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Formative assessment on Foundations to ESS

1. What are environmental value systems?

a) A set of beliefs and values that shape an individual's perception and understanding of the

b) A system of laws and regulations that protect the environment

c) A method of measuring the economic value of natural resources

d) A framework for managing environmental resources

2. How do environmental value systems influence individuals?

a) They determine an individual's level of education about the environment

b) They shape an individual's attitudes and behaviors towards the environment

c) They dictate an individual's career choices in the environmental field

d) They determine an individual's access to natural resources

3. What factors can shape an individual's environmental value system?

a) Cultural background and upbringing

b) Political affiliation and beliefs

c) Personal experiences and interactions with nature

d) All of the above

4. Why are environmental value systems important?

a) They help individuals make informed decisions about environmental issues

b) They ensure equal distribution of natural resources among individuals

c) They promote economic growth and development at the expense of the environment

d) They determine an individual's social status and reputation

5. You believe that nature has intrinsic value and deserves protection for its own sake, regardless of
its utility to humans. Which environmental value system does this align with?

a) Ecocentrism

b) Technocentrism
c) Anthropocentrism

d) Biocentrism

6. You advocate for sustainable development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Which environmental value
system does this align with?

a) Deep Ecology

b) Cornucopianism

c) Biocentrism

d) Sustainability

7. You prioritize the well-being of human beings above all else and believe that the environment
should be managed in a way that maximizes human welfare. Which environmental value system does
this align with?

a) Ecocentrism

b) Technocentrism

c) Anthropocentrism

d) Biocentrism

8. You view human progress and technological advancements as the key to resolving environmental
issues. Which environmental value system does this align with?

a) Ecocentrism

b) Technocentrism

c) Anthropocentrism

d) Deep Ecology

9. You emphasize the interconnectedness of all living organisms and believe in the intrinsic value of
both human and non-human life. Which environmental value system does this align with?

a) Biocentrism

b) Cornucopianism

c) Sustainability

d) Technocentrism
10. You hold the belief that the Earth's resources are vast and can continue to support human growth
and development without running out. Which environmental value system does this align with?

a) Deep Ecology

b) Cornucopianism

c) Ecocentrism

d) Sustainability

11. You advocate for a radical shift in societal values and lifestyles to address the root causes of
environmental issues, including consumerism and overconsumption. Which environmental value
system does this align with?

a) Cornucopianism

b) Sustainability

c) Deep Ecology

d) Technocentrism

12. You believe that human beings are just one part of a complex web of life and that all species have
a right to exist and thrive. Which environmental value system does this align with?

a) Biocentrism

b) Anthropocentrism

c) Cornucopianism

d) Technocentrism

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