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Q1. Define Political science and discuss its scope.



Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems
of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political
behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.

The term politics is derived from the Greek word polis meaning the city and state the terms
politics political science and political philosophy used are usually used as synonyms.


is a social science concerned with the theory and practice of politics and the description and
analysis of political systems and political


Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems
of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political
behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.


According to Willoughby, political science has to deal with three great topics State
Government and law

Political Science is a science which deals with the state and government. It was in the Greek
civilization that political science was developed in its pure and systematic form.
ARISTOTLE, 'the father of political science 'used the term 'politics'






Q2.Discuss the relationship of Political Science with History and Geography.


Political Science
Political science is the scientific study of politics. It is a social science dealing with systems
of governance and power, and the analysis of political activities, political thought, political
behavior, and associated constitutions and laws.

It is an Inquiry into what happened in the past, when it happened, and how it happened. It is
an inquiry into the inevitable changes in human affairs in the past and the ways these changes
affect, influence or determine the patterns of life in the society.

Geography is the study of the Earth and how it has formed. There are two branches of
geography, physical and human. Physical geography describes natural events have have
shaped the Earth through fields of study such as meteorology and climatology.

Meaning of political science

the branch of knowledge that deals with the state and systems of government.

Meaning of history
all the events of the past

Meaning of geography
the study of the world’s surface, physical qualities, climate, population, products, etc.


According to sir John Seeley. History without political science has no fruit and political
science without history has no root.

History provides content of politics. It is a conversable explanation of events that helps

politics in the analysis of causes of events.
Historical facts are used by political science to formulate laws and principles for political life.

History gives information about the origin and development of political institutions and
thought. The experience and experimentation obtained can keep us from repeating mistakes
of others and help in creating better political conditions.

(1)History deals mostly with the past where is political science deals with present and future.

(2)History merits events Colonel logically but political science concentrate more on their
analysis on cause and effect basis.


There is close relationship between Political Science and Geography. Political Science studies
about the state. One of the main elements of state is territory. Area of land is studied under
Geography. Geography is related to earth, its size, shape, minerals, atmosphere, etc.
Geographical conditions definitely affect the Political structure and life of a country. Aristotle
and Bodeoun had accepted the close relationship of Political Science and Geography and had
explained a close relation between different forms of government and climate.
Modern political thinkers also accept the effect of geographical conditions on Politics. As a
result, a new subject has been developed which studies the political effect of geographical
conditions, which is known as Geopolitics.




Sociology is a social science that focuses on society, human social behavior, patterns of social
relationships, social interaction, and aspects of culture associated with everyday life.

the scientific study of the mind and the way that people behave.

Meaning of sociology :-the study of social life, social change, and the social causes and
consequences of human behavior.

Meaning of psychology
the type of mind that a person or group of people has

Sociology and political science

Sociology is a study of society knowledge dimensions and manifestations political science

has a narrow scope compared in sociology political science is study of the state and
government according to Gilchrist sociology is the science of society political science is the
science of the state it can be said that political science is the most specialised science than
sociology both the discipline are mutually contributory political science facts about the
organisations and functions of states sociology gets to political science and knowledge of the
origin of political authority and law.
Psychology and Political Science share quite a few similarities, aside from starting from the
letter 'p'. Both use an empirical approach to develop theories and apply them to solve real-
world problems. Both deal with people and their behavior. Yet the context in which a
psychologist and a political scientist may both be interested in studying the prevalence of
depression among the people in a region. However, the psychologist aims to find the psycho-
social and biological factors behind the occurrence of depression whereas the political
scientist is interested in knowing how depression affects voting behavior. either studies
human behavior is different.Formally, political psychology can be defined as an academic
discipline that strives to understand politics, politicians and political behavior from a
psychological perspective.

Q4.What is state ? Define the classical and modern view with the elements of

The term state is derived from the word 'status'.
The nucleus of political theory has been the study of state it is the most important and the
most powerful of all the social institutions.


a community or society politically organized under one independent government within a

definite territory and subject to no outside control.

Nature And Scope of State

The nature and scope of the state refers to the characteristics and functions of a political
entity that governs a specific territory and its people.

1. Nature of the State:

a. Sovereignty: The state has supreme authority and power over its territory and population,
making decisions and enforcing laws without interference from external forces.
b. Legitimacy: The state derives its authority from the consent and support of its citizens,
often through elections or other forms of representation.

c. Territoriality: The state has a defined geographical territory that it governs and protects.

d. Jurisdiction: The state has the authority to enforce laws and regulations within its territory
and has jurisdiction over its citizens and residents.

2. Scope of the State:

a. Internal Functions: The state has a wide range of internal functions, including
maintaining law and order, providing public services such as education and
healthcare, regulating the economy, and promoting the general welfare of its citizens.
b. External Functions: The state also has external functions, such as conducting diplomatic
relations with other states, negotiating treaties, and protecting the interests of its citizens

c. Defense and Security: The state is responsible for ensuring the defense and security of its
territory and people, often through the establishment of a military or security apparatus.

d. Legislation and Governance: The state creates and enforces laws and regulations to govern
the behavior of its citizens and maintain social order.

e. Economic Planning and Regulation: The state plays a role in economic planning and
regulation, engaging in activities such as taxation, trade policy, and the provision of

Q5.Define the various theories of the origin of the state.


The origin of state has been the concern of political philosophers from ancient times it is an
issues accuration and imagination.
Meaning of State

As used in political science, the word state means a community or society politically
organized under one independent government within a definite territory and subject to no
outside control.

-The divine origin theory-

According to this theory the state is the March of God on earth it is the oldest theory
regarding the origin of state which use were the sheep exponent of the diamond origin theory
according to Jews the king on responsibility to God alone for his acts.


1 The Da vin origins theory does not appeal to reason and commonsense.

2 It justified monarchy and despotic rule.

The social contract theory of origin of state

The social contract theory can be trace to the Greek philosophers it has nominated political
thought for centuries in plateaus republic originated the concept of contracts between men
and men some political thinkers chase it to the sophists the social contract theory propagated
that state was deliberate creation of.

The force theory of the origin of state

The force theory of the origin of state like the diamond origin and social contract theories
advocated the historical origin of state and also its rational justification.
According to this theory state is the result of aggression force is the basis of state.

The patriarchal theory of origin of state

The concept of this theory can be trace to the greeks Aristotle believe that the state OS its
origin to the natural institution of families state is the family writ large.

The Matriarchal Theory of the origin of the state

According to the exponent of this theory the state originated not in the primary distribution of
family but in unorganised tribes.

The evolutionary or historical Theory of origin of state

According to the historical theory the origin of state can be attributed to a number of factors
just one cost cannot explain the origin of all states this is the most acceptable theory
regarding the origin of state.

The origin and development of the state can be attributed to a combination of any factors
which acted simultaneously

Kinship,religion,force,economic,political consciouesness.


It may be conclude that truly speaking political science is both science and art actually
science and art are complementary to each other the scientific presentation of principles is
translated into practice by art the family knowledge of principles as background is essential
for formulating and art which is in variable postulated by science that is why William
Eshlinger puts forward that science and art and not compulsory mutually contradictory to
each other in reality art is based on science only due to this fact get it of the opinion the
politics is an art as well as a science lasswell and Bluntschli that politics is an unicorns of art
science and philosophy when this science and postulates the principles of state it becomes a
science and when it and reviews to convert them in practice it projects it's as an art.

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