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Empty nest syndrome refers to the distress and other complicated emotions that
parents often experience when their children leave home.

Of course, people want their children to grow up and lead independent lives.
However, the experience of letting go is often bittersweet or emotionally challenging.
Parents may feel lonely, sad, and have some degree of grief when their children leave
the nest, whether it’s to live on their own, start a college career, or pursue their own
relationships. Women normally suffer more than men do, and feelings of sadness may
be more pronounced among stay-at-home parents whose lives were organized around
meeting the everyday needs of their children.

This empty nest syndrome that many parents of adult children experience is not a
clinical disorder or diagnosis. It reflects the emotional ambivalence of a normal life
transitional period. While people often focus on the negative emotional aspects, this
time in someone's life can open the door to new possibilities. Without the numerous
obligations of caring for and raising another human being, people can take the
opportunity to redefine who they are, decide what they want for the rest of their life,
rededicate energy to their own careers or areas of interest, and renew the marital
relationship. Parents can also enjoy building a more mature bond with their adult
children that can be deeply satisfying to everyone involved.
Effects of empty nest syndrome on parents:

As soon as kids leave the house Many of parents may feel a sense of pride and an
achievement that they have done more than enough for the kids and now their kids are
ready to live independently but with this comes certain problems majorly who have
been stay at home parents or single parent they experience little bit of grief or
loneliness others transition period can turn into very severe depression, anxiety, loss
of purpose engaging in behaviors that can have a negative impact such as financial
risk taking or substance substance use disorder.

Mostly empty syndrome lasts for 2 months but some may experience symptoms for a
longer period . Challenges: financial or health situations.

Languishing - you don't feel bad but something feels off. You have less energy and
less motivation and sometimes symptoms of empty nest syndrome.

Effects on mother's

Loss of motherhood: many mothers dedicate 20 years or more of their lives to taking
care of their children and see motherhood as a primary role . Once the last child
moves out mother's may feel that their most important job is finished. After that they
may feel worthless, disoriented. According to psychologist it may take 18 months and
two years to make successful transition from 'Mum' to independent woman
However, there has been no significant research on how far it affects the father. Can it
manifest in fathers differently

Effects of empty nest syndrome on fathers:

● Restlessness-

You may not be able to focus like you used to. For example, you might start to
write a work report and your mind starts to wander about how your young
adults are doing.

● Loneliness-

You may have a partner, friends, and co-workers, but you still feel lonely. You
might’ve just called your child this morning, but tears well up as you pass by
their old room.

● Irritability-

You snap at your mate over something that’s not important. It’s not about them.
It’s about you. You may be frustrated that you feel as if you can’t seem to
control anything.

● Languishing-

You don’t exactly feel bad, but something feels off. You have less energy and
less motivation to do the things you used to do. This is called languishing, and
it’s sometimes a symptom of empty nest syndrome.
● Re-examining roles and relationships- You and your partner no longer need to
parent daily. Questions naturally arise.

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