of one’s life. Below are the developmental
tasks belonging to early adulthood EXCEPT:
A. Rearing children
B. Starting a family
C. Selecting a mate
D. Adjusting to the death of a Spouse
Answer: D
5. This is a stage of human development where sex maturation and rapid physical development occur resulting
in changes in ways of feeling, thinking, and acting. This is also a transition age from childhood to adulthood.
A. Adolescence B. Early Adulthood C. Infancy and Early Childhood D. Middle Adulthood
Answer: A
6. Becoming responsible and being able to make good choices are very important traits of a responsible adult.
Below are the rules for adolescents in order to become responsible adults EXCEPT:
A. Establish good communication and relations with your parents or guardian.
B. Never mind about the future just enjoy while you are still young
C. Focus on your studies and do well in all of your endeavors.
D. Think a lot before doing something.
Answer: B
For numbers 7-9. Briefly read and understand the given scenario and answer the questions that follow:

Every morning, Amelia would wake up with the warm sunlight streaming through her
bedroom window. With a soft stretch, she would jump out of bed and head straight to the bathroom.
Standing in front of the mirror, she would greet herself with a gentle smile, appreciating the new day
ahead. Amelia's daily routine began with a refreshing glass of water to kickstart her hydration. Next,
she would meticulously brush her teeth, paying close attention to each tooth, ensuring they were
sparkling clean. She never rushed this process, understanding the importance of maintaining her oral
7. Based on the scenario above, what rule on becoming a responsible adult is being described?
A. Respecting one's self.
B. Focusing on your studies.
C. Think a lot before doing something.
D. Taking care of your health and hygiene.
Answer: D
Emily was known for her exceptional dedication and focus on her studies. From a very young age, she had
developed a deep passion for learning and acquiring knowledge.
Emily's day would start early in the morning. She would wake up at 6 a.m., feeling refreshed and ready to
tackle the challenges of the day ahead. After a quick breakfast, she would head straight to her study desk, which
was neatly organized with all her books, notebooks, and stationery.
Emily believed in the power of setting goals, so she would begin each day by outlining her study
objectives. She would carefully prioritize her tasks based on their importance and deadlines. This helped her stay
focused and motivated throughout the day.

8. Based on the scenario above, what rule on becoming a responsible adult is being described?
A. Respecting one's self.
B. Focusing on your studies.
C. Doing your best to resist temptations.
D. Be prepared to be accountable for your actions.
Answer: B

Sarah is a 16-year-old girl who is entering her adolescent years. She has been observing her friends and
peers engaging in intimate relationships, and she feels a strong desire to experience one herself. Sarah is
curious about what it feels like to be emotionally connected to someone on a deeper level and to share
intimate moments with them.
Sarah's curiosity about intimate relationships stems from various factors. Firstly, she is going through
puberty, which brings about hormonal changes and an increased interest in romantic and sexual experiences.
Secondly, she sees her friends in relationships, and their happiness and connection intrigue her. Lastly, Sarah
has been exposed to media portrayals of romantic relationships, which often depict them as exciting and
fulfilling experiences.
Sarah starts exploring the idea of being in an intimate relationship by talking to her close friends who
are already in relationships. They share their experiences, both positive and negative, and give her advice on
what to expect. Sarah also turns to online forums and social media platforms where she can anonymously ask
questions and seek guidance from people who have been through similar situations.
9. Based on the scenario above, what developmental aspect is depicted?
A. Emotional Development
B. Physical Development
C. Mental Development
D. Social Development
Answer: A
10. Adolescents undergo a lot of changes in different aspects. Below are the social developmental changes
that happen during the adolescent stage EXCEPT:
A. Friends are more important
B. Starts to have more intellectual interest
C. Maybe influenced by peers to try risky behaviors.
D. Has a better understanding of complex problems and issues.
Answer: D

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