Incident Report - Nikko Taray

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Incident Report

Date of Incident: 21 March 2023

Clearocean Milano
OLR/Nikko R. Taray

1430H – After finishing the wash/paint of the flooring of the Main En-
gine 3rd Deck Level, I proceeded to my assigned area (located
in a tank top), to clean the oil spillage and the dust from the
side-by-side cover of Intermediate Shaft Bearing.

1445H – After cleaning the oil spillage and dust from the side-by-side
cover, I climbed up the ladder to open the manhole flooring at
the Starboard Side of the Main Engine’s Floor Deck.

However, due to the weight of the doors of the manhole floor-

ing, I accidentally dropped both doors. As a result, the little
finger of my left hand to get caught by accident in between the
shut metal doors of the manhole flooring.

Oiler Nikko R. Taray

C/E Oscar Sumilang

Chief Engineer

Capt. Nieven L. Ayade

Vessel: MT Clearocaen Milano

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