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REVIEWER IN SPECIAL TOPICS IN ➢ A total of 404 learners from public schools

EDUCATION committed suicide in 2021 at the height of the

COVID-19 pandemic which affected students’
mental health
MENTAL HEALTH ➢ Aside from the 404 students who ended their
lives, 2,147 learners had attempted and 775,962
• Mental health remains misunderstood. It is still sought guidance counseling in the year 2021,
considered a taboo and it’s not talked about. among the 28 million student population.
• A 2014 report of the World Health Organization ➢ Adding that of the 60,157 schools, there were
(WHO) indicated that there were 2,558 suicide only 16,557 guidance officers and 2,093
cases due to mental health problems in 2012 registered guidance counselors.
Unfortunately, despite these figures, he said that there
According to National Center for Mental Health’s are only “60 child psychiatrists practicing in the
statistics: Philippines, with the majority of them practicing in
urban areas such as the National Capital Region,” so
- Suicide rate for men: 2.5 per 100,000 members
“children with mental health problems who are in rural
of the population
areas have less access to such services.”
- Suicide rate for women: 1.7 per 100,000
Literature relating to incidence of depression and
members of the population
mental health disorders in Philippines are nearly absent,
➢ Only 1 psychiatrist per 250,000 mentally ill more so with high school and college students.
patients, far from the ideal ratio of one is to
50,000. The country only spends 5% of the
National budget on mental health. PASSAGE OF MENTAL HEALTH LAW
Suicides rise among Pinoy youth; pandemic takes toll An Act Establishing a National Mental Health
on mental health Policy for the Purpose of Enhancing the Delivery of
Integrated Mental Health Services, Promoting and
As the Covid-19 pandemic may have worsened
Protecting the Rights of Persons Utilizing Psychosocial
the mental health concerns of Filipino youth, BHW Party-
Health Services, Appropriating Funds Therefor and Other
list Rep. Angelica Natasha Co on Monday, Feb. 20, raised
concern on the “burgeoning number” of suicide attempts
among Filipino teens and the challenges the government 1. Provides services down to the barangay level
faces in implementing the Mental Health Act.
2. Integrates mental health programs in hospitals
3. Improve mental health facilities
Citing a World Vision Philippines study, Council for
Welfare of Children (CWC) Undersecretary Angelo 4. Promotes mental health education in schools and
Tapales noted the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on workplaces
Filipino adolescents and youth. CWC is an attached 5. Calls on Philhealth to cover psychiatric medicines
agency of the Department of Social Welfare and and consultations, and not just hospitalizations
Development (DSWD).
In the U.S. alone, around 20% of American adults
The study stated that among respondents, 54% of are afflicted with a mental illness, while 60% of workers
children expressed negative emotions such as sadness, in the UK have experienced a mental health problem the
fear, and worry; 41% of children confirmed that past year due to work. In Asia Pacific, most employers
caregivers have used either physical and psychological cited stress as the leading workforce risk in the office.
punishments; 84% of children felt worried for themselves
and their families; and 19% of children are unaware or • Depression, anxiety, and other mental illnesses are
unsure about child protection services. on the rise. Just last year, a record number of 3.29
million people in the Philippines were said to be
living with depression. Statistics also show that 300
million people are battling the condition Biological factors that affects Mental Health
worldwide—that’s an 18 percent increase in the
• Hereditary predisposition
period between 2005 and 2015.
• There are risks and benefits to disclosing your • Poor nutrition/Poverty
experience of a mental illness. If you do disclose,
you and your supervisor may figure out strategies Environmental Factors Contribute to Mental Illness
that help you stay at work. In fact, a lot of people • Physical illnesses
with mental health conditions function perfectly
well in the workplace but choose to keep their • Unemployment
conditions a secret to avoid discrimination.
• Poverty
• In 2015, 18 million days of work were lost to
sickness absences due to mental health conditions. Psychological Factors Affecting to Mental Health
WHO predicts that by 2030, businesses around • Failure to adjust/cope with the difficulties in life.
the world will lose approximately 12 billion workdays
• Painful/traumatic life experiences
due to depression and anxiety disorders alone.
• Severe psychological trauma suffered as a child, such as
emotional, physical, or sexual abuse
What can you do? How can I help a co-worker?
• An important early loss, such as the loss of a parent
1. Ask how you can help—and respect your co-worker’s
• Neglect
• Poor ability to relate to others
2. Continue to include your co-worker in the workplace’s
usual activities.
3. Depending on your relationship, you can keep in touch Risk Factors for Mental Health Illness
with a co-worker who takes time off.
• Having a blood relative, such as a parent or sibling, with
4. Advocate for healthy workplaces. Many wellness a mental illness
strategies are low-cost or no-cost, but they can still
improve everyone’s well-being and build inclusive • Stressful life situations, such as financial problems, a
spaces. loved one's death or a divorce
• An ongoing (chronic) medical condition, such as
Mental health is a balance of all aspects of life: Physical,
Emotional, Social and Spiritual. • Brain damage as a result of a serious injury (traumatic
brain injury), such as a violent blow to the head
A person who is mentally healthy.
• Traumatic experiences, such as military combat or being
• Realizes one’s own potential (Positive self-image) assaulted
• Can cope with the normal stresses of life (Resiliency) • Use of alcohol or recreational drugs
• Can work productively and fruitfully (Productivity and • Being abused or neglected as a child
• Having few friends or few healthy relationships
• Can contribute to the community (Sense of purpose)
• A previous mental illness

What is mental disorder? Who can have mental

disorder? What are EARLY signs and symptoms of persons with
mental health problems?
• Any person regardless of age, sex, socio-economic
status can develop mental disorders. • Disturbance in sleep and/or difficulty getting adequate
• Attacks of palpitations usually expressed as “nerbiyos” Depressed/Irritable Mood
due to irrational worries, fear and anxieties
Eating pattern changes
• Numbness of feet and hands, frequent headaches and Pleasure decreased
• Getting away from other people; withdrawal and
isolation Energy low

• Excessive use of cigarettes, alcohol and drugs Sleep changes

• Reckless behavior
Executive Impaired
• Over sensitivity and irritability
• Unfounded and exaggerated suspicions
• Sudden change in behavior
Suicidal thoughts/Suicide acts
• Maladaptive daily-life activities
• “Masked” depression
• Interest in activities is lost
Sometimes risk-taking behaviors can include acts of
• Neglect of physical hygiene
aggression, gun-play, and alcohol or substance abuse.
• Delusions and hallucinations
• Effort to hurt oneself
• Suicidal tendencies and homicidal ideation
Self-injury behaviors are warning signs. Inability to
concentrate or think clearly

The Top Mental Health Challenges

(Anxiety, Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, ▪ Such problems may be reflected in workplace
Schizophrenia, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Eating behavior, work habits, performance, household
Disorders, Addiction/Substance Abuse) chores, even conversation.
▪ Changes in physical habits and appearance
▪ Changes include inability to sleep or sleeping all the
What causes Depression? time, sudden weight gain or loss, disinterest in
appearance or hygiene.
• Life events ▪ Sudden changes in personality, friends, behaviors
• Persistent, sad, anxious or empty mood ▪ Changes can include withdrawing from friends and
family, skipping work, loss of involvement in
• Feelings of hopelessness or pessimism activities that were once important, and avoiding
• Feelings of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness
▪ Death and suicidal themes
• Loss of interest or pleasure in ordinary activities ▪ These might appear in drawings, work samples,
journals or homework.
• Decreased energy, feeling of fatigue
Anxiety Disorder refers to specific psychiatric disorders
• Difficulty concentrating or making decisions that involve extreme fear or worry, and includes
• Restlessness or irritability generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), panic disorder and
panic attacks, agoraphobia, social anxiety disorder,
• Changes in appetite or weight selective mutism, separation anxiety, and specific
• Changes in sleeping pattern
• Unexplained aches and pains
1. GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER – low body weight, typically accompanied by intense
feelings of excessive worry about events, activities fear of gaining weight and disturbed perception of
and situations body weight and image.
unwanted recurring thoughts and compulsive, 2. BULIMIA NERVOSA - a serious, potentially life-
repetitive behaviors threatening eating disorder. People with bulimia may
3. POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER – secretly binge-eating large amounts of food with a
extreme anxiety and distress symptoms due to being loss of control over the eating and then purge, trying
exposed to a traumatic event to get rid of the extra calories in an unhealthy way.
4. PANIC DISORDER – intense and recurrent panic
attacks that occur unexpectedly
extreme anxiety in social situations
(Distorted or poor body image, Excessive exercise,
Irregular heartbeats, Dehydration, Feeling like eating is
SIGNS OF AN ANXIETY DISORDER out of control, Fear of eating in public, Constantly making
excuses for eating habits)
1. Frequent worry that interferes with daily life
2. Withdrawal from social life
3. Fixation on fear of next panic attack
4. Irrational fear and avoidance of a harmless object, SCHIZOPHRENIA is a serious mental disorder in which
place, or situation people interpret reality abnormally. Schizophrenia may
5. Out-of-the-blue panic attacks result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions,
6. Recurring nightmares, flashbacks, or numbing of and extremely disordered thinking and behavior that
post trauma impairs daily functioning and can be disabling.

Common symptoms for anxiety disorders may EARLY SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA

include: • Decline in grades or job performance
(Feelings of stress and apprehension, Irritability, Trouble • Difficulty thinking clearly
concentrating, Fearfulness, Sweating and dizziness, • Trouble concentrating
Shortness of breath, Irregular heartbeat, Muscle pain and • Lack of self-care or hygiene
tension, Headaches, Frequent upset stomach or diarrhea) • Spending notably more time alone
• Uneasy or suspicious with others
Symptoms of Anxiety Disorders can be mistaken for
everyday stress or written off as someone worrying too SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA
much. Panic attacks may be mistaken as a physical
ailment, such as a heart attack or tension headache, POSITIVE: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized
depending on how your body responds to the increased speech
levels of certain chemicals. NEGATIVE: flattened affect, reduced speech, lack of
BIPOLAR DISORDER or formerly called MANIC initiative
DEPRESSION, is a mental health condition that causes
extreme mood swings that include emotional highs
(mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). When you SYMPTOMS OF SCHIZOPHRENIA IN
become depressed, you may feel sad or hopeless and lose CHILDREN
interest or pleasure in most activities.
• Delusions, hallucinations, flat affect, bizarre
behavior, paucity of speech or thought,
disorganized thinking
1. ANOREXIA NERVOSA - an eating disorder
characterized by restriction of food intake leading to TIPS FOR HAVING A SOUND MENTAL HEALTH
Self-awareness 13. Forgive
1. What you want in your life 14. Develop a strong support system involving family
and friends
2. Your strengths and weaknesses
15. Create a Meaningful Budget
3. What motivates you and makes you happy
16. Volunteer
4. What you want to change about yourself or about your
5. Your achievements MANAGE STRESS
6. How you relate to others Just How Stressed Are You?
7. Your most important beliefs and values • 20-30 = You are super cool! Or maybe on DENIAL!
Becoming Self-aware • 31-41 = You are of normal variety!
1. You are responsible for your beliefs. • 42-52 = You are feeling edgy! Life is getting more
2. You are responsible for your thoughts.
• 53-63 = You are loaded! You can feel yourself being
3. You are responsible for your feelings.
4. You are responsible for your actions.
• 64-74 = Stress is taking a toll on you. You may get sick!
“It’s an agreement with yourself to appreciate, validate,
• 74-100 = You need counseling! You are taking on too
accept and support who you are at this very moment.”
much stress!
Low Self-esteem
STRESSORS (threatens us, provoke us, worries us,
(Withdrawn/Shy/Quiet, Insecure, Underachieving, scares us, thrills us)
Negative (Attitude), Unhappy, Socially inept,
Stress Response
Angry/Hostile, Unmotivated, Depressed,
Dependent/Follower, Poor self-image, Lacks self- -Natural reaction of the body to stress
confidence, Poor communication, Acts out)
-Physical changes that prepare a person to react quickly
Steps to Improving Self-Esteem and effectively to handle the pressure of the moment
1. Look at all your positive qualities -Sensory receptors are stimulated
2. Take on a new challenge Stress Overload
3. Keep a “well done” list Long-term stressful situations can produce a
lasting, low-level stress that can wear out the body’s
4. View mistakes as learning opportunities
reserves, leaving a person feeling depleted or
5. Spend time with people who make you feel good overwhelmed, weaken the body’s system and cause other
6. Try to stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself
“Things we do to dilute the effects of stress on our
7. Try New Things physical well-being. They are meant to make you fitter for
8. Recognize what you can change and what you can't the times you have to face unavoidable stress.”
(Henderson, 2008)
9. Change your mental diet
10. Set goals
Ways to Reduce Stress and Manage Anger
11. Join or take part in activities where you’ll meet new
friends 1. Laugh

12. It is okay to talk about your problems.

It’s one of the healthiest antidotes to stress. When 6. Have Courage
we laugh, even smile, blood flow to the brain is increased,
7. Always Be Kind
endorphins are released, and levels of stress hormones
drop. Laughter reduces the level of stress hormones like
cortisol, epinephrine/adrenaline.
1. Don’t Give Your Power To Anyone
The ability to use humor may raise the level of infection-
fighting antibodies in the body and boost the levels of 2. No Matter How Bad Things Get, Stay True To
immune cells. Yourself

2. Socialize 3. There Is Always Something To Sing About

Don’t be a loner. Isolation has been tied to failure 4. There Is Nothing Wrong With Believing In A Bit Of
to cope adequately with stress, heightened vulnerability to Magic
illness and even premature death. 5. You Reap What You Sow
3. Get rid of Anger 6. Practice Forgiveness
It is the single most damaging stress-related 7. Happily Ever After Is Possible
personality trait that precedes a heart attack.
4. Get a Pet
Mental Health Advocacy
Whether it’s a dog, cat, bird or fish, a pet can play
a vital role in stress relief. PMHA (Philippine Mental Health Association) is
a private non-stock, non-profit organization dedicated to
5. Take up a Hobby the promotion of mental health and prevention of mental
If you pursue a hobby, you genuinely like, you’re disorders.
apt to get so absorbed in it that you don’t notice time Vision: The Filipino people with the highest level of
passing. mental health.
6. Eat Right Mission: PMHA exists to promote mental health and
7. Don’t Forget Break well-being among the general population, prevent mental
8. Exercise disorders, eradicate stigma, and inspire individuals to
9. Deal with Difficult Persons–you Cannot Afford to! become mental health advocates.
10. Clarify your Vision and have a Sense of Purpose in
your Life Services
11. Get Some Sleep
I. Education and Information Services
12. Be Resilient
13. Virtual Friends II. Clinical and Diagnostic Services
14. Organize your Life to Free More Time to Rest
15. Relax, Breath Deeply III. Special Projects
16. Accomplishments IV. Family Life Enrichment Programs
17. Take Control Of Your Surroundings
18. Adjust Your Standards V. Barangay Mental Health Caravan
19. Learn to Relax
VI. Barangay Mental Health Coordinators
20. Take Vacations
VII. Community Based Mental Health Program
1. Be Assertive VIII. Mental Health Beyond Prison Walls
2. Be Proactive
3. Be Decisive Psychological Organization for the Promotion of
Mental Health (POPMH)
4. Be Mindful
5. Nurture Your Spirituality
Here are some campuses that advocate the promotion of Cavite
Mental Health.
1. FEU Dasma
2. Emilio Aguinaldo College
1. Batangas State University – Main Campus
3. Cavite State University Main Campus
2. Batangas State University – Lipa Campus
4. National College of Science and Technology
3. Batangas State University – Malvar Campus
5. De La Salle University Dasma
4. Batangas State University – Nasugbu Campus

5. De La Salle Lipa
6. First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities
By definition, advocacy involves speaking on
7. Lyceum of the Philippines University Batangas behalf of a person(s) or yourself to ensure that their rights
8. Polytechnic University of the Philippines – Sto. Tomas and needs are recognized. The word “advocacy” comes
Campus from Latin and means 'to add a voice'.

9. University of Batangas – Main Campus Why is it important to be an advocate?

10. University of Batangas – Lipa Campus Advocacy in all its forms seeks to ensure that
people, particularly those who are most vulnerable in
11. Lipa City College
society, are able to: have their voice heard on issues that
12. Sta. Teresa College are important to them.
13. Daniel Mercado Medical Center What are the challenges?
14. Westmead International School That we have a total responsibility for what we do
15. St. Augustine School of Nursing – Lipa Campus
and how we respond to life.

Laguna “The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If
you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with
1. Dalubhasaan ng Lunsod ng San Pablo all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.” –
2. San Pablo Colleges Steve Jobs

3. Laguna State Polytechnic University – San Pablo

4. Colegio de San Juan de Letan Calamba So what causes are you most passionate about? Pay it
forward. Take action and be mindful.
5. University of Perpetual Help System – Calamba
6. University of Perpetual Help System – Biñan

7. San Sebastian College Recolletos – Canlubang

Mental Health is striking a balance among all the
aspects of our life. It is as important as all the other areas
8. Pamantasan ng Cabuyao that we work hard to achieve, so let’s also work to gain
9. Lyceum of the Philippines University Laguna
better mental health, because…

10. Laguna College of Business and Arts MENTAL HEALTH is PEACE OF MIND

11. Sts. John and Paul Colleges MENTAL HEALTH MATTERS.

12. St. John College

13. New Sinai School and Colleges

14. Calamba Doctor’s College CHAPTER 2 -GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP

15. Don Bosco Global Colleges DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP VS. GLOBAL
16. St. Vincent College
• DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP oneself in matters of finance, ethical and moral
-It is an idea that all persons using the internet have civic boundaries, personal health and wellness and all
rights and responsibilities relationship.
-It centers around safe, savvy and ethical use of 2. GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP - We are all global
technology. citizens. Global citizenship involves recognizing and
respecting how 21st - century technology and digital
• DIGITAL CITIZEN media have eliminated boundaries between citizens of
the world by enabling communication, collaboration,
- They adheres to the guidelines that govern the ethical dialogue and debate across all levels of society.
and responsible use of technology and acts responsibly in 3. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP - This means engaging in
all relationships and interactions in the appropriate and exemplary behaviour in an online
digital world. environment. The essence of digital citizenship is
- They realizes that we simultaneously share about a shifting of accountability for appropriate
technological and human experiences regardless of behaviour to our students, which fosters
culture, status, or political/religious beliefs. independence and personal responsibility.
4. ALTRUISTIC SERVICE - This aspect focuses on a
• GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP healthy concern for the well being of the people with
whom we share our world. It includes embracing the
- is a concept that emphasizes the idea that individuals opportunity to exercise charity and goodwill for the
have a sense of belonging to a broader, interconnected benefit of others. This create relevance and
global community beyond their national or local meaningful connections to the real world for our
identities. students.
-It promotes the idea that people should be aware of and 5. ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP - This is a
engaged in global issues, values, and challenges, and that demonstration of common - sense values, and an
they should act as responsible and appreciation for the beauty and majesty that surround
ethical members of the global society. us everyday. It encourages us to explore how to make
use of Earth’s resources - taking responsibility and
• GLOBAL CITIZEN action on personal, local, regional, national and
international levels.
- He sees the world as a community in which all people
live and prosper together.
- He/she understands that his/her actions contribute to the ELEMENTS OF DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP
values of the entire planet and he/she is concerned on how
he/she participates in and contributes to the entire world. • DIGITAL ACCESS - is about the equitable
• GLOBAL DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP distribution of technology and online resources.
Teachers and administrators need to be aware of their
- Is a concept that combines the principles of both global community and who may or who may not have
citizenship and digital citizenship.
access, not only in school but at home as well.
- It emphasizes the responsible, ethical, and informed use
Educators need to provide options for lessons and
of digital technologies within the context of a globalized
world. data collection such as free access in the community
or provide resources for the home.
• GLOBAL DIGITAL CITIZEN -full electronic participation in society
-A global digital citizen is a responsible, ethical citizen • DIGITAL COMMERCE – is the electronic buying
leveraging technology to foster community on a global and selling of goods and focuses on the tools and
scale through connection and compassion. safeguards in place to assist those buying, selling,
-The global digital citizen understands that we can govern banking, or using money in any way in the digital
technology for the benefit of both ourselves and others. space. Career and technical education use the tools of
-It is a citizen that views the world as an interconnected technology to show students the path for their future.
COLLABORATION – is the electronic exchange of
5 TENETS OF GLOBAL DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP information. All users need to define how they will
share their thoughts so that others understand the
1. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY - This is about message. For students struggling to understand their
shifting the responsibility for learning to the students, place in the world, technology can help them find
and developing a sense of accountability for lifelong their own voices and express themselves.
learning. It includes demonstrating how one governs
• DIGITAL ETIQUETTE - refers to electronic system to another just like an illness. When using
standards of conduct or procedures and has to do with devices in school or at home, understanding and being
the process of thinking about others when using aware of attacks and how to prevent them are
digital devices. Teachers can include Digital Etiquette important skills for today and into the future.
as part of the classroom rules or academic goals.
Whether in the classroom or online, being aware of 1. What is digital etiquette often referred to as
others is an important idea for everyone. netiquette? – Proper behavior and manners when
communicating online
• DIGITAL FLUENCY - is the process of 2. What is one key aspect of being a responsible digital
understanding technology and its use. The better citizen? – Respecting copyright and intellectual
educated or “digitally fluent,” students are, the more property right
likely they are to make good decisions online, like 3. What is a crucial aspect of the tenet of “online privacy
supporting others instead of making negative and security? – Protecting personal information
comments. Digital literacy includes the discussion of from unauthorized access and cyber threats
media literacy and the ability to discern good 4. Which of the following statements is true regarding
information from poor, such as “fake news” from real altruistic service? – Altruistic service often involves
news. acts of kindness without expecting anything in
• DIGITAL HEALTH AND WELFARE - refers to 5. Which of the following is an example of
the physical and psychological well-being in a digital cyberbullying? – Repeatedly sending hurtful
world. Technology provides many opportunities and messages to someone online.
enjoyment, but knowing how to segment use with the 6. Which of the following is NOT one of the key tenets
needs of ourselves and others is key to a healthy, of global citizenship –
balanced life. Educators, especially in 1:1 schools or
classrooms need to ask the question of how much 7. What does personal responsibility refer to? – Taking
screen time is appropriate for students. Common ownership of one’s actions and choices.
Sense media has developed a guide on this topic.
8. What should you do if you receive a suspicious email
• DIGITAL LAW - refers to the electronic asking for personal information or money? – Ignore
responsibility for actions and deeds and has to do with the email and delete it.
the creation of rules and policy that address issues
related to the online world. Just as in the real world, 9. Which of the following is NOT an element of digital
the online world has had to create structure to protect citizenship? –
those using these digital devices from harm. Support
for issues such as cyberbullying and sexting are
available from School Resource Officers and other 10. Why is digital security important? – It protects
school counsel. Administrators need to come up with sensitive information, prevents data breaches and
positive approaches to these issues in their schools safeguards digital systems.
and districts. 11. Which of the following best describes personal
responsibility in the context of work or projects? –
Completing tasks and assignments diligently and
are those requirements and freedoms extended to 12. What is the purpose of digital communication tools
everyone in a digital world. This area of Digital like email and messaging apps? – To facilitate
Citizenship is about helping students understand that efficient and convenient communication.
when they are provided opportunities, such as the 13. Which of the following is an example of legal issue
access to the Internet and use of online products, they related to digital law? –
need to be diligent in helping others as well, such as
informing adults of potential problems. Educators 14. What is the significance of digital law in e-
must help students understand that protecting others commerce? – It provides a legal framework to
both online and in the real world are essential skills to govern online transactions and protect consumers
have. and businesses.

• DIGITAL SECURITY AND PRIVACY - is the 15. Why is environmental stewardship important? – It
electronic precautions to guarantee safety. Viruses, helps protect ecosystems, biodiversity, and the
worms and other bots can be passed along from one well-being of the planet.
MSBW POINTERS 11. This refers to the process that ensures that a wide
variety of skills and techniques are used to keep
students organized, orderly, focused, attentive on
1. You are a teacher in a middle school classroom, and tasks, and academically productive during a class. –
two students, Sam and Alex, are engaged in heated Classroom Management
argument that is disrupting the class. What is the 12. It is the reactions and actions of an individual or
most effective behavior management strategy to group to other individuals or groups of people,
employ in this station? – Separate Sam and Alex, events, or the environment. – Behavior
have them cool down individually, and then 13. It is committed to fostering a positive, respectful,
facilitate a conflict resolution discussion later. and inclusive environment where all individuals can
2. In your Daycare Center, a 3-year old child, Emily, thrive and achieve their full potential. – Behavior
is constantly hitting her peers, when she doesn’t get Management Policy
her way. Which behavior management technique is 14. Which among the consequences of BMP is one that
most appropriate in this situation? – Converse with temporarily removes an individual from the
Emily about the importance of sharing and use community environment to allow for reflection and
positive reinforcement when she shares her toys. corrective measures, with a plan for reintegration. –
3. You are a manager in a retail store, and an Temporary Suspension
employee, John consistently arrives late for his shift. 15. Which of the following is not a consequence of poor
Despite verbal warnings, he continues to be tardy. student behavior? – Peer Pressure
What should be your next course of action for 16. What is a common internal factor that can contribute
behavior management? – Sit down with John for a to poor student behavior? – Learning disabilities
one-on-one meeting to discuss the reason behind or mental health issues
this lateness and establish clear expectations. 17. Which of the following external factors can
4. You are a counselor at a substance abuse influence poor student behavior? – Poverty and
rehabilitation center, and one of your clients, Sarah, socioeconomic stressors
has been caught smuggling contraband items into 18. When students lack a sense of belonging and
the facility. What is the most appropriate behavior connection to their school or classroom, it can lead
management approach for this situation? – to: Poor behavior and disengagement
Confront Sarah about the incident, discuss the 19. Which of the following can be a cause of poor
consequences of her actions, and work with her student behavior related to academic issues? –
to develop a plan for staying clean. Frustration with tasks that are too difficult or too
5. You are a team leader in a corporate office, and one easy.
of your team members, Mark, frequently disrupts 20. What role does family involvement play in student
meetings with sarcastic comments and undermines behavior? – It can positively influence behavior
your authority. What is the best behavior by providing support and structure.
management approach to address Mark’s behavior?
– Speak to Mark privately, express your
concerns about his behavior, and work together
to establish ground rules for meetings. 1. You witnessed a friend being bullied at school.
6. What is one primary responsibilities of a teacher What is the most appropriate action to take? -
when it comes to creating a positive learning Report the bullying to a teacher or school
environment? – Fostering a sense of belonging authority.
and inclusion. 2. You’re a teacher, and two students in your class are
7. Which of the following principles is essential for involved in a bullying incident. Both students claim
effective classroom management? – Providing the other one started it. What should you do first? –
clear and consistent expectations and routines. Interview witnesses and gather evidence to
8. In terms of assessment, what is formative determine the truth.
assessment primarily focused on? – Evaluating the 3. A student confides in you that they are being
effectiveness of the teacher’s instruction. cyberbullied but asks you not to tell anyone else.
9. When differentiating instruction in a diverse What should you do? – Report the cyberbullying
classroom, what is the main goal? – Adapting to a trusted adult or school authority.
teaching methods to meet individual needs of 4. You are a parent, and your child tells you they are
students. being bullied at school. What is the best course
10. What is the fundamental principle of ethical action? - Contact the school and work with them
behavior for teachers? – Treating all students and to address the issue.
colleagues with respect and fairness.
5. You overhear a colleague making hurtful comments 16. You have a demanding job with tight deadlines, and
about a coworker behind their back. What should you’ve been feeling overwhelmed lately. What is
you do? – Talk to the coworker privately and the most effective stress management strategy in
offer support. this situation? – Prioritize your work, delegate
6. During a school assembly, a fire alarm goes off, and when possible, and take regular breaks.
there is no sign of fire or smoke. What should the
school staff do first? – Investigate the alarm 17. You’ve had a disagreement with close friend, and
source to determine if it’s real emergency. it’s causing you significant stress. What is the best
7. You are a teacher, and a student in your class approach to manage this stress? – Give yourself
suddenly collapses and loses consciousness. What is time to cool off, then initiate an open and
the most immediate action to take? – respectful conversation with your friend.

18. You’ve been experiencing chronic stress at work,

8. A threatening note is found in a student’s locker, which is affecting your health and well-being. What
stating that harm will come to them. What should should you prioritize to manage this stress
school authorities do? – Immediately involve law effectively? – Seek professional help, such as
enforcement and conduct a thorough threat therapy or counseling.
9. A severe weather warning is issued, and a tornado 19. You have multiple personal and work-related
is approaching the school. What is the appropriate commitments, and you’re struggling to find balance.
action? – Move students to designated safe area What is the most effective stress management
within the building. approach? – Delegate some tasks and set clear
10. You receive an anonymous tip that a student may be boundaries between work and personal life.
planning a violent incident at the school. What
should you do? - 20. You’ve been feeling overwhelmed by stress, and it’s
affecting your sleep and concentration. What is the
11. You are a teacher, and a student confides in you that recommended strategy for improving sleep and
they are physically abused at home. The student focus? – Practice relaxation techniques and
begs you not to tell anyone, especially their parents. establish consistent sleep schedule.
What should you do? –

12. You are a childcare provider, and you notice signs

of neglect in one of the children under your care.
What is your immediate responsibility? – Report
the suspected neglect to the relevant child
protective services.

13. A parent arrives to pick up their child from school

visibly intoxicated. The child is afraid to go home
with the parent. What should the school staff do? -
Call a family member or emergency contact to
pick up the child.

14. You suspect that a fellow teacher is behaving

inappropriately with their students, but you have no
concrete evidence. What should you do? – Report
your suspicions to the school principal or
appropriate authority.

15. You receive an anonymous email with explicit

photos of student and a message alleging that the
student is involved in an inappropriate relationship
with a staff member. What is the best course of
action? – Report the email to school authorities
and follow the established protocol.

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