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Royal College of Arts, Science & Commerce

Mira Road (E), Dist. Thane – 401 107

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Devoted to serve
The Department of Political Science

Youth Parliament
August 2022
Model Script of a Short Sitting
Youth Parliament.

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(Research & Conference Section)
4th Youth Parliament Competition 2022-23

Date of Performance: __________________________________
Name of the College: ___________________________________
With Address ____________________________________
District :

SR. Point of Assessment Total Marks

No. Marks Obtained
1 Discipline and Decorum 10

2 Observance of Parliamentary Procedure 20

3 Selection of subjects for questions for Supplementaries 20

and quality of answer thereto

4 Selection of subjects for Debates 10

5 Quality of speeches deliverance and standard Debates 30

6 General Assessment of the performance as a whole 10

Total 100

Signature ________________

Dated ________________

Name of the Judge (in block letters) _____________________________________________

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4th Youth Parliament
List of questions for oral answers
The 13th Aug, 2022-08-13

Items of Business

1) Oath Taking
2) Obituary Reference
3) Introduction of New Ministers to the House
4) Question Hour
5) Papers to be laid on the Table of the House
6) Message from Upper House
7) Welcome to the Indonesian Parliamentary delegation
8) Calling attention motion
9) Legislative Business

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The Actual Enactment of Youth Parliament Session

(All the members including ministers occupy their respective seats for the youth parliament
and its formal meeting begins on the arrival of the speaker which the Marshall announces
after ascertaining the quorum and thereafter he makes a formal announcement.)

Gopal Marshall: Honourable members, honourable speaker. {All rise.}

{mananiya sabhasadho, aadarniya adhyaksh mahodaya}

(Thereafter entire house will stand up till the speaker has reached her chair and taken the seat
after bowing to her left (Opposition) first then to her right (Ruling) and at last in front of her.
The members from the respective sides also reciprocate by bowing their heads to the

(Honorable speaker in the chair)

Simran Speaker: Honorable members, I cordially welcome you all to the monsoon session
of the youth Parliament. Hope this session would be a very fruitful one as we sit out to
deliberate the important matters concerning the nation. Today’s first business is oath-taking.
Secretary-General, please.

Aleena Secretary-General: (stands up) Shrimati Tasmiya Shaikh who stands selected from
Khed constituency of Ratnagiri will now take the oath or affirmation. Shrimati Tasmiya
Shaikh please.

(The oath-taker comes and hands in the winner’s certificate to the secretary-general)

Aleena Secretary-General: Madam, would you like to take the oath or affirmation?

Tasmiya Oath-taker: Oath please.

Aleena Secretary-General: In which language would you like to take the oath?

Tasmiya Oath-taker: English please

(secretary-general will hand over the oath sheet to the oath-taker)

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Tasmiya Oath-taker: I, Tasmiya Shaikh, having been elected as a member of the lower
house of the youth parliament do hereby swear in the name of God, that I will bear true faith
and allegiance to the constitution of India as by law established and that, I will uphold the
sovereignty and integrity of my country and that, I will faithfully discharge the duties upon
which I am about to enter.
(Oath-taker will place the oath sheet on the table of secretary general and goes on the stage,
shakes hand with the speaker. She then moves behind the chair of the speaker, goes to the
other side of secretary-general’s table, to sign the roll of member. The member will then bow
to the house and accept all greetings, shaking hands moving to the seat. MP’s will pat on the
Aleena Secretary-General: (stands up) Kaif Ansari who stands selected from Beed
constituency of Aurangabad will now take the oath or affirmation. Shri Kaif Ansari please.

(The affirmation-taker comes and hands in the winner’s certificate to the secretary-general)

Aleena Secretary-General: Madam, would you like to take the oath or affirmation?

Kaif Oath-taker: Affirmation please.

Aleena Secretary-General: In which language would you like to take the Affirmation?

Kaif Oath-taker: English please

(secretary-general will hand over the affirmation sheet to the affirmation-taker)

Kaif Affirmation-taker: I, Kaif Ansari, having been elected as a member of the lower
house of the youth parliament do hereby solemnly affirms, that I will bear true faith and
allegiance to the constitution of India as by law established and that, I will uphold the
sovereignty and integrity of my country and that, I will faithfully discharge the duties upon
which I am about to enter.
(affirmation-taker will place the affirmation sheet on the table of secretary general and goes
on the stage, shakes hand with the speaker. She then moves behind the chair of the speaker,
goes to the other side of secretary-general’s table, to sign the roll of member. The member
will then bow to the house and accept all greetings, shaking hands moving to the seat. MP’s
will pat on the desk.)

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Obituary Reference
Simran Speaker: (rising in her seat)
Hon’ble members as we meet today, it is my heartrending duty to inform the House about the
sad demise of our formal colleague Shri. Sunil Barve. Shri. Sunil Barve, was a teacher by
profession and an active social worker, he worked in rural areas of Maharashtra devoting his
name to the welfare of downtrodden Women’s, and marginal farmers. He was the president of
BhoomiSena in Nashik. He was actively involved in various agitations of marginal farmers in
An able parliamentarian and effective orator, he took keen interest in the proceedings of the
House. He passed away in New Delhi on 30th June 2022 at the age of 40.

Aditi Prime Minister: Madam, I rise to pay my tributes to Shri. Sunil Barve, whose death
has been deeply mourned by all,. He was a dynamic young man who came from a family of
eminent Social Workers of Pune, and whose mother had made a name for herself by devoting
her life for the welfare of downtrodden women in Pune. He was with us till the very last
moment. He seemed to be Healthy and happy and therefore, the shock of his passing away
was all greater.
He had a bright future before him. I would like to extend my deep condolences to his family.

Yusuf Opposition Party Leader: Madam, I associate myself with the tributes paid by you
and the leader of the House.
I had privilege to work with Shri. Sunil Barve as colleague. He was a person, who because of
his lovable nature, never annoyed and he was always with a smiling face and was a very
open-hearted person. We have lost a very good social and political worker and a public man
in him.
I would like to associate myself and my party in sending our condolences to the bereaved

Simran Speaker: I request the house to stand in silence for a while to express our deep
(Members will stand in silence for a while)
Secretary General may convey the message of condolences to the bereaved family.

Aleena Secretary General: Yes madam.

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(Everyone will take their respective seats)

Introduction of New Ministers to the House

Simran Speaker: Prime Minister may introduce new members to the house.

Aditi Prime Minister: Hon’ speaker, I have immense pleasure to introduce to you and
through you to the house our new ministers. Shrimati Shifa Mansori minister of Women
and Child Development (desk pat) Shri Sahil khan minister of Agriculture and Animal
Husbandry. (Desk pat)

Question Hour
Simran Speaker: We now move on to question hour.
Question number 101 Ms. Rameesha

Honourable Speaker Madam, Considering the economic conditions of today’s time I would
like to know from the Finance Minister about the fall of international value of rupees
consistently falling which in turn leading to high demand for rupees how is the government
trying to meet the increase in demand of rupees?

Along with the GOI how is RBI considering this situation and how it is helpful for the

Yes the Finance Minister Please {Apeeksha}

The value of the rupee against the dollar has reached a new record low. This effectively
means that purchasing US dollars requires spending significantly more money in Indian
A commodity's value will increase when demand for it is great. More goods are imported
from the US than we export to that country. The amount of dollars we receive from the US is
less than what we should be paying for their products. We must purchase more dollars from
banks, which comprise a tiny portion of the enormous foreign currency market. This is how
the dominance developed, and the distance grew wider.

The government can try to increase demand for the Rupee by utilising its US dollar reserves
to purchase Indian rupees from the market through state-run banks.

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The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) also has the option of raising the interest rate at which it
lends money to banks. More investors will purchase government bonds and interest-rate
instruments as a result of increased interest rates because of the higher yields. The value of
the rupee will rise as demand for it rises.

Simran Speaker: Madam you have any supplementary?

Reply by Rameesha: No Madam

Question Number 102Ms. Safa

Q 102: Whether the Government has taken cognizance of the increasing instances of cyber
harassment and impersonation of women on social media; if so, the details of the number of
cases and actions taken on culprits from 2019 to 2021.

Speaker: I request Minister of Electronics and Information Technology to give the reply

ANS Chanda:
The Government is committed to Open, Safe & Trusted and Accountable internet. As internet
expands and delivers many benefits for citizens, the Government is also aware of growing
phenomena of users harms caused by misuse of some social media /intermediaries platforms
by some users which also includes crimes against women and children caused as a
consequence. The National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) compiles and publishes statistical
data on crimes in its publication “Crime in India”. As per the data published by the NCRB,
details of cases registered under the head cybercrimes against women (involving
communication devices as medium/target) for the years 2019 and 2020 are 8415 and 10,405
respectively. The latest published report is for the year 2020.
“Police” and “Public Order” are State subjects as per the Seventh Schedule to the
Constitution of India. The States/UTs are primarily responsible for the prevention, detection,
investigation and prosecution of crimes through their law enforcement agencies. The law
enforcement agencies take legal action as per the provisions of law against persons involved
in misuse of social media for impersonation of women and cyber harassment.

Madam you have any supplementary?

Q 102A: Ms. Sejal Please: Manyay Mahodaya I would like to know whether the
Government has developed a portal/ helpline where women can register their complaints
against cyber harassment and impersonation and if so, the details of the cases reported

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between 2019 and 2021; Is there any steps taken/being taken to popularize the said portal;
and if not, the reasons therefore?

Speaker: Yes The minister please

ANS Chanda: Manyay Mahodaya,

In order to make Internet Safe, Trusted and Accountable, the Ministry of Home Affairs
(MHA) operates a National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal ( to
enable citizens to report complaints pertaining to all types of cyber-crimes with special focus
on cyber-crimes against women and children since 30.08.2019.
Cyber-crime incidents reported on this portal are routed automatically to the respective
State/UT law enforcement agency for further handling as per the provisions of law. A
Toll-free Helpline number “1930” has been operationalized to get assistance in lodging online
cyber complaints. As per the data maintained, since its inception, 9,04,061 cyber crime
incidents have been registered up to 28.02.2022 on the portal. However, specific data
regarding cases of “cyber harassment and impersonation of women on social media” is not
maintained separately on the portal.
To spread awareness about the Portal and Toll-free Helpline number, the Government has
taken several steps that inter-alia includes dissemination of messages through SMS, I4C
social media account, i.e., Twitter handle (@Cyberdost), Facebook (CyberDostI4C),
Instagram (cyberdosti4c), Telegram (cyberdosti4c), Radio campaign, engaged MyGov for
publicity through multiple media, organizing Cyber Safety and Security Awareness Weeks in
association with States/UTs, etc.

Speaker: No more supplementaries

Question number 103: Ms. Shrushti

Whether National Rural Health Mission seeks to provide equitable, affordable, and quality
health care to the rural population, especially the vulnerable groups and if so, the details
thereof along with medical facilities being made available in rural areas of the country & also
the extent to which National Rural Health Mission(NRHM) and National Urban Health
Mission (NUHM)have achieved their objectives in the country, State/UT-wise including
Rajasthan, Maharashtra and Jharkhand;

Speaker: Minister of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE please,

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ANS Nazish: National Health Mission (NHM) envisages achievement of universal access to
equitable, affordable & quality health care services that are accountable and responsive to
people’s needs. NHM encompasses its two Sub-Missions, the National Rural Health Mission
(NRHM) and the National Urban Health Mission (NUHM). The main programmatic
components include Health System Strengthening in rural and urban areas,
Reproductive-Maternal- Neonatal-Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCH+A) and
Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases.
Public Health & Hospital is a State subject, the responsibility of strengthening public
healthcare system, especially to rural & vulnerable population, including strengthening of
existing health/ medical facilities lies with the respective State/ UT Governments. Under
National Health Mission (NHM), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
provides financial and technical support to States/UTs including support for health/ medical
facilities, up to District Hospital level, based on the proposals submitted by States/UTs in
their Program Implementation Plans (PIPs). Government of India provides approval for the
proposals in the form of Record of Proceedings (RoPs) as per available resources.
Government of India extends supports to states to expedite the process of creating health
infrastructure as per Indian Public Health Standards. These standards include norms for
services, infrastructure, human resource, diagnostics, equipment, medicines etc.

Speaker: Madam you have any supplementary

Yes Ms. Sandra
Q.103 Sandra: What are necessary steps taken/being taken including allocation of additional
funds by the Government for proper implementation of NRHM and NUHM in the country,
State or UT

Yes Ministry of HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE please

ANS Nazish: Honorable Speaker, Following steps have been taken for strengthening
healthcare systems to cater to future healthcare needs:
• “Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Package-I (ECRP-I)”, for Rs.
15,000 Crore, including Central Component, was approved by Cabinet to extend support to
all States/UTs, by providing required technical and financial assistance with a 100% grant
from centre for strengthening of their healthcare system including management of the
COVID-19 Public Health Challenge from time to time. Support has been given to States/UTs
under this package for the containment and management of the pandemic, including for

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augmentation of infrastructure, oxygen supported beds, isolation beds, ICUs & Human
Resources, supply of drugs, etc.
• “Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Package II for Rs. 23,123 Crore,
including Central Component, was approved by Cabinet to extend support to the States/UTs
for establishing District Pediatric Units (including Oxygen Supported beds and ICU beds) in
all the Districts of the Country. Besides, support is also provided to increase the availability
of ICU beds in Government health facilities. Maintaining buffer stock of essential medicines
required for effective COVID management, in addition to provision for required drugs and
diagnostics, is also being supported. Support is also available for establishing field hospitals
(100 bedded or 50 bedded units), wherever required.
• PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission (PM-ABHIM) with an outlay of Rs.
64,180 crores till 2025-26 envisages increased investments in public health and other health
reforms to provide better access to health in rural areas by i) Strengthening of Health and
Wellness Centres in villages and cities for early detection of diseases; ii) Addition of new
critical care-related beds at district level hospitals; iii) Support for Block Public Health Units
(BPHU) in 11 high focus States; and iv) Integrated district public health laboratories in all

Speaker: Madam you have any supplementary

Yes Ms. Nida
Q.103 B Nida: What are the other specific steps taken/being taken for strengthening
healthcare systems to cater to future healthcare needs in the country?
ANS Nazish: The Pradhan Mantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana (PMSSY) aims at correcting
regional imbalances in the availability of affordable tertiary healthcare services and to
augment facilities for quality medical education in the country. The Scheme has two
components, namely, (i) Setting up of All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS); and
(ii) Upgradation of existing Government Medical Colleges/ Institutions (GMCIs). So far
setting up of 22 new AIIMS and 75 projects of upgradation of GMCIs have been approved
under the Scheme in various phases. The setting up of AIIMS contains Medical College,
Nursing College, Hospital, Trauma Centre, Emergency, Blood Bank, ICU, Diagnostic &
Pathology, and Research etc. Upgradation of GMCIs under PMSSY broadly involves
construction of Super Specialty Block (SSB) and/ or Trauma Centre/ or other facilities and/
or procurement of medical equipment.

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Speaker: No more Supplimentaries

Question Number 104: Ms. Izrain

The contribution of the textiles industry in industrial production and employment generation
in terms of percentage in the Gross Domestic Product during the last three years; the steps
taken by the Government to increase the employment in the textile industry & the steps taken
by the Government to enhance the investment for expansion of the textile industry including
the modernization of the weaving and processing sector.

Speaker: Manaya Minister of TEXTILES be pleased to state,

ANS Akruti: Manaya Mahoday, as per the latest figures from National Accounts Statistics,
the contribution of textile industry in GDP in terms of percentage of industrial output in
2017-18, 2018-19 & 2019-20 was around 7 %.
Direct Employment in Textiles sector is estimated at 45 million. Government is implementing
various policy initiatives and schemes to increase investment/expansion of textile industry
including modernization of weaving and processing sector such as Amended Technology
Upgradation Fund Scheme (A-TUFS), Aim of 'Make in India' and 'Zero Defect and Zero
Effect' in manufacturing, the government provides credit linked capital investment subsidy.
Other is National Handloom Development Programme (NHDP), Handloom Weavers
Comprehensive Welfare Scheme, Integrated Processing Development Scheme (IPDS),
Scheme for Integrated Textiles Parks (SITP), Samarth–Scheme for Capacity Building in
Textiles Sector, etc. to enhance & develop the investments for expansion of the textile
industry & modernizing the weaving & processing Sector.

Speaker: Madam you have any supplementary

Q.104AMehwish: whether the textile industry is facing problems as there has been a decline
in the development of this sector during the last three years and the current year and if so, the
details thereof;
i) The steps being taken by the Government to increase the share of Indian Textile products
globally and the success achieved by the Government in this regard;
ii) The contribution of the Indian Textile Industry with reference to Global Textiles
production; and
iii) The steps taken by the Government to enhance the production and competitiveness of the
Indian Textile Industry?
Speaker: Manaya Minister of TEXTILES be pleased to state,

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ANS Akruti: Information with regard to the contribution of Indian textile industry in terms
of global textile production is not available. However, to increase the share of Indian textile
products globally, the Government has approved Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme
for Textiles and Pradhan Mantri Mega Integrated Textile Region and Apparel Parks
(PM-MITRA) Scheme for setting up 7 Mega Textiles Parks over a period of 3 years. The PLI
scheme for textiles will promote production of high value Man Made Fiber (MMF),
Garments and Technical Textiles in the country. The PM MITRA scheme aims to develop
integrated large scale and modern industrial infrastructure facility for entire value-chain of
the textile industry and will enhance the competitiveness of the textiles industry, by helping it
to achieve economies of scale and will create huge job opportunities for millions of people.
Speaker: No more supplementaries.
And now the question hour is over.

Bushra: Manaya Mahodaya, To speak about Swachh bharat Abhiyan programme undertaken
its outcome has been highly unsuccessful where the subject of women’s sanitization is
concerned. I ask whatb further steps are being undertaken or this issue is being ignored
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan ke naam par abhi 5 saal pehle sarkaar ne jo yojna banae hai iski
haqiqat kya hai?

Speaker: Madam please be seated

Priyanka: Ha Ha shehri vikaas mantralay ki ore se iss desh mein jo kuch prayaas chal rahe
hai, mere rae mein ye bilkul nirarthak hai

Speaker: Madam please sit down.

Zainab Mansori: There has been cholera outbreak has been reported in various parts of the

Speaker: Member please be seated

Zainab:Madam please allow me to continue Dengue virus, zika virus, chickenguniya etc are
very much active, which are mosquito born diseases. As it is already mosquito producing

Speaker: Kurupiya bethye.

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Ketifa: Honorable speaker the outbreak of such diseases are going to take place in other parts
of the country & it is a threat to the life of the people, the spread of these diseases clearly
indicates the failure of SWACHH BHARAT Abhiyan. We want reply from the PM on this
issue right now.

Speaker: Members please maintain decorum of the house.

PM Aditi: Manya Mahodaya, darasal SB ka ye jo abhiyan hai iski aupcharik ghoshna humne
5 saal pehle ki thi, uss samay hi meine yeh bataya tha k ye matra sarkaar ka kartavya nahi hai,
ye pratek nagrik ki zimmedari hai (Banging the bench) hamari apse yahi umeed hai ke aap iss
abhiyaan ko rajnetik chashme se nahi balki desh bhakti or jan swasth kepratik atibaddata se
jodkar dekhe. Agar Sawasau crore deshwasi agar ye tay kar le k hum gandagi nahi karenge
toh koi wajah nahi ke hum rog muqt na ho, EK KADAM SWACHTA KI ORE yahi hamara
naara hai, sirf yahi hamara sankalp hai. Speaker maam with your permission I am happy to
inform you all that our HRD Minister ParthViradia question on 21stAug a few month back to
lauch swasth bacche swasth bharat abhiyan. This is the kendrya vidyalay initiative to provide
sound health for students. A detailed report of this program which is proposed to be
introduced in other schools especially in tribal areas, will be placed on your table soon.

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Papers to be laid on the table:

Simran Speaker: Secretary general to lay the papers on the table

Aleena Secretary General: The Honourable minister of state for Industrial affairs to lay the
papers on the table.

Misba Haider Honourable Speaker, I beg to lay on the table a copy of each of the
following notification under sub section 1 section 28 of mines and minerals act of 1957.

Speaker: Sir prior information of this matter was not given earlier so this issue will be
discussed later

Message from Upper Chamber

Speaker: Secretary general report the message from the upper chamber of the youth

Secretary-General: I am herby directed to report the following message received from the
secretary of the upper chamber of the youth parliament. In accordance with the Rules of
Procedure and conduct of business in the upper chamber I am hereby, directed to enclose the
copy of illegal migrants bill 1988 which has been passed by the Upper chamber at its sitting
held on 16th June 2022

Welcome to Foreign delegates

Dy. Speaker: Hon'ble members, I have to make an announcement. On my behalf and on

behalf ofthe Hon'ble members of the house, I have great pleasure in extending our warm
welcome to Indonesian Parliamentary delegation consisting of Ms. Yufi Setiawan, Mr.
Hidayat Lastari, and Ms. Sari Santosa who are on a visit to India as our honored guests and
seated in the special box.
The house wishes them happy and fruitful stay in our country. (desk pat by members)

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Calling Attention Motion

Speaker: Now let us take up the calling attention motion. I request Ms. Khan Humera Mr.
Misbah Haider, Ms. Anika & Mr. Rishabh to call the attention of the Ministry of agriculture.

Ms. Nargis: Hon’ speaker Sir, it is with the heavy heart and with lot of pain which I and my
fellow members stand before you to call the attention of the hon’ minister of agriculture to
the increasing number of farmer’s suicides in India. We would like to know the actions taken
by the government in this regard to save the sons of our soil. (desk pat)

Speaker: minister for agriculture please.

Sahil Minister of agriculture: Hon’ speaker I would like to put forward our report given by
NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau) under the study titled “accidental death” and “farmer’s
suicide”. The report states, “the major cause for farmer’s suicide are (I repeat dear members)
the major cause for farmer’s suicides are:
1. Illness
2. Family problems (and finally)
3. Indebtedness or bankruptcy
This government has taken several steps to remove indebtedness by providing adequate
prices for farm products and farmers by increasing MSPs, providing higher level of
procurements through national agricultural marketing scheme and a collateral free loan for
farmers up to a lakh to aid them financially and also for various other agricultural purposes.
(desk pat)
Hon’ speaker, I think the reason put forward are very clear.
Speaker: Ms. Anika please
Ms.Anika: Mananiya mahodaya, kisan humari desh ki pragati karne waalo mein se ek hai,
humare desh ki pragati ka aadhar banne waale inn kisano k paragati ke liye Sarkar jo kuch
kar rahi hai woh koi ehsaan nahi hai, aapka yeh kartavya banta hai. (desk pat) kisano ko bade
companiyo se mehenge mehenge beej aur khad khareedne hai aur unhe wapas anaaj ki
vyapaari keemat milti bhi nahi hai. Iska pura lab beech meh khade Madhya wargi vyapaari
uthate hai. Anya vyawasayo ki tulna meh, kheti bhadi meh sechai, katai, buaayi aur jo
mazduro k mazduri aadhe kharch ka bhoj jo hai kisan nahi utha paate hai aur iss tarah badhte
kharcho k kaaran kisan fir karz k makadi jaal meh fas jaate hai aur unhe aatmahatya karlena

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ek maatr vikalp nazar aata hai. Apart from all these, reports of stress in agriculture have
begun to appear because of demonetization. The solution to the farmer’s life should be
directed towards enabling the farmers, to help themselves and to sustain on their own. (desk
Speaker: Mr. Misbah please

Mr. Misbah Haider: Hon’ speaker, the recent statistics show that in Maharashtra, I repeat
Maharashtra has recorded as many as 32,605 farmer suicides in the 19-year span between 2001 and
2019. This means the average number of cases per year was 1,716. Farmers say that the government
has not done enough to address the critical issues of pricing in farm loans. As we face the monsoon,
many farmers who have not been able to repay existing loans will not be eligible to fresh loans.
Moreover, the government, has lowered the import duty to zero to gain cheaper shipments in the
country. The farmers are forced to make distress sale of goods and they face this cheaper duty of
imports. Aap se mera anirodh hai ki aap kisano ki taraki keliye kuch toh kare taaki humara desh,
humari iss dharti aane waale dino meh ann ke liye kisi anya desho par nirbhar na rahe. (desk pat) Hon’
speaker, in my opinion, the government should give monthly financial aid to the genuinely distressed
farmers, if they really want to put an end to this distress and am sure that if this tends to continue, you
will not run the government next time. (desk pat)

Speaker: Mr. Rishabh

Ms. Rishabh: Hon’ speaker, kisano ki aatma hatya ek aisi samasya banke humare saamne khadi hai
jiske hazaro upay sochne ke bawajod bhi aaj bhi majoodhai Sarkar ne kisano ki sahayata hetu bahot
sari karvai ki hai jaise ki karz mafi, Rahat package wagera wagera, toh sawal yeh uthta hai ki is bhari
bharkam karz mafi ka natija kya nikla mere khayal se kahi se bhi is ki koi sakaratmak report ab tak
nahi mili hai. Mai Mantri ji se janna chahata hu ki kya aapke pas is sawal ka jawab hai? Janta utsuk
hai aap ke jawab ke liye?

Yasmeen: The recent article published by one of the major daily news states that machines
purchased after selling out good public money by the agricultural department jointly promoted by the
central and the state governments are gathering rust at the district office. Mananiya sadasya, ab aap hi
batai yeh toh bat yahi hui na, kuch khate nahi aur kisi ko kuch khilate bhi nahi. (desk pat). Mantri ji
mere pas aap ki liye ak sawal hai yadi yeh sab machinery kisano ke liye nahi toh kis ke liye yeh mal
godamo mai rakha hai? Kya aap zara is per Roshni dale ge?

Speaker: minister of agriculture please

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Sahil Minister of agriculture: Hon’ speaker, yes I agree demonetisation is bound to cause a
temporary distress in the system. Well, let me tell you, change comes with pain and that pain later
becomes the gain. (desk pat) So, let us endure the pain and make the difference and bring
transformational change in this sector through demonetization. Kisano ke liye iss budget meh kai
naayi ghoshnai ki gayi hai. Jese cooperative bank meh seva ko digital banana ke liye 3 saal meh 19
saw crore rupaiya ka prastav Pradhan mantra krishi sinchai yojana, sinchaye k iss vidhao ko sunakshit
karke upach ko badayegi, gharelu uthpadhan aur urja dakhshata ke liye nai yurayaniti k ghoshna ki
gayi. Aur haan, kisaan apne ghar bete kisan call centre mein 1551 athva 18001801551 parnisholk
phone karke apneKrishi samandh prashno ka samadhaan paa saktehai. Hon’ speaker, I know of no
other pursues in which important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its
agricultural. Therefore, we promise we are doing our best to improve the agriculture and quality of
production for our own good and for our better future. Thankyou. (desk pat)

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Legislative Business
Introduction of Bill
Speaker: Minister for Labour to introduce the bill.
Ranjana Minister of Labour: Respected speaker madam, I beg to move for leave to
introduced a bill further to amend the Employees General Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
Provision Act 1982 and the Indian Penal Code.
Speaker: Now the question is that leave be granted further to amend the Employees General
Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provision Act 1982 and the Indian Penal Code. Those
who are in favour of it will say ‘I’ and those against it will say ‘No’.
Speaker: I thinks the ‘I’s’ have it, the ‘I’s’ have it, the ‘I’s’ have it. Leave is granted.
(banging desk)
Speaker: Minister for Labour please
Ranjana Minister for Labour please: Madam I introduce the bill.
Speaker: Now house will take up the consideration of the Judicial Appointment Bill 2022
Speaker: Hon’ble Minister of Law to introduce bill
Asmat Minister of Law: Madam, I beg to move for leave to introduce a bill further to amend
the Judicial Appointment Bill.
Speaker : The Question is that live be granted
“That leave is granted to introduce bill further to amend the Judicial Appointment Bill”
“Those who are in favour will please say Aye”
(The majority of the members say “Aye”)
“Those who are against it please say “No”
(Minority of the members say “No”)
I think the “Ayes” have it “Ayes” have it, the “Ayes” have it.
Leave is granted.
Asmat Minister of Law: Madam, I have introduced the bill. 98th Constitutional Amendment
Bill of 2022............. (Bill No.313 of 2004)
The constitution (98th Amendment Bill, seeks to ensure transparency in Judicial appointments
by constituting a National Judicial Commission (NJS) which has serious focus that defeat its
very objective. Be it presented in the 75th year of the parliament as follows.

Chapter — I

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1) The Bill may be called the bill of appointment of judges and transferring high court
judges. It shall extend to whole of India
2) It shall come into force on such date as a central government may be notification in
the official gazette appoint.

Chapter --- II
Amendment to the original act
The constitution (98th Amendment) Bill, seeks to constitute a national Judicial
commission by including chapter IV A in Part VI of the constitution which will be in
charge of appointing Judges to the higher Judiciary and for transferring High Court
Judges, It also seeks to empower the national Judicial commission to draw up a code
of ethics for Judges, inquire into cases of misconduct deviant action of a judge other
than those that are Punishable with his or her removal and advise the Chief Justice of
India or the Chief Justice of High Court appropriately after such inquiry.

Chapter --- III

Effectiveness in checking Effectiveness
The bill is seemingly based on a political consensus, as most political parties and groups had
in their 2019 Lok Sabha Election Manifesto promised to create on NJC.

Chapter --- IV
According to the bill the NJC would consist of the Chief Justice of India, who would be its
Chairperson, two judges of supreme court next to the Chief Justice of India in seniority, the
Union minister for Law and Justice, and one eminent citizen to be nominated by the President
in consultation with Prime Minister, who will hold office for the period of 3 years, the bill
envisages that in case of appointment or transfer of a High Court Judge the chief Justice of
that court and the Chief Minister of that state ( or the Governor if the state is under President
rule) shall be associated with NJC.
Chapter --- V
Aim and Objective
The bill aims to provide the effective participation of both the executive and the judiciary
through the NJC. It cites the recommendation of the National Commission to review the

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working of the constitution, that an NJC be established for the appointment of Judges of the
Supreme Court.
The main objective of setting up the Commission was to bring about transparency in the
appointment of Judges.
Chapter --- VI
The rational for the bill is the general dissatisfaction with the present system of appointment
and transfer of Judges of the Higher Judiciary and the in house procedure evolved by the
supreme court to inquire into cases of misconduct or deviant behaviour by Judges.
Adjournment of house
Madam Speaker (No.1): As all items of business of the house are over and not time is
remained for consideration of proposed bill. I announce this House is adjourned till tomorrow

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13th August 2022 Saturday

Duration: 50 minutes
Time: 11:00 am to 12:00 noon
Venue: Library
Class: SY and TY

Name of the Event: Youth Parliament

Organizers: Department of Humanities
Faculty: Prof. Momina Sirguroh and Prof. Zara Khan


● To create a platform where youngsters discuss social, political, economic and other
issues by implementing their intellectuality.
● To accustom with rules and regulation of legislature and parliament which is followed
in Indian Parliament and legislature.
● To make students understand the parliamentary procedures.
● To train students in the technique of group discussion.
● To create a quality of leadership among students.

The Department of Humanities of Royal College of Arts, Science and Commerce organized a
Youth Parliament competition for the students of Royal College at the college premises on
13th August, 2022.
In this event 55 students participated and they successfully tried to create the look of a real
Parliament. The seating arrangement was made as per the provisions of the Parliament. On
the right side of the Speaker the ruling party, with the PM on the extreme right and on the left
side the opposition party with Deputy Speaker on the extreme left followed by the Leader of
Opposition. The role of Speaker, Deputy Speaker, PM, Leader of Opposition, Secretary
General etc. were played by the students very successfully.
The items like ‘Oath by New Members’, ’Obituary Reference’, ‘Introduction to New
Ministers by PM’, ‘Question Hour’, ‘Papers to be Laid’, ‘Message from Upper House’,

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‘Welcome to Foreign Delegates’, ‘Calling attention motion’, ‘Legislative Business’ were
presented in this Youth Parliament.
During question hour many important issues were raised like increasing value of dollar
against the rupee, measures taken by the government on the increasing instances of cyber
harassment and impersonation of women on social media, details of medical facilities being
made available in rural areas of the country, etc.
The event was evaluated by two judges – Dr. Ravi Rameshchandra Shukla, Head of the
Department of Political Science, R.D. National College and Solicitor Bushra Shaad, partner
in Fortitude Law Associates. The judges appreciated the efforts and encouraged the students
to participate more in such programs. On this occasion, many Teaching Faculty Including the
Vice Principal Ms. Maleka Bootwala, Managing Trustee Ms. Zainab Valikarimwala,
congratulated the team for organizing this event and also encouraged the students to
participate more in such activities.
Prof. Momina Sirguroh, faculty/head of department of Political Science presented a Vote of
Thanks. The programme was coordinated by Prof. Momina Sirguroh and Prof. Zara Khan and
anchored by Sidra Khan (SYBA) and Mehrin Siddiqui (SYBA).

Prize Winners
1st Prize – Aditi Menon (TYBA) and Nazish Juvale (SYBA)
2nd Prize – Chanda Jha (SYBA) and Sahil Khan (SYBMS)
3rd Prize – Yasmeen (SYBA) and Rishabh Tiwari (SYBA)
Consolation Prize – Simran Shekhawat (SYBA)
Akrutee Nivadunge (SYBA)
Aleena Farook (SYBA)

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